view lib/swig/swigwin-2.0.11/CCache/debian/patches/03_long_options.diff @ 2332:defd2526c94c

author Ritor1
date Wed, 02 Apr 2014 20:53:35 +0600
parents b3009adc0e2f
line wrap: on
line source

Index: ccache.c
--- ccache.c	(révision 7695)
+++ ccache.c	(copie de travail)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "ccache.h"
+#include <getopt.h>
 /* the base cache directory */
 char *cache_dir = NULL;
@@ -885,14 +886,14 @@
 	printf("\tcompiler [compile options]    (via symbolic link)\n");
-	printf("-s                      show statistics summary\n");
-	printf("-z                      zero statistics\n");
-	printf("-c                      run a cache cleanup\n");
-	printf("-C                      clear the cache completely\n");
-	printf("-F <maxfiles>           set maximum files in cache\n");
-	printf("-M <maxsize>            set maximum size of cache (use G, M or K)\n");
-	printf("-h                      this help page\n");
-	printf("-V                      print version number\n");
+	printf("-s, --show-stats         show statistics summary\n");
+	printf("-z, --zero-stats         zero statistics\n");
+	printf("-c, --cleanup            run a cache cleanup\n");
+	printf("-C, --clear              clear the cache completely\n");
+	printf("-F <n>, --max-files=<n>  set maximum files in cache\n");
+	printf("-M <n>, --max-size=<n>   set maximum size of cache (use G, M or K)\n");
+	printf("-h, --help               this help page\n");
+	printf("-V, --version            print version number\n");
 /* the main program when not doing a compile */
@@ -901,7 +902,21 @@
 	int c;
 	size_t v;
-	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hszcCF:M:V")) != -1) {
+	static struct option long_options[] =
+        {
+		{"show-stats", no_argument,       0, 's'},
+		{"zero-stats", no_argument,       0, 'z'},
+		{"cleanup",    no_argument,       0, 'c'},
+		{"clear",      no_argument,       0, 'C'},
+		{"max-files",  required_argument, 0, 'F'},
+		{"max-size",   required_argument, 0, 'M'},
+		{"help",       no_argument,       0, 'h'},
+		{"version",    no_argument,       0, 'V'},
+		{0, 0, 0, 0}
+        };
+	int option_index = 0;
+	while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hszcCF:M:V", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
 		switch (c) {
 		case 'V':
 			printf("ccache version %s\n", CCACHE_VERSION);
Index: ccache.1
--- ccache.1	(révision 7695)
+++ ccache.1	(copie de travail)
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
--s                      show statistics summary
--z                      zero statistics
--c                      run a cache cleanup
--C                      clear the cache completely
--F <maxfiles>           set maximum files in cache
--M <maxsize>            set maximum size of cache (use G, M or K)
--h                      this help page
--V                      print version number
+\-s, \-\-show-stats        show statistics summary
+\-z, \-\-zero-stats        zero statistics
+\-c, \-\-cleanup           run a cache cleanup
+\-C, \-\-clear             clear the cache completely
+\-F <n>, \-\-max-files=<n> set maximum files in cache
+\-M <n>, \-\-max-size=<n>  set maximum size of cache (use G, M or K)
+\-h, \-\-help              this help page
+\-V, \-\-version           print version number
@@ -43,22 +43,22 @@
 normal compiler options apply and you should refer to your compilers
-.IP "\fB-h\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-h, --help\fP"
 Print a options summary page
-.IP "\fB-s\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-s, --show-stats\fP"
 Print the current statistics summary for the cache\&. The
 statistics are stored spread across the subdirectories of the
 cache\&. Using "ccache -s" adds up the statistics across all
 subdirectories and prints the totals\&.
-.IP "\fB-z\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-z, --zero-stats\fP"
 Zero the cache statistics\&. 
-.IP "\fB-V\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-V, --version\fP" 
 Print the ccache version number
-.IP "\fB-c\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-c, --cleanup\fP" 
 Clean the cache and re-calculate the cache file count and
 size totals\&. Normally the -c option should not be necessary as ccache
 keeps the cache below the specified limits at runtime and keeps
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@
 if you manually modify the cache contents or believe that the cache
 size statistics may be inaccurate\&.
-.IP "\fB-C\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-C, --clear\fP" 
 Clear the entire cache, removing all cached files\&.
-.IP "\fB-F maxfiles\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-F <maxfiles>, --max-files=<maxfiles>\fP" 
 This sets the maximum number of files allowed in
 the cache\&. The value is stored inside the cache directory and applies
 to all future compiles\&. Due to the way the value is stored the actual
 value used is always rounded down to the nearest multiple of 16\&.
-.IP "\fB-M maxsize\fP" 
+.IP "\fB-M <maxsize>, --max-size=<maxsize>\fP" 
 This sets the maximum cache size\&. You can specify
 a value in gigabytes, megabytes or kilobytes by appending a G, M or K
 to the value\&. The default is gigabytes\&. The actual value stored is