view lib/swig/swigwin-2.0.11/vms/ @ 1934:564898c5882b

DamageMonsterFromParty cleanup finished
author Grumpy7
date Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:21:48 -0700
parents b3009adc0e2f
line wrap: on
line source

import os.path, string, posix, pyvms

IDIR = ['swig_root:[source.swig]', 'swig_root:[source.doh.include]',
        'swig_root:[source.include]', 'swig_root:[source.preprocessor]'] 

def new_file(fg, dirname):
    global IDIR
    fn = 'swig_root:[vms.scripts]compil_' + os.path.basename(dirname) + '.com'
    print >> fg, '$ @' + fn
    f = open(fn, 'w')
    print >> f, '$!'
    print >> f, '$! Generated by'
    print >> f, '$!'
    print >> f, '$ libname = "swig_root:[vms.o_alpha]swig.olb"'
    print >> f, '$'
    print >> f, '$ set default', pyvms.crtl_to_vms(dirname)[0][0]
    print >> f, '$'
    print >> f, "$ idir := ", IDIR[0]
    for i in range(1, len(IDIR)):
        print >> f, '$ idir = idir + ",' + IDIR[i] + '"'
    print >> f, '$'
    print >> f, "$ iflags = \"/include=(''idir', sys$disk:[])\""
    print >> f, '$ oflags = \"/object=swig_root:[vms.o_alpha]'
    print >> f, "$ cflags = \"''oflags'''iflags'''dflags'\""
    print >> f, "$ cxxflags = \"''oflags'''iflags'''dflags'\""
    print >> f, '$'
    return f

def end_file(f):
    print >>f,"""$ exit
$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
$! P1 = What we are trying to make
$! P2 = Command to make it
$! P3 = Source file
$! P4 - P8  What it depends on
$ modname = f$parse(p3,,,"name")
$ set noon
$ set message/nofacility/noident/noseverity/notext
$ libr/lis=swig_root:[vms]swiglib.tmp/full/width=132/only='modname' 'libname'
$ set message/facility/ident/severity/text
$ on error then exit
$ open/read swigtmp swig_root:[vms]swiglib.tmp
$! skip header
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read swigtmp r
$ read/end=module_not_found swigtmp r
$ modfound = 1
$ Time = f$cvtime(f$extract(49, 20, r))
$ goto end_search_module
$ module_not_found:
$ modfound = 0
$ end_search_module:
$ close swigtmp
$ delete swig_root:[vms]swiglib.tmp;*
$ if modfound .eq. 0 then $ goto Makeit
$! Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
$       Argument = P'arg
$       If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
$       El=0
$       File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
$       If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
$       AFile = ""
$       OFile = AFile
$       AFile = F$Search(File)
$       If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
$       If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
$       Goto Loop3
$       El = El + 1
$       Goto Loop2
$ arg=arg+1
$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
$ Goto Exit
$ 'P2' 'P3'
$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
$ If V Then Set Verify

def listRep(args, dirname, filenames):
    fg = args[0]
    first = 1
    for fn in filenames:
        if fn[-2:] == '.c':
            if first:
                first = 0
                fc = new_file(fg, dirname)

            cstr = "\"cc ''cflags'\" "
            line = "$ call make swig_root:[vms.o_alpha]"
            line += fn[:-1] + 'obj -'
            print >> fc, line
            line = "\t" + cstr + fn
            print >> fc, line
        elif fn[-4:] == '.cxx':
            if first:
                first = 0
                fc = new_file(fg, dirname)

            cstr = "\"cxx ''cxxflags'\" "
            line = "$ call make swig_root:[vms.o_alpha]"
            line += fn[:-3] + 'obj -'
            print >> fc, line
            line = "\t" + cstr + fn
            print >> fc, line
    if first == 0:
def genbuild(f, dir):
    os.path.walk(dir, listRep, (f,))
    cmd = 'set default swig_root:[vms]'
f = open('swig_root:[vms.scripts]','w')
print >> f, '$!'
print >> f, '$! Generated by'
print >> f, '$!'
print >> f, '$ set default swig_root:[vms]'
print >> f, '$'
print >> f, '$ @swig_root:[vms]build_init'
genbuild(f, '/swig_root/source')
print >> f, '$'
print >> f, '$ set default swig_root:[vms]'
print >> f, '$'
print >> f, '$ @swig_root:[vms]build_end'