diff lib/lua/lua-5.2.2/lobject.h @ 1866:41cc4dd3c122

Lua 5.2.2 added.
author Nomad
date Wed, 16 Oct 2013 13:34:26 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/lua/lua-5.2.2/lobject.h	Wed Oct 16 13:34:26 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+** $Id: lobject.h,v 2.71 2012/09/11 18:21:44 roberto Exp $
+** Type definitions for Lua objects
+** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#ifndef lobject_h
+#define lobject_h
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "llimits.h"
+#include "lua.h"
+** Extra tags for non-values
+** number of all possible tags (including LUA_TNONE but excluding DEADKEY)
+** tags for Tagged Values have the following use of bits:
+** bits 0-3: actual tag (a LUA_T* value)
+** bits 4-5: variant bits
+** bit 6: whether value is collectable
+#define VARBITS		(3 << 4)
+** LUA_TFUNCTION variants:
+** 0 - Lua function
+** 1 - light C function
+** 2 - regular C function (closure)
+/* Variant tags for functions */
+#define LUA_TLCL	(LUA_TFUNCTION | (0 << 4))  /* Lua closure */
+#define LUA_TLCF	(LUA_TFUNCTION | (1 << 4))  /* light C function */
+#define LUA_TCCL	(LUA_TFUNCTION | (2 << 4))  /* C closure */
+/* Variant tags for strings */
+#define LUA_TSHRSTR	(LUA_TSTRING | (0 << 4))  /* short strings */
+#define LUA_TLNGSTR	(LUA_TSTRING | (1 << 4))  /* long strings */
+/* Bit mark for collectable types */
+#define BIT_ISCOLLECTABLE	(1 << 6)
+/* mark a tag as collectable */
+#define ctb(t)			((t) | BIT_ISCOLLECTABLE)
+** Union of all collectable objects
+typedef union GCObject GCObject;
+** Common Header for all collectable objects (in macro form, to be
+** included in other objects)
+#define CommonHeader	GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked
+** Common header in struct form
+typedef struct GCheader {
+  CommonHeader;
+} GCheader;
+** Union of all Lua values
+typedef union Value Value;
+#define numfield	lua_Number n;    /* numbers */
+** Tagged Values. This is the basic representation of values in Lua,
+** an actual value plus a tag with its type.
+#define TValuefields	Value value_; int tt_
+typedef struct lua_TValue TValue;
+/* macro defining a nil value */
+#define val_(o)		((o)->value_)
+#define num_(o)		(val_(o).n)
+/* raw type tag of a TValue */
+#define rttype(o)	((o)->tt_)
+/* tag with no variants (bits 0-3) */
+#define novariant(x)	((x) & 0x0F)
+/* type tag of a TValue (bits 0-3 for tags + variant bits 4-5) */
+#define ttype(o)	(rttype(o) & 0x3F)
+/* type tag of a TValue with no variants (bits 0-3) */
+#define ttypenv(o)	(novariant(rttype(o)))
+/* Macros to test type */
+#define checktag(o,t)		(rttype(o) == (t))
+#define checktype(o,t)		(ttypenv(o) == (t))
+#define ttisnumber(o)		checktag((o), LUA_TNUMBER)
+#define ttisnil(o)		checktag((o), LUA_TNIL)
+#define ttisboolean(o)		checktag((o), LUA_TBOOLEAN)
+#define ttislightuserdata(o)	checktag((o), LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA)
+#define ttisstring(o)		checktype((o), LUA_TSTRING)
+#define ttisshrstring(o)	checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TSHRSTR))
+#define ttislngstring(o)	checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TLNGSTR))
+#define ttistable(o)		checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TTABLE))
+#define ttisfunction(o)		checktype(o, LUA_TFUNCTION)
+#define ttisclosure(o)		((rttype(o) & 0x1F) == LUA_TFUNCTION)
+#define ttisCclosure(o)		checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TCCL))
+#define ttisLclosure(o)		checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TLCL))
+#define ttislcf(o)		checktag((o), LUA_TLCF)
+#define ttisuserdata(o)		checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TUSERDATA))
+#define ttisthread(o)		checktag((o), ctb(LUA_TTHREAD))
+#define ttisdeadkey(o)		checktag((o), LUA_TDEADKEY)
+#define ttisequal(o1,o2)	(rttype(o1) == rttype(o2))
+/* Macros to access values */
+#define nvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisnumber(o), num_(o))
+#define gcvalue(o)	check_exp(iscollectable(o), val_(o).gc)
+#define pvalue(o)	check_exp(ttislightuserdata(o), val_(o).p)
+#define rawtsvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisstring(o), &val_(o).gc->ts)
+#define tsvalue(o)	(&rawtsvalue(o)->tsv)
+#define rawuvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisuserdata(o), &val_(o).gc->u)
+#define uvalue(o)	(&rawuvalue(o)->uv)
+#define clvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisclosure(o), &val_(o).gc->cl)
+#define clLvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisLclosure(o), &val_(o).gc->cl.l)
+#define clCvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisCclosure(o), &val_(o).gc->cl.c)
+#define fvalue(o)	check_exp(ttislcf(o), val_(o).f)
+#define hvalue(o)	check_exp(ttistable(o), &val_(o).gc->h)
+#define bvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisboolean(o), val_(o).b)
+#define thvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisthread(o), &val_(o).gc->th)
+/* a dead value may get the 'gc' field, but cannot access its contents */
+#define deadvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisdeadkey(o), cast(void *, val_(o).gc))
+#define l_isfalse(o)	(ttisnil(o) || (ttisboolean(o) && bvalue(o) == 0))
+#define iscollectable(o)	(rttype(o) & BIT_ISCOLLECTABLE)
+/* Macros for internal tests */
+#define righttt(obj)		(ttype(obj) == gcvalue(obj)->gch.tt)
+#define checkliveness(g,obj) \
+	lua_longassert(!iscollectable(obj) || \
+			(righttt(obj) && !isdead(g,gcvalue(obj))))
+/* Macros to set values */
+#define settt_(o,t)	((o)->tt_=(t))
+#define setnvalue(obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); num_(io)=(x); settt_(io, LUA_TNUMBER); }
+#define setnilvalue(obj) settt_(obj, LUA_TNIL)
+#define setfvalue(obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); val_(io).f=(x); settt_(io, LUA_TLCF); }
+#define setpvalue(obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); val_(io).p=(x); settt_(io, LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA); }
+#define setbvalue(obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); val_(io).b=(x); settt_(io, LUA_TBOOLEAN); }
+#define setgcovalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); GCObject *i_g=(x); \
+    val_(io).gc=i_g; settt_(io, ctb(gch(i_g)->tt)); }
+#define setsvalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); \
+    TString *x_ = (x); \
+    val_(io).gc=cast(GCObject *, x_); settt_(io, ctb(x_->tsv.tt)); \
+    checkliveness(G(L),io); }
+#define setuvalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); \
+    val_(io).gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); settt_(io, ctb(LUA_TUSERDATA)); \
+    checkliveness(G(L),io); }
+#define setthvalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); \
+    val_(io).gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); settt_(io, ctb(LUA_TTHREAD)); \
+    checkliveness(G(L),io); }
+#define setclLvalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); \
+    val_(io).gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); settt_(io, ctb(LUA_TLCL)); \
+    checkliveness(G(L),io); }
+#define setclCvalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); \
+    val_(io).gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); settt_(io, ctb(LUA_TCCL)); \
+    checkliveness(G(L),io); }
+#define sethvalue(L,obj,x) \
+  { TValue *io=(obj); \
+    val_(io).gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); settt_(io, ctb(LUA_TTABLE)); \
+    checkliveness(G(L),io); }
+#define setdeadvalue(obj)	settt_(obj, LUA_TDEADKEY)
+#define setobj(L,obj1,obj2) \
+	{ const TValue *io2=(obj2); TValue *io1=(obj1); \
+	  io1->value_ = io2->value_; io1->tt_ = io2->tt_; \
+	  checkliveness(G(L),io1); }
+** different types of assignments, according to destination
+/* from stack to (same) stack */
+#define setobjs2s	setobj
+/* to stack (not from same stack) */
+#define setobj2s	setobj
+#define setsvalue2s	setsvalue
+#define sethvalue2s	sethvalue
+#define setptvalue2s	setptvalue
+/* from table to same table */
+#define setobjt2t	setobj
+/* to table */
+#define setobj2t	setobj
+/* to new object */
+#define setobj2n	setobj
+#define setsvalue2n	setsvalue
+/* check whether a number is valid (useful only for NaN trick) */
+#define luai_checknum(L,o,c)	{ /* empty */ }
+** {======================================================
+** NaN Trick
+** =======================================================
+#if defined(LUA_NANTRICK)
+** numbers are represented in the 'd_' field. All other values have the
+** value (NNMARK | tag) in 'tt__'. A number with such pattern would be
+** a "signaled NaN", which is never generated by regular operations by
+** the CPU (nor by 'strtod')
+/* allows for external implementation for part of the trick */
+#if !defined(NNMARK)	/* { */
+#if !defined(LUA_IEEEENDIAN)
+#error option 'LUA_NANTRICK' needs 'LUA_IEEEENDIAN'
+#define NNMARK		0x7FF7A500
+#define NNMASK		0x7FFFFF00
+#undef TValuefields
+#if (LUA_IEEEENDIAN == 0)	/* { */
+/* little endian */
+#define TValuefields  \
+	union { struct { Value v__; int tt__; } i; double d__; } u
+#define NILCONSTANT	{{{NULL}, tag2tt(LUA_TNIL)}}
+/* field-access macros */
+#define v_(o)		((o)->u.i.v__)
+#define d_(o)		((o)->u.d__)
+#define tt_(o)		((o)->u.i.tt__)
+#else				/* }{ */
+/* big endian */
+#define TValuefields  \
+	union { struct { int tt__; Value v__; } i; double d__; } u
+#define NILCONSTANT	{{tag2tt(LUA_TNIL), {NULL}}}
+/* field-access macros */
+#define v_(o)		((o)->u.i.v__)
+#define d_(o)		((o)->u.d__)
+#define tt_(o)		((o)->u.i.tt__)
+#endif				/* } */
+#endif			/* } */
+/* correspondence with standard representation */
+#undef val_
+#define val_(o)		v_(o)
+#undef num_
+#define num_(o)		d_(o)
+#undef numfield
+#define numfield	/* no such field; numbers are the entire struct */
+/* basic check to distinguish numbers from non-numbers */
+#undef ttisnumber
+#define ttisnumber(o)	((tt_(o) & NNMASK) != NNMARK)
+#define tag2tt(t)	(NNMARK | (t))
+#undef rttype
+#define rttype(o)	(ttisnumber(o) ? LUA_TNUMBER : tt_(o) & 0xff)
+#undef settt_
+#define settt_(o,t)	(tt_(o) = tag2tt(t))
+#undef setnvalue
+#define setnvalue(obj,x) \
+	{ TValue *io_=(obj); num_(io_)=(x); lua_assert(ttisnumber(io_)); }
+#undef setobj
+#define setobj(L,obj1,obj2) \
+	{ const TValue *o2_=(obj2); TValue *o1_=(obj1); \
+	  o1_->u = o2_->u; \
+	  checkliveness(G(L),o1_); }
+** these redefinitions are not mandatory, but these forms are more efficient
+#undef checktag
+#undef checktype
+#define checktag(o,t)	(tt_(o) == tag2tt(t))
+#define checktype(o,t)	(ctb(tt_(o) | VARBITS) == ctb(tag2tt(t) | VARBITS))
+#undef ttisequal
+#define ttisequal(o1,o2)  \
+	(ttisnumber(o1) ? ttisnumber(o2) : (tt_(o1) == tt_(o2)))
+#undef luai_checknum
+#define luai_checknum(L,o,c)	{ if (!ttisnumber(o)) c; }
+/* }====================================================== */
+** {======================================================
+** types and prototypes
+** =======================================================
+union Value {
+  GCObject *gc;    /* collectable objects */
+  void *p;         /* light userdata */
+  int b;           /* booleans */
+  lua_CFunction f; /* light C functions */
+  numfield         /* numbers */
+struct lua_TValue {
+  TValuefields;
+typedef TValue *StkId;  /* index to stack elements */
+** Header for string value; string bytes follow the end of this structure
+typedef union TString {
+  L_Umaxalign dummy;  /* ensures maximum alignment for strings */
+  struct {
+    CommonHeader;
+    lu_byte extra;  /* reserved words for short strings; "has hash" for longs */
+    unsigned int hash;
+    size_t len;  /* number of characters in string */
+  } tsv;
+} TString;
+/* get the actual string (array of bytes) from a TString */
+#define getstr(ts)	cast(const char *, (ts) + 1)
+/* get the actual string (array of bytes) from a Lua value */
+#define svalue(o)       getstr(rawtsvalue(o))
+** Header for userdata; memory area follows the end of this structure
+typedef union Udata {
+  L_Umaxalign dummy;  /* ensures maximum alignment for `local' udata */
+  struct {
+    CommonHeader;
+    struct Table *metatable;
+    struct Table *env;
+    size_t len;  /* number of bytes */
+  } uv;
+} Udata;
+** Description of an upvalue for function prototypes
+typedef struct Upvaldesc {
+  TString *name;  /* upvalue name (for debug information) */
+  lu_byte instack;  /* whether it is in stack */
+  lu_byte idx;  /* index of upvalue (in stack or in outer function's list) */
+} Upvaldesc;
+** Description of a local variable for function prototypes
+** (used for debug information)
+typedef struct LocVar {
+  TString *varname;
+  int startpc;  /* first point where variable is active */
+  int endpc;    /* first point where variable is dead */
+} LocVar;
+** Function Prototypes
+typedef struct Proto {
+  CommonHeader;
+  TValue *k;  /* constants used by the function */
+  Instruction *code;
+  struct Proto **p;  /* functions defined inside the function */
+  int *lineinfo;  /* map from opcodes to source lines (debug information) */
+  LocVar *locvars;  /* information about local variables (debug information) */
+  Upvaldesc *upvalues;  /* upvalue information */
+  union Closure *cache;  /* last created closure with this prototype */
+  TString  *source;  /* used for debug information */
+  int sizeupvalues;  /* size of 'upvalues' */
+  int sizek;  /* size of `k' */
+  int sizecode;
+  int sizelineinfo;
+  int sizep;  /* size of `p' */
+  int sizelocvars;
+  int linedefined;
+  int lastlinedefined;
+  GCObject *gclist;
+  lu_byte numparams;  /* number of fixed parameters */
+  lu_byte is_vararg;
+  lu_byte maxstacksize;  /* maximum stack used by this function */
+} Proto;
+** Lua Upvalues
+typedef struct UpVal {
+  CommonHeader;
+  TValue *v;  /* points to stack or to its own value */
+  union {
+    TValue value;  /* the value (when closed) */
+    struct {  /* double linked list (when open) */
+      struct UpVal *prev;
+      struct UpVal *next;
+    } l;
+  } u;
+} UpVal;
+** Closures
+#define ClosureHeader \
+	CommonHeader; lu_byte nupvalues; GCObject *gclist
+typedef struct CClosure {
+  ClosureHeader;
+  lua_CFunction f;
+  TValue upvalue[1];  /* list of upvalues */
+} CClosure;
+typedef struct LClosure {
+  ClosureHeader;
+  struct Proto *p;
+  UpVal *upvals[1];  /* list of upvalues */
+} LClosure;
+typedef union Closure {
+  CClosure c;
+  LClosure l;
+} Closure;
+#define isLfunction(o)	ttisLclosure(o)
+#define getproto(o)	(clLvalue(o)->p)
+** Tables
+typedef union TKey {
+  struct {
+    TValuefields;
+    struct Node *next;  /* for chaining */
+  } nk;
+  TValue tvk;
+} TKey;
+typedef struct Node {
+  TValue i_val;
+  TKey i_key;
+} Node;
+typedef struct Table {
+  CommonHeader;
+  lu_byte flags;  /* 1<<p means tagmethod(p) is not present */
+  lu_byte lsizenode;  /* log2 of size of `node' array */
+  struct Table *metatable;
+  TValue *array;  /* array part */
+  Node *node;
+  Node *lastfree;  /* any free position is before this position */
+  GCObject *gclist;
+  int sizearray;  /* size of `array' array */
+} Table;
+** `module' operation for hashing (size is always a power of 2)
+#define lmod(s,size) \
+	(check_exp((size&(size-1))==0, (cast(int, (s) & ((size)-1)))))
+#define twoto(x)	(1<<(x))
+#define sizenode(t)	(twoto((t)->lsizenode))
+** (address of) a fixed nil value
+#define luaO_nilobject		(&luaO_nilobject_)
+LUAI_DDEC const TValue luaO_nilobject_;
+LUAI_FUNC int luaO_int2fb (unsigned int x);
+LUAI_FUNC int luaO_fb2int (int x);
+LUAI_FUNC int luaO_ceillog2 (unsigned int x);
+LUAI_FUNC lua_Number luaO_arith (int op, lua_Number v1, lua_Number v2);
+LUAI_FUNC int luaO_str2d (const char *s, size_t len, lua_Number *result);
+LUAI_FUNC int luaO_hexavalue (int c);
+LUAI_FUNC const char *luaO_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt,
+                                                       va_list argp);
+LUAI_FUNC const char *luaO_pushfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...);
+LUAI_FUNC void luaO_chunkid (char *out, const char *source, size_t len);