Mercurial > mm7
view VideoPlayer.cpp @ 2396:6997e2ad913b
_46BFFA_check_object_intercept refactor
author | zipi |
date | Sun, 06 Jul 2014 16:27:17 +0100 |
parents | 2fe8feb3dcd1 |
children | f4af3b203f65 |
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#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "mm7_unsorted_subs.h" #include "Bink_Smacker.h" #include "mm7_data.h" #include "CShow.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "VideoPlayer.h" #include "MediaPlayer.h" #include "AudioPlayer.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Render.h" #include "Party.h" #include "GUIWindow.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Log.h" #include "texts.h" #include "UI\UIHouses.h" VideoPlayer *pVideoPlayer = nullptr; #pragma comment(lib, "Version.lib") bool GetDllVersion(const wchar_t *pDllName, uint *pMajor, uint *pMinor) { uint uVersionSize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(pDllName, nullptr); void *pVersionData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, uVersionSize); { GetFileVersionInfoW(pDllName, 0, uVersionSize, pVersionData); VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pInfo = nullptr; UINT uInfoSize = 0; VerQueryValueW(pVersionData, L"\\", (void **)&pInfo, &uInfoSize); if (!pMajor || !pMinor) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pVersionData); return false; } *pMajor = pInfo->dwFileVersionMS; *pMinor = pInfo->dwFileVersionLS; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pVersionData); return true; } //----- (004BF794) -------------------------------------------------------- void ShowMM7IntroVideo_and_LoadingScreen() { RGBTexture tex; // [sp+Ch] [bp-30h]@1 unsigned int uTrackStartMS; // [sp+34h] [bp-8h]@8 unsigned int uTrackEndMS; // [sp+38h] [bp-4h]@8 pVideoPlayer->bStopBeforeSchedule = false; pVideoPlayer->pResetflag = 0; bGameoverLoop = true; if (!bNoVideo) { pRenderer->PresentBlackScreen(); if ( !pVideoPlayer->bStopBeforeSchedule ) PlayFullscreenMovie(MOVIE_Intro, true); } // char pContainerName[64]; tex.Load("mm6title.pcx", 2); pRenderer->BeginScene(); pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &tex); free(tex.pPixels); tex.pPixels = 0; //LoadFonts_and_DrawCopyrightWindow(); DrawMM7CopyrightWindow(); pRenderer->EndScene(); pRenderer->Present(); #ifndef _DEBUG Sleep(1500); // let the copyright window stay for a while #endif if (!bNoSound && pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook ) { pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume((signed __int64)(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0)); AIL_redbook_stop(pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook); AIL_redbook_track_info(pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook, 14, &uTrackStartMS, &uTrackEndMS); AIL_redbook_play(pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook, uTrackStartMS + 1, uTrackEndMS); } bGameoverLoop = false; } //----- (004BE70E) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::MovieLoop(const char *pMovieName, int a2, int ScreenSizeFlag, int a4) { int v4; // ebp@1 MSG Msg; // [sp+Ch] [bp-1Ch]@12 v4 = a2; if ( !(dword_6BE364_game_settings_1 & (GAME_SETTINGS_NO_HOUSE_ANIM | GAME_SETTINGS_NO_INTRO)) ) { if ( a2 == 2 ) v4 = 0; ShowCursor(0);//Убрать курсор OpenGlobalMovie(pMovieName, 0, ScreenSizeFlag); bPlayingMovie = 1; field_44 = v4; pRenderer->ClearTarget(0); pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_VIDEO; auto hwnd = pVideoPlayer->window->GetApiHandle(); RECT rc_client; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc_client); int client_width = rc_client.right - rc_client.left, client_height = rc_client.bottom -; HDC dc = GetDC(hwnd); HDC back_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP back_bmp; SelectObject(back_dc, back_bmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, client_width, client_height)); DWORD t = GetTickCount();//текущее время от запуска ОС end_current_file = false;//установить флаг конца видеоролика while (true) //Цикл воспроизведения видеоролика { if ( pVideoPlayer->bStopBeforeSchedule ) break; while (PeekMessageA(&Msg, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (Msg.message == 18) Game_DeinitializeAndTerminate(0); if (Msg.message == 15) break; TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessageA(&Msg); } double dt = (GetTickCount() - t) / 1000.0; //изменение времени //dt = 1.0/15.0; t = GetTickCount(); //log("dt=%.5f\n", dt); auto image = new char[client_width * client_height * 4]; pMovie_Track->GetNextFrame(dt, image); //получить следующий кадр if (end_current_file)//достигнут ли конец видео? break; if (image) { // draw to hwnd BITMAPINFO bmi; bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = client_width; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -client_height; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; GetDIBits(back_dc, back_bmp, 0, client_height, 0, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); SetDIBits(back_dc, back_bmp, 0, client_height, image, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, client_width, client_height, back_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); delete[] image;//удалить кадр } GUI_MainMenuMessageProc(); //после отрисовки, т.к. иначе вылетает dt = 0.03, image - ??? if (pVideoPlayer->bStopBeforeSchedule == 1)//остановка видео Sleep(1000); //пауза после видеоролика } pVideoPlayer->Unload(); if (a4 == 1) pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_GAME; pVideoPlayer->bPlayingMovie = 0; ShowCursor(1);//вернуть курсор if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_VIDEO ) pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_GAME; } } //----- (004BE9D8) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::Initialize(OSWindow *target_window) { DWORD NumberOfBytesRead; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@9 window = target_window; uint uBinkVersionMajor = -1, uBinkVersionMinor = -1; GetDllVersion(L"BINKW32.DLL", &uBinkVersionMajor, &uBinkVersionMinor); uBinkVersion = (unsigned __int64)uBinkVersionMajor << 32 | uBinkVersionMinor; strcpy(, "anims\\might7.vid"); hMightVid = CreateFileW(L"anims\\might7.vid", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0x8000080, 0); if ( hMightVid == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { sprintf(, "Can't open file - anims\\%s.smk",; MessageBoxA(0,, "Video File Error", 0); return; } strcpy(, "anims\\magic7.vid"); hMagicVid = CreateFileW(L"anims\\magic7.vid", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0x8000080, 0); if ( hMagicVid == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( !bCanLoadFromCD ) { sprintf(, "Can't open file - anims\\%s.smk",; MessageBoxA(0,, "Video File Error", 0); return; } sprintf(, "%c:\\%s", (unsigned __int8)cMM7GameCDDriveLetter,; hMagicVid = CreateFileA(, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0x8000080, 0); if ( hMagicVid == (HANDLE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { sprintf(, "Can't open file - %s",; MessageBoxA(0,, "Video File Error", 0); return; } } ReadFile(hMightVid, &uNumMightVideoHeaders, 4, &NumberOfBytesRead, 0); ReadFile(hMagicVid, &uNumMagicVideoHeaders, 4, &NumberOfBytesRead, 0); pMightVideoHeaders = (MovieHeader *)malloc(sizeof(MovieHeader) * uNumMightVideoHeaders + 2); pMagicVideoHeaders = (MovieHeader *)malloc(sizeof(MovieHeader) * uNumMagicVideoHeaders + 2); ReadFile(hMightVid, pMightVideoHeaders, 44 * uNumMightVideoHeaders, &NumberOfBytesRead, 0); ReadFile(hMagicVid, pMagicVideoHeaders, 44 * uNumMagicVideoHeaders, &NumberOfBytesRead, 0); } //----- (004BEBD7) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::Unload() { if ( pSmackMovieBlit ) { SmackBlitClose(pSmackMovieBlit); pSmackMovieBlit = 0; } bBufferLoaded = 0; uMovieFormat = 0; uMovieFormatSwapped = 0; memset(pCurrentMovieName, 0, 0x40); if ( pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook && !bGameoverLoop ) AIL_redbook_resume(pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook); pEventTimer->Resume(); delete pMovie_Track; Log::Warning(L"delete dynamic memory for pMovie_Track\n"); pMovie_Track = nullptr; } void VideoPlayer::_inlined_in_463149() { if (pMovie_Track) { pRenderer->BeginScene(); pMouse->DrawCursorToTarget(); UpdatePalette(); pMouse->ReadCursorWithItem(); pRenderer->EndScene(); } } void VideoPlayer::UpdatePalette() //UpdateVideo { Log::Warning(L"smacker"); loop_current_file = true;//зацикленный ролик pRenderer->BeginScene(); if (end_current_file)//видео завершено/перезагрузка { int width = game_viewport_width; int height = game_viewport_height; MovieRelease(); SetFilePointer(hVidFile, uOffset, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN); pMovie_Track = nullptr; Log::Warning(L"reload pMovie_Track"); pMovie_Track = pMediaPlayer->LoadMovieFromLOD(hVidFile, &readFunction, &seekFunction, width, height); end_current_file = false; } //else //{ double dt = (GetTickCount() - time_video_begin) / 1000.0; //dt = 1.0/15.0; time_video_begin = GetTickCount(); //log("dt=%.5f\n", dt); auto image = new char[current_movie_width * current_movie_height * 4]; pMovie_Track->GetNextFrame(dt, image); int image_array[460 * 344];//game_viewport_width * game_viewport_height if (image) { memcpy(image_array, image, sizeof (image_array)); for (unsigned int y = 8; y < 8 + game_viewport_height; ++y)//координаты местоположения видеоролика { for (unsigned int x = 8; x < 8 + game_viewport_width; ++x) { auto p = (unsigned __int32 *)pRenderer->pTargetSurface + x + y * pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch; *p = image_array[((x - 8) + ((y - 8)*game_viewport_width))]; } } delete[] image; } //} pRenderer->EndScene(); } //----- (004BF28F) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::OpenHouseMovie(const char *pMovieName, unsigned int a3_1) { if (!this->bBufferLoaded) { //Prepare(); pEventTimer->Pause(); if (pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook) AIL_redbook_pause(pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook); bStopBeforeSchedule = false; bBufferLoaded = 1; bPlayingMovie = false; bFirstFrame = false; bUsingSmackerMMX = SmackUseMMX(1); this->bLoopPlaying = a3_1; if ( LOBYTE(this->field_104) == 1 ) { MessageBoxA(nullptr, "Unsupported Bink playback!", "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Video.cpp:925", 0); return; } LoadMovie(pMovieName); time_video_begin = GetTickCount(); } } //----- (004BF3F9) -------------------------------------------------------- bool VideoPlayer::AnyMovieLoaded() { return pMovie_Track;// pSmackerMovie || pBinkMovie; } //----- (004BF411) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::OpenGlobalMovie(const char *pFilename, unsigned int bLoop, int a4) { // unsigned int v10; // eax@11 if (!this->bBufferLoaded) { pEventTimer->Pause(); if (pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook) AIL_redbook_pause(pAudioPlayer->hAILRedbook); bStopBeforeSchedule = false; bBufferLoaded = 1; bPlayingMovie = false; bFirstFrame = false; bUsingSmackerMMX = SmackUseMMX(1); this->bLoopPlaying = bLoop; LoadMovie(pFilename); return; } } //----- (004BF5B2) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::_4BF5B2() { //__debugbreak(); /*if ( this->uMovieFormat == 2 ) { BinkGoto(pBinkMovie, 1, 0); BinkDoFrame(pBinkMovie); BinkNextFrame(pBinkMovie); } else { if ( this->uMovieFormat != 1 ) return; SmackGoto(pSmackerMovie, 1); if ( pVersion->pVersionInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT || pVersion->pVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion != 4 ) { SmackDoFrame(pSmackerMovie); SmackNextFrame(pSmackerMovie); } }*/ pMouse->_469E24(); if ( window_SpeakInHouse && window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C == (void *)165 && !pMovie_Track)//!this->pSmackerMovie ) { bGameoverLoop = true; HouseDialogPressCloseBtn(); window_SpeakInHouse->Release(); pParty->uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFFD; if ( EnterHouse(HOUSE_BODY_GUILD_ERATHIA) ) { pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Invalid, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); window_SpeakInHouse = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_HouseInterior, 165, 0); window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(0x3Du, 0x1A8u, 0x1Fu, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 1, 0x31, "", 0); window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(0xB1u, 0x1A8u, 0x1Fu, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 2, 0x32, "", 0); window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(0x124u, 0x1A8u, 0x1Fu, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 3, 0x33, "", 0); window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(0x197u, 0x1A8u, 0x1Fu, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 4, 0x34, "", 0); } bGameoverLoop = 0; } } //----- (004BF73A) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::SelectMovieType() { char Source[32]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-40h]@1 strcpy(Source, this->pCurrentMovieName); Unload(); if ( this->uMovieFormatSwapped == 1 ) OpenHouseMovie(Source, LOBYTE(this->bLoopPlaying)); else if ( this->uMovieFormatSwapped == 2 ) OpenGlobalMovie(Source, LOBYTE(this->bLoopPlaying), 1); else __debugbreak(); } //----- (004BF8F6) -------------------------------------------------------- void VideoPlayer::PlayDeathMovie() { bStopBeforeSchedule = 0; pResetflag = 0; PlayFullscreenMovie(MOVIE_Death, true); //pGame->pCShow->PlayMovie(MOVIE_Death, 1); } //----- (004BE6F5) -------------------------------------------------------- VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer() : bBufferLoaded(0), //pBinkMovie(nullptr), pBinkBuffer(nullptr), //pSmackerMovie(nullptr), pSmackerBuffer(nullptr), pSmackMovieBlit(nullptr) { //RGBTexture::RGBTexture(&pVideoPlayer->pVideoFrame); bStopBeforeSchedule = false; pResetflag = 0; pMediaPlayer = new Media::MPlayer;//создаётся плеер Log::Warning(L"allocation dynamic memory for pMediaPlayer\n"); pMovie_Track = nullptr; //pBinkMovie = nullptr; } int VideoPlayer::readFunction(void* opaque, uint8_t* buf, int buf_size) { HANDLE stream = (HANDLE)opaque; //int numBytes = stream->read((char*)buf, buf_size); int numBytes; ReadFile(stream, (char *)buf, buf_size, (LPDWORD)&numBytes, NULL); return numBytes; } int64_t VideoPlayer::seekFunction(void* opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) { if (whence == AVSEEK_SIZE) return pVideoPlayer->uSize; HANDLE h = (HANDLE)opaque; LARGE_INTEGER li; li.QuadPart = offset; if (!SetFilePointerEx(h, li, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&li, FILE_BEGIN)) return -1; return li.QuadPart; } void VideoPlayer::LoadMovie(const char * pFilename) { char pVideoNameBik[120]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-28h]@2 char pVideoNameSmk[120]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-28h]@2 sprintf(pVideoNameBik, "%s.bik", pFilename); sprintf(pVideoNameSmk, "%s.smk", pFilename); for (uint i = 0; i < uNumMightVideoHeaders; ++i) { if (!_stricmp(pVideoNameSmk, pMightVideoHeaders[i].pVideoName)) { hVidFile = hMightVid; uOffset = pMightVideoHeaders[i].uFileOffset; uSize = pMightVideoHeaders[i + 1].uFileOffset - uOffset; this->uMovieFormat = 1; this->uMovieFormatSwapped = 2; } } for (uint i = 0; i < uNumMagicVideoHeaders; ++i) { if (!_stricmp(pVideoNameBik, pMagicVideoHeaders[i].pVideoName)) { hVidFile = hMagicVid; uOffset = pMagicVideoHeaders[i].uFileOffset; uSize = pMagicVideoHeaders[i + 1].uFileOffset - uOffset; this->uMovieFormat = 2; this->uMovieFormatSwapped = 1; } if (!_stricmp(pVideoNameSmk, pMagicVideoHeaders[i].pVideoName)) { hVidFile = hMagicVid; uOffset = pMagicVideoHeaders[i].uFileOffset; uSize = pMagicVideoHeaders[i + 1].uFileOffset - uOffset; this->uMovieFormat = 1; this->uMovieFormatSwapped = 2; } } if (!hVidFile) { Unload(); MessageBoxA(0, "VideoPlayer error", "VideoPlayer Error", 0); return; } SetFilePointer(hVidFile, uOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN); strcpy(this->pCurrentMovieName, pFilename); auto hwnd = pVideoPlayer->window->GetApiHandle(); RECT rc_client; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc_client); int client_width = rc_client.right - rc_client.left, client_height = rc_client.bottom -; pMovie_Track = pMediaPlayer->LoadMovieFromLOD(hVidFile, &readFunction, &seekFunction, client_width, client_height); }