view Vis.cpp @ 397:5fd328336048

author Ritor1
date Sat, 23 Feb 2013 02:12:36 +0600
parents d720a13e2273
children 5cfb5dadf330
line wrap: on
line source

#include <assert.h>

#include "Vis.h"
#include "Outdoor.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Actor.h"
#include "IndoorCamera.h"
#include "Viewport.h"
#include "Log.h"

#include "mm7_data.h"
//#include "MM7.h"

static Vis_SelectionList Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8;

Vis_SelectionFilter vis_sprite_filter_1 = {VisObjectType_Sprite, OBJECT_Decoration,  0, 0,         2}; // 00F93E1C
Vis_SelectionFilter vis_sprite_filter_2 = {VisObjectType_Sprite, OBJECT_Decoration,  0, 0,         2}; // 00F93E30
Vis_SelectionFilter vis_face_filter     = {VisObjectType_Face,   OBJECT_Any,        -1, 0,         0}; // 00F93E44
Vis_SelectionFilter vis_door_filter     = {VisObjectType_Face,   OBJECT_BLVDoor,    -1, 0x100000,  0}; // 00F93E58
Vis_SelectionFilter vis_sprite_filter_3 = {VisObjectType_Sprite, OBJECT_Decoration, -1, 0,         4}; // 00F93E6C
Vis_SelectionFilter vis_sprite_filter_4 = {VisObjectType_Any,    OBJECT_Item,       -1, 0,         0}; // static to sub_44EEA7

//----- (004C1026) --------------------------------------------------------
Vis_ObjectInfo *Vis::_4C1026(BLVFace *face, unsigned int a3, float pick_depth)
  char *v4; // eax@4
  signed int v5; // ecx@4
  //BLVFace *v6; // ecx@7
  //unsigned int v7; // edi@7
  Vec3_short_ *v8; // eax@9
  char *v9; // edx@9
  signed int v10; // esi@10
  //Vec3_int_ **v11; // edx@13
  //char *v12; // eax@13
  //double v13; // st7@14
  //signed int v14; // ebx@14
  //Vis *v15; // ebx@15
  //Vis_ObjectInfo *result; // eax@21
  //Vis_ObjectInfo *v17; // ecx@24
  RenderVertexSoft pRay[2]; // [sp+20h] [bp-70h]@17
  int v20; // [sp+84h] [bp-Ch]@10
  //int v21; // [sp+88h] [bp-8h]@16
  //int v22; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-4h]@16
  signed int v23; // [sp+98h] [bp+8h]@7

  //auto ecx0 = this;

  static Vis_SelectionList static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00;
  static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.uNumPointers = 0;

  static bool _init_flag = false;
  static RenderVertexSoft static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[64];
  if (!_init_flag)
    _init_flag = true;
    for (uint i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
      static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[i].flt_2C = 0.0f;

  //v6 = a2;
  v23 = 0;
  //v7 = face->uNumVertices;
  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
    __debugbreak(); // refactor for BLV picking
    if ( (signed int)face->uNumVertices > 0 )
      v8 = pIndoor->pVertices;
      v9 = (char *)&static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[0].vWorldPosition.y;
        v10 = v23++;
        v20 = v8[face->pVertexIDs[v10]].x;
        *((float *)v9 - 1) = (double)v20;
        v20 = v8[face->pVertexIDs[v10]].y;
        *(float *)v9 = (double)v20;
        v9 += 48;
        v20 = v8[face->pVertexIDs[v10]].z;
        *((float *)v9 - 11) = (double)v20;
      while ( v23 < (signed int)face->uNumVertices );
  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
    uint bmodel_id = a3 >> 9;
    auto v = (Vec3_int_ *)pOutdoor->pBModels[bmodel_id].pVertices.pVertices;
    for (uint i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; ++i)
      static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[i].vWorldPosition.x = v[face->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
      static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[i].vWorldPosition.y = v[face->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
      static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[i].vWorldPosition.z = v[face->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
  else assert(false);

  pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->ViewTransform(static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200, face->uNumVertices);
  pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->Project(static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200, face->uNumVertices, 1);

  //v15 = this;
  SortVectors_x(static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200, 0, face->uNumVertices - 1);
  if (static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200[0].vWorldViewPosition.x > pick_depth)
    return nullptr;

  float screenspace_center_x,
  GetPolygonScreenSpaceCenter(static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200, face->uNumVertices, &screenspace_center_x, &screenspace_center_y);
  if (IsPolygonOccludedByBillboard(static_sub_4C1026_array_F8F200, face->uNumVertices, screenspace_center_x, screenspace_center_y))
    return nullptr;

  CastPickRay(pRay, screenspace_center_x, screenspace_center_y, pick_depth);

  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
    PickOutdoorFaces_Mouse(pick_depth, pRay, &static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00, &vis_face_filter, true);
  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
    PickIndoorFaces_Mouse(pick_depth, pRay, &static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00, &vis_face_filter);
  else assert(false);

  sort_object_pointers(static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.object_pointers, 0, static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.uNumPointers - 1);
  if (!static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.uNumPointers)
    return nullptr;

  if (!static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.sub_4C2551(2, a3))
    return nullptr;

  if (static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.uNumPointers)
    return static_sub_4C1026_stru_F8FE00.object_pointers[0];
  else return nullptr;
// F91E08: using guessed type char static_sub_4C1026_byte_F91E08__init_flags;

//----- (004C12C3) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::IsPolygonOccludedByBillboard(RenderVertexSoft *vertices, int num_vertices, float x, float y)
  //signed int v5; // esi@1
  //RenderBillboardD3D *v6; // edi@2
  //double v7; // st7@9
  //int v8; // edx@9
  //RenderVertexSoft *v9; // ecx@10
  //char result; // al@24
  //Vis *thisa; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1
  //float thisb; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@9
  //signed int v13; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1
  //float a3a; // [sp+28h] [bp+10h]@9
  //float a4a; // [sp+2Ch] [bp+14h]@9

  int v13 = -1;
  //v5 = 0;
  //thisa = this;

  //v6 = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D;
  for (uint i = 0; i < pRenderer->uNumBillboardsToDraw; ++i)
    auto billboard = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D + i;
    if (IsPointInsideD3DBillboard(billboard, x, y))
      if (v13 == -1)
        v13 = i;
      else  if ((unsigned int)pBillboardRenderList[billboard->uParentBillboardID].sZValue < pBillboardRenderList[pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[v13].uParentBillboardID].sZValue)
        v13 = i;

  if ( v13 == -1 )
    return false;
  //v8 = num_vertices;
  //v7 = 3.4028235e38;
  float min_x = FLT_MAX;
  //a4a = 3.4028235e38;
  float min_y = FLT_MAX;
  //a3a = -3.4028235e38;
  float max_x = -FLT_MAX;
  //thisb = -3.4028235e38;
  float max_y = -FLT_MAX;
  for (uint i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i)
    //v9 = a1;
    auto v = vertices + i;

    if (v->vWorldViewProjX < min_x)
      min_x = v->vWorldViewProjX;
    if (v->vWorldViewProjX > max_x)
      max_x = v->vWorldViewProjX;

    if (v->vWorldViewProjY < min_y)
      min_y = v->vWorldViewProjY;
    if (v->vWorldViewProjY > max_y)
      max_y = v->vWorldViewProjY;
    //while ( v8 );

  if (min_x < pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[v13].pQuards[0].pos.x || pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[v13].pQuards[0].pos.y > min_y ||
      pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[v13].pQuards[3].pos.x < max_x || pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[v13].pQuards[1].pos.y < max_y)
    return false;

  return true;

//----- (004C1417) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::GetPolygonCenter(RenderVertexD3D3 *pVertices, unsigned int uNumVertices, float *pCenterX, float *pCenterY)
  static RenderVertexD3D3 unk_F8EA00[64];

  memcpy(unk_F8EA00, pVertices, 32 * uNumVertices);

  SortVerticesByX(unk_F8EA00, 0, uNumVertices - 1);
  *pCenterX = (unk_F8EA00[uNumVertices - 1].pos.x - unk_F8EA00[0].pos.x) * 0.5 + unk_F8EA00[0].pos.x;

  SortVerticesByY(unk_F8EA00, 0, uNumVertices - 1);
  *pCenterY = (unk_F8EA00[uNumVertices - 1].pos.y - unk_F8EA00[0].pos.y) * 0.5 + unk_F8EA00[0].pos.y;

//----- (004C1495) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::GetPolygonScreenSpaceCenter(RenderVertexSoft *vertices, int num_vertices, float *out_center_x, float *out_center_y)
  char *v5; // eax@2
  signed int v6; // ecx@2
  float *result; // eax@5

  static RenderVertexSoft static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[64];

  memcpy(static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8, vertices, 48 * num_vertices);

  SortByScreenSpaceX(static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8, 0, num_vertices - 1);
  *out_center_x = (static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[num_vertices - 1].vWorldViewProjX - static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[0].vWorldViewProjX) * 0.5 + static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[0].vWorldViewProjX;

  SortByScreenSpaceY(static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8, 0, num_vertices - 1);
  *out_center_y = (static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[num_vertices - 1].vWorldViewProjY - static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[0].vWorldViewProjY) * 0.5 + static_sub_4C1495_array_F8DDF8[0].vWorldViewProjY;

//----- (004C1542) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::PickBillboards_Mouse(float fPickDepth, float fX, float fY, Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter)
  for (uint i = 0; i < pRenderer->uNumBillboardsToDraw; ++i)
    auto d3d_billboard = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D + i;
    if (is_part_of_selection((void *)i, filter) && IsPointInsideD3DBillboard(d3d_billboard, fX, fY))
      if (DoesRayIntersectBillboard(fPickDepth, i))
        auto billboard = &pBillboardRenderList[d3d_billboard->uParentBillboardID];

        list->AddObject((void *)d3d_billboard->uParentBillboardID, VisObjectType_Sprite, billboard->sZValue);

//----- (004C1607) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::IsPointInsideD3DBillboard(RenderBillboardD3D *a1, float x, float y)
  //RenderBillboardD3D *result; // eax@1
  double v5; // st7@2
  float v6; // ecx@2
  float v7; // ST00_4@3
  __int16 v8; // fps@6
  double v9; // st6@6
  char v10; // c0@6
  char v11; // c2@6
  char v12; // c3@6
  __int16 v13; // fps@7
  double v14; // st6@7
  unsigned __int8 v15; // c0@7
  char v16; // c2@7
  unsigned __int8 v17; // c3@7
  __int16 v18; // fps@8
  double v19; // st6@8
  char v20; // c0@8
  char v21; // c2@8
  char v22; // c3@8
  __int16 v23; // fps@9
  double v24; // st6@9
  unsigned __int8 v25; // c0@9
  char v26; // c2@9
  unsigned __int8 v27; // c3@9
  float v28; // [sp+4h] [bp-8h]@2
  float v29; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@2
  float a1a; // [sp+14h] [bp+8h]@2

  if ( a1->uParentBillboardID == -1 )
    return false;

  //result = a1;
  v5 = a1->pQuards[0].pos.x;
  a1a = a1->pQuards[3].pos.x;
  v6 = a1->pQuards[0].pos.y;
  //result = (RenderBillboardD3D *)LODWORD(result->pQuards[1].pos.y);
  v29 = v6;
  v28 = a1->pQuards[1].pos.y;
  if ( v5 > a1a )
    v7 = v5;
    //HIWORD(result) = HIWORD(v7);
    v5 = a1a;
    a1a = v7;
  if ( v6 > (double)v28 )
    //result = (RenderBillboardD3D *)LODWORD(v28);
    v28 = v6;
    v29 = v28;
  v9 = x + 1.0;
  //v10 = v9 < v5;
  //v11 = 0;
  //v12 = v9 == v5;
  //BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v8);//crash
  if (v9 >= v5 &&
      (v14 = x - 1.0, v14<=a1a) &&///*UNDEF(v13),*/ v15 = v14 < a1a, v16 = 0, v17 = v14 == a1a, BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v13), v15 | v17)
      (v19 = y + 1.0, v19>=v29) &&///*UNDEF(v18),*/ v20 = v19 < v29, v21 = 0, v22 = v19 == v29, BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v18), v19 >= v29)
      (v24 = y - 1.0, v24<=v28))///*UNDEF(v23),*/ v25 = v24 < v28, v26 = 0, v27 = v24 == v28, BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v23), v25 | v27) )
    return true;
    return false;

//----- (004C16B4) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::PickIndoorFaces_Mouse(float fDepth, RenderVertexSoft *pRay, Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter)
  int v5; // eax@1
  signed int v6; // edi@2
  signed int v7; // esi@4
  int v8; // ecx@7
  int v9; // eax@7
  unsigned int *pNumPointers; // eax@7
  unsigned int v11; // ecx@7
  Vis_ObjectInfo *v12; // edi@7
  RenderVertexSoft a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-44h]@1
  BLVFace *v14; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-14h]@7
  void *v15; // [sp+40h] [bp-10h]@7
  int v16; // [sp+44h] [bp-Ch]@7
  int v17; // [sp+48h] [bp-8h]@1
  Vis *thisa; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  __debugbreak(); // refactor for BLV picking

  v5 = 0;
  thisa = this;
  v17 = 0;
  for ( a1.flt_2C = 0.0; v17 < (signed int)pBspRenderer->uNumFaceIDs; ++v17 )
    v6 = pBspRenderer->pFaceIDs[2 * v5];
    if ( v6 >= 0 )
      if ( v6 < (signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces )
        v7 = v6;
        if ( is_part_of_selection(&pIndoor->pFaces[v6], filter) )
          if ( !pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->IsCulled(&pIndoor->pFaces[v7]) )
            if ( Intersect_Ray_Face(pRay, pRay + 1, &fDepth, &a1, &pIndoor->pFaces[v7], 0xFFFFFFFFu) )
              pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->ViewTransform(&a1, 1u);
              v9 = _48B561_mess_with_scaling_along_z(/*v8, */a1.vWorldViewPosition.x);
              LOWORD(v9) = 0;
              v15 = (void *)((8 * v6 | 6) + v9);
              pNumPointers = &list->uNumPointers;
              v16 = 2;
              v11 = list->uNumPointers;
              v14 = &pIndoor->pFaces[v7];
              v12 = &list->object_pool[v11];
              v12->object = &pIndoor->pFaces[v7];
              v12 = (Vis_ObjectInfo *)((char *)v12 + 4);
              v12->object = v15;
              v12->sZValue = v16;
    v5 = v17 + 1;

//----- (004C17CF) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::PickOutdoorFaces_Mouse(float fDepth, RenderVertexSoft *pRay, Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter, bool only_reachable)
  if (!pOutdoor)

  for (uint i = 0; i < pOutdoor->uNumBModels; ++i)
    int reachable;
    if (!IsBModelVisible(i, &reachable))
    if (!reachable && only_reachable)

    auto bmodel = &pOutdoor->pBModels[i];
    for (uint j = 0; j < bmodel->uNumFaces; ++j)
      auto face = bmodel->pFaces + j;
      if (is_part_of_selection(face, filter))
        BLVFace blv_face;
        RenderVertexSoft intersection;
        if (Intersect_Ray_Face(pRay, pRay + 1, &fDepth, &intersection, &blv_face, i))
          pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->ViewTransform(&intersection, 1u);
          int v13 = _48B561_mess_with_scaling_along_z(/*v12, */intersection.vWorldViewPosition.x);
          v13 += (8 * (j | (i << 6)) | OBJECT_BModel);

          list->AddObject(face, VisObjectType_Face, v13);

        if (blv_face.uAttributes & 0x80000000)
          face->uAttributes |= FACE_OUTLINED;
          face->uAttributes &= ~FACE_OUTLINED;

//----- (004C1930) --------------------------------------------------------
//bool Vis::j_DoesRayIntersectBillboard(float fDepth, unsigned int uD3DBillboardIdx)
//{return DoesRayIntersectBillboard(fDepth, uD3DBillboardIdx);}

//----- (004C1944) --------------------------------------------------------
int Vis::PickClosestActor(int object_id, unsigned int pick_depth, int a4, int a5, int a6)
  //float v6; // ST00_4@3
  //int result; // eax@4
  Vis_SelectionFilter v8; // [sp+18h] [bp-20h]@3
  //__int64 v9; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-Ch]@3
  //Vis *v14; // [sp+34h] [bp-4h]@1

  //v14 = this;

  static Vis_SelectionList Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8;
  v8.object_type = VisObjectType_Sprite;
  v8.object_id = object_id;
  v8.field_8 = a6;
  v8.field_C = a5;
  v8.field_10 = a4;
  Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8.uNumPointers = 0;
  PickBillboards_Keyboard(pick_depth, &Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8, &v8);
    Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8.uNumPointers - 1);

  if (!Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8.uNumPointers)
    return -1;
  return Vis_static_sub_4C1944_stru_F8BDE8.object_pointers[0]->sZValue;

//----- (004C1A02) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::_4C1A02()
  RenderVertexSoft v1; // [sp+8h] [bp-C0h]@1
  RenderVertexSoft v2; // [sp+38h] [bp-90h]@1
  RenderVertexSoft v3; // [sp+68h] [bp-60h]@1
  RenderVertexSoft v4; // [sp+98h] [bp-30h]@1

  v4.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.x = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.y = 65536.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  v3.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.x = 65536.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.y = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  memcpy(&v1, &v3, sizeof(v1));
  v3.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.x = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.y = 65536.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  memcpy(&v2, &v4, sizeof(v2));
  v4.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.x = 65536.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.y = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  memcpy(&this->stru_200C, &v1, 0x60u);
  memcpy(&v1, &v4, sizeof(v1));
  memcpy(&v2, &v3, sizeof(v2));
  memcpy(&this->stru_206C, &v1, 0x60u);

//----- (004C1ABA) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::SortVectors_x(RenderVertexSoft *a2, int a3, int a4)
  bool result; // eax@1
  RenderVertexSoft *v5; // edx@2
  int v6; // ebx@2
  int i; // ecx@2
  int v8; // esi@3
  int v9; // esi@5
  RenderVertexSoft *v10; // eax@8
  RenderVertexSoft v11; // [sp+4h] [bp-6Ch]@8
  RenderVertexSoft v12; // [sp+34h] [bp-3Ch]@2
  int v13; // [sp+64h] [bp-Ch]@7
  Vis *thisa; // [sp+68h] [bp-8h]@1
  RenderVertexSoft *v15; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-4h]@2

  result = a4;
  thisa = this;
  if ( a4 > a3 )
    v5 = a2;
    v15 = &a2[a4];
    v6 = a3 - 1;
    memcpy(&v12, &a2[a4], sizeof(v12));
    for ( i = a4; ; i = v13 )
      v8 = (int)&v5[v6].vWorldViewPosition;
        v8 += 48;
      while ( *(float *)v8 < (double)v12.vWorldViewPosition.x );
      v9 = (int)&v5[i].vWorldViewPosition;
        v9 -= 48;
      while ( *(float *)v9 > (double)v12.vWorldViewPosition.x );
      v13 = i;
      if ( v6 >= i )
      v10 = &v5[i];
      memcpy(&v11, &a2[v6], sizeof(v11));
      v5 = a2;
      memcpy(&a2[v6], v10, sizeof(a2[v6]));
      memcpy(v10, &v11, 0x30u);
    memcpy(&v11, &v5[v6], sizeof(v11));
    memcpy(&v5[v6], v15, sizeof(v5[v6]));
    memcpy(v15, &v11, 0x30u);
    SortVectors_x(v5, a3, v6 - 1);
    SortVectors_x(a2, v6 + 1, a4);
  return true;

//----- (004C1BAA) --------------------------------------------------------
int Vis::get_object_zbuf_val(Vis_ObjectInfo *info)
  switch (info->object_type)
    case VisObjectType_Sprite:
    case VisObjectType_Face:
      return info->sZValue;

      MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Undefined type requested for: CVis::get_object_zbuf_val()", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Vis.cpp:1037", 0);
      return -1;

//----- (004C1BF1) --------------------------------------------------------
int Vis::get_picked_object_zbuf_val()
  if (!default_list.uNumPointers)
    return -1;

  return get_object_zbuf_val(default_list.object_pointers[0]);

//----- (004C1C0C) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::Intersect_Ray_Face(RenderVertexSoft *pRayStart, RenderVertexSoft *pRayEnd, float *pDepth, RenderVertexSoft *a4, BLVFace *a5, unsigned int a6)
  //BLVFace *v7; // ebx@1
  //bool result; // eax@1
  double v9; // st7@3
  //__int16 v10; // fps@3
  //char v11; // c0@3
  //char v12; // c2@3
  //char v13; // c3@3
  //__int16 v14; // fps@5
  //char v15; // c0@5
  //char v16; // c2@5
  //char v17; // c3@5
  double v18; // st5@6
  //__int16 v19; // fps@6
  //char v20; // c0@6
  //char v21; // c2@6
  //char v22; // c3@6
  //unsigned __int8 v23; // c0@6
  //char v24; // c2@6
  //unsigned __int8 v25; // c3@6
  //char v26; // zf@6
  double v27; // st6@10
  //__int16 v28; // fps@10
  //unsigned __int8 v29; // c0@10
  //char v30; // c2@10
  //unsigned __int8 v31; // c3@10
  //double v32; // st7@11
  Vec2_short_ v33; // ST1E_4@11
  Vec3_short_ v34; // ST04_6@11
  //float a5a; // [sp+30h] [bp+18h]@10
  //float a5b; // [sp+30h] [bp+18h]@13

  if (a5->TwoSided() || a5->Invisible())
    return false;

  int ray_dir_x = pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.x - pRayStart->vWorldPosition.x,
      ray_dir_y = pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.y - pRayStart->vWorldPosition.y,
      ray_dir_z = pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.z - pRayStart->vWorldPosition.z;

  v9 =   ray_dir_z * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.z
           + ray_dir_y  * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.y
           + ray_dir_x * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.x;
  if (v9 >= 0)   // ray faces face's normal ( > 0) or parallel ( == 0)
    return false;

//ray   = t dir + start
//plane = (p - vertex) normal = -d
//(t dir + start - vertex) normal = -d
//      -d - (start - vertex) norm
//t =       --------------------
//               dir norm

  float dir_mag = sqrtf(ray_dir_x * ray_dir_x + ray_dir_y * ray_dir_y + ray_dir_z * ray_dir_z);
  float ndir_x = ray_dir_x / dir_mag,
        ndir_y = ray_dir_y / dir_mag,
        ndir_z = ray_dir_z / dir_mag;

  int face_center_x = (a5->pBounding.x1 + a5->pBounding.x2) / 2,
      face_center_y = (a5->pBounding.y1 + a5->pBounding.y2) / 2,
      face_center_z = (a5->pBounding.z1 + a5->pBounding.z2) / 2;

  int to_plane_x = pRayStart->vWorldPosition.x - face_center_x,
      to_plane_y = pRayStart->vWorldPosition.y - face_center_y,
      to_plane_z = pRayStart->vWorldPosition.z - face_center_z;

  float t = /*-a5->pFacePlane.dist*/ - (to_plane_x * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.x + to_plane_y * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.y + to_plane_y * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.z) /
                   (ndir_x * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.x + ndir_y * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.y + ndir_z * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.z);
  if (t <= *pDepth)
    int intersection_x = pRayStart->vWorldPosition.x + ndir_x * t,
        intersection_y = pRayStart->vWorldPosition.y + ndir_y * t,
        intersection_z = pRayStart->vWorldPosition.z + ndir_z * t;

    if (intersection_x < a5->pBounding.x1 || intersection_x > a5->pBounding.x2 ||
        intersection_y < a5->pBounding.y1 || intersection_y > a5->pBounding.y2 ||
        intersection_z < a5->pBounding.z1 || intersection_z > a5->pBounding.z2)
        return false;

    a5->uAttributes |= 0x80000000;
    return true;

  return false;

//  v7 = a5;
  //result = a5->uAttributes;
  v9 =   pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.z * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.z
           + pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.y * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.y
           + pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.x * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.x;
  if (v9 >= 0)   // ray faces face's normal ( > 0) or parallel ( == 0)
    return false;
  a5->uAttributes |= 0x80000000;
  return false;

  v18 = -(a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.y * pRayStart->vWorldPosition.y
        + pRayStart->vWorldPosition.x * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.x
        + pRayStart->vWorldPosition.z * a5->pFacePlane.vNormal.z
        + a5->pFacePlane.dist);
  if (v18 > 0)
    return false;
  //v20 = v9 < 0.0;
  //v21 = 0;
  //v22 = v9 == 0.0;
  //BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v19);
  /*v23 = v18 < 0.0;
  v24 = 0;
  v25 = v18 == 0.0;
  v26 = (BYTE1(result) & 0x41) == 0;
  BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v19);
  if ( v26 )
    if ( v18 < 0.0 )
      goto LABEL_12;
    if ( !(v23 | v25) )
      LOBYTE(result) = 0;
      return result;

  //a5a = v18;
  v27 = v18 / v9;
  //HIWORD(result) = HIWORD(pDepth);
  //v29 = v27 < *pDepth;
  //v30 = 0;
  //v31 = v27 == *pDepth;
  //BYTE1(result) = HIBYTE(v28);

  if (v27 > *pDepth)
    return false;

  a5->uAttributes |= 0x80000000;

  a4->vWorldPosition.x = v27 * pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.x + pRayStart->vWorldPosition.x;
  a4->vWorldPosition.y = v27 * pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.y + pRayStart->vWorldPosition.y;
  a4->vWorldPosition.z = v27 * pRayEnd->vWorldPosition.z + pRayStart->vWorldPosition.z;
  v33.x = (signed __int64)a4->vWorldPosition.x;
  v33.y = (signed __int64)a4->vWorldPosition.y;
  v34.x = v33.x;
  v34.y = 0;
  v34.z = (signed __int64)a4->vWorldPosition.z;
  if ( _4C1D2B(a5, v34, a6) == 0.0)
    return false;

  //a5b = v27;
  *pDepth = v27;
  return true;

//----- (004C1D2B) --------------------------------------------------------
int Vis::_4C1D2B(BLVFace *pFace, Vec3_short_ a2, unsigned int uModelID)
  BLVFace *v4; // esi@1
  int v5; // esi@10
  bool v6; // edi@10
  int v7; // ecx@12
  signed int v8; // edx@12
  signed int v9; // eax@13
  signed int v10; // ebx@14
  int v11; // edi@16
  signed int v12; // ST28_4@18
  signed __int64 v13; // qtt@18
  signed int result; // eax@21
  int v15; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@10
  signed int v16; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@10

  v4 = pFace;
  if (a2.z < pFace->pBounding.z1 || a2.z > pFace->pBounding.z2 ||
      a2.x < pFace->pBounding.x1 || a2.x > pFace->pBounding.x2 ||
      a2.y < pFace->pBounding.y1 || a2.y > pFace->pBounding.y2)
    return false;

  if (uModelID != -1)
    _4C2186_BLV_IntersectBModel((int *)&pFace, (int *)&uModelID,
                                &a2, pFace, uModelID);
    _4C1EE5_BLV_IntersectBModel_2((int *)&pFace, (int *)&uModelID,
                                  &a2, pFace);
  v5 = 2 * v4->uNumVertices;
  v16 = 0;
  word_F8BC48_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_a[v5] = word_F8BC48_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_a[0];
  word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b[v5] = word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b[0];
  v15 = 0;
  v6 = word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b[0] >= (signed int)uModelID;
  if (v5 <= 0)
    return false;

    if ( v16 >= 2 )
    v7 = 2 * v15;
    v8 = word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b[ + v15 + 1];
    if ( v6 ^ v8 >= (signed int)uModelID )
      v9 = word_F8BC48_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_a[v7/2 + 1];
      if ( v9 >= (signed int)pFace )
        v10 = 0;
        v10 = 2;
      v11 = v10 | word_F8BC48_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_a[v7/2] < (signed int)pFace;
      if ( v11 != 3 )
        if ( !v11
          || (v12 = v9 - word_F8BC48_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_a[v7/2],
              LODWORD(v13) = v12 << 16,
              HIDWORD(v13) = v12 >> 16,
            + ((signed int)(((unsigned __int64)(v13 / (v8 - word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b[v7/2])
                                              * (signed int)((uModelID - word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b[v7/2]) << 16)) >> 16) + 32768) >> 16) >= (signed int)pFace) )
    v6 = v8 >= (signed int)uModelID;
  while ( v15 < v5 );
  result = 1;
  if ( v16 != 1 )
    result = 0;
  return result;

//----- (004C1EE5) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::_4C1EE5_BLV_IntersectBModel_2(int *a1, int *a2, __int16 *a3, __int16 *a4, Vec3_short_ *a5, BLVFace *pFace)
  bool result; // eax@1
  unsigned int v8; // ecx@1
  Vec3_short_ *v9; // ecx@2
  __int16 *v10; // edx@3
  signed int v11; // ecx@4
  char v12; // zf@6
  Vec3_short_ *v13; // ecx@6
  int v14; // edx@7
  __int16 *v15; // edx@8
  signed int v16; // ecx@9
  int v17; // edx@11
  __int16 *v18; // edx@12
  signed int v19; // ecx@13
  signed int a5a; // [sp+24h] [bp+18h]@2
  signed int a5b; // [sp+24h] [bp+18h]@7
  signed int a5c; // [sp+24h] [bp+18h]@11

  result = (bool)pFace;
  v8 = pFace->uAttributes;
  if ( BYTE1(v8) & 1 )
    v9 = a5;
    a5a = 0;
    *a1 = v9->x;
    *a2 = v9->y;
    if ( pFace->uNumVertices )
      v10 = a4 + 1;
        v11 = a5a;
        a3[2 * a5a] = pFace->pXInterceptDisplacements[a5a] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[a5a]].x;
        *(v10 - 1) = pFace->pYInterceptDisplacements[v11] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v11]].y;
        *(__int16 *)((char *)v10 + (int)a3 - (int)a4) = pFace->pXInterceptDisplacements[v11 + 1]
                                                            + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v11 + 1]].x;
        *v10 = pFace->pYInterceptDisplacements[v11 + 1] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v11 + 1]].y;
        v10 += 2;
      while ( a5a < pFace->uNumVertices );
    v12 = (BYTE1(v8) & 2) == 0;
    v13 = a5;
    if ( v12 )
      v17 = a5->y;
      a5c = 0;
      *a1 = v17;
      *a2 = v13->z;
      if ( pFace->uNumVertices )
        v18 = a4 + 1;
          v19 = a5c;
          a3[2 * a5c] = pFace->pYInterceptDisplacements[a5c] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[a5c]].y;
          *(v18 - 1) = pFace->pZInterceptDisplacements[v19] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v19]].z;
          *(__int16 *)((char *)v18 + (int)(char *)a3 - (char *)a4) = pFace->pYInterceptDisplacements[v19 + 1]
                                                              + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v19 + 1]].y;
          *v18 = pFace->pZInterceptDisplacements[v19 + 1] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v19 + 1]].z;
          v18 += 2;
        while ( a5c < pFace->uNumVertices );
      v14 = a5->x;
      a5b = 0;
      *a1 = v14;
      *a2 = v13->z;
      if ( pFace->uNumVertices )
        v15 = a4 + 1;
          v16 = a5b;
          a3[2 * a5b] = pFace->pXInterceptDisplacements[a5b] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[a5b]].x;
          *(v15 - 1) = pFace->pZInterceptDisplacements[v16] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v16]].z;
          *(__int16 *)((char *)v15 + (int)a3 - (int)a4) = pFace->pXInterceptDisplacements[v16 + 1]
                                                              + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v16 + 1]].x;
          *v15 = pFace->pZInterceptDisplacements[v16 + 1] + pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[v16 + 1]].z;
          v15 += 2;
        while ( a5b < pFace->uNumVertices );
  LOBYTE(result) = 1;
  return result;

//----- (004C2186) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::_4C2186_BLV_IntersectBModel(int *a1, int *a2, __int16 *a3, __int16 *a4, Vec3_short_ *a5, BLVFace *a6, unsigned int uModelID)
  bool result; // eax@1
  int *v9; // esi@1
  unsigned int v10; // ecx@1
  unsigned int v11; // edx@3
  signed int v12; // ecx@4
  __int16 v13; // si@4
  __int16 *v14; // ecx@4
  unsigned int v15; // edx@8
  signed int v16; // ecx@9
  __int16 v17; // si@9
  __int16 *v18; // ecx@9
  unsigned int v19; // edx@12
  signed int v20; // ecx@13
  __int16 v21; // si@13
  __int16 *v22; // ecx@13
  signed int a1a; // [sp+14h] [bp+8h]@1
  __int16 *a5a; // [sp+24h] [bp+18h]@3
  __int16 *a5b; // [sp+24h] [bp+18h]@8
  __int16 *a5c; // [sp+24h] [bp+18h]@12

  result = (bool)a6;
  v9 = a1;
  v10 = a6->uAttributes;
  a1a = 0;
  if ( BYTE1(v10) & 1 )
    *v9 = a5->x;
    *a2 = a5->y;
    if ( a6->uNumVertices )
      v11 = 188 * uModelID + 72;
      a5a = a4 + 1;
        v12 = a1a;
        a3[2 * a1a] = a6->pXInterceptDisplacements[a1a]
//                    + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v11] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[a1a]);
					  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v11].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[a1a]].x;
        *(a5a - 1) = a6->pYInterceptDisplacements[v12]
//                   + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v11] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v12] + 4);
					 + pOutdoor->pBModels[v11].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v12]].y;
        *(__int16 *)((char *)a5a + (int)(char *)a3 - (char *)a4) = a6->pXInterceptDisplacements[v12 + 1]
//                                                            + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v11]
//                                                                       + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v12 + 1]);
		+ pOutdoor->pBModels[v11].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v12+1]].x;
        v13 = a6->pYInterceptDisplacements[v12 + 1]
//            + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v11] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v12 + 1] + 4);
		+ pOutdoor->pBModels[v11].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v12 + 1]].y;
        v14 = a5a;
        a5a += 2;
        *v14 = v13;
      while ( a1a < a6->uNumVertices );
    if ( BYTE1(v10) & 2 )
      *v9 = a5->x;
      *a2 = a5->z;
      if ( a6->uNumVertices )
        v15 = 188 * uModelID + 72;
        a5b = a4 + 1;
          v16 = a1a;
          a3[2 * a1a] = a6->pXInterceptDisplacements[a1a]
//                      + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v15] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[a1a]);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v15].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[a1a]].x;
          *(a5b - 1) = a6->pZInterceptDisplacements[v16]
//                     + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v15] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v16] + 8);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v15].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v16]].y;
		  *(__int16 *)((char *)a5b + (int)a3 - (int)a4) = a6->pXInterceptDisplacements[v16 + 1]
//                                                              + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v15]
//                                                                         + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v16 + 1]);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v15].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v16+1]].x;
          v17 = a6->pZInterceptDisplacements[v16 + 1]
//              + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v15] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v16 + 1] + 8);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v15].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v16+1]].z;
          v18 = a5b;
          a5b += 2;
          *v18 = v17;
        while ( a1a < a6->uNumVertices );
      *v9 = a5->y;
      *a2 = a5->z;
      if ( a6->uNumVertices )
        v19 = 188 * uModelID + 72;
        a5c = a4 + 1;
          v20 = a1a;
          a3[2 * a1a] = a6->pYInterceptDisplacements[a1a]
//                      + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v19] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[a1a] + 4);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v19].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[a1a]].y;
          *(a5c - 1) = a6->pZInterceptDisplacements[v20]
//                     + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v19] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v20] + 8);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v19].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[a1a]].z;
          *(__int16 *)((char *)a5c + (int)(char *)a3 - (char *)a4) = a6->pYInterceptDisplacements[v20 + 1]
//                                                              + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v19]
//                                                                         + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v20 + 1]
//                                                                         + 4);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v19].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v20+1]].y;
		  v21 = a6->pZInterceptDisplacements[v20 + 1]
//              + *(short *)(*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v19] + 12 * a6->pVertexIDs[v20 + 1] + 8);
		  + pOutdoor->pBModels[v19].pVertices.pVertices[a6->pVertexIDs[v20+1]].z;
          v22 = a5c;
          a5c += 2;
          *v22 = v21;
        while ( a1a < a6->uNumVertices );
  LOBYTE(result) = 1;
  return result;

//----- (004C248E) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::CastPickRay(RenderVertexSoft *pRay, float fMouseX, float fMouseY, float fPickDepth)
  int v5; // ebx@1
  int v6; // edi@1
  int v7; // esi@1
  Vec3_int_ v8; // ST08_12@1
  int v9; // ST04_4@1
  int v10; // eax@1
  RenderVertexSoft v11[2]; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-74h]@1
  int v12; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-14h]@1
  int v13; // [sp+90h] [bp-10h]@1
  int outz; // [sp+94h] [bp-Ch]@1
  int outy; // [sp+98h] [bp-8h]@1
  int v16; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  v5 = pIndoorCamera->pos.y;
  v6 = pIndoorCamera->pos.x;
  v13 = pIndoorCamera->pos.x;
  v12 = pIndoorCamera->pos.y;
  v16 = pIndoorCamera->pos.z;
  v7 = pIndoorCamera->sRotationY + UnprojectX((signed __int64)fMouseX);
  v8.z = v16;
  v8.x = v6;
  v8.y = v5;
  v9 = pIndoorCamera->sRotationX + UnprojectY((signed __int64)fMouseY);
  v10 = _48B561_mess_with_scaling_along_z(/*(int)&fMouseX, */fPickDepth);
  Vec3_int_::Rotate(v10, v7, v9, v8, (int *)&fMouseX, &outy, &outz);
  v11[0].flt_2C = 0.0;
  v11[0].vWorldPosition.x = (double)SLODWORD(fMouseX);
  v11[0].vWorldPosition.y = (double)outy;
  v11[0].vWorldPosition.z = (double)outz;
  v11[1].flt_2C = 0.0;
  v11[1].vWorldPosition.x = (double)v13;
  v11[1].vWorldPosition.y = (double)v12;
  v11[1].vWorldPosition.z = (double)v16;
  memcpy(pRay, &v11[1], 0x30u);
  memcpy(&pRay[1], v11, sizeof(pRay[1]));

//----- (004C2551) --------------------------------------------------------
Vis_ObjectInfo *Vis_SelectionList::sub_4C2551(int a2, int a3)
  unsigned int v3; // esi@1
  signed int v4; // edx@1
  char *v5; // eax@2
  Vis_ObjectInfo *result; // eax@6

  v3 = this->uNumPointers;
  v4 = 0;
  if ( (signed int)v3 <= 0 )
    result = 0;
    v5 = (char *)&this->object_pool[0].sZValue;
    while ( *((int *)v5 + 1) != a2 || (*(int *)v5 & 0xFFFF) != a3 )
      v5 += 12;
      if ( v4 >= (signed int)v3 )
        goto LABEL_6;
    result = &this->object_pool[v4];
  return result;

//----- (004C2591) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis_SelectionList::create_object_pointers(PointerCreationType type)
  switch (type)
    case All:
      for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPointers; ++i)
        object_pointers[i] = &object_pool[i];

    case Unique: // seems quite retarted; the inner if condition will never trigger, since we compare pointers, not values. pointers will always be unique
    {            // but it may be decompilation error thou
      bool create = true;
      for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPointers; ++i)
        for (uint j = 0; j < i; ++j)
          if (object_pointers[j] == &object_pool[i])
            create = false;

        if (create)
          object_pointers[i] = &object_pool[i];

      MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Unknown pointer creation flag passed to ::create_object_pointers()", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Vis.cpp:1358", 0);

//----- (004C264A) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::sort_object_pointers(Vis_ObjectInfo **pPointers, int left, int right)
  int v4; // edx@1
  int v5; // ebx@1
  int v6; // esi@2
  signed int i; // ecx@2
  int v8; // eax@3
  int v9; // ebx@4
  int v10; // ebx@6
  Vis_ObjectInfo *v11; // eax@7
  Vis *thisa; // [sp+4h] [bp-4h]@1
  Vis_ObjectInfo *a3a; // [sp+14h] [bp+Ch]@2

  v4 = left;
  v5 = right;
  thisa = this;
  if ( right > left )
      v6 = v4 - 1;
      a3a = pPointers[v5];
      for ( i = v5; ; pPointers[i] = v11 )
        v8 = a3a->sZValue;
        LOWORD(v8) = 0;
          v9 = pPointers[v6]->sZValue;
          LOWORD(v9) = 0;
        while ( v9 < (unsigned int)v8 );
          if ( i < 1 )
          v10 = pPointers[i]->sZValue;
          LOWORD(v10) = 0;
        while ( v10 > (unsigned int)v8 );
        v11 = pPointers[v6];
        if ( v6 >= i )
        pPointers[v6] = pPointers[i];
      v5 = right;
      pPointers[v6] = pPointers[right];
      pPointers[right] = v11;
      sort_object_pointers(pPointers, v4, v6 - 1);
      v4 = v6 + 1;
    while ( right > v6 + 1 );

//----- (004C26D0) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::SortVerticesByX(RenderVertexD3D3 *a2, unsigned int uStart, unsigned int uEnd)
  bool result; // eax@1
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v5; // edx@2
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v6; // esi@2
  void *v7; // edi@2
  unsigned int v8; // ebx@2
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v9; // ecx@3
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v10; // ecx@5
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v11; // eax@8
  RenderVertexD3D3 v12; // [sp+4h] [bp-4Ch]@8
  RenderVertexD3D3 v13; // [sp+24h] [bp-2Ch]@2
  Vis *thisa; // [sp+44h] [bp-Ch]@1
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v15; // [sp+48h] [bp-8h]@2
  unsigned int v16; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-4h]@2

  result = uEnd;
  thisa = this;
  if ( (signed int)uEnd > (signed int)uStart )
    v5 = a2;
    v6 = &a2[uEnd];
    v7 = &v13;
    v15 = &a2[uEnd];
    v8 = uStart - 1;
    v16 = uEnd;
    while ( 1 )
      memcpy(v7, v6, 0x20u);
      v9 = &v5[v8];
      while ( v9->pos.x < (double)v13.pos.x );
      v10 = &v5[v16];
      while ( v10->pos.x > (double)v13.pos.x );
      if ( (signed int)v8 >= (signed int)v16 )
      v11 = &v5[v16];
      memcpy(&v12, &a2[v8], sizeof(v12));
      v5 = a2;
      memcpy(&a2[v8], v11, sizeof(a2[v8]));
      v6 = &v12;
      v7 = v11;
    memcpy(&v12, &v5[v8], sizeof(v12));
    memcpy(&v5[v8], v15, sizeof(v5[v8]));
    memcpy(v15, &v12, 0x20u);
    SortVerticesByX(v5, uStart, v8 - 1);
    SortVerticesByX(a2, v8 + 1, uEnd);
  return true;

//----- (004C27AD) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::SortVerticesByY(RenderVertexD3D3 *a2, unsigned int uStart, unsigned int uEnd)
  bool result; // eax@1
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v5; // edx@2
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v6; // esi@2
  void *v7; // edi@2
  unsigned int v8; // ebx@2
  float *v9; // ecx@3
  float *v10; // ecx@5
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v11; // eax@8
  RenderVertexD3D3 v12; // [sp+4h] [bp-4Ch]@8
  RenderVertexD3D3 v13; // [sp+24h] [bp-2Ch]@2
  Vis *thisa; // [sp+44h] [bp-Ch]@1
  RenderVertexD3D3 *v15; // [sp+48h] [bp-8h]@2
  unsigned int v16; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-4h]@2

  result = uEnd;
  thisa = this;
  if ( (signed int)uEnd > (signed int)uStart )
    v5 = a2;
    v6 = &a2[uEnd];
    v7 = &v13;
    v15 = &a2[uEnd];
    v8 = uStart - 1;
    v16 = uEnd;
    while ( 1 )
      memcpy(v7, v6, 0x20u);
	  v9 = &v5[v8].pos.y;
      while ( *v9 < (double)v13.pos.y );
      v10 = &v5[v16].pos.y;
      while ( *v10 > (double)v13.pos.y );
      if ( (signed int)v8 >= (signed int)v16 )
      v11 = &v5[v16];
      memcpy(&v12, &a2[v8], sizeof(v12));
      v5 = a2;
      memcpy(&a2[v8], v11, sizeof(a2[v8]));
      v6 = &v12;
      v7 = v11;
    memcpy(&v12, &v5[v8], sizeof(v12));
    memcpy(&v5[v8], v15, sizeof(v5[v8]));
    memcpy(v15, &v12, 0x20u);
    SortVerticesByY(v5, uStart, v8 - 1);
    SortVerticesByY(a2, v8 + 1, uEnd);
  return true;

//----- (004C288E) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::SortByScreenSpaceX(RenderVertexSoft *pArray, int sLeft, int sRight)
  bool result; // eax@1
  RenderVertexSoft *v5; // edx@2
  int v6; // ebx@2
  int i; // ecx@2
  int v8; // esi@3
  int v9; // esi@5
  //RenderVertexSoft *v10; // eax@8
  const void *v10;
  RenderVertexSoft v11; // [sp+4h] [bp-6Ch]@8
  RenderVertexSoft v12; // [sp+34h] [bp-3Ch]@2
  //float v13; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-24h]@4
  int v14; // [sp+64h] [bp-Ch]@7
  //Vis *thisa; // [sp+68h] [bp-8h]@1
  //void *thisa;
  //RenderVertexSoft *v16; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-4h]@2
  const void *v16;

  //thisa = this;
  if (sRight <= sLeft)
    return true;
  v5 = pArray;
  v16 = &pArray[sRight];
  v6 = sLeft - 1;
  memcpy(&v12, &pArray[sRight], sizeof(v12));
  for ( i = sRight; ; i = v14 )
    v8 = (int)&v5[v6].vWorldViewProjX;
      v8 += 48;
    while ( *(float *)v8 < v12.vWorldViewProjX);
    v9 = (int)&v5[i].vWorldViewProjX;
      v9 -= 48;
    while ( *(float *)v9 > v12.vWorldViewProjX);
    v14 = i;
    if ( v6 >= i )
    v10 = &v5[i];
    memcpy(&v11, &pArray[v6], sizeof(v11));
    v5 = pArray;
    memcpy(&pArray[v6], v10, sizeof(pArray[v6]));
    memcpy((void *)v10, &v11, sizeof(0x30u));
  memcpy(&v11, &v5[v6], sizeof(v11));
  memcpy(&v5[v6], v16, sizeof(v5[v6]));
  memcpy((void *)v16, &v11, sizeof(0x30u));
  SortByScreenSpaceX(v5, sLeft, v6 - 1);
  SortByScreenSpaceX(pArray, v6 + 1, sRight);
  return true;

//----- (004C297E) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::SortByScreenSpaceY(RenderVertexSoft *pArray, int sLeft, int sRight)
  //bool result; // eax@1
  RenderVertexSoft *v5; // edx@2
  int v6; // ebx@2
  int i; // ecx@2
  int v8; // esi@3
  int v9; // esi@5
  //RenderVertexSoft *v10; // eax@8
  const void *v10;
  //char v11; // [sp+4h] [bp-6Ch]@8
  RenderVertexSoft v11;
  RenderVertexSoft v12; // [sp+34h] [bp-3Ch]@2
  //float v13; // [sp+50h] [bp-20h]@4
  int v14; // [sp+64h] [bp-Ch]@7
  //Vis *thisa; // [sp+68h] [bp-8h]@1
  RenderVertexSoft *v16; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-4h]@2

  if (sRight <= sLeft)
   return true;
  v5 = pArray;
  v16 = &pArray[sRight];
  v6 = sLeft - 1;
  memcpy(&v12, &pArray[sRight], sizeof(v12));
  for ( i = sRight; ; i = v14 )
    v8 = (int)&v5[v6].vWorldViewProjY;
      v8 += 48;
    while ( *(float *)v8 < v12.vWorldViewProjY);
    v9 = (int)&v5[v6].vWorldViewProjY;
      v9 -= 48;
    while ( *(float *)v9 > v12.vWorldViewProjY);
    v14 = i;
    if ( v6 >= i )
    v10 = &v5[i];
    memcpy(&v11, &pArray[v6], sizeof(0x30));
    v5 = pArray;
    memcpy(&pArray[v6], v10, sizeof(pArray[v6]));
    memcpy((void *)v10, &v11, sizeof(0x30));
  memcpy(&v11, &v5[v6], sizeof(0x30));
  memcpy(&v5[v6], v16, sizeof(v5[v6]));
  memcpy((void *)v16, &v11, sizeof(0x30));
  SortByScreenSpaceY(v5, sLeft, v6 - 1);
  SortByScreenSpaceY(pArray, v6 + 1, sRight);
  return true;

//----- (004C04AF) --------------------------------------------------------
  RenderVertexSoft v3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-60h]@1
  RenderVertexSoft v4; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-30h]@1

  v3.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.x = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.y = 65536.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  v4.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.x = 65536.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.y = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  memcpy(&stru_200C, &v4, sizeof(stru_200C));

  v4.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.x = 0.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.y = 65536.0;
  v4.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  memcpy(&stru_203C, &v3, sizeof(stru_203C));

  v3.flt_2C = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.x = 65536.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.y = 0.0;
  v3.vWorldPosition.z = 0.0;
  memcpy(&stru_206C, &v3, sizeof(stru_206C));
  memcpy(&stru_209C, &v4, sizeof(stru_209C));

  keyboard_pick_depth = 512;

//----- (004C055C) --------------------------------------------------------
  for (uint i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
    object_pool[i].object = nullptr;
    object_pool[i].sZValue = -1;
    object_pool[i].object_type = VisObjectType_Any;
  uNumPointers = 0;

//----- (004C05CC) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::PickKeyboard(Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *sprite_filter, Vis_SelectionFilter *face_filter)
  if (!list)
    list = &default_list;
  list->uNumPointers = 0;

  PickBillboards_Keyboard(keyboard_pick_depth, list, sprite_filter);
  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
    PickIndoorFaces_Keyboard(keyboard_pick_depth, list, face_filter);
  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
    PickOutdoorFaces_Keyboard(keyboard_pick_depth, list, face_filter);

  sort_object_pointers(list->object_pointers, 0, list->uNumPointers - 1);

  return true;

//----- (004C0646) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::PickMouse(float fDepth, float fMouseX, float fMouseY, Vis_SelectionFilter *sprite_filter, Vis_SelectionFilter *face_filter)
  RenderVertexSoft pMouseRay[2]; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-60h]@1

  default_list.uNumPointers = 0;
  CastPickRay(pMouseRay, fMouseX, fMouseY, fDepth);
  PickBillboards_Mouse(fDepth, fMouseX, fMouseY, &default_list, sprite_filter);
  if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
    PickIndoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, pMouseRay, &default_list, face_filter);
  else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
    PickOutdoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, pMouseRay, &default_list, face_filter, false);
    Log::Warning(L"Picking mouse in undefined level"); // picking in main menu is default (buggy) game behaviour. should've returned false in Game::PickMouse
    return false;
  sort_object_pointers(default_list.object_pointers, 0, default_list.uNumPointers - 1);

  return true;

//----- (004C06F8) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::PickBillboards_Keyboard(float pick_depth, Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter)
  for (int i = 0; i < pRenderer->uNumBillboardsToDraw; ++i)
    auto d3d_billboard = &pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i];

    if (is_part_of_selection((void *)i, filter))
      if (DoesRayIntersectBillboard(pick_depth, i))
        auto billboard = &pBillboardRenderList[d3d_billboard->uParentBillboardID];

        list->AddObject((void *)d3d_billboard->uParentBillboardID, VisObjectType_Sprite, billboard->sZValue);

// tests the object against selection filter to determine whether it can be picked or not
//----- (004C0791) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::is_part_of_selection(void *uD3DBillboardIdx_or_pBLVFace_or_pODMFace, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter)
  //stru157 *v3; // esi@1
  //int result; // eax@1
  int v5; // edx@2
  //int v6; // ecx@2
  //char v7; // zf@3
  int v8; // esi@5
  std::string *v9; // ecx@7
  Actor *v10; // edi@18
  //const char *v12; // [sp-20h] [bp-2Ch]@7
  int v13; // [sp-1Ch] [bp-28h]@7
  //std::string v14; // [sp-18h] [bp-24h]@7
  //const char *v15; // [sp-8h] [bp-14h]@7
  int v16; // [sp-4h] [bp-10h]@7

  switch (filter->object_type)
    case VisObjectType_Any:
      return true;

    case VisObjectType_Sprite:
      v5 = filter->field_10;
      int object_idx = (pBillboardRenderList[pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[(int)uD3DBillboardIdx_or_pBLVFace_or_pODMFace].uParentBillboardID].object_pid & 0xFFFF) >> 3;
      int object_type = pBillboardRenderList[pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[(int)uD3DBillboardIdx_or_pBLVFace_or_pODMFace].uParentBillboardID].object_pid & 7;
      if ( v5 & 2 )
        if (object_type == filter->object_id)
          return false;
        return true;
      if ( v5 & 4 )
        v8 = filter->object_id;
        if ( object_type != filter->object_id)
          return true;
        if (v8 != OBJECT_Decoration)
          MessageBoxA(nullptr, "Unsupported \"exclusion if no event\" type in CVis::is_part_of_selection", "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Vis.cpp:207", 0);
          return true;
        if (pLevelDecorations[object_idx].uCog || pLevelDecorations[object_idx].field_16_event_id)
          return true;
        return pLevelDecorations[object_idx].IsInteractive();
      if (object_type == filter->object_id)
        if (object_type != OBJECT_Actor)
          MessageBoxA(nullptr, "Default case reached in VIS", "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Vis.cpp:245", 0);
          return true;

        v10 = &pActors[object_idx];
        int result = 1 << LOBYTE(v10->uAIState);
        if ( result & filter->field_C
            || !(result & filter->field_8)
            || v5 & 8 && (result = MonsterStats::BelongsToSupertype(v10->pMonsterInfo.uID, MONSTER_SUPERTYPE_UNDEAD)) == 0 )
          return false;
        if ( !(filter->field_10 & 1) )
          return true;

        result = v10->GetActorsRelation(nullptr);
        if (result == 0)
          return false;
        return true;
      return false;

    case VisObjectType_Face:
      uint face_attrib = 0;
      bool no_event = true;
      if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
        auto face = (ODMFace *)uD3DBillboardIdx_or_pBLVFace_or_pODMFace;
        no_event = face->sCogTriggeredID == 0;
        face_attrib = face->uAttributes;
      else if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor) 
        auto face = (BLVFace *)uD3DBillboardIdx_or_pBLVFace_or_pODMFace;
        no_event = pIndoor->pFaceExtras[face->uFaceExtraID].uEventID == 0;
        face_attrib = face->uAttributes;

      if (filter->object_id != OBJECT_BLVDoor)
        return true;
      if (no_event || face_attrib & filter->field_C)
        return false;
      return (face_attrib & filter->field_8) != 0;


//----- (004C091D) --------------------------------------------------------
bool Vis::DoesRayIntersectBillboard(float fDepth, unsigned int uD3DBillboardIdx)
  int v3; // eax@3
  //signed int v5; // ecx@4
  //float v6; // ST04_4@6
  //float v7; // ST00_4@7
  //int v8; // eax@10
  //unsigned int v9; // eax@12
  int v10; // eax@17
  double v11; // st6@18
  double v12; // st7@18
  double v13; // st4@18
  float v14; // ST0C_4@22
  float v15; // ST08_4@22
  //float v16; // ST04_4@23
  //float v17; // ST00_4@24
  //signed int v18; // eax@27
  //unsigned int v19; // eax@29
  double v20; // st6@32
  double v21; // st7@32
  int v22; // eax@32
  double v23; // st7@36
  //void *v24; // esi@40
  float v25; // ST08_4@40
  //float v26; // ST04_4@41
  //float v27; // ST00_4@42
  int v28; // eax@45
  unsigned int v29; // eax@47
  char result; // al@48
  struct RenderVertexSoft pPickingRay[2];
  //int v31; // [sp+20h] [bp-DCh]@5
  struct RenderVertexSoft local_80[2];
  //int v32; // [sp+80h] [bp-7Ch]@22
  float v33; // [sp+E0h] [bp-1Ch]@33
  float v34; // [sp+E4h] [bp-18h]@32
  int v35; // [sp+E8h] [bp-14h]@5
  int v36; // [sp+ECh] [bp-10h]@5
  int v37; // [sp+F0h] [bp-Ch]@5
  float v38; // [sp+F4h] [bp-8h]@17
  //void *v39; // [sp+F8h] [bp-4h]@1
  signed int v40; // [sp+108h] [bp+Ch]@17
  float v41; // [sp+108h] [bp+Ch]@32

  static Vis_SelectionList Vis_static_stru_F91E10;
  Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers = 0;
  v3 = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].uParentBillboardID;
  if (v3 == -1)
    return false;
  if (pBillboardRenderList[v3].GetFloatZ() > fDepth)
    return false;

    v37 = pBillboardRenderList[v3].sZValue & 0xFFFF0000;
    GetPolygonCenter(pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[v3].pQuards, 4, (float *)&v35, (float *)&v36);
    CastPickRay(pPickingRay, *(float *)&v35, *(float *)&v36, fDepth);
    if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
      PickIndoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, pPickingRay, &Vis_static_stru_F91E10, &vis_face_filter);
      PickOutdoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, pPickingRay, &Vis_static_stru_F91E10, &vis_face_filter, false);
    sort_object_pointers(Vis_static_stru_F91E10.object_pointers, 0, Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers - 1);
    if (Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers)
       if (Vis_static_stru_F91E10.object_pointers[0]->actual_z > pBillboardRenderList[v3].actual_z)
         return 1;
    else if ((double)(pViewport->uScreenX) <= *(float *)&v35 &&
             (double)pViewport->uScreenZ >= *(float *)&v35 &&
             (double)pViewport->uScreenY <= *(float *)&v36 &&
             (double)pViewport->uScreenW >= *(float *)&v36)
      return 1;
      v40 = 0;
      v10 = (int)&pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[0].pos.y;
      LODWORD(v38) = (int)&pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[0].pos.y;
      while ( 1 )
        v12 = *(float *)(v10 - 4);
        v11 = *(float *)v10;
        v13 = *(float *)(v10 - 4);
        Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers = 0;
        if ( v13 >= (double)(pViewport->uScreenX))
          if ( v12 <= (double)pViewport->uScreenZ )
            if ( v11 >= (double)pViewport->uScreenY )
              if ( v11 <= (double)pViewport->uScreenW )
                v14 = v11;
                v15 = v12;
                CastPickRay(local_80, SLODWORD(v15), v14, fDepth);
                if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == 1 )
                  PickIndoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, local_80, &Vis_static_stru_F91E10, &vis_face_filter);
                  PickOutdoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, local_80, &Vis_static_stru_F91E10, &vis_face_filter, false);
                sort_object_pointers(Vis_static_stru_F91E10.object_pointers, 0, Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers - 1);
                if ( !Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers )
                //v18 = Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers <= 0 ? 0 : (int);
                //v19 = *(_DWORD *)(v18 + 4);
                //LOWORD(v19) = 0;
                if (Vis_static_stru_F91E10.object_pointers[0]->actual_z > pBillboardRenderList[v3].actual_z)
        v10 = LODWORD(v38) + 32;
        LODWORD(v38) += 32;
        if ( v40 >= 4 )
          if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != 2 )
            return false;
          v21 = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[0].pos.x;
          v20 = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[3].pos.x;
          v22 = *(int *)(&pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[0].pos.y);
          v34 = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[3].pos.x;
          LODWORD(v38) = v22;
          v41 = pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[uD3DBillboardIdx].pQuards[1].pos.y;
          if ( v21 > v20 )
            v33 = v21;
            v21 = v34;
            v20 = v33;
          if ( v38 > (double)v41 )
            v41 = v38;
          Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers = 0;
          v23 = (v20 - v21) * 0.5;
          if ( v23 < (double)(pViewport->uScreenX)
            || v23 > (double)pViewport->uScreenZ
            || (double)pViewport->uScreenY > v41
            || (double)pViewport->uScreenW < v41
            || ((v25 = v23, CastPickRay(local_80, SLODWORD(v25), v41, fDepth), uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType != 1) ? 
             (PickOutdoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, local_80, &Vis_static_stru_F91E10, &vis_face_filter, false)) : 
             (PickIndoorFaces_Mouse(fDepth, local_80, &Vis_static_stru_F91E10, &vis_face_filter)),
              sort_object_pointers(Vis_static_stru_F91E10.object_pointers, 0, Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers - 1),
             && (Vis_static_stru_F91E10.uNumPointers <= 0 ? (v28 = 0) : (v28 = (int)Vis_static_stru_F91E10.object_pointers),
                 v29 = *(_DWORD *)(v28 + 4),
                 LOWORD(v29) = 0,
                 v29 <= v37)) )
            return false;
  return true;
// F93E18: using guessed type char static_byte_F93E18_init;

//----- (004C0D32) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::PickIndoorFaces_Keyboard(float pick_depth, Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter)
  int result; // eax@1
  signed int v5; // esi@2
  BLVFace *v6; // edi@4
  unsigned int v7; // eax@6
  Vis_ObjectInfo *v8; // eax@6
  //int v9; // ST18_4@7
  //unsigned int v10; // ST1C_4@7
  //unsigned int v11; // ecx@7
  signed int i; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
  Vis *thisa; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  result = 0;
  thisa = this;
  for ( i = 0; i < (signed int)pBspRenderer->uNumFaceIDs; ++i )
    v5 = pBspRenderer->pFaceIDs[2 * result];
    if ( v5 >= 0 )
      if ( v5 < (signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces )
        v6 = &pIndoor->pFaces[v5];
        if ( !pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->IsCulled(&pIndoor->pFaces[v5]) )
          if ( is_part_of_selection(v6, filter) )
            v7 = 8 * v5;
            LOBYTE(v7) = 8 * v5 | OBJECT_BModel;
            v8 = _4C1026(v6, v7, pick_depth);
            if ( v8 )
              list->AddObject(v8->object, v8->object_type, v8->sZValue);
    result = i + 1;

//----- (004C0DEA) --------------------------------------------------------
void Vis::PickOutdoorFaces_Keyboard(float pick_depth, Vis_SelectionList *list, Vis_SelectionFilter *filter)
  for (uint i = 0; i < pOutdoor->uNumBModels; ++i)
    int v17;
    if (!IsBModelVisible(i, &v17))
    if (!v17)

    auto bmodel = pOutdoor->pBModels + i;
    for (uint j = 0; j < bmodel->uNumFaces; ++j)
      auto face = bmodel->pFaces + j;

      if (is_part_of_selection(face, filter) )
        BLVFace blv_face;

        int pid = 8 * (j | (i << 6)) | OBJECT_BModel;
        if (auto object_info = _4C1026(&blv_face, pid, pick_depth))
          list->AddObject(object_info->object, object_info->object_type, object_info->sZValue);