view lib/swig/swigwin-2.0.11/Tools/check-include-path.pike @ 2132:49de109bbab5

SavePCXScreenshot() continue
author Ritor1
date Sun, 29 Dec 2013 01:26:15 +0600
parents b3009adc0e2f
line wrap: on
line source

 * This is a helper script to identify the proper include path
 * for Pike header files. It should be run with the full path
 * to the Pike executable as its single argument, e.g.
 *     pike check-include-path.pike /usr/local/bin/pike
 * and its output should be the correct path to the header
 * files, e.g.
 *     /usr/local/pike/7.2.239/include/pike

int main(int argc, array(string) argv)
    string prefix = replace(argv[1], "/bin/pike", "");
    write(prefix + "/pike/" + __MAJOR__ + "." + __MINOR__ + "." + __BUILD__ + "/include/pike");
    return 0;