diff lib/lua/lua-5.2.2/lapi.c @ 1866:41cc4dd3c122

Lua 5.2.2 added.
author Nomad
date Wed, 16 Oct 2013 13:34:26 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/lua/lua-5.2.2/lapi.c	Wed Oct 16 13:34:26 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@
+** $Id: lapi.c,v 2.171 2013/03/16 21:10:18 roberto Exp $
+** Lua API
+** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define lapi_c
+#define LUA_CORE
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lapi.h"
+#include "ldebug.h"
+#include "ldo.h"
+#include "lfunc.h"
+#include "lgc.h"
+#include "lmem.h"
+#include "lobject.h"
+#include "lstate.h"
+#include "lstring.h"
+#include "ltable.h"
+#include "ltm.h"
+#include "lundump.h"
+#include "lvm.h"
+const char lua_ident[] =
+  "$LuaVersion: " LUA_COPYRIGHT " $"
+  "$LuaAuthors: " LUA_AUTHORS " $";
+/* value at a non-valid index */
+#define NONVALIDVALUE		cast(TValue *, luaO_nilobject)
+/* corresponding test */
+#define isvalid(o)	((o) != luaO_nilobject)
+/* test for pseudo index */
+#define ispseudo(i)		((i) <= LUA_REGISTRYINDEX)
+/* test for valid but not pseudo index */
+#define isstackindex(i, o)	(isvalid(o) && !ispseudo(i))
+#define api_checkvalidindex(L, o)  api_check(L, isvalid(o), "invalid index")
+#define api_checkstackindex(L, i, o)  \
+	api_check(L, isstackindex(i, o), "index not in the stack")
+static TValue *index2addr (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  CallInfo *ci = L->ci;
+  if (idx > 0) {
+    TValue *o = ci->func + idx;
+    api_check(L, idx <= ci->top - (ci->func + 1), "unacceptable index");
+    if (o >= L->top) return NONVALIDVALUE;
+    else return o;
+  }
+  else if (!ispseudo(idx)) {  /* negative index */
+    api_check(L, idx != 0 && -idx <= L->top - (ci->func + 1), "invalid index");
+    return L->top + idx;
+  }
+  else if (idx == LUA_REGISTRYINDEX)
+    return &G(L)->l_registry;
+  else {  /* upvalues */
+    idx = LUA_REGISTRYINDEX - idx;
+    api_check(L, idx <= MAXUPVAL + 1, "upvalue index too large");
+    if (ttislcf(ci->func))  /* light C function? */
+      return NONVALIDVALUE;  /* it has no upvalues */
+    else {
+      CClosure *func = clCvalue(ci->func);
+      return (idx <= func->nupvalues) ? &func->upvalue[idx-1] : NONVALIDVALUE;
+    }
+  }
+** to be called by 'lua_checkstack' in protected mode, to grow stack
+** capturing memory errors
+static void growstack (lua_State *L, void *ud) {
+  int size = *(int *)ud;
+  luaD_growstack(L, size);
+LUA_API int lua_checkstack (lua_State *L, int size) {
+  int res;
+  CallInfo *ci = L->ci;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  if (L->stack_last - L->top > size)  /* stack large enough? */
+    res = 1;  /* yes; check is OK */
+  else {  /* no; need to grow stack */
+    int inuse = cast_int(L->top - L->stack) + EXTRA_STACK;
+    if (inuse > LUAI_MAXSTACK - size)  /* can grow without overflow? */
+      res = 0;  /* no */
+    else  /* try to grow stack */
+      res = (luaD_rawrunprotected(L, &growstack, &size) == LUA_OK);
+  }
+  if (res && ci->top < L->top + size)
+    ci->top = L->top + size;  /* adjust frame top */
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return res;
+LUA_API void lua_xmove (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n) {
+  int i;
+  if (from == to) return;
+  lua_lock(to);
+  api_checknelems(from, n);
+  api_check(from, G(from) == G(to), "moving among independent states");
+  api_check(from, to->ci->top - to->top >= n, "not enough elements to move");
+  from->top -= n;
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    setobj2s(to, to->top++, from->top + i);
+  }
+  lua_unlock(to);
+LUA_API lua_CFunction lua_atpanic (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf) {
+  lua_CFunction old;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  old = G(L)->panic;
+  G(L)->panic = panicf;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return old;
+LUA_API const lua_Number *lua_version (lua_State *L) {
+  static const lua_Number version = LUA_VERSION_NUM;
+  if (L == NULL) return &version;
+  else return G(L)->version;
+** basic stack manipulation
+** convert an acceptable stack index into an absolute index
+LUA_API int lua_absindex (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  return (idx > 0 || ispseudo(idx))
+         ? idx
+         : cast_int(L->top - L->ci->func + idx);
+LUA_API int lua_gettop (lua_State *L) {
+  return cast_int(L->top - (L->ci->func + 1));
+LUA_API void lua_settop (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId func = L->ci->func;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  if (idx >= 0) {
+    api_check(L, idx <= L->stack_last - (func + 1), "new top too large");
+    while (L->top < (func + 1) + idx)
+      setnilvalue(L->top++);
+    L->top = (func + 1) + idx;
+  }
+  else {
+    api_check(L, -(idx+1) <= (L->top - (func + 1)), "invalid new top");
+    L->top += idx+1;  /* `subtract' index (index is negative) */
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_remove (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId p;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  p = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_checkstackindex(L, idx, p);
+  while (++p < L->top) setobjs2s(L, p-1, p);
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_insert (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId p;
+  StkId q;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  p = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_checkstackindex(L, idx, p);
+  for (q = L->top; q > p; q--)  /* use L->top as a temporary */
+    setobjs2s(L, q, q - 1);
+  setobjs2s(L, p, L->top);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+static void moveto (lua_State *L, TValue *fr, int idx) {
+  TValue *to = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_checkvalidindex(L, to);
+  setobj(L, to, fr);
+  if (idx < LUA_REGISTRYINDEX)  /* function upvalue? */
+    luaC_barrier(L, clCvalue(L->ci->func), fr);
+  /* LUA_REGISTRYINDEX does not need gc barrier
+     (collector revisits it before finishing collection) */
+LUA_API void lua_replace (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  moveto(L, L->top - 1, idx);
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_copy (lua_State *L, int fromidx, int toidx) {
+  TValue *fr;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  fr = index2addr(L, fromidx);
+  moveto(L, fr, toidx);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_pushvalue (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setobj2s(L, L->top, index2addr(L, idx));
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+** access functions (stack -> C)
+LUA_API int lua_type (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  return (isvalid(o) ? ttypenv(o) : LUA_TNONE);
+LUA_API const char *lua_typename (lua_State *L, int t) {
+  return ttypename(t);
+LUA_API int lua_iscfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  return (ttislcf(o) || (ttisCclosure(o)));
+LUA_API int lua_isnumber (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  TValue n;
+  const TValue *o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  return tonumber(o, &n);
+LUA_API int lua_isstring (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  int t = lua_type(L, idx);
+  return (t == LUA_TSTRING || t == LUA_TNUMBER);
+LUA_API int lua_isuserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  const TValue *o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  return (ttisuserdata(o) || ttislightuserdata(o));
+LUA_API int lua_rawequal (lua_State *L, int index1, int index2) {
+  StkId o1 = index2addr(L, index1);
+  StkId o2 = index2addr(L, index2);
+  return (isvalid(o1) && isvalid(o2)) ? luaV_rawequalobj(o1, o2) : 0;
+LUA_API void lua_arith (lua_State *L, int op) {
+  StkId o1;  /* 1st operand */
+  StkId o2;  /* 2nd operand */
+  lua_lock(L);
+  if (op != LUA_OPUNM) /* all other operations expect two operands */
+    api_checknelems(L, 2);
+  else {  /* for unary minus, add fake 2nd operand */
+    api_checknelems(L, 1);
+    setobjs2s(L, L->top, L->top - 1);
+    L->top++;
+  }
+  o1 = L->top - 2;
+  o2 = L->top - 1;
+  if (ttisnumber(o1) && ttisnumber(o2)) {
+    setnvalue(o1, luaO_arith(op, nvalue(o1), nvalue(o2)));
+  }
+  else
+    luaV_arith(L, o1, o1, o2, cast(TMS, op - LUA_OPADD + TM_ADD));
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API int lua_compare (lua_State *L, int index1, int index2, int op) {
+  StkId o1, o2;
+  int i = 0;
+  lua_lock(L);  /* may call tag method */
+  o1 = index2addr(L, index1);
+  o2 = index2addr(L, index2);
+  if (isvalid(o1) && isvalid(o2)) {
+    switch (op) {
+      case LUA_OPEQ: i = equalobj(L, o1, o2); break;
+      case LUA_OPLT: i = luaV_lessthan(L, o1, o2); break;
+      case LUA_OPLE: i = luaV_lessequal(L, o1, o2); break;
+      default: api_check(L, 0, "invalid option");
+    }
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return i;
+LUA_API lua_Number lua_tonumberx (lua_State *L, int idx, int *isnum) {
+  TValue n;
+  const TValue *o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  if (tonumber(o, &n)) {
+    if (isnum) *isnum = 1;
+    return nvalue(o);
+  }
+  else {
+    if (isnum) *isnum = 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+LUA_API lua_Integer lua_tointegerx (lua_State *L, int idx, int *isnum) {
+  TValue n;
+  const TValue *o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  if (tonumber(o, &n)) {
+    lua_Integer res;
+    lua_Number num = nvalue(o);
+    lua_number2integer(res, num);
+    if (isnum) *isnum = 1;
+    return res;
+  }
+  else {
+    if (isnum) *isnum = 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+LUA_API lua_Unsigned lua_tounsignedx (lua_State *L, int idx, int *isnum) {
+  TValue n;
+  const TValue *o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  if (tonumber(o, &n)) {
+    lua_Unsigned res;
+    lua_Number num = nvalue(o);
+    lua_number2unsigned(res, num);
+    if (isnum) *isnum = 1;
+    return res;
+  }
+  else {
+    if (isnum) *isnum = 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+LUA_API int lua_toboolean (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  const TValue *o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  return !l_isfalse(o);
+LUA_API const char *lua_tolstring (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  if (!ttisstring(o)) {
+    lua_lock(L);  /* `luaV_tostring' may create a new string */
+    if (!luaV_tostring(L, o)) {  /* conversion failed? */
+      if (len != NULL) *len = 0;
+      lua_unlock(L);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    luaC_checkGC(L);
+    o = index2addr(L, idx);  /* previous call may reallocate the stack */
+    lua_unlock(L);
+  }
+  if (len != NULL) *len = tsvalue(o)->len;
+  return svalue(o);
+LUA_API size_t lua_rawlen (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  switch (ttypenv(o)) {
+    case LUA_TSTRING: return tsvalue(o)->len;
+    case LUA_TUSERDATA: return uvalue(o)->len;
+    case LUA_TTABLE: return luaH_getn(hvalue(o));
+    default: return 0;
+  }
+LUA_API lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  if (ttislcf(o)) return fvalue(o);
+  else if (ttisCclosure(o))
+    return clCvalue(o)->f;
+  else return NULL;  /* not a C function */
+LUA_API void *lua_touserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  switch (ttypenv(o)) {
+    case LUA_TUSERDATA: return (rawuvalue(o) + 1);
+    case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: return pvalue(o);
+    default: return NULL;
+  }
+LUA_API lua_State *lua_tothread (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  return (!ttisthread(o)) ? NULL : thvalue(o);
+LUA_API const void *lua_topointer (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  switch (ttype(o)) {
+    case LUA_TTABLE: return hvalue(o);
+    case LUA_TLCL: return clLvalue(o);
+    case LUA_TCCL: return clCvalue(o);
+    case LUA_TLCF: return cast(void *, cast(size_t, fvalue(o)));
+    case LUA_TTHREAD: return thvalue(o);
+    case LUA_TUSERDATA:
+      return lua_touserdata(L, idx);
+    default: return NULL;
+  }
+** push functions (C -> stack)
+LUA_API void lua_pushnil (lua_State *L) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setnilvalue(L->top);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_pushnumber (lua_State *L, lua_Number n) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setnvalue(L->top, n);
+  luai_checknum(L, L->top,
+    luaG_runerror(L, "C API - attempt to push a signaling NaN"));
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_pushinteger (lua_State *L, lua_Integer n) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setnvalue(L->top, cast_num(n));
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_pushunsigned (lua_State *L, lua_Unsigned u) {
+  lua_Number n;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  n = lua_unsigned2number(u);
+  setnvalue(L->top, n);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API const char *lua_pushlstring (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t len) {
+  TString *ts;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  luaC_checkGC(L);
+  ts = luaS_newlstr(L, s, len);
+  setsvalue2s(L, L->top, ts);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return getstr(ts);
+LUA_API const char *lua_pushstring (lua_State *L, const char *s) {
+  if (s == NULL) {
+    lua_pushnil(L);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    TString *ts;
+    lua_lock(L);
+    luaC_checkGC(L);
+    ts = luaS_new(L, s);
+    setsvalue2s(L, L->top, ts);
+    api_incr_top(L);
+    lua_unlock(L);
+    return getstr(ts);
+  }
+LUA_API const char *lua_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt,
+                                      va_list argp) {
+  const char *ret;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  luaC_checkGC(L);
+  ret = luaO_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return ret;
+LUA_API const char *lua_pushfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) {
+  const char *ret;
+  va_list argp;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  luaC_checkGC(L);
+  va_start(argp, fmt);
+  ret = luaO_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp);
+  va_end(argp);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return ret;
+LUA_API void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  if (n == 0) {
+    setfvalue(L->top, fn);
+  }
+  else {
+    Closure *cl;
+    api_checknelems(L, n);
+    api_check(L, n <= MAXUPVAL, "upvalue index too large");
+    luaC_checkGC(L);
+    cl = luaF_newCclosure(L, n);
+    cl->c.f = fn;
+    L->top -= n;
+    while (n--)
+      setobj2n(L, &cl->c.upvalue[n], L->top + n);
+    setclCvalue(L, L->top, cl);
+  }
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_pushboolean (lua_State *L, int b) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setbvalue(L->top, (b != 0));  /* ensure that true is 1 */
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *L, void *p) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setpvalue(L->top, p);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API int lua_pushthread (lua_State *L) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  setthvalue(L, L->top, L);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return (G(L)->mainthread == L);
+** get functions (Lua -> stack)
+LUA_API void lua_getglobal (lua_State *L, const char *var) {
+  Table *reg = hvalue(&G(L)->l_registry);
+  const TValue *gt;  /* global table */
+  lua_lock(L);
+  gt = luaH_getint(reg, LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS);
+  setsvalue2s(L, L->top++, luaS_new(L, var));
+  luaV_gettable(L, gt, L->top - 1, L->top - 1);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_gettable (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  luaV_gettable(L, t, L->top - 1, L->top - 1);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_getfield (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  setsvalue2s(L, L->top, luaS_new(L, k));
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  luaV_gettable(L, t, L->top - 1, L->top - 1);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_rawget (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  setobj2s(L, L->top - 1, luaH_get(hvalue(t), L->top - 1));
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  setobj2s(L, L->top, luaH_getint(hvalue(t), n));
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_rawgetp (lua_State *L, int idx, const void *p) {
+  StkId t;
+  TValue k;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  setpvalue(&k, cast(void *, p));
+  setobj2s(L, L->top, luaH_get(hvalue(t), &k));
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_createtable (lua_State *L, int narray, int nrec) {
+  Table *t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  luaC_checkGC(L);
+  t = luaH_new(L);
+  sethvalue(L, L->top, t);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  if (narray > 0 || nrec > 0)
+    luaH_resize(L, t, narray, nrec);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API int lua_getmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) {
+  const TValue *obj;
+  Table *mt = NULL;
+  int res;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  obj = index2addr(L, objindex);
+  switch (ttypenv(obj)) {
+    case LUA_TTABLE:
+      mt = hvalue(obj)->metatable;
+      break;
+    case LUA_TUSERDATA:
+      mt = uvalue(obj)->metatable;
+      break;
+    default:
+      mt = G(L)->mt[ttypenv(obj)];
+      break;
+  }
+  if (mt == NULL)
+    res = 0;
+  else {
+    sethvalue(L, L->top, mt);
+    api_incr_top(L);
+    res = 1;
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return res;
+LUA_API void lua_getuservalue (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttisuserdata(o), "userdata expected");
+  if (uvalue(o)->env) {
+    sethvalue(L, L->top, uvalue(o)->env);
+  } else
+    setnilvalue(L->top);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+** set functions (stack -> Lua)
+LUA_API void lua_setglobal (lua_State *L, const char *var) {
+  Table *reg = hvalue(&G(L)->l_registry);
+  const TValue *gt;  /* global table */
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  gt = luaH_getint(reg, LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS);
+  setsvalue2s(L, L->top++, luaS_new(L, var));
+  luaV_settable(L, gt, L->top - 1, L->top - 2);
+  L->top -= 2;  /* pop value and key */
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_settable (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 2);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  luaV_settable(L, t, L->top - 2, L->top - 1);
+  L->top -= 2;  /* pop index and value */
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_setfield (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  setsvalue2s(L, L->top++, luaS_new(L, k));
+  luaV_settable(L, t, L->top - 1, L->top - 2);
+  L->top -= 2;  /* pop value and key */
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_rawset (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 2);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  setobj2t(L, luaH_set(L, hvalue(t), L->top-2), L->top-1);
+  invalidateTMcache(hvalue(t));
+  luaC_barrierback(L, gcvalue(t), L->top-1);
+  L->top -= 2;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_rawseti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  luaH_setint(L, hvalue(t), n, L->top - 1);
+  luaC_barrierback(L, gcvalue(t), L->top-1);
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_rawsetp (lua_State *L, int idx, const void *p) {
+  StkId t;
+  TValue k;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  setpvalue(&k, cast(void *, p));
+  setobj2t(L, luaH_set(L, hvalue(t), &k), L->top - 1);
+  luaC_barrierback(L, gcvalue(t), L->top - 1);
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API int lua_setmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) {
+  TValue *obj;
+  Table *mt;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  obj = index2addr(L, objindex);
+  if (ttisnil(L->top - 1))
+    mt = NULL;
+  else {
+    api_check(L, ttistable(L->top - 1), "table expected");
+    mt = hvalue(L->top - 1);
+  }
+  switch (ttypenv(obj)) {
+    case LUA_TTABLE: {
+      hvalue(obj)->metatable = mt;
+      if (mt) {
+        luaC_objbarrierback(L, gcvalue(obj), mt);
+        luaC_checkfinalizer(L, gcvalue(obj), mt);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_TUSERDATA: {
+      uvalue(obj)->metatable = mt;
+      if (mt) {
+        luaC_objbarrier(L, rawuvalue(obj), mt);
+        luaC_checkfinalizer(L, gcvalue(obj), mt);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      G(L)->mt[ttypenv(obj)] = mt;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return 1;
+LUA_API void lua_setuservalue (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId o;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  o = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttisuserdata(o), "userdata expected");
+  if (ttisnil(L->top - 1))
+    uvalue(o)->env = NULL;
+  else {
+    api_check(L, ttistable(L->top - 1), "table expected");
+    uvalue(o)->env = hvalue(L->top - 1);
+    luaC_objbarrier(L, gcvalue(o), hvalue(L->top - 1));
+  }
+  L->top--;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+** `load' and `call' functions (run Lua code)
+#define checkresults(L,na,nr) \
+     api_check(L, (nr) == LUA_MULTRET || (L->ci->top - L->top >= (nr) - (na)), \
+	"results from function overflow current stack size")
+LUA_API int lua_getctx (lua_State *L, int *ctx) {
+  if (L->ci->callstatus & CIST_YIELDED) {
+    if (ctx) *ctx = L->ci->u.c.ctx;
+    return L->ci->u.c.status;
+  }
+  else return LUA_OK;
+LUA_API void lua_callk (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int ctx,
+                        lua_CFunction k) {
+  StkId func;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_check(L, k == NULL || !isLua(L->ci),
+    "cannot use continuations inside hooks");
+  api_checknelems(L, nargs+1);
+  api_check(L, L->status == LUA_OK, "cannot do calls on non-normal thread");
+  checkresults(L, nargs, nresults);
+  func = L->top - (nargs+1);
+  if (k != NULL && L->nny == 0) {  /* need to prepare continuation? */
+    L->ci->u.c.k = k;  /* save continuation */
+    L->ci->u.c.ctx = ctx;  /* save context */
+    luaD_call(L, func, nresults, 1);  /* do the call */
+  }
+  else  /* no continuation or no yieldable */
+    luaD_call(L, func, nresults, 0);  /* just do the call */
+  adjustresults(L, nresults);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+** Execute a protected call.
+struct CallS {  /* data to `f_call' */
+  StkId func;
+  int nresults;
+static void f_call (lua_State *L, void *ud) {
+  struct CallS *c = cast(struct CallS *, ud);
+  luaD_call(L, c->func, c->nresults, 0);
+LUA_API int lua_pcallk (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc,
+                        int ctx, lua_CFunction k) {
+  struct CallS c;
+  int status;
+  ptrdiff_t func;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_check(L, k == NULL || !isLua(L->ci),
+    "cannot use continuations inside hooks");
+  api_checknelems(L, nargs+1);
+  api_check(L, L->status == LUA_OK, "cannot do calls on non-normal thread");
+  checkresults(L, nargs, nresults);
+  if (errfunc == 0)
+    func = 0;
+  else {
+    StkId o = index2addr(L, errfunc);
+    api_checkstackindex(L, errfunc, o);
+    func = savestack(L, o);
+  }
+  c.func = L->top - (nargs+1);  /* function to be called */
+  if (k == NULL || L->nny > 0) {  /* no continuation or no yieldable? */
+    c.nresults = nresults;  /* do a 'conventional' protected call */
+    status = luaD_pcall(L, f_call, &c, savestack(L, c.func), func);
+  }
+  else {  /* prepare continuation (call is already protected by 'resume') */
+    CallInfo *ci = L->ci;
+    ci->u.c.k = k;  /* save continuation */
+    ci->u.c.ctx = ctx;  /* save context */
+    /* save information for error recovery */
+    ci->extra = savestack(L, c.func);
+    ci->u.c.old_allowhook = L->allowhook;
+    ci->u.c.old_errfunc = L->errfunc;
+    L->errfunc = func;
+    /* mark that function may do error recovery */
+    ci->callstatus |= CIST_YPCALL;
+    luaD_call(L, c.func, nresults, 1);  /* do the call */
+    ci->callstatus &= ~CIST_YPCALL;
+    L->errfunc = ci->u.c.old_errfunc;
+    status = LUA_OK;  /* if it is here, there were no errors */
+  }
+  adjustresults(L, nresults);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return status;
+LUA_API int lua_load (lua_State *L, lua_Reader reader, void *data,
+                      const char *chunkname, const char *mode) {
+  ZIO z;
+  int status;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  if (!chunkname) chunkname = "?";
+  luaZ_init(L, &z, reader, data);
+  status = luaD_protectedparser(L, &z, chunkname, mode);
+  if (status == LUA_OK) {  /* no errors? */
+    LClosure *f = clLvalue(L->top - 1);  /* get newly created function */
+    if (f->nupvalues == 1) {  /* does it have one upvalue? */
+      /* get global table from registry */
+      Table *reg = hvalue(&G(L)->l_registry);
+      const TValue *gt = luaH_getint(reg, LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS);
+      /* set global table as 1st upvalue of 'f' (may be LUA_ENV) */
+      setobj(L, f->upvals[0]->v, gt);
+      luaC_barrier(L, f->upvals[0], gt);
+    }
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return status;
+LUA_API int lua_dump (lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *data) {
+  int status;
+  TValue *o;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  o = L->top - 1;
+  if (isLfunction(o))
+    status = luaU_dump(L, getproto(o), writer, data, 0);
+  else
+    status = 1;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return status;
+LUA_API int lua_status (lua_State *L) {
+  return L->status;
+** Garbage-collection function
+LUA_API int lua_gc (lua_State *L, int what, int data) {
+  int res = 0;
+  global_State *g;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  g = G(L);
+  switch (what) {
+    case LUA_GCSTOP: {
+      g->gcrunning = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCRESTART: {
+      luaE_setdebt(g, 0);
+      g->gcrunning = 1;
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCCOLLECT: {
+      luaC_fullgc(L, 0);
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCCOUNT: {
+      /* GC values are expressed in Kbytes: #bytes/2^10 */
+      res = cast_int(gettotalbytes(g) >> 10);
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCCOUNTB: {
+      res = cast_int(gettotalbytes(g) & 0x3ff);
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCSTEP: {
+      if (g->gckind == KGC_GEN) {  /* generational mode? */
+        res = (g->GCestimate == 0);  /* true if it will do major collection */
+        luaC_forcestep(L);  /* do a single step */
+      }
+      else {
+       lu_mem debt = cast(lu_mem, data) * 1024 - GCSTEPSIZE;
+       if (g->gcrunning)
+         debt += g->GCdebt;  /* include current debt */
+       luaE_setdebt(g, debt);
+       luaC_forcestep(L);
+       if (g->gcstate == GCSpause)  /* end of cycle? */
+         res = 1;  /* signal it */
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCSETPAUSE: {
+      res = g->gcpause;
+      g->gcpause = data;
+      break;
+    }
+      res = g->gcmajorinc;
+      g->gcmajorinc = data;
+      break;
+    }
+      res = g->gcstepmul;
+      g->gcstepmul = data;
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCISRUNNING: {
+      res = g->gcrunning;
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCGEN: {  /* change collector to generational mode */
+      luaC_changemode(L, KGC_GEN);
+      break;
+    }
+    case LUA_GCINC: {  /* change collector to incremental mode */
+      luaC_changemode(L, KGC_NORMAL);
+      break;
+    }
+    default: res = -1;  /* invalid option */
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return res;
+** miscellaneous functions
+LUA_API int lua_error (lua_State *L) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  luaG_errormsg(L);
+  /* code unreachable; will unlock when control actually leaves the kernel */
+  return 0;  /* to avoid warnings */
+LUA_API int lua_next (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId t;
+  int more;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  api_check(L, ttistable(t), "table expected");
+  more = luaH_next(L, hvalue(t), L->top - 1);
+  if (more) {
+    api_incr_top(L);
+  }
+  else  /* no more elements */
+    L->top -= 1;  /* remove key */
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return more;
+LUA_API void lua_concat (lua_State *L, int n) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  api_checknelems(L, n);
+  if (n >= 2) {
+    luaC_checkGC(L);
+    luaV_concat(L, n);
+  }
+  else if (n == 0) {  /* push empty string */
+    setsvalue2s(L, L->top, luaS_newlstr(L, "", 0));
+    api_incr_top(L);
+  }
+  /* else n == 1; nothing to do */
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void lua_len (lua_State *L, int idx) {
+  StkId t;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  t = index2addr(L, idx);
+  luaV_objlen(L, L->top, t);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API lua_Alloc lua_getallocf (lua_State *L, void **ud) {
+  lua_Alloc f;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  if (ud) *ud = G(L)->ud;
+  f = G(L)->frealloc;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return f;
+LUA_API void lua_setallocf (lua_State *L, lua_Alloc f, void *ud) {
+  lua_lock(L);
+  G(L)->ud = ud;
+  G(L)->frealloc = f;
+  lua_unlock(L);
+LUA_API void *lua_newuserdata (lua_State *L, size_t size) {
+  Udata *u;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  luaC_checkGC(L);
+  u = luaS_newudata(L, size, NULL);
+  setuvalue(L, L->top, u);
+  api_incr_top(L);
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return u + 1;
+static const char *aux_upvalue (StkId fi, int n, TValue **val,
+                                GCObject **owner) {
+  switch (ttype(fi)) {
+    case LUA_TCCL: {  /* C closure */
+      CClosure *f = clCvalue(fi);
+      if (!(1 <= n && n <= f->nupvalues)) return NULL;
+      *val = &f->upvalue[n-1];
+      if (owner) *owner = obj2gco(f);
+      return "";
+    }
+    case LUA_TLCL: {  /* Lua closure */
+      LClosure *f = clLvalue(fi);
+      TString *name;
+      Proto *p = f->p;
+      if (!(1 <= n && n <= p->sizeupvalues)) return NULL;
+      *val = f->upvals[n-1]->v;
+      if (owner) *owner = obj2gco(f->upvals[n - 1]);
+      name = p->upvalues[n-1].name;
+      return (name == NULL) ? "" : getstr(name);
+    }
+    default: return NULL;  /* not a closure */
+  }
+LUA_API const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) {
+  const char *name;
+  TValue *val = NULL;  /* to avoid warnings */
+  lua_lock(L);
+  name = aux_upvalue(index2addr(L, funcindex), n, &val, NULL);
+  if (name) {
+    setobj2s(L, L->top, val);
+    api_incr_top(L);
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return name;
+LUA_API const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) {
+  const char *name;
+  TValue *val = NULL;  /* to avoid warnings */
+  GCObject *owner = NULL;  /* to avoid warnings */
+  StkId fi;
+  lua_lock(L);
+  fi = index2addr(L, funcindex);
+  api_checknelems(L, 1);
+  name = aux_upvalue(fi, n, &val, &owner);
+  if (name) {
+    L->top--;
+    setobj(L, val, L->top);
+    luaC_barrier(L, owner, L->top);
+  }
+  lua_unlock(L);
+  return name;
+static UpVal **getupvalref (lua_State *L, int fidx, int n, LClosure **pf) {
+  LClosure *f;
+  StkId fi = index2addr(L, fidx);
+  api_check(L, ttisLclosure(fi), "Lua function expected");
+  f = clLvalue(fi);
+  api_check(L, (1 <= n && n <= f->p->sizeupvalues), "invalid upvalue index");
+  if (pf) *pf = f;
+  return &f->upvals[n - 1];  /* get its upvalue pointer */
+LUA_API void *lua_upvalueid (lua_State *L, int fidx, int n) {
+  StkId fi = index2addr(L, fidx);
+  switch (ttype(fi)) {
+    case LUA_TLCL: {  /* lua closure */
+      return *getupvalref(L, fidx, n, NULL);
+    }
+    case LUA_TCCL: {  /* C closure */
+      CClosure *f = clCvalue(fi);
+      api_check(L, 1 <= n && n <= f->nupvalues, "invalid upvalue index");
+      return &f->upvalue[n - 1];
+    }
+    default: {
+      api_check(L, 0, "closure expected");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+LUA_API void lua_upvaluejoin (lua_State *L, int fidx1, int n1,
+                                            int fidx2, int n2) {
+  LClosure *f1;
+  UpVal **up1 = getupvalref(L, fidx1, n1, &f1);
+  UpVal **up2 = getupvalref(L, fidx2, n2, NULL);
+  *up1 = *up2;
+  luaC_objbarrier(L, f1, *up2);