# HG changeset patch
# User Gloval
# Date 1361724421 -14400
# Node ID 197461e5acecbf0cc782b1c5bc9cb94ee62c4825
# Parent  a812665688e44036296687415bf879f20db55e64
moved shop generators to item.cpp

diff -r a812665688e4 -r 197461e5acec Items.cpp
--- a/Items.cpp	Sun Feb 24 15:22:03 2013 +0200
+++ b/Items.cpp	Sun Feb 24 20:47:01 2013 +0400
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 #include "MapInfo.h"
 #include "FrameTableInc.h"
 #include "Allocator.h"
+#include "GUIWindow.h"
+#include "Events2D.h"
+#include "Chest.h"
 #include "LOD.h"
 #include "Monsters.h"
 #include "Party.h"
@@ -1841,4 +1844,367 @@
     return false;
+//----- (004B8E3D) --------------------------------------------------------
+	void *__cdecl GenerateShopItems()
+	{
+	GUIWindow *v0; // eax@1
+	signed int v1; // edi@1
+	signed int v2; // esi@1
+	int v3; // ecx@3
+	int v4; // ebx@3
+	int v5; // ecx@3
+	bool v6; // ebp@5
+	int v7; // ecx@5
+	void *result; // eax@15
+	signed int v9; // [sp-Ch] [bp-14h]@7
+	v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
+	v1 = 0;
+	v2 = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
+	//if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C]] )
+	if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].uType] )
+		{
+		while ( v2 > 14 )
+			{
+			if ( v2 <= 28 )
+				{
+				v6 = v1 > 3;
+				v7 = v6 + 2 * v2 - 30;
+				v2 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
+				v4 = word_4F0498[5 * v7];
+				__debugbreak();
+				//things happen around word_4F0400 actually
+				//v5 = *(short *)&aTooManyStation[2 * (5 * (v6 + 2 * v2) + rand() % 4) + 10];
+				goto LABEL_13;
+				}
+			if ( v2 <= 41 )
+				{
+				v4 = word_4F0576[v2];
+				v9 = 22;  //misc
+				goto LABEL_12;
+				}
+			if ( v2 <= 53 )
+				{
+				if ( v1 >= 6 )
+					{
+					v4 = word_4F0578[v2];
+					v9 = 45;  //reagent
+					v5 = v9;
+					pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v4, v5, (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_777C[v2][v1]);//9 * (v1 + 12 * v2)]);
+					v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
+					pParty->field_777C[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v1].uAttributes = 1;  //identified
+					goto LABEL_14;
+					}
+				auto _t = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_777C[v2][v1];
+				_t->Reset();
+				v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
+				pParty->field_777C[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v1].uItemID = 220;  //potion bottle
+				}
+			v2 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
+			++v1;
+			//if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * (unsigned int)v0->ptr_1C]] )
+			if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[(unsigned int)v0->ptr_1C - 1].uType] )
+				goto LABEL_15;
+			}
+		v3 = 5 * v2;
+		v2 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
+		v4 = word_4F0404[v3 - 4];
+		v5 = word_4F0404[5 * v2 + rand() % 4 - 2];
+		goto LABEL_13;
+		}
+	result = v0->ptr_1C;
+	*(int *)&pParty->field_16154[4 * (int)result] = 0;
+	return result;
+	}
+	//----- (004B8F94) --------------------------------------------------------
+	void  sub_4B8F94()
+		{
+		GUIWindow *v0; // edi@1
+		signed int v1; // ebp@1
+		int v2; // ebx@1
+		signed int v3; // esi@1
+		int v4; // eax@3
+		int v5; // ebx@3
+		int v6; // ecx@3
+		bool v7; // eax@5
+		bool v8; // ST1C_4@5
+		int v9; // eax@5
+		int v10; // eax@10
+		void *result; // eax@15
+		signed int v12; // [sp-4h] [bp-18h]@7
+		v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
+		v1 = 0;
+		v2 = (int)&window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
+		v3 = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
+		//if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C]] )
+		if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].uType] )
+			{
+			while ( v3 > 14 )
+				{
+				if ( v3 <= 28 )
+					{
+					v7 = v1 > 3;
+					v8 = v7;
+					v9 = 5 * (v7 + 2 * v3 - 30);
+					v3 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
+					v5 = word_4F06D8[v9];
+					v6 = word_4F05AE[5 * (v8 + 2 * v3) + rand() % 4];
+					goto LABEL_13;
+					}
+				if ( v3 <= 41 )
+					{
+					v5 = word_4F07B6[v3];
+					v12 = 22;
+					goto LABEL_12;
+					}
+				if ( v3 <= 53 )
+					{
+					if ( v1 >= 6 )
+						{
+						v5 = word_4F07B6[v3 + 1];
+						v12 = 44;
+						v6 = v12;
+						pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v5, v6,&pParty->Recipes_Item[v3][v1]);//(ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * v3) + 724]);
+						v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
+						v2 = (int)&window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
+						// pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 729] = 1;
+						pParty->Recipes_Item[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v1].uAttributes= 1;
+						goto LABEL_14;
+						}
+					// auto _a = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * v3) + 724];
+					auto _a =&pParty->Recipes_Item[v3][v1];
+					_a->Reset();
+					//	v2 = (int)&v0->ptr_1C;
+					//v10 = rand();
+					//	v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
+					// pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * *(int *)v2) + 724] = v10 % 32 + 740;
+					pParty->Recipes_Item[(int)v0->ptr_1C][v1].uItemID= rand() % 32 + 740;
+					}
+				v3 = *(int *)v2;
+				++v1;
+				//if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * *(int *)v2]] )
+				if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[*(int *)v2 - 1].uType] )
+					goto LABEL_15;
+				}
+			v4 = 5 * v3;
+			v3 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
+			v5 = word_4F063E[v4];
+			v6 = word_4F063E[5 * v3 + rand() % 4 + 1];
+			goto LABEL_13;
+			}
+		result = v0->ptr_1C;
+		pParty->field_16154[(int)v0->ptr_1C] = 0;
+		}
+	//----- (00450218) --------------------------------------------------------
+	void __cdecl sub_450218_prolly_generate_chests_loot()
+		{
+		unsigned int v0; // eax@1
+		Chest *v1; // ebx@1
+		MapInfo *v2; // esi@1
+		ItemGen *v3; // ebx@2
+		int v4; // ebp@4
+		int v5; // edi@4
+		int v6; // esi@4
+		int v7; // eax@4
+		signed int v8; // esi@4
+		int v9; // edx@4
+		int v10; // esi@8
+		int v11; // ebp@25
+		int v12; // esi@25
+		signed int v13; // ebp@27
+		ItemGen *v14; // edi@28
+		signed int v15; // edx@32
+		signed __int64 v16; // qtt@32
+		int v17; // esi@34
+		signed int v18; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@1
+		int v19; // [sp+14h] [bp-14h]@4
+		MapInfo *v20; // [sp+18h] [bp-10h]@1
+		Chest *v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
+		int v22; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@26
+		signed int v23; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@2
+		v18 = rand() % 100;
+		v0 = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
+		v1 = pChests;
+		v2 = &pMapStats->pInfos[v0];
+		v21 = pChests;
+		v20 = &pMapStats->pInfos[v0];
+		do
+			{
+			v3 = v1->mm7__vector_pItems;
+			v23 = 140;
+			do
+				{
+				if ( (v3->uItemID & 0x80000000u) == 0 )
+					goto LABEL_56;
+				v4 = rand() % 5 + 1;
+				v5 = (unsigned __int8)byte_4E8168[abs((int)v3->uItemID)-1][2*v2->Treasure_prob];//[2 * (v2->Treasure_prob + 7 * abs((int)v3->uItemID)) + 2];
+				v6 = (unsigned __int8)byte_4E8168[abs((int)v3->uItemID)-1][2*v2->Treasure_prob+1];//[2 * (v2->Treasure_prob + 7 * abs((int)v3->uItemID)) + 3];
+				v7 = rand();
+				v8 = v6 - v5 + 1;
+				v9 = v5 + v7 % v8;
+				v19 = v5 + v7 % v8;
+				if ( v9 < 7 )
+					{
+					if ( v18 < 20 )
+						{
+						v3->Reset();
+						goto LABEL_25;
+						}
+					if ( v18 < 60 )
+						{
+						v10 = 0;
+						v3->Reset();
+						if ( v19 == 1 )
+							{
+							v10 = rand() % 51 + 50;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							if ( v19 != 2 )
+								{
+								if ( v19 == 3 )
+									{
+									v10 = rand() % 301 + 200;
+									}
+								else
+									{
+									if ( v19 != 4 )
+										{
+										if ( v19 == 5 )
+											{
+											v10 = rand() % 1001 + 1000;
+											v3->uItemID = 199;
+											}
+										else
+											{
+											if ( v19 == 6 )
+												{
+												v10 = rand() % 3001 + 2000;
+												goto LABEL_15;
+												}
+											}
+										v3->SetIdentified();
+										v3->uSpecEnchantmentType = v10;
+										v11 = v4 - 1;
+										v12 = 0;
+										if ( v11 > 0 )
+											{
+											v22 = v11;
+											while ( 1 )
+												{
+												v13 = v12;
+												if ( v12 >= 140 )
+													goto LABEL_52;
+												v14 = &v21->mm7__vector_pItems[v12];
+												while ( v14->uItemID )
+													{
+													++v13;
+													++v14;
+													if ( v13 >= 140 )
+														goto LABEL_52;
+													}
+												v16 = rand();
+												v15 = v16 % 100;
+												v18 = v16 % 100;
+												if ( v15 < 20 )
+													goto LABEL_52;
+												if ( v15 >= 60 )
+													{
+													pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v19, 0, v14);
+													goto LABEL_51;
+													}
+												v17 = 0;
+												v14->Reset();
+												if ( v19 == 1 )
+													{
+													v17 = rand() % 51 + 50;
+													goto LABEL_48;
+													}
+												if ( v19 == 2 )
+													{
+													v17 = rand() % 101 + 100;
+													v14->uItemID = 197;
+													goto LABEL_49;
+													}
+												if ( v19 == 3 )
+													{
+													v17 = rand() % 301 + 200;
+													goto LABEL_44;
+													}
+												if ( v19 == 4 )
+													{
+													v17 = rand() % 501 + 500;
+													v14->uItemID = 198;
+													goto LABEL_49;
+													}
+												if ( v19 == 5 )
+													break;
+												if ( v19 == 6 )
+													{
+													v17 = rand() % 3001 + 2000;
+													v14->uItemID = 199;
+													}
+												v14->uSpecEnchantmentType = v17;
+												v12 = v13 + 1;
+												--v22;
+												if ( !v22 )
+													goto LABEL_55;
+												}
+											v17 = rand() % 1001 + 1000;
+											goto LABEL_41;
+											}
+										goto LABEL_55;
+										}
+									v10 = rand() % 501 + 500;
+									}
+								v3->uItemID = 198;
+								goto LABEL_23;
+								}
+							v10 = rand() % 101 + 100;
+							}
+						v3->uItemID = 197;
+						goto LABEL_23;
+						}
+					pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v9, 0, v3);
+					goto LABEL_25;
+					}
+				v3->GenerateArtifact();
+				v2 = v20;
+				++v3;
+				--v23;
+				}
+				while ( v23 );
+				v1 = v21 + 1;
+				++v21;
+			}
+			while ( (signed int)v21 < (signed int)&uNumChests );
+		}
 // 4505CC: using guessed type int var_A0[32];
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r a812665688e4 -r 197461e5acec mm7_2.cpp
--- a/mm7_2.cpp	Sun Feb 24 15:22:03 2013 +0200
+++ b/mm7_2.cpp	Sun Feb 24 20:47:01 2013 +0400
@@ -925,84 +925,6 @@
-//----- (004B8E3D) --------------------------------------------------------
-void *__cdecl GenerateShopItems()
-  GUIWindow *v0; // eax@1
-  signed int v1; // edi@1
-  signed int v2; // esi@1
-  int v3; // ecx@3
-  int v4; // ebx@3
-  int v5; // ecx@3
-  bool v6; // ebp@5
-  int v7; // ecx@5
-  void *result; // eax@15
-  signed int v9; // [sp-Ch] [bp-14h]@7
-  v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-  v1 = 0;
-  v2 = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-  //if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C]] )
-  if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].uType] )
-  {
-    while ( v2 > 14 )
-    {
-      if ( v2 <= 28 )
-      {
-        v6 = v1 > 3;
-        v7 = v6 + 2 * v2 - 30;
-        v2 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
-        v4 = word_4F0498[5 * v7];
-        __debugbreak();
-        //things happen around word_4F0400 actually
-        //v5 = *(short *)&aTooManyStation[2 * (5 * (v6 + 2 * v2) + rand() % 4) + 10];
-        goto LABEL_13;
-      }
-      if ( v2 <= 41 )
-      {
-        v4 = word_4F0576[v2];
-        v9 = 22;  //misc
-        goto LABEL_12;
-      }
-      if ( v2 <= 53 )
-      {
-        if ( v1 >= 6 )
-        {
-          v4 = word_4F0578[v2];
-          v9 = 45;  //reagent
-          v5 = v9;
-          pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v4, v5, (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_777C[v2][v1]);//9 * (v1 + 12 * v2)]);
-          v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-          pParty->field_777C[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v1].uAttributes = 1;  //identified
-          goto LABEL_14;
-        }
-        auto _t = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_777C[v2][v1];
-        _t->Reset();
-        v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-        pParty->field_777C[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v1].uItemID = 220;  //potion bottle
-      }
-      v2 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
-      ++v1;
-      //if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * (unsigned int)v0->ptr_1C]] )
-      if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[(unsigned int)v0->ptr_1C - 1].uType] )
-        goto LABEL_15;
-    }
-    v3 = 5 * v2;
-    v2 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
-    v4 = word_4F0404[v3 - 4];
-    v5 = word_4F0404[5 * v2 + rand() % 4 - 2];
-    goto LABEL_13;
-  }
-  result = v0->ptr_1C;
-  *(int *)&pParty->field_16154[4 * (int)result] = 0;
-  return result;
 //----- (004B910F) --------------------------------------------------------
 char *__cdecl WeaponShopDialog()
@@ -8071,202 +7993,6 @@
   return a1a.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
-//----- (00450218) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl sub_450218_prolly_generate_chests_loot()
-  unsigned int v0; // eax@1
-  Chest *v1; // ebx@1
-  MapInfo *v2; // esi@1
-  ItemGen *v3; // ebx@2
-  int v4; // ebp@4
-  int v5; // edi@4
-  int v6; // esi@4
-  int v7; // eax@4
-  signed int v8; // esi@4
-  int v9; // edx@4
-  int v10; // esi@8
-  int v11; // ebp@25
-  int v12; // esi@25
-  signed int v13; // ebp@27
-  ItemGen *v14; // edi@28
-  signed int v15; // edx@32
-  signed __int64 v16; // qtt@32
-  int v17; // esi@34
-  signed int v18; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@1
-  int v19; // [sp+14h] [bp-14h]@4
-  MapInfo *v20; // [sp+18h] [bp-10h]@1
-  Chest *v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
-  int v22; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@26
-  signed int v23; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@2
-  v18 = rand() % 100;
-  v0 = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
-  v1 = pChests;
-  v2 = &pMapStats->pInfos[v0];
-  v21 = pChests;
-  v20 = &pMapStats->pInfos[v0];
-  do
-  {
-    v3 = v1->mm7__vector_pItems;
-    v23 = 140;
-    do
-    {
-      if ( (v3->uItemID & 0x80000000u) == 0 )
-        goto LABEL_56;
-      v4 = rand() % 5 + 1;
-      v5 = (unsigned __int8)byte_4E8168[abs((int)v3->uItemID)-1][2*v2->Treasure_prob];//[2 * (v2->Treasure_prob + 7 * abs((int)v3->uItemID)) + 2];
-      v6 = (unsigned __int8)byte_4E8168[abs((int)v3->uItemID)-1][2*v2->Treasure_prob+1];//[2 * (v2->Treasure_prob + 7 * abs((int)v3->uItemID)) + 3];
-      v7 = rand();
-      v8 = v6 - v5 + 1;
-      v9 = v5 + v7 % v8;
-      v19 = v5 + v7 % v8;
-      if ( v9 < 7 )
-      {
-        if ( v18 < 20 )
-        {
-          v3->Reset();
-          goto LABEL_25;
-        }
-        if ( v18 < 60 )
-        {
-          v10 = 0;
-          v3->Reset();
-          if ( v19 == 1 )
-          {
-            v10 = rand() % 51 + 50;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            if ( v19 != 2 )
-            {
-              if ( v19 == 3 )
-              {
-                v10 = rand() % 301 + 200;
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                if ( v19 != 4 )
-                {
-                  if ( v19 == 5 )
-                  {
-                    v10 = rand() % 1001 + 1000;
-                    v3->uItemID = 199;
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                    if ( v19 == 6 )
-                    {
-                      v10 = rand() % 3001 + 2000;
-                      goto LABEL_15;
-                    }
-                  }
-                  v3->SetIdentified();
-                  v3->uSpecEnchantmentType = v10;
-                  v11 = v4 - 1;
-                  v12 = 0;
-                  if ( v11 > 0 )
-                  {
-                    v22 = v11;
-                    while ( 1 )
-                    {
-                      v13 = v12;
-                      if ( v12 >= 140 )
-                        goto LABEL_52;
-                      v14 = &v21->mm7__vector_pItems[v12];
-                      while ( v14->uItemID )
-                      {
-                        ++v13;
-                        ++v14;
-                        if ( v13 >= 140 )
-                          goto LABEL_52;
-                      }
-                      v16 = rand();
-                      v15 = v16 % 100;
-                      v18 = v16 % 100;
-                      if ( v15 < 20 )
-                        goto LABEL_52;
-                      if ( v15 >= 60 )
-                      {
-                        pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v19, 0, v14);
-                        goto LABEL_51;
-                      }
-                      v17 = 0;
-                      v14->Reset();
-                      if ( v19 == 1 )
-                      {
-                        v17 = rand() % 51 + 50;
-                        goto LABEL_48;
-                      }
-                      if ( v19 == 2 )
-                      {
-                        v17 = rand() % 101 + 100;
-                        v14->uItemID = 197;
-                        goto LABEL_49;
-                      }
-                      if ( v19 == 3 )
-                      {
-                        v17 = rand() % 301 + 200;
-                        goto LABEL_44;
-                      }
-                      if ( v19 == 4 )
-                      {
-                        v17 = rand() % 501 + 500;
-                        v14->uItemID = 198;
-                        goto LABEL_49;
-                      }
-                      if ( v19 == 5 )
-                        break;
-                      if ( v19 == 6 )
-                      {
-                        v17 = rand() % 3001 + 2000;
-                        v14->uItemID = 199;
-                      }
-                      v14->uSpecEnchantmentType = v17;
-                      v12 = v13 + 1;
-                      --v22;
-                      if ( !v22 )
-                        goto LABEL_55;
-                    }
-                    v17 = rand() % 1001 + 1000;
-                    goto LABEL_41;
-                  }
-                  goto LABEL_55;
-                }
-                v10 = rand() % 501 + 500;
-              }
-              v3->uItemID = 198;
-              goto LABEL_23;
-            }
-            v10 = rand() % 101 + 100;
-          }
-          v3->uItemID = 197;
-          goto LABEL_23;
-        }
-        pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v9, 0, v3);
-        goto LABEL_25;
-      }
-      v3->GenerateArtifact();
-      v2 = v20;
-      ++v3;
-      --v23;
-    }
-    while ( v23 );
-    v1 = v21 + 1;
-    ++v21;
-  }
-  while ( (signed int)v21 < (signed int)&uNumChests );
 //----- (00450521) --------------------------------------------------------
 signed int __fastcall sub_450521_ProllyDropItemAt(int ecx0, signed int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, unsigned __int16 a6)
diff -r a812665688e4 -r 197461e5acec mm7_4.cpp
--- a/mm7_4.cpp	Sun Feb 24 15:22:03 2013 +0200
+++ b/mm7_4.cpp	Sun Feb 24 20:47:01 2013 +0400
@@ -13489,92 +13489,6 @@
-//----- (004B8F94) --------------------------------------------------------
-void  sub_4B8F94()
-  GUIWindow *v0; // edi@1
-  signed int v1; // ebp@1
-  int v2; // ebx@1
-  signed int v3; // esi@1
-  int v4; // eax@3
-  int v5; // ebx@3
-  int v6; // ecx@3
-  bool v7; // eax@5
-  bool v8; // ST1C_4@5
-  int v9; // eax@5
-  int v10; // eax@10
-  void *result; // eax@15
-  signed int v12; // [sp-4h] [bp-18h]@7
-  v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-  v1 = 0;
-  v2 = (int)&window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-  v3 = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-  //if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C]] )
-  if ( _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].uType] )
-  {
-    while ( v3 > 14 )
-    {
-      if ( v3 <= 28 )
-      {
-        v7 = v1 > 3;
-        v8 = v7;
-        v9 = 5 * (v7 + 2 * v3 - 30);
-        v3 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
-        v5 = word_4F06D8[v9];
-        v6 = word_4F05AE[5 * (v8 + 2 * v3) + rand() % 4];
-        goto LABEL_13;
-      }
-      if ( v3 <= 41 )
-      {
-        v5 = word_4F07B6[v3];
-        v12 = 22;
-        goto LABEL_12;
-      }
-      if ( v3 <= 53 )
-      {
-        if ( v1 >= 6 )
-        {
-          v5 = word_4F07B6[v3 + 1];
-          v12 = 44;
-          v6 = v12;
-          pItemsTable->GenerateItem(v5, v6,&pParty->Recipes_Item[v3][v1]);//(ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * v3) + 724]);
-          v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-          v2 = (int)&window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-         // pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 729] = 1;
-		  pParty->Recipes_Item[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v1].uAttributes= 1;
-          goto LABEL_14;
-        }
-       // auto _a = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * v3) + 724];
-		 auto _a =&pParty->Recipes_Item[v3][v1];
-        _a->Reset();
-	//	v2 = (int)&v0->ptr_1C;
-		//v10 = rand();
-	//	v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-       // pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v1 + 12 * *(int *)v2) + 724] = v10 % 32 + 740;
-		   pParty->Recipes_Item[(int)v0->ptr_1C][v1].uItemID= rand() % 32 + 740;
-      }
-      v3 = *(int *)v2;
-      ++v1;
-      //if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents_minus1___00[26 * *(int *)v2]] )
-      if ( v1 >= (unsigned __int8)_4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[p2DEvents[*(int *)v2 - 1].uType] )
-        goto LABEL_15;
-    }
-    v4 = 5 * v3;
-    v3 = (signed int)v0->ptr_1C;
-    v5 = word_4F063E[v4];
-    v6 = word_4F063E[5 * v3 + rand() % 4 + 1];
-    goto LABEL_13;
-  }
-  result = v0->ptr_1C;
-  pParty->field_16154[(int)v0->ptr_1C] = 0;
 //----- (004B6478) --------------------------------------------------------
 int __cdecl sub_4B6478()