Mercurial > mm7
view Engine/Objects/Actor.h @ 2545:e06a3fe9ad6e
TravelUI init logic moved to GUIWindow_Travel
TransitionUI init logic moved to GUIWindow_Transition
author | a.parshin |
date | Mon, 11 May 2015 16:43:46 +0200 |
parents | dc6f29bb0ec4 |
children |
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#pragma once #include "Monsters.h" #include "../Spells/Spells.h" #include "Items.h" /* 357 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct stru319 { int which_player_to_attack(struct Actor *pActor); int _427546(int a2); int FindClosestActor(int a2, int a3, int a4); char field_0; }; #pragma pack(pop) extern stru319 stru_50C198; // idb enum ABILITY_INDEX { ABILITY_ATTACK1 = 0, ABILITY_ATTACK2 = 1, ABILITY_SPELL1 = 2, ABILITY_SPELL2 = 3, }; /* 361 */ enum ACTOR_BUFF_INDEX { ACTOR_BUFF_CHARM = 1, ACTOR_BUFF_SUMMONED = 2, ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK = 3, ACTOR_BUFF_AFRAID = 4, ACTOR_BUFF_STONED = 5, ACTOR_BUFF_PARALYZED = 6, ACTOR_BUFF_SLOWED = 7, ACTOR_BUFF_SOMETHING_THAT_HALVES_AC = 8, ACTOR_BUFF_BERSERK = 9, ACTOR_BUFF_MASS_DISTORTION = 10, ACTOR_BUFF_FATE = 11, ACTOR_BUFF_ENSLAVED = 12, ACTOR_BUFF_DAY_OF_PROTECTION = 13, ACTOR_BUFF_HOUR_OF_POWER = 14, ACTOR_BUFF_SHIELD = 15, ACTOR_BUFF_STONESKIN = 16, ACTOR_BUFF_BLESS = 17, ACTOR_BUFF_HEROISM = 18, ACTOR_BUFF_HASTE = 19, ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION = 20, ACTOR_BUFF_PAIN_HAMMERHANDS = 21, }; /* 295 */ enum ObjectType { OBJECT_Any = 0x0, OBJECT_BLVDoor = 0x1, OBJECT_Item = 0x2, OBJECT_Actor = 0x3, OBJECT_Player = 0x4, OBJECT_Decoration = 0x5, OBJECT_BModel = 0x6, }; /* 264 */ enum AIState : unsigned __int16 { Standing = 0x0, Tethered = 0x1, AttackingMelee = 0x2, AttackingRanged1 = 0x3, Dying = 0x4, Dead = 0x5, Pursuing = 0x6, Fleeing = 0x7, Stunned = 0x8, Fidgeting = 0x9, Interacting = 10, Removed = 11, AttackingRanged2 = 0xC, AttackingRanged3 = 0xD, Stoned = 0xE, Paralyzed = 0xF, Resurrected = 16, Summoned = 17, AttackingRanged4 = 18, Disabled = 19, }; /* 265 */ enum ActorAnimation : __int32 { ANIM_Standing = 0x0, ANIM_Walking = 0x1, ANIM_AtkMelee = 0x2, ANIM_AtkRanged = 0x3, ANIM_GotHit = 0x4, ANIM_Dying = 0x5, ANIM_Dead = 0x6, ANIM_Bored = 0x7, }; #define ACTOR_UNKNOW2 0x00000008 #define ACTOR_STAND_IN_QUEUE 0x00000080 #define ACTOR_ALIVE 0x00000400 #define ACTOR_ACTIVE 0x00004000 #define ACTOR_NEARBY 0x00008000 #define ACTOR_UNKNOW11 0x00010000 #define ACTOR_FLEEING 0x00020000 #define ACTOR_UNKNOW5 0x00040000 #define ACTOR_AGGRESSOR 0x00080000 #define ACTOR_UNKNOW7 0x00100000 #define ACTOR_ANIMATION 0x00200000 #define ACTOR_UNKNOW9 0x00400000 #define ACTOR_HAS_ITEM 0x00800000 #define ACTOR_HOSTILE 0x01000000 #pragma pack(push, 1) /* 247 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct AIDirection { Vec3_int_ vDirection; unsigned int uDistance; unsigned int uDistanceXZ; unsigned int uYawAngle; unsigned int uPitchAngle; }; #pragma pack(pop) /* 71 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct ActorJob { struct Vec3_short_ vPos; unsigned __int16 uAttributes; unsigned __int8 uAction; unsigned __int8 uHour; unsigned __int8 uDay; unsigned __int8 uMonth; }; #pragma pack(pop) /* 66 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct Actor { //----- (0041F4C1) -------------------------------------------------------- inline Actor() { signed int i; // edx@1 for ( i = 0; i < 22; i++ ) { this->pActorBuffs[i].uSkill = 0; this->pActorBuffs[i].uPower = 0; this->pActorBuffs[i].uExpireTime = 0; this->pActorBuffs[i].uCaster = 0; this->pActorBuffs[i].uFlags = 0; } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) this->ActorHasItems[i].Reset(); Reset(); } void SummonMinion(int summonerId); void Reset(); void Remove(); void PrepareSprites(char load_sounds_if_bit1_set); void UpdateAnimation(); signed int GetActorsRelation(Actor *a2); void SetRandomGoldIfTheresNoItem(); bool CanAct(); bool IsNotAlive(); bool IsPeasant(); inline void ResetAnimation(){uAttributes &= 0xFFDFFFFF;} inline void ResetQueue(){uAttributes &= ~ACTOR_STAND_IN_QUEUE;} inline void ResetActive(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFBFFF;} inline void ResetAlive(){uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFBFF;} inline void ResetHasItem(){uAttributes &= 0xFF7FFFFF;} inline void ResetHostile(){uAttributes &= 0xFEFFFFFF;} inline void ResetAggressor(){uAttributes &= 0xFFF7FFFF;} inline bool ActorEnemy()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_AGGRESSOR) != 0;} inline bool ActorFriend()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_AGGRESSOR) == 0;} inline bool ActorHasItem()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_HAS_ITEM) != 0;} inline bool ActorNearby()const {return(uAttributes & ACTOR_NEARBY) != 0;} static void _SelectTarget(unsigned int uActorID, int *a2, bool can_target_party); static void AI_Pursue3(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4); static void AI_Pursue2(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *pDir, int a5); static void AI_Flee(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4); static void AI_Pursue1(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int a2, signed int arg0, signed int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *pDir); static void PlaySound(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uSoundID); static void Die(unsigned int uActorID); static void Resurrect(unsigned int uActorID); static void AI_Bored(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, struct AIDirection *a4); static void AI_Stun(unsigned int uActorID, signed int edx0, int arg0); static char __fastcall _4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(unsigned int uActorID, signed int a2, int a3); static void AI_RandomMove(unsigned int uActor_id, unsigned int uTarget_id, int radius, int uActionLength); static void AI_MissileAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir); static void AI_MissileAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir); static void AI_SpellAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir); static void AI_SpellAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *pDir); static void AI_MeleeAttack(unsigned int uActorID, signed int sTargetPid, struct AIDirection *arg0); static void __fastcall StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID); static void AI_Stand(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int object_to_face_pid, unsigned int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4); static void AI_StandOrBored(unsigned int uActorID, signed int uObjID, int uActionLength, struct AIDirection *a4); static void AI_FaceObject(unsigned int uActorID, unsigned int uObjID, int _48, struct AIDirection *a4); static void GetDirectionInfo(unsigned int uObj1ID, unsigned int uObj2ID, struct AIDirection *pOut, int a4); static void Explode(unsigned int uActorID); static void AI_RangedAttack(unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *a2, int type, char a4); static void AI_SpellAttack(unsigned int uActorID, struct AIDirection *pDir, int uSpellID, int a4, unsigned int uSkillLevel); static void ActorDamageFromMonster(signed int attacker_id, unsigned int actor_id, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity, signed int a4); static unsigned short GetObjDescId( int spellId ); static void AggroSurroundingPeasants(unsigned int uActorID, int a2); static bool ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(Actor *a1, Actor *a2); static void StealFrom(unsigned int uActorID); static void GiveItem(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uItemID, unsigned int bGive); static void ToggleFlag(signed int uActorID, unsigned int uFlag, int bToggle); static void ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID); static void DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, struct GUIWindow *window); int _43B3E0_CalcDamage(signed int dmgSource); static void AddBloodsplatOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int a2, signed int a3); static bool _46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int a1, int a2); static void Arena_summon_actor(int monster_id, __int16 x, int y, int z); static void DamageMonsterFromParty(signed int a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity); static void MakeActorAIList_ODM(); static int MakeActorAIList_BLV(); static void UpdateActorAI(); static void InitializeActors(); static unsigned int SearchAliveActors(unsigned int *pTotalActors); static unsigned int SearchActorByMonsterID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, int uMonsterID); static unsigned int SearchActorByGroup(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int uGroup); static unsigned int SearchActorByID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int a2); void LootActor(); bool _427102_IsOkToCastSpell(signed int a2); ABILITY_INDEX special_ability_use_check(int a2); bool _4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(Actor *defender, int a3, int a4); bool ActorHitOrMiss(Player *pPlayer); int CalcMagicalDamageToActor(DAMAGE_TYPE dmgType, signed int incomingDmg); bool DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DAMAGE_TYPE uType); char pActorName[32]; signed __int16 sNPC_ID; __int16 field_22; unsigned int uAttributes; __int16 sCurrentHP; char field_2A[2]; struct MonsterInfo pMonsterInfo; __int16 word_000084_range_attack; __int16 word_000086_some_monster_id; unsigned __int16 uActorRadius; unsigned __int16 uActorHeight; unsigned __int16 uMovementSpeed; struct Vec3_short_ vPosition; struct Vec3_short_ vVelocity; unsigned __int16 uYawAngle; unsigned __int16 uPitchAngle; __int16 uSectorID; unsigned __int16 uCurrentActionLength; struct Vec3_short_ vInitialPosition; struct Vec3_short_ vGuardingPosition; unsigned __int16 uTetherDistance; AIState uAIState; unsigned __int16 uCurrentActionAnimation; unsigned __int16 uCarriedItemID; char field_B6; char field_B7; unsigned int uCurrentActionTime; unsigned __int16 pSpriteIDs[8]; unsigned __int16 pSoundSampleIDs[4]; // 1 die 3 bored struct SpellBuff pActorBuffs[22]; struct ItemGen ActorHasItems[4]; unsigned int uGroup; unsigned int uAlly; struct ActorJob pScheduledJobs[8]; unsigned int uSummonerID; unsigned int uLastCharacterIDToHit; int dword_000334_unique_name; char field_338[12]; }; #pragma pack(pop) //extern Actor pMonsterInfoUI_Doll; extern std::array<Actor, 500> pActors; extern size_t uNumActors; bool CheckActors_proximity(); int __fastcall IsActorAlive(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uParam, unsigned int uNumAlive); // idb void __fastcall sub_448518_npc_set_item(int npc, unsigned int item, int a3); void __fastcall ToggleActorGroupFlag(unsigned int uGroupID, unsigned int uFlag, unsigned int bToggle); bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID); bool __fastcall SpawnActor(unsigned int uMonsterID); int __fastcall sub_44FA4C_spawn_light_elemental(int a1, int a2, int a3); void SpawnEncounter(struct MapInfo *pMapInfo, struct SpawnPointMM7 *spawn, int a3, int a4, int a5); void area_of_effect__damage_evaluate(); double __fastcall sub_43AE12(signed int a1); void ItemDamageFromActor(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uActorID, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);