view GUI/UI/UiGame.cpp @ 2521:8e2022a843d9

author a.parshin
date Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:30:22 +0300
parents 56b6d74ce716
children c7264ab7132f
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

#include "..\../Engine/Events.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Texture.h"
#include "..\../Engine/MM7.h"
#include "..\../Engine/ErrorHandling.h"

#include "..\../IO/Mouse.h"
#include "..\../IO/Keyboard.h"
#include "..\../Engine/mm7_data.h"

#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Vis.h"
#include "..\../Engine/MapInfo.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Game.h"
#include "..\../GUI/GUIWindow.h"
#include "..\../GUI/GUIFont.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Party.h"
#include "..\../Media/Audio/AudioPlayer.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
#include "..\../Engine/LOD.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Objects/Actor.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Objects/SpriteObject.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Objects/ObjectList.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/DecorationList.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Tables/PlayerFrameTable.h"
#include "..\../Engine/stru123.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Timer.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Tables/IconFrameTable.h"
#include "..\../Engine/TurnEngine/TurnEngine.h"
#include "..\../Engine/texts.h"
#include "UIHouses.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/BSPModel.h"
#include "..\../Engine/OurMath.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Objects/Chest.h"
#include "UIGame.h"

#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Overlays.h"

#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/Sprites.h"
#include "..\../Engine/Graphics/PaletteManager.h"

int uTextureID_GameUI_CharSelectionFrame; // 50C98C

//----- (00421D00) --------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall GameUI_OnPlayerPortraitLeftClick(unsigned int uPlayerID)
  Player* player = &pParty->pPlayers[uPlayerID - 1];
  if (pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID)
    if (int slot = player->AddItem(-1, pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID))
      memcpy(&player->pInventoryItemList[slot-1], &pParty->pPickedItem, 0x24u);
      viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;

    if (!player->CanAct())
      player = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
    if( player->CanAct() || !pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanAct() )
      player->PlaySound(SPEECH_NoRoom, 0);

  if (pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_GAME)
    viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
    if ( uActiveCharacter != uPlayerID )
      if ( pPlayers[uPlayerID]->uTimeToRecovery )

      uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu = CharacterUI_Initialize(7);
  if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_SPELL_BOOK )
  if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_CHEST )
    viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
    if ( uActiveCharacter == uPlayerID )
      pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing_buttons____and_an_int_[0] = 103;
      pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CHEST_INVENTORY;
      uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
    if ( pPlayers[uPlayerID]->uTimeToRecovery )
    uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
  if ( pCurrentScreen != SCREEN_HOUSE )
    if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_E )
      uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
    if ( pCurrentScreen != SCREEN_CHEST_INVENTORY )
      viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
      uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
      if ( pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing_buttons____and_an_int_[0] == 102 )
    viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
    if ( uActiveCharacter == uPlayerID )
      pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing_buttons____and_an_int_[0] = 103;
      pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CHEST_INVENTORY;
      uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
    if ( pPlayers[uPlayerID]->uTimeToRecovery )
    uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
  if ( window_SpeakInHouse->receives_keyboard_input_2 == WINDOW_INPUT_IN_PROGRESS)
  viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
  if ( uActiveCharacter != uPlayerID )
    uActiveCharacter = uPlayerID;
  if (dialog_menu_id == HOUSE_DIALOGUE_SHOP_BUY_STANDARD || dialog_menu_id == HOUSE_DIALOGUE_SHOP_6)
    __debugbreak(); // fix indexing
    pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing_buttons____and_an_int_[0] = 103;
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu = CharacterUI_Initialize(14);
// 4E28F8: using guessed type int pCurrentScreen;
// F8B19C: using guessed type int dword_F8B19C;

//----- (00416B01) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawNPCPopup(void *_this)//PopupWindowForBenefitAndJoinText
  int v1; // edi@2
  NPCData *pNPC; // eax@16
  const CHAR *pText; // eax@18
  char *v11; // esi@26
  GUIWindow popup_window; // [sp+Ch] [bp-60h]@23
  int a2; // [sp+60h] [bp-Ch]@16
  LPCSTR lpsz; // [sp+68h] [bp-4h]@6

  if ( bNoNPCHiring != 1 )
    v1 = 0;
      if ( v3->pName )
        pTmpBuf[v1++] = v2;
    while ( (signed int)v3 < (signed int)&pParty->pPickedItem );*/
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
     if (pParty->pHirelings[i].pName)
        pTmpBuf[v1++] = i;
    lpsz = 0;
    if ( (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs > 0 )
      /*v4 = pNPCStats->pNewNPCData;
        if ( v4->uFlags & 0x80
          && (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp(v4->pName, pParty->pHirelings[0].pName))
          && (!pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp(v4->pName, pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)) )
          pTmpBuf[v1++] = (char)lpsz + 2;
      while ( (signed int)lpsz < (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs );*/
      for ( uint i = 0; i < pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i )
        if (pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].Hired())
          if (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp((char *)pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, (char *)pParty->pHirelings[0].pName))
            if (!pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp((char *)pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, (char *)pParty->pHirelings[1].pName))
              pTmpBuf[v1++] = i + 2;
    if ( (signed int)((char *)_this + pParty->hirelingScrollPosition) < v1 )
      sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID = -1 - pParty->hirelingScrollPosition - (int)_this;
      pNPC = GetNewNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID, &a2);
      if ( pNPC )
        if ( a2 == 57 )
          pText = pNPCTopics[512].pText; // Baby dragon
          pText = (const CHAR *)pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession].pBenefits;
        lpsz = pText;
        if ( !pText )
          lpsz = (LPCSTR)pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession].pJoinText;
          if ( !lpsz )
            lpsz = "";
        popup_window.Hint = nullptr;
        popup_window.uFrameX = 38;
        popup_window.uFrameY = 60;
        popup_window.uFrameWidth = 276;
        popup_window.uFrameZ = 313;
        popup_window.uFrameHeight = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(lpsz, &popup_window, 0, 0) + 2 * LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) + 24;
        if ( (signed int)popup_window.uFrameHeight < 130 )
          popup_window.uFrameHeight = 130;
        popup_window.uFrameWidth = 400;
        popup_window.uFrameZ = popup_window.uFrameX + 399;
        sprintfex(, "NPC%03d", pNPC->uPortraitID);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(popup_window.uFrameX + 22, popup_window.uFrameY + 36,
            (Texture *)(pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE) != -1
            ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)] : 0));
        if ( pNPC->uProfession )
          v11 =;
          sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[429], pNPC->pName, aNPCProfessionNames[pNPC->uProfession]);
          v11 =;
          strcpy(, pNPC->pName);
        popup_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 12, Color16(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu), v11, 3);
        popup_window.uFrameWidth -= 24;
        popup_window.uFrameZ = popup_window.uFrameX + popup_window.uFrameWidth - 1;
        popup_window.DrawText(pFontArrus, 100, 36, 0, BuildDialogueString((char *)lpsz, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0);

//----- (00445D4A) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_InitializeDialogue(Actor *actor, int bPlayerSaysHello)
  NPCData *pNPCInfo; // ebp@1
  int v9; // esi@8
  int pNumberContacts; // eax@11
  char pContainer[32]; // [sp+14h] [bp-28h]@3

  dword_A74CDC = -1;
  pNPCStats->dword_AE336C_LastMispronouncedNameFirstLetter = -1;
  pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
  uDialogueType = 0;
  sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID = actor->sNPC_ID;
  pDialogue_SpeakingActor = actor;
  pNPCInfo = GetNPCData(actor->sNPC_ID);
  if ( (pNPCInfo->uFlags & 3) != 2 )
    pNPCInfo->uFlags = pNPCInfo->uFlags + 1;

  switch (pParty->alignment)
    case PartyAlignment_Good:    sprintfex(pContainer, "evt%02d-b", const_2()); break;
    case PartyAlignment_Neutral: sprintfex(pContainer, "evt%02d", const_2());   break;
    case PartyAlignment_Evil:    sprintfex(pContainer, "evt%02d-c", const_2()); break;

  pDialogueNPCCount = 0;
  uNumDialogueNPCPortraits = 1;
  pTexture_Dialogue_Background = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pContainer, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
  sprintfex(pContainer, "npc%03u", pNPCInfo->uPortraitID);
  v9 = 0;
  pDialogueNPCPortraits[0] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr(pContainer, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
  dword_591084 = areWeLoadingTexture;
  uTextureID_right_panel_loop = uTextureID_right_panel;
  if ( !pNPCInfo->Hired() && pNPCInfo->Location2D >= 0 )
    if ( (signed int)pParty->GetPartyFame() <= pNPCInfo->fame
      || (pNumberContacts = pNPCInfo->uFlags & 0xFFFFFF7F, (pNumberContacts & 0x80000000u) != 0) )
      v9 = 1;
		if ( pNumberContacts > 1 )
		  if ( pNumberContacts == 2 )
			v9 = 3;
			  if ( pNumberContacts != 3 )
				if ( pNumberContacts != 4 )
				  v9 = 1;
				v9 = 2;
		else if ( pNPCInfo->rep )
		  v9 = 2;
  if (sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID < 0)
    v9 = 4;
  pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(),  window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_Dialogue, 3, 0);//pNumberContacts = 1, v9 = 0; pNumberContacts = 2, v9 = 3;
  if (pNPCInfo->Hired() && !pNPCInfo->bHasUsedTheAbility)
    if (pNPCInfo->uProfession == 10 ||    //Healer
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 11 ||    //Expert Healer
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 12 ||    //Master Healer
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 33 ||    //Cook
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 34 ||    //Chef
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 39 ||    //Wind Master
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 40 ||    //Water Master
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 41 ||    //Gate Master
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 42 ||    //Chaplain
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 43 ||    //Piper
        pNPCInfo->uProfession == 52       //Fallen Wizard
      pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480, 250, 140, LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) - 3, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 9, 0, "", 0);
      pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(4, 1, 0, 1);

  pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 61, 424, 31, 40, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 1, '1', "", 0);
  pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(177, 424, 31, 40, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 2, '2', "", 0);
  pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(292, 424, 31, 40, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 3, '3', "", 0);
  pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(407, 424, 31, 40, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 4, '4', "", 0);

  if (bPlayerSaysHello && uActiveCharacter && !pNPCInfo->Hired())
    if (pParty->uCurrentHour < 5 || pParty->uCurrentHour > 21)
      pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_GoodEvening, 0);
      pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_GoodDay, 0);

//----- (00445350) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawDialogue()
  NPCData *pNPC; // ebx@2
  int pGreetType; // eax@2
  int pTextHeight; // esi@39
  GUIButton *pButton; // eax@43
  int all_text_height; // ebx@93
  signed int index; // esi@99
  int v42; // edi@102
  int v45;
  unsigned __int16 pTextColor; // ax@104
  GUIWindow window; // [sp+ACh] [bp-68h]@42
//  GUIFont *pOutString; // [sp+10Ch] [bp-8h]@39
  const char *pInString=nullptr; // [sp+110h] [bp-4h]@32

  if ( !pDialogueWindow )

  // Window title(Заголовок окна)----
  memcpy(&window, pDialogueWindow, sizeof(window));
  pNPC = GetNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID);
  pGreetType = GetGreetType(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID);
  window.uFrameWidth -= 10;
  window.uFrameZ -= 10;
  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(477, 0, pTexture_Dialogue_Background);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(468, 0, (Texture *)(uTextureID_right_panel_loop != -1 ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_right_panel_loop] : 0));
  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pNPCPortraits_x[0][0] - 4, pNPCPortraits_y[0][0] - 4, (Texture *)(uTextureID_50795C != -1 ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50795C] : 0));
  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pNPCPortraits_x[0][0], pNPCPortraits_y[0][0], pDialogueNPCPortraits[0]);

  if (pNPC->uProfession)
    assert(pNPC->uProfession < sizeof(aNPCProfessionNames) / sizeof(*; // sometimes buffer overflows; errors emerge both here and in dialogue text
    sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[429], pNPC->pName, aNPCProfessionNames[pNPC->uProfession]);//^Pi[%s] %s
  else if (pNPC->pName)
    strcpy(, pNPC->pName);

  window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 483, 112, ui_game_dialogue_npc_name_color,, 3);

  pInString = nullptr;
  switch (uDialogueType)
    case DIALOGUE_13:
      pInString = BuildDialogueString(pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession].pJoinText, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

      //auto prof = pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession];

      if (dialogue_show_profession_details)
        pInString = BuildDialogueString(pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession].pBenefits, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      else if (pNPC->Hired())
        pInString = BuildDialogueString(pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession].pDismissText, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        pInString = BuildDialogueString(pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession].pJoinText, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

      pInString = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[574]; // "Welcome to the Arena of Life and Death.  Remember, you are only allowed one arena combat per visit.  To fight an arena battle, select the option that best describes your abilities and return to me- if you survive:"

      pInString = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[577]; //"Get back in there you wimps:"

      sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[576], gold_transaction_amount);// "Congratulations on your win: here's your stuff: %u gold."
      pInString =;

      pInString = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[582]; // "You already won this trip to the Arena:"

      if (uDialogueType > DIALOGUE_18 && uDialogueType < DIALOGUE_EVT_E && !byte_5B0938[0])
        pInString = (char *)current_npc_text;
      else if (pGreetType == 1)//QuestNPC_greet
        if (pNPC->greet)
          if ((pNPC->uFlags & 3) == 2)
            pInString = pNPCStats->pNPCGreetings[pNPC->greet].pGreeting2;
            pInString = pNPCStats->pNPCGreetings[pNPC->greet].pGreeting1;
      else if (pGreetType == 2)//HiredNPC_greet
        NPCProfession* prof = &pNPCStats->pProfessions[pNPC->uProfession];

        if (pNPC->Hired())
          pInString = BuildDialogueString(prof->pDismissText, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
          pInString = BuildDialogueString(prof->pJoinText, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  // Message window(Окно сообщения)---- 
  if (pInString)
    window.uFrameWidth = game_viewport_width;
    window.uFrameZ = 452;
    GUIFont* font = pFontArrus;
    pTextHeight = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pInString, &window, 13, 0) + 7;
    if ( 352 - pTextHeight < 8 )
      font = pFontCreate;
       pTextHeight = pFontCreate->CalcTextHeight(pInString, &window, 13, 0) + 7;
    if (uTextureID_Leather != -1)
      pRenderer->GetLeather(8, 352 - pTextHeight, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather], pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather].uTextureHeight - pTextHeight);
    pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 347 - pTextHeight, pTexture_591428);
    pDialogueWindow->DrawText(font, 13, 354 - pTextHeight, 0, FitTextInAWindow(pInString, font,  &window, 13, 0), 0, 0, 0);
  // Right panel(Правая панель)------- 
  memcpy(&window, pDialogueWindow, sizeof(window));
  window.uFrameX = 483;
  window.uFrameWidth = 148;
  window.uFrameZ = 334;
  for (int i = window.pStartingPosActiveItem; i < window.pStartingPosActiveItem + window.pNumPresenceButton; ++i)
    pButton = window.GetControl(i);
    if ( !pButton )

    if ( pButton->msg_param > 88 )
      pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 88)
      strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[581]); // Lord
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 87)
      strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[580]); // Knight
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 86)
      strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[579]); // Squire
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 85)
      strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[578]); // Page
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 77)
      strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[407]); // Details
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 76)
      if (pNPC->Hired())
        sprintf(pButton->pButtonName, (const char*)pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[408], pNPC->pName); // Release %s
        strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[406]); // Hire
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 24)
      __debugbreak(); // learn conditions of this event
      if (!pNPC->evt_F)
        pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
        pButton->msg_param = 0;
        strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pNPCTopics[pNPC->evt_F].pTopic);
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 9)
      strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, GetProfessionActionText(pNPC->uProfession));
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 19) // Scavenger Hunt
      if (!pNPC->evt_A)
        pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
        pButton->msg_param = 0;
        strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pNPCTopics[pNPC->evt_A].pTopic);
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 20) // Scavenger Hunt
      if (!pNPC->evt_B)
        pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
        pButton->msg_param = 0;
      else strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pNPCTopics[pNPC->evt_B].pTopic);
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 21)
      //__debugbreak(); // learn conditions of this event
      if (!pNPC->evt_C)
        pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
        pButton->msg_param = 0;
      else strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pNPCTopics[pNPC->evt_C].pTopic);
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 22)
      //__debugbreak(); // learn conditions of this event
      if (!pNPC->evt_D)
        pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
        pButton->msg_param = 0;
      else strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pNPCTopics[pNPC->evt_D].pTopic);
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 23)
      //__debugbreak(); // learn conditions of this event
      if (!pNPC->evt_E)
        pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;
        pButton->msg_param = 0;
      else strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pNPCTopics[pNPC->evt_E].pTopic);
    else if (pButton->msg_param == 13)
      if (pNPC->Hired())
        sprintf(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[408], pNPC->pName); // Release %s
        strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[122]); // Join
      pButton->pButtonName[0] = 0;

    if (pParty->field_7B5_in_arena_quest && pParty->field_7B5_in_arena_quest != -1)
      int num_dead_actors = 0;
      pInString = nullptr;
      for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i )
        if (pActors[i].uAIState == Dead || pActors[i].uAIState == Removed || pActors[i].uAIState  == Disabled)
          int sumonner_type = PID_TYPE(pActors[i].uSummonerID);
          if (sumonner_type == OBJECT_Player)
      if (num_dead_actors == uNumActors)
        strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[658]); // Collect Prize

  // Install Buttons(Установка кнопок)-------- 
  index = 0;
  all_text_height = 0;
  for ( int i = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
        i < pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton; ++i )
    pButton = pDialogueWindow->GetControl(i);
    if ( !pButton )
    all_text_height += pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pButton->pButtonName, &window, 0, 0);
  if ( index )
    v45 = (174 - all_text_height) / index;
    if ( v45 > 32 )
      v45 = 32;
    v42 = (174 - v45 * index - all_text_height)/ 2 - v45 / 2 + 138;
    for ( int i = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
          i < pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem; ++i )
      pButton = pDialogueWindow->GetControl(i);
      if ( !pButton )
      pButton->uY = (unsigned int)(v45 + v42);
      pTextHeight = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pButton->pButtonName, &window, 0, 0);
      pButton->uHeight = pTextHeight;
      v42 = pButton->uY + pTextHeight - 1;
      pButton->uW = v42;
      pTextColor = ui_game_dialogue_option_normal_color;
      if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem == i )
		pTextColor = ui_game_dialogue_option_highlight_color;
      window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, pButton->uY, pTextColor, pButton->pButtonName, 3);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(471, 445, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId));

//----- (00444FBE) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawBranchlessDialogue()
  int pTextHeight; // esi@4
  char Str[200]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-120h]@12
  GUIWindow BranchlessDlg_window; // [sp+D4h] [bp-58h]@4
  GUIFont *pFont; // [sp+128h] [bp-4h]@1

  pFont = pFontArrus;
  if ( current_npc_text && !byte_5B0938[0] )
    strcpy(, current_npc_text);
  BranchlessDlg_window.uFrameWidth = game_viewport_width;
  BranchlessDlg_window.uFrameZ = 452;
  pTextHeight = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(, &BranchlessDlg_window, 12, 0) + 7;
  if ( 352 - pTextHeight < 8 )
    pFont = pFontCreate;
    pTextHeight = pFontCreate->CalcTextHeight(, &BranchlessDlg_window, 12, 0) + 7;
  pRenderer->GetLeather(8, 352 - pTextHeight, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_Leather), pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_Leather)->uTextureHeight - pTextHeight);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 347 - pTextHeight, pTexture_591428);
  pGUIWindow2->DrawText(pFont, 12, 354 - pTextHeight, 0, FitTextInAWindow(, pFont, &BranchlessDlg_window, 12, 0), 0, 0, 0);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0x160u, pTexture_StatusBar);
  if ( pGUIWindow2->receives_keyboard_input_2 != WINDOW_INPUT_IN_PROGRESS)
    if ( pGUIWindow2->receives_keyboard_input_2 == WINDOW_INPUT_CONFIRMED)
      pGUIWindow2->receives_keyboard_input_2 = WINDOW_INPUT_NONE;
      strcpy(, pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
    if ( pGUIWindow2->receives_keyboard_input_2 != WINDOW_INPUT_CANCELLED)
    pGUIWindow2->receives_keyboard_input_2 = WINDOW_INPUT_NONE;
    memset(, 0, 0xC8u);
  if ( pGUIWindow2->ptr_1C == (void *)26 )
    sprintf(Str, "%s %s", GameUI_Footer_TimedString, pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
    pGUIWindow2->DrawText(pFontLucida, 13, 357, 0, Str, 0, 0, 0);
    pGUIWindow2->DrawFlashingInputCursor(pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(Str) + 13, 357, pFontLucida);
  if ( pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer[0] )
    memset(, 0, 0xC8u);

//----- (004443D5) --------------------------------------------------------
const char *GameUI_GetMinimapHintText()
  double v3; // st7@1
  int v7; // eax@4
  const char *v14; // eax@8
  char *result; // eax@12
  unsigned int pMapID; // eax@14
  int global_coord_X; // [sp+10h] [bp-1Ch]@1
  int global_coord_Y; // [sp+14h] [bp-18h]@1
  unsigned int pY; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-10h]@1
  unsigned int pX; // [sp+28h] [bp-4h]@1

  result = 0;
  pMouse->GetClickPos(&pX, &pY);
  v3 = 1.0 / (float)((signed int)viewparams->uMinimapZoom * 0.000015258789);
  global_coord_X = (signed __int64)((double)(pX - 557) * v3 + (double)pParty->vPosition.x);
  global_coord_Y = (signed __int64)((double)pParty->vPosition.y - (double)(pY - 74) * v3);
  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Outdoor || pOutdoor->uNumBModels <= 0 )
    pMapID = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
    if ( pMapID == 0 )
      result = "No Maze Info for this maze on file!";
      result = pMapStats->pInfos[pMapID].pName;
    for ( uint j = 0; j < (uint)pOutdoor->uNumBModels; ++j )
      v7 = int_get_vector_length(abs((signed)pOutdoor->pBModels[j].vBoundingCenter.x - global_coord_X),
                                 abs((signed)pOutdoor->pBModels[j].vBoundingCenter.y - global_coord_Y), 0);
      if ( v7 < 2 * pOutdoor->pBModels[j].sBoundingRadius )
        if ( pOutdoor->pBModels[j].uNumFaces )
          for ( uint i = 0; i < (uint)pOutdoor->pBModels[j].uNumFaces; ++i )
            if ( pOutdoor->pBModels[j].pFaces[i].sCogTriggeredID )
              if ( !(pOutdoor->pBModels[j].pFaces[i].uAttributes & FACE_HAS_EVENT) )
                v14 = GetEventHintString(pOutdoor->pBModels[j].pFaces[i].sCogTriggeredID);
                if ( v14 )
                  if ( _stricmp(v14, "") )
                    result = (char *)v14;
        if ( result )
          return result;
    pMapID = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
    if ( pMapID == 0 )
      result = "No Maze Info for this maze on file!";
      result = pMapStats->pInfos[pMapID].pName;
    return result;
  return result;

//----- (0041D3B7) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_CharacterQuickRecord_Draw(GUIWindow *window, Player *player)
  Texture *v13; // eax@6
  PlayerFrame *v15; // eax@12
  unsigned int pTextColor; // eax@15
  const char *v29; // eax@16
  int v36; // esi@22
  const char *v39; // eax@24
  signed int uFramesetID; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@9
  int uFramesetIDa; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@18

  uint numActivePlayerBuffs = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < 24; ++i)
    if (player->pPlayerBuffs[i].uExpireTime > 0)

  window->uFrameHeight = ((pFontArrus->uFontHeight + 162) + ((numActivePlayerBuffs - 1) * pFontArrus->uFontHeight));
  window->uFrameZ = window->uFrameWidth + window->uFrameX - 1;
  window->uFrameW = ((pFontArrus->uFontHeight + 162) + ((numActivePlayerBuffs - 1) * pFontArrus->uFontHeight)) + window->uFrameY - 1;

  if (player->IsEradicated())
    v13 = pTexture_PlayerFaceEradicated;
  else if (player->IsDead())
    v13 = pTexture_PlayerFaceDead;
      uFramesetID = pPlayerFrameTable->GetFrameIdByExpression(player->expression);
      if ( !uFramesetID )
        uFramesetID = 1;
      if ( player->expression == CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_21)
        v15 = pPlayerFrameTable->GetFrameBy_y(&player->_expression21_frameset, &player->_expression21_animtime, pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed);
        v15 = pPlayerFrameTable->GetFrameBy_x(uFramesetID, pMiscTimer->Time());
      player->field_1AA2 = v15->uTextureID - 1;
      v13 = pTextures_PlayerFaces[(unsigned int)window->ptr_1C][v15->uTextureID - 1];

  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(window->uFrameX + 24, window->uFrameY + 24, v13);

  sprintfex(, "\f%05d", ui_character_header_text_color);
  sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[429], player->pName, pClassNames[player->classType]); // "%s the %s"
  strcat(, "\f00000\n");

  pTextColor = UI_GetHealthManaAndOtherQualitiesStringColor(player->sHealth, player->GetMaxHealth());
  sprintfex(, "%s : \f%05u%d\f00000 / %d\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[108], // "Hit Points"
            pTextColor, player->sHealth, player->GetMaxHealth());

  pTextColor = UI_GetHealthManaAndOtherQualitiesStringColor(player->sMana, player->GetMaxMana());
  sprintfex(, "%s : \f%05u%d\f00000 / %d\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[212], // "Spell Points"
            pTextColor, player->sMana, player->GetMaxMana());

  pTextColor = player->GetMajorConditionIdx();
  sprintfex(, "%s: \f%05d%s\f00000\n", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[47], // "Condition
            GetConditionDrawColor(pTextColor), aCharacterConditionNames[pTextColor]);

  if ( player->uQuickSpell )
    v29 = pSpellStats->pInfos[player->uQuickSpell].pShortName;
    v29 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153];
  sprintfex(, "%s: %s", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[172], v29); // "Quick Spell"

  window->DrawText(pFontArrus, 120, 22, 0,, 0, 0, 0);

  uFramesetIDa = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < 24; ++i)
    SpellBuff* buff = &player->pPlayerBuffs[i];
    if (buff->uExpireTime > 0)
      v36 = uFramesetIDa++ * pFontComic->uFontHeight + 134;
      window->DrawText(pFontComic, 52, v36, ui_game_character_record_playerbuff_colors[i], aSpellNames[20 + i], 0, 0, 0);
      DrawBuff_remaining_time_string(v36, window, buff->uExpireTime - pParty->uTimePlayed, pFontComic);

  v39 = "";
  if ( uFramesetIDa == 0 )
    v39 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153]; // "None"
  sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[450], v39); // "Active Spells: %s"
  window->DrawText(pFontArrus, 14, 114, 0,, 0, 0, 0);

//----- (0041A57E) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_QuickRef_Draw()
  unsigned int pTextColor; // eax@7
  unsigned int pX; // [sp+14h] [bp-18h]@2
  unsigned int pY; // edi@9
  int pSkillsCount; // ecx@27
  const char *pText; // eax@38
  int pFontHeight; // [sp+18h] [bp-14h]@1

  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 8, pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("quikref", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE));
  pFontHeight = LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) + 1;
  for ( uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
    Player* player = &pParty->pPlayers[i];
    pX = 94 * i + 89;
    if ( i == 0 )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, 18, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[149], 60, 0);//Name
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 94 * i + 89, 18, ui_character_header_text_color, player->pName, 84, 0);
    if ( i == 0 )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, 47, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[131], 60, 0); //Уров.
    sprintf(, "%lu", player->GetActualLevel());
    if ( player->GetActualLevel() <= player->GetBaseLevel())
      pTextColor = player->GetExperienceDisplayColor();
      pTextColor = ui_character_bonus_text_color;
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, 47, pTextColor,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + 47;
    if ( i == 0 )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pFontHeight + 47, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[41], 60, 0);//Класс
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0, pClassNames[player->classType], 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( i == 0 )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[107], 60, 0);//Здор.
    sprintf(, "%d", player->sHealth);
    pTextColor = UI_GetHealthManaAndOtherQualitiesStringColor(player->sHealth, player->GetMaxHealth());
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, pTextColor,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( i == 0 )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[209], 60, 0);//Мана
    sprintf(, "%d", player->sMana);
    pTextColor = UI_GetHealthManaAndOtherQualitiesStringColor(player->sMana, player->GetMaxMana());
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, pTextColor,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( i == 0 )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[0], 60, 0);//Класс брони
    sprintf(, "%d", player->GetActualAC());
    pTextColor = UI_GetHealthManaAndOtherQualitiesStringColor(player->GetActualAC(), player->GetBaseAC());
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, pTextColor,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[18], 60, 0);//Атака
    sprintf(, "%+d", player->GetActualAttack(false));
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[66], 60, 0);//Повр.
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0, player->GetMeleeDamageString(), 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[203], 60, 0);// Стрелять
    sprintf(, "%+d", player->GetRangedAttack());
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[66], 60, 0);//Повр.
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0, player->GetRangedDamageString(), 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[205], 60, 0);//Навыки
    pSkillsCount = 0;
    for ( uint j = 0; j <= 36; ++j )
      if ( player->pActiveSkills[j] )
    sprintf(, "%lu", pSkillsCount);
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[168], 60, 0);//Очки
    sprintf(, "%lu", player->uSkillPoints);
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, player->uSkillPoints ? ui_character_bonus_text_color : ui_character_default_text_color,, 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[45], 60, 0);//Сост.
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, pTextColor, aCharacterConditionNames[player->GetMajorConditionIdx()], 84, 0);
    pY = pFontHeight + pY;
    if ( !i )
      pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, 22, pY, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[170], 60, 0);//Б.Прим.
    if (player->uQuickSpell)
      pText = pSpellStats->pInfos[player->uQuickSpell].pShortName;
      pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153];//Нет
    pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontArrus, pX, pY, 0, pText, 84, 0);

  if ( pParty->GetPartyReputation() >= 0 )
    if ( pParty->GetPartyReputation() <= 5 )
      pTextColor = ui_character_default_text_color;
      pTextColor = ui_character_bonus_text_color_neg;
    pTextColor = ui_character_bonus_text_color;

  sprintf(, "%s: \f%05d%s\f00000", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[180], pTextColor, GetReputationString(pParty->GetPartyReputation()));//Reputation
  pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawText(pFontArrus, 22, 323, 0,, 0, 0, 0);
  sprintf(, "\r261%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[84], pParty->GetPartyFame());// Fame Слава
  pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawText(pFontArrus, 0, 323, 0,, 0, 0, 0);

//----- (0041AD6E) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawRightPanelItems()
  if ( (unsigned long long)GameUI_RightPanel_BookFlashTimer > pParty->uTimePlayed )
    GameUI_RightPanel_BookFlashTimer = 0;

  if ( pParty->uTimePlayed - GameUI_RightPanel_BookFlashTimer > 128 )
    GameUI_RightPanel_BookFlashTimer = pParty->uTimePlayed;
    static bool byte_50697C = false; // 50697C
    byte_50697C = !byte_50697C;
    if ( byte_50697C && pCurrentScreen != SCREEN_REST )
      if (bFlashQuestBook)     pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(493, 355, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_ib_td1_A));
      if (bFlashAutonotesBook) pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(527, 353, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_ib_td2_A));
      if (bFlashHistoryBook)   pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(600, 361, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_ib_td5_A));
      pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(468, 0, pTexture_RightFrame);

//----- (0041AEBB) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawFoodAndGold()
  int text_y; // esi@2

  if ( uGameState != GAME_STATE_FINAL_WINDOW )
    text_y = _44100D_should_alter_right_panel() != 0 ? 381 : 322;
    sprintf(, "\r087%lu", pParty->uNumFoodRations);
    pPrimaryWindow->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 0, text_y, uGameUIFontMain,, 0, 0, uGameUIFontShadow);
    sprintf(, "\r028%lu", pParty->uNumGold);
    pPrimaryWindow->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 0, text_y, uGameUIFontMain,, 0, 0, uGameUIFontShadow);

//----- (0041B0C9) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawLifeManaBars()
  double v3; // st7@3
  double v7; // st7@25
  Texture *pTextureHealth; // [sp-4h] [bp-30h]@10
  Texture *pTextureMana; // [sp+Ch] [bp-20h]@1

  pTextureMana = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BarBlue);
  for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    if (pParty->pPlayers[i].sHealth > 0)
      int v17 = 0;
      if (i == 2 || i == 3)
        v17 = 2;
      v3 = (double)pParty->pPlayers[i].sHealth / (double)pParty->pPlayers[i].GetMaxHealth();
      if( v3 > 0.5 )
        if ( v3 > 1.0 )
          v3 = 1.0;
        pTextureHealth = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BarGreen);
      else if ( v3 > 0.25 )
        pTextureHealth = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BarYellow);
      else if ( v3 > 0.0 )
        pTextureHealth = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BarRed);
      if( v3 > 0.0 )
        pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(v17 + pHealthBarPos[i], (signed __int64)((1.0 - v3) * pTextureHealth->uTextureHeight) + 402,
                                          v17 + pHealthBarPos[i] + pTextureHealth->uTextureWidth, pTextureHealth->uTextureHeight + 402);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(v17 + pHealthBarPos[i], 402, pTextureHealth);
    if (pParty->pPlayers[i].sMana > 0)
      v7 = pParty->pPlayers[i].sMana / (double)pParty->pPlayers[i].GetMaxMana();
      if ( v7 > 1.0 )
        v7 = 1.0;
      int v17 = 0;
      if (i == 2)
        v17 = 1;
      pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(v17 + pManaBarPos[i], (signed __int64)((1.0 - v7) * pTextureMana->uTextureHeight) + 402,
                                    v17 + pManaBarPos[i] + pTextureMana->uTextureWidth, pTextureMana->uTextureHeight + 402);
      pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(v17 + pManaBarPos[i], 402, pTextureMana);

//----- (0041B3B6) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawRightPanel()
  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pViewport->uViewportBR_X, 0, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_right_panel));

//----- (0041B3E2) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawRightPanelFrames()
  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0,   0,   pTexture_TopFrame);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0,   8,   pTexture_LeftFrame);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(468, 0,   pTexture_RightFrame);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0,   352, pTexture_BottomFrame);

//----- (0041C047) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_Footer_2()
  char *v1; // edx@2
  int v5; // eax@5

  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 352, pTexture_StatusBar);
  if (GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft)
    v1 =;
    if (!pFooterString[0])
    v1 =;

  v5 = pFontLucida->AlignText_Center(450, v1);
  pPrimaryWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, v5 + 11, 357, uGameUIFontMain, v1, 0, 0, uGameUIFontShadow);

//----- (0041C0B8) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_SetFooterString(const char *pStr)
  const char *v1; // esi@1

  v1 = pStr;
  if ( pStr && strcmp(pStr, "test") && !IsBadStringPtrA(pStr, 1) && (*v1 || GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft) )
    if ( GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft )
      for ( int i = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(; i > 450; i = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth( )
        GameUI_Footer_TimedString[strlen( - 1] = 0;
      strcpy(, v1);
      for ( int j = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(; j > 450; j = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth( )
        pFooterString[strlen( - 1] = 0;

//----- (0041C179) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_Footer()
  char *v1; // edi@5
  int v2; // eax@5
  int v6; // eax@9
  char v9; // zf@12

  if ( pFooterString[0] || GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft || bForceDrawFooter )
    pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 352, pTexture_StatusBar);
    if ( GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft )
      v1 =;
      v2 = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(;
      while ( v2 > 450 )
        GameUI_Footer_TimedString[strlen( - 1] = 0;
        v2 = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(;
      v1 =;
      v6 = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(;
      while ( v6 > 450 )
        pFooterString[strlen( - 1] = 0;
        v6 = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(;
    v9 = *v1 == 0;
    bForceDrawFooter = 0;
    if ( !v9 )
      pPrimaryWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, pFontLucida->AlignText_Center(450, v1) + 11, 357, uGameUIFontMain, v1, 0, 0, uGameUIFontShadow);
// 5C35BC: using guessed type int bForceDrawFooter;
//----- (00420EFF) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString()
  GUIWindow *pWindow; // edi@7
  GUIButton *pButton; // ecx@11
  int requiredSkillpoints; // ecx@19
  enum UIMessageType pMessageType1; // esi@24
  int v14; // eax@41
  ItemGen *pItemGen; // ecx@44
  int v16; // ecx@46
  signed int pickedObjectPID; // eax@55
  signed int v18b;
  signed int pickedObjectID; // ecx@63
  BLVFace *pFace; // eax@69
  const char *pText; // ecx@79
  enum UIMessageType pMessageType2; // esi@110
  enum UIMessageType pMessageType3; // edx@117
  char Str1[200]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-D4h]@129
  unsigned int pX; // [sp+D4h] [bp-Ch]@1
  unsigned int pY; // [sp+D8h] [bp-8h]@1

  pMouse->uPointingObjectID = 0;
  pMouse->GetClickPos(&pX, &pY);
  if ( pX < 0 || pX > window->GetWidth() - 1 || pY < 0 || pY > window->GetHeight() - 1 )
  if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_GAME )
    if ( pX <= (window->GetWidth() - 1) * 0.73125 && pY <= (window->GetHeight() - 1) * 0.73125 ) 
      //if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )  // inlined mm8::4C1E01
        pickedObjectPID = pGame->pVisInstance->get_picked_object_zbuf_val();
        if ( pX < (unsigned int)pViewport->uScreen_TL_X || pX > (unsigned int)pViewport->uScreen_BR_X
          || pY < (unsigned int)pViewport->uScreen_TL_Y || pY > (unsigned int)pViewport->uScreen_BR_Y )
          pickedObjectPID = -1;
        if ( pickedObjectPID == -1 )
          if ( uLastPointedObjectID != 0 )
            pFooterString[0] = 0;
            bForceDrawFooter = 1;
          uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
        v18 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[pX + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pY]];
      pMouse->uPointingObjectID = (unsigned __int16)pickedObjectPID;
      pickedObjectID = (signed)PID_ID(pickedObjectPID);
      if ( PID_TYPE(pickedObjectPID) == OBJECT_Item )
        if ( pObjectList->pObjects[pSpriteObjects[pickedObjectID].uObjectDescID].uFlags & 0x10 )
          pMouse->uPointingObjectID = 0;
          pFooterString[0] = 0;
          bForceDrawFooter = 1;
          uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
        if ( pickedObjectPID >= 0x2000000u || pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID )
          sprintfex(, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[470], pSpriteObjects[pickedObjectID].stru_24.GetDisplayName());// "Get %s"
        } //intentional fallthrough
      else if ( PID_TYPE(pickedObjectPID) == OBJECT_Decoration )
        if ( !pLevelDecorations[pickedObjectID].uEventID )
          if ( pLevelDecorations[pickedObjectID].IsInteractive() )
            pText = pNPCTopics[stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[pLevelDecorations[pickedObjectID]._idx_in_stru123 - 75] + 380].pTopic;//неверно для костра
            pText = pDecorationList->pDecorations[pLevelDecorations[pickedObjectID].uDecorationDescID].field_20;
          char* hintString = GetEventHintString(pLevelDecorations[pickedObjectID].uEventID);
          if (  hintString != '\0' )
        } //intentional fallthrough
      else if ( PID_TYPE(pickedObjectPID) == OBJECT_BModel )
        if ( pickedObjectPID < 0x2000000u )
          char* newString = nullptr;
          if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != LEVEL_Indoor )
            v18b = (signed int)(unsigned __int16)pickedObjectPID >> 9;
            short triggeredId = pOutdoor->pBModels[v18b].pFaces[pickedObjectID & 0x3F].sCogTriggeredID;
            if (triggeredId != 0)
              newString = GetEventHintString(pOutdoor->pBModels[v18b].pFaces[pickedObjectID & 0x3F].sCogTriggeredID);
            pFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[pickedObjectID];
            if ( pFace->uAttributes & FACE_INDICATE )
              unsigned short eventId = pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace->uFaceExtraID].uEventID;
              if (eventId != 0)
                newString = GetEventHintString(pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pFace->uFaceExtraID].uEventID);
          if (newString)
            if ( pMouse->uPointingObjectID == 0 && uLastPointedObjectID != 0)
              pFooterString[0] = 0;
              bForceDrawFooter = 1;
            uLastPointedObjectID = pMouse->uPointingObjectID;
        pMouse->uPointingObjectID = 0;
        pFooterString[0] = 0;
        bForceDrawFooter = 1;
        uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
      else if ( PID_TYPE(pickedObjectPID) == OBJECT_Actor )
        if ( pickedObjectPID >= 0x2000000 )
          pMouse->uPointingObjectID = 0;
          if ( uLastPointedObjectID != 0 )
            pFooterString[0] = 0;
            bForceDrawFooter = 1;
          uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
        if ( pActors[pickedObjectID].dword_000334_unique_name )
          pText = pMonsterStats->pPlaceStrings[pActors[pickedObjectID].dword_000334_unique_name];
          pText = pMonsterStats->pInfos[pActors[pickedObjectID].pMonsterInfo.uID].pName;
        GameUI_SetFooterString(pText); //intentional fallthrough
      if ( pMouse->uPointingObjectID == 0 && uLastPointedObjectID != 0)
        pFooterString[0] = 0;
        bForceDrawFooter = 1;
      uLastPointedObjectID = pMouse->uPointingObjectID;
    for (int i = uNumVisibleWindows; i > 0; --i)
      pWindow = &pWindowList[pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i] - 1];
      if ( (signed int)pX >= (signed int)pWindow->uFrameX && (signed int)pX <= (signed int)pWindow->uFrameZ
        && (signed int)pY >= (signed int)pWindow->uFrameY && (signed int)pY <= (signed int)pWindow->uFrameW )
        for ( pButton = pWindow->pControlsHead; pButton != nullptr; pButton = pButton->pNext )
          switch ( pButton->uButtonType )
          case 1://for dialogue window
            if ( (signed int)pX >= (signed int)pButton->uX && (signed int)pX <= (signed int)pButton->uZ
              && (signed int)pY >= (signed int)pButton->uY && (signed int)pY <= (signed int)pButton->uW )
              pMessageType1 = (UIMessageType)pButton->field_1C;
              if ( pMessageType1 )
                pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(pMessageType1, pButton->msg_param, 0);
              uLastPointedObjectID = 1;
          case 2://hovering over portraits
            if (pButton->uWidth != 0 && pButton->uHeight != 0)
              uint distW = pX - pButton->uX;
              uint distY = pY - pButton->uY;

              double ratioX = 1.0 * (distW*distW) / (pButton->uWidth*pButton->uWidth);
              double ratioY = 1.0 * (distY*distY) / (pButton->uHeight*pButton->uHeight);

              if (ratioX + ratioY < 1.0)
                pMessageType2 = (UIMessageType)pButton->field_1C;
                if ( pMessageType2 != 0 )
                  pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(pMessageType2, pButton->msg_param, 0);
                GameUI_SetFooterString(pButton->pButtonName); // for character name
                uLastPointedObjectID = 1;
          case 3:// click on skill
            if ( pX >= pButton->uX && pX <= pButton->uZ
              && pY >= pButton->uY && pY <= pButton->uW )
              requiredSkillpoints = (LOBYTE(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[pButton->msg_param]) & 0x3F) + 1;
              if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uSkillPoints < requiredSkillpoints )
                sprintf(Str1, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[469], requiredSkillpoints - pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uSkillPoints);// "You need %d more Skill Points to advance here"
                sprintf(Str1, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[468], requiredSkillpoints);// "Clicking here will spend %d Skill Points"
              uLastPointedObjectID = 1;
      if ( pWindow->uFrameHeight == 480 )
        //DebugBreak(); //Why is this condition here (in the original too)? Might check fullscreen windows. Let Silvo know if you find out
    //The game never gets to this point even in the original. It's also bugged(neither branch displays anything). 
    //TODO fix these and move them up before the window check loop.
    if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_CHEST )
      if ( uLastPointedObjectID != 0 )
        pFooterString[0] = 0;
        bForceDrawFooter = 1;
      uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
    else if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_HOUSE )
      if ( dialog_menu_id != HOUSE_DIALOGUE_SHOP_BUY_STANDARD
        || (v16 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[pX + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pY]], v16 == 0)
        || v16 == -65536 )
        if ( uLastPointedObjectID != 0 )
          pFooterString[0] = 0;
          bForceDrawFooter = 1;
        uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
      pItemGen = (ItemGen *)((char *)&pParty->pPickedItem + 36 * (v16 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 4);
      pFooterString[0] = 0;
      bForceDrawFooter = 1;
      uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
    if ( pY < 350 )
      v14 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[pX + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pY]];
      if ( v14 == 0 || v14 == -65536 || v14 >= 5000 )
        if ( pMouse->uPointingObjectID == 0 )
          if ( uLastPointedObjectID != 0 )
            pFooterString[0] = 0;
            bForceDrawFooter = 1;
        uLastPointedObjectID = pMouse->uPointingObjectID;
      pItemGen = (ItemGen *)&pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pInventoryItemList[v14-1];
      pFooterString[0] = 0;
      bForceDrawFooter = 1;
      uLastPointedObjectID = 0;
  if ( (signed int)pX >= (signed int)pWindowList[0].uFrameX && (signed int)pX <= (signed int)pWindowList[0].uFrameZ
    && (signed int)pY >= (signed int)pWindowList[0].uFrameY && (signed int)pY <= (signed int)pWindowList[0].uFrameW )
    for ( pButton = pWindowList[0].pControlsHead; pButton != nullptr; pButton = pButton->pNext )
      switch (pButton->uButtonType)
      case 1:
        if ( (signed int)pX >= (signed int)pButton->uX && (signed int)pX <= (signed int)pButton->uZ
          && (signed int)pY >= (signed int)pButton->uY && (signed int)pY <= (signed int)pButton->uW )
          pMessageType3 = (UIMessageType)pButton->field_1C;
          if ( pMessageType3 == 0 ) // For books
            pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(pMessageType3, pButton->msg_param, 0);
          uLastPointedObjectID = 1;
      case 2://hovering over portraits
        if (pButton->uWidth != 0 && pButton->uHeight != 0)
          uint distW = pX - pButton->uX;
          uint distY = pY - pButton->uY;

          double ratioX = 1.0 * (distW*distW) / (pButton->uWidth*pButton->uWidth);
          double ratioY = 1.0 * (distY*distY) / (pButton->uHeight*pButton->uHeight);

          if (ratioX + ratioY < 1.0)
            pMessageType2 = (UIMessageType)pButton->field_1C;
            if ( pMessageType2 != 0 )
              pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(pMessageType2, pButton->msg_param, 0);
            GameUI_SetFooterString(pButton->pButtonName); // for character name
            uLastPointedObjectID = 1;
      case 3:
        if ( pX >= pButton->uX && pX <= pButton->uZ
          && pY >= pButton->uY && pY <= pButton->uW )
          requiredSkillpoints = (LOBYTE(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[pButton->msg_param]) & 0x3F) + 1;
          if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uSkillPoints < requiredSkillpoints )
            sprintf(Str1, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[469], requiredSkillpoints - pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uSkillPoints);// "You need %d more Skill Points to advance here"
            sprintf(Str1, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[468], requiredSkillpoints);// "Clicking here will spend %d Skill Points"
          uLastPointedObjectID = 1;
  //pMouse->uPointingObjectID = sub_46A99B(); //for software
  if ( uLastPointedObjectID != 0 )
    pFooterString[0] = 0;
    bForceDrawFooter = 1;
  uLastPointedObjectID = 0;

//----- (0044158F) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawCharacterSelectionFrame()
  if ( uActiveCharacter )
    pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[uActiveCharacter - 1] - 9, 380,

//----- (0044162D) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawPartySpells()
  unsigned int v0; // ebp@1
  Texture *spell_texture; // [sp-4h] [bp-1Ch]@12
  //Texture *v9; // [sp-4h] [bp-1Ch]@21

  v0 = (signed __int64)((double)GetTickCount() * 0.050000001);
  //v1 = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < 14; ++i)
    //v2 =  byte_4E5DD8[v1];
    if (pParty->pPartyBuffs[byte_4E5DD8[i]].uExpireTime)
      Texture* tex = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pTextureIDs_PartyBuffIcons[i]);
      //v3 = pTextureIDs_PartyBuffIcons[i];
      pPartySpellbuffsUI_XYs[i][1], tex, tex,
      v0 + 20 * pPartySpellbuffsUI_smthns[i], 0, 63);
  //while ( v1 < 14 );
  if (pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_GAME || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_NPC_DIALOGUE)
    if (pParty->FlyActive())
      if ( pParty->bFlying )
        spell_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame(uIconIdx_FlySpell, v0)->uTextureID);
        spell_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame(uIconIdx_FlySpell, 0)->uTextureID);
      //if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 8, spell_texture);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(8, 8, v7);*/
    if ( pParty->WaterWalkActive() )
      if ( pParty->uFlags & PARTY_FLAGS_1_STANDING_ON_WATER )
        spell_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame(uIconIdx_WaterWalk, v0)->uTextureID);
        spell_texture = pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame(uIconIdx_WaterWalk, 0)->uTextureID);
      //if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(396, 8, spell_texture);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(396, 8, v9);*/
  for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    if ( pParty->pPlayers[i].pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HAMMERHANDS].uExpireTime )
      pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 72, 427, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Hammerhands));
    if ( pParty->pPlayers[i].pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime )
      pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 72, 393, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Bless));
    if ( pParty->pPlayers[i].pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_PRESERVATION].uExpireTime )
      pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 72, 410, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Preservation));
    if ( pParty->pPlayers[i].pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_PAIN_REFLECTION].uExpireTime )
      pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 72, 444, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_PlayerBuff_PainReflection));

//----- (004921C1) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawPortraits(unsigned int _this)
  unsigned int face_expression_ID; // eax@17
  PlayerFrame *pFrame; // eax@21
  int pTextureID; // eax@57
  Texture *pPortrait; // [sp-4h] [bp-1Ch]@27

  if ( _A750D8_player_speech_timer )
    _A750D8_player_speech_timer -= (signed int)pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed;
    if ( _A750D8_player_speech_timer <= 0 )
      if ( pPlayers[uSpeakingCharacter]->CanAct() )
        pPlayers[uSpeakingCharacter]->PlaySound(PlayerSpeechID, 0);
      _A750D8_player_speech_timer = 0i64;

  for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    Player* pPlayer = &pParty->pPlayers[i];
    if ( pPlayer->IsEradicated() )
      pPortrait = pTexture_PlayerFaceEradicated;
      if ( pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_INVISIBILITY].uExpireTime )
        pRenderer->DrawTranslucent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i], 388, pPortrait);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 1, 388, pPortrait);
      if ( pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HASTE].uExpireTime
         | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime
         | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime )
    if (pPlayer->IsDead())
      pPortrait = pTexture_PlayerFaceDead;
      if ( pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_INVISIBILITY].uExpireTime )
        pRenderer->DrawTranslucent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i], 388, pPortrait);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 1, 388, pPortrait);
      if ( pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HASTE].uExpireTime
         | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime
         | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime )
    face_expression_ID = 0;
    for ( uint j = 0; j < pPlayerFrameTable->uNumFrames; ++j )
      if ( pPlayerFrameTable->pFrames[j].expression == pPlayer->expression )
        face_expression_ID = j;
    if ( face_expression_ID == 0 )
      face_expression_ID = 1;
    if (pPlayer->expression == CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_21)
      pFrame = pPlayerFrameTable->GetFrameBy_y(&pPlayer->_expression21_frameset, &pPlayer->_expression21_animtime, pMiscTimer->uTimeElapsed);
      pFrame = pPlayerFrameTable->GetFrameBy_x(face_expression_ID, pPlayer->uExpressionTimePassed);
    if (pPlayer->field_1AA2 != pFrame->uTextureID - 1 || _this )
      pPlayer->field_1AA2 = pFrame->uTextureID - 1;
      pPortrait = (Texture *)pTextures_PlayerFaces[i][pPlayer->field_1AA2];//pFace = (Texture *)pTextures_PlayerFaces[i][pFrame->uTextureID];
      if ( pParty->pPartyBuffs[PARTY_BUFF_INVISIBILITY].uExpireTime )
        pRenderer->DrawTranslucent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i], 388, pPortrait);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] + 1, 388, pPortrait);
      if ( pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_BLESS].uExpireTime | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HASTE].uExpireTime
         | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_HEROISM].uExpireTime | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_SHIELD].uExpireTime
         | pPlayer->pPlayerBuffs[PLAYER_BUFF_STONESKIN].uExpireTime )
  if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 )
    if ( pTurnEngine->turn_stage != TE_WAIT )
      if (PID_TYPE(pTurnEngine->pQueue[0].uPackedID) == OBJECT_Player)
        if ( pTurnEngine->uActorQueueSize > 0 )
          for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)pTurnEngine->uActorQueueSize; ++i)
            if (PID_TYPE(pTurnEngine->pQueue[i].uPackedID) != OBJECT_Player)
            pTextureID = dword_5079D0;
            if ( pParty->uFlags & 0x10 )
              pTextureID = dword_5079CC;
              if ( pParty->uFlags & 0x20 )
                pTextureID = dword_5079C8;
            pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[PID_ID(pTurnEngine->pQueue[i].uPackedID)] - 4, 385, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pTextureID));
    for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
      if (pParty->pPlayers[i].CanAct() && !pParty->pPlayers[i].uTimeToRecovery)
        pTextureID = dword_5079D0;
        if ( pParty->uFlags & 0x10 )
          pTextureID = dword_5079CC;
          if ( pParty->uFlags & 0x20 )
            pTextureID = dword_5079C8;
        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[i] - 4, 385, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pTextureID));

//----- (00441D38) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawMinimap(unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uZ, unsigned int uW, unsigned int uZoom, unsigned int bRedrawOdmMinimap)
  int uHeight; // ebx@6
  signed int pW; // ebx@23
  int v15; // eax@23
  double v20; // st7@30
  signed int v27; // eax@37
  //unsigned __int16 *v28; // ecx@37
  signed int v29; // edi@40
  int pPoint_X; // edi@72
  int pPoint_Y; // ebx@72
  unsigned int lPitch; // [sp+20h] [bp-34h]@1
  signed int pY; // [sp+20h] [bp-34h]@23
  signed int pX; // [sp+24h] [bp-30h]@23
  signed int v70; // [sp+24h] [bp-30h]@37
  signed int uBluea; // [sp+28h] [bp-2Ch]@37
  int v73; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-28h]@30
  signed int uCenterY; // [sp+48h] [bp-Ch]@1
  signed int uCenterX; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8h]@1
  signed int uWidth; // [sp+5Ch] [bp+8h]@30
  signed int pZ; // [sp+60h] [bp+Ch]@23
  float uWb; // [sp+60h] [bp+Ch]@30
  unsigned int pColor;

  uCenterX = (uX + uZ) / 2;
  uCenterY = (uY + uW) / 2;
  lPitch = pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch;
  bool bWizardEyeActive = pParty->WizardEyeActive();
  int uWizardEyeSkillLevel = pParty->WizardEyeSkillLevel();
  if ( CheckHiredNPCSpeciality(Cartographer) )
    bWizardEyeActive = true;
    uWizardEyeSkillLevel = 2;

  if ( wizard_eye )
    bWizardEyeActive = true;
    uWizardEyeSkillLevel = 3;
  pRenderer->SetRasterClipRect(uX, uY, uZ - 1, uW - 1);
  uHeight = uW - uY;
  uWidth = uZ - uX;

  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
    uchar* pMapLod0 = pIcons_LOD->pTextures[viewparams->uTextureID_LocationMap].pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask;
    ushort* pPal = pIcons_LOD->pTextures[viewparams->uTextureID_LocationMap].pPalette16;
    v73 = (1 << (pIcons_LOD->pTextures[viewparams->uTextureID_LocationMap].uWidthLn2 + 16)) / (signed int)uZoom;
    v20 = (double)(pParty->vPosition.x + 32768) / (double)(1 << (16 - pIcons_LOD->pTextures[viewparams->uTextureID_LocationMap].uWidthLn2));
    uWb = (double)(32768 - pParty->vPosition.y) / (double)(1 << (16 - pIcons_LOD->pTextures[viewparams->uTextureID_LocationMap].uWidthLn2));
    switch (uZoom)
      case 512:
        v20 = v20 - (double)(uWidth / 2);
        uWb = uWb - (double)(uHeight / 2);
      case 1024:
        v20 = v20 - (double)(uWidth / 4);
        uWb = uWb - (double)(uHeight / 4);
      case 2048:
        v20 = v20 - (double)(uWidth / 8);
        uWb = uWb - (double)(uHeight / 8);
      default: assert(false);

    static unsigned __int16 pOdmMinimap[117][137];
    assert(sizeof(pOdmMinimap) == 137 * 117 * sizeof(short));

    v70 = floorf(v20 * 65536.0 + 0.5f);//LODWORD(v24);
    uBluea = floorf(uWb * 65536.0 + 0.5f);//LODWORD(v25);
    v27 = uBluea >> 16;
    //v28 = &pRenderer->pTargetSurface[uX + uY * lPitch];

    if (pMapLod0 && bRedrawOdmMinimap)
      assert(uWidth == 137 && uHeight == 117);
      //auto pMinimap = (unsigned __int16 *)pOdmMinimap;

      ushort mapWidth = pIcons_LOD->pTextures[viewparams->uTextureID_LocationMap].uTextureWidth;

      v29 = v70 >> 16;
      for (int y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y)
        uchar* pMapLod0Line = &pMapLod0[v27 * mapWidth];
        for (int x = 0; x < uWidth; ++x)
          //*pMinimap++ = pPal[pMapLod0Line[v29]];
          pRenderer->WritePixel16(uX + x, uY + y, pPal[pMapLod0Line[v29]]);
          v29 = (v70 + x * v73) >> 16;
        uBluea += v73;
        v27 = uBluea >> 16;

      /*v29 = v70 >> 16;
      for (int y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y)
        uchar* pMapLod0Line = &pMapLod0[v27 * mapWidth];
        for (int x = 0; x < uWidth; ++x)
          //*pMinimap++ = pPal[pMapLod0Line[v29]];
          pOdmMinimap[y][x] = pPal[pMapLod0Line[v29]];
          v29 = (v70 + x * v73) >> 16;
        v29 = v70 >> 16;
        v28 += 137 - uWidth;
        uBluea += v73;
        v27 = uBluea >> 16;

    /*for (int y = 0; y < 117; ++y)
      for (int x = 0; x < 137; ++x)
        *v28++ = pOdmMinimap[y][x];
      v28 += lPitch - 137;
    uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap = 0;
  else// uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor
    pRenderer->FillRectFast(uX, uY, uZ - uX, uHeight, 0xF);
    uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap = 0;

    for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)pIndoor->pMapOutlines->uNumOutlines; ++i)
      BLVMapOutline* pOutline = &pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i];
      //BLVFace* pFace1 = &pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID];
      //BLVFace* pFace2 = &pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID];
      if (pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID].Visible() && pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID].Visible())
        if ( pOutline->uFlags & 1 )
          if (bWizardEyeActive && uWizardEyeSkillLevel >= 3 &&
             (pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID].Clickable() || pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID].Clickable()) &&
		   || pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID].uFaceExtraID].uEventID))
            if (uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap < 49)
              pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap++] = i;
            pX = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
            pY = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
            pZ = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
            pW = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
            v15 = abs(pOutline->sZ - pParty->vPosition.z) / 8;
            if ( v15 > 100 )
              v15 = 100;
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, viewparams->pPalette[-v15 + 200]);
        if (pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID].uAttributes & FACE_UNKNOW7 
		 || pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID].uAttributes & FACE_UNKNOW7)
          pOutline->uFlags = pOutline->uFlags | 1;
          pIndoor->_visible_outlines[i >> 3] |= 1 << (7 - i % 8);
          if (bWizardEyeActive && uWizardEyeSkillLevel >= 3 &&
             (pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID].Clickable() || pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID].Clickable()) &&
             (pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace1ID].uFaceExtraID].uEventID || pIndoor->pFaceExtras[pIndoor->pFaces[pOutline->uFace2ID].uFaceExtraID].uEventID))
            if (uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap < 49)
              pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap++] = i;
            pX = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
            pY = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex1ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
            pZ = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
            pW = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[i].uVertex2ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
            v15 = abs(pOutline->sZ - pParty->vPosition.z) / 8;
            if ( v15 > 100 )
              v15 = 100;
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, viewparams->pPalette[-v15 + 200]);

    for (uint i = 0; i < uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap; ++i)
      BLVMapOutline* pOutline = &pIndoor->pMapOutlines->pOutlines[pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[i]];
      pX = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
      pY = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex1ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
      pZ = uCenterX + ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex2ID].x)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.x) >> 16);
      pW = uCenterY - ((signed int)(((unsigned int)(fixpoint_mul(uZoom, pIndoor->pVertices[pOutline->uVertex2ID].y)) << 16) - uZoom * pParty->vPosition.y) >> 16);
      pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pX, pY, pZ, pW, ui_game_minimap_outline_color);

  //draw arrow on the minimap(include. Ritor1)
  uint arrow_idx;
  unsigned int rotate = pParty->sRotationY & stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask;
  if ( (signed int)rotate <= 1920 )
    arrow_idx = 6;
  if ( (signed int)rotate < 1664 )
    arrow_idx = 5;
  if ( (signed int)rotate <= 1408 )
    arrow_idx = 4;
  if ( (signed int)rotate < 1152 )
    arrow_idx = 3;
  if ( (signed int)rotate <= 896 )
    arrow_idx = 2;
  if ( (signed int)rotate < 640 )
    arrow_idx = 1;
  if ( (signed int)rotate <= 384 )
    arrow_idx = 0;
  if ( (signed int)rotate < 128 || (signed int)rotate > 1920 )
    arrow_idx = 7;
  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(uCenterX - 3, uCenterY - 3, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pTextureIDs_pMapDirs[arrow_idx]));//стрелка

  //draw objects on the minimap
  if ( bWizardEyeActive )
    if ( uWizardEyeSkillLevel >= 2 )
      for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumSpriteObjects; ++i )
        if ( !pSpriteObjects[i].uType || !pSpriteObjects[i].uObjectDescID )
        //if (uWizardEyeSkillLevel == 1
        pPoint_X = uCenterX + fixpoint_mul((pSpriteObjects[i].vPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x), uZoom);
        pPoint_Y = uCenterY - fixpoint_mul((pSpriteObjects[i].vPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y), uZoom);
        //if ( pPoint_X >= pRenderer->raster_clip_x && pPoint_X <= pRenderer->raster_clip_z &&
        //     pPoint_Y >= pRenderer->raster_clip_y && pPoint_Y <= pRenderer->raster_clip_w)
          if (pObjectList->pObjects[pSpriteObjects[i].uObjectDescID].uFlags & OBJECT_DESC_UNPICKABLE)
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X, pPoint_Y, pPoint_X, pPoint_Y, ui_game_minimap_projectile_color);
          else if ( uZoom > 512 )
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 2, pPoint_Y,     pPoint_X - 2, pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y - 2, pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X + 1, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X + 1, pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X + 2, pPoint_Y,     pPoint_X + 2, pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y, ui_game_minimap_treasure_color);
    for ( uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i )//draw actors(отрисовка монстров и нпс)
      if ( pActors[i].uAIState != Removed && pActors[i].uAIState != Disabled
       && (pActors[i].uAIState == Dead || pActors[i].ActorNearby()) )
        pPoint_X = uCenterX + (fixpoint_mul((pActors[i].vPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x), uZoom));
        pPoint_Y = uCenterY - (fixpoint_mul((pActors[i].vPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y), uZoom));
        //if ( pPoint_X >= pRenderer->raster_clip_x && pPoint_X <= pRenderer->raster_clip_z
        //  && pPoint_Y >= pRenderer->raster_clip_y && pPoint_Y <= pRenderer->raster_clip_w )
          pColor = ui_game_minimap_actor_friendly_color;
          if ( pActors[i].uAttributes & ACTOR_HOSTILE )
            pColor = ui_game_minimap_actor_hostile_color;
          if ( pActors[i].uAIState == Dead)
            pColor = ui_game_minimap_actor_corpse_color;
          if ( uZoom > 1024 )
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 2, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X - 2, pPoint_Y + 1, pColor);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y - 2, pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y + 2, pColor);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y - 2, pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y + 2, pColor);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X + 1, pPoint_Y - 2, pPoint_X + 1, pPoint_Y + 2, pColor);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X + 2, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X + 2, pPoint_Y + 1, pColor);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y, pColor);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y, pColor);
    for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumLevelDecorations; ++i )//draw items(отрисовка предметов)
      if ( pLevelDecorations[i].uFlags & 8 )
        pPoint_X = uCenterX + (fixpoint_mul((pLevelDecorations[i].vPosition.x - pParty->vPosition.x), uZoom));
        pPoint_Y = uCenterY - (fixpoint_mul((pLevelDecorations[i].vPosition.y - pParty->vPosition.y), uZoom));
        //if ( pPoint_X >= pRenderer->raster_clip_x && pPoint_X <= pRenderer->raster_clip_z
        //  && pPoint_Y >= pRenderer->raster_clip_y && pPoint_Y <= pRenderer->raster_clip_w )
          if ( (signed int)uZoom > 512 )
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X - 1, pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_decoration_color_1);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X,     pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_decoration_color_1);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X + 1, pPoint_Y - 1, pPoint_X + 1, pPoint_Y + 1, ui_game_minimap_decoration_color_1);
            pRenderer->RasterLine2D(pPoint_X, pPoint_Y, pPoint_X, pPoint_Y, ui_game_minimap_decoration_color_1);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(468, 0, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_Minimap_Loop));//draw minimap_loop
  pRenderer->SetTextureClipRect(541, 0, 567, 480);
  pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(floorf(((double)pParty->sRotationY * 0.1171875) + 0.5f) + 285, 136, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_Compas));//draw compas

//----- (00441498) --------------------------------------------------------
void  GameUI_DrawTorchlightAndWizardEye()
  if (pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_GAME
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_MENU
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_OPTIONS
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_REST
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_SPELL_BOOK
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_CHEST
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_SAVEGAME
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_LOADGAME
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_CHEST_INVENTORY
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_BOOKS
      || pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_BRANCHLESS_NPC_DIALOG )
    if (pParty->TorchlightActive())
      IconFrame* icon = pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame((signed __int16)pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID, pEventTimer->Time());
      pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pUIAnum_Torchlight->x, pUIAnum_Torchlight->y, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(icon->uTextureID));
    if (pParty->WizardEyeActive())
      IconFrame* icon = pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame((signed __int16)pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID, pEventTimer->Time());
      pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pUIAnim_WizardEye->x, pUIAnim_WizardEye->y, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(icon->uTextureID));
// 4E28F8: using guessed type int pCurrentScreen;

//----- (00491F87) --------------------------------------------------------
void GameUI_DrawHiredNPCs()
  unsigned int v13; // eax@23
  char pContainer[20]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-30h]@18
  signed int uFrameID; // [sp+24h] [bp-18h]@19
  int v22; // [sp+34h] [bp-8h]@2
  unsigned __int8 pNPC_limit_ID; // [sp+3Bh] [bp-1h]@2

  if ( bNoNPCHiring != 1 )
    pNPC_limit_ID = 0;
    v22 = 0;
    if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)
      pTmpBuf[v22++] = 0;
    if (pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)
      pTmpBuf[v22++] = 1;

    for (uint i = 0; i < pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i)
      if (pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uFlags & 128)
        if (!pParty->pHirelings[0].pName || strcmp(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, pParty->pHirelings[0].pName))
          if (!pParty->pHirelings[1].pName || strcmp(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName, pParty->pHirelings[1].pName))
            pTmpBuf[v22++] = i + 2;

    for ( int i = pParty->hirelingScrollPosition; i < v22 && pNPC_limit_ID < 2; i++ )
      if ( (unsigned __int8)pTmpBuf[i] >= 2 )
        sprintf(pContainer, "NPC%03d", pNPCStats->pNPCData[(unsigned __int8)pTmpBuf[i] + 499].uPortraitID);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsX[pNPC_limit_ID], pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsY[pNPC_limit_ID],
                      pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pContainer, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)));
        sprintf(pContainer, "NPC%03d", pParty->pHirelings[(unsigned __int8)pTmpBuf[i]].uPortraitID);
        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsX[pNPC_limit_ID], pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsY[pNPC_limit_ID],
                   pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pContainer, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)));
        if ( pParty->pHirelings[(unsigned __int8)pTmpBuf[i]].evt_A == 1 )
          uFrameID = pParty->pHirelings[(unsigned __int8)pTmpBuf[i]].evt_B;
          v13 = 0;
          if (pIconsFrameTable->uNumIcons)
            for ( v13 = 0; v13 < pIconsFrameTable->uNumIcons; ++v13 )
              if ( !_stricmp("spell96", pIconsFrameTable->pIcons[v13].pAnimationName) )
          pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsX[pNPC_limit_ID], pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsY[pNPC_limit_ID],
                        &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[pIconsFrameTable->GetFrame(v13, uFrameID)->uTextureID]);

//----- (004178FE) --------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int UI_GetHealthManaAndOtherQualitiesStringColor(signed int current_pos, signed int base_pos)
  unsigned __int16 R, G, B;

  if ( current_pos <= base_pos )
    if ( current_pos == base_pos )//White
      return 0;
    if ( 100 * current_pos / base_pos >= 25 )//Yellow( current_pos > 1/4 )
      R = 255, G = 255, B = 100;
    else//Red( current_pos < 1/4 )
      R = 255, G = 0, B = 0;
    R = 0, G = 255, B = 0;
  return Color16(R, G, B);

//----- (00417939) --------------------------------------------------------
int GetConditionDrawColor(unsigned int uConditionIdx)
  switch (uConditionIdx)
    case Condition_Zombie:
    case Condition_Good:
      return ui_character_condition_normal_color;

    case Condition_Cursed:
    case Condition_Weak:
    case Condition_Fear:
    case Condition_Drunk:
    case Condition_Insane:
    case Condition_Poison_Weak:
    case Condition_Disease_Weak:
      return ui_character_condition_light_color;

    case Condition_Sleep:
    case Condition_Poison_Medium:
    case Condition_Disease_Medium:
    case Condition_Paralyzed:
    case Condition_Unconcious:
      return ui_character_condition_moderate_color;

    case Condition_Poison_Severe:
    case Condition_Disease_Severe:
    case Condition_Dead:
    case Condition_Pertified:
    case Condition_Eradicated:
      return ui_character_condition_severe_color;
  Error("Invalid condition (%u)", uConditionIdx);

//----- (00495430) --------------------------------------------------------
const char * GetReputationString(signed int a1)
	if (a1 >= 25)
		return pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[379]; // Hated
	else if (a1 >= 6)
		return pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[392]; // Unfriendly
	else if (a1 >= -5)
		return pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[399]; // Neutral;
	else if (a1 >= -24)
		return pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[402]; // Friendly
		return pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[434]; // Respected;

//----- (00441A4E) --------------------------------------------------------
__int16 __fastcall sub_441A4E(int a1)//for blessing
	__int16 result; // ax@1
	int v2; // ebx@1
	//  char *v3; // esi@1
	//  int v4; // edi@4
	bool v5; // ecx@4
	SpriteFrame *pFrame; // eax@6
	//SpriteFrame *v7; // edi@6
	int v8; // eax@6
	//  unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@6
	RenderBillboardTransform_local0 v10; // [sp+Ch] [bp-5Ch]@1
	int v11; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-Ch]@6
	int v12; // [sp+60h] [bp-8h]@1
	//int v13; // [sp+64h] [bp-4h]@6

	v10.sParentBillboardID = -1;
	v10.pTarget = pRenderer->pTargetSurface;
	v10.pTargetZ = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer;
	v10.uTargetPitch = pRenderer->GetRenderWidth();
	result = 0;
	v2 = a1;
	v10.uViewportX = 0;
	v10.uViewportY = 0;
	v10.uViewportZ = window->GetWidth() - 1;
	v10.uViewportW = window->GetHeight() - 1;
	v12 = 0;
	//v3 = (char *)&pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[0].field_C;
	for (uint i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
		if (pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_6 > 0)
			result = pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0;
			if (pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 >= 300)
				//v4 = result;
				v5 = pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 == v2 + 320
					|| pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 == v2 + 330
					|| pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 == v2 + 340
					|| pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 == v2 + 350;
				pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 = v2 + 310;
				if (pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0 == v2 + 310 || v5)
					if (!pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_0)
						pFrame = pSpriteFrameTable->GetFrame(pOverlayList->pOverlays[pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_2].uSpriteFramesetID,
						//v7 = v6;
						v11 = pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_E;
						//v13 = pFrame->scale;
						//v13 = fixpoint_mul(v11, pFrame->scale);
						v10.uScreenSpaceX = pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_8;
						v10.uScreenSpaceY = pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_A;
						v10._screenspace_x_scaler_packedfloat = fixpoint_mul(v11, pFrame->scale);
						v10._screenspace_y_scaler_packedfloat = fixpoint_mul(v11, pFrame->scale);
						v10.pPalette = PaletteManager::Get_Dark_or_Red_LUT(pFrame->uPaletteIndex, 0, 1);
						v8 = pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[i].field_2;
						v10.sZValue = 0;
						v10.uFlags = 0;
						//v9 = pOverlayList->pOverlays[v8].uOverlayType;
						if (!pOverlayList->pOverlays[v8].uOverlayType || pOverlayList->pOverlays[v8].uOverlayType == 2)
							v10.uScreenSpaceY += pSprites_LOD->pSpriteHeaders[pFrame->pHwSpriteIDs[0]].uHeight / 2;
						result = pSprites_LOD->pSpriteHeaders[pFrame->pHwSpriteIDs[0]]._4AD2D1(&v10, 0);
						if (v12 == 5)
		//v3 += 20;
	//while ( (signed int)v3 < (signed int)&pOverlayList->pOverlays );
	return result;