# HG changeset patch
# User Ritor1
# Date 1394383199 -21600
# Node ID fd788d2e9585139f5b1ca26960b7d749395f3028
# Parent  6532bbac1a9e5a10fe899e6512cab0715dcd62ae
EventProcessor cleaned and ODM_NearClip fix

diff -r 6532bbac1a9e -r fd788d2e9585 Chest.cpp
--- a/Chest.cpp	Sat Mar 08 23:53:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Chest.cpp	Sun Mar 09 22:39:59 2014 +0600
@@ -302,26 +302,26 @@
     item_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(item_texture_id);
     v6 = item_texture->uTextureWidth;
     if ( v6 < 14 )
-        v6 = 14;
+      v6 = 14;
     texture_cell_width = ((v6 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
     v8 = item_texture->uTextureHeight;
     if ( v8 < 14 )
         v8 = 14;
     texture_cell_height = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
     if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-        {
-        item_texture->Release();
-        pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-        }
+    {
+      item_texture->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+    }
     if ( (texture_cell_width + test_cell_position % chest_cell_width <= chest_cell_width) && 
         (texture_cell_height + test_cell_position / chest_cell_width <= chest_cell_heght) )
-        { //we not put over borders
+    { //we not put over borders
         _row = 0;
         if ( texture_cell_height <= 0 )
             return true;
         _cell_rows = 0;
         while ( 1 )
-            {
+        {
             _column = 0;
             if ( texture_cell_width > 0 )
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
 //----- (0041FFA2) --------------------------------------------------------
 int Chest::PutItemInChest(int position, ItemGen *put_item, signed int uChestID)
+{//(rus: �������� ������� � ����)
   ItemGen *v4; // edi@1
   int v5; // esi@1
   int result; // eax@11
@@ -571,18 +571,15 @@
 //----- (00448A17) --------------------------------------------------------
 void Chest::ToggleFlag(signed int uChestID, unsigned __int16 uFlag, unsigned int bToggle)
-    {
-    unsigned __int16 *pFlags; // eax@3
-    if ( uChestID >= 0 && uChestID <= 19 )
-        {
-        pFlags = &pChests[uChestID].uFlags;
-        if ( bToggle )
-            *pFlags |= uFlag;
-        else
-            *pFlags &= ~uFlag;
-        }
-    }
+  if ( uChestID >= 0 && uChestID <= 19 )
+  {
+    if ( bToggle )
+       pChests[uChestID].uFlags |= uFlag;
+    else
+      pChests[uChestID].uFlags &= ~uFlag;
+  }
 //----- (00458B03) --------------------------------------------------------
 void ChestList::ToFile()
@@ -698,9 +695,8 @@
 //----- (00420B13) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall sub_420B13(int a1, int a2)
+{	//Give item from chest(rus: ����� ������� �� �����)
     void *v2; // eax@1
-    ItemGen *v3; // ebx@1
     unsigned int v4; // eax@1
     Texture *texture; // ecx@1
     signed int v6; // eax@1
@@ -716,20 +712,12 @@
     int i; // ecx@10
     int v17; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@1
     int v18; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@3
-    int v19; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@1
-    int v20; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
     int v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5
     int v22; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@8
-    v19 = a2;
-    v2 = pChestWindow->ptr_1C;
-    v20 = (int)v2;
-    v2 = (void *)(5324 * (int)v2);
-    //v3 = (ItemGen *)((char *)v2 + 36 * a1 + (int)((char *)pChests + 4));
-	v3 = &pChests[v20].igChestItems[a1];
-    //v17 = pChestWidthsByType[*(short *)((char *)v2 + (int)pChests)];
-	v17 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[v20].uChestBitmapID];
-    v4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(v3->GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+    v2 = (void *)(5324 * (int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C);
+	v17 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].uChestBitmapID];
+    v4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].igChestItems[a1].GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
     texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v4);
     v6 = texture->uTextureWidth;
@@ -744,59 +732,48 @@
       v8 = 14;
     v10 = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
     v21 = v10;
     if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-        texture->Release();
-        pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-        v10 = v21;
+      texture->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+      v10 = v21;
     if ( v10 > 0 )
-        v11 = 0;
-        v22 = v10;
-        do
+      v11 = 0;
+      for ( v22 = v10; v22; --v22 )
+      {
+        if ( v9 > 0 )
-            if ( v9 > 0 )
-            {
-                v12 = v9;
-                //v13 = &pChests[0].pInventoryIndices[v19 + v11 + 2662 * (int)v20];
-				v13 = &pChests[v20].pInventoryIndices[v19 + v11];
-                v14 = v12 & 1;
-                v12 >>= 1;
-                memset(v13, 0, 4 * v12);
-                v15 = (int)((char *)v13 + 4 * v12);
-                for ( i = v14; i; --i )
-                {
-                    *(short *)v15 = 0;
-                    v15 += 2;
-                }
-                v9 = v18;
-            }
-            v11 += v17;
-            --v22;
+          v12 = v9;
+          v13 = &pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].pInventoryIndices[a2 + v11];
+          v14 = v12 & 1;
+          v12 >>= 1;
+          memset(&pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].pInventoryIndices[a2 + v11], 0, 4 * v12);
+          v15 = (int)((char *)v13 + 4 * v12);
+          for ( i = v14; i; --i )
+          {
+            *(short *)v15 = 0;
+            v15 += 2;
+          }
+          v9 = v18;
-        while ( v22 );
+        v11 += v17;
+      }
-    v3->Reset();
+    pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].igChestItems[a1].Reset();
 // 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
 //----- (00420E01) --------------------------------------------------------
 void OnChestLeftClick()
-  int chest_id; // edi@1
-  POINT *v1; // esi@2
   int v2; // eax@2
   int v3; // ebx@4
   int v4; // esi@6
-  int v5; // ecx@6
-  //SpriteObject v6; // [sp+Ch] [bp-80h]@1
-  POINT v7; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-10h]@2
-  POINT a2; // [sp+84h] [bp-8h]@2
+  POINT cursor; // [sp+84h] [bp-8h]@2
   SpriteObject v6; // [sp+Ch] [bp-80h]@1
-  //SpriteObject::SpriteObject(&v6);
-  chest_id = pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C;
   if ( pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID )
     if ( Chest::PutItemInChest(-1, &pParty->pPickedItem, pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C) )
@@ -804,22 +781,22 @@
-    v1 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2);
-    v2 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v1->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v7)->y]] & 0xFFFF;
+    pMouse->GetCursorPos(&cursor);
+    v2 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[cursor.x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[cursor.y]] & 0xFFFF;
     if ( v2 )
       if ( v2 )
         v3 = v2 - 1;
         v3 = -1;
-      v4 = pChests[chest_id].pInventoryIndices[v3] - 1;
-      if ( pChests[chest_id].igChestItems[v4].GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_GOLD )
+      v4 = pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].pInventoryIndices[v3] - 1;
+      if ( pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4].GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_GOLD )
-        pParty->PartyFindsGold(pChests[chest_id].igChestItems[v4].uSpecEnchantmentType, 0); 
+        pParty->PartyFindsGold(pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4].uSpecEnchantmentType, 0); 
         viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
-        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&pChests[chest_id].igChestItems[v4]);
+        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4]);
       sub_420B13(v4, v3);
diff -r 6532bbac1a9e -r fd788d2e9585 Events.cpp
--- a/Events.cpp	Sat Mar 08 23:53:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Events.cpp	Sun Mar 09 22:39:59 2014 +0600
@@ -282,7 +282,6 @@
   unsigned int v3; // eax@5
   signed int v4; // esi@7
-  Player *v6; // ecx@8
   int v11; // eax@14
   char *v12; // eax@15
   const char *v16; // esi@21
@@ -307,12 +306,8 @@
   int v37; // esi@62
   int v38; // eax@78
   int v39; // ecx@78
-  size_t v40; // edx@78
-  Actor *v41; // esi@79
   int v42; // eax@84
   int v43; // ecx@84
-  size_t v44; // edx@84
-  Actor *v45; // esi@85
   void *v46; // eax@91
   GUIWindow *v47; // eax@93
   GUIButton *v48; // ecx@93
@@ -347,8 +342,6 @@
   signed int v77; // ebp@186
   int v78; // edx@186
   Player *v79; // esi@187
-  //signed int v80; // ebp@200
-  //int v81; // edx@200
   Player *v82; // esi@201
   int v83; // eax@212
   int v84; // ebp@220
@@ -376,15 +369,11 @@
   int v118; // [sp-4h] [bp-4ACh]@117
   int v121; // [sp-4h] [bp-4ACh]@294
   int curr_seq_num; // [sp+10h] [bp-498h]@4
-  //char *v123; // [sp+14h] [bp-494h]@0
-  signed int v124; // [sp+18h] [bp-490h]@7
-  //signed int v125; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-48Ch]@155
   int v126; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-48Ch]@262
   int player_choose; // [sp+20h] [bp-488h]@4
   int v128; // [sp+24h] [bp-484h]@21
   int v129; // [sp+24h] [bp-484h]@262
   signed int v130; // [sp+28h] [bp-480h]@0
-  //int v131; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-47Ch]@1
   int v132; // [sp+30h] [bp-478h]@262
   signed int v133; // [sp+34h] [bp-474h]@1
   int v134; // [sp+38h] [bp-470h]@262
@@ -398,7 +387,6 @@
   char Str[120]; // [sp+ECh] [bp-3BCh]@21
   Actor Dst; // [sp+164h] [bp-344h]@53
-  //v131 = uEventID;
   v133 = 0;
   EvtTargetObj = targetObj;
   dword_5B65C4_cancelEventProcessing = 0;
@@ -410,79 +398,64 @@
   }	*/
   if ( !uEventID )
-    {
+  {
     if ( !GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft )
       ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[521], 2u);// Nothing here
-    }
+  }
   player_choose = (uActiveCharacter == 0)?6:4;  //4 - active or  6 - random player if active =0
   curr_seq_num = entry_line;
   if ( activeLevelDecoration )
-    {
+  {
     uSomeEVT_NumEvents = uGlobalEVT_NumEvents;
     pSomeEVT = pGlobalEVT.data();
     memcpy(pSomeEVT_Events.data(), pGlobalEVT_Index.data(), sizeof(EventIndex)*4400); //4400 evts
-    }
+  }
-    {
+  {
     uSomeEVT_NumEvents = uLevelEVT_NumEvents;
     pSomeEVT = pLevelEVT.data();
     memcpy(pSomeEVT_Events.data(), pLevelEVT_Index.data(), sizeof(EventIndex)*4400);
-    }
+  }
-  v4 = 0;
-  v124 = 0;
-  //for (uint i = 0; i < uSomeEVT_NumEvents; ++i)
-  //  {
-    //v6 = v123;
-    //v7 = "";
-    while ( 1 )
-    {
+  for ( v4 = 0; v4 < uSomeEVT_NumEvents; ++v4 )
+  {
     if ( dword_5B65C4_cancelEventProcessing )
       if ( v133 == 1 )
-    //v8 = v4;
     if ( pSomeEVT_Events[v4].uEventID == uEventID && pSomeEVT_Events[v4].event_sequence_num == curr_seq_num )
-      //v9 = pSomeEVT_Events[v8].uEventOffsetInEVT;
-      //v10 = (ByteArray *)&v5[v9];
       _evt_raw * _evt = (_evt_raw *)(pSomeEVT + pSomeEVT_Events[v4].uEventOffsetInEVT);
       switch (_evt->_e_type)
-        {
+      {
       case EVENT_CheckSeason:
-        //
         if ( !sub_4465DF_check_season(_evt->v5) )
-                {
+        {
-          v4 = v124;
+          //v4 = v124;
-                }
-        v124 = -1;
+        }
+        v4 = -1;
         curr_seq_num = _evt->v6 - 1;
       case EVENT_ShowMovie:
-        {
+      {
         strcpy(Source, (char *)&_evt->v7);
         v12 = (char *)&item.uExpireTime + strlen(Source) + 7;
         if ( *v12 == 32 )
           *v12 = 0;
-		if (pVideoPlayer->bBufferLoaded)
+        if (pVideoPlayer->bBufferLoaded)
         pVideoPlayer->bStopBeforeSchedule = 0;
         pVideoPlayer->pResetflag = 0;
         v128 = pCurrentScreen;
-        //v13 = &pSomeEVT[v9];
-        //v14 = (unsigned __int8)v13[5];
-        //v15 = (unsigned __int8)v13[6];
-        //v14 = _evt->v5;
-        //v15 = _evt->v6;
         strcpy(Str, Source);
         v16 = RemoveQuotes(Str);
 		pVideoPlayer->MovieLoop(v16, 0, _evt->v5, 1);
@@ -493,66 +466,52 @@
           LOBYTE(v17) = 1;
           SetUserInterface(PartyAlignment_Good, v17);
           if ( !_evt->v6 || v128 == 3 )
-            {
+          {
             pCurrentScreen = v128;
             if ( v128 == 3 )
               pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = GUIProgressBar::TYPE_Fullscreen;
             if ( v128 == 13 )
               pVideoPlayer->OpenHouseMovie(pAnimatedRooms[uCurrentHouse_Animation].video_name, 1u);
-            }
+          }
-          v4 = v124;
-          //v6 = v123;
-          //v7 = "";
-          }
+        }
         if ( !_stricmp(v16, "arbiter evil") )
-          {
+        {
           v18 = 2;
           pParty->alignment = PartyAlignment_Evil;
           LOBYTE(v17) = 1;
           SetUserInterface(PartyAlignment_Evil, v17);
           if ( !_evt->v6 || v128 == 3 )
-            {
+          {
             pCurrentScreen = v128;
             if ( v128 == 3 )
               pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = GUIProgressBar::TYPE_Fullscreen;
             if ( v128 == 13 )
               pVideoPlayer->OpenHouseMovie(pAnimatedRooms[uCurrentHouse_Animation].video_name, 1u);
-            }
+          }
-          v4 = v124;
-          //v6 = v123;
-          //v7 = "";
-          }
+        }
         if ( !_stricmp(v16, "pcout01") )    // moving to harmondale from emerald isle
-                {
+        {
           pParty->days_played_without_rest = 0;
-                }
+        }
         if ( !_evt->v6 || v128 == 3 )
-          {
+        {
           pCurrentScreen = v128;
           if ( v128 == 3 )
             pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = GUIProgressBar::TYPE_Fullscreen;
           if ( v128 == 13 )
             pVideoPlayer->OpenHouseMovie(pAnimatedRooms[uCurrentHouse_Animation].video_name, 1);
-          }
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_CheckSkill:
-        {
+      {
         v19 = _evt->v7 + ((_evt->v8 + ((_evt->v9 + ((unsigned int)_evt->v10 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
         if ( player_choose < 0 )
           goto LABEL_47;
@@ -581,17 +540,11 @@
                 if ( v20 >= 4 )
-                  v4 = v124;
-                  //v6 = v123;
-                  //v7 = "";
-              //v11 = _evt->v11;
               curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
-              v4 = v124;
@@ -607,14 +560,9 @@
               curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
-              v4 = v124;
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
@@ -630,23 +578,17 @@
           bDialogueUI_InitializeActor_NPC_ID = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((unsigned int)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ChangeEvent:
-        //v25 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5);
         if ( EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5) )
           stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[activeLevelDecoration->_idx_in_stru123] = _evt->v5 - 124;
-          {
+        {
           v26 = (LevelDecoration *)activeLevelDecoration;
           stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[activeLevelDecoration ->_idx_in_stru123] = 0;
           v26->uFlags |= LEVEL_DECORATION_INVISIBLE;
-          }
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_SetNPCGreeting:
@@ -654,10 +596,6 @@
         pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v27].uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFFCu;
         pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v27].greet = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
             case EVENT_SetNPCTopic:
@@ -700,79 +638,48 @@
-            v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_NPCSetItem:
         sub_448518_npc_set_item(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5),EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9), _evt->v13);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_SetActorItem:
         Actor::GiveItem(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5),EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9), _evt->v13);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_SetNPCGroupNews:
         pNPCStats->pGroups_copy[_evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8)] = _evt->v9 + ((uint)_evt->v10 << 8);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_SetActorGroup:
         *(&pActors[0].uGroup + 0x11000000 * _evt->v8 + 209 * (_evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((uint)_evt->v7 << 8)) << 8))) = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_ChangeGroup:
         v38 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
         v39 = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
-        v40 = uNumActors;
-        if ( (signed int)uNumActors > 0 )
-          {
-          v41 = pActors.data();//[0].uGroup;
-          do
-            {
-            if ( v41->uGroup == v38 )
-              v41->uGroup = v39;
-            ++v41;
-            --v40;
-            }
-            while ( v40 );
-          }
+        for ( uint actor_id = 0; actor_id < uNumActors; actor_id++ )
+        {
+          if ( pActors[actor_id].uGroup == v38 )
+            pActors[actor_id].uGroup = v39;
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ChangeGroupAlly:
         v42 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
         v43 = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
-        v44 = uNumActors;
-        if ( (signed int)uNumActors > 0 )
-          {
-          v45 = pActors.data();//[0].uAlly;
-          do
-            {
-            if ( v45->uGroup == v42 )
-              v45->uAlly = v43;
-            ++v45;
-            --v44;
-            }
-            while ( v44 );
-          }
+        for ( uint actor_id = 0; actor_id < uNumActors; actor_id++ )
+        {
+          if ( pActors[actor_id].uGroup == v42 )
+            pActors[actor_id].uAlly = v43;
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_MoveNPC:
         pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5)].Location2D =EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9);
         if ( window_SpeakInHouse )
@@ -812,9 +719,7 @@
-                ++curr_seq_num;
-        v4 = v124;
+        ++curr_seq_num;
       case EVENT_Jmp:
         curr_seq_num = _evt->v5 - 1;
@@ -835,26 +740,22 @@
         else  //random player
           pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].PlayEmotion((CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_ID)_evt->v6, 0);
-          v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_CharacterAnimation:
-        if ( _evt->v5 <= 3u ) //someone
+        if ( _evt->v5 <= 3 ) //someone
           pParty->pPlayers[_evt->v5].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
         else if ( _evt->v5 == 4 ) //active
           pParty->pPlayers[uActiveCharacter].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
         else if ( _evt->v5 == 5 ) //all
-          for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+          for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
             pParty->pPlayers[i].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
         else  //random
           pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_ForPartyMember:
         player_choose = _evt->v5;
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_SummonItem:
         sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(_evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
@@ -864,10 +765,6 @@
           _evt->v21 + ((_evt->v22 + ((_evt->v23 + ((uint)_evt->v24 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
           _evt->v25, _evt->v26, 0, 0);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_Compare:
         pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
@@ -875,7 +772,7 @@
           if ( pPlayers[player_choose]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
-            v124 = -1;
+           // v124 = -1;
             curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
@@ -885,7 +782,7 @@
             if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
-              v124 = -1;
+             // v124 = -1;
               curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
@@ -897,7 +794,7 @@
             if ( pPlayers[i]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
-              v124 = -1;
+             // v124 = -1;
               curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
@@ -908,21 +805,21 @@
           if ( pPlayers[rand() % 4 + 1]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
-            v124 = -1;
+           // v124 = -1;
             curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
-        v4 = v124;
+        v4 = -1;
       case EVENT_IsActorAlive:
          if  (IsActorAlive(EVT_BYTE(_evt->v5), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v6), EVT_BYTE(_evt->v10)))
-           {
-           v124 = -1;
+         {
+           //v124 = -1;
            curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
-           }
+         }
-         v4 = v124;
+         v4 = -1;
       case EVENT_Substract:
         pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
@@ -1010,7 +907,6 @@
         else if ( player_choose == 6 ) //random
           pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].SubtractVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_Set:
         pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
@@ -1023,14 +919,13 @@
         else if ( player_choose == 5 )//all
-                  //recheck v130
+          //recheck v130
           for ( int i = 1; i < 5; ++i )
             pPlayers[i]->SetVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
         else if ( player_choose == 6 ) //random
           pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].SetVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_Add:
         pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
@@ -1059,34 +954,25 @@
           viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_InputString:
         if ( !entry_line )
-          {
+        {
           strcpy(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 )]]);
-          //v105 = curr_seq_num;
-          //v121 = 26;
           sub_4451A8_press_any_key(uEventID, curr_seq_num, 26);
           if ( v133 == 1 )
-          }
+        }
         v84 = _evt->v13 + ((_evt->v14 + ((_evt->v15 + ((uint)_evt->v16 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
         if ( !_stricmp(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[_evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8)]])
           || !_stricmp(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[v84]]) )
-          {
+        {
           v11 = _evt->v17;
-          //v124 = -1;
           curr_seq_num = v11 - 1;
-          }
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
+        v4 = -1;
       case EVENT_RandomGoTo:
         //v124 = -1;
@@ -1094,105 +980,65 @@
           + (_evt->v10 != 0)));
                 curr_seq_num = v11 - 1;
-                v4 = v124;
+                v4 = -1;
       case EVENT_ReceiveDamage:
         if ( (unsigned __int8)_evt->v5 <= 3 )
-          {
-          //v119 = _evt->v6;
-          //v115 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 );
+        {
           pParty->pPlayers[(unsigned __int8)_evt->v5].ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
-          v4 = v124;
-          }
+        }
         if ( _evt->v5 == 4 )
-          {
+        {
           if ( !uActiveCharacter )
-            {
+          {
-            v4 = v124;
-            //v6 = v123;
-            //v7 = "";
-            }
+          }
           pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
-          v4 = v124;
-          }
+        }
         if ( _evt->v5 != 5 )
-          {
+        {
           pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
-          v4 = v124;
-          //v6 = v123;
-          //v7 = "";
-          }
+        }
         for ( uint pl_id = 0;pl_id < 4; pl_id++ )
           pParty->pPlayers[pl_id].ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
-          v4 = v124;
-          //v6 = v123;
-          //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ToggleIndoorLight:
         pIndoor->ToggleLight(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), _evt->v9);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_SetFacesBit:
         sub_44892E_set_faces_bit(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5),EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9), _evt->v13);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ToggleChestFlag:
         Chest::ToggleFlag(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9 ), _evt->v13);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ToggleActorFlag:
         Actor::ToggleFlag(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9 ), _evt->v13);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ToggleActorGroupFlag:
         ToggleActorGroupFlag(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ),  EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9 ), _evt->v13);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_SetSnow:
         if ( !_evt->v5 )
           pWeather->bRenderSnow = _evt->v6 != 0;
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_StatusText:
         v90 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 );
         if ( activeLevelDecoration )
-          {
+        {
           if ( activeLevelDecoration == (LevelDecoration*)1 )
             current_npc_text = pNPCTopics[v90-1].pText;//(&dword_721664)[8 * v90];
           if ( canShowMessages == 1 )
@@ -1201,96 +1047,64 @@
             ShowStatusBarString(v91, 2);
-          }
+        }
+        {
+          if ( canShowMessages == 1 )
-          if ( canShowMessages == 1 )
-            {
             v91 = &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[v90]];
-            ShowStatusBarString(v91, 2u);
-            }
+            ShowStatusBarString(v91, 2);
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ShowMessage:
-        //v92 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 );
         if ( activeLevelDecoration )
-          {
+        {
           current_npc_text = pNPCTopics[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 )-1].pText;//(&dword_721664)[8 * v92];
           byte_5B0938[0] = 0;
-          //current_npc_text = v93;
-          }
+        }
           strcpy(byte_5B0938.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 )]]);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_CastSpell:
               EventCastSpell(_evt->v5, _evt->v6, _evt->v7, EVT_DWORD(_evt->v8 ),
                     EVT_DWORD(_evt->v12 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v16 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v20 ),
                     EVT_DWORD(_evt->v24 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v28 ));
-              v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_SetTexture:
         sub_44861E_set_texture(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), (char *)&_evt->v9);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_SetSprite:
         SetDecorationSprite(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), _evt->v9, (char *)&_evt->v10);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_SummonMonsters:
         sub_448CF4_spawn_monsters(_evt->v5, _evt->v6, _evt->v7,EVT_DWORD(_evt->v8 ),
                     EVT_DWORD(_evt->v12 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v16 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v20 ),
                     EVT_DWORD(_evt->v24 ));
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_MouseOver:
       case EVENT_LocationName:
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_ChangeDoorState:
         Door_switch_animation(_evt->v5, _evt->v6);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_OpenChest:
         if ( !Chest::Open(_evt->v5) )
-		{
+        {
           if ( v133 == 1 )
-		}
+        }
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_MoveToMap:
         v94 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
@@ -1318,10 +1132,10 @@
         if ( v129 == -1 )
           v98 = _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other;
-          {
+        {
           v98 = v129 & stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask;
           _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other = v129 & stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask;
-          }
+        }
         v99 = (char *)&_evt->v31;
         _5B65B8_npcdata_hiword_house_or_other = v95;
         dword_5B65BC = v97;
@@ -1381,10 +1195,6 @@
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_PlaySound:
         v110 = _evt->v13 + ((_evt->v14 + ((_evt->v15 + ((uint)_evt->v16 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
@@ -1392,20 +1202,15 @@
         v106 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
         pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v106, 0, 0, v109, v110, 0, 0, 0);
-        v4 = v124;
       case EVENT_GiveItem:
-        //v101 = &pSomeEVT[v9];
         v102 = _evt->v7 + ((_evt->v8 + ((_evt->v9 + ((uint)_evt->v10 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
         pItemsTable->GenerateItem(_evt->v5, _evt->v6, &item);
         if ( v102 )
           item.uItemID = v102;
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_SpeakInHouse:
         if ( EnterHouse((enum HOUSE_ID)EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5)))
@@ -1424,14 +1229,8 @@
           window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(  0,   0,  0, 0, 1,  0, UIMSG_CycleCharacters, 0, '\t', "", 0);
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
       case EVENT_PressAnyKey:
-        //v121 = 33;
-        //v105 = curr_seq_num + 1;
         sub_4451A8_press_any_key(uEventID, curr_seq_num + 1, 33);
         if ( v133 == 1 )
@@ -1442,22 +1241,13 @@
-        v4 = v124;
-        //v6 = v123;
-        //v7 = "";
-    ++v4;
-    v124 = v4;
-    if ( v4 >= uSomeEVT_NumEvents )
-    {
-      if ( v133 == 1 )
-        OnMapLeave();
-      return;
-    }
+    if ( v133 == 1 )
+      OnMapLeave();
+    return;
 //----- (00444732) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1480,8 +1270,8 @@
       if ( pLevelEVT_Index[event_index].uEventID == uEventID )
-    test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[pLevelEVT_Index[event_index].uEventOffsetInEVT];
-    last_evt=test_evt;
+        test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[pLevelEVT_Index[event_index].uEventOffsetInEVT];
+        last_evt=test_evt;
         event_pos = pLevelEVT_Index[event_index+1].uEventOffsetInEVT;
         if ( test_evt->_e_type == EVENT_MouseOver )
@@ -1490,7 +1280,7 @@
       if ( event_index >= uLevelEVT_NumEvents )
        return NULL;
-  test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[event_pos];
+    test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[event_pos];
     if ( test_evt->_e_type== EVENT_SpeakInHouse )
       str_index = EVT_DWORD(test_evt->v5);
@@ -1498,10 +1288,10 @@
-      for ( i = event_index+1; pLevelEVT_Index[i].uEventID  == uEventID; ++i )
+      for ( i = event_index + 1; pLevelEVT_Index[i].uEventID  == uEventID; ++i )
         event_pos = pLevelEVT_Index[i].uEventOffsetInEVT;
-    test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[event_pos];
+        test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[event_pos];
         if ( test_evt->_e_type == EVENT_SpeakInHouse )
           str_index = EVT_DWORD(test_evt->v5);
diff -r 6532bbac1a9e -r fd788d2e9585 GUIButton.cpp
--- a/GUIButton.cpp	Sat Mar 08 23:53:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/GUIButton.cpp	Sun Mar 09 22:39:59 2014 +0600
@@ -114,73 +114,51 @@
 //----- (0041D0D8) --------------------------------------------------------
 void GUIButton::Release()
-  GUIWindow *v1; // eax@2
-  GUIButton *v2; // edx@2
-  GUIButton *v3; // eax@6
-  GUIButton *ptr;
-  ptr=this;
-  if ( ptr )
+  if ( this )
-    v1 = ptr->pParent;
-    v2 = ptr->pNext;
-    if ( ptr == v1->pControlsHead )
+    if ( this == this->pParent->pControlsHead )
-      if ( v2 )
+      if ( this->pNext )
-        v1->pControlsHead = v2;
-        ptr->pNext->pPrev = 0;
+        this->pParent->pControlsHead = this->pNext;
+        this->pNext->pPrev = 0;
-        v1->pControlsHead = 0;
-        ptr->pParent->pControlsTail = 0;
+        this->pParent->pControlsHead = 0;
+        this->pParent->pControlsTail = 0;
-      v3 = ptr->pPrev;
-      if ( v2 )
+      if ( this->pNext )
-        v3->pNext = v2;
-        ptr->pNext->pPrev = v3;
+        this->pPrev->pNext = this->pNext;
+        this->pNext->pPrev = this->pPrev;
-        v3->pNext = 0;
-        ptr->pParent->pControlsTail = v3;
+        this->pPrev->pNext = 0;
+        this->pParent->pControlsTail = this->pPrev;
-    --ptr->pParent->uNumControls;
+    --this->pParent->uNumControls;
 //----- (00415180) --------------------------------------------------------
 void GUIButton::DrawLabel( const char *label_text, struct GUIFont *pFont, int a5, int uFontShadowColor )
-    {
-  const char *v5; // ebx@1
-  GUIButton *v6; // esi@1
-  int v7; // eax@1
-  v5 = label_text;
-  v6 = this;
-  v7 = pFont->GetLineWidth(label_text);
-  return pParent->DrawText(
-           pFont,
-           v6->uX + (signed int)(v6->uWidth - v7) / 2,
-           v6->uY + (signed int)(v6->uHeight - pFont->uFontHeight) / 2,
-           a5,
-           label_text,
-           0,
-           0,
-           uFontShadowColor);
+  return pParent->DrawText(pFont,
+           this->uX + (signed int)(this->uWidth - pFont->GetLineWidth(label_text)) / 2,
+           this->uY + (signed int)(this->uHeight - pFont->uFontHeight) / 2,
+           a5, label_text, 0, 0, uFontShadowColor);
 //----- (004B36CC) --------------------------------------------------------
 void CreateButtonInColumn( int column_pos, unsigned int control_id )
-     pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 480, 30 * column_pos + 146, 140, 30,  1,  0, UIMSG_SelectShopDialogueOption,  control_id,  0,   "",   0);
+  pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 480, 30 * column_pos + 146, 140, 30,  1,  0, UIMSG_SelectShopDialogueOption,  control_id,  0,   "",   0);
 //----- (00419379) --------------------------------------------------------
 void ReleaseAwardsScrollBar()
diff -r 6532bbac1a9e -r fd788d2e9585 Game.cpp
--- a/Game.cpp	Sat Mar 08 23:53:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Game.cpp	Sun Mar 09 22:39:59 2014 +0600
@@ -72,14 +72,11 @@
 //----- (0044103C) --------------------------------------------------------
 void Game::Draw()
-  //float v2; // ST24_4@11
-  //double v3; // ST28_8@11
   int v4; // edi@26
-  //int v5; // eax@35
   uFlags2 &= ~0x02;
   if ( pParty->_497FC5_check_party_perception_against_level() )
-    uFlags2 |= 2u;
+    uFlags2 |= 2;
   pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->sRotationX = pParty->sRotationX;
   pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->sRotationY = pParty->sRotationY;
diff -r 6532bbac1a9e -r fd788d2e9585 GammaControl.cpp
--- a/GammaControl.cpp	Sat Mar 08 23:53:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/GammaControl.cpp	Sun Mar 09 22:39:59 2014 +0600
@@ -23,30 +23,25 @@
   double v2; // st7@1
   unsigned __int16 *v3; // ecx@1
   double v4; // st6@2
-  double result; // st7@7
   signed int v6; // [sp+0h] [bp-8h]@1
   signed int v7; // [sp+4h] [bp-4h]@1
-  v7 = 0;
   v2 = 0.0;
   v6 = 256;
   v3 = a1->green;
-  do
+  for ( v7 = 0; v7 < 256; ++v7 )
     v4 = ((double)*(v3 - 256) + (double)v3[256] + (double)*v3) * 0.000015259022 * 0.33333334;
     if ( v4 == 0.0 )
       v2 = v2 + (double)v7 * 0.0039215689 / v4;
-    ++v7;
-  while ( v7 < 256 );
   if ( v6 )
-    result = v2 / (double)v6;
+    return v2 / (double)v6;
-    result = 1.0;
-  return result;
+    return 1.0;
 //----- (0044F408) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -66,42 +61,33 @@
   signed __int64 v4; // qax@3
   signed int v6; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@1
-  v6 = 0;
   v2 = pRamp->green;
-  do
+  for ( v6 = 0; v6 < 256; ++v6 )
     v3 = (double)v6 * 0.0039215689 * this->fGamma;
     if ( v3 >= 1.0 || (v4 = (signed __int64)(v3 * 65535.0), (signed int)v4 > 65535) )
-	{
-		LODWORD(v4) = 65535;	
-	}
+      LODWORD(v4) = 65535;
     else if ( (signed int)v4 < 0 )
-    {
       LODWORD(v4) = 0;
-    }
     if ( (signed int)v4 > 65535 )
       LODWORD(v4) = 65535;
-    ++v6;
     v2[256] = v4;
     *v2 = v4;
     *(v2 - 256) = v4;
-  while ( v6 < 256 );
   return v4;
 //----- (0044F4D9) --------------------------------------------------------
 void GammaController::Initialize(float gamma)
-  GammaController *v2; // esi@1
   double v3; // st7@3
   double v4; // st6@4
-  v2 = this;
   //if (pVersion->pVersionInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ||
       //pVersion->pVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion != 4)
@@ -117,19 +103,13 @@
         v3 = gamma;
-    {
       v3 = 0.1;
-    }
-    v2->fGamma = v3;
-    InitGammaRamp(&v2->field_60C);
-    SetGammaRamp(&v2->field_60C);
+    this->fGamma = v3;
+    InitGammaRamp(&this->field_60C);
+    SetGammaRamp(&this->field_60C);
 //----- (0044F215) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -139,29 +119,20 @@
   fGamma = flt_4D8670_default_gamma;
 //----- (0044F24B) --------------------------------------------------------
 void GammaController::InitializeFromSurface(IDirectDrawSurface4 *a2)
-  GammaController *v2; // esi@1
-  IDirectDrawGammaControl **v3; // edi@1
-  IDirectDrawGammaControl *v4; // eax@1
-  v2 = this;
-  v3 = &this->pGammaControl;
   this->pSurface = a2;
-  v4 = this->pGammaControl;
-  if ( v4 )
+  if ( this->pGammaControl )
-    v4->Release();
-    *v3 = 0;
+    this->pGammaControl->Release();
+    this->pGammaControl = 0;
   if ( pRenderer->IsGammaSupported() )
-    ErrD3D(a2->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl, (LPVOID *)v3));
+    ErrD3D(a2->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl, (LPVOID *)&this->pGammaControl));
-    memcpy(&v2->field_60C, &v2->pDefaultRamp, 0x600u);
-    fGamma = _44F377(&v2->field_60C);
+    memcpy(&this->field_60C, &this->pDefaultRamp, 0x600u);
+    fGamma = _44F377(&this->field_60C);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 6532bbac1a9e -r fd788d2e9585 Render.cpp
--- a/Render.cpp	Sat Mar 08 23:53:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Render.cpp	Sun Mar 09 22:39:59 2014 +0600
@@ -8485,18 +8485,18 @@
         //t = near_clip - v0.x / v1.x - v0.x    (������� ��������� ����� ����������� ������� � ����������)
         t = (8.0 - array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.x) / (array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.x - array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.x);
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.y = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.y - array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.y), t) + array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.y;
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.z = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.z - array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.z), t) + array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.z;
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].u = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i + 1].u - array_50AC10[i].u), t) + array_50AC10[i].u;
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].v = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i + 1].v - array_50AC10[i].v), t) + array_50AC10[i].v;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.y = (array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.y - array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.y) * t + array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.y;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.z = (array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.z - array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.z) * t + array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.z;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].u = (array_50AC10[i + 1].u - array_50AC10[i].u) * t + array_50AC10[i].u;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].v = (array_50AC10[i + 1].v - array_50AC10[i].v) * t + array_50AC10[i].v;
         t = (8.0 - array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.x) / (array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.x - array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.x);
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.y = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.y - array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.y), t) + array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.y;
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.z = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.z - array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.z), t) + array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.z;
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].u = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i].u - array_50AC10[i + 1].u), t) + array_50AC10[i + 1].u;
-        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].v = fixpoint_mul((array_50AC10[i].v - array_50AC10[i + 1].v), t) + array_50AC10[i + 1].v;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.y = (array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.y - array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.y) * t + array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.y;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.z = (array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewPosition.z - array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.z) * t + array_50AC10[i + 1].vWorldViewPosition.z;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].u = (array_50AC10[i].u - array_50AC10[i + 1].u) * t + array_50AC10[i + 1].u;
+        array_507D30[out_num_vertices].v = (array_50AC10[i].v - array_50AC10[i + 1].v) * t + array_50AC10[i + 1].v;
       array_507D30[out_num_vertices].vWorldViewPosition.x = 8.0;
       array_507D30[out_num_vertices]._rhw = 1.0 / 8.0;