diff Media/Video/Bink_Smacker.h @ 2502:a77c34acdbc9

Media folder
author Ritor1
date Fri, 19 Sep 2014 05:13:32 +0600
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Media/Video/Bink_Smacker.h	Fri Sep 19 05:13:32 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Media/Audio/AIL.h"
+void BINKW32_DLL_Initialize();
+int __stdcall BinkDDSurfaceType(struct IDirectDrawSurface *);
+int __stdcall BinkSetSoundSystem(void *pSoundSystem, HDIGDRIVER hDrv);
+int __stdcall BinkOpenMiles(int);
+HBINK __stdcall BinkOpen(void *hFileHandle, unsigned int uFlags);
+int __stdcall BinkWait(HBINK);
+int __stdcall BinkDoFrame(HBINK);
+int __stdcall BinkNextFrame(HBINK);
+int __stdcall BinkGetRects(HBINK hBink, unsigned int uFlags);
+int __stdcall BinkCopyToBuffer(HBINK hBink, void *pBuffer, unsigned int lPitch, unsigned int uNumLines, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uFlags);
+int __stdcall BinkPause(HBINK, int bPause);
+int __stdcall BinkClose(HBINK);
+int __stdcall BinkGoto(HBINK, long a2, long a3);
+int __stdcall BinkBufferSetOffset(void *, int, int);
+int __stdcall BinkBufferSetScale(void *, unsigned int uWidth, unsigned int uHeight);
+  void SMACKW32_DLL_Initialize();
+struct _SMACK
+  unsigned int Version;           // SMK2 only right now
+  unsigned int Width;             // Width (1 based, 640 for example)
+  unsigned int Height;            // Height (1 based, 480 for example)
+  unsigned int Frames;            // Number of frames (1 based, 100 = 100 frames)
+  unsigned int MSPerFrame;        // Frame Rate
+  unsigned int SmackerType;       // bit 0 set=ring frame
+  unsigned int LargestInTrack[7]; // Largest single size for each track
+  unsigned int tablesize;         // Size of the init tables
+  unsigned int codesize;          // Compression info   
+  unsigned int absize;            // ditto
+  unsigned int detailsize;        // ditto
+  unsigned int typesize;          // ditto
+  unsigned int TrackType[7];      // high byte=0x80-Comp,0x40-PCM data,0x20-16 bit,0x10-stereo
+  unsigned int extra;             // extra value (should be zero)
+  unsigned int NewPalette;        // set to one if the palette changed
+  unsigned char Palette[772];      // palette data
+  unsigned int PalType;           // type of palette
+  unsigned int FrameNum;          // 0374 Frame Number to be displayed
+  unsigned int FrameSize;         // The current frame's size in bytes
+  unsigned int SndSize;           // The current frame sound tracks' size in bytes
+  int LastRectx;                  // 0380 Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (X coord)
+  int LastRecty;                  // Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (Y coord)
+  int LastRectw;                  // Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (Width)
+  int LastRecth;                  // 038C Rect set in from SmackToBufferRect (Height)
+  unsigned int OpenFlags;         // flags used on open
+  unsigned int LeftOfs;           // Left Offset used in SmackTo
+  unsigned int TopOfs;            // Top Offset used in SmackTo
+  unsigned int LargestFrameSize;  // Largest frame size
+  unsigned int Highest1SecRate;   // Highest 1 sec data rate
+  unsigned int Highest1SecFrame;  // Highest 1 sec data rate starting frame
+  unsigned int ReadError;         // Set to non-zero if a read error has ocurred
+  unsigned int addr32;            // translated address for 16 bit interface
+struct _SMACKBLIT
+  unsigned int    Flags;
+  unsigned char  *Palette;
+  unsigned int    PalType;
+  unsigned short *SmoothTable;
+  unsigned short *Conv8to16Table;
+  unsigned int    whichmode;
+  unsigned int    palindex;
+  unsigned int    t16index;
+  unsigned int    smoothindex;
+  unsigned int    smoothtype;
+  unsigned int    firstpalette;
+struct _SMACKBUF
+        unsigned int Reversed;             // 1 if the buffer is upside down
+        unsigned int SurfaceType;          // SMACKSURFACExxxx defines
+        unsigned int BlitType;             // SMACKxxxxBLIT defines
+        unsigned int FullScreen;           // 1 if full-screen
+        unsigned int Width;
+        unsigned int Height;
+        unsigned int Pitch;
+        unsigned int Zoomed;
+        unsigned int ZWidth;
+        unsigned int ZHeight;
+        unsigned int DispColors;           // colors on the screen
+        unsigned int MaxPalColors;         // total possible colors in palette (usually 256)
+        unsigned int PalColorsInUse;       // Used colors in palette (usually 236)
+        unsigned int StartPalColor;        // first usable color index (usually 10)
+        unsigned int EndPalColor;          // last usable color index (usually 246)
+        RGBQUAD Palette[256];
+        unsigned int PalType;
+        unsigned int forceredraw;  // force a complete redraw on next blit (for >8bit)
+        unsigned int didapalette;  // force an invalidate on the next palette change
+        void * Buffer;
+        void * DIBRestore;
+        unsigned int OurBitmap;
+        unsigned int OrigBitmap;
+        unsigned int OurPalette;
+        unsigned int WinGDC;
+        unsigned int FullFocused;
+        unsigned int ParentHwnd;
+        unsigned int OldParWndProc;
+        unsigned int OldDispWndProc;
+        unsigned int DispHwnd;
+        unsigned int WinGBufHandle;
+        void * lpDD;
+        void * lpDDSP;
+        unsigned int DDSurfaceType;
+        struct _SMACKBLIT DDblit;
+        int ddSoftwarecur;
+        int didaddblit;
+        int lastwasdd;
+        RECT ddscreen;
+        int manyblits;
+        int * blitrects;
+        int * rectsptr;
+        int maxrects;
+        int numrects;
+        HDC lastdc;
+#define BINKFRAMERATE            0x00001000L // Override fr (call BinkFrameRate first)
+#define BINKPRELOADALL            0x00002000L // Preload the entire animation
+#define BINKSNDTRACK            0x00004000L // Set the track number to play
+#define BINKOLDFRAMEFORMAT        0x00008000L // using the old Bink frame format (internal use only)
+#define BINKRBINVERT            0x00010000L // use reversed R and B planes (internal use only)
+#define BINKGRAYSCALE            0x00020000L // Force Bink to use grayscale
+#define BINKNOMMX                0x00040000L // Don't use MMX
+#define BINKNOSKIP                0x00080000L // Don't skip frames if falling behind
+#define BINKALPHA                0x00100000L // Decompress alpha plane (if present)
+#define BINKNOFILLIOBUF            0x00200000L // Fill the IO buffer in SmackOpen
+#define BINKSIMULATE            0x00400000L // Simulate the speed (call BinkSim first)
+#define BINKFILEHANDLE            0x00800000L // Use when passing in a file handle
+#define BINKIOSIZE                0x01000000L // Set an io size (call BinkIOSize first)
+#define BINKIOPROCESSOR            0x02000000L // Set an io processor (call BinkIO first)
+#define BINKFROMMEMORY            0x04000000L // Use when passing in a pointer to the file
+#define BINKNOTHREADEDIO        0x08000000L // Don't use a background thread for IO
+#define BINKSURFACEFAST            0x00000000L
+#define BINKSURFACESLOW            0x08000000L
+#define BINKSURFACEDIRECT        0x04000000L
+#define BINKCOPYALL                0x80000000L // copy all pixels (not just changed)
+#define BINKCOPY2XH                0x10000000L // Force doubling height scaling
+#define BINKCOPY2XHI            0x20000000L // Force interleaving height scaling
+#define BINKCOPY2XW                0x30000000L // copy the width zoomed by two
+#define BINKCOPY2XWH            0x40000000L // copy the width and height zoomed by two
+#define BINKCOPY2XWHI            0x50000000L // copy the width and height zoomed by two
+#define BINKCOPY1XI                0x60000000L // copy the width and height zoomed by two
+#define BINKCOPYNOSCALING        0x70000000L // Force scaling off
+#define SMACKNEEDPAN    0x00020L // Will be setting the pan
+#define SMACKNEEDVOLUME 0x00040L // Will be setting the volume
+#define SMACKFRAMERATE  0x00080L // Override fr (call SmackFrameRate first)
+#define SMACKLOADEXTRA  0x00100L // Load the extra buffer during SmackOpen
+#define SMACKPRELOADALL 0x00200L // Preload the entire animation
+#define SMACKNOSKIP     0x00400L // Don't skip frames if falling behind
+#define SMACKSIMULATE   0x00800L // Simulate the speed (call SmackSim first)
+#define SMACKFILEHANDLE 0x01000L // Use when passing in a file handle
+#define SMACKTRACK1     0x02000L // Play audio track 1
+#define SMACKTRACK2     0x04000L // Play audio track 2
+#define SMACKTRACK3     0x08000L // Play audio track 3
+#define SMACKTRACK4     0x10000L // Play audio track 4
+#define SMACKTRACK5     0x20000L // Play audio track 5
+#define SMACKTRACK6     0x40000L // Play audio track 6
+#define SMACKTRACK7     0x80000L // Play audio track 7
+#define SMACKBUFFER555      0x80000000
+#define SMACKBUFFER565      0xC0000000
+#define SMACKBLIT1X                1
+#define SMACKBLIT2X                2
+int __stdcall SmackSoundUseMSS(HDIGDRIVER hDrv);
+unsigned int __stdcall SmackUseMMX(unsigned int flag);
+HSMACK __stdcall SmackOpen(HANDLE hSourceFile, unsigned int uFlags, unsigned int uExtraBuffers);
+HSMACKBLIT __stdcall SmackBlitOpen(unsigned int uSurfaceFormat);
+void __stdcall SmackToBuffer(HSMACK, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uPitch, unsigned int uHeight, void *pBuffer, unsigned int uFlags);
+void __stdcall SmackBlitSetPalette(HSMACKBLIT hBlit, void *pPalette, unsigned int uPalType);
+unsigned int __stdcall SmackDoFrame(HSMACK);
+unsigned int __stdcall SmackToBufferRect(HSMACK, unsigned int uSmackSurface);
+void __stdcall SmackBlit(HSMACKBLIT, void *pDest, unsigned int uDestPitch, unsigned int uDestX, unsigned int uDestY, void *pSrc, unsigned int uSrcPitch, unsigned int uSrcX, unsigned int uSrcY, unsigned int uSrcZ, unsigned int uSrcW);
+void __stdcall SmackNextFrame(HSMACK);
+unsigned int __stdcall SmackWait(HSMACK);
+unsigned int __stdcall SmackSoundOnOff(HSMACK, unsigned int bOn);
+void __stdcall SmackClose(HSMACK);
+void __stdcall SmackBufferClose(HSMACKBUF);
+void __stdcall SmackBlitClose(HSMACKBLIT);
+int __stdcall SmackBlitClear(HSMACKBLIT a1, unsigned short *pFrameData, unsigned int uTargetSurfacePitch, unsigned int uOutX, unsigned int uOutY, unsigned int uOutZ, unsigned int uOutW, int a8);
+int __stdcall SmackBufferOpen(HWND a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6);
+int __fastcall SmackVolumePan(_SMACK *a3, long a4, long a5, long a6);
+int __stdcall SmackGoto(_SMACK *a1, long a2);
+// sub_4D83D0: using guessed type int __stdcall SmackBufferNewPalette(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD);
+void __stdcall SmackBufferNewPalette(HSMACKBUF a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3);
+// sub_4D83D4: using guessed type int __stdcall SmackColorRemapWithTrans(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD);
+void __stdcall SmackColorRemapWithTrans(_SMACK *a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3, unsigned int a4, unsigned int a5);