changeset 1796:722883bd7fed

author Ritor1
date Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:27:48 +0600
parents db16b4d76f9d (current diff) 53c0453f4eb2 (diff)
children 6e513e042e0e
diffstat 6 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Actor.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:27 2013 +0600
+++ b/Actor.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:48 2013 +0600
@@ -46,55 +46,40 @@
 //----- (0041AF52) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::DrawHealthBar(Actor *a1, GUIWindow *a2)
+void Actor::DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, GUIWindow *window)
-  unsigned int v2; // eax@1
-  GUIWindow *v3; // edi@1
-  unsigned int v4; // esi@1
-  signed int v5; // ebx@4
-  double v6; // st7@5
-  unsigned int v7; // eax@6
-  unsigned int v8; // ebx@10
+  unsigned int bar_length; // esi@1
+  unsigned int uX; // ebx@10
   unsigned int v9; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@4
   unsigned int v10; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@4
-  v2 = a1->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-  v3 = a2;
-  v4 = 25;
-  if ( (signed int)v2 > 25 )
+  bar_length = 25;
+  if ( actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP > 25 )
-    v4 = 200;
-    if ( (signed int)v2 < 200 )
-      v4 = a1->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
+    bar_length = 200;
+    if ( actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP < 200 )
+      bar_length = actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-  v5 = a1->sCurrentHP;
-  v10 = v4;
+  v10 = bar_length;
   v9 = uTextureID_mhp_grn;
-  if ( v5 < (signed int)v2 )
+  if ( actor->sCurrentHP < actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
-    v6 = (double)(signed int)v2;
-    v10 = (signed __int64)((double)(signed int)v4 / (double)(signed int)v2 * (double)a1->sCurrentHP);
-    if ( v5 <= (signed int)(signed __int64)(0.34 * v6) )
-    {
-      v7 = uTextureID_mhp_red;
-      v9 = v7;
-    }
-    else if ( v5 <= (signed int)(signed __int64)(v6 * 0.67) )
-    {
-      v7 = uTextureID_mhp_yel;
-      v9 = v7;
-    }
+    v10 = bar_length / actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * actor->sCurrentHP;
+    if ( actor->sCurrentHP <= (signed int)(signed __int64)(0.34 * (double)(signed int)actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP) )
+      v9 = uTextureID_mhp_red;
+    else if ( actor->sCurrentHP <= (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(signed int)actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * 0.67) )
+      v9 = uTextureID_mhp_yel;
-  v8 = a2->uFrameX + (signed int)(a2->uFrameWidth - v4) / 2;
+  uX = window->uFrameX + (signed int)(window->uFrameWidth - bar_length) / 2;
-  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(v8, a2->uFrameY + 32, v8 + v4, a2->uFrameY + 52);
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(v8, v3->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_bd));
-  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(v8, v3->uFrameY + 32, v8 + v10, v3->uFrameY + 52);
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(v8, v3->uFrameY + 34, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v9));
+  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, uX + bar_length, window->uFrameY + 52);
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_bd));
+  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, uX + v10, window->uFrameY + 52);
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX, window->uFrameY + 34, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v9));
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(v8 - 5, v3->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capl));
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(v8 + v4, v3->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capr));
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX - 5, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capl));
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX + bar_length, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capr));
 //----- (00448A40) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -227,7 +212,6 @@
 //----- (0040894B) --------------------------------------------------------
 bool Actor::CanAct()
@@ -1910,16 +1894,13 @@
 //----- (00403E61) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall Actor::StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID)
-  Actor *v1; // esi@1
-  v1 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  v1->uCurrentActionLength = rand() % 128 + 128;
-  v1->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  v1->uAIState = Standing;
-  v1->vVelocity.z = 0;
-  v1->vVelocity.y = 0;
-  v1->vVelocity.x = 0;
-  v1->UpdateAnimation();
+  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = rand() % 128 + 128;
+  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
 //----- (00403C6C) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3012,7 +2993,7 @@
-  if (rand() % 100 < 20)
+  if (rand() % 100 < 20 && drop.uItemID != 0)
--- a/Actor.h	Wed Oct 02 18:27:27 2013 +0600
+++ b/Actor.h	Wed Oct 02 18:27:48 2013 +0600
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
   static void GiveItem(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uItemID, unsigned int bGive);
   static void ToggleFlag(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uFlag, int bToggle);
   static void ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void DrawHealthBar(Actor *a1, struct GUIWindow *a2);
+  static void DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, struct GUIWindow *window);
   static int _43B3E0_CalcDamage(Actor *a1, signed int a2);
   static void AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3);
--- a/Items.h	Wed Oct 02 18:27:27 2013 +0600
+++ b/Items.h	Wed Oct 02 18:27:48 2013 +0600
@@ -273,11 +273,11 @@
                             // 72  Prevents falling damage.
   int uNumCharges; //10
   unsigned int uAttributes;  //14
-  unsigned __int8 uBodyAnchor;
-  char uMaxCharges;
-  char uHolderPlayer;
-  char field_1B;
-  unsigned __int64 uExpireTime;
+  unsigned __int8 uBodyAnchor; //18
+  char uMaxCharges;  //19
+  char uHolderPlayer;  //1A
+  char field_1B;  //1B
+  unsigned __int64 uExpireTime; //1C
 #pragma pack(pop)
--- a/Player.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:27 2013 +0600
+++ b/Player.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:48 2013 +0600
@@ -2564,7 +2564,6 @@
 int Player::GetAttackRecoveryTime(bool bRangedAttack)
   ItemGen  *weapon = nullptr;
-  ItemDesc *weapon_desc = nullptr;
   uint      weapon_recovery = base_recovery_times_per_weapon_type[0];
   if (bRangedAttack)
@@ -2647,9 +2646,9 @@
         (weapon->GetPlayerSkillType() == PLAYER_SKILL_SWORD || weapon->GetPlayerSkillType() == PLAYER_SKILL_AXE || weapon->GetPlayerSkillType() == PLAYER_SKILL_BOW) )
       if (SkillToMastery(pActiveSkills[weapon->GetPlayerSkillType()]) >= 2 )  // Expert   Sword, Axe & Bow   reduce recovery
-        sword_axe_bow_recovery_reduction = pActiveSkills[weapon_desc->uSkillType] & 0x3F;
-    }
-    if (weapon_desc->uSkillType == PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER)
+        sword_axe_bow_recovery_reduction = pActiveSkills[weapon->GetPlayerSkillType()] & 0x3F;
+    }
+    if (weapon->GetPlayerSkillType() == PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER)
       shooting_laser = true;
@@ -5515,8 +5514,7 @@
           || var_type > VAR_History_28
           || (v22 = var_type - VAR_History_0, pParty->PartyTimes.HistoryEventTimes[v22])
           || (pParty->PartyTimes.HistoryEventTimes[v22] = pParty->uTimePlayed,
-              v23 = pStorylineText->StoreLine[v22].pText == 0,//*(&pStorylineText->field_0 + 3 * v22) == 0,
-              v23) )
+              pStorylineText->StoreLine[v22].pText == 0) )//*(&pStorylineText->field_0 + 3 * v22) == 0,
         bFlashHistoryBook = 1;
@@ -5579,18 +5577,18 @@
         this->classType = (PLAYER_CLASS_TYPE)var_value;
         if ( (char)var_value == PLAYER_CLASS_LICH )
-          v9 = NULL;
           for (int i = 0; i < 138; i++)
             v9 = &this->pInventoryItemList[i];
             if (v9->uItemID == ITEM_LICH_JAR_EMPTY)
+            {
+              v9->uItemID = ITEM_LICH_JAR_FULL;
+              v9->uHolderPlayer = currPlayerId + 1;
+              v10 = (int)((char *)this + 36 * 138);
+              *(int *)(v10 + 532) = 601;
+              *(char *)(v10 + 558) = currPlayerId + 1;
-          }
-          if (v9 != NULL && v9->uItemID != ITEM_LICH_JAR_EMPTY)
-          {
-            v10 = (int)((char *)this + 36 * 138);   //originally 36 * v8. the code got to this condition only if v8 was equal to 138
-            *(int *)(v10 + 532) = 601;
-            *(char *)(v10 + 558) = currPlayerId + 1;
+            }
           if ( this->sResFireBase < 20 )
             this->sResFireBase = 20;
@@ -5602,10 +5600,9 @@
             this->sResEarthBase = 20;
           this->sResMindBase = 200;
           this->sResBodyBase = 200;
-          v11 = this->GetSexByVoice();
           this->uPrevVoiceID = this->uVoiceID;
           this->uPrevFace = this->uCurrentFace;
-          if ( v11 )
+          if ( IsFemale() )
             this->uCurrentFace = 21;
             this->uVoiceID = 21;
@@ -5857,10 +5854,10 @@
       v16 = (int)((char *)&this->pConditions[16] + 2 * var_type);
       v17 = *(char *)v16;
-      if ( var_value <= VAR_BodyResistanceBonus )
+      if ( var_value <= 63 )
         LOWORD(v15) = (unsigned __int8)var_value;
-        v18 = v15 | v17 & VAR_BodyResistanceBonus;
+        v18 = v15 | v17 & 63;
--- a/mm7_2.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:27 2013 +0600
+++ b/mm7_2.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:48 2013 +0600
@@ -5104,6 +5104,7 @@
 bool new_sky = false;
+bool new_draw_object_dist = true;
 bool change_seasons = false;
 bool all_magic = true;
 bool wizard_eye = false;
@@ -5398,7 +5399,12 @@
   mipmapping_building_mm3 = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"mipmapping", L"bld_mm3", 4096, pIniFilename);
   pODMRenderParams->shading_dist_shade     = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"shading", L"dist_shade", 2048, pIniFilename);
   pODMRenderParams->shading_dist_shademist = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"shading", L"dist_shademist", 4096, pIniFilename);
-  pODMRenderParams->shading_dist_mist      = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"shading", L"dist_mist", 8192, pIniFilename);
+  int dist = 0x2000;
+  extern bool new_draw_object_dist;
+  if ( new_draw_object_dist )
+      dist = 0x6000;
+  pODMRenderParams->shading_dist_mist      = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"shading", L"dist_mist", dist, pIniFilename);
   wchar_t pDefaultSkyTextureW[1024];
   GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"textures", L"sky", L"plansky1", pDefaultSkyTextureW, 0x10u, pIniFilename);
--- a/mm7_6.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:27 2013 +0600
+++ b/mm7_6.cpp	Wed Oct 02 18:27:48 2013 +0600
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
 //----- (00424EE0) --------------------------------------------------------
 int __fastcall sr_424EE0_MakeFanFromTriangle(unsigned int uVertexID)
-  unsigned int v1; // edx@1
+  //unsigned int v1; // edx@1
   double v2; // st7@1
   signed int v3; // edi@1
   char *v4; // esi@4
   char *v5; // ecx@4
-  unsigned int v6; // eax@4
+  //unsigned int v6; // eax@4
   char *v7; // edx@4
   double v8; // st6@10
   double v9; // st5@10
@@ -74,18 +74,16 @@
   char *v27; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-8h]@4
   char *v28; // [sp+30h] [bp-4h]@4
-  v1 = uVertexID;
   v2 = (double)pODMRenderParams->shading_dist_mist;
   memcpy(&array_50AC10[uVertexID], array_50AC10, sizeof(array_50AC10[uVertexID]));
   v3 = 0;
   v22 = 0;
-  if ( array_50AC10[0].vWorldViewPosition.x <= v2 )
+  if ( array_50AC10[0].vWorldViewPosition.x <= (double)pODMRenderParams->shading_dist_mist )
     v3 = 1;
   if ( (signed int)(uVertexID + 1) <= 1 )
     return 0;
   v4 = (char *)&array_507D30[0].vWorldViewPosition.z;
   v5 = (char *)&array_507D30[0].vWorldViewPosition.y;
-  v6 = v1;
   v23 = (char *)&array_507D30[0].flt_2C;
   v26 = (char *)&array_507D30[0]._rhw;
   v24 = array_507D30;
@@ -95,27 +93,26 @@
   v27 = (char *)&array_507D30[0].v;
   v28 = (char *)&array_507D30[0].u;
   v7 = (char *)&array_50AC10[0].v;
-  v18 = v6;
-  do
+  for ( v18 = 1; v18 <= uVertexID; ++v18 )
-    v19 = v2 >= *((float *)v7 + 5);
+    v19 = v2 >= array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.x;
     if ( v3 != v19 )
       if ( v19 )
-        v8 = (v2 - *((float *)v7 - 7)) / (*((float *)v7 + 5) - *((float *)v7 - 7));
-        *(float *)v5 = (*((float *)v7 + 6) - *((float *)v7 - 6)) * v8 + *((float *)v7 - 6);
-        *(float *)v4 = (*((float *)v7 + 7) - *((float *)v7 - 5)) * v8 + *((float *)v7 - 5);
-        *(float *)v28 = (*((float *)v7 + 11) - *((float *)v7 - 1)) * v8 + *((float *)v7 - 1);
-        v9 = (*((float *)v7 + 12) - *(float *)v7) * v8 + *(float *)v7;
+        v8 = (v2 - array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.x) / (array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.x - array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.x);
+        *(float *)v5 = (array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.y - array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.y) * v8 + array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.y;
+        *(float *)v4 = (array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.z - array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.z) * v8 + array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.z;
+        *(float *)v28 = (array_50AC10[v18].u - array_50AC10[v18 - 1].u) * v8 + array_50AC10[v18 - 1].u;
+        v9 = (array_50AC10[v18].v - array_50AC10[v18 - 1].v) * v8 + array_50AC10[v18 - 1].v;
-        v10 = (v2 - *((float *)v7 + 5)) / (*((float *)v7 - 7) - *((float *)v7 + 5));
-        *(float *)v5 = (*((float *)v7 - 6) - *((float *)v7 + 6)) * v10 + *((float *)v7 + 6);
-        *(float *)v4 = (*((float *)v7 - 5) - *((float *)v7 + 7)) * v10 + *((float *)v7 + 7);
-        *(float *)v28 = (*((float *)v7 - 1) - *((float *)v7 + 11)) * v10 + *((float *)v7 + 11);
-        v9 = (*(float *)v7 - *((float *)v7 + 12)) * v10 + *((float *)v7 + 12);
+        v10 = (v2 - array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.x) / (array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.x - array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.x);
+        *(float *)v5 = (array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.y - array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.y) * v10 + array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.y;
+        *(float *)v4 = (array_50AC10[v18 - 1].vWorldViewPosition.z - array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.z) * v10 + array_50AC10[v18].vWorldViewPosition.z;
+        *(float *)v28 = (array_50AC10[v18 - 1].u - array_50AC10[v18].u) * v10 + array_50AC10[v18].u;
+        v9 = (array_50AC10[v18 - 1].v - array_50AC10[v18].v) * v10 + array_50AC10[v18].v;
       *(float *)v27 = v9;
       *(float *)v25 = v2;
@@ -199,9 +196,9 @@
     v3 = v19;
     v7 += 48;
-    --v18;
+    //--v18;
-  while ( v18 );
+  //while ( v18 );
   result = v22;
   if ( v22 < 3 )
     return 0;
@@ -251,7 +248,7 @@
-    if ( pActor->array_000234[3].GetItemEquipType() == 18 )
+    if ( pActor->array_000234[3].uItemID != 0 &&  pActor->array_000234[3].GetItemEquipType() == 18 )
 		v14 = pActor->array_000234[3].uSpecEnchantmentType;
@@ -262,7 +259,6 @@
-  pActor->uCarriedItemID = 1;
   if ( pActor->uCarriedItemID )
@@ -326,21 +322,21 @@
       v13 = 1;
-    goto LABEL_44;
+    v8 = pParty;
+    goto LABEL_45;
   if ( rand() % 100 >= pActor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance || (v7 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel) == 0 )
     v8 = pParty;
     goto LABEL_45;
   pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v7, pActor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType, &Dst);
   v10 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
   if ( v14 )
-    sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, v10);
+    sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, v10);//�� ����� ^I[%d] �����^L[��;��;��] � ������� (%s)!
-    sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], v10);
-  ShowStatusBarString(, 2u);
+    sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], v10);//�� ����� ^Pv[%s]!
+  ShowStatusBarString(, 2);
   v8 = pParty;
   if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
@@ -892,9 +888,6 @@
     v5 = pActor->pActorBuffs[14].uPower;
   switch ( a2 )
-    case 4:
-      v6 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
-      break;
     case 0:
       v6 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
       v4 = v5;
@@ -911,6 +904,9 @@
       v6 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
       v4 = v5;
+    case 4:
+      v6 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
+      break;
     case 6:
       v6 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
@@ -961,50 +957,47 @@
 //----- (00427662) --------------------------------------------------------
 bool stru319::GetMagicalResistance(Actor *pActor, unsigned int uType)
-  Actor *v3; // edi@2
-  signed int v4; // esi@2
+  signed int resist; // esi@2
   bool result; // eax@13
   switch ( uType )
-    case 0u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
-    case 1u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
-    case 2u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
-    case 3u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
-    case 7u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
-    case 6u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
-    case 8u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
-    case 9u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
-    case 0xAu:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
-    case 4u:
-      v3 = pActor;
-      v4 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
+    case 0:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
+      break;
+    case 7:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
+    case 8:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
+      break;
+    case 9:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
+      break;
+    case 10:
+      resist = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
       return 1;
-  if ( v4 < 200 )
-	result = rand() % (signed int)(((unsigned int)v3->pMonsterInfo.uLevel >> 2) + v4 + 30) < 30;
+  if ( resist < 200 )
+    result = rand() % (signed int)(((unsigned int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uLevel >> 2) + resist + 30) < 30;
-	result = 0;
+    result = 0;
   return result;