diff orpg/networking/mplay_messaging.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children 97265586402b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/orpg/networking/mplay_messaging.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
+#        openrpg-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# --
+# File: mplay_messaging.py
+# Author: Dj Gilcrease
+# Maintainer:
+# Version:
+#   $Id: mplay_messaging.py,v 1.5 2007/05/06 16:42:59 digitalxero Exp $
+# Description: This file contains the code for the client / server messaging
+__version__ = "$Id: mplay_messaging.py,v 1.5 2007/05/06 16:42:59 digitalxero Exp $"
+import socket
+import Queue
+import thread
+import traceback
+from threading import Event, Lock
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
+from string import *
+from orpg.orpg_version import *
+import os
+import time
+from orpg.orpgCore import *
+def myescape(data):
+    return escape(data,{"\"":""})
+class messenger:
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.log = open_rpg.get_component("log")
+        self.xml = open_rpg.get_component("xml")
+        self.dir_struct = open_rpg.get_component("dir_struct")
+        self.validate = open_rpg.get_component("validate")
+        self.settings = open_rpg.get_component("settings")
+        if kwargs.has_key('isServer'):
+            self.isServer = kwargs['isServer']
+        else:
+            self.isServer = False
+        self.listen_event = Event()
+        self.outbox = Queue.Queue(0)
+        self.inbox_event = Event()
+        self.inbox = Queue.Queue(0)
+        self.startedEvent = Event()
+        self.exitEvent = Event()
+        self.sendThreadExitEvent = Event()
+        self.recvThreadExitEvent = Event()
+        self.port = int(self.settings.get_setting("port"))
+        self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
+        self.lensize = calcsize('i')
+        self.mplay_type = ('disconnected', 'connected', 'disconnecting', 'group change', 'group change failed')
+        self.status = self.mplay_type[0]
+        self.alive = False
+        self.sock = None
+        self.version = VERSION
+        self.protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION
+        self.client_string = CLIENT_STRING
+        self.minClientVersion = SERVER_MIN_CLIENT_VERSION
+        self.id = "0"
+        self.group_id = "0"
+        self.name = ""
+        self.role = "GM"
+        self.ROLE_GM = "GM"
+        self.ROLE_PLAYER = "PLAYER"
+        self.ROLE_LURKER = "LURKER"
+        self.text_status = "Idle"
+        self.statLock = Lock()
+        self.useroles = 0
+        self.lastmessagetime = time.time()
+        self.connecttime = time.time()
+        self.timeout_time = None
+        self.ignorelist = {}
+        self.players = {}
+        self.groups = {}
+        #Setup Stuff from the Server
+        if kwargs.has_key('inbox'):
+            self.inbox = kwargs['inbox']
+        if kwargs.has_key('sock'):
+            self.sock = kwargs['sock']
+        if kwargs.has_key('ip'):
+            self.ip = kwargs['ip']
+        if kwargs.has_key('role'):
+            self.role = kwargs['role']
+        if kwargs.has_key('id'):
+            self.id = kwargs['id']
+        if kwargs.has_key('group_id'):
+            self.group_id = kwargs['group_id']
+        if kwargs.has_key('name'):
+            self.name = kwargs['name']
+        if kwargs.has_key('version'):
+            self.version = kwargs['version']
+        if kwargs.has_key('protocol_version'):
+            self.protocol_version = kwargs['protocol_version']
+        if kwargs.has_key('client_string'):
+            self.client_string = kwargs['client_string']
+    def build_message(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        #print args
+        message = '<' + args[0]
+        #Setup the attributes of the message
+        if len(kwargs) > 0:
+            for attrib in kwargs.keys():
+                message += ' ' + attrib + '="' + str(kwargs[attrib]) + '"'
+        #Add the actual message if there is one
+        if len(args) > 1:
+            #Close the first part
+            message += '>'
+            message += escape(args[1])
+            #Close the whole thing
+            message += '</' + args[0] + '>'
+        else:
+            message += ' />'
+        return message
+    def disconnect(self):
+        self.set_status(2)
+        self.log.log("client stub " + self.ip +" disconnecting...", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.log.log("closing sockets...", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        try:
+            self.sock.shutdown( 2 )
+        except:
+            self.log.log("Caught exception:\n" + traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
+        self.set_status(0)
+    def reset(self, sock):
+        self.disconnect()
+        self.sock = sock
+        self.initialize_threads()
+    def update_role(self, role):
+        self.useroles = 1
+        self.role = role
+    def use_roles(self):
+        return self.useroles
+    def update_self_from_player(self, player):
+        try:
+            (self.name, self.ip, self.id, self.text_status, self.version, self.protocol_version, self.client_string,role) = player
+        except:
+            self.log.log("Exception:  messenger->update_self_from_player():\n" + traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
+    def toxml(self, act):
+        self.log.log("DEPRECIATED! messenger->toxml()", ORPG_CRITICAL)
+        xml_data = self.build_message('player',
+                                name=myescape(self.name),
+                                action=act,
+                                id=self.id,
+                                group_id=self.group_id,
+                                ip=self.ip,
+                                status=self.text_status,
+                                version=self.version,
+                                protocol_version=self.protocol_version,
+                                client_string=self.client_string
+                                )
+        return xml_data
+    def get_status(self):
+        self.statLock.acquire()
+        status = self.status
+        self.statLock.release()
+        return status
+    def my_role(self):
+        return self.role
+    def set_status(self, status):
+        self.statLock.acquire()
+        self.status = status
+        self.statLock.release()
+    def initialize_threads(self):
+        "Starts up our threads (2) and waits for them to make sure they are running!"
+        self.status = 'connected'
+        self.sock.setblocking(1)
+        # Confirm that our threads have started
+        thread.start_new_thread( self.sendThread,(0,) )
+        thread.start_new_thread( self.recvThread,(0,) )
+        self.startedEvent.set()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s(%s)\nIP:%s\ngroup_id:%s\n%s (%s)" % (self.name, self.id, self.ip, self.group_id, self.idle_time(), self.connected_time())
+    # idle time functions added by snowdog 3/31/04
+    def update_idle_time(self):
+        self.lastmessagetime = time.time()
+    def idle_time(self):
+        curtime = time.time()
+        idletime = curtime - self.lastmessagetime
+        return idletime
+    def idle_status(self):
+        idletime = self.idle_time()
+        idlemins = idletime / 60
+        status = "Unknown"
+        if idlemins < 3:
+            status = "Active"
+        elif idlemins < 10:
+            status = "Idle ("+str(int(idlemins))+" mins)"
+        else:
+            status = "Inactive ("+str(int(idlemins))+" mins)"
+        return status
+    def connected_time(self):
+        curtime = time.time()
+        timeoffset = curtime - self.connecttime
+        return timeoffset
+    def connected_time_string(self):
+        "returns the time client has been connected as a formated time string"
+        ct = self.connected_time()
+        d = int(ct/86400)
+        h = int( (ct-(86400*d))/3600 )
+        m = int( (ct-(86400*d)-(3600*h))/60)
+        s = int( (ct-(86400*d)-(3600*h)-(60*m)) )
+        cts =  zfill(d,2)+":"+zfill(h,2)+":"+zfill(m,2)+":"+zfill(s,2)
+        return cts
+    def clear_timeout(self):
+        self.timeout_time = None
+    def check_time_out(self):
+        if self.timeout_time==None:
+            self.timeout_time = time.time()
+        curtime = time.time()
+        diff = curtime - self.timeout_time
+        if diff > 1800:
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def send(self, msg):
+        if self.get_status() == 'connected':
+            self.outbox.put(msg)
+    def change_group(self, group_id, groups):
+        old_group_id = str(self.group_id)
+        groups[group_id].add_player(self.id)
+        groups[old_group_id].remove_player(self.id)
+        self.group_id = group_id
+        self.outbox.put(self.toxml('group'))
+        msg = groups[group_id].game_map.get_all_xml()
+        self.send(msg)
+        return old_group_id
+    def take_dom(self, xml_dom):
+        self.name = xml_dom.getAttribute("name")
+        self.text_status = xml_dom.getAttribute("status")
+    def add_msg_handler(self, tag, function, core=False):
+        if not self.msg_handlers.has_key(tag):
+            self.msg_handlers[tag] = function
+            if core:
+                self.core_msg_handlers.append(tag)
+        else:
+            print 'XML Messages ' + tag + ' already has a handler'
+    def remove_msg_handler(self, tag):
+        if self.msg_handlers.has_key(tag) and not tag in self.core_msg_handlers:
+            del self.msg_handlers[tag]
+        else:
+            print 'XML Messages ' + tag + ' already deleted'
+    #Message Handaling
+    def message_handler(self, arg):
+        xml_dom = None
+        self.log.log("message handler thread running...", ORPG_NOTE)
+        while self.alive or self.status == 'connected':
+            data = None
+            try:
+                data = self.inbox.get(0)
+            except Queue.Empty:
+                time.sleep(0.25) #sleep 1/4 second
+                continue
+            bytes = len(data)
+            if bytes < 5:
+                continue
+            try:
+                thread.start_new_thread(self.parse_incoming_dom,(str(data),))
+                #data has been passed... unlink from the variable references
+                #so data in passed objects doesn't change (python passes by reference)
+                del data
+                data = None
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.log.log(traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
+                if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
+        if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
+        self.log.log("message handler thread exiting...", ORPG_NOTE)
+        self.inbox_event.set()
+    def parse_incoming_dom(self, data):
+        #print data
+        xml_dom = None
+        try:
+            xml_dom = self.xml.parseXml(data)
+            xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
+            self.message_action(xml_dom, data)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.log("Error in parse of inbound message. Ignoring message.", ORPG_GENERAL)
+            self.log.log("\tOffending data(" + str(len(data)) + "bytes)=" + data, ORPG_GENERAL)
+            self.log.log("Exception=" + traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
+        if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()
+    def message_action(self, xml_dom, data):
+        tag_name = xml_dom._get_tagName()
+        if self.msg_handlers.has_key(tag_name):
+            self.msg_handlers[tag_name](xml_dom, data)
+        else:
+            self.log.log("Unknown Message Type", ORPG_GENERAL)
+            self.log.log(data, ORPG_GENERAL)
+        #Message Action thread expires and closes here.
+        return
+    #Privet functions
+    def sendThread( self, arg ):
+        "Sending thread.  This thread reads from the data queue and writes to the socket."
+        # Wait to be told it's okay to start running
+        self.startedEvent.wait()
+        # Loop as long as we have a connection
+        while( self.get_status() == 'connected' ):
+            try:
+                readMsg = self.outbox.get( block=1 )
+            except Exception, text:
+                self.log.log("Exception:  messenger->sendThread():  " + str(text), ORPG_CRITICAL)
+            # If we are here, it's because we have data to send, no doubt!
+            if self.status == 'connected':
+                try:
+                    # Send the entire message, properly formated/encoded
+                    sent = self.sendMsg( self.sock, readMsg )
+                except:
+                    self.log.log("Exception:  messenger->sendThread():\n" + traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_CRITICAL)
+            else:
+                # If we are not connected, purge the data queue
+                self.log.log("Data queued without a connection, purging data from queue...", ORPG_NOTE)
+        self.sendThreadExitEvent.set()
+        self.log.log( "sendThread has terminated...", ORPG_NOTE)
+    def sendMsg( self, sock, msg ):
+        """Very simple function that will properly encode and send a message to te
+        remote on the specified socket."""
+        # Calculate our message length
+        length = len( msg )
+        # Encode the message length into network byte order
+        lp = pack( 'i', socket.htonl( length ) )
+        try:
+            # Send the encoded length
+            sentl = sock.send( lp )
+            # Now, send the message the the length was describing
+            sentm = sock.send( msg )
+            if self.isServer:
+                self.log.log("('data_sent', " + str(sentl+sentm) + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return sentm
+        except socket.error, e:
+            self.log.log("Socket Error: messenger->sendMsg(): " +  traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_CRITICAL)
+        except:
+            self.log.log("Exception:  messenger->sendMsg(): " +  traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_CRITICAL)
+    def recvThread( self, arg ):
+        "Receiving thread.  This thread reads from the socket and writes to the data queue."
+        # Wait to be told it's okay to start running
+        self.startedEvent.wait()
+        while( self.get_status() == 'connected' ):
+            readMsg = self.recvMsg( self.sock )
+            # Make sure we didn't get disconnected
+            bytes = len( readMsg )
+            if bytes == 0:
+                break
+            # Check the length of the message
+            bytes = len( readMsg )
+            # Make sure we are still connected
+            if bytes == 0:
+                break
+            else:
+                # Pass along the message so it can be processed
+                self.inbox.put( readMsg )
+                self.update_idle_time() #update the last message time
+        if bytes == 0:
+            self.log.log("Remote has disconnected!", ORPG_NOTE)
+            self.set_status(2)
+        self.outbox.put( "" )    # Make sure the other thread is woken up!
+        self.sendThreadExitEvent.set()
+        self.log.log("messenger->recvThread() has terminated...", ORPG_NOTE)
+    def recvData( self, sock, readSize ):
+        """Simple socket receive method.  This method will only return when the exact
+        byte count has been read from the connection, if remote terminates our
+        connection or we get some other socket exception."""
+        data = ""
+        offset = 0
+        try:
+            while offset != readSize:
+                frag = sock.recv( readSize - offset )
+                # See if we've been disconnected
+                rs = len( frag )
+                if rs <= 0:
+                    # Loudly raise an exception because we've been disconnected!
+                    raise IOError, "Remote closed the connection!"
+                else:
+                    # Continue to build complete message
+                    offset += rs
+                    data += frag
+        except socket.error, e:
+            self.log.log("Socket Error: messenger->recvData(): " +  str(e), ORPG_CRITICAL)
+            data = ""
+        return data
+    def recvMsg( self, sock ):
+        """This method now expects to receive a message having a 4-byte prefix length.  It will ONLY read
+        completed messages.  In the event that the remote's connection is terminated, it will throw an
+        exception which should allow for the caller to more gracefully handles this exception event.
+        Because we use strictly reading ONLY based on the length that is told to use, we no longer have to
+        worry about partially adjusting for fragmented buffers starting somewhere within a buffer that we've
+        read.  Rather, it will get ONLY a whole message and nothing more.  Everything else will remain buffered
+        with the OS until we attempt to read the next complete message."""
+        msgData = ""
+        try:
+            lenData = self.recvData( sock, self.lensize )
+            # Now, convert to a usable form
+            (length,) = unpack( 'i', lenData )
+            length = socket.ntohl( length )
+            # Read exactly the remaining amount of data
+            msgData = self.recvData( sock, length )
+            if self.isServer:
+                self.log.log("('data_recv', " + str(length+4) + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        except:
+            self.log.log("Exception: messenger->recvMsg():\n" + traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_CRITICAL)
+        return msgData
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test = messenger(None)
+    print test.build_message('hello', "This is a test message", attrib1="hello world", attrib2="hello world2", attrib3="hello world3")