view Engine/Graphics/Texture.cpp @ 2522:b71d0e7837ac

author a.parshin
date Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:31:55 +0300
parents 3a1b56ab8749
children c7264ab7132f
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "Texture.h"
#include "../Tables/FrameTableInc.h"
#include "../LOD.h"
#include "PaletteManager.h"
#include "../ErrorHandling.h"
#include "../ZlibWrapper.h"

#include "../mm7_data.h"

#include "../OurMath.h"

struct TextureFrameTable *pTextureFrameTable;

std::array<Texture *, 2> pTexture_LloydBeacons;
Texture *pTexture_50635C;
Texture *pTex_book_button8_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button8_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button7_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button7_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button6_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button6_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button5_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button5_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button4_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button4_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button3_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button3_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button2_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button1_off;
Texture *pTex_book_button2_on;
Texture *pTex_book_button1_on;
std::array<Texture *, 6> pTexture_TownPortalIcons; // [0]Harmonale, [1]Pierpont, [2]Nighon, [3]Evenmorn Island, [4]Celestia, [5]The Pit
std::array<Texture *, 12> SBPageCSpellsTextureList;
std::array<Texture *, 12> SBPageSSpellsTextureList;
Texture *pSBQuickSpellBtnTextr;
Texture *pSpellBookClickCloseBtnTextr;
Texture *pSBClickQuickSpellBtnTextr;
Texture *pSpellBookCloseBtnTextr;
std::array<std::array<Texture *, 2>, 9> pTextures_tabs;
Texture *pTexture_mapbordr; // idb
Texture *pTexture_pagemask; // idb
std::array<Texture *, 9> pSpellBookPagesTextr;
Texture *pSpellBookPagesTextr_9;
Texture *pSpellBookPagesTextr_10;
Texture *pSpellBookPagesTextr_11;
Texture *pSpellBookPagesTextr_12;
Texture *pSpellBookPagesTextr_13;
Texture *pTexture_AutonotesBook;
Texture *pTexture_CurrentBook;
Texture *pTex_moon_new;
Texture *pTex_moon_4;
Texture *pTex_moon_2;
Texture *pTex_moon_2_2;
Texture *pTex_moon_ful;

RGBTexture stru_506E40; // weak
RGBTexture pTexture_PCX;

int uTextureID_RestUI_restb4; // weak
int uTextureID_RestUI_restexit; // weak
int uTextureID_RestUI_restb3; // weak
int uTextureID_RestUI_restb1; // weak
int uTextureID_RestUI_restb2; // weak
int uTextureID_RestUI_restmain; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_Leather;
int uTextureID_ar_dn_dn; // weak
int uTextureID_ar_dn_up; // weak
int uTextureID_ar_up_dn; // weak
int uTextureID_ar_up_up; // weak

int uTextureID_507698; // weak
int uTextureID_50769C; // weak
int uTextureID_5076A0; // weak
int uTextureID_5076A4; // weak
int uTextureID_5076A8; // weak
int uTextureID_5076AC; // weak
int uTextureID_5076B0; // weak
int uTextureID_5076B4; // weak
int uTextureID_Parchment; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_yel;
unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_red;
unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_grn;
unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_capr;
unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_capl;
unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_bd;
unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTDESC2;
unsigned int uTextureID_x_x_u;
unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTMAKE2;
unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTMAKE;
unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTYES2;
unsigned int uTextureID_x_ok_u;
std::array<Texture *, 22> pPlayerPortraits;
std::array<Texture *, 9> pTexture_IC_KNIGHT;
Texture *pTexture_MAKESKY;
Texture *pTexture_MAKETOP;
std::array<Texture *, 20> pTextures_arrowr;
std::array<Texture *, 20> pTextures_arrowl;
Texture *pTexture_presleft;
Texture *pTexture_pressrigh;
Texture *pTexture_buttminu;
Texture *pTexture_buttplus;
unsigned int uTextureID_Quit1; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_Resume1; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_Controls1; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_Save1; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_Load1; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_New1; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_Options; // weak

unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td5_A;
unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td4_A;
unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td3_A;
unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td2_A;
unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td1_A;
int uTextureID_CharacterUI_InventoryBackground; // weak
int uTextureID_50795C; // weak

unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings;

unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_Rest;
unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell;
unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn;
unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut;
unsigned int uTextureID_FONTPAL;
unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight;
unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft;
std::array<unsigned int, 8> pTextureIDs_pMapDirs;

unsigned int uTextureID_BarRed;
unsigned int uTextureID_BarYellow;
unsigned int uTextureID_BarGreen;
unsigned int uTextureID_BarBlue;

unsigned int uTextureID_right_panel; // weak

RGBTexture *pTexture_StatusBar = new RGBTexture;
RGBTexture *pTexture_LeftFrame = new RGBTexture;
RGBTexture *pTexture_TopFrame = new RGBTexture;
RGBTexture *pTexture_BottomFrame = new RGBTexture;
RGBTexture *pTexture_RightFrame = new RGBTexture;

unsigned int uTextureID_right_panel_loop;

Texture *pTexture_Leather;
Texture *pTexture_RestUI_CurrentSkyFrame; // idb
Texture *pTexture_RestUI_CurrentHourglassFrame; // idb

std::array<unsigned int, 5> uTextureID_Optkb;

unsigned int optvid_base_texture_id;
unsigned int bloodsplats_texture_id;
unsigned int us_colored_lights_texture_id;
unsigned int tinting_texture_id;
unsigned int uTextureID_507C20; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_507C24; // weak
std::array<unsigned int, 10> pTextureIDs_GammaPositions;
unsigned int not_available_bloodsplats_texture_id;
unsigned int not_available_us_colored_lights_texture_id;
unsigned int not_available_tinting_texture_id;

unsigned int uTextureID_detaliz_close_button; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_MAGNIF_B; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_BACKDOLL; // weak
unsigned int uTextureID_BACKHAND; // weak

stru355 stru_4E82A4 = {0x20, 0x41, 0, 0x20, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000};
stru355 stru_4EFCBC = {0x20, 0x41, 0, 0x10, 0x7C00, 0x3E0, 0x1F, 0x8000};

Texture pTex_F7CE30;

RGBTexture stru_5773C4; // idb

/*  245 */
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct PCXHeader1
  char magic;
  char version;
  char encoding;
  char bpp;
  __int16 left;
  __int16 up;
  __int16 right;
  __int16 bottom;
  __int16 hres;
  __int16 vres;
#pragma pack(pop)

/*  246 */
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct PCXHeader2
  char reserved;
  char planes;
  __int16 pitch;
  __int16 palette_info;
#pragma pack(pop)

//----- (0044E054) --------------------------------------------------------
void TextureFrameTable::ToFile()
  TextureFrameTable *v1; // esi@1
  FILE *v2; // eax@1
  FILE *v3; // edi@1

  v1 = this;
  v2 = fopen("data\\dtft.bin", "wb");
  v3 = v2;
  if ( !v2 )
    Error("Unable to save dtft.bin!");
  fwrite(v1, 4u, 1u, v2);
  fwrite(v1->pTextures, 0x14u, v1->sNumTextures, v3);

//----- (0044E0A0) --------------------------------------------------------
void TextureFrameTable::FromFile(void *data_mm6, void *data_mm7, void *data_mm8)
  uint num_mm6_frames = data_mm6 ? *(int *)data_mm6 : 0,
       num_mm7_frames = data_mm7 ? *(int *)data_mm7 : 0,
       num_mm8_frames = data_mm8 ? *(int *)data_mm8 : 0;

  sNumTextures = num_mm6_frames + num_mm7_frames + num_mm8_frames;

  pTextures = (TextureFrame *)malloc(sNumTextures * sizeof(TextureFrame));

  memcpy(pTextures,                                   (char *)data_mm7 + 4, num_mm7_frames * sizeof(TextureFrame));
  memcpy(pTextures + num_mm7_frames,                  (char *)data_mm6 + 4, num_mm6_frames * sizeof(TextureFrame));
  memcpy(pTextures + num_mm6_frames + num_mm7_frames, (char *)data_mm8 + 4, num_mm8_frames * sizeof(TextureFrame));

//----- (0044E0ED) --------------------------------------------------------
void TextureFrameTable::LoadAnimationSequenceAndPalettes( signed int uIconID )
  //TextureFrameTable *v3; // ebx@1
  unsigned int i; // edi@3

  //v3 = this;
  if ( (uIconID <= this->sNumTextures) && uIconID >= 0 )
    for ( i = uIconID; ; ++i )
      this->pTextures[i].uTextureID = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(this->pTextures[i].pTextureName, TEXTURE_DEFAULT);

      if (this->pTextures[i].uTextureID != -1)
        pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[this->pTextures[i].uTextureID].palette_id2 = pPaletteManager->LoadPalette(pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[this->pTextures[i].uTextureID].palette_id1);
      //result = (unsigned int)v3->pTextures;
      //if ( !(*(char *)(result + i * 20 + 18) & 1) )
      if( this->pTextures[i].uFlags & 1)

//----- (0044E163) --------------------------------------------------------
signed int TextureFrameTable::FindTextureByName(const char *Str2)
  if ( (signed int)this->sNumTextures <= 0 )
    return -1;
  for ( int i = 0; (signed int)i < (signed int)this->sNumTextures; ++i )
    if ( !_stricmp(this->pTextures[i].pTextureName, Str2) )
      return i;
  return -1;

//----- (0044E19A) --------------------------------------------------------
int TextureFrameTable::GetFrameTexture(int uFrameID, signed int a3)
  int v3; // esi@1
  TextureFrame *v4; // edi@1
  TextureFrame *v5; // ecx@1
  __int16 v6; // dx@2
  int v7; // edx@3
  char *i; // eax@3
  int v9; // ecx@5
  unsigned int result; // eax@6

  v3 = uFrameID;
  v4 = this->pTextures;
  v5 = &v4[uFrameID];
  if ( v5->uFlags & 1 && (v6 = v5->uAnimLength) != 0 )
    v7 = (a3 >> 3) % v6;
    for ( i = (char *)&v5->uAnimTime; ; i += 20 )
      v9 = *(short *)i;
      if ( v7 <= v9 )
      v7 -= v9;
    result = v4[v3].uTextureID;
    result = v5->uTextureID;
  return result;

//----- (0040F806) --------------------------------------------------------
void *Texture::UnzipPalette()
  Texture *v1; // esi@1

  void *v2; // edi@1
  Texture *pSource; // [sp+0h] [bp-4h]@1

  pSource = this;
  v1 = this;
  v2 = malloc(this->uDecompressedSize);
  zlib::MemUnzip(v2, (unsigned int *)&pSource, v1->pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask, v1->uTextureSize);
  return v2;

//----- (0040F77C) --------------------------------------------------------
void Texture::Release()
  if (this)
    pName[0] = 0;

    if (pBits & 0x0400)

    pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask = nullptr;
    pLevelOfDetail1 = nullptr;
    pLevelOfDetail2 = nullptr;
    pLevelOfDetail3 = nullptr;

    pPalette16 = nullptr;
    pPalette24 = nullptr;

    uSizeOfMaxLevelOfDetail = 0;
    uTextureSize = 0;
    uTextureHeight = 0;
    uTextureWidth = 0;
    uHeightLn2 = 0;
    uWidthLn2 = 0;
    palette_id1 = 0;
    palette_id2 = 0;
    pBits &= 0xFFFF0000;

//----- (0040F5F5) --------------------------------------------------------
int RGBTexture::Reload(const char *pContainer)
  //RGBTexture *v2; // esi@1
  FILE *v3; // eax@3
  FILE *v4; // edi@3
  void *v5; // ebx@7
  signed int result; // eax@11
  unsigned int v7; // ecx@12
  unsigned __int16 *v8; // ST20_4@14
  int v9; // eax@14
  char color_map[48]; // [sp+8h] [bp-98h]@9
  Texture DstBuf; // [sp+38h] [bp-68h]@1
  PCXHeader1 header1; // [sp+80h] [bp-20h]@9
  PCXHeader2 header2; // [sp+90h] [bp-10h]@9
  FILE *File; // [sp+98h] [bp-8h]@3
  size_t Count; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-4h]@6
  void *uSourceLena; // [sp+A8h] [bp+8h]@7

 // v2 = this;
  if ( !this->pPixels )
    return 2;
  v3 = pIcons_LOD->FindContainer(pContainer, 0);
  v4 = v3;
  File = v3;
  if ( !v3 )
    Error("Unable to load %s", pContainer);

  fread(&DstBuf, 1, 0x30, v3);
  Count = DstBuf.uTextureSize;
  if ( DstBuf.uDecompressedSize )
    v5 = malloc(DstBuf.uDecompressedSize);
    uSourceLena = malloc(DstBuf.uTextureSize);
    fread(uSourceLena, 1, Count, File);
    zlib::MemUnzip(v5, &DstBuf.uDecompressedSize, uSourceLena, DstBuf.uTextureSize);
    DstBuf.uTextureSize = DstBuf.uDecompressedSize;
    v5 = malloc(DstBuf.uTextureSize);
    fread(v5, 1, Count, v4);
  memcpy(&header1, v5, 0x10u);
  memcpy(color_map, (char *)v5 + 16, 0x30);
  memcpy(&header2, (char *)v5 + 64, 6);
  if ( header1.bpp != 8 )
    return 3;
  v7 = (signed __int16)(header1.right - header1.left + 1);
  if ( (signed int)(v7 * (signed __int16)(header1.bottom - header1.up + 1)) <= (signed int)this->uNumPixels )
    this->uWidth = header1.right - header1.left + 1;
    v8 = this->pPixels;
    v9 = v7 * this->uHeight;
    this->uNumPixels = v9;
    this->uHeight = v9;
    this->DecodePCX((char *)v5, v8, v7);
    result = 0;
    result = -1;
  return result;

//----- (0040F5BE) --------------------------------------------------------
  pName[0] = 0;
  uSizeOfMaxLevelOfDetail = 0;
  uTextureSize = 0;
  uTextureHeight = 0;
  uTextureWidth = 0;
  uHeightLn2 = 0;
  uWidthLn2 = 0;
  palette_id1 = 0;
  palette_id2 = 0;
  pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask = nullptr;
  pLevelOfDetail3 = nullptr;
  pLevelOfDetail2 = nullptr;
  pLevelOfDetail1 = nullptr;
  pPalette16 = nullptr;
  pPalette24 = nullptr;

//----- (0040F414) --------------------------------------------------------
int RGBTexture::Load(const char *pContainer, int mode)
  FILE *file; // eax@1
  void *v6; // ebx@5
  char color_map[48]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-98h]@7
  Texture DstBuf; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-68h]@1
  PCXHeader1 header1; // [sp+84h] [bp-20h]@7
  PCXHeader2 header2; // [sp+94h] [bp-10h]@7
  size_t Count; // [sp+A0h] [bp-4h]@4
  char *Str1a; // [sp+ACh] [bp+8h]@5

  file = pIcons_LOD->FindContainer(pContainer, 0);
  if ( !file )
    Error("Unable to load %s", pContainer);

  fread(&DstBuf, 1, 0x30u, file);
  Count = DstBuf.uTextureSize;
  if ( DstBuf.uDecompressedSize )
    Str1a = (char *)malloc(DstBuf.uDecompressedSize);
    v6 = malloc(DstBuf.uTextureSize);
    fread(v6, 1, Count, file);
    zlib::MemUnzip(Str1a, &DstBuf.uDecompressedSize, v6, DstBuf.uTextureSize);
    DstBuf.uTextureSize = DstBuf.uDecompressedSize;
    Str1a = (char *)malloc(DstBuf.uTextureSize);
    fread(Str1a, 1, Count, file);
  memcpy(&header1, Str1a, 0x10u);
  memcpy(color_map, Str1a + 16, 0x30u);
  memcpy(&header2, Str1a + 64, 6);
  if ( header1.bpp != 8 )
    return 3;
  this->uWidth = header1.right - header1.left + 1;
  this->uHeight = header1.bottom - header1.up + 1;
  this->uNumPixels = (signed __int16)this->uWidth * (signed __int16)this->uHeight;
  this->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc(2 * this->uNumPixels + 4);
  if ( this->pPixels )
    if ( mode )
      if ( mode != 2 )
        if ( !this->pPixels )
          return 2;
        this->DecodePCX(Str1a, this->pPixels, this->uWidth);
        return 0;
      this->_allocation_flags |= 1;
      this->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc(2 * this->uNumPixels + 4);
      if ( !this->pPixels )
        return 2;
      this->DecodePCX(Str1a, this->pPixels, this->uWidth);
      return 0;	
  if ( !mode )
    this->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc(2 * this->uNumPixels + 4);
    if ( !this->pPixels )
      return 2;
    this->DecodePCX(Str1a, this->pPixels, this->uWidth);
    return 0;	
  if ( mode != 2 )
    if ( !this->pPixels )
      return 2;
    this->DecodePCX(Str1a, this->pPixels, this->uWidth);
    return 0;
  this->_allocation_flags |= 1;
  this->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc(2 * this->uNumPixels + 4);
  if ( !this->pPixels )
    return 2;
  this->DecodePCX(Str1a, this->pPixels, this->uWidth);
  return 0;

//----- (0040F037) --------------------------------------------------------
signed int RGBTexture::DecodePCX(char *pPcx, unsigned __int16 *pOutPixels, unsigned int uNumPixels)
//  signed int result; // eax@2
  unsigned char test_byte; // edx@3
  unsigned int read_offset; // ebx@37
  unsigned int row_position; // edi@40
  unsigned char value; // cl@63
  char count; // [sp+50h] [bp-Ch]@43
  unsigned short current_line; // [sp+54h] [bp-8h]@38
  unsigned short *dec_position; 
  unsigned short *temp_dec_position; 
  PCXHeader1 psx_head1;
  PCXHeader2 psx_head2;
//	short int width, height;
	BYTE  color_map[48];	// Colormap for 16-color images

 memcpy(&psx_head1, pPcx , 16);
 memcpy(&color_map, pPcx + 16, 48);
 memcpy(&psx_head2, pPcx + 64, 6);

 if (psx_head1.bpp!=8)
		return 3; 
 uWidth=(short int )(psx_head1.right-psx_head1.left+1);  // word @ 000014
 uHeight=(short int )(psx_head1.bottom-psx_head1.up+1);  // word @ 000016

 uNumPixels=uWidth*uHeight;		  // dword @ 000010
 memset(pOutPixels, 0, uNumPixels * sizeof(__int16));
  short i=1;
  while ( (1<<i) !=uWidth)
      if (i >= 15)
  short i_=1;
  while ( (1<<i_) !=uHeight)
      if (i_ >= 15)
  switch (field_18)
  case 2:   field_1C = 3;    break;
  case 3:   field_1C = 7;    break;
  case 4:   field_1C = 15;   break;
  case 5:   field_1C = 31;   break;
  case 6:   field_1C = 63;   break;
  case 7:   field_1C = 127;  break;
  case 8:   field_1C = 255;  break;
  case 9:   field_1C = 511;  break;
  case 10:  field_1C = 1023; break;
  case 11:  field_1C = 2047; break;
  case 12:  field_1C = 4095; break;

  switch (field_1A)
  case 2:   field_1E = 3;    break;
  case 3:   field_1E = 7;    break;
  case 4:   field_1E = 15;   break;
  case 5:   field_1E = 31;   break;
  case 6:   field_1E = 63;   break;
  case 7:   field_1E = 127;  break;
  case 8:   field_1E = 255;  break;
  case 9:   field_1E = 511;  break;
  case 10:  field_1E = 1023; break;
  case 11:  field_1E = 2047; break;
  case 12:  field_1E = 4095; break;

  unsigned int r_mask = 0xF800;
  unsigned int num_r_bits = 5;
  unsigned int g_mask = 0x07E0;
  unsigned int num_g_bits = 6;
  unsigned int b_mask = 0x001F;
  unsigned int num_b_bits = 5;
  //      .
 read_offset = 128;
 if (psx_head2.planes != 3)
 	  return 0;
  current_line = 0;
  if ( uHeight > 0 )
   dec_position = pOutPixels;
    temp_dec_position = dec_position;
    row_position = 0;
	//decode red line
    if (psx_head2.pitch)
      test_byte = pPcx[read_offset];
      if ((test_byte & 0xC0) == 0xC0)//  
	    value = pPcx[read_offset];
       if ((test_byte & 0x3F) > 0)
        count = test_byte & 0x3F;//  
          //*temp_dec_position =0xFF000000;
          //*temp_dec_position|=(unsigned long)value<<16;
         *temp_dec_position |= r_mask & ((unsigned __int8)value << (num_g_bits + num_r_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
         if (row_position == psx_head2.pitch)
        while (count-- != 1);
	   //*temp_dec_position =0xFF000000; 
	  //*temp_dec_position|= (unsigned long)test_byte<<16;
       *temp_dec_position |= r_mask & ((unsigned __int8)test_byte << (num_g_bits + num_r_bits + num_b_bits - 8));

     while (row_position < psx_head2.pitch);
    temp_dec_position = dec_position;
	//decode green line
    while (row_position <  psx_head2.pitch)
     test_byte = *(pPcx + read_offset);
     if ((test_byte & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
      value = *(pPcx + read_offset);
      if ((test_byte & 0x3F) > 0)
       count = test_byte & 0x3F;
        //*temp_dec_position|= (unsigned int)value<<8;
         *temp_dec_position|= g_mask & (unsigned __int16)((unsigned __int8)value << (num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
        if (row_position == psx_head2.pitch)
       while (count-- != 1);
      //*temp_dec_position |=(unsigned int) test_byte<<8;
         *temp_dec_position|= g_mask & (unsigned __int16)((unsigned __int8)test_byte << (num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));

    temp_dec_position = dec_position;
	//decode blue line
    while (row_position < psx_head2.pitch)
     test_byte = *(pPcx + read_offset);
     if ((test_byte & 0xC0) ==  0xC0)
       value = *(pPcx + read_offset);
      if ((test_byte & 0x3F) > 0)
       count = test_byte & 0x3F;
        //*temp_dec_position|= value;

         *temp_dec_position |= value >> (8 - num_b_bits);

        if (row_position == psx_head2.pitch)
       while (count-- != 1);
      //*temp_dec_position|= test_byte;
         *temp_dec_position |= test_byte >> (8 - num_b_bits);

    dec_position += uWidth;
   while (current_line < uHeight);
   return 0;
  RGBTexture *v4; // esi@1
  signed int result; // eax@2
  unsigned __int16 v6; // ax@3
  unsigned __int16 *v7; // ecx@3
  unsigned int v8; // edx@3
  signed int v9; // ecx@3
  signed int v10; // ecx@8
  signed int v11; // ebx@37
  unsigned __int16 *v12; // eax@40
  int v13; // edi@40
  int v14; // ebx@41
  char v15; // bl@42
  unsigned __int16 *v16; // eax@50
  int v17; // ebx@51
  char v18; // bl@52
  unsigned __int16 *v19; // eax@61
  unsigned __int8 v20; // dl@62
  unsigned __int8 v21; // dl@63
  unsigned __int8 v22; // cl@63
  char color_map[48]; // [sp+8h] [bp-54h]@1
  PCXHeader1 header1; // [sp+38h] [bp-24h]@1
  PCXHeader2 header2; // [sp+48h] [bp-14h]@1
  unsigned int v26; // [sp+50h] [bp-Ch]@43
  int v27; // [sp+54h] [bp-8h]@38
  unsigned __int16 *v28; // [sp+58h] [bp-4h]@3
  int pOutPixelsa; // [sp+68h] [bp+Ch]@41
  int pOutPixelsb; // [sp+68h] [bp+Ch]@51

  v4 = this;
  memcpy(&header1, pPcx, 0x10u);
  memcpy(color_map, pPcx + 16, 0x30u);
  memcpy(&header2, pPcx + 64, 6u);
  if ( header1.bpp == 8 )
    v6 = header1.right - header1.left + 1;
    LOWORD(v7) = header1.bottom - header1.up + 1;
    v4->uWidth = v6;
    v4->uHeight = (unsigned __int16)v7;
    v7 = (unsigned __int16 *)(signed __int16)v7;
    v28 = v7;
    v4->uNumPixels = (signed __int16)v7 * (signed __int16)v6;
    HIWORD(v8) = 0;
    v9 = 1;
    while ( 1 << v9 != (signed __int16)v6 )
      if ( v9 >= 15 )
        goto LABEL_8;
    v4->field_18 = v9;
    v10 = 1;
    while ( (unsigned __int16 *)(1 << v10) != v28 )
      if ( v10 >= 15 )
        goto LABEL_13;
    v4->field_1A = v10;
    switch ( v4->field_18 )
      case 2:
        v4->field_1C = 3;
      case 3:
        v4->field_1C = 7;
      case 4:
        v4->field_1C = 15;
      case 5:
        v4->field_1C = 31;
      case 6:
        v4->field_1C = 63;
      case 7:
        v4->field_1C = 127;
      case 8:
        v4->field_1C = 255;
      case 9:
        v4->field_1C = 511;
      case 10:
        v4->field_1C = 1023;
      case 11:
        v4->field_1C = 2047;
      case 12:
        v4->field_1C = 4095;
    switch ( v4->field_1A )
      case 2:
        v4->field_1E = 3;
      case 3:
        v4->field_1E = 7;
      case 4:
        v4->field_1E = 15;
      case 5:
        v4->field_1E = 31;
      case 6:
        v4->field_1E = 63;
      case 7:
        v4->field_1E = 127;
      case 8:
        v4->field_1E = 255;
      case 9:
        v4->field_1E = 511;
      case 10:
        v4->field_1E = 1023;
      case 11:
        v4->field_1E = 2047;
      case 12:
        v4->field_1E = 4095;
    v11 = 128;
    if ( header2.planes == 3 )
      v27 = 0;
      if ( (signed int)v28 > 0 )
        v28 = pOutPixels;
          v12 = v28;
          v13 = 0;
          if ( header2.pitch )
              LOBYTE(v8) = pPcx[v11];
              v14 = v11 + 1;
              pOutPixelsa = v14;
              if ( (v8 & 0xC0) == -64 )
                pOutPixelsa = v14 + 1;
                v15 = pPcx[v14];
                if ( (signed int)(v8 & 0x3F) > 0 )
                  v26 = v8 & 0x3F;
                    *v12 = LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask) & ((unsigned __int8)v15 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits)
                                                                                    + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits)
                                                                                    + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)
                                                                                    - 8));
                    if ( v13 == (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch )
                      v12 = &v12[uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch - 1];
                  while ( v26 );
                LOWORD(v8) = (unsigned __int8)v8;
                v8 = pRenderer->uTargetRMask & (v8 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits)
                                                    + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits)
                                                    + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)
                                                    - 8));
                *v12 = v8;
              v11 = pOutPixelsa;
            while ( v13 < (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch );
          v16 = v28;
          while ( v13 < 2 * (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch )
            LOBYTE(v8) = pPcx[v11];
            v17 = v11 + 1;
            pOutPixelsb = v17;
            if ( (v8 & 0xC0) == -64 )
              pOutPixelsb = v17 + 1;
              v18 = pPcx[v17];
              if ( (signed int)(v8 & 0x3F) > 0 )
                v26 = v8 & 0x3F;
                  *v16 |= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (unsigned __int16)((unsigned __int8)v18 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits)
                                                                                             + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)
                                                                                             - 8));
                  if ( v13 == (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch )
                    v16 = &v16[uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch - 1];
                while ( v26 );
              LOWORD(v8) = (unsigned __int8)v8;
              v8 = pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (v8 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8));
              *v16 |= v8;
            v11 = pOutPixelsb;
          v19 = v28;
          while ( v13 < 3 * (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch )
            v20 = pPcx[v11++];
            if ( (v20 & 0xC0) == -64 )
              v21 = v20 & 0x3F;
              v22 = pPcx[v11++];
              if ( (signed int)v21 > 0 )
                v26 = v21;
                  *v19 |= v22 >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits));
                  if ( v13 == (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch )
                    v8 = uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch;
                    v19 = &v19[uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch - 1];
                while ( v26 );
              *v19 |= v20 >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits));
          v28 += uNumPixels;
        while ( v27 < v4->uHeight );
    result = 0;
    result = 3;
  return result;

//----- (0040EAD8) --------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int RGBTexture::LoadFromFILE(FILE *pFile, unsigned int mode, unsigned int bCloseFile)
//  signed int result; // eax@2
//  unsigned char test_byte; // edx@3
  //unsigned int read_offset; // ebx@37
//  unsigned int row_position; // edi@40
//  unsigned char value; // cl@63
//  char count; // [sp+50h] [bp-Ch]@43
//  unsigned short current_line; // [sp+54h] [bp-8h]@38
//  unsigned short *dec_position; 
//  unsigned short *temp_dec_position; 
  PCXHeader1 psx_head1;
  PCXHeader2 psx_head2;
//	short int width, height;
	BYTE  color_map[48];	// Colormap for 16-color images

  unsigned int num_r_bits = 5;
  unsigned int num_g_bits = 6;
  unsigned int num_b_bits = 5;

  unsigned int r_mask = 0xF800;
  unsigned int g_mask = 0x07E0;
  unsigned int b_mask = 0x001F;

  if (!pFile)
    return 1;
 fread(&psx_head1, 1, 16, pFile);
 fread(&color_map, 1, 48, pFile);
 fread(&psx_head2, 1, 6, pFile);

  if (psx_head1.bpp!=8)
		return 3; 
 uWidth=(short int )(psx_head1.right-psx_head1.left+1);  // word @ 000014
 uHeight=(short int )(psx_head1.bottom-psx_head1.up+1);  // word @ 000016

 uNumPixels=uWidth*uHeight;		  // dword @ 000010

      if ( mode == 0 )
        pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc(2 * uNumPixels + 4);
        if ( mode != 1 && mode == 2 )
          pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc((uNumPixels + 2) * sizeof(unsigned __int16));
          _allocation_flags |= 1;

      ushort* pOutPixels = pPixels;
 memset(pOutPixels, 0, uNumPixels * sizeof(__int16));

  short i=1;
  while ( (1<<i) !=uWidth)
      if (i >= 15)
  short i_=1;
  while ( (1<<i_) !=uHeight)
      if (i_ >= 15)
  switch (field_18)
  case 2:   field_1C = 3;    break;
  case 3:   field_1C = 7;    break;
  case 4:   field_1C = 15;   break;
  case 5:   field_1C = 31;   break;
  case 6:   field_1C = 63;   break;
  case 7:   field_1C = 127;  break;
  case 8:   field_1C = 255;  break;
  case 9:   field_1C = 511;  break;
  case 10:  field_1C = 1023; break;
  case 11:  field_1C = 2047; break;
  case 12:  field_1C = 4095; break;

  switch (field_1A)
  case 2:   field_1E = 3;    break;
  case 3:   field_1E = 7;    break;
  case 4:   field_1E = 15;   break;
  case 5:   field_1E = 31;   break;
  case 6:   field_1E = 63;   break;
  case 7:   field_1E = 127;  break;
  case 8:   field_1E = 255;  break;
  case 9:   field_1E = 511;  break;
  case 10:  field_1E = 1023; break;
  case 11:  field_1E = 2047; break;
  case 12:  field_1E = 4095; break;

  fseek(pFile, 128 - 70, SEEK_CUR);

  for (uint y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y)
    unsigned __int16 *pDst = pPixels + y * uWidth;

    uint x = 0;
      uint ctrl = 0;
      fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, pFile);
      if ((ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
        uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F;
        uint clr = 0;
        fread(&clr, 1, 1, pFile);
        for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i)
          pDst[x++] = r_mask & (clr << (num_g_bits + num_r_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
        pDst[x++] = r_mask & (ctrl << (num_g_bits + num_r_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
    } while (x < psx_head2.pitch);

    x = 0;
      uint ctrl = 0;
      fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, pFile);
      if ((ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
        uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F;
        uint clr = 0;
        fread(&clr, 1, 1, pFile);
        for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i)
          pDst[x++] |= g_mask & (clr << (num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
        pDst[x++] |= g_mask & (ctrl << (num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
    } while (x < psx_head2.pitch);

    x = 0;
      uint ctrl = 0;
      fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, pFile);
      if ((ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
        uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F;
        uint clr = 0;
        fread(&clr, 1, 1, pFile);
        for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i)
          pDst[x++] |= b_mask & (clr >> (8 - num_b_bits));
        pDst[x++] |= b_mask & (ctrl >> (8 - num_b_bits));
    } while (x < psx_head2.pitch);

  if (bCloseFile)
  return 0;

//----- (0040E51F) --------------------------------------------------------
void RGBTexture::Release()
  this->pName[0] = 0;
  //if ( !(this->_allocation_flags & 1) )
  if (this->pPixels)
  this->_allocation_flags = 0;
  this->pPixels = 0;
  this->uNumPixels = 0;
  this->uHeight = 0;
  this->uWidth = 0;
  this->field_1A = 0;
  this->field_18 = 0;

  if (d3d11_srv)
    __debugbreak(); // should properly release this stuff
  d3d11_srv = nullptr;

//----- (0040E55E) --------------------------------------------------------
int RGBTexture::LoadPCXFile(const char *Filename, unsigned int a3)
  signed int result; // eax@2
  char *v6; // eax@3
  int v7; // edx@3
  char v8; // cl@4
  signed int v14; // ecx@19
  signed int v15; // ecx@24
//  int v16; // eax@57
//  unsigned __int16 *v17; // ecx@57
//  unsigned __int16 *v18; // edi@57
//  signed int x; // eax@59
//  unsigned __int16 *v20; // edi@64
//  signed int v21; // eax@66
//  unsigned __int16 *v22; // edi@71
//  signed int v23; // eax@73
//  int v24; // eax@78
  char v25[48]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-54h]@3
  PCXHeader1 pcx_header1;
  PCXHeader2 pcx_header2;
  int y; // [sp+54h] [bp-Ch]@3
  FILE *File; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  unsigned int num_r_bits = 5;
  unsigned int num_g_bits = 6;
  unsigned int num_b_bits = 5;

  unsigned int r_mask = 0xF800;
  unsigned int g_mask = 0x07E0;
  unsigned int b_mask = 0x001F;

  File = fopen(Filename, "rb");
  if ( !File )
    return 1;
  fread(&pcx_header1, sizeof(pcx_header1), 1, File);
  fread(&pcx_header2, 4, 1, File);

  v6 = (char *)Filename;
  v7 = (char *)this - Filename;
  uint i = 0;
  for ( i; i < 15; ++i )
    v8 = *v6;
    if ( !*v6 )
    if ( v8 == 46 )
    (v6++)[v7] = v8;
  this->pName[i] = 0;
  if ( pcx_header1.bpp != 8 )
    return 3;
  this->uWidth = pcx_header1.right - pcx_header1.left + 1;
  this->uHeight = pcx_header1.bottom - pcx_header1.up + 1;
  this->uNumPixels = (signed __int16)this->uWidth * (signed __int16)this->uHeight;
  if ( !a3 )
    this->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc(2 * this->uNumPixels + 4);
  if ( a3 == 2 )
    this->_allocation_flags |= 1;
    this->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc((uNumPixels + 2) * sizeof(unsigned __int16));
  if ( this->pPixels )
    for ( v14 = 1; v14 < 15; ++v14 )
      if ( 1 << v14 == this->uWidth )
        this->field_18 = v14;
    for ( v15 = 1; v15 < 15; ++v15 )
      if ( 1 << v15 == this->uHeight  )
        this->field_1A = v15;
    switch ( this->field_18 )
      case 2: this->field_1C = 3; break;
      case 3: this->field_1C = 7; break;
      case 4: this->field_1C = 15; break;
      case 5: this->field_1C = 31; break;
      case 6: this->field_1C = 63; break;
      case 7: this->field_1C = 127; break;
      case 8: this->field_1C = 255; break;
      case 9: this->field_1C = 511; break;
      case 10: this->field_1C = 1023; break;
      case 11: this->field_1C = 2047; break;
      case 12: this->field_1C = 4095; break;
      default: break;
    switch ( this->field_1A )
      case 2: this->field_1E = 3; break;
      case 3: this->field_1E = 7; break;
      case 4: this->field_1E = 15; break;
      case 5: this->field_1E = 31; break;
      case 6: this->field_1E = 63; break;
      case 7: this->field_1E = 127; break;
      case 8: this->field_1E = 255; break;
      case 9: this->field_1E = 511; break;
      case 10: this->field_1E = 1023; break;
      case 11: this->field_1E = 2047; break;
      case 12: this->field_1E = 4095; break;
      default: break;
    fseek(File, 128, 0);
    if ( pcx_header2.planes == 1 )
      Error("24bit PCX Only!");

    if ( pcx_header2.planes == 3 )
      for ( y = 0; y < this->uHeight; ++y )
        unsigned __int16 *pDst = pPixels + y * uWidth;
        uint x = 0;
          uint ctrl = 0;
          fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, File);
          if ( (ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0 )
            uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F;
            uint clr = 0;
            ctrl &= 0x3F;
            fread(&clr, 1, 1, File);
            for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i )
              pDst[x++] = r_mask & (clr << (num_r_bits + num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
            pDst[x++] = r_mask & (ctrl << (num_g_bits + num_r_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
        while ( x < pcx_header2.pitch );

        x = 0;
          uint ctrl = 0;
          fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, File);
          if ( (ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0 )
            uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F;
            uint clr = 0;
            ctrl &= 0x3F;
            fread(&clr, 1, 1, File);
            for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i )
              pDst[x++] |= g_mask & (clr << (num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
            pDst[x++] |= g_mask & (ctrl << (num_g_bits + num_b_bits - 8));
        while (x < pcx_header2.pitch);

        x = 0;
          uint ctrl = 0;
          fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, File);
          if ( (ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0 )
            uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F;
            uint clr = 0;
            fread(&clr, 1, 1, File);
            for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i )
              pDst[x++] |= b_mask & (clr >> (8 - num_b_bits));
            pDst[x++] |= b_mask & (ctrl >> (8 - num_b_bits));
        while (x < pcx_header2.pitch);
    result = 0;
    result = 2;
  return result;

//----- (0040D73D) --------------------------------------------------------
  pName[0] = 0;
  pPixels = 0;
  uNumPixels = 0;
  uHeight = 0;
  uWidth = 0;
  field_1A = 0;
  field_18 = 0;
  _allocation_flags = 0;

  d3d11_srv = nullptr;
  d3d11_desc = nullptr;
//----- (0044E1EC) --------------------------------------------------------
int TextureFrameTable::FromFileTxt(const char *Args)
  TextureFrameTable *v2; // ebx@1
  FILE *v3; // eax@1
  int v4; // esi@3
  const void *v5; // ST0C_4@10
  void *v6; // eax@10
  FILE *v7; // ST0C_4@12
  char *i; // eax@12
  signed int v9; // esi@15
  int v10; // eax@17
  int v11; // edx@22
  int v12; // ecx@23
  int v13; // eax@24
  signed int j; // eax@27
  TextureFrame *v15; // edx@28
  int v16; // esi@28
  int k; // ecx@29
  char Buf; // [sp+Ch] [bp-2F8h]@3
  FrameTableTxtLine v20; // [sp+200h] [bp-104h]@4
  int v21; // [sp+27Ch] [bp-88h]@4
  char *Str1; // [sp+280h] [bp-84h]@5
  char *Str; // [sp+284h] [bp-80h]@15
  int v24; // [sp+2F8h] [bp-Ch]@3
  int v25; // [sp+2FCh] [bp-8h]@3
  FILE *File; // [sp+300h] [bp-4h]@1
  int Argsa; // [sp+30Ch] [bp+8h]@28

  v2 = this;
  v3 = fopen(Args, "r");
  File = v3;
  if ( !v3 )
    Error("CTextureFrameTable::load - Unable to open file: %s.", Args);

  v4 = 0;
  v24 = 0;
  v25 = 1;
  if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, v3) )
      *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
      memcpy(&v21, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v20), 0x7Cu);
      __debugbreak(); // warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'Str1' used
      if ( v21 && *Str1 != 47 )
        if ( v21 < 2 )
          Error("CTextureFrameTable::load, too few arguments, %s line %i.", Args, v25);
    while ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) );
    v4 = v24;
  v5 = v2->pTextures;
  v2->sNumTextures = v4;
  v6 = malloc(20 * v4);
  v2->pTextures = (TextureFrame *)v6;
  if ( !v6 )
    Error("CTextureFrameTable::load - Out of Memory!");
  v7 = File;
  v2->sNumTextures = 0;
  fseek(v7, 0, 0);
  for ( i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File); i; i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File) )
    *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
    memcpy(&v21, txt_file_frametable_parser(&Buf, &v20), 0x7Cu);
    if ( v21 && *Str1 != 47 )
      strcpy(v2->pTextures[v2->sNumTextures].pTextureName, Str1);
      __debugbreak(); // warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'Str' used
      v2->pTextures[v2->sNumTextures].uAnimTime = atoi(Str);
      v9 = 2;
      for ( v2->pTextures[v2->sNumTextures].uFlags = 0; v9 < v21; ++v9 )
        if ( !_stricmp((&Str1)[4 * v9], "New") )
          //v10 = (int)&v2->pTextures[v2->sNumTextures].uFlags;
          v2->pTextures[v2->sNumTextures].uFlags |= 2;
  v11 = 0;
  if ( (signed int)(v2->sNumTextures - 1) > 0 )
    v12 = 0;
      v13 = (int)&v2->pTextures[v12];
      if ( !(*(char *)(v13 + 38) & 2) )
        *(char *)(v13 + 18) |= 1u;
    while ( v11 < (signed int)(v2->sNumTextures - 1) );
  for ( j = 0; j < (signed int)v2->sNumTextures; *(short *)(Argsa + 16) = v16 )
    v15 = v2->pTextures;
    Argsa = (int)&v15[j];
    v16 = *(short *)(Argsa + 14);
    if ( *(char *)(Argsa + 18) & 1 )
      for ( k = (int)&v15[j]; *(char *)(k + 18) & 1; k += 20 )
        v16 += *(short *)(k + 14);
      LOWORD(v16) = v15[j].uAnimTime + v16;
  return 1;

//----- (00451007) --------------------------------------------------------
int stru350::sub_451007_scale_image_bicubic(unsigned short *pSrc, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch,          //changing this to some library function might be a good idea
	unsigned short *pDst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int dstPitch,
	int a10, int a11)
	int result; // eax@1
	float v17; // ST3C_4@12
	float v18; // ST38_4@12
	unsigned int v19; // esi@12
	int v21; // eax@18
	unsigned int v22; // ecx@25
	unsigned int v23; // eax@29
	unsigned int heightRatioPlusOne; // [sp+Ch] [bp-7Ch]@12
	unsigned int widthRatio; // [sp+Ch] [bp-7Ch]@218
	unsigned int heightRatio; // [sp+14h] [bp-74h]@12
	unsigned int widthRatioPlusOne; // [sp+14h] [bp-74h]@218
	//  int v160; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-4Ch]@13
	unsigned __int16 *v175; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-3Ch]@13
	unsigned __int16 *v193; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-2Ch]@7
	//signed int v231; // [sp+78h] [bp-10h]@7
	__int64 v240; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-Ch]@12
	unsigned int v251; // [sp+80h] [bp-8h]@218
	unsigned int v252; // [sp+84h] [bp-4h]@218
	float a6s; // [sp+A0h] [bp+18h]@218
	float a6t; // [sp+A0h] [bp+18h]@218
	unsigned int a6b; // [sp+A0h] [bp+18h]@218
	int field_0_bits;
	int field_20_bits;

	int field0value = this->field_0.field_C;
	switch (field0value)
	case 8: field_0_bits = 1;
	case 16: field_0_bits = 2;
	case 32: field_0_bits = 4;
		return field0value;
	int field20value = this->field_20.field_C;
	switch (field20value)
	case 8: field_20_bits = 1;
	case 16: field_20_bits = 2;
	case 32: field_20_bits = 4;
		return field20value;

	result = (int)pDst;
	v193 = pDst;
	if (dstHeight <= 0)
		return result;

	for (int height = 0; height < dstHeight; height++)
		for (int width = 0; width < dstWidth; width++)
			a6s = (double)width / (double)dstWidth * (double)srcWidth;
			widthRatio = bankersRounding(a6s);
			a6t = (double)(width + 1) / (double)dstWidth * (double)srcWidth;
			widthRatioPlusOne = bankersRounding(a6t);

			v17 = (double)height / (double)dstHeight * (double)srcHeight;
			heightRatio = bankersRounding(v17);
			v18 = (double)(height + 1) / (double)dstHeight * (double)srcHeight;
			heightRatioPlusOne = bankersRounding(v18);

			v251 = 0;
			v19 = (heightRatioPlusOne - heightRatio) * (widthRatioPlusOne - widthRatio);
			v252 = 0;
			a6b = 0;
			v240 = 0i64;

			v175 = (unsigned short*)((char *)pSrc + field_0_bits * (widthRatio + srcPitch * heightRatio));
			for (int heightDiff = 0; heightDiff < heightRatioPlusOne - heightRatio; heightDiff++)
				//int ratioDiff = widthRatioPlusOne - widthRatio;
				for (int ratioDiff = 0; ratioDiff < widthRatioPlusOne - widthRatio; ratioDiff++)
					if (field0value == 32)
						v21 = _450FB1(((int*)v175)[ratioDiff]);
					else if (field0value == 16)
						v21 = _450FB1(((_WORD*)v175)[ratioDiff]);
					else if (field0value == 8)
						v21 = _450FB1(((unsigned __int8*)v175)[ratioDiff]);
					v240 += ((unsigned int)v21 >> 24);
					a6b += BYTE2(v21);
					v252 += BYTE1(v21);
					v251 += (unsigned __int8)v21;
				if (field0value == 32)
					v175 += 2 * srcPitch;
				else if (field0value == 16)
					v175 += srcPitch;
				else if (field0value == 8)
					v175 = (unsigned short*)((char *)v175 + 2 * srcPitch);

			v22 = (unsigned int)v240 / ((heightRatioPlusOne - heightRatio) * (widthRatioPlusOne - widthRatio));
			if (v19)
				a6b /= v19;
				v252 /= v19;
				v251 /= v19;
			if (v22 != 255)
				v22 &= 0x7FFFFFFFu;
			v23 = _450F55(v251 | ((v252 | ((a6b | (v22 << 8)) << 8)) << 8));
			*(_DWORD *)v193 = v23; //Invalid memory access
			v193 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v193 + field_20_bits);
		v193 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v193 + field_20_bits * (dstPitch - dstWidth));
		result = height;
	//while(v231 < dstHeight);
	return result;

//----- (00450DDE) --------------------------------------------------------
stru350 *stru350::_450DDE()
	_450DF1(&stru_4E82A4, &stru_4E82A4);
	return this;

//----- (00450DF1) --------------------------------------------------------
bool stru350::_450DF1(const stru355 *p1, const stru355 *p2)
	//stru350 *v3; // esi@1
	//void *result; // eax@1
	unsigned int v5; // ecx@2
	int v6; // edi@2
	int v7; // edx@2
	unsigned int v8; // ecx@8
	int v9; // edi@8
	int v10; // edx@8
	int v11; // ecx@12
	int v12; // edi@12
	unsigned int v13; // ecx@12
	int v14; // edx@12
	int v15; // ecx@16
	unsigned int v16; // edx@16
	int v17; // ecx@16
	int v18; // edi@16
	char v19; // zf@20
	unsigned int v20; // ecx@21
	int v21; // edi@21
	int v22; // edx@21
	unsigned int v23; // ecx@27
	int v24; // edi@27
	int v25; // edx@27
	int v26; // ecx@31
	int v27; // edi@31
	unsigned int v28; // ecx@31
	int v29; // edx@31
	int v30; // ebx@35
	int v31; // ecx@35
	int v32; // edi@35
	int v33; // edx@35
	unsigned int i; // ecx@35
	int v35; // ecx@39
	unsigned int v36; // edx@39
	int v37; // ecx@39
	int v38; // ebx@39

	//v3 = this;
	memcpy(&field_0, p1, sizeof(stru355));
	memcpy(&field_20, p2, sizeof(stru355));
	//result = memcpy(&v3->field_20, p2, 0x20u);
	//LOBYTE(result) = 1;
	if (field_0.field_4 & 1)
		v5 = field_0.field_1C;
		v6 = 0;
		v7 = 0;
		while (!(v5 & 1))
			v5 >>= 1;
			v5 >>= 1;
		} while (v5 & 1);
		field_40 = 32 - v7 - v6;
		field_40 = 0;
	v8 = field_0.field_10;
	v9 = 0;
	v10 = 0;
	while (!(v8 & 1))
		v8 >>= 1;
		v8 >>= 1;
	} while (v8 & 1);
	v11 = 24 - v10 - v9;
	v12 = 0;
	field_48 = v11;
	v13 = field_0.field_14;
	v14 = 0;
	while (!(v13 & 1))
		v13 >>= 1;
		v13 >>= 1;
	} while (v13 & 1);
	v15 = 16 - v14;
	v16 = field_0.field_18;
	field_50 = v15 - v12;
	v17 = 0;
	v18 = 0;
	while (!(v16 & 1))
		v16 >>= 1;
		v16 >>= 1;
	} while (v16 & 1);
	v19 = (field_20.field_4 & 1) == 0;
	field_58 = v17 - v18 + 8;
	if (v19)
		field_44 = 0;
		v20 = field_20.field_1C;
		v21 = 0;
		v22 = 0;
		while (!(v20 & 1))
			v20 >>= 1;
			v20 >>= 1;
		} while (v20 & 1);
		field_44 = 32 - v22 - v21;
	v23 = field_20.field_10;
	v24 = 0;
	v25 = 0;
	while (!(v23 & 1))
		v23 >>= 1;
		v23 >>= 1;
	} while (v23 & 1);
	v26 = 24 - v25 - v24;
	v27 = 0;
	field_4C = v26;
	v28 = field_20.field_14;
	v29 = 0;
	while (!(v28 & 1))
		v28 >>= 1;
		v28 >>= 1;
	} while (v28 & 1);
	v30 = 0;
	v31 = 16 - v29 - v27;
	v32 = field_20.field_18;
	field_54 = v31;
	v33 = 0;
	for (i = v32; !(i & 1); i >>= 1)
		i >>= 1;
	} while (i & 1);
	v35 = 32 - v33;
	v36 = v32;
	field_5C = v35 - v30;
	v37 = 0;
	v38 = 0;
	while (!(v36 & 1))
		v36 >>= 1;
		v36 >>= 1;
	} while (v36 & 1);
	field_5C = v37 - v38 + 8;
	return true;

//----- (00450F55) --------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int stru350::_450F55(int a2)
	int v2 = a2 & stru_4E82A4.field_1C;
	if (field_20.field_4 & 1)
		v2 = (unsigned int)v2 >> this->field_44;
	return v2 & field_20.field_1C |
		field_20.field_10 & ((a2 & (unsigned int)stru_4E82A4.field_10) >> field_4C) |
		field_20.field_14 & ((a2 & (unsigned int)stru_4E82A4.field_14) >> field_54) |
		field_20.field_18 & ((a2 & (unsigned int)stru_4E82A4.field_18) >> field_5C);

//----- (00450FB1) --------------------------------------------------------
int stru350::_450FB1(int a2)
	int v2 = 0;
	int v4 = field_0.field_4 & 1;
	if (v4)
		v2 = a2 & field_0.field_1C;
	if (v4)
		v2 <<= field_40;
	return v2 | ((a2 & field_0.field_10) << field_48) | ((a2 & field_0.field_14) << field_50) | ((a2 & field_0.field_18) << field_58);