diff orpg/mapper/whiteboard_handler.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children 211ac836b6a0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/orpg/mapper/whiteboard_handler.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
+#    openrpg-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# --
+# File: mapper/whiteboard_hander.py
+# Author: OpenRPG Team
+# Maintainer:
+# Version:
+#   $Id: whiteboard_handler.py,v 1.37 2007/03/09 14:11:56 digitalxero Exp $
+# Description: Whiteboard layer handler
+__version__ = "$Id: whiteboard_handler.py,v 1.37 2007/03/09 14:11:56 digitalxero Exp $"
+from base_handler import *
+from math import floor
+from math import sqrt
+class whiteboard_handler(base_layer_handler):
+    def __init__(self, parent, id, canvas):
+        self.drawing_mode = 'Freeform'
+        self.line_string = "0,0;"
+        self.drawing = False
+        self.upperleft = wx.Point(0,0)
+        self.lowerright = wx.Point(0,0)
+        #polyline drawing vars
+        self.polypoints = 0
+        self.lastpoint = None
+        self.selected = None
+        #text drawing vars
+        self.style = str(wx.NORMAL)
+        self.weight = str(wx.NORMAL)
+        self.pointsize = str(12)
+        self.text_selected_item = None
+        #self.r_h = RGBHex()
+        base_layer_handler.__init__(self, parent, id, canvas)
+        self.build_text_properties_menu()
+        self.wb = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard']
+        self.temp_circle = None
+        self.cone_start = None
+        self.temp_edge1 = None
+        self.temp_edge2 = None
+    def build_ctrls(self):
+        base_layer_handler.build_ctrls(self)
+        self.color_button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Pen Color", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT)
+        self.color_button.SetBackgroundColour(wx.BLACK)
+        self.color_button.SetForegroundColour(wx.WHITE)
+        self.drawmode_ctrl = wx.Choice(self, wx.ID_ANY, choices = ["Freeform", "Polyline","Text", "Cone", "Circle"])
+        self.drawmode_ctrl.SetSelection(0) #always start showing "Freeform"
+        self.radius = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, size=(32,-1) )
+        self.radius.SetValue("15")
+        self.live_refresh = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, " Live Refresh")
+        self.live_refresh.SetValue(True)
+        self.widthList= wx.Choice(self, wx.ID_ANY, size= wx.Size(40, 20), choices=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'])
+        self.widthList.SetSelection(0) #always start showing "1"
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Line Width: "),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.widthList, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(10,25))
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Drawing Mode: "),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.drawmode_ctrl, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, " Radius: "), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 3)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.radius, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 2)
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(10,25))
+        self.sizer.Add(self.live_refresh, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(20,25))
+        self.sizer.Add(self.color_button, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(20,25))
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.on_motion)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.check_draw_mode, self.drawmode_ctrl)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_pen_color, self.color_button)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.on_pen_width, self.widthList)
+    def build_text_properties_menu(self, label="Text Properties"):
+        self.text_properties_dialog = wx.Dialog(self, -1, "Text Properties",  name = "Text Properties")
+        self.text_props_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        okay_boxer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        okay_button = wx.Button(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_OK, "APPLY")
+        cancel_button = wx.Button(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_CANCEL,"CANCEL")
+        okay_boxer.Add(okay_button, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+        okay_boxer.Add(wx.Size(10,10))
+        okay_boxer.Add(cancel_button, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
+        self.txt_boxer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        self.txt_static = wx.StaticText(self.text_properties_dialog, -1, "Text: ")
+        self.text_control = wx.TextCtrl(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "", name = "Text: ")
+        self.txt_boxer.Add(self.txt_static,0,wx.EXPAND)
+        self.txt_boxer.Add(wx.Size(10,10))
+        self.txt_boxer.Add(self.text_control,1,wx.EXPAND)
+        self.point_boxer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        self.point_static = wx.StaticText(self.text_properties_dialog, -1, "Text Size: ")
+        self.point_control = wx.SpinCtrl(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, value = "12",min = 1, initial = 12, name = "Font Size: ")
+        self.point_boxer.Add(self.point_static,1,wx.EXPAND)
+        self.point_boxer.Add(wx.Size(10,10))
+        self.point_boxer.Add(self.point_control,0,wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_color_control = wx.Button(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "TEXT COLOR",style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT)
+        self.weight_control = wx.RadioBox(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "Weight", choices = ["Normal","Bold"])
+        self.style_control = wx.RadioBox(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "Style", choices = ["Normal", "Italic"])
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.txt_boxer,0,wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.point_boxer,0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.weight_control,0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.style_control,0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.text_color_control, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(wx.Size(10,10))
+        self.text_props_sizer.Add(okay_boxer,0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.text_props_sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.text_properties_dialog.SetSizer(self.text_props_sizer)
+        self.text_properties_dialog.Fit()
+        self.text_properties_dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_text_color, self.text_color_control)
+        self.text_properties_dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_text_properties, okay_button)
+        #self.text_properties_dialog.Destroy()
+    def build_menu(self, label = "Whiteboard"):
+        base_layer_handler.build_menu(self,label)
+        self.main_menu.AppendSeparator()
+        item = wx.MenuItem(self.main_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Change Pen Color", "Change Pen Color")
+        self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_pen_color, item)
+        self.main_menu.AppendItem(item)
+        item = wx.MenuItem(self.main_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "Delete &All Lines", "Delete All Lines")
+        self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.delete_all_lines, item)
+        self.main_menu.AppendItem(item)
+        item = wx.MenuItem(self.main_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Undo Last Deleted Line", "Undo Last Deleted Line")
+        self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.undo_line, item)
+        self.main_menu.AppendItem(item)
+        self.line_menu = wx.Menu("Whiteboard Line")
+        self.line_menu.SetTitle("Whiteboard Line")
+        item = wx.MenuItem(self.line_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Remove", "Remove")
+        self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_line_menu_item, item)
+        self.line_menu.AppendItem(item)
+        self.text_menu = wx.Menu("Whiteboard Text")
+        self.text_menu.SetTitle("Whiteboard Text")
+        item = wx.MenuItem(self.text_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Properties", "Properties")
+        self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.get_text_properties, item)
+        self.text_menu.AppendItem(item)
+        item = wx.MenuItem(self.text_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Remove", "Remove")
+        self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_text_menu_item, item)
+        self.text_menu.AppendItem(item)
+    def do_line_menu(self,pos):
+        self.canvas.PopupMenu(self.line_menu, pos)
+    def item_selected(self,evt):
+        item = evt.GetId()
+        self.item_selection = self.selection_list[item]
+    def on_text_properties(self,evt):
+        text_string = self.text_control.GetValue()
+        if self.style_control.GetStringSelection() == 'Normal':
+            style = wx.NORMAL
+        else:
+            style = wx.ITALIC
+        if self.weight_control.GetStringSelection() == 'Normal':
+            weight = wx.NORMAL
+        else:
+            weight = wx.BOLD
+        point = str(self.point_control.GetValue())
+        c = self.text_color_control.GetForegroundColour()
+        color = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].r_h.hexstring(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
+        self.text_selected_item.set_text_props(text_string, style, point, weight, color)
+        self.text_to_xml()
+        self.text_properties_dialog.Show(False)
+        self.text_selected_item.selected = False
+        self.text_selected_item.isUpdated = True
+        self.text_selected_item = None
+    def on_text_color(self,evt):
+        dlg = wx.ColourDialog(self)
+        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+            c = dlg.GetColourData()
+            self.text_color_control.SetForegroundColour(c.GetColour())
+        dlg.Destroy()
+    def text_to_xml(self):
+        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
+        xml_str += self.text_selected_item.toxml('update')
+        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
+        self.canvas.frame.session.send(xml_str)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+    def get_text_properties(self, event=None):
+        self.text_color_control.SetForegroundColour(self.text_selected_item.textcolor)
+        self.text_control.SetValue(self.text_selected_item.text_string)
+        self.point_control.SetValue(int(self.text_selected_item.pointsize))
+        if int(self.text_selected_item.weight) == wx.NORMAL:
+            self.weight_control.SetSelection(0)
+        else:
+            self.weight_control.SetSelection(1)
+        if int(self.text_selected_item.style) == wx.NORMAL:
+            self.style_control.SetSelection(0)
+        else:
+            self.style_control.SetSelection(1)
+        self.text_properties_dialog.Center()
+        self.text_properties_dialog.Show(True)
+    def do_text_menu(self, pos, items=None):
+        if items == None:
+            self.canvas.PopupMenu(self.text_menu)
+        else:
+            menu = wx.Menu()
+            self.ItemList = items
+            self.tmpPos = pos
+            for i in xrange(len(items)):
+                menu.Append(i+1, items[i].text_string)
+                self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onItemSelect, id=i+1)
+            self.canvas.PopupMenu(menu)
+        return
+    def onItemSelect(self, evt):
+        id = evt.GetId()-1
+        self.text_selected_item = self.ItemList[id]
+        self.text_selected_item.selected = True
+        if self.tmpPos == 'right':
+            self.canvas.PopupMenu(self.text_menu)
+        self.ItemList = None
+        self.tmpPos = None
+    def on_right_down(self,evt):
+        line = 0
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas)
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC(dc)
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        if self.drawing_mode == 'Text':
+            self.on_text_right_down(evt, dc)
+        elif self.drawing and ((self.drawing_mode == 'Circle') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Cone')):
+            self.check_draw_mode()
+            self.drawing = False
+        elif (self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Circle') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Cone'):
+            line_list = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].find_line(pos)
+            if line_list:
+                self.sel_rline = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].get_line_by_id(line_list.id)
+                if self.sel_rline:
+                    self.do_line_menu(evt.GetPosition())
+                    self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+            else:
+                base_layer_handler.on_right_down(self,evt)
+        else:
+            base_layer_handler.on_right_down(self,evt)
+        del dc
+    def on_pen_color(self,evt):
+        data = wx.ColourData()
+        data.SetChooseFull(True)
+        dlg = wx.ColourDialog(self.canvas, data)
+        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+            data = dlg.GetColourData()
+            color = data.GetColour()
+            self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].setcolor(color)
+            self.color_button.SetBackgroundColour(color)
+        dlg.Destroy()
+    def on_pen_width(self,evt):
+        width = int(self.widthList.GetStringSelection())
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].setwidth(width)
+    def undo_line(self,evt):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.use_roles()):
+            self.top_frame.openrpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be a GM to use this feature")
+            return
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].undo_line()
+        dc = self.create_dc()
+        self.un_highlight(dc)
+        self.selected = None
+        del dc  
+    def delete_all_lines(self,evt):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.use_roles()):
+            open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be a GM to use this feature")
+            return
+        dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Are you sure you want to delete all lines?","Delete All Lines",wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
+        if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES:
+            return
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_all_lines()
+        dc = self.create_dc()
+        self.un_highlight(dc)
+        self.selected = None
+        del dc
+    def on_line_menu_item(self, evt):
+        dc = self.create_dc()
+        self.un_highlight(dc)
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_line(self.sel_rline)
+        self.selected = None
+        del dc
+    def on_text_menu_item(self, evt):
+        dc = self.create_dc()
+        self.un_highlight(dc)
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_text(self.selected)
+        self.selected = None
+        del dc
+    # Check Draw Mode
+    # Queries the GUI to see what mode to draw in
+    # 05-09-2003 Snowdog
+    def check_draw_mode(self, evt=None):
+        self.drawing_mode = self.drawmode_ctrl.GetStringSelection()
+        #because mode can be changed while a polyline is being created
+        #clear the current linestring and reset the polyline data
+        self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0
+        self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0
+        self.lastpoint = None #because the end check function is not called we must force its lastpoint var to None again
+        self.polypoints = 0
+        self.line_string = "0,0;"
+        if self.temp_circle:
+            self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle)
+            if self.selected == self.temp_circle:
+                self.selected = None
+            self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+        self.temp_circle = None
+        self.cone_start  = None
+    # Altered on_left_up to toggle between
+    # drawing modes freeform vs polyline
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def on_left_down(self,evt):
+        if not self.drawing:
+            self.check_draw_mode()
+        if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform':
+            #Freeform mode ignores the inital down click
+            pass
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline':
+            self.polyline_add_point( evt )
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Text':
+            self.on_text_left_down(evt)
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Cone':
+            if self.cone_start == None:
+                self.on_start_cone(evt)
+            else:
+                self.draw_temporary_cone(evt)
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Circle':
+            self.draw_temporary_circle(evt)
+    # Added handling for double clicks within the map
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def on_left_dclick(self, evt):
+        if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform':
+            #Freeform mode ignores the double click
+            pass
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline':
+            self.polyline_last_point( evt )
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Text':
+            pass
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Circle' or self.drawing_mode == 'Cone':
+            self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle)
+            #pointArray = self.temp_circle.line_string.split(";")
+            self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.temp_circle.line_string)
+            self.temp_circle = None
+            self.cone_start  = None
+            self.drawing = False
+    # Altered on_left_up to toggle between
+    # drawing modes freeform vs polyline
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def on_left_up(self,evt):
+        if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform':
+            self.on_freeform_left_up(evt)
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline':
+            #Polyline mode relies on the down click
+            #not the mouse button release
+            pass
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Text':
+            pass
+    # Altered on_left_up to toggle between
+    # drawing modes freeform vs polyline
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def on_motion(self,evt):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) \
+            and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) \
+            and (session.use_roles()):
+            return
+        if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform':
+            if evt.m_leftDown:
+                self.freeform_motion(evt)
+        elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline':
+            if self.drawing:
+                self.polyline_preview( evt )
+        dc = self.create_dc()
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        hit = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_lines(pos,dc)
+        if hit:
+            self.highlight(hit,dc)
+        else:
+            self.un_highlight(dc)
+            hit = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_text(pos,dc)
+            if hit:
+                self.highlight(hit,dc)
+            else:
+                self.un_highlight(dc)
+        del dc
+    def create_dc(self):
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        return dc
+    def highlight(self,hit,dc):
+        if self.selected:
+            self.selected.highlight(False)
+            self.selected.draw(self.wb,dc)
+        self.selected = hit[0]
+        self.selected.highlight()
+        self.selected.draw(self.wb,dc)
+    def un_highlight(self,dc):
+        if self.selected:
+            self.selected.highlight(False)
+            self.selected.draw(self.wb,dc)
+    # Polyline Add Point
+    # adds a new point to the polyline
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def polyline_add_point(self, evt):
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        #reset the bounding points
+        if pos.x < self.upperleft.x:
+            self.upperleft.x = pos.x
+        elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x:
+            self.lowerright.x = pos.x
+        if pos.y < self.upperleft.y:
+            self.upperleft.y = pos.y
+        elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y:
+            self.lowerright.y = pos.y
+        #if this point doens't end the line
+        #add a new point into the line string
+        if not self.polyline_end_check( pos ):
+            if self.drawing == True:
+                self.polypoints += 1 #add one to the point counter.
+                self.line_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+                self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,self.line_string)
+            else: #start of line...
+                self.polypoints += 1 #add one to the point counter.
+                self.line_string = `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+                self.upperleft.x = pos.x
+                self.upperleft.y = pos.y
+                self.lowerright.x = pos.x
+                self.lowerright.y = pos.y
+                self.drawing = True
+        else: #end of line. Send and reset vars for next line
+            self.drawing = False
+            if self.polypoints < 2:
+                #not enough points to form a line. Ignore line
+                pass
+            else:
+                #have enough points to create valid line
+                #check to role to make sure user can draw at all....
+                session = self.canvas.frame.session
+                if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+                    open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+                    self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+                else:
+                    #user allowed to draw on whiteboard.. send polyline
+                    line = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.line_string,self.upperleft,self.lowerright)
+            #resetting variables for next line
+            self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0
+            self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0
+            self.polypoints = 0
+            self.line_string = "0,0;"
+    # Polyline Last Point
+    # adds a final point to the polyline and ends it
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def polyline_last_point(self, evt):
+        #if we haven't started a line already. Ignore the click
+        if self.drawing != True:
+            return
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        #reset the bounding points
+        if pos.x < self.upperleft.x:
+            self.upperleft.x = pos.x
+        elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x:
+            self.lowerright.x = pos.x
+        if pos.y < self.upperleft.y:
+            self.upperleft.y = pos.y
+        elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y:
+            self.lowerright.y = pos.y
+        self.polypoints += 1 #add one to the point counter.
+        self.line_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,self.line_string)
+        #end of line. Send and reset vars for next line
+        self.drawing = False
+        if self.polypoints < 2:
+            #not enough points to form a line. Ignore line
+            pass
+        else:
+            #have enough points to create valid line
+            #check to role to make sure user can draw at all....
+            session = self.canvas.frame.session
+            if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+                open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+                self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+            else:
+                #user allowed to draw on whiteboard.. send polyline
+                line = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.line_string,self.upperleft,self.lowerright)
+        #resetting variables for next line
+        self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0
+        self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0
+        self.lastpoint = None #becuase the end check function is not called we must force its lastpoint var to None again
+        self.polypoints = 0
+        self.line_string = "0,0;"
+    # Polyline End Check
+    # checks to see if a double click has occured
+    # a second click on the LAST polyline point
+    # (or very close proximity) should cause the
+    # polyline even to complete and send
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def polyline_end_check(self, pos):
+        # check to see if the position of the give point is within POLYLINE_END_TOLERANCE
+        # if it is then the line has been completed and should be sent to the map just like
+        # the original freeform version is. A line with fewer than 2 points should be ignored
+        x_in = y_in = 0
+        tol = 5
+        #first point check
+        if type(self.lastpoint) == type(None):
+            self.lastpoint = wx.Point(pos.x,pos.y)
+            return 0 #not end of line
+        if ((self.lastpoint.x -tol) <= pos.x <= (self.lastpoint.x)):
+            x_in = 1
+        if ((self.lastpoint.y -tol) <= pos.y <= (self.lastpoint.y)):
+            y_in = 1
+        if x_in and y_in:
+            #point within tolerance. End line
+            self.lastpoint = None
+            return 1
+        #if we've reached here the point is NOT a terminal point. Reset the lastpoint and return False
+        self.lastpoint.x = pos.x
+        self.lastpoint.y = pos.y
+        return 0
+    # Polyline Preview
+    # display a temporary/momentary line to the user
+    # from the last point to mouse position
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def polyline_preview(self, evt):
+        if self.drawing != True:
+            #not enough points to form a line. Ignore line
+            return
+        if self.live_refresh.GetValue() == 0:
+            #not using live redraw
+            return
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        #reset the bounding points
+        if pos.x < self.upperleft.x:
+            self.upperleft.x = pos.x
+        elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x:
+            self.lowerright.x = pos.x
+        if pos.y < self.upperleft.y:
+            self.upperleft.y = pos.y
+        elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y:
+            self.lowerright.y = pos.y
+        #redraw the line with a line connected to the cursor
+        temp_string = self.line_string
+        temp_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+        self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,temp_string)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+    # moved original on_motion to this function
+    # to allow alternate drawing method to be used
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def freeform_motion(self, evt):
+#        if not self.drawing:
+#            return
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        if pos.x < self.upperleft.x:
+            self.upperleft.x = pos.x
+        elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x:
+            self.lowerright.x = pos.x
+        if pos.y < self.upperleft.y:
+            self.upperleft.y = pos.y
+        elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y:
+            self.lowerright.y = pos.y
+        if evt.m_leftDown:
+            if self.drawing == True:
+                self.line_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+                self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,self.line_string)
+            else:
+                self.line_string = `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+                self.upperleft.x = pos.x
+                self.upperleft.y = pos.y
+                self.lowerright.x = pos.x
+                self.lowerright.y = pos.y
+            self.drawing = True
+        del dc
+    # moved original on_left_up to this function
+    # to allow alternate drawing method to be used
+    # 05-09-2003  Snowdog
+    def on_freeform_left_up(self,evt):
+        if self.drawing == True:
+            self.drawing = False
+            session = self.canvas.frame.session
+            if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+                open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+                self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+                return
+        #self.id +=1
+            line = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.line_string,self.upperleft,self.lowerright)
+            dc = self.create_dc()
+            for m in range(30):
+                line.highlight()
+                line.draw(self.wb,dc)
+                line.highlight(False)
+                line.draw(self.wb,dc)
+            del dc
+            self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0
+            self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0
+    def on_text_left_down(self, evt):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+            open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+            self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+            return
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        test_text = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_text(pos,dc)
+        if len(test_text) > 0:
+            if len(test_text) > 1:
+                self.do_text_menu('left', test_text)
+            else:
+                self.text_selected_item = test_text[0]
+                self.text_selected_item.selected = True
+            self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+        else:
+            if self.text_selected_item == None:
+                dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,"Text to add to whiteboard", caption="Enter text",defaultValue=" ")
+                if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+                    text_string = dlg.GetValue()
+                    self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_text(text_string,pos, self.style, self.pointsize, self.weight, self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].color)
+            else:
+                self.text_selected_item.posx = pos.x
+                self.text_selected_item.posy = pos.y
+                self.text_selected_item.isUpdated = True
+                self.text_to_xml()
+                self.text_selected_item.selected = False
+                self.text_selected_item = None
+        del dc
+    def on_text_right_down(self, evt, dc):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+            open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+            self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+            return
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        test_text = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_text(pos, dc)
+        if len(test_text) > 0:
+            if len(test_text) > 1:
+                self.do_text_menu('right', test_text)
+            else:
+                self.text_selected_item = test_text[0]
+                self.do_text_menu('right')
+    def on_start_cone(self, evt):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+            open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+            self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+            return
+        self.cone_start = self.get_snapped_to_logical_pos(evt)
+        self.drawing = True
+    def get_snapped_to_logical_pos(self, evt):
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        if self.canvas.layers['grid'].snap:
+            size = self.canvas.layers['grid'].unit_size
+            pos.x = int((pos.x+size/2)/size)*size
+            pos.y = int((pos.y+size/2)/size)*size
+        return pos
+    def draw_temporary_cone(self, evt):
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc)
+        pos2 = self.get_snapped_to_logical_pos(evt)
+        size = self.canvas.layers['grid'].unit_size #60
+        if abs(pos.x-pos2.x)<=size/10 and abs(pos.y-pos2.y)<=size/10:
+            pos = pos2
+        radius = int(int(self.radius.GetValue())/5) 
+        curve  = self.calculate_circle(self.cone_start, radius, size)
+        edge1 = []
+        edge2 = []
+        horizontal_inc = wx.Point(size,0)
+        if pos.x <= self.cone_start.x:
+            horizontal_inc = wx.Point(-size,0)
+        vertical_inc = wx.Point(0,size)
+        if pos.y <= self.cone_start.y:
+            vertical_inc = wx.Point(0,-size)
+        x_diff = float(pos.x - self.cone_start.x)
+        y_diff = float(pos.y - self.cone_start.y)
+        ratio = float(1)
+        if abs(x_diff) <= abs(y_diff):
+            ratio = x_diff / y_diff
+        elif abs(y_diff) < abs(x_diff):
+            ratio = -(y_diff / x_diff)
+            horizontal_inc,vertical_inc = vertical_inc,horizontal_inc #swap
+        horizontal_rotated = wx.Point(-horizontal_inc.y, horizontal_inc.x)
+        vertical_rotated   = wx.Point(-vertical_inc.y,   vertical_inc.x)
+        on_diagonal = True
+        for v in range(radius):
+            x = int(floor((v+1)*ratio)) - int(floor(v*ratio))
+            if x < 0 and on_diagonal:
+                edge1 += [vertical_inc]
+                edge1 += [horizontal_inc]
+            elif x != 0:
+                edge1 += [horizontal_inc]
+                edge1 += [vertical_inc]
+            else:
+                edge1 += [vertical_inc]
+                on_diagonal = False
+        on_diagonal = True
+        for v in range(radius):
+            x = int(floor((v+1)*(-ratio))) - int(floor(v*(-ratio)))
+            if x < 0 and on_diagonal:
+                edge2 += [vertical_rotated]
+                edge2 += [horizontal_rotated]
+            elif x != 0:
+                edge2 += [horizontal_rotated]
+                edge2 += [vertical_rotated]
+            else:
+                edge2 += [vertical_rotated]
+                on_diagonal = False
+        p = wx.Point(0,0)
+        string1 =  self.point_to_string(p, [self.cone_start])
+        string1 += self.point_to_string(p, edge1)
+        p = wx.Point(0,0)
+        string2 =  self.point_to_string(p, [self.cone_start])
+        string2 += self.point_to_string(p, edge2)
+        # truncate the edges where they meet the curve
+        pointArray = string1.split(";")
+        string1 = ""
+        for p in pointArray:
+            p += ";"
+            index = (";"+curve).find(";"+p)
+            if index >= 0:
+                # found intersection, start circle at intersection
+                curve = curve[index:]+curve[:index]
+                break
+            string1 += p
+        # truncate the edges where they meet the curve
+        pointArray = string2.split(";")
+        string2 = ""
+        for p in pointArray:
+            p += ";"
+            string2 = p + string2 #backwards
+            index = (";"+curve).find(";"+p)
+            if index >= 0:
+                # found intersection, end circle at intersection
+                curve = curve[:index]
+                break
+        curve = string1 + curve + string2
+        # add the lines that define the real cone edges
+        sz = sqrt(x_diff*x_diff + y_diff*y_diff)
+        x_diff = radius*size*x_diff/sz
+        y_diff = radius*size*y_diff/sz
+        pos = wx.Point(self.cone_start.x+x_diff, self.cone_start.y+y_diff)
+        qos = wx.Point(self.cone_start.x-y_diff, self.cone_start.y+x_diff)# 90 degree rotation
+        curve = `pos.x`+","+`pos.y`+";" + curve + `qos.x`+","+`qos.y`+";"
+        if(self.temp_circle):
+            self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle)
+            if self.selected == self.temp_circle:
+                self.selected = None
+        self.temp_circle = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_temp_line(curve)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+    def draw_temporary_circle(self, evt):
+        session = self.canvas.frame.session
+        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()):
+            open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature")
+            self.canvas.Refresh(False)
+            return
+        pos = self.get_snapped_to_logical_pos(evt)
+        size = self.canvas.layers['grid'].unit_size #60
+        radius = int(int(self.radius.GetValue())/5)
+        center = wx.Point(pos.x, pos.y+size*radius)
+        curve  = self.calculate_circle(center, radius, size)
+        if(self.temp_circle):
+            self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle)
+            self.selected = None
+        self.temp_circle = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_temp_line(curve)
+        self.drawing = True
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+    def calculate_circle(self, center, radius, size):
+        pos = wx.Point(center.x, center.y-size*radius)
+        r = int(radius+2/3)
+        right = wx.Point(size,0)
+        left  = wx.Point(-size,0)
+        up    = wx.Point(0,-size)
+        down  = wx.Point(0,size)
+        v1 = ([right, down, right]*r)[:radius]
+        v2 = ([down, right, down]*r)[r*3-radius:]
+        v3 = ([down, left, down]*r)[:radius]
+        v4 = ([left, down, left]*r)[r*3-radius:]
+        v5 = ([left, up, left]*r)[:radius]
+        v6 = ([up, left, up]*r)[r*3-radius:]
+        v7 = ([up, right, up]*r)[:radius]
+        v8 = ([right, up, right]*r)[r*3-radius:]
+        p = wx.Point(0,0)
+        temp_string =  self.point_to_string(p, [pos])
+        temp_string += self.point_to_string(p, v1+v2+v3+v4+v5+v6+v7+v8)
+        return temp_string
+    def point_to_string(self, pos, vec):
+        str = ""
+        for i in range(len(vec)):
+            pos.x = pos.x + vec[i].x
+            pos.y = pos.y + vec[i].y
+            str += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";"
+        return str