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view Media/Audio/AIL.h @ 2521:8e2022a843d9
author | a.parshin |
date | Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:30:22 +0300 |
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#pragma once #include "OSAPI.h" /* 252 */ enum AILFILETYPE : __int32 { AILFILETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x0, AILFILETYPE_PCM_WAV = 0x1, AILFILETYPE_ADPCM_WAV = 0x2, AILFILETYPE_OTHER_WAV = 0x3, AILFILETYPE_VOC = 0x4, AILFILETYPE_MIDI = 0x5, AILFILETYPE_XMIDI = 0x6, AILFILETYPE_7 = 0x7, AILFILETYPE_XMIDI_MLS = 0x8, AILFILETYPE_DLS = 0x9, AILFILETYPE_MLS = 0xA, AILFILETYPE_MPEG_L1_AUDIO = 0xB, AILFILETYPE_MPEG_L2_AUDIO = 0xC, AILFILETYPE_MPEG_L3_AUDIO = 0xD, AILFILETYPE_OTHER_ASI_WAV = 0xE, AILFILETYPE_OTHER_ASI_F = 0xF, }; /* 253 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct AILSOUNDINFO { int uFormat; void *pData; unsigned int uDataSize; unsigned int uRate; int uBits; int uChannels; unsigned int uSamples; unsigned int uBlockSize; void *pInitial; }; #pragma pack(pop) //Bink typedef struct _BINK *HBINK; typedef struct _BINKBUF *HBINKBUF; //Smacker & AIL types typedef struct _DIG_DRIVER *HDIGDRIVER; typedef struct _SMACK *HSMACK; typedef struct _SMACKBLIT *HSMACKBLIT; typedef struct _SMACKBUF *HSMACKBUF; //AIL typedef struct _REDBOOK *HREDBOOK; typedef struct _SAMPLE *HSAMPLE; typedef struct _PROVIDER *HPROVIDER; typedef struct _SEQUENCE *HSEQUENCE; typedef struct _STREAM *HSTREAM; typedef __int32 HATTRIB; typedef __int32 HASISTREAM; // Handle to stream being managed by ASI codec void MSS32_DLL_Initialize(); #define AILCALL __stdcall #define AILCALLBACK __stdcall typedef __int32 (AILCALLBACK FAR * AILASIFETCHCB) (unsigned __int32 user, // User value passed to ASI_open_stream() void FAR *dest, // Location to which stream data should be copied by app __int32 bytes_requested, // # of bytes requested by ASI codec __int32 offset); // If not -1, application should seek to this point in stream typedef HASISTREAM (AILCALL FAR *ASI_STREAM_OPEN) (unsigned __int32 user, // User value passed to fetch callback AILASIFETCHCB fetch_CB, // Source data fetch handler unsigned __int32 total_size); // Total size for %-done calculations (0=unknown) typedef __int32 (AILCALL FAR *ASI_STREAM_PROCESS) (HASISTREAM stream, // Handle of stream void FAR *buffer, // Destination for processed data __int32 buffer_size); // # of bytes to return in buffer typedef __int32 (AILCALL FAR *ASI_STREAM_SEEK) (HASISTREAM stream, __int32 stream_offset); typedef __int32 (AILCALL FAR *ASI_STREAM_CLOSE) (HASISTREAM stream); typedef __int32 (AILCALL FAR *ASI_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE) (HASISTREAM stream, HATTRIB attrib); typedef __int32 (AILCALL FAR *ASI_STREAM_SET_PREFERENCE) (HASISTREAM stream, HATTRIB preference, void const FAR * value); typedef struct { ASI_STREAM_OPEN ASI_stream_open; ASI_STREAM_PROCESS ASI_stream_process; ASI_STREAM_SEEK ASI_stream_seek; ASI_STREAM_CLOSE ASI_stream_close; ASI_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE ASI_stream_attribute; ASI_STREAM_SET_PREFERENCE ASI_stream_set_preference; HATTRIB INPUT_BIT_RATE; HATTRIB INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE; HATTRIB INPUT_BITS; HATTRIB INPUT_CHANNELS; HATTRIB OUTPUT_BIT_RATE; HATTRIB OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE; HATTRIB OUTPUT_BITS; HATTRIB OUTPUT_CHANNELS; HATTRIB POSITION; HATTRIB PERCENT_DONE; HATTRIB MIN_INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE; HATTRIB RAW_RATE; HATTRIB RAW_BITS; HATTRIB RAW_CHANNELS; HATTRIB REQUESTED_RATE; HATTRIB REQUESTED_BITS; HATTRIB REQUESTED_CHANS; HASISTREAM stream; } ASISTAGE; typedef void (AILCALLBACK FAR* AILSTREAMCB)(HSTREAM stream); typedef struct _STREAM { __int32 block_oriented; // 1 if this is an ADPCM or ASI-compressed stream __int32 using_ASI; // 1 if using ASI decoder to uncompress stream data ASISTAGE FAR *ASI; // handy pointer to our ASI coded HSAMPLE samp; // the sample handle unsigned __int32 fileh; // the open file handle unsigned __int8 FAR* bufs[3]; // the data buffers unsigned __int32 bufsizes[3]; // the size of each buffer __int32 reset_ASI[3]; // should we reset the ASI at the end of the buffer? __int32 bufstart[3]; // offset of where this buffer started void FAR* asyncs[3];// async read structures __int32 loadedbufstart[2]; // offset of where the loaded buffer started __int32 loadedorder[2]; // order of the buffers as they were loaded __int32 loadorder; // incremented as each buffer is loaded __int32 bufsize; // size of each buffer __int32 readsize; // size of each read block unsigned __int32 buf1; // 0,1,2 (current buffer that we are reading into) __int32 size1; // holds the current amount of data read unsigned __int32 buf2; // 0,1,2 (the next buffer that we are reading into) __int32 size2; // next buffer loaded up to unsigned __int32 buf3; // 0,1,2 (the next buffer that we are reading into) __int32 size3; // next buffer loaded up to unsigned __int32 datarate; // datarate in bytes per second __int32 filerate; // original datarate of the file __int32 filetype; // file format type unsigned __int32 fileflags; // file format flags (signed or unsigned) __int32 totallen; // total length of the sound data __int32 substart; // subblock loop start __int32 sublen; // subblock loop len __int32 subpadding; // amount to pad the final block unsigned __int32 blocksize; // ADPCM block size __int32 padding; // padding to be done __int32 padded; // padding done __int32 loadedsome; // have we done any loads? unsigned __int32 startpos; // point that the sound data begins unsigned __int32 totalread; // total bytes read from the disk unsigned __int32 loopsleft; // how many loops are left unsigned __int32 error; // read error has occurred __int32 preload; // preload the file into the first buffer unsigned __int32 preloadpos; // position to use in preload __int32 noback; // no background processing __int32 alldone; // alldone __int32 primeamount; // amount to load after a seek __int32 readatleast; // forced amount to read on next service __int32 playcontrol; // control: 0=stopped, 1=started, |8=paused, |16=sample paused AILSTREAMCB callback; // end of stream callback __int32 user_data[8]; // Miscellaneous user data void FAR* next; // pointer to next stream #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) || defined(IS_MAC) __int32 autostreaming; // are we autostreaming this stream #endif #ifdef IS_WINDOWS __int32 cb_IsWin32s; // Is the callback win32s? #endif __int32 docallback; // set when it time to poll for a callback #ifdef IS_MAC IOParam stream_param; __int32 donext; __int32 donext1; unsigned __int32 fillup; unsigned __int32 session; unsigned __int32 tamt; unsigned __int32 buf; __int32* size; __int32* done; __int32 done1; __int32 done2; __int32 done3; Boolean force_quit; #endif } MSTREAM_TYPE; int __stdcall AIL_startup(); HREDBOOK __stdcall AIL_redbook_open_drive(long drive); HREDBOOK __stdcall AIL_redbook_open(int); int __stdcall AIL_set_preference(unsigned int number, int value); int __stdcall AIL_waveOutOpen(HDIGDRIVER *drv, HWAVEOUT *phWaveOut, int wDeviceID, WAVEFORMAT *pFormat); int __stdcall AIL_get_preference(unsigned int number); int __stdcall AIL_digital_configuration(HDIGDRIVER drv, int *rate, int *format, char *string); HSAMPLE __stdcall AIL_allocate_sample_handle(HDIGDRIVER hDrv); unsigned int __stdcall AIL_redbook_tracks(HREDBOOK hRedbook); int __stdcall AIL_redbook_volume(HREDBOOK hRedbook); unsigned int __stdcall AIL_redbook_stop(HREDBOOK hRedbook); void __stdcall AIL_set_digital_master_volume(HDIGDRIVER hDrv, float master_volume); int __stdcall AIL_redbook_set_volume(HREDBOOK hRedbook, int volume); unsigned int __stdcall AIL_redbook_pause(HREDBOOK hRedbook); void __stdcall AIL_redbook_track_info(HREDBOOK hRedbook, unsigned int uTrackNum, unsigned int *pStartMS, unsigned int *pEndMS); unsigned int __stdcall AIL_redbook_play(HREDBOOK hRedbook, unsigned int uStartMS, unsigned int uEndMS); unsigned int __stdcall AIL_redbook_resume(HREDBOOK); int __stdcall AIL_enumerate_3D_providers(int *a1, HPROVIDER *pOutProv, char **pOutName); DWORD __stdcall AIL_open_3D_provider(HPROVIDER a2); void __stdcall AIL_3D_provider_attribute(HPROVIDER lib, char *name, void *val); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_provider_preference(HPROVIDER a1, const char *a2, int *a3); void __stdcall AIL_waveOutClose(HDIGDRIVER drvr); int __stdcall AIL_allocate_3D_sample_handle(HPROVIDER); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_sample_float_distances(void *a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_sample_volume(void *a1, long a2); void __stdcall AIL_release_sample_handle(HSAMPLE s); int __stdcall AIL_3D_position(void *a1, int *a2, float *a3, long *a4); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_sample_file(long a1, void *a2); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_sample_loop_count(long a1, long a2); int __stdcall AIL_start_3D_sample(long a1); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_position(void *hSample, long a2, long a3, long a4); int __stdcall AIL_set_3D_orientation(void *hSample, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6, long a7); int __stdcall AIL_release_3D_sample_handle(void *hHandle); int __stdcall AIL_close_3D_provider(HPROVIDER); int __stdcall AIL_redbook_close(HREDBOOK); // sub_4D8344: using guessed type int __stdcall AIL_shutdown(); int __stdcall AIL_shutdown(); int __stdcall AIL_end_sample(HSAMPLE a1); int __stdcall AIL_end_3D_sample(void *a1); void __stdcall AIL_end_sequence(HSEQUENCE a1); void __stdcall AIL_pause_stream(HSTREAM a1, int onoff); int __stdcall AIL_set_sample_file(HSAMPLE, const void *file_image, int block); int __stdcall AIL_start_sample(HSAMPLE); void __stdcall AIL_set_sample_playback_rate(HSAMPLE, int rate); void __stdcall AIL_sample_ms_position(HSAMPLE, int *pTotalMS, int *pCurrentMS); int __stdcall AIL_3D_sample_status(void *a1); namespace AIL { namespace Sample { enum Status { Free = 1, // Sample is available for allocation Done = 2, // Sample has finished playing, or has never been started Playing = 4, // Sample is playing Stopped = 8, // Sample has been stopped PlayingButReleased = 16 // Sample is playing, but digital handle has been temporarily released }; }; }; AIL::Sample::Status __stdcall AIL_sample_status(HSAMPLE a1); void __stdcall AIL_set_sample_loop_count(HSAMPLE, int); int __stdcall AIL_set_sample_volume(HSAMPLE a1, long a2); int __stdcall AIL_sample_volume(HSAMPLE); void __stdcall AIL_init_sample(HSAMPLE); int __stdcall AIL_set_sample_pan(HSAMPLE, long a2); AILFILETYPE __stdcall AIL_file_type(void *pSoundBytes, int numBytes); int __stdcall AIL_WAV_info(void *pSoundBytes, AILSOUNDINFO *pInfo); int __stdcall AIL_decompress_ADPCM(AILSOUNDINFO *pInfo, void *a2, void *a3); int __stdcall AIL_mem_free_lock(void *a1);