diff Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h @ 2496:5abd8fc8f1c6

author Ritor1
date Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:38:54 +0600
children 68cdef6879a0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+#include "Indoor.h"
+#include "TileFrameTable.h"
+#include "Engine/Graphics/BSPModel.h"
+#define DAY_ATTRIB_FOG  1
+/*  256 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ODMHeader
+  int uVersion;
+  char pMagic[4];
+  unsigned int uCompressedSize;
+  unsigned int uDecompressedSize;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*   78 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct OutdoorLocationTileType
+  Tileset tileset;
+  unsigned __int16 uTileID;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct DMap
+    {
+    unsigned __int8 field0;
+    unsigned __int8 field1;
+    };
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*   79 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct OutdoorLocationTerrain
+  //----- (0047C794) --------------------------------------------------------
+  inline OutdoorLocationTerrain()
+  {
+    pHeightmap = nullptr;
+    pTilemap = nullptr;
+    pAttributemap = nullptr;
+    pDmap = nullptr;;
+    this->field_10 = 0;
+    this->field_12 = 0;
+  }
+  void _47C7A9();
+  void Release();
+  void FillDMap(int X, int Y, int W, int Z);
+  int _47CB57(int a1, int a2, int a3);
+  bool ZeroLandscape();
+  bool Initialize();
+  unsigned __int8 *pHeightmap;
+  unsigned __int8 *pTilemap;
+  unsigned __int8 *pAttributemap;
+  struct DMap *pDmap;
+  __int16 field_10;
+  __int16 field_12;
+  __int16 field_14;
+  __int16 field_16;
+  int field_18;
+  int field_1C;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*   81 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct ODMFace
+  bool HasEventHint();
+  static bool IsBackfaceNotCulled(struct RenderVertexSoft *a2, struct Polygon *polygon);
+  inline bool Invisible() const {return (uAttributes & FACE_INVISIBLE) != 0;}
+  inline bool Visible() const   {return !Invisible();}
+  inline bool Portal() const    {return (uAttributes & FACE_PORTAL) != 0;}
+  inline bool Fluid() const     {return (uAttributes & FACE_FLUID) != 0;}
+  inline bool Indoor_sky() const {return (uAttributes & FACE_INDOOR_SKY) != 0;}
+  inline bool Clickable() const {return (uAttributes & FACE_CLICKABLE) != 0;}
+  inline bool Pressure_Plate() const {return (uAttributes & FACE_PRESSURE_PLATE) != 0;}
+  inline bool Ethereal() const {return (uAttributes & FACE_ETHEREAL) != 0;}
+  struct Plane_int_ pFacePlane;
+  int zCalc1;
+  int zCalc2;
+  int zCalc3;
+  unsigned int uAttributes;
+  unsigned __int16 pVertexIDs[20];
+  unsigned __int16 pTextureUIDs[20];
+  unsigned __int16 pTextureVIDs[20];
+  signed __int16 pXInterceptDisplacements[20];
+  signed __int16 pYInterceptDisplacements[20];
+  signed __int16 pZInterceptDisplacements[20];
+  __int16 uTextureID;
+  __int16 sTextureDeltaU;
+  __int16 sTextureDeltaV;
+  struct BBox_short_ pBoundingBox;
+  __int16 sCogNumber;
+  __int16 sCogTriggeredID;
+  __int16 sCogTriggerType;
+  char field_128;
+  char field_129;
+  unsigned __int8 uGradientVertex1;
+  unsigned __int8 uGradientVertex2;
+  unsigned __int8 uGradientVertex3;
+  unsigned __int8 uGradientVertex4;
+  unsigned __int8 uNumVertices;
+  unsigned __int8 uPolygonType;
+  unsigned __int8 uShadeType;
+  unsigned __int8 bVisible;
+  char field_132;
+  char field_133;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct OutdoorLocation
+  OutdoorLocation();
+  void subconstuctor();
+  void ExecDraw(unsigned int bRedraw);
+  void PrepareActorsDrawList();
+  void CreateDebugLocation();
+  void Release();
+  bool Load(const char *pFilename, ODMFace *File, size_t a4, int *thisa);
+  int GetTileIdByTileMapId(signed int a2);
+  unsigned int DoGetTileTexture(signed int uX, signed int uZ);
+  int _47ED83(signed int a2, signed int a3);
+  int ActuallyGetSomeOtherTileInfo(signed int uX, signed int uY);
+  int DoGetHeightOnTerrain(signed int sX, signed int sZ);
+  int GetSoundIdByPosition(signed int X_pos, signed int Y_pos, int a4);
+  int UpdateDiscoveredArea(int a2, int a3, int a4);
+  bool IsMapCellFullyRevealed(signed int a2, signed int a3);
+  bool IsMapCellPartiallyRevealed(signed int a2, signed int a3);
+  bool _47F0E2();
+  bool PrepareDecorations();
+  void ArrangeSpriteObjects();
+  bool InitalizeActors(int a1);
+  bool LoadRoadTileset();
+  bool LoadTileGroupIds();
+  double GetFogDensityByTime();
+  int GetSomeOtherTileInfo(int sX, int sY);
+  unsigned int GetTileTexture(int sX, int sZ);
+  int GetHeightOnTerrain(int sX, int sZ);
+  bool Initialize(const char *pFilename, int File, size_t uRespawnInterval, int *thisa);
+  //bool Release2();
+  bool GetTravelDestination(signed int sPartyX, signed int sPartyZ, char *pOut, signed int a5);
+  void MessWithLUN();
+  void UpdateSunlightVectors();
+  void UpdateFog();
+  int GetNumFoodRequiredToRestInCurrentPos(int x, signed int y, int z);
+  void SetFog();
+  void Draw();
+  static void LoadActualSkyFrame();
+  char pLevelFilename[32];
+  char pLocationFileName[32];
+  char pLocationFileDescription[32];
+  char pSkyTextureName[32];
+  char pGroundTileset[32];
+  OutdoorLocationTileType pTileTypes[4];    // [3]  road tileset
+  int uNumBModels;
+  struct OutdoorLocationTerrain pTerrain;
+  void *pCmap;
+  BSPModel *pBModels;
+  unsigned int numFaceIDListElems;
+  unsigned __int16 *pFaceIDLIST;
+  unsigned int *pOMAP;
+  signed int sSky_TextureID;
+  signed int sMainTile_BitmapID;
+  __int16 field_F0;
+  __int16 field_F2;
+  int field_F4;
+  char field_F8[968];
+  unsigned int uNumSpawnPoints;
+  struct SpawnPointMM7 *pSpawnPoints;
+  struct DDM_DLV_Header ddm;
+  LocationTime_stru1 loc_time;
+  //unsigned __int64 uLastVisitDay;
+  //char sky_texture_name[12];
+  //int day_attrib;
+  //int day_fogrange_1;
+  //int day_fogrange_2;
+ // char field_510[24];
+  unsigned char uFullyRevealedCellOnMap[88][11];//968         the inner array is 11 bytes long, because every bit is used for a separate cell, so in the end it's 11 * 8 bits = 88 values
+  unsigned char uPartiallyRevealedCellOnMap[88][11];//[968]
+  int field_CB8;
+  int max_terrain_dimming_level;
+  int field_CC0;
+  unsigned int pSpriteIDs_LUN[8];
+  unsigned int uSpriteID_LUNFULL;
+  int field_CE8;
+  unsigned int uSpriteID_LUN3_4_cp;
+  int field_CF0;
+  unsigned int uSpriteID_LUN1_2_cp;
+  int field_CF8;
+  unsigned int uSpriteID_LUN1_4_cp;
+  int field_D00;
+  unsigned __int16 uSpriteID_LUN_SUN;
+  __int16 field_D06;
+  int field_D08;
+  int field_D0C;
+  int field_D10;
+  int field_D14;
+  int inv_sunlight_x;
+  int inv_sunlight_y;
+  int inv_sunlight_z;
+  int field_D24;
+  int field_D28;
+  int field_D2C;
+  Vec3_int_ vSunlight;
+  int field_D3C;
+  int field_D40;
+  int field_D44;
+  int field_D48;
+  int field_D4C;
+  float field_D50;
+  int field_D54;
+  int field_D58;
+  int field_D5C;
+  int field_D60;
+  int field_D64;
+  char field_D68[111900];
+  float fFogDensity;
+  int uLastSunlightUpdateMinute;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+extern struct OutdoorLocation *pOutdoor;
+void ODM_UpdateUserInputAndOther();
+int ODM_GetFloorLevel(int X, signed int Y, int Z, int, int *pOnWater, int *bmodel_pid, int bWaterWalk);
+int GetCeilingHeight(int Party_X, signed int Party_Y, int Party_ZHeight, int pFaceID);
+void ODM_GetTerrainNormalAt(int pos_x, int pos_z, Vec3_int_ *out);
+void UpdateActors_ODM();
+void ODM_ProcessPartyActions();
+char Is_out15odm_underwater();
+void SetUnderwaterFog();
+void ODM_Project(unsigned int uNumVertices);
+void sub_487DA9();
+void ODM_LoadAndInitialize(const char *pLevelFilename, struct ODMRenderParams *thisa);
+unsigned int GetLevelFogColor();
+int __fastcall sub_47C3D7_get_fog_specular(int a1, int a2, float a3);
+unsigned int WorldPosToGridCellX(int); // weak
+unsigned int WorldPosToGridCellZ(int); // weak
+int GridCellToWorldPosX(int); // weak
+int GridCellToWorldPosZ(int); // weak
+void sub_481ED9_MessWithODMRenderParams();
+bool IsTerrainSlopeTooHigh(int pos_x, int pos_y);
+int __fastcall GetTerrainHeightsAroundParty2(int a1, int a2, int *a3, int a4);