diff plugins/xxinit.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children 97265586402b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/xxinit.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import os
+import orpg.pluginhandler
+from string import find, replace
+import orpg.dirpath
+class Plugin(orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler):
+    # Initialization subroutine.
+    #
+    # !self : instance of self
+    # !chat : instance of the chat window to write to
+    def __init__(self, plugindb, parent):
+        orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler.__init__(self, plugindb, parent)
+        # The Following code should be edited to contain the proper information
+        self.name = 'Initiative Tool'
+        self.author = 'Woody, Darloth, updated by mDuo13'
+        self.help = "This is the ever-popular init tool. To learn how to use it, type\n"
+        self.help += "'/init help'. It will load the a help node into your game tree."
+        self.toggle = ''
+        self.init_list = ''
+        self.backup_list = ''
+        self.tool_type = ''
+        self.wod_counter = ''
+    def plugin_enabled(self):
+        #This is where you set any variables that need to be initalized when your plugin starts
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/init', self.on_init, '[help|type|clear|new|start|add|del|list|sortlow|sorthigh|run|go|change] - Init tool. Use /init help to get details about how to use the tool')
+        self.toggle = 1
+        self.init_list = []
+        self.backup_list = []
+        self.tool_type = 'std'
+        self.wod_counter = 0
+    def plugin_disabled(self):
+        #Here you need to remove any commands you added, and anything else you want to happen when you disable the plugin
+        #such as closing windows created by the plugin
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/init')
+    def on_init(self, cmdargs):
+        #this is just an example function for a command you create create your own
+        args = cmdargs.split(None,-1)
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            if self.toggle:
+                self.toggle = 0
+                self.post_my_msg("<font color='#ff0000'>Init recording off</font>")
+            else:
+                self.post_my_msg("<font color='#ff0000'>Init recording on</font>")
+                self.toggle = 1
+        elif args[0] == 'help':
+            f = open(orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["plugins"]+ "inittool.xml","r")
+            self.gametree.insert_xml(f.read())
+            f.close()
+        elif args[0] == 'type':
+            if len(args) == 2:
+                if args[1] == 'std' or args[1] == 'wod' or args[1] == '3e' or args[1] == 'srun':
+                    self.tool_type = args[1]
+                    self.post_my_msg("<font color='#ff0000'>Initiative tool now set to '" + self.tool_type + "'</font>")
+                else:
+                    self.post_my_msg("<font color='#ff0000'>Unknown Initiative tool type: " + args[1])
+            else:
+                self.chat.Post("<font color='#ff0000'>currently using the '" + self.tool_type + "' Initiative tool type</font>")
+        elif args[0] == 'clear' or args[0] == 'new' or args[0] == 'start':
+            self.init_list = []
+            self.backup_list = []
+            self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>New Initiative</font><br /><font color='#0000ff'>Roll new Initiatives</font>",1)
+        elif args[0] == 'add':
+            try:
+                new_init = int(args[1])
+                self.init_list += [[new_init, args[2]]]
+                self.backup_list += [[new_init, arge[2]]]
+                self.list_inits()
+            except:
+                self.post_my_msg("<font color='#ff0000'>Invalid format.  correct command is: /add init_number description</font>")
+        elif args[0] == 'del':
+            try:
+                del self.init_list[int(args[1])-1]
+                del self.backup_list[int(args[1])-1]
+                self.list_inits()
+            except:
+                self.post_my_msg("<font color='#ff0000'>Invalid format.  correct command is: /del list_number</font>")
+        elif args[0] == 'list':
+            self.list_inits()
+        elif args[0] == 'backuplist':
+            self.list_backups()
+        elif args[0] == 'sortlow':
+            self.init_list.sort()
+            self.backup_list.sort()
+            self.list_inits()
+        elif args[0] == 'sorthigh':
+            self.init_list.sort()
+            self.init_list.reverse()
+            self.backup_list.sort()
+            self.backup_list.reverse()
+            self.list_inits()
+        elif args[0] == 'run' or args[0] == 'go':
+            if len(self.init_list):
+                id = str(self.init_list[0][0])
+                player = str(self.init_list[0][1])
+                del self.init_list[0]
+                self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>Next init:</font><br /><font color='#0000ff'><b>("+id+")</b>: "+player+"</font>",1)
+            else:
+                if self.tool_type == 'std' or (self.tool_type == 'wod' and self.wod_counter == 1):
+                    self.backup_list = []
+                    self.init_list = []
+                    self.wod_counter = 0
+                    self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>End of Initiative Round</font>",1)
+                elif self.tool_type == '3e':
+                    self.init_list += self. backup_list
+                    self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round</font>",1)
+                elif self.tool_type == 'wod' and self.wod_counter == 0 and len(self.backup_list) > 0:
+                    self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>Starting physical initiatives:</font>",1)
+                    self.wod_counter = 1
+                    self.init_list = self.backup_list
+                    self.init_list.sort()
+                    self.init_list.reverse()
+                elif self.tool_type == 'srun':
+                    for m in self.backup_list[:]:
+                        m[0] -= 10
+                        if m[0] <= 10:
+                            self.backup_list.remove(m)
+                    if len(self.backup_list):
+                        self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>End of Initiative Pass, starting next Pass</font>",1)
+                        self.init_list += self.backup_list
+                    else:
+                        self.post_my_msg("<hr><font color='#ff0000'>End of Combat Turn, roll new initiatives please</font>",1)
+                        self.init_list = []
+                        self.backup_list = []
+        elif args[0] == 'change':
+            try:
+                id = int(args[1])
+                new_init = int(args[2])
+                self.init_list[id][0] = new_init
+                self.backup_list[id][0] = new_init
+                self.list_inits()
+            except:
+                self.post_my_msg("<font color='#0000ff'>Invalid format.  correct command is: /change list_# new_init_# (example: /change 1 4)</font>")
+        else:
+            self.post_my_msg("<font color='#0000ff'>Invalid Command, type /init help and read the manual please</font>")
+    def post_msg(self, text, myself):
+        if self.toggle:
+            if myself == 1:
+                if text.lower().find("init") != -1:
+                    player = text[:text.find("[")]
+                    init = text[text.rfind("(")+1:text.rfind(")")]
+            else:
+                if text.lower().find("init") != -1:
+                    player=text[text.find("</B>")+4:text.find("[")]
+                    init=text[text.rfind("(")+1:text.rfind(")")]
+            try:
+                if text.lower().find("init") != -1:
+                    init = int(init)
+                    self.init_list += [[init,player]]
+                    self.backup_list += [[init,player]]
+            except:
+                pass
+        return text
+    def post_my_msg(self, msg, send=0):
+        tmp = self.toggle
+        self.toggle = 0
+        self.chat.Post(msg,send)
+        self.toggle = tmp
+    def list_inits(self):
+        msg = 'Initiatives:<br />'
+        for m in self.init_list:
+            msg += " <font color='#ff0000'>" + str(self.init_list.index(m) + 1) + "</font>"
+            msg += ": <font color='#0000ff'>(" + str(m[0]) + ") "
+            msg += m[1] + "</font><br />"
+        self.post_my_msg(msg)
+    def list_backups(self):
+        msg = 'backup list:<br />'
+        for m in self.backup_list:
+            msg += " <font color='#ff0000'>" + str(self.backup_list.index(m) + 1) + "</font>"
+            msg += ": <font color='#0000ff'>(" + str(m[0]) + ") "
+            msg += m[1] + "</font><br />"
+        self.post_my_msg(msg)