diff UI/UIHouses.cpp @ 1526:f47eab1a70d8

UIHouses.cpp cleaning(continue)
author Ritor1
date Thu, 05 Sep 2013 18:05:50 +0600
parents ab6bf38b2940
children 61458df2cb4f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/UI/UIHouses.cpp	Thu Sep 05 13:31:15 2013 +0600
+++ b/UI/UIHouses.cpp	Thu Sep 05 18:05:50 2013 +0600
@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@
   {255, 255, 255, 255}   // HOUSE_BOATS_73
 std::array<const stru159, 196> pAnimatedRooms = //0x4E5F70
         {"",                            0x4, 0x1F4, 0, 0, 0},
@@ -326,7 +322,7 @@
     num_buttons = 2;
     CreateButtonInColumn(0, 102);
     CreateButtonInColumn(1, 103);
-	if ( pParty->HasItem(651) ) //Arcomage Deck
+    if ( pParty->HasItem(651) ) //Arcomage Deck
       num_buttons = 3;
       CreateButtonInColumn(2, 104);
@@ -369,24 +365,6 @@
 //----- (004B3B42) --------------------------------------------------------
 void InitializaDialogueOptions(BuildingType type)
-  /*int v1; // ecx@18
-  int v2; // ecx@19
-  int v3; // ecx@20
-  signed int v4; // esi@22
-  signed int v5; // eax@22
-  unsigned int v6; // edx@24
-  int v7; // ecx@24
-  int result; // eax@43
-  int v9; // [sp-10h] [bp-14h]@28
-  int v10; // [sp-Ch] [bp-10h]@28
-  int v11; // [sp-8h] [bp-Ch]@28
-  unsigned int v12; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@4
-  unsigned int v13; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@5
-  unsigned int v14; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@9
-  unsigned int v15; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@10
-  unsigned int v16; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@14
-  int v17; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@28*/
   switch (type)
     case BuildingType_WeaponShop:
@@ -764,39 +742,30 @@
 //----- (004B1784) --------------------------------------------------------
 bool  HouseUI_CheckIfPlayerCanInteract()
-  Player *pPlayer; // ebx@1
-  bool result; // eax@2
-  int v3; // eax@3
-  GUIWindow v4; // [sp+4h] [bp-54h]@3
+  GUIWindow window; // [sp+4h] [bp-54h]@3
-  pPlayer = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-  if ( pPlayer->CanAct() )
+  if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CanAct() )
     pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton = dword_F8B1E0;
-    result = 1;
+    return true;
     pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton = 0;
-    memcpy(&v4, pPrimaryWindow, sizeof(v4));
-    v4.uFrameX = 483;
-    v4.uFrameWidth = 148;
-    v4.uFrameZ = 334;
-    sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[427], pPlayer->pName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[562]);// 
-                                                // "%s is in no condition to %s"
-                                                // "do anything"
-    v3 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf.data(), &v4, 0, 0);
-    v4.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, (212 - v3) / 2 + 101, ui_house_player_cant_interact_color, pTmpBuf.data(), 3u);
-    result = 0;
+    memcpy(&window, pPrimaryWindow, sizeof(window));
+    window.uFrameX = 483;
+    window.uFrameWidth = 148;
+    window.uFrameZ = 334;
+    sprintfex(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[427], pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pName,
+              pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[562]); // "%s is in no condition to %s""do anything"
+    window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, (212 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf.data(), &window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 101, ui_house_player_cant_interact_color, pTmpBuf.data(), 3);
+    return false;
-  return result;
 //----- (0044622E) --------------------------------------------------------
 bool EnterHouse(enum HOUSE_ID uHouseID)
-	//enum HOUSE_ID v1; // edi@1
-	//int v2; // edi@5
 	signed int uOpenTime; // eax@5
 	signed int uCloseTime; // esi@5
 	unsigned int v5; // esi@5
@@ -804,27 +773,18 @@
 	signed int am_pm_flag_open; // ecx@10
 	signed int am_pm_flag_close; // eax@10
 	int v9; // esi@10
-	//unsigned int v10; // esi@16
 	int v11; // ecx@17
 	unsigned int v12; // kr00_4@25
-	//Player *v13; // esi@25
 	int v14; // eax@25
-	//Player *v15; // esi@27
-	//signed int v16; // eax@32
 	unsigned int v17; // eax@37
 	signed int v18; // edi@37
 	signed int v19; // edi@41
-	//unsigned int v20; // ecx@41
-	//const char *v22; // [sp-4h] [bp-40h]@33
 	char pContainer[40]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-30h]@32
 	unsigned int v24; // [sp+34h] [bp-8h]@5
-	//enum HOUSE_ID v25; // [sp+38h] [bp-4h]@1
-	//v1 = uHouseID;
-	//v25 = uHouseID;
 	GameUI_Footer_TimedString[0] = 0;
 	pFooterString[0] = 0;
-	ShowStatusBarString("", 2u);
+	ShowStatusBarString("", 2);
 	if ( pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages )
 		pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages = pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[0].field_8 != 0;
 	viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
@@ -952,25 +912,11 @@
 //----- (0044606A) --------------------------------------------------------
 void PrepareHouse(HOUSE_ID house)
-  //unsigned int v1; // ebx@1
-  //signed int v2; // esi@1
-  //int uExitPic; // edi@1
   __int16 uExitMapID; // ax@2
-  //int result; // eax@5
-  //unsigned int *v6; // ecx@8
   int v7; // ebx@11
-  //int v8; // esi@16
-  //unsigned int v9; // eax@16
-  //unsigned int v10; // eax@19
-  //int v11; // ecx@19
-  //char pContainer[36]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-54h]@16
   int v13; // [sp+30h] [bp-30h]@11
   int npc_id_arr[6]; // [sp+34h] [bp-2Ch]@1
-  //unsigned int v15; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-14h]@1
   int uAnimationID; // [sp+50h] [bp-10h]@1
-  //unsigned int *v17; // [sp+54h] [bp-Ch]@3
-  //unsigned int v18; // [sp+58h] [bp-8h]@1
-  //int v19; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-4h]@7
   uAnimationID = p2DEvents[house - 1].uAnimationID;
@@ -1041,15 +987,8 @@
 //----- (004BCACC) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall OnSelectShopDialogueOption(signed int uMessageParam)
-  //unsigned int v1; // edi@1
-  //signed int v2; // ebx@1
-  //signed int v3; // ecx@2
-  int v4; // eax@5
-  signed int v5; // esi@5
-  //Player *v6; // ecx@5
-  //signed int v7; // edx@5
+  int experience_for_next_level; // eax@5
   GUIWindow *v8; // esi@10
-  unsigned int v9; // eax@12
   int v10; // esi@31
   int v11; // edi@31
   int v12; // esi@32
@@ -1070,19 +1009,17 @@
   char v27; // zf@190
   Player *v28; // edi@192
   int v29; // eax@204
-  void *v30; // esi@208
-  unsigned __int64 v31; // qax@208
-  signed int v32; // edi@209
-  int v33; // eax@210
+  //void *v30; // esi@208
+  //unsigned __int64 v31; // qax@208
+  //signed int v32; // edi@209
+  //int v33; // eax@210
   unsigned int v34; // eax@211
-  //Player *v35; // edi@227
   signed int v36; // esi@227
   int v37; // ecx@227
   int v38; // esi@230
   int v39; // edx@235
   int v40; // edi@243
   unsigned __int64 v41; // qax@243
-  //void *v42; // eax@244
   signed int v43; // edi@244
   int v44; // edx@244
   int v45; // eax@246
@@ -1095,49 +1032,36 @@
   void *v52; // eax@260
   signed int v53; // edi@260
   int v54; // eax@262
-  //signed int v55; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@1
   int v56; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@31
-  //v1 = 0;
-  //v2 = a1;
-  //v55 = a1;
   if ( !pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton )
   pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
-  //v3 = dword_F8B198;
   if ( dialog_menu_id != HOUSE_DIALOGUE_MAIN)
     v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-  //else
   if (dialog_menu_id == HOUSE_DIALOGUE_MAIN)
 	  if ( in_current_building_type == BuildingType_Training )
-		  v4 = 0;
-		  v5 = 0;
-		  //v6 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-		  //v7 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel;
+		  experience_for_next_level = 0;
 		  if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel > 0 )
-			do
-			  v4 += v5++ + 1;
-			while ( v5 < pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel );
+			for( uint i = 0; i < pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel; i++ )
+			  experience_for_next_level += i + 1;
 		  if (pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uLevel < pMaxLevelPerTrainingHallType[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 89] &&
-			  (signed __int64)pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uExperience < 1000 * v4)
+			  (signed __int64)pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uExperience < 1000 * experience_for_next_level)
-		pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, 640, 0x159u, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0);
+		pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, 640, 345, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0);
 		pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(526, 445, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[74],// "End Conversation"
 					                                    pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTDESC2), 0);
-		pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(8, 8, 0x1C2, 0x140, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", nullptr);
-//	LABEL_10:
-		//v3 = dword_F8B198;
+		pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(8, 8, 450, 320, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", nullptr);
 		v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-	  //else
 	  if ( in_current_building_type != BuildingType_Training )
 		  v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
@@ -1145,14 +1069,11 @@
 			  transport_schedule[transport_routes[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - HOUSE_STABLES_HARMONDALE][uMessageParam - HOUSE_DIALOGUE_TRANSPORT_SCHEDULE_1]].pSchedule[pParty->uDaysPlayed % 7]
 			|| in_current_building_type != BuildingType_Temple || uMessageParam != BuildingType_MindGuild )
-		//LABEL_9:
-			pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, 640, 0x159u, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0);
+			pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, 640, 345, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0);
 			pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(526, 445, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[74],// "End Conversation"
 						                                    pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTDESC2), 0);
-			pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(8u, 8u, 0x1C2u, 0x140u, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", nullptr);
-	//	LABEL_10:
-			//v3 = dword_F8B198;
+			pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(8, 8, 450, 320, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", nullptr);
 			v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
 		  else if (uActiveCharacter)
@@ -1162,14 +1083,10 @@
 			v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-	//LABEL_11:
 	  dialog_menu_id = (HOUSE_DIALOGUE_MENU)uMessageParam;
 	  if ( in_current_building_type < BuildingType_19 )
-		v9 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(off_4F03B8[(int)in_current_building_type], TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
-		//v3 = dword_F8B198;
-		ShopTexture = &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v9];
-	//LABEL_13:
+		ShopTexture = &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(off_4F03B8[(int)in_current_building_type], TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE)];
 		v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
@@ -1190,33 +1107,23 @@
     case BuildingType_15:
     case BuildingType_16:
-      if ( *(int *)&stru_AA1058[3].pSounds[8 * (unsigned int)v8->ptr_1C + 44472] >= (signed __int64)pParty->uTimePlayed &&
-          *(int *)&stru_AA1058[3].pSounds[8 * (unsigned int)v8->ptr_1C + 44468] >= (signed __int64)pParty->uTimePlayed )
+      if ( pParty->field_3C.field_50[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C] >= (signed __int64)pParty->uTimePlayed )
-        v32 = 0;
-        do
+        for ( uint i = 0; i < 12; ++i )
-          //v33 = *(&pParty->pPlayers[1].pInstalledBeacons[0].field_18 + 9 * (v32 + 12 * (unsigned int)v8->ptr_1C));
-          v33 = pParty->SpellBooksInGuilds[v8->par1C-139][v32].uItemID;
-          if ( v33 )
+          if ( pParty->SpellBooksInGuilds[v8->par1C-139][i].uItemID )
-            v34 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[v33].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
+            v34 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[pParty->SpellBooksInGuilds[v8->par1C-139][i].uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
             v8 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-            ItemsInShopTexture[v32] = &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v34];
+            ItemsInShopTexture[i] = &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v34];
-          ++v32;
-        while ( v32 < 12 );
-        v30 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-        v31 = pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed __int64)((double)(0xA8C000
-                                   //* (signed int)p2DEvents_minus1[26 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C])
+        pParty->field_3C.field_50[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C] = pParty->uTimePlayed + (signed __int64)((double)(0xA8C000
                                   * (signed int)p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].field_1C) * 0.033333335);
-        *(int *)&stru_AA1058[3].pSounds[8 * (int)v30 + 44468] = v31;
-        *(int *)&stru_AA1058[3].pSounds[8 * (int)v30 + 44472] = HIDWORD(v31);