Mercurial > mm7
view Media/Video/Bink_Smacker.h @ 2541:a902abdfc7f2
1. Renamed class Game to class Engine.
2. Separated game logic as state of FSM from game logic as engine.
3. Found out that many UI screen initializers were optimized away, intially
they all returned newly created window as separate object like it is done
in CharacterUI_Initialize.
author | a.parshin |
date | Sun, 10 May 2015 01:29:11 +0200 |
parents | a77c34acdbc9 |
children |
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#pragma once #include "Media/Audio/AIL.h" void BINKW32_DLL_Initialize(); int __stdcall BinkDDSurfaceType(struct IDirectDrawSurface *); int __stdcall BinkSetSoundSystem(void *pSoundSystem, HDIGDRIVER hDrv); int __stdcall BinkOpenMiles(int); HBINK __stdcall BinkOpen(void *hFileHandle, unsigned int uFlags); int __stdcall BinkWait(HBINK); int __stdcall BinkDoFrame(HBINK); int __stdcall BinkNextFrame(HBINK); int __stdcall BinkGetRects(HBINK hBink, unsigned int uFlags); int __stdcall BinkCopyToBuffer(HBINK hBink, void *pBuffer, unsigned int lPitch, unsigned int uNumLines, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uFlags); int __stdcall BinkPause(HBINK, int bPause); int __stdcall BinkClose(HBINK); int __stdcall BinkGoto(HBINK, long a2, long a3); int __stdcall BinkBufferSetOffset(void *, int, int); int __stdcall BinkBufferSetScale(void *, unsigned int uWidth, unsigned int uHeight); void SMACKW32_DLL_Initialize(); struct _SMACK { unsigned int Version; // SMK2 only right now unsigned int Width; // Width (1 based, 640 for example) unsigned int Height; // Height (1 based, 480 for example) unsigned int Frames; // Number of frames (1 based, 100 = 100 frames) unsigned int MSPerFrame; // Frame Rate unsigned int SmackerType; // bit 0 set=ring frame unsigned int LargestInTrack[7]; // Largest single size for each track unsigned int tablesize; // Size of the init tables unsigned int codesize; // Compression info unsigned int absize; // ditto unsigned int detailsize; // ditto unsigned int typesize; // ditto unsigned int TrackType[7]; // high byte=0x80-Comp,0x40-PCM data,0x20-16 bit,0x10-stereo unsigned int extra; // extra value (should be zero) unsigned int NewPalette; // set to one if the palette changed unsigned char Palette[772]; // palette data unsigned int PalType; // type of palette unsigned int FrameNum; // 0374 Frame Number to be displayed unsigned int FrameSize; // The current frame's size in bytes unsigned int SndSize; // The current frame sound tracks' size in bytes int LastRectx; // 0380 Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (X coord) int LastRecty; // Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (Y coord) int LastRectw; // Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (Width) int LastRecth; // 038C Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (Height) unsigned int OpenFlags; // flags used on open unsigned int LeftOfs; // Left Offset used in SmackTo unsigned int TopOfs; // Top Offset used in SmackTo unsigned int LargestFrameSize; // Largest frame size unsigned int Highest1SecRate; // Highest 1 sec data rate unsigned int Highest1SecFrame; // Highest 1 sec data rate starting frame unsigned int ReadError; // Set to non-zero if a read error has ocurred unsigned int addr32; // translated address for 16 bit interface }; struct _SMACKBLIT { unsigned int Flags; unsigned char *Palette; unsigned int PalType; unsigned short *SmoothTable; unsigned short *Conv8to16Table; unsigned int whichmode; unsigned int palindex; unsigned int t16index; unsigned int smoothindex; unsigned int smoothtype; unsigned int firstpalette; }; struct _SMACKBUF { unsigned int Reversed; // 1 if the buffer is upside down unsigned int SurfaceType; // SMACKSURFACExxxx defines unsigned int BlitType; // SMACKxxxxBLIT defines unsigned int FullScreen; // 1 if full-screen unsigned int Width; unsigned int Height; unsigned int Pitch; unsigned int Zoomed; unsigned int ZWidth; unsigned int ZHeight; unsigned int DispColors; // colors on the screen unsigned int MaxPalColors; // total possible colors in palette (usually 256) unsigned int PalColorsInUse; // Used colors in palette (usually 236) unsigned int StartPalColor; // first usable color index (usually 10) unsigned int EndPalColor; // last usable color index (usually 246) RGBQUAD Palette[256]; unsigned int PalType; unsigned int forceredraw; // force a complete redraw on next blit (for >8bit) unsigned int didapalette; // force an invalidate on the next palette change void * Buffer; void * DIBRestore; unsigned int OurBitmap; unsigned int OrigBitmap; unsigned int OurPalette; unsigned int WinGDC; unsigned int FullFocused; unsigned int ParentHwnd; unsigned int OldParWndProc; unsigned int OldDispWndProc; unsigned int DispHwnd; unsigned int WinGBufHandle; void * lpDD; void * lpDDSP; unsigned int DDSurfaceType; struct _SMACKBLIT DDblit; int ddSoftwarecur; int didaddblit; int lastwasdd; RECT ddscreen; int manyblits; int * blitrects; int * rectsptr; int maxrects; int numrects; HDC lastdc; }; #define BINKFRAMERATE 0x00001000L // Override fr (call BinkFrameRate first) #define BINKPRELOADALL 0x00002000L // Preload the entire animation #define BINKSNDTRACK 0x00004000L // Set the track number to play #define BINKOLDFRAMEFORMAT 0x00008000L // using the old Bink frame format (internal use only) #define BINKRBINVERT 0x00010000L // use reversed R and B planes (internal use only) #define BINKGRAYSCALE 0x00020000L // Force Bink to use grayscale #define BINKNOMMX 0x00040000L // Don't use MMX #define BINKNOSKIP 0x00080000L // Don't skip frames if falling behind #define BINKALPHA 0x00100000L // Decompress alpha plane (if present) #define BINKNOFILLIOBUF 0x00200000L // Fill the IO buffer in SmackOpen #define BINKSIMULATE 0x00400000L // Simulate the speed (call BinkSim first) #define BINKFILEHANDLE 0x00800000L // Use when passing in a file handle #define BINKIOSIZE 0x01000000L // Set an io size (call BinkIOSize first) #define BINKIOPROCESSOR 0x02000000L // Set an io processor (call BinkIO first) #define BINKFROMMEMORY 0x04000000L // Use when passing in a pointer to the file #define BINKNOTHREADEDIO 0x08000000L // Don't use a background thread for IO #define BINKSURFACEFAST 0x00000000L #define BINKSURFACESLOW 0x08000000L #define BINKSURFACEDIRECT 0x04000000L #define BINKCOPYALL 0x80000000L // copy all pixels (not just changed) #define BINKCOPY2XH 0x10000000L // Force doubling height scaling #define BINKCOPY2XHI 0x20000000L // Force interleaving height scaling #define BINKCOPY2XW 0x30000000L // copy the width zoomed by two #define BINKCOPY2XWH 0x40000000L // copy the width and height zoomed by two #define BINKCOPY2XWHI 0x50000000L // copy the width and height zoomed by two #define BINKCOPY1XI 0x60000000L // copy the width and height zoomed by two #define BINKCOPYNOSCALING 0x70000000L // Force scaling off #define SMACKNEEDPAN 0x00020L // Will be setting the pan #define SMACKNEEDVOLUME 0x00040L // Will be setting the volume #define SMACKFRAMERATE 0x00080L // Override fr (call SmackFrameRate first) #define SMACKLOADEXTRA 0x00100L // Load the extra buffer during SmackOpen #define SMACKPRELOADALL 0x00200L // Preload the entire animation #define SMACKNOSKIP 0x00400L // Don't skip frames if falling behind #define SMACKSIMULATE 0x00800L // Simulate the speed (call SmackSim first) #define SMACKFILEHANDLE 0x01000L // Use when passing in a file handle #define SMACKTRACK1 0x02000L // Play audio track 1 #define SMACKTRACK2 0x04000L // Play audio track 2 #define SMACKTRACK3 0x08000L // Play audio track 3 #define SMACKTRACK4 0x10000L // Play audio track 4 #define SMACKTRACK5 0x20000L // Play audio track 5 #define SMACKTRACK6 0x40000L // Play audio track 6 #define SMACKTRACK7 0x80000L // Play audio track 7 #define SMACKBUFFER555 0x80000000 #define SMACKBUFFER565 0xC0000000 #define SMACKBLIT1X 1 #define SMACKBLIT2X 2 #define SMACKBLIT2XSMOOTHING 4 #define SMACKBLIT2XINTERLACE 8 int __stdcall SmackSoundUseMSS(HDIGDRIVER hDrv); unsigned int __stdcall SmackUseMMX(unsigned int flag); HSMACK __stdcall SmackOpen(HANDLE hSourceFile, unsigned int uFlags, unsigned int uExtraBuffers); HSMACKBLIT __stdcall SmackBlitOpen(unsigned int uSurfaceFormat); void __stdcall SmackToBuffer(HSMACK, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uPitch, unsigned int uHeight, void *pBuffer, unsigned int uFlags); void __stdcall SmackBlitSetPalette(HSMACKBLIT hBlit, void *pPalette, unsigned int uPalType); unsigned int __stdcall SmackDoFrame(HSMACK); unsigned int __stdcall SmackToBufferRect(HSMACK, unsigned int uSmackSurface); void __stdcall SmackBlit(HSMACKBLIT, void *pDest, unsigned int uDestPitch, unsigned int uDestX, unsigned int uDestY, void *pSrc, unsigned int uSrcPitch, unsigned int uSrcX, unsigned int uSrcY, unsigned int uSrcZ, unsigned int uSrcW); void __stdcall SmackNextFrame(HSMACK); unsigned int __stdcall SmackWait(HSMACK); unsigned int __stdcall SmackSoundOnOff(HSMACK, unsigned int bOn); void __stdcall SmackClose(HSMACK); void __stdcall SmackBufferClose(HSMACKBUF); void __stdcall SmackBlitClose(HSMACKBLIT); int __stdcall SmackBlitClear(HSMACKBLIT a1, unsigned short *pFrameData, unsigned int uTargetSurfacePitch, unsigned int uOutX, unsigned int uOutY, unsigned int uOutZ, unsigned int uOutW, int a8); int __stdcall SmackBufferOpen(HWND a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6); int __fastcall SmackVolumePan(_SMACK *a3, long a4, long a5, long a6); int __stdcall SmackGoto(_SMACK *a1, long a2); // sub_4D83D0: using guessed type int __stdcall SmackBufferNewPalette(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); void __stdcall SmackBufferNewPalette(HSMACKBUF a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3); // sub_4D83D4: using guessed type int __stdcall SmackColorRemapWithTrans(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); void __stdcall SmackColorRemapWithTrans(_SMACK *a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5);