Mercurial > mm7
view Texture.cpp @ 397:5fd328336048
author | Ritor1 |
date | Sat, 23 Feb 2013 02:12:36 +0600 |
parents | 6e984a4a896f |
children | c0bfb386b15f |
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#include <stdlib.h> #include "Texture.h" #include "FrameTableInc.h" #include "Allocator.h" #include "LOD.h" #include "PaletteManager.h" #include "Render.h" #include "mm7_data.h" struct TextureFrameTable *pTextureFrameTable; Texture *pTexture_LloydBeacons[2]; Texture *pTexture_50635C; Texture *pTexture_506368; Texture *pTexture_50636C; Texture *pTexture_506370; Texture *pTexture_506374; Texture *pTexture_506378; Texture *pTexture_50637C; Texture *pTexture_506380; Texture *pTexture_506384; Texture *pTexture_506388; Texture *pTexture_50638C; Texture *pTexture_506390; Texture *pTexture_506394; Texture *pTex_tab_an_7a__zoot_off; Texture *pTex_tab_an_6a__zoom_off; Texture *pTex_tab_an_7b__zoot_on; Texture *pTex_tab_an_6b__zoom_on; Texture *pTexture_TownPortalHarmn; Texture *pTexture_TownPortalElf; Texture *pTexture_TownPortalWarlock; Texture *pTexture_TownPortalIsland; Texture *pTexture_TownPortalHeaven; Texture *pTexture_TownPortalHell; Texture *dword_5063D8[12]; Texture *dword_506408[12]; Texture *pTexture_50643C; // idb Texture *ptr_506440; Texture *pTexture_506444; Texture *pTexture_506448; // idb Texture *pTextures_tabs[9][2]; Texture *pTexture_mapbordr; // idb Texture *pTexture_pagemask; // idb Texture *pTextures_5064A0[14]; Texture *pTexture_AutonotesBook; Texture *pTexture_CurrentBook; Texture *pTex_moon_new; Texture *pTex_moon_4; Texture *pTex_moon_2; Texture *pTex_moon_2_2; Texture *pTex_moon_ful; RGBTexture stru_506E40; // weak RGBTexture pTexture_PCX; int uTextureID_RestUI_restb4; // weak int uTextureID_RestUI_restexit; // weak int uTextureID_RestUI_restb3; // weak int uTextureID_RestUI_restb1; // weak int uTextureID_RestUI_restb2; // weak int uTextureID_RestUI_restmain; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Leather; int uTextureID_ar_dn_dn; // weak int uTextureID_ar_dn_up; // weak int uTextureID_ar_up_dn; // weak int uTextureID_ar_up_up; // weak int uTextureID_507698; // weak int uTextureID_50769C; // weak int uTextureID_5076A0; // weak int uTextureID_5076A4; // weak int uTextureID_5076A8; // weak int uTextureID_5076AC; // weak int uTextureID_5076B0; // weak int uTextureID_5076B4; // weak int uTextureID_Parchment; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_yel; unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_red; unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_grn; unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_capr; unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_capl; unsigned int uTextureID_mhp_bd; unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTDESC2; unsigned int uTextureID_x_x_u; unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTMAKE2; unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTMAKE; unsigned int uTextureID_BUTTYES2; unsigned int uTextureID_x_ok_u; Texture *pPlayerPortraits[22]; Texture *pTexture_IC_KNIGHT[9]; Texture *pTexture_MAKESKY; Texture *pTexture_MAKETOP; Texture *pTextures_arrowr[20]; Texture *pTextures_arrowl[20]; Texture *pTexture_presleft; Texture *pTexture_pressrigh; Texture *pTexture_buttminu; Texture *pTexture_buttplus; unsigned int uTextureID_Quit1; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Resume1; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Controls1; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Save1; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Load1; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_New1; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Options; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td5_A; unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td2_A; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_ib_td1_A; int uTextureID_507958; // weak int uTextureID_50795C; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings; unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_Rest; unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell; unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn; unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut; unsigned int uTextureID_FONTPAL; unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight; unsigned int uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft; unsigned int pTextureIDs_pMapDirs[8]; unsigned int uTextureID_BarRed; unsigned int uTextureID_BarYellow; unsigned int uTextureID_BarGreen; unsigned int uTextureID_BarBlue; unsigned int uTextureID_right_panel; // weak RGBTexture *pTexture_StatusBar = new RGBTexture; RGBTexture *pTexture_LeftFrame = new RGBTexture; RGBTexture *pTexture_TopFrame = new RGBTexture; RGBTexture *pTexture_BottomFrame = new RGBTexture; RGBTexture *pTexture_RightFrame = new RGBTexture; unsigned int uTextureID_507B04; // weak Texture *pTexture_Leather; Texture *pTexture_RestUI_CurrentSkyFrame; // idb Texture *pTexture_RestUI_CurrentHourglassFrame; // idb unsigned int uTextureID_Optkb[5]; unsigned int uTextureID_507C10; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C14; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C18; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C1C; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C20; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C24; // weak unsigned int pTextureIDs_GammaPositions[10]; unsigned int uTextureID_507C50; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C54; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_507C58; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_ControlBG[23]; //unsigned int uTextureID_Con_Smoo[3]; // weak //unsigned int uTextureID_Con_ArrL; // weak //unsigned int uTextureID_Con_ArrR; // weak //unsigned int uTextureID_Option04; // weak //unsigned int pTextureIDs_SoundLevels[10]; //unsigned int uTextureID_Option03; // weak //unsigned int uTextureID_Option01; //unsigned int uTextureID_Option02; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_5118C8; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_MAGNIF_B; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_BACKDOLL; // weak unsigned int uTextureID_BACKHAND; // weak Texture pTex_F7CE30; RGBTexture stru_5773C4; // idb /* 245 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct PCXHeader1 { char magic; char version; char encoding; char bpp; __int16 left; __int16 up; __int16 right; __int16 bottom; __int16 hres; __int16 vres; }; #pragma pack(pop) /* 246 */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct PCXHeader2 { char reserved; char planes; __int16 pitch; __int16 palette_info; }; #pragma pack(pop) //----- (0044E054) -------------------------------------------------------- void TextureFrameTable::ToFile() { TextureFrameTable *v1; // esi@1 FILE *v2; // eax@1 FILE *v3; // edi@1 v1 = this; v2 = fopen("data\\dtft.bin", "wb"); v3 = v2; if ( !v2 ) Abortf("Unable to save dtft.bin!"); fwrite(v1, 4u, 1u, v2); fwrite(v1->pTextures, 0x14u, v1->uNumTextures, v3); fclose(v3); } //----- (0044E0A0) -------------------------------------------------------- void TextureFrameTable::FromFile(void *pSerialized) { uNumTextures = *(int *)pSerialized; pTextures = (TextureFrame *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(pTextures, 20 * uNumTextures, "Txt Frames"); memcpy(pTextures, (char *)pSerialized + 4, 20 * uNumTextures); } //----- (0044E0ED) -------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int TextureFrameTable::LoadAnimationSequenceAndPalettes(unsigned int uIconID) { unsigned int result; // eax@1 TextureFrameTable *v3; // ebx@1 unsigned int i; // edi@3 result = uIconID; v3 = this; if ( (signed int)uIconID <= (signed int)this->uNumTextures && (uIconID & 0x80000000u) == 0 ) { for ( i = uIconID; ; ++i ) { v3->pTextures[i].uTextureID = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(v3->pTextures[i].pTextureName, TEXTURE_DEFAULT); auto pTex = (v3->pTextures[i].uTextureID != -1 ? &pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[v3->pTextures[i].uTextureID] : 0); if (pTex) pTex->palette_id2 = pPaletteManager->LoadPalette(pTex->palette_id1); result = (unsigned int)v3->pTextures; if ( !(*(char *)(result + i * 20 + 18) & 1) ) break; } } return result; } //----- (0044E163) -------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int TextureFrameTable::FindTextureByName(const char *Str2) { TextureFrameTable *v2; // esi@1 int v3; // ebx@1 unsigned int uID; // edi@1 unsigned int result; // eax@4 v2 = this; v3 = 0; uID = 0; if ( (signed int)this->uNumTextures <= 0 ) { LABEL_4: result = -1; } else { while ( _strcmpi(v2->pTextures[v3].pTextureName, Str2) ) { ++uID; ++v3; if ( (signed int)uID >= (signed int)v2->uNumTextures ) goto LABEL_4; } result = uID; } return result; } //----- (0044E19A) -------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int TextureFrameTable::GetFrameTexture(int uFrameID, signed int a3) { int v3; // esi@1 TextureFrame *v4; // edi@1 TextureFrame *v5; // ecx@1 __int16 v6; // dx@2 int v7; // edx@3 char *i; // eax@3 int v9; // ecx@5 unsigned int result; // eax@6 v3 = uFrameID; v4 = this->pTextures; v5 = &v4[uFrameID]; if ( v5->uFlags & 1 && (v6 = v5->uAnimLength) != 0 ) { v7 = (a3 >> 3) % v6; for ( i = (char *)&v5->uAnimTime; ; i += 20 ) { v9 = *(short *)i; if ( v7 <= v9 ) break; v7 -= v9; ++v3; } result = v4[v3].uTextureID; } else { result = v5->uTextureID; } return result; } //----- (0040F806) -------------------------------------------------------- void *Texture::UnzipPalette() { Texture *v1; // esi@1 void *v2; // edi@1 Texture *pSource; // [sp+0h] [bp-4h]@1 pSource = this; v1 = this; v2 = malloc(this->uDecompressedSize); zlib::MemUnzip(v2, (unsigned int *)&pSource, v1->pLevelOfDetail0, v1->uTextureSize); return v2; } //----- (0040F77C) -------------------------------------------------------- void Texture::Release() { if (this) { pName[0] = 0; if (pBits & 0x0400) { pAllocator->FreeChunk(pLevelOfDetail0); pAllocator->FreeChunk(pPalette16); pAllocator->FreeChunk(pPalette24); } pLevelOfDetail0 = nullptr; pLevelOfDetail1 = nullptr; pLevelOfDetail2 = nullptr; pLevelOfDetail3 = nullptr; pPalette16 = nullptr; pPalette24 = nullptr; uSizeOfMaxLevelOfDetail = 0; uTextureSize = 0; uTextureHeight = 0; uTextureWidth = 0; uHeightLn2 = 0; uWidthLn2 = 0; palette_id1 = 0; palette_id2 = 0; pBits &= 0xFFFF0000; } } //----- (0040F5F5) -------------------------------------------------------- int RGBTexture::Reload(const char *pContainer) { RGBTexture *v2; // esi@1 FILE *v3; // eax@3 FILE *v4; // edi@3 void *v5; // ebx@7 signed int result; // eax@11 unsigned int v7; // ecx@12 unsigned __int16 *v8; // ST20_4@14 int v9; // eax@14 char color_map[48]; // [sp+8h] [bp-98h]@9 Texture DstBuf; // [sp+38h] [bp-68h]@1 PCXHeader1 header1; // [sp+80h] [bp-20h]@9 PCXHeader2 header2; // [sp+90h] [bp-10h]@9 FILE *File; // [sp+98h] [bp-8h]@3 size_t Count; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-4h]@6 void *uSourceLena; // [sp+A8h] [bp+8h]@7 v2 = this; if ( !v2->pPixels ) return 2; v3 = pIcons_LOD->FindContainer(pContainer, 0); v4 = v3; File = v3; if ( !v3 ) { sprintf(pTmpBuf, "Unable to load %s", pContainer); Abortf(pTmpBuf); } fread(&DstBuf, 1u, 0x30u, v3); Count = DstBuf.uTextureSize; if ( DstBuf.uDecompressedSize ) { v5 = malloc(DstBuf.uDecompressedSize); uSourceLena = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(0, DstBuf.uTextureSize, DstBuf.pName); fread(uSourceLena, 1u, Count, File); zlib::MemUnzip(v5, &DstBuf.uDecompressedSize, uSourceLena, DstBuf.uTextureSize); DstBuf.uTextureSize = DstBuf.uDecompressedSize; pAllocator->FreeChunk(uSourceLena); } else { v5 = malloc(DstBuf.uTextureSize); fread(v5, 1u, Count, v4); } memcpy(&header1, v5, 0x10u); memcpy(color_map, (char *)v5 + 16, 0x30u); memcpy(&header2, (char *)v5 + 64, 6u); if ( header1.bpp != 8 ) return 3; v7 = (signed __int16)(header1.right - header1.left + 1); if ( (signed int)(v7 * (signed __int16)(header1.bottom - header1.up + 1)) <= (signed int)v2->uNumPixels ) { v2->uWidth = header1.right - header1.left + 1; v8 = v2->pPixels; v9 = v7 * v2->uHeight; v2->uNumPixels = v9; v2->uHeight = v9; v2->DecodePCX((char *)v5, v8, v7); free(v5); result = 0; } else { result = -1; } return result; } //----- (0040F5BE) -------------------------------------------------------- Texture::Texture() { pName[0] = 0; uSizeOfMaxLevelOfDetail = 0; uTextureSize = 0; uTextureHeight = 0; uTextureWidth = 0; uHeightLn2 = 0; uWidthLn2 = 0; palette_id1 = 0; palette_id2 = 0; pLevelOfDetail0 = 0; pLevelOfDetail3 = 0; pLevelOfDetail2 = 0; pLevelOfDetail1 = 0; pPalette16 = 0; pPalette24 = 0; } //----- (0040F414) -------------------------------------------------------- int RGBTexture::Load(const char *pContainer, int mode) { RGBTexture *v3; // esi@1 FILE *v4; // eax@1 FILE *v5; // ebx@1 void *v6; // ebx@5 unsigned __int16 v7; // ax@9 unsigned __int16 v8; // cx@9 int v9; // ecx@9 void *v10; // eax@9 void *v11; // eax@13 unsigned __int16 *v12; // eax@17 char color_map[48]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-98h]@7 Texture DstBuf; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-68h]@1 PCXHeader1 header1; // [sp+84h] [bp-20h]@7 PCXHeader2 header2; // [sp+94h] [bp-10h]@7 FILE *File; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-8h]@1 size_t Count; // [sp+A0h] [bp-4h]@4 char *Str1a; // [sp+ACh] [bp+8h]@5 v3 = this; v4 = pIcons_LOD->FindContainer(pContainer, 0); v5 = v4; File = v4; if ( !v4 ) { sprintf(pTmpBuf, "Unable to load %s", pContainer); Abortf(pTmpBuf); } fread(&DstBuf, 1u, 0x30u, v4); Count = DstBuf.uTextureSize; if ( DstBuf.uDecompressedSize ) { Str1a = (char *)malloc(DstBuf.uDecompressedSize); v6 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(0, DstBuf.uTextureSize, DstBuf.pName); fread(v6, 1u, Count, File); zlib::MemUnzip(Str1a, &DstBuf.uDecompressedSize, v6, DstBuf.uTextureSize); DstBuf.uTextureSize = DstBuf.uDecompressedSize; pAllocator->FreeChunk(v6); } else { Str1a = (char *)malloc(DstBuf.uTextureSize); fread(Str1a, 1u, Count, v5); } memcpy(&header1, Str1a, 0x10u); memcpy(color_map, Str1a + 16, 0x30u); memcpy(&header2, Str1a + 64, 6u); if ( header1.bpp != 8 ) return 3; v7 = header1.right - header1.left + 1; v8 = header1.bottom - header1.up + 1; v3->uWidth = v7; v3->uHeight = v8; v9 = (signed __int16)v7 * (signed __int16)v8; v10 = v3->pPixels; v3->uNumPixels = v9; if ( v10 ) { if ( mode ) goto LABEL_14; pAllocator->FreeChunk(v10); } if ( !mode ) { v11 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v3->pPixels, 2 * v3->uNumPixels + 4, "16bit PCX"); goto LABEL_16; } LABEL_14: if ( mode != 2 ) goto LABEL_17; v11 = malloc(2 * v3->uNumPixels + 4); *(unsigned int *)&v3->field_20 |= 1u; LABEL_16: v3->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)v11; LABEL_17: v12 = v3->pPixels; if ( !v12 ) return 2; v3->DecodePCX(Str1a, v12, v3->uWidth); free(Str1a); return 0; } //----- (0040F037) -------------------------------------------------------- signed int RGBTexture::DecodePCX(char *pPcx, unsigned __int16 *pOutPixels, unsigned int uNumPixels) { signed int result; // eax@2 unsigned char test_byte; // edx@3 unsigned int read_offset; // ebx@37 unsigned int row_position; // edi@40 unsigned char value; // cl@63 char count; // [sp+50h] [bp-Ch]@43 unsigned short current_line; // [sp+54h] [bp-8h]@38 unsigned short *dec_position; unsigned short *temp_dec_position; PCXHeader1 psx_head1; PCXHeader2 psx_head2; short int width, height; BYTE color_map[48]; // Colormap for 16-color images memcpy(&psx_head1, pPcx , 16); memcpy(&color_map, pPcx + 16, 48); memcpy(&psx_head2, pPcx + 64, 6); if (psx_head1.bpp!=8) return 3; uWidth=(short int )(psx_head1.right-psx_head1.left+1); // word @ 000014 uHeight=(short int )(psx_head1.bottom-psx_head1.up+1); // word @ 000016 uNumPixels=uWidth*uHeight; // dword @ 000010 memset(pOutPixels, 0, uNumPixels * sizeof(__int16)); short i=1; while ( (1<<i) !=uWidth) { ++i; if (i >= 15) break; } field_18=i; short i_=1; while ( (1<<i_) !=uHeight) { ++i_; if (i_ >= 15) break; } field_1A=i_; switch (field_18) { case 2: field_1C = 3; break; case 3: field_1C = 7; break; case 4: field_1C = 15; break; case 5: field_1C = 31; break; case 6: field_1C = 63; break; case 7: field_1C = 127; break; case 8: field_1C = 255; break; case 9: field_1C = 511; break; case 10: field_1C = 1023; break; case 11: field_1C = 2047; break; case 12: field_1C = 4095; break; } switch (field_1A) { case 2: field_1E = 3; break; case 3: field_1E = 7; break; case 4: field_1E = 15; break; case 5: field_1E = 31; break; case 6: field_1E = 63; break; case 7: field_1E = 127; break; case 8: field_1E = 255; break; case 9: field_1E = 511; break; case 10: field_1E = 1023; break; case 11: field_1E = 2047; break; case 12: field_1E = 4095; break; } read_offset = 128; if (psx_head2.planes != 3) return 0; current_line = 0; if ( uHeight > 0 ) { dec_position = pOutPixels; do { temp_dec_position = dec_position; row_position = 0; //decode red line if (psx_head2.pitch) { do { test_byte = pPcx[read_offset]; ++read_offset; if ((test_byte & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { value = pPcx[read_offset]; ++read_offset; if ((test_byte & 0x3F) > 0) { count = test_byte & 0x3F; do { ++row_position; //*temp_dec_position =0xFF000000; //*temp_dec_position|=(unsigned long)value<<16; *temp_dec_position |= LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask) & ((unsigned __int8)value << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); temp_dec_position++; if (row_position == psx_head2.pitch) break; } while (count-- != 1); } } else { ++row_position; //*temp_dec_position =0xFF000000; //*temp_dec_position|= (unsigned long)test_byte<<16; *temp_dec_position |= LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask) & ((unsigned __int8)test_byte << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); temp_dec_position++; } } while (row_position < psx_head2.pitch); } temp_dec_position = dec_position; row_position=0; //decode green line while (row_position < psx_head2.pitch) { test_byte = *(pPcx + read_offset); ++read_offset; if ((test_byte & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { value = *(pPcx + read_offset); ++read_offset; if ((test_byte & 0x3F) > 0) { count = test_byte & 0x3F; do { //*temp_dec_position|= (unsigned int)value<<8; //temp_dec_position++; *temp_dec_position|= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (unsigned __int16)((unsigned __int8)value << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); temp_dec_position++; ++row_position; if (row_position == psx_head2.pitch) break; } while (count-- != 1); } } else { //*temp_dec_position |=(unsigned int) test_byte<<8; //temp_dec_position++; *temp_dec_position|= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (unsigned __int16)((unsigned __int8)test_byte << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); temp_dec_position++; ++row_position; } } temp_dec_position = dec_position; row_position=0; //decode blue line while (row_position < psx_head2.pitch) { test_byte = *(pPcx + read_offset); read_offset++; if ((test_byte & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { value = *(pPcx + read_offset); ++read_offset; if ((test_byte & 0x3F) > 0) { count = test_byte & 0x3F; do { //*temp_dec_position|= value; //temp_dec_position++; *temp_dec_position |= value >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); temp_dec_position++; ++row_position; if (row_position == psx_head2.pitch) break; } while (count-- != 1); } } else { //*temp_dec_position|= test_byte; //temp_dec_position++; *temp_dec_position |= test_byte >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); temp_dec_position++; ++row_position; } } ++current_line; dec_position += uWidth; } while (current_line < uHeight); } return 0; /* RGBTexture *v4; // esi@1 signed int result; // eax@2 unsigned __int16 v6; // ax@3 unsigned __int16 *v7; // ecx@3 unsigned int v8; // edx@3 signed int v9; // ecx@3 signed int v10; // ecx@8 signed int v11; // ebx@37 unsigned __int16 *v12; // eax@40 int v13; // edi@40 int v14; // ebx@41 char v15; // bl@42 unsigned __int16 *v16; // eax@50 int v17; // ebx@51 char v18; // bl@52 unsigned __int16 *v19; // eax@61 unsigned __int8 v20; // dl@62 unsigned __int8 v21; // dl@63 unsigned __int8 v22; // cl@63 char color_map[48]; // [sp+8h] [bp-54h]@1 PCXHeader1 header1; // [sp+38h] [bp-24h]@1 PCXHeader2 header2; // [sp+48h] [bp-14h]@1 unsigned int v26; // [sp+50h] [bp-Ch]@43 int v27; // [sp+54h] [bp-8h]@38 unsigned __int16 *v28; // [sp+58h] [bp-4h]@3 int pOutPixelsa; // [sp+68h] [bp+Ch]@41 int pOutPixelsb; // [sp+68h] [bp+Ch]@51 v4 = this; memcpy(&header1, pPcx, 0x10u); memcpy(color_map, pPcx + 16, 0x30u); memcpy(&header2, pPcx + 64, 6u); if ( header1.bpp == 8 ) { v6 = header1.right - header1.left + 1; LOWORD(v7) = header1.bottom - header1.up + 1; v4->uWidth = v6; v4->uHeight = (unsigned __int16)v7; v7 = (unsigned __int16 *)(signed __int16)v7; v28 = v7; v4->uNumPixels = (signed __int16)v7 * (signed __int16)v6; HIWORD(v8) = 0; v9 = 1; while ( 1 << v9 != (signed __int16)v6 ) { ++v9; if ( v9 >= 15 ) goto LABEL_8; } v4->field_18 = v9; LABEL_8: v10 = 1; while ( (unsigned __int16 *)(1 << v10) != v28 ) { ++v10; if ( v10 >= 15 ) goto LABEL_13; } v4->field_1A = v10; LABEL_13: switch ( v4->field_18 ) { case 2: v4->field_1C = 3; break; case 3: v4->field_1C = 7; break; case 4: v4->field_1C = 15; break; case 5: v4->field_1C = 31; break; case 6: v4->field_1C = 63; break; case 7: v4->field_1C = 127; break; case 8: v4->field_1C = 255; break; case 9: v4->field_1C = 511; break; case 10: v4->field_1C = 1023; break; case 11: v4->field_1C = 2047; break; case 12: v4->field_1C = 4095; break; default: break; } switch ( v4->field_1A ) { case 2: v4->field_1E = 3; break; case 3: v4->field_1E = 7; break; case 4: v4->field_1E = 15; break; case 5: v4->field_1E = 31; break; case 6: v4->field_1E = 63; break; case 7: v4->field_1E = 127; break; case 8: v4->field_1E = 255; break; case 9: v4->field_1E = 511; break; case 10: v4->field_1E = 1023; break; case 11: v4->field_1E = 2047; break; case 12: v4->field_1E = 4095; break; default: break; } v11 = 128; if ( header2.planes == 3 ) { v27 = 0; if ( (signed int)v28 > 0 ) { v28 = pOutPixels; do { v12 = v28; v13 = 0; if ( header2.pitch ) { do { LOBYTE(v8) = pPcx[v11]; v14 = v11 + 1; pOutPixelsa = v14; if ( (v8 & 0xC0) == -64 ) { pOutPixelsa = v14 + 1; v15 = pPcx[v14]; if ( (signed int)(v8 & 0x3F) > 0 ) { v26 = v8 & 0x3F; do { ++v13; *v12 = LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask) & ((unsigned __int8)v15 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v12; if ( v13 == (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch ) v12 = &v12[uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch - 1]; --v26; } while ( v26 ); } } else { LOWORD(v8) = (unsigned __int8)v8; v8 = pRenderer->uTargetRMask & (v8 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v13; *v12 = v8; ++v12; } v11 = pOutPixelsa; } while ( v13 < (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch ); } v16 = v28; while ( v13 < 2 * (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch ) { LOBYTE(v8) = pPcx[v11]; v17 = v11 + 1; pOutPixelsb = v17; if ( (v8 & 0xC0) == -64 ) { pOutPixelsb = v17 + 1; v18 = pPcx[v17]; if ( (signed int)(v8 & 0x3F) > 0 ) { v26 = v8 & 0x3F; do { *v16 |= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (unsigned __int16)((unsigned __int8)v18 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v13; ++v16; if ( v13 == (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch ) v16 = &v16[uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch - 1]; --v26; } while ( v26 ); } } else { LOWORD(v8) = (unsigned __int8)v8; v8 = pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (v8 << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); *v16 |= v8; ++v13; ++v16; } v11 = pOutPixelsb; } v19 = v28; while ( v13 < 3 * (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch ) { v20 = pPcx[v11++]; if ( (v20 & 0xC0) == -64 ) { v21 = v20 & 0x3F; v22 = pPcx[v11++]; if ( (signed int)v21 > 0 ) { v26 = v21; do { *v19 |= v22 >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); ++v13; ++v19; if ( v13 == (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch ) { v8 = uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch; v19 = &v19[uNumPixels - (unsigned __int16)header2.pitch - 1]; } --v26; } while ( v26 ); } } else { *v19 |= v20 >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); ++v13; ++v19; } } ++v27; v28 += uNumPixels; } while ( v27 < v4->uHeight ); } } result = 0; } else { result = 3; } return result; */ } //----- (0040EAD8) -------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int RGBTexture::LoadFromFILE(FILE *pFile, unsigned int mode, unsigned int bCloseFile) { signed int result; // eax@2 unsigned char test_byte; // edx@3 //unsigned int read_offset; // ebx@37 unsigned int row_position; // edi@40 unsigned char value; // cl@63 char count; // [sp+50h] [bp-Ch]@43 unsigned short current_line; // [sp+54h] [bp-8h]@38 unsigned short *dec_position; unsigned short *temp_dec_position; PCXHeader1 psx_head1; PCXHeader2 psx_head2; short int width, height; BYTE color_map[48]; // Colormap for 16-color images if (!pFile) return 1; fread(&psx_head1, 1, 16, pFile); fread(&color_map, 1, 48, pFile); fread(&psx_head2, 1, 6, pFile); if (psx_head1.bpp!=8) return 3; uWidth=(short int )(psx_head1.right-psx_head1.left+1); // word @ 000014 uHeight=(short int )(psx_head1.bottom-psx_head1.up+1); // word @ 000016 uNumPixels=uWidth*uHeight; // dword @ 000010 if ( mode == 0 ) { if ( pPixels ) { pAllocator->FreeChunk(pPixels); pPixels = 0; } pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk( pPixels, 2 * uNumPixels + 4, pName); } else { if ( mode != 1 && mode == 2 ) { pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)malloc((uNumPixels + 2) * sizeof(unsigned __int16)); field_20 |= 1; } } auto pOutPixels = pPixels; memset(pOutPixels, 0, uNumPixels * sizeof(__int16)); short i=1; while ( (1<<i) !=uWidth) { ++i; if (i >= 15) break; } field_18=i; short i_=1; while ( (1<<i_) !=uHeight) { ++i_; if (i_ >= 15) break; } field_1A=i_; switch (field_18) { case 2: field_1C = 3; break; case 3: field_1C = 7; break; case 4: field_1C = 15; break; case 5: field_1C = 31; break; case 6: field_1C = 63; break; case 7: field_1C = 127; break; case 8: field_1C = 255; break; case 9: field_1C = 511; break; case 10: field_1C = 1023; break; case 11: field_1C = 2047; break; case 12: field_1C = 4095; break; } switch (field_1A) { case 2: field_1E = 3; break; case 3: field_1E = 7; break; case 4: field_1E = 15; break; case 5: field_1E = 31; break; case 6: field_1E = 63; break; case 7: field_1E = 127; break; case 8: field_1E = 255; break; case 9: field_1E = 511; break; case 10: field_1E = 1023; break; case 11: field_1E = 2047; break; case 12: field_1E = 4095; break; } fseek(pFile, 128 - 70, SEEK_CUR); for (uint y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y) { unsigned __int16 *pDst = pPixels + y * uWidth; uint x = 0; do { uint ctrl = 0; fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, pFile); if ((ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F; uint clr = 0; fread(&clr, 1, 1, pFile); for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i) pDst[x++] = pRenderer->uTargetRMask & (clr << (pRenderer->uTargetGBits + pRenderer->uTargetRBits + pRenderer->uTargetBBits - 8)); } else { pDst[x++] = pRenderer->uTargetRMask & (ctrl << (pRenderer->uTargetGBits + pRenderer->uTargetRBits + pRenderer->uTargetBBits - 8)); } } while (x < psx_head2.pitch); x = 0; do { uint ctrl = 0; fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, pFile); if ((ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F; uint clr = 0; fread(&clr, 1, 1, pFile); for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i) pDst[x++] |= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (clr << (pRenderer->uTargetGBits + pRenderer->uTargetBBits - 8)); } else { pDst[x++] |= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (ctrl << (pRenderer->uTargetGBits + pRenderer->uTargetBBits - 8)); } } while (x < psx_head2.pitch); x = 0; do { uint ctrl = 0; fread(&ctrl, 1, 1, pFile); if ((ctrl & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { uint uNumPixels = ctrl & 0x3F; uint clr = 0; fread(&clr, 1, 1, pFile); for (uint i = 0; i < uNumPixels; ++i) pDst[x++] |= pRenderer->uTargetBMask & (clr >> (8 - pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); } else { pDst[x++] |= pRenderer->uTargetBMask & (ctrl >> (8 - pRenderer->uTargetRBits)); } } while (x < psx_head2.pitch); } if (bCloseFile) fclose(pFile); return 0; } //----- (0040E51F) -------------------------------------------------------- void RGBTexture::Release() { RGBTexture *v1; // esi@1 char v2; // zf@1 void *v3; // [sp-4h] [bp-Ch]@1 v1 = this; v2 = (this->field_20 & 1) == 0; v3 = this->pPixels; this->pName[0] = 0; if ( v2 ) pAllocator->FreeChunk(v3); else free(v3); *(unsigned int *)&v1->field_20 = 0; v1->pPixels = 0; v1->uNumPixels = 0; v1->uHeight = 0; v1->uWidth = 0; v1->field_1A = 0; v1->field_18 = 0; } //----- (0040E55E) -------------------------------------------------------- int RGBTexture::_40E55E(const char *Filename, unsigned int a3) { RGBTexture *v3; // esi@1 signed int result; // eax@2 char *v6; // eax@3 int v7; // edx@3 char v8; // cl@4 unsigned __int16 v9; // cx@9 unsigned __int16 v10; // ax@9 int v11; // eax@9 char v12; // zf@9 void *v13; // eax@12 signed int v14; // ecx@19 signed int v15; // ecx@24 int v16; // eax@57 unsigned __int16 *v17; // ecx@57 unsigned __int16 *v18; // edi@57 signed int v19; // eax@59 unsigned __int16 *v20; // edi@64 signed int v21; // eax@66 unsigned __int16 *v22; // edi@71 signed int v23; // eax@73 int v24; // eax@78 char v25[48]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-54h]@3 PCXHeader1 pcx_header1; PCXHeader2 pcx_header2; int v37; // [sp+54h] [bp-Ch]@3 int v38; // [sp+58h] [bp-8h]@57 FILE *File; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-4h]@1 v3 = this; File = fopen(Filename, "rb"); if ( !File ) return 1; fread(&pcx_header1, sizeof(pcx_header1), 1, File); fread(&v25,48,1,File); fread(&pcx_header2, 4, 1, File); v6 = (char *)Filename; v37 = 0; v7 = (char *)v3 - Filename; do { v8 = *v6; if ( !*v6 ) break; if ( v8 == 46 ) break; ++v37; (v6++)[v7] = v8; } while ( v37 < 15 ); v3->pName[v37] = 0; if ( pcx_header1.bpp != 8 ) return 3; v9 = pcx_header1.right - pcx_header1.left + 1; v10 = pcx_header1.bottom - pcx_header1.up; v3->uWidth = v9; ++v10; v3->uHeight = v10; v11 = (signed __int16)v9 * (signed __int16)v10; v12 = a3 == 0; v3->uNumPixels = v11; if ( v12 ) { if ( v3->pPixels ) pAllocator->FreeChunk(v3->pPixels); v13 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v3->pPixels, 2 * v3->uNumPixels + 4, v3->pName); goto LABEL_16; } if ( a3 != 1 && a3 == 2 ) { v13 = operator new(4 * v11 + 8); *(unsigned int *)&v3->field_20 |= 1u; LABEL_16: v3->pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)v13; } if ( v3->pPixels ) { v14 = 1; while ( 1 << v14 != v3->uWidth ) { ++v14; if ( v14 >= 15 ) goto LABEL_24; } v3->field_18 = v14; LABEL_24: v15 = 1; while ( 1 << v15 != v3->uHeight ) { ++v15; if ( v15 >= 15 ) goto LABEL_29; } v3->field_1A = v15; LABEL_29: switch ( v3->field_18 ) { case 2: v3->field_1C = 3; break; case 3: v3->field_1C = 7; break; case 4: v3->field_1C = 15; break; case 5: v3->field_1C = 31; break; case 6: v3->field_1C = 63; break; case 7: v3->field_1C = 127; break; case 8: v3->field_1C = 255; break; case 9: v3->field_1C = 511; break; case 10: v3->field_1C = 1023; break; case 11: v3->field_1C = 2047; break; case 12: v3->field_1C = 4095; break; default: break; } switch ( v3->field_1A ) { case 2: v3->field_1E = 3; break; case 3: v3->field_1E = 7; break; case 4: v3->field_1E = 15; break; case 5: v3->field_1E = 31; break; case 6: v3->field_1E = 63; break; case 7: v3->field_1E = 127; break; case 8: v3->field_1E = 255; break; case 9: v3->field_1E = 511; break; case 10: v3->field_1E = 1023; break; case 11: v3->field_1E = 2047; break; case 12: v3->field_1E = 4095; break; default: break; } fseek(File, 128, 0); ftell(File); if ( pcx_header2.planes == 1 ) Abortf("24bit PCX Only!"); if ( pcx_header2.planes == 3 ) { v37 = 0; if ( v3->uHeight > 0 ) { do { v16 = v37 * v3->uWidth; v17 = v3->pPixels; v38 = 0; v18 = &v17[v16]; if ( pcx_header2.pitch ) { do { fread((char *)&Filename + 3, 1u, 1u, File); if ( (BYTE3(Filename) & 0xC0) == -64 ) { BYTE3(Filename) &= 0x3Fu; fread((char *)&a3 + 3, 1u, 1u, File); v19 = 0; if ( BYTE3(Filename) ) { do { ++v38; *v18 = LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask) & (BYTE3(a3) << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v18; ++v19; } while ( v19 < BYTE3(Filename) ); } } else { ++v38; *v18 = LOWORD(pRenderer->uTargetRMask) & (BYTE3(Filename) << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetRBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v18; } } while ( v38 < (unsigned __int16)pcx_header2.pitch); } v20 = &v3->pPixels[v37 * v3->uWidth]; while ( v38 < 2 * (unsigned __int16)pcx_header2.pitch ) { fread((char *)&Filename + 3, 1u, 1u, File); if ( (BYTE3(Filename) & 0xC0) == -64 ) { BYTE3(Filename) &= 0x3Fu; fread((char *)&a3 + 3, 1u, 1u, File); v21 = 0; if ( BYTE3(Filename) ) { do { *v20 |= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (unsigned __int16)(BYTE3(a3) << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v38; ++v20; ++v21; } while ( v21 < BYTE3(Filename) ); } } else { *v20 |= pRenderer->uTargetGMask & (unsigned __int16)(BYTE3(Filename) << (LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetGBits) + LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits) - 8)); ++v38; ++v20; } } v22 = &v3->pPixels[v37 * v3->uWidth]; while ( v38 < 3 * (unsigned __int16)pcx_header2.pitch ) { fread((char *)&Filename + 3, 1u, 1u, File); if ( (BYTE3(Filename) & 0xC0) == -64 ) { BYTE3(Filename) &= 0x3Fu; fread((char *)&a3 + 3, 1u, 1u, File); v23 = 0; if ( BYTE3(Filename) ) { do { *v22 |= BYTE3(a3) >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); ++v38; ++v22; ++v23; } while ( v23 < BYTE3(Filename) ); } } else { *v22 |= BYTE3(Filename) >> (8 - LOBYTE(pRenderer->uTargetBBits)); ++v38; ++v22; } } v24 = v3->uHeight; ++v37; } while ( v37 < v24 ); } } fclose(File); result = 0; } else { result = 2; } return result; } //----- (0040D73D) -------------------------------------------------------- RGBTexture::RGBTexture() { pName[0] = 0; pPixels = 0; uNumPixels = 0; uHeight = 0; uWidth = 0; field_1A = 0; field_18 = 0; field_20 = 0; field_22 = 0; }