diff plugins/xxcherrypy.py @ 8:33582ce538b5 grumpy-goblin

CherryPy improvements.
author sirebral
date Sat, 18 Jul 2009 11:40:34 -0500
parents 4385a7d0efd1
children 5df1340bda13
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/plugins/xxcherrypy.py	Fri Jul 17 01:56:41 2009 -0500
+++ b/plugins/xxcherrypy.py	Sat Jul 18 11:40:34 2009 -0500
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import cherrypy._cpserver as server
 import socket
 import wx
+from orpg.orpgCore import *
  # VEG (march 21, 2007): Now remembers your last web server on/off setting
@@ -32,32 +33,25 @@
         self.toggle = self.menu.AppendCheckItem(wx.ID_ANY, 'On')
         self.topframe.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.cherrypy_toggle, self.toggle)
-        ports = wx.Menu()
-        self.portClient = ports.AppendRadioItem(wx.ID_ANY, 'Client:9557')
-        self.portServer = ports.AppendRadioItem(wx.ID_ANY, 'Server:9558')
-        self.topframe.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.port_change, self.portClient)
-        self.topframe.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.port_change, self.portServer)
-        self.menu.AppendMenu(wx.ID_ANY, 'Port', ports)
-    def port_change(self, evt):
-        if self.portClient.IsChecked() == True: self.on_cherrypy("port 9557")
-        if self.portServer.IsChecked() == True: self.on_cherrypy("port 9558")
     def cherrypy_toggle(self, evt):
         if self.toggle.IsChecked() == True: self.on_cherrypy("on")
         if self.toggle.IsChecked() == False: self.on_cherrypy("off")
     def plugin_enabled(self):
-        self.port = 9557
+        cpport = 0 # Container object so we can call port instead of an assigned ##
+        self.port = 6775 if not int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxcherrypy", "port", cpport)) else int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxcherrypy", "port", cpport)); del cpport #Deletes port container.
         self.plugin_addcommand('/cherrypy', self.on_cherrypy, '[on | off | port | status] - This controls the CherryPy Web Server')
-        tmp = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
-        for ip in tmp[2]:
-            self.host = ip
-            if ip[:7] == '192.168' or ip[:3] == '10.' or ip == '' or (ip[:3] == '172' and (int(ip[5:6]) >= 16 and int(ip[5:6]) <=32)) :
-                self.chat.InfoPost("[WARNING] Cherrypy has detected that you may be behind a router. This is your internal IP. For other users to properly connect, you may have to use your external IP, with port forwarding on port 80.<br />This feature is not suported in any way.")
-        #if str(self.plugindb.GetString("xxcherrypy", "auto_start", "off")) == "on":  # VEG
-        #    self.on_cherrypy("on")                                                   # VEG
+        import urllib
+        url = urllib.URLopener()
+        resp = url.open('http://www.knowledgearcana.com/vgt/ip_scrape.php')
+        html = resp.read(19+19)
+        ip = html[19:]; self.host = ip[1:len(ip)-1]
+        cpobj = 0
+        if str(self.plugindb.GetString("xxcherrypy", "auto_start", cpobj)) == "on":  # VEG
+            self.on_cherrypy("on")                                                   # VEG
+        del cpobj
+        self.cherryhost = 'http://' + self.host + ':' + str(self.port) + '/webfiles/'
+        open_rpg.add_component("cherrypy", self.cherryhost)
     def plugin_disabled(self):
         #Here you need to remove any commands you added, and anything else you want to happen when you disable the plugin
@@ -68,7 +62,7 @@
             self.isServerRunning = 'off'
+        open_rpg.del_component("cherrypy")
     def on_cherrypy(self, cmdargs):
         args = cmdargs.split(None,-1)
@@ -92,13 +86,14 @@
         elif args[0] == 'port':
             if self.isServerRunning == 'on':
-                self.port = int(args[1])
-                server.stop()
-                self.webserver = thread.start_new_thread(self.startServer, (self.port,))
+                self.chat.InfoPost('Please turn CherryPy off first!')
+                return
             self.port = int(args[1])
+            self.plugindb.SetString("xxcherrypy", "port", str(self.port)) # TAS
             self.chat.InfoPost("CherryPy Web Server is currently: " + self.isServerRunning)
-            self.chat.InfoPost("CherryPy Web Server address is: http://" + str(self.host) + ':' + str(self.port) + '/webfiles/')
+            self.cherryhost = 'http://' + self.host + ':' + str(self.port) + '/webfiles/'
+            open_rpg.del_component("cherrypy"); open_rpg.add_component("cherrypy", self.cherryhost)
+            self.chat.InfoPost('CherryPy Web Server address is: ' + self.cherryhost)
     def startServer(self, port):