Mercurial > mm7
view Engine/Objects/NPC.cpp @ 2540:abc6a9d079b9
author | a.parshin |
date | Sat, 09 May 2015 12:55:58 +0200 |
parents | 1bcadc6dd203 |
children | c674d547cc7c |
line wrap: on
line source
#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "../texts.h" #include "../LOD.h" #include "../Autonotes.h" #include "../Awards.h" #include "../Party.h" #include "NPC.h" #include "GUI/GUIWindow.h" #include "../Events.h" #include "..\..\GUI\UI\UIHouses.h" #include "../Graphics/Indoor.h" #include "../MapInfo.h" #include "Actor.h" #include "Media/Audio/AudioPlayer.h" #include "../Spells/CastSpellInfo.h" #include "../Graphics/Overlays.h" int pDialogueNPCCount; std::array<struct Texture *, 6> pDialogueNPCPortraits; int uNumDialogueNPCPortraits; // weak struct NPCStats *pNPCStats = nullptr; int NPCStats::dword_AE336C_LastMispronouncedNameFirstLetter = -1; int NPCStats::dword_AE3370_LastMispronouncedNameResult = -1; void InitializeAwards(); void InitializeScrolls(); void InitializeMerchants(); void InitializeTransitions(); void InitializeAutonotes(); void InitializeQuests(); bool CheckPortretAgainstSex(int portret_num, int sex); //----- (004459F9) -------------------------------------------------------- NPCData *__fastcall GetNPCData(signed int npcid) { unsigned int v1; // esi@1 NPCData *result; // eax@5 int v3; // esi@9 int v4; // ecx@9 //int v5; // edx@9 //NPCData *v6; // eax@9 // char *v7; // ebx@14 // NPCData *v8; // edi@14 char v9; // al@22 // char v10; //std::string v10; // [sp-18h] [bp-2Ch]@4 // int v11; //const char *v11; // [sp-8h] [bp-1Ch]@4 // int v12; // [sp-4h] [bp-18h]@4 // int v13; // char *v14; //std::string *v13; // [sp+Ch] [bp-8h]@4 // int a3; // [sp+13h] [bp-1h]@4 int i; /*v1 = npcid; if ( (npcid & 0x80000000u) == 0 ) { if ( (signed int)npcid < 5000 ) { if ( (signed int)npcid >= 501 ) { MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"NPC id exceeds MAX_DATA!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Events.cpp:1984", 0); } return &pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v1]; } return &pNPCStats->array_13EF4[npcid - 5000]; } if ( (signed int)npcid >= 5000 ) return &pNPCStats->array_13EF4[npcid - 5000]; if ( (sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID & 0x80000000u) == 0 ) { result = 0; } else { v3 = abs((int)sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID) - 1; v4 = 0; v5 = 0; v6 = pParty->pHirelings; do { if ( v6->pName ) pTmpBuf[v4++] = v5; ++v6; ++v5; } while ( (signed int)v6 < (signed int)&pParty->pPickedItem ); v13 = 0; if ( (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs > 0 ) { v7 = &pTmpBuf[v4]; v8 = pNPCStats->pNewNPCData; do { if ( v8->uFlags & 0x80 && (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp(v8->pName, pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)) && (!pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp(v8->pName, pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)) ) *v7++ = (char)v13 + 2; v13 = (std::string *)((char *)v13 + 1); ++v8; } while ( (signed int)v13 < (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs ); } v9 = pTmpBuf[v3]; if ( (unsigned __int8)v9 >= 2u ) result = &pNPCStats->pNPCData[(unsigned __int8)v9 + 499]; else result = &pParty->pHirelings[(unsigned __int8)v9]; } return result;*/ v1 = npcid; if ( npcid >= 0 ) { if ( npcid < 5000 ) { if ( npcid >= 501 ) { MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"NPC id exceeds MAX_DATA!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Events.cpp:1984", 0); } return &pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v1];// - 1]; } return &pNPCStats->pAdditionalNPC[npcid - 5000]; } if ( npcid >= 5000 ) return &pNPCStats->pAdditionalNPC[npcid - 5000]; if (sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID >= 0) { result = 0; } else { v3 = abs(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID) - 1; v4 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (pParty->pHirelings[i].pName) pTmpBuf[v4++] = i; } if (pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs > 0) { for (i = 0; i < pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i) { if (pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].Hired()) { if (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp((char *)pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, (char *)pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)) { if (!pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp((char *)pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, (char *)pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)) pTmpBuf[v4++] = i + 2; } } } } v9 = pTmpBuf[v3]; if ( v9 >= 2 ) result = &pNPCStats->pNPCData[499 + v9]; else result = &pParty->pHirelings[v9]; } return result; } //----- (00445B2C) -------------------------------------------------------- struct NPCData * GetNewNPCData( signed int npcid, int* npc_indx ) { int* v3; // edi@1 NPCData *result; // eax@5 int v5; // esi@9 int v6; // ecx@9 char v11; // al@23 v3 = npc_indx; if ( npcid >= 0 ) { if ( npcid < 5000 ) { if ( npcid >= 501 ) { MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"NPC id exceeds MAX_DATA!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Events.cpp:2040", 0); } *v3 = npcid; return &pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[npcid]; } *npc_indx = npcid - 5000; return &pNPCStats->pAdditionalNPC[npcid - 5000]; } if ( npcid >= 5000 ) { *npc_indx = npcid - 5000; return &pNPCStats->pAdditionalNPC[npcid - 5000]; } if ( sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID >= 0 ) { *npc_indx = 0; result = nullptr; } else { v5 = abs(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID) - 1; v6 = 0; for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { if ( pParty->pHirelings[i].pName ) pTmpBuf[v6++] = i; } for (int i=0; i< pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i) { if ( pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].Hired() && (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)) && (!pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)) ) { pTmpBuf[v6++]=i+2; } } v11 = pTmpBuf[v5]; if ( v11 >= 2u ) { *v3 = v11 - 2; result = &pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v11 - 2]; } else { *v3 = v11; result = &pParty->pHirelings[v11]; } } return result; } //----- (00476977) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCStats::InitializeNPCText() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pNPCTextTXT_Raw); pNPCTextTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npctext.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCTextTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<789; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if ( decode_step == 1) pNPCTopics[i].pText =RemoveQuotes(test_string); } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } free(pNPCTopicTXT_Raw); pNPCTopicTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npctopic.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCTopicTXT_Raw, "\r"); for ( i = 1; i <= 579; ++i )//NPC topics count limit { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if ( decode_step == 1) pNPCTopics[i].pTopic = RemoveQuotes(test_string); } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } free(pNPCDistTXT_Raw); pNPCDistTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcdist.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCDistTXT_Raw, "\r"); strtok(NULL, "\r"); for (i=1; i<59; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if ((decode_step>0)&&(decode_step<77)) { pProfessionChance[decode_step].professionChancePerArea[i]=atoi(test_string); } else if (decode_step==0) { pProfessionChance[0].professionChancePerArea[i]=10; } } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<78)&&!break_loop); } for ( i = 0; i < 77; ++i ) { pProfessionChance[i].uTotalprofChance=0; for ( int ii = 1; ii < 59; ++ii ) { pProfessionChance[i].uTotalprofChance+=pProfessionChance[i].professionChancePerArea[ii]; } pProfessionChance[i].professionChancePerArea[0]=0; pProfessionChance[i].professionChancePerArea[59]=0; } free(pNPCDistTXT_Raw); pNPCDistTXT_Raw = nullptr; } //----- (00476C60) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCStats::_476C60() { for (unsigned int i = 1; i < uNumNewNPCs; ++i) pNewNPCData[i].pName = pNPCUnicNames[i - 1]; if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName) pParty->pHirelings[0].pName = pParty->pHireling1Name; if (pParty->pHirelings[1].pName) pParty->pHirelings[1].pName = pParty->pHireling2Name; } //----- (00476CB5) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCStats::InitializeNPCData() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; pNPCDataTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcdata.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCDataTXT_Raw, "\r"); strtok(NULL, "\r"); for (i=0; i<500; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { //i+1 switch (decode_step) { case 1: pNPCUnicNames[i] = RemoveQuotes(test_string); pNPCData[i+1].pName=pNPCUnicNames[i]; break; case 2: pNPCData[i+1].uPortraitID = atoi(test_string); break; case 6: pNPCData[i+1].Location2D = atoi(test_string); break; case 7: pNPCData[i+1].uProfession = atoi(test_string); break; case 8: pNPCData[i+1].greet = atoi(test_string); break; case 9: pNPCData[i+1].joins = (*test_string == 'y')?1:0; break; case 10: pNPCData[i+1].evt_A = atoi(test_string); break; case 11: pNPCData[i+1].evt_B = atoi(test_string); break; case 12: pNPCData[i+1].evt_C = atoi(test_string); break; case 13: pNPCData[i+1].evt_D = atoi(test_string); break; case 14: pNPCData[i+1].evt_E = atoi(test_string); break; case 15: pNPCData[i+1].evt_F = atoi(test_string); break; } } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<16)&&!break_loop); } uNumNewNPCs = 501; pNPCGreetTXT_Raw = (char*)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcgreet.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCGreetTXT_Raw, "\r"); for ( i = 1; i <= 205; ++i ) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { //i+1 switch (decode_step) { case 1: pNPCGreetings[i].pGreetings[0] = RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 2: pNPCGreetings[i].pGreetings[1] = RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; } } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<3)&&!break_loop); } pNCPGroupTXT_Raw = (char*)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcgroup.txt", 0); strtok(pNCPGroupTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<51; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { //i+1 if (decode_step==1) { pGroups[i] = atoi(test_string); } } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } pNPCNewsTXT_Raw = (char*)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcnews.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCNewsTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<51; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { //i+1 if (decode_step==1) pCatchPhrases[i] = RemoveQuotes(test_string); } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } } //----- (0047702F) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCStats::Initialize() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; InitializeNPCData(); InitializeNPCText(); InitializeQuests(); InitializeAutonotes(); InitializeAwards(); InitializeTransitions(); InitializeMerchants(); InitializeScrolls(); pNPCNamesTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcnames.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCNamesTXT_Raw, "\r"); uNewlNPCBufPos = 0; for (i=0; i<540; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; if (c=='\t') { if ( (decode_step == 1)&&(!uNumNPCNames[1])) uNumNPCNames[1]=i; } else { while((c!='\n')&&(c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; if (temp_str_len) { *tmp_pos = 0; if ( decode_step == 0) pNPCNames[i][0] =RemoveQuotes(test_string); else if ( decode_step == 1) pNPCNames[i][1] =RemoveQuotes(test_string); } else { if ( (decode_step == 1)&&(!uNumNPCNames[1])) uNumNPCNames[1]=i; } } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } uNumNPCNames[0] = i; pNPCProfTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("npcprof.txt", 0); strtok(pNPCProfTXT_Raw, "\r"); strtok(NULL, "\r"); strtok(NULL, "\r"); strtok(NULL, "\r"); for (i=1; i<59; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { //while (*test_string == '\t') // some steps are separated by multiple \t's //++test_string; c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { switch(decode_step) { case 2: pProfessions[i].uHirePrice = atoi(test_string); break; case 3: pProfessions[i].pActionText = RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 4: pProfessions[i].pBenefits= RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 5: pProfessions[i].pJoinText = RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 6: pProfessions[i].pDismissText = RemoveQuotes(test_string); } } else { if (!decode_step) break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<7)&&!break_loop); } uNumNPCProfessions = 59; } //----- (00477266) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCStats::Release() { free(pNPCTopicTXT_Raw); pNPCTopicTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCTextTXT_Raw); pNPCTextTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCNewsTXT_Raw); pNPCNewsTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCProfTXT_Raw); pNPCProfTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCNamesTXT_Raw); pNPCNamesTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCDataTXT_Raw); pNPCDataTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCDistTXT_Raw); pNPCDistTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNPCGreetTXT_Raw); pNPCGreetTXT_Raw = nullptr; free(pNCPGroupTXT_Raw); pNCPGroupTXT_Raw = nullptr; } //----- (0047730C) -------------------------------------------------------- bool CheckPortretAgainstSex(int a1, int) { return true; } // 47730C: using guessed type int __stdcall const_1(int); //----- (0047732C) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCStats::InitializeAdditionalNPCs(NPCData *pNPCDataBuff, int npc_uid, int uLocation2D, int uMapId) { int rep_gen; int uNPCSex; // esi@1 int uGeneratedPortret; // ecx@23 int test_prof_summ; // ecx@37 int gen_profession; // eax@37 int max_prof_cap; // edx@37 // signed int result; // eax@39 int uRace; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@1 bool break_gen; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1 signed int gen_attempts; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1 int uPortretMin; // [sp+24h] [bp+Ch]@1 int uPortretMax; static const unsigned __int8 NPCSexGenTable[86] ={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const unsigned __int8 NPCRaceGenTable[86] ={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0}; unsigned __int8 seed = (unsigned __int8)((double)(npc_uid - 1)/3.0); uNPCSex = NPCSexGenTable[seed]; uRace = NPCRaceGenTable[seed]; pNPCDataBuff->uSex = uNPCSex; pNPCDataBuff->pName = pNPCNames[rand() % uNumNPCNames[uNPCSex]][uNPCSex]; gen_attempts = 0; break_gen = false; do { switch ( uRace ) { case 0: if ( uNPCSex == 0 ) { uPortretMin = 2; uPortretMax = 100; } else { uPortretMin = 201; uPortretMax = 250; } case 1: if ( uNPCSex == 0 ) { uPortretMin = 400; uPortretMax = 430; } else { uPortretMin = 460; uPortretMax = 490; } break; case 2: if ( uNPCSex == 0 ) { uPortretMin = 500; uPortretMax = 520; } else { uPortretMin = 530; uPortretMax = 550; } break; case 3: if ( uNPCSex == 0 ) { uPortretMin = 300; uPortretMax = 330; } else { uPortretMin = 360; uPortretMax = 387; } break; } uGeneratedPortret = uPortretMin + rand() % (uPortretMax - uPortretMin + 1); if ( CheckPortretAgainstSex(uGeneratedPortret, uNPCSex)) break_gen = true; ++gen_attempts; if ( gen_attempts >= 4 ) { uGeneratedPortret = uPortretMin; break_gen = true; } } while(!break_gen); pNPCDataBuff->uPortraitID = uGeneratedPortret; pNPCDataBuff->uFlags = 0; pNPCDataBuff->fame = 0; //generate reputation rep_gen = rand() % 100 + 1; if ( rep_gen >= 60 ) { if ( rep_gen >= 90 ) { if ( rep_gen >= 95 ) { if ( rep_gen >= 98 ) pNPCDataBuff->rep = -600; else pNPCDataBuff->rep = 400; } else pNPCDataBuff->rep = -300; } else pNPCDataBuff->rep = 200; } else pNPCDataBuff->rep = 0; max_prof_cap = rand() % pProfessionChance[uMapId].uTotalprofChance+1; test_prof_summ = 0; gen_profession = 0; if ( max_prof_cap > 0 ) { do test_prof_summ += pProfessionChance[uMapId].professionChancePerArea[gen_profession++]; while ( test_prof_summ < max_prof_cap ); } pNPCDataBuff->uProfession = gen_profession - 1; pNPCDataBuff->Location2D = uLocation2D; pNPCDataBuff->field_24 = 1; pNPCDataBuff->joins = 1; pNPCDataBuff->evt_A = 0; pNPCDataBuff->evt_B = 0; pNPCDataBuff->evt_C = 0; pNPCDataBuff->evt_D = 0; pNPCDataBuff->evt_E = 0; pNPCDataBuff->evt_F = 0; } //----- (00495366) -------------------------------------------------------- char *NPCStats::sub_495366_MispronounceName(unsigned __int8 firstLetter, unsigned __int8 genderId) { int pickedName; // edx@2 if ( firstLetter == dword_AE336C_LastMispronouncedNameFirstLetter) pickedName = dword_AE3370_LastMispronouncedNameResult; else { dword_AE336C_LastMispronouncedNameFirstLetter = firstLetter; if ( this->uNumNPCNames[genderId] == 0 ) pickedName = rand() % this->uNumNPCNames[(genderId + 1) % 2]; //originally without " + 1) % 2", but that would yield a div by zero else { int rangeBottom = 0; int rangeTop = 0; for ( uint i = 0; i < this->uNumNPCNames[genderId]; ++i ) { if (tolower(this->pNPCNames[i][genderId][0])) { if ( rangeBottom ) rangeTop = i; else rangeBottom = i; } } if ( rangeTop != 0 ) pickedName = rangeBottom + rand() % (rangeTop - rangeBottom); else pickedName = rand() % this->uNumNPCNames[genderId]; } } dword_AE3370_LastMispronouncedNameResult = pickedName; return this->pNPCNames[pickedName][genderId]; } //----- (00476387) -------------------------------------------------------- bool PartyHasDragon() { return pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[57].Hired(); } //----- (00476395) -------------------------------------------------------- //0x26 Wizard eye at skill level 2 bool CheckHiredNPCSpeciality(unsigned int uProfession) { if ( bNoNPCHiring == 1 ) return 0; for (uint i=0; i<pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i ) { if ( pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uProfession == uProfession && (pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uFlags & 0x80) )//Uninitialized memory access return true; } if ( pParty->pHirelings[0].uProfession == uProfession || pParty->pHirelings[1].uProfession == uProfession) return true; else return false; } //----- (004763E0) -------------------------------------------------------- void InitializeAwards() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pAwardsTXT_Raw); pAwardsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("awards.txt", 0); strtok(pAwardsTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=1; i<105; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if (decode_step==1) pAwards[i].pText=RemoveQuotes(test_string); else if (decode_step==2) pAwards[i].uPriority = atoi(test_string); } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<3)&&!break_loop); } } // 7241C8: using guessed type int dword_7241C8; //----- (004764C2) -------------------------------------------------------- void InitializeScrolls() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pScrollsTXT_Raw); pScrollsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("scroll.txt", 0); strtok(pScrollsTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<82; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if ( decode_step == 1) pScrolls[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string); } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } } //----- (00476590) -------------------------------------------------------- void InitializeMerchants() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pMerchantsTXT_Raw); pMerchantsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("merchant.txt", 0); strtok(pMerchantsTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<7; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { switch (decode_step) { case 1: pMerchantsBuyPhrases[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 2: pMerchantsSellPhrases[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 3: pMerchantsRepairPhrases[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 4: pMerchantsIdentifyPhrases[i]=RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; } } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<5)&&!break_loop); } } //----- (00476682) -------------------------------------------------------- void InitializeTransitions() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pTransitionsTXT_Raw); pTransitionsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("trans.txt", 0); strtok(pTransitionsTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<464; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if ( decode_step == 1) pTransitionStrings[i + 1]=RemoveQuotes(test_string); } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } } //----- (00476750) -------------------------------------------------------- void InitializeAutonotes() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pAutonoteTXT_Raw); pAutonoteTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("autonote.txt", 0); strtok(pAutonoteTXT_Raw, "\r"); for (i=0; i<195; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { switch (decode_step) { case 1: pAutonoteTxt[i+1].pText=RemoveQuotes(test_string); break; case 2: { if ( !_stricmp(test_string, "potion")) { pAutonoteTxt[i+1].eType = AUTONOTE_POTION_RECEPIE; break; } if ( !_stricmp(test_string, "stat") ) { pAutonoteTxt[i+1].eType = AUTONOTE_STAT_HINT; break; } if ( !_stricmp(test_string, "seer") ) { pAutonoteTxt[i+1].eType = AUTONOTE_SEER; break; } if ( !_stricmp(test_string, "obelisk") ) { pAutonoteTxt[i+1].eType = AUTONOTE_OBELISK; break; } if ( !_stricmp(test_string, "teacher") ) { pAutonoteTxt[i+1].eType = AUTONOTE_TEACHER; break; } pAutonoteTxt[i+1].eType =AUTONOTE_MISC; break; } } } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<3)&&!break_loop); } } //----- (004768A9) -------------------------------------------------------- void InitializeQuests() { int i; char* test_string; unsigned char c; bool break_loop; unsigned int temp_str_len; char* tmp_pos; int decode_step; free(pQuestsTXT_Raw); pQuestsTXT_Raw = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("quests.txt", 0); strtok(pQuestsTXT_Raw, "\r"); memset(,0, sizeof(pQuestTable)); for (i=0; i<512; ++i) { test_string = strtok(NULL, "\r") + 1; break_loop = false; decode_step=0; do { c = *(unsigned char*)test_string; temp_str_len = 0; while((c!='\t')&&(c>0)) { ++temp_str_len; c=test_string[temp_str_len]; } tmp_pos=test_string+temp_str_len; if (*tmp_pos == 0) break_loop = true; *tmp_pos = 0; if (temp_str_len) { if ( decode_step == 1) pQuestTable[i+1] =RemoveQuotes(test_string); } else { break_loop = true; } ++decode_step; test_string=tmp_pos+1; } while ((decode_step<2)&&!break_loop); } } //----- (004B29F2) -------------------------------------------------------- const char * ContractSelectText( int pEventCode ) { static const int dialogue_base=110; contract_approved = 0; dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number = pEventCode + 50; gold_transaction_amount = price_for_membership[pEventCode]; if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanAct() ) { if ( (unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit((unsigned __int8 *)pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->_achieved_awards_bits, dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number) ) return pNPCTopics[dialogue_base+13].pText; else { if ( (unsigned int)gold_transaction_amount <= pParty->uNumGold ) { contract_approved = 1; return pNPCTopics[pEventCode + dialogue_base].pText; } else return pNPCTopics[dialogue_base+14].pText; } } else return pNPCTopics[dialogue_base+12].pText; } //----- (004B40E6) -------------------------------------------------------- void NPCHireableDialogPrepare() { signed int v0; // ebx@1 NPCData *v1; // edi@1 v0 = 0; v1 = HouseNPCData[(unsigned int)((char *)pDialogueNPCCount + -(dword_591080 != 0) )];//- 1 pDialogueWindow->Release(); pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), 350, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0); pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 471, 0x1BDu, 0xA9u, 0x23u, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34], //"Cancel" pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0); pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", 0); if ( pNPCStats->pProfessions[v1->uProfession].pBenefits)//*(&pNPCStats->field_13A5C + 5 * v1->uProfession) ) { pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 480, 0xA0u, 0x8Cu, 0x1Eu, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x4Du, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[407], 0);//"More Information" v0 = 1; } pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 0x1E0u, 30 * v0 + 160, 0x8Cu, 0x1Eu, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x4Cu, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[406], 0); //"Hire" pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(v0 + 1, 1, 0, 2); dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_OTHER; } //----- (004B4224) -------------------------------------------------------- void _4B4224_UpdateNPCTopics( int _this ) { int num_menu_buttons; // ebx@1 int i; // ebp@5 // signed int v4; // ebp@9 int v6; // eax@16 int v8; // eax@21 int v10; // eax@26 int v12; // eax@31 int v14; // eax@36 int v16; // eax@41 NPCData *v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@4 num_menu_buttons = 0; pDialogueNPCCount = (_this + 1); if ( _this + 1 == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic ) { pDialogueWindow->Release(); pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0); sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[LOCSTR_ENTER_S], pMapStats->pInfos[uHouse_ExitPic].pName); pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(566, 445, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 'N', pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTDESC2), 0);// "Cancel" pBtn_YES = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(486, 445, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_BF, 1, 'Y',, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTYES2), 0); pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( pNPCPortraits_x[0][0], pNPCPortraits_y[0][0], 63u, 73u, 1, 0, UIMSG_BF, 1u, 0x20u,, 0); pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(8, 8, 460, 344, 1, 0, UIMSG_BF, 1, 0x59u,, 0); } else { v17 = HouseNPCData[_this + 1 - ((dword_591080 != 0)?1:0 )];//+ 1 if ( dialog_menu_id == HOUSE_DIALOGUE_OTHER ) { pDialogueWindow->Release(); } else { for ( i = 0; i < uNumDialogueNPCPortraits; ++i ) HouseNPCPortraitsButtonsList[i]->Release(); } pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), 345, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0); pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 471, 445, 169, 35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[74],// "End Conversation" pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0); pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(8, 8, 450, 320, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", 0); if ( pDialogueNPCCount == 1 && dword_591080 ) { InitializaDialogueOptions(in_current_building_type); } else { if ( v17->joins ) { num_menu_buttons = 1; pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480u, 160u, 140u, 30, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0xDu, 0, "", 0); } if ( v17->evt_A) { if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 ) { v6 = NPC_EventProcessor(v17->evt_A); if ( v6 == 1 || v6 == 2 ) pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 480u, 30 * num_menu_buttons++ + 160, 140u, 30u, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x13u, 0, "", 0); } } if ( v17->evt_B ) { if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 ) { v8 = NPC_EventProcessor(v17->evt_B); if ( v8 == 1 || v8 == 2 ) pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 480u, 30 * num_menu_buttons++ + 160, 140u, 30u, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x14u, 0, "", 0); } } if ( v17->evt_C ) { if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 ) { v10 = NPC_EventProcessor(v17->evt_C); if ( v10 == 1 || v10 == 2 ) pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 480u, 30 * num_menu_buttons++ + 160, 140u, 30u, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x15u, 0, "", 0); } } if ( v17->evt_D ) { if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 ) { v12 = NPC_EventProcessor(v17->evt_D); if ( v12 == 1 || v12 == 2 ) pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 0x1E0u, 30 * num_menu_buttons++ + 160, 0x8Cu, 0x1Eu, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x16u, 0, "", 0); } } if ( v17->evt_E ) { if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 ) { v14 = NPC_EventProcessor(v17->evt_E); if ( v14 == 1 || v14 == 2 ) pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 0x1E0u, 30 * num_menu_buttons++ + 160, 0x8Cu, 0x1Eu, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x17u, 0, "", 0); } } if ( v17->evt_F ) { if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 ) { v16 = NPC_EventProcessor(v17->evt_F); if ( v16 == 1 || v16 == 2 ) pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 0x1E0u, 30 * num_menu_buttons++ + 160, 0x8Cu, 0x1Eu, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x18u, 0, "", 0); } } pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(num_menu_buttons, 1, 0, 2); dword_F8B1E0 = pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton; } dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_MAIN; } } //----- (004466C4) -------------------------------------------------------- int NPC_EventProcessor(int npc_event_id, int entry_line) { signed int event_index; // ebp@1 int evt_seq_num; // esi@3 bool ready_to_exit; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@3 signed int npc_activity; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@3 int result; event_index = 0; if ( !npc_event_id ) return 0; evt_seq_num = entry_line; pSomeOtherEVT =; uSomeOtherEVT_NumEvents = uGlobalEVT_NumEvents; memcpy(,, sizeof(EventIndex)*4400); npc_activity = 1; ready_to_exit = false; if ( uSomeOtherEVT_NumEvents <= 0 ) return 2; do { if ( (pSomeOtherEVT_Events[event_index].uEventID == npc_event_id) && (pSomeOtherEVT_Events[event_index].event_sequence_num == evt_seq_num) ) { _evt_raw *_evt = (_evt_raw *)&pSomeOtherEVT[pSomeOtherEVT_Events[event_index].uEventOffsetInEVT]; switch(_evt->_e_type) { case EVENT_Exit: //exit if ( ready_to_exit ) result = npc_activity != 0; else result = 2; return result; break; case EVENT_OnCanShowDialogItemCmp: ready_to_exit = true; //v8 = (unsigned __int8)v7[7] + (((unsigned __int8)v7[8] + (((unsigned __int8)v7[9] + ((unsigned __int8)v7[10] << 8)) << 8)) << 8); for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { // if (pParty->pPlayers[i].CompareVariable((enum VariableType)((unsigned __int8)pSomeOtherEVT[v6 + 5] + ((unsigned __int8)pSomeOtherEVT[v6 + 6] << 8)), // v8)) if (pParty->pPlayers[i].CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7))) { event_index = -1; evt_seq_num = EVT_BYTE(_evt->v11)-1;//(unsigned __int8)pSomeOtherEVT[v6 + 11] - 1; break; } } break; case EVENT_EndCanShowDialogItem : if ( ready_to_exit ) result = npc_activity != 0; else result = 2; return result; break; case EVENT_SetCanShowDialogItem : ready_to_exit = true; npc_activity = EVT_BYTE(_evt->v5); //(unsigned __int8)v7[5]; break; case EVENT_IsActorAssasinated : // if (IsActorAlive( (unsigned __int8)v7[5], // (unsigned __int8)v7[6] + (((unsigned __int8)v7[7] + (((unsigned __int8)v7[8] + ((unsigned __int8)v7[9] << 8)) << 8)) << 8), // (unsigned __int8)v7[10]) ) if (IsActorAlive( EVT_BYTE(_evt->v5), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v6), EVT_BYTE(_evt->v10))) { // drop linear sequense, going to new seq event_index = -1; evt_seq_num = EVT_BYTE(_evt->v11)-1;//(unsigned __int8)pSomeOtherEVT[v6 + 11] - 1; } break; } ++evt_seq_num; } ++event_index; } while ( event_index < uSomeOtherEVT_NumEvents ); if ( ready_to_exit ) result = npc_activity != 0; else result = 2; return result; } //----- (00445C8B) -------------------------------------------------------- int __fastcall GetGreetType(signed int SpeakingNPC_ID) { signed int v1; // ebx@1 int v3; // edi@6 int v4; // ecx@6 int v5; // edx@6 NPCData *v6; // eax@6 char *v7; // ebp@11 NPCData *v8; // esi@11 v1 = 0; if ( SpeakingNPC_ID >= 0 ) { if ( SpeakingNPC_ID < 5000 ) return 1;//QuestNPC_greet return 2;//HiredNPC_greet } if ( SpeakingNPC_ID >= 5000 ) return 2; v3 = abs((int)sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID) - 1; v4 = 0; v5 = 0; v6 = pParty->; do { if ( v6->pName ) pTmpBuf[v4++] = v5; ++v6; ++v5; } while ( (signed int)v6 < (signed int)&pParty->pPickedItem ); if ( (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs > 0 ) { v7 = &pTmpBuf[v4]; v8 = pNPCStats->pNewNPCData; do { if (v8->Hired() && (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp(v8->pName, pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)) ) { if ( !pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp(v8->pName, pParty->pHirelings[1].pName) ) *v7++ = v1 + 2; } ++v1; ++v8; } while ( v1 < (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs ); } return ((unsigned __int8)pTmpBuf[v3] < 2) + 1; } //----- (00445308) -------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetProfessionActionText(int a1) { if ( a1 == 10 || a1 == 11 || a1 == 12 || a1 == 33 || a1 == 34 || a1 == 39 || a1 == 40 || a1 == 41 || a1 == 42 || a1 == 43 || a1 == 52 ) return pNPCStats->pProfessions[a1 - 1].pActionText; else return pNPCTopics[407].pTopic; } //----- (004BB756) -------------------------------------------------------- int UseNPCSkill(NPCProf profession) { switch (profession) { case Healer: { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) pParty->pPlayers[i].sHealth = pParty->pPlayers[i].GetMaxHealth(); } break; case ExpertHealer: { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { __debugbreak(); pParty->pPlayers[i].sHealth = pParty->pPlayers[i].GetMaxHealth(); for (int j = 0; j < 14; ++j) pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[j] = 0; pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions[Condition_Good] = 0; } } break; case MasterHealer: { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { __debugbreak(); //Ritor1:needed cleaned(���������� ���������) Player* player = &pParty->pPlayers[i]; pParty->pPlayers[i].sHealth = pParty->pPlayers[i].GetMaxHealth(); int v5 = LODWORD(player->pConditions[19]);//*((int *)v4 - 32); int v6 = HIDWORD(player->pConditions[19]);//*((int *)v4 - 31); memset(&pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions, 0, sizeof(pParty->pPlayers[i].pConditions)); *(int *)&player->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_SHIELD] = v5; *(int *)&player->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_CHAIN] = v6; } } break; case Cook://����� { if (pParty->uNumFoodRations >= 13) return 1; Party::GiveFood(1); } break; case Chef: { if (pParty->uNumFoodRations >= 13) return 1; if (pParty->uNumFoodRations == 13) Party::GiveFood(1); else Party::GiveFood(2); } break; case WindMaster: { if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor) { ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[494], 2);//������ ��������� ������ ����� � ���������! pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_fizzle, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { int v19 = pOtherOverlayList->_4418B1(10008, 203, 0, 65536); pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + 60 * (256 * 2), 3, 1, v19, 0); pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_FLY].uFlags |= 1; pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_21fly03, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } break; case WaterMaster: { int v20 = pOtherOverlayList->_4418B1(10005, 201, 0, 65536); pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_WATER_WALK].Apply(pParty->uTimePlayed + 60 * (256 * (2 + 1)), 3, 0, v20, 0); pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_WATER_WALK].uFlags |= 1; pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_WaterWalk, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } break; case GateMaster: { pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0); dword_50C9DC = 195; ptr_50C9E0 = GetNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID); } break; case Acolyte: _42777D_CastSpell_UseWand_ShootArrow(46, 0, 133, 0, 0); break; case Piper: _42777D_CastSpell_UseWand_ShootArrow(51, 0, 133, 0, 0); break; case FallenWizard: _42777D_CastSpell_UseWand_ShootArrow(86, 0, 133, 0, 0); break; case Teacher: case Instructor: case Armsmaster: case Weaponsmaster: case Apprentice: case Mystic: case Spellmaster: case Trader: case Merchant: case Scout: case Herbalist: case Apothecary: case Tinker: case Locksmith: case Fool: case ChimneySweep: case Porter: case QuarterMaster: case Factor: case Banker: case Horseman: case Bard: case Enchanter: case Cartographer: case Explorer: case Pirate: case Squire: case Psychic: case Gypsy: case Diplomat: case Duper: case Burglar: case Acolyte2: case Initiate: case Prelate: case Monk: case Sage: case Hunter: break; default: assert(false && "Invalid enum value"); } return 0; }