Mercurial > mm7
view Media/Video/Bink_Smacker.cpp @ 2541:a902abdfc7f2
1. Renamed class Game to class Engine.
2. Separated game logic as state of FSM from game logic as engine.
3. Found out that many UI screen initializers were optimized away, intially
they all returned newly created window as separate object like it is done
in CharacterUI_Initialize.
author | a.parshin |
date | Sun, 10 May 2015 01:29:11 +0200 |
parents | a77c34acdbc9 |
children |
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#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "Bink_Smacker.h" int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackSoundUseMSS)(HDIGDRIVER) = 0; unsigned int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackUseMMX)(unsigned int) = 0; HSMACK (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackOpen)(HANDLE, unsigned int, unsigned int) = 0; HSMACKBLIT (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBlitOpen)(unsigned int) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackToBuffer)(HSMACK, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBlitSetPalette)(HSMACKBLIT, void *, unsigned int) = 0; unsigned int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackDoFrame)(HSMACK) = 0; unsigned int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackToBufferRect)(HSMACK, unsigned int) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBlit)(HSMACKBLIT, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackNextFrame)(HSMACK) = 0; unsigned int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackWait)(HSMACK) = 0; unsigned int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackSoundOnOff)(HSMACK, unsigned int) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackClose)(HSMACK) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBufferClose)(HSMACKBUF) = 0; void (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBlitClose)(HSMACKBLIT) = 0; int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBlitClear)(HSMACKBLIT, unsigned short *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int) = 0; int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackGoto)(_SMACK *, long) = 0; int (__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBufferOpen)(HWND a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6) = nullptr; void(__stdcall *smackw32_SmackBufferNewPalette)(HSMACKBUF, void *, unsigned int) = nullptr; void(__stdcall *smackw32_SmackColorRemapWithTrans)(_SMACK *, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) = nullptr; void SMACKW32_DLL_Initialize() { HMODULE pDll = LoadLibraryW(L"SmackW32.dll"); #define LOAD(x) smackw32_##x = (decltype(smackw32_##x))GetProcAddress(pDll, #x) { smackw32_SmackSoundUseMSS = (int (__stdcall *)(HDIGDRIVER))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackSoundUseMSS@4"); smackw32_SmackUseMMX = (unsigned int (__stdcall *)(unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackUseMMX@4"); smackw32_SmackOpen = (HSMACK (__stdcall *)(HANDLE, unsigned int, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackOpen@12"); smackw32_SmackBlitOpen = (HSMACKBLIT (__stdcall *)(unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBlitOpen@4"); smackw32_SmackToBuffer = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACK, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackToBuffer@28"); smackw32_SmackBlitSetPalette = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACKBLIT, void *, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBlitSetPalette@12"); smackw32_SmackDoFrame = (unsigned int (__stdcall *)(HSMACK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackDoFrame@4"); smackw32_SmackToBufferRect = (unsigned int (__stdcall *)(HSMACK, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackToBufferRect@8"); smackw32_SmackBlit = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACKBLIT, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBlit@44"); smackw32_SmackNextFrame = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackNextFrame@4"); smackw32_SmackWait = (unsigned int (__stdcall *)(HSMACK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackWait@4"); smackw32_SmackSoundOnOff = (unsigned int (__stdcall *)(HSMACK, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackSoundOnOff@8"); smackw32_SmackClose = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackClose@4"); smackw32_SmackBufferClose = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACKBUF))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBufferClose@4"); smackw32_SmackBlitClose = (void (__stdcall *)(HSMACKBLIT))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBlitClose@4"); smackw32_SmackBlitClear = (int (__stdcall *)(HSMACKBLIT, unsigned short *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBlitClear@32"); smackw32_SmackGoto = (int (__stdcall *)(_SMACK *, long))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackGoto@8"); smackw32_SmackBufferOpen = (int (__stdcall *)(HWND, long, long, long, long, long))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBufferOpen@24"); smackw32_SmackBufferNewPalette = (void(__stdcall *)(HSMACKBUF, void *, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackBufferNewPalette@12"); smackw32_SmackColorRemapWithTrans = (void(__stdcall *)(_SMACK *, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_SmackColorRemapWithTrans@20"); //LOAD(SmackBufferNewPalette); //LOAD(SmackColorRemapWithTrans); } } void __stdcall SmackColorRemapWithTrans(_SMACK *a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5) { return (smackw32_SmackColorRemapWithTrans)(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } void __stdcall SmackBlitClose(HSMACKBLIT hBlit) { (smackw32_SmackBlitClose)(hBlit); } void __stdcall SmackBufferClose(HSMACKBUF hBuf) { (smackw32_SmackBufferClose)(hBuf); } void __stdcall SmackClose(HSMACK hSmack) { (smackw32_SmackClose)(hSmack); } unsigned int __stdcall SmackSoundOnOff(HSMACK hSmack, unsigned int bOn) { return (smackw32_SmackSoundOnOff)(hSmack, bOn); } unsigned int __stdcall SmackWait(HSMACK hSmack) { return (smackw32_SmackWait)(hSmack); } void __stdcall SmackNextFrame(HSMACK hSmack) { (smackw32_SmackNextFrame)(hSmack); } void __stdcall SmackBlit(HSMACKBLIT hBlit, void *pDest, unsigned int uDestPitch, unsigned int uDestX, unsigned int uDestY, void *pSrc, unsigned int uSrcPitch, unsigned int uSrcX, unsigned int uSrcY, unsigned int uSrcZ, unsigned int uSrcW) { (smackw32_SmackBlit)(hBlit, pDest, uDestPitch, uDestX, uDestY, pSrc, uSrcPitch, uSrcX, uSrcY, uSrcZ, uSrcW); } unsigned int __stdcall SmackToBufferRect(HSMACK hSmack, unsigned int uSmackSurface) { return (smackw32_SmackToBufferRect)(hSmack, uSmackSurface); } unsigned int __stdcall SmackDoFrame(HSMACK hSmack) { return (smackw32_SmackDoFrame)(hSmack); } void __stdcall SmackBlitSetPalette(HSMACKBLIT hBlit, void *pPalette, unsigned int uPalType) { (smackw32_SmackBlitSetPalette)(hBlit, pPalette, uPalType); } int __stdcall SmackSoundUseMSS(HDIGDRIVER hDrv) { return (smackw32_SmackSoundUseMSS)(hDrv); } unsigned int __stdcall SmackUseMMX(unsigned int flag) { return (smackw32_SmackUseMMX)(flag); } HSMACK __stdcall SmackOpen(HANDLE hSourceFile, unsigned int uFlags, unsigned int uExtraBuffers) { return (smackw32_SmackOpen)(hSourceFile, uFlags, uExtraBuffers); } HSMACKBLIT __stdcall SmackBlitOpen(unsigned int uSurfaceFormat) { return (smackw32_SmackBlitOpen)(uSurfaceFormat); } void __stdcall SmackToBuffer(HSMACK hSmack, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uPitch, unsigned int uHeight, void *pBuffer, unsigned int uFlags) { (smackw32_SmackToBuffer)(hSmack, uX, uY, uPitch, uHeight, pBuffer, uFlags); } int __stdcall SmackBlitClear(HSMACKBLIT a1, unsigned short *pFrameData, unsigned int uTargetSurfacePitch, unsigned int uOutX, unsigned int uOutY, unsigned int uOutZ, unsigned int uOutW, int a8) { return (smackw32_SmackBlitClear)(a1, pFrameData, uTargetSurfacePitch, uOutX, uOutY, uOutZ, uOutW, a8); } int __stdcall SmackGoto(_SMACK *a1, long a2) { return (smackw32_SmackGoto)(a1, a2); } int __stdcall SmackBufferOpen(HWND a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6) { return (smackw32_SmackBufferOpen)(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); } int __fastcall SmackVolumePan(_SMACK *a3, long a4, long a5, long a6) { //__asm int 3 return 0; } // sub_4D83D0: using guessed type int __stdcall SmackBufferNewPalette(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD); void __stdcall SmackBufferNewPalette(HSMACKBUF a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3) { (smackw32_SmackBufferNewPalette)(a1, a2, a3); } int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkDDSurfaceType)(struct IDirectDrawSurface *) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkSetSoundSystem)(void *, HDIGDRIVER) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkOpenMiles)(int) = 0; HBINK (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkOpen)(void *, unsigned int) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkWait)(HBINK) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkDoFrame)(HBINK) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkNextFrame)(HBINK) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkGetRects)(HBINK, unsigned int) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkCopyToBuffer)(HBINK, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkPause)(HBINK, int) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkClose)(HBINK) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkBufferSetOffset)(void *, int, int) = 0; int (__stdcall *binkw32_BinkBufferSetScale)(void *, unsigned int, unsigned int) = 0; void BINKW32_DLL_Initialize() { HMODULE pDll = LoadLibraryW(L"BinkW32.dll"); binkw32_BinkDDSurfaceType = (int (__stdcall *)(struct IDirectDrawSurface *))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkDDSurfaceType@4"); binkw32_BinkSetSoundSystem = (int (__stdcall *)(void *, HDIGDRIVER))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkSetSoundSystem@8"); binkw32_BinkOpenMiles = (int (__stdcall *)(int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkOpenMiles@4"); binkw32_BinkOpen = (HBINK (__stdcall *)(void *, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkOpen@8"); binkw32_BinkWait = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkWait@4"); binkw32_BinkBufferSetOffset = (int (__stdcall *)(void *, int, int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkBufferSetOffset@12"); binkw32_BinkBufferSetScale = (int (__stdcall *)(void *, unsigned int, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkBufferSetScale@12"); binkw32_BinkDoFrame = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkDoFrame@4"); binkw32_BinkNextFrame = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkNextFrame@4"); binkw32_BinkGetRects = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkGetRects@8"); binkw32_BinkCopyToBuffer = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkCopyToBuffer@28"); binkw32_BinkPause = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK, int))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkPause@8"); binkw32_BinkClose = (int (__stdcall *)(HBINK))GetProcAddress(pDll, "_BinkClose@4"); } int __stdcall BinkPause(HBINK hBink, int bPause) { return (binkw32_BinkPause)(hBink, bPause); } int __stdcall BinkClose(HBINK hBink) { return (binkw32_BinkClose)(hBink); } int __stdcall BinkGetRects(HBINK hBink, unsigned int uFlags) { return (binkw32_BinkGetRects)(hBink, uFlags); } int __stdcall BinkCopyToBuffer(HBINK hBink, void *pBuffer, unsigned int lPitch, unsigned int uNumScanlines, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uFlags) { return (binkw32_BinkCopyToBuffer)(hBink, pBuffer, lPitch, uNumScanlines, uX, uY, uFlags); } int __stdcall BinkDoFrame(HBINK hBink) { return (binkw32_BinkDoFrame)(hBink); } int __stdcall BinkNextFrame(HBINK hBink) { return (binkw32_BinkNextFrame)(hBink); } HBINK __stdcall BinkOpen(void *hFileHandle, unsigned int uFlags) { return (binkw32_BinkOpen)(hFileHandle, uFlags); } int __stdcall BinkOpenMiles(int unk) { return (binkw32_BinkOpenMiles)(unk); } int __stdcall BinkWait(HBINK hBink) { return (binkw32_BinkWait)(hBink); } int __stdcall BinkBufferSetOffset(void *pStruct, int b, int c) { return (binkw32_BinkBufferSetOffset)(pStruct, b, c); } int __stdcall BinkBufferSetScale(void *pStruct, unsigned int uWidth, unsigned int uHeight) { return (binkw32_BinkBufferSetScale)(pStruct, uWidth, uHeight); } int __stdcall BinkDDSurfaceType(struct IDirectDrawSurface *pDDS) { return (binkw32_BinkDDSurfaceType)(pDDS); } int __stdcall BinkSetSoundSystem(void *pSoundSystem, HDIGDRIVER hDrv) { return (binkw32_BinkSetSoundSystem)(pSoundSystem, hDrv); } int __stdcall BinkGoto(_BINK *a1, long a2, long a3) { __asm int 3 return 0; }