view Engine/Graphics/LightmapBuilder.cpp @ 2545:e06a3fe9ad6e

TravelUI init logic moved to GUIWindow_Travel TransitionUI init logic moved to GUIWindow_Transition
author a.parshin
date Mon, 11 May 2015 16:43:46 +0200
parents b6140dfeac27
children 6ab1273bc507
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

#include "Engine/Engine.h"
#include "LightmapBuilder.h"
#include "Engine/stru314.h"
#include "Outdoor.h"

#include "Lights.h"
#include "Engine/MMT.h"
#include "stru9.h"

LightsStack_StationaryLight_ *pStationaryLightsStack = new LightsStack_StationaryLight_;
//StationaryLight pStationaryLights[400];
//int uNumStationaryLightsApplied; // weak
LightsStack_MobileLight_ *pMobileLightsStack = new LightsStack_MobileLight_;
//MobileLight pMobileLights[400];
//int uNumMobileLightsApplied;

//----- (0045DF13) --------------------------------------------------------
  // For initialization step(I)

  NumVertices = -1;
  for (uint i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
    pVertices[i].flt_2C = 0.0f;
  this->field_C18 = 0;
  //this->vdestructor_ptr = &Lightmap_pvdtor;

//----- (0045BB06) --------------------------------------------------------
  // For initialization step(II)

  for ( int i = 0; i < 512; ++i )//for light type 1
    this->std__vector_000004[i] = Lightmap();
  this->std__vector_000004_size = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < 768; ++i )//for light type 2
    this->std__vector_183808[i] = Lightmap();
  this->std__vector_183808_size = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
    this->field_3C8C34[i].flt_2C = 0.0f;

//////////////////////////OUTDOOR LIGHT////////////////////////////////////////////
//----- (0045CDB7) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::ApplyLights_OutdoorFace(ODMFace *pFace)
  //For outdoor light (I)
  int v3; // eax@1
  bool result; // eax@9
  int pSlot; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1

  v3 = stru_F8AD28.uDefaultAmbientLightLevel + pFace->uShadeType;
  pSlot = 0;
  stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel = v3 << 16;
  for ( uint i = 0; i < pMobileLightsStack->uNumLightsActive; ++i )
    if ( pSlot >= 20 )
    ApplyLight_ODM((StationaryLight *)pMobileLightsStack[i].pLights, pFace, (unsigned int *)&pSlot, 1);
  for ( uint i = 0; i < pStationaryLightsStack->uNumLightsActive; ++i )
    if ( pSlot >= 20 )
    ApplyLight_ODM(&pStationaryLightsStack->pLights[i], pFace, (unsigned int *)&pSlot, 0);
  result = pSlot;
  stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied = pSlot;
  return true;

//----- (0045D0D5) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::StackLight_TerrainFace(StationaryLight *pLight, Vec3_float_ *pNormal, float *a3, RenderVertexSoft *a1, unsigned int uStripType, int X, unsigned int *pSlot)
  //For outdoor terrain light (II)
  bool result; // eax@1
  double maxz; // st7@11
  char v20; // c2@11
  signed int v52; // ecx@17
  char v57; // dl@18
  std::string v58; // [sp-18h] [bp-38h]@10
  double v61; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@11
  float minz; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@11
  float tX_0;
  float tX_1;
  float tY_0;
  float tY_1; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5

  if ( pLight->uRadius <= 0 )
    return 0;
  if ( uStripType == 4 )
    tX_0 = a1->vWorldPosition.x;
    tX_1 = a1[3].vWorldPosition.x;
    tY_0 = a1[1].vWorldPosition.y;
    tY_1 = a1->vWorldPosition.y;
  else // uStripType == 3
    if ( uStripType != 3 )
      MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Uknown strip type detected!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:981", 0);
    else if ((unsigned char)X)
      tX_0 = a1->vWorldPosition.x;
      tX_1 = a1[2].vWorldPosition.x;
      tY_0 = a1[1].vWorldPosition.y;
      tY_1 = a1[2].vWorldPosition.y;
      tX_0 = a1[1].vWorldPosition.x;
      tX_1 = a1[2].vWorldPosition.x;
      tY_0 = a1[1].vWorldPosition.y;
      tY_1 = a1->vWorldPosition.y;

  minz = pIndoorCameraD3D->GetPolygonMinZ(a1, uStripType);
  maxz = pIndoorCameraD3D->GetPolygonMaxZ(a1, uStripType);

  float bounding_x1 = tX_0 - (float)pLight->uRadius; //13 976 - 128 = 13848.0
  float bounding_y1 = tY_0 - (float)pLight->uRadius; // 3 800 - 128 = 3672.0
  float bounding_z1 = minz - (float)pLight->uRadius; // -26.0

  float bounding_x2 = (float)pLight->uRadius + tX_1; //13 877 + 128 =  14005.0
  float bounding_y2 = (float)pLight->uRadius + tY_1; //3 792 + 128 =  3920.0
  float bounding_z2 = (float)pLight->uRadius + maxz;// 260.0

  if ( (float)pLight->vPosition.x <= bounding_x1 || (float)pLight->vPosition.x >= bounding_x2
    || (float)pLight->vPosition.y <= bounding_y1 || (float)pLight->vPosition.y >= bounding_y2 
    || (float)pLight->vPosition.z <= bounding_z1 || (float)pLight->vPosition.z >= bounding_z2 )
    return 0;

    Vec3_float_::NegDot(&a1->vWorldPosition, pNormal, a3);
    float p_dot = (float)pLight->vPosition.x * pNormal->x 
                + (float)pLight->vPosition.y * pNormal->y 
                + (float)pLight->vPosition.z * pNormal->z + *a3;
    p_dot = p_dot + 0.5f;
  if  ( (//v49 = pNormal,
        //Vec3_float_::NegDot(&a1->vWorldPosition, pNormal, a3),
        //X = v8->vPosition.y,
        //v50 = (double)v8->vPosition.y * v49->y,
        //X = v8->vPosition.z,
        //v51 = (double)v8->vPosition.z * v49->z,
        //X = v8->vPosition.x,
        //*(float *)&a3 = (double)pLight->vPosition.y * pNormal->y 
                      //+ (double)pLight->vPosition.z * pNormal->z 
                      //+ (double)pLight->vPosition.x * pNormal->x + *a3,
        //v61 = *(float *)&a3 + 0.5f,
        //result = LODWORD(v61),
        //X = LODWORD(v61),
        //v52 = v63,
        p_dot > pLight->uRadius) )
    return 0;
        v49 = pNormal;
        Vec3_float_::NegDot(&v11->vWorldPosition, pNormal, a3);
        *(float *)a3 = (double)v8->vPosition.x * v49->x
                      + (double)v8->vPosition.y * v49->y
                      + (double)v8->vPosition.z * v49->z + *a3;
        v61 = *(float *)a3 + 6.7553994e15;
        result = LODWORD(v61);
        X = LODWORD(v61);
        v52 = radius_1;
  if ( SLODWORD(v61) > radius_1)*/
  //v53 = pSlot;
  //v60 = X;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_radii[*pSlot] = pLight->uRadius;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_inv_radii[*pSlot] = 65536 / pLight->uRadius;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[*pSlot] = pLight->vPosition.x;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[*pSlot] = pLight->vPosition.y;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_zs[*pSlot] = pLight->vPosition.z;

  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs[*pSlot] = pLight->uLightColorR / 255.0f;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs[*pSlot] = pLight->uLightColorG / 255.0f;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs[*pSlot] = pLight->uLightColorB / 255.0f;

  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_light_dot_faces[*pSlot] = abs(p_dot);
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] = pLight->uLightType;

  v57 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot];
  if ( /*pRenderer->pRenderD3D &&*/ pRenderer->bUsingSpecular && stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] & 4 )
    v57 = _4E94D2_light_type;
  stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] = v57;

  result = 4 * *pSlot;
  if ( /*pRenderer->pRenderD3D &&*/ pRenderer->bUsingSpecular )
    if ( stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] & 4 )
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs[result] = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs[result] * 0.3300000131130219;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs[result] = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs[result] * 0.3300000131130219;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs[result] = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs[result] * 0.3300000131130219;
  return 1;

//----- (0045CE50) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::ApplyLight_ODM(StationaryLight *pLight, ODMFace *pFace, unsigned int *pSlot, char a4)
  //For outdoor light (IV)
  int result; // eax@0
  int v10; // ecx@8
  char v14; // dl@11

  v10 = (pFace->pFacePlane.dist
              + pLight->vPosition.x * pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.x
              + pLight->vPosition.y * pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.y
              + pLight->vPosition.z * pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.z) >> 16;
  if ( pLight->uRadius > 0
    && (pLight->vPosition.x > pFace->pBoundingBox.x1 - pLight->uRadius) && pLight->vPosition.x < pLight->uRadius + pFace->pBoundingBox.x2
    && (pLight->vPosition.y > pFace->pBoundingBox.y1 - pLight->uRadius) && pLight->vPosition.y < pLight->uRadius + pFace->pBoundingBox.y2
    && (pLight->vPosition.z > pFace->pBoundingBox.z1 - pLight->uRadius) && pLight->vPosition.z < pLight->uRadius + pFace->pBoundingBox.z2
    && ((a4) || v10 >= 0) && v10 <= pLight->uRadius )
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_radii[*pSlot] = pLight->uRadius;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_inv_radii[*pSlot] = 65536 / pLight->uRadius;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[*pSlot] = pLight->vPosition.x;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[*pSlot] = pLight->vPosition.y;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_zs[*pSlot] = pLight->vPosition.z;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs[*pSlot] = (double)pLight->uLightColorR * 0.0039215689;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs[*pSlot] = (double)pLight->uLightColorG * 0.0039215689;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs[*pSlot] = (double)pLight->uLightColorB * 0.0039215689;
    //v11 = abs(v10);
    //v12 = pRenderer->bUsingSpecular;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_light_dot_faces[*pSlot] = abs(v10);
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] = pLight->uLightType;
    //v13 = pRenderer->pRenderD3D;
    v14 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot];
    if ( /*pRenderer->pRenderD3D &&*/ pRenderer->bUsingSpecular && v14 & 4 )
      v14 = _4E94D2_light_type;
    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] = v14;
    result = 4 * *pSlot;
    if ( /*v13*/true && pRenderer->bUsingSpecular )
      if ( stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[*pSlot] & 4 )
        *(float *)((char *)stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs + result) = *(float *)((char *)stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs + result)
                                                                * 0.33000001;
        *(float *)((char *)stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs + result) = *(float *)((char *)stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs + result)
                                                                * 0.33000001;
        *(float *)((char *)stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs + result) = *(float *)((char *)stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs + result)
                                                                * 0.33000001;
    return true;
    return false;

//////////////////////////INDOOR LIGHT////////////////////////////////////////////
//----- (0045C7F6) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::ApplyLights_IndoorFace(unsigned int uFaceID)
  //For Indoor light (I)
  BLVFace* pFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
  BLVSector* pSector = &pIndoor->pSectors[pFace->uSectorID];

  stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel = (stru_F8AD28.uDefaultAmbientLightLevel + pSector->uMinAmbientLightLevel) << 16;//0x00180000

  uint uNumLightsApplied = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < pMobileLightsStack->uNumLightsActive; ++i)
    if (uNumLightsApplied >= 20)

    ApplyLight_BLV((StationaryLight *)(pMobileLightsStack->pLights + i), pFace, &uNumLightsApplied, true, 0);

  for (uint i = 0; i < pSector->uNumLights; ++i)
    if (uNumLightsApplied >= 20 )

    BLVLightMM7* pLight = &pIndoor->pLights[pSector->pLights[i]];
    if (~pLight->uAtributes & 0x08)
      ApplyLight_BLV((StationaryLight *)pLight, pFace, &uFaceID, false, &_4E94D0_light_type);

  for (uint i = 0; i < pStationaryLightsStack->uNumLightsActive; ++i)
    if (uNumLightsApplied >= 20)

    ApplyLight_BLV(pStationaryLightsStack->pLights + i, pFace, &uNumLightsApplied, false, &_4E94D0_light_type);

  stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied = uNumLightsApplied;
  return true;

//----- (0045C911) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::ApplyLight_BLV(StationaryLight *pLight, BLVFace *a2, unsigned int *pSlot, bool bLightBackfaces, char *a5)
  //For indoor light (II)
  double v13; // st7@8

  if (!pLight->uRadius)//800
    return false;

  if (pLight->vPosition.x > a2->pBounding.x1 - pLight->uRadius && pLight->vPosition.x < a2->pBounding.x2 + pLight->uRadius &&
      pLight->vPosition.y > a2->pBounding.y1 - pLight->uRadius && pLight->vPosition.y < a2->pBounding.y2 + pLight->uRadius &&
      pLight->vPosition.z > a2->pBounding.z1 - pLight->uRadius && pLight->vPosition.z < a2->pBounding.z2 + pLight->uRadius)
    v13 = (double)pLight->vPosition.z * a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.z +
          (double)pLight->vPosition.y * a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.y +
          (double)pLight->vPosition.x * a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.x +
    if ((bLightBackfaces || v13 >= 0.0f) && fabsf(v13) <= pLight->uRadius)
      unsigned int slot = *pSlot;

      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_radii[slot] = pLight->uRadius;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_inv_radii[slot] = 65536 / pLight->uRadius;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[slot] = pLight->vPosition.x;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[slot] = pLight->vPosition.y;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_zs[slot] = pLight->vPosition.z;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_rs[slot] = (double)pLight->uLightColorR / 255.0f;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_gs[slot] = (double)pLight->uLightColorG / 255.0f;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_bs[slot] = (double)pLight->uLightColorB / 255.0f;
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_light_dot_faces[slot] = abs((int)floorf(v13 + 0.5f));
      stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_types[slot] = pLight->uLightType;

      *pSlot += 1;
      return true;

  return false;

//----- (0045DA56) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::DoDraw_183808_Lightmaps(float z_bias)
  //For indoor light (X)
  Vec3_float_ v; // [sp+Ch] [bp-1Ch]@2
  v.z = 1.0;
  v.y = 1.0;
  v.x = 1.0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < std__vector_183808_size; ++i)
    if (!pRenderer->DrawLightmap(std__vector_183808 + i, &v, z_bias))
      Error("Invalid lightmap detected! (%u)", i);

  return true;

//----- (0045C4B9) --------------------------------------------------------
int LightmapBuilder::_45C4B9(int a2, RenderVertexSoft *a3, Lightmap *pLightmap)
  //For indoor light (?)
  RenderVertexSoft *v9; // esi@3
  RenderVertexSoft *v12; // ecx@8
  char v13; // bl@17
  signed int v14; // edx@17
  double v15; // st6@18
  double v16; // st6@21
  double v17; // st6@24
  signed int v18; // edx@33
  float v22; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@23
  float v23; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@20
  int v24; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@1
  char v26; // [sp+1Eh] [bp-2h]@17
  char v27; // [sp+1Fh] [bp-1h]@17

  v24 = 0;
  for ( uint i = 0; i < pLightmap->NumVertices; i++)
    v9 = &pLightmap->pVertices[(i + 1) % pLightmap->NumVertices];
    if ( pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x != v9->vWorldPosition.x
      || pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y != v9->vWorldPosition.y
      || pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z != v9->vWorldPosition.z )
      for ( uint j = 0; j < a2; ++j )
        v12 = &a3[(j + 1) % a2];
        if ((a3[j].vWorldPosition.x != v12->vWorldPosition.x
          || a3[j].vWorldPosition.y != v12->vWorldPosition.y
          || a3[j].vWorldPosition.z != v12->vWorldPosition.z)
          && pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x == a3[j].vWorldPosition.x
          && pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y == a3[j].vWorldPosition.y
          && pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z == a3[j].vWorldPosition.z
          && (v9->vWorldPosition.x != v12->vWorldPosition.x
           || v9->vWorldPosition.y != v12->vWorldPosition.y
           || v9->vWorldPosition.z != v12->vWorldPosition.z) )
          v13 = 0;
          v14 = 0;
          v27 = 0;
          v26 = 0;

          if ( v9->vWorldPosition.x <= (double)v12->vWorldPosition.x )
            v15 = v12->vWorldPosition.x - v9->vWorldPosition.x;
            v15 = v9->vWorldPosition.x - v12->vWorldPosition.x;
          v23 = v15;

          if ( v9->vWorldPosition.y <= (double)v12->vWorldPosition.y )
            v16 = v12->vWorldPosition.y - v9->vWorldPosition.y;
            v16 = v9->vWorldPosition.y - v12->vWorldPosition.y;
          v22 = v16;

          if ( v9->vWorldPosition.z <= (double)v12->vWorldPosition.z )
            v17 = v12->vWorldPosition.z - v9->vWorldPosition.z;
            v17 = v9->vWorldPosition.z - v12->vWorldPosition.z;

          if ( v23 < 1.0 )
            v13 = 1;
            v14 = 1;

          if ( v22 < 1.0 )
            v27 = 1;

          if ( v17 < 1.0 )
            v26 = 1;

          if ( v14 > 1 )
            v18 = 0;
            if ( v13 && v9->vWorldPosition.x != v12->vWorldPosition.x )
              v18 = 1;
              v9->vWorldPosition.x = v12->vWorldPosition.x;

            if ( v27 && v9->vWorldPosition.y != v12->vWorldPosition.y )
              v9->vWorldPosition.y = v12->vWorldPosition.y;

            if ( v26 && v9->vWorldPosition.z != v12->vWorldPosition.z )
              v9->vWorldPosition.z = v12->vWorldPosition.z;

            if ( v18 > 0 )
  return v24;

////////////////////////FOR OUTDOOR TERRAIN//////////////////////////////////////////
//----- (0045D036) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::StackLights_TerrainFace(Vec3_float_ *pNormal, float *Light_tile_dist, RenderVertexSoft *a3, unsigned int uStripType, bool bLightBackfaces)
  /*int v6; // esi@1
  //LightmapBuilder *v7; // edi@1
  MobileLight *v8; // ebx@2
  int v9; // esi@5
  StationaryLight *v10; // ebx@6
  //bool result; // eax@9
  unsigned int a7; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  v6 = 0;
  //v7 = this;
  a7 = 0;
  stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel = pOutdoor->field_CBC_terrain_triangles_shade_type;
  if ( pMobileLightsStack->uNumLightsActive > 0 )
    v8 = pMobileLightsStack->pLights;
      if ( (signed int)a7 >= 20 )
      StackLight_TerrainFace((StationaryLight *)v8, pNormal, a3, a1, uStripType, bLightBackfaces, &a7);
    while ( v6 < pMobileLightsStack->uNumLightsActive );
  v9 = 0;
  if ( pStationaryLightsStack->uNumLightsActive > 0 )
    v10 = pStationaryLightsStack->pLights;
      if ( (signed int)a7 >= 20 )
      StackLight_TerrainFace(v10, pNormal, a3, a1, uStripType, bLightBackfaces, &a7);
    while ( v9 < pStationaryLightsStack->uNumLightsActive );

  stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied = a7;
  return true;*/
//	bool __stdcall sub_45D036(struct Vec3<float> *pNormal, int a2, struct RenderVertex *a3, int a4, signed int X)
//  float v6; // ebx@2

  //For outdoor terrain light(I)
  unsigned int num_lights; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@1
  int i;

  num_lights = 0;
  stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel = pOutdoor->max_terrain_dimming_level;
  for (i = 0; i < pMobileLightsStack->uNumLightsActive; ++i)
      if ( num_lights >= 20 )
      StackLight_TerrainFace((StationaryLight *)&pMobileLightsStack->pLights[i], pNormal, Light_tile_dist, a3, uStripType, bLightBackfaces, &num_lights);

  for (i = 0; i < pStationaryLightsStack->uNumLightsActive; ++i)
      if ( num_lights >= 20 )
      StackLight_TerrainFace(&pStationaryLightsStack->pLights[i], pNormal, Light_tile_dist, a3, uStripType, bLightBackfaces, &num_lights);

  stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied = num_lights;
  return true;


//----- (0045BC07) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::ApplyLights(stru320 *a2, stru154 *a3, unsigned int uNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *a5, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a6, char uClipFlag)
 //For outdoor terrain and indoor light (III)(III)
  Vec3_int_ pos; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-40h]@21
  RenderVertexSoft *a9; // [sp+68h] [bp-4h]@8

  if (!uNumVertices)
    return false;

  static RenderVertexSoft static_69B140[64];

  a9 = a5;
  if (a6)
    for (uint i = 0; i < uNumVertices; ++i)
      memcpy(&static_69B140[i], a5 + i, sizeof(RenderVertexSoft));

    if (pIndoorCameraD3D->_437376(a3, static_69B140, &uNumVertices) == 1)
      if ( !uNumVertices )
        return false;
      a9 = static_69B140;

  static stru314 static_69B110;
  static_69B110.field_4.x = a3->face_plane.vNormal.x;
  static_69B110.field_4.y = a3->face_plane.vNormal.y;
  static_69B110.field_4.z = a3->face_plane.vNormal.z;
  static_69B110.dist = a3->face_plane.dist;
  if (!pIndoorCameraD3D->GetFacetOrientation(a3->polygonType, &static_69B110.field_4,
          &static_69B110.field_10, &static_69B110.field_1C))
    MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Error: Failed to get the facet orientation", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:119", 0);

  for (uint i = 0; i < a2->uNumLightsApplied; ++i)
    pos.x = a2->_blv_lights_xs[i];
    pos.y = a2->_blv_lights_ys[i];
    pos.z = a2->_blv_lights_zs[i];

    uint uColorR = (uint)floorf(a2->_blv_lights_rs[i] * 255.0 + 0.5f) & 0xFF,
         uColorG = (uint)floorf(a2->_blv_lights_gs[i] * 255.0 + 0.5f) & 0xFF,
         uColorB = (uint)floorf(a2->_blv_lights_bs[i] * 255.0 + 0.5f) & 0xFF;
    uint uColor = (uColorR << 16) | (uColorG << 8) | uColorB;
    if (!uColor)
      uColor = 0x0FFFFF;//0x00FFFFF;

    if (!_45BE86_build_light_polygon(&pos, a2->_blv_lights_radii[i], uColor, a2->_blv_lights_light_dot_faces[i],
              a2->_blv_lights_types[i], &static_69B110, uNumVertices, a9, uClipFlag) )
      MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Error: Failed to build light polygon", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:138", 0);
  return true;

//----- (0045BE86) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::_45BE86_build_light_polygon(Vec3_int_ *pos, float radius, unsigned int uColorMask, float dot_dist, int uLightType, stru314 *a7, unsigned int uNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *a9, char uClipFlag)
  //For outdoor terrain and indoor light (IV)(IV)
  Lightmap *lightmap; // edi@3
  double v17; // st7@5
  double v24; // st7@6
  double v38; // st7@14
  double v39; // st7@16
  double v40; // st7@16
  int v45; // eax@24

  if (radius < 0.0f)
    return true;

  lightmap = uLightType & 1 ? &std__vector_000004[std__vector_000004_size] ://stationary
  tex_light_radius = radius - dot_dist;
  flt_3C8C28 = sqrt((radius + radius - tex_light_radius) * tex_light_radius);
  //flt_3C8C28 = sqrt(tex_light_radius * tex_light_radius);
  flt_3C8C2C_lightmaps_brightness = 1.0 - (radius - flt_3C8C28) / radius;
  lightmap->position_x = (double)pos->x - dot_dist * a7->field_4.x;
  lightmap->position_y = (double)pos->y - dot_dist * a7->field_4.y;
  lightmap->position_z = (double)pos->z - dot_dist * a7->field_4.z;

  flt_3C8C30 = radius * flt_3C8C2C_lightmaps_brightness;
  flt_3C8C0C = flt_3C8C30 * a7->field_10.x;
  flt_3C8C10 = flt_3C8C30 * a7->field_10.y;
  flt_3C8C14 = flt_3C8C30 * a7->field_10.z;

  flt_3C8C18 = flt_3C8C30 * a7->field_1C.x;
  flt_3C8C1C = flt_3C8C30 * a7->field_1C.y;
  flt_3C8C20 = flt_3C8C30 * a7->field_1C.z;

  lightmap->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.x = lightmap->position_x - flt_3C8C18 + flt_3C8C0C;
  lightmap->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.y = lightmap->position_y - flt_3C8C1C + flt_3C8C10;
  lightmap->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.z = lightmap->position_z - flt_3C8C20 + flt_3C8C14;
  lightmap->pVertices[0].u = 0.0;
  lightmap->pVertices[0].v = 0.0;

  lightmap->pVertices[1].vWorldPosition.x = lightmap->position_x - flt_3C8C18 - flt_3C8C0C;
  lightmap->pVertices[1].vWorldPosition.y = lightmap->position_y - flt_3C8C1C - flt_3C8C10;
  lightmap->pVertices[1].vWorldPosition.z = lightmap->position_z - flt_3C8C20 - flt_3C8C14;
  lightmap->pVertices[1].u = 0.0;
  lightmap->pVertices[1].v = 1.0;

  lightmap->pVertices[2].vWorldPosition.x = lightmap->position_x + flt_3C8C18 - flt_3C8C0C;
  lightmap->pVertices[2].vWorldPosition.y = lightmap->position_y + flt_3C8C1C - flt_3C8C10;
  lightmap->pVertices[2].vWorldPosition.z = lightmap->position_z + flt_3C8C20 - flt_3C8C14;
  lightmap->pVertices[2].u = 1.0;
  lightmap->pVertices[2].v = 1.0;

  lightmap->pVertices[3].vWorldPosition.x = lightmap->position_x + flt_3C8C18 + flt_3C8C0C;
  lightmap->pVertices[3].vWorldPosition.y = lightmap->position_y + flt_3C8C1C + flt_3C8C10;
  lightmap->pVertices[3].vWorldPosition.z = lightmap->position_z + flt_3C8C20 + flt_3C8C14;
  lightmap->pVertices[3].u = 1.0;
  lightmap->pVertices[3].v = 0.0;

  for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    v24 = a7->field_4.y * lightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y
        + a7->field_4.z * lightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z
        + a7->field_4.x * lightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x
        + a7->dist;

    lightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x -= v24 * a7->field_4.x;
    lightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y -= v24 * a7->field_4.y;
    lightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z -= v24 * a7->field_4.z;

  lightmap->uColorMask = uColorMask;
  lightmap->NumVertices = 4;

  if (~pEngine->uFlags2 & 4)
    lightmap->fBrightness = flt_3C8C2C_lightmaps_brightness;
    Vec3_float_ a1; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-20h]@8
    a1.x = (double)pos->x - lightmap->position_x;
    a1.y = (double)pos->y - lightmap->position_y;
    a1.z = (double)pos->z - lightmap->position_z;

    auto temp1 = lightmap->position_x + 0.5f,
         temp2 = lightmap->position_y + 0.5f,
         temp3 = lightmap->position_z + 0.5f;

    auto dist_x = abs(pos->x - temp1), //v31
         dist_y = abs(pos->y - temp2), //v32  arg0a
         dist_z = abs(pos->z - temp3); //v33  _v64
    v38 = int_get_vector_length(dist_x, dist_y, dist_z);
    if (v38 > radius)
      return true;
    //radius = (1 / radius) * v38;
    if ( uLightType & 4 )
      v39 = fabs(a1.x * a7->field_4.x + a1.z * a7->field_4.z + a1.y * a7->field_4.y);
      v40 = v39 * 1.0 * flt_4D86CC;

      lightmap->fBrightness = v40 - ((1 / radius) * v38) * v40;
    else if ( uLightType & 8 )
        v40 = 1.0 * 1.0;
        lightmap->fBrightness = v40 - ((1 / radius) * v38);
        MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Invalid light type!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:277", 0);

  if (!pEngine->pStru9Instance->_4980B9(a9, uNumVertices,
                                      a7->field_4.x, a7->field_4.y, a7->field_4.z,
                                      lightmap->pVertices, &lightmap->NumVertices))
    return false;

  if (!lightmap->NumVertices)
    return true;

  v45 = _45C6D6(uNumVertices, a9, lightmap);
  if ( v45 != uNumVertices && v45 > 0 )
    _45C4B9(uNumVertices, a9, lightmap);

  pIndoorCameraD3D->ViewTransform(lightmap->pVertices, lightmap->NumVertices);
  pIndoorCameraD3D->Project(lightmap->pVertices, lightmap->NumVertices, 0);

  unsigned int _a4 = 0;
  if ( !(uClipFlag & 1) )
    _a4 = 1;
  else if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
    if ( uClipFlag & 2 )
      pIndoorCameraD3D->_436CDC_mess_with_lightmap__clipflag_2(lightmap->pVertices, lightmap->NumVertices, field_3C8C34, &_a4);
      pIndoorCameraD3D->_437143(_a4, lightmap->pVertices, field_3C8C34, &lightmap->NumVertices);
    else if ( uClipFlag & 4 )
      pIndoorCameraD3D->_436F09_mess_with_lightmap__clipflag_4(lightmap->pVertices, lightmap->NumVertices, field_3C8C34, &_a4);
      pIndoorCameraD3D->_437143(_a4, lightmap->pVertices, field_3C8C34, &lightmap->NumVertices);
      MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Undefined clip flag specified", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:330", 0);
    MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Lightpoly builder native indoor clipping not implemented", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:335", 0);

  if (_a4)
    if (uLightType & 1)
      if (std__vector_000004_size < 512 - 1)
      if (std__vector_183808_size < 768 - 1)
    //if ( v50 ^ v51 )
    //  *(unsigned int *)v48 = v49 + 1;
  return true;

//----- (0045C6D6) --------------------------------------------------------
int LightmapBuilder::_45C6D6(int a2, RenderVertexSoft *a3, Lightmap *pLightmap)
  //For outdoor terrain and indoor light (V)(V)
  signed int v6; // esi@1
  float temp_x; // st7@6
  float temp_y; // st6@10
  float temp_z; // st5@14
  float v12; // st7@17
  int v15; // [sp+Ch] [bp-8h]@1

  v6 = -1;
  v15 = 0;
  if ( (signed int)pLightmap->NumVertices > 0 )
    for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pLightmap->NumVertices; ++i )
      if ( a2 > 0 )
        for ( uint j = 0; j < a2; ++j )
          if ( pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x <= (double)a3[j].vWorldPosition.x )
            temp_x = a3[j].vWorldPosition.x - pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x;
            temp_x = pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x - a3[j].vWorldPosition.x;
          if ( temp_x < 2.0 )
			if ( pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y <= (double)a3[j].vWorldPosition.y )
              temp_y = a3[j].vWorldPosition.y - pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y;
              temp_y = pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y - a3[j].vWorldPosition.y;
            if ( temp_y < 2.0 )
               if ( pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z <= (double)a3[j].vWorldPosition.z )
                  temp_z = a3[j].vWorldPosition.z - pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z;
                  temp_z = pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z - a3[j].vWorldPosition.z;
              if ( temp_z < 2.0 )
                v12 = temp_x + temp_y + temp_z;
                if ( v12 < FLT_MAX )
                  v6 = j;
        if ( v6 != -1 )
          pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.x = a3[v6].vWorldPosition.x;
          pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.y = a3[v6].vWorldPosition.y;
          pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldPosition.z = a3[v6].vWorldPosition.z;
      v6 = -1;
  return v15;

//----- (0045D73F) --------------------------------------------------------
void LightmapBuilder::DrawLightmapsType(int type)
  //For outdoor and indoor light (II)(VIII)
  if (type == 2)

//----- (0045D74F) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::DrawLightmaps(int *indices)
  //For outdoor terrain and indoor light (VI)(VI)
  Lightmap *v28; // [sp+50h] [bp-38h]@2
  Vec3_float_ arg4;

  if (std__vector_000004_size == 0)
    return true;
  if (byte_4D864C && pEngine->uFlags & GAME_FLAGS_1_01_lightmap_related)
    return true;


  arg4.x = 1.0f;
  arg4.y = 1.0f;
  arg4.z = 1.0f;
  if (indices)
    for (int* i = indices; *i != -1; ++i)
      __debugbreak();//Not used?
      v28 = &std__vector_000004[*i];
      if ( !pRenderer->DrawLightmap(v28, &arg4, 0.0) )
        Error("Invalid lightmap detected! (%u)", *i);
    if (for_refactoring)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < std__vector_000004_size; ++i)
      if ( !pRenderer->DrawLightmap(std__vector_000004 + i, &arg4, 0.0) )
        Error("Invalid lightmap detected! (%u)", i);

  return true;

//----- (0045DAE8) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Render::DrawLightmap(Lightmap *pLightmap, Vec3_float_ *pColorMult, float z_bias)
  //For outdoor terrain and indoor light (VII)(VII)
  signed int dwFlags; // [sp-1Ch] [bp-670h]@13
  RenderVertexD3D3 pVerticesD3D[64]; // [sp+0h] [bp-654h]@7

  if (pLightmap->NumVertices < 3)
    Log::Warning(L"Lightmap uNumVertices < 3");
    return false;

  uint uLightmapColorMaskR = (pLightmap->uColorMask >> 16) & 0xFF,
       uLightmapColorMaskG = (pLightmap->uColorMask >> 8) & 0xFF,
       uLightmapColorMaskB = pLightmap->uColorMask & 0xFF;

  uint uLightmapColorR = floorf(uLightmapColorMaskR * pLightmap->fBrightness * pColorMult->x + 0.5f),
       uLightmapColorG = floorf(uLightmapColorMaskG * pLightmap->fBrightness * pColorMult->y + 0.5f),
       uLightmapColorB = floorf(uLightmapColorMaskB * pLightmap->fBrightness * pColorMult->z + 0.5f);
  for (uint i = 0; i < pLightmap->NumVertices; ++i)
    float v18;
    if (fabs(z_bias) < 1e-5)
      v18 = 1.0 - 1.0 / ((1.0f / pIndoorCameraD3D->GetShadingDistMist()) * pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x * 1000.0);
      v18 = 1.0 - 1.0 / ((1.0f / pIndoorCameraD3D->GetShadingDistMist()) * pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x * 1000.0) - z_bias;
      if (v18 < 0.000099999997)
        v18 = 0.000099999997;

    pVerticesD3D[i].pos.x = pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldViewProjX;
    pVerticesD3D[i].pos.y = pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldViewProjY;
    pVerticesD3D[i].pos.z = v18;

    pVerticesD3D[i].rhw = 1.0 / pLightmap->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x;
    pVerticesD3D[i].diffuse = (uLightmapColorMaskR << 16) | (uLightmapColorMaskG << 8) | uLightmapColorB;
    pVerticesD3D[i].specular = 0;

    pVerticesD3D[i].texcoord.x = pLightmap->pVertices[i].u;
    pVerticesD3D[i].texcoord.y = pLightmap->pVertices[i].v;

  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
    dwFlags = D3DDP_DONOTLIGHT;

            pVerticesD3D, pLightmap->NumVertices, dwFlags));

  return true;

//----- (0045DCA9) --------------------------------------------------------
void LightmapBuilder::Draw_183808_Lightmaps()
  //For outdoor and indoor light (III)(IX)
  if (!std__vector_183808_size)




//----- (0045CA88) --------------------------------------------------------
int LightmapBuilder::_45CA88(stru320 *a2, RenderVertexSoft *a3, int a4, Vec3_float_ *pNormal)
  int result; // eax@1
  stru320 *v6; // ecx@2
  RenderVertexSoft *v7; // ebx@2
  double v8; // st7@2
  double v9; // st6@2
  char *v10; // eax@3
  double v11; // st7@5
  __int64 v12; // ST2C_8@5
  float v13; // edx@5
  int v14; // eax@5
  float v15; // ST10_4@5
  Vec3_float_ v16; // ST00_12@5
  double v17; // st7@5
  int a5; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-1Ch]@1
  float v19; // [sp+30h] [bp-18h]@1
  float v20; // [sp+34h] [bp-14h]@1
  //LightmapBuilder *thisa; // [sp+38h] [bp-10h]@1
  int v22; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
  int *j; // [sp+40h] [bp-8h]@3
  int i; // [sp+44h] [bp-4h]@1
  int a3a; // [sp+58h] [bp+10h]@2

  __debugbreak();//Not used?

  *(float *)&a5 = 0.0;
  v19 = 0.0;
  //thisa = this;
  v20 = 0.0;
  result = _45CBD4(a3, a4,, &v22);
  for ( i = 0; i < v22; result = i )
    v6 = a2;
    a3a = 0;
    v7 = &a3[dword_69B010[i]];
    v8 = v7->vWorldPosition.z;
    v9 = v7->vWorldPosition.y;
    *(float *)&a5 = v7->vWorldPosition.x;
    v19 = v9;
    v20 = v8;
    v7->flt_2C = 0.0;
    if ( a2->uNumLightsApplied > 0 )
      v10 = (char *)a2->_blv_lights_ys;
      for ( j = a2->_blv_lights_ys; ; v10 = (char *)j )
        v11 = (double)*((signed int *)v10 - 60);
        LODWORD(v12) = *((unsigned int *)v10 - 20);
        HIDWORD(v12) = *(unsigned int *)v10;
        LODWORD(v13) = *((unsigned int *)v10 + 60);
        v14 = a3a;
        LOBYTE(v14) = v6->_blv_lights_types[a3a];
        v15 = v11;
        *(_QWORD *)&v16.x = v12;
        v16.z = v13;
        v17 = _45CC0C_light(v16/*COERCE_VEC3_FLOAT_(v16.x)*/, 1.0, v15, pNormal, *(float *)&a5/*COERCE_FLOAT(&a5)*/, v14)
            + v7->flt_2C;
        v7->flt_2C = v17;
        if ( a3a >= a2->uNumLightsApplied )
        v6 = a2;
  return result;

//----- (0045CB89) --------------------------------------------------------
int LightmapBuilder::_45CB89(RenderVertexSoft *a1, int a2)
  int v3; // edx@1
  int result; // eax@2
  char *v5; // ecx@2
  double v6; // st7@4
  __int16 v7; // fps@4
  char v8; // c0@4
  char v9; // c2@4
  char v10; // c3@4
  double v11; // st7@5
  double v12; // st7@6
  __int16 v13; // fps@6
  char v14; // c0@6
  char v15; // c2@6
  char v16; // c3@6

  __debugbreak();//Not used?
  v3 = a2;
  if ( a2 > 0 )
    HIWORD(result) = HIWORD(a1);
    v5 = (char *)&a1->flt_2C;
      __debugbreak(); // warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'v7' used
      if ( *(float *)v5 < 0.0
        || (v6 = *(float *)v5, /*UNDEF(v7),*/ v8 = 1.0 < v6, v9 = 0, v10 = 1.0 == v6, LOWORD(result) = v7, v6 <= 1.0) )
        v12 = *(float *)v5;
        v14 = 0.0 < v12;
        v15 = 0;
        v16 = 0.0 == v12;
      __debugbreak(); // warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'v13' used
        LOWORD(result) = v13;
        if ( v12 >= 0.0 )
          v11 = *(float *)v5;
          v11 = 0.0;
        v11 = 1.0;
      *(float *)v5 = v11;
      v5 += 48;
    while ( v3 );
  return result;

//----- (0045CBD4) --------------------------------------------------------
int LightmapBuilder::_45CBD4(RenderVertexSoft *a2, int a3, int *a4, int *a5)
  int result; // eax@1
  int v6; // edx@1
  int v7; // ecx@2
  int v8; // esi@2

  __debugbreak();//Not used?
  result = (int)a5;
  v6 = 0;
  for ( *a5 = 0; v6 < a3; ++v6 )
    v7 = *a5;
    v8 = 0;
    if ( *a5 <= 0 )
      a4[v7] = v6;
      while ( a4[v8] != v6 )
		if (v8 >= v7)
			a4[v7] = v6;
			//goto LABEL_5;
  return result;

//----- (0045CC0C) --------------------------------------------------------
double LightmapBuilder::_45CC0C_light(Vec3_float_ a1, float a2, float a3, Vec3_float_ *pNormal, float a5, int uLightType)
  float v7; // esi@1
  int v8; // eax@1
  double v14; // st7@7
  double result; // st7@8
  double v16; // st7@9
  int v17; // esi@9
  const char *v18; // ecx@9
  double v19; // st7@10
  double v20; // st7@10
  std::string v21; // [sp-10h] [bp-40h]@13
  const char *v22[6]; // [sp+0h] [bp-30h]@10
  double v23; // [sp+18h] [bp-18h]@1
//  double v24; // [sp+20h] [bp-10h]@1
  int v25; // [sp+28h] [bp-8h]@1
  int v26; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  __debugbreak();//Not used?
  v7 = a5;
  LODWORD(a5) = *(unsigned int *)(LODWORD(a5) + 8);
  //v24 = a5 + 6.7553994e15;
  v26 = floorf(a5 + 0.5f);//LODWORD(v24);
  LODWORD(a5) = *(unsigned int *)(LODWORD(v7) + 4);
  //v24 = a5 + 6.7553994e15;
  auto _v24 = floorf(a5 + 0.5f);
  LODWORD(a5) = *(unsigned int *)LODWORD(v7);
  //v23 = a5 + 6.7553994e15;
  auto _v23 = floorf(a5 + 0.5f);
  //*(_QWORD *)((char *)&v24 + 4) = __PAIR__(LODWORD(v24), LODWORD(v23));
  v26 = abs((signed)LODWORD(a1.z) - v26);
  //v25 = abs((signed)LODWORD(a1.y) - (signed)LODWORD(v24));
  //v8 = abs((int)a1.x - (signed)LODWORD(v23));
  v25 = abs((signed)LODWORD(a1.y) - (signed)_v24);
  v8 = abs((int)a1.x - (signed)_v23);
  v14 = int_get_vector_length(v26, v25, v8);
  if ( v14 <= a3 )
    a5 = v14 / a3;
    v16 = (double)(signed int)a1.x;
    *(float *)&v23 = (double)SLODWORD(a1.y);
    LODWORD(a1.x) = *(unsigned int *)LODWORD(v7);
    v17 = LODWORD(v7) + 4;
    *((float *)&v23 + 1) = (double)SLODWORD(a1.z);
    LODWORD(a1.y) = *(unsigned int *)v17;
    LODWORD(a1.z) = *(unsigned int *)(v17 + 4);
    a3 = *((float *)&v23 + 1) - a1.z;
    a1.z = a3;
    a1.x = v16 - a1.x;
    a1.y = (float)v23 - a1.y;
    if ( uLightType & 4 )
      __debugbreak(); // warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'v18' used
      v22[1] = v18;
      uLightType = dword_4D86D8;
      v22[0] = v18;
      v19 = fabs(a1.z * pNormal->z + a1.y * pNormal->y + a1.x * pNormal->x);
      v20 = v19 * *(float *)&uLightType * a2;
      if ( uLightType & 8 )
        v20 = 1.3 * a2;
        MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Invalid light type detected!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Light.cpp:783", 0);
        v20 = *(float *)&uLightType;
    result = v20 - a5 * v20;
    result = 0.0;
  return result;

// 4D86D8: using guessed type int dword_4D86D8;
// 4E94D2: using guessed type char _4E94D2_light_type;
// 519AB4: using guessed type int uNumStationaryLightsApplied;

//----- (0045D698) --------------------------------------------------------
bool LightmapBuilder::DrawDebugOutlines(char bit_one_for_list1__bit_two_for_list2)
  bool result; // eax@1
  LightmapBuilder *v3; // esi@1
  RenderVertexSoft *v4; // edi@3
  RenderVertexSoft *v5; // edi@7
  IndoorCameraD3D *thisa; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1
  bool v7; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@2
  bool a2a; // [sp+20h] [bp+8h]@6

  __debugbreak();//Not used?
  result = (bool)pIndoorCameraD3D;
  v3 = this;
  thisa = pIndoorCameraD3D;
  if ( bit_one_for_list1__bit_two_for_list2 & 1 )
    v7 = 0;
    if ( (signed int)this->std__vector_000004_size > 0 )
      v4 = this->std__vector_000004[0].pVertices;
        pIndoorCameraD3D->debug_outline_sw(v4, *((unsigned int *)v4 - 1), 0xFF00u, 0.0);
        v4 = (RenderVertexSoft *)((char *)v4 + 3100);
        result = v7;
      while ( v7 < (signed int)v3->std__vector_000004_size );
  if ( bit_one_for_list1__bit_two_for_list2 & 2 )
    a2a = 0;
    if ( (signed int)v3->std__vector_183808_size > 0 )
      v5 = v3->std__vector_183808[0].pVertices;
        pIndoorCameraD3D->debug_outline_sw(v5, *((unsigned int *)v5 - 1), 0xC04000u, 0.00019999999);
        v5 = (RenderVertexSoft *)((char *)v5 + 3100);
        result = a2a;
      while ( a2a < (signed int)v3->std__vector_183808_size );
  LOBYTE(result) = 1;
  return result;