diff plugins/xxnamesound.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children 97265586402b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/xxnamesound.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import os
+import orpg.pluginhandler
+import orpg.dirpath
+import re
+import string
+from orpg.orpgCore import open_rpg
+class Plugin(orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler):
+    # Initialization subroutine.
+    #
+    # !self : instance of self
+    # !openrpg : instance of the the base openrpg control
+    def __init__(self, plugindb, parent):
+        orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler.__init__(self, plugindb, parent)
+        # The Following code should be edited to contain the proper information
+        self.name = 'Name Sound'
+        self.author = 'mDuo13'
+        self.help = "This plays a 'hey!' sound whenever your name is said in chat. It is\n"
+        self.help += "not HTML- or case-sensitive. You can also create nicknames to which the plugin\n"
+        self.help += "will also respond. To add a nickname, type '/xxnick add *name*', where *name*\n"
+        self.help += "is the nickname you want to add. Then, whenever *name* is said in chat, you'll\n"
+        self.help += "hear the sound also. You can remove your nicknames by typing\n"
+        self.help += "'/xxnick del*name*' where *name* is the nickname you wish to delete. Neither is\n"
+        self.help += "case sensitive. Additionally, you can see what nicknames you currently have\n"
+        self.help += "with '/xxnick list'."
+        self.antispam = 0
+        self.names = []
+        self.soundfile = ''
+        self.soundplayer = ''
+        self.notify = False
+    def plugin_enabled(self):
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/xxnick', self.on_xxnick, 'add name|del name|list - This is the command for the namesound plugin')
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/wnotify', self.on_wnotify, 'This will toggle notification on incoming whispers')
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/sfile', self.on_sfile, 'This will set the sound file to use for notification')
+        self.names = self.plugindb.GetList("xxnamesound", "names", [])
+        self.soundplayer = self.sound_player = open_rpg.get_component('sound')
+        tmp = self.plugindb.GetString('xxnamesound', 'wnotify', str(self.notify))
+        if tmp == 'True':
+            self.on_wnotify(None)
+        self.soundfile = self.plugindb.GetString('xxnamesound', 'soundfile', orpg.dirpath.dir_struct['plugins'] + 'heya.wav')
+        reg = []
+        if not self.chat.html_strip(self.session.name.lower()) in self.names:
+            self.names.append(self.chat.html_strip(self.session.name.lower()))
+        for name in self.names:
+            reg.append("(?<![a-zA-Z0-9>/\#\-])" + name + "(?!\w+|[<])")
+        reg = string.join(reg, "|")
+        self.nameReg = re.compile(reg, re.I)
+    def plugin_disabled(self):
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/xxnick')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/wnotify')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/sfile')
+    def on_wnotify(self, cmdargs):
+        self.notify = not self.notify
+        self.plugindb.SetString('xxnamesound', 'wnotify', str(self.notify))
+        if self.notify:
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Whisper Notification is On!")
+        else:
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Whisper Notification is Off!")
+    def on_sfile(self, cmdargs):
+        self.soundfile = cmdargs
+        self.plugindb.SetString('xxnamesound', 'soundfile', cmdargs)
+    def on_xxnick(self, cmdargs):
+        args = cmdargs.split(None,-1)
+        reg = []
+        if len(args):
+            name = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].lower().strip()
+        if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == 'list':
+            name_list = ''
+            i = 0
+            for name in self.names:
+                name_list += name
+                if i < len(self.names)-1:
+                    name_list += ', '
+                i += 1
+            self.chat.InfoPost('Currently chacking for ' + name_list)
+        elif args[0] == 'add':
+            if name not in self.names and name != '':
+                self.names.append(name)
+                self.plugindb.SetList('xxnamesound', 'names', self.names)
+                self.chat.InfoPost('The name ' + name + ' has been added to your nickname list. You will now hear a sound when someone says it in chat.')
+            else:
+                self.chat.InfoPost('The name ' + name + ' is already in your nickname list.')
+        elif args[0] == 'del':
+            if name in self.names:
+                self.names.remove(name)
+                self.plugindb.SetList('xxnamesound', 'names', self.names)
+                self.chat.InfoPost('The name ' + name + ' has been removed from your nickname list.')
+            else:
+                self.chat.InfoPost('The name ' + name + ' is not in your nickname list.')
+        for name in self.names:
+            reg.append("(?<![a-zA-Z0-9>/\#\-])" + name + "['s]*(?!\w+|[<])")
+        reg = string.join(reg, "|")
+        self.nameReg = re.compile(reg, re.I)
+    def plugin_incoming_msg(self, text, type, name, player):
+        if self.antispam > 0:
+            return text, type, name
+        if self.nameReg.search(self.chat.html_strip(text.lower())) != None:
+            self.soundplayer.play(self.soundfile)
+            self.antispam = 1
+        elif self.notify and type == 2:
+            self.soundplayer.play(self.soundfile)
+            self.antispam = 1
+        return text, type, name
+    def refresh_counter(self):
+        #This is called once per second. That's all you need to know.
+        if self.antispam:
+            self.antispam -= 0.04