# HG changeset patch
# User Ritor1
# Date 1411063169 -21600
# Node ID 82d5d92a097c5343c9614705f0ed252c78aaf3b6
# Parent  5abd8fc8f1c607d351f579103f5a34849ce1cf38
for MVS2012

diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Actor.cpp
--- a/Actor.cpp	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5717 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#include "Engine/Graphics/PaletteManager.h"
-#include "ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/DecalBuilder.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Sprites.h"
-#include "stru6.h"
-#include "Actor.h"
-#include "OurMath.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
-#include "AudioPlayer.h"
-#include "Game.h"
-#include "ObjectList.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Overlays.h"
-#include "FactionTable.h"
-#include "TurnEngine.h"
-#include "CastSpellInfo.h"
-#include "Timer.h"
-#include "LOD.h"
-#include "Party.h"
-#include "GUIWindow.h"
-#include "MM7.h"
-#include "SpriteObject.h"
-#include "stru298.h"
-#include "Log.h"
-#include "Texts.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Vis.h"
-std::array<Actor, 500> pActors;
-size_t uNumActors;
-stru319 stru_50C198; // idb
-std::array<uint, 5> _4DF380_hostilityRanges = {0, 1024, 2560, 5120, 10240};
-//----- (0042FB5C) --------------------------------------------------------
-// True if monster should play attack animation when casting this spell.
-bool ShouldMonsterPlayAttackAnim(signed int spell_id)
-  switch (spell_id)
-  {
-      return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-//----- (0041AF52) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, GUIWindow *window)
-  unsigned int bar_length; // esi@1
-  unsigned int uX; // ebx@10
-  unsigned int v9; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@4
-  unsigned int v10; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@4
-  if (actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP <= 25)
-    bar_length = 25;
-  else if ( actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP < 200 )
-    bar_length = actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-  else
-    bar_length = 200;
-  v10 = bar_length;
-  if ( actor->sCurrentHP <= (0.34 * actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP) )
-    v9 = uTextureID_mhp_red;
-  else if ( actor->sCurrentHP <= ( 0.67 * actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP) )
-    v9 = uTextureID_mhp_yel;
-  else
-    v9 = uTextureID_mhp_grn;
-  if ( actor->sCurrentHP < (int)actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
-    v10 = bar_length / actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * actor->sCurrentHP;
-  uX = window->uFrameX + (signed int)(window->uFrameWidth - bar_length) / 2;
-  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, uX + bar_length, window->uFrameY + 52);
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_bd));
-  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, uX + v10, window->uFrameY + 52);
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX, window->uFrameY + 34, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v9));
-  pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX - 5, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capl));
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX + bar_length, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capr));
-//----- (00448A40) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::ToggleFlag(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uFlag, int bToggle)
-  if ( uActorID >= 0 && uActorID <= (signed int)(uNumActors - 1) )
-  {
-    if ( bToggle )
-      pActors[uActorID].uAttributes |= uFlag;
-    else
-    {
-      if ( uFlag == 0x10000 )
-      {
-        if (pActors[uActorID].uAIState == Disabled )
-          pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
-      }
-      pActors[uActorID].uAttributes &= ~uFlag;
-    }
-  }
-//----- (00448518) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __fastcall sub_448518_npc_set_item(int npc, unsigned int item, int a3)
-  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
-  {
-    if (pActors[uNumActors].sNPC_ID == npc)
-      Actor::GiveItem(i, item, a3);
-  }
-//----- (004485A7) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::GiveItem(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uItemID, unsigned int bGive)
-  if ( (uActorID >= 0) && (signed int)uActorID <= (signed int)(uNumActors - 1) )
-  {
-    if ( bGive )
-    {
-      if ( pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID == 0)
-        pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID = uItemID;
-      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].uItemID == 0)
-        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].uItemID = uItemID;
-      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].uItemID == 0)
-        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].uItemID = uItemID;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID == uItemID )
-        pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID = 0;
-      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].uItemID == uItemID )
-        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].Reset();
-      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].uItemID == uItemID )
-        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].Reset();
-    }
-  }
-//----- (0040894B) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::CanAct()
-  bool isparalyzed; // esi@1
-  bool isstoned; // edi@2
-  isstoned = (signed __int64)this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0;// stoned
-  isparalyzed = (signed __int64)this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime > 0;// paralyzed
-  return !(isstoned || isparalyzed || this->uAIState == Dying || this->uAIState == Dead
-                    || this->uAIState == Removed || this->uAIState == Summoned || this->uAIState == Disabled);
-//----- (004089C7) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::IsNotAlive()
-  bool isstoned; // esi@1
-  isstoned = (signed __int64)this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0;// stoned
-  return (isstoned || (uAIState == Dying) || (uAIState == Dead) || (uAIState == Removed) || (uAIState == Summoned) || (uAIState == Disabled));
-//----- (004086E9) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::SetRandomGoldIfTheresNoItem()
-  int v2; // edi@1
-  v2 = 0;
-  if ( !this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID )
-  {
-    if ( this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls )
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls; i++)
-        v2 += rand() % this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides + 1;
-      if ( v2 )
-      {
-        this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID = 197;
-        this->ActorHasItems[3].uSpecEnchantmentType = v2;    //actual gold amount
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if ( rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance )
-  {
-    if ( this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel )
-      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel, this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType, &this->ActorHasItems[2]);
-  }
-  this->uAttributes |= ACTOR_HAS_ITEM;
-//----- (00404AC7) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_SpellAttack(unsigned int uActorID, AIDirection *pDir, int uSpellID, int a4, unsigned int uSkillLevel)
-  Actor *actorPtr; // esi@1
-  unsigned int realPoints; // edi@1
-  unsigned int masteryLevel; // eax@1
-  int v8; // edi@16
-  signed int v10; // ecx@22
-  int v19; // edi@34
-  int v20; // eax@35
-  signed int v23; // eax@41
-  int v28; // st6@50
-  int v30; // esi@50
-  int v31; // ST3C_4@51
-  unsigned int v32; // edi@51
-  signed int v36; // eax@67
-  int v39; // ecx@75
-  int v42; // ecx@91
-  int v44; // ecx@100
-  int v48; // ecx@110
-  int v51; // ecx@130
-  int v54; // ecx@138
-  int v59; // edi@146
-  int v61; // edi@146
-  signed int v63; // edi@146
-  int v68; // edi@168
-  signed int v70; // ecx@172
-  int v79; // edx@185
-  int v80; // eax@185
-  signed int v91; // eax@200
-  int v94; // ecx@208
-  int v96; // ecx@217
-  int pitch; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-A4h]@51
-  int v114; // [sp+48h] [bp-88h]@41
-  SpriteObject a1; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-84h]@1
-  int v116; // [sp+BCh] [bp-14h]@49
-  int v118; // [sp+C4h] [bp-Ch]@29
-  int v119; // [sp+C8h] [bp-8h]@48
-  int v120; // [sp+CCh] [bp-4h]@1
-  int spellnuma; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@29
-  int spellnumb; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@48
-  int spellnumc; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@50
-  int spellnume; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@179
-  int a1a; // [sp+E0h] [bp+10h]@34
-  int a1c; // [sp+E0h] [bp+10h]@184
-  actorPtr = &pActors[uActorID];
-  realPoints = uSkillLevel & 0x3F;
-  masteryLevel = SkillToMastery(uSkillLevel);
-  switch (uSpellID)
-  {
-    case SPELL_BODY_HARM:
-      a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
-      a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
-      a1.stru_24.Reset();
-      a1.spell_id = uSpellID;
-      a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
-      a1.vPosition.x = actorPtr->vPosition.x;
-      a1.spell_skill = 0;
-      a1.vPosition.y = actorPtr->vPosition.y;
-      a1.vPosition.z = actorPtr->vPosition.z + ((signed int)actorPtr->uActorHeight >> 1);
-      a1.uFacing = LOWORD(pDir->uYawAngle);
-      a1.uSoundID = 0;
-      a1.uAttributes = 0;
-      a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
-      a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-      a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
-      a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
-      if ((double)pDir->uDistance < 307.2 )
-        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
-      else if ( pDir->uDistance < 1024 )
-        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 1;
-      else if ( pDir->uDistance < 2560 )
-        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 2;
-      else 
-        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
-      a1.field_61 = 2;
-      v91 = a1.Create(pDir->uYawAngle, pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-      if ( v91 != -1 )
-      {
-        pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[uSpellID], PID(OBJECT_Item, v91), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-      }
-      return;
-      break;
-    case SPELL_FIRE_HASTE: 
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v39 = 60 * (realPoints + 60);
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v39 = 180 * (realPoints + 20);
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v39 = 240 * (realPoints + 15);
-      else
-        v39 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HASTE].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v39 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, 0, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xFF3C1Eu);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)10040, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-        return;
-      v114 = pParty->vPosition.z + 2500;
-      v23 = 8;
-      if (masteryLevel == 2)
-        v23 = 10;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3)
-        v23 = 12;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4)
-        v23 = 14;
-      spellnumb = 0;
-      v28 = 0;
-      for ( int i = 0; i < v23; i++)
-      {
-        v30 = rand() % 1000;
-        spellnumc = v30 - 2500;
-        v120 = v28 * v28;
-        v119 = spellnumb * spellnumb;
-        if ( sqrt((float)(spellnumc * spellnumc + v119 + v120)) <= 1.0 )
-        {
-          v32 = 0;
-          pitch = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          v31 = (signed __int64)sqrt((float)(v119 + v120));
-          v32 = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(spellnumb, (int)v28);
-          pitch = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(v31, (int)spellnumc);
-        }
-        a1.stru_24.Reset();
-        a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
-        a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
-        a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
-        a1.vPosition.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-        a1.vPosition.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-        a1.vPosition.z = v30 + v114;
-        a1.spell_id = SPELL_FIRE_METEOR_SHOWER;
-        a1.spell_skill = 0;
-        a1.uAttributes = 0;
-        a1.uSectorID = 0;
-        a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-        a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
-        a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
-        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = stru_50C198._427546(v30 + 2500);
-        a1.uFacing = v32;
-        a1.uSoundID = 0;
-        if (pDir->uDistance < 307.2 )
-          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
-        else if ( pDir->uDistance < 1024 )
-          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 1;
-        else if ( pDir->uDistance < 2560 )
-          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 2;
-        else 
-          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
-        a1.field_61 = 2;
-        v36 = a1.Create(v32, pitch, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-        if ( v36 != -1 )
-          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[9], PID(OBJECT_Item, v36), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        spellnumb = rand() % 1024 - 512;
-        v28 = rand() % 1024 - 512;
-      }
-      return;
-      break;
-      if (masteryLevel == 2 )
-        v10 = 5;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v10 = 7;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v10 = 9;
-      else 
-        v10 = 3;
-      spellnuma = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360;
-      a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
-      v118 = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360 / (v10 - 1);
-      a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
-      a1.stru_24.Reset();
-      a1.spell_id = SPELL_AIR_SPARKS;
-      a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
-      a1.vPosition.x = actorPtr->vPosition.x;
-      a1.spell_skill = 0;
-      a1.vPosition.y = actorPtr->vPosition.y;
-      a1.vPosition.z = actorPtr->vPosition.z + ((signed int)actorPtr->uActorHeight >> 1);
-      a1.uFacing = pDir->uYawAngle;
-      a1.uSoundID = 0;
-      a1.uAttributes = 0;
-      a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
-      a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
-      a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-      a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
-      a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
-      v19 = spellnuma / -2;
-      a1a = spellnuma / 2;
-      if ( spellnuma / -2 > spellnuma / 2 )
-        v20 = spellnuma / 2;
-      else
-      {
-        do
-        {
-          a1.uFacing = v19 + LOWORD(pDir->uYawAngle);
-          v20 = a1.Create((signed __int16)a1.uFacing, pDir->uPitchAngle,
-            pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-          v19 += v118;
-        }
-        while ( v19 <= a1a );
-      }
-      if ( v20 != -1 )
-      {
-        pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[15], PID(OBJECT_Item, v20), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-      }
-      return;
-      break;
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v8 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v8 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v8 = 3600 * (realPoints + 64);
-      else
-        v8 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v8 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v44 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v44 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v44 = 3600 * (realPoints + 64);
-      else
-          v44 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v44 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0x5C310Eu);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)13040, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v42 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v42 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v42 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else
-        v42 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v42 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0xC8C805u);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14010, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      break;
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v48 = 2 * realPoints + 40;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v48 = 3 * realPoints + 60;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v48 = 2 * (3 * realPoints + 60);
-      else
-        v48 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + 1280, masteryLevel, v48, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0xC8C805u);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14020, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v54 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-        v54 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-        v54 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else
-        v54 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v54 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0xC8C805u);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14060, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if ( (signed int)masteryLevel <= 0 || (signed int)masteryLevel > 4 )
-        v51 = 0;
-      else
-        v51 = 3600 * realPoints;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v51 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel,
-        realPoints,
-        0,
-        0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xA81376u);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)16060, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      actorPtr->sCurrentHP += 5 * realPoints + 10;
-      if ( actorPtr->sCurrentHP >= (signed int)actorPtr->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
-        actorPtr->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(actorPtr->pMonsterInfo.uHP);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xA81376u);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14020, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
-        pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].Reset();
-      for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
-      {
-        v59 = pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualWillpower());
-        v61 = (pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualIntelligence()) + v59) / 2;
-        v63 = v61 + pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualLuck()) + 30;
-        if ( rand() % v63 < 30 )
-        {
-          for (uint k = 0; k < pPlayers[i]->pPlayerBuffs.size(); k++)
-            pPlayers[i]->pPlayerBuffs[k].Reset();
-          pOtherOverlayList->_4418B1(11210, i + 99, 0, 65536);
-        }
-      }
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[80], PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-       if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v96 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
-      {
-        LOWORD(realPoints) = 3 * realPoints;
-        v96 = 900 * (uSkillLevel & 0x3F) + 3840;
-      }
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
-      {
-        v96 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
-        LOWORD(realPoints) = 4 * realPoints;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        LOWORD(realPoints) = uSkillLevel;
-        v96 = 0;
-      }
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_DAY_OF_PROTECTION].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v96 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, realPoints, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xFFFFFFu);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)17070, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
-        v94 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3)
-        v94 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4)
-        v94 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else
-        v94 = 0;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v94 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xFFFFFFu);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)17080, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-      if (masteryLevel == 2)
-        v70 = 5;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 3)
-        v70 = 7;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 4)
-        v70 = 9;
-      else
-        v70 = 3;
-      spellnume = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360;
-      a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
-      v116 = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360 / (v70 - 1);
-      a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
-      a1.stru_24.Reset();
-      a1.spell_id = uSpellID;
-      a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
-      a1.vPosition.x = actorPtr->vPosition.x;
-      a1.spell_skill = 0;
-      a1.vPosition.y = actorPtr->vPosition.y;
-      a1.vPosition.z = actorPtr->vPosition.z + ((signed int)actorPtr->uActorHeight >> 1);
-      a1.uFacing = pDir->uYawAngle;
-      a1.uSoundID = 0;
-      a1.uAttributes = 0;
-      a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
-      a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
-      a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-      a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
-      a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
-      a1c = spellnume / -2;
-      if ( spellnume / -2 > spellnume / 2 )
-        v80 = spellnume / -2;
-      else
-      {
-        do
-        {
-          v79 = pDir->uYawAngle;
-          a1.uFacing = a1c + LOWORD(pDir->uYawAngle);
-          v80 = a1.Create(v79, pDir->uPitchAngle,
-            pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-          a1c += v116;
-        }
-        while ( a1c <= spellnume / 2 );
-      }
-      if ( v80 != -1 )
-      {
-        pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[93], PID(OBJECT_Item, v80), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-      }
-      return;
-      break;
-      if (masteryLevel == 0)
-        v68 = 0;
-      else if (masteryLevel == 1 || (masteryLevel == 2) || (masteryLevel == 3))
-        v68 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
-      else
-        v68 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
-      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].Apply(
-        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v68 << 7) * 0.033333335),
-        masteryLevel, 0, 0, 0);
-      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0x7E7E7Eu);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)18060, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      return;
-  }
-//----- (new func) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned short Actor::GetObjDescId( int spellId )
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pObjectList->uNumObjects; i++)
-  {
-    if (stru_4E3ACC[spellId].uType == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID)
-    {
-      return i;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-//----- (0043ABB0) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(Actor *a1, Actor *a2)
-  unsigned int v2; // esi@1
-  unsigned int v3; // edi@1
-  v2 = a1->uAlly;
-  if ( !a1->uAlly )
-    v2 = (a1->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
-  v3 = a2->uAlly;
-  if ( !a2->uAlly )
-    v3 = (a2->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
-  if ( v2 >= 39 && v2 <= 44 && v3 >= 39 && v3 <= 44
-    || v2 >= 45 && v2 <= 50 && v3 >= 45 && v3 <= 50
-    || v2 >= 51 && v2 <= 62 && v3 >= 51 && v3 <= 62
-    || v2 >= 78 && v2 <= 83 && v3 >= 78 && v3 <= 83 
-    || v2 == v3
-    )
-    return true;
-  else
-    return false;
-//----- (0043AC45) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(unsigned int uActorID, int a2)
-  int v4; // ebx@8
-  int v5; // ST1C_4@8
-  int v6; // eax@8
-  int x = 0; x |= 0x80000;
-  int y = 0; y |= 0x80000;
-  Actor* victim = &pActors[uActorID];
-  if ( a2 == 1 )
-    victim->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
-  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
-  {
-    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
-    if (!actor->CanAct() || i == uActorID)
-      continue;
-    if (Actor::ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(victim, actor))
-    {
-      v4 = abs(actor->vPosition.x - victim->vPosition.x);
-      v5 = abs(actor->vPosition.y - victim->vPosition.y);
-      v6 = abs(actor->vPosition.z - victim->vPosition.z);
-      if (int_get_vector_length(v4, v5, v6) < 4096)
-      {
-        actor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
-        if ( a2 == 1 )
-          actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//----- (00404874) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_RangedAttack( unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *pDir, int type, char a4 )
-  char specAb; // al@1
-  int v13; // edx@28
-  SpriteObject a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-74h]@1
-  switch ( type )
-  {
-    case 1:
-      a1.uType = 545;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      a1.uType = 550;
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      a1.uType = 510;
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      a1.uType = 500;
-      break;
-    case 5:
-      a1.uType = 515;
-      break;
-    case 6:
-      a1.uType = 505;
-      break;
-    case 7:
-      a1.uType = 530;
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      a1.uType = 525;
-      break;
-    case 9:
-      a1.uType = 520;
-      break;
-    case 10:
-      a1.uType = 535;
-      break;
-    case 11:
-      a1.uType = 540;
-      break;
-    case 13:
-      a1.uType = 555;
-      break;
-    default:
-      return;
-  }
-  bool found = false;
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < pObjectList->uNumObjects; i++)
-  {
-    if (pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID == a1.uType)
-    {
-      a1.uObjectDescID = i;
-      found = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!found)
-  {
-    Error("Item not found");
-    return;
-  }
-  a1.stru_24.Reset();
-  a1.spell_id = 0;
-  a1.vPosition.x = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.x;
-  a1.vPosition.y = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.y;
-  a1.vPosition.z = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(pActors[uActorID].uActorHeight * -0.75);
-  a1.spell_level = 0;
-  a1.spell_skill = 0;
-  a1.uFacing = pDir->uYawAngle;
-  a1.uSoundID = 0;
-  a1.uAttributes = 0;
-  a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
-  a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-  a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
-  a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
-  if (pDir->uDistance < 307.2 )
-    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
-  else if ( pDir->uDistance < 1024 )
-    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 1;
-  else if ( pDir->uDistance < 2560 )
-    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 2;
-  else 
-    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
-  a1.field_61 = a4;
-  a1.Create(pDir->uYawAngle, pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityType == 1 )
-  {
-    specAb = pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
-    if ( specAb == 2 )
-    {
-      a1.vPosition.z += 40;
-      v13 = pDir->uYawAngle;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( specAb != 3 )
-        return;
-      a1.Create(pDir->uYawAngle + 30,      //TODO find out why the YawAngle change
-        pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-      v13 = pDir->uYawAngle - 30;
-    }
-    a1.Create(v13, pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
-  }
-  return;
-//----- (00404736) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::Explode( unsigned int uActorID )
-  SpriteObject a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-78h]@1
-  a1.uType = 600;
-  a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(a1.uType);
-  a1.stru_24.Reset();
-  a1.spell_id = 0;
-  a1.spell_level = 0;
-  a1.spell_skill = 0;
-  a1.vPosition.x = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.x;
-  a1.vPosition.y = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.y;
-  a1.vPosition.z = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(pActors[uActorID].uActorHeight * -0.75);
-  a1.uFacing = 0;
-  a1.uSoundID = 0;
-  a1.uAttributes = 0;
-  a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
-  a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-  a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
-  a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
-  a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
-  a1.field_61 = 4;
-  a1.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
-  return;
-//----- (004040E9) --------------------------------------------------------
-// // Get direction vector from object1 to object2,
-// // distance from object1 to object2 and Euler angles of the direction vector
-// //
-// //
-// // object1 & object2 format :  objectType | (objectID << 3)
-// //    objectType == 2 - SpriteObject
-// //    objectType == 3 - Actor
-// //    objectType == 4 - Party
-// //    objectType == 5 - Decoration
-// //
-// // originally this function had following prototype:
-// // struct DirectionInfo GetDirectionInfo(signed int object1, signed int object2, signed int a4)
-// // but compiler converts functions returning structures by value in the such way
-void Actor::GetDirectionInfo( unsigned int uObj1ID, unsigned int uObj2ID, struct AIDirection *pOut, int a4 )
-  signed int v4; // eax@1
-  signed int v5; // ecx@1
-  int v18; // edx@15
-  float v31; // st7@45
-  float v32; // st6@45
-  float v33; // st7@45
-  Vec3_int_ v37; // [sp-10h] [bp-5Ch]@15
-  AIDirection v41; // [sp+14h] [bp-38h]@46
-  float outy2; // [sp+38h] [bp-14h]@33
-  float outx2; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-10h]@33
-  int outz; // [sp+40h] [bp-Ch]@6
-  int outy; // [sp+44h] [bp-8h]@6
-  int outx; // [sp+48h] [bp-4h]@6
-  float a4a; // [sp+58h] [bp+Ch]@45
-  v4 = PID_ID(uObj1ID);
-  //v6 = uObj2ID;
-  v5 = PID_ID(uObj2ID);
-  switch( PID_TYPE(uObj1ID) )
-  {
-    case OBJECT_Item:
-    {
-      outx = pSpriteObjects[v4].vPosition.x;
-      outy = pSpriteObjects[v4].vPosition.y;
-      outz = pSpriteObjects[v4].vPosition.z;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_Actor:
-    {
-      outx = pActors[v4].vPosition.x;
-      outy = pActors[v4].vPosition.y;
-      outz = pActors[v4].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)pActors[v4].uActorHeight * -0.75);
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_Player:
-    {
-      if ( !v4 )
-      {
-        outx = pParty->vPosition.x;
-        outy = pParty->vPosition.y;
-        outz = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
-        break;
-      }
-      if ( v4 == 4 )
-      {
-        v18 = pParty->sRotationY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi;
-        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
-        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-        Vec3_int_::Rotate(24, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
-        break;
-      }
-      if ( v4 == 3 )
-      {
-        v18 = pParty->sRotationY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi;
-        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
-        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-        Vec3_int_::Rotate(8, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
-        break;
-      }
-      if ( v4 == 2 )
-      {
-        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
-        v18 = stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi + pParty->sRotationY;
-        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-        Vec3_int_::Rotate(8, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
-        break;
-      }
-      if ( v4 == 1 )
-      {
-        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
-        v18 = stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi + pParty->sRotationY;
-        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-        Vec3_int_::Rotate(24, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    case OBJECT_Decoration:
-    {
-      outx = pLevelDecorations[v4].vPosition.x;
-      outy = pLevelDecorations[v4].vPosition.y;
-      outz = pLevelDecorations[v4].vPosition.z;
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-    {
-      outz = 0;
-      outy = 0;
-      outx = 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_BModel:
-    {
-      if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-      {
-        outx = (pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.x1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.x2) >> 1;
-        outy = (pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.y1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.y2) >> 1;
-        outz = (pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.z1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.z2) >> 1;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  switch( PID_TYPE(uObj2ID) )
-  {
-    case OBJECT_Item:
-    {
-      outx2 = (float)pSpriteObjects[v5].vPosition.x;
-      outy2 =(float) pSpriteObjects[v5].vPosition.y;
-      a4 = pSpriteObjects[v5].vPosition.z;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_Actor:
-    {
-      outx2 = (float)pActors[v5].vPosition.x;
-      outy2 = (float)pActors[v5].vPosition.y;
-      a4 = pActors[v5].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)pActors[v5].uActorHeight * -0.75);
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_Player:
-    {
-      outx2 = (float)pParty->vPosition.x;
-      outy2 = (float)pParty->vPosition.y;
-      if ( !a4 )
-        a4 = pParty->sEyelevel;
-      a4 = pParty->vPosition.z + a4;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_Decoration:
-    {
-      outx2 = (float)pLevelDecorations[v5].vPosition.x;
-      outy2 = (float)pLevelDecorations[v5].vPosition.y;
-      a4 = pLevelDecorations[v5].vPosition.z;
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-    {
-      outx2 = 0.0;
-      outy2 = 0.0;
-      a4 = 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OBJECT_BModel:
-    {
-      if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-      {
-        outx2 = (float)((pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.x1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.x2) >> 1);
-        outy2 = (float)((pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.y1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.y2) >> 1);
-        a4 = (pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.z1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.z2) >> 1;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  v31 = (float)outx2 - (float)outx;
-  v32 = (float)outy2 - (float)outy;
-  a4a = (float)a4 - (float)outz;
-  outx2 = v32 * v32;
-  outy2 = v31 * v31;
-  v33 = sqrt(a4a * a4a + outy2 + outx2);
-  if ( v33 <= 1.0 )
-  {
-    pOut->vDirection.x = 65536;
-    pOut->vDirection.y = 0;
-    pOut->vDirection.z = 0;
-    pOut->uDistance = 1;
-    pOut->uDistanceXZ = 1;
-    pOut->uYawAngle = 0;
-    pOut->uPitchAngle = 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    pOut->vDirection.x = (int32_t)(1.0 / v33 * v31 * 65536.0);
-    pOut->vDirection.y = (int32_t)(1.0 / v33 * v32 * 65536.0);
-    pOut->vDirection.z = (int32_t)(1.0 / v33 * a4a * 65536.0);
-    pOut->uDistance = (uint)v33;
-    pOut->uDistanceXZ = (uint)sqrt(outy2 + outx2);
-    pOut->uYawAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2((signed __int64)v31, (signed __int64)v32);
-    pOut->uPitchAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(pOut->uDistanceXZ, (signed __int64)a4a);
-  }
-//----- (00404030) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_FaceObject(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, int _48, AIDirection *a4)
-  AIDirection *v7; // eax@3
-  AIDirection v1; // eax@3
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+8h] [bp-38h]@4
-  if ( rand() % 100 >= 5 )
-  {
-    //v9 = &pActors[uActorID];
-    if ( !a4 )
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), uObjID, &v1, 0);
-      v7 = &v1;
-    }
-    else
-      v7 = a4;
-    pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = v7->uYawAngle;
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].uPitchAngle = v7->uPitchAngle;
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = 256;
-    pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Interacting;
-    pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-  else
-    Actor::AI_Bored(uActorID, uObjID, a4);
-//----- (00403F58) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_StandOrBored(unsigned int uActorID, signed int uObjID, int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
-  if (rand() % 2)//0 or 1
-    AI_Bored(uActorID, uObjID, a4);
-  else
-    AI_Stand(uActorID, uObjID, uActionLength, a4);
-//----- (00403EB6) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Stand(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int object_to_face_pid, unsigned int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
-  assert(uActorID < uNumActors);
- // Actor* actor = &pActors[uActorID];
-  AIDirection a3;
-  if (!a4)
-  {
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), object_to_face_pid, &a3, 0);
-    a4 = &a3;
-  }
-  pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
-  if (!uActionLength)
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = rand() % 256 + 256;// �� 256 �� 256 + 256 
-  else
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength;
-  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = a4->uYawAngle;
-  pActors[uActorID].uPitchAngle = a4->uPitchAngle;
-  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (00403E61) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __fastcall Actor::StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID)
-  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = rand() % 128 + 128;
-  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
-  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
-  pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (00403C6C) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *arg0)
-  int16_t v6; // esi@6
-  int16_t v7; // edi@6
-  signed int v8; // eax@7
-  Vec3_int_ v10; // ST04_12@9
-  AIDirection *v12; // eax@11
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@12
-  AIDirection v20; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@12
-  int v23; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@6
-  unsigned int v25; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@13
-  assert(uActorID < uNumActors);
-  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY && pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 1 )
-  {
-    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, sTargetPid, 0, arg0);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
-  {
-	  v8 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
-    v6 = pActors[v8].vPosition.x;
-    v7 = pActors[v8].vPosition.y;
-    v23 = (int)(pActors[v8].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v8].vPosition.z);
-  }
-  else if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
-  {
-	  v6 = pParty->vPosition.x;
-    v7 = pParty->vPosition.y;
-    v23 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Error("Should not get here");
-    return;
-  }
-  v10.x = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.x;
-  v10.y = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.y;
-  v10.z = (int32_t)(pActors[uActorID].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[uActorID].vPosition.z);
-  if ( sub_407A1C((int)v6, (int)v7, v23, v10) )
-  {
-    if (arg0 != nullptr)
-      v12 = arg0;
-    else
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
-      v12 = &a3;
-    }
-    pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = LOWORD(v12->uYawAngle);
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActors[uActorID].pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkMelee]].uAnimLength * 8;
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].uAIState = AttackingMelee;
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
-    v25 = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
-    if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0 )
-      v25 *= 2;
-    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn != 1 )
-      pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * v25 * 2.133333333333333);
-    else
-      pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v25;
-    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-  else
-	Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, rand() % 2, 64, arg0);
-//----- (00438CF3) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID)
-  if ( uLevelMapStatsID == 0 || !pActors[uActorID].IsPeasant())
-    return;
-  if ( (uLevelMapStatsID == 6 || uLevelMapStatsID == 7) && pParty->IsPartyEvil())   //celeste and bracada
-    return;
-  if ( (uLevelMapStatsID == 5 || uLevelMapStatsID == 8) && pParty->IsPartyGood())   // the pit and deyja
-    return;
-  pParty->uFine += 100 * (pMapStats->pInfos[uLevelMapStatsID]._steal_perm + pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uLevel + pParty->GetPartyReputation());
-  if ( pParty->uFine < 0 )
-    pParty->uFine = 0;
-  if ( pParty->uFine > 4000000 )
-    pParty->uFine = 4000000;
-  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
-  {
-    if (pOutdoor->ddm.uReputation < 10000)
-      pOutdoor->ddm.uReputation++;
-  }
-  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
-  {
-    if (pIndoor->dlv.uReputation < 10000)
-      pIndoor->dlv.uReputation++;
-  }
-  else assert(false);
-  if ( pParty->uFine )
-  {
-    for ( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
-    {
-      if ( !_449B57_test_bit(pPlayers[i]->_achieved_awards_bits, 1) )
-        _449B7E_toggle_bit(pPlayers[i]->_achieved_awards_bits, 1, 1u);
-    }
-  }
-//----- (0043AE80) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3)
-  unsigned int v4; // esi@1
-  v4 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
-  switch ( a2 )
-  {
-    case 1:
-      if ( a3 )
-        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(904, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
-      return;
-    case 2:
-      if ( a3 )
-        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(905, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
-      return;
-    case 3:
-      if ( a3 )
-        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(906, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
-      return;
-    case 4:
-      if ( a3 )
-        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(907, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
-      return;
-    case 5:
-      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(901, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
-      return;
-    case 6:
-      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(902, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
-      return;
-    case 7:
-      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(903, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
-      return;
-    case 8:
-      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(900, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
-      return;
-    case 9:
-      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(909, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
-      return;
-    case 10:
-      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(908, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
-      return;
-    default:
-      return;
-  }
-  return;
-//----- (0043B3E0) --------------------------------------------------------
-int Actor::_43B3E0_CalcDamage( signed int dmgSource )
-  signed int v2; // ebp@1
-  int v3; // eax@9
-  signed int v4; // edi@9
-  int v5; // esi@9
-  unsigned __int16 v8; // si@21
-  int v9; // edi@21
-  signed int v10; // eax@23
-  int v11; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1
-  v2 = 0;
-  v11 = 0;
-  switch( dmgSource )
-  {
-    case 0: 
-      if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
-        v2 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
-      if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime > 0 && this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uPower > v2 )
-        v2 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uPower;
-      if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime > 0 )
-        v2 += this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].uPower;
-      v3 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceRolls;
-      v4 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceSides;
-      v5 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageBonus;
-      break;
-    case 1: 
-      v3 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2DamageDiceRolls;
-      v4 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2DamageDiceSides;
-      v5 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2DamageBonus;
-      break;
-    case 2: 
-      v8 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery1;
-      v9 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
-      v10 = SkillToMastery(v8);
-      return _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(v9, v8 & 0x3F, v10, 0);
-      break;
-    case 3: 
-      v8 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery2;
-      v9 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
-      v10 = SkillToMastery(v8);
-      return _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(v9, v8 & 0x3F, v10, 0);
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      v3 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls;
-      v4 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides;
-      v5 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
-    default:
-      return 0;
-  }
-  for ( int i = 0; i < v3; i++)
-    v11 += rand() % v4 + 1;
-  return v11 + v5 + v2;
-//----- (00438B9B) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::IsPeasant()
-  unsigned int InHostile_Id; // eax@1
-  InHostile_Id = this->uAlly;
-  if ( !this->uAlly )
-    InHostile_Id = (this->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
-  return (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 39 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 44//Dwarfs peasants
-      || (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 45 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 50//Elves peasants
-      || (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 51 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 62//Humans peasants
-      || (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 78 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 83;//Goblins peasants
-//----- (0042EBEE) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::StealFrom( unsigned int uActorID )
-  Player *pPlayer; // edi@1
-  int v4; // ebx@2
-  unsigned int v5; // eax@2
-  DDM_DLV_Header *v6; // esi@4
-  int v8; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@6
-  pPlayer = &pParty->pPlayers[uActiveCharacter-1];
-  if ( pPlayer->CanAct() )
-  {
-    CastSpellInfoHelpers::_427D48();
-    v4 = 0;
-    v5 = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
-    if ( v5 )
-      v4 = pMapStats->pInfos[v5]._steal_perm;
-    v6 = &pOutdoor->ddm;
-    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor)
-      v6 = &pIndoor->dlv;
-    pPlayer->StealFromActor(uActorID, v4, v6->uReputation++);
-    v8 = pPlayer->GetAttackRecoveryTime(0);
-    if ( v8 < 30 )
-      v8 = 30;
-    if ( !pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn )
-      pPlayer->SetRecoveryTime((int)(flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1 * v8 * 2.133333333333333));
-    pTurnEngine->ApplyPlayerAction();
-  }
-  return;
-//----- (00403A60) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_SpellAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, AIDirection *pDir)
-  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
-  int16_t v4; // esi@3
-  int16_t v5; // edi@3
-  signed int v6; // eax@4
-  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
-  AIDirection *v9; // eax@8
-  __int16 v13; // ax@10
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@9
-  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@9
-  int v19; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
-  signed int a2; // [sp+48h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  int v21; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@3
-  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@10
-  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  a2 = edx0;
-  if ( PID_TYPE(edx0) == OBJECT_Actor)
-  {
-    v6 = PID_ID(edx0);
-    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
-    v21 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
-  }
-  else if ( PID_TYPE(edx0) == OBJECT_Player)
-  {
-    v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
-    v21 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Error("Should not get here");
-    return;
-  }
-  v19 = v3->uActorHeight;
-  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (int)(v19 * -0.75);
-  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
-  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
-  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v21, v7) )
-  {
-    if ( pDir == nullptr)
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), a2, &a3, 0);
-      v9 = &a3;
-    }
-    else
-      v9 = pDir;
-    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v9->uYawAngle);
-    v13 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
-    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v13;
-    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged4;
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
-    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
-    if (v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0)
-      pDira *= 2;
-    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
-    else
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v3->uCurrentActionLength + (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * 2.133333333333333);
-    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
-    if ( ShouldMonsterPlayAttackAnim(v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID) )
-    {
-      v3->uCurrentActionLength = 64;
-      v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-      v3->uAIState = Fidgeting;
-      v3->UpdateAnimation();
-      v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged4;
-    }
-    else
-      v3->UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-  else
-    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, a2, uActorID, 64, pDir);
-//----- (00403854) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_SpellAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir)
-  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
-  int16_t v4; // esi@3
-  int16_t v5; // edi@3
-  signed int v6; // eax@4
-  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
-  AIDirection *v9; // eax@8
-  __int16 v13; // ax@10
-  signed int v16; // ecx@17
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@9
-  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@9
-  int v19; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
-  int v21; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@3
-  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@10
-  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
-  {
-    v6 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
-    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
-    v21 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
-  }
-  else if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
-  {
-    v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
-    v21 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Error("Should not get here");
-    return;
-  }
-  v19 = v3->uActorHeight;
-  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (int)(v19 * -0.75);
-  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
-  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
-  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v21, v7) )
-  {
-    if ( pDir == nullptr )
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
-      v9 = &a3;
-    }
-    else
-      v9 = pDir;
-    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v9->uYawAngle);
-    v13 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
-    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v13;
-    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged3;
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
-    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
-    if (v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0)
-      pDira *= 2;
-    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
-    else
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v3->uCurrentActionLength + (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * 2.133333333333333);
-    v16 = v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
-    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
-    if ( ShouldMonsterPlayAttackAnim(v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID) )
-    {
-      v3->uCurrentActionLength = 64;
-      v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-      v3->uAIState = Fidgeting;
-      v3->UpdateAnimation();
-      v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged3;
-    }
-    else
-      v3->UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-  else
-    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, uActorID, 64, pDir);
-//----- (0040368B) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_MissileAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir)
-  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
-  int16_t v4; // esi@3
-  int16_t v5; // edi@3
-  signed int v6; // eax@4
-  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
-  AIDirection *v9; // eax@8
-  __int16 v13; // ax@10
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@9
-  AIDirection v17; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@9
-  int v18; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
-  int v20; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@3
-  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@10
-  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
-  {
-    v6 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
-    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
-    v20 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
-  }
-  else if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
-  {
-    v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
-    v20 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Error("Should not get here");
-    return;
-  }
-  v18 = v3->uActorHeight;
-  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (int)(v18 * -0.75);
-  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
-  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
-  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v20, v7) )
-  {
-    if ( pDir == nullptr )
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
-      v9 = &a3;
-    }
-    else
-      v9 = pDir;
-    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v9->uYawAngle);
-    v13 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
-    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v13;
-    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged2;
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
-    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
-    if ( v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0 )
-      pDira *= 2;
-    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn != 1 )
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * 2.133333333333333);
-    else
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
-    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
-    v3->UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-  else
-    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, uActorID, 64, pDir);
-//----- (00403476) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_MissileAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir)
-  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
-  int v4; // esi@3
-  int v5; // edi@3
-  signed int v6; // eax@4
-  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
-  AIDirection *v10; // eax@9
-  __int16 v14; // ax@11
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@10
-  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@10
-  int v19; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
-  //signed int a2; // [sp+48h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  int v22; // [sp+50h] [bp-4h]@3
-  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@11
-  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  //a2 = edx0;
-  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
-  {
-    v6 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
-    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
-    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
-    v22 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
-    {
-      v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
-      v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
-      v22 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      v4 = (int)pDir;
-      v5 = (int)pDir;
-    }
-  }
-  v19 = v3->uActorHeight;
-  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)v19 * -0.75);
-  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
-  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
-  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v22, v7) || sub_407A1C(v7.x, v7.y, v7.z, Vec3_int_(v4, v5, v22)))
-  {
-    if ( pDir == nullptr )
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
-      v10 = &a3;
-    }
-    else
-      v10 = pDir;
-    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v10->uYawAngle);
-    v14 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
-    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v14;
-    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged1;
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
-    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
-    if ( v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0 )
-      pDira *= 2;
-    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
-    else
-      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v3->uCurrentActionLength - (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * -2.133333333333333);
-    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
-    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
-    v3->UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-  else
-    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, uActorID, 64, pDir);
-//----- (004032B2) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_RandomMove( unsigned int uActor_id, unsigned int uTarget_id, int radius, int uActionLength )
-  int x; // ebx@1
-  int absy; // eax@1
-  unsigned int v9; // ebx@11
-  int v10; // ebx@13
-  AIDirection doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom; // [sp+Ch] [bp-30h]@7
-  int y; // [sp+30h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  int absx; // [sp+38h] [bp-4h]@1
-  x = pActors[uActor_id].vInitialPosition.x - pActors[uActor_id].vPosition.x;
-  y = pActors[uActor_id].vInitialPosition.y - pActors[uActor_id].vPosition.y;
-  absx = abs(x);
-  absy = abs(y);
-  if ( absx <= absy )
-    absx = absy + (absx / 2 );
-  else
-    absx = absx + absy / 2;
-  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[uActor_id].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActor_id, OBJECT_Player, uActionLength, &doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( pActors[uActor_id].pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_GLOBAL && absx < 128 )
-  {
-    Actor::AI_Stand(uActor_id, uTarget_id, 256, &doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom);
-    return;
-  }
-  absx += ((rand() & 0xF) * radius) / 16;
-  v9 = (stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi - 1) & stru_5C6E00->Atan2(x, y);
-  if ( rand() % 100 < 25 )
-  {
-    Actor::StandAwhile(uActor_id);
-    return;
-  }
-  v10 = v9 + rand() % 256 - 128;
-  if ( abs(v10 - pActors[uActor_id].uYawAngle) > 256 && !(pActors[uActor_id].uAttributes & ACTOR_ANIMATION) )
-  {
-    Actor::AI_Stand(uActor_id, uTarget_id, 256, &doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom);
-    return;
-  }
-  pActors[uActor_id].uYawAngle = v10;
-  if ( pActors[uActor_id].uMovementSpeed)
-    pActors[uActor_id].uCurrentActionLength = 32 * absx / pActors[uActor_id].uMovementSpeed;
-  else
-    pActors[uActor_id].uCurrentActionLength = 0;
-  pActors[uActor_id].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  pActors[uActor_id].uAIState = Tethered;
-  if ( rand() % 100 < 2 )
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActor_id, 3);
-  pActors[uActor_id].UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (004031C1) --------------------------------------------------------
-char __fastcall Actor::_4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(unsigned int uActorID, signed int a2, int a3)   //attempted to implement something like jobs for actors, but apparently was never finished
-  return 0;
-  /*unsigned int v3; // edi@1
-  Actor *v4; // esi@1
-  ActorJob *v5; // eax@1
-  signed int v6; // edx@2
-  ActorJob *v7; // eax@2
-  signed int v8; // edi@2
-  ActorJob *v9; // ecx@2
-  __int16 v10; // cx@15
-  signed int v12; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@1
-  v3 = uActorID;
-  v12 = a2;
-  v4 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  v5 = (ActorJob *)pActors[uActorID].CanAct();
-  if ( v5 )
-  {
-    v6 = 65535;
-    v7 = &v4->pScheduledJobs[v3];
-    v8 = 7;
-    v9 = &v7[7];//(char *)&v7[7].uHour;
-	while ( !(v9->uAttributes & 1) || v9->uHour > v12 )
-    {
-      --v8;
-      --v9;
-      if ( v8 < 0 )
-        break;
-    }
-	if( v8 >= 0 )
-		v6 = v8;
-    if ( !v8 && v6 == 65535 )
-      v6 = 7;
-    v5 = &v7[v6];
-    if ( v4->vInitialPosition.x != v5->vPos.x
-      || v4->vInitialPosition.y != v5->vPos.y
-      || v4->vInitialPosition.z != v5->vPos.z
-      || v4->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType != v5->uAction )
-    {
-      v4->vInitialPosition.x = v5->vPos.x;
-      v4->vInitialPosition.y = v5->vPos.y;
-      v10 = v5->vPos.z;
-      v4->vInitialPosition.z = v10;
-      LOBYTE(v5) = v5->uAction;
-      v4->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY;
-      if ( a3 == 1 )
-      {
-        v4->vPosition.x = v4->vInitialPosition.x;
-        v4->vPosition.y = v4->vInitialPosition.y;
-        LOBYTE(v5) = v10;
-        v4->vPosition.z = v10;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return (char)v5;*/
-//----- (004030AD) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Stun(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int stunRegardlessOfState)
-  __int16 v7; // ax@16
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@16
-  if ( pActors[uActorID].uAIState == Fleeing )
-    pActors[uActorID].uAttributes |= ACTOR_FLEEING;
-  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType != 4 )
-  {
-    pActors[uActorID].uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFFFB;//~0x4
-    pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
-  }
-  if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].Reset();
-  if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID].Reset();
-  if ( stunRegardlessOfState || (pActors[uActorID].uAIState != Stunned
-    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged1
-    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged2
-    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged3
-    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged4
-    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingMelee))
-  {
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), edx0, &a3, 0);
-    //v10 = &a3;
-    pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = LOWORD(a3.uYawAngle);
-    v7 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActors[uActorID].pSpriteIDs[ANIM_GotHit]].uAnimLength;
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Stunned;
-    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v7;
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 2);
-    pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-//----- (00402F87) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Bored(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, AIDirection *a4)
-  unsigned int v7; // eax@3
-  unsigned int v9; // eax@3
-  Actor* actor = &pActors[uActorID];
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-5Ch]@2
-  if (!a4)
-  {
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), uObjID, &a3, 0);
-    a4 = &a3;
-  }
-  actor->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[actor->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Bored]].uAnimLength;
-  v7 = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(actor->vPosition.x - pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.x, actor->vPosition.y - pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.y);
-  v9 = stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + actor->uYawAngle + ((signed int)stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi >> 3) - v7;
-  if ( v9 & 0x700 )      // turned away - just stand
-    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, uObjID, actor->uCurrentActionLength, a4);
-  else                      // facing player - play bored anim
-  {
-    actor->uAIState = Fidgeting;
-    actor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    actor->uYawAngle = a4->uYawAngle;
-    actor->vVelocity.z = 0;
-    actor->vVelocity.y = 0;
-    actor->vVelocity.x = 0;
-    if ( rand() % 100 < 5 )
-      Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 3);
-    actor->UpdateAnimation();
-  }
-//----- (00402F27) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::Resurrect(unsigned int uActorID)
-  Actor *pActor; // esi@1
-  pActor = &pActors[uActorID];
-  pActor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  pActor->uAIState = Resurrected;
-  pActor->uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dying;
-  pActor->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActor->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Dying]].uAnimLength;
-  pActor->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP);
-  Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 1);
-  pActor->UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (00402D6E) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::Die(unsigned int uActorID)
-  Actor* actor = &pActors[uActorID];
-  actor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  actor->uAIState = Dying;
-  actor->uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dying;
-  actor->sCurrentHP = 0;
-  actor->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[actor->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Dying]].uAnimLength;
-  actor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].Reset();
-  actor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].Reset();
-  Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 1);
-  actor->UpdateAnimation();
-  for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
-    if (pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[i] == actor->pMonsterInfo.uID)
-      pParty->monster_for_hunting_killed[i] = true;
-  for (uint i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
-    actor->pActorBuffs[i].Reset();
-  ItemGen drop;
-  drop.Reset();
-  switch (actor->pMonsterInfo.uID)
-  {
-      drop.uItemID = ITEM_HARPY_FEATHER;
-    break;
-    case MONSTER_OOZE_1: case MONSTER_OOZE_2: case MONSTER_OOZE_3:
-    break;
-      drop.uItemID = ITEM_TROLL_BLOOD;
-    break;
-      drop.uItemID = ITEM_DEVIL_ICHOR;
-    break;
-      drop.uItemID = ITEM_DRAGON_EYE;
-    break;
-  }
-  if (rand() % 100 < 20 && drop.uItemID != 0)
-  {
-    SpriteObject::sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(pItemsTable->pItems[drop.uItemID].uSpriteID,
-      actor->vPosition.x,
-      actor->vPosition.y,
-      actor->vPosition.z + 16,
-      rand() % 200 + 200,
-      1,
-      1,
-      0,
-      &drop);
-  }
-  if (actor->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityType == MONSTER_SPECIAL_ABILITY_EXPLODE)
-    Actor::Explode(uActorID);
-//----- (00402CED) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::PlaySound(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uSoundID)
-  unsigned __int16 v3; // dx@1
-  v3 = pActors[uActorID].pSoundSampleIDs[uSoundID];
-  if ( v3 )
-  {
-    if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime <= 0 )
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    else
-    {
-      switch(pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower)
-      {
-        case 1: 
-          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33075);
-          break;
-        case 2: 
-          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33075);
-          break;
-        case 3: 
-        case 4: 
-          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33075);
-          break;
-        default:
-          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//----- (00402AD7) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Pursue1(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int arg0, signed int uActionLength, AIDirection *pDir)
-  int v6; // eax@1
-  Actor *v7; // ebx@1
-  unsigned int v8; // ecx@1
-  AIDirection *v10; // esi@6
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-5Ch]@7
-  unsigned int v18; // [sp+64h] [bp-4h]@1
-  v6 = 0;
-  v7 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  v8 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
-  if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uFlying != 0 && !pParty->bFlying )                //TODO: Does v6 have a point?
-  {
-    if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type )
-      v6 = v7->uActorRadius + 512;
-    else
-      v6 = pParty->uPartyHeight;
-  }
-  if ( pDir == nullptr )
-  {
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v8, a2, &a3, v6);
-    v10 = &a3;
-  }
-  else
-    v10 = pDir;
-  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v7->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, v10);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( v10->uDistance < 307.2 )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, v10);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( v7->uMovementSpeed == 0 )
-  {
-    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, v10);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( arg0 % 2 )
-    v18 = -16;
-  else
-    v18 = 16;
-  v7->uYawAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(
-                    pParty->vPosition.x + (int)fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v18 + stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + v10->uYawAngle), v10->uDistanceXZ) - v7->vPosition.x,
-                      pParty->vPosition.y + (int)fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v18 + stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + v10->uYawAngle), v10->uDistanceXZ) - v7->vPosition.y);
-  if ( uActionLength )
-    v7->uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength;
-  else
-    v7->uCurrentActionLength = 128;
-  v7->uPitchAngle = LOWORD(v10->uPitchAngle);
-  v7->uAIState = Pursuing;
-  v7->UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (00402968) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Flee(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
-  Actor *v5; // ebx@1
-  int v7; // ecx@2
-  unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@15
-  AIDirection v10; // [sp+8h] [bp-7Ch]@4
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+24h] [bp-60h]@3
-  AIDirection* v13; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-28h]@4
-  v5 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  if ( v5->CanAct() )
-  {
-    v7 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
-    if ( !a4 )
-    {
-      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v7, sTargetPid, &a3, v5->pMonsterInfo.uFlying);
-      a4 = &a3;
-    }
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v7, 4u, &v10, 0);
-    v13 = &v10;
-    if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v5->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT)
-      || PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor && v13->uDistance < 307.2 )
-    {
-      if ( !uActionLength )
-        uActionLength = 256;
-      Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, v13);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( v5->uMovementSpeed )
-        v5->uCurrentActionLength = (signed int)(a4->uDistanceXZ << 7) / v5->uMovementSpeed;
-      else
-        v5->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
-      if ( v5->uCurrentActionLength > 256 )
-        v5->uCurrentActionLength = 256;
-      v5->uYawAngle = LOWORD(stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi) + LOWORD(a4->uYawAngle);
-      v5->uYawAngle = LOWORD(stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask) & (v5->uYawAngle + rand() % (signed int)stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi);
-      v9 = LOWORD(a4->uPitchAngle);
-      v5->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-      v5->uPitchAngle = v9;
-      v5->uAIState = Fleeing;
-      v5->UpdateAnimation();
-    }
-  }
-//----- (0040281C) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Pursue2(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, AIDirection *pDir, int a5)
-  int v6; // eax@1
-  Actor *v7; // ebx@1
-  unsigned int v8; // ecx@1
-  AIDirection *v10; // esi@7
-  signed __int16 v13; // cx@19
-  unsigned __int16 v14; // ax@25
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@8
-  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-24h]@8
-  v6 = 0;
-  v7 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  v8 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
-  if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uFlying != 0 && !pParty->bFlying )
-  {
-    if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type && uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor )
-      v6 = v7->uActorRadius + 512;
-    else
-      v6 = pParty->uPartyHeight;
-  }
-  v10 = pDir;
-  if ( !pDir )
-  {
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v8, a2, &a3, v6);
-    v10 = &a3;
-  }
-  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v7->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, v10);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( (signed int)v10->uDistance < a5 )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, v10);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( uActionLength )
-  {
-    v7->uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    v13 = v7->uMovementSpeed;
-    if ( v13 )
-      v7->uCurrentActionLength = (signed int)(v10->uDistanceXZ << 7) / v13;
-    else
-      v7->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
-    if ( v7->uCurrentActionLength > 32 )
-      v7->uCurrentActionLength = 32;
-  }
-  v7->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v10->uYawAngle);
-  v14 = LOWORD(v10->uPitchAngle);
-  v7->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  v7->uPitchAngle = v14;
-  v7->uAIState = Pursuing;
-  v7->UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (00402686) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::AI_Pursue3(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
-  int v5; // eax@1
-  Actor *v6; // ebx@1
-  int v7; // ecx@1
-  signed __int16 v12; // cx@19
-  __int16 v14; // ax@25
-  unsigned __int16 v16; // ax@28
-  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@8
-  AIDirection* v20; // [sp+28h] [bp-24h]@8
-  v5 = 0;
-  v6 = &pActors[uActorID];
-  v7 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
-  if ( v6->pMonsterInfo.uFlying != 0 && !pParty->bFlying )
-  {
-    if ( v6->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type && uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor )
-      v5 = v6->uActorRadius + 512;
-    else
-      v5 = pParty->uPartyHeight;
-  }
-  if ( !a4 )
-  {
-    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v7, a2, &a3, v5);
-    v20 = &a3;
-  }
-  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v6->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    return Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, a4);
-  }
-  if ( a4->uDistance < 307.2 )
-  {
-    if ( !uActionLength )
-      uActionLength = 256;
-    return Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, a4);
-  }
-  if ( uActionLength )
-    v6->uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength + rand() % uActionLength;
-  else
-  {
-    v12 = v6->uMovementSpeed;
-    if ( v12 )
-      v6->uCurrentActionLength = (signed int)(a4->uDistanceXZ << 7) / v12;
-    else
-      v6->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
-    if ( v6->uCurrentActionLength > 128 )
-      v6->uCurrentActionLength = 128;
-  }
-  v14 = LOWORD(a4->uYawAngle);
-  if ( rand() % 2 )
-    v14 += 256;
-  else
-    v14 -= 256;
-  v6->uYawAngle = v14;
-  v16 = LOWORD(a4->uPitchAngle);
-  v6->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  v6->uPitchAngle = v16;
-  v6->uAIState = Pursuing;
-  if ( rand() % 100 < 2 )
-    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 2u);
-  v6->UpdateAnimation();
-//----- (00401221) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::_SelectTarget(unsigned int uActorID, int *a2, bool can_target_party)
-  int v5; // ecx@1
-  signed int v10; // eax@13
-  uint v11; // ebx@16
-  uint v12; // eax@16
-  signed int v14; // eax@31
-  uint v15; // edi@43
-  uint v16; // ebx@45
-  uint v17; // eax@45
-  signed int closestId; // [sp+14h] [bp-1Ch]@1
-  uint v23; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-14h]@16
-  unsigned int lowestRadius; // [sp+24h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  uint v27; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-4h]@16
-  uint v28; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-4h]@45
-  lowestRadius = UINT_MAX;
-  v5 = 0;
-  *a2 = 0;
-  closestId = 0;
-  assert(uActorID < uNumActors);
-  Actor* thisActor = &pActors[uActorID];
-  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
-  {
-    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
-    if (actor->uAIState == Dead || actor->uAIState == Dying ||
-        actor->uAIState == Removed || actor->uAIState == Summoned || actor->uAIState == Disabled || uActorID == i )
-      continue;
-		if (thisActor->uLastCharacterIDToHit == 0 || PID(OBJECT_Actor,v5) != thisActor->uLastCharacterIDToHit )
-		{
-		  v10 = thisActor->GetActorsRelation(actor);
-		  if ( v10 == 0 )
-			continue;
-		}
-		else if (thisActor->IsNotAlive())
-		{
-		  thisActor->uLastCharacterIDToHit = 0;
-		  v10 = thisActor->GetActorsRelation(actor);
-		  if ( v10 == 0 )
-			continue;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( (actor->uGroup != 0 || thisActor->uGroup != 0) && actor->uGroup == thisActor->uGroup )
-				continue;
-			v10 = 4;
-		}
-		if ( thisActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType )
-		  v10 = pMonsterStats->pInfos[thisActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uHostilityType;
-		v11 = _4DF380_hostilityRanges[v10];
-		v23 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.x - actor->vPosition.x);
-		v27 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.y - actor->vPosition.y);
-		v12 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.z - actor->vPosition.z);
-		if ( v23 <= v11
-		  && v27 <= v11
-		  && v12 <= v11
-		  && sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(PID(OBJECT_Actor, i), PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID))
-		  && v23 * v23 + v27 * v27 + v12 * v12 < lowestRadius )
-		{
-		  lowestRadius = v23 * v23 + v27 * v27 + v12 * v12;
-		  closestId = i;
-		}
-  }
-  if ( lowestRadius != UINT_MAX )
-  {
-    *a2 = PID(OBJECT_Actor, closestId);
-  }
-  if (can_target_party && !pParty->Invisible())
-  {
-    if ( thisActor->ActorEnemy()
-      && thisActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime <= 0
-      && thisActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime <= 0
-      && thisActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED].uExpireTime <= 0 )
-      v14 = 4;
-    else
-      v14 = thisActor->GetActorsRelation(0);
-    if ( v14 != 0 )
-    {
-      if ( !thisActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType )
-        v15 = _4DF380_hostilityRanges[v14];
-      else
-        v15 = _4DF380_hostilityRanges[4];
-      v16 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x);
-      v28 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y);
-      v17 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.z - pParty->vPosition.z);
-      if ( v16 <= v15 && v28 <= v15 && v17 <= v15 && (v16 * v16 + v28 * v28 + v17 * v17 < lowestRadius))
-      {
-        *a2 = OBJECT_Player;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// 4DF380: using guessed type int dword_4DF380[];
-// 4DF390: using guessed type int dword_4DF390;
-//----- (0040104C) --------------------------------------------------------
-signed int Actor::GetActorsRelation(Actor *otherActPtr)
-  unsigned int thisGroup; // ebp@19
-  int otherGroup; // eax@22
-  unsigned int thisAlly; // edx@25
-  unsigned int otherAlly; // edx@33
-  if ( otherActPtr)
-  {
-    if ( otherActPtr->uGroup != 0 && this->uGroup != 0 && otherActPtr->uGroup == this->uGroup )
-      return 0;
-  }
-  if (this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BERSERK].uExpireTime > 0)
-    return 4;
-  thisAlly = this->uAlly;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime > 0 || thisAlly == 9999)
-    thisGroup = 0;
-  else if ( thisAlly > 0 )
-    thisGroup = thisAlly;
-  else
-    thisGroup = (this->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
-  if ( otherActPtr )
-  {
-    if (otherActPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BERSERK].uExpireTime > 0)
-      return 4;
-    otherAlly = otherActPtr->uAlly;
-    if ( otherActPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime > 0 || otherAlly == 9999)
-      otherGroup = 0;
-    else  if ( otherAlly > 0 )
-      otherGroup = otherAlly;
-    else
-      otherGroup = (otherActPtr->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
-  }
-  else
-    otherGroup = 0;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 && !otherGroup
-    || otherActPtr && otherActPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 && !thisGroup )
-    return 0;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime <= 0 && this->ActorEnemy() && !otherGroup )
-    return 4;
-  if (thisGroup >= 89 || otherGroup >= 89)
-    return 0;
-  if ( thisGroup == 0  )
-  {
-    if ( (!otherActPtr || this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime > 0 && otherActPtr->ActorFriend()) && !pFactionTable->relations[otherGroup][0])
-      return pFactionTable->relations[0][otherGroup];
-    else
-      return 4;
-  }
-  else
-    return pFactionTable->relations[thisGroup][otherGroup];
-//----- (0045976D) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::UpdateAnimation()
-  ResetAnimation();
-  switch (uAIState)
-  {
-    case Tethered:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Walking;
-    break;
-    case AttackingMelee:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_AtkMelee;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case AttackingRanged1:
-    case AttackingRanged2:
-    case AttackingRanged3:
-    case AttackingRanged4:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_AtkRanged;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case Dying:
-    case Resurrected:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dying;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case Pursuing:
-    case Fleeing:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Walking;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case Stunned:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_GotHit;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case Fidgeting:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Bored;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case Standing:
-    case Interacting:
-    case Summoned:
-      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Standing;
-      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
-    break;
-    case Dead:
-      if (pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Dead]].pHwSpriteIDs[0] <= 0)
-        uAIState = Removed;
-      else
-        uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dead;
-    break;
-    case Removed:
-    case Disabled:
-      return;
-    default:
-      assert(false);
-  }
-//----- (00459671) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::Reset()
-  this->pActorName[0] = 0;
-  this->word_000086_some_monster_id = 0;
-  this->sNPC_ID = 0;
-  this->vPosition.z = 0;
-  this->vPosition.y = 0;
-  this->vPosition.x = 0;
-  this->vVelocity.z = 0;
-  this->vVelocity.y = 0;
-  this->vVelocity.x = 0;
-  this->uYawAngle = 0;
-  this->uPitchAngle = 0;
-  this->uAttributes = 0;
-  this->uSectorID = 0;
-  this->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  this->vInitialPosition.z = 0;
-  this->vInitialPosition.y = 0;
-  this->vInitialPosition.x = 0;
-  this->vGuardingPosition.z = 0;
-  this->vGuardingPosition.y = 0;
-  this->vGuardingPosition.x = 0;
-  this->uTetherDistance = 256;
-  this->uActorRadius = 32;
-  this->uActorHeight = 128;
-  this->uAIState = Standing;
-  this->uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Standing;
-  this->uMovementSpeed = 200;
-  this->uCarriedItemID = 0;
-  this->uGroup = 0;
-  this->uAlly = 0;
-  this->uSummonerID = 0;
-  this->uLastCharacterIDToHit = 0;
-  this->dword_000334_unique_name = 0;
-  memset(this->pSpriteIDs, 0, sizeof(pSpriteIDs));
-  memset(this->pActorBuffs, 0, 0x160u);
-//----- (0045959A) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::PrepareSprites(char load_sounds_if_bit1_set)
-  MonsterDesc *v3; // esi@1 
-  MonsterInfo *v9; // [sp+84h] [bp-10h]@1
-  v3 = &pMonsterList->pMonsters[pMonsterInfo.uID - 1];
-  v9 = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[pMonsterInfo.uID - 1 + 1];
-  //v12 = pSpriteIDs;
-  //Source = (char *)v3->pSpriteNames;
-  //do
-  for (uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
-  {
-    //strcpy(pSpriteName, v3->pSpriteNames[i]);
-    pSpriteIDs[i] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite(v3->pSpriteNames[i]);
-    pSpriteFrameTable->InitializeSprite(pSpriteIDs[i]);
-  }
-  uActorHeight = v3->uMonsterHeight;
-  uActorRadius = v3->uMonsterRadius;
-  uMovementSpeed = v9->uBaseSpeed;
-  if ( !(load_sounds_if_bit1_set & 1) )
-  {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
-      pSoundSampleIDs[i] = v3->pSoundSampleIDs[i];
-  }
-//----- (00459667) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::Remove()
-  this->uAIState = Removed;
-//----- (0043B1B0) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::ActorDamageFromMonster(signed int attacker_id, unsigned int actor_id, Vec3_int_ *pVelocity, signed int a4)
-  int v4; // ebx@1
-  int dmgToRecv; // qax@8
-  signed int v12; // ecx@20
-  int finalDmg; // edi@30
-  int pushDistance; // [sp+20h] [bp+Ch]@34
-  v4 = 0;
-  if ( PID_TYPE(attacker_id) == OBJECT_Item)
-  {
-    v4 = pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(attacker_id)].field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod;
-    attacker_id = pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(attacker_id)].spell_caster_pid;
-  }
-  if ( PID_TYPE(attacker_id) == OBJECT_Actor)
-  {
-    if ( !pActors[actor_id].IsNotAlive() )
-    {
-      pActors[actor_id].uLastCharacterIDToHit = attacker_id;
-      if ( pActors[actor_id].uAIState == Fleeing )
-        pActors[actor_id].uAttributes |= ACTOR_FLEEING;
-      if ( pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)]._4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(&pActors[actor_id], v4, 0) )
-      {
-        dmgToRecv = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)]._43B3E0_CalcDamage(a4);
-        if ( pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime > 0 )
-        {
-          if ( pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower )
-            dmgToRecv = dmgToRecv / pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower;
-        }
-        if ( pActors[actor_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0 )
-          dmgToRecv = 0;
-        if ( a4 == 0 )
-          v12 = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1Type;
-        else if ( a4 == 1 )
-        {
-          v12 = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pMonsterInfo.uAttack2Type;
-          if ( SHIDWORD(pActors[actor_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime) > 0 )
-            dmgToRecv = dmgToRecv / 2;
-        }
-        else if ( a4 == 2 )
-          v12 = pSpellStats->pInfos[pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID].uSchool;
-        else if ( a4 == 3 )
-          v12 = pSpellStats->pInfos[pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID].uSchool;
-        else if ( a4 == 4 )
-          v12 = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pMonsterInfo.field_3C_some_special_attack;
-        else
-          v12 = 4;
-        finalDmg = pActors[actor_id].CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)v12, dmgToRecv);
-        pActors[actor_id].sCurrentHP -= finalDmg;
-        if ( finalDmg )
-        {
-          if ( pActors[actor_id].sCurrentHP > 0 )
-            Actor::AI_Stun(actor_id, attacker_id, 0);
-          else
-            Actor::Die(actor_id);
-          Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(actor_id, 0);
-          pushDistance = 20 * finalDmg / pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-          if ( pushDistance > 10 )
-            pushDistance = 10;
-          if ( !MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
-          {
-            pVelocity->x = (int32)fixpoint_mul(pushDistance, pVelocity->x);
-            pVelocity->y = (int32)fixpoint_mul(pushDistance, pVelocity->y);
-            pVelocity->z = (int32)fixpoint_mul(pushDistance, pVelocity->z);
-            pActors[actor_id].vVelocity.x = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->x);
-            pActors[actor_id].vVelocity.y = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->y);
-            pActors[actor_id].vVelocity.z = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->z);
-          }
-          Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(actor_id, 1, finalDmg);
-        }
-        else
-          Actor::AI_Stun(actor_id, attacker_id, 0);
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//----- (0044FD29) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::SummonMinion( int summonerId )
-  unsigned __int8 extraSummonLevel; // al@1
-  int summonMonsterBaseType; // esi@1
-  int v5; // edx@2
-  int v7; // edi@10
-  Actor *actor; // esi@10
-  MonsterInfo *v9; // ebx@10
-  //MonsterDesc *v10; // edi@10
-  int v13; // ebx@10
-  int v15; // edi@10
-  int v17; // ebx@10
-  unsigned int v19; // qax@10
-  int result; // eax@13
-  unsigned int monsterId; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@8
-  int v27; // [sp+18h] [bp-10h]@10
-  int actorSector; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@8
-  actorSector = 0;
-  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-    actorSector = pIndoor->GetSector(this->vPosition.x, this->vPosition.y, this->vPosition.z);
-  v19 = this->uAlly;
-  if ( !this->uAlly )
-  {
-    monsterId = this->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1;
-    v19 = (uint)(monsterId * 0.33333334);
-  }
-  v27 = uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor ? 128 : 64;
-  v13 = rand() % 2048;
-  v15 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v13), v27) + this->vPosition.x;
-  v17 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v13), v27) + this->vPosition.y;
-  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
-  {
-    result = pIndoor->GetSector(v15, v17, this->vPosition.z);
-    if (result != actorSector)
-      return;
-    result = BLV_GetFloorLevel(v15, v17, v27, result, &monsterId);
-    if (result != -30000)
-      return;
-    if (abs(result - v27) > 1024)
-      return;
-  }
-  extraSummonLevel = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls;
-  summonMonsterBaseType = this->pMonsterInfo.field_3C_some_special_attack;
-  if ( extraSummonLevel )
-  {
-    if ( extraSummonLevel >= 1 && extraSummonLevel <= 3 )
-      summonMonsterBaseType = summonMonsterBaseType + extraSummonLevel - 1;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    v5 = rand() % 100;
-    if ( v5 >= 90 )
-      summonMonsterBaseType += 2;
-    else if ( v5 >= 60 )
-      summonMonsterBaseType += 1;
-  }
-  v7 = summonMonsterBaseType - 1;
-  actor = &pActors[uNumActors];
-  v9 = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v7 + 1];
-  pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
-  strcpy(actor->pActorName, v9->pName);
-  actor->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(v9->uHP);
-  memcpy(&actor->pMonsterInfo, v9, sizeof(actor->pMonsterInfo));
-  actor->word_000086_some_monster_id = summonMonsterBaseType;
-  actor->uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v7].uMonsterRadius;
-  actor->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v7].uMonsterHeight;
-  actor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
-  actor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
-  actor->pMonsterInfo.uExp = 0;
-  actor->uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v7].uMovementSpeed;
-  actor->vInitialPosition.x = v15;
-  actor->vInitialPosition.y = v17;
-  actor->vInitialPosition.z = this->vPosition.z;
-  actor->vPosition.x = v15;
-  actor->vPosition.y = v17;
-  actor->vPosition.z = this->vPosition.z;
-  actor->uTetherDistance = 256;
-  actor->uSectorID = actorSector;
-  actor->PrepareSprites(0);
-  actor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-  actor->uAlly = v19;
-  actor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-  actor->uGroup = this->uGroup;
-  actor->uAIState = Summoned;
-  actor->uCurrentActionLength = 256;
-  actor->UpdateAnimation();
-  ++uNumActors;
-  ++this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
-  if ( ActorEnemy())
-    actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
-  actor->uSummonerID = PID(OBJECT_Actor,summonerId);
-// 46DF1A: using guessed type int __fastcall 46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int, int);
-//----- (0046DF1A) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::_46DF1A_collide_against_actor( int a1, int a2 )
-  Actor *v2; // edi@1
-  unsigned __int16 v3; // ax@1
-  int v4; // esi@6
-  int v8; // ecx@14
-  int v9; // eax@14
-  int v10; // ebx@14
-  int v11; // esi@14
-  int v12; // ebx@15
-  int v13; // ebx@17
-  v2 = &pActors[a1];
-  v3 = v2->uAIState;
-  if ( v3 == Removed || v3 == Dying || v3 == Disabled || v3 == Dead || v3 == Summoned )
-    return 0;
-  v4 = v2->uActorRadius;
-  if ( a2 )
-    v4 = a2;
-  if (stru_721530.sMaxX > v2->vPosition.x + v4 || 
-      stru_721530.sMinX < v2->vPosition.x - v4 || 
-      stru_721530.sMaxY > v2->vPosition.y + v4 || 
-      stru_721530.sMinY < v2->vPosition.y - v4 ||
-      stru_721530.sMaxZ > v2->vPosition.z + v2->uActorHeight ||
-      stru_721530.sMinZ < v2->vPosition.z)
-  {
-    return false;
-  }
-  v8 = v2->vPosition.x - stru_721530.normal.x;
-  v9 = v2->vPosition.y - stru_721530.normal.y;
-  v10 = stru_721530.prolly_normal_d + v4;
-  v11 = (v8 * stru_721530.direction.y - v9 * stru_721530.direction.x) >> 16;
-  v12 = (v8 * stru_721530.direction.x + v9 * stru_721530.direction.y) >> 16;
-  if ( abs(v11) > v10 || v12 <= 0)
-    return false;
-  if (fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.direction.z, v12) + stru_721530.normal.z < v2->vPosition.z)
-    return false;
-  v13 = v12 - integer_sqrt(v10 * v10 - v11 * v11);
-  if ( v13 < 0 )
-    v13 = 0;
-  if ( v13 < stru_721530.field_7C )
-  {
-    stru_721530.field_7C = v13;
-    stru_721530.uFaceID = PID(OBJECT_Actor,a1);
-  }
-  return true;
-//----- (00401A91) --------------------------------------------------------
-void  Actor::UpdateActorAI()
-	signed int v4; // edi@10
-	signed int sDmg; // eax@14
-	Player *pPlayer; // ecx@21
-	Actor *pActor; // esi@34
-	//unsigned __int16 v22; // ax@86
-	unsigned int v27; // ecx@123
-	unsigned int v28; // eax@123
-	int v33; // eax@144
-	int v34; // eax@147
-	char v35; // al@150
-	unsigned int v36; // edi@152
-	signed int v37; // eax@154
-	double v42; // st7@176
-	double v43; // st6@176
-	int v45; // eax@192
-	unsigned __int8 v46; // cl@197
-	signed int v47; // st7@206
-	uint v58; // st7@246
-	unsigned int v65; // [sp-10h] [bp-C0h]@144
-	int v70; // [sp-10h] [bp-C0h]@213
-	AIDirection v72; // [sp+0h] [bp-B0h]@246
-	AIDirection a3; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-94h]@129
-	int target_pid_type; // [sp+70h] [bp-40h]@83
-	signed int a1; // [sp+74h] [bp-3Ch]@129
-	int v78; // [sp+78h] [bp-38h]@79
-	AIDirection* pDir; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-34h]@129
-	float radiusMultiplier; // [sp+98h] [bp-18h]@33
-	int v81; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-14h]@100
-	signed int target_pid; // [sp+ACh] [bp-4h]@83
-	AIState uAIState;
-	uint v38;
-	//Build AI array
-	if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
-		Actor::MakeActorAIList_ODM();
-	else
-		Actor::MakeActorAIList_BLV();
-	//Armageddon damage mechanic
-	if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Indoor && pParty->armageddon_timer > 0 )
-	{
-		if ( pParty->armageddon_timer > 417 )
-			pParty->armageddon_timer = 0;
-		else
-		{
-			pParty->sRotationY = (stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi - 1) & (pParty->sRotationY + rand() % 16 - 8);
-			pParty->sRotationX = pParty->sRotationX + rand() % 16 - 8;
-			if ( pParty->sRotationX > 128) 
-				pParty->sRotationX = 128;
-			else if ( pParty->sRotationX < -128 )
-				pParty->sRotationX = -128;
-			pParty->uFlags |= 2u;
-			pParty->armageddon_timer -= pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
-			v4 = pParty->armageddonDamage + 50;
-			if ( pParty->armageddon_timer <= 0 )
-			{
-				pParty->armageddon_timer = 0;
-				for(size_t i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
-				{
-					pActor=&pActors[i];
-					if ( pActor->CanAct() )
-					{
-						sDmg = pActor->CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)5, v4);
-						pActor->sCurrentHP -= sDmg;
-						if ( sDmg )
-						{
-							if ( pActor->sCurrentHP >= 0 )
-								Actor::AI_Stun(i, 4, 0);
-							else
-							{
-								Actor::Die(i);
-								if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uExp )
-									pParty->GivePartyExp(pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uExp);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
-				{
-					pPlayer = pPlayers[i];
-					if ( !pPlayer->pConditions[Condition_Dead] && !pPlayer->pConditions[Condition_Pertified] && !pPlayer->pConditions[Condition_Eradicated] )
-						pPlayer->ReceiveDamage(v4, DMGT_MAGICAL);
-				}
-			}
-			if (pTurnEngine->pending_actions)
-				--pTurnEngine->pending_actions;
-		}
-	}
-	//Turn-based mode: return
-	if (pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn)
-	{
-		pTurnEngine->AITurnBasedAction();
-		return;
-	}
-	for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
-	{
-		pActor = &pActors[i];
-		ai_near_actors_targets_pid[i] = OBJECT_Player;
-		//Skip actor if: Dead / Removed / Disabled / uAttributes & 0x0400
-		if (pActor->uAIState == Dead || pActor->uAIState == Removed || pActor->uAIState == Disabled || pActor->uAttributes & ACTOR_ALIVE)
-			continue;
-		//Kill actor if HP == 0
-		if (!pActor->sCurrentHP && pActor->uAIState != Dying)
-			Actor::Die(i);
-		//Kill buffs if expired
-		for (uint j = 0; j < 22; ++j)
-		{
-			if (j != 10)
-				pActor->pActorBuffs[j].IsBuffExpiredToTime(pParty->uTimePlayed);
-		}
-		//If shrink expired: reset height
-		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime < 0)
-			pActor->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1].uMonsterHeight;
-		//If Charm still active: make actor friendly
-		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0)
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-		//Else: reset hostilty
-		else if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime < 0)
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uHostilityType;
-		//If actor Paralyzed or Stoned: skip
-		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime > 0 || pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0)
-		    continue;
-		//Calculate RecoveryTime
-		pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = max(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime - pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed, 0);
-		pActor->uCurrentActionTime += pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
-		if (pActor->uCurrentActionTime < pActor->uCurrentActionLength)
-			continue;
-		if (pActor->uAIState == Dying)
-			pActor->uAIState = Dead;
-		else
-		{
-			if (pActor->uAIState != Summoned)
-			{
-				Actor::AI_StandOrBored(i, OBJECT_Player, 256, nullptr);
-				continue;
-			}
-			pActor->uAIState = Standing;
-		}
-		pActor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-		pActor->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
-		pActor->UpdateAnimation();
-	}
-	for(v78 = 0; v78 < ai_arrays_size; ++v78)
-	{
-		uint actor_id = ai_near_actors_ids[v78];
-		assert(actor_id < uNumActors);
-		pActor = &pActors[actor_id];
-		v47 = (signed int)(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime * 2.133333333333333);
-		Actor::_SelectTarget(actor_id, &ai_near_actors_targets_pid[actor_id], true);
-		if (pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType && !ai_near_actors_targets_pid[actor_id])
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-		target_pid = ai_near_actors_targets_pid[actor_id];
-		target_pid_type = PID_TYPE(target_pid);
-		if ( target_pid_type == OBJECT_Actor)
-			radiusMultiplier = 0.5;
-		else
-			radiusMultiplier = 1.0;
-		//v22 = pActor->uAIState;
-		if ( pActor->uAIState == Dying || pActor->uAIState == Dead || pActor->uAIState == Removed
-			                       || pActor->uAIState == Disabled || pActor->uAIState == Summoned)
-			continue;
-		if ( !pActor->sCurrentHP )
-			Actor::Die(actor_id);
-		for( int i = 0;i < 22; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( i != 10 )
-				pActor->pActorBuffs[i].IsBuffExpiredToTime(pParty->uTimePlayed);
-		}
-		if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime < 0 )
-			pActor->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1].uMonsterHeight;
-		if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 )
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-		else if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime < 0 )
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uHostilityType;
-		//If actor is summoned and buff expired: continue and set state to Removed
-		if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED].uExpireTime < 0 )
-		{
-			pActor->uAIState = Removed;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ( (signed __int64)pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0	|| (signed __int64)pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime > 0)
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		v27 = pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
-		v28 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime;
-		pActor->uCurrentActionTime += pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
-		if ( (signed int)v28 > 0 )
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v28 - v27;
-		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime < 0 )
-			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = 0;
-		if ( !pActor->ActorNearby() )
-			pActor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_NEARBY;
-		a1 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,actor_id);
-		Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,actor_id), target_pid, &a3, 0);
-		pDir = &a3;
-		uAIState = pActor->uAIState; 
-		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType == MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly
-			|| (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0
-			|| radiusMultiplier * 307.2 < pDir->uDistance
-			|| uAIState != Pursuing && uAIState != Standing && uAIState != Tethered && uAIState != Fidgeting
-			&&  !pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type || uAIState != Stunned )
-		{
-			if ( (signed int)pActor->uCurrentActionTime < pActor->uCurrentActionLength )
-				continue;
-			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingMelee )
-			{
-				v35 = pActor->special_ability_use_check(actor_id);
-				AttackerInfo.Add(a1, 5120, pActor->vPosition.x, pActor->vPosition.y, pActor->vPosition.z + ((signed int)pActor->uActorHeight >> 1), v35, 1 );
-			}
-			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged1 )
-			{
-				v34 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type;
-				Actor::AI_RangedAttack(actor_id, pDir, v34, 0);
-			}
-			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged2 )
-			{
-				v34 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack2Type;
-				Actor::AI_RangedAttack(actor_id, pDir, v34, 1);
-			}
-			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged3 )
-			{
-				v65 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery1;
-				v33 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
-				Actor::AI_SpellAttack(actor_id, pDir, v33, 2, v65);
-			}
-			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged4 )
-			{
-				v65 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery2;
-				v33 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
-				Actor::AI_SpellAttack(actor_id, pDir, v33, 3, v65);
-			}
-		}
-		v36 = pDir->uDistance;
-		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType == MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly)
-		{
-			if ( target_pid_type == OBJECT_Actor )
-			{
-				v36 = pDir->uDistance;
-				v37 =pFactionTable->relations[(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID-1) / 3 + 1][(pActors[PID_ID(target_pid)].pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1];
-			}
-			else
-				v37 = 4;
-			v38 = 0;
-			if ( v37 == 2 )
-				v38 = 1024;
-			else if ( v37 == 3 )
-				v38 = 2560;
-			else if ( v37 == 4 )
-				v38 = 5120;
-			if ( v37 >= 1 && v37 <= 4 && v36 < v38  || v37 == 1 )
-				pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
-		}
-		//If actor afraid: flee or if out of range random move
-		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID].uExpireTime > 0)
-		{
-			if ( (signed int)v36 >= 10240 )
-              Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, target_pid, 1024, 0);
-			else
-              Actor::AI_Flee(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType == MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long && target_pid )
-		{
-			if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 1 )
-			{
-				if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-					Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, (uint)(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime * 2.133333333333333),	pDir);
-				else
-				{
-					Actor::AI_Flee(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( !(pActor->uAttributes & ACTOR_FLEEING) )
-			{
-				if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 2 || pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 3)
-				{
-					if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 2 )
-						v43 = (double)(signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * 0.2;
-					if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 3 )
-						v43 = (double)(signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * 0.1;
-					v42 = (double)pActor->sCurrentHP;
-					if ( v43 > v42 && (signed int)v36 < 10240 )
-					{
-						Actor::AI_Flee(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			v81 = v36 - pActor->uActorRadius;
-			if ( target_pid_type == OBJECT_Actor )
-				v81 -= pActors[PID_ID(target_pid)].uActorRadius;
-			if ( v81 < 0 )
-				v81 = 0;
-			rand();
-			pActor->uAttributes &= ~ACTOR_UNKNOW5;//~0x40000
-			if ( v81 < 5120 )
-			{
-				v45 = pActor->special_ability_use_check(actor_id);
-				if ( v45 == 0 )
-				{
-					if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type )
-					{
-						if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime <= 0 )
-							Actor::AI_MissileAttack1(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-						else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-						else
-						{
-							if ( radiusMultiplier * 307.2 > (double)v81 )
-								Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-							else
-								Actor::AI_Pursue1(actor_id, target_pid, actor_id, v47, pDir);
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if ( (double)v81 >= radiusMultiplier * 307.2 )
-						{
-							if (pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY)
-								Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-							else if ( v81 >= 1024 )//monsters
-								Actor::AI_Pursue3(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
-							else
-							{
-								v70 = (signed int)(radiusMultiplier * 307.2);
-								//monsters
-								//guard after player runs away
-								// follow player
-								Actor::AI_Pursue2(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir, v70);
-							}
-						}
-						else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
-						{
-							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							//monsters
-							Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-						}
-					}
-					continue;
-				}
-				else if ( v45 == 2 || v45 == 3 )
-				{
-					if ( v45 == 2 )
-						v46 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
-					else
-						v46 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
-					if ( v46 )
-					{
-						if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime <= 0 )
-						{
-							if ( v45 == 2 )
-								Actor::AI_SpellAttack1(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-							else
-								Actor::AI_SpellAttack2(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-						}
-						else if ( radiusMultiplier * 307.2 > (double)v81 || pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-						else
-							Actor::AI_Pursue1(actor_id, target_pid, actor_id, v47, pDir);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if ( (double)v81 >= radiusMultiplier * 307.2 ) 
-						{
-							if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-								Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-							else if ( v81 >= 1024 )
-								Actor::AI_Pursue3(actor_id, target_pid, 256, pDir);
-							else
-							{
-								v70 = (signed int)(radiusMultiplier * 307.2);
-								Actor::AI_Pursue2(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir, v70);
-							}
-						}
-						else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
-						{
-							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-						}
-						else
-						{								
-							Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-						}
-					}
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType != MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long || !target_pid || v81 >= 5120 || v45 != 1 )
-		{
-			if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_SHORT )
-				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 1024, 0);
-			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_MEDIUM )
-				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 2560, 0);
-			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_LONG )
-				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 5120, 0);
-			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_FREE )
-				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 10240, 0);
-			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-			{
-				Actor::GetDirectionInfo(a1, 4, &v72, 0);
-				v58 = (uint)(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime * 2.133333333333333);
-				Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, 4, v58, &v72);
-			}				
-		}
-		else if ( !pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack2Type )
-		{
-			if ( (double)v81 >= radiusMultiplier * 307.2 )
-			{
-				if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-				  Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-				else if ( v81 >= 1024 )
-					Actor::AI_Pursue3(actor_id, target_pid, 256, pDir);
-				else
-				{
-					v70 = (int)(radiusMultiplier * 307.2);
-					Actor::AI_Pursue2(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir, v70);
-				}
-			}
-			else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
-				Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-			else
-				Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-		}
-		else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
-		{
-			if ( radiusMultiplier * 307.2 > (double)v81 || pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
-				Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
-			else
-				Actor::AI_Pursue1(actor_id, target_pid, actor_id, v47, pDir);
-		}
-		else
-			Actor::AI_MissileAttack2(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
-	}
-//----- (0044665D) --------------------------------------------------------
-// uType:     0 -> any monster
-//            1 -> uParam is GroupID
-//            2 -> uParam is MonsterID
-//            3 -> uParam is ActorID
-// uNumAlive: 0 -> all must be alive
-int __fastcall IsActorAlive(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uParam, unsigned int uNumAlive)
-  unsigned int uAliveActors; // eax@6
-  unsigned int uTotalActors; // [sp+0h] [bp-4h]@1
-  uTotalActors = 0;
-  if ( uType )
-  {
-    if ( uType == 1 )
-      uAliveActors = Actor::SearchActorByGroup(&uTotalActors, uParam);
-    else
-    {
-      if ( uType == 2 )
-        uAliveActors = Actor::SearchActorByMonsterID(&uTotalActors, uParam);
-      else
-      {
-        if ( uType != 3 )
-          return 0;
-        uAliveActors = Actor::SearchActorByID(&uTotalActors, uParam);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else
-    uAliveActors = Actor::SearchAliveActors(&uTotalActors);
-  if (uNumAlive)
-    return uAliveActors >= uNumAlive;
-  else
-    return uTotalActors == uAliveActors;
-//----- (00408B54) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int Actor::SearchActorByID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int a2)
-  //int v4; // eax@1
-  unsigned int result; // ebx@1
-  //v4 = GetAlertStatus();
-  *pTotalActors = 0;
-  result = 0;
-  if ( (pActors[a2].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == GetAlertStatus() )
-  {
-    *pTotalActors = 1;
-    if ( pActors[a2].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
-      result = 1;
-  }
-  return result;
-//----- (00408AE7) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int Actor::SearchActorByGroup(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int uGroup)
-  unsigned int result; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1
-  int v8 = GetAlertStatus();
-  *pTotalActors = 0;
-  result = 0;
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
-  {
-    if ( (pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == v8 && pActors[i].uGroup == uGroup)
-    {
-      ++*pTotalActors;
-      if ( pActors[i].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
-        ++result;
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-//----- (00408A7E) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int Actor::SearchActorByMonsterID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, int uMonsterID)
-  int v8; // [sp+Ch] [bp-8h]@1
-  unsigned int result; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1
-  v8 = GetAlertStatus();
-  *pTotalActors = 0;
-  result = 0;
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
-  {
-    if ( (pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == v8 && pActors[i].pMonsterInfo.field_33 == uMonsterID)
-    {
-      ++*pTotalActors;
-      if ( pActors[i].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
-        ++result;
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-//----- (00408A27) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int Actor::SearchAliveActors(unsigned int *pTotalActors)
-  int v2; // eax@1
-  unsigned int result; // ebp@1
-  v2 = GetAlertStatus();
-  result = 0;
-  *pTotalActors = 0;
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
-  {
-    if ( (pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == v2 )
-    {
-      ++*pTotalActors;
-      if ( pActors[i].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
-        ++result;
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-//----- (00408768) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::InitializeActors()
-  bool evil; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@1
-  bool bPit; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  bool good; // [sp+14h] [bp-8h]@1
-  bool bCelestia; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@1
-  bCelestia = false;
-  bPit = false;
-  good = false;
-  evil = false;
-  if ( !_stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d25.blv") )//the Celestia
-    bCelestia = true;
-  if ( !_stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d26.blv") )//the Pit
-    bPit = true;
-  if (pParty->IsPartyGood())
-    good = true;
-  if (pParty->IsPartyEvil())
-    evil = true;
-  Log::Warning(L"%S %S %u", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // ai_near_actors_targets_pid[i] for AI_Stand seems always 0;  original code behaviour is identical
-  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
-  {
-    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
-    if (actor->CanAct() || actor->uAIState == Disabled)
-    {
-      actor->vPosition.x = actor->vInitialPosition.x;
-      actor->vPosition.y = actor->vInitialPosition.y;
-      actor->vPosition.z = actor->vInitialPosition.z;
-      actor->sCurrentHP = actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-      if (actor->uAIState != Disabled)
-      {
-        Actor::AI_Stand(i, ai_near_actors_targets_pid[i], actor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime, 0);
-      }
-    }
-    actor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-    if (!bCelestia || good)
-      if (!bPit || evil)
-        if (actor->IsPeasant())
-          actor->ResetAggressor();//~0x80000
-    actor->ResetHasItem();//~0x800000
-    if (actor->uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW9)
-        Actor::_4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(i, pParty->uCurrentHour, 1);
-  }
-//----- (00439474) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::DamageMonsterFromParty(signed int a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, Vec3_int_ *pVelocity)
-  SpriteObject *projectileSprite; // ebx@1
-  Actor *pMonster; // esi@7
-  unsigned __int16 v16; // cx@25
-  int v33; // eax@100
-  int v40; // ebx@107
-  int extraRecoveryTime; // qax@125
-  unsigned __int16 v43; // ax@132
-  unsigned __int16 v45; // ax@132
-  unsigned __int64 v46; // [sp+Ch] [bp-60h]@6
-  char *pPlayerName; // [sp+18h] [bp-54h]@12
-  char *pMonsterName; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-50h]@6
-  signed int a4; // [sp+44h] [bp-28h]@1
-  bool IsAdditionalDamagePossible; // [sp+50h] [bp-1Ch]@1
-  int v61; // [sp+58h] [bp-14h]@1
-  bool isLifeStealing; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-10h]@1
-  int uDamageAmount; // [sp+60h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  DAMAGE_TYPE attackElement; // [sp+64h] [bp-8h]@27
-  projectileSprite = 0;
-  uDamageAmount = 0;
-  a4 = 0;
-  v61 = 0;
-  IsAdditionalDamagePossible = false;
-  isLifeStealing = 0;
-  if ( PID_TYPE(a1) == OBJECT_Item)
-  {
-    projectileSprite = &pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(a1)];
-    v61 = projectileSprite->field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod;
-    a1 = projectileSprite->spell_caster_pid;
-  }
-  if (PID_TYPE(a1) != OBJECT_Player)
-    return;
-  assert(PID_ID(abs(a1)) < 4);
-  Player* player = &pParty->pPlayers[PID_ID(a1)];
-  pMonster = &pActors[uActorID_Monster];
-  if (pMonster->IsNotAlive())
-    return;
-  pMonster->uAttributes |= 0xC000;
-  if ( pMonster->uAIState == Fleeing )
-    pMonster->uAttributes |= ACTOR_FLEEING;
-  bool hit_will_stun = false,
-       hit_will_paralyze = false;
-  if ( !projectileSprite )
-  {
-    int main_hand_idx = player->pEquipment.uMainHand;
-    IsAdditionalDamagePossible = true;
-    if ( player->HasItemEquipped(EQUIP_TWO_HANDED) )
-    {
-      uint main_hand_skill = player->GetMainHandItem()->GetPlayerSkillType();
-      uint main_hand_mastery = SkillToMastery(player->pActiveSkills[main_hand_skill]);
-      switch (main_hand_skill)
-      {
-        case PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF:
-          if (main_hand_mastery >= 3)
-          {
-            if (rand() % 100 < (player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF) & 0x3F))  // stun chance when mastery >= 3
-              hit_will_stun = true;
-          }
-        break;
-        case PLAYER_SKILL_MACE:
-          if (main_hand_mastery >= 3)
-          {
-            if (rand() % 100 < (player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MACE) & 0x3F))
-              hit_will_stun = true;
-          }
-          if (main_hand_mastery >= 4)
-          {
-            if (rand() % 100 < (player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MACE) & 0x3F))
-              hit_will_paralyze = true;
-          }
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
-    uDamageAmount = player->CalculateMeleeDamageTo(false, false, pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID);
-    if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss(pMonster, v61, a4) )
-    {
-      player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    v61 = projectileSprite->field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod;
-    if ( projectileSprite->spell_id != SPELL_DARK_SOULDRINKER )
-    {
-      int d1 = abs(pParty->vPosition.x - projectileSprite->vPosition.x);
-      int d2 = abs(pParty->vPosition.y - projectileSprite->vPosition.y);
-      int d3 = abs(pParty->vPosition.z - projectileSprite->vPosition.z);
-      v61 = int_get_vector_length(d1, d2, d3);
-      if ( v61 >= 5120 && !(pMonster->uAttributes & ACTOR_ALIVE) )//0x400
-        return;
-      else if ( v61 >= 2560 )
-        v61 = 2;
-      else
-        v61 = 1;
-    }
-    switch (projectileSprite->spell_id)
-    {
-        v16 = player->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER];
-        v61 = 1;
-        if ( SkillToMastery(v16) >= 3 )
-          a4 = player->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER] & 0x3F;
-        attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
-        uDamageAmount = player->CalculateMeleeDamageTo(true, true, 0);
-        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss(pMonster, v61, a4) )
-        {
-          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-          return;
-        }
-        break;
-      case SPELL_101:
-        attackElement = DMGT_FIRE;
-        uDamageAmount = player->CalculateRangedDamageTo(0);
-        if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime > 0 )
-          uDamageAmount >>= 1;
-        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = true;
-        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss(pMonster, v61, a4) )
-        {
-          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-          return;
-        }
-        break;
-        a4 = 5 * projectileSprite->spell_level;
-        attackElement = (DAMAGE_TYPE)player->GetSpellSchool(SPELL_EARTH_BLADES);
-        uDamageAmount = _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(39, projectileSprite->spell_level, projectileSprite->spell_skill, pMonster->sCurrentHP);
-        if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime > 0 )
-          uDamageAmount >>= 1;
-        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = false;
-        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss( pMonster, v61, a4) )
-        {
-          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-          return;
-        }
-        break;
-      case SPELL_EARTH_STUN:
-        uDamageAmount = 0;
-        attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
-        hit_will_stun = 1;
-        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss( pMonster, v61, a4) )
-        {
-          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-          return;
-        }
-        break;
-      case SPELL_BOW_ARROW:
-        attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
-        uDamageAmount = player->CalculateRangedDamageTo(pMonster->word_000086_some_monster_id);
-        if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime > 0 )
-          uDamageAmount /= 2;
-        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = true;
-        if ( projectileSprite->stru_24.uItemID != 0 && projectileSprite->stru_24.uSpecEnchantmentType == 3 )  //of carnage
-        {
-          attackElement = DMGT_FIRE;
-        }
-        else if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss( pMonster, v61, a4) )
-        {
-          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-          return;
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        attackElement = (DAMAGE_TYPE)player->GetSpellSchool(projectileSprite->spell_id);
-        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = false;
-        uDamageAmount = _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(projectileSprite->spell_id, projectileSprite->spell_level, projectileSprite->spell_skill, pMonster->sCurrentHP);
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (player->IsWeak())
-    uDamageAmount /= 2;
-  if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    uDamageAmount = 0;
-  v61 = pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor(attackElement, uDamageAmount);
-  if ( !projectileSprite && player->IsUnarmed() && player->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime > 0 )
-  {
-    v61 += pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)8, player->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HAMMERHANDS].uPower);
-  }
-  uDamageAmount = v61;
-  if ( IsAdditionalDamagePossible )
-  {
-    if ( projectileSprite )
-    {
-      a4 = projectileSprite->stru_24._439DF3_get_additional_damage((int*)&attackElement, &isLifeStealing);
-      if ( isLifeStealing && pMonster->sCurrentHP > 0 )
-      {
-        player->sHealth += v61 / 5;
-        if ( player->sHealth > player->GetMaxHealth() )
-          player->sHealth = player->GetMaxHealth();
-      }
-      uDamageAmount += pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor(attackElement, a4);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-      {
-        if ( player->HasItemEquipped((ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE)i) )
-        {
-          ItemGen* item;
-          if (i == 0)
-            item = player->GetOffHandItem();
-          else
-            item = player->GetMainHandItem();
-          a4 = item->_439DF3_get_additional_damage((int*)&attackElement, &isLifeStealing);
-          if ( isLifeStealing && pMonster->sCurrentHP > 0 )
-          {
-            player->sHealth += v61 / 5;
-            if ( player->sHealth > player->GetMaxHealth() )
-              player->sHealth = player->GetMaxHealth();
-          }
-          uDamageAmount += pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor(attackElement, a4);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  pMonster->sCurrentHP -= uDamageAmount;
-  if ( uDamageAmount == 0 && !hit_will_stun )
-  {
-    player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( pMonster->sCurrentHP > 0 )
-  {
-    Actor::AI_Stun(uActorID_Monster, a1, 0);
-    Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(uActorID_Monster, 1);
-    if ( bShowDamage )
-    {
-      if ( projectileSprite )
-        sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[189], player->pName, pMonster->pActorName, uDamageAmount);// "%s shoots %s for %lu points"
-      else
-        sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[164], player->pName, pMonster->pActorName, uDamageAmount);// "%s hits %s for %lu damage"
-      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if ( pMonsterStats->pInfos[pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID].bQuestMonster & 1 )
-    {
-      if ( /*pRenderer->pRenderD3D &&*/ pGame->uFlags2 & GAME_FLAGS_2_DRAW_BLOODSPLATS )
-      {
-        v33 = byte_4D864C && pGame->uFlags & 0x80000 ? 10 * pMonster->uActorRadius : pMonster->uActorRadius;
-        pDecalBuilder->AddBloodsplat((float)pMonster->vPosition.x, (float)pMonster->vPosition.y, (float)pMonster->vPosition.z, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, (float)v33, 0, 0);
-      }
-    }
-    Actor::Die(uActorID_Monster);
-    Actor::ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(uActorID_Monster);
-    Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(uActorID_Monster, 1);
-    if ( pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uExp )
-      pParty->GivePartyExp(pMonsterStats->pInfos[pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID].uExp);
-    v40 = SPEECH_51;
-    if ( rand() % 100 < 20 )
-      v40 = ((signed int)pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uHP >= 100) + 1;
-    player->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)v40, 0);
-    if ( bShowDamage )
-    {
-      pMonsterName = (char *)uDamageAmount;
-      pPlayerName = player->pName;             // "%s inflicts %lu points killing %s"
-      sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[175], player->pName, uDamageAmount, pMonster);
-      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
-    }
-  }
-  if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].uExpireTime > 0
-    && uDamageAmount != 0 )
-    player->ReceiveDamage(uDamageAmount, attackElement);
-  int knockbackValue = 20 * v61 / (signed int)pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-  if ( (player->GetSpecialItemBonus(24) || hit_will_stun) && pMonster->DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DMGT_EARTH) )
-  {
-    extraRecoveryTime = 20;
-    knockbackValue = 10;
-    if ( !pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn )
-      extraRecoveryTime = (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * 42.66666666666666);
-    pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime += extraRecoveryTime;
-    if ( bShowDamage  )
-    {
-      pMonsterName = player->pName;            // "%s stuns %s"
-      sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[635], player->pName, pMonster);
-      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
-    }
-  }
-  if ( hit_will_paralyze && pMonster->CanAct() && pMonster->DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DMGT_EARTH))
-  {
-    v43 = player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MACE);
-    v45 = SkillToMastery(v43);
-    v46 = pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(signed int)(7680 * (v43 & 0x3F)) * 0.033333335);
-    pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].Apply(v46, v45, 0, 0, 0);
-    if ( bShowDamage )
-    {
-      pMonsterName = player->pName;        // "%s paralyzes %s"
-      sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[636], player->pName, pMonster);
-      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
-    }
-  }
-  if ( knockbackValue > 10 )
-    knockbackValue = 10;
-  if ( !MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
-  {
-    pVelocity->x = fixpoint_mul(knockbackValue, pVelocity->x);
-    pVelocity->y = fixpoint_mul(knockbackValue, pVelocity->y);
-    pVelocity->z = fixpoint_mul(knockbackValue, pVelocity->z);
-    pMonster->vVelocity.x = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->x);
-    pMonster->vVelocity.y = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->y);
-    pMonster->vVelocity.z = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->z);
-  }
-  Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(uActorID_Monster, 1, v61);
-//----- (004BBF61) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::Arena_summon_actor( int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z )
-  int v12; // ebx@7
-  int v13; // eax@8
-  __int16 v16; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@3
-  if (uNumActors < 500)
-  {
-    v16 = 0;
-    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-      v16 = pIndoor->GetSector(x, y, z);
-    pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
-    strcpy(pActors[uNumActors].pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].pName);
-    pActors[uNumActors].sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].uHP);
-    memcpy(&pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id], 0x58u);
-    pActors[uNumActors].word_000086_some_monster_id = monster_id;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMonsterRadius;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMonsterHeight;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMovementSpeed;
-    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.x = x;
-    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.x = x;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
-    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
-    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel = 0;
-    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides = 0;
-    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
-    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance = 0;
-    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.y = y;
-    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.y = y;
-    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.z = z;
-    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.z = z;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uTetherDistance = 256;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uSectorID = v16;
-    pActors[uNumActors].uGroup = 1;
-    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
-    pActors[uNumActors].PrepareSprites(0);
-     for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-      pSoundList->LoadSound(pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].pSoundSampleIDs[i], 0);
-    v12 = 0;
-    do
-    {
-      v13 = pSoundList->LoadSound(v12 + word_4EE088_sound_ids[pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].uSpell1ID], 1);
-      v12++;
-    }
-    while ( v13 );
-    ++uNumActors;
-  }
-//----- (00426E10) --------------------------------------------------------
-int stru319::which_player_to_attack(Actor *pActor)
-  signed int v2; // ebx@1
-  bool flag; // edi@37
-  int v22; // [sp+8h] [bp-140h]@3
-  int Victims_list[60]; // [sp+48h] [bp-100h]@48
-  int for_sex; // [sp+13Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
-  int for_race; // [sp+140h] [bp-8h]@1
-  int for_class; // [sp+144h] [bp-4h]@1
-  for_class = -1;
-  for_race = -1;
-  for_sex = -1;
-  v2 = 0;
-  if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAttackPreference )
-  {
-    for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
-    {
-      v22 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAttackPreference & (1 << i);
-      if ( v22 )
-      {
-        switch ( v22 )
-        {
-          case 1:
-            for_class = 0;
-            break;
-          case 2:
-            for_class = 12;
-            break;
-          case 4:
-            for_class = 16;
-            break;
-          case 8:
-            for_class = 28;
-            break;
-          case 16:
-            for_class = 24;
-            break;
-          case 32:
-            for_class = 32;
-            break;
-          case 64:
-            for_class = 20;
-            break;
-          case 128:
-            for_class = 4;
-            break;
-          case 256:
-            for_class = 8;
-            break;
-          case 512:
-            for_sex = 0;
-            break;
-          case 1024:
-            for_sex = 1;
-            break;
-          case 2048:
-            for_race = 0;
-            break;
-          case 4096:
-            for_race = 1;
-            break;
-          case 8192:
-            for_race = 3;
-            break;
-          case 16384:
-            for_race = 2;
-            break;
-        }
-        v2 = 0;
-        for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
-        {
-          flag = 0;
-          if ( for_class != -1 && for_class == pPlayers[j + 1]->classType )
-            flag = true;
-          if ( for_sex != -1 && for_sex == pPlayers[j + 1]->uSex )
-            flag = true;
-          if ( for_race != -1 && for_race == pPlayers[j + 1]->GetRace() )
-            flag = true;
-          if ( flag == true )
-          {
-            if ( !(pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Paralyzed] | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Unconcious]
-                 | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Dead] | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Pertified] | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Eradicated]) )
-              Victims_list[v2++] = j;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if ( v2 )
-      return Victims_list[rand() % v2];
-  }
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
-  {
-    if ( !(pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Paralyzed] | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Unconcious]
-         | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Dead] | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Pertified] | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Eradicated]) )
-      Victims_list[v2++] = i;
-  }
-  if ( v2 )
-    return Victims_list[rand() % v2];
-  else
-    return 0;
-//----- (00427546) --------------------------------------------------------
-int stru319::_427546(int a2)
-	int result; // eax@2
-	if (a2 >= 0)
-	{
-		if (a2 >= 1)
-			result = (a2 >= 2) + 2;
-		else
-			result = 1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		result = 0;
-	}
-	return result;
-//----- (0042F184) --------------------------------------------------------
-int stru319::FindClosestActor(int pick_depth, int a3, int a4)
-	int v4; // edi@1
-	stru319 *v5; // esi@1
-	int v6; // eax@2
-	int v7; // eax@4
-	//  int result; // eax@5
-	//  int *v9; // edx@8
-	//  signed int v10; // ebx@10
-	//  int v11; // edi@11
-	//Actor *v12; // esi@12
-	//unsigned __int16 v13; // ax@12
-	//  int v14; // eax@22
-	//char v15; // zf@30
-	//  int v16; // esi@32
-	//  int v17; // ecx@34
-	//  stru319 *v18; // eax@39
-	//  int v19; // edx@39
-	//  int v20; // ecx@41
-	//  unsigned __int16 v21; // ax@42
-	//  unsigned int v22; // [sp+8h] [bp-24h]@11
-	//unsigned int v23; // [sp+Ch] [bp-20h]@7
-	stru319 *v24; // [sp+10h] [bp-1Ch]@1
-	//  unsigned int v25; // [sp+14h] [bp-18h]@8
-	//  int *v26; // [sp+18h] [bp-14h]@8
-	//  int v27; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-10h]@10
-	//  int *v28; // [sp+20h] [bp-Ch]@10
-	//unsigned int v29; // [sp+24h] [bp-8h]@7
-	//  int v30; // [sp+28h] [bp-4h]@6
-	//  int i; // [sp+38h] [bp+Ch]@33
-	//  signed int v32; // [sp+3Ch] [bp+10h]@32
-	v4 = 0;
-	v5 = this;
-	v24 = this;
-	//if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
-	{
-		v6 = a3 != 0;
-		if (a4)
-			LOBYTE(v6) = v6 | 8;
-		v7 = pGame->pVisInstance->PickClosestActor(OBJECT_Actor, pick_depth, v6, 657456, -1);
-		if (v7 != -1)
-			return (unsigned __int16)v7;
-		else return 0;
-	}
-	/*else // software impl
-	{
-	v30 = 0;
-	if ( pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer )
-	{
-	if ( (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y < (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_Y )
-	{
-	v9 = &pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[viewparams->uScreen_topL_X + 640 * viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y];
-	v26 = &pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[viewparams->uScreen_topL_X + 640 * viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y];
-	for ( v25 = viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_Y - viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y; v25; --v25 )
-	{
-	if ( (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_topL_X < (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_X )
-	{
-	v28 = v9;
-	v10 = v4;
-	for ( v27 = viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_X - viewparams->uScreen_topL_X; v27; --v27 )
-	{
-	v22 = *v28;
-	v11 = *v28 & 0xFFFF;
-	if (PID_TYPE(v11) == OBJECT_Actor)
-	{
-	if ( pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Dead )
-	{
-	if ( pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Dying && pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Removed
-	&& pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Summoned && pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Disabled
-	&& (!a3 || pActors[PID_ID(v11)].GetActorsRelation(0)) )
-	{
-	if ( (!a4 || MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[PID_ID(v11)].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_UNDEAD))
-	&& v22 <= pick_depth << 16 )
-	{
-	v14 = 0;
-	if ( v10 > 0 )
-	{
-	for ( v14; v14 < v30; ++v14 )
-	{
-	if ( dword_50BDA0[v14] == v11 )
-	break;
-	}
-	}
-	if ( v14 == v30 && v10 < 100 )
-	{
-	++v30;
-	dword_50BC10[v10] = v22;
-	dword_50BDA0[v10] = v11;
-	++v10;
-	}
-	}
-	}
-	}
-	}
-	++v28;
-	}
-	v4 = v30;
-	v5 = v24;
-	}
-	v9 = v26 + 640;
-	v26 += 640;
-	}
-	}
-	if ( v4 > 0 )
-	{
-	v16 = (int)dword_50BC10.data();
-	for ( v32 = 1; v32 - 1 < v4; ++v32 )
-	{
-	for ( i = v32; i < v4; ++i )
-	{
-	v17 = dword_50BC10[i];
-	if ( dword_50BC10[i] < *(int *)v16 )
-	{
-	dword_50BC10[i] = *(int *)v16;
-	*(int *)v16 = v17;
-	}
-	}
-	v16 += 4;
-	}
-	v5 = v24;
-	if ( v4 > 0 )
-	{
-	v18 = v24;
-	for ( v19 = v4; v19; --v19 )
-	{
-	*(int *)&v18->field_0 = (*(int *)&v18[(char *)dword_50BC10.data() - (char *)v24].field_0 >> 3) & 0x1FFF;
-	v18 += 4;
-	}
-	}
-	}
-	v20 = 0;
-	for ( *(int *)&v5[2000].field_0 = v4; v20 < v4; ++v20 )
-	{
-	v21 = pActors[*(int *)&v5[4 * v20].field_0].uAIState;
-	if ( v21 != 4 && v21 != 5 )
-	break;
-	}
-	if ( v20 != v4 )
-	{
-	result = 8 * *(int *)&v5[4 * v20].field_0;
-	LOBYTE(result) = result | 3;
-	return result;
-	}
-	}
-	}
-	return 0;*/
-//----- (0042F4DA) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool CheckActors_proximity()
-  signed int distance; // edi@1
-  int for_x; // ebx@5
-  int for_y; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@5
-  int for_z; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@5
-  distance = 5120;
-  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
-    distance = 2560;
-  if ( (signed int)uNumActors <= 0 )
-    return false;
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumActors; ++i )
-  {
-    for_x = abs(pActors[i].vInitialPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x);
-    for_y = abs(pActors[i].vInitialPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y);
-    for_z = abs(pActors[i].vInitialPosition.z - pParty->vPosition.z);
-    if ( int_get_vector_length(for_x, for_y, for_z) < distance )
-    {
-      if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Dead )
-      {
-        if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Dying && pActors[i].uAIState != Removed
-          && pActors[i].uAIState != Disabled && pActors[i].uAIState != Summoned
-          && (pActors[i].ActorEnemy() || pActors[i].GetActorsRelation(0) ) )
-          return true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-//----- (00426A5A) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::LootActor()
-  signed int v2; // edi@1
-  unsigned __int8 v7; // al@30
-  char *v9; // [sp-4h] [bp-3Ch]@10
-  char *v10; // [sp-4h] [bp-3Ch]@31
-  char *v11; // [sp-4h] [bp-3Ch]@38
-  ItemGen Dst; // [sp+Ch] [bp-2Ch]@1
-  bool itemFound; // [sp+30h] [bp-8h]@1
-  int v14; // [sp+34h] [bp-4h]@1
-  pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
-  Dst.Reset();
-  v2 = 0;
-  itemFound = false;
-  v14 = 0;
-  if ( !ActorHasItem() )
-  {
-    for (uchar i = 0; i < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls; i++ )
-        v14 += rand() % this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides + 1;
-    if ( v14 )
-      {
-        pParty->PartyFindsGold(v14, 0);
-        viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  {
-    if ( this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID != 0 &&  this->ActorHasItems[3].GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_GOLD )
-    {
-      v14 = this->ActorHasItems[3].uSpecEnchantmentType;
-      this->ActorHasItems[3].Reset();
-      if ( v14 )
-      {
-        pParty->PartyFindsGold(v14, 0);
-        viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if ( this->uCarriedItemID )
-  {
-    Dst.Reset();
-    Dst.uItemID = this->uCarriedItemID;
-    v9 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
-    if ( v14 )
-      sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, v9);
-    else
-      sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], v9);
-    ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf2.data(), 2);
-    if ( Dst.GetItemEquipType() == 12 )
-    {
-      Dst.uNumCharges = rand() % 6 + Dst.GetDamageMod() + 1;
-      Dst.uMaxCharges = Dst.uNumCharges;
-    }
-    if ( pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].uEquipType == 14 && Dst.uItemID != 220 )
-      Dst.uEnchantmentType = 2 * rand() % 4 + 2;
-    pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(&Dst);
-    if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
-      pParty->SetHoldingItem(&Dst);
-    this->uCarriedItemID = 0;
-    if ( this->ActorHasItems[0].uItemID )
-    {
-      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(this->ActorHasItems) )
-      {
-        pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
-        pParty->SetHoldingItem(this->ActorHasItems);
-      }
-      this->ActorHasItems[0].Reset();
-    }
-    if ( this->ActorHasItems[1].uItemID )
-    {
-      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&this->ActorHasItems[1]) )
-      {
-        pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
-        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&this->ActorHasItems[1]);
-      }
-      this->ActorHasItems[1].Reset();
-    }
-    this->Remove();
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( this->ActorHasItem() )
-  {
-    if ( this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID )
-    {
-      memcpy(&Dst, &this->ActorHasItems[3], sizeof(Dst));
-      this->ActorHasItems[3].Reset();
-      //v11 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
-      if ( v14 )
-        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName);
-      else
-        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName);
-      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf2.data(), 2);
-      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
-        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&Dst);
-      itemFound = true;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if ( rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance && (v7 = this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel) != 0 )
-    {
-      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v7, this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType, &Dst);
-      v10 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
-      if ( v14 )
-        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, v10);//�� ����� ^I[%d] �����^L[��;��;��] � ������� (%s)!
-      else
-        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], v10);//�� ����� ^Pv[%s]!
-      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf2.data(), 2);
-      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
-        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&Dst);
-      itemFound = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if ( this->ActorHasItems[0].uItemID )
-  {
-    if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(this->ActorHasItems) )
-    {
-      pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
-      pParty->SetHoldingItem(this->ActorHasItems);
-      itemFound = true;
-    }
-    this->ActorHasItems[0].Reset();
-  }
-  if ( this->ActorHasItems[1].uItemID )
-  {
-    if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&this->ActorHasItems[1]) )
-    {
-      pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
-      pParty->SetHoldingItem(&this->ActorHasItems[1]);
-      itemFound = true;
-    }
-    this->ActorHasItems[1].Reset();
-  }
-  if ( !itemFound || rand() % 100 < 90 )//for repeatedly get gold and item
-    this->Remove();
-//----- (00427102) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::_427102_IsOkToCastSpell( signed int a2 )
-  switch(a2)
-  {
-    {
-      if ( this->sCurrentHP >= (signed int)this->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
-        return false;
-      return true;
-    }
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
-      {
-        if (pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].uExpireTime > 0)
-          return true;
-      }
-      for ( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++ )
-      {
-        for ( int j = 0; j < 22; j++ )
-        {
-          if (pPlayers[i]->pPlayerBuffs[j].uExpireTime > 0)
-            return true;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_DAY_OF_PROTECTION].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HASTE].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime <= 0;
-      break;
-    }
-  default:
-      return true;
-  }
-//----- (0042704B) --------------------------------------------------------
-ABILITY_INDEX Actor::special_ability_use_check( int a2 )
-  signed int okToCastSpell1; // ebx@5
-  signed int okToCastSpell2; // edi@5
-  if ( this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityType == 2
-    && this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus < 3
-    && rand() % 100 < 5 )
-    this->SummonMinion(a2);
-  okToCastSpell1 = this->_427102_IsOkToCastSpell(this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID);
-  okToCastSpell2 = this->_427102_IsOkToCastSpell(this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID);
-  if ( okToCastSpell1 && this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1UseChance && rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1UseChance )
-    return ABILITY_SPELL1;
-  if ( okToCastSpell2 && this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2UseChance && rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2UseChance )
-    return ABILITY_SPELL2;
-  if (this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2Chance && rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2Chance)
-    return ABILITY_ATTACK2;
-  return ABILITY_ATTACK1;
-//----- (004273BB) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::_4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor( Actor *defender, int a3, int a4 )
-  signed int v6; // ebx@1
-  signed int v7; // esi@1
-  int armorSum; // ebx@10
-  signed int a2a; // [sp+18h] [bp+Ch]@1
-  v6 = defender->pMonsterInfo.uAC;
-  v7 = 0;
-  a2a = 0;
-  if ( defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SOMETHING_THAT_HALVES_AC].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    v6 /= 2;
-  if ( defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    v7 = defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
-  if ( defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime > 0 && defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uPower > v7 )
-    v7 = defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uPower;
-  armorSum = v7 + v6;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    a2a = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime > 0 && this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower > a2a )
-    a2a = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uExpireTime > 0 )
-  {
-    a2a += this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uPower;
-    this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].Reset();
-  }
-  return rand() % (armorSum + 2 * this->pMonsterInfo.uLevel + 10) + a2a + 1 > armorSum + 5;
-//----- (004274AD) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::ActorHitOrMiss(Player *pPlayer)
-  signed int v3; // edi@1
-  signed int v4; // esi@8
-  int v5; // esi@8
-  v3 = 0;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    v3 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime > 0 && this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower > v3 )
-    v3 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uExpireTime > 0 )
-  {
-    v3 += this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uPower;
-    this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].Reset();
-  }
-  v4 = pPlayer->GetActualAC() + 2 * this->pMonsterInfo.uLevel + 10;
-  v5 = rand() % v4 + 1;
-  return (v3 + v5 > pPlayer->GetActualAC() + 5);
-//----- (0042756B) --------------------------------------------------------
-int Actor::CalcMagicalDamageToActor(DAMAGE_TYPE dmgType, signed int incomingDmg)
-  int v4; // edx@1
-  int v5; // ecx@1
-  signed int v6; // eax@4
-  signed int result; // eax@17
-  signed int v8; // esi@18
-  v4 = 0;
-  v5 = 0;
-  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
-    v5 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
-  switch ( dmgType )
-  {
-  case DMGT_FIRE:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
-    v4 = v5;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_ELECTR:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
-    v4 = v5;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_COLD:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
-    v4 = v5;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_EARTH:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
-    v4 = v5;
-    break;
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_SPIRIT:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_MIND:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
-    v4 = v5;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_BODY:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
-    v4 = v5;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_LIGHT:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
-    break;
-  case DMGT_DARK:
-    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
-    break;
-  default:
-    v6 = 0;
-    break;
-  }
-  if ( v6 < 200 )
-  {
-    v8 = v4 + v6 + 30;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-    {
-      if ( rand() % v8 < 30 )
-        break;
-      incomingDmg /= 2;
-    }
-    result = incomingDmg;
-  }
-  else
-    result = 0;
-  return result;
-//----- (00427662) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Actor::DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DAMAGE_TYPE uType)
-  signed int resist; // esi@2
-  bool result; // eax@13
-  switch ( uType )
-  {
-  case 0:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
-    break;
-  case 1:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
-    break;
-  case 2:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
-    break;
-  case 3:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
-    break;
-  case 4:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
-    break;
-  case 6:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
-    break;
-  case 7:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
-  case 8:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
-    break;
-  case 9:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
-    break;
-  case 10:
-    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
-    break;
-  default:
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if ( resist < 200 )
-    result = rand() % ((this->pMonsterInfo.uLevel >> 2) + resist + 30) < 30;
-  else
-    result = 0;
-  return result;
-//----- (00448A98) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __fastcall ToggleActorGroupFlag(unsigned int uGroupID, unsigned int uFlag, unsigned int bToggle)
-  if ( uGroupID )
-  {
-    if ( bToggle )
-    {
-      for ( uint i = 0; i < (unsigned int)uNumActors; ++i )
-      {
-        if ( pActors[i].uGroup == uGroupID )
-        {
-          pActors[i].uAttributes |= uFlag;
-          if ( uFlag == 0x10000 )
-          {
-            pActors[i].uAIState = Disabled;
-            pActors[i].UpdateAnimation();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      for ( uint i = 0; i < (unsigned int)uNumActors; ++i )
-      {
-        if ( pActors[i].uGroup == uGroupID )
-        {
-          if ( uFlag == 0x10000 )
-          {
-            if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Dead )
-            {
-              if ( pActors[i].uAIState != 4 && pActors[i].uAIState != 11 )
-                pActors[i].uAIState = Standing;
-            }
-          }
-          LODWORD(pActors[i].uAttributes) &= ~uFlag;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//----- (004014E6) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::MakeActorAIList_ODM()
-  int v1; // eax@4
-  unsigned int v7; // ST20_4@10
-  int distance; // edi@10
-  int v10; // ebx@14
-  int v21; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@4
-  int v22; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@4
-  pParty->uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFCF;//~0x30
-  ai_arrays_size = 0;
-  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
-  {
-    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
-    actor->ResetAlive();//~0x400
-    if (!actor->CanAct())
-    {
-      actor->ResetActive();
-      continue;
-    }
-    v22 = abs(pParty->vPosition.z - actor->vPosition.z);
-    v21 = abs(pParty->vPosition.y - actor->vPosition.y);
-    v1 = abs(pParty->vPosition.x - actor->vPosition.x);
-    v7 = int_get_vector_length(v22, v21, v1);
-    distance = v7 - actor->uActorRadius;
-    if ( distance < 0 )
-      distance = 0;
-    if (distance < 5632)
-    {
-      actor->ResetHostile();
-      if ( actor->ActorEnemy() || actor->GetActorsRelation(0) )
-      {
-        //v11 = (pParty->uFlags & 0x10) == 0;
-        actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_HOSTILE;
-        if (distance < 5120 )
-          pParty->SetYellowAlert();
-        if (distance < 307)
-          pParty->SetRedAlert();
-      }
-	  actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_ACTIVE;
-      ai_near_actors_distances[ai_arrays_size] = distance;
-      ai_near_actors_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = i;
-    }
-    else
-	  actor->ResetActive();
-  }
-  /*
-  result = v27;
-  if ( v27 > 0 )
-  {
-    v14 = 0;
-    v15 = 1;
-    v26 = 1;
-    do
-    {
-      while ( 1 )
-      {
-        v24 = v15;
-        if ( v15 >= result )
-          break;
-        v16 = ai_near_actors_distances[v14];
-        if ( v16 > ai_near_actors_distances[v15] )
-        {
-          v17 = &ai_near_actors_ids[v15];
-          v18 = ai_near_actors_ids[v14];
-          ai_near_actors_ids[v14] = *v17;
-          *v17 = v18;
-          v15 = v24;
-          ai_near_actors_distances[v14] = ai_near_actors_distances[v24];
-          ai_near_actors_distances[v24] = v16;
-        }
-        result = v27;
-        ++v15;
-      }
-      ++v14;
-      v15 = v26 + 1;
-      v26 = v15;
-    }
-    while ( v15 - 1 < result );
-  }*/
-  for (uint i = 0; i < ai_arrays_size; ++i)
-    for (uint j = 0; j < i; ++j)
-      if (ai_near_actors_distances[j] > ai_near_actors_distances[i])
-      {
-        int tmp = ai_near_actors_distances[j];
-        ai_near_actors_distances[j] = ai_near_actors_distances[i];
-        ai_near_actors_distances[i] = tmp;
-        tmp = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
-        ai_near_actors_ids[j] = ai_near_actors_ids[i];
-        ai_near_actors_ids[i] = tmp;
-      }
-  if (ai_arrays_size > 30)
-    ai_arrays_size = 30;
-  for (uint i = 0; i < ai_arrays_size; ++i)
-    pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ALIVE;//0x400
-//----- (004016FA) --------------------------------------------------------
-int  Actor::MakeActorAIList_BLV()
-  int v1; // eax@4
-  int distance; // edi@10
-  int v13; // edx@24
-  int v15; // ebx@26
-  unsigned int v17; // esi@27
-  int v18; // ecx@31
-  signed int v19; // edi@31
-  signed int v25; // eax@40
-  int j; // edi@45
-  int v30; // eax@48
-  int v37; // [sp+Ch] [bp-18h]@1
-  int v38; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@4
-  int v39; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@4
-  int i; // [sp+18h] [bp-Ch]@31
-  uint v45; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@1
-  //  __debugbreak(); // refactor for blv ai
-  pParty->uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFCF;//~0x30
-  v37 = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z);
-  v45 = 0;
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumActors; ++i )
-  {
-    pActors[i].ResetAlive();//~0x0400
-    if ( !pActors[i].CanAct() )
-    {
-      pActors[i].ResetActive();
-      continue;
-    }
-    v1 = abs(pParty->vPosition.x - pActors[i].vPosition.x);
-    v38 = abs(pParty->vPosition.y - pActors[i].vPosition.y);
-    v39 = abs(pParty->vPosition.z - pActors[i].vPosition.z);
-    distance = int_get_vector_length(v39, v38, v1) - pActors[i].uActorRadius;
-    if ( distance < 0 )
-      distance = 0;
-    if ( distance < 10240 )
-    {
-      pActors[i].ResetHostile();//~0x01000000
-      if ( pActors[i].ActorEnemy() || pActors[i].GetActorsRelation(0) )
-      {
-        pActors[i].uAttributes |= ACTOR_HOSTILE;
-        if ( !(pParty->uFlags & 0x10) && (double)distance < 307.2 )
-          pParty->SetRedAlert();
-        if ( !(pParty->uFlags & 0x20) && distance < 5120 )
-          pParty->SetYellowAlert();
-      }
-      ai_near_actors_distances[v45] = distance;
-      ai_near_actors_ids[v45] = i;
-	  v45++;
-    }
-    else
-      pActors[i].ResetActive();
-  }
-  v13 = 0;
-  if ( v45 > 0 )
-  {
-    for ( uint i = 1; i < v45; i++ )
-    {
-      for ( uint j = 1; j < v45; ++j )
-      {
-        v15 = ai_near_actors_distances[v13];
-        if ( ai_near_actors_distances[v13] > ai_near_actors_distances[j] )
-        {
-          v17 = ai_near_actors_ids[v13];
-          ai_near_actors_ids[v13] = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
-          ai_near_actors_ids[j] = v17;
-          ai_near_actors_distances[v13] = ai_near_actors_distances[j];
-          ai_near_actors_distances[j] = v15;
-        }
-      }
-      ++v13;
-    }
-  }
-  v18 = 0;
-  v19 = 0;
-  for ( i = 0; i < v45; i++ )
-  {
-    if ( pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].ActorNearby()
-      || sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(PID(OBJECT_Actor,ai_near_actors_ids[i]), 4) )
-    {
-      pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].uAttributes |= ACTOR_NEARBY;
-      ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[v19] = ai_near_actors_ids[i];
-      ai_array_4F5E68[v19++] = ai_near_actors_distances[i];
-      if ( v19 >= 30 )
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  ai_arrays_size = v19;
-  if ( (signed int)uNumActors > 0 )
-  {
-    for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumActors; ++i )
-    {
-      if ( pActors[i].CanAct() && pActors[i].uSectorID == v37 )
-      {
-        v25 = 0;
-        if ( v19 <= 0 )
-        {
-          pActors[i].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ACTIVE;
-          ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = i;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          while ( ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[v25] != i )
-          {
-            ++v25;
-            if ( v25 >= v19 )
-            {
-              pActors[i].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ACTIVE;
-              ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = i;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for ( j = 0; j < v45; ++j )
-  {
-    if ( pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[j]].uAttributes & 0xC000 && pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[j]].CanAct() )
-    {
-      v30 = 0;
-      if ( ai_arrays_size <= 0 )
-        ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
-      else
-      {
-        while ( ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[v30] != ai_near_actors_ids[j] )
-        {
-          ++v30;
-          if ( v30 >= ai_arrays_size )
-          {
-            ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if ( ai_arrays_size > 30 )
-    ai_arrays_size = 30;
-  memcpy(ai_near_actors_ids.data(), ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids.data(), 4 * ai_arrays_size);
-  memcpy(ai_near_actors_distances.data(), ai_array_4F5E68.data(), 4 * ai_arrays_size);
-  for ( uint i = 0; i < ai_arrays_size; i++ )
-    pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ALIVE;//0x400
-  return ai_arrays_size;
-//----- (004070EF) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID)
-  signed int v2; // eax@1
-  int obj1_sector; // eax@4
-  float v8; // ST24_4@5
-  signed int v12; // eax@7
-  int obj2_z; // edi@11
-  int obj2_x; // esi@11
-  int obj2_sector; // eax@13
-  float v20; // ST24_4@14
-  int dist_x; // ebx@16
-  signed int dist_3d; // ecx@16
-  int v25; // eax@18
-  BLVFace *v29; // ebx@32
-  Vec3_short_ *v30; // esi@32
-  int v31; // eax@32
-  int v32; // ST50_4@44
-  int v33; // ST54_4@44
-  int v34; // eax@44
-  signed int v38; // esi@45
-  __int16 next_sector; // bx@58
-  int v47; // [sp+18h] [bp-50h]@20
-  int v48; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4Ch]@20
-  int v49; // [sp+20h] [bp-48h]@20
-  int dist_z; // [sp+24h] [bp-44h]@16
-  signed int higher_z; // [sp+24h] [bp-44h]@27
-  signed int lower_z; // [sp+28h] [bp-40h]@26
-  signed int higher_y; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-3Ch]@23
-  signed int lower_y; // [sp+30h] [bp-38h]@22
-  signed int higher_x; // [sp+34h] [bp-34h]@21
-  signed int lower_x; // [sp+38h] [bp-30h]@20
-  signed int sectors_visited; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-2Ch]@28
-  int v58; // [sp+44h] [bp-24h]@50
-  int v59; // [sp+48h] [bp-20h]@44
-  int obj2_y; // [sp+50h] [bp-18h]@11
-  int obj1_x; // [sp+58h] [bp-10h]@4
-  int obj1_y; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-Ch]@4
-  int obj1_z; // [sp+60h] [bp-8h]@4
-  int current_sector; // [sp+64h] [bp-4h]@7
-  int dist_y;
-  int v70;
-  v2 = PID_ID(uObjID);
-  switch( PID_TYPE(uObjID) )
-  {
-	case OBJECT_Decoration:
-      obj1_x = pLevelDecorations[v2].vPosition.x;
-      obj1_y = pLevelDecorations[v2].vPosition.y;
-      obj1_z = pLevelDecorations[v2].vPosition.z;
-      obj1_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(obj1_x, obj1_y, obj1_z);
-	  break;
-	case OBJECT_Actor:
-      obj1_x = pActors[v2].vPosition.x;
-      obj1_y = pActors[v2].vPosition.y;
-      v8 = (double)pActors[v2].uActorHeight * 0.69999999;
-      //v9 = v8 + 6.7553994e15;
-      //obj1_z = LODWORD(v9) + pActors[v2].vPosition.z;
-	  obj1_z = (int)v8 + pActors[v2].vPosition.z;
-      obj1_sector = pActors[v2].uSectorID;
-	  break;
-	case OBJECT_Item:
-      obj1_x = pSpriteObjects[v2].vPosition.x;
-      obj1_y = pSpriteObjects[v2].vPosition.y;
-      obj1_z = pSpriteObjects[v2].vPosition.z;
-      obj1_sector = pSpriteObjects[v2].uSectorID;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  return 0;
-  }
-  v12 = PID_ID(uObj2ID);
-  switch( PID_TYPE(uObj2ID) )
-  {
-    case OBJECT_Decoration:
-      obj2_z = pLevelDecorations[v12].vPosition.z;
-      obj2_x = pLevelDecorations[v12].vPosition.x;
-      obj2_y = pLevelDecorations[v12].vPosition.y;
-	  obj2_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(obj2_x, obj2_y, obj2_z);
-	  break;
-	case OBJECT_Player:
-      obj2_x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-      obj2_z = pParty->sEyelevel + pParty->vPosition.z;
-      obj2_y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-	  obj2_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->sEyelevel + pParty->vPosition.z);
-      break;
-	case OBJECT_Actor:
-      obj2_y = pActors[v12].vPosition.y;
-      obj2_x = pActors[v12].vPosition.x;
-      v20 = (double)pActors[v12].uActorHeight * 0.69999999;
-      //v21 = v20 + 6.7553994e15;
-      //obj2_z = LODWORD(v21) + pActors[v12].vPosition.z;
-	  obj2_z = (int)v20 + pActors[v12].vPosition.z;
-      obj2_sector = pActors[v12].uSectorID;
-	  break;
-	case OBJECT_Item:
-      obj2_x = pSpriteObjects[v12].vPosition.x;
-      obj2_z = pSpriteObjects[v12].vPosition.z;
-      obj2_y = pSpriteObjects[v12].vPosition.y;
-      obj2_sector = pSpriteObjects[v12].uSectorID;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  return 0;
-  }
-  dist_x = obj2_x - obj1_x;
-  dist_z = obj2_z - obj1_z;
-  dist_y = obj2_y - obj1_y;
-  dist_3d = integer_sqrt(dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y + dist_z * dist_z);
-  //range check
-  if ( dist_3d > 5120 )
-    return 0;
-  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
-    return 1;
-  v25 = 65536;
-  if ( dist_3d )
-    v25 = 65536 / dist_3d;
-  v49 = dist_x * v25;
-  v47 = dist_z * v25;
-  v48 = dist_y * v25;
-  if ( obj1_x < obj2_x )
-  {
-	lower_x = obj1_x;
-    higher_x = obj2_x;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    lower_x = obj2_x;
-    higher_x = obj1_x;
-  }
-  if ( obj1_y < obj2_y )
-  {
-	lower_y = obj1_y;
-    higher_y = obj2_y;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    lower_y = obj2_y;
-    higher_y = obj1_y;
-  }
-  if ( obj1_z < obj2_z )
-  {
-	lower_z = obj1_z;
-    higher_z = obj2_z;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    lower_z = obj2_z;
-    higher_z = obj1_z;
-  }
-  sectors_visited = 0;
-  //monster in same sector with player
-  if ( obj1_sector == obj2_sector )
-      return 1;
-  //search starts from monster
-  current_sector = obj1_sector;
-  for( int current_portal = 0; current_portal < pIndoor->pSectors[current_sector].uNumPortals; current_portal++ )
-  {
-	v29 = &pIndoor->pFaces[pIndoor->pSectors[current_sector].pPortals[current_portal]];
-	v30 = &pIndoor->pVertices[*v29->pVertexIDs];
-	v31 = v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z * (v30->z - obj1_z)
-		+ v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y * (v30->y - obj1_y)
-		+ v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x * (v30->x - obj1_x);
-	if ( current_sector != v29->uSectorID )
-		v31 = -v31;
-	if ( v31 >= 0 && v30->x != obj1_x && v30->y != obj1_y && v30->z != obj1_z)
-		continue;
-	if(	lower_x > v29->pBounding.x2
-		|| higher_x < v29->pBounding.x1
-		|| lower_y > v29->pBounding.y2
-		|| higher_y < v29->pBounding.y1
-		|| lower_z > v29->pBounding.z2
-		|| higher_z < v29->pBounding.z1 )
-	{
-		continue;
-	}
-	v32 = fixpoint_mul(v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x,v49);
-	v34 = fixpoint_mul(v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y,v48);
-	v33 = fixpoint_mul(v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z,v47);
-	v59 = v32 + v33 + v34;
-	if ( v59 )
-	{
-		v70 = v29->pFacePlane_old.dist 
-			+ obj1_z * v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z 
-			+ obj1_x * v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x 
-			+ obj1_y * v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y;
-		v38 = -v70;
-		// if ( v59 <= 0 ^ v70 <= 0 )
-		if ( v59 <= 0 && v70 <= 0 )
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ( !(v59 <= 0 && v70 <= 0) )
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		*/
-		if( abs(v38) >> 14 > abs(v59) )
-			continue;
-		v58 = fixpoint_div(v38,v59);
-		if( v58 < 0 )
-          continue;
-		if(!sub_4075DB(obj1_x + ((fixpoint_mul(v49,v58) + 32768) >> 16), obj1_y + ((fixpoint_mul(v48,v58) + 32768) >> 16),
-				obj1_z + ((fixpoint_mul(v47,v58) + 32768) >> 16), v29) )
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
-		//if there is no next sector turn back
-		if ( v29->uSectorID == current_sector )
-			next_sector = v29->uBackSectorID;
-		else
-			next_sector = v29->uSectorID;
-		//no more portals, quit
-		if ( next_sector == current_sector )
-          break;
-		++sectors_visited;
-		current_sector = next_sector;
-		//found player, quit
-		if ( next_sector == obj2_sector )
-			return 1;
-		current_sector = next_sector;
-		//did we hit limit for portals?
-		//does the next room have portals?
-		if ( sectors_visited < 30 && pIndoor->pSectors[current_sector].uNumPortals > 0)
-		{
-				current_portal=-1;
-				continue;
-		}
-		else
-			break;
-	}
-  }
-  //did we stop in the sector where player is?
-  if ( current_sector != obj2_sector )
-    return 0;
-  return 1;
-//----- (00450B0A) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool __fastcall SpawnActor(unsigned int uMonsterID)
-  unsigned int v1; // ebx@1
-  bool result; // eax@2
-  unsigned int v6; // ecx@5
-  Actor actor; // [sp+4h] [bp-350h]@5
-  Vec3_int_ pOut; // [sp+348h] [bp-Ch]@5
-  v1 = uMonsterID;
-  if ( uNumActors == 499 )
-    result = 0;
-  else
-  {
-    if ( (signed int)uMonsterID >= (signed int)pMonsterList->uNumMonsters )
-      v1 = 0;
-    memset(&actor, 0, sizeof(Actor));
-    strcpy(actor.pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[v1 + 1].pName);
-    actor.sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pMonsterStats->pInfos[v1 + 1].uHP);
-    memcpy(&actor.pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v1 + 1], sizeof(MonsterInfo));
-    actor.word_000086_some_monster_id = v1 + 1;
-    actor.uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v1].uMonsterRadius;
-    actor.uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v1].uMonsterHeight;
-    actor.uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v1].uMovementSpeed;
-    Vec3_int_::Rotate(200, pParty->sRotationY, 0, pParty->vPosition, &pOut.x, &pOut.z, &pOut.y);
-    actor.vInitialPosition.x = pOut.x;
-    actor.vPosition.x = pOut.x;
-    actor.uTetherDistance = 256;
-    actor.vInitialPosition.y = LOWORD(pOut.z);
-    actor.vPosition.y = LOWORD(pOut.z);
-    actor.vInitialPosition.z = LOWORD(pOut.y);
-    actor.vPosition.z = LOWORD(pOut.y);
-    pSprites_LOD->DeleteSomeSprites();
-    pPaletteManager->ResetNonTestLocked();
-    v6 = uNumActors - 1;
-    if ( dword_5C6DF8 == 1 )
-    {
-      dword_5C6DF8 = 0;
-      v6 = uNumActors++;
-    }
-    memcpy(&pActors[v6], &actor, sizeof(Actor));
-    pActors[v6].PrepareSprites(1);
-    result = 1;
-  }
-  return result;
-// 5C6DF8: using guessed type int dword_5C6DF8;
-//----- (0044FA4C) --------------------------------------------------------
-signed int __fastcall sub_44FA4C_spawn_light_elemental(int a1, int a2, int a3)
-  signed int result; // eax@13
-  int v10; // ebx@16
-  const char *v15; // [sp-4h] [bp-24h]@2
-  unsigned int uFaceID; // [sp+8h] [bp-18h]@16
-  int v19; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@16
-  size_t v20; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@6
-  int v21; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@14
-  unsigned int v23; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@6
-  if ( a2 == 4 )
-    v15 = "Elemental Light C";
-  else if ( a2 == 3 )
-    v15 = "Elemental Light B";
-  else
-    v15 = "Elemental Light A";
-  v23 = pMonsterList->GetMonsterIDByName(v15);
-  v20 = 0;
-  for ( v20; v20 < uNumActors; v20++ )
-  {
-    if ( pActors[v20].uAIState == Removed )
-      break;
-  }
-  result = uNumActors + 1;
-  if ( v20 != uNumActors ||  result < 500 )
-  {
-    v21 = 0;
-    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-      v21 = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z);
-    v19 = (((uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor) - 1) & 0x40) + 64;
-    pActors[v20].Reset();
-    strcpy(pActors[v20].pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[v23 + 1].pName);
-    pActors[v20].sCurrentHP = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v23 + 1].uHP;
-    memcpy(&pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v23 + 1], sizeof(MonsterInfo));
-    pActors[v20].word_000086_some_monster_id = v23 + 1;
-    pActors[v20].uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v23].uMonsterRadius;
-    pActors[v20].uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v23].uMonsterHeight;
-    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
-    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
-    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uExp = 0;
-    pActors[v20].uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v23].uMovementSpeed;
-    v10 = rand() % 2048;
-    pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.x = pParty->vPosition.x + fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v10), v19);
-    pActors[v20].vPosition.x = pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.x;
-    pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.y = pParty->vPosition.y + fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v10), v19);
-    pActors[v20].vPosition.y = pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.y;
-    pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.z = pParty->vPosition.z;
-    pActors[v20].vPosition.z = pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.z;
-    pActors[v20].uTetherDistance = 256;
-    pActors[v20].uSectorID = v21;
-    pActors[v20].PrepareSprites(0);
-    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-    pActors[v20].uAlly = 9999;
-    pActors[v20].uGroup = 0;
-    pActors[v20].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
-    pActors[v20].uAIState = Summoned;
-    pActors[v20].uCurrentActionLength = 256;
-    pActors[v20].UpdateAnimation();
-    result = pIndoor->GetSector(pActors[v20].vPosition.x, pActors[v20].vPosition.y, pActors[v20].vPosition.z);
-    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor
-      || result == v21
-	  && (result = BLV_GetFloorLevel(pActors[v20].vPosition.x, pActors[v20].vPosition.y, pActors[v20].vPosition.z, result, &uFaceID), result != -30000)
-      && (result = abs(result - pParty->vPosition.z), result <= 1024) )
-    {
-      if ( v20 == uNumActors )
-        ++uNumActors;
-      pActors[v20].uSummonerID = PID(OBJECT_Player, a1);
-      result = pActors[v20].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + (a3 * 128) / 30.0f, a2, a1, 0, 0);
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-//----- (0044F57C) --------------------------------------------------------
-void SpawnEncounter(MapInfo *pMapInfo, SpawnPointMM7 *spawn, int a3, int a4, int a5)
-  int v7; // eax@2
-  char v8; // zf@5
-  int v12; // edx@9
-  int v18; // esi@31
-  Actor *pMonster; // esi@35
-  int v23; // edx@36
-  signed int v24; // edi@36
-  int v25; // ecx@36
-  MonsterDesc *v27; // edi@48
-  signed int v28; // eax@48
-  int v32; // eax@50
-  int v37; // eax@51
-  int v38; // eax@52
-  int v39; // edi@52
-  std::string v40; // [sp-18h] [bp-100h]@60
-  const char *v44; // [sp-8h] [bp-F0h]@13
-  char *pTexture; // [sp-4h] [bp-ECh]@9
-  char Str[32]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-DCh]@60
-  char Str2[120]; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-BCh]@29
-  unsigned int uFaceID; // [sp+A4h] [bp-44h]@52
-  MonsterInfo *Src; // [sp+A8h] [bp-40h]@50
-  int v50; // [sp+ACh] [bp-3Ch]@47
-  char Source[32]; // [sp+B0h] [bp-38h]@20
-  int v52; // [sp+D0h] [bp-18h]@34
-  int v53; // [sp+D4h] [bp-14h]@34
-  int pSector; // [sp+D8h] [bp-10h]@32
-  int pPosX; // [sp+DCh] [bp-Ch]@32
-  int v56; // [sp+E0h] [bp-8h]@8
-  int v57; // [sp+E4h] [bp-4h]@1
-  //auto a2 = spawn;
-  v57 = 0;
-  //v5 = pMapInfo;
-  //v6 = spawn;
-  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-    v7 = pOutdoor->ddm.field_C_alert;
-  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
-    v7 = pIndoor->dlv.field_C_alert;
-  else
-    v7 = 0;
-  if (v7)
-    v8 = (spawn->uAttributes & 1) == 0;
-  else
-    v8 = (spawn->uAttributes & 1) == 1;
-  if (v8)
-    return;
-  //result = (void *)(spawn->uIndex - 1);
-  v56 = 1;
-  switch (spawn->uIndex - 1)
-  {
-  case 0:
-    //v9 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtLeast;
-    //v10 = rand();
-    //v11 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtMost;
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
-    v12 = rand() % (pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtMost - pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtLeast + 1);
-    //v13 = pMapInfo->Dif_M1;
-    v57 = pMapInfo->Dif_M1;
-    v56 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtLeast + v12;
-    strcpy(Source, pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
-    break;
-  case 3:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s A";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s A", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
-    break;
-  case 4:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s A";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s A", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
-    break;
-  case 5:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s A";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s A", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
-    break;
-  case 1:
-    //v9 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtLeast;
-    //v14 = rand();
-    //v15 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtMost;
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
-    v12 = rand() % (pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtMost - pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtLeast + 1);
-    //v13 = pMapInfo->Dif_M2;
-    v57 = pMapInfo->Dif_M2;
-    v56 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtLeast + v12;
-    strcpy(Source, pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
-    break;
-  case 6:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s B";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s B", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
-    break;
-  case 7:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s B";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s B", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
-    break;
-  case 8:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s B";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s B", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
-    break;
-  case 2:
-    //v9 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtLeast;
-    //v16 = rand();
-    //v17 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtMost;
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
-    v12 = rand() % (pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtMost - pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtLeast + 1);
-    //v13 = pMapInfo->Dif_M3;
-    v57 = pMapInfo->Dif_M3;
-    v56 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtLeast + v12;
-    strcpy(Source, pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
-    break;
-  case 9:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s C";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s C", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
-    break;
-  case 10:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s C";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s C", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
-    break;
-  case 11:
-    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
-    //v44 = "%s C";
-    sprintf(Source, "%s C", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
-    break;
-  default:
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Source[0] == '0')
-    return;
-  v57 += a3;
-  if ( v57 > 4 )
-    v57 = 4;
-  strcpy(Str2, Source);
-  if ( a4 )
-    v56 = a4;
-  v18 = v56;
-  if ( (signed int)(v56 + uNumActors) >= 500 )
-    return;
-  pSector = 0;
-  pPosX = spawn->vPosition.x;
-  a4 = spawn->vPosition.y;
-  a3 = spawn->vPosition.z;
-  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-    pSector = pIndoor->GetSector(spawn->vPosition.x, spawn->vPosition.y, spawn->vPosition.z);
-  v53 = 0;
-  v52 = (((uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor) - 1) & 0x40) + 64;
-  if ( v18 <= 0 )
-    return;
-  for (uint i = v53; i < v56; ++i)
-  {
-    pMonster = &pActors[uNumActors];
-    pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
-    if ( v57 )
-    {
-      v23 = rand() % 100;
-      v24 = 3;
-      v25 = (unsigned __int16)word_4E8152[3 * v57];
-      if ( v23 >= v25 )
-      {
-        if ( v23 < v25 + (unsigned __int16)word_4E8152[3 * v57 + 1] )
-          v24 = 2;
-      }
-      else
-        v24 = 1;
-      if ( v24 == 1 )
-      {
-        pTexture = Source;
-        v44 = "%s A";
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        if ( v24 == 2 )
-        {
-          pTexture = Source;
-          v44 = "%s B";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          if ( v24 != 3 )
-            continue;
-          pTexture = Source;
-          v44 = "%s C";
-        }
-      }
-      sprintf(Str2, v44, pTexture);
-    }
-    v50 = pMonsterList->GetMonsterIDByName(Str2);
-    pTexture = Str2;
-    if ( (signed __int16)v50 == -1 )
-    {
-      sprintf(Str, "Can't create random monster: '%s'! See MapStats.txt and Monsters.txt!", pTexture);
-      MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, nullptr, 0);
-      ExitProcess(0);
-    }
-    v27 = &pMonsterList->pMonsters[(signed __int16)v50];
-    v28 = pMonsterStats->FindMonsterByTextureName(pTexture);
-    if ( !v28 )
-      v28 = 1;
-    Src = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v28];
-    strcpy(pMonster->pActorName, Src->pName);
-    pMonster->sCurrentHP = Src->uHP;
-    assert(sizeof(MonsterInfo) == 88);
-    memcpy(&pMonster->pMonsterInfo, Src, sizeof(MonsterInfo));//Uninitialized portail memory access
-    pMonster->word_000086_some_monster_id = v50 + 1;
-    pMonster->uActorRadius = v27->uMonsterRadius;
-    pMonster->uActorHeight = v27->uMonsterHeight;
-    pMonster->uMovementSpeed = v27->uMovementSpeed;
-    pMonster->vInitialPosition.x = spawn->vPosition.x;
-    pMonster->vPosition.x = spawn->vPosition.x;
-    pMonster->uTetherDistance = 256;
-    pMonster->vInitialPosition.y = a4;
-    pMonster->vPosition.y = a4;
-    pMonster->vInitialPosition.z = a3;
-    pMonster->vPosition.z = a3;
-    pMonster->uSectorID = pSector;
-    pMonster->uGroup = spawn->uGroup;
-    pMonster->PrepareSprites(0);
-    pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
-    v32 = rand();
-    a3 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v32 % 2048), v52);
-    pPosX = a3 + spawn->vPosition.x;
-    a3 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v32 % 2048), v52);
-    a4 = a3 + spawn->vPosition.y;
-    a3 = spawn->vPosition.z;
-    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor )
-    {
-      if ( a5 )
-        pMonster->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
-      ++uNumActors;
-      continue;
-    }
-    v37 = pIndoor->GetSector(pPosX, a4, spawn->vPosition.z);
-    if ( v37 == pSector )
-    {
-      v38 = BLV_GetFloorLevel(pPosX, a4, a3, v37, &uFaceID);
-      v39 = v38;
-      if ( v38 != -30000 )
-      {
-        if ( abs(v38 - a3) <= 1024 )
-        {
-          a3 = v39;
-          if ( a5 )
-            pMonster->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
-          ++uNumActors;
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    ;
-    //v53 = (char *)v53 + 1;
-    //result = v53;
-  }
-  //while ( (signed int)v53 < v56 );
-//----- (00438F8F) --------------------------------------------------------
-void area_of_effect__damage_evaluate()
-	int attacker_type; // ecx@3
-	signed int v3; // eax@3
-	unsigned int target_id; // edi@6
-	int target_type; // eax@6
-	int v10; // edi@8
-	Vec3_int_ attacker_coord; // ST04_12@9
-	//  int v12; // ST0C_4@10
-	int v15; // edx@15
-	int v19; // edi@15
-	int v23; // edx@18
-	int v24; // eax@18
-	//  int v30; // eax@29
-	int v31; // edx@29
-	int v32; // eax@29
-	int v33; // ST24_4@29
-	SpriteObject *v36; // [sp+0h] [bp-28h]@0
-	int attacker_id; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@1
-	int v44; // [sp+14h] [bp-14h]@15
-	//Vec3_int_ *pVelocity; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@2
-	signed int a1; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@8
-	int v48; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@8
-	for (attacker_id = 0; attacker_id < AttackerInfo.count; ++attacker_id)
-	{
-		attacker_type = PID_TYPE(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id]);
-		v3 = PID_ID(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id]);
-		if (attacker_type == 2)
-		{
-			v36 = &pSpriteObjects[v3];
-			attacker_type = PID_TYPE(pSpriteObjects[v3].spell_caster_pid);
-			v3 = PID_ID(pSpriteObjects[v3].spell_caster_pid);
-		}
-		if (AttackerInfo.field_3EC[attacker_id] & 1)
-		{
-			target_id = PID_ID(ai_near_actors_targets_pid[v3]);
-			target_type = PID_TYPE(ai_near_actors_targets_pid[v3]) - 3;
-			if (target_type)
-			{
-				if (target_type == 1)//party damage from monsters(����������� ������ �� ��������)
-				{
-					v10 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-					a1 = pParty->vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-					v48 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-					if (a1 * a1 + v10 * v10
-						+ ((signed int)(pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->uPartyHeight) >> (1 - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id]))
-						* ((signed int)(pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->uPartyHeight) >> (1 - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id]))
-						< (unsigned int)((AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32) * (AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32)))
-					{
-						attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-						attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-						attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
-						if (sub_407A1C(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel, attacker_coord))
-							DamagePlayerFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], AttackerInfo.field_450[attacker_id], &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], stru_50C198.which_player_to_attack(&pActors[v3]));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else//Actor damage from monsters(����������� �������� ������)
-			{
-				if (SHIDWORD(pActors[target_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime) > 0
-					|| SHIDWORD(pActors[target_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime) >= 0
-					&& LODWORD(pActors[target_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime)
-					|| pActors[target_id].CanAct())
-				{
-					v15 = pActors[target_id].vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-					a1 = pActors[target_id].vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-					v44 = pActors[target_id].vPosition.z;
-					v19 = AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + pActors[target_id].uActorRadius;
-					v48 = v15;
-					if (a1 * a1 + v15 * v15 + (pActors[target_id].vPosition.z + (pActors[target_id].uActorHeight >> 1) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id])
-						* (pActors[target_id].vPosition.z + (pActors[target_id].uActorHeight >> 1) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id]) < (unsigned int)(v19 * v19))
-					{
-						attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-						attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-						attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
-						if (sub_407A1C(pActors[target_id].vPosition.x, pActors[target_id].vPosition.y, pActors[target_id].vPosition.z + 50, attacker_coord))
-						{
-							Vec3_int_::Normalize(&a1, &v48, &v44);
-							AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].x = a1;
-							AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].y = v48;
-							AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].z = v44;
-							Actor::ActorDamageFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], target_id, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], AttackerInfo.field_450[attacker_id]);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else //damage from spells(����������� �� ������(����������� �����))
-		{
-			v23 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-			v24 = ((signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 2) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
-			a1 = pParty->vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-			v48 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-			if (a1 * a1 + v23 * v23 + (pParty->vPosition.z + v24) * (pParty->vPosition.z + v24) < (unsigned int)((AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32) * (AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32)))
-			{//party damage (����������� ������)
-				attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-				attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-				attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
-				if (sub_407A1C(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel, attacker_coord))
-				{
-					for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-					{
-						if (!(HIDWORD(pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Dead]) | LODWORD(pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Dead]))
-							&& !pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Pertified] && !pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Eradicated])
-							DamagePlayerFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], AttackerInfo.field_450[attacker_id], &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], i);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if ((signed int)uNumActors > 0)
-			{//actors damage(����������� ������ ����������)
-				for (int actorID = 0; (signed int)actorID < (signed int)uNumActors; ++actorID)
-				{
-					if (pActors[actorID].CanAct())
-					{
-						//v30 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-						a1 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-						v31 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.z;
-						v48 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-						v44 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.z;
-						v32 = (pActors[actorID].uActorHeight / 2) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
-						v33 = pActors[actorID].uActorRadius + AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id];
-						if (a1 * a1 + v48 * v48 + (v31 + v32) * (v31 + v32) < (unsigned int)(v33 * v33))
-						{
-							attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
-							attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
-							attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
-							if (sub_407A1C(pActors[actorID].vPosition.x, pActors[actorID].vPosition.y, pActors[actorID].vPosition.z + 50, attacker_coord))//��� ������ �-���?
-							{
-								Vec3_int_::Normalize(&a1, &v48, &v44);
-								AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].x = a1;
-								AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].y = v48;
-								AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].z = v44;
-								switch (attacker_type)
-								{
-								case OBJECT_Player:
-									Actor::DamageMonsterFromParty(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], actorID, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id]);
-									break;
-								case OBJECT_Actor:
-									if (v36 && pActors[v3].GetActorsRelation(&pActors[actorID]))
-										Actor::ActorDamageFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], actorID, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], v36->field_61);
-									break;
-								case OBJECT_Item:
-									ItemDamageFromActor(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], actorID, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id]);
-									break;
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	AttackerInfo.count = 0;
-//----- (0043AE12) --------------------------------------------------------
-double __fastcall sub_43AE12(signed int a1)
-	//signed int v1; // ST00_4@1
-	signed int v2; // ecx@1
-	double v3; // st7@1
-	double result; // st7@6
-	v3 = (double)a1;
-	for (v2 = 0; v2 < 5; ++v2)
-	{
-		if (v3 < flt_4E4A80[v2 + 5])
-			break;
-	}
-	if (v2 <= 0 || v2 >= 5)
-	{
-		if (v2)
-			result = flt_4E4A80[4];
-		else
-			result = flt_4E4A80[0];
-	}
-	else
-		result = (flt_4E4A80[v2] - flt_4E4A80[v2 - 1]) * (v3 - flt_4E4A80[v2 + 4]) / (flt_4E4A80[v2 + 5] - flt_4E4A80[v2 + 4]) + flt_4E4A80[v2];
-	return result;
-//----- (0043B057) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemDamageFromActor(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uActorID, Vec3_int_ *pVelocity)
-	int v6; // eax@4
-	int damage; // edi@4
-	int a2a; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@8
-	if (!pActors[uActorID].IsNotAlive())
-	{
-		if (PID_TYPE(uObjID) == OBJECT_Item)
-		{
-			if (pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_id)
-			{
-				v6 = _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_id, pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_level, pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_skill, pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP);
-				damage = pActors[uActorID].CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)0, v6);
-				pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP -= damage;
-				if (damage)
-				{
-					if (pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP > 0)
-						Actor::AI_Stun(uActorID, uObjID, 0);
-					else
-						Actor::Die(uActorID);
-					a2a = 20 * damage / (signed int)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHP;
-					if (20 * damage / (signed int)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHP > 10)
-						a2a = 10;
-					if (!MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT))
-					{
-						pVelocity->x = fixpoint_mul(a2a, pVelocity->x);
-						pVelocity->y = fixpoint_mul(a2a, pVelocity->y);
-						pVelocity->z = fixpoint_mul(a2a, pVelocity->z);
-						pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->x);
-						pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->y);
-						pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->z);
-					}
-					Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(uActorID, 1, damage);
-				}
-				else
-					Actor::AI_Stun(uActorID, uObjID, 0);
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Actor.h
--- a/Actor.h	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Monsters.h"
-#include "Spells.h"
-#include "Items.h"
-/*  357 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct stru319
-  int which_player_to_attack(struct Actor *pActor);
-  int _427546(int a2);
-  int FindClosestActor(int a2, int a3, int a4);
-  char field_0;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-extern stru319 stru_50C198; // idb
-/*  361 */
-/*  295 */
-enum ObjectType
-  OBJECT_Any = 0x0,
-  OBJECT_BLVDoor = 0x1,
-  OBJECT_Item = 0x2,
-  OBJECT_Actor = 0x3,
-  OBJECT_Player = 0x4,
-  OBJECT_Decoration = 0x5,
-  OBJECT_BModel = 0x6,
-/*  264 */
-enum AIState : unsigned __int16
-  Standing = 0x0,
-  Tethered = 0x1,
-  AttackingMelee = 0x2,
-  AttackingRanged1 = 0x3,
-  Dying = 0x4,
-  Dead = 0x5,
-  Pursuing = 0x6,
-  Fleeing = 0x7,
-  Stunned = 0x8,
-  Fidgeting = 0x9,
-  Interacting = 10,
-  Removed = 11,
-  AttackingRanged2 = 0xC,
-  AttackingRanged3 = 0xD,
-  Stoned = 0xE,
-  Paralyzed = 0xF,
-  Resurrected = 16,
-  Summoned = 17,
-  AttackingRanged4 = 18,
-  Disabled = 19,
-/*  265 */
-enum ActorAnimation : __int32
-  ANIM_Standing = 0x0,
-  ANIM_Walking = 0x1,
-  ANIM_AtkMelee = 0x2,
-  ANIM_AtkRanged = 0x3,
-  ANIM_GotHit = 0x4,
-  ANIM_Dying = 0x5,
-  ANIM_Dead = 0x6,
-  ANIM_Bored = 0x7,
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#define ACTOR_UNKNOW2             0x00000008
-#define ACTOR_STAND_IN_QUEUE      0x00000080
-#define ACTOR_ALIVE               0x00000400
-#define ACTOR_ACTIVE              0x00004000
-#define ACTOR_NEARBY              0x00008000
-#define ACTOR_UNKNOW11            0x00010000
-#define ACTOR_FLEEING             0x00020000
-#define ACTOR_UNKNOW5             0x00040000
-#define ACTOR_AGGRESSOR           0x00080000
-#define ACTOR_UNKNOW7             0x00100000
-#define ACTOR_ANIMATION           0x00200000
-#define ACTOR_UNKNOW9             0x00400000
-#define ACTOR_HAS_ITEM            0x00800000
-#define ACTOR_HOSTILE             0x01000000
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-/*  247 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct AIDirection
-  Vec3_int_ vDirection;
-  unsigned int uDistance;
-  unsigned int uDistanceXZ;
-  unsigned int uYawAngle;
-  unsigned int uPitchAngle;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*   71 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ActorJob
-  struct Vec3_short_ vPos;
-  unsigned __int16 uAttributes;
-  unsigned __int8 uAction;
-  unsigned __int8 uHour;
-  unsigned __int8 uDay;
-  unsigned __int8 uMonth;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*   66 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct Actor
-//----- (0041F4C1) --------------------------------------------------------
-  inline Actor()
-  {
-    signed int i; // edx@1
-    for ( i = 0; i < 22; i++ )
-    {
-      this->pActorBuffs[i].uSkill = 0;
-      this->pActorBuffs[i].uPower = 0;
-      this->pActorBuffs[i].uExpireTime = 0;
-      this->pActorBuffs[i].uCaster = 0;
-      this->pActorBuffs[i].uFlags = 0;
-    }
-    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-      this->ActorHasItems[i].Reset();
-    Reset();
-  }
-  void SummonMinion(int summonerId);
-  void Reset();
-  void Remove();
-  void PrepareSprites(char load_sounds_if_bit1_set);
-  void UpdateAnimation();
-  signed int GetActorsRelation(Actor *a2);
-  void SetRandomGoldIfTheresNoItem();
-  bool CanAct();
-  bool IsNotAlive();
-  bool IsPeasant();
-  inline void ResetAnimation(){uAttributes &= 0xFFDFFFFF;}
-  inline void ResetQueue(){uAttributes &= ~ACTOR_STAND_IN_QUEUE;}
-  inline void ResetActive(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFBFFF;}
-  inline void ResetAlive(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFBFF;}
-  inline void ResetHasItem(){uAttributes &= 0xFF7FFFFF;}
-  inline void ResetHostile(){uAttributes &= 0xFEFFFFFF;}
-  inline void ResetAggressor(){uAttributes &= 0xFFF7FFFF;}
-  inline bool ActorEnemy()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_AGGRESSOR) != 0;}
-  inline bool ActorFriend()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_AGGRESSOR) == 0;}
-  inline bool ActorHasItem()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_HAS_ITEM) != 0;}
-  inline bool ActorNearby()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_NEARBY) != 0;}
-  static void _SelectTarget(unsigned int uActorID, int *a2, bool can_target_party);
-  static void AI_Pursue3(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
-  static void AI_Pursue2(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *pDir, int a5);
-  static void AI_Flee(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
-  static void AI_Pursue1(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int arg0, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *pDir);
-  static void PlaySound(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uSoundID);
-  static void Die(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void Resurrect(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void AI_Bored(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, struct AIDirection *a4);
-  static void AI_Stun(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int arg0);
-  static char __fastcall _4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(unsigned int uActorID, signed int a2, int a3);
-  static void AI_RandomMove(unsigned int uActor_id, unsigned int uTarget_id, int radius, int uActionLength);
-  static void AI_MissileAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
-  static void AI_MissileAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
-  static void AI_SpellAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
-  static void AI_SpellAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
-  static void AI_MeleeAttack(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *arg0);
-  static void __fastcall StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void AI_Stand(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int object_to_face_pid, unsigned int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
-  static void AI_StandOrBored(unsigned int uActorID, signed int uObjID, int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
-  static void AI_FaceObject(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, int _48, struct AIDirection *a4);
-  static void GetDirectionInfo(unsigned int uObj1ID, unsigned int uObj2ID, struct AIDirection *pOut, int a4);
-  static void Explode(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void AI_RangedAttack(unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *a2, int type, char a4);
-  static void AI_SpellAttack(unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *pDir, int uSpellID, int a4, unsigned int uSkillLevel);
-  static void ActorDamageFromMonster(signed int attacker_id, unsigned int actor_id, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity, signed int a4);
-  static unsigned short GetObjDescId( int spellId );
-  static void AggroSurroundingPeasants(unsigned int uActorID, int a2);
-  static bool ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(Actor *a1, Actor *a2);
-  static void StealFrom(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void GiveItem(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uItemID, unsigned int bGive);
-  static void ToggleFlag(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uFlag, int bToggle);
-  static void ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID);
-  static void DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, struct GUIWindow *window);
-  int _43B3E0_CalcDamage(signed int dmgSource);
-  static void AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3);
-  static bool _46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int a1, int a2);
-  static void Arena_summon_actor(int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z);
-  static void DamageMonsterFromParty(signed int a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);
-  static void MakeActorAIList_ODM();
-  static int MakeActorAIList_BLV();
-  static void UpdateActorAI();
-  static void InitializeActors();
-  static unsigned int SearchAliveActors(unsigned int *pTotalActors);
-  static unsigned int SearchActorByMonsterID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, int uMonsterID);
-  static unsigned int SearchActorByGroup(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int uGroup);
-  static unsigned int SearchActorByID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int a2);
-  void LootActor();
-  bool _427102_IsOkToCastSpell(signed int a2);
-  ABILITY_INDEX special_ability_use_check(int a2);
-  bool _4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(Actor *defender, int a3, int a4);
-  bool ActorHitOrMiss(Player *pPlayer);
-  int CalcMagicalDamageToActor(DAMAGE_TYPE dmgType, signed int incomingDmg);
-  bool DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DAMAGE_TYPE uType);
-  char pActorName[32];
-  signed __int16 sNPC_ID;
-  __int16 field_22;
-  unsigned int uAttributes;
-  __int16 sCurrentHP;
-  char field_2A[2];
-  struct MonsterInfo pMonsterInfo;
-  __int16 word_000084_range_attack;
-  __int16 word_000086_some_monster_id;
-  unsigned __int16 uActorRadius;
-  unsigned __int16 uActorHeight;
-  unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed;
-  struct Vec3_short_ vPosition;
-  struct Vec3_short_ vVelocity;
-  unsigned __int16 uYawAngle;
-  unsigned __int16 uPitchAngle;
-  __int16 uSectorID;
-  unsigned __int16 uCurrentActionLength;
-  struct Vec3_short_ vInitialPosition;
-  struct Vec3_short_ vGuardingPosition;
-  unsigned __int16 uTetherDistance;
-  AIState uAIState;
-  unsigned __int16 uCurrentActionAnimation;
-  unsigned __int16 uCarriedItemID;
-  char field_B6;
-  char field_B7;
-  unsigned int uCurrentActionTime;
-  unsigned __int16 pSpriteIDs[8];
-  unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4]; // 1 die     3 bored
-  struct SpellBuff pActorBuffs[22];
-  struct ItemGen ActorHasItems[4];
-  unsigned int uGroup;
-  unsigned int uAlly;
-  struct ActorJob pScheduledJobs[8];
-  unsigned int uSummonerID;
-  unsigned int uLastCharacterIDToHit;
-  int dword_000334_unique_name;
-  char field_338[12];
-#pragma pack(pop)
-//extern Actor pMonsterInfoUI_Doll;
-extern std::array<Actor, 500> pActors;
-extern size_t uNumActors;
-bool CheckActors_proximity();
-int __fastcall IsActorAlive(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uParam, unsigned int uNumAlive); // idb
-void __fastcall sub_448518_npc_set_item(int npc, unsigned int item, int a3);
-void __fastcall ToggleActorGroupFlag(unsigned int uGroupID, unsigned int uFlag, unsigned int bToggle);
-bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID);
-bool __fastcall SpawnActor(unsigned int uMonsterID);
-int __fastcall sub_44FA4C_spawn_light_elemental(int a1, int a2, int a3);
-void SpawnEncounter(struct MapInfo *pMapInfo, struct SpawnPointMM7 *spawn, int a3, int a4, int a5);
-void area_of_effect__damage_evaluate();
-double __fastcall sub_43AE12(signed int a1);
-void ItemDamageFromActor(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uActorID, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Build/Visual Studio 2012/World of Might and Magic.vcxproj
--- a/Build/Visual Studio 2012/World of Might and Magic.vcxproj	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ b/Build/Visual Studio 2012/World of Might and Magic.vcxproj	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -90,33 +90,51 @@
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Actor.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Arcomage.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\ArcomageCards.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Arcomage\Arcomage.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Arcomage\ArcomageCards.cpp" />
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     <ClCompile Include="..\..\Bink_Smacker.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\BSPModel.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\CastSpellInfo.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Chest.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\Conditions.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\DecalBuilder.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\DecorationList.cpp" />
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecalBuilder.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecorationList.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\GammaControl.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Indoor.cpp" />
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Level\Decoration.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\LightmapBuilder.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\LightsStack.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Outdoor.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Overlays.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\PaletteManager.cpp" />
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Render.cpp" />
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru9.cpp" />
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Vis.cpp" />
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Chest.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Items.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Monsters.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\NPC.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\ObjectList.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Indoor.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\IndoorCameraD3D.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Items.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Level\Decoration.cpp" />
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@@ -178,8 +196,6 @@
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\LightsStack.cpp" />
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@@ -189,37 +205,24 @@
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Monsters.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\NPC.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Overlays.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\PaletteManager.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\ParticleEngine.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Render.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\RenderD3D11.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Sprites.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\stru10.cpp" />
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\stru9.cpp" />
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@@ -242,44 +245,60 @@
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Vis.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Weather.cpp" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Actor.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Arcomage.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Arcomage\Arcomage.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\BSPModel.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Chest.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\DecalBuilder.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\DecorationList.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\BSPModel.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecalBuilder.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecorationList.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\GammaControl.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Indoor.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\IndoorCameraD3D.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\IRender.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Level\Decoration.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\LightmapBuilder.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Lights.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Outdoor.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Overlays.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\PaletteManager.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\ParticleEngine.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Render.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\RenderD3D11.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\RenderStruct.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Sprites.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru10.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru9.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Texture.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Viewport.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Vis.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Weather.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Actor.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Chest.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Items.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Monsters.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\NPC.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\ObjectList.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Events2D.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\GammaControl.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Indoor.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\IndoorCameraD3D.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\IRender.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Items.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Level\Decoration.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\lib\legacy_dx\d3dcaps.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\lib\legacy_dx\d3drm.h" />
@@ -421,8 +440,6 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\lib\zlib\zconf.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\lib\zlib\zlib.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\lib\zlib\zutil.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\LightmapBuilder.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Lights.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\LOD.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Log.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\LuaVM.h" />
@@ -432,37 +449,25 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\MM7.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\mm7_data.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\MMT.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Monsters.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Mouse.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\NewUI\Core\UIControl.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\NewUI\MainMenu.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\NPC.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\NZIArray.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\ObjectList.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\OSInfo.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Outdoor.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Overlays.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\PaletteManager.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\ParticleEngine.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Party.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Player.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\PlayerFrameTable.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Random.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Registry.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Render.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\RenderD3D11.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\RenderStruct.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\SpriteObject.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Sprites.h" />
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-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru10.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru159.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru160.h" />
@@ -470,10 +475,8 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru314.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru367.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru6.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru9.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\texts.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Texture.h" />
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     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Timer.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\TurnEngine.h" />
@@ -496,9 +499,6 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\UI\UIShops.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\UI\UITransition.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\VectorTypes.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Viewport.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Vis.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Weather.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\ZlibWrapper.h" />
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Build/Visual Studio 2012/World of Might and Magic.vcxproj.filters
--- a/Build/Visual Studio 2012/World of Might and Magic.vcxproj.filters	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ b/Build/Visual Studio 2012/World of Might and Magic.vcxproj.filters	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -291,72 +291,6 @@
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-      <Filter>Arcomage</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\ArcomageCards.cpp">
-      <Filter>Arcomage</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Level\Decoration.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics\Level</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\BSPModel.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\DecalBuilder.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\DecorationList.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\GammaControl.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Indoor.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\IndoorCameraD3D.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\LightmapBuilder.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\LightsStack.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Outdoor.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Overlays.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\PaletteManager.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\ParticleEngine.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Render.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\RenderD3D11.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Sprites.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Texture.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Viewport.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Vis.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Weather.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
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@@ -384,24 +318,6 @@
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-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Chest.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Items.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Monsters.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\NPC.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\ObjectList.cpp">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
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@@ -564,12 +480,96 @@
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-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\stru9.cpp">
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+      <Filter>Arcomage</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Arcomage\ArcomageCards.cpp">
+      <Filter>Arcomage</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
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+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics\Level</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\BSPModel.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecorationList.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecalBuilder.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
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+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\IndoorCameraD3D.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\GammaControl.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\LightmapBuilder.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\LightsStack.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
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+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
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+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Outdoor.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Overlays.cpp">
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+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\PaletteManager.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\ParticleEngine.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru10.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Texture.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Sprites.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru9.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Weather.cpp">
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Viewport.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Vis.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Actor.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Chest.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Monsters.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Items.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\ObjectList.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\NPC.cpp">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
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@@ -998,75 +998,6 @@
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-      <Filter>Arcomage</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
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-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics\Level</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\BSPModel.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\DecalBuilder.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\DecorationList.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\GammaControl.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Indoor.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\IndoorCameraD3D.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\IRender.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\LightmapBuilder.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Lights.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Outdoor.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Overlays.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\PaletteManager.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\ParticleEngine.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Render.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\RenderD3D11.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\RenderStruct.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Sprites.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Texture.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Viewport.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Vis.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Weather.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\TurnEngine.h">
@@ -1094,24 +1025,6 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Spells.h">
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Actor.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Chest.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Items.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Monsters.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\NPC.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\ObjectList.h">
-      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\Player.h">
@@ -1313,12 +1226,99 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\UI\Books\UISpellBook.h">
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru9.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Arcomage\Arcomage.h">
+      <Filter>Arcomage</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Level\Decoration.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics\Level</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\BSPModel.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecorationList.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\DecalBuilder.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Indoor.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\IndoorCameraD3D.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\GammaControl.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\IRender.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\LightmapBuilder.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Lights.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\ParticleEngine.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Render.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\RenderD3D11.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\RenderStruct.h">
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\stru10.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Outdoor.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Overlays.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\PaletteManager.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru10.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Texture.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Sprites.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\stru9.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Vis.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Weather.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Graphics\Viewport.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Graphics</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Actor.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Chest.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Monsters.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\Items.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\NPC.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="..\..\Engine\Objects\ObjectList.h">
+      <Filter>Engine\Objects</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
     <None Include="..\..\lib\OpenAL\lib\x86\avcodec-55.def">
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Chest.cpp
--- a/Chest.cpp	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,806 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "Items.h"
-#include "Chest.h"
-#include "FrameTableInc.h"
-#include "LOD.h"
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#include "Actor.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/DecorationList.h"
-#include "Party.h"
-#include "AudioPlayer.h"
-#include "OurMath.h"
-#include "Texts.h"
-#include "ObjectList.h"
-#include "GUIWindow.h"
-#include "Timer.h"
-#include "MM7.h"
-#include "SpriteObject.h"
-#include "Mouse.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
-#include "Engine/Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
-size_t uNumChests; // idb
-struct ChestList *pChestList;
-std::array<Chest, 20> pChests;
-const int pChestPixelOffsetX[8]  = {42, 18, 18, 42, 42, 42, 18, 42};
-const int pChestPixelOffsetY[8]  = {34, 30, 30, 34, 34, 34, 30, 34};
-const int pChestWidthsByType[8]  = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
-const int pChestHeightsByType[8] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
-//----- (0042041E) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Chest::Open( signed int uChestID )
-  unsigned int pMapID; // eax@8
-  int pRandom; // edx@16
-  int v6; // eax@16
-  ODMFace *pODMFace; // eax@19
-  BLVFace *pBLVFace; // eax@20
-  int pObjectX; // ebx@21
-  int pObjectZ; // edi@21
-  double dir_x; // st7@23
-  double dir_y; // st6@23
-  double length_vector; // st7@23
-  int pDepth; // ecx@26
-  Vec3_int_ v; // ST4C_12@28
-  bool flag_shout; // edi@28
-  int pSpriteID[4]; // [sp+84h] [bp-40h]@16
-  Vec3_int_ pOut; // [sp+A0h] [bp-24h]@28
-  int pObjectY; // [sp+B0h] [bp-14h]@21
-  int sRotX; // [sp+B4h] [bp-10h]@23
-  float dir_z; // [sp+BCh] [bp-8h]@23
-  int sRotY; // [sp+C0h] [bp-4h]@8
-  SpriteObject pSpellObject; // [sp+14h] [bp-B0h]@28
-  assert( uChestID < 20 );
-  if ( ( uChestID < 0 ) && ( uChestID >= 20 ) )
-    return false;
-  Chest* chest = &pChests[uChestID];
-  ++pIcons_LOD->uTexturePacksCount;
-  if (!pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles)
-    pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles = pIcons_LOD->uNumLoadedFiles;
-  if (!chest->Initialized())
-    Chest::PlaceItems(uChestID);
-  if ( !uActiveCharacter )
-    return false;
-  flag_shout = false;
-  pMapID = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
-  if ( chest->Trapped() && pMapID )
-  {
-    if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetDisarmTrap() < 2 * pMapStats->pInfos[pMapID].LockX5 )
-    {
-      pSpriteID[0] = 811;
-      pSpriteID[1] = 812;
-      pSpriteID[2] = 813;
-      pSpriteID[3] = 814;
-      pRandom = rand() % 4;
-      v6 = PID_ID(EvtTargetObj);
-      if ( PID_TYPE(EvtTargetObj) == OBJECT_Decoration)
-      {
-        pObjectX = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.x;
-        pObjectY = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.y;
-        pObjectZ = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.z + ( pDecorationList->pDecorations[pLevelDecorations[v6].uDecorationDescID].uDecorationHeight / 2 );
-      }
-      if ( PID_TYPE(EvtTargetObj) == OBJECT_BModel)
-      {
-        if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
-        {
-          pODMFace = &pOutdoor->pBModels[EvtTargetObj >> 9].pFaces[(EvtTargetObj >> 3) & 0x3F];
-          pObjectX = ( pODMFace->pBoundingBox.x1 + pODMFace->pBoundingBox.x2 ) / 2;
-          pObjectY = ( pODMFace->pBoundingBox.y1 + pODMFace->pBoundingBox.y2 ) / 2;
-          pObjectZ = ( pODMFace->pBoundingBox.z1 + pODMFace->pBoundingBox.z2 ) / 2;
-        }
-        else//Indoor
-        {
-          pBLVFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[v6];
-          pObjectX = ( pBLVFace->pBounding.x1 + pBLVFace->pBounding.x2 ) / 2;
-          pObjectY = ( pBLVFace->pBounding.y1 + pBLVFace->pBounding.y2 ) / 2;
-          pObjectZ = ( pBLVFace->pBounding.z1 + pBLVFace->pBounding.z2 ) / 2;
-        }
-      }
-      dir_x = (double)pParty->vPosition.x - (double)pObjectX;
-      dir_y = (double)pParty->vPosition.y - (double)pObjectY;
-      dir_z = ( (double)pParty->sEyelevel + (double)pParty->vPosition.z ) - (double)pObjectZ;
-      length_vector = sqrt( (dir_x * dir_x) + (dir_y * dir_y) + (dir_z * dir_z) );
-      if ( length_vector <= 1.0 )
-      {
-        *(float *)&sRotX = 0.0;
-        *(float *)&sRotY = 0.0;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        sRotY = (signed __int64)sqrt(dir_x * dir_x + dir_y * dir_y);
-        sRotX = stru_5C6E00->Atan2((signed __int64)dir_x, (signed __int64)dir_y);
-        sRotY = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(dir_y * dir_y, (signed __int64)dir_z);
-      }
-      pDepth = 256;
-      if ( length_vector < 256.0 )
-        pDepth = (signed __int64)length_vector / 4;
-      v.x = pObjectX;
-      v.y = pObjectY;
-      v.z = pObjectZ;
-      Vec3_int_::Rotate(pDepth, sRotX, sRotY, v, &pOut.x, &pOut.z, &pOut.y);
-      SpriteObject::sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(pSpriteID[pRandom], pOut.x, pOut.z, pOut.y, 0, 1, 0, 48, 0);
-      pSpellObject.stru_24.Reset();
-      pSpellObject.spell_skill = 0;
-      pSpellObject.spell_level = 0;
-      pSpellObject.spell_id = 0;
-      pSpellObject.field_54 = 0;
-      pSpellObject.uType = pSpriteID[pRandom];
-      pSpellObject.uObjectDescID = 0;
-      if ( pObjectList->uNumObjects )
-      {
-        for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++i )
-        {
-          if ( pSpriteID[pRandom] == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID )
-            pSpellObject.uObjectDescID = i;
-        }
-      }
-      pSpellObject.vPosition.y = pOut.z;
-      pSpellObject.vPosition.x = pOut.x;
-      pSpellObject.vPosition.z = pOut.y;
-      pSpellObject.uSoundID = 0;
-      pSpellObject.uAttributes = 48;
-      pSpellObject.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(pOut.x, pOut.z, pOut.y);
-      pSpellObject.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
-      pSpellObject.spell_caster_pid = 0;
-      pSpellObject.spell_target_pid = 0;
-      pSpellObject.uFacing = 0;
-      pSpellObject.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
-      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_8, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-      pSpellObject.ExplosionTraps();
-      chest->uFlags &= 0xFEu;
-      if ( uActiveCharacter && !_A750D8_player_speech_timer && !OpenedTelekinesis )
-      {
-        _A750D8_player_speech_timer = 256i64;
-        PlayerSpeechID = SPEECH_5;
-        uSpeakingCharacter = uActiveCharacter;
-      }
-      pIcons_LOD->RemoveTexturesPackFromTextureList();
-      OpenedTelekinesis = false;
-      return false;
-    }
-    chest->uFlags &= 0xFEu;
-    flag_shout = true;
-  }
-  pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
-  pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_OpenChest, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-  if ( flag_shout == true )
-  {
-    if ( !OpenedTelekinesis )
-      pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_4, 0);
-  }
-  OpenedTelekinesis = false;
-  pChestWindow = pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_Chest, uChestID, 0);
-  pBtn_ExitCancel = pChestWindow->CreateButton(471, 445, 169,  35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0);// Exit
-                    pChestWindow->CreateButton(  7,   8, 460, 343, 1, 0, UIMSG_CHEST_ClickItem, 0, 0, "", 0);
-  pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CHEST;
-  pEventTimer->Pause();
-  return true;
-//----- (0042038D) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Chest::ChestUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString()
-  int v1; // ecx@2
-  POINT cursor; // [sp+8h] [bp-8h]@1
-  pMouse->GetCursorPos(&cursor);
-  if ( cursor.y < 350 )
-  {
-    v1 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[cursor.x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[cursor.y]];
-    if ( v1 != 0 && v1 != -65536 )
-    {
-      if ( v1 )
-      {
-        ItemGen* item = &pChests[pChestWindow->par1C].igChestItems[pChests[pChestWindow->par1C].pInventoryIndices[(v1 & 0xFFFF) - 1] - 1];
-        GameUI_SetFooterString(item->GetDisplayName());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//----- (0042092D) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Chest::DrawChestUI(signed int uChestID)
-    {
-    int chestBitmapId; // eax@1
-    unsigned int v5; // eax@1
-    int chest_item_index; // ecx@3
-    unsigned int item_texture_id; // eax@4
-    Texture *item_texture; // esi@4
-    signed int itemPixelWidth; // ecx@4
-    signed int itemPixelHeght; // edx@4
-//    signed int v11; // eax@4
-    int v12; // eax@6
-    int v13; // eax@6
-    unsigned int itemPixelPosX; // ST34_4@8
-    int itemPixelPosY; // edi@8
-    int *v16; // [sp+Ch] [bp-28h]@1
-//    int v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-24h]@4
-    int chest_offs_y; // [sp+14h] [bp-20h]@1
-    signed int chestHeghtCells; // [sp+18h] [bp-1Ch]@1
-    int chest_offs_x; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-18h]@1
-    signed int chestWidthCells; // [sp+20h] [bp-14h]@1
-    signed int item_counter; // [sp+30h] [bp-4h]@1
-    v16 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer;
-    pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
-    chestBitmapId = pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID;
-    chest_offs_x = pChestPixelOffsetX[chestBitmapId];
-    chest_offs_y = pChestPixelOffsetY[chestBitmapId];
-    chestWidthCells = pChestWidthsByType[chestBitmapId];
-    chestHeghtCells = pChestHeightsByType[chestBitmapId];
-    sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), "chest%02d", pChestList->pChests[chestBitmapId].uTextureID);
-    v5 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pTmpBuf.data(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-    pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v5));
-    for (item_counter = 0; item_counter < chestWidthCells * chestHeghtCells; ++item_counter)
-        {
-        chest_item_index = pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[item_counter];
-        if ( chest_item_index > 0 )
-            {
-            item_texture_id = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(
-                //pItemsTable->pItems[*(int *)((char *)&pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[49].field_4 + 36 * v6 + v3 * 5324)].pIconName,
-                pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[chest_item_index - 1].GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-            item_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(item_texture_id);
-            itemPixelWidth = item_texture->uTextureWidth;
-            itemPixelHeght = item_texture->uTextureHeight;
-            if ( itemPixelWidth < 14 )
-                itemPixelWidth = 14;
-            v12 = itemPixelWidth - 14;
-            v12 = v12 & 0xFFFFFFE0;
-            v13 = v12 + 32;
-            if ( itemPixelHeght < 14 )
-                itemPixelHeght = 14;
-            itemPixelPosX = chest_offs_x + 32 * (item_counter % chestWidthCells) + ((signed int)(v13 - itemPixelWidth)/2);
-            itemPixelPosY = chest_offs_y + 32 * (item_counter / chestHeghtCells) +
-                ((signed int)(((itemPixelHeght - 14) & 0xFFFFFFE0) + 32- item_texture->uTextureHeight ) /2);
-            pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(  itemPixelPosX,   itemPixelPosY,  item_texture);
-            ZBuffer_DoFill2(&v16[itemPixelPosX + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[itemPixelPosY]], item_texture, item_counter + 1);
-            }
-        }
-    pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pBtn_ExitCancel->uX, pBtn_ExitCancel->uY, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId));
-    }
-//----- (0041FE71) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool Chest::CanPlaceItemAt( signed int test_cell_position, int item_id, signed int uChestID )
-    {
-//    int v3; // eax@1
-    unsigned int item_texture_id; // eax@1
-    Texture *item_texture; // ecx@1
-    signed int v6; // eax@1
-//    signed int v7; // edi@3
-    signed int v8; // eax@3
-    int texture_cell_width; // edi@3
-    int texture_cell_height; // ebx@5
-    int _row; // esi@9
-    int _cell_rows; // edx@10
-    int _column; // ecx@11
-//    char *v14; // eax@12
-    int chest_cell_heght; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
-//    signed int v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1
-    signed int chest_cell_width; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1
-    chest_cell_heght = pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-    chest_cell_width = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-    item_texture_id = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[item_id].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-    item_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(item_texture_id);
-    v6 = item_texture->uTextureWidth;
-    if ( v6 < 14 )
-      v6 = 14;
-    texture_cell_width = ((v6 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-    v8 = item_texture->uTextureHeight;
-    if ( v8 < 14 )
-        v8 = 14;
-    texture_cell_height = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-    {
-      item_texture->Release();
-      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-    }
-    if ( (texture_cell_width + test_cell_position % chest_cell_width <= chest_cell_width) && 
-        (texture_cell_height + test_cell_position / chest_cell_width <= chest_cell_heght) )
-    { //we not put over borders
-        _row = 0;
-        if ( texture_cell_height <= 0 )
-            return true;
-        _cell_rows = 0;
-        while ( 1 )
-        {
-            _column = 0;
-            if ( texture_cell_width > 0 )
-                {
-                while ( pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[test_cell_position + _cell_rows+_column]==0)
-                    {
-                    ++_column;
-                    if ( _column >= texture_cell_width )
-                        break;
-                    }
-                if (pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[test_cell_position + _cell_rows+_column]!=0)
-                    return false;
-                }
-            _cell_rows += chest_cell_width;
-            ++_row;
-            if ( _row >= texture_cell_height )
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    return false;
-    }
-// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
-//----- (0041FF64) --------------------------------------------------------
-int Chest::CountChestItems(signed int uChestID)
-  signed int item_count; // eax@1
-  int max_items; // edx@1
-  item_count = 0;
-  max_items = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-  if ( max_items <= 0 )
-    item_count = -1;
-  else
-  {
-    while ( pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[item_count].uItemID )
-    {
-      ++item_count;
-      if ( item_count >= max_items )
-      {
-        item_count = -1;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return item_count;
-//----- (0041FFA2) --------------------------------------------------------
-int Chest::PutItemInChest(int position, ItemGen *put_item, signed int uChestID)
-{//(rus: �������� ������� � ����)
-  ItemGen *v4; // edi@1
-  int v5; // esi@1
-  int result; // eax@11
-  unsigned int v7; // eax@12
-  int v8; // edx@12
-  Texture *texture; // ecx@12
-  signed int v10; // eax@12
-  signed int v11; // edi@14
-  unsigned int v12; // esi@14
-  int v13; // edi@16
-  void *v14; // edi@21
-  int v15; // edi@21
-  int i; // ecx@21
-  ItemGen *Src; // [sp+Ch] [bp-18h]@1
-  signed int item_in_chest_count; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@2
-  int v19; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@1
-  int v20; // [sp+18h] [bp-Ch]@19
-  signed int v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-8h]@1
-//  signed int v22; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@3
-  int v23; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@19
-  v21 = 0;
-  v4 = put_item;
-  v5 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-  Src = put_item;
-  v19 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-  if ( position == -1 )
-  {
-    item_in_chest_count = CountChestItems(uChestID);
-    if ( item_in_chest_count == -1 )
-      return 0;
-    for( int _i = 0; _i < v5; _i++)
-	{
-      if ( Chest::CanPlaceItemAt(_i, v4->uItemID, pChestWindow->par1C) )
-        v21 = _i;
-    }
-    if ( v21 == v5 )
-    {
-      if ( uActiveCharacter )
-        pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_NoRoom, 0);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(v4->GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-    HIWORD(v8) = 0;
-    texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v7);
-    v10 = texture->uTextureWidth;
-    if ( texture->uTextureWidth < 14 )
-      v10 = 14;
-    v12 = ((v10 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-    v11 = texture->uTextureHeight;
-    if ( texture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
-      v11 = 14;
-    v13 = ((v11 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-    {
-      texture->Release();
-      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-    }
-    if ( v13 > 0 )
-    {
-      v23 = 0;
-      v20 = v13;
-      do
-      {
-        if ( (signed int)v12 > 0 )
-        {
-          v14 = &pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[v21 + v23];
-          LOWORD(v8) = -1 - v21;
-          v8 <<= 16;
-          LOWORD(v8) = -1 - v21;
-          memset32(v14, v8, v12 >> 1);
-          v15 = (int)((char *)v14 + 4 * (v12 >> 1));
-          for ( i = v12 & 1; i; --i )
-          {
-            *(short *)v15 = v8;
-            v15 += 2;
-          }
-        }
-        v23 += v19;
-        --v20;
-      }
-      while ( v20 );
-    }
-    pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[v21] = item_in_chest_count + 1;
-    memcpy(&pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[item_in_chest_count], put_item, sizeof(ItemGen));
-    result = v21 + 1;
-  }
-  else
-    result = 1;
-  return result;
-// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
-//----- (0042013E) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Chest::PlaceItemAt( unsigned int put_cell_pos, unsigned int item_at_cell, signed int uChestID )
-  int uItemID; // edi@1
-  int v6; // edx@4
-  unsigned int v7; // eax@5
-  Texture *texture; // ecx@5
-  signed int v9; // eax@5
-  signed int v10; // edi@7
-  unsigned int texture_cell_width; // ebx@7
-  int textute_cell_height; // edi@9
-  int chest_cell_row_pos; // edx@12
-  int chest_cell_width; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@11
-  uItemID = pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uItemID;
-  pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(&pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell]);
-  if ( uItemID >= 135 && uItemID <= 159 && !pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uNumCharges)
-  {
-    v6 = rand() % 21 + 10;
-    pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uNumCharges = v6;
-    pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uMaxCharges = v6;
-  }
-  v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-  texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v7);
-  v9 = texture->uTextureWidth;
-  if ( texture->uTextureWidth < 14 )
-    v9 = 14;
-  texture_cell_width = ((v9 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-  v10 = texture->uTextureHeight;
-  if ( texture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
-    v10 = 14;
-  textute_cell_height = ((v10 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-  if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-  {
-    texture->Release();
-    pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-  }
-  chest_cell_width = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[ uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-  chest_cell_row_pos = 0;
-  for(int i = 0; i < textute_cell_height; ++i) 
-  { 
-    for (int j = 0; j < texture_cell_width; ++j)
-      pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[put_cell_pos + chest_cell_row_pos+j]=(signed __int16)-(put_cell_pos+1);
-    chest_cell_row_pos += chest_cell_width;
-  }
-  pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[put_cell_pos] = item_at_cell + 1;
-// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
-//----- (00420284) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Chest::PlaceItems(signed int uChestID )
-    {
-    int uChestArea; // edi@1
-    int random_chest_pos; // eax@2
-    int test_position; // ebx@11
-    char chest_cells_map[144]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-A0h]@1
-    int chest_item_id; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-10h]@10
-    unsigned int items_counter; // [sp+A4h] [bp-8h]@8
-    pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
-    uChestArea = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
-    memset(chest_cells_map, 0, 144);
-    //fill cell map at random positions
-    for ( items_counter = 0; items_counter < uChestArea; ++items_counter )
-    {
-        //get random position in chest
-        do
-        random_chest_pos = (unsigned __int8)rand();
-        while ( random_chest_pos >= uChestArea );
-        //if this pos occupied move to next
-        while ( chest_cells_map[random_chest_pos] )
-        {
-            ++random_chest_pos;
-            if ( random_chest_pos == uChestArea )
-                random_chest_pos = 0;
-        }
-        chest_cells_map[random_chest_pos] = items_counter;
-      }
-    items_counter = 0;
-    for (items_counter = 0; items_counter<uChestArea; ++items_counter)
-        {
-        chest_item_id = pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[items_counter].uItemID;
-        if ( chest_item_id )
-            {
-            test_position = 0;
-            while ( !Chest::CanPlaceItemAt((unsigned __int8)chest_cells_map[test_position], chest_item_id, uChestID) )
-                {
-                ++test_position;
-                if ( test_position >= uChestArea )
-                    break;
-                }
-            if(test_position<uChestArea)
-                {
-                Chest::PlaceItemAt((unsigned __int8)chest_cells_map[test_position], items_counter, uChestID);
-                if ( pChests[uChestID].uFlags & CHEST_OPENED)
-                    pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[items_counter].SetIdentified();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    pChests[uChestID].SetInitialized(true);
-    }
-// 420284: using guessed type char Dst[144];
-//----- (00448A17) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Chest::ToggleFlag(signed int uChestID, unsigned __int16 uFlag, unsigned int bToggle)
-  if ( uChestID >= 0 && uChestID <= 19 )
-  {
-    if ( bToggle )
-       pChests[uChestID].uFlags |= uFlag;
-    else
-      pChests[uChestID].uFlags &= ~uFlag;
-  }
-//----- (00458B03) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ChestList::ToFile()
-  FILE *v2; // eax@1
-  FILE *v3; // edi@1
-  v2 = fopen("data\\dchest.bin", "wb");
-  v3 = v2;
-  if ( !v2 )
-    Error("Unable to save dchest.bin!");
-  fwrite(this, 4, 1, v2);
-  fwrite(this->pChests, 36, this->uNumChests, v3);
-  fclose(v3);
-//----- (00458B4F) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ChestList::FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8)
-  uint num_mm6_chests = data_mm6 ? *(int *)data_mm6 : 0,
-       num_mm7_chests = data_mm7 ? *(int *)data_mm7 : 0,
-       num_mm8_chests = data_mm8 ? *(int *)data_mm8 : 0;
-  uNumChests = num_mm6_chests + num_mm7_chests + num_mm8_chests;
-  assert(uNumChests);
-  assert(!num_mm8_chests);
-  pChests = (ChestDesc *)malloc(uNumChests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
-  memcpy(pChests,                                   (char *)data_mm7 + 4, num_mm7_chests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
-  memcpy(pChests + num_mm7_chests,                  (char *)data_mm6 + 4, num_mm6_chests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
-  memcpy(pChests + num_mm6_chests + num_mm7_chests, (char *)data_mm8 + 4, num_mm8_chests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
-//----- (00458B9C) --------------------------------------------------------
-int ChestList::FromFileTxt(const char *Args)
-  //ChestList *v2; // ebx@1
-  __int32 v3; // edi@1
-  FILE *v4; // eax@1
-  unsigned int v5; // esi@3
-  const void *v6; // ST18_4@9
-  void *v7; // eax@9
-  FILE *v8; // ST0C_4@11
-  char *i; // eax@11
-  char v10; // al@14
-  const char *v11; // ST14_4@14
-  char v12; // al@14
-  const char *v13; // ST10_4@14
-  char Buf; // [sp+8h] [bp-2F0h]@3
-  FrameTableTxtLine v16; // [sp+1FCh] [bp-FCh]@4
-  FrameTableTxtLine v17; // [sp+278h] [bp-80h]@4
-  FILE *File; // [sp+2F4h] [bp-4h]@1
-  unsigned int Argsa; // [sp+300h] [bp+8h]@3
-  //v2 = this;
-  free(this->pChests);
-  v3 = 0;
-  this->pChests = 0;
-  this->uNumChests = 0;
-  v4 = fopen(Args, "r");
-  File = v4;
-  if ( !v4 )
-    Error("ChestDescriptionList::load - Unable to open file: %s.");
-  v5 = 0;
-  Argsa = 0;
-  if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, v4) )
-  {
-    do
-    {
-      *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
-      memcpy(&v17, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v16), sizeof(v17));
-	  if ( v17.uPropCount && *v17.pProperties[0] != 47 )
-        ++Argsa;
-    }
-    while ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) );
-    v5 = Argsa;
-    v3 = 0;
-  }
-  v6 = this->pChests;
-  this->uNumChests = v5;
-  v7 = malloc(36 * v5);
-  this->pChests = (ChestDesc *)v7;
-  if ( v7 == (void *)v3 )
-    Error("ChestDescriptionList::load - Out of Memory!");
-  memset(v7, v3, 36 * this->uNumChests);
-  v8 = File;
-  this->uNumChests = v3;
-  fseek(v8, v3, v3);
-  for ( i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File); i; i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File) )
-  {
-    *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
-    memcpy(&v17, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v16), sizeof(v17));
-	if ( v17.uPropCount && *v17.pProperties[0] != 47 )
-    {
-      strcpy(this->pChests[this->uNumChests].pName, v17.pProperties[0]);
-      v10 = atoi(v17.pProperties[1]);
-      v11 = v17.pProperties[2];
-      this->pChests[this->uNumChests].uWidth = v10;
-      v12 = atoi(v11);
-      v13 = v17.pProperties[3];
-      this->pChests[this->uNumChests].uHeight = v12;
-      this->pChests[this->uNumChests++].uTextureID = atoi(v13);
-    }
-  }
-  fclose(File);
-  return 1;
-//----- (00420B13) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __fastcall sub_420B13(int a1, int a2)
-{	//Give item from chest(rus: ����� ������� �� �����)
-    void *v2; // eax@1
-    unsigned int v4; // eax@1
-    Texture *texture; // ecx@1
-    signed int v6; // eax@1
-    signed int v7; // edi@3
-    signed int v8; // eax@3
-    int v9; // edi@3
-    int v10; // eax@5
-    int v11; // esi@8
-    unsigned int v12; // ecx@10
-    void *v13; // edi@10
-    unsigned __int8 v14; // cf@10
-    int v15; // edi@10
-    int i; // ecx@10
-    int v17; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@1
-    int v18; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@3
-    int v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5
-    int v22; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@8
-    v2 = (void *)(5324 * (int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C);
-	v17 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].uChestBitmapID];
-    v4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].igChestItems[a1].GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-    texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v4);
-    v6 = texture->uTextureWidth;
-    if ( texture->uTextureWidth < 14 )
-      v6 = 14;
-    v7 = v6 - 14;
-    v9 = (v7 >> 5) + 1;
-    v18 = v9;
-    v8 = texture->uTextureHeight;
-    if ( texture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
-      v8 = 14;
-    v10 = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
-    v21 = v10;
-    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
-    {
-      texture->Release();
-      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
-      v10 = v21;
-    }
-    if ( v10 > 0 )
-    {
-      v11 = 0;
-      for ( v22 = v10; v22; --v22 )
-      {
-        if ( v9 > 0 )
-        {
-          v12 = v9;
-          v13 = &pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].pInventoryIndices[a2 + v11];
-          v14 = v12 & 1;
-          v12 >>= 1;
-          memset(&pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].pInventoryIndices[a2 + v11], 0, 4 * v12);
-          v15 = (int)((char *)v13 + 4 * v12);
-          for ( i = v14; i; --i )
-          {
-            *(short *)v15 = 0;
-            v15 += 2;
-          }
-          v9 = v18;
-        }
-        v11 += v17;
-      }
-    }
-    pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].igChestItems[a1].Reset();
-// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
-//----- (00420E01) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Chest::OnChestLeftClick()
-  int v2; // eax@2
-  int v3; // ebx@4
-  int v4; // esi@6
-  POINT cursor; // [sp+84h] [bp-8h]@2
-  SpriteObject v6; // [sp+Ch] [bp-80h]@1
-  if ( pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID )
-  {
-    if ( Chest::PutItemInChest(-1, &pParty->pPickedItem, pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C) )
-      pMouse->RemoveHoldingItem();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    pMouse->GetCursorPos(&cursor);
-    v2 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[cursor.x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[cursor.y]] & 0xFFFF;
-    if ( v2 )
-    {
-      if ( v2 )
-        v3 = v2 - 1;
-      else
-        v3 = -1;
-      v4 = pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].pInventoryIndices[v3] - 1;
-      if ( pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4].GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_GOLD )
-      {
-        pParty->PartyFindsGold(pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4].uSpecEnchantmentType, 0); 
-        viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
-      }
-      else
-        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4]);
-      sub_420B13(v4, v3);
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Chest.h
--- a/Chest.h	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-/*  348 */
-  CHEST_OPENED = 0x4,
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ChestDesc
-  char pName[32];
-  char uWidth;
-  char uHeight;
-  __int16 uTextureID;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ChestList
-  inline ChestList():  //----- (00458438)
-    uNumChests(0), pChests(nullptr)
-  {}
-  void ToFile();
-  void FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8);
-  int FromFileTxt(const char *Args);
-  unsigned int uNumChests;
-  struct ChestDesc *pChests;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*   65 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct Chest //0x14cc
-  inline bool Initialized() const    {return (uFlags & CHEST_ITEMS_PLACED) != 0;}
-  inline void SetInitialized(bool b) {if (b) uFlags |= CHEST_ITEMS_PLACED; else uFlags &= ~CHEST_ITEMS_PLACED;}
-  inline bool Trapped() const        {return (uFlags & CHEST_TRAPPED) != 0;}
-  static bool CanPlaceItemAt(signed int a1, int a2, signed int uChestID);
-  static int CountChestItems(signed int uChestID);
-  static int PutItemInChest(int a1, ItemGen *a2, signed int uChestID);
-  static void PlaceItemAt(unsigned int put_cell_pos, unsigned int uItemIdx, signed int uChestID);
-  static void PlaceItems(signed int uChestID);
-  static bool Open(signed int uChestID);
-  static void DrawChestUI(signed int uChestID);
-  static void ToggleFlag(signed int uChestID, unsigned __int16 uFlag, unsigned int bToggle);
-  static void ChestUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString();
-  static void OnChestLeftClick();
-  unsigned __int16 uChestBitmapID; //0
-  unsigned __int16 uFlags; //2
-  struct ItemGen igChestItems[140]; //4
-  signed __int16 pInventoryIndices[140]; //0x13b4
-#pragma pack(pop)
-void __fastcall sub_420B13(int a1, int a2);
-extern size_t uNumChests; // idb
-extern struct ChestList *pChestList;
-extern std::array<Chest, 20> pChests;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Actor.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Actor.cpp	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,5717 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <crtdbg.h>
+#include "Engine/Graphics/PaletteManager.h"
+#include "ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/DecalBuilder.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Sprites.h"
+#include "stru6.h"
+#include "Actor.h"
+#include "OurMath.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
+#include "AudioPlayer.h"
+#include "Game.h"
+#include "ObjectList.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Overlays.h"
+#include "FactionTable.h"
+#include "TurnEngine.h"
+#include "CastSpellInfo.h"
+#include "Timer.h"
+#include "LOD.h"
+#include "Party.h"
+#include "GUIWindow.h"
+#include "MM7.h"
+#include "SpriteObject.h"
+#include "stru298.h"
+#include "Log.h"
+#include "Texts.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Vis.h"
+std::array<Actor, 500> pActors;
+size_t uNumActors;
+stru319 stru_50C198; // idb
+std::array<uint, 5> _4DF380_hostilityRanges = {0, 1024, 2560, 5120, 10240};
+//----- (0042FB5C) --------------------------------------------------------
+// True if monster should play attack animation when casting this spell.
+bool ShouldMonsterPlayAttackAnim(signed int spell_id)
+  switch (spell_id)
+  {
+      return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+//----- (0041AF52) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, GUIWindow *window)
+  unsigned int bar_length; // esi@1
+  unsigned int uX; // ebx@10
+  unsigned int v9; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@4
+  unsigned int v10; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@4
+  if (actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP <= 25)
+    bar_length = 25;
+  else if ( actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP < 200 )
+    bar_length = actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
+  else
+    bar_length = 200;
+  v10 = bar_length;
+  if ( actor->sCurrentHP <= (0.34 * actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP) )
+    v9 = uTextureID_mhp_red;
+  else if ( actor->sCurrentHP <= ( 0.67 * actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP) )
+    v9 = uTextureID_mhp_yel;
+  else
+    v9 = uTextureID_mhp_grn;
+  if ( actor->sCurrentHP < (int)actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
+    v10 = bar_length / actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * actor->sCurrentHP;
+  uX = window->uFrameX + (signed int)(window->uFrameWidth - bar_length) / 2;
+  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, uX + bar_length, window->uFrameY + 52);
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_bd));
+  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(uX, window->uFrameY + 32, uX + v10, window->uFrameY + 52);
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX, window->uFrameY + 34, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v9));
+  pRenderer->ResetTextureClipRect();
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX - 5, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capl));
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(uX + bar_length, window->uFrameY + 32, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_mhp_capr));
+//----- (00448A40) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::ToggleFlag(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uFlag, int bToggle)
+  if ( uActorID >= 0 && uActorID <= (signed int)(uNumActors - 1) )
+  {
+    if ( bToggle )
+      pActors[uActorID].uAttributes |= uFlag;
+    else
+    {
+      if ( uFlag == 0x10000 )
+      {
+        if (pActors[uActorID].uAIState == Disabled )
+          pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
+      }
+      pActors[uActorID].uAttributes &= ~uFlag;
+    }
+  }
+//----- (00448518) --------------------------------------------------------
+void __fastcall sub_448518_npc_set_item(int npc, unsigned int item, int a3)
+  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
+  {
+    if (pActors[uNumActors].sNPC_ID == npc)
+      Actor::GiveItem(i, item, a3);
+  }
+//----- (004485A7) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::GiveItem(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uItemID, unsigned int bGive)
+  if ( (uActorID >= 0) && (signed int)uActorID <= (signed int)(uNumActors - 1) )
+  {
+    if ( bGive )
+    {
+      if ( pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID == 0)
+        pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID = uItemID;
+      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].uItemID == 0)
+        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].uItemID = uItemID;
+      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].uItemID == 0)
+        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].uItemID = uItemID;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if ( pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID == uItemID )
+        pActors[uActorID].uCarriedItemID = 0;
+      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].uItemID == uItemID )
+        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[0].Reset();
+      else if ( pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].uItemID == uItemID )
+        pActors[uActorID].ActorHasItems[1].Reset();
+    }
+  }
+//----- (0040894B) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::CanAct()
+  bool isparalyzed; // esi@1
+  bool isstoned; // edi@2
+  isstoned = (signed __int64)this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0;// stoned
+  isparalyzed = (signed __int64)this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime > 0;// paralyzed
+  return !(isstoned || isparalyzed || this->uAIState == Dying || this->uAIState == Dead
+                    || this->uAIState == Removed || this->uAIState == Summoned || this->uAIState == Disabled);
+//----- (004089C7) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::IsNotAlive()
+  bool isstoned; // esi@1
+  isstoned = (signed __int64)this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0;// stoned
+  return (isstoned || (uAIState == Dying) || (uAIState == Dead) || (uAIState == Removed) || (uAIState == Summoned) || (uAIState == Disabled));
+//----- (004086E9) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::SetRandomGoldIfTheresNoItem()
+  int v2; // edi@1
+  v2 = 0;
+  if ( !this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID )
+  {
+    if ( this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls )
+    {
+      for (int i = 0; i < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls; i++)
+        v2 += rand() % this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides + 1;
+      if ( v2 )
+      {
+        this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID = 197;
+        this->ActorHasItems[3].uSpecEnchantmentType = v2;    //actual gold amount
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ( rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance )
+  {
+    if ( this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel )
+      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel, this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType, &this->ActorHasItems[2]);
+  }
+  this->uAttributes |= ACTOR_HAS_ITEM;
+//----- (00404AC7) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_SpellAttack(unsigned int uActorID, AIDirection *pDir, int uSpellID, int a4, unsigned int uSkillLevel)
+  Actor *actorPtr; // esi@1
+  unsigned int realPoints; // edi@1
+  unsigned int masteryLevel; // eax@1
+  int v8; // edi@16
+  signed int v10; // ecx@22
+  int v19; // edi@34
+  int v20; // eax@35
+  signed int v23; // eax@41
+  int v28; // st6@50
+  int v30; // esi@50
+  int v31; // ST3C_4@51
+  unsigned int v32; // edi@51
+  signed int v36; // eax@67
+  int v39; // ecx@75
+  int v42; // ecx@91
+  int v44; // ecx@100
+  int v48; // ecx@110
+  int v51; // ecx@130
+  int v54; // ecx@138
+  int v59; // edi@146
+  int v61; // edi@146
+  signed int v63; // edi@146
+  int v68; // edi@168
+  signed int v70; // ecx@172
+  int v79; // edx@185
+  int v80; // eax@185
+  signed int v91; // eax@200
+  int v94; // ecx@208
+  int v96; // ecx@217
+  int pitch; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-A4h]@51
+  int v114; // [sp+48h] [bp-88h]@41
+  SpriteObject a1; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-84h]@1
+  int v116; // [sp+BCh] [bp-14h]@49
+  int v118; // [sp+C4h] [bp-Ch]@29
+  int v119; // [sp+C8h] [bp-8h]@48
+  int v120; // [sp+CCh] [bp-4h]@1
+  int spellnuma; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@29
+  int spellnumb; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@48
+  int spellnumc; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@50
+  int spellnume; // [sp+D8h] [bp+8h]@179
+  int a1a; // [sp+E0h] [bp+10h]@34
+  int a1c; // [sp+E0h] [bp+10h]@184
+  actorPtr = &pActors[uActorID];
+  realPoints = uSkillLevel & 0x3F;
+  masteryLevel = SkillToMastery(uSkillLevel);
+  switch (uSpellID)
+  {
+    case SPELL_BODY_HARM:
+      a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
+      a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
+      a1.stru_24.Reset();
+      a1.spell_id = uSpellID;
+      a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
+      a1.vPosition.x = actorPtr->vPosition.x;
+      a1.spell_skill = 0;
+      a1.vPosition.y = actorPtr->vPosition.y;
+      a1.vPosition.z = actorPtr->vPosition.z + ((signed int)actorPtr->uActorHeight >> 1);
+      a1.uFacing = LOWORD(pDir->uYawAngle);
+      a1.uSoundID = 0;
+      a1.uAttributes = 0;
+      a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
+      a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+      a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
+      a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
+      if ((double)pDir->uDistance < 307.2 )
+        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
+      else if ( pDir->uDistance < 1024 )
+        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 1;
+      else if ( pDir->uDistance < 2560 )
+        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 2;
+      else 
+        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
+      a1.field_61 = 2;
+      v91 = a1.Create(pDir->uYawAngle, pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+      if ( v91 != -1 )
+      {
+        pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[uSpellID], PID(OBJECT_Item, v91), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+      }
+      return;
+      break;
+    case SPELL_FIRE_HASTE: 
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v39 = 60 * (realPoints + 60);
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v39 = 180 * (realPoints + 20);
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v39 = 240 * (realPoints + 15);
+      else
+        v39 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HASTE].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v39 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, 0, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xFF3C1Eu);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)10040, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+        return;
+      v114 = pParty->vPosition.z + 2500;
+      v23 = 8;
+      if (masteryLevel == 2)
+        v23 = 10;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3)
+        v23 = 12;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4)
+        v23 = 14;
+      spellnumb = 0;
+      v28 = 0;
+      for ( int i = 0; i < v23; i++)
+      {
+        v30 = rand() % 1000;
+        spellnumc = v30 - 2500;
+        v120 = v28 * v28;
+        v119 = spellnumb * spellnumb;
+        if ( sqrt((float)(spellnumc * spellnumc + v119 + v120)) <= 1.0 )
+        {
+          v32 = 0;
+          pitch = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          v31 = (signed __int64)sqrt((float)(v119 + v120));
+          v32 = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(spellnumb, (int)v28);
+          pitch = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(v31, (int)spellnumc);
+        }
+        a1.stru_24.Reset();
+        a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
+        a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
+        a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
+        a1.vPosition.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
+        a1.vPosition.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+        a1.vPosition.z = v30 + v114;
+        a1.spell_id = SPELL_FIRE_METEOR_SHOWER;
+        a1.spell_skill = 0;
+        a1.uAttributes = 0;
+        a1.uSectorID = 0;
+        a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+        a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
+        a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
+        a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = stru_50C198._427546(v30 + 2500);
+        a1.uFacing = v32;
+        a1.uSoundID = 0;
+        if (pDir->uDistance < 307.2 )
+          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
+        else if ( pDir->uDistance < 1024 )
+          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 1;
+        else if ( pDir->uDistance < 2560 )
+          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 2;
+        else 
+          a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
+        a1.field_61 = 2;
+        v36 = a1.Create(v32, pitch, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+        if ( v36 != -1 )
+          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[9], PID(OBJECT_Item, v36), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        spellnumb = rand() % 1024 - 512;
+        v28 = rand() % 1024 - 512;
+      }
+      return;
+      break;
+      if (masteryLevel == 2 )
+        v10 = 5;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v10 = 7;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v10 = 9;
+      else 
+        v10 = 3;
+      spellnuma = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360;
+      a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
+      v118 = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360 / (v10 - 1);
+      a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
+      a1.stru_24.Reset();
+      a1.spell_id = SPELL_AIR_SPARKS;
+      a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
+      a1.vPosition.x = actorPtr->vPosition.x;
+      a1.spell_skill = 0;
+      a1.vPosition.y = actorPtr->vPosition.y;
+      a1.vPosition.z = actorPtr->vPosition.z + ((signed int)actorPtr->uActorHeight >> 1);
+      a1.uFacing = pDir->uYawAngle;
+      a1.uSoundID = 0;
+      a1.uAttributes = 0;
+      a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
+      a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
+      a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+      a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
+      a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
+      v19 = spellnuma / -2;
+      a1a = spellnuma / 2;
+      if ( spellnuma / -2 > spellnuma / 2 )
+        v20 = spellnuma / 2;
+      else
+      {
+        do
+        {
+          a1.uFacing = v19 + LOWORD(pDir->uYawAngle);
+          v20 = a1.Create((signed __int16)a1.uFacing, pDir->uPitchAngle,
+            pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+          v19 += v118;
+        }
+        while ( v19 <= a1a );
+      }
+      if ( v20 != -1 )
+      {
+        pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[15], PID(OBJECT_Item, v20), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+      }
+      return;
+      break;
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v8 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v8 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v8 = 3600 * (realPoints + 64);
+      else
+        v8 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v8 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v44 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v44 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v44 = 3600 * (realPoints + 64);
+      else
+          v44 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v44 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0x5C310Eu);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)13040, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v42 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v42 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v42 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else
+        v42 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v42 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0xC8C805u);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14010, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      break;
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v48 = 2 * realPoints + 40;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v48 = 3 * realPoints + 60;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v48 = 2 * (3 * realPoints + 60);
+      else
+        v48 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + 1280, masteryLevel, v48, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0xC8C805u);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14020, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v54 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+        v54 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+        v54 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else
+        v54 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v54 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0xC8C805u);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14060, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if ( (signed int)masteryLevel <= 0 || (signed int)masteryLevel > 4 )
+        v51 = 0;
+      else
+        v51 = 3600 * realPoints;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v51 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel,
+        realPoints,
+        0,
+        0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xA81376u);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)16060, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      actorPtr->sCurrentHP += 5 * realPoints + 10;
+      if ( actorPtr->sCurrentHP >= (signed int)actorPtr->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
+        actorPtr->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(actorPtr->pMonsterInfo.uHP);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xA81376u);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14020, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
+        pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].Reset();
+      for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
+      {
+        v59 = pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualWillpower());
+        v61 = (pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualIntelligence()) + v59) / 2;
+        v63 = v61 + pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualLuck()) + 30;
+        if ( rand() % v63 < 30 )
+        {
+          for (uint k = 0; k < pPlayers[i]->pPlayerBuffs.size(); k++)
+            pPlayers[i]->pPlayerBuffs[k].Reset();
+          pOtherOverlayList->_4418B1(11210, i + 99, 0, 65536);
+        }
+      }
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[80], PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+       if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v96 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3 )
+      {
+        LOWORD(realPoints) = 3 * realPoints;
+        v96 = 900 * (uSkillLevel & 0x3F) + 3840;
+      }
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4 ) 
+      {
+        v96 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
+        LOWORD(realPoints) = 4 * realPoints;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        LOWORD(realPoints) = uSkillLevel;
+        v96 = 0;
+      }
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_DAY_OF_PROTECTION].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v96 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, realPoints, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xFFFFFFu);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)17070, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if (masteryLevel == 1 || masteryLevel == 2)
+        v94 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3)
+        v94 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4)
+        v94 = 1200 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else
+        v94 = 0;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v94 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, realPoints + 5, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr, 0xFFFFFFu);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)17080, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+      if (masteryLevel == 2)
+        v70 = 5;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 3)
+        v70 = 7;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 4)
+        v70 = 9;
+      else
+        v70 = 3;
+      spellnume = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360;
+      a1.uType = stru_4E3ACC[uSpellID].uType;
+      v116 = (signed int)(60 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi) / 360 / (v70 - 1);
+      a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(uSpellID);
+      a1.stru_24.Reset();
+      a1.spell_id = uSpellID;
+      a1.spell_level = uSkillLevel;
+      a1.vPosition.x = actorPtr->vPosition.x;
+      a1.spell_skill = 0;
+      a1.vPosition.y = actorPtr->vPosition.y;
+      a1.vPosition.z = actorPtr->vPosition.z + ((signed int)actorPtr->uActorHeight >> 1);
+      a1.uFacing = pDir->uYawAngle;
+      a1.uSoundID = 0;
+      a1.uAttributes = 0;
+      a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
+      a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
+      a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+      a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
+      a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
+      a1c = spellnume / -2;
+      if ( spellnume / -2 > spellnume / 2 )
+        v80 = spellnume / -2;
+      else
+      {
+        do
+        {
+          v79 = pDir->uYawAngle;
+          a1.uFacing = a1c + LOWORD(pDir->uYawAngle);
+          v80 = a1.Create(v79, pDir->uPitchAngle,
+            pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+          a1c += v116;
+        }
+        while ( a1c <= spellnume / 2 );
+      }
+      if ( v80 != -1 )
+      {
+        pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)word_4EE088_sound_ids[93], PID(OBJECT_Item, v80), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+      }
+      return;
+      break;
+      if (masteryLevel == 0)
+        v68 = 0;
+      else if (masteryLevel == 1 || (masteryLevel == 2) || (masteryLevel == 3))
+        v68 = 300 * realPoints + 3840;
+      else
+        v68 = 900 * realPoints + 3840;
+      actorPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].Apply(
+        pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(v68 << 7) * 0.033333335),
+        masteryLevel, 0, 0, 0);
+      pGame->pStru6Instance->_4A7E89_sparkles_on_actor_after_it_casts_buff(actorPtr,0x7E7E7Eu);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)18060, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      return;
+  }
+//----- (new func) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned short Actor::GetObjDescId( int spellId )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pObjectList->uNumObjects; i++)
+  {
+    if (stru_4E3ACC[spellId].uType == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID)
+    {
+      return i;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+//----- (0043ABB0) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(Actor *a1, Actor *a2)
+  unsigned int v2; // esi@1
+  unsigned int v3; // edi@1
+  v2 = a1->uAlly;
+  if ( !a1->uAlly )
+    v2 = (a1->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
+  v3 = a2->uAlly;
+  if ( !a2->uAlly )
+    v3 = (a2->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
+  if ( v2 >= 39 && v2 <= 44 && v3 >= 39 && v3 <= 44
+    || v2 >= 45 && v2 <= 50 && v3 >= 45 && v3 <= 50
+    || v2 >= 51 && v2 <= 62 && v3 >= 51 && v3 <= 62
+    || v2 >= 78 && v2 <= 83 && v3 >= 78 && v3 <= 83 
+    || v2 == v3
+    )
+    return true;
+  else
+    return false;
+//----- (0043AC45) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(unsigned int uActorID, int a2)
+  int v4; // ebx@8
+  int v5; // ST1C_4@8
+  int v6; // eax@8
+  int x = 0; x |= 0x80000;
+  int y = 0; y |= 0x80000;
+  Actor* victim = &pActors[uActorID];
+  if ( a2 == 1 )
+    victim->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
+  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
+  {
+    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
+    if (!actor->CanAct() || i == uActorID)
+      continue;
+    if (Actor::ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(victim, actor))
+    {
+      v4 = abs(actor->vPosition.x - victim->vPosition.x);
+      v5 = abs(actor->vPosition.y - victim->vPosition.y);
+      v6 = abs(actor->vPosition.z - victim->vPosition.z);
+      if (int_get_vector_length(v4, v5, v6) < 4096)
+      {
+        actor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
+        if ( a2 == 1 )
+          actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+//----- (00404874) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_RangedAttack( unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *pDir, int type, char a4 )
+  char specAb; // al@1
+  int v13; // edx@28
+  SpriteObject a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-74h]@1
+  switch ( type )
+  {
+    case 1:
+      a1.uType = 545;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      a1.uType = 550;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      a1.uType = 510;
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      a1.uType = 500;
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      a1.uType = 515;
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      a1.uType = 505;
+      break;
+    case 7:
+      a1.uType = 530;
+      break;
+    case 8:
+      a1.uType = 525;
+      break;
+    case 9:
+      a1.uType = 520;
+      break;
+    case 10:
+      a1.uType = 535;
+      break;
+    case 11:
+      a1.uType = 540;
+      break;
+    case 13:
+      a1.uType = 555;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  bool found = false;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < pObjectList->uNumObjects; i++)
+  {
+    if (pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID == a1.uType)
+    {
+      a1.uObjectDescID = i;
+      found = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!found)
+  {
+    Error("Item not found");
+    return;
+  }
+  a1.stru_24.Reset();
+  a1.spell_id = 0;
+  a1.vPosition.x = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.x;
+  a1.vPosition.y = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.y;
+  a1.vPosition.z = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(pActors[uActorID].uActorHeight * -0.75);
+  a1.spell_level = 0;
+  a1.spell_skill = 0;
+  a1.uFacing = pDir->uYawAngle;
+  a1.uSoundID = 0;
+  a1.uAttributes = 0;
+  a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
+  a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+  a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
+  a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
+  if (pDir->uDistance < 307.2 )
+    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
+  else if ( pDir->uDistance < 1024 )
+    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 1;
+  else if ( pDir->uDistance < 2560 )
+    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 2;
+  else 
+    a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
+  a1.field_61 = a4;
+  a1.Create(pDir->uYawAngle, pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityType == 1 )
+  {
+    specAb = pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
+    if ( specAb == 2 )
+    {
+      a1.vPosition.z += 40;
+      v13 = pDir->uYawAngle;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if ( specAb != 3 )
+        return;
+      a1.Create(pDir->uYawAngle + 30,      //TODO find out why the YawAngle change
+        pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+      v13 = pDir->uYawAngle - 30;
+    }
+    a1.Create(v13, pDir->uPitchAngle, pObjectList->pObjects[(signed __int16)a1.uObjectDescID].uSpeed, 0);
+  }
+  return;
+//----- (00404736) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::Explode( unsigned int uActorID )
+  SpriteObject a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-78h]@1
+  a1.uType = 600;
+  a1.uObjectDescID = GetObjDescId(a1.uType);
+  a1.stru_24.Reset();
+  a1.spell_id = 0;
+  a1.spell_level = 0;
+  a1.spell_skill = 0;
+  a1.vPosition.x = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.x;
+  a1.vPosition.y = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.y;
+  a1.vPosition.z = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(pActors[uActorID].uActorHeight * -0.75);
+  a1.uFacing = 0;
+  a1.uSoundID = 0;
+  a1.uAttributes = 0;
+  a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1.vPosition.x, a1.vPosition.y, a1.vPosition.z);
+  a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+  a1.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID);
+  a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
+  a1.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 3;
+  a1.field_61 = 4;
+  a1.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
+  return;
+//----- (004040E9) --------------------------------------------------------
+// // Get direction vector from object1 to object2,
+// // distance from object1 to object2 and Euler angles of the direction vector
+// //
+// //
+// // object1 & object2 format :  objectType | (objectID << 3)
+// //    objectType == 2 - SpriteObject
+// //    objectType == 3 - Actor
+// //    objectType == 4 - Party
+// //    objectType == 5 - Decoration
+// //
+// // originally this function had following prototype:
+// // struct DirectionInfo GetDirectionInfo(signed int object1, signed int object2, signed int a4)
+// // but compiler converts functions returning structures by value in the such way
+void Actor::GetDirectionInfo( unsigned int uObj1ID, unsigned int uObj2ID, struct AIDirection *pOut, int a4 )
+  signed int v4; // eax@1
+  signed int v5; // ecx@1
+  int v18; // edx@15
+  float v31; // st7@45
+  float v32; // st6@45
+  float v33; // st7@45
+  Vec3_int_ v37; // [sp-10h] [bp-5Ch]@15
+  AIDirection v41; // [sp+14h] [bp-38h]@46
+  float outy2; // [sp+38h] [bp-14h]@33
+  float outx2; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-10h]@33
+  int outz; // [sp+40h] [bp-Ch]@6
+  int outy; // [sp+44h] [bp-8h]@6
+  int outx; // [sp+48h] [bp-4h]@6
+  float a4a; // [sp+58h] [bp+Ch]@45
+  v4 = PID_ID(uObj1ID);
+  //v6 = uObj2ID;
+  v5 = PID_ID(uObj2ID);
+  switch( PID_TYPE(uObj1ID) )
+  {
+    case OBJECT_Item:
+    {
+      outx = pSpriteObjects[v4].vPosition.x;
+      outy = pSpriteObjects[v4].vPosition.y;
+      outz = pSpriteObjects[v4].vPosition.z;
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_Actor:
+    {
+      outx = pActors[v4].vPosition.x;
+      outy = pActors[v4].vPosition.y;
+      outz = pActors[v4].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)pActors[v4].uActorHeight * -0.75);
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_Player:
+    {
+      if ( !v4 )
+      {
+        outx = pParty->vPosition.x;
+        outy = pParty->vPosition.y;
+        outz = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
+        break;
+      }
+      if ( v4 == 4 )
+      {
+        v18 = pParty->sRotationY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi;
+        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
+        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
+        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+        Vec3_int_::Rotate(24, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
+        break;
+      }
+      if ( v4 == 3 )
+      {
+        v18 = pParty->sRotationY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi;
+        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
+        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
+        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+        Vec3_int_::Rotate(8, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
+        break;
+      }
+      if ( v4 == 2 )
+      {
+        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
+        v18 = stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi + pParty->sRotationY;
+        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
+        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+        Vec3_int_::Rotate(8, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
+        break;
+      }
+      if ( v4 == 1 )
+      {
+        v37.z = pParty->vPosition.z + (signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 3;
+        v18 = stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi + pParty->sRotationY;
+        v37.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
+        v37.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+        Vec3_int_::Rotate(24, v18, 0, v37, &outx, &outy, &outz);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    case OBJECT_Decoration:
+    {
+      outx = pLevelDecorations[v4].vPosition.x;
+      outy = pLevelDecorations[v4].vPosition.y;
+      outz = pLevelDecorations[v4].vPosition.z;
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+    {
+      outz = 0;
+      outy = 0;
+      outx = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_BModel:
+    {
+      if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+      {
+        outx = (pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.x1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.x2) >> 1;
+        outy = (pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.y1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.y2) >> 1;
+        outz = (pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.z1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v4].pBounding.z2) >> 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  switch( PID_TYPE(uObj2ID) )
+  {
+    case OBJECT_Item:
+    {
+      outx2 = (float)pSpriteObjects[v5].vPosition.x;
+      outy2 =(float) pSpriteObjects[v5].vPosition.y;
+      a4 = pSpriteObjects[v5].vPosition.z;
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_Actor:
+    {
+      outx2 = (float)pActors[v5].vPosition.x;
+      outy2 = (float)pActors[v5].vPosition.y;
+      a4 = pActors[v5].vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)pActors[v5].uActorHeight * -0.75);
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_Player:
+    {
+      outx2 = (float)pParty->vPosition.x;
+      outy2 = (float)pParty->vPosition.y;
+      if ( !a4 )
+        a4 = pParty->sEyelevel;
+      a4 = pParty->vPosition.z + a4;
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_Decoration:
+    {
+      outx2 = (float)pLevelDecorations[v5].vPosition.x;
+      outy2 = (float)pLevelDecorations[v5].vPosition.y;
+      a4 = pLevelDecorations[v5].vPosition.z;
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+    {
+      outx2 = 0.0;
+      outy2 = 0.0;
+      a4 = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case OBJECT_BModel:
+    {
+      if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+      {
+        outx2 = (float)((pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.x1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.x2) >> 1);
+        outy2 = (float)((pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.y1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.y2) >> 1);
+        a4 = (pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.z1 + pIndoor->pFaces[v5].pBounding.z2) >> 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  v31 = (float)outx2 - (float)outx;
+  v32 = (float)outy2 - (float)outy;
+  a4a = (float)a4 - (float)outz;
+  outx2 = v32 * v32;
+  outy2 = v31 * v31;
+  v33 = sqrt(a4a * a4a + outy2 + outx2);
+  if ( v33 <= 1.0 )
+  {
+    pOut->vDirection.x = 65536;
+    pOut->vDirection.y = 0;
+    pOut->vDirection.z = 0;
+    pOut->uDistance = 1;
+    pOut->uDistanceXZ = 1;
+    pOut->uYawAngle = 0;
+    pOut->uPitchAngle = 0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    pOut->vDirection.x = (int32_t)(1.0 / v33 * v31 * 65536.0);
+    pOut->vDirection.y = (int32_t)(1.0 / v33 * v32 * 65536.0);
+    pOut->vDirection.z = (int32_t)(1.0 / v33 * a4a * 65536.0);
+    pOut->uDistance = (uint)v33;
+    pOut->uDistanceXZ = (uint)sqrt(outy2 + outx2);
+    pOut->uYawAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2((signed __int64)v31, (signed __int64)v32);
+    pOut->uPitchAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(pOut->uDistanceXZ, (signed __int64)a4a);
+  }
+//----- (00404030) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_FaceObject(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, int _48, AIDirection *a4)
+  AIDirection *v7; // eax@3
+  AIDirection v1; // eax@3
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+8h] [bp-38h]@4
+  if ( rand() % 100 >= 5 )
+  {
+    //v9 = &pActors[uActorID];
+    if ( !a4 )
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), uObjID, &v1, 0);
+      v7 = &v1;
+    }
+    else
+      v7 = a4;
+    pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = v7->uYawAngle;
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].uPitchAngle = v7->uPitchAngle;
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = 256;
+    pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Interacting;
+    pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+  else
+    Actor::AI_Bored(uActorID, uObjID, a4);
+//----- (00403F58) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_StandOrBored(unsigned int uActorID, signed int uObjID, int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
+  if (rand() % 2)//0 or 1
+    AI_Bored(uActorID, uObjID, a4);
+  else
+    AI_Stand(uActorID, uObjID, uActionLength, a4);
+//----- (00403EB6) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Stand(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int object_to_face_pid, unsigned int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
+  assert(uActorID < uNumActors);
+ // Actor* actor = &pActors[uActorID];
+  AIDirection a3;
+  if (!a4)
+  {
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), object_to_face_pid, &a3, 0);
+    a4 = &a3;
+  }
+  pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
+  if (!uActionLength)
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = rand() % 256 + 256;// �� 256 �� 256 + 256 
+  else
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength;
+  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = a4->uYawAngle;
+  pActors[uActorID].uPitchAngle = a4->uPitchAngle;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (00403E61) --------------------------------------------------------
+void __fastcall Actor::StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID)
+  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = rand() % 128 + 128;
+  pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Standing;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
+  pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (00403C6C) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *arg0)
+  int16_t v6; // esi@6
+  int16_t v7; // edi@6
+  signed int v8; // eax@7
+  Vec3_int_ v10; // ST04_12@9
+  AIDirection *v12; // eax@11
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@12
+  AIDirection v20; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@12
+  int v23; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@6
+  unsigned int v25; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@13
+  assert(uActorID < uNumActors);
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY && pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 1 )
+  {
+    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, sTargetPid, 0, arg0);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
+  {
+	  v8 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
+    v6 = pActors[v8].vPosition.x;
+    v7 = pActors[v8].vPosition.y;
+    v23 = (int)(pActors[v8].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v8].vPosition.z);
+  }
+  else if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
+  {
+	  v6 = pParty->vPosition.x;
+    v7 = pParty->vPosition.y;
+    v23 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    Error("Should not get here");
+    return;
+  }
+  v10.x = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.x;
+  v10.y = pActors[uActorID].vPosition.y;
+  v10.z = (int32_t)(pActors[uActorID].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[uActorID].vPosition.z);
+  if ( sub_407A1C((int)v6, (int)v7, v23, v10) )
+  {
+    if (arg0 != nullptr)
+      v12 = arg0;
+    else
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
+      v12 = &a3;
+    }
+    pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = LOWORD(v12->uYawAngle);
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActors[uActorID].pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkMelee]].uAnimLength * 8;
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].uAIState = AttackingMelee;
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
+    v25 = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
+    if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0 )
+      v25 *= 2;
+    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn != 1 )
+      pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * v25 * 2.133333333333333);
+    else
+      pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v25;
+    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+  else
+	Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, rand() % 2, 64, arg0);
+//----- (00438CF3) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID)
+  if ( uLevelMapStatsID == 0 || !pActors[uActorID].IsPeasant())
+    return;
+  if ( (uLevelMapStatsID == 6 || uLevelMapStatsID == 7) && pParty->IsPartyEvil())   //celeste and bracada
+    return;
+  if ( (uLevelMapStatsID == 5 || uLevelMapStatsID == 8) && pParty->IsPartyGood())   // the pit and deyja
+    return;
+  pParty->uFine += 100 * (pMapStats->pInfos[uLevelMapStatsID]._steal_perm + pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uLevel + pParty->GetPartyReputation());
+  if ( pParty->uFine < 0 )
+    pParty->uFine = 0;
+  if ( pParty->uFine > 4000000 )
+    pParty->uFine = 4000000;
+  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
+  {
+    if (pOutdoor->ddm.uReputation < 10000)
+      pOutdoor->ddm.uReputation++;
+  }
+  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
+  {
+    if (pIndoor->dlv.uReputation < 10000)
+      pIndoor->dlv.uReputation++;
+  }
+  else assert(false);
+  if ( pParty->uFine )
+  {
+    for ( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
+    {
+      if ( !_449B57_test_bit(pPlayers[i]->_achieved_awards_bits, 1) )
+        _449B7E_toggle_bit(pPlayers[i]->_achieved_awards_bits, 1, 1u);
+    }
+  }
+//----- (0043AE80) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3)
+  unsigned int v4; // esi@1
+  v4 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
+  switch ( a2 )
+  {
+    case 1:
+      if ( a3 )
+        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(904, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
+      return;
+    case 2:
+      if ( a3 )
+        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(905, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
+      return;
+    case 3:
+      if ( a3 )
+        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(906, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
+      return;
+    case 4:
+      if ( a3 )
+        pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(907, v4, 0, (int)(sub_43AE12(a3) * 65536.0), 0);
+      return;
+    case 5:
+      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(901, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
+      return;
+    case 6:
+      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(902, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
+      return;
+    case 7:
+      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(903, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
+      return;
+    case 8:
+      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(900, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
+      return;
+    case 9:
+      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(909, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
+      return;
+    case 10:
+      pOtherOverlayList->_4418B6(908, v4, 0, PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), 0);
+      return;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  return;
+//----- (0043B3E0) --------------------------------------------------------
+int Actor::_43B3E0_CalcDamage( signed int dmgSource )
+  signed int v2; // ebp@1
+  int v3; // eax@9
+  signed int v4; // edi@9
+  int v5; // esi@9
+  unsigned __int16 v8; // si@21
+  int v9; // edi@21
+  signed int v10; // eax@23
+  int v11; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1
+  v2 = 0;
+  v11 = 0;
+  switch( dmgSource )
+  {
+    case 0: 
+      if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
+        v2 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
+      if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime > 0 && this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uPower > v2 )
+        v2 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uPower;
+      if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime > 0 )
+        v2 += this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].uPower;
+      v3 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceRolls;
+      v4 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageDiceSides;
+      v5 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack1DamageBonus;
+      break;
+    case 1: 
+      v3 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2DamageDiceRolls;
+      v4 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2DamageDiceSides;
+      v5 = this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2DamageBonus;
+      break;
+    case 2: 
+      v8 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery1;
+      v9 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
+      v10 = SkillToMastery(v8);
+      return _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(v9, v8 & 0x3F, v10, 0);
+      break;
+    case 3: 
+      v8 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery2;
+      v9 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
+      v10 = SkillToMastery(v8);
+      return _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(v9, v8 & 0x3F, v10, 0);
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      v3 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls;
+      v4 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides;
+      v5 = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
+    default:
+      return 0;
+  }
+  for ( int i = 0; i < v3; i++)
+    v11 += rand() % v4 + 1;
+  return v11 + v5 + v2;
+//----- (00438B9B) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::IsPeasant()
+  unsigned int InHostile_Id; // eax@1
+  InHostile_Id = this->uAlly;
+  if ( !this->uAlly )
+    InHostile_Id = (this->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
+  return (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 39 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 44//Dwarfs peasants
+      || (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 45 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 50//Elves peasants
+      || (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 51 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 62//Humans peasants
+      || (signed int)InHostile_Id >= 78 && (signed int)InHostile_Id <= 83;//Goblins peasants
+//----- (0042EBEE) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::StealFrom( unsigned int uActorID )
+  Player *pPlayer; // edi@1
+  int v4; // ebx@2
+  unsigned int v5; // eax@2
+  DDM_DLV_Header *v6; // esi@4
+  int v8; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@6
+  pPlayer = &pParty->pPlayers[uActiveCharacter-1];
+  if ( pPlayer->CanAct() )
+  {
+    CastSpellInfoHelpers::_427D48();
+    v4 = 0;
+    v5 = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
+    if ( v5 )
+      v4 = pMapStats->pInfos[v5]._steal_perm;
+    v6 = &pOutdoor->ddm;
+    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor)
+      v6 = &pIndoor->dlv;
+    pPlayer->StealFromActor(uActorID, v4, v6->uReputation++);
+    v8 = pPlayer->GetAttackRecoveryTime(0);
+    if ( v8 < 30 )
+      v8 = 30;
+    if ( !pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn )
+      pPlayer->SetRecoveryTime((int)(flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1 * v8 * 2.133333333333333));
+    pTurnEngine->ApplyPlayerAction();
+  }
+  return;
+//----- (00403A60) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_SpellAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, AIDirection *pDir)
+  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
+  int16_t v4; // esi@3
+  int16_t v5; // edi@3
+  signed int v6; // eax@4
+  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
+  AIDirection *v9; // eax@8
+  __int16 v13; // ax@10
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@9
+  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@9
+  int v19; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
+  signed int a2; // [sp+48h] [bp-Ch]@1
+  int v21; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@3
+  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@10
+  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  a2 = edx0;
+  if ( PID_TYPE(edx0) == OBJECT_Actor)
+  {
+    v6 = PID_ID(edx0);
+    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
+    v21 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
+  }
+  else if ( PID_TYPE(edx0) == OBJECT_Player)
+  {
+    v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
+    v21 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    Error("Should not get here");
+    return;
+  }
+  v19 = v3->uActorHeight;
+  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (int)(v19 * -0.75);
+  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
+  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
+  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v21, v7) )
+  {
+    if ( pDir == nullptr)
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), a2, &a3, 0);
+      v9 = &a3;
+    }
+    else
+      v9 = pDir;
+    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v9->uYawAngle);
+    v13 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
+    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v13;
+    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged4;
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
+    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
+    if (v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0)
+      pDira *= 2;
+    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
+    else
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v3->uCurrentActionLength + (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * 2.133333333333333);
+    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
+    if ( ShouldMonsterPlayAttackAnim(v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID) )
+    {
+      v3->uCurrentActionLength = 64;
+      v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+      v3->uAIState = Fidgeting;
+      v3->UpdateAnimation();
+      v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged4;
+    }
+    else
+      v3->UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+  else
+    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, a2, uActorID, 64, pDir);
+//----- (00403854) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_SpellAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir)
+  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
+  int16_t v4; // esi@3
+  int16_t v5; // edi@3
+  signed int v6; // eax@4
+  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
+  AIDirection *v9; // eax@8
+  __int16 v13; // ax@10
+  signed int v16; // ecx@17
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@9
+  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@9
+  int v19; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
+  int v21; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@3
+  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@10
+  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
+  {
+    v6 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
+    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
+    v21 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
+  }
+  else if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
+  {
+    v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
+    v21 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    Error("Should not get here");
+    return;
+  }
+  v19 = v3->uActorHeight;
+  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (int)(v19 * -0.75);
+  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
+  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
+  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v21, v7) )
+  {
+    if ( pDir == nullptr )
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
+      v9 = &a3;
+    }
+    else
+      v9 = pDir;
+    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v9->uYawAngle);
+    v13 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
+    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v13;
+    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged3;
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
+    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
+    if (v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0)
+      pDira *= 2;
+    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
+    else
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v3->uCurrentActionLength + (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * 2.133333333333333);
+    v16 = v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
+    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
+    if ( ShouldMonsterPlayAttackAnim(v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID) )
+    {
+      v3->uCurrentActionLength = 64;
+      v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+      v3->uAIState = Fidgeting;
+      v3->UpdateAnimation();
+      v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged3;
+    }
+    else
+      v3->UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+  else
+    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, uActorID, 64, pDir);
+//----- (0040368B) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_MissileAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir)
+  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
+  int16_t v4; // esi@3
+  int16_t v5; // edi@3
+  signed int v6; // eax@4
+  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
+  AIDirection *v9; // eax@8
+  __int16 v13; // ax@10
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@9
+  AIDirection v17; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@9
+  int v18; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
+  int v20; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@3
+  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@10
+  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
+  {
+    v6 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
+    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
+    v20 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
+  }
+  else if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
+  {
+    v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
+    v20 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    Error("Should not get here");
+    return;
+  }
+  v18 = v3->uActorHeight;
+  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (int)(v18 * -0.75);
+  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
+  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
+  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v20, v7) )
+  {
+    if ( pDir == nullptr )
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
+      v9 = &a3;
+    }
+    else
+      v9 = pDir;
+    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v9->uYawAngle);
+    v13 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
+    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v13;
+    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged2;
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
+    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
+    if ( v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0 )
+      pDira *= 2;
+    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn != 1 )
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * 2.133333333333333);
+    else
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
+    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
+    v3->UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+  else
+    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, uActorID, 64, pDir);
+//----- (00403476) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_MissileAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir)
+  Actor *v3; // ebx@1
+  int v4; // esi@3
+  int v5; // edi@3
+  signed int v6; // eax@4
+  Vec3_int_ v7; // ST04_12@6
+  AIDirection *v10; // eax@9
+  __int16 v14; // ax@11
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-48h]@10
+  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@10
+  int v19; // [sp+44h] [bp-10h]@6
+  //signed int a2; // [sp+48h] [bp-Ch]@1
+  int v22; // [sp+50h] [bp-4h]@3
+  unsigned int pDira; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@11
+  v3 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  //a2 = edx0;
+  if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor)
+  {
+    v6 = PID_ID(sTargetPid);
+    v4 = pActors[v6].vPosition.x;
+    v5 = pActors[v6].vPosition.y;
+    v22 = (int)(pActors[v6].uActorHeight * 0.75 + pActors[v6].vPosition.z);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Player)
+    {
+      v4 = pParty->vPosition.x;
+      v5 = pParty->vPosition.y;
+      v22 = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      v4 = (int)pDir;
+      v5 = (int)pDir;
+    }
+  }
+  v19 = v3->uActorHeight;
+  v7.z = v3->vPosition.z - (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)v19 * -0.75);
+  v7.y = v3->vPosition.y;
+  v7.x = v3->vPosition.x;
+  if ( sub_407A1C(v4, v5, v22, v7) || sub_407A1C(v7.x, v7.y, v7.z, Vec3_int_(v4, v5, v22)))
+  {
+    if ( pDir == nullptr )
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), sTargetPid, &a3, 0);
+      v10 = &a3;
+    }
+    else
+      v10 = pDir;
+    v3->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v10->uYawAngle);
+    v14 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[v3->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_AtkRanged]].uAnimLength;
+    v3->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v14;
+    v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    v3->uAIState = AttackingRanged1;
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 0);
+    pDira = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v3->pMonsterInfo.uID].uRecoveryTime;
+    if ( v3->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED].uExpireTime > 0 )
+      pDira *= 2;
+    if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = pDira;
+    else
+      v3->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v3->uCurrentActionLength - (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * pDira * -2.133333333333333);
+    v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
+    v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
+    v3->UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+  else
+    Actor::AI_Pursue1(uActorID, sTargetPid, uActorID, 64, pDir);
+//----- (004032B2) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_RandomMove( unsigned int uActor_id, unsigned int uTarget_id, int radius, int uActionLength )
+  int x; // ebx@1
+  int absy; // eax@1
+  unsigned int v9; // ebx@11
+  int v10; // ebx@13
+  AIDirection doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom; // [sp+Ch] [bp-30h]@7
+  int y; // [sp+30h] [bp-Ch]@1
+  int absx; // [sp+38h] [bp-4h]@1
+  x = pActors[uActor_id].vInitialPosition.x - pActors[uActor_id].vPosition.x;
+  y = pActors[uActor_id].vInitialPosition.y - pActors[uActor_id].vPosition.y;
+  absx = abs(x);
+  absy = abs(y);
+  if ( absx <= absy )
+    absx = absy + (absx / 2 );
+  else
+    absx = absx + absy / 2;
+  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[uActor_id].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActor_id, OBJECT_Player, uActionLength, &doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( pActors[uActor_id].pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_GLOBAL && absx < 128 )
+  {
+    Actor::AI_Stand(uActor_id, uTarget_id, 256, &doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom);
+    return;
+  }
+  absx += ((rand() & 0xF) * radius) / 16;
+  v9 = (stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi - 1) & stru_5C6E00->Atan2(x, y);
+  if ( rand() % 100 < 25 )
+  {
+    Actor::StandAwhile(uActor_id);
+    return;
+  }
+  v10 = v9 + rand() % 256 - 128;
+  if ( abs(v10 - pActors[uActor_id].uYawAngle) > 256 && !(pActors[uActor_id].uAttributes & ACTOR_ANIMATION) )
+  {
+    Actor::AI_Stand(uActor_id, uTarget_id, 256, &doNotInitializeBecauseShouldBeRandom);
+    return;
+  }
+  pActors[uActor_id].uYawAngle = v10;
+  if ( pActors[uActor_id].uMovementSpeed)
+    pActors[uActor_id].uCurrentActionLength = 32 * absx / pActors[uActor_id].uMovementSpeed;
+  else
+    pActors[uActor_id].uCurrentActionLength = 0;
+  pActors[uActor_id].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  pActors[uActor_id].uAIState = Tethered;
+  if ( rand() % 100 < 2 )
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActor_id, 3);
+  pActors[uActor_id].UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (004031C1) --------------------------------------------------------
+char __fastcall Actor::_4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(unsigned int uActorID, signed int a2, int a3)   //attempted to implement something like jobs for actors, but apparently was never finished
+  return 0;
+  /*unsigned int v3; // edi@1
+  Actor *v4; // esi@1
+  ActorJob *v5; // eax@1
+  signed int v6; // edx@2
+  ActorJob *v7; // eax@2
+  signed int v8; // edi@2
+  ActorJob *v9; // ecx@2
+  __int16 v10; // cx@15
+  signed int v12; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@1
+  v3 = uActorID;
+  v12 = a2;
+  v4 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  v5 = (ActorJob *)pActors[uActorID].CanAct();
+  if ( v5 )
+  {
+    v6 = 65535;
+    v7 = &v4->pScheduledJobs[v3];
+    v8 = 7;
+    v9 = &v7[7];//(char *)&v7[7].uHour;
+	while ( !(v9->uAttributes & 1) || v9->uHour > v12 )
+    {
+      --v8;
+      --v9;
+      if ( v8 < 0 )
+        break;
+    }
+	if( v8 >= 0 )
+		v6 = v8;
+    if ( !v8 && v6 == 65535 )
+      v6 = 7;
+    v5 = &v7[v6];
+    if ( v4->vInitialPosition.x != v5->vPos.x
+      || v4->vInitialPosition.y != v5->vPos.y
+      || v4->vInitialPosition.z != v5->vPos.z
+      || v4->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType != v5->uAction )
+    {
+      v4->vInitialPosition.x = v5->vPos.x;
+      v4->vInitialPosition.y = v5->vPos.y;
+      v10 = v5->vPos.z;
+      v4->vInitialPosition.z = v10;
+      LOBYTE(v5) = v5->uAction;
+      v4->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY;
+      if ( a3 == 1 )
+      {
+        v4->vPosition.x = v4->vInitialPosition.x;
+        v4->vPosition.y = v4->vInitialPosition.y;
+        LOBYTE(v5) = v10;
+        v4->vPosition.z = v10;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return (char)v5;*/
+//----- (004030AD) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Stun(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int stunRegardlessOfState)
+  __int16 v7; // ax@16
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@16
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].uAIState == Fleeing )
+    pActors[uActorID].uAttributes |= ACTOR_FLEEING;
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType != 4 )
+  {
+    pActors[uActorID].uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFFFB;//~0x4
+    pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
+  }
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].Reset();
+  if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID].Reset();
+  if ( stunRegardlessOfState || (pActors[uActorID].uAIState != Stunned
+    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged1
+    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged2
+    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged3
+    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingRanged4
+    && pActors[uActorID].uAIState != AttackingMelee))
+  {
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), edx0, &a3, 0);
+    //v10 = &a3;
+    pActors[uActorID].uYawAngle = LOWORD(a3.uYawAngle);
+    v7 = pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActors[uActorID].pSpriteIDs[ANIM_GotHit]].uAnimLength;
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    pActors[uActorID].uAIState = Stunned;
+    pActors[uActorID].uCurrentActionLength = 8 * v7;
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 2);
+    pActors[uActorID].UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+//----- (00402F87) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Bored(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, AIDirection *a4)
+  unsigned int v7; // eax@3
+  unsigned int v9; // eax@3
+  Actor* actor = &pActors[uActorID];
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-5Ch]@2
+  if (!a4)
+  {
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID), uObjID, &a3, 0);
+    a4 = &a3;
+  }
+  actor->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[actor->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Bored]].uAnimLength;
+  v7 = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(actor->vPosition.x - pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.x, actor->vPosition.y - pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.y);
+  v9 = stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + actor->uYawAngle + ((signed int)stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi >> 3) - v7;
+  if ( v9 & 0x700 )      // turned away - just stand
+    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, uObjID, actor->uCurrentActionLength, a4);
+  else                      // facing player - play bored anim
+  {
+    actor->uAIState = Fidgeting;
+    actor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    actor->uYawAngle = a4->uYawAngle;
+    actor->vVelocity.z = 0;
+    actor->vVelocity.y = 0;
+    actor->vVelocity.x = 0;
+    if ( rand() % 100 < 5 )
+      Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 3);
+    actor->UpdateAnimation();
+  }
+//----- (00402F27) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::Resurrect(unsigned int uActorID)
+  Actor *pActor; // esi@1
+  pActor = &pActors[uActorID];
+  pActor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  pActor->uAIState = Resurrected;
+  pActor->uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dying;
+  pActor->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pActor->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Dying]].uAnimLength;
+  pActor->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP);
+  Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 1);
+  pActor->UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (00402D6E) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::Die(unsigned int uActorID)
+  Actor* actor = &pActors[uActorID];
+  actor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  actor->uAIState = Dying;
+  actor->uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dying;
+  actor->sCurrentHP = 0;
+  actor->uCurrentActionLength = 8 * pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[actor->pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Dying]].uAnimLength;
+  actor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].Reset();
+  actor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].Reset();
+  Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 1);
+  actor->UpdateAnimation();
+  for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
+    if (pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[i] == actor->pMonsterInfo.uID)
+      pParty->monster_for_hunting_killed[i] = true;
+  for (uint i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
+    actor->pActorBuffs[i].Reset();
+  ItemGen drop;
+  drop.Reset();
+  switch (actor->pMonsterInfo.uID)
+  {
+      drop.uItemID = ITEM_HARPY_FEATHER;
+    break;
+    case MONSTER_OOZE_1: case MONSTER_OOZE_2: case MONSTER_OOZE_3:
+    break;
+      drop.uItemID = ITEM_TROLL_BLOOD;
+    break;
+      drop.uItemID = ITEM_DEVIL_ICHOR;
+    break;
+      drop.uItemID = ITEM_DRAGON_EYE;
+    break;
+  }
+  if (rand() % 100 < 20 && drop.uItemID != 0)
+  {
+    SpriteObject::sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(pItemsTable->pItems[drop.uItemID].uSpriteID,
+      actor->vPosition.x,
+      actor->vPosition.y,
+      actor->vPosition.z + 16,
+      rand() % 200 + 200,
+      1,
+      1,
+      0,
+      &drop);
+  }
+  if (actor->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityType == MONSTER_SPECIAL_ABILITY_EXPLODE)
+    Actor::Explode(uActorID);
+//----- (00402CED) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::PlaySound(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uSoundID)
+  unsigned __int16 v3; // dx@1
+  v3 = pActors[uActorID].pSoundSampleIDs[uSoundID];
+  if ( v3 )
+  {
+    if ( pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime <= 0 )
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    else
+    {
+      switch(pActors[uActorID].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower)
+      {
+        case 1: 
+          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33075);
+          break;
+        case 2: 
+          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33075);
+          break;
+        case 3: 
+        case 4: 
+          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33075);
+          break;
+        default:
+          pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v3, PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID), 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+//----- (00402AD7) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Pursue1(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int arg0, signed int uActionLength, AIDirection *pDir)
+  int v6; // eax@1
+  Actor *v7; // ebx@1
+  unsigned int v8; // ecx@1
+  AIDirection *v10; // esi@6
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-5Ch]@7
+  unsigned int v18; // [sp+64h] [bp-4h]@1
+  v6 = 0;
+  v7 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  v8 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
+  if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uFlying != 0 && !pParty->bFlying )                //TODO: Does v6 have a point?
+  {
+    if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type )
+      v6 = v7->uActorRadius + 512;
+    else
+      v6 = pParty->uPartyHeight;
+  }
+  if ( pDir == nullptr )
+  {
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v8, a2, &a3, v6);
+    v10 = &a3;
+  }
+  else
+    v10 = pDir;
+  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v7->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, v10);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( v10->uDistance < 307.2 )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, v10);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( v7->uMovementSpeed == 0 )
+  {
+    Actor::AI_Stand(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, v10);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( arg0 % 2 )
+    v18 = -16;
+  else
+    v18 = 16;
+  v7->uYawAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(
+                    pParty->vPosition.x + (int)fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v18 + stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + v10->uYawAngle), v10->uDistanceXZ) - v7->vPosition.x,
+                      pParty->vPosition.y + (int)fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v18 + stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + v10->uYawAngle), v10->uDistanceXZ) - v7->vPosition.y);
+  if ( uActionLength )
+    v7->uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength;
+  else
+    v7->uCurrentActionLength = 128;
+  v7->uPitchAngle = LOWORD(v10->uPitchAngle);
+  v7->uAIState = Pursuing;
+  v7->UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (00402968) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Flee(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
+  Actor *v5; // ebx@1
+  int v7; // ecx@2
+  unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@15
+  AIDirection v10; // [sp+8h] [bp-7Ch]@4
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+24h] [bp-60h]@3
+  AIDirection* v13; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-28h]@4
+  v5 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  if ( v5->CanAct() )
+  {
+    v7 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
+    if ( !a4 )
+    {
+      Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v7, sTargetPid, &a3, v5->pMonsterInfo.uFlying);
+      a4 = &a3;
+    }
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v7, 4u, &v10, 0);
+    v13 = &v10;
+    if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v5->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT)
+      || PID_TYPE(sTargetPid) == OBJECT_Actor && v13->uDistance < 307.2 )
+    {
+      if ( !uActionLength )
+        uActionLength = 256;
+      Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, v13);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if ( v5->uMovementSpeed )
+        v5->uCurrentActionLength = (signed int)(a4->uDistanceXZ << 7) / v5->uMovementSpeed;
+      else
+        v5->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
+      if ( v5->uCurrentActionLength > 256 )
+        v5->uCurrentActionLength = 256;
+      v5->uYawAngle = LOWORD(stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi) + LOWORD(a4->uYawAngle);
+      v5->uYawAngle = LOWORD(stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask) & (v5->uYawAngle + rand() % (signed int)stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi);
+      v9 = LOWORD(a4->uPitchAngle);
+      v5->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+      v5->uPitchAngle = v9;
+      v5->uAIState = Fleeing;
+      v5->UpdateAnimation();
+    }
+  }
+//----- (0040281C) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Pursue2(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, AIDirection *pDir, int a5)
+  int v6; // eax@1
+  Actor *v7; // ebx@1
+  unsigned int v8; // ecx@1
+  AIDirection *v10; // esi@7
+  signed __int16 v13; // cx@19
+  unsigned __int16 v14; // ax@25
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@8
+  AIDirection v18; // [sp+28h] [bp-24h]@8
+  v6 = 0;
+  v7 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  v8 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
+  if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uFlying != 0 && !pParty->bFlying )
+  {
+    if ( v7->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type && uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor )
+      v6 = v7->uActorRadius + 512;
+    else
+      v6 = pParty->uPartyHeight;
+  }
+  v10 = pDir;
+  if ( !pDir )
+  {
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v8, a2, &a3, v6);
+    v10 = &a3;
+  }
+  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v7->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, v10);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( (signed int)v10->uDistance < a5 )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, v10);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( uActionLength )
+  {
+    v7->uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    v13 = v7->uMovementSpeed;
+    if ( v13 )
+      v7->uCurrentActionLength = (signed int)(v10->uDistanceXZ << 7) / v13;
+    else
+      v7->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
+    if ( v7->uCurrentActionLength > 32 )
+      v7->uCurrentActionLength = 32;
+  }
+  v7->uYawAngle = LOWORD(v10->uYawAngle);
+  v14 = LOWORD(v10->uPitchAngle);
+  v7->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  v7->uPitchAngle = v14;
+  v7->uAIState = Pursuing;
+  v7->UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (00402686) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::AI_Pursue3(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, AIDirection *a4)
+  int v5; // eax@1
+  Actor *v6; // ebx@1
+  int v7; // ecx@1
+  signed __int16 v12; // cx@19
+  __int16 v14; // ax@25
+  unsigned __int16 v16; // ax@28
+  AIDirection a3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@8
+  AIDirection* v20; // [sp+28h] [bp-24h]@8
+  v5 = 0;
+  v6 = &pActors[uActorID];
+  v7 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,uActorID);
+  if ( v6->pMonsterInfo.uFlying != 0 && !pParty->bFlying )
+  {
+    if ( v6->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type && uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor )
+      v5 = v6->uActorRadius + 512;
+    else
+      v5 = pParty->uPartyHeight;
+  }
+  if ( !a4 )
+  {
+    Actor::GetDirectionInfo(v7, a2, &a3, v5);
+    v20 = &a3;
+  }
+  if ( MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v6->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    return Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, 4, uActionLength, a4);
+  }
+  if ( a4->uDistance < 307.2 )
+  {
+    if ( !uActionLength )
+      uActionLength = 256;
+    return Actor::AI_StandOrBored(uActorID, a2, uActionLength, a4);
+  }
+  if ( uActionLength )
+    v6->uCurrentActionLength = uActionLength + rand() % uActionLength;
+  else
+  {
+    v12 = v6->uMovementSpeed;
+    if ( v12 )
+      v6->uCurrentActionLength = (signed int)(a4->uDistanceXZ << 7) / v12;
+    else
+      v6->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
+    if ( v6->uCurrentActionLength > 128 )
+      v6->uCurrentActionLength = 128;
+  }
+  v14 = LOWORD(a4->uYawAngle);
+  if ( rand() % 2 )
+    v14 += 256;
+  else
+    v14 -= 256;
+  v6->uYawAngle = v14;
+  v16 = LOWORD(a4->uPitchAngle);
+  v6->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  v6->uPitchAngle = v16;
+  v6->uAIState = Pursuing;
+  if ( rand() % 100 < 2 )
+    Actor::PlaySound(uActorID, 2u);
+  v6->UpdateAnimation();
+//----- (00401221) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::_SelectTarget(unsigned int uActorID, int *a2, bool can_target_party)
+  int v5; // ecx@1
+  signed int v10; // eax@13
+  uint v11; // ebx@16
+  uint v12; // eax@16
+  signed int v14; // eax@31
+  uint v15; // edi@43
+  uint v16; // ebx@45
+  uint v17; // eax@45
+  signed int closestId; // [sp+14h] [bp-1Ch]@1
+  uint v23; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-14h]@16
+  unsigned int lowestRadius; // [sp+24h] [bp-Ch]@1
+  uint v27; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-4h]@16
+  uint v28; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-4h]@45
+  lowestRadius = UINT_MAX;
+  v5 = 0;
+  *a2 = 0;
+  closestId = 0;
+  assert(uActorID < uNumActors);
+  Actor* thisActor = &pActors[uActorID];
+  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
+  {
+    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
+    if (actor->uAIState == Dead || actor->uAIState == Dying ||
+        actor->uAIState == Removed || actor->uAIState == Summoned || actor->uAIState == Disabled || uActorID == i )
+      continue;
+		if (thisActor->uLastCharacterIDToHit == 0 || PID(OBJECT_Actor,v5) != thisActor->uLastCharacterIDToHit )
+		{
+		  v10 = thisActor->GetActorsRelation(actor);
+		  if ( v10 == 0 )
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if (thisActor->IsNotAlive())
+		{
+		  thisActor->uLastCharacterIDToHit = 0;
+		  v10 = thisActor->GetActorsRelation(actor);
+		  if ( v10 == 0 )
+			continue;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ( (actor->uGroup != 0 || thisActor->uGroup != 0) && actor->uGroup == thisActor->uGroup )
+				continue;
+			v10 = 4;
+		}
+		if ( thisActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType )
+		  v10 = pMonsterStats->pInfos[thisActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uHostilityType;
+		v11 = _4DF380_hostilityRanges[v10];
+		v23 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.x - actor->vPosition.x);
+		v27 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.y - actor->vPosition.y);
+		v12 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.z - actor->vPosition.z);
+		if ( v23 <= v11
+		  && v27 <= v11
+		  && v12 <= v11
+		  && sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(PID(OBJECT_Actor, i), PID(OBJECT_Actor, uActorID))
+		  && v23 * v23 + v27 * v27 + v12 * v12 < lowestRadius )
+		{
+		  lowestRadius = v23 * v23 + v27 * v27 + v12 * v12;
+		  closestId = i;
+		}
+  }
+  if ( lowestRadius != UINT_MAX )
+  {
+    *a2 = PID(OBJECT_Actor, closestId);
+  }
+  if (can_target_party && !pParty->Invisible())
+  {
+    if ( thisActor->ActorEnemy()
+      && thisActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime <= 0
+      && thisActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime <= 0
+      && thisActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED].uExpireTime <= 0 )
+      v14 = 4;
+    else
+      v14 = thisActor->GetActorsRelation(0);
+    if ( v14 != 0 )
+    {
+      if ( !thisActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType )
+        v15 = _4DF380_hostilityRanges[v14];
+      else
+        v15 = _4DF380_hostilityRanges[4];
+      v16 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x);
+      v28 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y);
+      v17 = abs(thisActor->vPosition.z - pParty->vPosition.z);
+      if ( v16 <= v15 && v28 <= v15 && v17 <= v15 && (v16 * v16 + v28 * v28 + v17 * v17 < lowestRadius))
+      {
+        *a2 = OBJECT_Player;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// 4DF380: using guessed type int dword_4DF380[];
+// 4DF390: using guessed type int dword_4DF390;
+//----- (0040104C) --------------------------------------------------------
+signed int Actor::GetActorsRelation(Actor *otherActPtr)
+  unsigned int thisGroup; // ebp@19
+  int otherGroup; // eax@22
+  unsigned int thisAlly; // edx@25
+  unsigned int otherAlly; // edx@33
+  if ( otherActPtr)
+  {
+    if ( otherActPtr->uGroup != 0 && this->uGroup != 0 && otherActPtr->uGroup == this->uGroup )
+      return 0;
+  }
+  if (this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BERSERK].uExpireTime > 0)
+    return 4;
+  thisAlly = this->uAlly;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime > 0 || thisAlly == 9999)
+    thisGroup = 0;
+  else if ( thisAlly > 0 )
+    thisGroup = thisAlly;
+  else
+    thisGroup = (this->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
+  if ( otherActPtr )
+  {
+    if (otherActPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BERSERK].uExpireTime > 0)
+      return 4;
+    otherAlly = otherActPtr->uAlly;
+    if ( otherActPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime > 0 || otherAlly == 9999)
+      otherGroup = 0;
+    else  if ( otherAlly > 0 )
+      otherGroup = otherAlly;
+    else
+      otherGroup = (otherActPtr->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1;
+  }
+  else
+    otherGroup = 0;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 && !otherGroup
+    || otherActPtr && otherActPtr->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 && !thisGroup )
+    return 0;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime <= 0 && this->ActorEnemy() && !otherGroup )
+    return 4;
+  if (thisGroup >= 89 || otherGroup >= 89)
+    return 0;
+  if ( thisGroup == 0  )
+  {
+    if ( (!otherActPtr || this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED].uExpireTime > 0 && otherActPtr->ActorFriend()) && !pFactionTable->relations[otherGroup][0])
+      return pFactionTable->relations[0][otherGroup];
+    else
+      return 4;
+  }
+  else
+    return pFactionTable->relations[thisGroup][otherGroup];
+//----- (0045976D) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::UpdateAnimation()
+  ResetAnimation();
+  switch (uAIState)
+  {
+    case Tethered:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Walking;
+    break;
+    case AttackingMelee:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_AtkMelee;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case AttackingRanged1:
+    case AttackingRanged2:
+    case AttackingRanged3:
+    case AttackingRanged4:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_AtkRanged;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case Dying:
+    case Resurrected:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dying;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case Pursuing:
+    case Fleeing:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Walking;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case Stunned:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_GotHit;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case Fidgeting:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Bored;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case Standing:
+    case Interacting:
+    case Summoned:
+      uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Standing;
+      uAttributes |= ACTOR_ANIMATION;
+    break;
+    case Dead:
+      if (pSpriteFrameTable->pSpriteSFrames[pSpriteIDs[ANIM_Dead]].pHwSpriteIDs[0] <= 0)
+        uAIState = Removed;
+      else
+        uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Dead;
+    break;
+    case Removed:
+    case Disabled:
+      return;
+    default:
+      assert(false);
+  }
+//----- (00459671) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::Reset()
+  this->pActorName[0] = 0;
+  this->word_000086_some_monster_id = 0;
+  this->sNPC_ID = 0;
+  this->vPosition.z = 0;
+  this->vPosition.y = 0;
+  this->vPosition.x = 0;
+  this->vVelocity.z = 0;
+  this->vVelocity.y = 0;
+  this->vVelocity.x = 0;
+  this->uYawAngle = 0;
+  this->uPitchAngle = 0;
+  this->uAttributes = 0;
+  this->uSectorID = 0;
+  this->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  this->vInitialPosition.z = 0;
+  this->vInitialPosition.y = 0;
+  this->vInitialPosition.x = 0;
+  this->vGuardingPosition.z = 0;
+  this->vGuardingPosition.y = 0;
+  this->vGuardingPosition.x = 0;
+  this->uTetherDistance = 256;
+  this->uActorRadius = 32;
+  this->uActorHeight = 128;
+  this->uAIState = Standing;
+  this->uCurrentActionAnimation = ANIM_Standing;
+  this->uMovementSpeed = 200;
+  this->uCarriedItemID = 0;
+  this->uGroup = 0;
+  this->uAlly = 0;
+  this->uSummonerID = 0;
+  this->uLastCharacterIDToHit = 0;
+  this->dword_000334_unique_name = 0;
+  memset(this->pSpriteIDs, 0, sizeof(pSpriteIDs));
+  memset(this->pActorBuffs, 0, 0x160u);
+//----- (0045959A) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::PrepareSprites(char load_sounds_if_bit1_set)
+  MonsterDesc *v3; // esi@1 
+  MonsterInfo *v9; // [sp+84h] [bp-10h]@1
+  v3 = &pMonsterList->pMonsters[pMonsterInfo.uID - 1];
+  v9 = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[pMonsterInfo.uID - 1 + 1];
+  //v12 = pSpriteIDs;
+  //Source = (char *)v3->pSpriteNames;
+  //do
+  for (uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+  {
+    //strcpy(pSpriteName, v3->pSpriteNames[i]);
+    pSpriteIDs[i] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite(v3->pSpriteNames[i]);
+    pSpriteFrameTable->InitializeSprite(pSpriteIDs[i]);
+  }
+  uActorHeight = v3->uMonsterHeight;
+  uActorRadius = v3->uMonsterRadius;
+  uMovementSpeed = v9->uBaseSpeed;
+  if ( !(load_sounds_if_bit1_set & 1) )
+  {
+    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+      pSoundSampleIDs[i] = v3->pSoundSampleIDs[i];
+  }
+//----- (00459667) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::Remove()
+  this->uAIState = Removed;
+//----- (0043B1B0) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::ActorDamageFromMonster(signed int attacker_id, unsigned int actor_id, Vec3_int_ *pVelocity, signed int a4)
+  int v4; // ebx@1
+  int dmgToRecv; // qax@8
+  signed int v12; // ecx@20
+  int finalDmg; // edi@30
+  int pushDistance; // [sp+20h] [bp+Ch]@34
+  v4 = 0;
+  if ( PID_TYPE(attacker_id) == OBJECT_Item)
+  {
+    v4 = pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(attacker_id)].field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod;
+    attacker_id = pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(attacker_id)].spell_caster_pid;
+  }
+  if ( PID_TYPE(attacker_id) == OBJECT_Actor)
+  {
+    if ( !pActors[actor_id].IsNotAlive() )
+    {
+      pActors[actor_id].uLastCharacterIDToHit = attacker_id;
+      if ( pActors[actor_id].uAIState == Fleeing )
+        pActors[actor_id].uAttributes |= ACTOR_FLEEING;
+      if ( pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)]._4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(&pActors[actor_id], v4, 0) )
+      {
+        dmgToRecv = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)]._43B3E0_CalcDamage(a4);
+        if ( pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime > 0 )
+        {
+          if ( pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower )
+            dmgToRecv = dmgToRecv / pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower;
+        }
+        if ( pActors[actor_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0 )
+          dmgToRecv = 0;
+        if ( a4 == 0 )
+          v12 = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pMonsterInfo.uAttack1Type;
+        else if ( a4 == 1 )
+        {
+          v12 = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pMonsterInfo.uAttack2Type;
+          if ( SHIDWORD(pActors[actor_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime) > 0 )
+            dmgToRecv = dmgToRecv / 2;
+        }
+        else if ( a4 == 2 )
+          v12 = pSpellStats->pInfos[pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID].uSchool;
+        else if ( a4 == 3 )
+          v12 = pSpellStats->pInfos[pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID].uSchool;
+        else if ( a4 == 4 )
+          v12 = pActors[PID_ID(attacker_id)].pMonsterInfo.field_3C_some_special_attack;
+        else
+          v12 = 4;
+        finalDmg = pActors[actor_id].CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)v12, dmgToRecv);
+        pActors[actor_id].sCurrentHP -= finalDmg;
+        if ( finalDmg )
+        {
+          if ( pActors[actor_id].sCurrentHP > 0 )
+            Actor::AI_Stun(actor_id, attacker_id, 0);
+          else
+            Actor::Die(actor_id);
+          Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(actor_id, 0);
+          pushDistance = 20 * finalDmg / pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uHP;
+          if ( pushDistance > 10 )
+            pushDistance = 10;
+          if ( !MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[actor_id].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
+          {
+            pVelocity->x = (int32)fixpoint_mul(pushDistance, pVelocity->x);
+            pVelocity->y = (int32)fixpoint_mul(pushDistance, pVelocity->y);
+            pVelocity->z = (int32)fixpoint_mul(pushDistance, pVelocity->z);
+            pActors[actor_id].vVelocity.x = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->x);
+            pActors[actor_id].vVelocity.y = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->y);
+            pActors[actor_id].vVelocity.z = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->z);
+          }
+          Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(actor_id, 1, finalDmg);
+        }
+        else
+          Actor::AI_Stun(actor_id, attacker_id, 0);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+//----- (0044FD29) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::SummonMinion( int summonerId )
+  unsigned __int8 extraSummonLevel; // al@1
+  int summonMonsterBaseType; // esi@1
+  int v5; // edx@2
+  int v7; // edi@10
+  Actor *actor; // esi@10
+  MonsterInfo *v9; // ebx@10
+  //MonsterDesc *v10; // edi@10
+  int v13; // ebx@10
+  int v15; // edi@10
+  int v17; // ebx@10
+  unsigned int v19; // qax@10
+  int result; // eax@13
+  unsigned int monsterId; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@8
+  int v27; // [sp+18h] [bp-10h]@10
+  int actorSector; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@8
+  actorSector = 0;
+  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+    actorSector = pIndoor->GetSector(this->vPosition.x, this->vPosition.y, this->vPosition.z);
+  v19 = this->uAlly;
+  if ( !this->uAlly )
+  {
+    monsterId = this->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1;
+    v19 = (uint)(monsterId * 0.33333334);
+  }
+  v27 = uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor ? 128 : 64;
+  v13 = rand() % 2048;
+  v15 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v13), v27) + this->vPosition.x;
+  v17 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v13), v27) + this->vPosition.y;
+  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
+  {
+    result = pIndoor->GetSector(v15, v17, this->vPosition.z);
+    if (result != actorSector)
+      return;
+    result = BLV_GetFloorLevel(v15, v17, v27, result, &monsterId);
+    if (result != -30000)
+      return;
+    if (abs(result - v27) > 1024)
+      return;
+  }
+  extraSummonLevel = this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls;
+  summonMonsterBaseType = this->pMonsterInfo.field_3C_some_special_attack;
+  if ( extraSummonLevel )
+  {
+    if ( extraSummonLevel >= 1 && extraSummonLevel <= 3 )
+      summonMonsterBaseType = summonMonsterBaseType + extraSummonLevel - 1;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    v5 = rand() % 100;
+    if ( v5 >= 90 )
+      summonMonsterBaseType += 2;
+    else if ( v5 >= 60 )
+      summonMonsterBaseType += 1;
+  }
+  v7 = summonMonsterBaseType - 1;
+  actor = &pActors[uNumActors];
+  v9 = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v7 + 1];
+  pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
+  strcpy(actor->pActorName, v9->pName);
+  actor->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(v9->uHP);
+  memcpy(&actor->pMonsterInfo, v9, sizeof(actor->pMonsterInfo));
+  actor->word_000086_some_monster_id = summonMonsterBaseType;
+  actor->uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v7].uMonsterRadius;
+  actor->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v7].uMonsterHeight;
+  actor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
+  actor->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
+  actor->pMonsterInfo.uExp = 0;
+  actor->uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v7].uMovementSpeed;
+  actor->vInitialPosition.x = v15;
+  actor->vInitialPosition.y = v17;
+  actor->vInitialPosition.z = this->vPosition.z;
+  actor->vPosition.x = v15;
+  actor->vPosition.y = v17;
+  actor->vPosition.z = this->vPosition.z;
+  actor->uTetherDistance = 256;
+  actor->uSectorID = actorSector;
+  actor->PrepareSprites(0);
+  actor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+  actor->uAlly = v19;
+  actor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+  actor->uGroup = this->uGroup;
+  actor->uAIState = Summoned;
+  actor->uCurrentActionLength = 256;
+  actor->UpdateAnimation();
+  ++uNumActors;
+  ++this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
+  if ( ActorEnemy())
+    actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
+  actor->uSummonerID = PID(OBJECT_Actor,summonerId);
+// 46DF1A: using guessed type int __fastcall 46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int, int);
+//----- (0046DF1A) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::_46DF1A_collide_against_actor( int a1, int a2 )
+  Actor *v2; // edi@1
+  unsigned __int16 v3; // ax@1
+  int v4; // esi@6
+  int v8; // ecx@14
+  int v9; // eax@14
+  int v10; // ebx@14
+  int v11; // esi@14
+  int v12; // ebx@15
+  int v13; // ebx@17
+  v2 = &pActors[a1];
+  v3 = v2->uAIState;
+  if ( v3 == Removed || v3 == Dying || v3 == Disabled || v3 == Dead || v3 == Summoned )
+    return 0;
+  v4 = v2->uActorRadius;
+  if ( a2 )
+    v4 = a2;
+  if (stru_721530.sMaxX > v2->vPosition.x + v4 || 
+      stru_721530.sMinX < v2->vPosition.x - v4 || 
+      stru_721530.sMaxY > v2->vPosition.y + v4 || 
+      stru_721530.sMinY < v2->vPosition.y - v4 ||
+      stru_721530.sMaxZ > v2->vPosition.z + v2->uActorHeight ||
+      stru_721530.sMinZ < v2->vPosition.z)
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  v8 = v2->vPosition.x - stru_721530.normal.x;
+  v9 = v2->vPosition.y - stru_721530.normal.y;
+  v10 = stru_721530.prolly_normal_d + v4;
+  v11 = (v8 * stru_721530.direction.y - v9 * stru_721530.direction.x) >> 16;
+  v12 = (v8 * stru_721530.direction.x + v9 * stru_721530.direction.y) >> 16;
+  if ( abs(v11) > v10 || v12 <= 0)
+    return false;
+  if (fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.direction.z, v12) + stru_721530.normal.z < v2->vPosition.z)
+    return false;
+  v13 = v12 - integer_sqrt(v10 * v10 - v11 * v11);
+  if ( v13 < 0 )
+    v13 = 0;
+  if ( v13 < stru_721530.field_7C )
+  {
+    stru_721530.field_7C = v13;
+    stru_721530.uFaceID = PID(OBJECT_Actor,a1);
+  }
+  return true;
+//----- (00401A91) --------------------------------------------------------
+void  Actor::UpdateActorAI()
+	signed int v4; // edi@10
+	signed int sDmg; // eax@14
+	Player *pPlayer; // ecx@21
+	Actor *pActor; // esi@34
+	//unsigned __int16 v22; // ax@86
+	unsigned int v27; // ecx@123
+	unsigned int v28; // eax@123
+	int v33; // eax@144
+	int v34; // eax@147
+	char v35; // al@150
+	unsigned int v36; // edi@152
+	signed int v37; // eax@154
+	double v42; // st7@176
+	double v43; // st6@176
+	int v45; // eax@192
+	unsigned __int8 v46; // cl@197
+	signed int v47; // st7@206
+	uint v58; // st7@246
+	unsigned int v65; // [sp-10h] [bp-C0h]@144
+	int v70; // [sp-10h] [bp-C0h]@213
+	AIDirection v72; // [sp+0h] [bp-B0h]@246
+	AIDirection a3; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-94h]@129
+	int target_pid_type; // [sp+70h] [bp-40h]@83
+	signed int a1; // [sp+74h] [bp-3Ch]@129
+	int v78; // [sp+78h] [bp-38h]@79
+	AIDirection* pDir; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-34h]@129
+	float radiusMultiplier; // [sp+98h] [bp-18h]@33
+	int v81; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-14h]@100
+	signed int target_pid; // [sp+ACh] [bp-4h]@83
+	AIState uAIState;
+	uint v38;
+	//Build AI array
+	if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
+		Actor::MakeActorAIList_ODM();
+	else
+		Actor::MakeActorAIList_BLV();
+	//Armageddon damage mechanic
+	if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Indoor && pParty->armageddon_timer > 0 )
+	{
+		if ( pParty->armageddon_timer > 417 )
+			pParty->armageddon_timer = 0;
+		else
+		{
+			pParty->sRotationY = (stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi - 1) & (pParty->sRotationY + rand() % 16 - 8);
+			pParty->sRotationX = pParty->sRotationX + rand() % 16 - 8;
+			if ( pParty->sRotationX > 128) 
+				pParty->sRotationX = 128;
+			else if ( pParty->sRotationX < -128 )
+				pParty->sRotationX = -128;
+			pParty->uFlags |= 2u;
+			pParty->armageddon_timer -= pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
+			v4 = pParty->armageddonDamage + 50;
+			if ( pParty->armageddon_timer <= 0 )
+			{
+				pParty->armageddon_timer = 0;
+				for(size_t i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
+				{
+					pActor=&pActors[i];
+					if ( pActor->CanAct() )
+					{
+						sDmg = pActor->CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)5, v4);
+						pActor->sCurrentHP -= sDmg;
+						if ( sDmg )
+						{
+							if ( pActor->sCurrentHP >= 0 )
+								Actor::AI_Stun(i, 4, 0);
+							else
+							{
+								Actor::Die(i);
+								if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uExp )
+									pParty->GivePartyExp(pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uExp);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
+				{
+					pPlayer = pPlayers[i];
+					if ( !pPlayer->pConditions[Condition_Dead] && !pPlayer->pConditions[Condition_Pertified] && !pPlayer->pConditions[Condition_Eradicated] )
+						pPlayer->ReceiveDamage(v4, DMGT_MAGICAL);
+				}
+			}
+			if (pTurnEngine->pending_actions)
+				--pTurnEngine->pending_actions;
+		}
+	}
+	//Turn-based mode: return
+	if (pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn)
+	{
+		pTurnEngine->AITurnBasedAction();
+		return;
+	}
+	for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
+	{
+		pActor = &pActors[i];
+		ai_near_actors_targets_pid[i] = OBJECT_Player;
+		//Skip actor if: Dead / Removed / Disabled / uAttributes & 0x0400
+		if (pActor->uAIState == Dead || pActor->uAIState == Removed || pActor->uAIState == Disabled || pActor->uAttributes & ACTOR_ALIVE)
+			continue;
+		//Kill actor if HP == 0
+		if (!pActor->sCurrentHP && pActor->uAIState != Dying)
+			Actor::Die(i);
+		//Kill buffs if expired
+		for (uint j = 0; j < 22; ++j)
+		{
+			if (j != 10)
+				pActor->pActorBuffs[j].IsBuffExpiredToTime(pParty->uTimePlayed);
+		}
+		//If shrink expired: reset height
+		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime < 0)
+			pActor->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1].uMonsterHeight;
+		//If Charm still active: make actor friendly
+		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0)
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+		//Else: reset hostilty
+		else if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime < 0)
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uHostilityType;
+		//If actor Paralyzed or Stoned: skip
+		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime > 0 || pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0)
+		    continue;
+		//Calculate RecoveryTime
+		pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = max(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime - pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed, 0);
+		pActor->uCurrentActionTime += pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
+		if (pActor->uCurrentActionTime < pActor->uCurrentActionLength)
+			continue;
+		if (pActor->uAIState == Dying)
+			pActor->uAIState = Dead;
+		else
+		{
+			if (pActor->uAIState != Summoned)
+			{
+				Actor::AI_StandOrBored(i, OBJECT_Player, 256, nullptr);
+				continue;
+			}
+			pActor->uAIState = Standing;
+		}
+		pActor->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+		pActor->uCurrentActionLength = 0;
+		pActor->UpdateAnimation();
+	}
+	for(v78 = 0; v78 < ai_arrays_size; ++v78)
+	{
+		uint actor_id = ai_near_actors_ids[v78];
+		assert(actor_id < uNumActors);
+		pActor = &pActors[actor_id];
+		v47 = (signed int)(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime * 2.133333333333333);
+		Actor::_SelectTarget(actor_id, &ai_near_actors_targets_pid[actor_id], true);
+		if (pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType && !ai_near_actors_targets_pid[actor_id])
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+		target_pid = ai_near_actors_targets_pid[actor_id];
+		target_pid_type = PID_TYPE(target_pid);
+		if ( target_pid_type == OBJECT_Actor)
+			radiusMultiplier = 0.5;
+		else
+			radiusMultiplier = 1.0;
+		//v22 = pActor->uAIState;
+		if ( pActor->uAIState == Dying || pActor->uAIState == Dead || pActor->uAIState == Removed
+			                       || pActor->uAIState == Disabled || pActor->uAIState == Summoned)
+			continue;
+		if ( !pActor->sCurrentHP )
+			Actor::Die(actor_id);
+		for( int i = 0;i < 22; i++ )
+		{
+			if ( i != 10 )
+				pActor->pActorBuffs[i].IsBuffExpiredToTime(pParty->uTimePlayed);
+		}
+		if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime < 0 )
+			pActor->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID - 1].uMonsterHeight;
+		if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime > 0 )
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+		else if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM].uExpireTime < 0 )
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID].uHostilityType;
+		//If actor is summoned and buff expired: continue and set state to Removed
+		if ( pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED].uExpireTime < 0 )
+		{
+			pActor->uAIState = Removed;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ( (signed __int64)pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0	|| (signed __int64)pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime > 0)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		v27 = pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
+		v28 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime;
+		pActor->uCurrentActionTime += pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
+		if ( (signed int)v28 > 0 )
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = v28 - v27;
+		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime < 0 )
+			pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime = 0;
+		if ( !pActor->ActorNearby() )
+			pActor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_NEARBY;
+		a1 = PID(OBJECT_Actor,actor_id);
+		Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor,actor_id), target_pid, &a3, 0);
+		pDir = &a3;
+		uAIState = pActor->uAIState; 
+		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType == MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly
+			|| (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0
+			|| radiusMultiplier * 307.2 < pDir->uDistance
+			|| uAIState != Pursuing && uAIState != Standing && uAIState != Tethered && uAIState != Fidgeting
+			&&  !pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type || uAIState != Stunned )
+		{
+			if ( (signed int)pActor->uCurrentActionTime < pActor->uCurrentActionLength )
+				continue;
+			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingMelee )
+			{
+				v35 = pActor->special_ability_use_check(actor_id);
+				AttackerInfo.Add(a1, 5120, pActor->vPosition.x, pActor->vPosition.y, pActor->vPosition.z + ((signed int)pActor->uActorHeight >> 1), v35, 1 );
+			}
+			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged1 )
+			{
+				v34 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type;
+				Actor::AI_RangedAttack(actor_id, pDir, v34, 0);
+			}
+			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged2 )
+			{
+				v34 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack2Type;
+				Actor::AI_RangedAttack(actor_id, pDir, v34, 1);
+			}
+			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged3 )
+			{
+				v65 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery1;
+				v33 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
+				Actor::AI_SpellAttack(actor_id, pDir, v33, 2, v65);
+			}
+			else if ( pActor->uAIState == AttackingRanged4 )
+			{
+				v65 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpellSkillAndMastery2;
+				v33 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
+				Actor::AI_SpellAttack(actor_id, pDir, v33, 3, v65);
+			}
+		}
+		v36 = pDir->uDistance;
+		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType == MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly)
+		{
+			if ( target_pid_type == OBJECT_Actor )
+			{
+				v36 = pDir->uDistance;
+				v37 =pFactionTable->relations[(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uID-1) / 3 + 1][(pActors[PID_ID(target_pid)].pMonsterInfo.uID - 1) / 3 + 1];
+			}
+			else
+				v37 = 4;
+			v38 = 0;
+			if ( v37 == 2 )
+				v38 = 1024;
+			else if ( v37 == 3 )
+				v38 = 2560;
+			else if ( v37 == 4 )
+				v38 = 5120;
+			if ( v37 >= 1 && v37 <= 4 && v36 < v38  || v37 == 1 )
+				pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
+		}
+		//If actor afraid: flee or if out of range random move
+		if (pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID].uExpireTime > 0)
+		{
+			if ( (signed int)v36 >= 10240 )
+              Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, target_pid, 1024, 0);
+			else
+              Actor::AI_Flee(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType == MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long && target_pid )
+		{
+			if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 1 )
+			{
+				if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+					Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, (uint)(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime * 2.133333333333333),	pDir);
+				else
+				{
+					Actor::AI_Flee(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( !(pActor->uAttributes & ACTOR_FLEEING) )
+			{
+				if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 2 || pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 3)
+				{
+					if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 2 )
+						v43 = (double)(signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * 0.2;
+					if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAIType == 3 )
+						v43 = (double)(signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP * 0.1;
+					v42 = (double)pActor->sCurrentHP;
+					if ( v43 > v42 && (signed int)v36 < 10240 )
+					{
+						Actor::AI_Flee(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			v81 = v36 - pActor->uActorRadius;
+			if ( target_pid_type == OBJECT_Actor )
+				v81 -= pActors[PID_ID(target_pid)].uActorRadius;
+			if ( v81 < 0 )
+				v81 = 0;
+			rand();
+			pActor->uAttributes &= ~ACTOR_UNKNOW5;//~0x40000
+			if ( v81 < 5120 )
+			{
+				v45 = pActor->special_ability_use_check(actor_id);
+				if ( v45 == 0 )
+				{
+					if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack1Type )
+					{
+						if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime <= 0 )
+							Actor::AI_MissileAttack1(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+						else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+						else
+						{
+							if ( radiusMultiplier * 307.2 > (double)v81 )
+								Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+							else
+								Actor::AI_Pursue1(actor_id, target_pid, actor_id, v47, pDir);
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						if ( (double)v81 >= radiusMultiplier * 307.2 )
+						{
+							if (pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY)
+								Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+							else if ( v81 >= 1024 )//monsters
+								Actor::AI_Pursue3(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir);
+							else
+							{
+								v70 = (signed int)(radiusMultiplier * 307.2);
+								//monsters
+								//guard after player runs away
+								// follow player
+								Actor::AI_Pursue2(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir, v70);
+							}
+						}
+						else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
+						{
+							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							//monsters
+							Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+						}
+					}
+					continue;
+				}
+				else if ( v45 == 2 || v45 == 3 )
+				{
+					if ( v45 == 2 )
+						v46 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID;
+					else
+						v46 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID;
+					if ( v46 )
+					{
+						if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime <= 0 )
+						{
+							if ( v45 == 2 )
+								Actor::AI_SpellAttack1(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+							else
+								Actor::AI_SpellAttack2(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+						}
+						else if ( radiusMultiplier * 307.2 > (double)v81 || pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+						else
+							Actor::AI_Pursue1(actor_id, target_pid, actor_id, v47, pDir);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						if ( (double)v81 >= radiusMultiplier * 307.2 ) 
+						{
+							if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+								Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+							else if ( v81 >= 1024 )
+								Actor::AI_Pursue3(actor_id, target_pid, 256, pDir);
+							else
+							{
+								v70 = (signed int)(radiusMultiplier * 307.2);
+								Actor::AI_Pursue2(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir, v70);
+							}
+						}
+						else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
+						{
+							Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+						}
+						else
+						{								
+							Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+						}
+					}
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType != MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long || !target_pid || v81 >= 5120 || v45 != 1 )
+		{
+			if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_SHORT )
+				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 1024, 0);
+			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_MEDIUM )
+				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 2560, 0);
+			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_LONG )
+				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 5120, 0);
+			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_FREE )
+				Actor::AI_RandomMove(actor_id, 4, 10240, 0);
+			else if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+			{
+				Actor::GetDirectionInfo(a1, 4, &v72, 0);
+				v58 = (uint)(pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime * 2.133333333333333);
+				Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, 4, v58, &v72);
+			}				
+		}
+		else if ( !pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMissleAttack2Type )
+		{
+			if ( (double)v81 >= radiusMultiplier * 307.2 )
+			{
+				if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+				  Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+				else if ( v81 >= 1024 )
+					Actor::AI_Pursue3(actor_id, target_pid, 256, pDir);
+				else
+				{
+					v70 = (int)(radiusMultiplier * 307.2);
+					Actor::AI_Pursue2(actor_id, target_pid, 0, pDir, v70);
+				}
+			}
+			else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
+				Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+			else
+				Actor::AI_MeleeAttack(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+		}
+		else if ( (signed int)pActor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime > 0 )
+		{
+			if ( radiusMultiplier * 307.2 > (double)v81 || pActor->pMonsterInfo.uMovementType == MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY )
+				Actor::AI_Stand(actor_id, target_pid, v47, pDir);
+			else
+				Actor::AI_Pursue1(actor_id, target_pid, actor_id, v47, pDir);
+		}
+		else
+			Actor::AI_MissileAttack2(actor_id, target_pid, pDir);
+	}
+//----- (0044665D) --------------------------------------------------------
+// uType:     0 -> any monster
+//            1 -> uParam is GroupID
+//            2 -> uParam is MonsterID
+//            3 -> uParam is ActorID
+// uNumAlive: 0 -> all must be alive
+int __fastcall IsActorAlive(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uParam, unsigned int uNumAlive)
+  unsigned int uAliveActors; // eax@6
+  unsigned int uTotalActors; // [sp+0h] [bp-4h]@1
+  uTotalActors = 0;
+  if ( uType )
+  {
+    if ( uType == 1 )
+      uAliveActors = Actor::SearchActorByGroup(&uTotalActors, uParam);
+    else
+    {
+      if ( uType == 2 )
+        uAliveActors = Actor::SearchActorByMonsterID(&uTotalActors, uParam);
+      else
+      {
+        if ( uType != 3 )
+          return 0;
+        uAliveActors = Actor::SearchActorByID(&uTotalActors, uParam);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+    uAliveActors = Actor::SearchAliveActors(&uTotalActors);
+  if (uNumAlive)
+    return uAliveActors >= uNumAlive;
+  else
+    return uTotalActors == uAliveActors;
+//----- (00408B54) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int Actor::SearchActorByID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int a2)
+  //int v4; // eax@1
+  unsigned int result; // ebx@1
+  //v4 = GetAlertStatus();
+  *pTotalActors = 0;
+  result = 0;
+  if ( (pActors[a2].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == GetAlertStatus() )
+  {
+    *pTotalActors = 1;
+    if ( pActors[a2].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
+      result = 1;
+  }
+  return result;
+//----- (00408AE7) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int Actor::SearchActorByGroup(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int uGroup)
+  unsigned int result; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1
+  int v8 = GetAlertStatus();
+  *pTotalActors = 0;
+  result = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
+  {
+    if ( (pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == v8 && pActors[i].uGroup == uGroup)
+    {
+      ++*pTotalActors;
+      if ( pActors[i].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
+        ++result;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+//----- (00408A7E) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int Actor::SearchActorByMonsterID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, int uMonsterID)
+  int v8; // [sp+Ch] [bp-8h]@1
+  unsigned int result; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1
+  v8 = GetAlertStatus();
+  *pTotalActors = 0;
+  result = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
+  {
+    if ( (pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == v8 && pActors[i].pMonsterInfo.field_33 == uMonsterID)
+    {
+      ++*pTotalActors;
+      if ( pActors[i].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
+        ++result;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+//----- (00408A27) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int Actor::SearchAliveActors(unsigned int *pTotalActors)
+  int v2; // eax@1
+  unsigned int result; // ebp@1
+  v2 = GetAlertStatus();
+  result = 0;
+  *pTotalActors = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; i++)
+  {
+    if ( (pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW7) == v2 )
+    {
+      ++*pTotalActors;
+      if ( pActors[i].IsNotAlive() == 1 )
+        ++result;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+//----- (00408768) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::InitializeActors()
+  bool evil; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@1
+  bool bPit; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@1
+  bool good; // [sp+14h] [bp-8h]@1
+  bool bCelestia; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@1
+  bCelestia = false;
+  bPit = false;
+  good = false;
+  evil = false;
+  if ( !_stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d25.blv") )//the Celestia
+    bCelestia = true;
+  if ( !_stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d26.blv") )//the Pit
+    bPit = true;
+  if (pParty->IsPartyGood())
+    good = true;
+  if (pParty->IsPartyEvil())
+    evil = true;
+  Log::Warning(L"%S %S %u", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // ai_near_actors_targets_pid[i] for AI_Stand seems always 0;  original code behaviour is identical
+  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
+  {
+    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
+    if (actor->CanAct() || actor->uAIState == Disabled)
+    {
+      actor->vPosition.x = actor->vInitialPosition.x;
+      actor->vPosition.y = actor->vInitialPosition.y;
+      actor->vPosition.z = actor->vInitialPosition.z;
+      actor->sCurrentHP = actor->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
+      if (actor->uAIState != Disabled)
+      {
+        Actor::AI_Stand(i, ai_near_actors_targets_pid[i], actor->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime, 0);
+      }
+    }
+    actor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+    if (!bCelestia || good)
+      if (!bPit || evil)
+        if (actor->IsPeasant())
+          actor->ResetAggressor();//~0x80000
+    actor->ResetHasItem();//~0x800000
+    if (actor->uAttributes & ACTOR_UNKNOW9)
+        Actor::_4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(i, pParty->uCurrentHour, 1);
+  }
+//----- (00439474) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::DamageMonsterFromParty(signed int a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, Vec3_int_ *pVelocity)
+  SpriteObject *projectileSprite; // ebx@1
+  Actor *pMonster; // esi@7
+  unsigned __int16 v16; // cx@25
+  int v33; // eax@100
+  int v40; // ebx@107
+  int extraRecoveryTime; // qax@125
+  unsigned __int16 v43; // ax@132
+  unsigned __int16 v45; // ax@132
+  unsigned __int64 v46; // [sp+Ch] [bp-60h]@6
+  char *pPlayerName; // [sp+18h] [bp-54h]@12
+  char *pMonsterName; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-50h]@6
+  signed int a4; // [sp+44h] [bp-28h]@1
+  bool IsAdditionalDamagePossible; // [sp+50h] [bp-1Ch]@1
+  int v61; // [sp+58h] [bp-14h]@1
+  bool isLifeStealing; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-10h]@1
+  int uDamageAmount; // [sp+60h] [bp-Ch]@1
+  DAMAGE_TYPE attackElement; // [sp+64h] [bp-8h]@27
+  projectileSprite = 0;
+  uDamageAmount = 0;
+  a4 = 0;
+  v61 = 0;
+  IsAdditionalDamagePossible = false;
+  isLifeStealing = 0;
+  if ( PID_TYPE(a1) == OBJECT_Item)
+  {
+    projectileSprite = &pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(a1)];
+    v61 = projectileSprite->field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod;
+    a1 = projectileSprite->spell_caster_pid;
+  }
+  if (PID_TYPE(a1) != OBJECT_Player)
+    return;
+  assert(PID_ID(abs(a1)) < 4);
+  Player* player = &pParty->pPlayers[PID_ID(a1)];
+  pMonster = &pActors[uActorID_Monster];
+  if (pMonster->IsNotAlive())
+    return;
+  pMonster->uAttributes |= 0xC000;
+  if ( pMonster->uAIState == Fleeing )
+    pMonster->uAttributes |= ACTOR_FLEEING;
+  bool hit_will_stun = false,
+       hit_will_paralyze = false;
+  if ( !projectileSprite )
+  {
+    int main_hand_idx = player->pEquipment.uMainHand;
+    IsAdditionalDamagePossible = true;
+    if ( player->HasItemEquipped(EQUIP_TWO_HANDED) )
+    {
+      uint main_hand_skill = player->GetMainHandItem()->GetPlayerSkillType();
+      uint main_hand_mastery = SkillToMastery(player->pActiveSkills[main_hand_skill]);
+      switch (main_hand_skill)
+      {
+        case PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF:
+          if (main_hand_mastery >= 3)
+          {
+            if (rand() % 100 < (player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF) & 0x3F))  // stun chance when mastery >= 3
+              hit_will_stun = true;
+          }
+        break;
+        case PLAYER_SKILL_MACE:
+          if (main_hand_mastery >= 3)
+          {
+            if (rand() % 100 < (player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MACE) & 0x3F))
+              hit_will_stun = true;
+          }
+          if (main_hand_mastery >= 4)
+          {
+            if (rand() % 100 < (player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MACE) & 0x3F))
+              hit_will_paralyze = true;
+          }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
+    uDamageAmount = player->CalculateMeleeDamageTo(false, false, pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID);
+    if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss(pMonster, v61, a4) )
+    {
+      player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    v61 = projectileSprite->field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod;
+    if ( projectileSprite->spell_id != SPELL_DARK_SOULDRINKER )
+    {
+      int d1 = abs(pParty->vPosition.x - projectileSprite->vPosition.x);
+      int d2 = abs(pParty->vPosition.y - projectileSprite->vPosition.y);
+      int d3 = abs(pParty->vPosition.z - projectileSprite->vPosition.z);
+      v61 = int_get_vector_length(d1, d2, d3);
+      if ( v61 >= 5120 && !(pMonster->uAttributes & ACTOR_ALIVE) )//0x400
+        return;
+      else if ( v61 >= 2560 )
+        v61 = 2;
+      else
+        v61 = 1;
+    }
+    switch (projectileSprite->spell_id)
+    {
+        v16 = player->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER];
+        v61 = 1;
+        if ( SkillToMastery(v16) >= 3 )
+          a4 = player->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER] & 0x3F;
+        attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
+        uDamageAmount = player->CalculateMeleeDamageTo(true, true, 0);
+        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss(pMonster, v61, a4) )
+        {
+          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+          return;
+        }
+        break;
+      case SPELL_101:
+        attackElement = DMGT_FIRE;
+        uDamageAmount = player->CalculateRangedDamageTo(0);
+        if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime > 0 )
+          uDamageAmount >>= 1;
+        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = true;
+        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss(pMonster, v61, a4) )
+        {
+          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+          return;
+        }
+        break;
+        a4 = 5 * projectileSprite->spell_level;
+        attackElement = (DAMAGE_TYPE)player->GetSpellSchool(SPELL_EARTH_BLADES);
+        uDamageAmount = _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(39, projectileSprite->spell_level, projectileSprite->spell_skill, pMonster->sCurrentHP);
+        if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime > 0 )
+          uDamageAmount >>= 1;
+        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = false;
+        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss( pMonster, v61, a4) )
+        {
+          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+          return;
+        }
+        break;
+      case SPELL_EARTH_STUN:
+        uDamageAmount = 0;
+        attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
+        hit_will_stun = 1;
+        if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss( pMonster, v61, a4) )
+        {
+          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+          return;
+        }
+        break;
+      case SPELL_BOW_ARROW:
+        attackElement = DMGT_PHISYCAL;
+        uDamageAmount = player->CalculateRangedDamageTo(pMonster->word_000086_some_monster_id);
+        if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime > 0 )
+          uDamageAmount /= 2;
+        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = true;
+        if ( projectileSprite->stru_24.uItemID != 0 && projectileSprite->stru_24.uSpecEnchantmentType == 3 )  //of carnage
+        {
+          attackElement = DMGT_FIRE;
+        }
+        else if ( !player->PlayerHitOrMiss( pMonster, v61, a4) )
+        {
+          player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+          return;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        attackElement = (DAMAGE_TYPE)player->GetSpellSchool(projectileSprite->spell_id);
+        IsAdditionalDamagePossible = false;
+        uDamageAmount = _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(projectileSprite->spell_id, projectileSprite->spell_level, projectileSprite->spell_skill, pMonster->sCurrentHP);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (player->IsWeak())
+    uDamageAmount /= 2;
+  if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    uDamageAmount = 0;
+  v61 = pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor(attackElement, uDamageAmount);
+  if ( !projectileSprite && player->IsUnarmed() && player->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime > 0 )
+  {
+    v61 += pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)8, player->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HAMMERHANDS].uPower);
+  }
+  uDamageAmount = v61;
+  if ( IsAdditionalDamagePossible )
+  {
+    if ( projectileSprite )
+    {
+      a4 = projectileSprite->stru_24._439DF3_get_additional_damage((int*)&attackElement, &isLifeStealing);
+      if ( isLifeStealing && pMonster->sCurrentHP > 0 )
+      {
+        player->sHealth += v61 / 5;
+        if ( player->sHealth > player->GetMaxHealth() )
+          player->sHealth = player->GetMaxHealth();
+      }
+      uDamageAmount += pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor(attackElement, a4);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+      {
+        if ( player->HasItemEquipped((ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE)i) )
+        {
+          ItemGen* item;
+          if (i == 0)
+            item = player->GetOffHandItem();
+          else
+            item = player->GetMainHandItem();
+          a4 = item->_439DF3_get_additional_damage((int*)&attackElement, &isLifeStealing);
+          if ( isLifeStealing && pMonster->sCurrentHP > 0 )
+          {
+            player->sHealth += v61 / 5;
+            if ( player->sHealth > player->GetMaxHealth() )
+              player->sHealth = player->GetMaxHealth();
+          }
+          uDamageAmount += pMonster->CalcMagicalDamageToActor(attackElement, a4);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  pMonster->sCurrentHP -= uDamageAmount;
+  if ( uDamageAmount == 0 && !hit_will_stun )
+  {
+    player->PlaySound(SPEECH_52, 0);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( pMonster->sCurrentHP > 0 )
+  {
+    Actor::AI_Stun(uActorID_Monster, a1, 0);
+    Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(uActorID_Monster, 1);
+    if ( bShowDamage )
+    {
+      if ( projectileSprite )
+        sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[189], player->pName, pMonster->pActorName, uDamageAmount);// "%s shoots %s for %lu points"
+      else
+        sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[164], player->pName, pMonster->pActorName, uDamageAmount);// "%s hits %s for %lu damage"
+      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( pMonsterStats->pInfos[pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID].bQuestMonster & 1 )
+    {
+      if ( /*pRenderer->pRenderD3D &&*/ pGame->uFlags2 & GAME_FLAGS_2_DRAW_BLOODSPLATS )
+      {
+        v33 = byte_4D864C && pGame->uFlags & 0x80000 ? 10 * pMonster->uActorRadius : pMonster->uActorRadius;
+        pDecalBuilder->AddBloodsplat((float)pMonster->vPosition.x, (float)pMonster->vPosition.y, (float)pMonster->vPosition.z, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, (float)v33, 0, 0);
+      }
+    }
+    Actor::Die(uActorID_Monster);
+    Actor::ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(uActorID_Monster);
+    Actor::AggroSurroundingPeasants(uActorID_Monster, 1);
+    if ( pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uExp )
+      pParty->GivePartyExp(pMonsterStats->pInfos[pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID].uExp);
+    v40 = SPEECH_51;
+    if ( rand() % 100 < 20 )
+      v40 = ((signed int)pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uHP >= 100) + 1;
+    player->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)v40, 0);
+    if ( bShowDamage )
+    {
+      pMonsterName = (char *)uDamageAmount;
+      pPlayerName = player->pName;             // "%s inflicts %lu points killing %s"
+      sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[175], player->pName, uDamageAmount, pMonster);
+      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
+    }
+  }
+  if ( pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].uExpireTime > 0
+    && uDamageAmount != 0 )
+    player->ReceiveDamage(uDamageAmount, attackElement);
+  int knockbackValue = 20 * v61 / (signed int)pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uHP;
+  if ( (player->GetSpecialItemBonus(24) || hit_will_stun) && pMonster->DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DMGT_EARTH) )
+  {
+    extraRecoveryTime = 20;
+    knockbackValue = 10;
+    if ( !pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn )
+      extraRecoveryTime = (int)(flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2 * 42.66666666666666);
+    pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uRecoveryTime += extraRecoveryTime;
+    if ( bShowDamage  )
+    {
+      pMonsterName = player->pName;            // "%s stuns %s"
+      sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[635], player->pName, pMonster);
+      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
+    }
+  }
+  if ( hit_will_paralyze && pMonster->CanAct() && pMonster->DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DMGT_EARTH))
+  {
+    v43 = player->GetActualSkillLevel(PLAYER_SKILL_MACE);
+    v45 = SkillToMastery(v43);
+    v46 = pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed int)(signed __int64)((double)(signed int)(7680 * (v43 & 0x3F)) * 0.033333335);
+    pMonster->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].Apply(v46, v45, 0, 0, 0);
+    if ( bShowDamage )
+    {
+      pMonsterName = player->pName;        // "%s paralyzes %s"
+      sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[636], player->pName, pMonster);
+      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf.data(), 2u);
+    }
+  }
+  if ( knockbackValue > 10 )
+    knockbackValue = 10;
+  if ( !MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT) )
+  {
+    pVelocity->x = fixpoint_mul(knockbackValue, pVelocity->x);
+    pVelocity->y = fixpoint_mul(knockbackValue, pVelocity->y);
+    pVelocity->z = fixpoint_mul(knockbackValue, pVelocity->z);
+    pMonster->vVelocity.x = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->x);
+    pMonster->vVelocity.y = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->y);
+    pMonster->vVelocity.z = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->z);
+  }
+  Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(uActorID_Monster, 1, v61);
+//----- (004BBF61) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::Arena_summon_actor( int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z )
+  int v12; // ebx@7
+  int v13; // eax@8
+  __int16 v16; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@3
+  if (uNumActors < 500)
+  {
+    v16 = 0;
+    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+      v16 = pIndoor->GetSector(x, y, z);
+    pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
+    strcpy(pActors[uNumActors].pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].pName);
+    pActors[uNumActors].sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].uHP);
+    memcpy(&pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id], 0x58u);
+    pActors[uNumActors].word_000086_some_monster_id = monster_id;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMonsterRadius;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMonsterHeight;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMovementSpeed;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.x = x;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.x = x;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.y = y;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.y = y;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.z = z;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.z = z;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uTetherDistance = 256;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uSectorID = v16;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uGroup = 1;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
+    pActors[uNumActors].PrepareSprites(0);
+     for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+      pSoundList->LoadSound(pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].pSoundSampleIDs[i], 0);
+    v12 = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      v13 = pSoundList->LoadSound(v12 + word_4EE088_sound_ids[pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].uSpell1ID], 1);
+      v12++;
+    }
+    while ( v13 );
+    ++uNumActors;
+  }
+//----- (00426E10) --------------------------------------------------------
+int stru319::which_player_to_attack(Actor *pActor)
+  signed int v2; // ebx@1
+  bool flag; // edi@37
+  int v22; // [sp+8h] [bp-140h]@3
+  int Victims_list[60]; // [sp+48h] [bp-100h]@48
+  int for_sex; // [sp+13Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
+  int for_race; // [sp+140h] [bp-8h]@1
+  int for_class; // [sp+144h] [bp-4h]@1
+  for_class = -1;
+  for_race = -1;
+  for_sex = -1;
+  v2 = 0;
+  if ( pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAttackPreference )
+  {
+    for ( uint i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
+    {
+      v22 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAttackPreference & (1 << i);
+      if ( v22 )
+      {
+        switch ( v22 )
+        {
+          case 1:
+            for_class = 0;
+            break;
+          case 2:
+            for_class = 12;
+            break;
+          case 4:
+            for_class = 16;
+            break;
+          case 8:
+            for_class = 28;
+            break;
+          case 16:
+            for_class = 24;
+            break;
+          case 32:
+            for_class = 32;
+            break;
+          case 64:
+            for_class = 20;
+            break;
+          case 128:
+            for_class = 4;
+            break;
+          case 256:
+            for_class = 8;
+            break;
+          case 512:
+            for_sex = 0;
+            break;
+          case 1024:
+            for_sex = 1;
+            break;
+          case 2048:
+            for_race = 0;
+            break;
+          case 4096:
+            for_race = 1;
+            break;
+          case 8192:
+            for_race = 3;
+            break;
+          case 16384:
+            for_race = 2;
+            break;
+        }
+        v2 = 0;
+        for ( uint j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
+        {
+          flag = 0;
+          if ( for_class != -1 && for_class == pPlayers[j + 1]->classType )
+            flag = true;
+          if ( for_sex != -1 && for_sex == pPlayers[j + 1]->uSex )
+            flag = true;
+          if ( for_race != -1 && for_race == pPlayers[j + 1]->GetRace() )
+            flag = true;
+          if ( flag == true )
+          {
+            if ( !(pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Paralyzed] | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Unconcious]
+                 | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Dead] | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Pertified] | pPlayers[j + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Eradicated]) )
+              Victims_list[v2++] = j;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ( v2 )
+      return Victims_list[rand() % v2];
+  }
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+  {
+    if ( !(pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Paralyzed] | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Unconcious]
+         | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Dead] | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Pertified] | pPlayers[i + 1]->pConditions[Condition_Eradicated]) )
+      Victims_list[v2++] = i;
+  }
+  if ( v2 )
+    return Victims_list[rand() % v2];
+  else
+    return 0;
+//----- (00427546) --------------------------------------------------------
+int stru319::_427546(int a2)
+	int result; // eax@2
+	if (a2 >= 0)
+	{
+		if (a2 >= 1)
+			result = (a2 >= 2) + 2;
+		else
+			result = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		result = 0;
+	}
+	return result;
+//----- (0042F184) --------------------------------------------------------
+int stru319::FindClosestActor(int pick_depth, int a3, int a4)
+	int v4; // edi@1
+	stru319 *v5; // esi@1
+	int v6; // eax@2
+	int v7; // eax@4
+	//  int result; // eax@5
+	//  int *v9; // edx@8
+	//  signed int v10; // ebx@10
+	//  int v11; // edi@11
+	//Actor *v12; // esi@12
+	//unsigned __int16 v13; // ax@12
+	//  int v14; // eax@22
+	//char v15; // zf@30
+	//  int v16; // esi@32
+	//  int v17; // ecx@34
+	//  stru319 *v18; // eax@39
+	//  int v19; // edx@39
+	//  int v20; // ecx@41
+	//  unsigned __int16 v21; // ax@42
+	//  unsigned int v22; // [sp+8h] [bp-24h]@11
+	//unsigned int v23; // [sp+Ch] [bp-20h]@7
+	stru319 *v24; // [sp+10h] [bp-1Ch]@1
+	//  unsigned int v25; // [sp+14h] [bp-18h]@8
+	//  int *v26; // [sp+18h] [bp-14h]@8
+	//  int v27; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-10h]@10
+	//  int *v28; // [sp+20h] [bp-Ch]@10
+	//unsigned int v29; // [sp+24h] [bp-8h]@7
+	//  int v30; // [sp+28h] [bp-4h]@6
+	//  int i; // [sp+38h] [bp+Ch]@33
+	//  signed int v32; // [sp+3Ch] [bp+10h]@32
+	v4 = 0;
+	v5 = this;
+	v24 = this;
+	//if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
+	{
+		v6 = a3 != 0;
+		if (a4)
+			LOBYTE(v6) = v6 | 8;
+		v7 = pGame->pVisInstance->PickClosestActor(OBJECT_Actor, pick_depth, v6, 657456, -1);
+		if (v7 != -1)
+			return (unsigned __int16)v7;
+		else return 0;
+	}
+	/*else // software impl
+	{
+	v30 = 0;
+	if ( pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer )
+	{
+	if ( (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y < (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_Y )
+	{
+	v9 = &pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[viewparams->uScreen_topL_X + 640 * viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y];
+	v26 = &pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[viewparams->uScreen_topL_X + 640 * viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y];
+	for ( v25 = viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_Y - viewparams->uScreen_topL_Y; v25; --v25 )
+	{
+	if ( (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_topL_X < (signed int)viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_X )
+	{
+	v28 = v9;
+	v10 = v4;
+	for ( v27 = viewparams->uScreen_BttmR_X - viewparams->uScreen_topL_X; v27; --v27 )
+	{
+	v22 = *v28;
+	v11 = *v28 & 0xFFFF;
+	if (PID_TYPE(v11) == OBJECT_Actor)
+	{
+	if ( pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Dead )
+	{
+	if ( pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Dying && pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Removed
+	&& pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Summoned && pActors[PID_ID(v11)].uAIState != Disabled
+	&& (!a3 || pActors[PID_ID(v11)].GetActorsRelation(0)) )
+	{
+	if ( (!a4 || MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[PID_ID(v11)].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_UNDEAD))
+	&& v22 <= pick_depth << 16 )
+	{
+	v14 = 0;
+	if ( v10 > 0 )
+	{
+	for ( v14; v14 < v30; ++v14 )
+	{
+	if ( dword_50BDA0[v14] == v11 )
+	break;
+	}
+	}
+	if ( v14 == v30 && v10 < 100 )
+	{
+	++v30;
+	dword_50BC10[v10] = v22;
+	dword_50BDA0[v10] = v11;
+	++v10;
+	}
+	}
+	}
+	}
+	}
+	++v28;
+	}
+	v4 = v30;
+	v5 = v24;
+	}
+	v9 = v26 + 640;
+	v26 += 640;
+	}
+	}
+	if ( v4 > 0 )
+	{
+	v16 = (int)dword_50BC10.data();
+	for ( v32 = 1; v32 - 1 < v4; ++v32 )
+	{
+	for ( i = v32; i < v4; ++i )
+	{
+	v17 = dword_50BC10[i];
+	if ( dword_50BC10[i] < *(int *)v16 )
+	{
+	dword_50BC10[i] = *(int *)v16;
+	*(int *)v16 = v17;
+	}
+	}
+	v16 += 4;
+	}
+	v5 = v24;
+	if ( v4 > 0 )
+	{
+	v18 = v24;
+	for ( v19 = v4; v19; --v19 )
+	{
+	*(int *)&v18->field_0 = (*(int *)&v18[(char *)dword_50BC10.data() - (char *)v24].field_0 >> 3) & 0x1FFF;
+	v18 += 4;
+	}
+	}
+	}
+	v20 = 0;
+	for ( *(int *)&v5[2000].field_0 = v4; v20 < v4; ++v20 )
+	{
+	v21 = pActors[*(int *)&v5[4 * v20].field_0].uAIState;
+	if ( v21 != 4 && v21 != 5 )
+	break;
+	}
+	if ( v20 != v4 )
+	{
+	result = 8 * *(int *)&v5[4 * v20].field_0;
+	LOBYTE(result) = result | 3;
+	return result;
+	}
+	}
+	}
+	return 0;*/
+//----- (0042F4DA) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool CheckActors_proximity()
+  signed int distance; // edi@1
+  int for_x; // ebx@5
+  int for_y; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@5
+  int for_z; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@5
+  distance = 5120;
+  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
+    distance = 2560;
+  if ( (signed int)uNumActors <= 0 )
+    return false;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumActors; ++i )
+  {
+    for_x = abs(pActors[i].vInitialPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x);
+    for_y = abs(pActors[i].vInitialPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y);
+    for_z = abs(pActors[i].vInitialPosition.z - pParty->vPosition.z);
+    if ( int_get_vector_length(for_x, for_y, for_z) < distance )
+    {
+      if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Dead )
+      {
+        if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Dying && pActors[i].uAIState != Removed
+          && pActors[i].uAIState != Disabled && pActors[i].uAIState != Summoned
+          && (pActors[i].ActorEnemy() || pActors[i].GetActorsRelation(0) ) )
+          return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+//----- (00426A5A) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::LootActor()
+  signed int v2; // edi@1
+  unsigned __int8 v7; // al@30
+  char *v9; // [sp-4h] [bp-3Ch]@10
+  char *v10; // [sp-4h] [bp-3Ch]@31
+  char *v11; // [sp-4h] [bp-3Ch]@38
+  ItemGen Dst; // [sp+Ch] [bp-2Ch]@1
+  bool itemFound; // [sp+30h] [bp-8h]@1
+  int v14; // [sp+34h] [bp-4h]@1
+  pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
+  Dst.Reset();
+  v2 = 0;
+  itemFound = false;
+  v14 = 0;
+  if ( !ActorHasItem() )
+  {
+    for (uchar i = 0; i < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls; i++ )
+        v14 += rand() % this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides + 1;
+    if ( v14 )
+      {
+        pParty->PartyFindsGold(v14, 0);
+        viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID != 0 &&  this->ActorHasItems[3].GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_GOLD )
+    {
+      v14 = this->ActorHasItems[3].uSpecEnchantmentType;
+      this->ActorHasItems[3].Reset();
+      if ( v14 )
+      {
+        pParty->PartyFindsGold(v14, 0);
+        viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ( this->uCarriedItemID )
+  {
+    Dst.Reset();
+    Dst.uItemID = this->uCarriedItemID;
+    v9 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
+    if ( v14 )
+      sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, v9);
+    else
+      sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], v9);
+    ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf2.data(), 2);
+    if ( Dst.GetItemEquipType() == 12 )
+    {
+      Dst.uNumCharges = rand() % 6 + Dst.GetDamageMod() + 1;
+      Dst.uMaxCharges = Dst.uNumCharges;
+    }
+    if ( pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].uEquipType == 14 && Dst.uItemID != 220 )
+      Dst.uEnchantmentType = 2 * rand() % 4 + 2;
+    pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(&Dst);
+    if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
+      pParty->SetHoldingItem(&Dst);
+    this->uCarriedItemID = 0;
+    if ( this->ActorHasItems[0].uItemID )
+    {
+      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(this->ActorHasItems) )
+      {
+        pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
+        pParty->SetHoldingItem(this->ActorHasItems);
+      }
+      this->ActorHasItems[0].Reset();
+    }
+    if ( this->ActorHasItems[1].uItemID )
+    {
+      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&this->ActorHasItems[1]) )
+      {
+        pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
+        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&this->ActorHasItems[1]);
+      }
+      this->ActorHasItems[1].Reset();
+    }
+    this->Remove();
+    return;
+  }
+  if ( this->ActorHasItem() )
+  {
+    if ( this->ActorHasItems[3].uItemID )
+    {
+      memcpy(&Dst, &this->ActorHasItems[3], sizeof(Dst));
+      this->ActorHasItems[3].Reset();
+      //v11 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
+      if ( v14 )
+        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName);
+      else
+        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName);
+      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf2.data(), 2);
+      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
+        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&Dst);
+      itemFound = true;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance && (v7 = this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel) != 0 )
+    {
+      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v7, this->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType, &Dst);
+      v10 = pItemsTable->pItems[Dst.uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
+      if ( v14 )
+        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[490], v14, v10);//�� ����� ^I[%d] �����^L[��;��;��] � ������� (%s)!
+      else
+        sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[471], v10);//�� ����� ^Pv[%s]!
+      ShowStatusBarString(pTmpBuf2.data(), 2);
+      if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&Dst) )
+        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&Dst);
+      itemFound = true;
+    }
+  }
+  if ( this->ActorHasItems[0].uItemID )
+  {
+    if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(this->ActorHasItems) )
+    {
+      pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
+      pParty->SetHoldingItem(this->ActorHasItems);
+      itemFound = true;
+    }
+    this->ActorHasItems[0].Reset();
+  }
+  if ( this->ActorHasItems[1].uItemID )
+  {
+    if ( !pParty->AddItemToParty(&this->ActorHasItems[1]) )
+    {
+      pParty->sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
+      pParty->SetHoldingItem(&this->ActorHasItems[1]);
+      itemFound = true;
+    }
+    this->ActorHasItems[1].Reset();
+  }
+  if ( !itemFound || rand() % 100 < 90 )//for repeatedly get gold and item
+    this->Remove();
+//----- (00427102) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::_427102_IsOkToCastSpell( signed int a2 )
+  switch(a2)
+  {
+    {
+      if ( this->sCurrentHP >= (signed int)this->pMonsterInfo.uHP )
+        return false;
+      return true;
+    }
+    {
+      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+      {
+        if (pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].uExpireTime > 0)
+          return true;
+      }
+      for ( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++ )
+      {
+        for ( int j = 0; j < 22; j++ )
+        {
+          if (pPlayers[i]->pPlayerBuffs[j].uExpireTime > 0)
+            return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_DAY_OF_PROTECTION].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HASTE].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    {
+      return this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime <= 0;
+      break;
+    }
+  default:
+      return true;
+  }
+//----- (0042704B) --------------------------------------------------------
+ABILITY_INDEX Actor::special_ability_use_check( int a2 )
+  signed int okToCastSpell1; // ebx@5
+  signed int okToCastSpell2; // edi@5
+  if ( this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityType == 2
+    && this->pMonsterInfo.uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus < 3
+    && rand() % 100 < 5 )
+    this->SummonMinion(a2);
+  okToCastSpell1 = this->_427102_IsOkToCastSpell(this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID);
+  okToCastSpell2 = this->_427102_IsOkToCastSpell(this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2ID);
+  if ( okToCastSpell1 && this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1UseChance && rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1UseChance )
+    return ABILITY_SPELL1;
+  if ( okToCastSpell2 && this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2UseChance && rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uSpell2UseChance )
+    return ABILITY_SPELL2;
+  if (this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2Chance && rand() % 100 < this->pMonsterInfo.uAttack2Chance)
+    return ABILITY_ATTACK2;
+  return ABILITY_ATTACK1;
+//----- (004273BB) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::_4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor( Actor *defender, int a3, int a4 )
+  signed int v6; // ebx@1
+  signed int v7; // esi@1
+  int armorSum; // ebx@10
+  signed int a2a; // [sp+18h] [bp+Ch]@1
+  v6 = defender->pMonsterInfo.uAC;
+  v7 = 0;
+  a2a = 0;
+  if ( defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SOMETHING_THAT_HALVES_AC].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    v6 /= 2;
+  if ( defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    v7 = defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
+  if ( defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime > 0 && defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uPower > v7 )
+    v7 = defender->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN].uPower;
+  armorSum = v7 + v6;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    a2a = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime > 0 && this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower > a2a )
+    a2a = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uExpireTime > 0 )
+  {
+    a2a += this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uPower;
+    this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].Reset();
+  }
+  return rand() % (armorSum + 2 * this->pMonsterInfo.uLevel + 10) + a2a + 1 > armorSum + 5;
+//----- (004274AD) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::ActorHitOrMiss(Player *pPlayer)
+  signed int v3; // edi@1
+  signed int v4; // esi@8
+  int v5; // esi@8
+  v3 = 0;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    v3 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime > 0 && this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower > v3 )
+    v3 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS].uPower;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uExpireTime > 0 )
+  {
+    v3 += this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].uPower;
+    this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_FATE].Reset();
+  }
+  v4 = pPlayer->GetActualAC() + 2 * this->pMonsterInfo.uLevel + 10;
+  v5 = rand() % v4 + 1;
+  return (v3 + v5 > pPlayer->GetActualAC() + 5);
+//----- (0042756B) --------------------------------------------------------
+int Actor::CalcMagicalDamageToActor(DAMAGE_TYPE dmgType, signed int incomingDmg)
+  int v4; // edx@1
+  int v5; // ecx@1
+  signed int v6; // eax@4
+  signed int result; // eax@17
+  signed int v8; // esi@18
+  v4 = 0;
+  v5 = 0;
+  if ( this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uExpireTime > 0 )
+    v5 = this->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER].uPower;
+  switch ( dmgType )
+  {
+  case DMGT_FIRE:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
+    v4 = v5;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_ELECTR:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
+    v4 = v5;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_COLD:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
+    v4 = v5;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_EARTH:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
+    v4 = v5;
+    break;
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_SPIRIT:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_MIND:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
+    v4 = v5;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_BODY:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
+    v4 = v5;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_LIGHT:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
+    break;
+  case DMGT_DARK:
+    v6 = this->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
+    break;
+  default:
+    v6 = 0;
+    break;
+  }
+  if ( v6 < 200 )
+  {
+    v8 = v4 + v6 + 30;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+    {
+      if ( rand() % v8 < 30 )
+        break;
+      incomingDmg /= 2;
+    }
+    result = incomingDmg;
+  }
+  else
+    result = 0;
+  return result;
+//----- (00427662) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Actor::DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DAMAGE_TYPE uType)
+  signed int resist; // esi@2
+  bool result; // eax@13
+  switch ( uType )
+  {
+  case 0:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResFire;
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResAir;
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResWater;
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResEarth;
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResPhysical;
+    break;
+  case 6:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResSpirit;
+    break;
+  case 7:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResMind;
+  case 8:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResBody;
+    break;
+  case 9:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResLight;
+    break;
+  case 10:
+    resist = this->pMonsterInfo.uResDark;
+    break;
+  default:
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if ( resist < 200 )
+    result = rand() % ((this->pMonsterInfo.uLevel >> 2) + resist + 30) < 30;
+  else
+    result = 0;
+  return result;
+//----- (00448A98) --------------------------------------------------------
+void __fastcall ToggleActorGroupFlag(unsigned int uGroupID, unsigned int uFlag, unsigned int bToggle)
+  if ( uGroupID )
+  {
+    if ( bToggle )
+    {
+      for ( uint i = 0; i < (unsigned int)uNumActors; ++i )
+      {
+        if ( pActors[i].uGroup == uGroupID )
+        {
+          pActors[i].uAttributes |= uFlag;
+          if ( uFlag == 0x10000 )
+          {
+            pActors[i].uAIState = Disabled;
+            pActors[i].UpdateAnimation();
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      for ( uint i = 0; i < (unsigned int)uNumActors; ++i )
+      {
+        if ( pActors[i].uGroup == uGroupID )
+        {
+          if ( uFlag == 0x10000 )
+          {
+            if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Dead )
+            {
+              if ( pActors[i].uAIState != 4 && pActors[i].uAIState != 11 )
+                pActors[i].uAIState = Standing;
+            }
+          }
+          LODWORD(pActors[i].uAttributes) &= ~uFlag;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+//----- (004014E6) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Actor::MakeActorAIList_ODM()
+  int v1; // eax@4
+  unsigned int v7; // ST20_4@10
+  int distance; // edi@10
+  int v10; // ebx@14
+  int v21; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@4
+  int v22; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@4
+  pParty->uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFCF;//~0x30
+  ai_arrays_size = 0;
+  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
+  {
+    Actor* actor = &pActors[i];
+    actor->ResetAlive();//~0x400
+    if (!actor->CanAct())
+    {
+      actor->ResetActive();
+      continue;
+    }
+    v22 = abs(pParty->vPosition.z - actor->vPosition.z);
+    v21 = abs(pParty->vPosition.y - actor->vPosition.y);
+    v1 = abs(pParty->vPosition.x - actor->vPosition.x);
+    v7 = int_get_vector_length(v22, v21, v1);
+    distance = v7 - actor->uActorRadius;
+    if ( distance < 0 )
+      distance = 0;
+    if (distance < 5632)
+    {
+      actor->ResetHostile();
+      if ( actor->ActorEnemy() || actor->GetActorsRelation(0) )
+      {
+        //v11 = (pParty->uFlags & 0x10) == 0;
+        actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_HOSTILE;
+        if (distance < 5120 )
+          pParty->SetYellowAlert();
+        if (distance < 307)
+          pParty->SetRedAlert();
+      }
+	  actor->uAttributes |= ACTOR_ACTIVE;
+      ai_near_actors_distances[ai_arrays_size] = distance;
+      ai_near_actors_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = i;
+    }
+    else
+	  actor->ResetActive();
+  }
+  /*
+  result = v27;
+  if ( v27 > 0 )
+  {
+    v14 = 0;
+    v15 = 1;
+    v26 = 1;
+    do
+    {
+      while ( 1 )
+      {
+        v24 = v15;
+        if ( v15 >= result )
+          break;
+        v16 = ai_near_actors_distances[v14];
+        if ( v16 > ai_near_actors_distances[v15] )
+        {
+          v17 = &ai_near_actors_ids[v15];
+          v18 = ai_near_actors_ids[v14];
+          ai_near_actors_ids[v14] = *v17;
+          *v17 = v18;
+          v15 = v24;
+          ai_near_actors_distances[v14] = ai_near_actors_distances[v24];
+          ai_near_actors_distances[v24] = v16;
+        }
+        result = v27;
+        ++v15;
+      }
+      ++v14;
+      v15 = v26 + 1;
+      v26 = v15;
+    }
+    while ( v15 - 1 < result );
+  }*/
+  for (uint i = 0; i < ai_arrays_size; ++i)
+    for (uint j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+      if (ai_near_actors_distances[j] > ai_near_actors_distances[i])
+      {
+        int tmp = ai_near_actors_distances[j];
+        ai_near_actors_distances[j] = ai_near_actors_distances[i];
+        ai_near_actors_distances[i] = tmp;
+        tmp = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
+        ai_near_actors_ids[j] = ai_near_actors_ids[i];
+        ai_near_actors_ids[i] = tmp;
+      }
+  if (ai_arrays_size > 30)
+    ai_arrays_size = 30;
+  for (uint i = 0; i < ai_arrays_size; ++i)
+    pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ALIVE;//0x400
+//----- (004016FA) --------------------------------------------------------
+int  Actor::MakeActorAIList_BLV()
+  int v1; // eax@4
+  int distance; // edi@10
+  int v13; // edx@24
+  int v15; // ebx@26
+  unsigned int v17; // esi@27
+  int v18; // ecx@31
+  signed int v19; // edi@31
+  signed int v25; // eax@40
+  int j; // edi@45
+  int v30; // eax@48
+  int v37; // [sp+Ch] [bp-18h]@1
+  int v38; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@4
+  int v39; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@4
+  int i; // [sp+18h] [bp-Ch]@31
+  uint v45; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@1
+  //  __debugbreak(); // refactor for blv ai
+  pParty->uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFCF;//~0x30
+  v37 = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z);
+  v45 = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumActors; ++i )
+  {
+    pActors[i].ResetAlive();//~0x0400
+    if ( !pActors[i].CanAct() )
+    {
+      pActors[i].ResetActive();
+      continue;
+    }
+    v1 = abs(pParty->vPosition.x - pActors[i].vPosition.x);
+    v38 = abs(pParty->vPosition.y - pActors[i].vPosition.y);
+    v39 = abs(pParty->vPosition.z - pActors[i].vPosition.z);
+    distance = int_get_vector_length(v39, v38, v1) - pActors[i].uActorRadius;
+    if ( distance < 0 )
+      distance = 0;
+    if ( distance < 10240 )
+    {
+      pActors[i].ResetHostile();//~0x01000000
+      if ( pActors[i].ActorEnemy() || pActors[i].GetActorsRelation(0) )
+      {
+        pActors[i].uAttributes |= ACTOR_HOSTILE;
+        if ( !(pParty->uFlags & 0x10) && (double)distance < 307.2 )
+          pParty->SetRedAlert();
+        if ( !(pParty->uFlags & 0x20) && distance < 5120 )
+          pParty->SetYellowAlert();
+      }
+      ai_near_actors_distances[v45] = distance;
+      ai_near_actors_ids[v45] = i;
+	  v45++;
+    }
+    else
+      pActors[i].ResetActive();
+  }
+  v13 = 0;
+  if ( v45 > 0 )
+  {
+    for ( uint i = 1; i < v45; i++ )
+    {
+      for ( uint j = 1; j < v45; ++j )
+      {
+        v15 = ai_near_actors_distances[v13];
+        if ( ai_near_actors_distances[v13] > ai_near_actors_distances[j] )
+        {
+          v17 = ai_near_actors_ids[v13];
+          ai_near_actors_ids[v13] = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
+          ai_near_actors_ids[j] = v17;
+          ai_near_actors_distances[v13] = ai_near_actors_distances[j];
+          ai_near_actors_distances[j] = v15;
+        }
+      }
+      ++v13;
+    }
+  }
+  v18 = 0;
+  v19 = 0;
+  for ( i = 0; i < v45; i++ )
+  {
+    if ( pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].ActorNearby()
+      || sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(PID(OBJECT_Actor,ai_near_actors_ids[i]), 4) )
+    {
+      pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].uAttributes |= ACTOR_NEARBY;
+      ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[v19] = ai_near_actors_ids[i];
+      ai_array_4F5E68[v19++] = ai_near_actors_distances[i];
+      if ( v19 >= 30 )
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  ai_arrays_size = v19;
+  if ( (signed int)uNumActors > 0 )
+  {
+    for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumActors; ++i )
+    {
+      if ( pActors[i].CanAct() && pActors[i].uSectorID == v37 )
+      {
+        v25 = 0;
+        if ( v19 <= 0 )
+        {
+          pActors[i].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ACTIVE;
+          ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = i;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          while ( ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[v25] != i )
+          {
+            ++v25;
+            if ( v25 >= v19 )
+            {
+              pActors[i].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ACTIVE;
+              ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = i;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for ( j = 0; j < v45; ++j )
+  {
+    if ( pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[j]].uAttributes & 0xC000 && pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[j]].CanAct() )
+    {
+      v30 = 0;
+      if ( ai_arrays_size <= 0 )
+        ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
+      else
+      {
+        while ( ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[v30] != ai_near_actors_ids[j] )
+        {
+          ++v30;
+          if ( v30 >= ai_arrays_size )
+          {
+            ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[ai_arrays_size++] = ai_near_actors_ids[j];
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ( ai_arrays_size > 30 )
+    ai_arrays_size = 30;
+  memcpy(ai_near_actors_ids.data(), ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids.data(), 4 * ai_arrays_size);
+  memcpy(ai_near_actors_distances.data(), ai_array_4F5E68.data(), 4 * ai_arrays_size);
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < ai_arrays_size; i++ )
+    pActors[ai_near_actors_ids[i]].uAttributes |= ACTOR_ALIVE;//0x400
+  return ai_arrays_size;
+//----- (004070EF) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID)
+  signed int v2; // eax@1
+  int obj1_sector; // eax@4
+  float v8; // ST24_4@5
+  signed int v12; // eax@7
+  int obj2_z; // edi@11
+  int obj2_x; // esi@11
+  int obj2_sector; // eax@13
+  float v20; // ST24_4@14
+  int dist_x; // ebx@16
+  signed int dist_3d; // ecx@16
+  int v25; // eax@18
+  BLVFace *v29; // ebx@32
+  Vec3_short_ *v30; // esi@32
+  int v31; // eax@32
+  int v32; // ST50_4@44
+  int v33; // ST54_4@44
+  int v34; // eax@44
+  signed int v38; // esi@45
+  __int16 next_sector; // bx@58
+  int v47; // [sp+18h] [bp-50h]@20
+  int v48; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4Ch]@20
+  int v49; // [sp+20h] [bp-48h]@20
+  int dist_z; // [sp+24h] [bp-44h]@16
+  signed int higher_z; // [sp+24h] [bp-44h]@27
+  signed int lower_z; // [sp+28h] [bp-40h]@26
+  signed int higher_y; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-3Ch]@23
+  signed int lower_y; // [sp+30h] [bp-38h]@22
+  signed int higher_x; // [sp+34h] [bp-34h]@21
+  signed int lower_x; // [sp+38h] [bp-30h]@20
+  signed int sectors_visited; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-2Ch]@28
+  int v58; // [sp+44h] [bp-24h]@50
+  int v59; // [sp+48h] [bp-20h]@44
+  int obj2_y; // [sp+50h] [bp-18h]@11
+  int obj1_x; // [sp+58h] [bp-10h]@4
+  int obj1_y; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-Ch]@4
+  int obj1_z; // [sp+60h] [bp-8h]@4
+  int current_sector; // [sp+64h] [bp-4h]@7
+  int dist_y;
+  int v70;
+  v2 = PID_ID(uObjID);
+  switch( PID_TYPE(uObjID) )
+  {
+	case OBJECT_Decoration:
+      obj1_x = pLevelDecorations[v2].vPosition.x;
+      obj1_y = pLevelDecorations[v2].vPosition.y;
+      obj1_z = pLevelDecorations[v2].vPosition.z;
+      obj1_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(obj1_x, obj1_y, obj1_z);
+	  break;
+	case OBJECT_Actor:
+      obj1_x = pActors[v2].vPosition.x;
+      obj1_y = pActors[v2].vPosition.y;
+      v8 = (double)pActors[v2].uActorHeight * 0.69999999;
+      //v9 = v8 + 6.7553994e15;
+      //obj1_z = LODWORD(v9) + pActors[v2].vPosition.z;
+	  obj1_z = (int)v8 + pActors[v2].vPosition.z;
+      obj1_sector = pActors[v2].uSectorID;
+	  break;
+	case OBJECT_Item:
+      obj1_x = pSpriteObjects[v2].vPosition.x;
+      obj1_y = pSpriteObjects[v2].vPosition.y;
+      obj1_z = pSpriteObjects[v2].vPosition.z;
+      obj1_sector = pSpriteObjects[v2].uSectorID;
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  return 0;
+  }
+  v12 = PID_ID(uObj2ID);
+  switch( PID_TYPE(uObj2ID) )
+  {
+    case OBJECT_Decoration:
+      obj2_z = pLevelDecorations[v12].vPosition.z;
+      obj2_x = pLevelDecorations[v12].vPosition.x;
+      obj2_y = pLevelDecorations[v12].vPosition.y;
+	  obj2_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(obj2_x, obj2_y, obj2_z);
+	  break;
+	case OBJECT_Player:
+      obj2_x = pParty->vPosition.x;
+      obj2_z = pParty->sEyelevel + pParty->vPosition.z;
+      obj2_y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+	  obj2_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->sEyelevel + pParty->vPosition.z);
+      break;
+	case OBJECT_Actor:
+      obj2_y = pActors[v12].vPosition.y;
+      obj2_x = pActors[v12].vPosition.x;
+      v20 = (double)pActors[v12].uActorHeight * 0.69999999;
+      //v21 = v20 + 6.7553994e15;
+      //obj2_z = LODWORD(v21) + pActors[v12].vPosition.z;
+	  obj2_z = (int)v20 + pActors[v12].vPosition.z;
+      obj2_sector = pActors[v12].uSectorID;
+	  break;
+	case OBJECT_Item:
+      obj2_x = pSpriteObjects[v12].vPosition.x;
+      obj2_z = pSpriteObjects[v12].vPosition.z;
+      obj2_y = pSpriteObjects[v12].vPosition.y;
+      obj2_sector = pSpriteObjects[v12].uSectorID;
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  return 0;
+  }
+  dist_x = obj2_x - obj1_x;
+  dist_z = obj2_z - obj1_z;
+  dist_y = obj2_y - obj1_y;
+  dist_3d = integer_sqrt(dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y + dist_z * dist_z);
+  //range check
+  if ( dist_3d > 5120 )
+    return 0;
+  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
+    return 1;
+  v25 = 65536;
+  if ( dist_3d )
+    v25 = 65536 / dist_3d;
+  v49 = dist_x * v25;
+  v47 = dist_z * v25;
+  v48 = dist_y * v25;
+  if ( obj1_x < obj2_x )
+  {
+	lower_x = obj1_x;
+    higher_x = obj2_x;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    lower_x = obj2_x;
+    higher_x = obj1_x;
+  }
+  if ( obj1_y < obj2_y )
+  {
+	lower_y = obj1_y;
+    higher_y = obj2_y;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    lower_y = obj2_y;
+    higher_y = obj1_y;
+  }
+  if ( obj1_z < obj2_z )
+  {
+	lower_z = obj1_z;
+    higher_z = obj2_z;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    lower_z = obj2_z;
+    higher_z = obj1_z;
+  }
+  sectors_visited = 0;
+  //monster in same sector with player
+  if ( obj1_sector == obj2_sector )
+      return 1;
+  //search starts from monster
+  current_sector = obj1_sector;
+  for( int current_portal = 0; current_portal < pIndoor->pSectors[current_sector].uNumPortals; current_portal++ )
+  {
+	v29 = &pIndoor->pFaces[pIndoor->pSectors[current_sector].pPortals[current_portal]];
+	v30 = &pIndoor->pVertices[*v29->pVertexIDs];
+	v31 = v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z * (v30->z - obj1_z)
+		+ v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y * (v30->y - obj1_y)
+		+ v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x * (v30->x - obj1_x);
+	if ( current_sector != v29->uSectorID )
+		v31 = -v31;
+	if ( v31 >= 0 && v30->x != obj1_x && v30->y != obj1_y && v30->z != obj1_z)
+		continue;
+	if(	lower_x > v29->pBounding.x2
+		|| higher_x < v29->pBounding.x1
+		|| lower_y > v29->pBounding.y2
+		|| higher_y < v29->pBounding.y1
+		|| lower_z > v29->pBounding.z2
+		|| higher_z < v29->pBounding.z1 )
+	{
+		continue;
+	}
+	v32 = fixpoint_mul(v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x,v49);
+	v34 = fixpoint_mul(v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y,v48);
+	v33 = fixpoint_mul(v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z,v47);
+	v59 = v32 + v33 + v34;
+	if ( v59 )
+	{
+		v70 = v29->pFacePlane_old.dist 
+			+ obj1_z * v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z 
+			+ obj1_x * v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x 
+			+ obj1_y * v29->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y;
+		v38 = -v70;
+		// if ( v59 <= 0 ^ v70 <= 0 )
+		if ( v59 <= 0 && v70 <= 0 )
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ( !(v59 <= 0 && v70 <= 0) )
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		*/
+		if( abs(v38) >> 14 > abs(v59) )
+			continue;
+		v58 = fixpoint_div(v38,v59);
+		if( v58 < 0 )
+          continue;
+		if(!sub_4075DB(obj1_x + ((fixpoint_mul(v49,v58) + 32768) >> 16), obj1_y + ((fixpoint_mul(v48,v58) + 32768) >> 16),
+				obj1_z + ((fixpoint_mul(v47,v58) + 32768) >> 16), v29) )
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		//if there is no next sector turn back
+		if ( v29->uSectorID == current_sector )
+			next_sector = v29->uBackSectorID;
+		else
+			next_sector = v29->uSectorID;
+		//no more portals, quit
+		if ( next_sector == current_sector )
+          break;
+		++sectors_visited;
+		current_sector = next_sector;
+		//found player, quit
+		if ( next_sector == obj2_sector )
+			return 1;
+		current_sector = next_sector;
+		//did we hit limit for portals?
+		//does the next room have portals?
+		if ( sectors_visited < 30 && pIndoor->pSectors[current_sector].uNumPortals > 0)
+		{
+				current_portal=-1;
+				continue;
+		}
+		else
+			break;
+	}
+  }
+  //did we stop in the sector where player is?
+  if ( current_sector != obj2_sector )
+    return 0;
+  return 1;
+//----- (00450B0A) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool __fastcall SpawnActor(unsigned int uMonsterID)
+  unsigned int v1; // ebx@1
+  bool result; // eax@2
+  unsigned int v6; // ecx@5
+  Actor actor; // [sp+4h] [bp-350h]@5
+  Vec3_int_ pOut; // [sp+348h] [bp-Ch]@5
+  v1 = uMonsterID;
+  if ( uNumActors == 499 )
+    result = 0;
+  else
+  {
+    if ( (signed int)uMonsterID >= (signed int)pMonsterList->uNumMonsters )
+      v1 = 0;
+    memset(&actor, 0, sizeof(Actor));
+    strcpy(actor.pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[v1 + 1].pName);
+    actor.sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pMonsterStats->pInfos[v1 + 1].uHP);
+    memcpy(&actor.pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v1 + 1], sizeof(MonsterInfo));
+    actor.word_000086_some_monster_id = v1 + 1;
+    actor.uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v1].uMonsterRadius;
+    actor.uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v1].uMonsterHeight;
+    actor.uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v1].uMovementSpeed;
+    Vec3_int_::Rotate(200, pParty->sRotationY, 0, pParty->vPosition, &pOut.x, &pOut.z, &pOut.y);
+    actor.vInitialPosition.x = pOut.x;
+    actor.vPosition.x = pOut.x;
+    actor.uTetherDistance = 256;
+    actor.vInitialPosition.y = LOWORD(pOut.z);
+    actor.vPosition.y = LOWORD(pOut.z);
+    actor.vInitialPosition.z = LOWORD(pOut.y);
+    actor.vPosition.z = LOWORD(pOut.y);
+    pSprites_LOD->DeleteSomeSprites();
+    pPaletteManager->ResetNonTestLocked();
+    v6 = uNumActors - 1;
+    if ( dword_5C6DF8 == 1 )
+    {
+      dword_5C6DF8 = 0;
+      v6 = uNumActors++;
+    }
+    memcpy(&pActors[v6], &actor, sizeof(Actor));
+    pActors[v6].PrepareSprites(1);
+    result = 1;
+  }
+  return result;
+// 5C6DF8: using guessed type int dword_5C6DF8;
+//----- (0044FA4C) --------------------------------------------------------
+signed int __fastcall sub_44FA4C_spawn_light_elemental(int a1, int a2, int a3)
+  signed int result; // eax@13
+  int v10; // ebx@16
+  const char *v15; // [sp-4h] [bp-24h]@2
+  unsigned int uFaceID; // [sp+8h] [bp-18h]@16
+  int v19; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@16
+  size_t v20; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@6
+  int v21; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@14
+  unsigned int v23; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@6
+  if ( a2 == 4 )
+    v15 = "Elemental Light C";
+  else if ( a2 == 3 )
+    v15 = "Elemental Light B";
+  else
+    v15 = "Elemental Light A";
+  v23 = pMonsterList->GetMonsterIDByName(v15);
+  v20 = 0;
+  for ( v20; v20 < uNumActors; v20++ )
+  {
+    if ( pActors[v20].uAIState == Removed )
+      break;
+  }
+  result = uNumActors + 1;
+  if ( v20 != uNumActors ||  result < 500 )
+  {
+    v21 = 0;
+    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+      v21 = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z);
+    v19 = (((uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor) - 1) & 0x40) + 64;
+    pActors[v20].Reset();
+    strcpy(pActors[v20].pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[v23 + 1].pName);
+    pActors[v20].sCurrentHP = pMonsterStats->pInfos[v23 + 1].uHP;
+    memcpy(&pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v23 + 1], sizeof(MonsterInfo));
+    pActors[v20].word_000086_some_monster_id = v23 + 1;
+    pActors[v20].uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v23].uMonsterRadius;
+    pActors[v20].uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v23].uMonsterHeight;
+    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
+    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
+    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uExp = 0;
+    pActors[v20].uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[v23].uMovementSpeed;
+    v10 = rand() % 2048;
+    pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.x = pParty->vPosition.x + fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v10), v19);
+    pActors[v20].vPosition.x = pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.x;
+    pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.y = pParty->vPosition.y + fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v10), v19);
+    pActors[v20].vPosition.y = pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.y;
+    pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.z = pParty->vPosition.z;
+    pActors[v20].vPosition.z = pActors[v20].vInitialPosition.z;
+    pActors[v20].uTetherDistance = 256;
+    pActors[v20].uSectorID = v21;
+    pActors[v20].PrepareSprites(0);
+    pActors[v20].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+    pActors[v20].uAlly = 9999;
+    pActors[v20].uGroup = 0;
+    pActors[v20].uCurrentActionTime = 0;
+    pActors[v20].uAIState = Summoned;
+    pActors[v20].uCurrentActionLength = 256;
+    pActors[v20].UpdateAnimation();
+    result = pIndoor->GetSector(pActors[v20].vPosition.x, pActors[v20].vPosition.y, pActors[v20].vPosition.z);
+    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor
+      || result == v21
+	  && (result = BLV_GetFloorLevel(pActors[v20].vPosition.x, pActors[v20].vPosition.y, pActors[v20].vPosition.z, result, &uFaceID), result != -30000)
+      && (result = abs(result - pParty->vPosition.z), result <= 1024) )
+    {
+      if ( v20 == uNumActors )
+        ++uNumActors;
+      pActors[v20].uSummonerID = PID(OBJECT_Player, a1);
+      result = pActors[v20].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + (a3 * 128) / 30.0f, a2, a1, 0, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+//----- (0044F57C) --------------------------------------------------------
+void SpawnEncounter(MapInfo *pMapInfo, SpawnPointMM7 *spawn, int a3, int a4, int a5)
+  int v7; // eax@2
+  char v8; // zf@5
+  int v12; // edx@9
+  int v18; // esi@31
+  Actor *pMonster; // esi@35
+  int v23; // edx@36
+  signed int v24; // edi@36
+  int v25; // ecx@36
+  MonsterDesc *v27; // edi@48
+  signed int v28; // eax@48
+  int v32; // eax@50
+  int v37; // eax@51
+  int v38; // eax@52
+  int v39; // edi@52
+  std::string v40; // [sp-18h] [bp-100h]@60
+  const char *v44; // [sp-8h] [bp-F0h]@13
+  char *pTexture; // [sp-4h] [bp-ECh]@9
+  char Str[32]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-DCh]@60
+  char Str2[120]; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-BCh]@29
+  unsigned int uFaceID; // [sp+A4h] [bp-44h]@52
+  MonsterInfo *Src; // [sp+A8h] [bp-40h]@50
+  int v50; // [sp+ACh] [bp-3Ch]@47
+  char Source[32]; // [sp+B0h] [bp-38h]@20
+  int v52; // [sp+D0h] [bp-18h]@34
+  int v53; // [sp+D4h] [bp-14h]@34
+  int pSector; // [sp+D8h] [bp-10h]@32
+  int pPosX; // [sp+DCh] [bp-Ch]@32
+  int v56; // [sp+E0h] [bp-8h]@8
+  int v57; // [sp+E4h] [bp-4h]@1
+  //auto a2 = spawn;
+  v57 = 0;
+  //v5 = pMapInfo;
+  //v6 = spawn;
+  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+    v7 = pOutdoor->ddm.field_C_alert;
+  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
+    v7 = pIndoor->dlv.field_C_alert;
+  else
+    v7 = 0;
+  if (v7)
+    v8 = (spawn->uAttributes & 1) == 0;
+  else
+    v8 = (spawn->uAttributes & 1) == 1;
+  if (v8)
+    return;
+  //result = (void *)(spawn->uIndex - 1);
+  v56 = 1;
+  switch (spawn->uIndex - 1)
+  {
+  case 0:
+    //v9 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtLeast;
+    //v10 = rand();
+    //v11 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtMost;
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
+    v12 = rand() % (pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtMost - pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtLeast + 1);
+    //v13 = pMapInfo->Dif_M1;
+    v57 = pMapInfo->Dif_M1;
+    v56 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster1AtLeast + v12;
+    strcpy(Source, pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s A";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s A", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s A";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s A", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
+    break;
+  case 5:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s A";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s A", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    //v9 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtLeast;
+    //v14 = rand();
+    //v15 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtMost;
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
+    v12 = rand() % (pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtMost - pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtLeast + 1);
+    //v13 = pMapInfo->Dif_M2;
+    v57 = pMapInfo->Dif_M2;
+    v56 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster2AtLeast + v12;
+    strcpy(Source, pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
+    break;
+  case 6:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s B";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s B", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
+    break;
+  case 7:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s B";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s B", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
+    break;
+  case 8:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s B";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s B", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    //v9 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtLeast;
+    //v16 = rand();
+    //v17 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtMost;
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
+    v12 = rand() % (pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtMost - pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtLeast + 1);
+    //v13 = pMapInfo->Dif_M3;
+    v57 = pMapInfo->Dif_M3;
+    v56 = pMapInfo->uEncounterMonster3AtLeast + v12;
+    strcpy(Source, pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
+    break;
+  case 9:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s C";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s C", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster1Texture);
+    break;
+  case 10:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s C";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s C", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster2Texture);
+    break;
+  case 11:
+    //pTexture = pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture;
+    //v44 = "%s C";
+    sprintf(Source, "%s C", pMapInfo->pEncounterMonster3Texture);
+    break;
+  default:
+    return;
+  }
+  if (Source[0] == '0')
+    return;
+  v57 += a3;
+  if ( v57 > 4 )
+    v57 = 4;
+  strcpy(Str2, Source);
+  if ( a4 )
+    v56 = a4;
+  v18 = v56;
+  if ( (signed int)(v56 + uNumActors) >= 500 )
+    return;
+  pSector = 0;
+  pPosX = spawn->vPosition.x;
+  a4 = spawn->vPosition.y;
+  a3 = spawn->vPosition.z;
+  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
+    pSector = pIndoor->GetSector(spawn->vPosition.x, spawn->vPosition.y, spawn->vPosition.z);
+  v53 = 0;
+  v52 = (((uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor) - 1) & 0x40) + 64;
+  if ( v18 <= 0 )
+    return;
+  for (uint i = v53; i < v56; ++i)
+  {
+    pMonster = &pActors[uNumActors];
+    pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
+    if ( v57 )
+    {
+      v23 = rand() % 100;
+      v24 = 3;
+      v25 = (unsigned __int16)word_4E8152[3 * v57];
+      if ( v23 >= v25 )
+      {
+        if ( v23 < v25 + (unsigned __int16)word_4E8152[3 * v57 + 1] )
+          v24 = 2;
+      }
+      else
+        v24 = 1;
+      if ( v24 == 1 )
+      {
+        pTexture = Source;
+        v44 = "%s A";
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if ( v24 == 2 )
+        {
+          pTexture = Source;
+          v44 = "%s B";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          if ( v24 != 3 )
+            continue;
+          pTexture = Source;
+          v44 = "%s C";
+        }
+      }
+      sprintf(Str2, v44, pTexture);
+    }
+    v50 = pMonsterList->GetMonsterIDByName(Str2);
+    pTexture = Str2;
+    if ( (signed __int16)v50 == -1 )
+    {
+      sprintf(Str, "Can't create random monster: '%s'! See MapStats.txt and Monsters.txt!", pTexture);
+      MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, nullptr, 0);
+      ExitProcess(0);
+    }
+    v27 = &pMonsterList->pMonsters[(signed __int16)v50];
+    v28 = pMonsterStats->FindMonsterByTextureName(pTexture);
+    if ( !v28 )
+      v28 = 1;
+    Src = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[v28];
+    strcpy(pMonster->pActorName, Src->pName);
+    pMonster->sCurrentHP = Src->uHP;
+    assert(sizeof(MonsterInfo) == 88);
+    memcpy(&pMonster->pMonsterInfo, Src, sizeof(MonsterInfo));//Uninitialized portail memory access
+    pMonster->word_000086_some_monster_id = v50 + 1;
+    pMonster->uActorRadius = v27->uMonsterRadius;
+    pMonster->uActorHeight = v27->uMonsterHeight;
+    pMonster->uMovementSpeed = v27->uMovementSpeed;
+    pMonster->vInitialPosition.x = spawn->vPosition.x;
+    pMonster->vPosition.x = spawn->vPosition.x;
+    pMonster->uTetherDistance = 256;
+    pMonster->vInitialPosition.y = a4;
+    pMonster->vPosition.y = a4;
+    pMonster->vInitialPosition.z = a3;
+    pMonster->vPosition.z = a3;
+    pMonster->uSectorID = pSector;
+    pMonster->uGroup = spawn->uGroup;
+    pMonster->PrepareSprites(0);
+    pMonster->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
+    v32 = rand();
+    a3 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Cos(v32 % 2048), v52);
+    pPosX = a3 + spawn->vPosition.x;
+    a3 = fixpoint_mul(stru_5C6E00->Sin(v32 % 2048), v52);
+    a4 = a3 + spawn->vPosition.y;
+    a3 = spawn->vPosition.z;
+    if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor )
+    {
+      if ( a5 )
+        pMonster->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
+      ++uNumActors;
+      continue;
+    }
+    v37 = pIndoor->GetSector(pPosX, a4, spawn->vPosition.z);
+    if ( v37 == pSector )
+    {
+      v38 = BLV_GetFloorLevel(pPosX, a4, a3, v37, &uFaceID);
+      v39 = v38;
+      if ( v38 != -30000 )
+      {
+        if ( abs(v38 - a3) <= 1024 )
+        {
+          a3 = v39;
+          if ( a5 )
+            pMonster->uAttributes |= ACTOR_AGGRESSOR;
+          ++uNumActors;
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    ;
+    //v53 = (char *)v53 + 1;
+    //result = v53;
+  }
+  //while ( (signed int)v53 < v56 );
+//----- (00438F8F) --------------------------------------------------------
+void area_of_effect__damage_evaluate()
+	int attacker_type; // ecx@3
+	signed int v3; // eax@3
+	unsigned int target_id; // edi@6
+	int target_type; // eax@6
+	int v10; // edi@8
+	Vec3_int_ attacker_coord; // ST04_12@9
+	//  int v12; // ST0C_4@10
+	int v15; // edx@15
+	int v19; // edi@15
+	int v23; // edx@18
+	int v24; // eax@18
+	//  int v30; // eax@29
+	int v31; // edx@29
+	int v32; // eax@29
+	int v33; // ST24_4@29
+	SpriteObject *v36; // [sp+0h] [bp-28h]@0
+	int attacker_id; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@1
+	int v44; // [sp+14h] [bp-14h]@15
+	//Vec3_int_ *pVelocity; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@2
+	signed int a1; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@8
+	int v48; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@8
+	for (attacker_id = 0; attacker_id < AttackerInfo.count; ++attacker_id)
+	{
+		attacker_type = PID_TYPE(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id]);
+		v3 = PID_ID(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id]);
+		if (attacker_type == 2)
+		{
+			v36 = &pSpriteObjects[v3];
+			attacker_type = PID_TYPE(pSpriteObjects[v3].spell_caster_pid);
+			v3 = PID_ID(pSpriteObjects[v3].spell_caster_pid);
+		}
+		if (AttackerInfo.field_3EC[attacker_id] & 1)
+		{
+			target_id = PID_ID(ai_near_actors_targets_pid[v3]);
+			target_type = PID_TYPE(ai_near_actors_targets_pid[v3]) - 3;
+			if (target_type)
+			{
+				if (target_type == 1)//party damage from monsters(����������� ������ �� ��������)
+				{
+					v10 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+					a1 = pParty->vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+					v48 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+					if (a1 * a1 + v10 * v10
+						+ ((signed int)(pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->uPartyHeight) >> (1 - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id]))
+						* ((signed int)(pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->uPartyHeight) >> (1 - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id]))
+						< (unsigned int)((AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32) * (AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32)))
+					{
+						attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+						attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+						attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
+						if (sub_407A1C(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel, attacker_coord))
+							DamagePlayerFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], AttackerInfo.field_450[attacker_id], &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], stru_50C198.which_player_to_attack(&pActors[v3]));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else//Actor damage from monsters(����������� �������� ������)
+			{
+				if (SHIDWORD(pActors[target_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime) > 0
+					|| SHIDWORD(pActors[target_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime) >= 0
+					&& LODWORD(pActors[target_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED].uExpireTime)
+					|| pActors[target_id].CanAct())
+				{
+					v15 = pActors[target_id].vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+					a1 = pActors[target_id].vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+					v44 = pActors[target_id].vPosition.z;
+					v19 = AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + pActors[target_id].uActorRadius;
+					v48 = v15;
+					if (a1 * a1 + v15 * v15 + (pActors[target_id].vPosition.z + (pActors[target_id].uActorHeight >> 1) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id])
+						* (pActors[target_id].vPosition.z + (pActors[target_id].uActorHeight >> 1) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id]) < (unsigned int)(v19 * v19))
+					{
+						attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+						attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+						attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
+						if (sub_407A1C(pActors[target_id].vPosition.x, pActors[target_id].vPosition.y, pActors[target_id].vPosition.z + 50, attacker_coord))
+						{
+							Vec3_int_::Normalize(&a1, &v48, &v44);
+							AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].x = a1;
+							AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].y = v48;
+							AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].z = v44;
+							Actor::ActorDamageFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], target_id, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], AttackerInfo.field_450[attacker_id]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else //damage from spells(����������� �� ������(����������� �����))
+		{
+			v23 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+			v24 = ((signed int)pParty->uPartyHeight / 2) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
+			a1 = pParty->vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+			v48 = pParty->vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+			if (a1 * a1 + v23 * v23 + (pParty->vPosition.z + v24) * (pParty->vPosition.z + v24) < (unsigned int)((AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32) * (AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id] + 32)))
+			{//party damage (����������� ������)
+				attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+				attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+				attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
+				if (sub_407A1C(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel, attacker_coord))
+				{
+					for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+					{
+						if (!(HIDWORD(pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Dead]) | LODWORD(pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Dead]))
+							&& !pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Pertified] && !pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Eradicated])
+							DamagePlayerFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], AttackerInfo.field_450[attacker_id], &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], i);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if ((signed int)uNumActors > 0)
+			{//actors damage(����������� ������ ����������)
+				for (int actorID = 0; (signed int)actorID < (signed int)uNumActors; ++actorID)
+				{
+					if (pActors[actorID].CanAct())
+					{
+						//v30 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+						a1 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.x - AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+						v31 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.z;
+						v48 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.y - AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+						v44 = pActors[actorID].vPosition.z;
+						v32 = (pActors[actorID].uActorHeight / 2) - AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
+						v33 = pActors[actorID].uActorRadius + AttackerInfo.field_324[attacker_id];
+						if (a1 * a1 + v48 * v48 + (v31 + v32) * (v31 + v32) < (unsigned int)(v33 * v33))
+						{
+							attacker_coord.x = AttackerInfo.pXs[attacker_id];
+							attacker_coord.y = AttackerInfo.pYs[attacker_id];
+							attacker_coord.z = AttackerInfo.pZs[attacker_id];
+							if (sub_407A1C(pActors[actorID].vPosition.x, pActors[actorID].vPosition.y, pActors[actorID].vPosition.z + 50, attacker_coord))//��� ������ �-���?
+							{
+								Vec3_int_::Normalize(&a1, &v48, &v44);
+								AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].x = a1;
+								AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].y = v48;
+								AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id].z = v44;
+								switch (attacker_type)
+								{
+								case OBJECT_Player:
+									Actor::DamageMonsterFromParty(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], actorID, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id]);
+									break;
+								case OBJECT_Actor:
+									if (v36 && pActors[v3].GetActorsRelation(&pActors[actorID]))
+										Actor::ActorDamageFromMonster(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], actorID, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id], v36->field_61);
+									break;
+								case OBJECT_Item:
+									ItemDamageFromActor(AttackerInfo.pIDs[attacker_id], actorID, &AttackerInfo.vec_4B4[attacker_id]);
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	AttackerInfo.count = 0;
+//----- (0043AE12) --------------------------------------------------------
+double __fastcall sub_43AE12(signed int a1)
+	//signed int v1; // ST00_4@1
+	signed int v2; // ecx@1
+	double v3; // st7@1
+	double result; // st7@6
+	v3 = (double)a1;
+	for (v2 = 0; v2 < 5; ++v2)
+	{
+		if (v3 < flt_4E4A80[v2 + 5])
+			break;
+	}
+	if (v2 <= 0 || v2 >= 5)
+	{
+		if (v2)
+			result = flt_4E4A80[4];
+		else
+			result = flt_4E4A80[0];
+	}
+	else
+		result = (flt_4E4A80[v2] - flt_4E4A80[v2 - 1]) * (v3 - flt_4E4A80[v2 + 4]) / (flt_4E4A80[v2 + 5] - flt_4E4A80[v2 + 4]) + flt_4E4A80[v2];
+	return result;
+//----- (0043B057) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemDamageFromActor(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uActorID, Vec3_int_ *pVelocity)
+	int v6; // eax@4
+	int damage; // edi@4
+	int a2a; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@8
+	if (!pActors[uActorID].IsNotAlive())
+	{
+		if (PID_TYPE(uObjID) == OBJECT_Item)
+		{
+			if (pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_id)
+			{
+				v6 = _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_id, pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_level, pSpriteObjects[PID_ID(uObjID)].spell_skill, pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP);
+				damage = pActors[uActorID].CalcMagicalDamageToActor((DAMAGE_TYPE)0, v6);
+				pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP -= damage;
+				if (damage)
+				{
+					if (pActors[uActorID].sCurrentHP > 0)
+						Actor::AI_Stun(uActorID, uObjID, 0);
+					else
+						Actor::Die(uActorID);
+					a2a = 20 * damage / (signed int)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHP;
+					if (20 * damage / (signed int)pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uHP > 10)
+						a2a = 10;
+					if (!MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(pActors[uActorID].pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_TREANT))
+					{
+						pVelocity->x = fixpoint_mul(a2a, pVelocity->x);
+						pVelocity->y = fixpoint_mul(a2a, pVelocity->y);
+						pVelocity->z = fixpoint_mul(a2a, pVelocity->z);
+						pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.x = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->x);
+						pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.y = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->y);
+						pActors[uActorID].vVelocity.z = 50 * LOWORD(pVelocity->z);
+					}
+					Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(uActorID, 1, damage);
+				}
+				else
+					Actor::AI_Stun(uActorID, uObjID, 0);
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Actor.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Actor.h	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Monsters.h"
+#include "Spells.h"
+#include "Items.h"
+/*  357 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct stru319
+  int which_player_to_attack(struct Actor *pActor);
+  int _427546(int a2);
+  int FindClosestActor(int a2, int a3, int a4);
+  char field_0;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+extern stru319 stru_50C198; // idb
+/*  361 */
+/*  295 */
+enum ObjectType
+  OBJECT_Any = 0x0,
+  OBJECT_BLVDoor = 0x1,
+  OBJECT_Item = 0x2,
+  OBJECT_Actor = 0x3,
+  OBJECT_Player = 0x4,
+  OBJECT_Decoration = 0x5,
+  OBJECT_BModel = 0x6,
+/*  264 */
+enum AIState : unsigned __int16
+  Standing = 0x0,
+  Tethered = 0x1,
+  AttackingMelee = 0x2,
+  AttackingRanged1 = 0x3,
+  Dying = 0x4,
+  Dead = 0x5,
+  Pursuing = 0x6,
+  Fleeing = 0x7,
+  Stunned = 0x8,
+  Fidgeting = 0x9,
+  Interacting = 10,
+  Removed = 11,
+  AttackingRanged2 = 0xC,
+  AttackingRanged3 = 0xD,
+  Stoned = 0xE,
+  Paralyzed = 0xF,
+  Resurrected = 16,
+  Summoned = 17,
+  AttackingRanged4 = 18,
+  Disabled = 19,
+/*  265 */
+enum ActorAnimation : __int32
+  ANIM_Standing = 0x0,
+  ANIM_Walking = 0x1,
+  ANIM_AtkMelee = 0x2,
+  ANIM_AtkRanged = 0x3,
+  ANIM_GotHit = 0x4,
+  ANIM_Dying = 0x5,
+  ANIM_Dead = 0x6,
+  ANIM_Bored = 0x7,
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define ACTOR_UNKNOW2             0x00000008
+#define ACTOR_STAND_IN_QUEUE      0x00000080
+#define ACTOR_ALIVE               0x00000400
+#define ACTOR_ACTIVE              0x00004000
+#define ACTOR_NEARBY              0x00008000
+#define ACTOR_UNKNOW11            0x00010000
+#define ACTOR_FLEEING             0x00020000
+#define ACTOR_UNKNOW5             0x00040000
+#define ACTOR_AGGRESSOR           0x00080000
+#define ACTOR_UNKNOW7             0x00100000
+#define ACTOR_ANIMATION           0x00200000
+#define ACTOR_UNKNOW9             0x00400000
+#define ACTOR_HAS_ITEM            0x00800000
+#define ACTOR_HOSTILE             0x01000000
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+/*  247 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct AIDirection
+  Vec3_int_ vDirection;
+  unsigned int uDistance;
+  unsigned int uDistanceXZ;
+  unsigned int uYawAngle;
+  unsigned int uPitchAngle;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*   71 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ActorJob
+  struct Vec3_short_ vPos;
+  unsigned __int16 uAttributes;
+  unsigned __int8 uAction;
+  unsigned __int8 uHour;
+  unsigned __int8 uDay;
+  unsigned __int8 uMonth;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*   66 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct Actor
+//----- (0041F4C1) --------------------------------------------------------
+  inline Actor()
+  {
+    signed int i; // edx@1
+    for ( i = 0; i < 22; i++ )
+    {
+      this->pActorBuffs[i].uSkill = 0;
+      this->pActorBuffs[i].uPower = 0;
+      this->pActorBuffs[i].uExpireTime = 0;
+      this->pActorBuffs[i].uCaster = 0;
+      this->pActorBuffs[i].uFlags = 0;
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+      this->ActorHasItems[i].Reset();
+    Reset();
+  }
+  void SummonMinion(int summonerId);
+  void Reset();
+  void Remove();
+  void PrepareSprites(char load_sounds_if_bit1_set);
+  void UpdateAnimation();
+  signed int GetActorsRelation(Actor *a2);
+  void SetRandomGoldIfTheresNoItem();
+  bool CanAct();
+  bool IsNotAlive();
+  bool IsPeasant();
+  inline void ResetAnimation(){uAttributes &= 0xFFDFFFFF;}
+  inline void ResetQueue(){uAttributes &= ~ACTOR_STAND_IN_QUEUE;}
+  inline void ResetActive(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFBFFF;}
+  inline void ResetAlive(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFBFF;}
+  inline void ResetHasItem(){uAttributes &= 0xFF7FFFFF;}
+  inline void ResetHostile(){uAttributes &= 0xFEFFFFFF;}
+  inline void ResetAggressor(){uAttributes &= 0xFFF7FFFF;}
+  inline bool ActorEnemy()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_AGGRESSOR) != 0;}
+  inline bool ActorFriend()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_AGGRESSOR) == 0;}
+  inline bool ActorHasItem()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_HAS_ITEM) != 0;}
+  inline bool ActorNearby()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_NEARBY) != 0;}
+  static void _SelectTarget(unsigned int uActorID, int *a2, bool can_target_party);
+  static void AI_Pursue3(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
+  static void AI_Pursue2(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *pDir, int a5);
+  static void AI_Flee(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
+  static void AI_Pursue1(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int arg0, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *pDir);
+  static void PlaySound(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uSoundID);
+  static void Die(unsigned int uActorID);
+  static void Resurrect(unsigned int uActorID);
+  static void AI_Bored(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, struct AIDirection *a4);
+  static void AI_Stun(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int arg0);
+  static char __fastcall _4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(unsigned int uActorID, signed int a2, int a3);
+  static void AI_RandomMove(unsigned int uActor_id, unsigned int uTarget_id, int radius, int uActionLength);
+  static void AI_MissileAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
+  static void AI_MissileAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
+  static void AI_SpellAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
+  static void AI_SpellAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir);
+  static void AI_MeleeAttack(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *arg0);
+  static void __fastcall StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID);
+  static void AI_Stand(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int object_to_face_pid, unsigned int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
+  static void AI_StandOrBored(unsigned int uActorID, signed int uObjID, int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4);
+  static void AI_FaceObject(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, int _48, struct AIDirection *a4);
+  static void GetDirectionInfo(unsigned int uObj1ID, unsigned int uObj2ID, struct AIDirection *pOut, int a4);
+  static void Explode(unsigned int uActorID);
+  static void AI_RangedAttack(unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *a2, int type, char a4);
+  static void AI_SpellAttack(unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *pDir, int uSpellID, int a4, unsigned int uSkillLevel);
+  static void ActorDamageFromMonster(signed int attacker_id, unsigned int actor_id, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity, signed int a4);
+  static unsigned short GetObjDescId( int spellId );
+  static void AggroSurroundingPeasants(unsigned int uActorID, int a2);
+  static bool ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(Actor *a1, Actor *a2);
+  static void StealFrom(unsigned int uActorID);
+  static void GiveItem(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uItemID, unsigned int bGive);
+  static void ToggleFlag(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uFlag, int bToggle);
+  static void ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID);
+  static void DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, struct GUIWindow *window);
+  int _43B3E0_CalcDamage(signed int dmgSource);
+  static void AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3);
+  static bool _46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int a1, int a2);
+  static void Arena_summon_actor(int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z);
+  static void DamageMonsterFromParty(signed int a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);
+  static void MakeActorAIList_ODM();
+  static int MakeActorAIList_BLV();
+  static void UpdateActorAI();
+  static void InitializeActors();
+  static unsigned int SearchAliveActors(unsigned int *pTotalActors);
+  static unsigned int SearchActorByMonsterID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, int uMonsterID);
+  static unsigned int SearchActorByGroup(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int uGroup);
+  static unsigned int SearchActorByID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int a2);
+  void LootActor();
+  bool _427102_IsOkToCastSpell(signed int a2);
+  ABILITY_INDEX special_ability_use_check(int a2);
+  bool _4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(Actor *defender, int a3, int a4);
+  bool ActorHitOrMiss(Player *pPlayer);
+  int CalcMagicalDamageToActor(DAMAGE_TYPE dmgType, signed int incomingDmg);
+  bool DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DAMAGE_TYPE uType);
+  char pActorName[32];
+  signed __int16 sNPC_ID;
+  __int16 field_22;
+  unsigned int uAttributes;
+  __int16 sCurrentHP;
+  char field_2A[2];
+  struct MonsterInfo pMonsterInfo;
+  __int16 word_000084_range_attack;
+  __int16 word_000086_some_monster_id;
+  unsigned __int16 uActorRadius;
+  unsigned __int16 uActorHeight;
+  unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed;
+  struct Vec3_short_ vPosition;
+  struct Vec3_short_ vVelocity;
+  unsigned __int16 uYawAngle;
+  unsigned __int16 uPitchAngle;
+  __int16 uSectorID;
+  unsigned __int16 uCurrentActionLength;
+  struct Vec3_short_ vInitialPosition;
+  struct Vec3_short_ vGuardingPosition;
+  unsigned __int16 uTetherDistance;
+  AIState uAIState;
+  unsigned __int16 uCurrentActionAnimation;
+  unsigned __int16 uCarriedItemID;
+  char field_B6;
+  char field_B7;
+  unsigned int uCurrentActionTime;
+  unsigned __int16 pSpriteIDs[8];
+  unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4]; // 1 die     3 bored
+  struct SpellBuff pActorBuffs[22];
+  struct ItemGen ActorHasItems[4];
+  unsigned int uGroup;
+  unsigned int uAlly;
+  struct ActorJob pScheduledJobs[8];
+  unsigned int uSummonerID;
+  unsigned int uLastCharacterIDToHit;
+  int dword_000334_unique_name;
+  char field_338[12];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+//extern Actor pMonsterInfoUI_Doll;
+extern std::array<Actor, 500> pActors;
+extern size_t uNumActors;
+bool CheckActors_proximity();
+int __fastcall IsActorAlive(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uParam, unsigned int uNumAlive); // idb
+void __fastcall sub_448518_npc_set_item(int npc, unsigned int item, int a3);
+void __fastcall ToggleActorGroupFlag(unsigned int uGroupID, unsigned int uFlag, unsigned int bToggle);
+bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID);
+bool __fastcall SpawnActor(unsigned int uMonsterID);
+int __fastcall sub_44FA4C_spawn_light_elemental(int a1, int a2, int a3);
+void SpawnEncounter(struct MapInfo *pMapInfo, struct SpawnPointMM7 *spawn, int a3, int a4, int a5);
+void area_of_effect__damage_evaluate();
+double __fastcall sub_43AE12(signed int a1);
+void ItemDamageFromActor(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uActorID, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Chest.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Chest.cpp	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <crtdbg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "Items.h"
+#include "Chest.h"
+#include "FrameTableInc.h"
+#include "LOD.h"
+#include "MapInfo.h"
+#include "Actor.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/DecorationList.h"
+#include "Party.h"
+#include "AudioPlayer.h"
+#include "OurMath.h"
+#include "Texts.h"
+#include "ObjectList.h"
+#include "GUIWindow.h"
+#include "Timer.h"
+#include "MM7.h"
+#include "SpriteObject.h"
+#include "Mouse.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
+size_t uNumChests; // idb
+struct ChestList *pChestList;
+std::array<Chest, 20> pChests;
+const int pChestPixelOffsetX[8]  = {42, 18, 18, 42, 42, 42, 18, 42};
+const int pChestPixelOffsetY[8]  = {34, 30, 30, 34, 34, 34, 30, 34};
+const int pChestWidthsByType[8]  = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
+const int pChestHeightsByType[8] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
+//----- (0042041E) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Chest::Open( signed int uChestID )
+  unsigned int pMapID; // eax@8
+  int pRandom; // edx@16
+  int v6; // eax@16
+  ODMFace *pODMFace; // eax@19
+  BLVFace *pBLVFace; // eax@20
+  int pObjectX; // ebx@21
+  int pObjectZ; // edi@21
+  double dir_x; // st7@23
+  double dir_y; // st6@23
+  double length_vector; // st7@23
+  int pDepth; // ecx@26
+  Vec3_int_ v; // ST4C_12@28
+  bool flag_shout; // edi@28
+  int pSpriteID[4]; // [sp+84h] [bp-40h]@16
+  Vec3_int_ pOut; // [sp+A0h] [bp-24h]@28
+  int pObjectY; // [sp+B0h] [bp-14h]@21
+  int sRotX; // [sp+B4h] [bp-10h]@23
+  float dir_z; // [sp+BCh] [bp-8h]@23
+  int sRotY; // [sp+C0h] [bp-4h]@8
+  SpriteObject pSpellObject; // [sp+14h] [bp-B0h]@28
+  assert( uChestID < 20 );
+  if ( ( uChestID < 0 ) && ( uChestID >= 20 ) )
+    return false;
+  Chest* chest = &pChests[uChestID];
+  ++pIcons_LOD->uTexturePacksCount;
+  if (!pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles)
+    pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles = pIcons_LOD->uNumLoadedFiles;
+  if (!chest->Initialized())
+    Chest::PlaceItems(uChestID);
+  if ( !uActiveCharacter )
+    return false;
+  flag_shout = false;
+  pMapID = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
+  if ( chest->Trapped() && pMapID )
+  {
+    if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetDisarmTrap() < 2 * pMapStats->pInfos[pMapID].LockX5 )
+    {
+      pSpriteID[0] = 811;
+      pSpriteID[1] = 812;
+      pSpriteID[2] = 813;
+      pSpriteID[3] = 814;
+      pRandom = rand() % 4;
+      v6 = PID_ID(EvtTargetObj);
+      if ( PID_TYPE(EvtTargetObj) == OBJECT_Decoration)
+      {
+        pObjectX = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.x;
+        pObjectY = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.y;
+        pObjectZ = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.z + ( pDecorationList->pDecorations[pLevelDecorations[v6].uDecorationDescID].uDecorationHeight / 2 );
+      }
+      if ( PID_TYPE(EvtTargetObj) == OBJECT_BModel)
+      {
+        if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
+        {
+          pODMFace = &pOutdoor->pBModels[EvtTargetObj >> 9].pFaces[(EvtTargetObj >> 3) & 0x3F];
+          pObjectX = ( pODMFace->pBoundingBox.x1 + pODMFace->pBoundingBox.x2 ) / 2;
+          pObjectY = ( pODMFace->pBoundingBox.y1 + pODMFace->pBoundingBox.y2 ) / 2;
+          pObjectZ = ( pODMFace->pBoundingBox.z1 + pODMFace->pBoundingBox.z2 ) / 2;
+        }
+        else//Indoor
+        {
+          pBLVFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[v6];
+          pObjectX = ( pBLVFace->pBounding.x1 + pBLVFace->pBounding.x2 ) / 2;
+          pObjectY = ( pBLVFace->pBounding.y1 + pBLVFace->pBounding.y2 ) / 2;
+          pObjectZ = ( pBLVFace->pBounding.z1 + pBLVFace->pBounding.z2 ) / 2;
+        }
+      }
+      dir_x = (double)pParty->vPosition.x - (double)pObjectX;
+      dir_y = (double)pParty->vPosition.y - (double)pObjectY;
+      dir_z = ( (double)pParty->sEyelevel + (double)pParty->vPosition.z ) - (double)pObjectZ;
+      length_vector = sqrt( (dir_x * dir_x) + (dir_y * dir_y) + (dir_z * dir_z) );
+      if ( length_vector <= 1.0 )
+      {
+        *(float *)&sRotX = 0.0;
+        *(float *)&sRotY = 0.0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        sRotY = (signed __int64)sqrt(dir_x * dir_x + dir_y * dir_y);
+        sRotX = stru_5C6E00->Atan2((signed __int64)dir_x, (signed __int64)dir_y);
+        sRotY = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(dir_y * dir_y, (signed __int64)dir_z);
+      }
+      pDepth = 256;
+      if ( length_vector < 256.0 )
+        pDepth = (signed __int64)length_vector / 4;
+      v.x = pObjectX;
+      v.y = pObjectY;
+      v.z = pObjectZ;
+      Vec3_int_::Rotate(pDepth, sRotX, sRotY, v, &pOut.x, &pOut.z, &pOut.y);
+      SpriteObject::sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(pSpriteID[pRandom], pOut.x, pOut.z, pOut.y, 0, 1, 0, 48, 0);
+      pSpellObject.stru_24.Reset();
+      pSpellObject.spell_skill = 0;
+      pSpellObject.spell_level = 0;
+      pSpellObject.spell_id = 0;
+      pSpellObject.field_54 = 0;
+      pSpellObject.uType = pSpriteID[pRandom];
+      pSpellObject.uObjectDescID = 0;
+      if ( pObjectList->uNumObjects )
+      {
+        for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++i )
+        {
+          if ( pSpriteID[pRandom] == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID )
+            pSpellObject.uObjectDescID = i;
+        }
+      }
+      pSpellObject.vPosition.y = pOut.z;
+      pSpellObject.vPosition.x = pOut.x;
+      pSpellObject.vPosition.z = pOut.y;
+      pSpellObject.uSoundID = 0;
+      pSpellObject.uAttributes = 48;
+      pSpellObject.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(pOut.x, pOut.z, pOut.y);
+      pSpellObject.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
+      pSpellObject.spell_caster_pid = 0;
+      pSpellObject.spell_target_pid = 0;
+      pSpellObject.uFacing = 0;
+      pSpellObject.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
+      pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_8, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      pSpellObject.ExplosionTraps();
+      chest->uFlags &= 0xFEu;
+      if ( uActiveCharacter && !_A750D8_player_speech_timer && !OpenedTelekinesis )
+      {
+        _A750D8_player_speech_timer = 256i64;
+        PlayerSpeechID = SPEECH_5;
+        uSpeakingCharacter = uActiveCharacter;
+      }
+      pIcons_LOD->RemoveTexturesPackFromTextureList();
+      OpenedTelekinesis = false;
+      return false;
+    }
+    chest->uFlags &= 0xFEu;
+    flag_shout = true;
+  }
+  pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
+  pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_OpenChest, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  if ( flag_shout == true )
+  {
+    if ( !OpenedTelekinesis )
+      pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_4, 0);
+  }
+  OpenedTelekinesis = false;
+  pChestWindow = pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_Chest, uChestID, 0);
+  pBtn_ExitCancel = pChestWindow->CreateButton(471, 445, 169,  35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0);// Exit
+                    pChestWindow->CreateButton(  7,   8, 460, 343, 1, 0, UIMSG_CHEST_ClickItem, 0, 0, "", 0);
+  pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CHEST;
+  pEventTimer->Pause();
+  return true;
+//----- (0042038D) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Chest::ChestUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString()
+  int v1; // ecx@2
+  POINT cursor; // [sp+8h] [bp-8h]@1
+  pMouse->GetCursorPos(&cursor);
+  if ( cursor.y < 350 )
+  {
+    v1 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[cursor.x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[cursor.y]];
+    if ( v1 != 0 && v1 != -65536 )
+    {
+      if ( v1 )
+      {
+        ItemGen* item = &pChests[pChestWindow->par1C].igChestItems[pChests[pChestWindow->par1C].pInventoryIndices[(v1 & 0xFFFF) - 1] - 1];
+        GameUI_SetFooterString(item->GetDisplayName());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+//----- (0042092D) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Chest::DrawChestUI(signed int uChestID)
+    {
+    int chestBitmapId; // eax@1
+    unsigned int v5; // eax@1
+    int chest_item_index; // ecx@3
+    unsigned int item_texture_id; // eax@4
+    Texture *item_texture; // esi@4
+    signed int itemPixelWidth; // ecx@4
+    signed int itemPixelHeght; // edx@4
+//    signed int v11; // eax@4
+    int v12; // eax@6
+    int v13; // eax@6
+    unsigned int itemPixelPosX; // ST34_4@8
+    int itemPixelPosY; // edi@8
+    int *v16; // [sp+Ch] [bp-28h]@1
+//    int v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-24h]@4
+    int chest_offs_y; // [sp+14h] [bp-20h]@1
+    signed int chestHeghtCells; // [sp+18h] [bp-1Ch]@1
+    int chest_offs_x; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-18h]@1
+    signed int chestWidthCells; // [sp+20h] [bp-14h]@1
+    signed int item_counter; // [sp+30h] [bp-4h]@1
+    v16 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer;
+    pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
+    chestBitmapId = pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID;
+    chest_offs_x = pChestPixelOffsetX[chestBitmapId];
+    chest_offs_y = pChestPixelOffsetY[chestBitmapId];
+    chestWidthCells = pChestWidthsByType[chestBitmapId];
+    chestHeghtCells = pChestHeightsByType[chestBitmapId];
+    sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), "chest%02d", pChestList->pChests[chestBitmapId].uTextureID);
+    v5 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pTmpBuf.data(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+    pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v5));
+    for (item_counter = 0; item_counter < chestWidthCells * chestHeghtCells; ++item_counter)
+        {
+        chest_item_index = pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[item_counter];
+        if ( chest_item_index > 0 )
+            {
+            item_texture_id = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(
+                //pItemsTable->pItems[*(int *)((char *)&pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[49].field_4 + 36 * v6 + v3 * 5324)].pIconName,
+                pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[chest_item_index - 1].GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+            item_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(item_texture_id);
+            itemPixelWidth = item_texture->uTextureWidth;
+            itemPixelHeght = item_texture->uTextureHeight;
+            if ( itemPixelWidth < 14 )
+                itemPixelWidth = 14;
+            v12 = itemPixelWidth - 14;
+            v12 = v12 & 0xFFFFFFE0;
+            v13 = v12 + 32;
+            if ( itemPixelHeght < 14 )
+                itemPixelHeght = 14;
+            itemPixelPosX = chest_offs_x + 32 * (item_counter % chestWidthCells) + ((signed int)(v13 - itemPixelWidth)/2);
+            itemPixelPosY = chest_offs_y + 32 * (item_counter / chestHeghtCells) +
+                ((signed int)(((itemPixelHeght - 14) & 0xFFFFFFE0) + 32- item_texture->uTextureHeight ) /2);
+            pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(  itemPixelPosX,   itemPixelPosY,  item_texture);
+            ZBuffer_DoFill2(&v16[itemPixelPosX + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[itemPixelPosY]], item_texture, item_counter + 1);
+            }
+        }
+    pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pBtn_ExitCancel->uX, pBtn_ExitCancel->uY, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId));
+    }
+//----- (0041FE71) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool Chest::CanPlaceItemAt( signed int test_cell_position, int item_id, signed int uChestID )
+    {
+//    int v3; // eax@1
+    unsigned int item_texture_id; // eax@1
+    Texture *item_texture; // ecx@1
+    signed int v6; // eax@1
+//    signed int v7; // edi@3
+    signed int v8; // eax@3
+    int texture_cell_width; // edi@3
+    int texture_cell_height; // ebx@5
+    int _row; // esi@9
+    int _cell_rows; // edx@10
+    int _column; // ecx@11
+//    char *v14; // eax@12
+    int chest_cell_heght; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
+//    signed int v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1
+    signed int chest_cell_width; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1
+    chest_cell_heght = pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+    chest_cell_width = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+    item_texture_id = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[item_id].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+    item_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(item_texture_id);
+    v6 = item_texture->uTextureWidth;
+    if ( v6 < 14 )
+      v6 = 14;
+    texture_cell_width = ((v6 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+    v8 = item_texture->uTextureHeight;
+    if ( v8 < 14 )
+        v8 = 14;
+    texture_cell_height = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+    {
+      item_texture->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+    }
+    if ( (texture_cell_width + test_cell_position % chest_cell_width <= chest_cell_width) && 
+        (texture_cell_height + test_cell_position / chest_cell_width <= chest_cell_heght) )
+    { //we not put over borders
+        _row = 0;
+        if ( texture_cell_height <= 0 )
+            return true;
+        _cell_rows = 0;
+        while ( 1 )
+        {
+            _column = 0;
+            if ( texture_cell_width > 0 )
+                {
+                while ( pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[test_cell_position + _cell_rows+_column]==0)
+                    {
+                    ++_column;
+                    if ( _column >= texture_cell_width )
+                        break;
+                    }
+                if (pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[test_cell_position + _cell_rows+_column]!=0)
+                    return false;
+                }
+            _cell_rows += chest_cell_width;
+            ++_row;
+            if ( _row >= texture_cell_height )
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    return false;
+    }
+// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
+//----- (0041FF64) --------------------------------------------------------
+int Chest::CountChestItems(signed int uChestID)
+  signed int item_count; // eax@1
+  int max_items; // edx@1
+  item_count = 0;
+  max_items = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+  if ( max_items <= 0 )
+    item_count = -1;
+  else
+  {
+    while ( pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[item_count].uItemID )
+    {
+      ++item_count;
+      if ( item_count >= max_items )
+      {
+        item_count = -1;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return item_count;
+//----- (0041FFA2) --------------------------------------------------------
+int Chest::PutItemInChest(int position, ItemGen *put_item, signed int uChestID)
+{//(rus: �������� ������� � ����)
+  ItemGen *v4; // edi@1
+  int v5; // esi@1
+  int result; // eax@11
+  unsigned int v7; // eax@12
+  int v8; // edx@12
+  Texture *texture; // ecx@12
+  signed int v10; // eax@12
+  signed int v11; // edi@14
+  unsigned int v12; // esi@14
+  int v13; // edi@16
+  void *v14; // edi@21
+  int v15; // edi@21
+  int i; // ecx@21
+  ItemGen *Src; // [sp+Ch] [bp-18h]@1
+  signed int item_in_chest_count; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@2
+  int v19; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@1
+  int v20; // [sp+18h] [bp-Ch]@19
+  signed int v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-8h]@1
+//  signed int v22; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@3
+  int v23; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@19
+  v21 = 0;
+  v4 = put_item;
+  v5 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+  Src = put_item;
+  v19 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+  if ( position == -1 )
+  {
+    item_in_chest_count = CountChestItems(uChestID);
+    if ( item_in_chest_count == -1 )
+      return 0;
+    for( int _i = 0; _i < v5; _i++)
+	{
+      if ( Chest::CanPlaceItemAt(_i, v4->uItemID, pChestWindow->par1C) )
+        v21 = _i;
+    }
+    if ( v21 == v5 )
+    {
+      if ( uActiveCharacter )
+        pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_NoRoom, 0);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(v4->GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+    HIWORD(v8) = 0;
+    texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v7);
+    v10 = texture->uTextureWidth;
+    if ( texture->uTextureWidth < 14 )
+      v10 = 14;
+    v12 = ((v10 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+    v11 = texture->uTextureHeight;
+    if ( texture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
+      v11 = 14;
+    v13 = ((v11 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+    {
+      texture->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+    }
+    if ( v13 > 0 )
+    {
+      v23 = 0;
+      v20 = v13;
+      do
+      {
+        if ( (signed int)v12 > 0 )
+        {
+          v14 = &pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[v21 + v23];
+          LOWORD(v8) = -1 - v21;
+          v8 <<= 16;
+          LOWORD(v8) = -1 - v21;
+          memset32(v14, v8, v12 >> 1);
+          v15 = (int)((char *)v14 + 4 * (v12 >> 1));
+          for ( i = v12 & 1; i; --i )
+          {
+            *(short *)v15 = v8;
+            v15 += 2;
+          }
+        }
+        v23 += v19;
+        --v20;
+      }
+      while ( v20 );
+    }
+    pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[v21] = item_in_chest_count + 1;
+    memcpy(&pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[item_in_chest_count], put_item, sizeof(ItemGen));
+    result = v21 + 1;
+  }
+  else
+    result = 1;
+  return result;
+// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
+//----- (0042013E) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Chest::PlaceItemAt( unsigned int put_cell_pos, unsigned int item_at_cell, signed int uChestID )
+  int uItemID; // edi@1
+  int v6; // edx@4
+  unsigned int v7; // eax@5
+  Texture *texture; // ecx@5
+  signed int v9; // eax@5
+  signed int v10; // edi@7
+  unsigned int texture_cell_width; // ebx@7
+  int textute_cell_height; // edi@9
+  int chest_cell_row_pos; // edx@12
+  int chest_cell_width; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@11
+  uItemID = pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uItemID;
+  pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(&pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell]);
+  if ( uItemID >= 135 && uItemID <= 159 && !pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uNumCharges)
+  {
+    v6 = rand() % 21 + 10;
+    pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uNumCharges = v6;
+    pChests[ uChestID].igChestItems[item_at_cell].uMaxCharges = v6;
+  }
+  v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+  texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v7);
+  v9 = texture->uTextureWidth;
+  if ( texture->uTextureWidth < 14 )
+    v9 = 14;
+  texture_cell_width = ((v9 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+  v10 = texture->uTextureHeight;
+  if ( texture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
+    v10 = 14;
+  textute_cell_height = ((v10 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+  if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+  {
+    texture->Release();
+    pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+  }
+  chest_cell_width = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[ uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+  chest_cell_row_pos = 0;
+  for(int i = 0; i < textute_cell_height; ++i) 
+  { 
+    for (int j = 0; j < texture_cell_width; ++j)
+      pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[put_cell_pos + chest_cell_row_pos+j]=(signed __int16)-(put_cell_pos+1);
+    chest_cell_row_pos += chest_cell_width;
+  }
+  pChests[uChestID].pInventoryIndices[put_cell_pos] = item_at_cell + 1;
+// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
+//----- (00420284) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Chest::PlaceItems(signed int uChestID )
+    {
+    int uChestArea; // edi@1
+    int random_chest_pos; // eax@2
+    int test_position; // ebx@11
+    char chest_cells_map[144]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-A0h]@1
+    int chest_item_id; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-10h]@10
+    unsigned int items_counter; // [sp+A4h] [bp-8h]@8
+    pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
+    uChestArea = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID];
+    memset(chest_cells_map, 0, 144);
+    //fill cell map at random positions
+    for ( items_counter = 0; items_counter < uChestArea; ++items_counter )
+    {
+        //get random position in chest
+        do
+        random_chest_pos = (unsigned __int8)rand();
+        while ( random_chest_pos >= uChestArea );
+        //if this pos occupied move to next
+        while ( chest_cells_map[random_chest_pos] )
+        {
+            ++random_chest_pos;
+            if ( random_chest_pos == uChestArea )
+                random_chest_pos = 0;
+        }
+        chest_cells_map[random_chest_pos] = items_counter;
+      }
+    items_counter = 0;
+    for (items_counter = 0; items_counter<uChestArea; ++items_counter)
+        {
+        chest_item_id = pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[items_counter].uItemID;
+        if ( chest_item_id )
+            {
+            test_position = 0;
+            while ( !Chest::CanPlaceItemAt((unsigned __int8)chest_cells_map[test_position], chest_item_id, uChestID) )
+                {
+                ++test_position;
+                if ( test_position >= uChestArea )
+                    break;
+                }
+            if(test_position<uChestArea)
+                {
+                Chest::PlaceItemAt((unsigned __int8)chest_cells_map[test_position], items_counter, uChestID);
+                if ( pChests[uChestID].uFlags & CHEST_OPENED)
+                    pChests[uChestID].igChestItems[items_counter].SetIdentified();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    pChests[uChestID].SetInitialized(true);
+    }
+// 420284: using guessed type char Dst[144];
+//----- (00448A17) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Chest::ToggleFlag(signed int uChestID, unsigned __int16 uFlag, unsigned int bToggle)
+  if ( uChestID >= 0 && uChestID <= 19 )
+  {
+    if ( bToggle )
+       pChests[uChestID].uFlags |= uFlag;
+    else
+      pChests[uChestID].uFlags &= ~uFlag;
+  }
+//----- (00458B03) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ChestList::ToFile()
+  FILE *v2; // eax@1
+  FILE *v3; // edi@1
+  v2 = fopen("data\\dchest.bin", "wb");
+  v3 = v2;
+  if ( !v2 )
+    Error("Unable to save dchest.bin!");
+  fwrite(this, 4, 1, v2);
+  fwrite(this->pChests, 36, this->uNumChests, v3);
+  fclose(v3);
+//----- (00458B4F) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ChestList::FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8)
+  uint num_mm6_chests = data_mm6 ? *(int *)data_mm6 : 0,
+       num_mm7_chests = data_mm7 ? *(int *)data_mm7 : 0,
+       num_mm8_chests = data_mm8 ? *(int *)data_mm8 : 0;
+  uNumChests = num_mm6_chests + num_mm7_chests + num_mm8_chests;
+  assert(uNumChests);
+  assert(!num_mm8_chests);
+  pChests = (ChestDesc *)malloc(uNumChests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
+  memcpy(pChests,                                   (char *)data_mm7 + 4, num_mm7_chests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
+  memcpy(pChests + num_mm7_chests,                  (char *)data_mm6 + 4, num_mm6_chests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
+  memcpy(pChests + num_mm6_chests + num_mm7_chests, (char *)data_mm8 + 4, num_mm8_chests * sizeof(ChestDesc));
+//----- (00458B9C) --------------------------------------------------------
+int ChestList::FromFileTxt(const char *Args)
+  //ChestList *v2; // ebx@1
+  __int32 v3; // edi@1
+  FILE *v4; // eax@1
+  unsigned int v5; // esi@3
+  const void *v6; // ST18_4@9
+  void *v7; // eax@9
+  FILE *v8; // ST0C_4@11
+  char *i; // eax@11
+  char v10; // al@14
+  const char *v11; // ST14_4@14
+  char v12; // al@14
+  const char *v13; // ST10_4@14
+  char Buf; // [sp+8h] [bp-2F0h]@3
+  FrameTableTxtLine v16; // [sp+1FCh] [bp-FCh]@4
+  FrameTableTxtLine v17; // [sp+278h] [bp-80h]@4
+  FILE *File; // [sp+2F4h] [bp-4h]@1
+  unsigned int Argsa; // [sp+300h] [bp+8h]@3
+  //v2 = this;
+  free(this->pChests);
+  v3 = 0;
+  this->pChests = 0;
+  this->uNumChests = 0;
+  v4 = fopen(Args, "r");
+  File = v4;
+  if ( !v4 )
+    Error("ChestDescriptionList::load - Unable to open file: %s.");
+  v5 = 0;
+  Argsa = 0;
+  if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, v4) )
+  {
+    do
+    {
+      *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
+      memcpy(&v17, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v16), sizeof(v17));
+	  if ( v17.uPropCount && *v17.pProperties[0] != 47 )
+        ++Argsa;
+    }
+    while ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) );
+    v5 = Argsa;
+    v3 = 0;
+  }
+  v6 = this->pChests;
+  this->uNumChests = v5;
+  v7 = malloc(36 * v5);
+  this->pChests = (ChestDesc *)v7;
+  if ( v7 == (void *)v3 )
+    Error("ChestDescriptionList::load - Out of Memory!");
+  memset(v7, v3, 36 * this->uNumChests);
+  v8 = File;
+  this->uNumChests = v3;
+  fseek(v8, v3, v3);
+  for ( i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File); i; i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File) )
+  {
+    *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
+    memcpy(&v17, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v16), sizeof(v17));
+	if ( v17.uPropCount && *v17.pProperties[0] != 47 )
+    {
+      strcpy(this->pChests[this->uNumChests].pName, v17.pProperties[0]);
+      v10 = atoi(v17.pProperties[1]);
+      v11 = v17.pProperties[2];
+      this->pChests[this->uNumChests].uWidth = v10;
+      v12 = atoi(v11);
+      v13 = v17.pProperties[3];
+      this->pChests[this->uNumChests].uHeight = v12;
+      this->pChests[this->uNumChests++].uTextureID = atoi(v13);
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(File);
+  return 1;
+//----- (00420B13) --------------------------------------------------------
+void __fastcall sub_420B13(int a1, int a2)
+{	//Give item from chest(rus: ����� ������� �� �����)
+    void *v2; // eax@1
+    unsigned int v4; // eax@1
+    Texture *texture; // ecx@1
+    signed int v6; // eax@1
+    signed int v7; // edi@3
+    signed int v8; // eax@3
+    int v9; // edi@3
+    int v10; // eax@5
+    int v11; // esi@8
+    unsigned int v12; // ecx@10
+    void *v13; // edi@10
+    unsigned __int8 v14; // cf@10
+    int v15; // edi@10
+    int i; // ecx@10
+    int v17; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@1
+    int v18; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@3
+    int v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5
+    int v22; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@8
+    v2 = (void *)(5324 * (int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C);
+	v17 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].uChestBitmapID];
+    v4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].igChestItems[a1].GetIconName(), TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+    texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(v4);
+    v6 = texture->uTextureWidth;
+    if ( texture->uTextureWidth < 14 )
+      v6 = 14;
+    v7 = v6 - 14;
+    v9 = (v7 >> 5) + 1;
+    v18 = v9;
+    v8 = texture->uTextureHeight;
+    if ( texture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
+      v8 = 14;
+    v10 = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
+    v21 = v10;
+    if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
+    {
+      texture->Release();
+      pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
+      v10 = v21;
+    }
+    if ( v10 > 0 )
+    {
+      v11 = 0;
+      for ( v22 = v10; v22; --v22 )
+      {
+        if ( v9 > 0 )
+        {
+          v12 = v9;
+          v13 = &pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].pInventoryIndices[a2 + v11];
+          v14 = v12 & 1;
+          v12 >>= 1;
+          memset(&pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].pInventoryIndices[a2 + v11], 0, 4 * v12);
+          v15 = (int)((char *)v13 + 4 * v12);
+          for ( i = v14; i; --i )
+          {
+            *(short *)v15 = 0;
+            v15 += 2;
+          }
+          v9 = v18;
+        }
+        v11 += v17;
+      }
+    }
+    pChests[(int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C].igChestItems[a1].Reset();
+// 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
+//----- (00420E01) --------------------------------------------------------
+void Chest::OnChestLeftClick()
+  int v2; // eax@2
+  int v3; // ebx@4
+  int v4; // esi@6
+  POINT cursor; // [sp+84h] [bp-8h]@2
+  SpriteObject v6; // [sp+Ch] [bp-80h]@1
+  if ( pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID )
+  {
+    if ( Chest::PutItemInChest(-1, &pParty->pPickedItem, pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C) )
+      pMouse->RemoveHoldingItem();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    pMouse->GetCursorPos(&cursor);
+    v2 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[cursor.x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[cursor.y]] & 0xFFFF;
+    if ( v2 )
+    {
+      if ( v2 )
+        v3 = v2 - 1;
+      else
+        v3 = -1;
+      v4 = pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].pInventoryIndices[v3] - 1;
+      if ( pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4].GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_GOLD )
+      {
+        pParty->PartyFindsGold(pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4].uSpecEnchantmentType, 0); 
+        viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
+      }
+      else
+        pParty->SetHoldingItem(&pChests[(int)pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->par1C].igChestItems[v4]);
+      sub_420B13(v4, v3);
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Chest.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Chest.h	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#pragma once
+/*  348 */
+  CHEST_OPENED = 0x4,
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ChestDesc
+  char pName[32];
+  char uWidth;
+  char uHeight;
+  __int16 uTextureID;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ChestList
+  inline ChestList():  //----- (00458438)
+    uNumChests(0), pChests(nullptr)
+  {}
+  void ToFile();
+  void FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8);
+  int FromFileTxt(const char *Args);
+  unsigned int uNumChests;
+  struct ChestDesc *pChests;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*   65 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct Chest //0x14cc
+  inline bool Initialized() const    {return (uFlags & CHEST_ITEMS_PLACED) != 0;}
+  inline void SetInitialized(bool b) {if (b) uFlags |= CHEST_ITEMS_PLACED; else uFlags &= ~CHEST_ITEMS_PLACED;}
+  inline bool Trapped() const        {return (uFlags & CHEST_TRAPPED) != 0;}
+  static bool CanPlaceItemAt(signed int a1, int a2, signed int uChestID);
+  static int CountChestItems(signed int uChestID);
+  static int PutItemInChest(int a1, ItemGen *a2, signed int uChestID);
+  static void PlaceItemAt(unsigned int put_cell_pos, unsigned int uItemIdx, signed int uChestID);
+  static void PlaceItems(signed int uChestID);
+  static bool Open(signed int uChestID);
+  static void DrawChestUI(signed int uChestID);
+  static void ToggleFlag(signed int uChestID, unsigned __int16 uFlag, unsigned int bToggle);
+  static void ChestUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString();
+  static void OnChestLeftClick();
+  unsigned __int16 uChestBitmapID; //0
+  unsigned __int16 uFlags; //2
+  struct ItemGen igChestItems[140]; //4
+  signed __int16 pInventoryIndices[140]; //0x13b4
+#pragma pack(pop)
+void __fastcall sub_420B13(int a1, int a2);
+extern size_t uNumChests; // idb
+extern struct ChestList *pChestList;
+extern std::array<Chest, 20> pChests;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Items.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Items.cpp	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,2286 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <crtdbg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "UI\UIHouses.h"
+#include "GUIButton.h"
+#include "ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "Items.h"
+#include "MapInfo.h"
+#include "GUIWindow.h"
+#include "Chest.h"
+#include "LOD.h"
+#include "Monsters.h"
+#include "Party.h"
+#include "FactionTable.h"
+#include "StorylineTextTable.h"
+#include "texts.h"
+#include "mm7_data.h"
+#include "OurMath.h"
+	{
+	unsigned __int16 treasure_level;
+	unsigned __int16 item_class[4];
+	};
+std::array<const char, 5> uItemsAmountPerShopType={ 0, 6, 8, 12, 12};
+const ITEM_VARIATION shopWeap_variation_ord[15] ={
+	{ 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }},
+	{ 1, { 23, 27, 20, 20 }},
+	{ 1, { 23, 24, 28, 20 }},
+	{ 2, { 23, 24, 25, 20 }},
+	{ 2, { 27, 27, 26, 26 }},
+	{ 4, { 24, 30, 25, 27 }},
+	{ 4, { 24, 30, 25, 27 }},
+	{ 3, { 30, 24, 20, 20 }},
+	{ 2, { 20, 20, 20, 20 }},
+	{ 3, { 27, 27, 26, 26 }},
+	{ 3, { 28, 28, 25, 25 }},
+	{ 2, { 23, 23, 24, 24 }},
+	{ 3, { 23, 23, 26, 26 }},
+	{ 2, { 30, 26, 26, 26 }},
+	{ 2, { 28, 25, 28, 29 }}};
+const ITEM_VARIATION shopArmr_variation_ord[28] ={
+	{ 1, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 1, { 31, 31, 31, 34 }},
+	{ 1, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 1, { 31, 31, 32, 34 }},
+	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 2, { 31, 32, 32, 33 }},
+	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 2, { 31, 31, 32, 32 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 31, 31, 31, 31 }},
+	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 2, { 31, 32, 34, 34 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 31, 31, 32, 32 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 32, 32, 32, 33 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 31, 31, 31, 32 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 33, 31, 32, 34 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 33, 31, 32, 34 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 33, 31, 32, 34 }}};
+const unsigned __int16 shopMagic_treasure_lvl[14]= {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
+const unsigned __int16 shopAlch_treasure_lvl[13] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2};
+const ITEM_VARIATION shopWeap_variation_spc[15]={
+	{ 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }},
+	{ 2, { 25, 30, 20, 20}},
+	{ 2, { 23, 24, 28, 20}},
+	{ 3, { 23, 24, 25, 20}},
+	{ 3, { 27, 27, 26, 26}},
+	{ 5, { 23, 26, 28, 27}},
+	{ 5, { 23, 26, 28, 27}},
+	{ 4, { 30, 24, 20, 20}},
+	{ 3, { 20, 20, 20, 20}},
+	{ 4, { 27, 27, 26, 26}},
+	{ 4, { 28, 28, 25, 25}},
+	{ 4, { 23, 23, 24, 24}},
+	{ 4, { 24, 24, 27, 20}},
+	{ 4, { 30, 26, 26, 26}},
+	{ 4, { 28, 25, 28, 29}}};
+const ITEM_VARIATION shopArmr_variation_spc[28]={
+	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 2, { 31, 31, 31, 34 }},
+	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 2, { 31, 31, 32, 34 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 31, 32, 32, 33 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 31, 31, 32, 32 }},
+	{ 5, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 5, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
+	{ 5, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 5, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 31, 31, 31, 31 }},
+	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 3, { 31, 32, 34, 34 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 31, 31, 32, 33 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 32, 32, 33, 34 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 31, 31, 31, 32 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 32, 32, 32, 32 }},
+	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 4, { 34, 34, 34, 34 }},
+	{ 5, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
+	{ 5, { 33, 33, 33, 33 }}
+	};
+const unsigned __int16 shopMagicSpc_treasure_lvl[14]  =  {0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3};
+const unsigned __int16 shopAlchSpc_treasure_lvl[13]   =  {0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2};
+std::array< std::array<char, 14>, 7> byte_4E8168={{  //byte_4E8178
+    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 
+    { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
+    { 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},
+    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4},
+    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5},
+    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6},
+    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}}};
+int sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(int valueToAdd, int *outPutSet, int elemsAlreadyPresent, int elemsNeeded);
+int dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption; // weak
+ItemGen *ptr_50C9A4_ItemToEnchant;
+struct ItemsTable *pItemsTable; // 005D29E0
+//----- (00439DF3) --------------------------------------------------------
+int ItemGen::_439DF3_get_additional_damage(int *damage_type, bool *draintargetHP)
+	{
+    *draintargetHP = false;
+	*damage_type = 0;
+	if ( !uItemID )
+		return 0;
+	UpdateTempBonus(pParty->uTimePlayed);
+	if (uItemID == 501 )  //Iron Feather -sword
+		{
+		*damage_type = 1;
+		return rand() % 10 + 6;
+		}
+	if (uItemID == 507 ) //Ghoulsbane  -axe
+		{
+		*damage_type = 0;
+		return rand() % 16 + 3;
+		}
+	if ( uItemID == 510 ) //Ullyses  -bow
+		{
+		*damage_type = 2;
+		return rand() % 4 + 9;
+		}
+	if ( uItemID == 517 ) //Old Nick -dagger
+		{
+		*damage_type = 8;
+		return 8;
+		}
+	switch (uSpecEnchantmentType)
+		{
+	case 4:  //Adds 3-4 points of Cold damage.
+		*damage_type = 2;
+		return rand() % 2 + 3;
+		break;
+	case 5:  //Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage.
+		*damage_type = 2;
+		return rand() % 3 + 6;
+		break;
+	case 6: //Adds 9-12 points of Cold damage.
+		*damage_type = 2;
+		return rand() % 4 + 9;
+		break;
+	case 7: //Adds 2-5 points of Electrical damage.
+		*damage_type = 1;
+		return rand() % 4 + 2;
+		break;
+	case 8: //Adds 4-10 points of Electrical damage.
+		*damage_type = 1;
+		return rand() % 7 + 4;
+		break;
+	case 9: //Adds 6-15 points of Electrical damage.
+		*damage_type = 1;
+		return rand() % 10 + 6;
+		break;
+	case 10: //Adds 1-6 points of Fire damage.
+		*damage_type = 0;
+		return GetDiceResult(1, 6);
+		break;
+	case 11: //Adds 2-12 points of Fire damage.
+		*damage_type = 0;
+		return GetDiceResult(2, 6);
+		break;
+	case 12: //Adds 3-18 points of Fire damage.
+		*damage_type = 0;
+		return GetDiceResult(3, 6);
+		break;
+	case 13: //Adds 5 points of Body damage.
+		*damage_type = 8;
+		return 5;
+		break;
+	case 14: //Adds 8 points of Body damage.
+		*damage_type = 8;
+		return 8;
+		break;
+	case 15: //Adds 12 points of Body damage.
+		*damage_type = 8;
+		return 12;
+		break;
+	case 16: //Drain Hit Points from target.
+	case 41: //Drain Hit Points from target and Increased Weapon speed.
+		*damage_type = 10;
+		*draintargetHP = true;
+		return 0;
+		break;
+	case 46:  //Adds 10-20 points of Fire damage and +25 Might.
+		*damage_type = 0;
+		return rand() % 11 + 10;
+		break;
+	default:
+		*damage_type = 0;
+		return 0;
+		}
+	}
+//----- (00402F07) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemGen::Reset()
+  this->uHolderPlayer = 0;
+  this->uAttributes = 0;
+  this->uNumCharges = 0;
+  this->uSpecEnchantmentType = 0;
+  this->m_enchantmentStrength = 0;
+  this->uEnchantmentType = 0;
+  this->uItemID = 0;
+  this->uBodyAnchor = 0;
+  this->uExpireTime = 0i64;
+//----- (00458260) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemGen::UpdateTempBonus(__int64 uTimePlayed)
+  if ( this->uAttributes & ITEM_TEMP_BONUS )
+  {
+    if ( uTimePlayed > (signed __int64)this->uExpireTime )
+    {
+      this->uEnchantmentType = 0;
+      this->uSpecEnchantmentType = 0;
+      this->uAttributes = this->uAttributes&(~ITEM_TEMP_BONUS);
+    }
+  }
+//----- (0045814E) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemsTable::Release()
+  free(pMonstersTXT_Raw);
+  free(pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw);
+  free(pSkillDescTXT_Raw);
+  free(pSpcItemsTXT_Raw);
+  free(pStdItemsTXT_Raw);
+  free(pRndItemsTXT_Raw);
+  free(pItemsTXT_Raw);
+  free(pHostileTXT_Raw);
+  free(pHistoryTXT_Raw);
+  free(pPotionsTXT_Raw);
+  free(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw);
+  pMonstersTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pSpcItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pSkillDescTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pStdItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pRndItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pHostileTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pHistoryTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pPotionsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+  pPotionNotesTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+//----- (00456D84) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemsTable::Initialize()
+  std::map<std::string, ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE, ci_less> equipStatMap;
+  equipStatMap["weapon"] = EQUIP_SINGLE_HANDED;
+  equipStatMap["weapon2"] = EQUIP_TWO_HANDED;
+  equipStatMap["weapon1or2"] = EQUIP_SINGLE_HANDED;
+  equipStatMap["missile"] = EQUIP_BOW;
+  equipStatMap["bow"] = EQUIP_BOW;
+  equipStatMap["armor"] = EQUIP_ARMOUR;
+  equipStatMap["shield"] = EQUIP_SHIELD;
+  equipStatMap["helm"] = EQUIP_HELMET;
+  equipStatMap["belt"] = EQUIP_BELT;
+  equipStatMap["cloak"] = EQUIP_CLOAK;
+  equipStatMap["gauntlets"] = EQUIP_GAUNTLETS;
+  equipStatMap["boots"] = EQUIP_BOOTS;
+  equipStatMap["ring"] = EQUIP_RING;
+  equipStatMap["amulet"] = EQUIP_AMULET;
+  equipStatMap["weaponw"] = EQUIP_WAND;
+  equipStatMap["herb"] = EQUIP_REAGENT;
+  equipStatMap["reagent"] = EQUIP_REAGENT;
+  equipStatMap["bottle"] = EQUIP_POTION;
+  equipStatMap["sscroll"] = EQUIP_SPELL_SCROLL;
+  equipStatMap["book"] = EQUIP_BOOK;
+  equipStatMap["mscroll"] = EQUIP_MESSAGE_SCROLL;
+  equipStatMap["gold"] = EQUIP_GOLD;
+  equipStatMap["gem"] = EQUIP_GEM;
+  std::map<std::string, PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE, ci_less> equipSkillMap;
+  equipSkillMap["staff"] = PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF;
+  equipSkillMap["sword"] = PLAYER_SKILL_SWORD;
+  equipSkillMap["dagger"] = PLAYER_SKILL_DAGGER;
+  equipSkillMap["axe"] = PLAYER_SKILL_AXE;
+  equipSkillMap["spear"] = PLAYER_SKILL_SPEAR;
+  equipSkillMap["bow"] = PLAYER_SKILL_BOW;
+  equipSkillMap["mace"] = PLAYER_SKILL_MACE;
+  equipSkillMap["blaster"] = PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER;
+  equipSkillMap["shield"] = PLAYER_SKILL_SHIELD;
+  equipSkillMap["leather"] = PLAYER_SKILL_LEATHER;
+  equipSkillMap["chain"] = PLAYER_SKILL_CHAIN;
+  equipSkillMap["plate"] = PLAYER_SKILL_PLATE;
+  equipSkillMap["club"] = PLAYER_SKILL_CLUB;
+  std::map<std::string, ITEM_MATERIAL, ci_less> materialMap;
+  materialMap["artifact"] = MATERIAL_ARTEFACT;
+  materialMap["relic"] = MATERIAL_RELIC;
+  materialMap["special"] = MATERIAL_SPECIAL;
+  char* test_string;
+  int item_counter;
+	pMapStats = new MapStats;
+	pMapStats->Initialize();
+	pMonsterStats = new MonsterStats;
+	pMonsterStats->Initialize();
+	pMonsterStats->InitializePlacements();
+	pSpellStats = new SpellStats;
+	pSpellStats->Initialize();
+	LoadPotions();
+	LoadPotionNotes();
+	pFactionTable = new FactionTable;
+	pFactionTable->Initialize();
+	pStorylineText = new StorylineText;
+	pStorylineText->Initialize();
+	pStdItemsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("stditems.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pStdItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	//Standard Bonuses by Group	
+	for (int i=0;i<24;++i)
+		{
+		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    pEnchantments[i].pBonusStat=RemoveQuotes(tokens[0]);
+    pEnchantments[i].pOfName=RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+    for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
+    {
+      pEnchantments[i].to_item[j]=atoi(tokens[j+2]);
+    }
+	}
+	memset(&pEnchantmentsSumm, 0, 36);
+	for(int i=0;i<9;++i)
+		{
+		for (int j=0;j<24;++j)
+			pEnchantmentsSumm[i]+=pEnchantments[j].to_item[i];
+		}
+	//Bonus range for Standard by Level
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	for(int i=0;i<6;++i) //counted from 1
+  {
+    test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() == 4, "Invalid number of tokens");
+    bonus_ranges[i].minR = atoi(tokens[2]);
+    bonus_ranges[i].maxR =atoi(tokens[3]);
+	}
+	pSpcItemsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("spcitems.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pSpcItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	for (int i=0;i<72;++i)
+	{
+    test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() >= 17, "Invalid number of tokens");
+    pSpecialEnchantments[i].pBonusStatement=RemoveQuotes(tokens[0]);
+    pSpecialEnchantments[i].pNameAdd= RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+    for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
+    {
+      pSpecialEnchantments[i].to_item_apply[j]=atoi(tokens[j+2]);
+    }
+    int res;
+    res=atoi(tokens[14]);
+    if(!res)
+    {
+      ++tokens[14]; 
+      while (*tokens[14]==' ')//fix X 2 case
+        ++tokens[14]; 
+      res=atoi(tokens[14]);
+    }				
+    pSpecialEnchantments[i].iValue=res;
+    pSpecialEnchantments[i].iTreasureLevel=  tolower(tokens[15][0]) - 97;
+	}
+	pSpecialEnchantments_count = 71;
+	memset(&pSpecialEnchantmentsSumm, 0, 96);
+	for(int i=0;i<12;++i)
+		{
+		for (unsigned int j=0;j<=pSpecialEnchantments_count;++j)
+			pSpecialEnchantmentsSumm[i]+=pSpecialEnchantments[j].to_item_apply[i];
+		}
+	InitializeBuildingResidents();
+	pItemsTXT_Raw = (char*) pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("items.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	uAllItemsCount = 0;
+	item_counter = 0;
+	while (item_counter < 800)
+	{
+	test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    item_counter=atoi(tokens[0]);
+    uAllItemsCount=item_counter;
+    pItems[item_counter].pIconName = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+    pItems[item_counter].pName = RemoveQuotes(tokens[2]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uValue=atoi(tokens[3]);
+    auto findResult = equipStatMap.find(tokens[4]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uEquipType = findResult == equipStatMap.end() ? EQUIP_NONE : findResult->second;
+    auto findResult2 = equipSkillMap.find(tokens[5]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uSkillType = findResult2 == equipSkillMap.end() ? PLAYER_SKILL_MISC : findResult2->second;
+    auto tokens2 = Tokenize(tokens[6], 'd');
+    if (tokens2.size() == 2)
+    {
+      pItems[item_counter].uDamageDice=atoi(tokens2[0]);
+      pItems[item_counter].uDamageRoll=atoi(tokens2[1]);
+    }
+    else if (tolower(tokens2[0][0]) != 's')
+    {
+      pItems[item_counter].uDamageDice=atoi(tokens2[0]);
+      pItems[item_counter].uDamageRoll=1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      pItems[item_counter].uDamageDice=0;
+      pItems[item_counter].uDamageRoll=0;
+    }
+    pItems[item_counter].uDamageMod=atoi(tokens[7]);
+    auto findResult3 = materialMap.find(tokens[8]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uMaterial = findResult3 == materialMap.end() ? MATERIAL_COMMON : findResult3->second;
+    pItems[item_counter].uItemID_Rep_St=atoi(tokens[9]);
+    pItems[item_counter].pUnidentifiedName = RemoveQuotes(tokens[10]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uSpriteID=atoi(tokens[11]);
+    pItems[item_counter]._additional_value=0;
+    pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type=0;
+    if (pItems[item_counter].uMaterial==MATERIAL_SPECIAL)
+    {
+      for(int ii=0; ii<24; ++ii)
+      {
+        if (!_stricmp(tokens[12],pEnchantments[ii].pOfName))
+        {
+          pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type=ii+1;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type)
+      {
+        for(int ii=0; ii<72; ++ii)
+        {
+          if (!_stricmp(tokens[12],pSpecialEnchantments[ii].pNameAdd))
+          {
+            pItems[item_counter]._additional_value=ii+1;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ((pItems[item_counter].uMaterial==MATERIAL_SPECIAL)&&(pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type))
+    {
+      char b_s=atoi(tokens[13]);
+      if (b_s)
+        pItems[item_counter]._bonus_strength=b_s;
+      else
+        pItems[item_counter]._bonus_strength=1;
+    }
+    else
+      pItems[item_counter]._bonus_strength=0;
+    pItems[item_counter].uEquipX=atoi(tokens[14]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uEquipY=atoi(tokens[15]);
+    pItems[item_counter].pDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[16]);
+    item_counter++;
+	}
+	uAllItemsCount = item_counter;
+	pRndItemsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("rnditems.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pRndItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+  for (item_counter = 0; item_counter < 619; item_counter++)
+		{
+		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() > 7, "Invalid number of tokens");
+    item_counter = atoi(tokens[0]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl1=atoi(tokens[2]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl2=atoi(tokens[3]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl3=atoi(tokens[4]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl4=atoi(tokens[5]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl5=atoi(tokens[6]);
+    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl6=atoi(tokens[7]);
+  }
+	//ChanceByTreasureLvl Summ - to calculate chance
+	memset(&uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm, 0, 24);
+	for(int i=0;i<6;++i)
+		{
+		for (int j=1;j<item_counter;++j)
+			uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm[i]+=pItems[j].uChanceByTreasureLvl[i];
+		}
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	strtok(NULL, "\r");
+	for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
+		{
+		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() > 7, "Invalid number of tokens");
+      switch (i)
+      {
+      case 0:
+        uBonusChanceStandart[0]=atoi(tokens[2]);
+        uBonusChanceStandart[1]=atoi(tokens[3]);
+        uBonusChanceStandart[2]=atoi(tokens[4]);
+        uBonusChanceStandart[3]=atoi(tokens[5]);
+        uBonusChanceStandart[4]=atoi(tokens[6]);
+        uBonusChanceStandart[5]=atoi(tokens[7]);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        uBonusChanceSpecial[0]=atoi(tokens[2]);
+        uBonusChanceSpecial[1]=atoi(tokens[3]);
+        uBonusChanceSpecial[2]=atoi(tokens[4]);
+        uBonusChanceSpecial[3]=atoi(tokens[5]);
+        uBonusChanceSpecial[4]=atoi(tokens[6]);
+        uBonusChanceSpecial[5]=atoi(tokens[7]);
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[0]=atoi(tokens[2]);
+        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[1]=atoi(tokens[3]);
+        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[2]=atoi(tokens[4]);
+        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[3]=atoi(tokens[5]);
+        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[4]=atoi(tokens[6]);
+        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[5]=atoi(tokens[7]);
+        break;
+      }
+		}
+  free(pRndItemsTXT_Raw);
+  pRndItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
+	pSkillDescTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("skilldes.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pSkillDescTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	for (int i=0; i<37; ++i)
+		{
+		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() >= 6, "Invalid number of tokens");
+    pSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+    pNormalSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[2]);
+    pExpertSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[3]);
+    pMasterSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[4]);
+    pGrandSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[5]);
+	}
+	pStatsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("stats.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pStatsTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	for (int i=0; i<26; ++i)
+		{
+		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() == 2, "Invalid number of tokens");
+    switch (i)
+    {
+    case 0:
+    case 1:
+    case 2:
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+    case 5:
+    case 6:
+      pAttributeDescriptions[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 7:
+      pHealthPointsAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 8:
+      pArmourClassAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 9:
+      pSpellPointsAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 10:
+      pPlayerConditionAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 11:
+      pFastSpellAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 12:
+      pPlayerAgeAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 13:
+      pPlayerLevelAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 14:
+      pPlayerExperienceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 15:
+      pAttackBonusAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 16:
+      pAttackDamageAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 17:
+      pMissleBonusAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 18:
+      pMissleDamageAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 19:
+      pFireResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 20:
+      pAirResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 21:
+      pWaterResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 22:
+      pEarthResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 23:
+      pMindResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 24:
+      pBodyResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;
+    case 25:
+      pSkillPointsAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+      break;  
+    }
+  }
+	pClassTXT_Raw = 0;
+	pClassTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("class.txt", 0);
+	strtok(pClassTXT_Raw, "\r");
+	for (int i=0; i<36; ++i)
+		{
+		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    Assert(tokens.size() == 3, "Invalid number of tokens");
+    pClassDescriptions[i]=RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
+	}
+  ItemGen::PopulateSpecialBonusMap();
+  ItemGen::PopulateArtifactBonusMap();
+  ItemGen::PopulateRegularBonusMap();
+	}
+//----- (00456D17) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemsTable::SetSpecialBonus(ItemGen *pItem)
+  if ( pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_SPECIAL )
+  {
+    pItem->uEnchantmentType = pItems[pItem->uItemID]._bonus_type;
+    pItem->uSpecEnchantmentType = pItems[pItem->uItemID]._additional_value;
+    pItem->m_enchantmentStrength = pItems[pItem->uItemID]._bonus_strength;
+  }
+//----- (00456D43) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool ItemsTable::IsMaterialSpecial(ItemGen *pItem)
+  return this->pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_SPECIAL;
+//----- (00456D5E) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool ItemsTable::IsMaterialNonCommon(ItemGen *pItem)
+  return pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_SPECIAL ||
+	      pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_RELIC || 
+		  pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_ARTEFACT;
+//----- (00453B3C) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemsTable::LoadPotions()
+  CHAR Text[90]; 
+  char* test_string;
+  unsigned int uRow;
+  unsigned int uColumn;
+  unsigned __int8 potion_value;
+  free(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw);
+  auto tokens = Tokenize("", '\t');
+  char* pPotionsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("potion.txt", 0);
+  test_string = strtok(pPotionsTXT_Raw ,"\r") + 1;
+  while (test_string)
+  {
+    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "222"))    
+      break;
+    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
+  }
+  if (!test_string)
+  {
+    MessageBoxA(0, "Error Pre-Parsing Potion Table", "Load Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
+    return;
+  }
+  for (uRow = 0;uRow < 50; ++uRow)
+  {
+    if (tokens.size() < 50)
+    {
+      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, tokens.size());
+      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
+      return;
+    }
+    for (uColumn = 0; uColumn < 50; ++uColumn)
+    {
+      char* currValue = tokens[uColumn + 7];
+      potion_value = atoi(currValue);
+      if ( !potion_value && tolower(currValue[0]) == 'e')
+      {
+        potion_value = atoi(currValue + 1);
+      }      
+      this->potion_data[uRow][uColumn]=potion_value;
+    }
+    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
+    if (!test_string)
+    {
+      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, 0);
+      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
+      return;
+    }
+    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+  }
+//----- (00453CE5) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemsTable::LoadPotionNotes()
+  CHAR Text[90]; 
+  char* test_string;
+  unsigned int uRow;
+  unsigned int uColumn;
+  unsigned __int8 potion_note;
+	free(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw);
+  auto tokens = Tokenize("", '\t');
+  char* pPotionNotesTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("potnotes.txt", 0);
+  test_string = strtok(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw ,"\r") + 1;
+  while (test_string)
+  {
+    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+    if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "222"))    
+      break;
+    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
+  }
+  if (!test_string)
+  {
+    MessageBoxA(0, "Error Pre-Parsing Potion Table", "Load Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
+    return;
+  }
+  for (uRow = 0;uRow < 50; ++uRow)
+  {
+    if (tokens.size() < 50)
+    {
+      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, tokens.size());
+      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
+      return;
+    }
+    for (uColumn = 0; uColumn < 50; ++uColumn)
+    {
+      char* currValue = tokens[uColumn + 7];
+      potion_note = atoi(currValue);
+      if ( !potion_note && tolower(currValue[0]) == 'e')
+      {
+          potion_note = atoi(currValue + 1);
+      }      
+      this->potion_note[uRow][uColumn]=potion_note;
+    }
+    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
+    if (!test_string)
+    {
+      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, 0);
+      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
+      return;
+    }
+    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
+  }
+	}
+//----- (00456442) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int ItemGen::GetValue()
+	{
+	unsigned int uBaseValue; // edi@1
+	unsigned int bonus;
+	uBaseValue = pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uValue;
+	if ( this->uAttributes & ITEM_TEMP_BONUS || pItemsTable->IsMaterialNonCommon(this) )
+		return uBaseValue;
+	if (uEnchantmentType )
+		return uBaseValue + 100 * m_enchantmentStrength;;
+	if (uSpecEnchantmentType )
+		{
+		bonus = pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[uSpecEnchantmentType].iTreasureLevel;
+		if ( bonus > 10 )
+			return uBaseValue + bonus;
+		else
+			return uBaseValue * bonus;
+		} 
+	return uBaseValue;
+	}
+//----- (00456499) --------------------------------------------------------
+const char *ItemGen::GetDisplayName()
+  if (IsIdentified())
+    return GetIdentifiedName();
+  else
+    return pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
+//----- (004564B3) --------------------------------------------------------
+const char *ItemGen::GetIdentifiedName()
+  unsigned __int8 equip_type; 
+  const char *player_name; 
+  const char *nameModificator; 
+  const char *format_str; 
+  equip_type = GetItemEquipType();
+  if ( (equip_type == EQUIP_REAGENT) || (equip_type == EQUIP_POTION) || (equip_type == EQUIP_GOLD) )
+  {
+    sprintf(item__getname_buffer.data(), "%s", pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pName);
+    return item__getname_buffer.data();
+  }
+  sprintf(item__getname_buffer.data(), "%s", pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pName);
+  if ( uItemID == ITEM_LICH_JAR_FULL )  //Lich Jar
+  {
+    if ( (uHolderPlayer >0 )&& (uHolderPlayer <= 4) )
+      {
+        player_name = pPlayers[uHolderPlayer]->pName;
+        if ( player_name[strlen(player_name) - 1] == 's' )
+          format_str = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[655]; //"%s' Jar"
+        else
+          format_str = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[654]; //"%s's Jar"
+		sprintf(item__getname_buffer.data(), format_str, pPlayers[uHolderPlayer]->pName);
+		return item__getname_buffer.data();
+      }
+  }
+  if ( !pItemsTable->IsMaterialNonCommon(this) )
+  {
+    if ( uEnchantmentType )
+    {
+      strcat(item__getname_buffer.data(), " ");
+      nameModificator = pItemsTable->pEnchantments[uEnchantmentType-1].pOfName;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if ( !uSpecEnchantmentType )
+        return item__getname_buffer.data();
+      if ( uSpecEnchantmentType == 16 //Drain Hit Points from target.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 39 //Double damage vs Demons.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 40 //Double damage vs Dragons
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 45 //+5 Speed and Accuracy
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 56 //+5 Might and Endurance.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 57 //+5 Intellect and Personality.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 58 //Increased Value.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 60 //+3 Unarmed and Dodging skills
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 61 //+3 Stealing and Disarm skills.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 59  //Increased Weapon speed.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 63 //Double Damage vs. Elves.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 64 //Double Damage vs. Undead.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 67 //Adds 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skill.
+        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 68 ) //Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage and +5 Armor Class.
+      {  //enchantment and name positions inverted!
+        sprintf( item__getname_buffer.data(), "%s %s",
+				  pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[uSpecEnchantmentType-1].pNameAdd,
+				  pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pName);
+        return item__getname_buffer.data();
+      }
+      strcat(item__getname_buffer.data(), " ");
+	  nameModificator = pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[uSpecEnchantmentType-1].pNameAdd;
+    }
+    strcat(item__getname_buffer.data(), nameModificator);
+  }
+  return item__getname_buffer.data();
+//----- (00456620) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ItemsTable::GenerateItem(int treasure_level, unsigned int uTreasureType, ItemGen *out_item)
+  {
+    int treasureLevelMinus1; // ebx@3
+    int current_chance; // ebx@43
+    int tmp_chance; // ecx@47
+    int v17; // ebx@57
+    int v18; // edx@62
+    unsigned int special_chance; // edx@86
+    unsigned int v26; // edx@89
+    unsigned int v27; // eax@89
+    int v32; // ecx@91
+    int v33; // eax@91
+//    unsigned int v34; // eax@97
+    int v45; // eax@120
+    int v46; // edx@120
+    int j; // eax@121
+    int val_list[800]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-C88h]@33
+    int total_chance; // [sp+C8Ch] [bp-8h]@33
+    signed int v56; // [sp+CA0h] [bp+Ch]@55
+    int v57; // [sp+CA0h] [bp+Ch]@62
+    if (!out_item)
+        out_item = (ItemGen *)malloc(sizeof(ItemGen));
+    memset(out_item, 0, sizeof(*out_item));
+    treasureLevelMinus1 = treasure_level - 1;
+    if ( uTreasureType ) //generate known treasure type
+    {
+        ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE   requested_equip;
+        PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_INVALID;
+        switch (uTreasureType)
+            {
+        case 20: requested_equip = EQUIP_SINGLE_HANDED; break;
+        case 21: requested_equip = EQUIP_ARMOUR; break;
+        case 22: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_MISC; break;
+        case 23: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_SWORD; break;
+        case 24: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_DAGGER; break;
+        case 25: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_AXE; break;
+        case 26: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_SPEAR; break;
+        case 27: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_BOW; break;
+        case 28: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_MACE; break;
+        case 29: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_CLUB; break;
+        case 30: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF; break;
+        case 31: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_LEATHER; break;
+        case 32: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_CHAIN; break;
+        case 33: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_PLATE; break;
+        case 34: requested_equip = EQUIP_SHIELD; break;
+        case 35: requested_equip = EQUIP_HELMET; break;
+        case 36: requested_equip = EQUIP_BELT; break;
+        case 37: requested_equip = EQUIP_CLOAK; break;
+        case 38: requested_equip = EQUIP_GAUNTLETS; break;
+        case 39: requested_equip = EQUIP_BOOTS; break;
+        case 40: requested_equip = EQUIP_RING; break;
+        case 41: requested_equip = EQUIP_AMULET; break;
+        case 42: requested_equip = EQUIP_WAND; break;
+        case 43: requested_equip = EQUIP_SPELL_SCROLL; break;
+        case 44: requested_equip = EQUIP_POTION; break;
+        case 45: requested_equip = EQUIP_REAGENT; break;
+        case 46: requested_equip = EQUIP_GEM; break;
+        default:
+            __debugbreak(); // check this condition
+            requested_equip = (ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE)(uTreasureType - 1);
+            break;
+            }
+        memset(val_list, 0, sizeof(val_list));
+        total_chance = 0;
+        j=0;
+        //a2a = 1;
+        if (requested_skill == PLAYER_SKILL_INVALID)  // no skill for this item needed
+            {
+            for (uint i = 1; i < 500; ++i)
+                {
+                if (pItems[i].uEquipType == requested_equip)
+                    {
+                    val_list[j] = i;
+                    ++j;
+                    total_chance += pItems[i].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasure_level - 1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else  //have needed skill
+            {
+            for (uint i = 1; i < 500; ++i)
+                {
+                if (pItems[i].uSkillType == requested_skill)
+                    {
+                    val_list[j] = i;
+                    ++j;
+                    total_chance += pItems[i].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasure_level - 1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        current_chance = 0;
+        if ( total_chance )
+        {
+          current_chance = rand() % total_chance + 1;
+          tmp_chance = 0;
+          j=0;
+          while(tmp_chance < current_chance)
+          {
+            out_item->uItemID = val_list[j];
+            tmp_chance += pItems[val_list[j]].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasure_level - 1];
+            ++j;
+          }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          out_item->uItemID = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+   //artifact
+        if ( treasureLevelMinus1 == 5 )
+        {
+          v56 = 0;
+          for(int i=0; i<29; ++i) 
+            v56 += pParty->pIsArtifactFound[i];
+          v17 = rand() % 29;
+          if ((rand() % 100 < 5) && !pParty->pIsArtifactFound[v17] && v56 < 13)
+          {
+            pParty->pIsArtifactFound[v17] = 1;
+            out_item->uAttributes = 0;
+            out_item->uItemID = v17 + 500;
+            SetSpecialBonus(out_item);
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+        v57 = 0;
+        v18 = rand() % this->uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm[treasure_level - 1] + 1;
+        while (v57 < v18)
+        {
+          ++out_item->uItemID;
+          v57 += pItems[out_item->uItemID].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasureLevelMinus1];
+        }
+    }
+    if (out_item->GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_POTION && out_item->uItemID != ITEM_POTION_BOTTLE )
+    {// if it potion set potion spec
+      out_item->uEnchantmentType = 0;
+      for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
+        out_item->uEnchantmentType += rand() % 4 + 1;
+      out_item->uEnchantmentType = out_item->uEnchantmentType * treasure_level; 
+    }
+        && !(unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, 239) )
+        out_item->uItemID = ITEM_SPELLBOOK_LIGHT_SUN_BURST;
+    if ( pItemsTable->pItems[out_item->uItemID].uItemID_Rep_St )
+        out_item->uAttributes = 0;
+    else
+        out_item->uAttributes = 1;
+    if ( out_item->GetItemEquipType() != EQUIP_POTION )
+        {
+        out_item->uSpecEnchantmentType = 0;
+        out_item->uEnchantmentType = 0;
+        }
+    //try get special enhansment
+    switch (out_item->GetItemEquipType())
+        {
+    case EQUIP_TWO_HANDED :   
+    case EQUIP_BOW :    
+        if ( !uBonusChanceWpSpecial[treasureLevelMinus1] )
+            return;
+        if ((uint)(rand() % 100)>=uBonusChanceWpSpecial[treasureLevelMinus1])
+            return;
+        break;
+    case      EQUIP_ARMOUR :        
+    case      EQUIP_SHIELD :         
+    case      EQUIP_HELMET  :       
+    case      EQUIP_BELT   :          
+    case      EQUIP_CLOAK  :        
+    case      EQUIP_GAUNTLETS :      
+    case      EQUIP_BOOTS  :        
+    case      EQUIP_RING   : 
+        if ( !uBonusChanceStandart[treasureLevelMinus1] )
+            return;
+        special_chance = rand() % 100;
+        if ( special_chance < uBonusChanceStandart[treasureLevelMinus1])
+            {
+              v26 = rand() %pEnchantmentsSumm[out_item->GetItemEquipType()-3] + 1; 
+              v27 = 0;
+              while(v27 < v26)
+              {
+                ++out_item->uEnchantmentType;
+                v27+=pEnchantments[out_item->uEnchantmentType].to_item[out_item->GetItemEquipType()-3];
+              }
+            v33 = rand() % (bonus_ranges[treasureLevelMinus1].maxR - bonus_ranges[treasureLevelMinus1].minR + 1);
+            out_item->m_enchantmentStrength = v33 + bonus_ranges[treasureLevelMinus1].minR;
+            v32 = out_item->uEnchantmentType - 1;
+            if ( v32 == 21 || v32 == 22 || v32 == 23 ) //Armsmaster skill, Dodge skill, Unarmed skill 
+                out_item->m_enchantmentStrength = out_item->m_enchantmentStrength/2;
+            if ( out_item->m_enchantmentStrength <= 0 )
+                out_item->m_enchantmentStrength = 1;
+            return;
+            }
+        else if ( special_chance >= uBonusChanceStandart[treasureLevelMinus1] + uBonusChanceSpecial[treasureLevelMinus1] )
+          return;
+        break;
+    case EQUIP_WAND:
+        out_item->uNumCharges = rand() % 6 + out_item->GetDamageMod() + 1;
+        out_item->uMaxCharges = out_item->uNumCharges;
+        return;
+    default:
+        return;
+        }
+    j=0;
+    int spc_sum=0;
+    int spc;
+    memset(&val_list, 0, 3200);
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<pSpecialEnchantments_count;++i)
+    {
+      int tr_lv= pSpecialEnchantments[i].iTreasureLevel;
+      if ((treasure_level - 1 == 2) && ( tr_lv == 1 || tr_lv == 0 ) ||
+        (treasure_level - 1 == 3) && (tr_lv == 2 || tr_lv == 1 || tr_lv == 0) ||
+        (treasure_level - 1 == 4) && (tr_lv == 3 || tr_lv == 2 || tr_lv == 1) ||
+        (treasure_level - 1 == 5) && (tr_lv == 3)
+        )
+      {
+        spc=pSpecialEnchantments[i].to_item_apply[out_item->GetItemEquipType()];
+        spc_sum+=spc;
+        if(spc)
+        {
+          val_list[j++]=i;  
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    v46 = rand()%spc_sum+1;//��������� �������� �� 1 �� spc_sum
+    j=0;
+    v45 = 0;
+    while (v45<v46)
+    {
+      ++j;
+      out_item->uSpecEnchantmentType=val_list[j];
+      v45+=pSpecialEnchantments[val_list[j]].to_item_apply[out_item->GetItemEquipType()];
+    }
+//----- (004505CC) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool ItemGen::GenerateArtifact()
+  signed int uNumArtifactsNotFound; // esi@1
+  int artifacts_list[32]; 
+  memset(artifacts_list, 0,sizeof(artifacts_list));
+  uNumArtifactsNotFound = 0;
+  for (int i=500;i<529;++i)
+     if ( !pParty->pIsArtifactFound[i-500] )
+        artifacts_list[uNumArtifactsNotFound++] = i;
+  Reset();
+  if ( uNumArtifactsNotFound )
+  {
+    uItemID = artifacts_list[rand() % uNumArtifactsNotFound];
+    pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(this);
+    return true;
+  }
+  else
+    return false;
+std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* >ItemGen::regularBonusMap;
+std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* >ItemGen::specialBonusMap;
+std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* >ItemGen::artifactBonusMap;
+#define NEWBONUSINTOSPECIALLIST(x,y) AddToMap(ItemGen::specialBonusMap, enchId, x, y);
+#define NEWBONUSINTOSPECIALLIST2(x,y,z) AddToMap(ItemGen::specialBonusMap, enchId, x, y, z);
+#define NEWBONUSINTOREGULARLIST(x) AddToMap(ItemGen::regularBonusMap, enchId, x);
+#define NEWBONUSINTOARTIFACTLIST(x,y) AddToMap(ItemGen::artifactBonusMap, itemId, x, y);
+#define NEWBONUSINTOARTIFACTLIST2(x,y,z) AddToMap(ItemGen::artifactBonusMap, itemId, x, y, z);
+void ItemGen::AddToMap( std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > &maptoadd, int enchId, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrId, int bonusValue /*= 0*/, unsigned __int16 Player::* skillPtr /*= NULL*/ )
+  auto key = maptoadd.find(enchId);
+  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currMap;
+  if (key == maptoadd.end())
+  {
+    currMap = new std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>;
+    maptoadd[enchId] = currMap;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    currMap = key->second;
+  }
+  Assert(currMap->find(attrId) == currMap->end(), "Attribute %d already present for enchantment %d", attrId, enchId);
+  (*currMap)[attrId] = new CEnchantment(bonusValue, skillPtr);
+void ItemGen::PopulateSpecialBonusMap()
+  int enchId = 1;// of Protection, +10 to all Resistances
+  enchId = 2;//of The Gods, +10 to all Seven Statistics
+  enchId = 26;//of Air Magic
+  enchId = 27;//of Body Magic
+  enchId = 28;//of Dark Magic
+  enchId = 29;//of Earth Magic
+  enchId = 30;//of Fire Magic
+  enchId = 31;//of Light Magic
+  enchId = 32;//of Mind Magic
+  enchId = 33;//of Spirit Magic
+  enchId = 34;//of Water Magic
+  enchId = 42;//of Doom
+  enchId = 43;//of Earth
+  enchId = 44;//of Life
+  enchId = 45;//Rogues
+  enchId = 46;//of The Dragon
+  enchId = 47;//of The Eclipse
+  enchId = 48;//of The Golem
+  enchId = 49;//of The Moon
+  enchId = 50;//of The Phoenix
+  enchId = 51;//of The Sky
+  enchId = 52;//of The Stars
+  enchId = 53;//of The Sun
+  enchId = 54;//of The Troll
+  enchId = 55;//of The Unicorn
+  enchId = 56;//Warriors
+  enchId = 57;//Wizards
+  enchId = 60;//Monks'
+  enchId = 61;//Thieves'
+  enchId = 62;//of Identifying
+  enchId = 67;//Assassins'
+  enchId = 68;//Barbarians'
+  enchId = 69;//of the Storm
+  enchId = 70;//of the Ocean
+void ItemGen::PopulateRegularBonusMap()
+  int enchId = 1;//of Might
+  enchId = 2;//of Thought
+  enchId = 3;//of Charm
+  enchId = 4;//of Vigor 
+  enchId = 5;//of Precision 
+  enchId = 6;//of Speed 
+  enchId = 7;//of Luck 
+  enchId = 8;//of Health 
+  enchId = 9;//of Magic 
+  enchId = 10;//of Defense 
+  enchId = 11;//of Fire Resistance 
+  enchId = 12;//of Air Resistance 
+  enchId = 13;//of Water Resistance 
+  enchId = 14;//of Earth Resistance 
+  enchId = 15;//of Mind Resistance 
+  enchId = 16;//of Body Resistance 
+  enchId = 17;//of Alchemy 
+  enchId = 18;//of Stealing 
+  enchId = 19;//of Disarming 
+  enchId = 20;//of Items 
+  enchId = 21;//of Monsters 
+  enchId = 22;//of Arms 
+  enchId = 23;//of Dodging 
+  enchId = 24;//of the Fist
+void ItemGen::PopulateArtifactBonusMap()
+  int itemId;
+  itemId = ITEM_RELIC_MASH;
+void ItemGen::GetItemBonusSpecialEnchantment( Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* additiveBonus, int* halfSkillBonus )
+  auto bonusList = ItemGen::specialBonusMap.find(this->uSpecEnchantmentType);
+  if (bonusList == ItemGen::specialBonusMap.end())
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currList = bonusList->second;
+  if (currList->find(attrToGet) != currList->end())
+  {
+    CEnchantment* currBonus = (*currList)[attrToGet];
+    if (currBonus->statPtr != NULL)
+    {
+      if (currBonus->statBonus == 0)
+      {
+        *halfSkillBonus = owner->*currBonus->statPtr / 2;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (*additiveBonus < currBonus->statBonus)
+        {
+          *additiveBonus = currBonus->statBonus;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *additiveBonus += currBonus->statBonus;
+    }
+  }
+void ItemGen::GetItemBonusArtifact( Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* bonusSum )
+  auto bonusList = ItemGen::artifactBonusMap.find(this->uItemID);
+  if (bonusList == ItemGen::artifactBonusMap.end())
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currList = bonusList->second;
+  if (currList->find(attrToGet) != currList->end())
+  {
+    CEnchantment* currBonus = (*currList)[attrToGet];
+    if (currBonus->statPtr != NULL)
+    {
+      *bonusSum = owner->*currBonus->statPtr / 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *bonusSum += currBonus->statBonus;
+    }
+  }
+bool ItemGen::IsRegularEnchanmentForAttribute( CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet )
+  auto bonusList = ItemGen::specialBonusMap.find(this->uEnchantmentType);
+  if (bonusList == ItemGen::specialBonusMap.end())
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currList = bonusList->second;
+  return (currList->find(attrToGet) != currList->end());
+ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE ItemGen::GetItemEquipType()
+  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uEquipType;
+unsigned char ItemGen::GetPlayerSkillType()
+  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uSkillType;
+char* ItemGen::GetIconName()
+  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].pIconName;
+unsigned __int8 ItemGen::GetDamageDice()
+  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uDamageDice;
+unsigned __int8 ItemGen::GetDamageRoll()
+  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uDamageRoll;
+unsigned __int8 ItemGen::GetDamageMod()
+  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uDamageMod;
+//----- (004B8E3D) --------------------------------------------------------
+void GenerateStandartShopItems()
+  signed int item_count; 
+  signed int shop_index; 
+  int treasure_lvl; 
+  int item_class; 
+  int mdf;
+  shop_index = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
+  if ( uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType] )
+  {
+    for (item_count = 0; item_count < uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType]; ++item_count )
+    {
+      if (shop_index <= 14) //weapon shop
+      {
+        treasure_lvl = shopWeap_variation_ord[shop_index].treasure_level;
+        item_class = shopWeap_variation_ord[shop_index].item_class[rand() % 4];
+      }
+      else if (shop_index <= 28) //armor shop
+      {
+        mdf = 0;
+        if (item_count > 3)
+          ++mdf;// rechek offsets
+        treasure_lvl = shopArmr_variation_ord[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].treasure_level;
+        item_class = shopArmr_variation_ord[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].item_class[rand() % 4];
+      }
+      else if (shop_index <= 41)  //magic shop
+      {
+        treasure_lvl = shopMagic_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 28];
+        item_class = 22;  //misc
+      }
+      else if (shop_index <= 53) //alchemist shop
+      {
+        if (item_count < 6)
+        {
+          pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].Reset();
+          pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].uItemID = 220;  //potion bottle
+          continue;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          treasure_lvl = shopAlch_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 41];
+          item_class = 45;  //reagent
+        }
+      }
+      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(treasure_lvl, item_class, &pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count]);
+      pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].SetIdentified();  //identified
+    }
+  }
+  pParty->InTheShopFlags[shop_index] = 0;
+//----- (004B8F94) --------------------------------------------------------
+void  GenerateSpecialShopItems()
+  signed int item_count; 
+  signed int shop_index; 
+  int treasure_lvl; 
+  int item_class; 
+  int mdf;
+  shop_index = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
+  if ( uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType] )
+  {
+    for ( item_count = 0; item_count < uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType]; ++item_count )
+    {
+      if (shop_index <= 14) //weapon shop
+      {
+        treasure_lvl = shopWeap_variation_spc[shop_index].treasure_level;
+        item_class =  shopWeap_variation_spc[shop_index].item_class[rand() % 4];
+      }
+      else if (shop_index <= 28) //armor shop
+      {
+        mdf = 0;
+        if (item_count > 3)
+          ++mdf;
+        treasure_lvl = shopArmr_variation_spc[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].treasure_level;
+        item_class = shopArmr_variation_spc[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].item_class[rand() % 4];
+      }
+      else if (shop_index <= 41)  //magic shop
+      {
+        treasure_lvl = shopMagicSpc_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 28];
+        item_class = 22;  //misc
+      }
+      else if (shop_index <= 53) //alchemist shop
+      {
+        if (item_count < 6)
+        {
+          pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].Reset();
+          pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].uItemID = rand() % 32 + 740;  //mscrool
+          continue;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          treasure_lvl = shopAlchSpc_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 41];
+          item_class = 44;  //potion
+        }
+      }
+      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(treasure_lvl, item_class, &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count]);
+      pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].SetIdentified();  //identified
+    }
+  }
+  pParty->InTheShopFlags[shop_index] = 0;
+//----- (00450218) --------------------------------------------------------
+void GenerateItemsInChest()
+    {
+    unsigned int mapType; // eax@1
+    MapInfo *currMapInfo; // esi@1
+    ItemGen *currItem; // ebx@2
+    int additionaItemCount; // ebp@4
+    int treasureLevelBot; // edi@4
+    int treasureLevelTop; // esi@4
+    signed int treasureLevelRange; // esi@4
+    int resultTreasureLevel; // edx@4
+    int goldAmount; // esi@8
+    int v11; // ebp@25
+    int v12; // esi@25
+    signed int whatToGenerateProb; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@1
+    mapType = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
+    currMapInfo = &pMapStats->pInfos[mapType];
+    for(int i=1; i<20;++i)
+    {
+        for(int j=0; j<140;++j)
+        {
+            currItem = &pChests[i].igChestItems[j];
+            if ( currItem->uItemID < 0 )
+            {
+                additionaItemCount = rand() % 5; //additional items in chect
+                treasureLevelBot = byte_4E8168[abs(currItem->uItemID)-1][2*currMapInfo->Treasure_prob];
+                treasureLevelTop = byte_4E8168[abs(currItem->uItemID)-1][2*currMapInfo->Treasure_prob+1];
+                treasureLevelRange = treasureLevelTop - treasureLevelBot + 1;
+                resultTreasureLevel = treasureLevelBot + rand() % treasureLevelRange;  //treasure level 
+                if (resultTreasureLevel<7)
+                {
+                  v11 = 0;
+                  do 
+                  {
+                    whatToGenerateProb = rand() % 100;
+                    if (whatToGenerateProb<20)
+                    {
+                      currItem->Reset();
+                    }
+                    else if (whatToGenerateProb<60) //generate gold
+                    {
+                      goldAmount=0;
+                      currItem->Reset();
+                      switch (resultTreasureLevel)
+                      {
+                      case 1: //small gold
+                        goldAmount = rand() % 51 + 50;
+                        currItem->uItemID = 197;
+                        break;
+                      case 2://small gold
+                        goldAmount = rand() % 101 + 100;
+                        currItem->uItemID = 197;
+                        break;
+                      case 3:  //medium
+                        goldAmount = rand() % 301 + 200;
+                        currItem->uItemID = 198;
+                        break;
+                      case 4: //medium
+                        goldAmount = rand() % 501 + 500;
+                        currItem->uItemID = 198;
+                        break;
+                      case 5: //big
+                        goldAmount = rand() % 1001 + 1000;
+                        currItem->uItemID = 199;
+                        break;
+                      case 6: //big
+                        goldAmount = rand() % 3001 + 2000;
+                        currItem->uItemID = 199;
+                        break;
+                      }
+                      currItem->SetIdentified();
+                      currItem->uSpecEnchantmentType = goldAmount;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(resultTreasureLevel, 0, currItem);
+                    }
+                    v12 = 0;
+                    while ( !(pChests[i].igChestItems[v12].uItemID==0) &&(v12<140))
+                    {
+                      ++v12;
+                    }
+                    if (v12 >= 140)
+                      break;
+                    currItem=&pChests[i].igChestItems[v12];
+                    v11++;
+                  } while (v11 < additionaItemCount + 1); // + 1 because it's the item at pChests[i].igChestItems[j] and the additional ones
+                }
+                else
+                    currItem->GenerateArtifact();
+            }
+        }			
+    }
+// 4505CC: using guessed type int var_A0[32];
+	//----- (004B3703) --------------------------------------------------------
+void FillAviableSkillsToTeach( int _this )
+	{
+	const char *v30; // ecx@65
+	unsigned int v29; // edx@56
+	int v15; // ecx@19
+	int v33; // [sp-4h] [bp-2Ch]@23
+	int v34; // [sp-4h] [bp-2Ch]@43
+	int v21; // ecx@34
+	int v35[5]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-1Ch]@8
+	int v37=0; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@1*
+	int i=0;
+	dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption = 0;
+	switch (_this)
+		{
+	case 1:  //shop weapon
+		for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
+			{
+			for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
+				{
+				if ( i )
+					v21 = shopWeap_variation_spc[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C].item_class[j];
+				else
+					v21 = shopWeap_variation_ord[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C].item_class[j];
+				switch (v21)
+					{
+				case 23:  v34 = 37;	break;
+				case 24:  v34 = 38;	break;
+				case 25:  v34 = 39;	break;
+				case 26:  v34 = 40;	break;
+				case 27:  v34 = 41;	break;
+				case 28:  v34 = 42; break;
+				case 30:  v34 = 36;	break;
+				default:
+					continue;
+					}	
+				v37 = sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(v34, v35, v37, 5);
+				}
+			}
+		break;
+	case 2: //shop armor
+		for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
+			{
+			for (int j=0; j<2; ++j)
+				{
+				for (int k=0; k<4; ++k)
+					{
+					if ( i )
+						v15 = shopArmr_variation_spc[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C-15+j].item_class[k];
+					else
+						v15 = shopArmr_variation_ord[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C-15+j].item_class[k];
+					switch (v15)
+						{
+					case 31: v33 = 45; break;
+					case 32: v33 = 46; break;
+					case 33: v33 = 47; break;
+					case 34: v33 = 44; break;
+					default:
+						continue;
+						}
+					v37 = sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(v33, v35, v37, 5);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		break;
+	case 3:  //shop magic
+		v37 = 2;
+		v35[0] = 57;
+		v35[1] = 59;
+		break;
+	case 4: //shop alchemist
+		v37 = 2;
+		v35[0] = 71;
+		v35[1] = 68;
+		break;
+	case 21:  //tavern
+		v37 = 3;
+		v35[0] = 70;
+		v35[1] = 65;
+		v35[2] = 62;
+		break;
+	case 23:  //temple
+		v37 = 3;
+		v35[0] = 67;
+		v35[1] = 66;
+		v35[2] = 58;
+		break;
+	case 30:  ///trainig
+		v37 = 2;
+		v35[0] = 69;
+		v35[1] = 60;
+		break;
+		}
+	for(i=0;i<v37;++i) 
+		{
+		v29=v35[i];
+		switch(v29)
+			{
+		case 40 :v30 = pSkillNames[4];	break;
+		case 5 : v30 = pSkillNames[23];	break;
+		case 36 :v30 = pSkillNames[0];	break;
+		case 37 :v30 = pSkillNames[1];	break;
+		case 38 :v30 = pSkillNames[2];	break;
+		case 39 :v30 = pSkillNames[3];	break;
+		case 41 :v30 = pSkillNames[5];	break;
+		case 42 :v30 = pSkillNames[6];	break;
+		case 44 :v30 = pSkillNames[8];	break;
+		case 45 :v30 = pSkillNames[9];	break;
+		case 46 :v30 = pSkillNames[10];	break;
+		case 47 :v30 = pSkillNames[11];	break;
+		case 66 :v30 = pSkillNames[30];	break;
+		case 57 :v30 = pSkillNames[21];	break;
+		case 58 :v30 = pSkillNames[22];	break;
+		case 60 :v30 = pSkillNames[24];	break;
+		case 62 :v30 = pSkillNames[26];	break;
+		case 65 :v30 = pSkillNames[29];	break;
+		case 67:v30 = pSkillNames[31];	break;
+		case 68:v30 = pSkillNames[32];	break;
+		case 69:v30 = pSkillNames[33];	break;
+		case 70:v30 = pSkillNames[34];	break;
+		case 71:v30 = pSkillNames[35]; break;
+		default:
+			v30 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[127]; //"No Text!"
+			}
+		pShopOptions[dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption] = const_cast<char *>(v30);
+		++dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption;
+		CreateButtonInColumn(i+1, v29);
+		}
+	pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(i, 1, 0, 2);
+	dword_F8B1E0 = pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton;
+	}
+	//----- (004BE571) --------------------------------------------------------
+int sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(int valueToAdd, int *outPutSet, int elemsAlreadyPresent, int elemsNeeded)
+	int i; // esi@3
+	if ( elemsAlreadyPresent < elemsNeeded )
+	{
+		for ( i = 0; i < elemsAlreadyPresent; ++i )
+    {
+      if ( valueToAdd == outPutSet[i] )
+        return elemsAlreadyPresent;
+    }
+    outPutSet[elemsAlreadyPresent] = valueToAdd;
+    return elemsAlreadyPresent + 1;
+	}
+  return  elemsNeeded;
+//----- (0043C91D) --------------------------------------------------------
+int GetItemTextureFilename(char *pOut, signed int item_id, int index, int shoulder)
+  int result; // eax@2
+  ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE pEquipType;
+  result = 0; //BUG   fn is void
+  pEquipType = pItemsTable->pItems[item_id].uEquipType;
+  if ( item_id > 500 )
+  {
+    switch ( item_id )
+    {
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[2] != 0)
+        item_id = 234;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[1] != 0)
+        item_id = 236;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[0] != 0)
+        item_id = 235;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[16] != 0)
+        item_id = 73;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[3] != 0)
+        item_id = 312;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[4] != 0)
+        item_id = 239;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[5] != 0)
+        item_id = 240;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[6] != 0)
+        item_id = 241;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[7] != 0)
+        item_id = 93;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[8] != 0)
+        item_id = 344;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[9] != 0)
+        item_id = 324;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[10] != 0)
+        item_id = 104;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[11] != 0)
+        item_id = 325;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[12] != 0)
+        item_id = 330;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[13] != 0)
+        item_id = 347;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[14] != 0)
+        item_id = 348;
+      break;
+      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[15] != 0)
+        item_id = 350;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  switch (pEquipType)
+  {
+    if ( !shoulder )
+      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%d", item_id, index);
+    else if ( shoulder == 1 )
+      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%da1", item_id, index);
+    else if ( shoulder == 2 )
+      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%da2", item_id, index);
+    break;
+  case EQUIP_CLOAK:
+    if ( !shoulder )
+      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%d", item_id, index);
+    else
+      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%da1", item_id, index);
+  default:
+    return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%d", item_id, index);
+  }
+  result = item_id - 504;
+  return result;
+//----- (004BDAAF) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool ItemGen::MerchandiseTest(int _2da_idx)
+  bool test;
+  if ( (p2DEvents[_2da_idx - 1].uType != 4 || (signed int)this->uItemID < 740 || (signed int)this->uItemID > 771)
+    && ((signed int)this->uItemID >= 600 || (signed int)this->uItemID >= 529 && (signed int)this->uItemID <= 599) || this->IsStolen())
+    return false;
+  switch( p2DEvents[_2da_idx - 1].uType )
+  {
+  case BuildingType_WeaponShop:
+    {
+      test = this->GetItemEquipType() <= EQUIP_BOW;
+      break;
+    }
+  case BuildingType_ArmorShop:
+    {
+      test = this->GetItemEquipType() >= EQUIP_ARMOUR && this->GetItemEquipType() <= EQUIP_BOOTS;
+      break;
+    }
+  case BuildingType_MagicShop:
+    {
+      test = this->GetPlayerSkillType() == PLAYER_SKILL_MISC || this->GetItemEquipType() == EQIUP_ANY;
+      break;
+    }
+  case BuildingType_AlchemistShop:
+    {
+      test = this->GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_REAGENT || this->GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_POTION 
+        || (this->GetItemEquipType() > EQUIP_POTION && !(this->GetItemEquipType() != EQUIP_MESSAGE_SCROLL 
+        || (signed int)this->uItemID < 740) && this->uItemID != 771);
+      break;
+    }
+  default:
+    {
+      test = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return test;
+//----- (00493F79) --------------------------------------------------------
+void init_summoned_item(stru351_summoned_item *_this, __int64 duration)
+	signed __int64 v2; // ST2C_8@1
+	signed __int64 v3; // qax@1
+	//signed __int64 v4; // ST1C_8@1
+	unsigned __int64 v5; // qax@1
+	unsigned int v6; // ebx@1
+	v2 = (signed __int64)((double)duration * 0.234375);
+	v3 = v2 / 60 / 60;
+	//v4 = v3;
+	v5 = (unsigned int)v3 / 0x18;
+	v6 = (unsigned int)(v5 / 7) >> 2;
+	_this->field_0_expire_second = v2 % 60;
+	_this->field_4_expire_minute = v2 / 60 % 60;
+	_this->field_8_expire_hour = v3 % 24;
+	_this->field_10_expire_week = v5 / 7 & 3;
+	_this->field_C_expire_day = (unsigned int)v5 % 0x1C;
+	_this->field_14_exprie_month = v6 % 0xC;
+	_this->field_18_expire_year = v6 / 0xC + game_starting_year;
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Items.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Items.h	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <array>
+#include <map>
+#include "NZIArray.h"
+enum DAMAGE_TYPE:unsigned int
+    {
+    DMGT_FIRE   = 0,
+    DMGT_ELECTR = 1,
+    DMGT_COLD   = 2,
+    DMGT_EARTH      = 3,
+    DMGT_MAGICAL = 5,
+    DMGT_SPIRIT = 6,
+    DMGT_MIND   = 7,
+    DMGT_BODY   = 8,
+    DMGT_LIGHT  = 9,
+    DMGT_DARK   =10
+    };
+/*  338 */
+enum ITEM_FLAGS :unsigned int
+  ITEM_BROKEN = 0x2,
+  ITEM_STOLEN = 0x100,
+  ITEM_HARDENED = 0x200,
+/*  330 */
+  ITEM_LONGSWORD_1 = 0x1,
+  ITEM_DAGGER_1 = 0xF,
+  ITEM_AXE_1 = 0x17,
+  ITEM_SPEAR_1 = 0x1F,
+  ITEM_CROSSBOW_1 = 0x2F,
+  ITEM_MACE_1 = 0x32,
+  ITEM_STAFF_1 = 0x3D,
+  ITEM_LEATHER_1 = 0x42,
+  ITEM_CHAINMAIL_1 = 0x47,
+  ITEM_PLATE_1 = 0x4C,
+  ITEM_BUCKLER_1 = 0x54,
+  ITEM_BOOTS_1 = 0x73,
+  ITEM_WAND_FIRE = 135,
+  ITEM_WAND_STUN = 138,
+  ITEM_ARTIFACT_PUCK = 500,//0x1F4,
+  ITEM_RELIC_KELEBRIM = 520,//208
+  ITEM_RARE_GHOST_RING = 545,//220
+  ITEM_RARE_FAERIE_RING = 546,//220
+  ITEM_RARE_SUN_CLOAK = 547,//223
+  ITEM_RARE_MOON_CLOAK = 548,//224
+  ITEM_RARE_ZOKKARS_AXE = 549,//224
+  ITEM_WETSUIT = 604,
+/*  331 */
+enum ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE: unsigned __int8
+  EQUIP_TWO_HANDED     = 1,
+  EQUIP_BOW            = 2,
+  EQUIP_ARMOUR         = 3,
+  EQUIP_SHIELD         = 4,
+  EQUIP_HELMET         = 5,
+  EQUIP_BELT           = 6,
+  EQUIP_CLOAK          = 7,
+  EQUIP_GAUNTLETS      = 8,
+  EQUIP_BOOTS          = 9, 
+  EQUIP_RING           = 10,
+  EQUIP_AMULET         = 11,
+  EQUIP_WAND           = 12,
+  EQUIP_REAGENT        = 13,
+  EQUIP_POTION         = 14,
+  EQUIP_BOOK           = 16,
+  EQIUP_ANY            = 16,
+  EQUIP_GOLD           = 18,
+  EQUIP_GEM            = 19,
+  EQUIP_NONE           = 20
+struct Player; 
+typedef struct CEnchantment
+  unsigned __int16 Player::* statPtr;
+  int statBonus;
+  CEnchantment(int bonus, unsigned __int16 Player::* skillPtr = nullptr):
+  statBonus(bonus),
+  statPtr(skillPtr)
+  {
+  }
+} CEnchantment;
+/*   64 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ItemGen //0x24
+  //----- (0042EB25) --------------------------------------------------------
+ // inline ItemGen()
+ // {
+ //   Reset();
+ // }
+  static void AddToMap(std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > &maptoadd, 
+    int enchId, 
+    int bonusValue = 0, 
+    unsigned __int16 Player::* skillPtr = nullptr);
+  static std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > regularBonusMap;
+  static std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > specialBonusMap;
+  static std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > artifactBonusMap;
+  static void PopulateSpecialBonusMap();
+  static void PopulateRegularBonusMap();
+  static void PopulateArtifactBonusMap();
+  static void ClearItemBonusMaps();
+  inline void ResetEnchantAnimation(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFF0F;}
+  inline bool ItemEnchanted()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) != 0;}
+  inline bool AuraEffectRed()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_RED;}
+  inline bool AuraEffectBlue()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_BLUE;}
+  inline bool AuraEffectGreen()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_GREEN;}
+  inline bool AuraEffectPurple()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_PURPLE;}
+  void GetItemBonusSpecialEnchantment(Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* additiveBonus, int* halfSkillBonus);
+  void GetItemBonusArtifact(Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* bonusSum);
+  bool IsRegularEnchanmentForAttribute(CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet);
+  inline bool IsBroken()        {return (uAttributes & ITEM_BROKEN) != 0;}
+  inline void SetBroken()     {uAttributes |= ITEM_BROKEN;}
+  inline bool IsIdentified()    {return (uAttributes & ITEM_IDENTIFIED) != 0;}
+  inline void SetIdentified() {uAttributes |= ITEM_IDENTIFIED;}
+  inline bool IsStolen()        {return (uAttributes & ITEM_STOLEN) != 0;}
+  inline void SetStolen()     {uAttributes |= ITEM_STOLEN;}
+  bool GenerateArtifact();
+  unsigned int GetValue();
+  const char *GetDisplayName();
+  const char *GetIdentifiedName();
+  void UpdateTempBonus(__int64 uTimePlayed);
+  void Reset();
+  int _439DF3_get_additional_damage(int *a2, bool *vampiyr);
+  ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE GetItemEquipType();
+  unsigned char GetPlayerSkillType();
+  char* GetIconName();
+  unsigned __int8 GetDamageDice();
+  unsigned __int8 GetDamageRoll();
+  unsigned __int8 GetDamageMod();
+  bool MerchandiseTest(int _2da_idx);
+  int uItemID; //0
+  int uEnchantmentType; //4
+  int m_enchantmentStrength;  //8
+  int uSpecEnchantmentType; // 25  +5 levels //0c
+                            // 16  Drain Hit Points from target.
+                            // 35  Increases chance of disarming.
+                            // 39  Double damage vs Demons.
+                            // 40  Double damage vs Dragons
+                            // 45  +5 Speed and Accuracy
+                            // 56  +5 Might and Endurance.
+                            // 57  +5 Intellect and Personality.
+                            // 58  Increased Value.
+                            // 60  +3 Unarmed and Dodging skills
+                            // 61  +3 Stealing and Disarm skills.
+                            // 59  Increased Weapon speed.
+                            // 63  Double Damage vs. Elves.
+                            // 64  Double Damage vs. Undead.
+                            // 67  Adds 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skill.
+                            // 68  Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage and +5 Armor Class.
+                            // 71  Prevents drowning damage.
+                            // 72  Prevents falling damage.
+  int uNumCharges; //10
+  unsigned int uAttributes;  //14
+  unsigned __int8 uBodyAnchor; //18
+  char uMaxCharges;  //19
+  char uHolderPlayer;  //1A
+  char field_1B;  //1B
+  unsigned __int64 uExpireTime; //1C
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  175 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ItemDesc //30h
+	{ //Item # |Pic File|Name|Value|Equip Stat|Skill Group|Mod1|Mod2|material|	
+	///ID/Rep/St|Not identified name|Sprite Index|VarA|VarB|Equip X|Equip Y|Notes
+	char *pIconName;  //0 4
+	char *pName;   //4 8
+	char *pUnidentifiedName; //8 c
+	char *pDescription;  //0c 10
+	unsigned int uValue;  //10 14
+	unsigned __int16 uSpriteID; //14 18
+	__int16 field_1A; //16 
+	signed __int16 uEquipX; //18  1c
+	signed __int16 uEquipY; //1a  1e
+	ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE uEquipType; //1c 20
+	unsigned __int8 uSkillType; //1d 21
+	unsigned __int8 uDamageDice; //1e 22
+	unsigned __int8 uDamageRoll; //1f 23
+	unsigned __int8 uDamageMod; //20 24
+	unsigned __int8 uMaterial; //21 25
+	char _additional_value; //22 26
+	char _bonus_type; //23  27
+	char _bonus_strength; //24 28
+	char field_25;  // 25  29
+	char field_26;  //26   2A
+	char field_27; // 27   2b
+	union
+    {
+		unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl[6];
+		struct {
+			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl1; // 28  2c
+			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl2;  // 29  2d 
+			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl3;  // 2A   2e
+			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl4;  // 2B  2f
+			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl5;  // 2C  30
+			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl6;  // 2D  32
+			};
+    };
+    unsigned char uItemID_Rep_St; //2e 32
+    char field_2f;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  177 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ItemEnchantment
+	{ //Bonus|Sta|Of Name|Arm|Shld|Helm|Belt|Cape|Gaunt|Boot|Ring|Amul
+	char *pBonusStat;
+	char *pOfName;
+/*	union{
+		struct {
+			unsigned char to_arm;
+			unsigned char to_shld;
+			unsigned char to_helm;
+			unsigned char to_belt;
+			unsigned char to_cape;
+			unsigned char to_gaunt;
+			unsigned char to_boot;
+			unsigned char to_ring;
+			unsigned char to_amul;
+			}; */
+			unsigned char to_item[12];
+	//	};
+	};
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  178 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ItemSpecialEnchantment //1Ch
+{ //Bonus Stat|Name Add|W1|W2|Miss|Arm|Shld|Helm|Belt|Cape|Gaunt|Boot|Ring|Amul|Value|Lvl|Description fo special Bonuses and values			
+  char *pBonusStatement;  //0
+  char *pNameAdd;    //4
+  char to_item_apply[12]; //8
+  int iValue;  //14
+  int iTreasureLevel; //18
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct BonusRange
+  unsigned int minR;
+  unsigned int maxR;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  176 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ItemsTable
+  void Initialize();
+  void LoadPotions();
+  void LoadPotionNotes();
+  void GenerateItem(int treasure_level, unsigned int uTreasureType, ItemGen *pItem);
+  void SetSpecialBonus(ItemGen *pItem);
+  bool IsMaterialSpecial(ItemGen *pItem);
+  bool IsMaterialNonCommon(ItemGen *pItem);
+  void Release();
+  int uAllItemsCount;
+  NZIArray<ItemDesc, 800> pItems; //4-9604h
+  ItemEnchantment pEnchantments[24]; //9604h
+  ItemSpecialEnchantment pSpecialEnchantments[72]; //97E4h -9FC4h
+  char field_9FC4[5000];
+  char field_B348[5000];
+  char field_C6D0[5000];
+  char field_DA58[5000];
+  char field_EDE0[384];
+  unsigned __int16 potion_data[50][50]; // 77B2h*2=EF64h  -102ECh
+  unsigned __int16 potion_note[50][50]; // 8176h*2=102ECh -11674h
+  char *pItemsTXT_Raw; //11674h
+  char *pRndItemsTXT_Raw;
+  char *pStdItemsTXT_Raw; //1167Ch
+  char *pSpcItemsTXT_Raw; //11680h
+  unsigned int uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm[6]; //11684
+  unsigned int uBonusChanceStandart[6]; //1169c
+  unsigned int uBonusChanceSpecial[6]; //116B4
+  unsigned int uBonusChanceWpSpecial[6]; //116cc -116e4
+  unsigned int pEnchantmentsSumm[9]; //116E4h -11708h
+  BonusRange bonus_ranges[6]; //45C2h*4 =11708h
+  unsigned int pSpecialEnchantmentsSumm[24]; //11738h
+  unsigned int pSpecialEnchantments_count; //11798h
+  char field_1179C;
+  char field_1179D;
+  char field_1179E;
+  char field_1179F;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+void GenerateStandartShopItems();
+void GenerateSpecialShopItems();
+void GenerateItemsInChest();
+extern std::array<const char, 5> uItemsAmountPerShopType; // weak
+extern ItemGen *ptr_50C9A4_ItemToEnchant;
+extern struct ItemsTable *pItemsTable;
++10 to all Resistances.	1
+	+10 to all Seven Statistics.	2
+	Explosive Impact!	3
+	Adds 3-4 points of Cold damage.	4
+	Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage.	5
+	Adds 9-12 points of Cold damage.	6
+	Adds 2-5 points of Electrical damage.	7
+	Adds 4-10 points of Electrical damage.	8
+	Adds 6-15 points of Electrical damage.	9
+	Adds 1-6 points of Fire damage.	10
+	Adds 2-12 points of Fire damage.	11
+	Adds 3-18 points of Fire damage.	12
+	Adds 5 points of Body damage.	13
+	Adds 8 points of Body damage.	14
+	Adds 12 points of Body damage.	15
+	Drain Hit Points from target.	16
+	Increases rate of Recovery.	17
+	Wearer resistant to Diseases.	18
+	Wearer resistant to Insanity.	19
+	Wearer resistant to Paralysis.	20
+	Wearer resistant to Poison.	21
+	Wearer resistant to Sleep.	22
+	Wearer resistant to Stone.	23
+	Increased Knockback.	24
+	+5 Level.	25
+	Increases effect of all Air spells.	26
+	Increases effect of all Body spells.	27
+	Increases effect of all Dark spells.	28
+	Increases effect of all Earth spells.	29
+	Increases effect of all Fire spells.	30
+	Increases effect of all Light spells.	31
+	Increases effect of all Mind spells.	32
+	Increases effect of all Spirit spells.	33
+	Increases effect of all Water spells.	34
+	Increases chance of Disarming.	35
+	Half damage from all missile attacks.	36
+	Regenerate Hit points over time.	37
+	Regenerate Spell points over time.	38
+	Double damage vs Demons.	39
+	Double damage vs Dragons	40
+	Drain Hit Points from target and Increased Weapon speed.	41
+	+1 to Seven Stats, HP, SP, Armor, Resistances.	42
+	+10 to Endurance, Armor, Hit points.	43
+	+10 Hit points and Regenerate Hit points over time.	44
+	+5 Speed and Accuracy.	45
+	Adds 10-20 points of Fire damage and +25 Might.	46
+	+10 Spell points and Regenerate Spell points over time.	47
+	+15 Endurance and +5 Armor.	48
+	+10 Intellect and Luck.	49
+	+30 Fire Resistance and Regenerate Hit points over time.	50
+	+10 Spell points, Speed, Intellect.	51
+	+10 Endurance and Accuracy.	52
+	+10 Might and Personality.	53
+	+15 Endurance and Regenerate Hit points over time.	54
+	+15 Luck and Regenerate Spell points over time.	55
+	+5 Might and Endurance.	56
+	+5 Intellect and Personality.	57
+	Increased Value.	58
+	Increased Weapon speed.	59
+	+3 Unarmed and Dodging skills.	60
+	+3 Stealing and Disarm skills.	61
+	+3 ID Item and ID Monster skills.	62
+	Double Damage vs. Elves.	63
+	Double Damage vs. Undead.	64
+	Double Damage vs. Titans.	65
+	Regenerate Spell points and Hit points over time.	66
+	Adds 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skill.	67
+	Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage and +5 Armor Class.	68
+	+20 Air Resistance and Shielding.	69
+	+10 Water Resistance and +2 Alchemy skill.	70
+	Prevents damage from drowning.	71
+	Prevents damage from falling.	72
+/*  391 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct stru351_summoned_item
+  int field_0_expire_second;
+  int field_4_expire_minute;
+  int field_8_expire_hour;
+  int field_C_expire_day;
+  int field_10_expire_week;
+  int field_14_exprie_month;
+  int field_18_expire_year;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+int GetItemTextureFilename(char *pOut, signed int item_id, int index, int shoulder);
+void FillAviableSkillsToTeach(int _this);
+void init_summoned_item(struct stru351_summoned_item *_this, __int64 duration);
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Monsters.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Monsters.cpp	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <crtdbg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "Monsters.h"
+#include "FrameTableInc.h"
+#include "LOD.h"
+#include "texts.h"
+#include "mm7_data.h"
+struct MonsterStats *pMonsterStats;
+struct MonsterList *pMonsterList;
+unsigned int  ParseSpellType(struct FrameTableTxtLine* tbl, int* next_token);
+int  ParseAttackType(const char *damage_type_str);
+void ParseDamage( char *damage_str, unsigned __int8* dice_rolls, unsigned __int8* dice_sides, unsigned __int8* dmg_bonus );
+int ParseMissleAttackType(const char *missle_attack_str);
+int ParseSpecialAttack(const char *spec_att_str);
+//----- (004548E2) --------------------------------------------------------
+unsigned int ParseSpellType( struct FrameTableTxtLine * tbl, int* next_token )
+    {
+    if (!tbl->pProperties[0] )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 0;
+        }
+    if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Dispel") )  //dispel magic
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 80;
+        }
+    else  if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Day") )  //day of protection
+        {
+        *next_token+=2;;
+        return 85;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Hour") )  //hour  of power
+        {
+        *next_token+=2;;
+        return 86;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Shield") )
+        return  17;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Spirit") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 52;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Power") )  //power cure
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 77;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Meteor") )  //meteot shower
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 9;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Lightning") ) //Lightning bolt
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 18;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Implosion") )
+        return  20;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Stone") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 38;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Haste") )
+        return   5;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Heroism") )
+        return   51;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Pain") ) //pain reflection
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 95;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Sparks") )
+        return 15;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Light") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 78;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Toxic") ) //toxic cloud
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 90;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "ShrapMetal") )
+        return 93;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Paralyze") )
+        return 81;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Fireball") )
+        return 6;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Incinerate") )
+        return 11;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Fire") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 2;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Rock") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 41;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Mass") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 44;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Ice") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 26;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Acid") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 29;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Bless") )
+        return 46;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Dragon") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 97;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Reanimate") )
+        return 89;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Summon") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 82;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Fate") )
+        return 47;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Harm") )
+        return 70;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Mind") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 57;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Blades") )
+        return 39;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Psychic") )
+        {
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 65;
+        }
+    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Hammerhands") )
+        return 73;
+    else
+        {
+        sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "Unknown monster spell %s", tbl->pProperties[0]);
+        MessageBoxA(nullptr, pTmpBuf.data(), "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Itemdata.cpp:1562", 0);
+        ++*next_token;
+        return 0;
+        }
+    }
+//----- (00454CB4) --------------------------------------------------------
+int ParseAttackType( const char *damage_type_str )
+    {
+    switch (tolower(*damage_type_str))
+        {
+    case 'f': return 0;  //fire
+    case 'a': return 1; //air
+    case 'w': return 2; //water
+    case 'e': return 3; //earth 
+    case 's': return 6; //spirit
+    case 'm': return 7; //mind 
+        //m ?? 8
+    case 'l': return 9;  //light
+    case 'd': return 10; //dark
+        // d?? 11
+        }
+    return 4;  //phis
+    }
+//----- (00454D7D) --------------------------------------------------------
+void ParseDamage( char *damage_str, unsigned __int8* dice_rolls, unsigned __int8* dice_sides, unsigned __int8* dmg_bonus )
+    {
+    int str_len=0;
+    int str_pos=0;
+    bool dice_flag=false;
+    *dice_rolls = 0;
+    *dice_sides = 1;
+    *dmg_bonus = 0;
+    str_len = strlen(damage_str);
+    if (str_len<=0)
+        return;
+    for (str_pos=0;str_pos<str_len;++str_pos )
+        {
+        if (tolower(damage_str[str_pos])=='d')
+            {
+            damage_str[str_pos]='\0';
+            *dice_rolls=atoi(damage_str);
+            *dice_sides=atoi(&damage_str[str_pos+1]);
+            dice_flag=true;
+            damage_str[str_pos]='d';
+            }
+        else if (tolower(damage_str[str_pos])=='+')
+            *dmg_bonus=atoi(&damage_str[str_pos+1]);
+        }
+    if (!dice_flag)
+        {
+        if ((*damage_str>='0')&&(*damage_str<='9'))
+            {
+            *dice_rolls =atoi(damage_str);
+            *dice_sides = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//----- (00454E3A) --------------------------------------------------------
+int  ParseMissleAttackType(const char *missle_attack_str)
+    {
+    if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "ARROW") )
+        return 1;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "ARROWF") )
+        return 2;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "FIRE") )
+        return 3;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "AIR") )       
+        return 4;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "WATER") )
+        return 5;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "EARTH") )
+        return 6;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "SPIRIT") )       
+        return 7;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "MIND") )
+        return 8;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "BODY") )
+        return 9;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "LIGHT") )       
+        return 10;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "DARK") )
+        return 11;
+    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "ENER") )       
+        return 13;
+    else return 0;
+    }
+int ParseSpecialAttack(char *spec_att_str)
+    {
+    _strlwr(spec_att_str);
+    if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "curse") )
+        return  1;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "weak") )
+        return  2;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "asleep") )
+         return  3;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "afraid") )
+         return  23;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "drunk") )
+         return  4;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "insane") )
+         return  5;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "poison weak") )
+         return  6;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "poison medium") )
+        return  7;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "poison severe") )
+        return  8;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "disease weak") )  
+        return  9;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "disease medium") )
+        return  10;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "disease severe") )
+        return  11;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "paralyze") )
+        return  12;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "uncon") )
+        return  13;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "dead") )
+        return  14;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "stone") )
+        return  15;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "errad") )
+        return  16;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "brkitem") )
+        return  17;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "brkarmor") )
+        return  18;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "brkweapon") )
+        return  19;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "steal") )
+        return  20;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "age") )
+        return  21;
+    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "drainsp") )
+        return  22;
+    else return 0;                   
+    }
+//----- (004598FC) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool MonsterList::FromFileTxt(const char *Args)
+  MonsterList *v2; // ebx@1
+  FILE *v3; // eax@1
+  unsigned int v4; // esi@3
+  void *v5; // eax@9
+  FILE *v6; // ST14_4@11
+  char *i; // eax@11
+  signed int v8; // esi@12
+  unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@16
+  const char *v10; // ST18_4@16
+  unsigned __int16 v11; // ax@16
+  const char *v12; // ST14_4@16
+  unsigned __int16 v13; // ax@16
+  const char *v14; // ST10_4@16
+  __int16 v15; // ax@16
+  const char *v16; // ST0C_4@16
+  int v17; // esi@16
+  unsigned __int8 v18; // al@16
+  signed int v19; // esi@16
+  unsigned __int16 v20; // ax@17
+  int v21; // ecx@17
+  char Buf; // [sp+4h] [bp-304h]@3
+  FrameTableTxtLine v24; // [sp+1F8h] [bp-110h]@4
+  FrameTableTxtLine v25; // [sp+274h] [bp-94h]@4
+  int v26; // [sp+2F0h] [bp-18h]@16
+  char v27; // [sp+2F4h] [bp-14h]@14
+  char v28; // [sp+2F5h] [bp-13h]@14
+  char v29; // [sp+2F6h] [bp-12h]@14
+  char v30; // [sp+2F7h] [bp-11h]@14
+  char v31; // [sp+2F8h] [bp-10h]@14
+  char v32; // [sp+2F9h] [bp-Fh]@14
+  char v33; // [sp+2FAh] [bp-Eh]@14
+  char v34; // [sp+2FBh] [bp-Dh]@14
+  char v35; // [sp+2FCh] [bp-Ch]@14
+  char v36; // [sp+2FDh] [bp-Bh]@14
+  char v37; // [sp+2FEh] [bp-Ah]@14
+  char v38; // [sp+2FFh] [bp-9h]@14
+  char v39; // [sp+300h] [bp-8h]@14
+  char v40; // [sp+301h] [bp-7h]@14
+  char v41; // [sp+302h] [bp-6h]@14
+  char v42; // [sp+303h] [bp-5h]@14
+  FILE *File; // [sp+304h] [bp-4h]@1
+  unsigned int Argsa; // [sp+310h] [bp+8h]@3
+  int Argsb; // [sp+310h] [bp+8h]@16
+  v2 = this;
+  v3 = fopen(Args, "r");
+  File = v3;
+  if ( !v3 )
+    Error("MonsterRaceListStruct::load - Unable to open file: %s.");
+  v4 = 0;
+  Argsa = 0;
+  if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, v3) )
+  {
+    do
+    {
+      *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
+      memcpy(&v25, frame_table_txt_parser(&Buf, &v24), sizeof(v25));
+      if ( v25.uPropCount && *v25.pProperties[0] != 47 )
+        ++Argsa;
+    }
+    while ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) );
+    v4 = Argsa;
+  }
+  v2->uNumMonsters = v4;
+  v5 = malloc(152 * v4);
+  v2->pMonsters = (MonsterDesc *)v5;
+  if ( !v5 )
+    Error("MonsterRaceListStruct::load - Out of Memory!");
+  v6 = File;
+  v2->uNumMonsters = 0;
+  fseek(v6, 0, 0);
+  for ( i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File); i; i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File) )
+  {
+    *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
+    memcpy(&v25, frame_table_txt_parser(&Buf, &v24), sizeof(v25));
+    v8 = 0;
+    if ( v25.uPropCount && *v25.pProperties[0] != 47 )
+    {
+      strcpy(v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].pMonsterName, v25.pProperties[0]);
+      v35 = 0;
+      v36 = 1;
+      v37 = 7;
+      v38 = 2;
+      v39 = 3;
+      v40 = 4;
+      v41 = 5;
+      v42 = 6;
+      v27 = 1;
+      v28 = 2;
+      v29 = 3;
+      v30 = 4;
+      v31 = 4;
+      v32 = 5;
+      v33 = 6;
+      v34 = 7;
+      do
+      {
+        strcpy(
+          v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].pSpriteNames[(unsigned __int8)*(&v35 + v8)],
+          v25.pProperties[(unsigned __int8)*(&v27 + v8)]);
+        ++v8;
+      }
+      while ( v8 < 8 );
+      v9 = atoi(v25.pProperties[8]);
+      v10 = v25.pProperties[9];
+      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uMonsterHeight = v9;
+      v11 = atoi(v10);
+      v12 = v25.pProperties[10];
+      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uMovementSpeed = v11;
+      v13 = atoi(v12);
+      v14 = v25.pProperties[11];
+      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uMonsterRadius = v13;
+      v15 = atoi(v14);
+      v16 = v25.pProperties[12];
+      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uToHitRadius = v15;
+      v17 = (unsigned __int8)atoi(v16);
+      Argsb = atoi(v25.pProperties[13]) & 0xFF;
+      v26 = atoi(v25.pProperties[14]) & 0xFF;
+      v18 = atoi(v25.pProperties[15]);
+      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].sTintColor = v18 | ((v26 | ((Argsb | (v17 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
+      v19 = 0;
+      do
+      {
+        v20 = atoi(v25.pProperties[v19 + 16]);
+        v21 = v19++ ;
+        v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].pSoundSampleIDs[v21] = v20;
+      }
+      while ( v19 < 4 );
+      ++v2->uNumMonsters;
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(File);
+  return 1;
+//----- (004598AF) --------------------------------------------------------
+void MonsterList::FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8)
+  uint num_mm6_monsters = data_mm6 ? *(int *)data_mm6 : 0,
+       num_mm7_monsters = data_mm7 ? *(int *)data_mm7 : 0,
+       num_mm8_monsters = data_mm8 ? *(int *)data_mm8 : 0;
+  uNumMonsters = num_mm6_monsters + num_mm7_monsters + num_mm8_monsters;
+  Assert(uNumMonsters);
+  Assert(!num_mm8_monsters);
+  pMonsters = (MonsterDesc *)malloc(sizeof(MonsterDesc) * uNumMonsters);
+  memcpy(pMonsters, (char *)data_mm7 + 4, num_mm7_monsters * sizeof(MonsterDesc));
+  for (uint i = 0; i < num_mm6_monsters; ++i)
+  {
+    auto src = (MonsterDesc_mm6 *)((char *)data_mm6 + 4) + i;
+    MonsterDesc* dst = &pMonsters[num_mm7_monsters + i];
+    dst->uMonsterHeight = src->uMonsterHeight;
+    dst->uMonsterRadius = src->uMonsterRadius;
+    dst->uMovementSpeed = src->uMovementSpeed;
+    dst->uToHitRadius = src->uToHitRadius;
+    dst->sTintColor = -1;
+    memcpy(dst->pSoundSampleIDs, src->pSoundSampleIDs, sizeof(src->pSoundSampleIDs));
+    memcpy(dst->pMonsterName, src->pMonsterName, sizeof(src->pMonsterName));
+    memcpy(dst->pSpriteNames, src->pSpriteNames, sizeof(src->pSpriteNames));
+  }
+  memcpy(pMonsters + num_mm6_monsters + num_mm7_monsters, (char *)data_mm8 + 4, num_mm8_monsters * sizeof(MonsterDesc));
+//----- (00459860) --------------------------------------------------------
+void MonsterList::ToFile()
+  MonsterList *v1; // esi@1
+  FILE *v2; // eax@1
+  FILE *v3; // edi@1
+  v1 = this;
+  v2 = fopen("data\\dmonlist.bin", "wb");
+  v3 = v2;
+  if ( !v2 )
+    Error("Unable to save dmonlist.bin!");
+  fwrite(v1, 4u, 1u, v2);
+  fwrite(v1->pMonsters, 0x98u, v1->uNumMonsters, v3);
+  fclose(v3);
+//----- (004563FF) --------------------------------------------------------
+signed int MonsterStats::FindMonsterByTextureName(const char *monster_textr_name)
+  for (int i=1; i<uNumMonsters; ++i)
+      {
+        if((pInfos[i].pName )&& (!_stricmp(pInfos[i].pPictureName, monster_textr_name)))
+            return i;
+      }
+  return -1;
+//----- (00454F4E) --------------------------------------------------------
+void MonsterStats::InitializePlacements()
+  int i;
+  char* test_string;
+  unsigned char c;
+  bool break_loop;
+  unsigned int temp_str_len;
+  char* tmp_pos;
+  int decode_step;
+//  int item_counter;
+  pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("placemon.txt", 0);
+  strtok(pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw, "\r");
+  for (i=1; i<31; ++i)
+	  {
+	  test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+	  break_loop = false;
+	  decode_step=0;
+	  do 
+		  {
+		  c = *(unsigned char*)test_string;
+		  temp_str_len = 0;
+		  while((c!='\t')&&(c>0))
+			  {
+			  ++temp_str_len;
+			  c=test_string[temp_str_len];
+			  }		
+		  tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len;
+		  if (*tmp_pos == 0)
+			  break_loop = true;
+		  *tmp_pos = 0;
+		  if (temp_str_len)
+			  {
+			   if (decode_step==1)
+				  pPlaceStrings[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string);
+			  }
+		  else
+			  { 
+			  break_loop = true;
+			  }
+		  ++decode_step;
+		  test_string=tmp_pos+1;
+		  } while ((decode_step<3)&&!break_loop);
+	  }
+  uNumPlacements = 31;
+//----- (0045501E) --------------------------------------------------------
+void MonsterStats::Initialize()
+    {
+    int i;//,j;
+    char* test_string;
+    unsigned char c;
+    bool break_loop;
+    unsigned int temp_str_len;
+    char* tmp_pos;
+    int decode_step;
+//    int item_counter;
+    int curr_rec_num;
+    char parse_str[64]; 
+    char Src[120];
+    FrameTableTxtLine parsed_field;
+    free(pMonstersTXT_Raw);
+    pMonstersTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("monsters.txt", 0);
+    strtok(pMonstersTXT_Raw, "\r");
+    strtok(NULL, "\r");
+    strtok(NULL, "\r");
+    strtok(NULL, "\r");
+    uNumMonsters = 265;
+    curr_rec_num=0;
+    for (i=0;i<uNumMonsters-1;++i)
+        {
+        test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
+        break_loop = false;
+        decode_step=0;
+        do 
+            {
+            c = *(unsigned char*)test_string;
+            temp_str_len = 0;
+            while((c!='\t')&&(c>0))
+                {
+                ++temp_str_len;
+                c=test_string[temp_str_len];
+                }		
+            tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len;
+            if (*tmp_pos == 0)
+                break_loop = true;
+            *tmp_pos = 0;
+            if (temp_str_len)
+                {
+                switch (decode_step)
+                    {
+                case 0: 
+                    curr_rec_num=atoi(test_string);
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uID=curr_rec_num;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].pName=RemoveQuotes(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].pPictureName=RemoveQuotes(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uLevel=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    {
+                    int str_len=0;
+                    int str_pos=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP=0;
+                    if (test_string[0]=='"')
+                        test_string[0]=' ';
+                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
+                    if (str_len==0)
+                        break;
+                    while ((test_string[str_pos]!=',')&&(str_pos<str_len))
+                        ++str_pos;
+                    if (str_len==str_pos)
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP=atoi(test_string);
+                    else
+                        {
+                        test_string[str_pos]='\0';
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP=1000*atoi(test_string);
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP+=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
+                        test_string[str_pos]=',';
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAC=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    {
+                    int str_len=0;
+                    int str_pos=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp=0;
+                    if (test_string[0]=='"')
+                        test_string[0]=' ';
+                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
+                    if (str_len==0)
+                        break;
+                    while ((test_string[str_pos]!=',')&&(str_pos<str_len))
+                        ++str_pos;
+                    if (str_len==str_pos)
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp=atoi(test_string);
+                    else
+                        {
+                        test_string[str_pos]='\0';
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp=1000*atoi(test_string);
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp+=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
+                        test_string[str_pos]=',';
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 7:
+                    {
+                    int str_len=0;
+                    int str_pos=0;
+                    bool chance_flag=false;
+                    bool dice_flag=false;
+                    bool item_type_flag=false;
+                    char* item_name;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDropChance=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceRolls=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceSides=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureLevel=0;
+                    if (test_string[0]=='"')
+                        test_string[0]=' ';
+                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
+                    do
+                        {
+                        switch(tolower(test_string[str_pos]))
+                            {
+                        case '%': chance_flag=true; break;
+                        case 'd': dice_flag=true; break;
+                        case 'l': item_type_flag=true; break;
+                            }
+                        ++str_pos;
+                        }
+                        while(str_pos<str_len);
+                        if (chance_flag)
+                            {
+                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDropChance=atoi(test_string);
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                            if ((!dice_flag)&&(!item_type_flag))
+                                break;
+                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDropChance=100;
+                            }
+                        if (dice_flag)
+                            {
+                            str_pos=0;
+                            dice_flag=false;
+                            do
+                                {
+                                switch(tolower(test_string[str_pos]))
+                                    {
+                                case '%': 
+                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceRolls=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
+                                    dice_flag=true;
+                                    break;
+                                case 'd':
+                                    if(!dice_flag)
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceRolls=atoi(test_string);
+                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceSides=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
+                                    str_pos=str_len;
+                                    break;
+                                    }
+                                ++str_pos;
+                                }
+                                while(str_pos<str_len);
+                            }
+                        if (item_type_flag)
+                            {
+                            str_pos=0;
+                            do
+                                {
+                                if (tolower(test_string[str_pos])=='l')
+                                    break;
+                                ++str_pos;
+                                }
+                                while(str_pos<str_len);
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureLevel=test_string[str_pos+1]-'0';
+                                item_name=&test_string[str_pos+2];
+                                if (*item_name)
+                                    {
+                                    if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "WEAPON"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 20;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "ARMOR"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 21;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "MISC"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 22;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SWORD"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 23;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "DAGGER"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 24;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "AXE"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 25;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SPEAR"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 26;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "BOW"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 27;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "MACE"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 28;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "CLUB"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 29;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "STAFF"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 30;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "LEATHER"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 31;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "CHAIN"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 32;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "PLATE"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 33;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SHIELD"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 34;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "HELM"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 35;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "BELT"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 36;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "CAPE"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 37;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "GAUNTLETS"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 38;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "BOOTS"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 39;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "RING"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 40;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "AMULET"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 41;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "WAND"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 42;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SCROLL"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 43;
+                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "GEM"))
+                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 46;
+                                    }
+                            }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 8:
+                    {
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].bQuestMonster=0;
+                    if (atoi(test_string))
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].bQuestMonster=1;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 9:
+                    {
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uFlying=false;
+                    if (_strnicmp(test_string, "n",1))
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uFlying=true;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 10:
+                    {
+                    switch(tolower(test_string[0]))
+                        {
+                    case 's': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType=MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_SHORT;// short
+                        if (tolower(test_string[1])!='h')
+                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType=MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY; //stationary
+                        break;  //short
+                    case 'l': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_LONG;  break; //long
+                    case 'm': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_MEDIUM; break; //med
+                    case 'g': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_GLOBAL; break; //global?     
+                    default:
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_FREE; //free
+                        }       
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 11:
+                    {
+                    switch(tolower(test_string[0]))
+                        {
+                    case 's': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=0; break; // suicide
+                    case 'w': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=1;  break; //wimp
+                    case 'n': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=2; break; //normal 
+                    default:
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=3; //Agress
+                        }       
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 12:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHostilityType=(MonsterInfo::HostilityRadius)atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 13:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uBaseSpeed=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 14:
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uRecoveryTime=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                case 15:
+                    {
+                    int str_len=0;
+                    int str_pos=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=0;
+                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
+                    for (str_pos=0;str_pos<str_len;++str_pos )
+                        {
+                        switch(tolower(test_string[str_pos]))
+                            {
+                        case '0': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0004; break;
+                        case '2': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=2; break;
+                        case '3': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=3; break;
+                        case '4': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=4; break;
+                        case 'c': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0010; break;
+                        case 'd': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0008; break;
+                        case 'e': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x1000; break;
+                        case 'f': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0400; break;
+                        case 'h': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0800; break;
+                        case 'k': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0001; break;
+                        case 'm': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0100; break;
+                        case 'o': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0400; break;
+                        case 'p': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0002; break;
+                        case 'r': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0040; break;
+                        case 's': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0020; break;
+                        case 't': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0080; break;
+                        case 'w': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x2000; break;
+                        case 'x': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0200; break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 16:
+                    {
+                    int str_len=0;
+                    int str_pos=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackLevel=1;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackType=(SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE)0;
+                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
+                    if (str_len>1)
+                        {
+                        for (str_pos=0;str_pos<str_len;++str_pos )
+                            {
+                            if (tolower(test_string[str_pos])=='x')
+                                {
+                                test_string[str_pos]='\0';
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackLevel=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
+                                test_string[str_pos]='x';
+                                break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackType=(SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE)ParseSpecialAttack(test_string);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 17:
+                         pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1Type=ParseAttackType(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 18:
+                    {
+                    ParseDamage(test_string, &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1DamageDiceRolls,
+                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1DamageDiceSides,
+                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1DamageBonus);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                   case 19:
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMissleAttack1Type=ParseMissleAttackType(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 20:
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2Chance=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 21:
+                          pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2Type=ParseAttackType(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 22:
+                    {
+                    ParseDamage(test_string, &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2DamageDiceRolls,
+                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2DamageDiceSides,
+                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2DamageBonus);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 23:
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMissleAttack2Type=ParseMissleAttackType(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 24:
+                         pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell1UseChance=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 25:
+                    {
+                    int param_num;
+                    char type_flag;
+                    strcpy(parse_str,test_string);
+                    parse_str[0]=' ';
+                    parse_str[strlen(parse_str)-1]=' ';
+                    frame_table_txt_parser(parse_str,&parsed_field);
+                    if (parsed_field.uPropCount>2)
+                        {
+                        param_num=1;
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell1ID=ParseSpellType(&parsed_field,&param_num);
+                        type_flag=*parsed_field.pProperties[param_num];
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1=atoi(parsed_field.pProperties[param_num+1])&0x003F;
+                        switch(type_flag)
+                            {
+                        case 'E': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1|=0x0040; break;
+                        case 'M': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1|=0x0080; break;
+                        case 'G': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1|=0x0100; break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell1ID=0;
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1=0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 26:
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell2UseChance=atoi(test_string);
+                    break;
+                    case 27:
+                    {
+                    int param_num;
+                    char type_flag;
+                    strcpy(parse_str,test_string);
+                    parse_str[0]=' ';
+                    parse_str[strlen(parse_str)-1]=' ';
+                    frame_table_txt_parser(parse_str,&parsed_field);
+                    if (parsed_field.uPropCount>2)
+                        {
+                        param_num=1;
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell2ID=ParseSpellType(&parsed_field,&param_num);
+                        type_flag=*parsed_field.pProperties[param_num];
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2=atoi(parsed_field.pProperties[param_num+1])&0x003F;
+                        switch(type_flag)
+                            {
+                        case 'E': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2|=0x0040; break;
+                        case 'M': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2|=0x0080; break;
+                        case 'G': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2|=0x0100; break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell2ID=0;
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2=0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 28:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResFire=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResFire=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 29:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResAir=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResAir=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 30:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResWater=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResWater=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 31:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResEarth=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResEarth=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 32:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResMind=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResMind=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 33:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResSpirit=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResSpirit=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 34:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResBody=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResBody=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 35:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResLight=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResLight=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 36:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResDark=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResDark=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 37:
+                    {
+                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResPhysical=200;
+                    else
+                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResPhysical=atoi(test_string);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case 38:
+                    {
+//                    int param_num;
+//                    char type_flag;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType=0;
+                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus=0;
+                    strcpy(parse_str,test_string);
+                    parse_str[0]=' ';
+                    parse_str[strlen(parse_str)-1]=' ';
+                    frame_table_txt_parser(parse_str,&parsed_field);
+                    if ( parsed_field.uPropCount )
+                        {
+                  //      v74 = v94.field_0;
+                        if ( parsed_field.uPropCount < 10 )
+                            {
+                            if (! _stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[0], "shot") )
+                                {
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType=1;
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus=atoi((char *)(parsed_field.pProperties[1] + 1));
+                                }
+                            else  if (!_stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[0], "summon") )
+                            {
+                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType=2;
+                            if ( parsed_field.uPropCount  > 1 )
+                                {
+                                pTmpBuf[0] = 0;
+                                strcpy(pTmpBuf.data(), parsed_field.pProperties[2]);
+                                if ( parsed_field.uPropCount  > 2 )
+                                    {
+                                    int prop_cnt = 3;
+                                    if ( parsed_field.uPropCount  > 3 )
+                                        {
+                                        do
+                                            {
+                                            strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), " ");
+                                            char test_char = parsed_field.pProperties[prop_cnt][0];
+                                            strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), parsed_field.pProperties[prop_cnt]);
+                                            if ( prop_cnt == (parsed_field.uPropCount - 1) )
+                                                {
+                                                switch (tolower(test_char))
+                                                {
+                                                case 'a': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 1; break;
+                                                case 'b': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 2; break;
+                                                case 'c': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 3; break;
+                                                default:
+                                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 0;
+                                                }
+                                                }
+                                            ++prop_cnt;
+                                            }
+                                        while ( prop_cnt < parsed_field.uPropCount );
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                else
+                                    {
+                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 0;
+                                    }
+                                if ( pMonsterList->uNumMonsters )
+                                    {
+                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack = pMonsterList->GetMonsterIDByName(pTmpBuf.data()) + 1;
+                                    if ( pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack == -1 )
+                                        {
+                                        sprintf(Src, "Can't create random monster: '%s' See MapStats!", pTmpBuf.data());
+                                        MessageBoxA(nullptr, Src, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Itemdata.cpp:2239", 0);
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides = 0;
+                                if ( !_stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[1], "ground") )
+                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides = 1;
+                                if ( pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack == -1 )
+                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType = 0;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else  if (!_stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[0], "explode") )
+                                {
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType = 3;
+                                ParseDamage((char*)parsed_field.pProperties[1], &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls,
+                                    &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides,
+                                    &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus);
+                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack = ParseAttackType(test_string);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;     
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                { 
+                break_loop = true;
+                }
+            ++decode_step;
+            test_string=tmp_pos+1;
+            } while ((decode_step<39)&&!break_loop);
+        }
+    uNumMonsters = i;
+//----- (0044FA08) --------------------------------------------------------
+signed __int16 MonsterList::GetMonsterIDByName( const char *pMonsterName )
+    {
+    if (!pMonsterName)
+        return -1;
+    for (signed __int16 i=1; i<=uNumMonsters; ++i)
+        {
+        if( (!_stricmp(pMonsters[i].pMonsterName, pMonsterName)))
+            return i;
+    }
+    Error("Monster not found: %s", pMonsterName);
+//----- (00438BDF) --------------------------------------------------------
+bool MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(unsigned int uMonsterInfoID, enum MONSTER_SUPERTYPE eSupertype)
+  switch ( eSupertype )
+  {
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_GHOST_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_GHOST_3       //70<=id<=72
+        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_LICH_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_LICH_3         //91-93
+        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_SKELETON_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_SKELETON_3 //199-201
+        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_VAMPIRE_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_VAMPIRE_3   //217-219
+        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_WIGHT_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_WIGHT_3       //223-225
+        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ZOMBIE_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ZOMBIE_3     //229-231
+		|| (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_GHOUL_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_GHOUL_3)      //256-258
+        return true;
+      return false;
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_DEVIL_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_DEVIL_3 )//22-24
+        return true;
+      return false;
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_PEASANT_ELF_FEMALE_1_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_PEASANT_ELF_MALE_3_3//133 - 150
+        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ELF_ARCHER_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ELF_ARCHER_3//49-51 
+		||  (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ELF_SPEARMAN_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ELF_SPEARMAN_3)//52-54
+        return true;
+      return false;
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_DRAGON_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_DRAGON_3 )//25-27
+        return true;
+      return false;
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ELEMENTAL_WATER_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ELEMENTAL_WATER_3)//46-48
+        return true;
+      return false;
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_TREANT_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_TREANT_3 )//253-255
+        return true;
+      return false;
+      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_TITAN_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_TITAN_3 )//211-213
+        return true;
+      return false;
+    default:
+      return false;
+  }
+  return false;
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Engine/Objects/Monsters.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Objects/Monsters.h	Thu Sep 18 23:59:29 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#pragma once
+/*  334 */
+  MONSTER_DEVIL_1 = 0x16,
+  MONSTER_DEVIL_2 = 0x17,
+  MONSTER_DEVIL_3 = 0x18,
+  MONSTER_DRAGON_1 = 0x19,
+  MONSTER_GHOST_1 = 0x46,
+  MONSTER_GHOST_3 = 0x48,
+  MONSTER_HARPY_1 = 0x55,
+  MONSTER_HARPY_2 = 0x56,
+  MONSTER_HARPY_3 = 0x57,
+  MONSTER_LICH_1 = 0x5B,
+  MONSTER_LICH_3 = 0x5D,
+  MONSTER_OOZE_1 = 0x70,
+  MONSTER_OOZE_2 = 0x71,
+  MONSTER_OOZE_3 = 0x72,
+  MONSTER_TITAN_1 = 0xD3,
+  MONSTER_TITAN_3 = 0xD5,
+  MONSTER_WIGHT_3 = 0xE1,
+  MONSTER_GHOUL_1 = 0x100,
+  MONSTER_GHOUL_3 = 0x102,
+/*  335 */
+    {
+    };
+/*  336 */
+enum SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE : unsigned __int8
+/*  187 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct MonsterInfo
+  enum HostilityRadius: unsigned __int8
+  {
+    Hostility_Friendly = 0,
+    Hostility_Close = 1,
+    Hostility_Short = 2,
+    Hostility_Medium = 3,
+    Hostility_Long = 4
+  };
+  inline MonsterInfo():
+    pName(nullptr), pPictureName(nullptr)
+  {}
+  char *pName;
+  char *pPictureName;
+  unsigned __int8 uLevel;
+  unsigned __int8 uTreasureDropChance;
+  unsigned __int8 uTreasureDiceRolls;
+  unsigned __int8 uTreasureDiceSides;
+  unsigned __int8 uTreasureLevel;
+  unsigned __int8 uTreasureType;
+  unsigned __int8 uFlying;
+  unsigned __int8 uMovementType;
+  unsigned __int8 uAIType;
+  HostilityRadius uHostilityType;
+  char field_12;
+  SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE uSpecialAttackType;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAttackLevel;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack1Type;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack1DamageDiceRolls;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack1DamageDiceSides;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack1DamageBonus;
+  unsigned __int8 uMissleAttack1Type;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack2Chance;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack2Type;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack2DamageDiceRolls;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack2DamageDiceSides;
+  unsigned __int8 uAttack2DamageBonus;
+  unsigned __int8 uMissleAttack2Type;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpell1UseChance;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpell1ID;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpell2UseChance;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpell2ID;
+  unsigned __int8 uResFire;
+  unsigned __int8 uResAir;
+  unsigned __int8 uResWater;
+  unsigned __int8 uResEarth;
+  unsigned __int8 uResMind;
+  unsigned __int8 uResSpirit;
+  unsigned __int8 uResBody;
+  unsigned __int8 uResLight;
+  unsigned __int8 uResDark;
+  unsigned __int8 uResPhysical;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityType;           // 0   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_NONE
+                                                 // 1   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_SHOT
+                                                 // 2   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_SUMMON
+                                                 // 3   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_EXPLODE
+  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides;
+  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
+  unsigned __int8 uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility;
+  char field_33;
+  unsigned __int16 uID;
+  unsigned __int16 bQuestMonster;
+  unsigned __int16 uSpellSkillAndMastery1;
+  unsigned __int16 uSpellSkillAndMastery2;
+  __int16 field_3C_some_special_attack;
+  __int16 field_3E;
+  unsigned int uHP;
+  unsigned int uAC;
+  unsigned int uExp;
+  unsigned int uBaseSpeed;
+  signed int uRecoveryTime;
+  unsigned int uAttackPreference;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  189 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct MonsterStats
+  void Initialize();
+  void InitializePlacements();
+  signed int FindMonsterByTextureName(const char *Str2);
+  static bool BelongsToSupertype(unsigned int uMonsterInfoID, enum MONSTER_SUPERTYPE eSupertype);
+  MonsterInfo pInfos[265];  //0 - 5b18h
+  char *pPlaceStrings[31]; //5B18h placement counts from 1
+  unsigned int uNumMonsters;  //5B94h
+  unsigned int uNumPlacements; //5B98h
+  int field_5B9C;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct MonsterDesc_mm6
+  unsigned __int16 uMonsterHeight;
+  unsigned __int16 uMonsterRadius;
+  unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed;
+  __int16 uToHitRadius;
+  unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4];
+  char pMonsterName[32];
+  char pSpriteNames[10][10];
+struct MonsterDesc
+  unsigned __int16 uMonsterHeight;
+  unsigned __int16 uMonsterRadius;
+  unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed;
+  __int16 uToHitRadius;
+  signed int sTintColor;
+  unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4];
+  char pMonsterName[32];
+  char pSpriteNames[10][10];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct MonsterList
+  inline MonsterList():  //----- (00458429)
+    uNumMonsters(0), pMonsters(nullptr)
+  {}
+    signed __int16 GetMonsterIDByName(const char *pMonsterName);
+  void ToFile();
+  void FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8);
+  bool FromFileTxt(const char *Args);
+  signed int uNumMonsters;
+  struct MonsterDesc *pMonsters;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+extern struct MonsterStats *pMonsterStats;
+extern struct MonsterList *pMonsterList;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Items.cpp
--- a/Items.cpp	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2286 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "UI\UIHouses.h"
-#include "GUIButton.h"
-#include "ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "Items.h"
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#include "GUIWindow.h"
-#include "Chest.h"
-#include "LOD.h"
-#include "Monsters.h"
-#include "Party.h"
-#include "FactionTable.h"
-#include "StorylineTextTable.h"
-#include "texts.h"
-#include "mm7_data.h"
-#include "OurMath.h"
-	{
-	unsigned __int16 treasure_level;
-	unsigned __int16 item_class[4];
-	};
-std::array<const char, 5> uItemsAmountPerShopType={ 0, 6, 8, 12, 12};
-const ITEM_VARIATION shopWeap_variation_ord[15] ={
-	{ 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }},
-	{ 1, { 23, 27, 20, 20 }},
-	{ 1, { 23, 24, 28, 20 }},
-	{ 2, { 23, 24, 25, 20 }},
-	{ 2, { 27, 27, 26, 26 }},
-	{ 4, { 24, 30, 25, 27 }},
-	{ 4, { 24, 30, 25, 27 }},
-	{ 3, { 30, 24, 20, 20 }},
-	{ 2, { 20, 20, 20, 20 }},
-	{ 3, { 27, 27, 26, 26 }},
-	{ 3, { 28, 28, 25, 25 }},
-	{ 2, { 23, 23, 24, 24 }},
-	{ 3, { 23, 23, 26, 26 }},
-	{ 2, { 30, 26, 26, 26 }},
-	{ 2, { 28, 25, 28, 29 }}};
-const ITEM_VARIATION shopArmr_variation_ord[28] ={
-	{ 1, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 1, { 31, 31, 31, 34 }},
-	{ 1, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 1, { 31, 31, 32, 34 }},
-	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 2, { 31, 32, 32, 33 }},
-	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 2, { 31, 31, 32, 32 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 31, 31, 31, 31 }},
-	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 2, { 31, 32, 34, 34 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 31, 31, 32, 32 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 32, 32, 32, 33 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 31, 31, 31, 32 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 33, 31, 32, 34 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 33, 31, 32, 34 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 33, 31, 32, 34 }}};
-const unsigned __int16 shopMagic_treasure_lvl[14]= {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
-const unsigned __int16 shopAlch_treasure_lvl[13] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2};
-const ITEM_VARIATION shopWeap_variation_spc[15]={
-	{ 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }},
-	{ 2, { 25, 30, 20, 20}},
-	{ 2, { 23, 24, 28, 20}},
-	{ 3, { 23, 24, 25, 20}},
-	{ 3, { 27, 27, 26, 26}},
-	{ 5, { 23, 26, 28, 27}},
-	{ 5, { 23, 26, 28, 27}},
-	{ 4, { 30, 24, 20, 20}},
-	{ 3, { 20, 20, 20, 20}},
-	{ 4, { 27, 27, 26, 26}},
-	{ 4, { 28, 28, 25, 25}},
-	{ 4, { 23, 23, 24, 24}},
-	{ 4, { 24, 24, 27, 20}},
-	{ 4, { 30, 26, 26, 26}},
-	{ 4, { 28, 25, 28, 29}}};
-const ITEM_VARIATION shopArmr_variation_spc[28]={
-	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 2, { 31, 31, 31, 34 }},
-	{ 2, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 2, { 31, 31, 32, 34 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 31, 32, 32, 33 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 31, 31, 32, 32 }},
-	{ 5, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 5, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
-	{ 5, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 5, { 31, 32, 33, 34 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 31, 31, 31, 31 }},
-	{ 3, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 3, { 31, 32, 34, 34 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 31, 31, 32, 33 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 32, 32, 33, 34 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 31, 31, 31, 32 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 32, 32, 32, 32 }},
-	{ 4, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 4, { 34, 34, 34, 34 }},
-	{ 5, { 35, 35, 38, 38 }},
-	{ 5, { 33, 33, 33, 33 }}
-	};
-const unsigned __int16 shopMagicSpc_treasure_lvl[14]  =  {0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3};
-const unsigned __int16 shopAlchSpc_treasure_lvl[13]   =  {0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2};
-std::array< std::array<char, 14>, 7> byte_4E8168={{  //byte_4E8178
-    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 
-    { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
-    { 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},
-    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4},
-    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5},
-    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6},
-    { 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}}};
-int sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(int valueToAdd, int *outPutSet, int elemsAlreadyPresent, int elemsNeeded);
-int dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption; // weak
-ItemGen *ptr_50C9A4_ItemToEnchant;
-struct ItemsTable *pItemsTable; // 005D29E0
-//----- (00439DF3) --------------------------------------------------------
-int ItemGen::_439DF3_get_additional_damage(int *damage_type, bool *draintargetHP)
-	{
-    *draintargetHP = false;
-	*damage_type = 0;
-	if ( !uItemID )
-		return 0;
-	UpdateTempBonus(pParty->uTimePlayed);
-	if (uItemID == 501 )  //Iron Feather -sword
-		{
-		*damage_type = 1;
-		return rand() % 10 + 6;
-		}
-	if (uItemID == 507 ) //Ghoulsbane  -axe
-		{
-		*damage_type = 0;
-		return rand() % 16 + 3;
-		}
-	if ( uItemID == 510 ) //Ullyses  -bow
-		{
-		*damage_type = 2;
-		return rand() % 4 + 9;
-		}
-	if ( uItemID == 517 ) //Old Nick -dagger
-		{
-		*damage_type = 8;
-		return 8;
-		}
-	switch (uSpecEnchantmentType)
-		{
-	case 4:  //Adds 3-4 points of Cold damage.
-		*damage_type = 2;
-		return rand() % 2 + 3;
-		break;
-	case 5:  //Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage.
-		*damage_type = 2;
-		return rand() % 3 + 6;
-		break;
-	case 6: //Adds 9-12 points of Cold damage.
-		*damage_type = 2;
-		return rand() % 4 + 9;
-		break;
-	case 7: //Adds 2-5 points of Electrical damage.
-		*damage_type = 1;
-		return rand() % 4 + 2;
-		break;
-	case 8: //Adds 4-10 points of Electrical damage.
-		*damage_type = 1;
-		return rand() % 7 + 4;
-		break;
-	case 9: //Adds 6-15 points of Electrical damage.
-		*damage_type = 1;
-		return rand() % 10 + 6;
-		break;
-	case 10: //Adds 1-6 points of Fire damage.
-		*damage_type = 0;
-		return GetDiceResult(1, 6);
-		break;
-	case 11: //Adds 2-12 points of Fire damage.
-		*damage_type = 0;
-		return GetDiceResult(2, 6);
-		break;
-	case 12: //Adds 3-18 points of Fire damage.
-		*damage_type = 0;
-		return GetDiceResult(3, 6);
-		break;
-	case 13: //Adds 5 points of Body damage.
-		*damage_type = 8;
-		return 5;
-		break;
-	case 14: //Adds 8 points of Body damage.
-		*damage_type = 8;
-		return 8;
-		break;
-	case 15: //Adds 12 points of Body damage.
-		*damage_type = 8;
-		return 12;
-		break;
-	case 16: //Drain Hit Points from target.
-	case 41: //Drain Hit Points from target and Increased Weapon speed.
-		*damage_type = 10;
-		*draintargetHP = true;
-		return 0;
-		break;
-	case 46:  //Adds 10-20 points of Fire damage and +25 Might.
-		*damage_type = 0;
-		return rand() % 11 + 10;
-		break;
-	default:
-		*damage_type = 0;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	}
-//----- (00402F07) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemGen::Reset()
-  this->uHolderPlayer = 0;
-  this->uAttributes = 0;
-  this->uNumCharges = 0;
-  this->uSpecEnchantmentType = 0;
-  this->m_enchantmentStrength = 0;
-  this->uEnchantmentType = 0;
-  this->uItemID = 0;
-  this->uBodyAnchor = 0;
-  this->uExpireTime = 0i64;
-//----- (00458260) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemGen::UpdateTempBonus(__int64 uTimePlayed)
-  if ( this->uAttributes & ITEM_TEMP_BONUS )
-  {
-    if ( uTimePlayed > (signed __int64)this->uExpireTime )
-    {
-      this->uEnchantmentType = 0;
-      this->uSpecEnchantmentType = 0;
-      this->uAttributes = this->uAttributes&(~ITEM_TEMP_BONUS);
-    }
-  }
-//----- (0045814E) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemsTable::Release()
-  free(pMonstersTXT_Raw);
-  free(pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw);
-  free(pSkillDescTXT_Raw);
-  free(pSpcItemsTXT_Raw);
-  free(pStdItemsTXT_Raw);
-  free(pRndItemsTXT_Raw);
-  free(pItemsTXT_Raw);
-  free(pHostileTXT_Raw);
-  free(pHistoryTXT_Raw);
-  free(pPotionsTXT_Raw);
-  free(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw);
-  pMonstersTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pSpcItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pSkillDescTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pStdItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pRndItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pHostileTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pHistoryTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pPotionsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-  pPotionNotesTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-//----- (00456D84) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemsTable::Initialize()
-  std::map<std::string, ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE, ci_less> equipStatMap;
-  equipStatMap["weapon"] = EQUIP_SINGLE_HANDED;
-  equipStatMap["weapon2"] = EQUIP_TWO_HANDED;
-  equipStatMap["weapon1or2"] = EQUIP_SINGLE_HANDED;
-  equipStatMap["missile"] = EQUIP_BOW;
-  equipStatMap["bow"] = EQUIP_BOW;
-  equipStatMap["armor"] = EQUIP_ARMOUR;
-  equipStatMap["shield"] = EQUIP_SHIELD;
-  equipStatMap["helm"] = EQUIP_HELMET;
-  equipStatMap["belt"] = EQUIP_BELT;
-  equipStatMap["cloak"] = EQUIP_CLOAK;
-  equipStatMap["gauntlets"] = EQUIP_GAUNTLETS;
-  equipStatMap["boots"] = EQUIP_BOOTS;
-  equipStatMap["ring"] = EQUIP_RING;
-  equipStatMap["amulet"] = EQUIP_AMULET;
-  equipStatMap["weaponw"] = EQUIP_WAND;
-  equipStatMap["herb"] = EQUIP_REAGENT;
-  equipStatMap["reagent"] = EQUIP_REAGENT;
-  equipStatMap["bottle"] = EQUIP_POTION;
-  equipStatMap["sscroll"] = EQUIP_SPELL_SCROLL;
-  equipStatMap["book"] = EQUIP_BOOK;
-  equipStatMap["mscroll"] = EQUIP_MESSAGE_SCROLL;
-  equipStatMap["gold"] = EQUIP_GOLD;
-  equipStatMap["gem"] = EQUIP_GEM;
-  std::map<std::string, PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE, ci_less> equipSkillMap;
-  equipSkillMap["staff"] = PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF;
-  equipSkillMap["sword"] = PLAYER_SKILL_SWORD;
-  equipSkillMap["dagger"] = PLAYER_SKILL_DAGGER;
-  equipSkillMap["axe"] = PLAYER_SKILL_AXE;
-  equipSkillMap["spear"] = PLAYER_SKILL_SPEAR;
-  equipSkillMap["bow"] = PLAYER_SKILL_BOW;
-  equipSkillMap["mace"] = PLAYER_SKILL_MACE;
-  equipSkillMap["blaster"] = PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER;
-  equipSkillMap["shield"] = PLAYER_SKILL_SHIELD;
-  equipSkillMap["leather"] = PLAYER_SKILL_LEATHER;
-  equipSkillMap["chain"] = PLAYER_SKILL_CHAIN;
-  equipSkillMap["plate"] = PLAYER_SKILL_PLATE;
-  equipSkillMap["club"] = PLAYER_SKILL_CLUB;
-  std::map<std::string, ITEM_MATERIAL, ci_less> materialMap;
-  materialMap["artifact"] = MATERIAL_ARTEFACT;
-  materialMap["relic"] = MATERIAL_RELIC;
-  materialMap["special"] = MATERIAL_SPECIAL;
-  char* test_string;
-  int item_counter;
-	pMapStats = new MapStats;
-	pMapStats->Initialize();
-	pMonsterStats = new MonsterStats;
-	pMonsterStats->Initialize();
-	pMonsterStats->InitializePlacements();
-	pSpellStats = new SpellStats;
-	pSpellStats->Initialize();
-	LoadPotions();
-	LoadPotionNotes();
-	pFactionTable = new FactionTable;
-	pFactionTable->Initialize();
-	pStorylineText = new StorylineText;
-	pStorylineText->Initialize();
-	pStdItemsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("stditems.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pStdItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	//Standard Bonuses by Group	
-	for (int i=0;i<24;++i)
-		{
-		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    pEnchantments[i].pBonusStat=RemoveQuotes(tokens[0]);
-    pEnchantments[i].pOfName=RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-    for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
-    {
-      pEnchantments[i].to_item[j]=atoi(tokens[j+2]);
-    }
-	}
-	memset(&pEnchantmentsSumm, 0, 36);
-	for(int i=0;i<9;++i)
-		{
-		for (int j=0;j<24;++j)
-			pEnchantmentsSumm[i]+=pEnchantments[j].to_item[i];
-		}
-	//Bonus range for Standard by Level
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	for(int i=0;i<6;++i) //counted from 1
-  {
-    test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() == 4, "Invalid number of tokens");
-    bonus_ranges[i].minR = atoi(tokens[2]);
-    bonus_ranges[i].maxR =atoi(tokens[3]);
-	}
-	pSpcItemsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("spcitems.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pSpcItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	for (int i=0;i<72;++i)
-	{
-    test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() >= 17, "Invalid number of tokens");
-    pSpecialEnchantments[i].pBonusStatement=RemoveQuotes(tokens[0]);
-    pSpecialEnchantments[i].pNameAdd= RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-    for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
-    {
-      pSpecialEnchantments[i].to_item_apply[j]=atoi(tokens[j+2]);
-    }
-    int res;
-    res=atoi(tokens[14]);
-    if(!res)
-    {
-      ++tokens[14]; 
-      while (*tokens[14]==' ')//fix X 2 case
-        ++tokens[14]; 
-      res=atoi(tokens[14]);
-    }				
-    pSpecialEnchantments[i].iValue=res;
-    pSpecialEnchantments[i].iTreasureLevel=  tolower(tokens[15][0]) - 97;
-	}
-	pSpecialEnchantments_count = 71;
-	memset(&pSpecialEnchantmentsSumm, 0, 96);
-	for(int i=0;i<12;++i)
-		{
-		for (unsigned int j=0;j<=pSpecialEnchantments_count;++j)
-			pSpecialEnchantmentsSumm[i]+=pSpecialEnchantments[j].to_item_apply[i];
-		}
-	InitializeBuildingResidents();
-	pItemsTXT_Raw = (char*) pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("items.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	uAllItemsCount = 0;
-	item_counter = 0;
-	while (item_counter < 800)
-	{
-	test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    item_counter=atoi(tokens[0]);
-    uAllItemsCount=item_counter;
-    pItems[item_counter].pIconName = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-    pItems[item_counter].pName = RemoveQuotes(tokens[2]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uValue=atoi(tokens[3]);
-    auto findResult = equipStatMap.find(tokens[4]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uEquipType = findResult == equipStatMap.end() ? EQUIP_NONE : findResult->second;
-    auto findResult2 = equipSkillMap.find(tokens[5]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uSkillType = findResult2 == equipSkillMap.end() ? PLAYER_SKILL_MISC : findResult2->second;
-    auto tokens2 = Tokenize(tokens[6], 'd');
-    if (tokens2.size() == 2)
-    {
-      pItems[item_counter].uDamageDice=atoi(tokens2[0]);
-      pItems[item_counter].uDamageRoll=atoi(tokens2[1]);
-    }
-    else if (tolower(tokens2[0][0]) != 's')
-    {
-      pItems[item_counter].uDamageDice=atoi(tokens2[0]);
-      pItems[item_counter].uDamageRoll=1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      pItems[item_counter].uDamageDice=0;
-      pItems[item_counter].uDamageRoll=0;
-    }
-    pItems[item_counter].uDamageMod=atoi(tokens[7]);
-    auto findResult3 = materialMap.find(tokens[8]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uMaterial = findResult3 == materialMap.end() ? MATERIAL_COMMON : findResult3->second;
-    pItems[item_counter].uItemID_Rep_St=atoi(tokens[9]);
-    pItems[item_counter].pUnidentifiedName = RemoveQuotes(tokens[10]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uSpriteID=atoi(tokens[11]);
-    pItems[item_counter]._additional_value=0;
-    pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type=0;
-    if (pItems[item_counter].uMaterial==MATERIAL_SPECIAL)
-    {
-      for(int ii=0; ii<24; ++ii)
-      {
-        if (!_stricmp(tokens[12],pEnchantments[ii].pOfName))
-        {
-          pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type=ii+1;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (!pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type)
-      {
-        for(int ii=0; ii<72; ++ii)
-        {
-          if (!_stricmp(tokens[12],pSpecialEnchantments[ii].pNameAdd))
-          {
-            pItems[item_counter]._additional_value=ii+1;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if ((pItems[item_counter].uMaterial==MATERIAL_SPECIAL)&&(pItems[item_counter]._bonus_type))
-    {
-      char b_s=atoi(tokens[13]);
-      if (b_s)
-        pItems[item_counter]._bonus_strength=b_s;
-      else
-        pItems[item_counter]._bonus_strength=1;
-    }
-    else
-      pItems[item_counter]._bonus_strength=0;
-    pItems[item_counter].uEquipX=atoi(tokens[14]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uEquipY=atoi(tokens[15]);
-    pItems[item_counter].pDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[16]);
-    item_counter++;
-	}
-	uAllItemsCount = item_counter;
-	pRndItemsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("rnditems.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pRndItemsTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-  for (item_counter = 0; item_counter < 619; item_counter++)
-		{
-		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() > 7, "Invalid number of tokens");
-    item_counter = atoi(tokens[0]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl1=atoi(tokens[2]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl2=atoi(tokens[3]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl3=atoi(tokens[4]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl4=atoi(tokens[5]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl5=atoi(tokens[6]);
-    pItems[item_counter].uChanceByTreasureLvl6=atoi(tokens[7]);
-  }
-	//ChanceByTreasureLvl Summ - to calculate chance
-	memset(&uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm, 0, 24);
-	for(int i=0;i<6;++i)
-		{
-		for (int j=1;j<item_counter;++j)
-			uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm[i]+=pItems[j].uChanceByTreasureLvl[i];
-		}
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	strtok(NULL, "\r");
-	for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
-		{
-		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() > 7, "Invalid number of tokens");
-      switch (i)
-      {
-      case 0:
-        uBonusChanceStandart[0]=atoi(tokens[2]);
-        uBonusChanceStandart[1]=atoi(tokens[3]);
-        uBonusChanceStandart[2]=atoi(tokens[4]);
-        uBonusChanceStandart[3]=atoi(tokens[5]);
-        uBonusChanceStandart[4]=atoi(tokens[6]);
-        uBonusChanceStandart[5]=atoi(tokens[7]);
-        break;
-      case 1:
-        uBonusChanceSpecial[0]=atoi(tokens[2]);
-        uBonusChanceSpecial[1]=atoi(tokens[3]);
-        uBonusChanceSpecial[2]=atoi(tokens[4]);
-        uBonusChanceSpecial[3]=atoi(tokens[5]);
-        uBonusChanceSpecial[4]=atoi(tokens[6]);
-        uBonusChanceSpecial[5]=atoi(tokens[7]);
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[0]=atoi(tokens[2]);
-        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[1]=atoi(tokens[3]);
-        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[2]=atoi(tokens[4]);
-        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[3]=atoi(tokens[5]);
-        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[4]=atoi(tokens[6]);
-        uBonusChanceWpSpecial[5]=atoi(tokens[7]);
-        break;
-      }
-		}
-  free(pRndItemsTXT_Raw);
-  pRndItemsTXT_Raw = nullptr;
-	pSkillDescTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("skilldes.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pSkillDescTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	for (int i=0; i<37; ++i)
-		{
-		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() >= 6, "Invalid number of tokens");
-    pSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-    pNormalSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[2]);
-    pExpertSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[3]);
-    pMasterSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[4]);
-    pGrandSkillDesc[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[5]);
-	}
-	pStatsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("stats.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pStatsTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	for (int i=0; i<26; ++i)
-		{
-		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() == 2, "Invalid number of tokens");
-    switch (i)
-    {
-    case 0:
-    case 1:
-    case 2:
-    case 3:
-    case 4:
-    case 5:
-    case 6:
-      pAttributeDescriptions[i] = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 7:
-      pHealthPointsAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      pArmourClassAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 9:
-      pSpellPointsAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 10:
-      pPlayerConditionAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 11:
-      pFastSpellAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 12:
-      pPlayerAgeAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 13:
-      pPlayerLevelAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 14:
-      pPlayerExperienceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 15:
-      pAttackBonusAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 16:
-      pAttackDamageAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 17:
-      pMissleBonusAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 18:
-      pMissleDamageAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 19:
-      pFireResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 20:
-      pAirResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 21:
-      pWaterResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 22:
-      pEarthResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 23:
-      pMindResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 24:
-      pBodyResistanceAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;
-    case 25:
-      pSkillPointsAttributeDescription = RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-      break;  
-    }
-  }
-	pClassTXT_Raw = 0;
-	pClassTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("class.txt", 0);
-	strtok(pClassTXT_Raw, "\r");
-	for (int i=0; i<36; ++i)
-		{
-		test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-    auto tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    Assert(tokens.size() == 3, "Invalid number of tokens");
-    pClassDescriptions[i]=RemoveQuotes(tokens[1]);
-	}
-  ItemGen::PopulateSpecialBonusMap();
-  ItemGen::PopulateArtifactBonusMap();
-  ItemGen::PopulateRegularBonusMap();
-	}
-//----- (00456D17) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemsTable::SetSpecialBonus(ItemGen *pItem)
-  if ( pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_SPECIAL )
-  {
-    pItem->uEnchantmentType = pItems[pItem->uItemID]._bonus_type;
-    pItem->uSpecEnchantmentType = pItems[pItem->uItemID]._additional_value;
-    pItem->m_enchantmentStrength = pItems[pItem->uItemID]._bonus_strength;
-  }
-//----- (00456D43) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool ItemsTable::IsMaterialSpecial(ItemGen *pItem)
-  return this->pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_SPECIAL;
-//----- (00456D5E) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool ItemsTable::IsMaterialNonCommon(ItemGen *pItem)
-  return pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_SPECIAL ||
-	      pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_RELIC || 
-		  pItems[pItem->uItemID].uMaterial == MATERIAL_ARTEFACT;
-//----- (00453B3C) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemsTable::LoadPotions()
-  CHAR Text[90]; 
-  char* test_string;
-  unsigned int uRow;
-  unsigned int uColumn;
-  unsigned __int8 potion_value;
-  free(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw);
-  auto tokens = Tokenize("", '\t');
-  char* pPotionsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("potion.txt", 0);
-  test_string = strtok(pPotionsTXT_Raw ,"\r") + 1;
-  while (test_string)
-  {
-    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "222"))    
-      break;
-    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
-  }
-  if (!test_string)
-  {
-    MessageBoxA(0, "Error Pre-Parsing Potion Table", "Load Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
-    return;
-  }
-  for (uRow = 0;uRow < 50; ++uRow)
-  {
-    if (tokens.size() < 50)
-    {
-      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, tokens.size());
-      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
-      return;
-    }
-    for (uColumn = 0; uColumn < 50; ++uColumn)
-    {
-      char* currValue = tokens[uColumn + 7];
-      potion_value = atoi(currValue);
-      if ( !potion_value && tolower(currValue[0]) == 'e')
-      {
-        potion_value = atoi(currValue + 1);
-      }      
-      this->potion_data[uRow][uColumn]=potion_value;
-    }
-    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
-    if (!test_string)
-    {
-      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, 0);
-      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
-      return;
-    }
-    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-  }
-//----- (00453CE5) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemsTable::LoadPotionNotes()
-  CHAR Text[90]; 
-  char* test_string;
-  unsigned int uRow;
-  unsigned int uColumn;
-  unsigned __int8 potion_note;
-	free(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw);
-  auto tokens = Tokenize("", '\t');
-  char* pPotionNotesTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("potnotes.txt", 0);
-  test_string = strtok(pPotionNotesTXT_Raw ,"\r") + 1;
-  while (test_string)
-  {
-    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-    if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "222"))    
-      break;
-    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
-  }
-  if (!test_string)
-  {
-    MessageBoxA(0, "Error Pre-Parsing Potion Table", "Load Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
-    return;
-  }
-  for (uRow = 0;uRow < 50; ++uRow)
-  {
-    if (tokens.size() < 50)
-    {
-      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, tokens.size());
-      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
-      return;
-    }
-    for (uColumn = 0; uColumn < 50; ++uColumn)
-    {
-      char* currValue = tokens[uColumn + 7];
-      potion_note = atoi(currValue);
-      if ( !potion_note && tolower(currValue[0]) == 'e')
-      {
-          potion_note = atoi(currValue + 1);
-      }      
-      this->potion_note[uRow][uColumn]=potion_note;
-    }
-    test_string = strtok(NULL ,"\r") + 1;
-    if (!test_string)
-    {
-      wsprintfA(Text, "Error Parsing Potion Table at Row: %d Column: %d", uRow, 0);
-      MessageBoxA(0, Text, "Parsing Error", MB_ICONHAND|MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE);
-      return;
-    }
-    tokens = Tokenize(test_string, '\t');
-  }
-	}
-//----- (00456442) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int ItemGen::GetValue()
-	{
-	unsigned int uBaseValue; // edi@1
-	unsigned int bonus;
-	uBaseValue = pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uValue;
-	if ( this->uAttributes & ITEM_TEMP_BONUS || pItemsTable->IsMaterialNonCommon(this) )
-		return uBaseValue;
-	if (uEnchantmentType )
-		return uBaseValue + 100 * m_enchantmentStrength;;
-	if (uSpecEnchantmentType )
-		{
-		bonus = pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[uSpecEnchantmentType].iTreasureLevel;
-		if ( bonus > 10 )
-			return uBaseValue + bonus;
-		else
-			return uBaseValue * bonus;
-		} 
-	return uBaseValue;
-	}
-//----- (00456499) --------------------------------------------------------
-const char *ItemGen::GetDisplayName()
-  if (IsIdentified())
-    return GetIdentifiedName();
-  else
-    return pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pUnidentifiedName;
-//----- (004564B3) --------------------------------------------------------
-const char *ItemGen::GetIdentifiedName()
-  unsigned __int8 equip_type; 
-  const char *player_name; 
-  const char *nameModificator; 
-  const char *format_str; 
-  equip_type = GetItemEquipType();
-  if ( (equip_type == EQUIP_REAGENT) || (equip_type == EQUIP_POTION) || (equip_type == EQUIP_GOLD) )
-  {
-    sprintf(item__getname_buffer.data(), "%s", pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pName);
-    return item__getname_buffer.data();
-  }
-  sprintf(item__getname_buffer.data(), "%s", pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pName);
-  if ( uItemID == ITEM_LICH_JAR_FULL )  //Lich Jar
-  {
-    if ( (uHolderPlayer >0 )&& (uHolderPlayer <= 4) )
-      {
-        player_name = pPlayers[uHolderPlayer]->pName;
-        if ( player_name[strlen(player_name) - 1] == 's' )
-          format_str = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[655]; //"%s' Jar"
-        else
-          format_str = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[654]; //"%s's Jar"
-		sprintf(item__getname_buffer.data(), format_str, pPlayers[uHolderPlayer]->pName);
-		return item__getname_buffer.data();
-      }
-  }
-  if ( !pItemsTable->IsMaterialNonCommon(this) )
-  {
-    if ( uEnchantmentType )
-    {
-      strcat(item__getname_buffer.data(), " ");
-      nameModificator = pItemsTable->pEnchantments[uEnchantmentType-1].pOfName;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( !uSpecEnchantmentType )
-        return item__getname_buffer.data();
-      if ( uSpecEnchantmentType == 16 //Drain Hit Points from target.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 39 //Double damage vs Demons.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 40 //Double damage vs Dragons
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 45 //+5 Speed and Accuracy
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 56 //+5 Might and Endurance.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 57 //+5 Intellect and Personality.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 58 //Increased Value.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 60 //+3 Unarmed and Dodging skills
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 61 //+3 Stealing and Disarm skills.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 59  //Increased Weapon speed.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 63 //Double Damage vs. Elves.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 64 //Double Damage vs. Undead.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 67 //Adds 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skill.
-        || uSpecEnchantmentType == 68 ) //Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage and +5 Armor Class.
-      {  //enchantment and name positions inverted!
-        sprintf( item__getname_buffer.data(), "%s %s",
-				  pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[uSpecEnchantmentType-1].pNameAdd,
-				  pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pName);
-        return item__getname_buffer.data();
-      }
-      strcat(item__getname_buffer.data(), " ");
-	  nameModificator = pItemsTable->pSpecialEnchantments[uSpecEnchantmentType-1].pNameAdd;
-    }
-    strcat(item__getname_buffer.data(), nameModificator);
-  }
-  return item__getname_buffer.data();
-//----- (00456620) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ItemsTable::GenerateItem(int treasure_level, unsigned int uTreasureType, ItemGen *out_item)
-  {
-    int treasureLevelMinus1; // ebx@3
-    int current_chance; // ebx@43
-    int tmp_chance; // ecx@47
-    int v17; // ebx@57
-    int v18; // edx@62
-    unsigned int special_chance; // edx@86
-    unsigned int v26; // edx@89
-    unsigned int v27; // eax@89
-    int v32; // ecx@91
-    int v33; // eax@91
-//    unsigned int v34; // eax@97
-    int v45; // eax@120
-    int v46; // edx@120
-    int j; // eax@121
-    int val_list[800]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-C88h]@33
-    int total_chance; // [sp+C8Ch] [bp-8h]@33
-    signed int v56; // [sp+CA0h] [bp+Ch]@55
-    int v57; // [sp+CA0h] [bp+Ch]@62
-    if (!out_item)
-        out_item = (ItemGen *)malloc(sizeof(ItemGen));
-    memset(out_item, 0, sizeof(*out_item));
-    treasureLevelMinus1 = treasure_level - 1;
-    if ( uTreasureType ) //generate known treasure type
-    {
-        ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE   requested_equip;
-        PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_INVALID;
-        switch (uTreasureType)
-            {
-        case 20: requested_equip = EQUIP_SINGLE_HANDED; break;
-        case 21: requested_equip = EQUIP_ARMOUR; break;
-        case 22: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_MISC; break;
-        case 23: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_SWORD; break;
-        case 24: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_DAGGER; break;
-        case 25: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_AXE; break;
-        case 26: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_SPEAR; break;
-        case 27: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_BOW; break;
-        case 28: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_MACE; break;
-        case 29: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_CLUB; break;
-        case 30: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF; break;
-        case 31: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_LEATHER; break;
-        case 32: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_CHAIN; break;
-        case 33: requested_skill = PLAYER_SKILL_PLATE; break;
-        case 34: requested_equip = EQUIP_SHIELD; break;
-        case 35: requested_equip = EQUIP_HELMET; break;
-        case 36: requested_equip = EQUIP_BELT; break;
-        case 37: requested_equip = EQUIP_CLOAK; break;
-        case 38: requested_equip = EQUIP_GAUNTLETS; break;
-        case 39: requested_equip = EQUIP_BOOTS; break;
-        case 40: requested_equip = EQUIP_RING; break;
-        case 41: requested_equip = EQUIP_AMULET; break;
-        case 42: requested_equip = EQUIP_WAND; break;
-        case 43: requested_equip = EQUIP_SPELL_SCROLL; break;
-        case 44: requested_equip = EQUIP_POTION; break;
-        case 45: requested_equip = EQUIP_REAGENT; break;
-        case 46: requested_equip = EQUIP_GEM; break;
-        default:
-            __debugbreak(); // check this condition
-            requested_equip = (ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE)(uTreasureType - 1);
-            break;
-            }
-        memset(val_list, 0, sizeof(val_list));
-        total_chance = 0;
-        j=0;
-        //a2a = 1;
-        if (requested_skill == PLAYER_SKILL_INVALID)  // no skill for this item needed
-            {
-            for (uint i = 1; i < 500; ++i)
-                {
-                if (pItems[i].uEquipType == requested_equip)
-                    {
-                    val_list[j] = i;
-                    ++j;
-                    total_chance += pItems[i].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasure_level - 1];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        else  //have needed skill
-            {
-            for (uint i = 1; i < 500; ++i)
-                {
-                if (pItems[i].uSkillType == requested_skill)
-                    {
-                    val_list[j] = i;
-                    ++j;
-                    total_chance += pItems[i].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasure_level - 1];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        current_chance = 0;
-        if ( total_chance )
-        {
-          current_chance = rand() % total_chance + 1;
-          tmp_chance = 0;
-          j=0;
-          while(tmp_chance < current_chance)
-          {
-            out_item->uItemID = val_list[j];
-            tmp_chance += pItems[val_list[j]].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasure_level - 1];
-            ++j;
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          out_item->uItemID = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-   //artifact
-        if ( treasureLevelMinus1 == 5 )
-        {
-          v56 = 0;
-          for(int i=0; i<29; ++i) 
-            v56 += pParty->pIsArtifactFound[i];
-          v17 = rand() % 29;
-          if ((rand() % 100 < 5) && !pParty->pIsArtifactFound[v17] && v56 < 13)
-          {
-            pParty->pIsArtifactFound[v17] = 1;
-            out_item->uAttributes = 0;
-            out_item->uItemID = v17 + 500;
-            SetSpecialBonus(out_item);
-            return;
-          }
-        }
-        v57 = 0;
-        v18 = rand() % this->uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm[treasure_level - 1] + 1;
-        while (v57 < v18)
-        {
-          ++out_item->uItemID;
-          v57 += pItems[out_item->uItemID].uChanceByTreasureLvl[treasureLevelMinus1];
-        }
-    }
-    if (out_item->GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_POTION && out_item->uItemID != ITEM_POTION_BOTTLE )
-    {// if it potion set potion spec
-      out_item->uEnchantmentType = 0;
-      for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
-        out_item->uEnchantmentType += rand() % 4 + 1;
-      out_item->uEnchantmentType = out_item->uEnchantmentType * treasure_level; 
-    }
-        && !(unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, 239) )
-        out_item->uItemID = ITEM_SPELLBOOK_LIGHT_SUN_BURST;
-    if ( pItemsTable->pItems[out_item->uItemID].uItemID_Rep_St )
-        out_item->uAttributes = 0;
-    else
-        out_item->uAttributes = 1;
-    if ( out_item->GetItemEquipType() != EQUIP_POTION )
-        {
-        out_item->uSpecEnchantmentType = 0;
-        out_item->uEnchantmentType = 0;
-        }
-    //try get special enhansment
-    switch (out_item->GetItemEquipType())
-        {
-    case EQUIP_TWO_HANDED :   
-    case EQUIP_BOW :    
-        if ( !uBonusChanceWpSpecial[treasureLevelMinus1] )
-            return;
-        if ((uint)(rand() % 100)>=uBonusChanceWpSpecial[treasureLevelMinus1])
-            return;
-        break;
-    case      EQUIP_ARMOUR :        
-    case      EQUIP_SHIELD :         
-    case      EQUIP_HELMET  :       
-    case      EQUIP_BELT   :          
-    case      EQUIP_CLOAK  :        
-    case      EQUIP_GAUNTLETS :      
-    case      EQUIP_BOOTS  :        
-    case      EQUIP_RING   : 
-        if ( !uBonusChanceStandart[treasureLevelMinus1] )
-            return;
-        special_chance = rand() % 100;
-        if ( special_chance < uBonusChanceStandart[treasureLevelMinus1])
-            {
-              v26 = rand() %pEnchantmentsSumm[out_item->GetItemEquipType()-3] + 1; 
-              v27 = 0;
-              while(v27 < v26)
-              {
-                ++out_item->uEnchantmentType;
-                v27+=pEnchantments[out_item->uEnchantmentType].to_item[out_item->GetItemEquipType()-3];
-              }
-            v33 = rand() % (bonus_ranges[treasureLevelMinus1].maxR - bonus_ranges[treasureLevelMinus1].minR + 1);
-            out_item->m_enchantmentStrength = v33 + bonus_ranges[treasureLevelMinus1].minR;
-            v32 = out_item->uEnchantmentType - 1;
-            if ( v32 == 21 || v32 == 22 || v32 == 23 ) //Armsmaster skill, Dodge skill, Unarmed skill 
-                out_item->m_enchantmentStrength = out_item->m_enchantmentStrength/2;
-            if ( out_item->m_enchantmentStrength <= 0 )
-                out_item->m_enchantmentStrength = 1;
-            return;
-            }
-        else if ( special_chance >= uBonusChanceStandart[treasureLevelMinus1] + uBonusChanceSpecial[treasureLevelMinus1] )
-          return;
-        break;
-    case EQUIP_WAND:
-        out_item->uNumCharges = rand() % 6 + out_item->GetDamageMod() + 1;
-        out_item->uMaxCharges = out_item->uNumCharges;
-        return;
-    default:
-        return;
-        }
-    j=0;
-    int spc_sum=0;
-    int spc;
-    memset(&val_list, 0, 3200);
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<pSpecialEnchantments_count;++i)
-    {
-      int tr_lv= pSpecialEnchantments[i].iTreasureLevel;
-      if ((treasure_level - 1 == 2) && ( tr_lv == 1 || tr_lv == 0 ) ||
-        (treasure_level - 1 == 3) && (tr_lv == 2 || tr_lv == 1 || tr_lv == 0) ||
-        (treasure_level - 1 == 4) && (tr_lv == 3 || tr_lv == 2 || tr_lv == 1) ||
-        (treasure_level - 1 == 5) && (tr_lv == 3)
-        )
-      {
-        spc=pSpecialEnchantments[i].to_item_apply[out_item->GetItemEquipType()];
-        spc_sum+=spc;
-        if(spc)
-        {
-          val_list[j++]=i;  
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    v46 = rand()%spc_sum+1;//��������� �������� �� 1 �� spc_sum
-    j=0;
-    v45 = 0;
-    while (v45<v46)
-    {
-      ++j;
-      out_item->uSpecEnchantmentType=val_list[j];
-      v45+=pSpecialEnchantments[val_list[j]].to_item_apply[out_item->GetItemEquipType()];
-    }
-//----- (004505CC) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool ItemGen::GenerateArtifact()
-  signed int uNumArtifactsNotFound; // esi@1
-  int artifacts_list[32]; 
-  memset(artifacts_list, 0,sizeof(artifacts_list));
-  uNumArtifactsNotFound = 0;
-  for (int i=500;i<529;++i)
-     if ( !pParty->pIsArtifactFound[i-500] )
-        artifacts_list[uNumArtifactsNotFound++] = i;
-  Reset();
-  if ( uNumArtifactsNotFound )
-  {
-    uItemID = artifacts_list[rand() % uNumArtifactsNotFound];
-    pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(this);
-    return true;
-  }
-  else
-    return false;
-std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* >ItemGen::regularBonusMap;
-std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* >ItemGen::specialBonusMap;
-std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* >ItemGen::artifactBonusMap;
-#define NEWBONUSINTOSPECIALLIST(x,y) AddToMap(ItemGen::specialBonusMap, enchId, x, y);
-#define NEWBONUSINTOSPECIALLIST2(x,y,z) AddToMap(ItemGen::specialBonusMap, enchId, x, y, z);
-#define NEWBONUSINTOREGULARLIST(x) AddToMap(ItemGen::regularBonusMap, enchId, x);
-#define NEWBONUSINTOARTIFACTLIST(x,y) AddToMap(ItemGen::artifactBonusMap, itemId, x, y);
-#define NEWBONUSINTOARTIFACTLIST2(x,y,z) AddToMap(ItemGen::artifactBonusMap, itemId, x, y, z);
-void ItemGen::AddToMap( std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > &maptoadd, int enchId, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrId, int bonusValue /*= 0*/, unsigned __int16 Player::* skillPtr /*= NULL*/ )
-  auto key = maptoadd.find(enchId);
-  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currMap;
-  if (key == maptoadd.end())
-  {
-    currMap = new std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>;
-    maptoadd[enchId] = currMap;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    currMap = key->second;
-  }
-  Assert(currMap->find(attrId) == currMap->end(), "Attribute %d already present for enchantment %d", attrId, enchId);
-  (*currMap)[attrId] = new CEnchantment(bonusValue, skillPtr);
-void ItemGen::PopulateSpecialBonusMap()
-  int enchId = 1;// of Protection, +10 to all Resistances
-  enchId = 2;//of The Gods, +10 to all Seven Statistics
-  enchId = 26;//of Air Magic
-  enchId = 27;//of Body Magic
-  enchId = 28;//of Dark Magic
-  enchId = 29;//of Earth Magic
-  enchId = 30;//of Fire Magic
-  enchId = 31;//of Light Magic
-  enchId = 32;//of Mind Magic
-  enchId = 33;//of Spirit Magic
-  enchId = 34;//of Water Magic
-  enchId = 42;//of Doom
-  enchId = 43;//of Earth
-  enchId = 44;//of Life
-  enchId = 45;//Rogues
-  enchId = 46;//of The Dragon
-  enchId = 47;//of The Eclipse
-  enchId = 48;//of The Golem
-  enchId = 49;//of The Moon
-  enchId = 50;//of The Phoenix
-  enchId = 51;//of The Sky
-  enchId = 52;//of The Stars
-  enchId = 53;//of The Sun
-  enchId = 54;//of The Troll
-  enchId = 55;//of The Unicorn
-  enchId = 56;//Warriors
-  enchId = 57;//Wizards
-  enchId = 60;//Monks'
-  enchId = 61;//Thieves'
-  enchId = 62;//of Identifying
-  enchId = 67;//Assassins'
-  enchId = 68;//Barbarians'
-  enchId = 69;//of the Storm
-  enchId = 70;//of the Ocean
-void ItemGen::PopulateRegularBonusMap()
-  int enchId = 1;//of Might
-  enchId = 2;//of Thought
-  enchId = 3;//of Charm
-  enchId = 4;//of Vigor 
-  enchId = 5;//of Precision 
-  enchId = 6;//of Speed 
-  enchId = 7;//of Luck 
-  enchId = 8;//of Health 
-  enchId = 9;//of Magic 
-  enchId = 10;//of Defense 
-  enchId = 11;//of Fire Resistance 
-  enchId = 12;//of Air Resistance 
-  enchId = 13;//of Water Resistance 
-  enchId = 14;//of Earth Resistance 
-  enchId = 15;//of Mind Resistance 
-  enchId = 16;//of Body Resistance 
-  enchId = 17;//of Alchemy 
-  enchId = 18;//of Stealing 
-  enchId = 19;//of Disarming 
-  enchId = 20;//of Items 
-  enchId = 21;//of Monsters 
-  enchId = 22;//of Arms 
-  enchId = 23;//of Dodging 
-  enchId = 24;//of the Fist
-void ItemGen::PopulateArtifactBonusMap()
-  int itemId;
-  itemId = ITEM_RELIC_MASH;
-void ItemGen::GetItemBonusSpecialEnchantment( Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* additiveBonus, int* halfSkillBonus )
-  auto bonusList = ItemGen::specialBonusMap.find(this->uSpecEnchantmentType);
-  if (bonusList == ItemGen::specialBonusMap.end())
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currList = bonusList->second;
-  if (currList->find(attrToGet) != currList->end())
-  {
-    CEnchantment* currBonus = (*currList)[attrToGet];
-    if (currBonus->statPtr != NULL)
-    {
-      if (currBonus->statBonus == 0)
-      {
-        *halfSkillBonus = owner->*currBonus->statPtr / 2;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        if (*additiveBonus < currBonus->statBonus)
-        {
-          *additiveBonus = currBonus->statBonus;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      *additiveBonus += currBonus->statBonus;
-    }
-  }
-void ItemGen::GetItemBonusArtifact( Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* bonusSum )
-  auto bonusList = ItemGen::artifactBonusMap.find(this->uItemID);
-  if (bonusList == ItemGen::artifactBonusMap.end())
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currList = bonusList->second;
-  if (currList->find(attrToGet) != currList->end())
-  {
-    CEnchantment* currBonus = (*currList)[attrToGet];
-    if (currBonus->statPtr != NULL)
-    {
-      *bonusSum = owner->*currBonus->statPtr / 2;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      *bonusSum += currBonus->statBonus;
-    }
-  }
-bool ItemGen::IsRegularEnchanmentForAttribute( CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet )
-  auto bonusList = ItemGen::specialBonusMap.find(this->uEnchantmentType);
-  if (bonusList == ItemGen::specialBonusMap.end())
-  {
-    return false;
-  }
-  std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* currList = bonusList->second;
-  return (currList->find(attrToGet) != currList->end());
-ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE ItemGen::GetItemEquipType()
-  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uEquipType;
-unsigned char ItemGen::GetPlayerSkillType()
-  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uSkillType;
-char* ItemGen::GetIconName()
-  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].pIconName;
-unsigned __int8 ItemGen::GetDamageDice()
-  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uDamageDice;
-unsigned __int8 ItemGen::GetDamageRoll()
-  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uDamageRoll;
-unsigned __int8 ItemGen::GetDamageMod()
-  return pItemsTable->pItems[this->uItemID].uDamageMod;
-//----- (004B8E3D) --------------------------------------------------------
-void GenerateStandartShopItems()
-  signed int item_count; 
-  signed int shop_index; 
-  int treasure_lvl; 
-  int item_class; 
-  int mdf;
-  shop_index = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-  if ( uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType] )
-  {
-    for (item_count = 0; item_count < uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType]; ++item_count )
-    {
-      if (shop_index <= 14) //weapon shop
-      {
-        treasure_lvl = shopWeap_variation_ord[shop_index].treasure_level;
-        item_class = shopWeap_variation_ord[shop_index].item_class[rand() % 4];
-      }
-      else if (shop_index <= 28) //armor shop
-      {
-        mdf = 0;
-        if (item_count > 3)
-          ++mdf;// rechek offsets
-        treasure_lvl = shopArmr_variation_ord[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].treasure_level;
-        item_class = shopArmr_variation_ord[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].item_class[rand() % 4];
-      }
-      else if (shop_index <= 41)  //magic shop
-      {
-        treasure_lvl = shopMagic_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 28];
-        item_class = 22;  //misc
-      }
-      else if (shop_index <= 53) //alchemist shop
-      {
-        if (item_count < 6)
-        {
-          pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].Reset();
-          pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].uItemID = 220;  //potion bottle
-          continue;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          treasure_lvl = shopAlch_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 41];
-          item_class = 45;  //reagent
-        }
-      }
-      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(treasure_lvl, item_class, &pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count]);
-      pParty->StandartItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].SetIdentified();  //identified
-    }
-  }
-  pParty->InTheShopFlags[shop_index] = 0;
-//----- (004B8F94) --------------------------------------------------------
-void  GenerateSpecialShopItems()
-  signed int item_count; 
-  signed int shop_index; 
-  int treasure_lvl; 
-  int item_class; 
-  int mdf;
-  shop_index = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-  if ( uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType] )
-  {
-    for ( item_count = 0; item_count < uItemsAmountPerShopType[p2DEvents[shop_index - 1].uType]; ++item_count )
-    {
-      if (shop_index <= 14) //weapon shop
-      {
-        treasure_lvl = shopWeap_variation_spc[shop_index].treasure_level;
-        item_class =  shopWeap_variation_spc[shop_index].item_class[rand() % 4];
-      }
-      else if (shop_index <= 28) //armor shop
-      {
-        mdf = 0;
-        if (item_count > 3)
-          ++mdf;
-        treasure_lvl = shopArmr_variation_spc[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].treasure_level;
-        item_class = shopArmr_variation_spc[2*(shop_index - 15) + mdf].item_class[rand() % 4];
-      }
-      else if (shop_index <= 41)  //magic shop
-      {
-        treasure_lvl = shopMagicSpc_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 28];
-        item_class = 22;  //misc
-      }
-      else if (shop_index <= 53) //alchemist shop
-      {
-        if (item_count < 6)
-        {
-          pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].Reset();
-          pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].uItemID = rand() % 32 + 740;  //mscrool
-          continue;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          treasure_lvl = shopAlchSpc_treasure_lvl[shop_index - 41];
-          item_class = 44;  //potion
-        }
-      }
-      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(treasure_lvl, item_class, &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count]);
-      pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[shop_index][item_count].SetIdentified();  //identified
-    }
-  }
-  pParty->InTheShopFlags[shop_index] = 0;
-//----- (00450218) --------------------------------------------------------
-void GenerateItemsInChest()
-    {
-    unsigned int mapType; // eax@1
-    MapInfo *currMapInfo; // esi@1
-    ItemGen *currItem; // ebx@2
-    int additionaItemCount; // ebp@4
-    int treasureLevelBot; // edi@4
-    int treasureLevelTop; // esi@4
-    signed int treasureLevelRange; // esi@4
-    int resultTreasureLevel; // edx@4
-    int goldAmount; // esi@8
-    int v11; // ebp@25
-    int v12; // esi@25
-    signed int whatToGenerateProb; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@1
-    mapType = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
-    currMapInfo = &pMapStats->pInfos[mapType];
-    for(int i=1; i<20;++i)
-    {
-        for(int j=0; j<140;++j)
-        {
-            currItem = &pChests[i].igChestItems[j];
-            if ( currItem->uItemID < 0 )
-            {
-                additionaItemCount = rand() % 5; //additional items in chect
-                treasureLevelBot = byte_4E8168[abs(currItem->uItemID)-1][2*currMapInfo->Treasure_prob];
-                treasureLevelTop = byte_4E8168[abs(currItem->uItemID)-1][2*currMapInfo->Treasure_prob+1];
-                treasureLevelRange = treasureLevelTop - treasureLevelBot + 1;
-                resultTreasureLevel = treasureLevelBot + rand() % treasureLevelRange;  //treasure level 
-                if (resultTreasureLevel<7)
-                {
-                  v11 = 0;
-                  do 
-                  {
-                    whatToGenerateProb = rand() % 100;
-                    if (whatToGenerateProb<20)
-                    {
-                      currItem->Reset();
-                    }
-                    else if (whatToGenerateProb<60) //generate gold
-                    {
-                      goldAmount=0;
-                      currItem->Reset();
-                      switch (resultTreasureLevel)
-                      {
-                      case 1: //small gold
-                        goldAmount = rand() % 51 + 50;
-                        currItem->uItemID = 197;
-                        break;
-                      case 2://small gold
-                        goldAmount = rand() % 101 + 100;
-                        currItem->uItemID = 197;
-                        break;
-                      case 3:  //medium
-                        goldAmount = rand() % 301 + 200;
-                        currItem->uItemID = 198;
-                        break;
-                      case 4: //medium
-                        goldAmount = rand() % 501 + 500;
-                        currItem->uItemID = 198;
-                        break;
-                      case 5: //big
-                        goldAmount = rand() % 1001 + 1000;
-                        currItem->uItemID = 199;
-                        break;
-                      case 6: //big
-                        goldAmount = rand() % 3001 + 2000;
-                        currItem->uItemID = 199;
-                        break;
-                      }
-                      currItem->SetIdentified();
-                      currItem->uSpecEnchantmentType = goldAmount;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                      pItemsTable->GenerateItem(resultTreasureLevel, 0, currItem);
-                    }
-                    v12 = 0;
-                    while ( !(pChests[i].igChestItems[v12].uItemID==0) &&(v12<140))
-                    {
-                      ++v12;
-                    }
-                    if (v12 >= 140)
-                      break;
-                    currItem=&pChests[i].igChestItems[v12];
-                    v11++;
-                  } while (v11 < additionaItemCount + 1); // + 1 because it's the item at pChests[i].igChestItems[j] and the additional ones
-                }
-                else
-                    currItem->GenerateArtifact();
-            }
-        }			
-    }
-// 4505CC: using guessed type int var_A0[32];
-	//----- (004B3703) --------------------------------------------------------
-void FillAviableSkillsToTeach( int _this )
-	{
-	const char *v30; // ecx@65
-	unsigned int v29; // edx@56
-	int v15; // ecx@19
-	int v33; // [sp-4h] [bp-2Ch]@23
-	int v34; // [sp-4h] [bp-2Ch]@43
-	int v21; // ecx@34
-	int v35[5]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-1Ch]@8
-	int v37=0; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@1*
-	int i=0;
-	dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption = 0;
-	switch (_this)
-		{
-	case 1:  //shop weapon
-		for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
-			{
-			for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
-				{
-				if ( i )
-					v21 = shopWeap_variation_spc[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C].item_class[j];
-				else
-					v21 = shopWeap_variation_ord[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C].item_class[j];
-				switch (v21)
-					{
-				case 23:  v34 = 37;	break;
-				case 24:  v34 = 38;	break;
-				case 25:  v34 = 39;	break;
-				case 26:  v34 = 40;	break;
-				case 27:  v34 = 41;	break;
-				case 28:  v34 = 42; break;
-				case 30:  v34 = 36;	break;
-				default:
-					continue;
-					}	
-				v37 = sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(v34, v35, v37, 5);
-				}
-			}
-		break;
-	case 2: //shop armor
-		for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
-			{
-			for (int j=0; j<2; ++j)
-				{
-				for (int k=0; k<4; ++k)
-					{
-					if ( i )
-						v15 = shopArmr_variation_spc[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C-15+j].item_class[k];
-					else
-						v15 = shopArmr_variation_ord[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C-15+j].item_class[k];
-					switch (v15)
-						{
-					case 31: v33 = 45; break;
-					case 32: v33 = 46; break;
-					case 33: v33 = 47; break;
-					case 34: v33 = 44; break;
-					default:
-						continue;
-						}
-					v37 = sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(v33, v35, v37, 5);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		break;
-	case 3:  //shop magic
-		v37 = 2;
-		v35[0] = 57;
-		v35[1] = 59;
-		break;
-	case 4: //shop alchemist
-		v37 = 2;
-		v35[0] = 71;
-		v35[1] = 68;
-		break;
-	case 21:  //tavern
-		v37 = 3;
-		v35[0] = 70;
-		v35[1] = 65;
-		v35[2] = 62;
-		break;
-	case 23:  //temple
-		v37 = 3;
-		v35[0] = 67;
-		v35[1] = 66;
-		v35[2] = 58;
-		break;
-	case 30:  ///trainig
-		v37 = 2;
-		v35[0] = 69;
-		v35[1] = 60;
-		break;
-		}
-	for(i=0;i<v37;++i) 
-		{
-		v29=v35[i];
-		switch(v29)
-			{
-		case 40 :v30 = pSkillNames[4];	break;
-		case 5 : v30 = pSkillNames[23];	break;
-		case 36 :v30 = pSkillNames[0];	break;
-		case 37 :v30 = pSkillNames[1];	break;
-		case 38 :v30 = pSkillNames[2];	break;
-		case 39 :v30 = pSkillNames[3];	break;
-		case 41 :v30 = pSkillNames[5];	break;
-		case 42 :v30 = pSkillNames[6];	break;
-		case 44 :v30 = pSkillNames[8];	break;
-		case 45 :v30 = pSkillNames[9];	break;
-		case 46 :v30 = pSkillNames[10];	break;
-		case 47 :v30 = pSkillNames[11];	break;
-		case 66 :v30 = pSkillNames[30];	break;
-		case 57 :v30 = pSkillNames[21];	break;
-		case 58 :v30 = pSkillNames[22];	break;
-		case 60 :v30 = pSkillNames[24];	break;
-		case 62 :v30 = pSkillNames[26];	break;
-		case 65 :v30 = pSkillNames[29];	break;
-		case 67:v30 = pSkillNames[31];	break;
-		case 68:v30 = pSkillNames[32];	break;
-		case 69:v30 = pSkillNames[33];	break;
-		case 70:v30 = pSkillNames[34];	break;
-		case 71:v30 = pSkillNames[35]; break;
-		default:
-			v30 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[127]; //"No Text!"
-			}
-		pShopOptions[dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption] = const_cast<char *>(v30);
-		++dword_F8B1DC_currentShopOption;
-		CreateButtonInColumn(i+1, v29);
-		}
-	pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(i, 1, 0, 2);
-	dword_F8B1E0 = pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton;
-	}
-	//----- (004BE571) --------------------------------------------------------
-int sub_4BE571_AddItemToSet(int valueToAdd, int *outPutSet, int elemsAlreadyPresent, int elemsNeeded)
-	int i; // esi@3
-	if ( elemsAlreadyPresent < elemsNeeded )
-	{
-		for ( i = 0; i < elemsAlreadyPresent; ++i )
-    {
-      if ( valueToAdd == outPutSet[i] )
-        return elemsAlreadyPresent;
-    }
-    outPutSet[elemsAlreadyPresent] = valueToAdd;
-    return elemsAlreadyPresent + 1;
-	}
-  return  elemsNeeded;
-//----- (0043C91D) --------------------------------------------------------
-int GetItemTextureFilename(char *pOut, signed int item_id, int index, int shoulder)
-  int result; // eax@2
-  ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE pEquipType;
-  result = 0; //BUG   fn is void
-  pEquipType = pItemsTable->pItems[item_id].uEquipType;
-  if ( item_id > 500 )
-  {
-    switch ( item_id )
-    {
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[2] != 0)
-        item_id = 234;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[1] != 0)
-        item_id = 236;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[0] != 0)
-        item_id = 235;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[16] != 0)
-        item_id = 73;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[3] != 0)
-        item_id = 312;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[4] != 0)
-        item_id = 239;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[5] != 0)
-        item_id = 240;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[6] != 0)
-        item_id = 241;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[7] != 0)
-        item_id = 93;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[8] != 0)
-        item_id = 344;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[9] != 0)
-        item_id = 324;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[10] != 0)
-        item_id = 104;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[11] != 0)
-        item_id = 325;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[12] != 0)
-        item_id = 330;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[13] != 0)
-        item_id = 347;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[14] != 0)
-        item_id = 348;
-      break;
-      if (byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts[15] != 0)
-        item_id = 350;
-      break;
-    default:
-      return 0;
-    }
-  }
-  switch (pEquipType)
-  {
-    if ( !shoulder )
-      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%d", item_id, index);
-    else if ( shoulder == 1 )
-      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%da1", item_id, index);
-    else if ( shoulder == 2 )
-      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%da2", item_id, index);
-    break;
-  case EQUIP_CLOAK:
-    if ( !shoulder )
-      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%d", item_id, index);
-    else
-      return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%da1", item_id, index);
-  default:
-    return sprintf(pOut, "item%3.3dv%d", item_id, index);
-  }
-  result = item_id - 504;
-  return result;
-//----- (004BDAAF) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool ItemGen::MerchandiseTest(int _2da_idx)
-  bool test;
-  if ( (p2DEvents[_2da_idx - 1].uType != 4 || (signed int)this->uItemID < 740 || (signed int)this->uItemID > 771)
-    && ((signed int)this->uItemID >= 600 || (signed int)this->uItemID >= 529 && (signed int)this->uItemID <= 599) || this->IsStolen())
-    return false;
-  switch( p2DEvents[_2da_idx - 1].uType )
-  {
-  case BuildingType_WeaponShop:
-    {
-      test = this->GetItemEquipType() <= EQUIP_BOW;
-      break;
-    }
-  case BuildingType_ArmorShop:
-    {
-      test = this->GetItemEquipType() >= EQUIP_ARMOUR && this->GetItemEquipType() <= EQUIP_BOOTS;
-      break;
-    }
-  case BuildingType_MagicShop:
-    {
-      test = this->GetPlayerSkillType() == PLAYER_SKILL_MISC || this->GetItemEquipType() == EQIUP_ANY;
-      break;
-    }
-  case BuildingType_AlchemistShop:
-    {
-      test = this->GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_REAGENT || this->GetItemEquipType() == EQUIP_POTION 
-        || (this->GetItemEquipType() > EQUIP_POTION && !(this->GetItemEquipType() != EQUIP_MESSAGE_SCROLL 
-        || (signed int)this->uItemID < 740) && this->uItemID != 771);
-      break;
-    }
-  default:
-    {
-      test = false;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return test;
-//----- (00493F79) --------------------------------------------------------
-void init_summoned_item(stru351_summoned_item *_this, __int64 duration)
-	signed __int64 v2; // ST2C_8@1
-	signed __int64 v3; // qax@1
-	//signed __int64 v4; // ST1C_8@1
-	unsigned __int64 v5; // qax@1
-	unsigned int v6; // ebx@1
-	v2 = (signed __int64)((double)duration * 0.234375);
-	v3 = v2 / 60 / 60;
-	//v4 = v3;
-	v5 = (unsigned int)v3 / 0x18;
-	v6 = (unsigned int)(v5 / 7) >> 2;
-	_this->field_0_expire_second = v2 % 60;
-	_this->field_4_expire_minute = v2 / 60 % 60;
-	_this->field_8_expire_hour = v3 % 24;
-	_this->field_10_expire_week = v5 / 7 & 3;
-	_this->field_C_expire_day = (unsigned int)v5 % 0x1C;
-	_this->field_14_exprie_month = v6 % 0xC;
-	_this->field_18_expire_year = v6 / 0xC + game_starting_year;
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Items.h
--- a/Items.h	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <array>
-#include <map>
-#include "NZIArray.h"
-enum DAMAGE_TYPE:unsigned int
-    {
-    DMGT_FIRE   = 0,
-    DMGT_ELECTR = 1,
-    DMGT_COLD   = 2,
-    DMGT_EARTH      = 3,
-    DMGT_MAGICAL = 5,
-    DMGT_SPIRIT = 6,
-    DMGT_MIND   = 7,
-    DMGT_BODY   = 8,
-    DMGT_LIGHT  = 9,
-    DMGT_DARK   =10
-    };
-/*  338 */
-enum ITEM_FLAGS :unsigned int
-  ITEM_BROKEN = 0x2,
-  ITEM_STOLEN = 0x100,
-  ITEM_HARDENED = 0x200,
-/*  330 */
-  ITEM_LONGSWORD_1 = 0x1,
-  ITEM_DAGGER_1 = 0xF,
-  ITEM_AXE_1 = 0x17,
-  ITEM_SPEAR_1 = 0x1F,
-  ITEM_CROSSBOW_1 = 0x2F,
-  ITEM_MACE_1 = 0x32,
-  ITEM_STAFF_1 = 0x3D,
-  ITEM_LEATHER_1 = 0x42,
-  ITEM_CHAINMAIL_1 = 0x47,
-  ITEM_PLATE_1 = 0x4C,
-  ITEM_BUCKLER_1 = 0x54,
-  ITEM_BOOTS_1 = 0x73,
-  ITEM_WAND_FIRE = 135,
-  ITEM_WAND_STUN = 138,
-  ITEM_ARTIFACT_PUCK = 500,//0x1F4,
-  ITEM_RELIC_KELEBRIM = 520,//208
-  ITEM_RARE_GHOST_RING = 545,//220
-  ITEM_RARE_FAERIE_RING = 546,//220
-  ITEM_RARE_SUN_CLOAK = 547,//223
-  ITEM_RARE_MOON_CLOAK = 548,//224
-  ITEM_RARE_ZOKKARS_AXE = 549,//224
-  ITEM_WETSUIT = 604,
-/*  331 */
-enum ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE: unsigned __int8
-  EQUIP_TWO_HANDED     = 1,
-  EQUIP_BOW            = 2,
-  EQUIP_ARMOUR         = 3,
-  EQUIP_SHIELD         = 4,
-  EQUIP_HELMET         = 5,
-  EQUIP_BELT           = 6,
-  EQUIP_CLOAK          = 7,
-  EQUIP_GAUNTLETS      = 8,
-  EQUIP_BOOTS          = 9, 
-  EQUIP_RING           = 10,
-  EQUIP_AMULET         = 11,
-  EQUIP_WAND           = 12,
-  EQUIP_REAGENT        = 13,
-  EQUIP_POTION         = 14,
-  EQUIP_BOOK           = 16,
-  EQIUP_ANY            = 16,
-  EQUIP_GOLD           = 18,
-  EQUIP_GEM            = 19,
-  EQUIP_NONE           = 20
-struct Player; 
-typedef struct CEnchantment
-  unsigned __int16 Player::* statPtr;
-  int statBonus;
-  CEnchantment(int bonus, unsigned __int16 Player::* skillPtr = nullptr):
-  statBonus(bonus),
-  statPtr(skillPtr)
-  {
-  }
-} CEnchantment;
-/*   64 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ItemGen //0x24
-  //----- (0042EB25) --------------------------------------------------------
- // inline ItemGen()
- // {
- //   Reset();
- // }
-  static void AddToMap(std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > &maptoadd, 
-    int enchId, 
-    int bonusValue = 0, 
-    unsigned __int16 Player::* skillPtr = nullptr);
-  static std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > regularBonusMap;
-  static std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > specialBonusMap;
-  static std::map<int, std::map<CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, CEnchantment*>* > artifactBonusMap;
-  static void PopulateSpecialBonusMap();
-  static void PopulateRegularBonusMap();
-  static void PopulateArtifactBonusMap();
-  static void ClearItemBonusMaps();
-  inline void ResetEnchantAnimation(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFF0F;}
-  inline bool ItemEnchanted()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) != 0;}
-  inline bool AuraEffectRed()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_RED;}
-  inline bool AuraEffectBlue()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_BLUE;}
-  inline bool AuraEffectGreen()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_GREEN;}
-  inline bool AuraEffectPurple()const {return(uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION) == ITEM_AURA_EFFECT_PURPLE;}
-  void GetItemBonusSpecialEnchantment(Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* additiveBonus, int* halfSkillBonus);
-  void GetItemBonusArtifact(Player* owner, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet, int* bonusSum);
-  bool IsRegularEnchanmentForAttribute(CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrToGet);
-  inline bool IsBroken()        {return (uAttributes & ITEM_BROKEN) != 0;}
-  inline void SetBroken()     {uAttributes |= ITEM_BROKEN;}
-  inline bool IsIdentified()    {return (uAttributes & ITEM_IDENTIFIED) != 0;}
-  inline void SetIdentified() {uAttributes |= ITEM_IDENTIFIED;}
-  inline bool IsStolen()        {return (uAttributes & ITEM_STOLEN) != 0;}
-  inline void SetStolen()     {uAttributes |= ITEM_STOLEN;}
-  bool GenerateArtifact();
-  unsigned int GetValue();
-  const char *GetDisplayName();
-  const char *GetIdentifiedName();
-  void UpdateTempBonus(__int64 uTimePlayed);
-  void Reset();
-  int _439DF3_get_additional_damage(int *a2, bool *vampiyr);
-  ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE GetItemEquipType();
-  unsigned char GetPlayerSkillType();
-  char* GetIconName();
-  unsigned __int8 GetDamageDice();
-  unsigned __int8 GetDamageRoll();
-  unsigned __int8 GetDamageMod();
-  bool MerchandiseTest(int _2da_idx);
-  int uItemID; //0
-  int uEnchantmentType; //4
-  int m_enchantmentStrength;  //8
-  int uSpecEnchantmentType; // 25  +5 levels //0c
-                            // 16  Drain Hit Points from target.
-                            // 35  Increases chance of disarming.
-                            // 39  Double damage vs Demons.
-                            // 40  Double damage vs Dragons
-                            // 45  +5 Speed and Accuracy
-                            // 56  +5 Might and Endurance.
-                            // 57  +5 Intellect and Personality.
-                            // 58  Increased Value.
-                            // 60  +3 Unarmed and Dodging skills
-                            // 61  +3 Stealing and Disarm skills.
-                            // 59  Increased Weapon speed.
-                            // 63  Double Damage vs. Elves.
-                            // 64  Double Damage vs. Undead.
-                            // 67  Adds 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skill.
-                            // 68  Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage and +5 Armor Class.
-                            // 71  Prevents drowning damage.
-                            // 72  Prevents falling damage.
-  int uNumCharges; //10
-  unsigned int uAttributes;  //14
-  unsigned __int8 uBodyAnchor; //18
-  char uMaxCharges;  //19
-  char uHolderPlayer;  //1A
-  char field_1B;  //1B
-  unsigned __int64 uExpireTime; //1C
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*  175 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ItemDesc //30h
-	{ //Item # |Pic File|Name|Value|Equip Stat|Skill Group|Mod1|Mod2|material|	
-	///ID/Rep/St|Not identified name|Sprite Index|VarA|VarB|Equip X|Equip Y|Notes
-	char *pIconName;  //0 4
-	char *pName;   //4 8
-	char *pUnidentifiedName; //8 c
-	char *pDescription;  //0c 10
-	unsigned int uValue;  //10 14
-	unsigned __int16 uSpriteID; //14 18
-	__int16 field_1A; //16 
-	signed __int16 uEquipX; //18  1c
-	signed __int16 uEquipY; //1a  1e
-	ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE uEquipType; //1c 20
-	unsigned __int8 uSkillType; //1d 21
-	unsigned __int8 uDamageDice; //1e 22
-	unsigned __int8 uDamageRoll; //1f 23
-	unsigned __int8 uDamageMod; //20 24
-	unsigned __int8 uMaterial; //21 25
-	char _additional_value; //22 26
-	char _bonus_type; //23  27
-	char _bonus_strength; //24 28
-	char field_25;  // 25  29
-	char field_26;  //26   2A
-	char field_27; // 27   2b
-	union
-    {
-		unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl[6];
-		struct {
-			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl1; // 28  2c
-			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl2;  // 29  2d 
-			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl3;  // 2A   2e
-			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl4;  // 2B  2f
-			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl5;  // 2C  30
-			unsigned __int8 uChanceByTreasureLvl6;  // 2D  32
-			};
-    };
-    unsigned char uItemID_Rep_St; //2e 32
-    char field_2f;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*  177 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ItemEnchantment
-	{ //Bonus|Sta|Of Name|Arm|Shld|Helm|Belt|Cape|Gaunt|Boot|Ring|Amul
-	char *pBonusStat;
-	char *pOfName;
-/*	union{
-		struct {
-			unsigned char to_arm;
-			unsigned char to_shld;
-			unsigned char to_helm;
-			unsigned char to_belt;
-			unsigned char to_cape;
-			unsigned char to_gaunt;
-			unsigned char to_boot;
-			unsigned char to_ring;
-			unsigned char to_amul;
-			}; */
-			unsigned char to_item[12];
-	//	};
-	};
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*  178 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ItemSpecialEnchantment //1Ch
-{ //Bonus Stat|Name Add|W1|W2|Miss|Arm|Shld|Helm|Belt|Cape|Gaunt|Boot|Ring|Amul|Value|Lvl|Description fo special Bonuses and values			
-  char *pBonusStatement;  //0
-  char *pNameAdd;    //4
-  char to_item_apply[12]; //8
-  int iValue;  //14
-  int iTreasureLevel; //18
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct BonusRange
-  unsigned int minR;
-  unsigned int maxR;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*  176 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct ItemsTable
-  void Initialize();
-  void LoadPotions();
-  void LoadPotionNotes();
-  void GenerateItem(int treasure_level, unsigned int uTreasureType, ItemGen *pItem);
-  void SetSpecialBonus(ItemGen *pItem);
-  bool IsMaterialSpecial(ItemGen *pItem);
-  bool IsMaterialNonCommon(ItemGen *pItem);
-  void Release();
-  int uAllItemsCount;
-  NZIArray<ItemDesc, 800> pItems; //4-9604h
-  ItemEnchantment pEnchantments[24]; //9604h
-  ItemSpecialEnchantment pSpecialEnchantments[72]; //97E4h -9FC4h
-  char field_9FC4[5000];
-  char field_B348[5000];
-  char field_C6D0[5000];
-  char field_DA58[5000];
-  char field_EDE0[384];
-  unsigned __int16 potion_data[50][50]; // 77B2h*2=EF64h  -102ECh
-  unsigned __int16 potion_note[50][50]; // 8176h*2=102ECh -11674h
-  char *pItemsTXT_Raw; //11674h
-  char *pRndItemsTXT_Raw;
-  char *pStdItemsTXT_Raw; //1167Ch
-  char *pSpcItemsTXT_Raw; //11680h
-  unsigned int uChanceByTreasureLvlSumm[6]; //11684
-  unsigned int uBonusChanceStandart[6]; //1169c
-  unsigned int uBonusChanceSpecial[6]; //116B4
-  unsigned int uBonusChanceWpSpecial[6]; //116cc -116e4
-  unsigned int pEnchantmentsSumm[9]; //116E4h -11708h
-  BonusRange bonus_ranges[6]; //45C2h*4 =11708h
-  unsigned int pSpecialEnchantmentsSumm[24]; //11738h
-  unsigned int pSpecialEnchantments_count; //11798h
-  char field_1179C;
-  char field_1179D;
-  char field_1179E;
-  char field_1179F;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-void GenerateStandartShopItems();
-void GenerateSpecialShopItems();
-void GenerateItemsInChest();
-extern std::array<const char, 5> uItemsAmountPerShopType; // weak
-extern ItemGen *ptr_50C9A4_ItemToEnchant;
-extern struct ItemsTable *pItemsTable;
-+10 to all Resistances.	1
-	+10 to all Seven Statistics.	2
-	Explosive Impact!	3
-	Adds 3-4 points of Cold damage.	4
-	Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage.	5
-	Adds 9-12 points of Cold damage.	6
-	Adds 2-5 points of Electrical damage.	7
-	Adds 4-10 points of Electrical damage.	8
-	Adds 6-15 points of Electrical damage.	9
-	Adds 1-6 points of Fire damage.	10
-	Adds 2-12 points of Fire damage.	11
-	Adds 3-18 points of Fire damage.	12
-	Adds 5 points of Body damage.	13
-	Adds 8 points of Body damage.	14
-	Adds 12 points of Body damage.	15
-	Drain Hit Points from target.	16
-	Increases rate of Recovery.	17
-	Wearer resistant to Diseases.	18
-	Wearer resistant to Insanity.	19
-	Wearer resistant to Paralysis.	20
-	Wearer resistant to Poison.	21
-	Wearer resistant to Sleep.	22
-	Wearer resistant to Stone.	23
-	Increased Knockback.	24
-	+5 Level.	25
-	Increases effect of all Air spells.	26
-	Increases effect of all Body spells.	27
-	Increases effect of all Dark spells.	28
-	Increases effect of all Earth spells.	29
-	Increases effect of all Fire spells.	30
-	Increases effect of all Light spells.	31
-	Increases effect of all Mind spells.	32
-	Increases effect of all Spirit spells.	33
-	Increases effect of all Water spells.	34
-	Increases chance of Disarming.	35
-	Half damage from all missile attacks.	36
-	Regenerate Hit points over time.	37
-	Regenerate Spell points over time.	38
-	Double damage vs Demons.	39
-	Double damage vs Dragons	40
-	Drain Hit Points from target and Increased Weapon speed.	41
-	+1 to Seven Stats, HP, SP, Armor, Resistances.	42
-	+10 to Endurance, Armor, Hit points.	43
-	+10 Hit points and Regenerate Hit points over time.	44
-	+5 Speed and Accuracy.	45
-	Adds 10-20 points of Fire damage and +25 Might.	46
-	+10 Spell points and Regenerate Spell points over time.	47
-	+15 Endurance and +5 Armor.	48
-	+10 Intellect and Luck.	49
-	+30 Fire Resistance and Regenerate Hit points over time.	50
-	+10 Spell points, Speed, Intellect.	51
-	+10 Endurance and Accuracy.	52
-	+10 Might and Personality.	53
-	+15 Endurance and Regenerate Hit points over time.	54
-	+15 Luck and Regenerate Spell points over time.	55
-	+5 Might and Endurance.	56
-	+5 Intellect and Personality.	57
-	Increased Value.	58
-	Increased Weapon speed.	59
-	+3 Unarmed and Dodging skills.	60
-	+3 Stealing and Disarm skills.	61
-	+3 ID Item and ID Monster skills.	62
-	Double Damage vs. Elves.	63
-	Double Damage vs. Undead.	64
-	Double Damage vs. Titans.	65
-	Regenerate Spell points and Hit points over time.	66
-	Adds 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skill.	67
-	Adds 6-8 points of Cold damage and +5 Armor Class.	68
-	+20 Air Resistance and Shielding.	69
-	+10 Water Resistance and +2 Alchemy skill.	70
-	Prevents damage from drowning.	71
-	Prevents damage from falling.	72
-/*  391 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct stru351_summoned_item
-  int field_0_expire_second;
-  int field_4_expire_minute;
-  int field_8_expire_hour;
-  int field_C_expire_day;
-  int field_10_expire_week;
-  int field_14_exprie_month;
-  int field_18_expire_year;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-int GetItemTextureFilename(char *pOut, signed int item_id, int index, int shoulder);
-void FillAviableSkillsToTeach(int _this);
-void init_summoned_item(struct stru351_summoned_item *_this, __int64 duration);
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Monsters.cpp
--- a/Monsters.cpp	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1245 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "Monsters.h"
-#include "FrameTableInc.h"
-#include "LOD.h"
-#include "texts.h"
-#include "mm7_data.h"
-struct MonsterStats *pMonsterStats;
-struct MonsterList *pMonsterList;
-unsigned int  ParseSpellType(struct FrameTableTxtLine* tbl, int* next_token);
-int  ParseAttackType(const char *damage_type_str);
-void ParseDamage( char *damage_str, unsigned __int8* dice_rolls, unsigned __int8* dice_sides, unsigned __int8* dmg_bonus );
-int ParseMissleAttackType(const char *missle_attack_str);
-int ParseSpecialAttack(const char *spec_att_str);
-//----- (004548E2) --------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int ParseSpellType( struct FrameTableTxtLine * tbl, int* next_token )
-    {
-    if (!tbl->pProperties[0] )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 0;
-        }
-    if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Dispel") )  //dispel magic
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 80;
-        }
-    else  if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Day") )  //day of protection
-        {
-        *next_token+=2;;
-        return 85;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Hour") )  //hour  of power
-        {
-        *next_token+=2;;
-        return 86;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Shield") )
-        return  17;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Spirit") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 52;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Power") )  //power cure
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 77;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Meteor") )  //meteot shower
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 9;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Lightning") ) //Lightning bolt
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 18;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Implosion") )
-        return  20;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Stone") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 38;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Haste") )
-        return   5;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Heroism") )
-        return   51;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Pain") ) //pain reflection
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 95;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Sparks") )
-        return 15;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Light") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 78;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Toxic") ) //toxic cloud
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 90;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "ShrapMetal") )
-        return 93;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Paralyze") )
-        return 81;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Fireball") )
-        return 6;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Incinerate") )
-        return 11;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Fire") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 2;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Rock") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 41;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Mass") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 44;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Ice") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 26;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Acid") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 29;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Bless") )
-        return 46;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Dragon") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 97;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Reanimate") )
-        return 89;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Summon") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 82;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Fate") )
-        return 47;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Harm") )
-        return 70;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Mind") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 57;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Blades") )
-        return 39;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Psychic") )
-        {
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 65;
-        }
-    else if ( !_stricmp(tbl->pProperties[0], "Hammerhands") )
-        return 73;
-    else
-        {
-        sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "Unknown monster spell %s", tbl->pProperties[0]);
-        MessageBoxA(nullptr, pTmpBuf.data(), "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Itemdata.cpp:1562", 0);
-        ++*next_token;
-        return 0;
-        }
-    }
-//----- (00454CB4) --------------------------------------------------------
-int ParseAttackType( const char *damage_type_str )
-    {
-    switch (tolower(*damage_type_str))
-        {
-    case 'f': return 0;  //fire
-    case 'a': return 1; //air
-    case 'w': return 2; //water
-    case 'e': return 3; //earth 
-    case 's': return 6; //spirit
-    case 'm': return 7; //mind 
-        //m ?? 8
-    case 'l': return 9;  //light
-    case 'd': return 10; //dark
-        // d?? 11
-        }
-    return 4;  //phis
-    }
-//----- (00454D7D) --------------------------------------------------------
-void ParseDamage( char *damage_str, unsigned __int8* dice_rolls, unsigned __int8* dice_sides, unsigned __int8* dmg_bonus )
-    {
-    int str_len=0;
-    int str_pos=0;
-    bool dice_flag=false;
-    *dice_rolls = 0;
-    *dice_sides = 1;
-    *dmg_bonus = 0;
-    str_len = strlen(damage_str);
-    if (str_len<=0)
-        return;
-    for (str_pos=0;str_pos<str_len;++str_pos )
-        {
-        if (tolower(damage_str[str_pos])=='d')
-            {
-            damage_str[str_pos]='\0';
-            *dice_rolls=atoi(damage_str);
-            *dice_sides=atoi(&damage_str[str_pos+1]);
-            dice_flag=true;
-            damage_str[str_pos]='d';
-            }
-        else if (tolower(damage_str[str_pos])=='+')
-            *dmg_bonus=atoi(&damage_str[str_pos+1]);
-        }
-    if (!dice_flag)
-        {
-        if ((*damage_str>='0')&&(*damage_str<='9'))
-            {
-            *dice_rolls =atoi(damage_str);
-            *dice_sides = 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-//----- (00454E3A) --------------------------------------------------------
-int  ParseMissleAttackType(const char *missle_attack_str)
-    {
-    if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "ARROW") )
-        return 1;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "ARROWF") )
-        return 2;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "FIRE") )
-        return 3;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "AIR") )       
-        return 4;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "WATER") )
-        return 5;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "EARTH") )
-        return 6;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "SPIRIT") )       
-        return 7;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "MIND") )
-        return 8;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "BODY") )
-        return 9;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "LIGHT") )       
-        return 10;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "DARK") )
-        return 11;
-    else if ( !_stricmp(missle_attack_str, "ENER") )       
-        return 13;
-    else return 0;
-    }
-int ParseSpecialAttack(char *spec_att_str)
-    {
-    _strlwr(spec_att_str);
-    if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "curse") )
-        return  1;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "weak") )
-        return  2;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "asleep") )
-         return  3;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "afraid") )
-         return  23;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "drunk") )
-         return  4;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "insane") )
-         return  5;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "poison weak") )
-         return  6;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "poison medium") )
-        return  7;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "poison severe") )
-        return  8;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "disease weak") )  
-        return  9;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "disease medium") )
-        return  10;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "disease severe") )
-        return  11;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "paralyze") )
-        return  12;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "uncon") )
-        return  13;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "dead") )
-        return  14;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "stone") )
-        return  15;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "errad") )
-        return  16;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "brkitem") )
-        return  17;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "brkarmor") )
-        return  18;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "brkweapon") )
-        return  19;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "steal") )
-        return  20;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "age") )
-        return  21;
-    else if ( strstr(spec_att_str, "drainsp") )
-        return  22;
-    else return 0;                   
-    }
-//----- (004598FC) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool MonsterList::FromFileTxt(const char *Args)
-  MonsterList *v2; // ebx@1
-  FILE *v3; // eax@1
-  unsigned int v4; // esi@3
-  void *v5; // eax@9
-  FILE *v6; // ST14_4@11
-  char *i; // eax@11
-  signed int v8; // esi@12
-  unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@16
-  const char *v10; // ST18_4@16
-  unsigned __int16 v11; // ax@16
-  const char *v12; // ST14_4@16
-  unsigned __int16 v13; // ax@16
-  const char *v14; // ST10_4@16
-  __int16 v15; // ax@16
-  const char *v16; // ST0C_4@16
-  int v17; // esi@16
-  unsigned __int8 v18; // al@16
-  signed int v19; // esi@16
-  unsigned __int16 v20; // ax@17
-  int v21; // ecx@17
-  char Buf; // [sp+4h] [bp-304h]@3
-  FrameTableTxtLine v24; // [sp+1F8h] [bp-110h]@4
-  FrameTableTxtLine v25; // [sp+274h] [bp-94h]@4
-  int v26; // [sp+2F0h] [bp-18h]@16
-  char v27; // [sp+2F4h] [bp-14h]@14
-  char v28; // [sp+2F5h] [bp-13h]@14
-  char v29; // [sp+2F6h] [bp-12h]@14
-  char v30; // [sp+2F7h] [bp-11h]@14
-  char v31; // [sp+2F8h] [bp-10h]@14
-  char v32; // [sp+2F9h] [bp-Fh]@14
-  char v33; // [sp+2FAh] [bp-Eh]@14
-  char v34; // [sp+2FBh] [bp-Dh]@14
-  char v35; // [sp+2FCh] [bp-Ch]@14
-  char v36; // [sp+2FDh] [bp-Bh]@14
-  char v37; // [sp+2FEh] [bp-Ah]@14
-  char v38; // [sp+2FFh] [bp-9h]@14
-  char v39; // [sp+300h] [bp-8h]@14
-  char v40; // [sp+301h] [bp-7h]@14
-  char v41; // [sp+302h] [bp-6h]@14
-  char v42; // [sp+303h] [bp-5h]@14
-  FILE *File; // [sp+304h] [bp-4h]@1
-  unsigned int Argsa; // [sp+310h] [bp+8h]@3
-  int Argsb; // [sp+310h] [bp+8h]@16
-  v2 = this;
-  v3 = fopen(Args, "r");
-  File = v3;
-  if ( !v3 )
-    Error("MonsterRaceListStruct::load - Unable to open file: %s.");
-  v4 = 0;
-  Argsa = 0;
-  if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, v3) )
-  {
-    do
-    {
-      *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
-      memcpy(&v25, frame_table_txt_parser(&Buf, &v24), sizeof(v25));
-      if ( v25.uPropCount && *v25.pProperties[0] != 47 )
-        ++Argsa;
-    }
-    while ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) );
-    v4 = Argsa;
-  }
-  v2->uNumMonsters = v4;
-  v5 = malloc(152 * v4);
-  v2->pMonsters = (MonsterDesc *)v5;
-  if ( !v5 )
-    Error("MonsterRaceListStruct::load - Out of Memory!");
-  v6 = File;
-  v2->uNumMonsters = 0;
-  fseek(v6, 0, 0);
-  for ( i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File); i; i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File) )
-  {
-    *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
-    memcpy(&v25, frame_table_txt_parser(&Buf, &v24), sizeof(v25));
-    v8 = 0;
-    if ( v25.uPropCount && *v25.pProperties[0] != 47 )
-    {
-      strcpy(v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].pMonsterName, v25.pProperties[0]);
-      v35 = 0;
-      v36 = 1;
-      v37 = 7;
-      v38 = 2;
-      v39 = 3;
-      v40 = 4;
-      v41 = 5;
-      v42 = 6;
-      v27 = 1;
-      v28 = 2;
-      v29 = 3;
-      v30 = 4;
-      v31 = 4;
-      v32 = 5;
-      v33 = 6;
-      v34 = 7;
-      do
-      {
-        strcpy(
-          v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].pSpriteNames[(unsigned __int8)*(&v35 + v8)],
-          v25.pProperties[(unsigned __int8)*(&v27 + v8)]);
-        ++v8;
-      }
-      while ( v8 < 8 );
-      v9 = atoi(v25.pProperties[8]);
-      v10 = v25.pProperties[9];
-      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uMonsterHeight = v9;
-      v11 = atoi(v10);
-      v12 = v25.pProperties[10];
-      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uMovementSpeed = v11;
-      v13 = atoi(v12);
-      v14 = v25.pProperties[11];
-      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uMonsterRadius = v13;
-      v15 = atoi(v14);
-      v16 = v25.pProperties[12];
-      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].uToHitRadius = v15;
-      v17 = (unsigned __int8)atoi(v16);
-      Argsb = atoi(v25.pProperties[13]) & 0xFF;
-      v26 = atoi(v25.pProperties[14]) & 0xFF;
-      v18 = atoi(v25.pProperties[15]);
-      v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].sTintColor = v18 | ((v26 | ((Argsb | (v17 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
-      v19 = 0;
-      do
-      {
-        v20 = atoi(v25.pProperties[v19 + 16]);
-        v21 = v19++ ;
-        v2->pMonsters[v2->uNumMonsters].pSoundSampleIDs[v21] = v20;
-      }
-      while ( v19 < 4 );
-      ++v2->uNumMonsters;
-    }
-  }
-  fclose(File);
-  return 1;
-//----- (004598AF) --------------------------------------------------------
-void MonsterList::FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8)
-  uint num_mm6_monsters = data_mm6 ? *(int *)data_mm6 : 0,
-       num_mm7_monsters = data_mm7 ? *(int *)data_mm7 : 0,
-       num_mm8_monsters = data_mm8 ? *(int *)data_mm8 : 0;
-  uNumMonsters = num_mm6_monsters + num_mm7_monsters + num_mm8_monsters;
-  Assert(uNumMonsters);
-  Assert(!num_mm8_monsters);
-  pMonsters = (MonsterDesc *)malloc(sizeof(MonsterDesc) * uNumMonsters);
-  memcpy(pMonsters, (char *)data_mm7 + 4, num_mm7_monsters * sizeof(MonsterDesc));
-  for (uint i = 0; i < num_mm6_monsters; ++i)
-  {
-    auto src = (MonsterDesc_mm6 *)((char *)data_mm6 + 4) + i;
-    MonsterDesc* dst = &pMonsters[num_mm7_monsters + i];
-    dst->uMonsterHeight = src->uMonsterHeight;
-    dst->uMonsterRadius = src->uMonsterRadius;
-    dst->uMovementSpeed = src->uMovementSpeed;
-    dst->uToHitRadius = src->uToHitRadius;
-    dst->sTintColor = -1;
-    memcpy(dst->pSoundSampleIDs, src->pSoundSampleIDs, sizeof(src->pSoundSampleIDs));
-    memcpy(dst->pMonsterName, src->pMonsterName, sizeof(src->pMonsterName));
-    memcpy(dst->pSpriteNames, src->pSpriteNames, sizeof(src->pSpriteNames));
-  }
-  memcpy(pMonsters + num_mm6_monsters + num_mm7_monsters, (char *)data_mm8 + 4, num_mm8_monsters * sizeof(MonsterDesc));
-//----- (00459860) --------------------------------------------------------
-void MonsterList::ToFile()
-  MonsterList *v1; // esi@1
-  FILE *v2; // eax@1
-  FILE *v3; // edi@1
-  v1 = this;
-  v2 = fopen("data\\dmonlist.bin", "wb");
-  v3 = v2;
-  if ( !v2 )
-    Error("Unable to save dmonlist.bin!");
-  fwrite(v1, 4u, 1u, v2);
-  fwrite(v1->pMonsters, 0x98u, v1->uNumMonsters, v3);
-  fclose(v3);
-//----- (004563FF) --------------------------------------------------------
-signed int MonsterStats::FindMonsterByTextureName(const char *monster_textr_name)
-  for (int i=1; i<uNumMonsters; ++i)
-      {
-        if((pInfos[i].pName )&& (!_stricmp(pInfos[i].pPictureName, monster_textr_name)))
-            return i;
-      }
-  return -1;
-//----- (00454F4E) --------------------------------------------------------
-void MonsterStats::InitializePlacements()
-  int i;
-  char* test_string;
-  unsigned char c;
-  bool break_loop;
-  unsigned int temp_str_len;
-  char* tmp_pos;
-  int decode_step;
-//  int item_counter;
-  pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("placemon.txt", 0);
-  strtok(pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw, "\r");
-  for (i=1; i<31; ++i)
-	  {
-	  test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-	  break_loop = false;
-	  decode_step=0;
-	  do 
-		  {
-		  c = *(unsigned char*)test_string;
-		  temp_str_len = 0;
-		  while((c!='\t')&&(c>0))
-			  {
-			  ++temp_str_len;
-			  c=test_string[temp_str_len];
-			  }		
-		  tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len;
-		  if (*tmp_pos == 0)
-			  break_loop = true;
-		  *tmp_pos = 0;
-		  if (temp_str_len)
-			  {
-			   if (decode_step==1)
-				  pPlaceStrings[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string);
-			  }
-		  else
-			  { 
-			  break_loop = true;
-			  }
-		  ++decode_step;
-		  test_string=tmp_pos+1;
-		  } while ((decode_step<3)&&!break_loop);
-	  }
-  uNumPlacements = 31;
-//----- (0045501E) --------------------------------------------------------
-void MonsterStats::Initialize()
-    {
-    int i;//,j;
-    char* test_string;
-    unsigned char c;
-    bool break_loop;
-    unsigned int temp_str_len;
-    char* tmp_pos;
-    int decode_step;
-//    int item_counter;
-    int curr_rec_num;
-    char parse_str[64]; 
-    char Src[120];
-    FrameTableTxtLine parsed_field;
-    free(pMonstersTXT_Raw);
-    pMonstersTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("monsters.txt", 0);
-    strtok(pMonstersTXT_Raw, "\r");
-    strtok(NULL, "\r");
-    strtok(NULL, "\r");
-    strtok(NULL, "\r");
-    uNumMonsters = 265;
-    curr_rec_num=0;
-    for (i=0;i<uNumMonsters-1;++i)
-        {
-        test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1;
-        break_loop = false;
-        decode_step=0;
-        do 
-            {
-            c = *(unsigned char*)test_string;
-            temp_str_len = 0;
-            while((c!='\t')&&(c>0))
-                {
-                ++temp_str_len;
-                c=test_string[temp_str_len];
-                }		
-            tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len;
-            if (*tmp_pos == 0)
-                break_loop = true;
-            *tmp_pos = 0;
-            if (temp_str_len)
-                {
-                switch (decode_step)
-                    {
-                case 0: 
-                    curr_rec_num=atoi(test_string);
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uID=curr_rec_num;
-                    break;
-                case 1:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].pName=RemoveQuotes(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 2:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].pPictureName=RemoveQuotes(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 3:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uLevel=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 4:
-                    {
-                    int str_len=0;
-                    int str_pos=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP=0;
-                    if (test_string[0]=='"')
-                        test_string[0]=' ';
-                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
-                    if (str_len==0)
-                        break;
-                    while ((test_string[str_pos]!=',')&&(str_pos<str_len))
-                        ++str_pos;
-                    if (str_len==str_pos)
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP=atoi(test_string);
-                    else
-                        {
-                        test_string[str_pos]='\0';
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP=1000*atoi(test_string);
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHP+=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
-                        test_string[str_pos]=',';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 5:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAC=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 6:
-                    {
-                    int str_len=0;
-                    int str_pos=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp=0;
-                    if (test_string[0]=='"')
-                        test_string[0]=' ';
-                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
-                    if (str_len==0)
-                        break;
-                    while ((test_string[str_pos]!=',')&&(str_pos<str_len))
-                        ++str_pos;
-                    if (str_len==str_pos)
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp=atoi(test_string);
-                    else
-                        {
-                        test_string[str_pos]='\0';
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp=1000*atoi(test_string);
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uExp+=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
-                        test_string[str_pos]=',';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 7:
-                    {
-                    int str_len=0;
-                    int str_pos=0;
-                    bool chance_flag=false;
-                    bool dice_flag=false;
-                    bool item_type_flag=false;
-                    char* item_name;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDropChance=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceRolls=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceSides=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureLevel=0;
-                    if (test_string[0]=='"')
-                        test_string[0]=' ';
-                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
-                    do
-                        {
-                        switch(tolower(test_string[str_pos]))
-                            {
-                        case '%': chance_flag=true; break;
-                        case 'd': dice_flag=true; break;
-                        case 'l': item_type_flag=true; break;
-                            }
-                        ++str_pos;
-                        }
-                        while(str_pos<str_len);
-                        if (chance_flag)
-                            {
-                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDropChance=atoi(test_string);
-                            }
-                        else
-                            {
-                            if ((!dice_flag)&&(!item_type_flag))
-                                break;
-                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDropChance=100;
-                            }
-                        if (dice_flag)
-                            {
-                            str_pos=0;
-                            dice_flag=false;
-                            do
-                                {
-                                switch(tolower(test_string[str_pos]))
-                                    {
-                                case '%': 
-                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceRolls=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
-                                    dice_flag=true;
-                                    break;
-                                case 'd':
-                                    if(!dice_flag)
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceRolls=atoi(test_string);
-                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureDiceSides=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
-                                    str_pos=str_len;
-                                    break;
-                                    }
-                                ++str_pos;
-                                }
-                                while(str_pos<str_len);
-                            }
-                        if (item_type_flag)
-                            {
-                            str_pos=0;
-                            do
-                                {
-                                if (tolower(test_string[str_pos])=='l')
-                                    break;
-                                ++str_pos;
-                                }
-                                while(str_pos<str_len);
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureLevel=test_string[str_pos+1]-'0';
-                                item_name=&test_string[str_pos+2];
-                                if (*item_name)
-                                    {
-                                    if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "WEAPON"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 20;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "ARMOR"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 21;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "MISC"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 22;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SWORD"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 23;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "DAGGER"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 24;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "AXE"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 25;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SPEAR"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 26;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "BOW"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 27;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "MACE"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 28;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "CLUB"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 29;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "STAFF"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 30;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "LEATHER"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 31;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "CHAIN"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 32;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "PLATE"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 33;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SHIELD"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 34;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "HELM"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 35;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "BELT"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 36;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "CAPE"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 37;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "GAUNTLETS"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 38;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "BOOTS"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 39;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "RING"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 40;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "AMULET"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 41;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "WAND"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 42;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "SCROLL"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 43;
-                                    else if ( !_stricmp(item_name, "GEM"))
-                                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uTreasureType= 46;
-                                    }
-                            }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 8:
-                    {
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].bQuestMonster=0;
-                    if (atoi(test_string))
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].bQuestMonster=1;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 9:
-                    {
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uFlying=false;
-                    if (_strnicmp(test_string, "n",1))
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uFlying=true;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 10:
-                    {
-                    switch(tolower(test_string[0]))
-                        {
-                    case 's': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType=MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_SHORT;// short
-                        if (tolower(test_string[1])!='h')
-                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType=MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_STAIONARY; //stationary
-                        break;  //short
-                    case 'l': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_LONG;  break; //long
-                    case 'm': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_MEDIUM; break; //med
-                    case 'g': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_GLOBAL; break; //global?     
-                    default:
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMovementType = MONSTER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_FREE; //free
-                        }       
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 11:
-                    {
-                    switch(tolower(test_string[0]))
-                        {
-                    case 's': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=0; break; // suicide
-                    case 'w': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=1;  break; //wimp
-                    case 'n': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=2; break; //normal 
-                    default:
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAIType=3; //Agress
-                        }       
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 12:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uHostilityType=(MonsterInfo::HostilityRadius)atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 13:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uBaseSpeed=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 14:
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uRecoveryTime=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                case 15:
-                    {
-                    int str_len=0;
-                    int str_pos=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=0;
-                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
-                    for (str_pos=0;str_pos<str_len;++str_pos )
-                        {
-                        switch(tolower(test_string[str_pos]))
-                            {
-                        case '0': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0004; break;
-                        case '2': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=2; break;
-                        case '3': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=3; break;
-                        case '4': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility=4; break;
-                        case 'c': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0010; break;
-                        case 'd': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0008; break;
-                        case 'e': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x1000; break;
-                        case 'f': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0400; break;
-                        case 'h': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0800; break;
-                        case 'k': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0001; break;
-                        case 'm': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0100; break;
-                        case 'o': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0400; break;
-                        case 'p': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0002; break;
-                        case 'r': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0040; break;
-                        case 's': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0020; break;
-                        case 't': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0080; break;
-                        case 'w': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x2000; break;
-                        case 'x': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttackPreference|=0x0200; break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 16:
-                    {
-                    int str_len=0;
-                    int str_pos=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackLevel=1;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackType=(SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE)0;
-                    str_len=strlen(test_string);
-                    if (str_len>1)
-                        {
-                        for (str_pos=0;str_pos<str_len;++str_pos )
-                            {
-                            if (tolower(test_string[str_pos])=='x')
-                                {
-                                test_string[str_pos]='\0';
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackLevel=atoi(&test_string[str_pos+1]);
-                                test_string[str_pos]='x';
-                                break;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAttackType=(SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE)ParseSpecialAttack(test_string);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 17:
-                         pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1Type=ParseAttackType(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 18:
-                    {
-                    ParseDamage(test_string, &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1DamageDiceRolls,
-                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1DamageDiceSides,
-                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack1DamageBonus);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                   case 19:
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMissleAttack1Type=ParseMissleAttackType(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 20:
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2Chance=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 21:
-                          pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2Type=ParseAttackType(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 22:
-                    {
-                    ParseDamage(test_string, &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2DamageDiceRolls,
-                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2DamageDiceSides,
-                                             &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uAttack2DamageBonus);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 23:
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uMissleAttack2Type=ParseMissleAttackType(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 24:
-                         pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell1UseChance=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 25:
-                    {
-                    int param_num;
-                    char type_flag;
-                    strcpy(parse_str,test_string);
-                    parse_str[0]=' ';
-                    parse_str[strlen(parse_str)-1]=' ';
-                    frame_table_txt_parser(parse_str,&parsed_field);
-                    if (parsed_field.uPropCount>2)
-                        {
-                        param_num=1;
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell1ID=ParseSpellType(&parsed_field,&param_num);
-                        type_flag=*parsed_field.pProperties[param_num];
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1=atoi(parsed_field.pProperties[param_num+1])&0x003F;
-                        switch(type_flag)
-                            {
-                        case 'E': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1|=0x0040; break;
-                        case 'M': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1|=0x0080; break;
-                        case 'G': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1|=0x0100; break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell1ID=0;
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery1=0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 26:
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell2UseChance=atoi(test_string);
-                    break;
-                    case 27:
-                    {
-                    int param_num;
-                    char type_flag;
-                    strcpy(parse_str,test_string);
-                    parse_str[0]=' ';
-                    parse_str[strlen(parse_str)-1]=' ';
-                    frame_table_txt_parser(parse_str,&parsed_field);
-                    if (parsed_field.uPropCount>2)
-                        {
-                        param_num=1;
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell2ID=ParseSpellType(&parsed_field,&param_num);
-                        type_flag=*parsed_field.pProperties[param_num];
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2=atoi(parsed_field.pProperties[param_num+1])&0x003F;
-                        switch(type_flag)
-                            {
-                        case 'E': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2|=0x0040; break;
-                        case 'M': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2|=0x0080; break;
-                        case 'G': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2|=0x0100; break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpell2ID=0;
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpellSkillAndMastery2=0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 28:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResFire=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResFire=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 29:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResAir=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResAir=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 30:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResWater=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResWater=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 31:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResEarth=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResEarth=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 32:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResMind=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResMind=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 33:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResSpirit=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResSpirit=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 34:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResBody=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResBody=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 35:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResLight=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResLight=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 36:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResDark=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResDark=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 37:
-                    {
-                    if (tolower(test_string[0])=='i')
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResPhysical=200;
-                    else
-                        pInfos[curr_rec_num].uResPhysical=atoi(test_string);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                    case 38:
-                    {
-//                    int param_num;
-//                    char type_flag;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType=0;
-                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus=0;
-                    strcpy(parse_str,test_string);
-                    parse_str[0]=' ';
-                    parse_str[strlen(parse_str)-1]=' ';
-                    frame_table_txt_parser(parse_str,&parsed_field);
-                    if ( parsed_field.uPropCount )
-                        {
-                  //      v74 = v94.field_0;
-                        if ( parsed_field.uPropCount < 10 )
-                            {
-                            if (! _stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[0], "shot") )
-                                {
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType=1;
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus=atoi((char *)(parsed_field.pProperties[1] + 1));
-                                }
-                            else  if (!_stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[0], "summon") )
-                            {
-                            pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType=2;
-                            if ( parsed_field.uPropCount  > 1 )
-                                {
-                                pTmpBuf[0] = 0;
-                                strcpy(pTmpBuf.data(), parsed_field.pProperties[2]);
-                                if ( parsed_field.uPropCount  > 2 )
-                                    {
-                                    int prop_cnt = 3;
-                                    if ( parsed_field.uPropCount  > 3 )
-                                        {
-                                        do
-                                            {
-                                            strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), " ");
-                                            char test_char = parsed_field.pProperties[prop_cnt][0];
-                                            strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), parsed_field.pProperties[prop_cnt]);
-                                            if ( prop_cnt == (parsed_field.uPropCount - 1) )
-                                                {
-                                                switch (tolower(test_char))
-                                                {
-                                                case 'a': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 1; break;
-                                                case 'b': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 2; break;
-                                                case 'c': pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 3; break;
-                                                default:
-                                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 0;
-                                                }
-                                                }
-                                            ++prop_cnt;
-                                            }
-                                        while ( prop_cnt < parsed_field.uPropCount );
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                else
-                                    {
-                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls = 0;
-                                    }
-                                if ( pMonsterList->uNumMonsters )
-                                    {
-                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack = pMonsterList->GetMonsterIDByName(pTmpBuf.data()) + 1;
-                                    if ( pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack == -1 )
-                                        {
-                                        sprintf(Src, "Can't create random monster: '%s' See MapStats!", pTmpBuf.data());
-                                        MessageBoxA(nullptr, Src, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Itemdata.cpp:2239", 0);
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides = 0;
-                                if ( !_stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[1], "ground") )
-                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides = 1;
-                                if ( pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack == -1 )
-                                    pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType = 0;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            else  if (!_stricmp(parsed_field.pProperties[0], "explode") )
-                                {
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityType = 3;
-                                ParseDamage((char*)parsed_field.pProperties[1], &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls,
-                                    &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides,
-                                    &pInfos[curr_rec_num].uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus);
-                                pInfos[curr_rec_num].field_3C_some_special_attack = ParseAttackType(test_string);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;     
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                { 
-                break_loop = true;
-                }
-            ++decode_step;
-            test_string=tmp_pos+1;
-            } while ((decode_step<39)&&!break_loop);
-        }
-    uNumMonsters = i;
-//----- (0044FA08) --------------------------------------------------------
-signed __int16 MonsterList::GetMonsterIDByName( const char *pMonsterName )
-    {
-    if (!pMonsterName)
-        return -1;
-    for (signed __int16 i=1; i<=uNumMonsters; ++i)
-        {
-        if( (!_stricmp(pMonsters[i].pMonsterName, pMonsterName)))
-            return i;
-    }
-    Error("Monster not found: %s", pMonsterName);
-//----- (00438BDF) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(unsigned int uMonsterInfoID, enum MONSTER_SUPERTYPE eSupertype)
-  switch ( eSupertype )
-  {
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_GHOST_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_GHOST_3       //70<=id<=72
-        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_LICH_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_LICH_3         //91-93
-        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_SKELETON_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_SKELETON_3 //199-201
-        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_VAMPIRE_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_VAMPIRE_3   //217-219
-        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_WIGHT_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_WIGHT_3       //223-225
-        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ZOMBIE_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ZOMBIE_3     //229-231
-		|| (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_GHOUL_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_GHOUL_3)      //256-258
-        return true;
-      return false;
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_DEVIL_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_DEVIL_3 )//22-24
-        return true;
-      return false;
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_PEASANT_ELF_FEMALE_1_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_PEASANT_ELF_MALE_3_3//133 - 150
-        || (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ELF_ARCHER_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ELF_ARCHER_3//49-51 
-		||  (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ELF_SPEARMAN_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ELF_SPEARMAN_3)//52-54
-        return true;
-      return false;
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_DRAGON_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_DRAGON_3 )//25-27
-        return true;
-      return false;
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_ELEMENTAL_WATER_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_ELEMENTAL_WATER_3)//46-48
-        return true;
-      return false;
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_TREANT_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_TREANT_3 )//253-255
-        return true;
-      return false;
-      if ( (signed int)uMonsterInfoID >= MONSTER_TITAN_1 && (signed int)uMonsterInfoID <= MONSTER_TITAN_3 )//211-213
-        return true;
-      return false;
-    default:
-      return false;
-  }
-  return false;
diff -r 5abd8fc8f1c6 -r 82d5d92a097c Monsters.h
--- a/Monsters.h	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-/*  334 */
-  MONSTER_DEVIL_1 = 0x16,
-  MONSTER_DEVIL_2 = 0x17,
-  MONSTER_DEVIL_3 = 0x18,
-  MONSTER_DRAGON_1 = 0x19,
-  MONSTER_GHOST_1 = 0x46,
-  MONSTER_GHOST_3 = 0x48,
-  MONSTER_HARPY_1 = 0x55,
-  MONSTER_HARPY_2 = 0x56,
-  MONSTER_HARPY_3 = 0x57,
-  MONSTER_LICH_1 = 0x5B,
-  MONSTER_LICH_3 = 0x5D,
-  MONSTER_OOZE_1 = 0x70,
-  MONSTER_OOZE_2 = 0x71,
-  MONSTER_OOZE_3 = 0x72,
-  MONSTER_TITAN_1 = 0xD3,
-  MONSTER_TITAN_3 = 0xD5,
-  MONSTER_WIGHT_3 = 0xE1,
-  MONSTER_GHOUL_1 = 0x100,
-  MONSTER_GHOUL_3 = 0x102,
-/*  335 */
-    {
-    };
-/*  336 */
-enum SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE : unsigned __int8
-/*  187 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct MonsterInfo
-  enum HostilityRadius: unsigned __int8
-  {
-    Hostility_Friendly = 0,
-    Hostility_Close = 1,
-    Hostility_Short = 2,
-    Hostility_Medium = 3,
-    Hostility_Long = 4
-  };
-  inline MonsterInfo():
-    pName(nullptr), pPictureName(nullptr)
-  {}
-  char *pName;
-  char *pPictureName;
-  unsigned __int8 uLevel;
-  unsigned __int8 uTreasureDropChance;
-  unsigned __int8 uTreasureDiceRolls;
-  unsigned __int8 uTreasureDiceSides;
-  unsigned __int8 uTreasureLevel;
-  unsigned __int8 uTreasureType;
-  unsigned __int8 uFlying;
-  unsigned __int8 uMovementType;
-  unsigned __int8 uAIType;
-  HostilityRadius uHostilityType;
-  char field_12;
-  SPECIAL_ATTACK_TYPE uSpecialAttackType;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAttackLevel;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack1Type;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack1DamageDiceRolls;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack1DamageDiceSides;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack1DamageBonus;
-  unsigned __int8 uMissleAttack1Type;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack2Chance;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack2Type;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack2DamageDiceRolls;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack2DamageDiceSides;
-  unsigned __int8 uAttack2DamageBonus;
-  unsigned __int8 uMissleAttack2Type;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpell1UseChance;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpell1ID;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpell2UseChance;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpell2ID;
-  unsigned __int8 uResFire;
-  unsigned __int8 uResAir;
-  unsigned __int8 uResWater;
-  unsigned __int8 uResEarth;
-  unsigned __int8 uResMind;
-  unsigned __int8 uResSpirit;
-  unsigned __int8 uResBody;
-  unsigned __int8 uResLight;
-  unsigned __int8 uResDark;
-  unsigned __int8 uResPhysical;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityType;           // 0   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_NONE
-                                                 // 1   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_SHOT
-                                                 // 2   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_SUMMON
-                                                 // 3   SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE_EXPLODE
-  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceRolls;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceSides;
-  unsigned __int8 uSpecialAbilityDamageDiceBonus;
-  unsigned __int8 uNumCharactersAttackedPerSpecialAbility;
-  char field_33;
-  unsigned __int16 uID;
-  unsigned __int16 bQuestMonster;
-  unsigned __int16 uSpellSkillAndMastery1;
-  unsigned __int16 uSpellSkillAndMastery2;
-  __int16 field_3C_some_special_attack;
-  __int16 field_3E;
-  unsigned int uHP;
-  unsigned int uAC;
-  unsigned int uExp;
-  unsigned int uBaseSpeed;
-  signed int uRecoveryTime;
-  unsigned int uAttackPreference;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/*  189 */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct MonsterStats
-  void Initialize();
-  void InitializePlacements();
-  signed int FindMonsterByTextureName(const char *Str2);
-  static bool BelongsToSupertype(unsigned int uMonsterInfoID, enum MONSTER_SUPERTYPE eSupertype);
-  MonsterInfo pInfos[265];  //0 - 5b18h
-  char *pPlaceStrings[31]; //5B18h placement counts from 1
-  unsigned int uNumMonsters;  //5B94h
-  unsigned int uNumPlacements; //5B98h
-  int field_5B9C;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct MonsterDesc_mm6
-  unsigned __int16 uMonsterHeight;
-  unsigned __int16 uMonsterRadius;
-  unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed;
-  __int16 uToHitRadius;
-  unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4];
-  char pMonsterName[32];
-  char pSpriteNames[10][10];
-struct MonsterDesc
-  unsigned __int16 uMonsterHeight;
-  unsigned __int16 uMonsterRadius;
-  unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed;
-  __int16 uToHitRadius;
-  signed int sTintColor;
-  unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4];
-  char pMonsterName[32];
-  char pSpriteNames[10][10];
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct MonsterList
-  inline MonsterList():  //----- (00458429)
-    uNumMonsters(0), pMonsters(nullptr)
-  {}
-    signed __int16 GetMonsterIDByName(const char *pMonsterName);
-  void ToFile();
-  void FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8);
-  bool FromFileTxt(const char *Args);
-  signed int uNumMonsters;
-  struct MonsterDesc *pMonsters;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-extern struct MonsterStats *pMonsterStats;
-extern struct MonsterList *pMonsterList;
\ No newline at end of file