# HG changeset patch
# User Ritor1
# Date 1390188136 -21600
# Node ID 41bb73de29fb9e961477a4e84d5790e78864ec26
# Parent  919ca19c5466cd6b4c1248f5a0618129a1254100# Parent  5b27c035a241adbb68a0efa1c8382e914881bf51

diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb Actor.cpp
--- a/Actor.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Actor.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -3919,11 +3919,8 @@
   Actor::AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(uActorID_Monster, 1, v61);
 //----- (004BBF61) --------------------------------------------------------
-void Actor::_4BBF61_summon_actor( int a1, __int16 x, int y, int z )
+void Actor::Arena_summon_actor( int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z )
-  Actor *v7; // esi@5
-  //MonsterInfo *v9; // edi@5
-  //MonsterDesc *v10; // ebx@5
   int v12; // ebx@7
   int v13; // eax@8
   __int16 v16; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@3
@@ -3933,43 +3930,40 @@
     v16 = 0;
     if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
       v16 = pIndoor->GetSector(x, y, z);
-    v7 = &pActors[uNumActors];
-    v7->Reset();
-    //v9 = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[a1];
-    //v10 = &pMonsterList->pMonsters[a1 - 1];
-    strcpy(v7->pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[a1].pName);
-    v7->sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pMonsterStats->pInfos[a1].uHP);
-    memcpy(&v7->pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[a1], 0x58u);
-    v7->word_000086_some_monster_id = a1;
-    v7->uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[a1 - 1].uMonsterRadius;
-    v7->uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[a1 - 1].uMonsterHeight;
-    v7->uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[a1 - 1].uMovementSpeed;
-    v7->vInitialPosition.x = x;
-    v7->vPosition.x = x;
-    v7->uAttributes |= 80000;
-    v7->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
-    v7->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel = 0;
-    v7->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides = 0;
-    v7->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
-    v7->pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance = 0;
-    v7->vInitialPosition.y = y;
-    v7->vPosition.y = y;
-    v7->vInitialPosition.z = z;
-    v7->vPosition.z = z;
-    v7->uTetherDistance = 256;
-    v7->uSectorID = v16;
-    v7->uGroup = 1;
-    v7->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
-    v7->PrepareSprites(0);
-    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-      pSoundList->LoadSound(pMonsterList->pMonsters[a1 - 1].pSoundSampleIDs[i], 0);
-    //v12 = 0;
-    //do//����������� ����
-    //{
-      //LOWORD(v13) = pSoundList->LoadSound(v12 + word_4EE088_sound_ids[pMonsterStats->pInfos[a1].uSpell1ID], 1);
-      //v12++;
-    //}
-    //while ( v13 );
+    pActors[uNumActors].Reset();
+    strcpy(pActors[uNumActors].pActorName, pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].pName);
+    pActors[uNumActors].sCurrentHP = LOWORD(pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].uHP);
+    memcpy(&pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo, &pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id], 0x58u);
+    pActors[uNumActors].word_000086_some_monster_id = monster_id;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uActorRadius = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMonsterRadius;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uActorHeight = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMonsterHeight;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uMovementSpeed = pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].uMovementSpeed;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.x = x;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.x = x;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uAttributes |= 80000;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureType = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureLevel = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceSides = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDiceRolls = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uTreasureDropChance = 0;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.y = y;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.y = y;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vInitialPosition.z = z;
+    pActors[uNumActors].vPosition.z = z;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uTetherDistance = 256;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uSectorID = v16;
+    pActors[uNumActors].uGroup = 1;
+    pActors[uNumActors].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Long;
+    pActors[uNumActors].PrepareSprites(0);
+     for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+      pSoundList->LoadSound(pMonsterList->pMonsters[monster_id - 1].pSoundSampleIDs[i], 0);
+    v12 = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      v13 = pSoundList->LoadSound(v12 + word_4EE088_sound_ids[pMonsterStats->pInfos[monster_id].uSpell1ID], 1);
+      v12++;
+    }
+    while ( v13 );
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb Actor.h
--- a/Actor.h	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Actor.h	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
   static void AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3);
   static bool _46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int a1, int a2);
-  static void _4BBF61_summon_actor(int a1, __int16 x, int y, int z); // idb
+  static void Arena_summon_actor(int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z);
   void LootActor();
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb Outdoor.cpp
--- a/Outdoor.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Outdoor.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -365,7 +365,6 @@
 //----- (0048902E) --------------------------------------------------------
 bool OutdoorLocation::GetTravelDestination(signed int sPartyX, signed int sPartyZ, char *pOut, signed int a5)
-  OutdoorLocation *v5; // esi@1
   char *v6; // eax@3
   int v7; // eax@3
   //int v8; // edx@3
@@ -373,46 +372,27 @@
   //int v10; // esi@23
   signed int v11; // eax@23
   //int v12; // ST14_4@25
-  signed int v14; // [sp-4h] [bp-84h]@6
+  //signed int v14; // [sp-4h] [bp-84h]@6
   char Str[140]; // [sp+8h] [bp-78h]@3
   //int a5a; // [sp+94h] [bp+14h]@3
-  OutdoorLocation* Source = this;
-  v5 = Source;
-  if ( a5 < 10
-    || strlen(Source->pLevelFilename) != 9
-    || (strcpy(Str, v5->pLevelFilename),
-        _strlwr(Str),
-        v6 = strtok(Str, "out"),
-        v6[2] = 0,
-        v7 = atoi(v6),
-        //v8 = v7,
-        //a5a = v7,
-        v7 < 1)
-    || v7 > 15 )
-    return 0;
-  if ( sPartyX < -22528 )
-  {
-    v14 = 4;
-    v9 = v14;
-    goto LABEL_14;
-  }
-  if ( sPartyX > 22528 )
-  {
-    v14 = 3;
-    goto LABEL_7;
-  }
-  if ( sPartyZ < -22528 )
-  {
-    v14 = 2;
-    goto LABEL_7;
-  }
-  if ( sPartyZ <= 22528 )
+  strcpy(Str, this->pLevelFilename);//��������� �������
+  _strlwr(Str);
+  v6 = strtok(Str, "out");
+  v6[2] = 0;
+  v7 = atoi(v6);
+  if ( a5 < 10 || strlen(this->pLevelFilename) != 9 || v7 < 1 || v7 > 15 ) //�����  .odm � ���������� �������
     return 0;
   v9 = 1;
+  if ( sPartyX < -22528 )//������� �����
+    v9 = 4;
+  else if ( sPartyX > 22528 )
+    v9 = 3;
+  else if ( sPartyZ < -22528 )
+    v9 = 2;
+  else if ( sPartyZ <= 22528 )
+    return 0;
   if ( v7 == 14 )
     if ( v9 == 4 ) // to & from Shoals
@@ -425,7 +405,6 @@
         uDefaultTravelTime_ByFoot = 1;
         strcpy(pOut, "out15.odm");
         uLevel_StartingPointType = MapStartPoint_East;
         LOWORD(pParty->uFlags) &= 0xFD7Bu;
         return 1;
@@ -437,9 +416,10 @@
     if ( v7 == 15 && v9 == 3 )
       uDefaultTravelTime_ByFoot = 1;
-      strcpy(pOut, "out14.odm");
+      strcpy(pOut, "out14.odm");//����
       uLevel_StartingPointType = MapStartPoint_West;
-      goto LABEL_18;
+      LOWORD(pParty->uFlags) &= 0xFD7Bu;
+      return 1;
   //v10 = v9 + 4 * v7;
@@ -452,7 +432,7 @@
   uDefaultTravelTime_ByFoot = foot_travel_times[v7 - 1][v9 - 1];
   uLevel_StartingPointType = foot_travel_arrival_points[v7 - 1][v9 - 1];
-  sprintf(pOut, "out%02d.odm", v11);
+  sprintf(pOut, "out%02d.odm", v11); //������� �����������
   return 1;
   //return 0;
@@ -463,92 +443,64 @@
 //----- (0048917E) --------------------------------------------------------
 void OutdoorLocation::MessWithLUN()
-  OutdoorLocation *v1; // esi@1
-  unsigned int *v2; // ebp@1
-  unsigned int v3; // eax@1
-  unsigned __int16 v4; // ax@1
-  signed int v5; // ebx@1
-  v1 = this;
-  v2 = this->pSpriteIDs_LUN;
   this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[0] = -1;
+  this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[1] = 0;
   this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[2] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-4");
-  v1->pSpriteIDs_LUN[4] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-2");
-  v1->pSpriteIDs_LUN[6] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN3-4");
-  v1->uSpriteID_LUNFULL = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUNFULL");
-  v1->uSpriteID_LUN3_4_cp = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN3-4");
-  v1->uSpriteID_LUN1_2_cp = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-2");
-  v3 = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-4");
-  v1->field_D60 = -1;
-  v1->uSpriteID_LUN1_4_cp = v3;
-  v1->field_CF0 = 4;
-  v1->field_CF8 = 4;
-  v1->field_D00 = 4;
-  LOWORD(v3) = *(short *)v2;
-  v1->pSpriteIDs_LUN[1] = 0;
-  v1->pSpriteIDs_LUN[3] = 0;
-  v1->pSpriteIDs_LUN[5] = 0;
-  v1->pSpriteIDs_LUN[7] = 0;
-  v1->field_CE8 = 0;
-  LOWORD(v1->field_D3C) = v3;
-  v1->field_D40 = 0;
-  v1->field_D44 = 0;
-  v1->field_D48 = 0;
-  v1->field_D4C = 131072;
-  v1->field_D5C = 0;
-  v1->field_D64 = 0;
-  v4 = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN-SUN");
-  v1->field_D28 = -1;
-  v1->field_D08 = 0;
-  v1->field_D0C = 0;
-  v1->field_D10 = 0;
-  v1->field_D24 = 0;
-  v1->field_D2C = 0;
-  v1->uSpriteID_LUN_SUN = v4;
-  v1->field_D14 = -131072;
-  v5 = 8;
-  do
-  {
-    pSpriteFrameTable->InitializeSprite(*v2);
-    v2 += 2;
-    --v5;
-  }
-  while ( v5 );
-  pSpriteFrameTable->InitializeSprite(v1->uSpriteID_LUN_SUN);
+  this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[3] = 0;
+  this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[4] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-2");
+  this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[5] = 0;
+  this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[6] = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN3-4");
+  this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[7] = 0;
+  this->uSpriteID_LUNFULL = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUNFULL");
+  this->uSpriteID_LUN1_2_cp = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-2");
+  this->uSpriteID_LUN1_4_cp = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN1-4");
+  this->uSpriteID_LUN3_4_cp = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN3-4");
+  this->field_D60 = -1;
+  this->field_CF0 = 4;
+  this->field_CF8 = 4;
+  this->field_D00 = 4;
+  this->field_CE8 = 0;
+  this->field_D3C = (int)this->pSpriteIDs_LUN;
+  this->field_D40 = 0;
+  this->field_D44 = 0;
+  this->field_D48 = 0;
+  this->field_D4C = 131072;
+  this->field_D5C = 0;
+  this->field_D64 = 0;
+  this->field_D28 = -1;
+  this->field_D08 = 0;
+  this->field_D0C = 0;
+  this->field_D10 = 0;
+  this->field_D24 = 0;
+  this->field_D2C = 0;
+  this->uSpriteID_LUN_SUN = pSpriteFrameTable->FastFindSprite("LUN-SUN");
+  this->field_D14 = -131072;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
+    pSpriteFrameTable->InitializeSprite(this->pSpriteIDs_LUN[i]);//v2 += 2;
+  pSpriteFrameTable->InitializeSprite(this->uSpriteID_LUN_SUN);
 //----- (004892E6) --------------------------------------------------------
 void OutdoorLocation::UpdateSunlightVectors()
-  //unsigned int result; // eax@1
-  OutdoorLocation *v2; // esi@1
   unsigned int v3; // edi@3
-  //int v4; // ebx@3
-  int v5; // eax@3
-  //int v6; // eax@3
-  //int v7; // ecx@3
   double v8; // st7@4
-  v2 = this;
   if ( pParty->uCurrentHour >= 5 && pParty->uCurrentHour < 21 )
     v3 = pParty->uCurrentMinute + 60 * (pParty->uCurrentHour - 5);
-    //v4 = (signed int)(v3 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi) / 960;
-    v5 = stru_5C6E00->Cos((signed int)(v3 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi) / 960);
-    v2->inv_sunlight_y = 0;
-    v2->inv_sunlight_x = v5;
-    //v6 = stru_5C6E00->Sin(v4);
-    //v7 = v2->field_D18;
-    v2->inv_sunlight_z = stru_5C6E00->Sin((signed int)(v3 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi) / 960);
-    v2->vSunlight.x = -v2->inv_sunlight_x;
-    v2->vSunlight.y = -v2->inv_sunlight_y;
-    v2->vSunlight.z = -v2->inv_sunlight_z;
+    this->inv_sunlight_y = 0;
+    this->inv_sunlight_x = stru_5C6E00->Cos((signed int)(v3 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi) / 960);
+    this->inv_sunlight_z = stru_5C6E00->Sin((signed int)(v3 * stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi) / 960);
+    this->vSunlight.x = -this->inv_sunlight_x;
+    this->vSunlight.y = -this->inv_sunlight_y;
+    this->vSunlight.z = -this->inv_sunlight_z;
     if ( (signed int)v3 >= 480 )
       v8 = (double)(signed int)(960 - v3);
       v8 = (double)(signed int)v3;
-    v2->max_terrain_dimming_level = (signed __int64)(20.0 - v8 / 480.0 * 20.0);
-    v2->uLastSunlightUpdateMinute = pParty->uCurrentMinute;
+    this->max_terrain_dimming_level = (signed __int64)(20.0 - v8 / 480.0 * 20.0);
+    this->uLastSunlightUpdateMinute = pParty->uCurrentMinute;
@@ -633,10 +585,8 @@
 //----- (00482170) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool ODMFace::IsBackfaceCulled(ODMFace *a1, RenderVertexSoft *a2, struct Polygon *a3)
+bool ODMFace::IsBackfaceCulled(RenderVertexSoft *a2, struct Polygon *polygon)
-  struct Polygon *v3; // edi@1
-  RenderVertexSoft *v4; // esi@1
   unsigned int v5; // edx@1
   RenderVertexSoft *v6; // ecx@2
   double v7; // st7@5
@@ -645,7 +595,6 @@
   double v10; // st6@9
   double v11; // st5@9
   double v12; // st4@9
-  bool result; // eax@16
   double v14; // ST2C_8@17
   double v15; // ST20_8@17
   double v16; // ST0C_8@17
@@ -667,26 +616,24 @@
   float a3d; // [sp+48h] [bp+8h]@17
   float a3e; // [sp+48h] [bp+8h]@17
-  v3 = a3;
-  v4 = a2;
-  v5 = a3->uNumVertices;
+  v5 = polygon->uNumVertices;
   if ( (signed int)v5 < 3 )
-    goto LABEL_20;
-  v6 = &v4[v5 - 1];
-  if ( v4->vWorldPosition.z == v4[1].vWorldPosition.z && v4[1].vWorldPosition.z == v6->vWorldPosition.z )
-    *(int *)&a3->flags |= 0x10u;
-  v19 = v4[1].vWorldViewPosition.x - v4->vWorldViewPosition.x;
-  v18 = v4[1].vWorldViewPosition.y - v4->vWorldViewPosition.y;
-  v20 = v4[1].vWorldViewPosition.z - v4->vWorldViewPosition.z;
-  v21 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.x - v4->vWorldViewPosition.x;
-  v22 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.y - v4->vWorldViewPosition.y;
-  v23 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.z - v4->vWorldViewPosition.z;
-  v28 = v4[1].vWorldPosition.x - v4->vWorldPosition.x;
-  v27 = v4[1].vWorldPosition.y - v4->vWorldPosition.y;
-  a3a = v4[1].vWorldPosition.z - v4->vWorldPosition.z;
-  v7 = v6->vWorldPosition.x - v4->vWorldPosition.x;
-  v8 = v6->vWorldPosition.y - v4->vWorldPosition.y;
-  v9 = v6->vWorldPosition.z - v4->vWorldPosition.z;
+      return false;
+  v6 = &a2[v5 - 1];
+  if ( a2->vWorldPosition.z == a2[1].vWorldPosition.z && a2[1].vWorldPosition.z == v6->vWorldPosition.z )
+    *(int *)&polygon->flags |= 0x10u;
+  v19 = a2[1].vWorldViewPosition.x - a2->vWorldViewPosition.x;
+  v18 = a2[1].vWorldViewPosition.y - a2->vWorldViewPosition.y;
+  v20 = a2[1].vWorldViewPosition.z - a2->vWorldViewPosition.z;
+  v21 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.x - a2->vWorldViewPosition.x;
+  v22 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.y - a2->vWorldViewPosition.y;
+  v23 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.z - a2->vWorldViewPosition.z;
+  v28 = a2[1].vWorldPosition.x - a2->vWorldPosition.x;
+  v27 = a2[1].vWorldPosition.y - a2->vWorldPosition.y;
+  a3a = a2[1].vWorldPosition.z - a2->vWorldPosition.z;
+  v7 = v6->vWorldPosition.x - a2->vWorldPosition.x;
+  v8 = v6->vWorldPosition.y - a2->vWorldPosition.y;
+  v9 = v6->vWorldPosition.z - a2->vWorldPosition.z;
   v26 = v27 * v9 - v8 * a3a;
   v24 = v7 * a3a - v9 * v28;
   v25 = v8 * v28 - v7 * v27;
@@ -697,9 +644,9 @@
       if ( (signed int)v5 < 2 )
-      v10 = v6->vWorldPosition.x - v4->vWorldPosition.x;
-      v11 = v6->vWorldPosition.y - v4->vWorldPosition.y;
-      v12 = v6->vWorldPosition.z - v4->vWorldPosition.z;
+      v10 = v6->vWorldPosition.x - a2->vWorldPosition.x;
+      v11 = v6->vWorldPosition.y - a2->vWorldPosition.y;
+      v12 = v6->vWorldPosition.z - a2->vWorldPosition.z;
       v26 = v27 * v12 - v11 * a3a;
       v24 = v10 * a3a - v12 * v28;
       v25 = v11 * v28 - v10 * v27;
@@ -709,37 +656,33 @@
-    v21 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.x - v4->vWorldViewPosition.x;
-    v22 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.y - v4->vWorldViewPosition.y;
-    v23 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.z - v4->vWorldViewPosition.z;
+    v21 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.x - a2->vWorldViewPosition.x;
+    v22 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.y - a2->vWorldViewPosition.y;
+    v23 = v6->vWorldViewPosition.z - a2->vWorldViewPosition.z;
-  if ( ((double)pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.x - v4->vWorldPosition.x) * v26
-     + ((double)pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.z - v4->vWorldPosition.z) * v25
-     + ((double)pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.y - v4->vWorldPosition.y) * v24 > 0.0 )
+  if ( ((double)pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.x - a2->vWorldPosition.x) * v26
+     + ((double)pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.z - a2->vWorldPosition.z) * v25
+     + ((double)pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->vPartyPos.y - a2->vWorldPosition.y) * v24 > 0.0 )
     a3b = v23 * v18 - v22 * v20;
     v14 = a3b + 6.7553994e15;
-    v3->v_18.x = LODWORD(v14);
+    polygon->v_18.x = LODWORD(v14);
     a3c = v21 * v20 - v23 * v19;
     v15 = a3c + 6.7553994e15;
-    v3->v_18.y = LODWORD(v15);
+    polygon->v_18.y = LODWORD(v15);
     a3d = v22 * v19 - v21 * v18;
     v16 = a3d + 6.7553994e15;
-    v3->v_18.z = LODWORD(v16);
-    v3->_normalize_v_18();
-    a3e = -((double)v3->v_18.x * v4->vWorldViewPosition.x)
-        - (double)v3->v_18.y * v4->vWorldViewPosition.y
-        - (double)v3->v_18.z * v4->vWorldViewPosition.z;
+    polygon->v_18.z = LODWORD(v16);
+    polygon->_normalize_v_18();
+    a3e = -((double)polygon->v_18.x * a2->vWorldViewPosition.x)
+        - (double)polygon->v_18.y * a2->vWorldViewPosition.y
+        - (double)polygon->v_18.z * a2->vWorldViewPosition.z;
     v17 = a3e + 6.7553994e15;
-    v3->field_24 = LODWORD(v17);
-    result = 1;
+    polygon->field_24 = LODWORD(v17);
+    return true;
-  {
-    result = 0;
-  }
-  return result;
+    return false;
 //----- (0047C7A9) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -782,8 +725,7 @@
 //----- (0047C80A) --------------------------------------------------------
 void OutdoorLocationTerrain::FillDMap( int X, int Y, int W, int Z )
-    {
-  OutdoorLocationTerrain *pOutLocTerrain; // ebx@1
   double v6; // st7@1
   double v7; // st7@2
   double v8; // st7@2
@@ -821,12 +763,11 @@
   int v40; // [sp+18h] [bp-30h]@15
   int v41; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-2Ch]@15
   int v42; // [sp+20h] [bp-28h]@15
-  OutdoorLocationTerrain *pOutLocTerrain2; // [sp+24h] [bp-24h]@1
   int v44; // [sp+28h] [bp-20h]@21
   float v45; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-1Ch]@1
   float v46; // [sp+30h] [bp-18h]@1
   float v47; // [sp+34h] [bp-14h]@1
-  int v48; // [sp+38h] [bp-10h]@7
+  //int v48; // [sp+38h] [bp-10h]@7
   int v49; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-Ch]@10
   int v50; // [sp+40h] [bp-8h]@9
   float v51; // [sp+44h] [bp-4h]@15
@@ -839,9 +780,7 @@
   v46 = -64.0;
   v47 = -64.0;
-  pOutLocTerrain = this;
   v45 = 64.0;
-  pOutLocTerrain2 = this;
   v6 = sqrt(12288.0);
   if ( v6 != 0.0 )
@@ -865,39 +804,37 @@
     W ^= X ^ W;
     v11 = W ^ v12;
-  v13 = result - 1;
-  v48 = result - 1;
+  //v48 = result - 1;
   if ( result - 1 <= Z )
     v39 = v11 - 1;
-    do
+    for ( v13 = result - 1; v13 <= Z; v13++ )
-      v14 = v39;
       v50 = v39;
       if ( v39 <= W )
         result = (v39 - 63) << 9;
         v49 = (v39 - 63) << 9;
-        do
+        for ( v14 = v39; v14 <= W; v14++ )
           if ( v13 >= 0 && result >= -32256 && v13 <= 127 && result <= 32768 )
-            v15 = pOutLocTerrain->field_10;
-            v55 = v15;
-            pMapHeight = pOutLocTerrain->pHeightmap;
-            v17 = (int)(&pMapHeight[v13 * v15] + v14);
+            //v15 = pOutLocTerrain->field_10;
+            //v55 = pOutLocTerrain->field_10;
+            pMapHeight = this->pHeightmap;
+            v17 = (int)(&pMapHeight[v13 * this->field_10] + v14);
             v18 = -v13;
             v19 = (64 - v13) << 9;
             v20 = 32 * *(char *)v17;
             v21 = 32 * *(char *)(v17 + 1);
             v22 = (v18 + 63) << 9;
             v41 = v22;
-            v23 = (int)(&pMapHeight[v55 * (v48 + 1)] + v50);
+            v23 = (int)(&pMapHeight[this->field_10 * (v13 + 1)] + v14);
             v24 = v22 - v19;
             v40 = 32 * *(char *)v23;
             v42 = 32 * *(char *)(v23 + 1);
             v25 = v49 - 512 - v49;
             v26 = (double)-((v20 - v21) * v24);
             v51 = v26;
@@ -918,9 +855,9 @@
               v31 = 0.0;
             if ( v31 > 31.0 )
               v31 = 31.0;
-            v44 = 2 * (v50 + v48 * pOutLocTerrain2->field_10);
-            pOutLocTerrain = pOutLocTerrain2;
-            *((char *)pOutLocTerrain2->pDmap + v44 + 1) = (signed __int64)v31;
+            v44 = 2 * (v14 + v13 * this->field_10);
+            //pOutLocTerrain = pOutLocTerrain2;
+            *((char *)this->pDmap + v44 + 1) = (signed __int64)v31;
             v32 = v49 - (v49 - 512);
             v33 = (double)-((v42 - v40) * (v19 - v41));
@@ -942,22 +879,21 @@
               v38 = 0.0;
             if ( v38 > 31.0 )
               v38 = 31.0;
-            v13 = v48;
-            *((char *)pOutLocTerrain2->pDmap + v44) = (signed __int64)v38;
-            v14 = v50;
+            //v13 = v48;
+            *((char *)this->pDmap + v44) = (signed __int64)v38;
+            //v14 = v50;
             result = v49;
-          ++v14;
+          //++v14;
           result += 512;
-          v50 = v14;
+          //v50 = v14;
           v49 = result;
-        while ( v14 <= W );
-      ++v13;
-      v48 = v13;
+      //++v13;
+      //v48 = v13;
-    while ( v13 <= Z );
+    //while ( v13 <= Z );
@@ -3440,40 +3376,18 @@
   pOMAP = 0;
 //----- (00481E55) --------------------------------------------------------
 void ODM_Project(unsigned int uNumVertices)
-  double v1; // st7@2
-  double v2; // st6@2
-  double v3; // st5@2
-  int v4; // eax@2
-  unsigned int v5; // edx@2
-  double v6; // st4@3
-  double v7; // st3@3
-  if ( (signed int)uNumVertices > 0 )
-  {
-    v1 = (double)pODMRenderParams->int_fov_rad;
-    v2 = (double)pViewport->uScreenCenterX;
-    v3 = (double)pViewport->uScreenCenterY;
-    v4 = 0;
-    v5 = uNumVertices;
-    do
-    {
-      v6 = v1 * array_507D30[v4]._rhw;
-      v7 = v6 * array_507D30[v4].vWorldViewPosition.y;
-      memcpy(&array_50AC10[v4], &array_507D30[v4], sizeof(array_50AC10[v4]));
-      array_50AC10[v4].vWorldViewProjX = v2 - v7;
-      array_50AC10[v4].vWorldViewProjY = v3 - v6 * array_507D30[v4].vWorldViewPosition.z;
-      ++v4;
-      --v5;
-    }
-    while ( v5 );
-  }
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumVertices; i++ )
+   {
+    memcpy(&array_50AC10[i], &array_507D30[i], sizeof(array_50AC10[i]));
+    array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewProjX = (double)pViewport->uScreenCenterX 
+        - ((double)pODMRenderParams->int_fov_rad * array_507D30[i]._rhw) * array_507D30[i].vWorldViewPosition.y;
+    array_50AC10[i].vWorldViewProjY = (double)pViewport->uScreenCenterY
+        - ((double)pODMRenderParams->int_fov_rad * array_507D30[i]._rhw) * array_507D30[i].vWorldViewPosition.z;
+   }
+ }
 //----- (00485F64) --------------------------------------------------------
 void ODMRenderParams::Initialize()
@@ -3506,7 +3420,7 @@
   int floor_level; // eax@14
   int v6; // esi@45
   ODMFace *face; // ecx@45
-  signed int v33; // eax@143
+  //signed int v33; // eax@143
   int v34; // esi@143
   int v35; // esi@147
   int v36; // eax@155
@@ -3519,6 +3433,7 @@
   signed int v44; // edx@184
   int v45; // ecx@200
   BSPModel *pModel; // eax@203
+  bool pModel_;
   ODMFace *pODMFace; // esi@203
   int v48; // eax@203
   int v54; // eax@215
@@ -3591,7 +3506,7 @@
   party_running_flag = false;
   party_walking_flag = false;
   v102 = 0;
-  pModel = 0;
+  pModel_ = false;
   bWaterWalk = false;
   if (!pParty->FeatherFallActive())//�������� ������� ����
@@ -3720,38 +3635,38 @@
         if (bUnderwater ||
             pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uFlags & 1 ||
             pParty->pPlayers[pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uCaster - 1].sMana > 0 )
+        {
+          extern int max_flight_height;
+          if ( pParty->vPosition.z < max_flight_height || hovering )
-            extern int max_flight_height;
-            if ( pParty->vPosition.z < max_flight_height || hovering )
+            pZ += 30;
+            v113 += 30;
+            pParty->bFlying = true;
+            if ( pZ > max_flight_height )
-              pZ += 30;
-              v113 += 30;
-              pParty->bFlying = true;
-              if ( pZ > max_flight_height )
-              {
-                pZ = max_flight_height;
-                v113 = max_flight_height;
-              }
-              v1 = 0;
-              v2 = 0;
-              fall_speed = 0;
-              *(float *)&v128 = 0.0;
-              if ( v102 && pZ < ceiling_height && (signed int)(pParty->uPartyHeight + pZ) >= ceiling_height )//������������ � ��������
-              {
-                pParty->field_6E0 = 0;
-                pParty->field_6E4 = 0;
-                pPartyActionQueue->uNumActions = 0;
-                pParty->uFlags |= PARTY_FLAGS_1_LANDING;
-                pParty->vPosition.z = ceiling_height - pParty->uPartyHeight - 31;
-                pParty->field_6F0 = pZ;
-                pParty->bFlying = false;
-                pZ = ceiling_height - pParty->uPartyHeight - 31;
-                v113 = pParty->field_6F0;
-              }
-              pParty->uFallSpeed = 0;
-              pModel = (BSPModel *)1;
+              pZ = max_flight_height;
+              v113 = max_flight_height;
+            v1 = 0;
+            v2 = 0;
+            fall_speed = 0;
+            *(float *)&v128 = 0.0;
+            if ( v102 && pZ < ceiling_height && (signed int)(pParty->uPartyHeight + pZ) >= ceiling_height )//������������ � ��������
+            {
+              pParty->field_6E0 = 0;
+              pParty->field_6E4 = 0;
+              pPartyActionQueue->uNumActions = 0;
+              pParty->uFlags |= PARTY_FLAGS_1_LANDING;
+              pParty->vPosition.z = ceiling_height - pParty->uPartyHeight - 31;
+              pParty->field_6F0 = pZ;
+              pParty->bFlying = false;
+              pZ = ceiling_height - pParty->uPartyHeight - 31;
+              v113 = pParty->field_6F0;
+            }
+            pParty->uFallSpeed = 0;
+            pModel_ = true;
+        }
@@ -3768,7 +3683,7 @@
             pParty->uFallSpeed = 0;
             fall_speed = 0;
             pParty->bFlying = true;
-            pModel = (BSPModel *)1;
+            pModel_ = true;
             if ( pZ <= v111 )
               pParty->bFlying = false;
@@ -4009,31 +3924,27 @@
   pParty->sRotationY = _angle_y;
   pParty->sRotationX = _angle_x;
-  if ( pZ < v111 || pParty->bFlying)
+  //-------------------------------------------
+  if ( pParty->bFlying )
-    if ( pParty->bFlying )
-    {
-      //v126 = stru_5C6E00->Cos(GetTickCount());
-      v129 = fixpoint_mul(4, cosf(GetTickCount()));
-      v129 = (unsigned __int64)(4i64 * stru_5C6E00->Cos(GetTickCount())) >> 16;
-      pZ = v113 + v129;
-      if ( pModel )
-        pZ = v113;
-      if (pParty->FlyActive())
-        stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uOverlayID + 119] &= 0xFE;
-      pParty->uFallStartY = pZ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( is_on_water && fall_speed )
-        sub_42F960_create_object(pX, pY, v111);
-      fall_speed = 0;
-      pZ = v111;
-      pParty->uFallStartY = v111;
-      v113 = pZ;
-      if (pParty->FlyActive())
-        stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uOverlayID + 119] |= 1;
-    }
+    v129 = fixpoint_mul(4, stru_5C6E00->Cos(GetTickCount()));
+    pZ = v113 + v129;
+    if ( pModel_ )
+      pZ = v113; //��������� ����
+    if (pParty->FlyActive())
+      stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uOverlayID + 119] &= 0xFE;
+    pParty->uFallStartY = pZ;
+  }
+  else if ( pZ < v111 )// ������ � �����
+  {
+    if ( is_on_water && fall_speed )
+      sub_42F960_create_object(pX, pY, v111);
+    fall_speed = 0;
+    pZ = v111;
+    pParty->uFallStartY = v111;
+    v113 = pZ;
+    if (pParty->FlyActive())
+      stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uOverlayID + 119] |= 1;
@@ -4041,12 +3952,12 @@
     if (pParty->FlyActive())
       stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uOverlayID + 119] |= 1;
+  //------------------------------------------
   if (hovering && !pParty->bFlying)//������ �������� �������
-    v33 = -(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed * GetGravityStrength());
-    v34 = fall_speed + 2 * v33;
-    fall_speed += 2 * v33;
+    //v33 = -(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed * GetGravityStrength());
+    v34 = fall_speed + 2 * -(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed * GetGravityStrength());
+    fall_speed += 2 * -(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed * GetGravityStrength());
   else if (!partyAtHighSlope)
     v34 = fall_speed;
@@ -4054,36 +3965,38 @@
     if ( !bmodel_standing_on_pid )
-		// rolling down the hill
-		// how it's done: you get a little bit pushed in the air along terrain normal, getting in the air
-		// and falling to the gravity, gradually sliding downwards. nice trick
-		pZ = v111;
-		ODM_GetTerrainNormalAt(pX, pY, &v98);
-		v35 = fall_speed + (8 * -(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed * GetGravityStrength()));
-		v129 = abs(v2 * v98.x + v1 * v98.y + v35 * v98.z) >> 16;
-        v2 += fixpoint_mul(v129, (int)v98.x);
-        v1 += fixpoint_mul(v129, (int)v98.y);
-        v34 = v35 + fixpoint_mul(v129, (int)v98.z);
-		v128 = v1;
-		fall_speed = v34;
+      // rolling down the hill
+      // how it's done: you get a little bit pushed in the air along terrain normal, getting in the air
+      // and falling to the gravity, gradually sliding downwards. nice trick
+      pZ = v111;
+      ODM_GetTerrainNormalAt(pX, pY, &v98);
+      v35 = fall_speed + (8 * -(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed * GetGravityStrength()));
+      v129 = abs(v2 * v98.x + v1 * v98.y + v35 * v98.z) >> 16;
+      v2 += fixpoint_mul(v129, v98.x);
+      v1 += fixpoint_mul(v129, v98.y);
+      v34 = v35 + fixpoint_mul(v129, v98.z);
+      v128 = v1;
+      fall_speed = v34;
     v34 = fall_speed;
-  if ( hovering )
+  if ( hovering )//���� ��� ����� �������
-	  if ( !bUnderwater && v34 <= 0)
-	  {
-		if ( v34 < -500 && !pParty->bFlying && pParty->vPosition.z - v111 > 1000 && !pParty->FeatherFallActive())
-		{ // falling scream
-		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-		  {
-            if (!pParty->pPlayers[i].HasEnchantedItemEquipped(72) && !pParty->pPlayers[i].WearsItem(ITEM_ARTIFACT_HERMES_SANDALS, EQUIP_BOOTS) && pParty->pPlayers[i].CanAct())
-              pParty->pPlayers[i].PlaySound(SPEECH_Falling_scream, 0);//���� �������
-		  }
-		}
-	  }
+    if ( !bUnderwater && v34 <= 0)
+    {
+      if ( v34 < -500 && !pParty->bFlying && pParty->vPosition.z - v111 > 1000 && !pParty->FeatherFallActive())
+      { // falling scream
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        {
+          if (!pParty->pPlayers[i].HasEnchantedItemEquipped(72)
+           && !pParty->pPlayers[i].WearsItem(ITEM_ARTIFACT_HERMES_SANDALS, EQUIP_BOOTS)
+           && pParty->pPlayers[i].CanAct())
+            pParty->pPlayers[i].PlaySound(SPEECH_Falling_scream, 0);//���� �������
+        }
+      }
+    }
     pParty->uFallStartY = pZ;
@@ -4093,7 +4006,7 @@
     *(float *)&v128 = 0.0;
     v2 = 0;
   stru_721530.field_84 = -1;
   stru_721530.field_70 = 0;
   stru_721530.prolly_normal_d = pParty->field_14_radius;
@@ -4137,14 +4050,14 @@
       _angle_x = pX + fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.field_7C, stru_721530.direction.x);
       _angle_y = pY + fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.field_7C, stru_721530.direction.y);
-      pModel = (BSPModel *)fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.field_7C, stru_721530.direction.z);
+      //pModel = (BSPModel *)fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.field_7C, stru_721530.direction.z);
       v40 = fixpoint_mul(stru_721530.field_7C, stru_721530.direction.z) + pZ;
     v122 = v40;
     ODM_GetFloorLevel(_angle_x, _angle_y, v40, pParty->uPartyHeight, &is_on_water, &bmodel_standing_on_pid, 0);
     v129 = ODM_GetFloorLevel(_angle_x, pY, v40, pParty->uPartyHeight, &is_on_water, &v97, 0);
     int v119 = ODM_GetFloorLevel(pX, _angle_y, v40, pParty->uPartyHeight, &is_on_water, &v110, 0);
-    pModel = (BSPModel *)IsTerrainSlopeTooHigh(_angle_x, pY);
+    bool v42_ = (BSPModel *)IsTerrainSlopeTooHigh(_angle_x, pY);
     v42 = IsTerrainSlopeTooHigh(pX, _angle_y);
     is_not_on_bmodel = false;
     //v118 = v42;
@@ -4160,7 +4073,7 @@
-      if ( pModel && v129 > pZ )
+      if ( v42_ && v129 > pZ )
         v44 = 0;
       if ( v42 && v119 > pZ )
         v43 = 0;
@@ -4174,8 +4087,8 @@
         pY = _angle_y;
-        pModel = (BSPModel *)ODM_GetFloorLevel(_angle_x, _angle_y, v40, pParty->uPartyHeight, &is_on_water, &bmodel_standing_on_pid, 0);
-        if ( IsTerrainSlopeTooHigh(_angle_x, _angle_y) && (signed int)pModel <= pZ )
+        int new_ = ODM_GetFloorLevel(_angle_x, _angle_y, v40, pParty->uPartyHeight, &is_on_water, &bmodel_standing_on_pid, 0);
+        if ( IsTerrainSlopeTooHigh(_angle_x, _angle_y) && new_ <= pZ )
           v43 = 1;
           pX = _angle_x;
@@ -4294,10 +4207,10 @@
-    v2 = fixpoint_mul(58500, (int)v2);
-    v128 = fixpoint_mul(58500, (int)v128);
-    v122 = fixpoint_mul(58500, (int)v122);
-    fall_speed = fixpoint_mul(58500, (int)fall_speed);
+    v2 = fixpoint_mul(58500, v2);
+    v128 = fixpoint_mul(58500, v128);
+    v122 = fixpoint_mul(58500, v122);
+    fall_speed = fixpoint_mul(58500, fall_speed);
   //��������������� ������ ������/����------------------------
@@ -4347,13 +4260,15 @@
   int pMap_Y = WorldPosToGridCellZ(pParty->vPosition.y) - 1;
   unsigned int v114_a = WorldPosToGridCellX(pX);
   v66 = WorldPosToGridCellZ(pY) - 1;
-  pModel = (BSPModel *)((~(unsigned int)pOutdoor->ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(pMap_X, pMap_Y) >> 1) & 1);
-  v122 = (~(unsigned int)pOutdoor->ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(v114_a, pMap_Y) >> 1) & 1;
+  unsigned int v122_a = (~(unsigned int)pOutdoor->ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(pMap_X, pMap_Y) / 2) & 1;
+  v122 = (~(unsigned int)pOutdoor->ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(v114_a, pMap_Y) / 2) & 1;
+  v69 = (~(unsigned int)pOutdoor->ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(pMap_X, v66) / 2) & 1;
+  //-(���������� ��������� ������)---------------------------------------
   v68 = 0;
-  v69 = (~(unsigned int)pOutdoor->ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(pMap_X, v66) >> 1) & 1;
   if ( v114_a == pMap_X && v66 == pMap_Y && v122 && v69 )
     v68 = 1;
-  if ( !is_not_on_bmodel )
+  if ( !is_not_on_bmodel ) // �� bmodel,�
     v68 = 1;
   if ( v68 )
@@ -4362,12 +4277,13 @@
     pParty->vPosition.z = pZ;
     pParty->field_6F0 = v113;
     pParty->uFallSpeed = fall_speed;
-    if ( pZ > 8160 )
+    if ( pZ > 8160 ) //����������� ������
       pZ = 8160;
       pParty->uFallStartY = 8160;
       pParty->vPosition.z = 8160;
     if ( !trigger_id //������� �� �����
       || (EventProcessor(trigger_id, 0, 1),
          pParty->vPosition.x == pX)
@@ -4382,14 +4298,11 @@
         if ( pParty->uFallStartY - pZ > 512 && !bFeatherFall && pZ <= on_ground && !bUnderwater )//Fall to the ground(������� �� ����� � ������)
           if ( pParty->uFlags & PARTY_FLAGS_1_LANDING )
-          {
             pParty->uFlags &= ~PARTY_FLAGS_1_LANDING;
-          }
             for ( uint i = 1; i <= 4; ++i )
-              //v110 = pPlayers[i]->GetMaxHealth();
               pPlayers[i]->ReceiveDamage((signed int)((pParty->uFallStartY - pZ) * (unsigned __int64)(signed __int64)((double)pPlayers[i]->GetMaxHealth() * 0.1)) / 256,
               v110 = 20 - pPlayers[i]->GetParameterBonus(pPlayers[i]->GetActualEndurance());
@@ -4412,19 +4325,20 @@
   //v76 = pParty->bFlying;
-  if ( pParty->bFlying || !high_fall_flag || bWaterWalk || !pModel )
+  if ( pParty->bFlying || !high_fall_flag || bWaterWalk || !v122_a )
     v77 = 1;
     v77 = v122 != 0;
   bool party_drowning_flag = false;
-  if ( !pParty->bFlying && high_fall_flag && !bWaterWalk )
+  if ( !pParty->bFlying && high_fall_flag && !bWaterWalk ) //�� ����, ������� �������, �� �������� �� ����
-    if ( pModel )
+    if ( v122_a )
       v78 = v69 != 0;
-      party_drowning_flag = true;
+      party_drowning_flag = true;//���������
       v78 = true;
@@ -4444,7 +4358,7 @@
       //v79 = 20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_WATER_WALK].uOverlayID + 6180178;
       //*(short *)&stru_5E4C90._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_WATER_WALK].uOverlayID + 119] |= 1u;
       v79 = (int)&stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[20 * pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_WATER_WALK].uOverlayID + 119];
-      *(short *)v79 |= 1u;
+      *(short *)v79 |= 1;
       if ( !v122 || !v69 )
         if ( !pParty->bFlying )
@@ -4465,7 +4379,7 @@
   //v81 = pZ;
   //v82 = pZ;
   pParty->vPosition.z = pZ;
-  if ( pZ > 8160 )
+  if ( pZ > 8160 )//����� ����������� ������
     //v82 = 8160;
     pParty->uFallStartY = 8160;
@@ -4474,7 +4388,7 @@
   LOWORD(pParty->uFlags) &= 0xFDFBu;
   pParty->uFallSpeed = fall_speed;
   pParty->field_6F0 = v113;
-  if ( party_drowning_flag )
+  if ( party_drowning_flag )//������ �����
     pTerrainHeight = GetTerrainHeightsAroundParty2(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, &v110, 1);
     if ( pParty->vPosition.z <= pTerrainHeight + 1 )//��������� ������ ������ +1
@@ -4495,9 +4409,7 @@
       if ( pParty->uFallStartY - pZ > 512 && !bFeatherFall && pZ <= on_ground && !bUnderwater )//Fall to the water(������� �� ���� � ������)
         if ( pParty->uFlags & PARTY_FLAGS_1_LANDING )
-        {
           pParty->uFlags &= ~PARTY_FLAGS_1_LANDING;
-        }
           for ( uint i = 1; i <= 4; ++i )
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb Outdoor.h
--- a/Outdoor.h	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Outdoor.h	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
   bool HasEventHint();
-  static bool IsBackfaceCulled(struct ODMFace *a1, struct RenderVertexSoft *a2, struct Polygon *a3);
+  static bool IsBackfaceCulled(struct RenderVertexSoft *a2, struct Polygon *polygon);
   inline bool Invisible() const {return (uAttributes & FACE_INVISIBLE) != 0;}
   inline bool Visible() const   {return !Invisible();}
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb Render.cpp
--- a/Render.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/Render.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -8874,7 +8874,7 @@
               array_77EC08[pODMRenderParams->uNumPolygons].dimming_level = 31;
             if ( pODMRenderParams->uNumPolygons >= 1999 + 5000)
-            if ( ODMFace::IsBackfaceCulled(&pOutdoor->pBModels[model_id].pFaces[face_id], array_73D150, &array_77EC08[pODMRenderParams->uNumPolygons]) )
+            if ( ODMFace::IsBackfaceCulled(array_73D150, &array_77EC08[pODMRenderParams->uNumPolygons]) )
               pOutdoor->pBModels[model_id].pFaces[face_id].bVisible = 1;
               array_77EC08[pODMRenderParams->uNumPolygons].uBModelFaceID = face_id;
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb UI/Books/UIMapBook.cpp
--- a/UI/Books/UIMapBook.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/UI/Books/UIMapBook.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -433,12 +433,12 @@
             v20 = pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].y - pCenterY;
             v95 = pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX;
-            v88 = (unsigned __int64)((pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
-            v87 = (unsigned __int64)((signed int)screenHeight * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
-            v93 = (unsigned __int16 *)((unsigned __int64)((pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16);
-            screenHeight = (unsigned __int64)(v20 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
+            v88 = fixpoint_mul((pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
+            v87 = fixpoint_mul(screenHeight, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
+            v93 = (unsigned __int16 *)(fixpoint_mul((pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom));
+            screenHeight = fixpoint_mul(v20, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
             pRenderer->RasterLine2D(screenCenter_X + v88, screenCenterY - v87,
-              screenCenter_X + ((unsigned __int64)((pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16), screenCenterY - screenHeight, black);
+              screenCenter_X + (fixpoint_mul((pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x - viewparams->sViewCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)), screenCenterY - screenHeight, black);
@@ -452,32 +452,32 @@
         v28 = pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[j]].uVertex1ID].y - pCenterY;
         v29 = pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[j]].uVertex2ID].y - pCenterY;
-        v87 = (unsigned __int64)((signed int)v27 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
-        v88 = (unsigned __int64)(v28 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
-        uint i = (unsigned __int64)((v26 - pCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
-        v95 = (unsigned __int64)(v29 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16;
-        pRenderer->RasterLine2D(screenCenter_X + ((unsigned __int64)((signed int)v27 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16),
-          screenCenterY - v88, screenCenter_X + ((unsigned __int64)((v26 - pCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16), screenCenterY - v95, teal);
+        v87 = fixpoint_mul((signed int)v27, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
+        v88 = fixpoint_mul(v28, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
+        uint i = fixpoint_mul((v26 - pCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
+        v95 = fixpoint_mul(v29, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom);
+        pRenderer->RasterLine2D(screenCenter_X + (fixpoint_mul((signed int)v27, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)),
+          screenCenterY - v88, screenCenter_X + (fixpoint_mul((v26 - pCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)), screenCenterY - v95, teal);
       viewparams->sViewCenterX = pCenterX;
-  v47 = ((unsigned __int64)((pParty->vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16) + screenCenter_X - 3;
-  v97 = (const void *)((unsigned __int64)((pParty->vPosition.y - pCenterY) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16);
+  v47 = (fixpoint_mul((pParty->vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)) + screenCenter_X - 3;
+  v97 = (const void *)(fixpoint_mul((pParty->vPosition.y - pCenterY), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom));
   v48 = 1;
   v49 = screenCenterY - (int)v97 - 3;
   if ( v47 >= (signed int)tl_x )
     if ( v47 > (signed int)br_x )
-      if ( (signed int)(((unsigned __int64)((pParty->vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16) + screenCenter_X - 6) > (signed int)br_x )
+      if ( (signed int)((fixpoint_mul((pParty->vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)) + screenCenter_X - 6) > (signed int)br_x )
         v48 = 0;
       v47 = br_x;
-    if ( (signed int)(((unsigned __int64)((pParty->vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX) * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16) + screenCenter_X) < (signed int)tl_x )
+    if ( (signed int)((fixpoint_mul((pParty->vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX), viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)) + screenCenter_X) < (signed int)tl_x )
       v48 = 0;
     v47 = tl_x;
@@ -525,8 +525,8 @@
         screenHeight = pLevelDecorations[i].vPosition.y - pCenterY;
         v93 = (unsigned __int16 *)(pLevelDecorations[i].vPosition.x - viewparams->sViewCenterX);
-        v54 = ((unsigned __int64)((signed int)v93 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16) + screenCenter_X;
-        v97 = (const void *)((unsigned __int64)(screenHeight * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16);
+        v54 = (fixpoint_mul((signed int)v93, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)) + screenCenter_X;
+        v97 = (const void *)(fixpoint_mul(screenHeight, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom));
         v55 = screenCenterY - (int)v97;
         //if ( v54 >= pRenderer->raster_clip_x && v54 <= pRenderer->raster_clip_z
         //  && v55 >= pRenderer->raster_clip_y && v55 <= pRenderer->raster_clip_w )
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
             pRenderer->RasterLine2D(v54, screenCenterY - (int)v97,
-                   ((unsigned __int64)((signed int)v93 * (signed __int64)viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom) >> 16) + screenCenter_X,
+                   (fixpoint_mul((signed int)v93, viewparams->uMapBookMapZoom)) + screenCenter_X,
                    screenCenterY - (int)v97, Color16(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu));
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb UI/UiGame.cpp
--- a/UI/UiGame.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/UI/UiGame.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -1956,55 +1956,64 @@
       BLVMapOutline* pOutline = &pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i];
       BLVFace* pFace1 = pIndoor->pFaces + pOutline->uFace1ID;
       BLVFace* pFace2 = pIndoor->pFaces + pOutline->uFace2ID;
-      //v9 = pIndoor->pFaces[pMapVertex->uFace1ID].uAttributes;
-        //v10 = pIndoor->pFaces[pMapVertex->uFace2ID].uAttributes;
       if (pFace1->Visible() && pFace2->Visible())
         if ( pOutline->uFlags & 1 )
-          goto LABEL_15;
+        {
+          if (bWizardEyeActive && uWizardEyeSkillLevel >= 3 &&
+             (pFace1->Clickable() || pFace2->Clickable()) &&
+             (pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace1->uFaceExtraID].uEventID || pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace2->uFaceExtraID].uEventID))
+          {
+            if (uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap < 49)
+              pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap++] = i;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            pX = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
+            pY = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
+            pZ = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
+            pW = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
+            v15 = abs(pOutline->sZ - pParty->vPosition.z) / 8;
+            if ( v15 > 100 )
+              v15 = 100;
+            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, viewparams->pPalette[-v15 + 200]);
+          }
+          continue;
+        }
         if (pFace1->uAttributes & 0x80 || pFace2->uAttributes & 0x80)
-          goto LABEL_ABC;
-      }
-      continue;
-      pOutline->uFlags = pOutline->uFlags | 1;
-      pIndoor->_visible_outlines[i >> 3] |= 1 << (7 - i % 8);
-      //v12 = &pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID];
-      if (bWizardEyeActive && uWizardEyeSkillLevel >= 3 &&
-          (pFace1->Clickable() || pFace2->Clickable()) &&
-          (pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace1->uFaceExtraID].uEventID || pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace2->uFaceExtraID].uEventID))
-      {
-        if (uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap < 49)
-          pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap++] = i;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        long long _a = (uZoom * (signed __int64)pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].x);
-        uint _b = ((unsigned int)((unsigned __int64)_a >> 16) << 16);
-        int _c = ((signed int)(_b - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
-        pX = uCenterX + fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.x);
-        pY = uCenterY - fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].y) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.y);
-        pZ = uCenterX + fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.x);
-        pW = uCenterY - fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].y) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.y);
-        v15 = abs(pOutline->sZ - pParty->vPosition.z) / 8;
-        if ( v15 > 100 )
-          v15 = 100;
-		//if ( i == 1000 )//pY < 0 && pW > 16 )
-			//__debugbreak();
-        pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, viewparams->pPalette[-v15 + 200]);
+        {
+          pOutline->uFlags = pOutline->uFlags | 1;
+          pIndoor->_visible_outlines[i >> 3] |= 1 << (7 - i % 8);
+          if (bWizardEyeActive && uWizardEyeSkillLevel >= 3 &&
+             (pFace1->Clickable() || pFace2->Clickable()) &&
+             (pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace1->uFaceExtraID].uEventID || pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace2->uFaceExtraID].uEventID))
+          {
+            if (uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap < 49)
+              pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap++] = i;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            pX = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
+            pY = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
+            pZ = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
+            pW = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
+            v15 = abs(pOutline->sZ - pParty->vPosition.z) / 8;
+            if ( v15 > 100 )
+              v15 = 100;
+            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, viewparams->pPalette[-v15 + 200]);
+          }
+          continue;
+        }
     for (uint i = 0; i < uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap; ++i)
       BLVMapOutline* pOutline = &pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[i]];
-      pX = uCenterX + fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].x) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.x);
-      pY = uCenterY - fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].y) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.y);
-      pZ = uCenterX + fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex2ID].x) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.x);
-      pW = uCenterY - fixpoint_mul((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex2ID].y) << 16) - uZoom, pParty->vPosition.y);
+      pX = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
+      pY = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
+      pZ = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex2ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
+      pW = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex2ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
       pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, ui_game_minimap_outline_color);
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb _deleted.cpp
--- a/_deleted.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/_deleted.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@
           return result;
-        if ( !ODMFace::IsBackfaceCulled(v3, array_73D150, v12) )
+        if ( !ODMFace::IsBackfaceCulled(array_73D150, v12) )
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb mm7_2.cpp
--- a/mm7_2.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/mm7_2.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -594,11 +594,7 @@
   gold_transaction_amount = v26 * v13;
   for ( i = 0; i < v14; ++i )
-  {
-    //monster_y = pMonsterArenaPlacements[i].y;
-    //v21 = rand();
-    Actor::_4BBF61_summon_actor(monster_ids[rand() % num_monsters], pMonsterArenaPlacements[i].x, pMonsterArenaPlacements[i].y, 1);
-  }
+    Actor::Arena_summon_actor(monster_ids[rand() % num_monsters], pMonsterArenaPlacements[i].x, pMonsterArenaPlacements[i].y, 1);
   pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)14060, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
diff -r 919ca19c5466 -r 41bb73de29fb mm7_data.cpp
--- a/mm7_data.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:09 2014 +0600
+++ b/mm7_data.cpp	Mon Jan 20 09:22:16 2014 +0600
@@ -725,11 +725,11 @@
 std::array<Vec2_int_, 20> pMonsterArenaPlacements = 
-    Vec2_int_(0x5F4, 0x208C),
-    Vec2_int_(0x88A, 0x228C),
-    Vec2_int_(0xC93, 0x247B),
-    Vec2_int_(0x1194, 0x247B),
-    Vec2_int_(0x14CB, 0x232C),
+    Vec2_int_(1524, 8332),
+    Vec2_int_(2186, 8844),
+    Vec2_int_(3219, 9339),
+    Vec2_int_(4500, 9339),
+    Vec2_int_(5323, 9004),
     Vec2_int_(0x177D, 0x2098),
     Vec2_int_(0x50B, 0x1E15),
     Vec2_int_(0x18FF, 0x1E15),