changeset 1701:edb41570f81b

author Grumpy7
date Sun, 22 Sep 2013 18:10:35 +0200
parents ef42788fef1d (current diff) 33c7cc2d48d5 (diff)
children 5cbd88f8a2eb
diffstat 3 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 741 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/UI/UIPopup.cpp	Sun Sep 22 18:09:44 2013 +0200
+++ b/UI/UIPopup.cpp	Sun Sep 22 18:10:35 2013 +0200
@@ -106,61 +106,17 @@
 //----- (0041D895) --------------------------------------------------------
 void GameUI_DrawItemInfo( struct ItemGen* inspect_item )
-    {
-    ItemGen *v1; // esi@1
     unsigned int v2; // eax@3
-    signed int v6; // eax@5
-    int v7; // edx@5
-    char v10; // zf@16
-    ItemGen *v11; // eax@16
-    ItemGen *v12; // eax@25
-    const char *v16; // eax@34
-    int v17; // eax@36
-    int v18; // esi@37
-    unsigned __int16 v19; // ax@37
-    char v21; // al@44
-    int v24; // eax@52
-    int v25; // eax@57
-    int v26; // eax@60
-    int v27; // eax@67
     const char *v28; // edi@69
-    int v29; // eax@70
-    char v30; // edi@78
-    const char *v31; // eax@78
-    int v32; // ecx@81
-    unsigned int v33; // eax@81
     int v34; // esi@81
-    const char *v35; // eax@85
-    const char *v36; // eax@87
-    unsigned int v37; // eax@109
-    unsigned int v38; // eax@109
-    int v39; // eax@113
-    GUIFont *v40; // edx@113
-    signed int v41; // [sp-20h] [bp-298h]@113
-    int v42; // [sp-1Ch] [bp-294h]@113
-    unsigned int v44; // [sp-18h] [bp-290h]@113
-    const char *v46; // [sp-14h] [bp-28Ch]@58
-    char *v47; // [sp-14h] [bp-28Ch]@110
-    const char *v49; // [sp-10h] [bp-288h]@56
-    char *v50; // [sp-10h] [bp-288h]@58
-    int v51; // [sp-10h] [bp-288h]@110
-    const char *v52; // [sp-Ch] [bp-284h]@36
-    char *v54; // [sp-Ch] [bp-284h]@56
-    int v55; // [sp-Ch] [bp-284h]@58
-    int v56; // [sp-Ch] [bp-284h]@110
-    unsigned int v57; // [sp-8h] [bp-280h]@36
-    int v59; // [sp-8h] [bp-280h]@56
-    int v60; // [sp-8h] [bp-280h]@58
-    unsigned int v61; // [sp-8h] [bp-280h]@110
+    char *pText; // [sp-14h] [bp-28Ch]@110
     char out_text[300]; // [sp+8h] [bp-270h]@40
     char v65[120]; // [sp+134h] [bp-144h]@92
-    char Source[40]; // [sp+1ACh] [bp-CCh]@49
     stru351_summoned_item v67;
-    int var88; // [sp+1F0h] [bp-88h]@1
-    Texture *v73; // [sp+1F4h] [bp-84h]@5
     int v77; // [sp+200h] [bp-78h]@12
     int v78; // [sp+204h] [bp-74h]@5
-    GUIWindow wHintWindow; // [sp+208h] [bp-70h]@2
+    GUIWindow iteminfo_window; // [sp+208h] [bp-70h]@2
     POINT a2; // [sp+25Ch] [bp-1Ch]@2
     int v81; // [sp+264h] [bp-14h]@5
     PlayerSpeech v83; // [sp+26Ch] [bp-Ch]@18
@@ -168,175 +124,146 @@
     int v85;
     char *Str; // [sp+270h] [bp-8h]@65
-    v1 = inspect_item;
-    var88 = TargetColor(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-    if (!inspect_item->uItemID)
-        return;
-    wHintWindow.Hint = 0;
-    wHintWindow.uFrameWidth = 384;
-    wHintWindow.uFrameHeight = 180;
-    wHintWindow.uFrameY = 40;
-    if ( pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x <= 320 )
-        v2 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x + 30;
-    else
-        v2 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x - wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 30;
-    wHintWindow.uFrameX = v2;
-    auto item_desc = &pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID];
-    //v3 = (char *)&pItemsTable->pItems[_this->uItemID].pIconName;
-    //v76 = v3;
-    //v4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[_this->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-    //v5 = v4;
-    //v4 *= 72;
-    //v75 = v4;
-    //v73 = &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v4];
-    v73 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(item_desc->pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-    v6 = 100 - v73->uTextureWidth;
-    v7 = v73->uTextureHeight;
-    v78 = v6;
-    v81 = 144 - v7;
-    if ( v6 > 0 )
-        v78 = v6 >> 1;
-    if ( v81 <= 0 )
-        v81 = 0;
-    else
-        v81 >>= 1;
-    if ( !item_desc->uItemID_Rep_St )
+  if (!inspect_item->uItemID)
+    return;
+  iteminfo_window.Hint = 0;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth = 384;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight = 180;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameY = 40;
+  if ( pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x <= 320 )
+    v2 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x + 30;
+  else
+    v2 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x - iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 30;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameX = v2;
+  v78 = 100 - pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->uTextureWidth;
+  v81 = 144 - pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->uTextureHeight;
+  if ( v78 > 0 )
+    v78 = v78 / 2;
+  if ( v81 <= 0 )
+    v81 = 0;
+  else
+    v81 = v81 / 2;
+  if ( !pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uItemID_Rep_St )
+    inspect_item->SetIdentified();
+  v77 = 0;
+  if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uEquipType == EQUIP_GOLD)
+    v77 = inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType;
+  if ( uActiveCharacter )
+  {
+  //try to identify
+    if (!inspect_item->IsIdentified())
+    {
+      //v11 = inspect_item;
+      if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanIdentify(inspect_item) == 1 )
-    //v9 = v8->uAttributes;
-    v77 = 0;
-    //a2.y = v8->uAttributes & 2;
-    if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uEquipType == EQUIP_GOLD)
-        v77 = inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType;
-    if ( uActiveCharacter )
-        {
-        //try to identify
-        if (!inspect_item->IsIdentified())
-            {
-            v11 = inspect_item;
-            if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanIdentify(inspect_item) == 1 )
-                inspect_item->SetIdentified();
-            v83 = SPEECH_9;
-            if ( !inspect_item->IsIdentified() )
-                {
-                ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[446], 2u);//"Identify Failed"
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                v83 = SPEECH_8;
-                if ( inspect_item->GetValue() < 100 * (pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel + 5) )
-                    v83 = SPEECH_7;
-                }
-            if ( dword_4E455C )
-                {
-                pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)(int)v83, 0);
-                dword_4E455C = 0;
-                }
-            }
-        inspect_item->UpdateTempBonus(pParty->uTimePlayed);
-        if (inspect_item->IsBroken())
-            {
-            if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanRepair(inspect_item) == 1 )
-                inspect_item->uAttributes = inspect_item->uAttributes & 0xFFFFFFFD | 1;
-            v83 = SPEECH_11;
-            if ( !inspect_item->IsBroken() )
-                v83 = SPEECH_10;
-            else
-                ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[448], 2u);//"Repair Failed"
-            if ( dword_4E455C )
-                {
-                pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(v83, 0);
-                dword_4E455C = 0;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    //v13 = _this->uAttributes;
-    //v14 = _this->Identified();
-    //a2.y = inspect_item->Identified();
+      v83 = SPEECH_9;
+      if ( !inspect_item->IsIdentified() )
+        ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[446], 2);//"Identify Failed"
+      else
+      {
+        v83 = SPEECH_8;
+        if ( inspect_item->GetValue() < 100 * (pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel + 5) )
+          v83 = SPEECH_7;
+      }
+      if ( dword_4E455C )
+      {
+        pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)(int)v83, 0);
+        dword_4E455C = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    inspect_item->UpdateTempBonus(pParty->uTimePlayed);
     if (inspect_item->IsBroken())
-        {
-        wHintWindow.DrawMessageBox(0);
-        //v15 = &;
-        pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(wHintWindow.uFrameX + 12, wHintWindow.uFrameY + 12,
-            wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 12, 
-            wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 12);
-        wHintWindow.uFrameWidth -= 24;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameHeight -= 12;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameZ = wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 1;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameW = wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 1;
-        pRenderer->DrawTransparentRedShade(wHintWindow.uFrameX + v78, v81 + wHintWindow.uFrameY + 30, v73);
-        if ( inspect_item->IsIdentified())
-            v16 = inspect_item->GetIdentifiedName();
-        else
-            v16 = item_desc->pUnidentifiedName;
-        wHintWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xCu, var88, v16, 3u);
-        v17 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[32], &wHintWindow, 0, 0); //"Broken Item"
-        v18 = v17 >> 1;
-        v19 = TargetColor(0xFFu, 0x19u, 0x19u);
-        wHintWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0x64u, ((signed int)wHintWindow.uFrameHeight >> 1) - v18, v19, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[32], 3); //"Broken Item"
-        pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
-        if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-            {
-            v73->Release();
-            pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-            }
-        return;
-        }
-    if (!inspect_item->IsIdentified())
-        {
-        wHintWindow.DrawMessageBox(0);
-        pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(wHintWindow.uFrameX + 12,  wHintWindow.uFrameY + 12,
-            wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 12, 
-            wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 12);
-        wHintWindow.uFrameWidth -= 24;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameHeight -= 12;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameZ = wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 1;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameW = wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 1;
-        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(wHintWindow.uFrameX + v78, v81 + wHintWindow.uFrameY + 30, v73);
-        wHintWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xCu, var88, item_desc->pUnidentifiedName, 3u);
-        v17 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[232], &wHintWindow, 0, 0); ///"Not Identified"
-        v18 = v17 >> 1;
-        v19 = TargetColor(0xFFu, 0x19u, 0x19u);
-        wHintWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0x64u, ((signed int)wHintWindow.uFrameHeight >> 1) - v18, v19, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[232], 3);
-        pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
-        if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-            {
-            v73->Release();
-            pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-            }
-        return;
-        }
-    sprintfex(out_text, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[463], item_desc->pUnidentifiedName); //"Type: %s"
-    out_text[100] = 0;
-    out_text[200] = 0;
-    //v20 = item_desc->uEquipType;
-    switch (item_desc->uEquipType)
-        {
+    {
+      if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanRepair(inspect_item) == 1 )
+        inspect_item->uAttributes = inspect_item->uAttributes & 0xFFFFFFFD | 1;
+      v83 = SPEECH_11;
+      if ( !inspect_item->IsBroken() )
+        v83 = SPEECH_10;
+      else
+        ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[448], 2);//"Repair Failed"
+      if ( dword_4E455C )
+      {
+        pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(v83, 0);
+        dword_4E455C = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (inspect_item->IsBroken())
+  {
+    iteminfo_window.DrawMessageBox(0);
+    pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(iteminfo_window.uFrameX + 12, iteminfo_window.uFrameY + 12,
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 12, 
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 12);
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth -= 24;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight -= 12;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameZ = iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 1;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameW = iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 1;
+    pRenderer->DrawTransparentRedShade(iteminfo_window.uFrameX + v78, v81 + iteminfo_window.uFrameY + 30, pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE));
+    if ( inspect_item->IsIdentified())
+      pText = (char *)inspect_item->GetIdentifiedName();
+    else
+      pText = pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
+    iteminfo_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xCu, TargetColor(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu), pText, 3);
+    iteminfo_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0x64u, ((signed int)iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight >> 1) - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[32], &iteminfo_window, 0, 0) / 2,
+                   TargetColor(0xFFu, 0x19u, 0x19u), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[32], 3); //"Broken Item"
+    pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
+    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+    {
+      pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!inspect_item->IsIdentified())
+  {
+    iteminfo_window.DrawMessageBox(0);
+    pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(iteminfo_window.uFrameX + 12,  iteminfo_window.uFrameY + 12,
+          iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 12,  iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 12);
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth -= 24;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight -= 12;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameZ = iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 1;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameW = iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 1;
+    pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(iteminfo_window.uFrameX + v78, v81 + iteminfo_window.uFrameY + 30, pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE));
+    iteminfo_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xCu, TargetColor(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu), pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pUnidentifiedName, 3);
+    iteminfo_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0x64u, ((signed int)iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight >> 1) - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[232], &iteminfo_window, 0, 0) / 2,
+                        TargetColor(0xFFu, 0x19u, 0x19u), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[232], 3);//"Not Identified"
+    pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
+    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+    {
+      pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  sprintfex(out_text, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[463], pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pUnidentifiedName); //"Type: %s"
+  out_text[100] = 0;
+  out_text[200] = 0;
+  switch (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uEquipType)
+  {
     case EQUIP_OFF_HAND:
     case EQUIP_MAIN_HAND:
-        sprintfex(out_text + 100, "%s: +%d   %s: %dd%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[LOCSTR_ATTACK],
-            (int)item_desc->uDamageMod, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53], (int)item_desc->uDamageDice, (int)item_desc->uDamageRoll); //"Damage"
-        if (item_desc->uDamageMod)
-            {
-            char mod[16];
-            sprintf(mod, "+%d", (int)item_desc->uDamageMod);
-            strcat(out_text + 100, mod);
-            }
-        break;
+      sprintfex(out_text + 100, "%s: +%d   %s: %dd%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[LOCSTR_ATTACK],
+          (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53],
+          (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageDice, (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageRoll); //"Damage"
+      if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod)
+      {
+        char mod[16];
+        sprintf(mod, "+%d", (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod);
+        strcat(out_text + 100, mod);
+      }
+      break;
     case EQUIP_BOW:
-        sprintfex(out_text + 100, "%s: +%d   %s: %dd%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[203], //"Shoot"
-            (int)item_desc->uDamageMod, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53], //"Damage"
-            (int)item_desc->uDamageDice, (int)item_desc->uDamageRoll);
-        if (item_desc->uDamageMod)
-            {
-            char mod[16];
-            sprintf(mod, "+%d", (int)item_desc->uDamageMod);
-            strcat(out_text + 100, mod);
-            }
-        break;
+      sprintfex(out_text + 100, "%s: +%d   %s: %dd%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[203], //"Shoot"
+          (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53], //"Damage"
+          (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageDice, (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageRoll);
+      if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod)
+      {
+        char mod[16];
+        sprintf(mod, "+%d", (int)pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod);
+        strcat(out_text + 100, mod);
+      }
+      break;
     case EQUIP_ARMOUR:
     case EQUIP_SHIELD:
@@ -347,260 +274,179 @@
     case EQUIP_BOOTS:
     case EQUIP_RING:
     case EQUIP_AMULET:
-        if (item_desc->uDamageDice) //"Armor"	
-            sprintfex(out_text + 100, "%s: +%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[11], item_desc->uDamageDice + item_desc->uDamageMod);
-        break;
-        }
-    if ( !v77 )
-        {
-        if (item_desc->uEquipType ==EQUIP_POTION)  //this is CORRECT! do not move to switch!
-            {
-            if ( inspect_item->uEnchantmentType )
-                sprintf(out_text + 200,  "%s: %d",pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[449] , inspect_item->uEnchantmentType); //"Power"
-            }
-        else if (item_desc->uEquipType == EQUIP_REAGENT)
-            {
-            sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[449], pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageDice); //"Power"
-            }
-        else if ( inspect_item->uEnchantmentType )
-            {
-            sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %s +%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[210],
-                pItemsTable->pEnchantments[inspect_item->uEnchantmentType-1].pBonusStat, inspect_item->m_enchantmentStrength); //"Special"
-            }
-        else  if ( inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType )
-            {      
-            sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %s", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[210], 
-                pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType-1].pBonusStatement, inspect_item->m_enchantmentStrength);
-            }
-        else if ( inspect_item->uNumCharges )
-            {
-            sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %lu", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[464], inspect_item->uNumCharges); //"Charges"
+      if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageDice) //"Armor"	
+          sprintfex(out_text + 100, "%s: +%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[11],
+                    pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageDice + pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageMod);
+      break;
+  }
-            }
-        }
-    wHintWindow.uFrameWidth -= 12;
-    v85 = 3;
-    wHintWindow.uFrameZ = wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 1;
-    wHintWindow.uFrameW = wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 1;
-    Str = (char *)(3 * (LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) + 8));
-    v84 = &out_text[0];
-    do
-        {
-        if ( *v84 )
-            {
-            v27 = pFontComic->CalcTextHeight(v84, &wHintWindow, 100, 0);
-            Str += v27 + 3;
-            }
-        v84 += 100;
-        --v85;
-        }
-        while ( v85 );
-        v28 = item_desc->pDescription;
-        if ( *v28 )
-            {
-            v29 = pFontSmallnum->CalcTextHeight(v28, &wHintWindow, 100, 0);
-            Str += v29;
-            }
-        wHintWindow.uFrameHeight = v73->uTextureHeight + v81 + 54;
-        if ( (signed int)Str > (signed int)wHintWindow.uFrameHeight )
-            wHintWindow.uFrameHeight = (unsigned int)Str;
-        if ( inspect_item->uAttributes & 8 && (inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType || inspect_item->uEnchantmentType) )
-            wHintWindow.uFrameHeight += LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight);
-        v85 = 0;
-        if ( pFontArrus->uFontHeight )
-            {
-            wHintWindow.uFrameWidth -= 24;
-            v30 = pFontArrus->uFontHeight;
-            v31 = inspect_item->GetIdentifiedName();
-            if ( pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v31, &wHintWindow, 0, 0) / (signed int)v30 )
-                v85 = v30;
-            wHintWindow.uFrameWidth += 24;
-            }
-        wHintWindow.uFrameWidth += 12;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameHeight += (unsigned int)v85;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameW = wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 1;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameZ = wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 1;
-        wHintWindow.DrawMessageBox(0);
-        //v15 = pRenderer;
-        pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(wHintWindow.uFrameX + 12, wHintWindow.uFrameY + 12,
-            wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 12, wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 12);
-        wHintWindow.uFrameWidth -= 12;
-        v32 = v73->uTextureHeight;
-        v33 = wHintWindow.uFrameHeight;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameHeight -= 12;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameZ = wHintWindow.uFrameX + wHintWindow.uFrameWidth - 1;
-        wHintWindow.uFrameW = wHintWindow.uFrameY + wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 1;
-        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(
-            wHintWindow.uFrameX + v78,
-            wHintWindow.uFrameY + (signed int)(v33 - v32) / 2,
-            v73);
+  if ( !v77 )
+  {
+    if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uEquipType ==EQUIP_POTION)  //this is CORRECT! do not move to switch!
+    {
+      if ( inspect_item->uEnchantmentType )
+           sprintf(out_text + 200,  "%s: %d",pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[449] , inspect_item->uEnchantmentType); //"Power"
+    }
+    else if (pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uEquipType == EQUIP_REAGENT)
+      sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[449], pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].uDamageDice); //"Power"
+    else if ( inspect_item->uEnchantmentType )
+      sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %s +%d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[210], pItemsTable->pEnchantments[inspect_item->uEnchantmentType-1].pBonusStat, inspect_item->m_enchantmentStrength); //"Special"
+    else  if ( inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType )
+      sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %s", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[210], pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType-1].pBonusStatement, inspect_item->m_enchantmentStrength);
+    else if ( inspect_item->uNumCharges )
+      sprintf(out_text + 200, "%s: %lu", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[464], inspect_item->uNumCharges); //"Charges"
+  }
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth -= 12;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameZ = iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 1;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameW = iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 1;
+  Str = (char *)(3 * (LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) + 8));
+  v84 = &out_text[0];
+  for ( uint i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )
+  {
+    if ( *v84 )
+      Str += pFontComic->CalcTextHeight(v84, &iteminfo_window, 100, 0) + 3;
+    v84 += 100;
+  }
+  v28 = pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pDescription;
+  if ( *v28 )
+    Str += pFontSmallnum->CalcTextHeight(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pDescription, &iteminfo_window, 100, 0);
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName,
+                                     TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->uTextureHeight + v81 + 54;
+  if ( (signed int)Str > (signed int)iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight )
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight = (unsigned int)Str;
+  if ( inspect_item->uAttributes & 8 && (inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType || inspect_item->uEnchantmentType) )
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight += LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight);
+  v85 = 0;
+  if ( pFontArrus->uFontHeight )
+  {
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth -= 24;
+    if ( pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(inspect_item->GetIdentifiedName(), &iteminfo_window, 0, 0) / (signed int)pFontArrus->uFontHeight )
+      v85 = pFontArrus->uFontHeight;
+    iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth += 24;
+  }
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth += 12;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight += (unsigned int)v85;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameW = iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 1;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameZ = iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 1;
+  iteminfo_window.DrawMessageBox(0);
+  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(iteminfo_window.uFrameX + 12, iteminfo_window.uFrameY + 12,
+         iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 12, iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 12);
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth -= 12;
+  //v32 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->uTextureHeight;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight -= 12;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameZ = iteminfo_window.uFrameX + iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth - 1;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameW = iteminfo_window.uFrameY + iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 1;
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(iteminfo_window.uFrameX + v78,
+      iteminfo_window.uFrameY + (signed int)(iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->uTextureHeight) / 2,
+      pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE));
-        v34 = (int)(v85 + 35);
-        v85 = 3;
-        Str = out_text;
-        do
-            {
-            if ( *Str )
-                {
-                wHintWindow.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, v34, 0, Str, 0, 0, 0);
-                v34 += pFontComic->CalcTextHeight(Str, &wHintWindow, 100, 0) + 3;
-                }
-            Str += 100;
-            --v85;
-            }
-            while (v85 );
-            v35 = item_desc->pDescription;
-            if ( *v35 )
-                wHintWindow.DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 100, v34, 0, v35, 0, 0, 0);
-            wHintWindow.uFrameX += 12;
-            wHintWindow.uFrameWidth -= 24;
-            v36 = inspect_item->GetIdentifiedName();
-            wHintWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xCu, var88, v36, 3u);
-            wHintWindow.uFrameWidth += 24;
-            wHintWindow.uFrameX -= 12;
-            if ( v77 )
-                {
-                sprintf(, "%s: %lu", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[465], v77);//"Value"
-                v40 = pFontComic;
-                v61 = 0;
-                v56 = 0;
-                v51 = 0;
-                v47 =;
-                v44 = 0;
-                v42 = wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight);
-                v41 = 100;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                if ( (inspect_item->uAttributes & 8) && (inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType || inspect_item->uEnchantmentType) )
-                    {
-                    init_summoned_item(&v67, inspect_item->uExpireTime - pParty->uTimePlayed);
-                    strcpy(, "Duration:");
-                    Str = (char *)(v67.field_18_expire_year - game_starting_year);
-                    if (v67.field_18_expire_year != 1168 )
-                        {
-                        sprintf(v65, " %d:yr", v67.field_18_expire_year - game_starting_year);
-                        strcat(, v65);
-                        }
-                    if ( (((v67.field_14_exprie_month || Str) && 
-                        ((sprintf(v65, " %d:mo", v67.field_14_exprie_month), strcat(, v65), v67.field_14_exprie_month) || Str) 
-                        || v67.field_C_expire_day)
-                        && ((sprintf(v65, " %d:dy", v67.field_C_expire_day), strcat(, v65), v67.field_14_exprie_month) || Str || 
-                        v67.field_C_expire_day)
-                        || v67.field_8_expire_hour)
-                        && ((sprintf(v65, " %d:hr", v67.field_8_expire_hour), strcat(, v65), v67.field_14_exprie_month) || Str || 
-                        v67.field_C_expire_day || v67.field_8_expire_hour)
-                        || v67.field_4_expire_minute )
-                        {
-                        sprintf(v65, " %d:mn", v67.field_4_expire_minute);
-                        strcat(, v65);
-                        }
-                    wHintWindow.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - 2 * LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight), 0,, 0, 0, 0);
-                    }
-                v37 = inspect_item->GetValue();
-                sprintf(, "%s: %lu", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[465], v37);
-                wHintWindow.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight), 0,, 0, 0, 0);
-                v38 = inspect_item->uAttributes;
-                if ( BYTE1(v38) & 1 )
-                    {
-                    v61 = 0;
-                    v56 = 0;
-                    v51 = 0;
-                    v47 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[187]; //"Stolen"
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    if ( !(BYTE1(v38) & 2) )
-                        {
-                        pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
-                        if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-                            {
-                            v73->Release();
-                            pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-                            }
-                        return;
-                        }
-                    v61 = 0;
-                    v56 = 0;
-                    v51 = 0;
-                    v47 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[651]; //"Hardened"
-                    }
-                LOWORD(v38) = LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask);
-                v44 = v38;
-                v42 = wHintWindow.uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight);
-                v39 = pFontComic->GetLineWidth(;
-                v40 = pFontComic;
-                v41 = v39 + 132;
-                }
-            wHintWindow.DrawText(v40, v41, v42, v44, v47, v51, v56, v61);
-            pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
-            if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-                {
-                v73->Release();
-                pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-                }
-            return;
+  v34 = (int)(v85 + 35);
+  Str = out_text;
+  for ( uint i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )
+  {
+    if ( *Str )
+    {
+      iteminfo_window.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, v34, 0, Str, 0, 0, 0);
+      v34 += pFontComic->CalcTextHeight(Str, &iteminfo_window, 100, 0) + 3;
+    Str += 100;
+  }
+  v28 = pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pDescription;
+  if ( *v28 )
+    iteminfo_window.DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 100, v34, 0, v28, 0, 0, 0);
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameX += 12;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth -= 24;
+  iteminfo_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xCu, TargetColor(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu), inspect_item->GetIdentifiedName(), 3);
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameWidth += 24;
+  iteminfo_window.uFrameX -= 12;
+  if ( v77 )
+  {
+    sprintf(, "%s: %lu", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[465], v77);//"Value"
+    iteminfo_window.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight), 0,, 0, 0, 0);
+    pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( (inspect_item->uAttributes & 8) && (inspect_item->uSpecEnchantmentType || inspect_item->uEnchantmentType) )
+    {
+      init_summoned_item(&v67, inspect_item->uExpireTime - pParty->uTimePlayed);
+      strcpy(, "Duration:");
+      Str = (char *)(v67.field_18_expire_year - game_starting_year);
+      if (v67.field_18_expire_year != 1168 )
+      {
+        sprintf(v65, " %d:yr", v67.field_18_expire_year - game_starting_year);
+        strcat(, v65);
+      }
+      if ( (((v67.field_14_exprie_month || Str) && 
+           ((sprintf(v65, " %d:mo", v67.field_14_exprie_month), strcat(, v65), v67.field_14_exprie_month) || Str) 
+         || v67.field_C_expire_day)
+         && ((sprintf(v65, " %d:dy", v67.field_C_expire_day), strcat(, v65), v67.field_14_exprie_month) || Str || 
+             v67.field_C_expire_day)
+         || v67.field_8_expire_hour)
+         && ((sprintf(v65, " %d:hr", v67.field_8_expire_hour), strcat(, v65), v67.field_14_exprie_month) || Str || 
+             v67.field_C_expire_day || v67.field_8_expire_hour)
+         || v67.field_4_expire_minute )
+      {
+        sprintf(v65, " %d:mn", v67.field_4_expire_minute);
+        strcat(, v65);
+      }
+      iteminfo_window.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - 2 * LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight), 0,, 0, 0, 0);
+    }
+    sprintf(, "%s: %lu", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[465], inspect_item->GetValue());
+    iteminfo_window.DrawText(pFontComic, 100, iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight), 0,, 0, 0, 0);
+    if ( BYTE1(inspect_item->uAttributes) & 1 )
+      pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[187]; //"Stolen"
+    else
+    {
+      if ( !(BYTE1(inspect_item->uAttributes) & 2) )
+      {
+        pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
+        if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+        {
+          pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->Release();
+          pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[651]; //"Hardened"
+    }
+    LOWORD(inspect_item->uAttributes) = LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask);
+    iteminfo_window.DrawText(pFontComic, pFontComic->GetLineWidth( + 132,
+          iteminfo_window.uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontComic->uFontHeight), inspect_item->uAttributes, pText, 0, 0, 0);
+    pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
+  }
+  if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+  {
+    pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pItemsTable->pItems[inspect_item->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)->Release();
+    pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+  }
+  return;
 // 4E455C: using guessed type int dword_4E455C;
 // 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
 //----- (0041E360) --------------------------------------------------------
-void MonsterPopup_Draw(unsigned int uActorID, GUIWindow *edx0)
+void MonsterPopup_Draw(unsigned int uActorID, GUIWindow *window)
-  unsigned int v2; // esi@1
-  Actor *v3; // esi@3
-  int v4; // eax@3
-  //unsigned int v5; // ecx@3
-  NPCData *v6; // eax@3
-  unsigned __int16 v7; // cx@3
   int v8; // eax@4
   unsigned __int16 v9; // dx@4
   SpriteFrame *v10; // edi@17
-  LODSprite *v11; // esi@17
-  unsigned int v12; // ecx@17
-  Sprite *v13; // edi@18
-  //int v14; // ecx@18
-  //int v15; // edx@18
-  //int v16; // edx@18
-  //int v17; // eax@18
   unsigned int v18; // ecx@19
   unsigned int v19; // eax@21
   char *v20; // esi@28
   int v21; // edx@29
   unsigned __int16 *v22; // ecx@29
   int v23; // eax@29
-  int v24; // eax@32
   int v25; // esi@32
   char *v26; // edx@34
   unsigned __int8 v27; // sf@36
   unsigned __int8 v28; // of@36
-  //int v29; // esi@40
-  //unsigned __int16 *v30; // ecx@40
-  //int v31; // eax@40
-  //int v32; // esi@43
-  //unsigned __int16 v33; // ax@45
-  //int v34; // edx@45
-  //int v35; // eax@45
-  int v36; // eax@49
-  //char *v37; // eax@52
-  int v38; // eax@55
-  unsigned __int16 v39; // ax@59
   SpellBuff *v40; // eax@60
   int v41; // edi@61
   unsigned int v42; // eax@61
   int v43; // eax@62
   int v44; // eax@63
   signed int v45; // edi@65
-  unsigned __int16 v46; // ax@73
-  Player *v47; // ecx@77
-  //unsigned int v48; // eax@85
-  GUIFont *v49; // edi@90
   int v50; // edi@90
   SpellBuff *v51; // eax@91
   char *v52; // ecx@98
@@ -614,21 +460,16 @@
   unsigned __int8 v60; // dl@138
   char *v62; // eax@147
   int v63; // eax@152
-  //char *result; // eax@152
   int v65; // eax@155
-  const char *v66; // [sp-10h] [bp-1FCh]@121
   const char *v67; // [sp-10h] [bp-1FCh]@125
   const char *v68; // [sp-10h] [bp-1FCh]@142
-  int v69; // [sp-Ch] [bp-1F8h]@121
   char *v70; // [sp-Ch] [bp-1F8h]@125
   char *v71; // [sp-Ch] [bp-1F8h]@142
   char *v72; // [sp-8h] [bp-1F4h]@54
   int v73; // [sp-8h] [bp-1F4h]@79
-  int v74; // [sp-8h] [bp-1F4h]@121
   int v75; // [sp-8h] [bp-1F4h]@125
   int v76; // [sp-8h] [bp-1F4h]@142
   size_t v77; // [sp-4h] [bp-1F0h]@54
-  unsigned int v78; // [sp-4h] [bp-1F0h]@121
   unsigned int v79; // [sp-4h] [bp-1F0h]@125
   char *v80; // [sp-4h] [bp-1F0h]@142
   char *v81; // [sp-4h] [bp-1F0h]@148
@@ -642,25 +483,17 @@
   unsigned __int16 *v108; // [sp+1A4h] [bp-48h]@34
   unsigned int v109; // [sp+1A8h] [bp-44h]@32
   LPVOID v110; // [sp+1ACh] [bp-40h]@28
-  unsigned int v111; // [sp+1B0h] [bp-3Ch]@29
   int v112; // [sp+1B4h] [bp-38h]@3
   int v222; // [sp+1B8h] [bp-34h]@18
   unsigned __int8 v114; // [sp+1BFh] [bp-2Dh]@133
   int v115; // [sp+1C0h] [bp-2Ch]@3
   unsigned int v116; // [sp+1C4h] [bp-28h]@18
   int i; // [sp+1C8h] [bp-24h]@18
-  int a2; // [sp+1CCh] [bp-20h]@28
   int v119; // [sp+1D0h] [bp-1Ch]@18
   SpellBuff *v120; // [sp+1D4h] [bp-18h]@18
-  Actor *v121; // [sp+1D8h] [bp-14h]@3
-  int a5; // [sp+1DCh] [bp-10h]@3
-  GUIWindow *a1; // [sp+1E0h] [bp-Ch]@1
   int v124; // [sp+1E4h] [bp-8h]@18
   int a4; // [sp+1E8h] [bp-4h]@18
-  a1 = edx0;
-  v2 = uActorID;
   static Actor pMonsterInfoUI_Doll;
   /*if ( !(bMonsterInfoUI_bDollInitialized & 1) )
@@ -669,26 +502,15 @@
   v106.uParentBillboardID = -1;
-  v3 = &pActors[v2];
-  v121 = v3;
-  v4 = TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu);
-  //v5 = v3->sNPC_ID;
-  a5 = v4;
-  v6 = GetNPCData(v3->sNPC_ID);
-  v7 = v3->pMonsterInfo.uID;
-  //v112 = (char **)v6;
-  v115 = monster_popup_y_offsets[((signed __int16)v7 - 1) / 3] - 40;
-  if ( v7 == pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.pMonsterInfo.uID )
-  {
+  v115 = monster_popup_y_offsets[((signed __int16)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3] - 40;
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID == pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.pMonsterInfo.uID )
     v9 = pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionLength;
-  }
-    memcpy(&pMonsterInfoUI_Doll, v3, sizeof(pMonsterInfoUI_Doll));
+    memcpy(&pMonsterInfoUI_Doll, &pActors[uActorID], sizeof(pMonsterInfoUI_Doll));
     pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Bored;
     pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionTime = 0;
     v8 = rand();
-    v3 = v121;
     v9 = v8 % 256 + 128;
     pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionLength = v8 % 256 + 128;
@@ -708,59 +530,44 @@
       if ( (pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.pMonsterInfo.uID < 115 || pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.pMonsterInfo.uID > 186) &&
            (pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.pMonsterInfo.uID < 232 || pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.pMonsterInfo.uID > 249) && rand() % 30 < 100 )
         pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_AtkMelee;
-      pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[(signed __int16)pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionAnimation]].uAnimLength;
+      pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActors[uActorID].pSpriteIDs[(signed __int16)pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionAnimation]].uAnimLength;
-  v10 = pSpriteFrameTable->GetFrame( v3->pSpriteIDs[pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionAnimation], pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionTime);
-  v11 = &pSprites_LOD->pSpriteHeaders[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]];//40 * v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0] + 7218180;
+  v10 = pSpriteFrameTable->GetFrame( pActors[uActorID].pSpriteIDs[pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionAnimation], pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionTime);
   v106.pTarget = pRenderer->pTargetSurface;
   v106.pTargetZ = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer;
   v106.uTargetPitch = pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch;
-  v12 = a1->uFrameY + 52;
-  v106.uViewportX = a1->uFrameX + 13;
-  v106.uViewportY = v12;
-  v106.uViewportW = v12 + 128;
+  v106.uViewportX = window->uFrameX + 13;
+  v106.uViewportY = window->uFrameY + 52;
+  v106.uViewportW = (window->uFrameY + 52) + 128;
   v106.uViewportZ = v106.uViewportX + 128;
   v106.uScreenSpaceX = (signed int)(v106.uViewportX + 128 + v106.uViewportX) / 2;
   v106._screenspace_x_scaler_packedfloat = 65536;
   v106._screenspace_y_scaler_packedfloat = 65536;
-  v106.uScreenSpaceY = v115 + v12 + v11->uHeight;
+  v106.uScreenSpaceY = v115 + (window->uFrameY + 52) + pSprites_LOD->pSpriteHeaders[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uHeight;
   v106.pPalette = PaletteManager::Get_Dark_or_Red_LUT(v10->uPaletteIndex, 0, 1);
   v106.sZValue = 0;
   v106.uFlags = 0;
   pRenderer->SetRasterClipRect(0, 0, 0x27Fu, 0x1DFu);
-  pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportY - 1, v106.uViewportX + 129, v106.uViewportY - 1, a5);
-  pRenderer->RasterLine2D( v106.uViewportX + 129,  v106.uViewportY - 1,  v106.uViewportX + 129,    v106.uViewportW + 1,    a5);
-  pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v106.uViewportX + 129, v106.uViewportW + 1, v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportW + 1, a5);
-  pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportW + 1, v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportY - 1, a5);
+  pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportY - 1, v106.uViewportX + 129, v106.uViewportY - 1, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu));
+  pRenderer->RasterLine2D( v106.uViewportX + 129,  v106.uViewportY - 1,  v106.uViewportX + 129,    v106.uViewportW + 1, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu));
+  pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v106.uViewportX + 129, v106.uViewportW + 1, v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportW + 1, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu));
+  pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportW + 1, v106.uViewportX - 1, v106.uViewportY - 1, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu));
   if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
-    v13 = &pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]];
-    v106.uScreenSpaceY = v115 + v106.uViewportY + v13->uBufferHeight;
-    //v222 = (IDirectDrawSurface *)v13->pTextureSurface;
+    v106.uScreenSpaceY = v115 + v106.uViewportY + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uBufferHeight;
     memset(&Dst, 0, 0x64u);
     Dst.dwSize = 100;
     Dst.dwFillColor = 0;
     memset(&pDesc, 0, 0x7Cu);
     pDesc.dwSize = 124;
-    v13->pTextureSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&pDesc);
-    //v14 = v13->uBufferHeight;
-    //v120 = (SpellBuff *)v13->uBufferWidth;
+    pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].pTextureSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&pDesc);
     v107 = 0;
-    //v15 = v13->uAreaX;
-    //v119 = v13->uBufferWidth / 2;
     i = 0;
-    //a4 = v106.uScreenSpaceX + v15 - v13->uBufferWidth / 2;
-    int dst_x = v106.uScreenSpaceX + v13->uAreaX - v13->uBufferWidth / 2;
-    //v115 = v13->uAreaY;
-    //v16 = v13->uAreaWidth + v13->uBufferWidth / 2 + v13->uAreaX - v13->uBufferWidth;
-    //v124 = v106.uScreenSpaceY + v115 - v14;
-    int dst_y = v106.uScreenSpaceY + v13->uAreaY - v13->uBufferHeight;
-    //v17 = v13->uAreaHeight + v13->uAreaY - v14;
-    //v116 = v106.uScreenSpaceX + v16;
-    uint dst_z = v106.uScreenSpaceX + v13->uAreaX + v13->uAreaWidth + v13->uBufferWidth / 2 - v13->uBufferWidth;
-    //v119 = v106.uScreenSpaceY + v17;
-    uint dst_w = v106.uScreenSpaceY + v13->uAreaY + v13->uAreaHeight - v13->uBufferHeight;
+    int dst_x = v106.uScreenSpaceX + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaX - pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uBufferWidth / 2;
+    int dst_y = v106.uScreenSpaceY + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaY - pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uBufferHeight;
+    uint dst_z = v106.uScreenSpaceX + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaX + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaWidth + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uBufferWidth / 2 - pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uBufferWidth;
+    uint dst_w = v106.uScreenSpaceY + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaY + pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaHeight - pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uBufferHeight;
     if (dst_x < v106.uViewportX)
       v18 = v106.uViewportX - dst_x;
@@ -789,117 +596,105 @@
       __debugbreak(); // no monster popup for r5g5b5 yet
       memset(&pDesc, 0, 0x7Cu);
       pDesc.dwSize = 124;
-      if ( pRenderer->LockSurface_DDraw4(v13->pTextureSurface, &pDesc, DDLOCK_WAIT))
-	  {
-		  v20 = (char *)dst_y;
-		  v110 = pDesc.lpSurface;
-		  a2 = dst_y;
-		  if (dst_y < dst_w)
-		  {
-			//v111 = 2 * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch;
-			v21 = dst_x;
-			v22 = &pRenderer->pTargetSurface[dst_y * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch + dst_x];
-            auto _v22_2 = v22;
-			v23 = i - dst_y;
-			//v120 = (SpellBuff *)&pRenderer->pTargetSurface[(int)&a4[v124 * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch]];
-			v115 = i - dst_y;
-			while ( 1 )
-			{
-			  dst_y = v21;
-			  if ( v21 < dst_z )
-			  {
-				v24 = (int)&v20[v23];
-				v25 = v107 - v21;
-				v109 = v24;
-				for ( i = v107 - v21; ; v25 = i )
-				{
-				  v108 = (unsigned __int16 *)((pDesc.lPitch >> 1) * pDesc.dwHeight * v109 / v13->uAreaHeight);
-				  v26 = (char *)v108 + pDesc.dwWidth * (v25 + dst_y++) / v13->uAreaWidth;
-				  *v22 = *((short *)v110 + (int)v26);
-				  ++v22;
-				  if ( dst_y >= dst_z )
-					break;
-				}
-				v23 = v115;
-			  }
-			  v22 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)_v22_2 + 2 * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch);
-              _v22_2 = v22;
-			  v20 = (char *)(a2 + 1);
-			  v28 = __OFSUB__(a2 + 1, dst_w);
-			  v27 = (signed int)(a2++ + 1 - dst_w) < 0;
-			  //a2 = (Player *)((char *)a2 + 1);
-			  //v120 = (SpellBuff *)((char *)v120 + v111);
-			  if ( !(v27 ^ v28) )
-				break;
-			  v21 = dst_x;
-			}
-		  }
-		  v13->pTextureSurface->Unlock(0);
-	  }
+      if ( pRenderer->LockSurface_DDraw4(pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].pTextureSurface, &pDesc, DDLOCK_WAIT))
+      {
+        v20 = (char *)dst_y;
+        v110 = pDesc.lpSurface;
+        //a2 = dst_y;
+        if (dst_y < dst_w)
+        {
+          v21 = dst_x;
+          v22 = &pRenderer->pTargetSurface[dst_y * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch + dst_x];
+          auto _v22_2 = v22;
+          v23 = i - dst_y;
+          v115 = i - dst_y;
+          while ( 1 )
+          {
+            dst_y = v21;
+            if ( v21 < dst_z )
+            {
+              v25 = v107 - v21;
+              v109 = (int)&v20[v23];
+              for ( i = v107 - v21; ; v25 = i )
+              {
+                v108 = (unsigned __int16 *)((pDesc.lPitch >> 1) * pDesc.dwHeight * v109 / pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaHeight);
+                v26 = (char *)v108 + pDesc.dwWidth * (v25 + dst_y++) / pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaWidth;
+                *v22 = *((short *)v110 + (int)v26);
+                ++v22;
+                if ( dst_y >= dst_z )
+                  break;
+              }
+              v23 = v115;
+            }
+            v22 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)_v22_2 + 2 * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch);
+            _v22_2 = v22;
+            v20 = (char *)(dst_y + 1);
+            v28 = __OFSUB__(dst_y + 1, dst_w);
+            v27 = (signed int)(dst_y++ + 1 - dst_w) < 0;
+            if ( !(v27 ^ v28) )
+              break;
+            v21 = dst_x;
+          }
+        }
+        pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].pTextureSurface->Unlock(0);
+      }
-	else
-	{
-		memset(&pDesc, 0, 0x7Cu);
-		pDesc.dwSize = 124;
-		if ( pRenderer->LockSurface_DDraw4(v13->pTextureSurface, &pDesc, DDLOCK_WAIT) )
-		{
-          auto src = (unsigned __int16 *)pDesc.lpSurface;
-          uint num_top_scanlines_above_frame_y = i - dst_y;
-          for (uint y = dst_y; y < dst_w; ++y)
-		  {
-            auto dst = &pRenderer->pTargetSurface[y * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch + dst_x];
+    else
+    {
+      memset(&pDesc, 0, 0x7Cu);
+      pDesc.dwSize = 124;
+      if ( pRenderer->LockSurface_DDraw4(pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].pTextureSurface, &pDesc, DDLOCK_WAIT) )
+      {
+        auto src = (unsigned __int16 *)pDesc.lpSurface;
+        uint num_top_scanlines_above_frame_y = i - dst_y;
+        for (uint y = dst_y; y < dst_w; ++y)
+        {
+          auto dst = &pRenderer->pTargetSurface[y * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch + dst_x];
-            uint src_y = num_top_scanlines_above_frame_y + y;
-            for (uint x = dst_x; x < dst_z; ++x)
-            {
-              uint src_x  = v107 - dst_x + x; // num scanlines left to frame_x  + current x
+          uint src_y = num_top_scanlines_above_frame_y + y;
+          for (uint x = dst_x; x < dst_z; ++x)
+          {
+            uint src_x  = v107 - dst_x + x; // num scanlines left to frame_x  + current x
-              uint idx = pDesc.dwHeight * src_y / v13->uAreaHeight * (pDesc.lPitch / sizeof(short)) +
-                         pDesc.dwWidth  * src_x / v13->uAreaWidth;
-              uint b = src[idx] & 0x1F;
-              *dst++ = b | 2 * (src[idx] & 0xFFE0);
-            }
-		  }
-		  v13->pTextureSurface->Unlock(0);
-		}
-	}
+            uint idx = pDesc.dwHeight * src_y / pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaHeight * (pDesc.lPitch / sizeof(short)) +
+                       pDesc.dwWidth  * src_x / pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uAreaWidth;
+            uint b = src[idx] & 0x1F;
+            *dst++ = b | 2 * (src[idx] & 0xFFE0);
+          }
+        }
+        pSprites_LOD->pHardwareSprites[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].pTextureSurface->Unlock(0);
+      }
+    }
     pRenderer->FillRectFast(v106.uViewportX, v106.uViewportY, v106.uViewportZ - v106.uViewportX, v106.uViewportW - v106.uViewportY, 0);
-    v36 = v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0];
-    if ( v36 >= 0 )
-      pSprites_LOD->pSpriteHeaders[v36].DrawSprite_sw(&v106, 0);
+    if ( v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0] >= 0 )
+      pSprites_LOD->pSpriteHeaders[v10->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].DrawSprite_sw(&v106, 0);
-  if ( v121->sNPC_ID )
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID )
-    //v37 = v6->uProfession;
-    if (v6->uProfession)
+    if (GetNPCData(pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID)->uProfession)
+      sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[429], GetNPCData(pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID)->pName, aNPCProfessionNames[GetNPCData(pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID)->uProfession]); // "%s the %s"   /   ^Pi[%s] %s
+    else
-      sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[429], v6->pName, aNPCProfessionNames[v6->uProfession]); // "%s the %s"   /   ^Pi[%s] %s
+      v77 = 2000;
+      v72 = GetNPCData(pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID)->pName;
-	else
-	{
-	  v77 = 2000;
-      v72 = v6->pName;
-	}
-    v38 = v121->dword_000334_unique_name;
     v77 = 2000;
-    if ( v38 )
-      v72 = pMonsterStats->pPlaceStrings[v38];
+    if ( pActors[uActorID].dword_000334_unique_name )
+      v72 = pMonsterStats->pPlaceStrings[pActors[uActorID].dword_000334_unique_name];
-      v72 = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v121->pMonsterInfo.uID].pName;
+      v72 = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID].pName;
-  if(!v121->sNPC_ID || (v121->sNPC_ID && !v6->uProfession))
+  if(!pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID || (pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID && !GetNPCData(pActors[uActorID].sNPC_ID)->uProfession))
     strncpy(, v72, v77);
-  v39 = TargetColor(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-  a1->DrawTitleText(pFontComic, 0, 0xCu, v39,, 3u);
-  Actor::DrawHealthBar(v121, a1);
+  window->DrawTitleText(pFontComic, 0, 0xCu, TargetColor(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu),, 3);
+  Actor::DrawHealthBar(&pActors[uActorID], window);
   v119 = 0;
   pMonsterInfoUI_Doll.uCurrentActionTime += pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
   v115 = 0;
@@ -907,133 +702,110 @@
   i = 0;
   v112 = 0;
   if ( !uActiveCharacter )
-  {
     v45 = 1;
-  }
-	  LOBYTE(v40) = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MONSTER_ID);
-	  v120 = v40;
-	  if ( !v40 )
-		v45 = 1;
-	  else
-	  {
-		  v41 = (unsigned __int8)v40 & 0x3F;
-		  v42 = SkillToMastery((unsigned __int16)v40) - 1;
-		  if ( !v42 )
-		  {
-			if ( v41 + 10 >= v121->pMonsterInfo.uLevel )
-			{
-			  v45 = 1;
-			  v119 = 1;
-			}
-			else
-				v45 = 1;
-		  }
-		  else
-		  {
-			  v43 = v42 - 1;
-			  if ( !v43 )
-			  {
-				if ( 2 * v41 + 10 >= v121->pMonsterInfo.uLevel )
-				{
-				  v45 = 1;
-				  v119 = 1;
-				  v116 = 1;
-				}
-				else
-						v45 = 1;
-			  }
-			  else
-			  {
-				  v44 = v43 - 1;
-				  if ( !v44 )
-				  {
-					if ( 3 * v41 + 10 >= v121->pMonsterInfo.uLevel )
-					{
-					  v45 = 1;
-					  v119 = 1;
-					  v116 = 1;
-					  i = 1;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						v45 = 1;
-					}
-				  }
-				  else
-				  {
-					  if ( v44 != 1 )
-						v45 = 1;
-					  else
-					  {
-						  v45 = 1;
-						  v119 = 1;
-						  v116 = 1;
-						  i = 1;
-						  v112 = 1;
-					  }
-				  }
-			  }
-		  }
-	  }
-	  //	LABEL_73:
-	  v46 = v121->uAIState;
-	  if ( v46 != 5 && v46 != 4 && !dword_507BF0_is_there_popup_onscreen && v120 )
-	  {
-		v47 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-		if ( v119 | v116 | i | (unsigned int)v112 )
-		{
-		  if ( v121->pMonsterInfo.uLevel >= v47->uLevel - 5 )
-			v73 = SPEECH_105;
-		  else
-			v73 = SPEECH_104;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		  v73 = SPEECH_106;
-		}
-		v47->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)v73, 0);
-	  }
+    LOBYTE(v40) = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MONSTER_ID);
+    v120 = v40;
+    if ( !v40 )
+      v45 = 1;
+    else
+    {
+      v41 = (unsigned __int8)v40 & 0x3F;
+      v42 = SkillToMastery((unsigned __int16)v40) - 1;
+      if ( !v42 )
+      {
+        if ( v41 + 10 >= pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uLevel )
+        {
+          v45 = 1;
+          v119 = 1;
+        }
+        else
+          v45 = 1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        v43 = v42 - 1;
+        if ( !v43 )
+        {
+          if ( 2 * v41 + 10 >= pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uLevel )
+          {
+            v45 = 1;
+            v119 = 1;
+            v116 = 1;
+          }
+          else
+            v45 = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          v44 = v43 - 1;
+          if ( !v44 )
+          {
+            if ( 3 * v41 + 10 >= pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uLevel )
+            {
+              v45 = 1;
+              v119 = 1;
+              v116 = 1;
+              i = 1;
+            }
+            else
+              v45 = 1;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            if ( v44 != 1 )
+              v45 = 1;
+            else
+            {
+              v45 = 1;
+              v119 = 1;
+              v116 = 1;
+              i = 1;
+              v112 = 1;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ( pActors[uActorID].uAIState != Dead
+      && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != Dying
+      && !dword_507BF0_is_there_popup_onscreen && v120 )
+    {
+      if ( v119 | v116 | i | (unsigned int)v112 )
+      {
+        if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uLevel >= pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel - 5 )
+          v73 = SPEECH_105;
+        else
+          v73 = SPEECH_104;
+      }
+      else
+        v73 = SPEECH_106;
+      pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)v73, 0);
+    }
-  for (uint _it = 0; _it < 4; ++_it)
+  for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-    auto player = pParty->pPlayers + _it;
-    //LOBYTE(v48) = player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MONSTER_ID);
-    //v111 = v48;
-    v111 = player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MONSTER_ID);
     v120 = (SpellBuff *)138;
-      if ( (signed int)SkillToMastery(v111) >= 3 )
+      if ( (signed int)SkillToMastery(pParty->pPlayers[i].GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MONSTER_ID)) >= 3 )
         v115 = v45;
       v120 = (SpellBuff *)((char *)v120 - 1);
     while ( v120 );
-    //++a2;
-  //while ( (signed int)a2 < (signed int)pParty->pHirelings );
-  v49 = pFontSmallnum;
-  a2 = (int)pFontSmallnum;
-  a1->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 12, 196, a5, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[631], 0, 0, 0);
-  v50 = LOBYTE(v49->uFontHeight) + 193;
+  window->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 12, 196, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[631], 0, 0, 0);
   if ( !v115 )
-  {
-    v78 = 0;
-    v74 = 0;
-    v69 = 0;
-    v66 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630];
-    a1->DrawText((GUIFont *)a2, 28, v50, a5, v66, v69, v74, v78);
-  }
+    window->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 28, LOBYTE(pFontSmallnum->uFontHeight) + 193, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630], 0, 0, 0);
 	  a4 = 0;
-	  v51 = &v121->pActorBuffs[1];
+	  v51 = &pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[1];
 	  v222 = 0;
-	  v120 = &v121->pActorBuffs[1];
+	  v120 = &pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[1];
 		if ( (signed __int64)v51->uExpireTime > 0 )
@@ -1137,8 +909,8 @@
 			v54 = (char *)a4;
 			v55 = GetSpellColor(v124);
-			a1->DrawText((GUIFont *)a2, 28, v50, v55, v54, 0, 0, 0);
-			v50 = v50 + *(char *)(a2 + 5) - 3;
+			window->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 28, LOBYTE(pFontSmallnum->uFontHeight) + 193, v55, v54, 0, 0, 0);
+			v50 = (LOBYTE(pFontSmallnum->uFontHeight) + 193) + *(char *)((int)pFontSmallnum + 5) - 3;
 			v51 = v120;
@@ -1153,22 +925,16 @@
 	  while (true);
 	  if ( !a4 )
-	  {
-		v78 = 0;
-		v74 = 0;
-		v69 = 0;
-		v66 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153];
-		a1->DrawText((GUIFont *)a2, 28, v50, a5, v66, v69, v74, v78);
-	  }
+		window->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 28, v50, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153], 0, 0, 0);
   v56 = pFontSmallnum;
   a4 = v106.uViewportY;
   if ( v119 )
-    sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t100%d\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[108], 0, v121->pMonsterInfo.uHP);
-    a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+    sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t100%d\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[108], 0, pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHP);
+    window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
     a4 = a4 + LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight) - 3;
-    v79 = v121->pMonsterInfo.uAC;
+    v79 = pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAC;
     v75 = 0;
     v70 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[12];
     v67 = "%s\f%05u\t100%d\n";
@@ -1176,7 +942,7 @@
     sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t100%s\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[108], 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630]);
-    a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+    window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
     v79 = (unsigned int)pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630];
     v75 = 0;
     v70 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[12];
@@ -1184,7 +950,7 @@
     v67 = "%s\f%05u\t100%s\n";
   sprintf(, v67, v70, v75, v79);
-  a1->DrawText(v56, 150, a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+  window->DrawText(v56, 150, a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
   a4 = a4 + LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight) - 6 + LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
   v95[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[87];
   v95[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[6];
@@ -1199,25 +965,25 @@
   v95[10] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[54];
   if ( v116 )
-    sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t080%s\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[18], 0, v95[v121->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1Type]);
-    a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+    sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t080%s\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[18], 0, v95[pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1Type]);
+    window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
     a4 = a4 + LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight) - 3;
-    v57 = v121->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageBonus;
+    v57 = pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageBonus;
     if ( v57 )
       sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t080%dd%d+%d\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53],
-        0, v121->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceRolls, v121->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceSides, v57);
+        0, pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceRolls, pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceSides, v57);
       sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t080%dd%d\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53],
-        0, v121->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceRolls, v121->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceSides);
+        0, pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceRolls, pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceSides);
     sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t080%s\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[18], 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630]);
-    a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+    window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
     a4 = a4 + LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight) - 3;
     sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t080%s\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[53], 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630]);
-  a1->DrawText(v56, 150, a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+  window->DrawText(v56, 150, a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
   v58 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
   a4 = a4 + v58 - 6 + v58;
   if ( !i )
@@ -1227,33 +993,33 @@
     v71 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[628];
     v68 = "%s\f%05u\t080%s\n";
     sprintf(, v68, v71, v76, v80);
-    a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+    window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
     v58 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
     a4 = a4 + v58 - 3;
 	  v120 = (SpellBuff *)pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[628];
-	  v59 = v121;
-	  v114 = v121->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
-	  if ( v114 && v121->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID )
+	  v59 = &pActors[uActorID];
+	  v114 = pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
+	  if ( v114 && pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID )
 		v120 = (SpellBuff *)pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[629];
 	  if ( v114 )
 		sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t060%s\n", v120, 0, pSpellStats->pInfos[v114].pShortName);
-		a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+		window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
 		v58 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
 		a4 = a4 + v58 - 3;
-		v59 = v121;
+		v59 = &pActors[uActorID];
 	  v60 = v59->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
 	  if ( v60 )
 		sprintf(, "\f%05u\t060%s\n", 0, pSpellStats->pInfos[v60].pShortName);
-		a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+		window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
 		v58 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
 		a4 = a4 + v58 - 3;
-		v59 = v121;
+		v59 = &pActors[uActorID];
 	  if ( !v59->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID && !v59->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID )
@@ -1262,13 +1028,13 @@
 		v71 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[628];
 		v68 = "%s\f%05u\t060%s\n";
 		sprintf(, v68, v71, v76, v80);
-		a1->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+		window->DrawText(v56, 150, (int)a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
 		v58 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
 		a4 = a4 + v58 - 3;
   a4 = a4 + v58 - 3;
-  a1->DrawText(v56, 150, a4, a5, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[626], 0, 0, 0);
+  window->DrawText(v56, 150, a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[626], 0, 0, 0);
   a4 = a4 + LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight) - 3;
   v85[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[87];
   v85[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[6];
@@ -1280,16 +1046,16 @@
   v85[7] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[133];
   v85[8] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[54];
   v85[9] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[624];
-  v95[1] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
-  v95[2] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
-  v95[3] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
-  v95[4] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
-  v95[5] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
-  v95[6] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
-  v95[7] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
-  v95[8] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
-  v95[9] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
-  v95[10] = (char *)v121->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
+  v95[1] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
+  v95[2] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
+  v95[3] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
+  v95[4] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
+  v95[5] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
+  v95[6] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
+  v95[7] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
+  v95[8] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
+  v95[9] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
+  v95[10] = (char *)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
   if ( v112 )
     v124 = 0;
@@ -1308,7 +1074,7 @@
           v81 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153];
       sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t070%s\n", v85[v124], 0, v81);
-      a1->DrawText(v56, 170, a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+      window->DrawText(v56, 170, a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
       v63 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
       v124 += 4;
       a4 = a4 + v63 - 3;
@@ -1321,7 +1087,7 @@
       sprintf(, "%s\f%05u\t070%s\n", v85[i], 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[630]); // "?"
-      a1->DrawText(v56, 170, a4, a5,, 0, 0, 0);
+      window->DrawText(v56, 170, a4, TargetColor(0xE1u, 255, 0x9Bu),, 0, 0, 0);
       v65 = LOBYTE(v56->uFontHeight);
       a4 = a4 + v65 - 3;
@@ -1330,9 +1096,9 @@
   if ( (signed __int64)pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_DETECT_LIFE].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    sprintf(, "%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[650], v121->sCurrentHP);
+    sprintf(, "%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[650], pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP);
-    a1->DrawTitleText(pFontSmallnum, 0, a1->uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontSmallnum->uFontHeight) - 12, 0,, 3);
+    window->DrawTitleText(pFontSmallnum, 0, window->uFrameHeight - LOBYTE(pFontSmallnum->uFontHeight) - 12, 0,, 3);
--- a/UI/UiGame.cpp	Sun Sep 22 18:09:44 2013 +0200
+++ b/UI/UiGame.cpp	Sun Sep 22 18:10:35 2013 +0200
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
       if ( !pLevelDecorations[v19].uEventID )
         if ( pLevelDecorations[v19].IsInteractive() )
-          pText = pNPCTopics[stru_5E4C90._decor_events[pLevelDecorations[v19]._idx_in_stru123 - 75] + 379].pTopic;
+          pText = pNPCTopics[stru_5E4C90._decor_events[pLevelDecorations[v19]._idx_in_stru123 - 75] + 379].pTopic;//������� ��� ������
           pText = pDecorationList->pDecorations[pLevelDecorations[v19].uDecorationDescID].field_20;
--- a/mm7_data.h	Sun Sep 22 18:09:44 2013 +0200
+++ b/mm7_data.h	Sun Sep 22 18:10:35 2013 +0200
@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@
 void  __fastcall sub_41D20D_buff_remaining_time_string(int ecx0, struct GUIWindow *edx0, __int64 a3, struct GUIFont *a2);
 bool UI_OnKeyDown(unsigned int vkKey);
 void GameUI_DrawItemInfo(struct ItemGen* inspect_item); // idb
-void MonsterPopup_Draw(unsigned int uActorID, struct GUIWindow *edx0);
+void MonsterPopup_Draw(unsigned int uActorID, struct GUIWindow *window);
 void LoadActualSkyFrame();
 void Sleep6Hours();
 void ChestUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString();