diff orpg/networking/mplay_server.py @ 28:ff154cf3350c ornery-orc

Traipse 'OpenRPG' {100203-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Stable) New Features: New Bookmarks Feature New 'boot' command to remote admin New confirmation window for sent nodes Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from FlexiRPG New Zoom Mouse plugin added New Images added to Plugin UI Switching to Element Tree New Map efficiency, from FlexiRPG New Status Bar to Update Manager New TrueDebug Class in orpg_log (See documentation for usage) New Portable Mercurial New Tip of the Day, from Core and community New Reference Syntax added for custom PC sheets New Child Reference for gametree New Parent Reference for gametree New Gametree Recursion method, mapping, context sensitivity, and effeciency.. New Features node with bonus nodes and Node Referencing help added New Dieroller structure from Core New DieRoller portability for odd Dice New 7th Sea die roller; ie [7k3] = [7d10.takeHighest(3).open(10)] New 'Mythos' System die roller added New vs. die roller method for WoD; ie [3v3] = [3d10.vs(3)]. Included for Mythos roller also New Warhammer FRPG Die Roller (Special thanks to Puu-san for the support) New EZ_Tree Reference system. Push a button, Traipse the tree, get a reference (Beta!) New Grids act more like Spreadsheets in Use mode, with Auto Calc Fixes: Fix to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS Fix to mplay_client for Fedora and OpenSUSE Fix to Text based Server Fix to Remote Admin Commands Fix to Pretty Print, from Core Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created Fix to massive amounts of images loading, from Core Fix to Map from gametree not showing to all clients Fix to gametree about menus Fix to Password Manager check on startup Fix to PC Sheets from tool nodes. They now use the tabber_panel Fix to Whiteboard ID to prevent random line or text deleting. Fixes to Server, Remote Server, and Server GUI Fix to Update Manager; cleaner clode for saved repositories Fixes made to Settings Panel and now reactive settings when Ok is pressed Fixes to Alternity roller's attack roll. Uses a simple Tuple instead of a Splice Fix to Use panel of Forms and Tabbers. Now longer enters design mode Fix made Image Fetching. New fetching image and new failed image Fix to whiteboard ID's to prevent non updated clients from ruining the fix. default_manifest.xml renamed to default_upmana.xml
author sirebral
date Wed, 03 Feb 2010 22:16:49 -0600
parents 51428d30c59e
children 8e77f169f324
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/orpg/networking/mplay_server.py	Sat Oct 03 18:49:37 2009 -0500
+++ b/orpg/networking/mplay_server.py	Wed Feb 03 22:16:49 2010 -0600
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 # Author: Chris Davis
 # Maintainer:
 # Version:
-#   $Id: mplay_server.py,v 1.155 2008/01/24 03:52:03 digitalxero Exp $
+#   $Id: mplay_server.py,v Traipse 'Ornery-Orc' prof.ebral Exp $
 # Description: This file contains the code for the server of the multiplayer
 # features in the orpg project.
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
 # 04-15-2005 [Snowdog]: Added patch from Brandan Yares (xeriar). Reference: patch tracker id #1182076
-__version__ = "$Id: mplay_server.py,v 1.155 2008/01/24 03:52:03 digitalxero Exp $"
+from __future__ import with_statement
+__version__ = "$Id: mplay_server.py,v Traipse 'Ornery-Orc' prof.ebral Exp $"
 #!/usr/bin/env python
@@ -43,14 +45,7 @@
 <role action='set,get,display' player='' group_id='' boot_pwd='' role=''/>
-import re
-import gc
-import cgi
-import sys
-import string
-import time
-import urllib
-import traceback
+import re, gc, cgi, sys, string, time, urllib, traceback
 from mplay_client import *
 from mplay_client import MPLAY_LENSIZE
@@ -62,8 +57,11 @@
 from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
 from meta_server_lib import *
-# Import the minidom XML module
-from xml.dom import minidom
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, iselement
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring, tostring, parse, XML
+from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger, crash, debug
+from orpg.tools.decorators import debugging
 # Snag the version number
@@ -77,7 +75,8 @@
 class game_group(object):
-    def __init__( self, id, name, pwd, desc="", boot_pwd="", minVersion="", mapFile=None, messageFile=None, persist =0 ):
+    def __init__(self, id, name, pwd, desc="", boot_pwd="", 
+                    minVersion="", mapFile=None, messageFile=None, persist=0):
         self.id = id
         self.name = name
         self.desc = desc
@@ -92,19 +91,10 @@
         self.voice = {}
         self.persistant = persist
         self.mapFile = None
-        if mapFile != None:
-            self.mapFile = mapFile
-            f = open( mapFile )
-            tree = f.read()
-            f.close()
-        else:
-            f = open(dir_struct["template"] + "default_map.xml")
-            tree = f.read()
-            f.close()
-        self.game_map.init_from_xml(tree)
+        if mapFile != None: tree = parse(mapFile)
+        else: tree = parse(dir_struct["template"] + "default_map.xml")
+        tree = tree.getroot()
+        self.game_map.init_from_xml(tostring(tree))
     def save_map(self):
         if self.mapFile is not None and self.persistant == 1 and self.mapFile.find("default_map.xml") == -1:
@@ -116,8 +106,7 @@
     def remove_player(self,id):
-        if self.voice.has_key(id):
-            del self.voice[id]
+        if self.voice.has_key(id): del self.voice[id]
     def get_num_players(self):
@@ -149,18 +138,18 @@
         return 1
     #depreciated - see send_group_list()
-    def toxml(self,act="new"):
+    def toxml(self, act="new"):
         #  Please don't add the boot_pwd to the xml, as this will give it away to players watching their console
-        xml_data = "<group id=\"" + self.id
-        xml_data += "\" name=\"" + self.name
-        xml_data += "\" pwd=\"" + str(self.pwd!="")
-        xml_data += "\" players=\"" + str(self.get_num_players())
-        xml_data += "\" action=\"" + act + "\" />"
-        return xml_data
+        el = Element('group')
+        el.set('id', self.id)
+        el.set('name', self.name)
+        el.set('pwd', str(self.pwd!=""))
+        el.set('players', str(self.get_num_players()))
+        el.set('action', act)
+        return tostring(el)
 class client_stub(client_base):
-    def __init__(self,inbox,sock,props,log):
+    def __init__(self, inbox, sock, props, log):
         self.ip = props['ip']
         self.role = props['role']
@@ -190,11 +179,16 @@
         if diff > 1800: return 1
         else: return 0
-    def send(self,msg,player,group):
+    def send(self, msg, player, group):
         if self.get_status() == MPLAY_CONNECTED:
+            #el = Element('msg')
+            #el.set('to', player)
+            #el.set('from', '0')
+            #el.set('group_id', group)
+            #el.append(msg)
             self.outbox.put("<msg to='" + player + "' from='0' group_id='" + group + "' />" + msg)
-    def change_group(self,group_id,groups):
+    def change_group(self, group_id, groups):
         old_group_id = str(self.group_id)
@@ -205,11 +199,11 @@
         return old_group_id
     def self_message(self,act):
-        self.send(act,self.id,self.group_id)
+        self.send(act, self.id, self.group_id)
     def take_dom(self,xml_dom):
-        self.name = xml_dom.getAttribute("name")
-        self.text_status = xml_dom.getAttribute("status")
+        self.name = xml_dom.get("name")
+        self.text_status = xml_dom.get("status")
@@ -225,6 +219,8 @@
 class mplay_server:
     def __init__(self, log_console=None, name=None):
+        logger._set_log_level = 16
+        logger._set_log_to_console(True)
         self.log_to_console = 1
         self.log_console = log_console
         self.alive = 1
@@ -238,9 +234,9 @@
         self.next_group_id = 100
         self.metas = {}              #  This holds the registerThread objects for each meta
         self.be_registered = 0       #  Status flag for whether we want to be registered.
-        self.serverName = name            #  Name of this server in the metas
+        self.serverName = name       #  Name of this server in the metas
         self.boot_pwd = ""
-        self.server_address = None # IP or Name of server to post to the meta. None means the meta will auto-detect it.
+        self.server_address = None   # IP or Name of server to post to the meta. None means the meta will auto-detect it.
         self.defaultMessageFile = None
         self.userPath = dir_struct["user"]
         self.lobbyMapFile = "Lobby_map.xml"
@@ -316,13 +312,12 @@
         # try to use it.
-            self.banDom = minidom.parse(self.userPath + 'ban_list.xml')
-            self.banDom.normalize()
-            self.banDoc = self.banDom.documentElement
+            self.banDom = parse(self.userPath + 'ban_list.xml')
+            self.banDoc = self.banDom.getroot()
-            for element in self.banDom.getElementsByTagName('banned'):
-                playerName = element.getAttribute( 'name' ).replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace('"', "&quot;").replace(">", "&gt;")
-                playerIP = element.getAttribute('ip')
+            for element in self.banDom.findall('banned'):
+                playerName = element.get('name').replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace('"', "&quot;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+                playerIP = element.get('ip')
                 self.ban_list[playerIP] = {}
                 self.ban_list[playerIP]['ip'] = playerIP
                 self.ban_list[playerIP]['name'] = playerName
@@ -337,50 +332,47 @@
         # try to use it.
-            data = []
-            data.append("<server>\n")
+            etreeEl = Element('server')
             for ip in self.ban_list:
-                data.append('    <banned name="' + str(self.ban_list[ip]['name'].replace("&amp;", "&").replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&quot;", '"').replace("&gt;", ">")) + '" ip="' + str(self.ban_list[ip]['ip']) + '" />' + "\n")
-            data.append("</server>")
+                el = Element('banned')
+                el.set('name', str(self.ban_list[ip]['name'].replace("&amp;", "&").replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&quot;", '"').replace("&gt;", ">")))
+                el.set('ip', str(self.ban_list[ip]['ip']))
+                etreeEl.append(el)
             file = open(self.userPath + self.banFile ,"w")
-            file.write("".join(data))
+            file.write(tostring(etreeEl))
         except Exception, e:
             self.log_msg("Exception in saveBanList() " + str(e))
     # This method reads in the server's configuration file and reconfigs the server
     # as needed, over-riding any default values as requested.
     def initServerConfig(self):
         self.log_msg("Processing Server Configuration File... " + self.userPath)
         # make sure the server_ini.xml exists!
         validate.config_file( "server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" )
         # try to use it.
-            self.configDom = minidom.parse(self.userPath + 'server_ini.xml')
-            self.configDom.normalize()
-            self.configDoc = self.configDom.documentElement
+            self.configDom = parse(self.userPath + 'server_ini.xml')
+            self.configDoc = self.configDom.getroot()
             if hasattr(self, 'bootPassword'): self.boot_pwd = self.bootPassword
-                if self.configDoc.hasAttribute("admin"): self.boot_pwd = self.configDoc.getAttribute("admin") 
-                elif self.configDoc.hasAttribute("boot"): self.boot_pwd = self.configDoc.getAttribute("boot") 
+                if self.configDoc.get("admin"): self.boot_pwd = self.configDoc.get("admin") 
+                elif self.configDoc.get("boot"): self.boot_pwd = self.configDoc.get("boot") 
                 if len(self.boot_pwd) < 1: self.boot_pwd = raw_input("Enter admin password:  ")
-            if not hasattr(self, 'reg') and self.configDoc.hasAttribute("register"):
-                self.reg = self.configDoc.getAttribute("register")
+            if not hasattr(self, 'reg') and self.configDoc.get("register"):
+                self.reg = self.configDoc.get("register")
             if not len(self.reg) > 0 or self.reg[0].upper() not in ("Y", "N"):
                 opt = raw_input("Do you want to post your server to the OpenRPG Meta Server list? (y,n) ")
                 if len(opt) and (opt[0].upper() == 'Y'): self.reg = 'Y'
                 else: self.reg = 'N'
             LobbyName = 'Lobby'
-            if self.configDoc.hasAttribute("lobbyname"): LobbyName = self.configDoc.getAttribute("lobbyname")
-            map_node = service_node = self.configDoc.getElementsByTagName("map")[0]
-            msg_node = service_node = self.configDoc.getElementsByTagName("message")[0]
-            mapFile = map_node.getAttribute('file')
-            msgFile = msg_node.getAttribute('file')
+            if self.configDoc.get("lobbyname"): LobbyName = self.configDoc.get("lobbyname")
+            map_node = service_node = self.configDoc.findall("map")[0]
+            msg_node = service_node = self.configDoc.findall("message")[0]
+            mapFile = map_node.get('file')
+            msgFile = msg_node.get('file')
             if mapFile == '': mapFile = 'Lobby_map.xml'
             if msgFile == '': msgFile = 'LobbyMessage.html'
             # Update the lobby with the passwords if they've been specified
@@ -392,15 +384,15 @@
             # set ip or dns name to send to meta server
-            service_node = self.configDoc.getElementsByTagName("service")[0]
-            address = service_node.getAttribute("address")
+            service_node = self.configDoc.findall("service")[0]
+            address = service_node.get("address")
             address = address.lower()
             if address == "" or address == "hostname/address" or address == "localhost": self.server_address = None
             else: self.server_address = address
             self.server_port = OPENRPG_PORT
-            if service_node.hasAttribute("port"): self.server_port = int(service_node.getAttribute("port"))
-            if self.configDoc.hasAttribute("name") and len(self.configDoc.getAttribute("name")) > 0 :
-                self.name = self.configDoc.getAttribute("name")
+            if service_node.get("port"): self.server_port = int(service_node.get("port"))
+            if self.configDoc.get("name") and len(self.configDoc.get("name")) > 0 :
+                self.name = self.configDoc.get("name")
                 if self.reg[0].upper() == "Y":
                     if self.name == None: self.name = raw_input("Server Name? ")
@@ -414,8 +406,8 @@
-                mver = self.configDoc.getElementsByTagName("version")[0]
-                self.minClientVersion = mver.getAttribute("min")
+                mver = self.configDoc.findall("version")[0]
+                self.minClientVersion = mver.get("min")
             except: self.minClientVersion = SERVER_MIN_CLIENT_VERSION #from orpg/orpg_version.py
             self.defaultMessageFile = ""
             # This try/except bit is to allow older versions of python to continue without a list error.
@@ -431,13 +423,13 @@
-                ak = self.configDoc.getElementsByTagName("autokick")[0]
-                if ak.hasAttribute("silent"):
-                    if ((ak.getAttribute("silent")).lower() == "yes"): self.silent_auto_kick = 1
+                ak = self.configDoc.findall("autokick")[0]
+                if ak.get("silent"):
+                    if ((ak.get("silent")).lower() == "yes"): self.silent_auto_kick = 1
                     else: self.silent_auto_kick = 0
-                if ak.hasAttribute("delay"):
+                if ak.get("delay"):
-                        delay = int(ak.getAttribute("delay"))
+                        delay = int(ak.get("delay"))
                         self.zombie_time = delay
                         #delay value cannot be converted into an int use defaut
@@ -474,28 +466,26 @@
             #pull information from config file DOM
-                roomdefaults = self.configDom.getElementsByTagName("room_defaults")[0]
-                #rd.normalize()
-                #roomdefaults = self.rd.documentElement
+                roomdefaults = self.configDom.findall("room_defaults")[0]
-                    setting = roomdefaults.getElementsByTagName('passwords')[0]
-                    rpw = setting.getAttribute('allow')
+                    setting = roomdefaults.findall('passwords')[0]
+                    rpw = setting.get('allow')
                     if rpw == "no" or rpw == "0":
                         roomdefault_pass = 0
                         self.log_msg("Room Defaults: Disallowing Passworded Rooms")
                     else: self.log_msg("Room Defaults: Allowing Passworded Rooms")
                 except: self.log_msg("Room Defaults: [Warning] Allowing Passworded Rooms")
-                    setting = roomdefaults.getElementsByTagName('map')[0]
-                    map = setting.getAttribute('file')
-                    if map != "":
-                        roomdefault_map = self.userPath + map.replace("myfiles/", "")
-                        self.log_msg("Room Defaults: Using " + str(map) + " for room map")
+                    setting = roomdefaults.findall('map')[0]
+                    mapper = setting.get('file')
+                    if mapper != "":
+                        roomdefault_map = self.userPath + mapper.replace("myfiles/", "")
+                        self.log_msg("Room Defaults: Using " + str(mapper) + " for room map")
                 except: self.log_msg("Room Defaults: [Warning] Using Default Map")
-                    setting = roomdefaults.getElementsByTagName('message')[0]
-                    msg = setting.getAttribute('file')
+                    setting = roomdefaults.findall('message')[0]
+                    msg = setting.get('file')
                     if msg != "":
                         if msg[:4].lower() == 'http': roomdefault_msg = msg
                         else: roomdefault_msg = self.userPath + msg.replace("myfiles/", "")
@@ -520,16 +510,16 @@
             ###Server Cheat message
-                cheat_node = self.configDoc.getElementsByTagName("cheat")[0]
-                self.cheat_msg = cheat_node.getAttribute("text")
+                cheat_node = self.configDoc.findall("cheat")[0]
+                self.cheat_msg = cheat_node.get("text")
                 self.cheat_msg = "**FAKE ROLL**"
                 self.log_msg("**WARNING** <cheat txt=\"\"> tag missing from server configuration file. Using empty string.")
             # should validate protocal
-            validate_protocol_node = self.configDom.getElementsByTagName("validate_protocol ")
+            validate_protocol_node = self.configDom.findall("validate_protocol")
             self.validate_protocol = 1
-            if(validate_protocol_node): self.validate_protocol = (validate_protocol_node[0].getAttribute("value") == "True")
+            if(validate_protocol_node): self.validate_protocol = (validate_protocol_node[0].get("value") == "True")
             if(self.validate_protocol != 1): self.log_msg("Protocol Validation: OFF")
             self.log_msg("Server Configuration File: Processing Completed.")
@@ -539,28 +529,28 @@
     def makePersistentRooms(self):
         'Creates rooms on the server as defined in the server config file.'
-        for element in self.configDom.getElementsByTagName('room'):
-            roomName = element.getAttribute('name')
-            roomPassword = element.getAttribute('password')
-            bootPassword = element.getAttribute('boot')
+        for element in self.configDom.findall('room'):
+            roomName = element.get('name')
+            roomPassword = element.get('password')
+            bootPassword = element.get('boot')
             # Conditionally check for minVersion attribute
-            if element.hasAttribute('minVersion'): minVersion = element.getAttribute('minVersion')
+            if element.get('minVersion'): minVersion = element.get('minVersion')
             else: minVersion = ""
             # Extract the map filename attribute from the map node
             # we only care about the first map element found -- others are ignored
-            mapElement = element.getElementsByTagName('map')[0]
-            mapFile = self.userPath + mapElement.getAttribute('file').replace("myfiles/", "")
-            messageElement = element.getElementsByTagName('message')[0]
-            messageFile = messageElement.getAttribute('file')
+            mapElement = element.findall('map')[0]
+            mapFile = self.userPath + mapElement.get('file').replace("myfiles/", "")
+            messageElement = element.findall('message')[0]
+            messageFile = messageElement.get('file')
             if messageFile[:4] != 'http': messageFile = self.userPath + messageFile.replace("myfiles/", "")
             # Make sure we have a message to even mess with
             if(len(messageFile) == 0): messageFile = self.defaultMessageFile
             if(len(mapFile) == 0): mapFile = self.defaultMapFile
             moderated = 0
-            if element.hasAttribute('moderated') and element.getAttribute('moderated').lower() == "true": moderated = 1
+            if element.get('moderated') and element.get('moderated').lower() == "true": moderated = 1
             #create the new persistant group
             self.new_group(roomName, roomPassword, 
@@ -620,7 +610,7 @@
         elif self.log_network_messages == 2: return "Network Traffic Log: Logging (inbound/outbound files)"
         else: self.log_msg("Network Traffic Log: [Unknown]")
-    def register_callback(instance, xml_dom = None,source=None):
+    def register_callback(instance, xml_dom = None, source=None):
         if xml_dom:    # if we get something
             if source == getMetaServerBaseURL():    # if the source of this DOM is the authoritative meta
@@ -666,7 +656,7 @@
                 id, cookie = self.metas[meta].getIdAndCookie()
                 data = urllib.urlencode( {"room_data[server_id]":id,
-            get_server_dom(data+'&'+rooms, self.metas[meta].path)
+            get_server_dom(data+'&'+rooms, self.metas[meta].path, string=True)
     def register(self,name_given=None):
         if name_given == None: name = self.name
@@ -757,21 +747,19 @@
             data = ServerPlugins.preParseOutgoing()
             for msg in data:
-                    xml_dom = parseXml(msg)
-                    xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
-                    if xml_dom.hasAttribute('from') and int(xml_dom.getAttribute('from')) > -1:
-                        xml_dom.setAttribute('from', '-1')
-                    xml_dom.setAttribute('to', 'all')
+                    xml_dom = fromstring(msg).getroot()
+                    if xml_dom.get('from') and int(xml_dom.get('from')) > -1:
+                        xml_dom.set('from', '-1')
+                    xml_dom.set('to', 'all')
                     self.incoming_msg_handler(xml_dom, msg)
-                    xml_dom.unlink()
                 except: pass
     def sendMsg( self, sock, msg, useCompression=False, cmpType=None):
-        """Very simple function that will properly encode and send a message to te
+        """Very simple function that will properly encode and send a message to the
         remote on the specified socket."""
-        if useCompression and cmpType != None:
+        if not useCompression and cmpType != None:
             mpacket = cmpType.compress(msg)
             lpacket = pack('!i', len(mpacket))
@@ -899,7 +887,7 @@
     def broadcast(self,msg):
-        self.send_to_all("0","<msg to='all' from='0' group_id='1'><font color='#FF0000'>" + msg + "</font>")
+        self.send_to_all("0","<msg to='all' from='0' group_id='1'><font color='#FF0000'>" + msg + "</font></msg>")
     def console_log(self):
         if self.log_to_console == 1:
@@ -959,6 +947,10 @@
                 elif self.players[id].protocol_version.find(patern)>-1: self.print_player_info(self.players[id])
                 elif self.players[id].client_string.find(patern)>-1: self.print_player_info(self.players[id])
+    def obtain_by_id(self, id, objects):
+        ### Alpha ### Basic way to obtain information for the Server GUI, currently reports the Client String only
+        return self.players[id].client_string
     def print_player_info(self,player):
         print player.id, player.name, player.ip, player.group_id, player.role, player.version, player.protocol_version, player.client_string
@@ -1055,13 +1047,13 @@
-    def update_request(self,newsock,xml_dom):
+    def update_request(self,newsock, xml_dom):
         # handle reconnects
         self.log_msg( "update_request() has been called." )
         # get player id
-        id = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+        id = xml_dom.get("id")
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
         if self.players.has_key(id):
             self.sendMsg(newsock, self.players[id].toxml("update"), 
@@ -1072,33 +1064,31 @@
             need_new = 0
         else: need_new = 1
-        if need_new: self.new_request(newsock,xml_dom)
+        if need_new: self.new_request(newsock, xml_dom)
             msg = self.groups[group_id].game_map.get_all_xml()
-    def new_request(self,newsock,xml_dom,LOBBY_ID='0'):
+    def new_request(self,newsock, xml_dom, LOBBY_ID='0'):
         #build client stub
         props = {}
         # Don't trust what the client tells us...trust what they connected as!
         props['ip'] = socket.gethostbyname( newsock.getpeername()[0] )
-        try: props['role'] = xml_dom.getAttribute("role")
-        except: props['role'] = "GM"
-        props['name'] = xml_dom.getAttribute("name")
+        props['role'] = xml_dom.get("role") or 'GM'
+        props['name'] = xml_dom.get("name")
         props['group_id'] = LOBBY_ID
         props['id'] = str(self.next_player_id)
-        props['version'] = xml_dom.getAttribute("version")
-        props['protocol_version'] = xml_dom.getAttribute("protocol_version")
-        props['client_string'] = xml_dom.getAttribute("client_string")
+        props['version'] = xml_dom.get("version")
+        props['protocol_version'] = xml_dom.get("protocol_version")
+        props['client_string'] = xml_dom.get("client_string")
         self.next_player_id += 1
-        new_stub = client_stub(self.incoming,newsock,props,self.log_console)
-        if xml_dom.hasAttribute('useCompression'):
+        new_stub = client_stub(self.incoming, newsock, props, self.log_console)
+        if xml_dom.get('useCompression'):
             new_stub.useCompression = True
-            if xml_dom.hasAttribute('cmpType'):
-                cmpType = xml_dom.getAttribute('cmpType')
+            if xml_dom.get('cmpType'):
+                cmpType = xml_dom.get('cmpType')
                 if cmpBZ2 and cmpType == 'bz2': new_stub.compressionType = bz2
                 elif cmpZLIB and cmpType == 'zlib': new_stub.compressionType = zlib
                 else: new_stub.compressionType = None
@@ -1109,15 +1099,9 @@
         new_stub.EnableMessageLogging = self.log_network_messages
         self.sendMsg(newsock, new_stub.toxml("new"), False, None)
-        #  try to remove circular refs
-        if xml_dom:
-            xml_dom.unlink()
         # send confirmation
         data = self.recvMsg(newsock, new_stub.useCompression, new_stub.compressionType)
-        try:
-            xml_dom = parseXml(data)
-            xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
+        try: xml_dom = XML(data)
         except Exception, e:
             print e
             (remote_host,remote_port) = newsock.getpeername()
@@ -1125,14 +1109,15 @@
             bad_xml_string += "Please report this bug to the development team at:<br /> "
             bad_xml_string += "<a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=2237&atid=102237\">OpenRPG bugs "
             bad_xml_string += "(http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=2237&atid=102237)</a><br />"
-            self.sendMsg( newsock, "<msg to='" + props['id'] + "' from='" + props['id'] + "' group_id='0' />" + bad_xml_string, new_stub.useCompression, new_stub.compressionType)
+            self.sendMsg( newsock, "<msg to='" + props['id'] + "' from='" + props['id'] + "' group_id='0' />" + bad_xml_string, 
+                            new_stub.useCompression, new_stub.compressionType)
             print "Error in parse found from " + str(remote_host) + ".  Disconnected."
             print "  Offending data(" + str(len(data)) + "bytes)=" + data
             print "Exception=" + str(e)
-            if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
+            #if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
         #start threads and store player
@@ -1161,8 +1146,6 @@
             self.log_msg("Connection terminating due to version incompatibility with client (ver: " + props['version'] + "  protocol: " + props['protocol_version'] + ")" )
-            if xml_dom:
-                xml_dom.unlink()
             return None
         ip = props['ip']
@@ -1175,8 +1158,6 @@
             #  Give messages time to flow
-            if xml_dom:
-                xml_dom.unlink()
             return None
@@ -1194,7 +1175,7 @@
-            if xml_dom.getAttribute("id") == props['id']:
+            if xml_dom.get("id") == props['id']:
                 self.players[props['id']] = new_stub
@@ -1203,14 +1184,15 @@
                 msg = self.groups[LOBBY_ID].game_map.get_all_xml()
-                self.send(msg,props['id'],LOBBY_ID)
-                self.send_to_group(props['id'],LOBBY_ID,self.players[props['id']].toxml('new'))
-                self.return_room_roles(props['id'],LOBBY_ID)
+                self.send(msg, props['id'], LOBBY_ID)
+                self.send_to_group(props['id'], LOBBY_ID, self.players[props['id']].toxml('new'))
+                self.return_room_roles(props['id'], LOBBY_ID)
                 # Re-initialize the role for this player incase they came from a different server
-                self.handle_role("set",props['id'], "GM",self.groups[LOBBY_ID].boot_pwd, LOBBY_ID)
+                self.handle_role("set", props['id'], "GM", self.groups[LOBBY_ID].boot_pwd, LOBBY_ID)
                 cmsg = "Client Connect: (" + str(props['id']) + ") " + str(props['name']) + " [" + str(props['ip']) + "]"
+                self.log_msg(("update_group", (self.groups[LOBBY_ID].name, LOBBY_ID, len(self.groups[LOBBY_ID].players) ) ))
                 cmsg = ("connect", props) #################################################
@@ -1223,7 +1205,7 @@
             #something didn't go right. Notify client and drop the connection
             err_string = "<center>"
-            err_string +=  "<hr><b>The server has encountered an error while processing your connection request.</b><hr>"
+            err_string += "<hr><b>The server has encountered an error while processing your connection request.</b><hr>"
             err_string += "<br /><i>You are being disconnected from the server.</i><br />"
             err_string += "This error may represent a problem with the server. If you continue to get this message "
             err_string += "please contact the servers administrator to correct the issue.</center> "
@@ -1233,8 +1215,6 @@
         #  Display the lobby message
-        if xml_dom:
-            xml_dom.unlink()
     def checkClientVersion(self, clientversion):
         minv = self.minClientVersion.split('.')
@@ -1258,10 +1238,8 @@
             lobbyMsg += "server, version '" + VERSION + "'"
             # See if we have a server name to report!
-            if len(self.serverName):
-                lobbyMsg += ", named '" + self.serverName + "'."
-            else:
-                lobbyMsg += "."
+            if len(self.serverName): lobbyMsg += ", named '" + self.serverName + "'."
+            else: lobbyMsg += "."
             # Add extra line spacing
             lobbyMsg += "\n\n"
@@ -1343,8 +1321,7 @@
             except: pass
             return #returning causes connection thread instance to terminate
         #  Clear out the xml_dom in preparation for new stuff, if necessary
-        try:
-            if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
+        """try: if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
             self.log_msg( "The following exception caught unlinking xml_dom:")
@@ -1352,10 +1329,9 @@
             try: newsock.close()
             except: pass
             return #returning causes connection thread instance to terminate
-        #  Parse the XML received from the connecting client
+        #  Parse the XML received from the connecting client"""
-            xml_dom = parseXml(data)
-            xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
+            xml_dom = XML(data)
             try: newsock.close()
@@ -1369,11 +1345,11 @@
         #  Determine the correct action and execute it
             # get action
-            action = xml_dom.getAttribute("action")
+            action = xml_dom.get("action")
             # Figure out what type of connection we have going on now
-            if action == "new": self.new_request(newsock,xml_dom)
-            elif action == "update": self.update_request(newsock,xml_dom)
+            if action == "new": self.new_request(newsock, xml_dom)
+            elif action == "update": self.update_request(newsock, xml_dom)
             else: self.log_msg("Unknown Join Request!")
         except Exception, e:
@@ -1382,14 +1358,6 @@
             return #returning causes connection thread instance to terminate
-        #  Again attempt to clean out DOM stuff
-        try:
-            if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
-        except:
-            print "The following exception caught unlinking xml_dom:"
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            return #returning causes connection thread instance to terminate
@@ -1402,7 +1370,7 @@
     # and player load capacity -- Snowdog 3/04
-    def message_handler(self,arg):
+    def message_handler(self, arg):
         xml_dom = None
         self.log_msg( "message handler thread running..." )
         while self.alive:
@@ -1422,40 +1390,35 @@
                 data = None
             except Exception, e:
-                if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
-        if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
         self.log_msg("message handler thread exiting...")
-    def parse_incoming_dom(self,data):
+    def parse_incoming_dom(self, data):
         end = data.find(">") #locate end of first element of message
         head = data[:end+1]
-        #self.log_msg(head)
         xml_dom = None
-            xml_dom = parseXml(head)
-            xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
-            self.message_action(xml_dom,data)
+            xml_dom = XML(head)
+            self.message_action(xml_dom, data)
         except Exception, e:
             print "Error in parse of inbound message. Ignoring message."
             print "  Offending data(" + str(len(data)) + "bytes)=" + data
             print "Exception=" + str(e)
-        if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
     def message_action(self, xml_dom, data):
-        tag_name = xml_dom._get_tagName()
-        if self.svrcmds.has_key(tag_name): self.svrcmds[tag_name]['function'](xml_dom,data)
+        tag_name = xml_dom.tag
+        if self.svrcmds.has_key(tag_name): self.svrcmds[tag_name]['function'](xml_dom, data)
         else: raise Exception, "Not a valid header!"
         #Message Action thread expires and closes here.
     def do_alter(self, xml_dom, data):
-        target = xml_dom.getAttribute("key")
-        value = xml_dom.getAttribute("val")
-        player = xml_dom.getAttribute("plr")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("gid")
-        boot_pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("bpw")
+        target = xml_dom.get("key") or 'None'
+        value = xml_dom.get("val") or 'None'
+        player = xml_dom.get("plr") or 'None'
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("gid") or 'None'
+        boot_pwd = xml_dom.get("bpw") or 'None'
         actual_boot_pwd = self.groups[group_id].boot_pwd
         if self.allow_room_passwords == 0:
@@ -1474,7 +1437,7 @@
             elif target == "name":
                 # Check for & in name.  We want to allow this because of its common
                 # use in d&d games
-                result = self.change_group_name(group_id,value,player)
+                result = self.change_group_name(group_id, value, player)
                 msg ="<msg to='" + player + "' from='0' group_id='0' />" + result
@@ -1484,39 +1447,37 @@
     def do_role(self, xml_dom, data):
         role = ""
         boot_pwd = ""
-        act = xml_dom.getAttribute("action")
-        player = xml_dom.getAttribute("player")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+        act = xml_dom.get("action")
+        player = xml_dom.get("player")
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
         if act == "set":
-            role = xml_dom.getAttribute("role")
-            boot_pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("boot_pwd")
-        xml_dom.unlink()
+            role = xml_dom.get("role")
+            boot_pwd = xml_dom.get("boot_pwd")
         if group_id != "0":
             self.handle_role(act, player, role, boot_pwd, group_id)
             self.log_msg(("role", (player, role)))
     def do_ping(self, xml_dom, data):
-        player = xml_dom.getAttribute("player")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+        player = xml_dom.get("player")
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
         sent_time = ""
         msg = ""
-        try: sent_time = xml_dom.getAttribute("time")
+        try: sent_time = xml_dom.get("time")
         except: pass
         if sent_time != "": msg ="<ping time='" + str(sent_time) + "' />" #because a time was sent return a ping response
             msg ="<msg to='" + player + "' from='" + player + "' group_id='" + group_id + "'>"
             msg += "<font color='#FF0000'>PONG!?!</font>"
-        xml_dom.unlink()
     def do_system(self, xml_dom, data):
     def moderate_group(self,xml_dom,data):
-            action = xml_dom.getAttribute("action")
-            from_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("from")
-            if xml_dom.hasAttribute("pwd"): pwd=xml_dom.getAttribute("pwd")
+            action = xml_dom.get("action")
+            from_id = xml_dom.get("from")
+            if xml_dom.get("pwd"): pwd=xml_dom.get("pwd")
             else: pwd=""
             if action == "list":
@@ -1542,10 +1503,10 @@
                     self.groups[group_id].moderated = 0
                     self.players[from_id].self_message("This channel is now unmoderated")
                 if action == 'addvoice':
-                    users = xml_dom.getAttribute("users").split(',')
+                    users = xml_dom.get("users").split(',')
                     for i in users: self.groups[group_id].voice[i.strip()]=1
                 if action == 'delvoice':
-                    users = xml_dom.getAttribute("users").split(',')
+                    users = xml_dom.get("users").split(',')
                     for i in users:
                         if self.groups[group_id].voice.has_key(i.strip()): del self.groups[group_id].voice[i.strip()]
@@ -1553,11 +1514,11 @@
         except Exception,e:
-    def join_group(self,xml_dom,data):
+    def join_group(self, xml_dom, data):
-            from_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("from")
-            pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("pwd")
-            group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+            from_id = xml_dom.get("from")
+            pwd = xml_dom.get("pwd")
+            group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
             ver = self.players[from_id].version
             allowed = 1
@@ -1567,9 +1528,8 @@
             if not self.groups[group_id].check_pwd(pwd):
                 allowed = 0
                 #tell the clients password manager the password failed -- SD 8/03
-                pm = "<password signal=\"fail\" type=\"room\" id=\"" +  group_id  + "\" data=\"\"/>"
+                pm = "<password signal='fail' type='room' id='" +  group_id  + "' data=''/>"
                 msg = 'failed - incorrect room password'
@@ -1578,7 +1538,7 @@
                 #the following line makes sure that their role is reset to normal,
                 #since it is briefly set to lurker when they even TRY to change
-                msg = "<role action=\"update\" id=\"" + from_id  + "\" role=\"" + self.players[from_id].role + "\" />"
+                msg = "<role action='update' id='" + from_id  + "' role='" + self.players[from_id].role + "' />"
@@ -1599,17 +1559,15 @@
         "move a player from one group to another"
-                if group_id == "0":
-                    self.players[from_id].role = "GM"
-                else:
-                    self.players[from_id].role = "Lurker"
+                if group_id == "0": self.players[from_id].role = "GM"
+                else: self.players[from_id].role = "Lurker"
             except Exception, e:
                 print "exception in move_player() "
-            old_group_id = self.players[from_id].change_group(group_id,self.groups)
-            self.send_to_group(from_id,old_group_id,self.players[from_id].toxml('del'))
-            self.send_to_group(from_id,group_id,self.players[from_id].toxml('new'))
+            old_group_id = self.players[from_id].change_group(group_id, self.groups)
+            self.send_to_group(from_id, old_group_id, self.players[from_id].toxml('del'))
+            self.send_to_group(from_id, group_id, self.players[from_id].toxml('new'))
             self.check_group(from_id, old_group_id)
@@ -1645,15 +1603,17 @@
             #notify user about others in the room
             self.log_msg(("join_group", (self.groups[group_id].name, group_id, from_id)))
+            self.log_msg(("update_group", (self.groups[group_id].name, group_id, len(self.groups[group_id].players) )))
             self.handle_role("set", from_id, self.players[from_id].role, self.groups[group_id].boot_pwd, group_id)
         except Exception, e:
-    def return_room_roles(self,from_id,group_id):
+    def return_room_roles(self, from_id, group_id):
         for m in self.players.keys():
             if self.players[m].group_id == group_id:
-                msg = "<role action=\"update\" id=\"" + self.players[m].id  + "\" role=\"" + self.players[m].role + "\" />"
+                try: msg = "<role action='update' id='" + self.players[m].id  + "' role='" + self.players[m].role + "' />"
+                except: exit()
@@ -1664,7 +1624,7 @@
     # conditions written all over them.  Ack! Ack!
     def new_group( self, name, pwd, boot, minVersion, mapFile, messageFile, persist = 0, moderated=0 ):
-        group_id = str( self.next_group_id )
+        group_id = str(self.next_group_id)
         self.next_group_id += 1
         self.groups[group_id] = game_group( group_id, name, pwd, "", boot, minVersion, mapFile, messageFile, persist )
         self.groups[group_id].moderated = moderated
@@ -1672,9 +1632,9 @@
         if persist !=0: ins="Persistant "
         lmsg = "Creating " + ins + "Group... (" + str(group_id) + ") " + str(name)
         self.log_msg( lmsg )
-        self.log_msg(("create_group", (str(name), int(group_id), 0) )) ##-99 works, could be better.
+        self.log_msg(("create_group", (str(name), int(group_id), pwd, 0) ))
-    def change_group_name(self,gid,name,pid):
+    def change_group_name(self, gid, name, pid):
         "Change the name of a group"
         # Check for & in name.  We want to allow this because of its common
         # use in d&d games.
@@ -1710,83 +1670,86 @@
             self.groups[gid].name = str(name)
             lmessage = "Room name changed to from \"" + oldroomname + "\" to \"" + name + "\""
             self.log_msg(lmessage  + " by " + str(pid) )
+            self.log_msg(("update_group", (str(name), group_id, False)))
             return lmessage
         except: return "An error occured during rename of room!"
-    def create_group(self,xml_dom,data):
-        try:
-            from_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("from")
-            pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("pwd")
-            name = xml_dom.getAttribute("name")
-            boot_pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("boot_pwd")
-            minVersion = xml_dom.getAttribute("min_version")
-            #added var reassign -- akoman
-            messageFile = self.defaultMessageFile
+    def create_group(self, xml_dom, data):
+        #try:
+        from_id = xml_dom.get("from")
+        pwd = xml_dom.get("pwd")
+        name = xml_dom.get("name")
+        boot_pwd = xml_dom.get("boot_pwd")
+        minVersion = xml_dom.get("min_version")
+        #added var reassign -- akoman
+        messageFile = self.defaultMessageFile
-            # see if passwords are allowed on this server and null password if not
-            if self.allow_room_passwords != 1: pwd = ""
+        # see if passwords are allowed on this server and null password if not
+        if self.allow_room_passwords != 1: pwd = ""
-            # Check for & in name.  We want to allow this because of its common
-            # use in d&d games.
+        # Check for & in name.  We want to allow this because of its common
+        # use in d&d games.
-            loc = name.find("&")
-            oldloc = 0
-            while loc > -1:
-                loc = name.find("&",oldloc)
-                if loc > -1:
-                    b = name[:loc]
-                    e = name[loc+1:]
-                    name = b + "&amp;" + e
-                    oldloc = loc+1
-            loc = name.find("'")
-            oldloc = 0
-            while loc > -1:
-                loc = name.find("'",oldloc)
-                if loc > -1:
-                    b = name[:loc]
-                    e = name[loc+1:]
-                    name = b + "&#39;" + e
-                    oldloc = loc+1
-            loc = name.find('"')
-            oldloc = 0
-            while loc > -1:
-                loc = name.find('"',oldloc)
-                if loc > -1:
-                    b = name[:loc]
-                    e = name[loc+1:]
-                    name = b + "&quot;" + e
-                    oldloc = loc+1
-            group_id = str(self.next_group_id)
-            self.next_group_id += 1
-            self.groups[group_id] = game_group(group_id,name,pwd,"",boot_pwd, minVersion, None, messageFile )
-            self.groups[group_id].voice[from_id]=1
-            self.players[from_id].outbox.put(self.groups[group_id].toxml('new'))
-            old_group_id = self.players[from_id].change_group(group_id,self.groups)
-            self.send_to_group(from_id,old_group_id,self.players[from_id].toxml('del'))
-            self.check_group(from_id, old_group_id)
-            self.send_to_all(from_id,self.groups[group_id].toxml('new'))
-            self.send_to_all('0',self.groups[group_id].toxml('update'))
-            self.handle_role("set",from_id,"GM",boot_pwd, group_id)
-            lmsg = "Creating Group... (" + str(group_id) + ") " + str(name)
-            self.log_msg( lmsg )
-            jmsg = "moving to room " + str(group_id) + "."
-            self.log_msg( jmsg )
-            self.log_msg(("create_group", (str(name), group_id, from_id)))
-            #even creators of the room should see the HTML --akoman
-            #edit: jan10/03 - was placed in the except statement. Silly me.
-            if self.defaultMessageFile != None:
-                if self.defaultMessageFile[:4] == 'http':
-                    data = urllib.urlretrieve(self.defaultMessageFile)
-                    open_msg = open(data[0])
-                    urllib.urlcleanup()
-                else: open_msg = open( self.defaultMessageFile, "r" )
-                roomMsg = open_msg.read()
-                open_msg.close()
-                # Send the rooms message to the client no matter what
-                self.players[from_id].outbox.put( "<msg to='" + from_id + "' from='0' group_id='" + group_id + "' />" + roomMsg )
-        except Exception, e: self.log_msg( "Exception: create_group(): " + str(e))
+        loc = name.find("&")
+        oldloc = 0
+        while loc > -1:
+            loc = name.find("&",oldloc)
+            if loc > -1:
+                b = name[:loc]
+                e = name[loc+1:]
+                name = b + "&amp;" + e
+                oldloc = loc+1
+        loc = name.find("'")
+        oldloc = 0
+        while loc > -1:
+            loc = name.find("'",oldloc)
+            if loc > -1:
+                b = name[:loc]
+                e = name[loc+1:]
+                name = b + "&#39;" + e
+                oldloc = loc+1
+        loc = name.find('"')
+        oldloc = 0
+        while loc > -1:
+            loc = name.find('"',oldloc)
+            if loc > -1:
+                b = name[:loc]
+                e = name[loc+1:]
+                name = b + "&quot;" + e
+                oldloc = loc+1
+        group_id = str(self.next_group_id)
+        self.next_group_id += 1
+        self.groups[group_id] = game_group(group_id, name, pwd, "", boot_pwd, minVersion, None, messageFile)
+        self.groups[group_id].voice[from_id]=1
+        self.players[from_id].outbox.put(self.groups[group_id].toxml('new'))
+        old_group_id = self.players[from_id].change_group(group_id, self.groups)
+        self.send_to_group(from_id, old_group_id, self.players[from_id].toxml('del'))
+        self.check_group(from_id, old_group_id)
+        self.send_to_all(from_id,self.groups[group_id].toxml('new'))
+        self.send_to_all('0',self.groups[group_id].toxml('update'))
+        self.handle_role("set",from_id,"GM", boot_pwd, group_id)
+        lmsg = "Creating Group... (" + str(group_id) + ") " + str(name)
+        self.log_msg( lmsg )
+        jmsg = "moving to room " + str(group_id) + "."
+        self.log_msg( jmsg )
+        self.log_msg(("create_group", (str(name), group_id, from_id, 'No' if pwd == '' else 'Yes')))
+        #even creators of the room should see the HTML --akoman
+        #edit: jan10/03 - was placed in the except statement. Silly me.
+        if self.defaultMessageFile != None:
+            if self.defaultMessageFile[:4] == 'http':
+                data = urllib.urlretrieve(self.defaultMessageFile)
+                open_msg = open(data[0])
+                urllib.urlcleanup()
+            else: open_msg = open( self.defaultMessageFile, "r" )
+            roomMsg = open_msg.read()
+            open_msg.close()
+            # Send the rooms message to the client no matter what
+            self.players[from_id].outbox.put( "<msg to='" + from_id + "' from='0' group_id='" + group_id + "' />" + roomMsg )
+        #except Exception, e: self.log_msg( "Exception: create_group(): " + str(e))
     def check_group(self, from_id, group_id):
@@ -1800,13 +1763,11 @@
                 del self.groups[group_id]
                 self.log_msg(("delete_group", (group_id, from_id)))
             else: self.send_to_all("0",self.groups[group_id].toxml('update'))
             #The register Rooms thread
         except Exception, e: self.log_msg(str(e))
-    def del_player(self,id,group_id):
+    def del_player(self, id, group_id):
             dmsg = "Client Disconnect: (" + str(id) + ") " + str(self.players[id].name)
@@ -1825,10 +1786,9 @@
         except Exception, e: self.log_msg(str(e))
         self.log_msg("Explicit garbage collection shows %s undeletable items." % str(gc.collect()))
-    def incoming_player_handler(self,xml_dom,data):
-        id = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
-        act = xml_dom.getAttribute("action")
-        #group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+    def incoming_player_handler(self, xml_dom, data):
+        id = xml_dom.get("id")
+        act = xml_dom.get("action")
         group_id = self.players[id].group_id
         ip = self.players[id].ip
         self.log_msg("Player with IP: " + str(ip) + " joined.")
@@ -1840,21 +1800,20 @@
             except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc()
         elif act=="del":
-            #print "del player"
             self.check_group(id, group_id)
         elif act=="update":
             self.log_msg(("update", {"id": id,
-                                     "name": xml_dom.getAttribute("name"),
-                                     "status": xml_dom.getAttribute("status"),
-                                     "role": xml_dom.getAttribute("role"),
+                                     "name": xml_dom.get("name"),
+                                     "status": xml_dom.get("status"),
+                                     "role": xml_dom.get("role"),
 				     "ip":  str(ip),
-				     "group": xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id"),
-				     "room": xml_dom.getAttribute("name"),
-				     "boot": xml_dom.getAttribute("rm_boot"),
-				     "version": xml_dom.getAttribute("version"),
-				     "ping": xml_dom.getAttribute("time") \
+				     "group": xml_dom.get("group_id"),
+				     "room": xml_dom.get("name"),
+				     "boot": xml_dom.get("rm_boot"),
+				     "version": xml_dom.get("version"),
+				     "ping": xml_dom.get("time") \
     def strip_cheat_roll(self, string):
@@ -1877,9 +1836,10 @@
     def incoming_msg_handler(self,xml_dom,data):
         xml_dom, data = ServerPlugins.preParseIncoming(xml_dom, data)
-        to_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("to")
-        from_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("from")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+        ###########################################################
+        to_id = xml_dom.get("to")
+        from_id = xml_dom.get("from")
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
         end = data.find(">")
         msg = data[end+1:]
@@ -1924,14 +1884,14 @@
     def sound_msg_handler(self, xml_dom, data):
-        from_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("from")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+        from_id = xml_dom.get("from")
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
         if group_id != 0: self.send_to_group(from_id, group_id, data)
     def plugin_msg_handler(self,xml_dom,data):
-        to_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("to")
-        from_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("from")
-        group_id = xml_dom.getAttribute("group_id")
+        to_id = xml_dom.get("to")
+        from_id = xml_dom.get("from")
+        group_id = xml_dom.get("group_id")
         end = data.find(">")
         msg = data[end+1:]
@@ -1948,7 +1908,7 @@
     def handle_role(self, act, player, role, given_boot_pwd, group_id):
         if act == "display":
-            msg = "<msg to=\"" + player + "\" from=\"0\" group_id=\"" + group_id + "\" />"
+            msg = "<msg to='" + player + "' from='0' group_id='" + group_id + "' />"
             msg += "Displaying Roles<br /><br /><u>Role</u>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<u>Player</u><br />"
             keys = self.players.keys()
             for m in keys:
@@ -1983,9 +1943,8 @@
             given_boot_pwd = None
-                xml_dom = parseXml(msg)
-                xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
-                given_boot_pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("boot_pwd")
+                xml_dom = XML(msg)
+                given_boot_pwd = xml_dom.get("boot_pwd")
                 print "Error in parse of boot message, Ignoring."
@@ -2036,7 +1995,7 @@
                         self.check_group(to_id, group_id)
                         #tell the clients password manager the password failed -- SD 8/03
-                        pm = "<password signal=\"fail\" type=\"admin\" id=\"" + group_id + "\" data=\"\"/>"
+                        pm = "<password signal='fail' type='admin' id='" + group_id + "' data=''/>"
                         print "boot passwords did not match"
@@ -2067,8 +2026,9 @@
             time.sleep( 1 )
             self.log_msg("kicking player " + str(id) + " from server.")
             #  Send delete player event to all
-            self.send_to_group("0",group_id,self.players[id].toxml("del"))
+            self.send_to_group("0", group_id, self.players[id].toxml("del"))
             #  Remove the player from local data structures
@@ -2083,19 +2043,19 @@
     ### Alpha ### Addition added to assist in Un Banning users.
     def admin_build_banlist(self):
         validate.config_file("ban_list.xml", "default_ban_list.xml" ) 
-        configDom = minidom.parse(dir_struct["user"] + 'ban_list.xml')
+        configDom = parse(dir_struct["user"] + 'ban_list.xml')
         self.ban_list = {}
-        for element in configDom.getElementsByTagName('banned'):
-            player = element.getAttribute('name').replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace('"', "&quot;").replace(">", "&gt;")
-            ip = element.getAttribute('ip')
+        for element in configDom.findall('banned'):
+            player = element.get('name').replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace('"', "&quot;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+            ip = element.get('ip')
             self.ban_list[ip] = {}
             self.ban_list[ip]['ip'] = ip
-            self.ban_list[ip]['name'] = element.getAttribute('name')
+            self.ban_list[ip]['name'] = element.get('name')
     def admin_banip(self, ip, name="", silent = 0):
         "Ban a player from a server from the console"
-        self.adming_buile_banlist() ### Alpha ###
+        self.admin_build_banlist() ### Alpha ###
             self.ban_list[ip] = {}
             self.ban_list[ip]['ip'] = ip
@@ -2120,8 +2080,7 @@
             # Send a message to everyone in the victim's room, letting them know someone has been booted
             ban_msg = "<msg to='all' from='0' group_id='%s'/><font color='#FF0000'>Banning '(%s) %s' from server... %s</font>" % ( group_id, id, self.players[id].name, str(message))
             self.log_msg("ban_msg:" + ban_msg)
-            if (silent == 0):
-                self.send_to_group("0", group_id, ban_msg)
+            if (silent == 0): self.send_to_group("0", group_id, ban_msg)
             time.sleep( .1 )
             self.log_msg("baning player " + str(id) + " from server.")
@@ -2190,7 +2149,6 @@
     def send_to_all(self,from_id,data):
-            print data
             keys = self.players.keys()
@@ -2201,7 +2159,7 @@
             self.log_msg("Exception: send_to_all(): " + str(e))
     def send_to_group(self, from_id, group_id, data):
-        #data = ("<msg to='all' from='0' group_id='"+str(group_id)+"'><font color='#FF0000'>" + data + "</font>")
+        #data = ("<msg to='all' from='0' group_id='"+str(group_id)+"' /><font color='#FF0000'>" + data + "</font>")
         data = ServerPlugins.postParseIncoming(data) #Function breaks here.
@@ -2226,8 +2184,10 @@
     def send_group_list(self, to_id, action="new"):
+            print self.groups
             for key in self.groups:
                 xml = self.groups[key].toxml(action)
+                print xml, key
         except Exception, e:
             self.log_msg("Exception: send_group_list(): (client #"+to_id+") : " + str(e))
@@ -2284,10 +2244,10 @@
         if not self.allowRemoteAdmin: return
-            pid = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
+            pid = xml_dom.get("id")
             gid = ""
-            given_pwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("pwd")
-            cmd = xml_dom.getAttribute("cmd")
+            given_pwd = xml_dom.get("pwd")
+            cmd = xml_dom.get("cmd")
             server_admin_pwd = self.groups["0"].boot_pwd
             p_id = ""
             p_name= ""
@@ -2326,17 +2286,24 @@
                 msg ="<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'>" + self.player_list_remote()
             elif cmd == "banip":
-                ip = xml_dom.getAttribute("bip")
-                name = xml_dom.getAttribute("bname")
+                ip = xml_dom.get("bip")
+                name = xml_dom.get("bname")
                 msg = "<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'> Banned: " + str(ip)
                 self.admin_banip(ip, name)
             elif cmd == "ban":
-                id = xml_dom.getAttribute("bid")
+                id = xml_dom.get("bid")
                 msg = "<msg to='" + id + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'> Banned!"
                 self.admin_ban(id, "")
+            ### Alpha ### and untested
+            elif cmd == "boot":
+                id = xml_dom.get("bid")
+                msg = "<msg to='" + id + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'> Booted!"
+                self.players[pid].outbox.put(msg)
+                self.admin_kick(id, "")
+            #############
             elif cmd == "unban":
-                ip = xml_dom.getAttribute("ip")
+                ip = xml_dom.get("ip")
                 msg = "<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'> Unbaned: " + str(ip)
@@ -2344,7 +2311,7 @@
                 msg = "<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'>" + self.admin_banlist()
             elif cmd == "killgroup":
-                ugid = xml_dom.getAttribute("gid")
+                ugid = xml_dom.get("gid")
                 if ugid == "0":
                     m = "<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'>"
                     m += "Cannot Remove Lobby! Remote administrator request denied!"
@@ -2355,15 +2322,15 @@
             elif cmd == "message":
-                tuid = xml_dom.getAttribute("to_id")
-                msg = xml_dom.getAttribute("msg")
+                tuid = xml_dom.get("to_id")
+                msg = xml_dom.get("msg")
                 pmsg = "<msg to='" + tuid + "' from='0' group_id='" + self.players[tuid].group_id + "' >" + msg
                 try: self.players[tuid].outbox.put(pmsg)
                     msg = "<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + ">Unknown Player ID: No message sent."
             elif cmd == "broadcast":
-                bmsg = xml_dom.getAttribute("msg")
+                bmsg = xml_dom.get("msg")
             elif cmd == "killserver" and self.allowRemoteKill:
                 #dangerous command..once server stopped it must be restarted manually
@@ -2381,21 +2348,21 @@
                 msg += self.RoomPasswords()
                 self.players[pid].outbox.put( msg)
             elif cmd == "createroom":
-                rm_name = xml_dom.getAttribute("name")
-                rm_pass = xml_dom.getAttribute("pass")
-                rm_boot = xml_dom.getAttribute("boot")
+                rm_name = xml_dom.get("name")
+                rm_pass = xml_dom.get("pass")
+                rm_boot = xml_dom.get("boot")
                 result = self.create_temporary_persistant_room(rm_name, rm_boot, rm_pass)
                 msg = "<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'>" + result
             elif cmd == "nameroom":
-                rm_id   = xml_dom.getAttribute("rmid")
-                rm_name = xml_dom.getAttribute("name")
+                rm_id   = xml_dom.get("rmid")
+                rm_name = xml_dom.get("name")
                 result = self.change_group_name(rm_id,rm_name,pid)
                 msg ="<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'/>" + result
             elif cmd == "passwd":
-                tgid = xml_dom.getAttribute("gid")
-                npwd = xml_dom.getAttribute("pass")
+                tgid = xml_dom.get("gid")
+                npwd = xml_dom.get("pass")
                 if tgid == "0":
                     msg ="<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'>"
                     msg += "Server password may not be changed remotely!"
@@ -2407,8 +2374,7 @@
                     except: pass
             elif cmd == "savemaps":
-                for g in self.groups.itervalues():
-                    g.save_map()
+                for g in self.groups.itervalues(): g.save_map()
                 msg ="<msg to='" + pid + "' from='0' group_id='" + gid + "'>Persistent room maps saved"
@@ -2533,29 +2499,30 @@
     #  in chat window on remote client
     def player_list_remote(self):
-        COLOR1 = "\"#004080\""  #header/footer background color
-        COLOR2 = "\"#DDDDDD\""  #group line background color
-        COLOR3 = "\"#FFFFFF\""  #player line background color
-        COLOR4 = "\"#FFFFFF\""  #header/footer text color
-        PCOLOR = "\"#000000\""  #Player text color
-        LCOLOR = "\"#404040\""  #Lurker text color
-        GCOLOR = "\"#FF0000\""  #GM text color
-        SIZE   = "size=\"-1\""  #player info text size
+        """Does not work!!!""" # TaS.
+        COLOR1 = "'#004080'"  #header/footer background color
+        COLOR2 = "'#DDDDDD'"  #group line background color
+        COLOR3 = "'#FFFFFF'"  #player line background color
+        COLOR4 = "'#FFFFFF'"  #header/footer text color
+        PCOLOR = "'#000000'"  #Player text color
+        LCOLOR = "'#404040'"  #Lurker text color
+        GCOLOR = "'#FF0000'"  #GM text color
+        SIZE   = "size='-1'"  #player info text size
         FG = PCOLOR
         "display a condensed list of players on the server"
-        pl = "<br /><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\">"
-        pl += "<tr><td colspan='4' bgcolor=" + COLOR1 + "><font color=" + COLOR4 + ">"
-        pl += "<b>GROUP &amp; PLAYER LIST</b></font></td></tr>"
+        pl = "<br /><table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='2'>"
+        pl += "<tr><td colspan='4' bgcolor=" + COLOR1 + "><font color='" + COLOR4 + "'>"
+        pl += "<b>GROUP &amp; '' PLAYER LIST</b></font></td></tr>"
             keys = self.groups.keys()
             for k in keys:
-                groupstring = "<tr><td bgcolor=" + COLOR2 + " colspan='2'>"
-                groutstring += "<b>Group " + str(k)  + ": " +  self.groups[k].name  + "</b>"
-                groupstring += "</td><td bgcolor=" + COLOR2 + " > <i>Password: \"" + self.groups[k].pwd + "\"</td>"
-                groupstring += "<td bgcolor=" + COLOR2 + " > Boot: \"" + self.groups[k].boot_pwd + "\"</i></td></tr>"
+                groupstring = "<tr><td bgcolor='" + COLOR2 + "' colspan='2'>"
+                groupstring += "<b>Group " + str(k)  + ": " +  self.groups[k].name  + "</b>"
+                groupstring += "</td><td bgcolor=" + COLOR2 + " > <i>Password: " + self.groups[k].pwd + "</td>"
+                groupstring += "<td bgcolor=" + COLOR2 + " > Boot: " + self.groups[k].boot_pwd + "</i></td></tr>"
                 pl += groupstring
                 ids = self.groups[k].get_player_ids()