Mercurial > mm7
view Engine/Tables/TileTable.cpp @ 2567:d569340b05ff
Few constants changed into enum values
author | a.parshin |
date | Thu, 21 May 2015 01:50:59 +0200 |
parents | a902abdfc7f2 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "Engine/Engine.h" #include "TileFrameTable.h" #include "FrameTableInc.h" #include "Engine/Graphics/PaletteManager.h" #include "../LOD.h" //----- (00487E1D) -------------------------------------------------------- TileTable::~TileTable() { free(pTiles); pTiles = nullptr; sNumTiles = 0; } //----- (00487E3B) -------------------------------------------------------- TileDesc *TileTable::GetTileById(unsigned int uTileID) { Assert(uTileID < sNumTiles); return &pTiles[uTileID]; } //----- (00487E58) -------------------------------------------------------- void TileTable::InitializeTileset(Tileset tileset) { for (int i = 0; i < sNumTiles; ++i ) { if (pTiles[i].tileset == tileset && pTiles[i].pTileName[0] ) { pTiles[i].uBitmapID = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(pTiles[i].pTileName); if ( pTiles[i].uBitmapID != -1 ) pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pTiles[i].uBitmapID].palette_id2 = pPaletteManager->LoadPalette(pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pTiles[i].uBitmapID].palette_id1); } } } //----- (00487ED6) -------------------------------------------------------- int TileTable::GetTileForTerrainType( signed int terrain_type, bool not_random ) { int v5; // edx@3 int v6; // edx@11 if ( not_random || terrain_type > 8 ) { return GetTileId(terrain_type, 0); } v5 = rand() % 50; if ( v5 < 20) { return GetTileId(terrain_type, 0); } else if ( v5 < 30 ) { return GetTileId(terrain_type, 1); } else if ( v5 < 40 ) { return GetTileId(terrain_type, 2); } else if ( v5 < 48 ) { return GetTileId(terrain_type, 3); } v6 = rand() % 8; return GetTileId(terrain_type, v6+4); return 0; } //----- (00487F84) -------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int TileTable::GetTileId(unsigned int uTerrainType, unsigned int uSection) { for (int i=0; i<sNumTiles; ++i) { if( (pTiles[i].tileset==uTerrainType)&&(pTiles[i].uSection==uSection)) return i; } return 0; } //----- (00487FB4) -------------------------------------------------------- void TileTable::ToFile() { TileTable *v1; // esi@1 FILE *v2; // eax@1 FILE *v3; // edi@1 TileTable* Str = this; v1 = Str; v2 = fopen("data\\dtile.bin", "wb"); v3 = v2; if ( !v2 ) Error("Unable to save dtile.bin!"); fwrite(v1, 4u, 1u, v2); fwrite(v1->pTiles, 0x1Au, v1->sNumTiles, v3); fclose(v3); } //----- (00488000) -------------------------------------------------------- void TileTable::FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8) { uint num_mm6_tiles = data_mm6 ? *(int *)data_mm6 : 0, num_mm7_tiles = data_mm7 ? *(int *)data_mm7 : 0, num_mm8_tiles = data_mm8 ? *(int *)data_mm8 : 0; sNumTiles = num_mm6_tiles + num_mm7_tiles + num_mm8_tiles; Assert(sNumTiles); Assert(!num_mm8_tiles); pTiles = (TileDesc *)malloc(sNumTiles * sizeof(TileDesc)); memcpy(pTiles, (char *)data_mm7 + 4, num_mm7_tiles * sizeof(TileDesc)); memcpy(pTiles + num_mm7_tiles, (char *)data_mm6 + 4, num_mm6_tiles * sizeof(TileDesc)); memcpy(pTiles + num_mm6_tiles + num_mm7_tiles, (char *)data_mm8 + 4, num_mm8_tiles * sizeof(TileDesc)); } //----- (00488047) -------------------------------------------------------- int TileTable::FromFileTxt(const char *pFilename) { TileTable *v2; // ebp@1 FILE *v3; // eax@1 unsigned int v4; // ebx@3 void *v5; // eax@9 unsigned __int16 v6; // ax@14 const char *v7; // ST14_4@14 unsigned __int16 v8; // ax@14 const char *v9; // esi@14 int v10; // eax@17 int v11; // eax@20 int v12; // eax@22 int v13; // eax@24 int v14; // eax@26 int v15; // eax@28 int v16; // eax@30 int v17; // eax@32 int v18; // eax@34 int v19; // eax@36 int v20; // eax@38 int v21; // eax@40 int v22; // eax@42 int v23; // eax@44 int v24; // eax@46 int v25; // eax@48 int v26; // eax@50 int v27; // eax@52 int v28; // eax@54 int v29; // eax@56 int v30; // eax@58 int v31; // eax@60 int v32; // eax@62 int v33; // eax@64 int v34; // eax@66 const char *v35; // esi@67 int v36; // eax@70 int v37; // eax@73 int v38; // eax@75 int v39; // eax@77 int v40; // eax@79 int v41; // eax@81 int v42; // eax@83 int v43; // eax@85 int v44; // eax@87 int v45; // eax@89 int v46; // eax@91 int v47; // eax@93 int v48; // eax@108 int v49; // eax@110 int v50; // eax@112 int v51; // eax@114 int v52; // eax@116 int v53; // eax@118 int v54; // eax@120 int v55; // eax@122 int v56; // eax@124 int v57; // eax@126 int v58; // eax@128 int v59; // eax@130 int v60; // eax@132 int v61; // eax@134 int v62; // eax@136 int v63; // eax@138 int v64; // eax@140 int v65; // eax@142 int v66; // eax@144 int v67; // eax@146 int v68; // eax@148 int v69; // eax@150 int v70; // eax@151 int j; // edi@152 const char *v72; // esi@153 int v73; // eax@154 int v74; // eax@156 int v75; // eax@160 int v76; // eax@162 int v77; // eax@164 int v78; // eax@166 int v79; // eax@168 int v80; // eax@170 FILE *i; // [sp-10h] [bp-304h]@3 FILE *File; // [sp+4h] [bp-2F0h]@1 FrameTableTxtLine v84; // [sp+8h] [bp-2ECh]@4 FrameTableTxtLine v85; // [sp+84h] [bp-270h]@4 char Buf; // [sp+100h] [bp-1F4h]@4 v2 = this; v3 = fopen(pFilename, "r"); File = v3; if ( !v3 ) Error("TileTable::load - Unable to open file: %s."); v4 = 0; for ( i = v3; fgets(&Buf, 490, i); i = File ) { *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0; memcpy(&v84, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v85), sizeof(v84)); if ( v84.uPropCount && *v84.pProperties[0] != 47 ) ++v4; } v2->sNumTiles = v4; v5 = malloc(26 * v4); v2->pTiles = (TileDesc *)v5; if ( !v5 ) Error("TileTable::Load - Out of Memory!"); memset(v5, 0, 26 * v2->sNumTiles); v2->sNumTiles = 0; fseek(File, 0, 0); if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) ) { while ( 1 ) { *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0; memcpy(&v84, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v85), sizeof(v84)); if ( v84.uPropCount ) { if ( *v84.pProperties[0] != 47 ) break; } LABEL_173: if ( !fgets(&Buf, 490, File) ) goto LABEL_174; } strcpy(v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].pTileName, v84.pProperties[0]); v6 = atoi(v84.pProperties[1]); v7 = v84.pProperties[2]; v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uTileID = v6; v8 = atoi(v7); v9 = v84.pProperties[3]; v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uBitmapID = v8; v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset = Tileset_Grass; if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_NULL") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Start") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Grass") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Cracked") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Snow") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Sand") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Volcano") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Dirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Water") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Tropical") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_Swamp") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_City") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadGrassCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadGrassDirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadCrackedCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadCrackedDirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadSandCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadSandDirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadVolcanoCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadVolcanoDirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadSwampCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadSwampDirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadTropicalCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadTropicalDirt") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadSnowCobble") ) { if ( _stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadSnowDirt") ) { if ( !_stricmp(v9, "TTtype_RoadCityStone") ) { v34 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v34 |= 0x1Cu; } } else { v33 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v33 |= 0xDu; } } else { v32 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v32 |= 0xCu; } } else { v31 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v31 |= 0x1Bu; } } else { v30 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v30 |= 0x1Au; } } else { v29 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v29 |= 0x19u; } } else { v28 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v28 |= 0x18u; } } else { v27 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v27 |= 0x11u; } } else { v26 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v26 |= 0x10u; } } else { v25 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v25 |= 0xFu; } } else { v24 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v24 |= 0xEu; } } else { v23 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v23 |= 0x17u; } } else { v22 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v22 |= 0x16u; } } else { v21 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v21 |= 0xBu; } } else { v20 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v20 |= 0xAu; } } else { v19 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v19 |= 9u; } } else { v18 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v18 |= 7u; } } else { v17 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v17 |= 8u; } } else { v16 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v16 |= 5u; } } else { v15 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v15 |= 4u; } } else { v14 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v14 |= 3u; } } else { v13 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v13 |= 2u; } } else { v12 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v12 |= 1u; } } else { v11 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset; *(char *)v11 |= 6u; } } } else { v10 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v10 |= 0xFEu; } } else { LOBYTE(v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].tileset) = -1; } v35 = v84.pProperties[4]; v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection = 0; v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes = 0; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NULL") ) { LOBYTE(v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection) = -1; LABEL_152: for ( j = 5; j < v84.uPropCount; ++j ) { v72 = v84.pProperties[j]; if ( _stricmp(v84.pProperties[j], "TTattr_Burn") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Water") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Water2") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Block") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Repulse") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Flat") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Wave") ) { if ( _stricmp(v72, "TTattr_NoDraw") ) { if ( !_stricmp(v72, "TTattr_Transition") ) { v80 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(short *)v80 |= 0x200u; } } else { v79 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v79 |= 0x40u; } } else { v78 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v78 |= 0x20u; } } else { v77 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v77 |= 0x10u; } } else { v76 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v76 |= 8u; } } else { v75 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v75 |= 4; } } else HIBYTE(v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes) |= 1; } else { v74 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v74 |= 2; } } else { v73 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(char *)v73 |= 1u; } } ++v2->sNumTiles; goto LABEL_173; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Start") ) { v36 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v36 |= 0xFEu; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Base1") ) goto LABEL_152; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Base2") ) { v37 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v37 |= 1u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Base3") ) { v38 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v38 |= 2u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Base4") ) { v39 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v39 |= 3u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special1") ) { v40 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v40 |= 4u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special2") ) { v41 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v41 |= 5u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special3") ) { v42 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v42 |= 6u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special4") ) { v43 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v43 |= 7u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special5") ) { v44 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v44 |= 8u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special6") ) { v45 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v45 |= 9u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special7") ) { v46 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v46 |= 0xAu; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_Special8") ) { v47 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v47 |= 0xBu; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NE1") ) goto LABEL_130; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NW1") ) goto LABEL_134; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_SE1") ) goto LABEL_130; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_SW1") ) goto LABEL_134; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_E1") ) goto LABEL_138; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_W1") ) goto LABEL_140; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_N1") ) goto LABEL_142; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_S1") ) goto LABEL_144; if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_XNE1") ) goto LABEL_146; if ( _stricmp(v35, "TTsect_XNW1") ) { if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_XSE1") ) goto LABEL_146; if ( _stricmp(v35, "TTsect_XSW1") ) { if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_CROS") ) { LABEL_151: v70 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uAttributes; *(short *)v70 |= 0x200u; goto LABEL_152; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NS") ) { v48 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v48 |= 1u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_EW") ) { v49 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v49 |= 2u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_N_E") ) { v50 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v50 |= 3u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_N_W") ) { v51 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v51 |= 4u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_S_E") ) { v52 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v52 |= 5u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_S_W") ) { v53 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v53 |= 6u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NS_E") ) { v54 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v54 |= 7u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NS_W") ) { v55 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v55 |= 8u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_EW_N") ) { v56 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v56 |= 9u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_EW_S") ) { v57 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v57 |= 0xAu; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_NCAP") ) { v58 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v58 |= 0xBu; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_ECAP") ) { LABEL_130: v59 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v59 |= 0xCu; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_SCAP") ) { v60 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v60 |= 0xDu; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_WCAP") ) { LABEL_134: v61 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v61 |= 0xEu; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DN") ) { v62 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v62 |= 0xFu; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DS") ) { LABEL_138: v63 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v63 |= 0x10u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DW") ) { LABEL_140: v64 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v64 |= 0x11u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DE") ) { LABEL_142: v65 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v65 |= 0x12u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DSW") ) { LABEL_144: v66 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v66 |= 0x13u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DNE") ) { LABEL_146: v67 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v67 |= 0x14u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( !_stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DSE") ) { v68 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v68 |= 0x15u; goto LABEL_151; } if ( _stricmp(v35, "TTsect_DNW") ) goto LABEL_152; } } v69 = (int)&v2->pTiles[v2->sNumTiles].uSection; *(char *)v69 |= 0x16u; goto LABEL_151; } LABEL_174: fclose(File); return 1; }