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view DecalBuilder.cpp @ 1833:724af9295e53
author | Ritor1 |
date | Tue, 08 Oct 2013 15:27:43 +0600 |
parents | 2c71fa8913d2 |
children | c1c74df0a33e |
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#include "DecalBuilder.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Time.h" #include "stru314.h" #include "Outdoor.h" #include "Log.h" #include "mm7_data.h" #include "stru9.h" #include "Outdoor_stuff.h" struct DecalBuilder *pDecalBuilder = new DecalBuilder; struct BloodsplatContainer *pBloodsplatContainer = new BloodsplatContainer; //----- (0043B570) -------------------------------------------------------- double DecalBuilder_stru0::_43B570_get_color_mult_by_time() { double result; // st7@3 if (field_1C_flags & 1) { if ((field_20_time - pEventTimer->Time() + 384) / 384.0 >= 0.0) result = (field_20_time - pEventTimer->Time() + 384) / 384.0; else result = 0.0; } else { result = 1.0; } return result; } //----- (0043B6EF) -------------------------------------------------------- bool BloodsplatContainer::AddBloodsplat(float x, float y, float z, float radius, char r, char g, char b) { int *v8; // esi@1 int v9; // eax@3 Bloodsplat *v10; // eax@3 int *result; // eax@3 int v12; // ecx@3 v8 = &this->uNumBloodsplats; if ( this->uNumBloodsplats == 64 ) *v8 = 0; v9 = 5 * (*v8)++; v10 = &this->std__vector_pBloodsplats[8 * v9 / 0x28u]; v10->x = x; v10->y = y; v10->z = z; v10->radius = radius; v10->r = r; v10->g = g; v10->b = b; result = (int *)&this->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size; v12 = this->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size + 1; if ( v12 > 64 ) v12 = 64; *result = v12; LOBYTE(result) = 1; return (bool)result; } //----- (0049B490) -------------------------------------------------------- bool DecalBuilder::AddBloodsplat(float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b, float radius, int a8, int a9) { //double v10; // ST1C_8@1 char v11; // ST24_1@1 //double v12; // ST1C_8@1 //double v13; // ST1C_8@1 int a7a; // [sp+40h] [bp+18h]@1 //float arg14a; // [sp+44h] [bp+1Ch]@1 //float arg14b; // [sp+44h] [bp+1Ch]@1 //float arg14c; // [sp+44h] [bp+1Ch]@1 /*arg14a = b * 255.0; v10 = arg14a + 6.7553994e15; v11 = LOBYTE(v10); arg14b = g * 255.0; v12 = arg14b + 6.7553994e15; a7a = LODWORD(v12); arg14c = r * 255.0; v13 = arg14c + 6.7553994e15;*/ return pBloodsplatContainer->AddBloodsplat(x, y, z, radius, //SLOBYTE(v13), a7a, v11); r * 255.0f, g * 255.0f, b * 255.0f); } //----- (0049B525) -------------------------------------------------------- void DecalBuilder::Reset(unsigned int bPreserveBloodsplats) { if ( !bPreserveBloodsplats ) { pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size = 0; pBloodsplatContainer->uNumBloodsplats = 0; } std__vector_pDecals_size = 0; } //----- (0049B540) -------------------------------------------------------- char DecalBuilder::ApplyDecals(int light_level, char a3, stru154 *a4, int a5, RenderVertexSoft *a6, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a7, char a8, unsigned int uSectorID) { char *v9; // eax@3 signed int v10; // ecx@3 RenderVertexSoft *v11; // eax@10 unsigned int v12; // edx@10 RenderVertexSoft *v13; // esi@11 RenderVertexSoft *v14; // edi@11 char v15; // zf@11 stru154 *v16; // esi@12 double v18; // st7@17 double v19; // st6@17 float v20; // eax@17 Bloodsplat *v21; // esi@21 int v22; // eax@21 int v23; // ecx@21 double v24; // st7@21 int v25; // ebx@21 double v26; // st7@21 int v27; // edi@21 double v28; // st7@21 float v29; // ST10_4@21 int v30; // ST08_4@21 //DecalBuilder *v31; // esi@21 int v32; // [sp+4h] [bp-44h]@18 float v33; // [sp+8h] [bp-40h]@21 stru314 *v34; // [sp+Ch] [bp-3Ch]@21 float v35; // [sp+10h] [bp-38h]@21 float v36; // [sp+14h] [bp-34h]@17 int v37; // [sp+18h] [bp-30h]@17 int a5a; // [sp+28h] [bp-20h]@21 int v39; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-1Ch]@21 int v40; // [sp+30h] [bp-18h]@21 int v41; // [sp+34h] [bp-14h]@22 int v42; // [sp+38h] [bp-10h]@21 int v43; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-Ch]@21 //DecalBuilder *thisa; // [sp+40h] [bp-8h]@1 //RenderVertexSoft *a11; // [sp+44h] [bp-4h]@8 int a6a; int *a6b; // __debugbreak(); //auto a2 = light_level; //auto a9 = uSectorID; //thisa = this; if ( !a5 ) return 0; static RenderVertexSoft static_AE4F90[64]; static bool __init_flag1 = false; if (!__init_flag1) { __init_flag1 = true; for (uint i = 0; i < 64; ++i) static_AE4F90[i].flt_2C = 0.0f; } static stru314 static_AE4F60; // idb /*static bool __init_flag2 = false; if (!__init_flag2) { __init_flag2 = true; stru314::stru314(&static_AE4F60); }*/ //a11 = a6; if ( a7 ) { for(int i=0; i < a5;i++) { memcpy(&static_AE4F90[i], a6, 0x30u); ++a6; } v16 = a4; if ( pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->_437376(a4, static_AE4F90, (unsigned int *)&a5) == 1 ) { if ( !a5 ) return 0; a6 = static_AE4F90; } } else { v16 = a4; } v18 = v16->face_plane.vNormal.z; v19 = v16->face_plane.vNormal.y; v20 = v16->face_plane.vNormal.x; v37 = (int)&static_AE4F60.field_1C; static_AE4F60.field_4.y = v19; static_AE4F60.field_4.x = v20; LODWORD(v36) = (DWORD)&static_AE4F60.field_10; static_AE4F60.field_4.z = v18; static_AE4F60.dist = v16->face_plane.dist; if ( !pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->GetFacetOrientation(v16->polygonType, &static_AE4F60.field_4, &static_AE4F60.field_10, &static_AE4F60.field_1C) ) { MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Error: Failed to get the facet orientation", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\PolyProjector.cpp:101", 0); } int _a7 = 0; if ( this->uNumDecals > 0 ) { a6b = this->std__vector_30B00C; do { v21 = &pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats[*a6b]; v22 = _43F5C8_get_point_light_level_with_respect_to_lights(light_level, uSectorID, v21->x, v21->y, v21->z); v23 = v21->b; v24 = v21->x; v42 = v22; BYTE3(v22) = 0; *(short *)((char *)&v22 + 1) = v21->r; LOBYTE(v22) = v21->g; v43 = v23 | (v22 << 8); v25 = (signed __int64)v24; v26 = v21->z; v27 = (signed __int64)v21->y; v37 = a8; v40 = (signed __int64)v26; v28 = v21->dot_dist; //LODWORD(v36) = (uint32)a6; a5a = v25; v39 = v27; LODWORD(v35) = a5; v34 = &static_AE4F60; v33 = v28; v32 = v23 | (v22 << 8); v29 = v21->radius; //v30 = (int)v21; //v31 = thisa; if ( !this->_49B790_build_decal_geometry(v42, a3, (DecalBuilder_stru0 *)v21, (int)&a5a, SLODWORD(v29), v43, v33, &static_AE4F60, a5, a6, a8) ) { MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Error: Failed to build decal geometry", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\PolyProjector.cpp:114", 0); } ++_a7; ++a6b; } while ( _a7 < this->uNumDecals ); } return 1; } //----- (0049B790) -------------------------------------------------------- char DecalBuilder::_49B790_build_decal_geometry(int a2, char a3, DecalBuilder_stru0 *a4, int a5, float a6, unsigned int uColorMultiplier, float a8, stru314 *a9, signed int a10, RenderVertexSoft *a11, char uClipFlags) { DecalBuilder *v12; // esi@1 Decal *v13; // edi@2 int *v14; // eax@2 double v15; // st7@4 double v16; // st7@4 int v17; // eax@4 stru314 *v18; // ebx@4 double v19; // st7@4 double v20; // st7@4 double v21; // st7@4 double v22; // st6@4 double v23; // st6@4 double v24; // st5@4 char *v25; // eax@4 signed int v26; // ecx@4 double v27; // st5@4 double v28; // st7@5 double v29; // st7@6 char result; // al@6 unsigned int *v31; // edi@7 RenderVertexSoft *v32; // ebx@8 std::string *v33; // ecx@15 int v34; // eax@19 const char *v35; // [sp-Ch] [bp-2Ch]@15 int v36; // [sp-8h] [bp-28h]@15 std::string v37; // [sp-4h] [bp-24h]@15 float v38; // [sp+8h] [bp-18h]@6 RenderVertexSoft *v39; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@6 unsigned int v40; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@6 int a6a; RenderVertexSoft *a8a; unsigned int a8b = 0; v12 = this; if ( a6 == 0.0 ) return 1; v13 = &this->std__vector_pDecals[this->field_308008]; v14 = &this->std__vector_pDecals[this->field_308008].field_C1C; this->std__vector_pDecals[this->field_308008].field_C18 = a4; *v14 = 0; if ( a3 & 2 ) *v14 = 1; v15 = a6 - a8; this->field_30C028 = v15; v16 = sqrt((a6 + a6 - v15) * v15); v12->field_30C02C = v16; v17 = a5; v18 = a9; v12->flt_30C030 = 1.0 - (a6 - v16) / a6; v13->field_C08 = (signed __int64)((double)*(signed int *)v17 - a8 * v18->field_4.x); v13->field_C0A = (signed __int64)((double)*(signed int *)(a5 + 4) - a8 * v18->field_4.y); v19 = a6; v13->field_C0C = (signed __int64)((double)*(signed int *)(a5 + 8) - a8 * v18->field_4.z); v20 = v19 * v12->flt_30C030; a8a = v13->pVertices; v12->field_30C034 = v20; v12->field_30C010 = v20 * v18->field_10.x; v12->field_30C014 = v20 * v18->field_10.y; v12->field_30C018 = v20 * v18->field_10.z; v12->field_30C01C = v20 * v18->field_1C.x; v12->field_30C020 = v20 * v18->field_1C.y; v12->field_30C024 = v20 * v18->field_1C.z; a6a = v13->field_C08; v21 = (double)a6a; v22 = v21 - v12->field_30C01C; a6a = v13->field_C0A; v13->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.x = v22 + v12->field_30C010; v23 = (double)a6a; v24 = v23 - v12->field_30C020 + v12->field_30C014; v25 = (char *)&v13->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.y; a6 = v13->field_C0C; v26 = 4; v13->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.y = v24; v27 = (double)a6a; a6 = v27; v13->pVertices[0].vWorldPosition.z = v27 - v12->field_30C024 + v12->field_30C018; v13->pVertices[0].u = 0.0; v13->pVertices[0].v = 0.0; v13->pVertices[1].vWorldPosition.x = v21 - v12->field_30C01C - v12->field_30C010; v13->pVertices[1].vWorldPosition.y = v23 - v12->field_30C020 - v12->field_30C014; v13->pVertices[1].vWorldPosition.z = v27 - v12->field_30C024 - v12->field_30C018; v13->pVertices[1].u = 0.0; v13->pVertices[1].v = 1.0; v13->pVertices[2].vWorldPosition.x = v21 + v12->field_30C01C - v12->field_30C010; v13->pVertices[2].vWorldPosition.y = v23 + v12->field_30C020 - v12->field_30C014; v13->pVertices[2].vWorldPosition.z = v27 + v12->field_30C024 - v12->field_30C018; v13->pVertices[2].u = 1.0; v13->pVertices[2].v = 1.0; v13->pVertices[3].vWorldPosition.x = v21 + v12->field_30C01C + v12->field_30C010; v13->pVertices[3].vWorldPosition.y = v23 + v12->field_30C020 + v12->field_30C014; v13->pVertices[3].vWorldPosition.z = a6 + v12->field_30C024 + v12->field_30C018; v13->pVertices[3].u = 1.0; v13->pVertices[3].v = 0.0; do { v28 = v18->field_4.y * *(float *)v25 + *((float *)v25 - 1) * v18->field_4.x + *((float *)v25 + 1) * v18->field_4.z + v18->dist; *((float *)v25 - 1) = *((float *)v25 - 1) - v28 * v18->field_4.x; *(float *)v25 = *(float *)v25 - v28 * v18->field_4.y; v25 += 48; --v26; *((float *)v25 - 11) = *((float *)v25 - 11) - v28 * v18->field_4.z; } while ( v26 ); v13->uColorMultiplier = uColorMultiplier; //v40 = (unsigned int *)&v13->uNumVertices; v39 = v13->pVertices; v13->uNumVertices = 4; v13->field_C14 = a2; v29 = v18->field_4.z; //a6a = (unsigned int *)&v13->uNumVertices; v38 = v29; result = pGame->pStru9Instance->_4980B9(a11, a10, v18->field_4.x, v18->field_4.y, v38, v39, (unsigned int*)&v13->uNumVertices); if ( result ) { //v31 = a6a; if ( !v13->uNumVertices ) return 1; v32 = a8a; //v40 = *a6a; v39 = a8a; pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->ViewTransform(a8a, (unsigned int)v13->uNumVertices); v40 = 0; pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->Project(v32, v13->uNumVertices, 0); if ( !(uClipFlags & 1) ) { ++v12->field_308008; v34 = 1024; if ( v12->field_308008 == 1024 ) v12->field_308008 = 0; if ( (signed int)(v12->std__vector_pDecals_size + 1) <= 1024 ) v34 = v12->std__vector_pDecals_size + 1; v12->std__vector_pDecals_size = v34; return 1; } if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor ) { if ( uClipFlags & 2 ) { v40 = (int)&a8; v39 = v12->pVertices; __debugbreak(); // warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'v31' used pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->_436CDC_mess_with_lightmap__clipflag_2(v32, *v31, v12->pVertices, &a8b); v40 = (int)v31; v39 = v12->pVertices; pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->_437143(a8b, v32, v12->pVertices, v31); } else if ( uClipFlags & 4 ) { v40 = (int)&a8; v39 = v12->pVertices; pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->_436F09_mess_with_lightmap__clipflag_4(v32, *v31, v12->pVertices, &a8b); v40 = (int)v31; v39 = v12->pVertices; pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->_437143(a8b, v32, v12->pVertices, v31); } else { v39 = (RenderVertexSoft *)"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\PolyProjector.cpp:258"; v35 = "Undefined clip flag specified"; MessageBoxA(nullptr, v35, (const char *)v39, 0); } } else { v39 = (RenderVertexSoft *)"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\PolyProjector.cpp:263"; v35 = "Lightpoly builder native indoor clipping not implemented"; MessageBoxA(nullptr, v35, (const char *)v39, 0); } if ( a8b != 0 ) { ++v12->field_308008; v34 = 1024; if ( v12->field_308008 == 1024 ) v12->field_308008 = 0; if ( (signed int)(v12->std__vector_pDecals_size + 1) <= 1024 ) v34 = v12->std__vector_pDecals_size + 1; v12->std__vector_pDecals_size = v34; return 1; } result = 1; } return result; } //----- (0049BBBD) -------------------------------------------------------- bool DecalBuilder::ApplyBloodsplatDecals_IndoorFace(unsigned int uFaceID) { double v7; // st7@12 uNumDecals = 0; if (!pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size) return true; auto pFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID]; if (pFace->uAttributes & 0x400000) return true; if (pFace->Fluid()) return true; for (uint i = 0; i < pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size; ++i) { auto pBloodsplat = pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats + i; if (pFace->pBounding.x1 - pBloodsplat->radius < pBloodsplat->x && pFace->pBounding.x2 + pBloodsplat->radius > pBloodsplat->x && pFace->pBounding.y1 - pBloodsplat->radius < pBloodsplat->y && pFace->pBounding.y2 + pBloodsplat->radius > pBloodsplat->y && pFace->pBounding.z1 - pBloodsplat->radius < pBloodsplat->z && pFace->pBounding.z2 + pBloodsplat->radius > pBloodsplat->z) { v7 = pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.z * pBloodsplat->z + pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.y * pBloodsplat->y + pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.x * pBloodsplat->x + pFace->pFacePlane.dist; if (v7 <= pBloodsplat->radius) { pBloodsplat->dot_dist = v7; std__vector_30B00C[uNumDecals++] = i; } } } return true; } //----- (0049BCEB) -------------------------------------------------------- char DecalBuilder::ApplyDecals_OutdoorFace(ODMFace *pFace) { double v8; // st7@12 unsigned int v10; // [sp+20h] [bp-1Ch]@1 Bloodsplat *pBloodsplat; this->uNumDecals = 0; v10 = pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size; if ( !(pFace->uAttributes & 0x400000) && !(pFace->uAttributes & 0x10) ) { for(int i = 0; i < pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size; i++ ) { pBloodsplat = &pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats[i]; if ( (double)pFace->pBoundingBox.x1 - pBloodsplat->radius < pBloodsplat->x && (double)pFace->pBoundingBox.x2 + pBloodsplat->radius > pBloodsplat->x && (double)pFace->pBoundingBox.y1 - pBloodsplat->radius < pBloodsplat->y && (double)pFace->pBoundingBox.y2 + pBloodsplat->radius > pBloodsplat->y && (double)pFace->pBoundingBox.z1 - pBloodsplat->radius < pBloodsplat->z && (double)pFace->pBoundingBox.z2 + pBloodsplat->radius > pBloodsplat->z ) { v8 = (double)((pFace->pFacePlane.dist + round(pBloodsplat->x) * pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.x + round(pBloodsplat->y) * pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.y + round(pBloodsplat->z) * pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.z) >> 16); if ( v8 <= pBloodsplat->radius ) { pBloodsplat->dot_dist = v8; this->std__vector_30B00C[this->uNumDecals++] = i; } } } } return 1; } //----- (0049BE8A) -------------------------------------------------------- bool DecalBuilder::_49BE8A(struct Polygon *a2, Vec3_float_ *_a3, float *a4, RenderVertexSoft *a5, unsigned int uStripType, char a7) { bool result; // eax@1 RenderVertexSoft *v8; // edi@3 Vec3_float_ *v9; // ebx@3 Bloodsplat *v10; // esi@3 float v11; // eax@5 float v12; // eax@6 double v13; // st7@13 double v14; // st7@19 short v15; // eax@20 int v16; // eax@22 int v17; // edx@24 DecalBuilder *v18; // eax@24 std::string v19; // [sp-18h] [bp-54h]@12 const char *v20; // [sp-8h] [bp-44h]@12 int v21; // [sp-4h] [bp-40h]@12 double v22; // [sp+Ch] [bp-30h]@19 unsigned int v23; // [sp+14h] [bp-28h]@1 DecalBuilder *v24; // [sp+18h] [bp-24h]@1 int v25; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-20h]@19 float v26; // [sp+20h] [bp-1Ch]@12 int v27; // [sp+24h] [bp-18h]@12 float v28; // [sp+28h] [bp-14h]@13 float v29; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-10h]@7 float v30; // [sp+30h] [bp-Ch]@6 float v31; // [sp+34h] [bp-8h]@6 bool v32; // [sp+38h] [bp-4h]@2 float a3; this->uNumDecals = 0; result = pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size != 0; v24 = this; v23 = pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size; if ( pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size ) { v32 = 0; if ( (signed int)pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats_size > 0 ) { v8 = a5; v9 = _a3; v10 = pBloodsplatContainer->std__vector_pBloodsplats; while ( v32 < (signed int)v23) { if ( uStripType == 4 ) { a3 = v8->vWorldPosition.x; v11 = v8[3].vWorldPosition.x; v31 = v11; v30 = v8[1].vWorldPosition.y; v12 = v8->vWorldPosition.y; v29 = v12; } else if ( uStripType == 3 ) { if ( a7 ) { a3 = v8->vWorldPosition.x; v31 = v8[2].vWorldPosition.x; v30 = v8[1].vWorldPosition.y; v12 = v8[2].vWorldPosition.y; v29 = v12; } else { a3 = v8[1].vWorldPosition.x; v11 = v8[2].vWorldPosition.x; v31 = v11; v30 = v8[1].vWorldPosition.y; v12 = v8->vWorldPosition.y; v29 = v12; } } else MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Uknown strip type detected!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\PolyProjector.cpp:434", 0); v21 = uStripType; v13 = pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->GetPolygonMinZ(v8, uStripType); v21 = uStripType; v28 = v13; v26 = pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->GetPolygonMaxZ(v8, uStripType); if ( a3 - v10->radius < v10->x && v31 + v10->radius > v10->x && v30 - v10->radius < v10->y && v29 + v10->radius > v10->y && v28 - v10->radius < v10->z && v26 + v10->radius > v10->z ) { Vec3_float_::NegDot(&v8->vWorldPosition, v9, a4); v26 = v9->y * v10->y + v9->z * v10->z + v9->x * v10->x + *a4; v22 = v26 + 6.7553994e15; v25 = LODWORD(v22); v14 = (double)SLODWORD(v22); v28 = v14; if ( v14 <= v10->radius ) { v15 = a2->flags; if ( v15 & 2 || BYTE1(v15) & 1 ) { v16 = v10->field_1C; if ( !(v16 & 1) ) { LOBYTE(v16) = v16 | 1; v10->field_1C = v16; v10->field_20 = pEventTimer->Time(); } } v17 = v32; v10->dot_dist = LODWORD(v28); v18 = v24; v24->std__vector_30B00C[v24->uNumDecals] = v17; ++v18->uNumDecals; } } ++v32; ++v10; result = v32; } } } LOBYTE(result) = 1; return result; } //----- (0049C095) -------------------------------------------------------- void DecalBuilder::DrawDecal(Decal *pDecal, float z_bias) { signed int v21; // [sp+Ch] [bp-864h]@15 RenderVertexD3D3 pVerticesD3D[64]; // [sp+20h] [bp-850h]@6 if (pDecal->uNumVertices < 3) { Log::Warning(L"Decal has < 3 vertices"); return; } float color_mult; if ( pDecal->field_C1C & 1 ) color_mult = 1.0; else color_mult = pDecal->field_C18->_43B570_get_color_mult_by_time(); for (uint i = 0; i < pDecal->uNumVertices; ++i) { uint uTint = pRenderer->GetActorTintColor(pDecal->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x, pDecal->field_C14, 0, 0, nullptr); uint uTintR = (uTint >> 16) & 0xFF, uTintG = (uTint >> 8) & 0xFF, uTintB = uTint & 0xFF; uint uDecalColorMultR = (pDecal->uColorMultiplier >> 16) & 0xFF, uDecalColorMultG = (pDecal->uColorMultiplier >> 8) & 0xFF, uDecalColorMultB = pDecal->uColorMultiplier & 0xFF; uint uFinalR = floorf(uTintR / 255.0 * color_mult * uDecalColorMultR + 0.0f), uFinalG = floorf(uTintG / 255.0 * color_mult * uDecalColorMultG + 0.0f), uFinalB = floorf(uTintB / 255.0 * color_mult * uDecalColorMultB + 0.0f); float v15; if (fabs(z_bias) < 1e-5) v15 = 1.0 - 1.0 / ((1.0f / pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->GetShadingDistMist()) * pDecal->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x * 1000.0); else { v15 = 1.0 - 1.0 / ((1.0f / pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->GetShadingDistMist()) * pDecal->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x * 1000.0) - z_bias; if (v15 < 0.000099999997) v15 = 0.000099999997; } pVerticesD3D[i].pos.z = v15; pVerticesD3D[i].pos.x = pDecal->pVertices[i].vWorldViewProjX; pVerticesD3D[i].pos.y = pDecal->pVertices[i].vWorldViewProjY; pVerticesD3D[i].texcoord.x = pDecal->pVertices[i].u; pVerticesD3D[i].texcoord.y = pDecal->pVertices[i].v; pVerticesD3D[i].diffuse = (uFinalR << 16) | (uFinalG << 8) | uFinalB; pVerticesD3D[i].specular = 0; pVerticesD3D[i].rhw = 1.0 / pDecal->pVertices[i].vWorldViewPosition.x; } if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor) v21 = D3DDP_DONOTLIGHT | D3DDP_DONOTCLIP | D3DDP_DONOTUPDATEEXTENTS; else v21 = D3DDP_DONOTLIGHT; ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR | D3DFVF_TEX1, pVerticesD3D, pDecal->uNumVertices, v21)); } //----- (0049C2CD) -------------------------------------------------------- void DecalBuilder::DrawDecals(float z_bias) { for (uint i = 0; i < std__vector_pDecals_size; ++i) DrawDecal(std__vector_pDecals + i, z_bias); } //----- (0049C304) -------------------------------------------------------- void DecalBuilder::DrawBloodsplats() { if (!std__vector_pDecals_size) return; if (pRenderer->bUsingSpecular) ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE, FALSE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ADDRESS, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, FALSE)); auto pTex = pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->LoadTextureAndGetHardwarePtr("hwsplat04"); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetTexture(0, pTex)); DrawDecals(0.00039999999); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZWRITEENABLE, TRUE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE)); ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ZERO)); if (pRenderer->bUsingSpecular) ErrD3D(pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE, TRUE)); } //----- (0049C550) -------------------------------------------------------- void DecalBuilder::DrawDecalDebugOutlines() { for(int i = 0; i < std__vector_pDecals_size; i++) pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->debug_outline_sw(std__vector_pDecals[i].pVertices, std__vector_pDecals[i].uNumVertices, 0xC86400u, 0.0); } //----- (0040E4C2) -------------------------------------------------------- void Decal::Decal_base_ctor() { uNumVertices = -1; for (uint i = 0; i < 64; ++i) pVertices[i].flt_2C = 0.0f; }