diff mm7_2.cpp @ 631:3d03a3a674bc

author Nomad
date Mon, 11 Mar 2013 03:38:59 +0200
parents 1b813023fcbd 59713bb36033
children 71ecba604995
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mm7_2.cpp	Mon Mar 11 03:37:48 2013 +0200
+++ b/mm7_2.cpp	Mon Mar 11 03:38:59 2013 +0200
@@ -51,3000 +51,13 @@
 #include "Events2D.h"
 #include "stru159.h"
 #include "Log.h"
+#include "UIHouses.h"
 #include "texts.h"
 #include "mm7_data.h"
 #include "MM7.h"
-//----- (004B4F4F) --------------------------------------------------------
-char *__cdecl JailDialog()
-  const char *v0; // esi@1
-  const char *v1; // ST10_4@1
-  unsigned __int16 v2; // ST0C_2@1
-  int v3; // eax@1
-  GUIWindow v5; // [sp+8h] [bp-54h]@1
-  memcpy(&v5, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(v5));
-  v0 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[672];
-  v1 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[672];
-  v5.uFrameX = 483;
-  v5.uFrameWidth = 148;
-  v5.uFrameZ = 334;
-  v2 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-  v3 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v0, &v5, 0, 0);
-  return v5.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, (310 - v3) / 2 + 18, v2, v1, 3u);
-//----- (004B68EA) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool __fastcall sub_4B68EA(int a1)
-  signed int v1; // edi@1
-  int *v2; // esi@1
-  int v3; // ecx@2
-  v1 = 0;
-  v2 = &dword_4F0E10[a1];
-  while ( 1 )
-  {
-    v3 = 8 * *((char *)v2 + v1);
-    if ( *(&byte_4F09B1[pParty->uDaysPlayed % 7] + v3 * 4) )
-    {
-      if ( !dword_4F09CC[v3] || (unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, LOWORD(dword_4F09CC[v3])) )
-        break;
-    }
-    ++v1;
-    if ( v1 >= 4 )
-      return 0;
-  }
-  return 1;
-//----- (004B7911) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl TownHallDialog()
-  GUIWindow *v0; // eax@4
-  int v1; // eax@10
-  int v2; // esi@10
-  GUIFont *v3; // ST20_4@20
-  int v4; // eax@20
-  MonsterInfo *v5; // edi@21
-  unsigned int v6; // ST20_4@21
-  char *v7; // ST1C_4@21
-  unsigned int v8; // eax@21
-  int v9; // esi@21
-  char *v10; // eax@23
-  signed int v11; // ebx@24
-  signed int i; // esi@26
-  int v13; // eax@27
-  GUIWindow *v14; // ecx@28
-  __int64 v15; // qax@28
-  signed int v16; // ebx@28
-  int v17; // ebx@28
-  unsigned __int8 v18; // sf@28
-  char **v19; // edi@29
-  GUIButton *v20; // eax@30
-  GUIButton *v21; // esi@30
-  int v22; // eax@30
-  unsigned int v23; // ecx@30
-  unsigned __int16 v24; // ax@30
-  GUIWindow a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-110h]@21
-  GUIWindow w; // [sp+60h] [bp-BCh]@21
-  GUIWindow _this; // [sp+B4h] [bp-68h]@1
-  int v28; // [sp+108h] [bp-14h]@1
-  int v29; // [sp+10Ch] [bp-10h]@28
-  int v30; // [sp+110h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  int v31; // [sp+114h] [bp-8h]@29
-  GUIFont *pOutString; // [sp+118h] [bp-4h]@21
-  memcpy(&_this, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(_this));
-  _this.uFrameX = 483;
-  _this.uFrameWidth = 148;
-  _this.uFrameZ = 334;
-  v28 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-  v30 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-  sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[605], pParty->uFine);
-  _this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x104u, v30, pTmpBuf, 3u);
-  switch(dialog_menu_id)
-  {
-	case 1:
-		{
-		v11 = 1;
-		pOutString = 0;
-		pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[604];
-		if ( pParty->uFine )
-		{
-			pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[603];
-			v11 = 2;
-		}
-		for ( i = 0; i < v11; ++i )
-		{
-			v13 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pShopOptions[i], &_this, 0, 0);
-			pOutString = (GUIFont *)((char *)pOutString + v13);
-		}
-		v29 = (100 - (signed int)pOutString) / v11;
-		v14 = pDialogueWindow;
-		v15 = 80 - v11 * (100 - (signed int)pOutString) / v11 - (signed int)pOutString;
-		v16 = v15 - HIDWORD(v15);
-		LODWORD(v15) = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		HIDWORD(v15) = v15 + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton;
-		v17 = (v16 >> 1) - v29 / 2 + 158;
-		v18 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-		pOutString = (GUIFont *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		if ( v18 ^ __OFSUB__((int)v15, HIDWORD(v15)) )
-		{
-			v31 = 2;
-			v19 = pShopOptions;
-			do
-			{
-				v20 = v14->GetControl((unsigned int)pOutString);
-				v21 = v20;
-				v20->uY = v29 + v17;
-				v22 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v19, &_this, 0, 0);
-				v23 = v21->uY;
-				v21->uHeight = v22;
-				v17 = v23 + v22 - 1;
-				v21->uW = v17;
-				v24 = v30;
-				if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v31 )
-					v24 = v28;
-				_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v23, v24, *v19, 3u);
-				v14 = pDialogueWindow;
-				++v31;
-				++v19;
-				pOutString = (GUIFont *)((char *)pOutString + 1);
-			}
-			while ( (signed int)pOutString < pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem );
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	case 99:
-		{
-		v5 = &pMonsterStats->pInfos[word_F8B1A0];
-		v6 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-		v7 = v5->pName;
-		v8 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf, &byte_4F0F98, v8, v7, v6);
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf2, dword_F8B1A4, pTmpBuf, 100 * v5->uLevel);
-		ptr_F8B1E8 = pTmpBuf2;
-		memcpy(&a1, pDialogueWindow, sizeof(a1));
-		w.uFrameWidth = 458;
-		w.uFrameZ = 457;
-		pOutString = pFontArrus;
-		v9 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf2, &w, 13, 0) + 7;
-		if ( 352 - v9 < 8 )
-		{
-			pOutString = pFontCreate;
-			v9 = pFontCreate->CalcTextHeight(ptr_F8B1E8, &w, 13, 0) + 7;
-		}
-		auto pTex = (uTextureID_Leather != -1 ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather] : 0);
-		pRenderer->_4A6A68(8u, 352 - v9, pTex, (pTex ? pTex->uTextureHeight : 26) - v9);
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 347 - v9, pTexture_591428);
-		v10 = FitTextInAWindow(ptr_F8B1E8, pOutString, &w, 0xDu, 0);
-		a1.DrawText(pOutString, 13, 354 - v9, 0, v10, 0, 0, 0);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 100:
-		{
-		v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-		if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 == 1 )
-		{
-			sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s\n%s", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[606], pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[112]);
-			_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, v30, pTmpBuf, 3u);
-			_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xBAu, v28, (const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer, 3u);
-			v3 = pFontArrus;
-			v4 = pFontArrus->GetLineWidth((const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
-			_this.DrawFlashingInputCursor(v4 / 2 + 80, 185, v3);
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 == 2 )
-		{
-			v1 = atoi((const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
-			v2 = v1;
-			if ( v1 <= 0 )
-			{
-			//LABEL_8:
-				pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-				/*if ( (signed int)pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages < 40 )
-				{
-				pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].eType = (UIMessageType)113;
-				pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].param = 1;
-				*(&pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3 * pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3) = 0;
-				++pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
-				}*/
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( v1 > pParty->uNumGold )
-			{
-				HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 2);
-				v2 = pParty->uNumGold;
-			}
-			if ( v2 > pParty->uFine )
-				v2 = pParty->uFine;
-			Party::TakeGold(v2);
-			pParty->uFine -= v2;
-			if ( pParty->uFine < 0 )
-				pParty->uFine = 0;
-			if ( uActiveCharacter )
-				pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_81, 0);
-			v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-		}
-		if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 == 3 )
-		{
-			v0->field_40 = 0;
-			pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-		{
-		break;
-		}
-  }
-  return;
-// F8B19C: using guessed type int dword_F8B19C;
-// F8B1A0: using guessed type __int16 word_F8B1A0;
-//----- (004B7D7E) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl BankDialog()
-  GUIWindow *v0; // eax@4
-  int v1; // ecx@5
-  int v2; // eax@6
-  unsigned int v3; // esi@6
-  GUIFont *v4; // ST10_4@12
-  int v5; // eax@12
-  int v6; // eax@19
-  unsigned int v7; // esi@19
-  unsigned __int16 v8; // ax@27
-  unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@29
-  char *v10; // [sp-8h] [bp-70h]@11
-  char *v11; // [sp-4h] [bp-6Ch]@11
-  GUIWindow _this; // [sp+Ch] [bp-5Ch]@1
-  __int16 v13[2]; // [sp+60h] [bp-8h]@1
-  __int16 v14[2]; // [sp+64h] [bp-4h]@1
-  memcpy(&_this, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(_this));
-  _this.uFrameX = 483;
-  _this.uFrameWidth = 148;
-  _this.uFrameZ = 334;
-  *(int *)v13 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-  *(int *)v14 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-  sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s: %d", pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[25], pParty->uNumGoldInBank);
-  _this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xDCu, v14[0], pTmpBuf, 3u);
-  switch(dialog_menu_id)
-  {
-	case 1:
-		{
-		v8 = v14[0];
-		if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != 2 )
-			v8 = v13[0];
-		_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, v8, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[60], 3u);
-		v9 = v14[0];
-		if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != 3 )
-			v9 = v13[0];
-		_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xB0u, v9, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[244], 3u);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 7:
-		{
-		v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-		if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 != 1 )
-		{
-			v1 = window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 - 2;
-			if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 == 2 )
-			{
-				v6 = atoi((const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
-				v7 = v6;
-				if ( !v6 )
-				{
-					pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-					/*if ( (signed int)pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages < 40 )
-					{
-						pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].eType = (UIMessageType)113;
-						pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].param = 1;
-						*(&pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3 * pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3) = 0;
-						++pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
-					}*/
-					return;
-				}
-				if ( v6 > pParty->uNumGold )
-				{
-					HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 2);
-					v7 = pParty->uNumGold;
-				}
-				if ( v7 )
-				{
-					Party::TakeGold(v7);
-					pParty->uNumGoldInBank += v7;
-					if ( uActiveCharacter )
-						pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_81, 0);
-				}
-				v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-				v0->field_40 = 0;
-				pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( v1 != 1 )
-				return;
-			v0->field_40 = 0;
-			pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-			return;      
-		}
-		v11 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[112];
-		v10 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[60];
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s\n%s", v10, v11);
-		_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, v14[0], pTmpBuf, 3u);
-		_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xBAu, v13[0], (const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer, 3u);
-		v4 = pFontArrus;
-		v5 = pFontArrus->GetLineWidth((const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
-		_this.DrawFlashingInputCursor(v5 / 2 + 80, 185, v4);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 8:
-		{
-		v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-		if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 != 1 )
-		{
-			v1 = window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 - 2;
-			if ( window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 == 2 )
-			{
-				window_SpeakInHouse->field_40 = 0;
-				v2 = atoi((const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
-				v3 = v2;
-				if ( v2 )
-				{
-					if ( v2 > pParty->uNumGoldInBank )
-					{
-						HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 2);
-						v3 = pParty->uNumGoldInBank;
-					}
-					if ( v3 )
-					{
-						Party::SetGold(pParty->uNumGold + v3);
-						pParty->uNumGoldInBank -= v3;
-					}
-				}
-				pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( v1 != 1 )
-				return;
-			v0->field_40 = 0;
-			pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
-			return;  
-		}
-		v11 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[112];
-		v10 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[244];
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s\n%s", v10, v11);
-		_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, v14[0], pTmpBuf, 3u);
-		_this.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0xBAu, v13[0], (const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer, 3u);
-		v4 = pFontArrus;
-		v5 = pFontArrus->GetLineWidth((const char *)pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
-		_this.DrawFlashingInputCursor(v5 / 2 + 80, 185, v4);
-		return;
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-		{
-		break;
-		}
-  }
-// F8B19C: using guessed type int dword_F8B19C;
-//----- (004B8285) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl TavernDialog()
-  GUIWindow *v0; // ebx@1
-  Player *v1; // edi@1
-  double v2; // st7@1
-  signed int v3; // ebx@1
-  int v4; // ecx@1
-  int v5; // esi@3
-  signed int v6; // edi@5
-  int v7; // ecx@5
-  GUIWindow *v8; // edi@16
-  signed int v9; // esi@16
-  unsigned int v10; // esi@18
-  int v11; // eax@18
-  unsigned int v12; // eax@19
-  int v13; // eax@21
-  int v14; // ecx@26
-  GUIButton *v15; // eax@28
-  GUIButton *v16; // esi@28
-  int v17; // eax@28
-  char *v18; // eax@30
-  int v19; // eax@30
-  unsigned int v20; // ecx@30
-  int v21; // edx@30
-  int v22; // eax@30
-  unsigned __int16 v23; // ax@30
-  int v24; // eax@34
-  int v25; // eax@34
-  char *v26; // esi@36
-  int v27; // edi@46
-  unsigned int v28; // eax@53
-  unsigned int v29; // eax@55
-  unsigned int v30; // eax@57
-  signed int v31; // eax@59
-  unsigned int v32; // eax@61
-  GUIWindow *v33; // edi@64
-  int v34; // eax@64
-  int v35; // ecx@64
-  int v36; // esi@64
-  char v37; // sf@64
-  GUIButton *v38; // eax@65
-  int v39; // edx@69
-  int v40; // ecx@69
-  int v41; // ecx@69
-  int v42; // ecx@70
-  unsigned int v43; // edx@70
-  int v44; // edx@71
-  int v45; // ecx@71
-  int v46; // ecx@72
-  int v47; // eax@74
-  signed int v48; // edi@77
-  signed int i; // esi@79
-  int v50; // eax@80
-  GUIWindow *v51; // ecx@81
-  _QWORD v52; // qax@81
-  signed int v53; // edi@81
-  int v54; // edi@81
-  GUIButton *v55; // esi@83
-  const char **v56; // eax@83
-  int v57; // eax@83
-  unsigned int v58; // ecx@83
-  Player *v59; // edx@83
-  unsigned __int16 v60; // ax@83
-  int v61; // eax@99
-  int v62; // edi@99
-  char *v63; // eax@99
-  GUIFont *v64; // edx@99
-  GUIFont *v65; // edi@100
-  unsigned int v66; // [sp-10h] [bp-284h]@75
-  unsigned __int16 v67; // [sp-Ch] [bp-280h]@75
-  int v68; // [sp-Ch] [bp-280h]@99
-  char *v69; // [sp-8h] [bp-27Ch]@75
-  int v70; // [sp-8h] [bp-27Ch]@99
-  unsigned int v71; // [sp-4h] [bp-278h]@75
-  const char *v72; // [sp-4h] [bp-278h]@93
-  unsigned int v73; // [sp-4h] [bp-278h]@99
-  char Dest[100]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-268h]@55
-  char v75[100]; // [sp+70h] [bp-204h]@59
-  char a1[100]; // [sp+D4h] [bp-1A0h]@57
-  char v77[100]; // [sp+138h] [bp-13Ch]@59
-  GUIWindow v78; // [sp+19Ch] [bp-D8h]@99
-  GUIWindow v79; // [sp+1F0h] [bp-84h]@1
-  char *Str[2]; // [sp+244h] [bp-30h]@30
-  unsigned int v81; // [sp+24Ch] [bp-28h]@1
-  unsigned __int8 v82; // [sp+253h] [bp-21h]@59
-  int v83; // [sp+254h] [bp-20h]@1
-  __int16 v84[2]; // [sp+258h] [bp-1Ch]@1
-  Player *v85; // [sp+25Ch] [bp-18h]@1
-  int v86; // [sp+260h] [bp-14h]@18
-  unsigned __int8 v87; // [sp+266h] [bp-Eh]@59
-  unsigned __int8 v88; // [sp+267h] [bp-Dh]@57
-  int v89; // [sp+268h] [bp-Ch]@1
-  unsigned __int8 v90; // [sp+26Fh] [bp-5h]@55
-  GUIFont *pOutString; // [sp+270h] [bp-4h]@3
-  v0 = window_SpeakInHouse;
-  memcpy(&v79, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(v79));
-  v85 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-  v1 = v85;
-  v79.uFrameX = 483;
-  v79.uFrameWidth = 148;
-  v79.uFrameZ = 334;
-  v81 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-  *(int *)v84 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu);
-  //v2 = p2DEvents_minus1__20[13 * (unsigned int)v0->ptr_1C];
-  v2 = p2DEvents[(unsigned int)v0->ptr_1C - 1].fPriceMultiplier;
-  *(float *)&v83 = v2;
-  *(float *)&v89 = v2 * v2;
-  v3 = (signed __int64)(*(float *)&v89 * 0.1);
-  v4 = v3 * (100 - v1->GetMerchant()) / 100;
-  if ( v4 < v3 / 3 )
-    v4 = v3 / 3;
-  v5 = 1;
-  pOutString = (GUIFont *)v4;
-  if ( v4 <= 0 )
-    pOutString = (GUIFont *)1;
-  v6 = (signed __int64)(*(float *)&v89 * *(float *)&v83 * 0.0099999998);
-  v7 = v6 * (100 - v85->GetMerchant()) / 100;
-  if ( v7 < v6 / 3 )
-    v7 = v6 / 3;
-  v83 = v7;
-  if ( v7 <= 0 )
-  {
-    v7 = 1;
-    v83 = 1;
-  }
-  switch(dialog_menu_id)
-  {
-	case 102:
-		{
-		v65 = pFontArrus;
-		pOutString = pFontArrus;
-		strcpy(pTmpBuf, pNPCTopics[354].pText);
-		v78.uFrameWidth = 460;
-		v78.uFrameZ = 452;
-		v62 = v65->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf, &v78, 12, 0) + 7;
-		if ( 352 - v62 < 8 )
-		{
-			pOutString = pFontCreate;
-			v62 = pFontCreate->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf, &v78, 12, 0) + 7;
-		}
-		auto pTex = (uTextureID_Leather != -1 ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather] : 0);
-		pRenderer->_4A6A68(8u, 352 - v62, pTex, (pTex ? pTex->uTextureHeight : 26) - v62);
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 347 - v62, pTexture_591428);
-		v73 = 0;
-		v70 = 0;
-		v68 = 0;
-		v63 = FitTextInAWindow(pTmpBuf, pOutString, &v78, 0xCu, 0);
-		v64 = pOutString;
-		window_SpeakInHouse->DrawText(v64, 12, 354 - v62, 0, v63, v68, v70, v73);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 103:
-		{
-		strcpy(pTmpBuf, pNPCTopics[(uint)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C + 247].pText);
-		v78.uFrameWidth = 460;
-		v78.uFrameZ = 452;
-		v61 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf, &v78, 12, 0);
-		v62 = v61 + 7;
-		auto pTex = (uTextureID_Leather != -1 ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather] : nullptr);
-		pRenderer->_4A6A68(8u, 352 - (v61 + 7), pTex, (pTex ? pTex->uTextureHeight : 26) - (v61 + 7));
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 347 - v62, pTexture_591428);
-		v73 = 0;
-		v70 = 0;
-		v68 = 0;
-		v63 = FitTextInAWindow(pTmpBuf, pFontArrus, &v78, 0xCu, 0);
-		v64 = pFontArrus;
-		window_SpeakInHouse->DrawText(v64, 12, 354 - v62, 0, v63, v68, v70, v73);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 104:
-		{
-		if ( pArcomageGame->bGameInProgress == 1 )
-          return;
-        v26 = pTmpBuf;
-        if ( pArcomageGame->uGameResult )
-        {
-          if ( pArcomageGame->uGameResult == 1 )
-            v72 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[640];// You won!
-          else
-            v72 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[641];// You lost!
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          v72 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[639];// A tie!
-        }
-        strcpy(pTmpBuf, v72);
-        v71 = 3;
-        v69 = v26;
-        v67 = v84[0];
-        v66 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v26, &v79, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-        v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v66, v67, v69, v71);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 15:
-		{
-        if ( pParty->uNumGold >= (unsigned int)pOutString )
-        {
-          Party::TakeGold((unsigned int)pOutString);
-          v27 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-          HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 2);
-          dialog_menu_id = 0;
-          while ( sub_4BD8B5() )
-            ;
-          sub_4B1D27();
-          pVideoPlayer->Unload();
-          window_SpeakInHouse->Release();
-          window_SpeakInHouse = 0;
-          if ( pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages )
-            pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages = pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[0].field_8 != 0;
-          pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[0].eType = UIMSG_OpenRestUI;
-          pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[0].param = v27;
-          pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[0].field_8 = 1;
-          ++pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
-          return;
-        }
-		ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[155], 2u);
-        HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 4);
-        pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, v5, 0);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 96:
-		{
-		if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-			return;
-		v8 = pDialogueWindow;
-		*(float *)&v89 = 0.0;
-		//v9 = (signed __int64)(*(float *)&p2DEvents_minus1__24[13 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C] * 500.0);
-		v9 = (signed __int64)(p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].flt_24 * 500.0);
-		pOutString = (GUIFont *)(v9 * (100 - v85->GetMerchant()) / 100);
-		if ( (signed int)pOutString < v9 / 3 )
-			pOutString = (GUIFont *)(v9 / 3);
-		v10 = v8->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		v11 = v10 + v8->pNumPresenceButton;
-		v86 = 0;
-		if ( (signed int)v10 < v11 )
-		{
-			do
-			{
-				v12 = v8->GetControl(v10)->uControlParam - 36;
-				if ( byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[v85->classType][v12] && !v85->pActiveSkills[v12] )
-				{
-					v13 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pSkillNames[v12], &v79, 0, 0);
-					v89 += v13;
-					++v86;
-				}
-				++v10;
-			}
-			while ( (signed int)v10 < v8->pStartingPosActiveItem + v8->pNumPresenceButton );
-			if ( v86 )
-			{
-				sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[401], pOutString);
-				v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, 0, pTmpBuf, 3u);
-				pOutString = (GUIFont *)((149 - v89) / v86);
-				if ( (149 - v89) / v86 > 32 )
-					pOutString = (GUIFont *)32;
-				v14 = (149 - v86 * (signed int)pOutString - v89) / 2 - (signed int)pOutString / 2 + 162;
-				v89 = v8->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-				v83 = v14;
-				if ( v89 < v89 + v8->pNumPresenceButton )
-				{
-					v86 = 2;
-					do
-					{
-						v15 = v8->GetControl(v89);
-						v16 = v15;
-						v17 = v15->uControlParam - 36;
-						if ( !byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[v85->classType][v17] || v85->pActiveSkills[v17] )
-						{
-							v16->uW = 0;
-							v16->uHeight = 0;
-							v16->uY = 0;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							v18 = pSkillNames[v17];
-							v16->uY = (unsigned int)((char *)pOutString + v83);
-							Str[1] = v18;
-							v19 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v18, &v79, 0, 0);
-							v20 = v16->uY;
-							v21 = v86;
-							v16->uHeight = v19;
-							v22 = v19 + v20 - 1;
-							v16->uW = v22;
-							v83 = v22;
-							v23 = v84[0];
-							if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v21 )
-								v23 = v81;
-							v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v20, v23, Str[1], 3u);
-						}
-						v24 = v8->pNumPresenceButton;
-						++v89;
-						v25 = v8->pStartingPosActiveItem + v24;
-						++v86;
-					}
-					while ( v89 < v25 );
-				}
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		v26 = pTmpBuf;
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[544], v85->pName, pClassNames[v85->classType]);
-		strcat(pTmpBuf, "\n \n");
-		strcat(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[528]);
-		v71 = 3;
-		v69 = v26;
-		v67 = v84[0];
-		v66 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v26, &v79, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-		v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v66, v67, v69, v71);
-		return;
-		break;
-		}
-	case 16:
-		{
-        *(_QWORD *)Str = pParty->uNumFoodRations;
-        //if ( (double)pParty->uNumFoodRations >= p2DEvents_minus1__20[13 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C] )
-        if ( (double)pParty->uNumFoodRations >= p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].fPriceMultiplier )
-        {
-          ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[140], 2u);
-          if ( uActiveCharacter )
-            pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_67, 0);
-          pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, v5, 0);
-          return;
-        }
-        if ( pParty->uNumGold >= v7 )
-        {
-          Party::TakeGold(v7);
-          //pParty->uNumFoodRations = (signed __int64)p2DEvents_minus1__20[13 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C];
-          pParty->uNumFoodRations = (signed __int64)p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].fPriceMultiplier;
-          HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 3);
-          v5 = 1;
-          pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, v5, 0);
-          return;
-          //goto LABEL_51;
-        }
-		ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[155], 2u);
-        HousePlaySomeSound((unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C, 4);
-        pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Escape, v5, 0);
-		break;
-		}
-	case 1:
-		{
-		if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-		  return;
-		v28 = *(int *)v84;
-		if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != 2 )
-		  v28 = v81;
-		sprintf(Dest, format_4E2DC8, v28);
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf2, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[178], pOutString);
-		strcat(Dest, pTmpBuf2);
-		v90 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(Dest, &v79, 0, 0);
-		strcat(Dest, "\n \n");
-		v29 = *(int *)v84;
-		if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != 3 )
-		  v29 = v81;
-		sprintf(a1, format_4E2DC8, v29);
-		sprintf(pTmpBuf2,
-		  pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[86],
-		  //(signed __int64)p2DEvents_minus1__20[13 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C],
-		  (signed __int64)p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].fPriceMultiplier,
-		  v83);
-		strcat(a1, pTmpBuf2);
-		v88 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(a1, &v79, 0, 0);
-		strcat(a1, "\n \n");
-		v30 = *(int *)v84;
-		if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != 4 )
-		  v30 = v81;
-		sprintf(v77, format_4E2DC8, v30);
-		strcat(v77, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[160]);
-		v82 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v77, &v79, 0, 0);
-		strcat(v77, "\n \n");
-		v75[0] = 0;
-		v87 = 0;
-		v31 = (signed int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-		if ( v31 >= 108 && v31 <= 120 )
-		{
-		  v32 = *(int *)v84;
-		  if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != 5 )
-			v32 = v81;
-		  sprintf(v75, format_4E2DC8, v32);
-		  strcat(v75, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[611]);
-		  v87 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v75, &v79, 0, 0);
-		}
-		v33 = pDialogueWindow;
-		Str[1] = (char *)pDialogueWindow;
-		v34 = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		v35 = v34 + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton;
-		v36 = LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) - 3;
-		v37 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-		pOutString = (GUIFont *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		if ( !(v37 ^ __OFSUB__(v34, v35)) )
-		{
-	//LABEL_75:
-		  sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s%s%s%s", &Dest, &a1, &v77, &v75);
-		  v71 = 3;
-		  v69 = pTmpBuf;
-		  v67 = 0;
-		  v66 = 146;
-	//LABEL_98:
-		  v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v66, v67, v69, v71);
-		  return;
-		}
-		while ( 1 )
-		{
-		  v38 = v33->GetControl((unsigned int)pOutString);
-		  if ( v38->uControlParam == 15 )
-		  {
-			v46 = v90;
-			v38->uHeight = v90;
-			v38->uY = 146;
-			v41 = v46 + 145;
-			v38->uW = v41;
-		  }
-		  else if ( v38->uControlParam == 16 )
-		  {
-			v44 = v88;
-			v45 = v90 + v36 + 146;
-			v38->uHeight = v88;
-			v38->uY = v45;
-			v41 = v45 + v44 - 1;
-			v38->uW = v41;
-		  }
-		  else if ( v38->uControlParam == 96 )
-		  {
-			v42 = v90 + v88 + 2 * v36 + 146;
-			v43 = v82;
-			v38->uY = v42;
-			v38->uHeight = v43;
-			v41 = v43 + v42 - 1;
-			v38->uW = v41;
-		  }
-		  else if ( v38->uControlParam == 101 )
-		  {
-			v39 = v90 + 3 * v36 + v87 + v88 + 146;
-			v33 = (GUIWindow *)Str[1];
-			v40 = v87;
-			v38->uHeight = v87;
-			v38->uY = v39;
-			v41 = v39 + v40 - 1;
-	//LABEL_73:
-			v38->uW = v41;
-		  }
-		  v47 = v33->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		  pOutString = (GUIFont *)((char *)pOutString + 1);
-		  if ( (signed int)pOutString >= v33->pNumPresenceButton + v47 )
-		  {
-			  sprintf(pTmpBuf, "%s%s%s%s", &Dest, &a1, &v77, &v75);
-			  v71 = 3;
-			  v69 = pTmpBuf;
-			  v67 = 0;
-			  v66 = 146;
-			  v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v66, v67, v69, v71);
-			  return;
-		  }
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	case 101:
-		{
-		if ( sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-		{
-			v48 = 2;
-			pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[620];
-			pOutString = 0;
-			pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[622];
-			if ( pParty->HasItem(0x28Bu) )
-			{
-				pShopOptions[2] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[621];
-				v48 = 3;
-			}
-			for ( i = 0; i < v48; ++i )
-			{
-				v50 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pShopOptions[i], &v79, 0, 0);
-				pOutString = (GUIFont *)((char *)pOutString + v50);
-			}
-			v86 = (174 - (signed int)pOutString) / v48;
-			v51 = pDialogueWindow;
-			v52 = 174 - v48 * (174 - (signed int)pOutString) / v48 - (signed int)pOutString;
-			v53 = v52 - HIDWORD(v52);
-			LODWORD(v52) = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-			HIDWORD(v52) = v52 + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton;
-			v54 = (v53 >> 1) - v86 / 2 + 138;
-			v37 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-			v89 = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-			if ( v37 ^ __OFSUB__((int)v52, HIDWORD(v52)) )
-			{
-				v85 = (Player *)2;
-				pOutString = (GUIFont *)pShopOptions;
-				do
-				{
-					v55 = v51->GetControl(v89);
-					v56 = (const char **)pOutString;
-					v55->uY = v86 + v54;
-					v57 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v56, &v79, 0, 0);
-					v58 = v55->uY;
-					v59 = v85;
-					v55->uHeight = v57;
-					v54 = v57 + v58 - 1;
-					v55->uW = v54;
-					v60 = v84[0];
-					if ( (Player *)pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v59 )
-						v60 = v81;
-					v79.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v58, v60, *(const char **)&pOutString->cFirstChar, 3u);
-					v51 = pDialogueWindow;
-					v85 = (Player *)((char *)v85 + 1);
-					pOutString = (GUIFont *)((char *)pOutString + 4);
-					++v89;
-				}
-				while ( v89 < pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem );
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-		{
-		break;
-		}
-  }
-//----- (004B910F) --------------------------------------------------------
-char *__cdecl WeaponShopDialog()
-  Player *v0; // ebx@1
-  char *result; // eax@6
-  signed int v2; // esi@8
-  unsigned int v3; // ebx@10
-  ItemGen *v4; // eax@11
-  char *v5; // ecx@12
-  unsigned __int8 v6; // dl@13
-  char *v7; // edx@14
-  int v8; // eax@15
-  int v9; // ST08_4@16
-  int v10; // eax@16
-  signed int v11; // esi@18
-  int v12; // ST08_4@21
-  int v13; // eax@21
-  int v14; // edi@23
-  char **v15; // esi@23
-  int v16; // eax@24
-  GUIWindow *v17; // ecx@25
-  int v18; // edx@25
-  int v19; // edi@25
-  unsigned __int8 v20; // sf@25
-  GUIButton *v21; // esi@27
-  const char **v22; // eax@27
-  int v23; // eax@27
-  unsigned int v24; // ecx@27
-  int v25; // edx@27
-  unsigned __int16 v26; // ax@27
-  signed int v27; // esi@32
-  int v28; // ST08_4@36
-  int v29; // eax@36
-  GUIWindow *v30; // edi@41
-  void *v31; // eax@41
-  signed int v32; // esi@41
-  unsigned int v33; // esi@43
-  int v34; // eax@43
-  unsigned int v35; // eax@44
-  int v36; // eax@46
-  __int32 v37; // ecx@51
-  GUIButton *v38; // eax@53
-  GUIButton *v39; // esi@53
-  int v40; // eax@53
-  char *v41; // eax@55
-  int v42; // eax@55
-  unsigned int v43; // ecx@55
-  const char **v44; // edx@55
-  int v45; // eax@55
-  unsigned __int16 v46; // ax@55
-  int v47; // eax@59
-  const char **v48; // eax@63
-  unsigned int v49; // esi@65
-  Texture *v50; // eax@65
-  int v51; // edi@65
-  int v52; // esi@70
-  Texture *v53; // ST1C_4@70
-  int v54; // edi@70
-  signed int v55; // ecx@73
-  SHORT v56; // di@82
-  bool v57; // eax@82
-  const char *v58; // ecx@84
-  POINT *v59; // esi@89
-  LONG v60; // ecx@90
-  int v61; // eax@90
-  int v62; // ecx@90
-  ItemGen *v63; // esi@90
-  int v64; // eax@95
-  int v65; // esi@96
-  char **v66; // edi@96
-  int v67; // eax@97
-  GUIWindow *v68; // ecx@98
-  int v69; // edx@98
-  int v70; // edi@98
-  GUIButton *v71; // esi@100
-  const char **v72; // eax@100
-  int v73; // eax@100
-  unsigned int v74; // ecx@100
-  Player *v75; // edx@100
-  unsigned __int16 v76; // ax@100
-  GUIWindow *v77; // [sp-18h] [bp-110h]@14
-  int v78; // [sp-14h] [bp-10Ch]@14
-  ItemGen *v79; // [sp-10h] [bp-108h]@12
-  int v80; // [sp-10h] [bp-108h]@14
-  void *v81; // [sp-Ch] [bp-104h]@12
-  unsigned __int16 v82; // [sp-Ch] [bp-104h]@14
-  int v83; // [sp-8h] [bp-100h]@11
-  char *v84; // [sp-8h] [bp-100h]@14
-  __int64 *v85; // [sp-4h] [bp-FCh]@11
-  unsigned int v86; // [sp-4h] [bp-FCh]@14
-  POINT v87; // [sp+Ch] [bp-ECh]@8
-  POINT v88; // [sp+14h] [bp-E4h]@18
-  POINT v89; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-DCh]@89
-  POINT v90; // [sp+24h] [bp-D4h]@19
-  POINT v91; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-CCh]@89
-  POINT v92; // [sp+34h] [bp-C4h]@9
-  POINT v93; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-BCh]@33
-  POINT v94; // [sp+44h] [bp-B4h]@18
-  POINT v95; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-ACh]@32
-  POINT v96; // [sp+54h] [bp-A4h]@18
-  POINT v97; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-9Ch]@32
-  POINT a2; // [sp+64h] [bp-94h]@8
-  POINT v99; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-8Ch]@32
-  POINT v100; // [sp+74h] [bp-84h]@8
-  GUIWindow v101; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-7Ch]@1
-  char *Str; // [sp+D0h] [bp-28h]@55
-  __int32 v103; // [sp+D4h] [bp-24h]@25
-  int v104; // [sp+D8h] [bp-20h]@1
-  int v105; // [sp+DCh] [bp-1Ch]@1
-  POINT v106; // [sp+E0h] [bp-18h]@8
-  Player *_this; // [sp+E8h] [bp-10h]@1
-  int v108; // [sp+ECh] [bp-Ch]@26
-  const char **v109; // [sp+F0h] [bp-8h]@26
-  unsigned __int8 v110; // [sp+F7h] [bp-1h]@16
-  v0 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-  _this = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-  memcpy(&v101, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(v101));
-  v101.uFrameX = 483;
-  v101.uFrameWidth = 148;
-  v101.uFrameZ = 334;
-  v105 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-  v104 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xE1u, 0xCDu, 0x23u);
-  switch(dialog_menu_id)
-  {
-	case 94:
-		{
-		draw_leather();
-		CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-		pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[200];
-		pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[113];
-		pShopOptions[2] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[179];
-		v65 = 0;
-		v66 = pShopOptions;
-		do
-		{
-			v67 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v66, &v101, 0, 0);
-			++v66;
-			v65 += v67;
-		}
-		while ( (signed int)v66 < (signed int)&pShopOptions[3] );
-		v68 = pDialogueWindow;
-		v109 = (const char **)((174 - v65) / 3);
-		result = (char *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		v69 = (int)&result[pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton];
-		v70 = (3 * (58 - (signed int)v109) - v65) / 2 - (174 - v65) / 3 / 2 + 138;
-		v20 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-		v106.y = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		if ( v20 ^ __OFSUB__((int)result, (int)v69) )
-		{
-			_this = (Player *)2;
-			v108 = (int)pShopOptions;
-			do
-			{
-				v71 = v68->GetControl(v106.y);
-				v72 = (const char **)v108;
-				v71->uY = (unsigned int)((char *)v109 + v70);
-				v73 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v72, &v101, 0, 0);
-				v74 = v71->uY;
-				v75 = _this;
-				v71->uHeight = v73;
-				v70 = v73 + v74 - 1;
-				v71->uW = v70;
-				v76 = v104;
-				if ( (Player *)pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v75 )
-				v76 = v105;
-				v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v74, v76, *(const char **)v108, 3u);
-				v68 = pDialogueWindow;
-				_this = (Player *)((char *)_this + 1);
-				v108 += 4;
-				++v106.y;
-				result = (char *)(pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem);
-			}
-			while ( v106.y < (signed int)result );
-		}
-		break;	
-		}
-	case 96:
-		{
-        result = (char *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-        if ( result )
-        {
-          v30 = pDialogueWindow;
-          v3 = 0;
-          v31 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-          v106.y = 0;
-          //v32 = (signed __int64)(*(float *)&p2DEvents_minus1__24[13 * (signed int)v31] * 500.0);
-          v32 = (signed __int64)(p2DEvents[(signed int)v31 - 1].flt_24 * 500.0);
-          v108 = v32 * (100 - _this->GetMerchant()) / 100;
-          if ( v108 < v32 / 3 )
-            v108 = v32 / 3;
-          v33 = v30->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-          v34 = v33 + v30->pNumPresenceButton;
-          v109 = 0;
-          if ( (signed int)v33 >= v34 )
-		  {
-		    sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[544], _this->pName, pClassNames[_this->classType]);
-            strcat(pTmpBuf, "\n \n");
-            strcat(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[528]);
-            v7 = pTmpBuf;
-            v86 = 3;
-            v84 = pTmpBuf;
-            v82 = v104;
-            v80 = 0;
-            v78 = 0;
-            v77 = &v101;
-            v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-            return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-          }
-          do
-          {
-            v35 = v30->GetControl(v33)->uControlParam - 36;
-            if ( byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[_this->classType][v35] && !_this->pActiveSkills[v35] )
-            {
-              v36 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pSkillNames[v35], &v101, 0, 0);
-              v106.y += v36;
-              v109 = (const char **)((char *)v109 + 1);
-            }
-            ++v33;
-          }
-          while ( (signed int)v33 < v30->pNumPresenceButton + v30->pStartingPosActiveItem );
-          if ( !v109 )
-          {
-            sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[544], _this->pName, pClassNames[_this->classType]);
-            strcat(pTmpBuf, "\n \n");
-            strcat(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[528]);
-            v7 = pTmpBuf;
-            v86 = 3;
-            v84 = pTmpBuf;
-            v82 = v104;
-            v80 = 0;
-            v78 = 0;
-            v77 = &v101;
-            v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-            return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-          }
-          sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[401], v108);
-          v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, 0, pTmpBuf, 3u);
-          v108 = (149 - v106.y) / (signed int)v109;
-          if ( (149 - v106.y) / (signed int)v109 > 32 )
-            v108 = 32;
-          result = (char *)v30->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-          v37 = (149 - (signed int)v109 * v108 - v106.y) / 2 - v108 / 2 + 162;
-          v106.y = (LONG)result;
-          v103 = v37;
-          if ( (signed int)result < (signed int)&result[v30->pNumPresenceButton] )
-          {
-            v109 = (const char **)2;
-            do
-            {
-              v38 = v30->GetControl(v106.y);
-              v39 = v38;
-              v40 = v38->uControlParam - 36;
-              if ( !byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[_this->classType][v40] || _this->pActiveSkills[v40] )
-              {
-                v39->uW = 0;
-                v39->uHeight = 0;
-                v39->uY = 0;
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                v41 = pSkillNames[v40];
-                v39->uY = v108 + v103;
-                Str = v41;
-                v42 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v41, &v101, 0, 0);
-                v43 = v39->uY;
-                v44 = v109;
-                v39->uHeight = v42;
-                v45 = v43 + v42 - 1;
-                v39->uW = v45;
-                v103 = v45;
-                v46 = v104;
-                if ( (const char **)pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v44 )
-                  v46 = v105;
-                v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v43, v46, Str, 3u);
-              }
-              v47 = v30->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-              ++v106.y;
-              result = (char *)(v30->pNumPresenceButton + v47);
-              v109 = (const char **)((char *)v109 + 1);
-            }
-            while ( v106.y < (signed int)result );
-          }
-        }
-		break;
-		}
-	case 95:
-		{
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, ShopTexture);
-		v3 = 0;
-		v109 = 0;
-		v108 = 0;
-		do
-		{
-		  //   if ( pParty->field_C59C[9 * (int)&v109[3 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C] + 724] )
-		  if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][(signed int)v109].uItemID)
-		  {
-			v52 = word_F8B158[(signed int)v109] + 30;
-			v53 = ItemsInShopTexture[(signed int)v109];
-			v54 = 60 - ((signed int)v53->uTextureWidth >> 1);
-			pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v54 + v108, word_F8B158[(signed int)v109] + 30, v53);
-			sub_40F92A(
-			  &pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v54 + v108 + 640 * v52],
-			  ItemsInShopTexture[(signed int)v109],
-			  (int)((char *)v109 + 1));
-		  }
-		  v109 = (const char **)((char *)v109 + 1);
-		  v108 += 70;
-		}
-		while ( (signed int)v109 < 6 );
-		result = (char *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			v55 = 0;
-			v106.x = 0;
-			do
-			{
-			// if ( pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v55 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 724] )
-			if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v55].uItemID)
-				++v106.x;
-			++v55;
-			}
-			while ( v55 < 6 );
-			v56 = GetAsyncKeyState(17);
-			v57 = _this->CanSteal();
-			Str = (char *)v57;
-			if ( v56 && v57 )
-			{
-			  v58 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[185];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			  v58 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[195];
-			  if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-				v58 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[196];
-			}
-			DrawTextAtStatusBar(v58, 0);
-			if ( v106.x )
-			{
-			  v59 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v91);
-			  result = (char *)(v59->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v89)->y]);
-			  if ( pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF )
-			  {
-				v60 = (pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF) - 1;
-				v106.x = v60;
-				v61 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-			  //  v62 = 9 * (v60 + 12 * v61);
-				v63 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(int)v61][v60];
-				if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-				  v63 = &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(int)v61][v60];//v63 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[v62 + 724];
-				if ( !v56 || !Str )
-				{
-				  v85 = 0;
-				  v83 = 2;
-				  v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-				  v79 = v63;
-				  v110 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-				  v64 = _this->_490EEE(v63, 1, v61, 2);
-				  v6 = v110;
-				  v5 = (char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[v64];
-				  v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-				  v86 = 3;
-				  v84 = v7;
-				  v82 = v105;
-				  v80 = v3;
-				  v78 = v3;
-				  v77 = &v101;
-	  			  v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-				  return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-				}
-				v5 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[181];
-				v85 = 0;
-				v83 = 2;
-				v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-				v79 = v63;
-				v6 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-				v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-				v86 = 3;
-				v84 = v7;
-				v82 = v105;
-				v80 = v3;
-				v78 = v3;
-				v77 = &v101;
-				v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-				return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-			  }
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			  v101.DrawCurrentTime( pParty->field_3C.field_50[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C]  - pParty->uTimePlayed);
-			  result =0; //added
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	case 2:
-		{
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, ShopTexture);
-		v3 = 0;
-		v48 = 0;
-		v108 = 0;
-		v109 = 0;
-		do
-		{
-		//  if ( pParty->field_777C[9 * (int)&v48[3 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C]] )
-		if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][(int)v48].uItemID);
-			{
-			v49 = word_F8B158[(signed int)v48];
-			v50 = ItemsInShopTexture[(signed int)v48];
-			v49 += 30;
-			v51 = 60 - ((signed int)v50->uTextureWidth >> 1);
-			pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v51 + v108, v49, v50);
-			sub_40F92A(
-				&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v51 + v108 + 640 * v49],
-				ItemsInShopTexture[(signed int)v109],
-				(int)((char *)v109 + 1));
-			v48 = v109;
-			}
-			v108 += 70;
-			v48 = (const char **)((char *)v48 + 1);
-			v109 = v48;
-		}
-		while ( (signed int)v48 < 6 );
-		  result = (char *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			v55 = 0;
-			v106.x = 0;
-			v106.x = 0;
-			do
-			{
-			if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v55].uItemID);//9 * (v55 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C)] )
-				++v106.x;
-			++v55;
-			}
-			while ( v55 < 6 );
-			v56 = GetAsyncKeyState(17);
-			v57 = _this->CanSteal();
-			Str = (char *)v57;
-			if ( v56 && v57 )
-			{
-				v58 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[185];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				v58 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[195];
-				if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-				v58 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[196];
-			}
-			DrawTextAtStatusBar(v58, 0);
-			if ( v106.x )
-			{
-				v59 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v91);
-				result = (char *)(v59->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v89)->y]);
-				if ( pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF )
-				{
-					v60 = (pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF) - 1;
-					v106.x = v60;
-					v61 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-					//  v62 = 9 * (v60 + 12 * v61);
-					v63 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(int)v61][v60];
-					if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-						v63 = &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(int)v61][v60];//v63 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[v62 + 724];
-					if ( !v56 || !Str )
-					{
-						v85 = 0;
-						v83 = 2;
-						v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-						v79 = v63;
-						v110 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-						v64 = _this->_490EEE(v63, 1, v61, 2);
-						v6 = v110;
-						v5 = (char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[v64];
-						v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-						v86 = 3;
-						v84 = v7;
-						v82 = v105;
-						v80 = v3;
-						v78 = v3;
-						v77 = &v101;
-	  					v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-						return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-					}
-					v5 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[181];
-					v85 = 0;
-					v83 = 2;
-					v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-					v79 = v63;
-					v6 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-					v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-					v86 = 3;
-					v84 = v7;
-					v82 = v105;
-					v80 = v3;
-					v78 = v3;
-					v77 = &v101;
-					v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-					return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				v101.DrawCurrentTime( pParty->field_3C.field_50[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C]  - pParty->uTimePlayed);
-				result =0; //added
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	case 3:
-		{
-        draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[199], 0);
-        result = (char *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-        if ( result )
-        {
-          v11 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v96)->x - 14;
-          v106.x = (v11 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v88)->y - 17) >> 5);
-          result = (char *)pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v94);
-          if ( *(int *)result > 13 )
-          {
-            result = (char *)pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v90);
-            if ( *(int *)result < 462 )
-            {
-              result = (char *)v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v106.x);
-              v3 = 0;
-              if ( result )
-              {
-                v85 = 0;
-                v83 = 3;
-                v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                v79 = (ItemGen *)&_this->spellbook.pDarkSpellbook.bIsSpellAvailable[36 * (int)result + 5];
-                v12 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                v110 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-                v13 = _this->_490EEE(v79, 1, v12, 3);
-                v6 = v110;
-                v5 = (char *)pMerchantsSellPhrases[v13];
-                v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-                v86 = 3;
-                v84 = v7;
-                v82 = v105;
-                v80 = v3;
-                v78 = v3;
-                v77 = &v101;
-				v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-                return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-		break;
-		}
-	case 4:
-		{
-		draw_leather();
-		CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-		DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[197], 0);
-		result = (char *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			v2 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x - 14;
-			v106.x = (v2 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v87)->y - 17) >> 5);
-			result = (char *)pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v100);
-			if ( *(int *)result > 13 )
-			{
-				result = (char *)pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v92);
-				if ( *(int *)result < 462 )
-				{
-					result = (char *)v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v106.x);
-					v3 = 0;
-					if ( result )
-					{
-						v85 = 0;
-						v83 = 4;
-						v4 = (ItemGen *)&_this->spellbook.pDarkSpellbook.bIsSpellAvailable[36 * (int)result + 5];
-						if (!v4->Identified())
-						{
-							v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-							v79 = v4;
-							v9 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-							v110 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-							v10 = _this->_490EEE(v4, 1, v9, 4);
-							v6 = v110;
-							v5 = (char *)pMerchantsIdentifyPhrases[v10];
-							v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-							v86 = 3;
-							v84 = v7;
-							v82 = v105;
-							v80 = v3;
-							v78 = v3;
-							v77 = &v101;
-							v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-							return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-						}
-						v81 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-						v5 = "%24";
-						v79 = v4;
-				//LABEL_13:
-						v6 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-				//LABEL_14:
-						v7 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v6, v79, (char *)v81, v83, v85);
-						v86 = 3;
-						v84 = v7;
-						v82 = v105;
-						v80 = v3;
-						v78 = v3;
-						v77 = &v101;
-				//LABEL_15:
-						v8 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v7, v77, v78, v80);
-						return v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v8) / 2 + 138, v82, v84, v86);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	case 1:
-		{
-		result = (char *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[134];
-			pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[152];
-			pShopOptions[2] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[159];
-			v14 = 0;
-			pShopOptions[3] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[160];
-			v15 = pShopOptions;
-			do
-			{
-				v16 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v15, &v101, 0, 0);
-				++v15;
-				v14 += v16;
-			}
-			while ( (signed int)v15 < (signed int)&unk_F8B1C8 );
-			v17 = pDialogueWindow;
-			v103 = (174 - v14) / 4;
-			result = (char *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-			v18 = (int)&result[pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton];
-			v19 = (174 - 4 * (174 - v14) / 4 - v14) / 2 - (174 - v14) / 4 / 2 + 138;
-			v20 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-			_this = (Player *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-			if ( v20 ^ __OFSUB__((int)result, v18) )
-			{
-				v108 = 2;
-				v109 = (const char **)pShopOptions;
-				do
-				{
-					v21 = v17->GetControl((unsigned int)_this);
-					v22 = v109;
-					v21->uY = v103 + v19;
-					v23 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v22, &v101, 0, 0);
-					v24 = v21->uY;
-					v25 = v108;
-					v21->uHeight = v23;
-					v19 = v24 + v23 - 1;
-					v21->uW = v19;
-					v26 = v104;
-					if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v25 )
-						v26 = v105;
-					v101.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v24, v26, *v109, 3u);
-					v17 = pDialogueWindow;
-					++v108;
-					++v109;
-					_this = (Player *)((char *)_this + 1);
-					result = (char *)(pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem);
-				}
-				while ( (signed int)_this < (signed int)result );
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-		{
-		if( dialog_menu_id > 5 )
-			result = (char *)(dialog_menu_id - 96);
-		else
-			result = (char *)(dialog_menu_id - 4);
-		break;
-		}
-  }
-  return result;
-//----- (004B9CC6) --------------------------------------------------------
-POINT *__cdecl AlchemistDialog()
-  Player *v0; // ebx@1
-  POINT *result; // eax@7
-  GUIWindow *v2; // edi@9
-  unsigned int v3; // ebx@9
-  void *v4; // eax@9
-  signed int v5; // esi@9
-  unsigned int v6; // esi@11
-  int v7; // eax@11
-  unsigned int v8; // eax@12
-  int v9; // eax@14
-  int v10; // ecx@19
-  GUIButton *v11; // eax@21
-  GUIButton *v12; // esi@21
-  int v13; // eax@21
-  char *v14; // eax@23
-  int v15; // eax@23
-  unsigned int v16; // ecx@23
-  int v17; // edx@23
-  int v18; // eax@23
-  unsigned __int16 v19; // ax@23
-  int v20; // eax@27
-  char *v21; // edx@29
-  int v22; // esi@30
-  char **v23; // edi@30
-  int v24; // eax@31
-  GUIWindow *v25; // ecx@32
-  int v26; // edx@32
-  int v27; // edi@32
-  unsigned __int8 v28; // sf@32
-  GUIButton *v29; // esi@34
-  const char **v30; // eax@34
-  int v31; // eax@34
-  unsigned int v32; // ecx@34
-  Player *v33; // edx@34
-  int v34; // eax@34
-  unsigned __int16 v35; // ax@34
-  signed int v36; // esi@39
-  ItemGen *v37; // eax@42
-  char *v38; // ecx@43
-  unsigned __int8 v39; // dl@44
-  int v40; // eax@46
-  int v41; // ST08_4@47
-  int v42; // eax@47
-  signed int v43; // esi@49
-  int v44; // ST08_4@52
-  int v45; // eax@52
-  Texture *v46; // ecx@55
-  unsigned int v47; // edi@55
-  unsigned int v48; // esi@57
-  int v49; // edx@61
-  Texture *v50; // ecx@67
-  unsigned int v51; // edi@67
-  unsigned int v52; // esi@69
-  int v53; // edx@73
-  Texture *v54; // ecx@79
-  unsigned int v55; // edi@79
-  unsigned int v56; // esi@81
-  int v57; // edx@85
-  Texture *v58; // ecx@91
-  unsigned int v59; // edi@91
-  unsigned int v60; // esi@93
-  int v61; // edx@97
-  signed int v62; // ecx@102
-  SHORT v63; // di@110
-  bool v64; // eax@110
-  const char *v65; // ecx@112
-  POINT *v66; // esi@117
-  int v67; // ecx@118
-  int v68; // eax@118
-  int v69; // ecx@118
-  ItemGen *v70; // esi@118
-  int v71; // eax@123
-  int v72; // edi@125
-  char **v73; // esi@125
-  int v74; // eax@126
-  GUIWindow *v75; // ecx@127
-  int v76; // edx@127
-  int v77; // edi@127
-  GUIButton *v78; // esi@129
-  const char **v79; // eax@129
-  int v80; // eax@129
-  unsigned int v81; // ecx@129
-  Player *v82; // edx@129
-  unsigned __int16 v83; // ax@129
-  GUIWindow *v84; // [sp-18h] [bp-F0h]@29
-  int v85; // [sp-14h] [bp-ECh]@29
-  int v86; // [sp-10h] [bp-E8h]@29
-  ItemGen *v87; // [sp-10h] [bp-E8h]@43
-  unsigned __int16 v88; // [sp-Ch] [bp-E4h]@29
-  void *v89; // [sp-Ch] [bp-E4h]@43
-  char *v90; // [sp-8h] [bp-E0h]@29
-  int v91; // [sp-8h] [bp-E0h]@42
-  unsigned int v92; // [sp-4h] [bp-DCh]@29
-  __int64 *v93; // [sp-4h] [bp-DCh]@42
-  POINT v94; // [sp+Ch] [bp-CCh]@39
-  POINT v95; // [sp+14h] [bp-C4h]@49
-  POINT v96; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-BCh]@117
-  POINT v97; // [sp+24h] [bp-B4h]@40
-  POINT v98; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-ACh]@117
-  POINT v99; // [sp+34h] [bp-A4h]@49
-  POINT v100; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-9Ch]@50
-  POINT v101; // [sp+44h] [bp-94h]@39
-  POINT v102; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-8Ch]@49
-  POINT a2; // [sp+54h] [bp-84h]@39
-  GUIWindow v104; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-7Ch]@1
-  int v105; // [sp+B0h] [bp-28h]@19
-  int v106; // [sp+B4h] [bp-24h]@1
-  char *Str; // [sp+B8h] [bp-20h]@23
-  int v108; // [sp+BCh] [bp-1Ch]@1
-  __int32 v109; // [sp+C0h] [bp-18h]@39
-  Player *_this; // [sp+C4h] [bp-14h]@1
-  const char **v111; // [sp+C8h] [bp-10h]@9
-  unsigned int v112; // [sp+CCh] [bp-Ch]@9
-  unsigned __int8 v113; // [sp+D3h] [bp-5h]@47
-  int v114; // [sp+D4h] [bp-4h]@11
-  v0 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-  _this = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-  memcpy(&v104, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(v104));
-  v104.uFrameX = 483;
-  v104.uFrameWidth = 148;
-  v104.uFrameZ = 334;
-  v108 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-  v106 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xE1u, 0xCDu, 0x23u);
-  switch(dialog_menu_id)
-  {
-	case 1:
-		{
-		result = (POINT *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-		  pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[134];
-		  pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[152];
-		  pShopOptions[2] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[159];
-		  v72 = 0;
-		  pShopOptions[3] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[160];
-		  v73 = pShopOptions;
-		  do
-		  {
-			v74 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v73, &v104, 0, 0);
-			++v73;
-			v72 += v74;
-		  }
-		  while ( (signed int)v73 < (signed int)&unk_F8B1C8 );
-		  v75 = pDialogueWindow;
-		  Str = (char *)((174 - v72) / 4);
-		  result = (POINT *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		  v76 = (int)((char *)result + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton);
-		  v77 = (174 - 4 * (174 - v72) / 4 - v72) / 2 - (174 - v72) / 4 / 2 + 138;
-		  v28 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-		  v112 = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-		  if ( v28 ^ __OFSUB__((int)result, v76) )
-		  {
-			_this = (Player *)2;
-			v111 = (const char **)pShopOptions;
-			do
-			{
-			  v78 = v75->GetControl(v112);
-			  v79 = v111;
-			  v78->uY = (unsigned int)&Str[v77];
-			  v80 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v79, &v104, 0, 0);
-			  v81 = v78->uY;
-			  v82 = _this;
-			  v78->uHeight = v80;
-			  v77 = v81 + v80 - 1;
-			  v78->uW = v77;
-			  v83 = v106;
-			  if ( (Player *)pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v82 )
-				v83 = v108;
-			  v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v81, v83, *v111, 3u);
-			  v75 = pDialogueWindow;
-			  _this = (Player *)((char *)_this + 1);
-			  ++v111;
-			  ++v112;
-			  result = (POINT *)(pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem);
-			}
-			while ( (signed int)v112 < (signed int)result );
-		  }
-		}
-		return result;
-		}
-	case 3:
-		{
-        draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[199], 0);
-        result = (POINT *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-        if ( !result
-          || (v43 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v99)->x - 14,
-              v109 = (v43 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v95)->y - 17) >> 5),
-              result = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v102),
-              result->x <= 13)
-          || (result = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v100), result->x >= 462)
-          || (result = (POINT *)v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v109), v3 = 0, !result) )
-          return result;
-        v93 = 0;
-        v91 = 3;
-        v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-        v87 = (ItemGen *)&_this->spellbook.pDarkSpellbook.bIsSpellAvailable[36 * (int)result + 5];
-        v44 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-        v113 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-        v45 = _this->_490EEE(v87, 4, v44, 3);
-        v39 = v113;
-        v38 = (char *)pMerchantsSellPhrases[v45];
-        v21 = BuilDialogueString(v38, v39, v87, (char *)v89, v91, v93);
-        v92 = 3;
-        v90 = v21;
-        v88 = v108;
-        v86 = v3;
-        v85 = v3;
-        v84 = &v104;
-        v40 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v21, v84, v85, v86);
-        return (POINT *)v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v40) / 2 + 138, v88, v90, v92);
-		}
-	case 4:
-		{
-		draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[197], 0);
-        result = (POINT *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-        if ( !result
-          || (v36 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x - 14,
-              v109 = (v36 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v94)->y - 17) >> 5),
-              result = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v101),
-              result->x <= 13)
-          || (result = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v97), result->x >= 462)
-          || (result = (POINT *)v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v109), v3 = 0, !result) )
-          return result;
-        v93 = 0;
-        v91 = 4;
-        v37 = (ItemGen *)&_this->spellbook.pDarkSpellbook.bIsSpellAvailable[36 * (int)result + 5];
-        if (!v37->Identified())
-        {
-          v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-          v87 = v37;
-          v41 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-          v113 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-          v42 = _this->_490EEE(v37, 4, v41, 4);
-          v39 = v113;
-          v38 = (char *)pMerchantsIdentifyPhrases[v42];
-        }
-		else
-		{
-			v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-			v38 = "%24";
-			v87 = v37;
-	        v39 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-		}
-        v21 = BuilDialogueString(v38, v39, v87, (char *)v89, v91, v93);
-        v92 = 3;
-        v90 = v21;
-        v88 = v108;
-        v86 = v3;
-        v85 = v3;
-        v84 = &v104;
-        v40 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v21, v84, v85, v86);
-        return (POINT *)v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v40) / 2 + 138, v88, v90, v92);
-		}
-	case 94:
-		{
-		draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[200];
-        pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[113];
-        v22 = 0;
-        v23 = pShopOptions;
-        do
-        {
-          v24 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v23, &v104, 0, 0);
-          ++v23;
-          v22 += v24;
-        }
-        while ( (signed int)v23 < (signed int)&pShopOptions[2] );
-        Str = (char *)((174 - v22) / 2);
-        v25 = pDialogueWindow;
-        result = (POINT *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-        v26 = (int)((char *)result + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton);
-        v27 = (2 * (87 - (174 - v22) / 2) - v22) / 2 - (174 - v22) / 2 / 2 + 138;
-        v28 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-        v112 = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-        if ( v28 ^ __OFSUB__((int)result, v26) )
-        {
-          _this = (Player *)2;
-          v111 = (const char **)pShopOptions;
-          do
-          {
-            v29 = v25->GetControl(v112);
-            v30 = v111;
-            v29->uY = (unsigned int)&Str[v27];
-            v31 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v30, &v104, 0, 0);
-            v32 = v29->uY;
-            v33 = _this;
-            v29->uHeight = v31;
-            v34 = v31 + v32 - 1;
-            v29->uW = v34;
-            v27 = v34;
-            v35 = v106;
-            if ( (Player *)pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v33 )
-              v35 = v108;
-            v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v32, v35, *v111, 3u);
-            v25 = pDialogueWindow;
-            _this = (Player *)((char *)_this + 1);
-            ++v111;
-            ++v112;
-            result = (POINT *)(pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem);
-          }
-          while ( (signed int)v112 < (signed int)result );
-        }
-        return result;
-		}
-	case 2:
-		{
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, ShopTexture);
-		v3 = 0;
-		v114 = 0;
-		do
-		{
-			// if ( pParty->field_777C[9 * (v114 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C)] )
-			if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v114].uItemID);
-			{
-				v46 = ItemsInShopTexture[v114];
-				v47 = 152 - v46->uTextureHeight;
-				if ( (signed int)v47 < 1 )
-					v47 = 0;
-				v48 = 75 * v114 - v46->uTextureWidth / 2 + 40;
-				if ( v114 )
-				{
-					if ( v114 == 5 )
-					{
-						v49 = ItemsInShopTexture[5]->uTextureWidth;
-						if ( (signed int)v48 > 457 - v49 )
-						v48 = 457 - v49;
-					}
-				}
-				else if ( (signed int)v48 < 18 )
-					v48 = 18;
-				pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v48, v47, v46);
-				sub_40F92A(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v48 + 640 * v47], ItemsInShopTexture[v114], v114 + 1);
-	        }
-			++v114;
-		}
-		while ( v114 < 6 );
-		v114 = 0;
-		do
-		{
-			//  if ( pParty->field_777C[9 * (v114 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 54] )
-			if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v114+1].uItemID);
-			{
-			  v50 = ItemsInShopTexture[v114 + 6];
-			  v51 = 308 - v50->uTextureHeight;
-			  if ( (signed int)v51 < 1 )
-				v51 = 0;
-			  v52 = 75 * v114 - v50->uTextureWidth / 2 + 40;
-			  if ( v114 )
-			  {
-				if ( v114 == 5 )
-				{
-				  v53 = ItemsInShopTexture[11]->uTextureWidth;
-				  if ( (signed int)v52 > 457 - v53 )
-					v52 = 457 - v53;
-				}
-			  }
-			  else
-			  {
-				if ( (signed int)v52 < 18 )
-				  v52 = 18;
-			  }
-			  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v52, v51, v50);
-			  sub_40F92A(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v52 + 640 * v51], ItemsInShopTexture[v114 + 6], v114 + 7);
-			}
-			++v114;
-		}
-		while ( v114 < 6 );
-		result = (POINT *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			v62 = 0;
-			v109 = 0;
-			do
-			{
-			 // if ( pParty->field_777C[9 * (v62 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C)] )
-				if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v62].uItemID);
-					++v109;
-				++v62;
-			}
-			while ( v62 < 12 );
-			v63 = GetAsyncKeyState(17);
-			v64 = _this->CanSteal();
-			Str = (char *)v64;
-			if ( v63 && v64 )
-			{
-				v65 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[185];
-			}
-			else if ( dialog_menu_id == 2 )
-			{
-				v65 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[195];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				v65 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[196];
-			}
-			DrawTextAtStatusBar(v65, 0);
-			if ( !v109 )
-			{
-				v104.DrawCurrentTime( pParty->field_3C.field_50[ (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C] - pParty->uTimePlayed);
-				return 0;
-			}
-			v66 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v98);
-			result = (POINT *)(v66->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v96)->y]);
-			if ( pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF )
-			{
-				v67 = (pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF) - 1;
-				v109 = v67;
-				v68 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-				//  v69 = 9 * (v67 + 12 * v68);
-				v70 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->StandartItemsInShops[v68][v67];
-				if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-					v70 = &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(int)v68][v67];//v70 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[v69 + 724];
-				if ( !v63 || !Str )
-				{
-					v93 = 0;
-					v91 = 2;
-					v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-					v87 = v70;
-					v113 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-					v71 = _this->_490EEE(v70, 4, v68, 2);
-					v39 = v113;
-					v38 = (char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[v71];
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					v38 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[181];
-					v93 = 0;
-					v91 = 2;
-					v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-					v87 = v70;
-					v39 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-				}
-				v21 = BuilDialogueString(v38, v39, v87, (char *)v89, v91, v93);
-				v92 = 3;
-				v90 = v21;
-				v88 = v108;
-				v86 = v3;
-				v85 = v3;
-				v84 = &v104;
-				v40 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v21, v84, v85, v86);
-				return (POINT *)v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v40) / 2 + 138, v88, v90, v92);
-			}
-		}
-		return result;
-		}
-	case 95:
-		{
-		pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, ShopTexture);
-		v3 = 0;
-		v114 = 0;
-		do
-		{
-			//if ( pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v114 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 724] )
-			if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v114].uItemID)
-			{
-			  v54 = ItemsInShopTexture[v114];
-			  v55 = 152 - v54->uTextureHeight;
-			  if ( (signed int)v55 < 1 )
-				v55 = 0;
-			  v56 = 75 * v114 - v54->uTextureWidth / 2 + 40;
-			  if ( v114 )
-			  {
-				if ( v114 == 5 )
-				{
-				  v57 = ItemsInShopTexture[5]->uTextureWidth;
-				  if ( (signed int)v56 > 457 - v57 )
-					v56 = 457 - v57;
-				}
-			  }
-			  else
-			  {
-				if ( (signed int)v56 < 18 )
-				  v56 = 18;
-			  }
-			  pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v56, v55, v54);
-			  sub_40F92A(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v56 + 640 * v55], ItemsInShopTexture[v114], v114 + 1);
-			}
-			++v114;
-		}
-		while ( v114 < 6 );
-		v114 = 0;
-		do
-		{
-		// if ( pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v114 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 778] )   //weak 
-			if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][(signed int)v114].uItemID) //not itemid
-			{
-				v58 = ItemsInShopTexture[v114 + 6];
-				v59 = 308 - v58->uTextureHeight;
-				if ( (signed int)v59 < 1 )
-				v59 = 0;
-				v60 = 75 * v114 - v58->uTextureWidth / 2 + 40;
-				if ( v114 )
-				{
-					if ( v114 == 5 )
-					{
-						v61 = ItemsInShopTexture[11]->uTextureWidth;
-						if ( (signed int)v60 > 457 - v61 )
-						v60 = 457 - v61;
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if ( (signed int)v60 < 18 )
-						v60 = 18;
-				}
-				pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v60, v59, v58);
-				sub_40F92A(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v60 + 640 * v59], ItemsInShopTexture[v114 + 6], v114 + 7);
-			}
-			++v114;
-		}
-		while ( v114 < 6 );
-		result = (POINT *)sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			v62 = 0;
-			v109 = 0;
-			do
-			{
-				//if ( pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v62 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 724] )
-				if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C][v62].uItemID)
-					++v109;
-				++v62;
-			}
-			while ( v62 < 12 );
-				v63 = GetAsyncKeyState(17);
-			v64 = _this->CanSteal();
-			Str = (char *)v64;
-			if ( v63 && v64 )
-			{
-				v65 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[185];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				v65 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[195];
-				if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-					v65 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[196];
-			}
-			DrawTextAtStatusBar(v65, 0);
-			if ( !v109 )
-			{
-				v104.DrawCurrentTime( pParty->field_3C.field_50[ (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C] - pParty->uTimePlayed);
-				return 0;
-			}
-			v66 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v98);
-			result = (POINT *)(v66->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v96)->y]);
-			if ( pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF )
-			{
-				v67 = (pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[(int)result] & 0xFFFF) - 1;
-				v109 = v67;
-				v68 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-				//  v69 = 9 * (v67 + 12 * v68);
-				v70 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->StandartItemsInShops[v68][v67];
-				if ( dialog_menu_id != 2 )
-					v70 = &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[(int)v68][v67];//v70 = (ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[v69 + 724];
-				if ( !v63 || !Str )
-				{
-					v93 = 0;
-					v91 = 2;
-					v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-					v87 = v70;
-					v113 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-					v71 = _this->_490EEE(v70, 4, v68, 2);
-					v39 = v113;
-					v38 = (char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[v71];
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					v38 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[181];
-					v93 = 0;
-					v91 = 2;
-					v89 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-					v87 = v70;
-					v39 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-				}
-				v21 = BuilDialogueString(v38, v39, v87, (char *)v89, v91, v93);
-				v92 = 3;
-				v90 = v21;
-				v88 = v108;
-				v86 = v3;
-				v85 = v3;
-				v84 = &v104;
-				v40 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v21, v84, v85, v86);
-				return (POINT *)v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v40) / 2 + 138, v88, v90, v92);
-			}
-		}
-		return result;
-		}
-	case 96:
-		{
-        if (!sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win())
-          return 0;
-        v2 = pDialogueWindow;
-        v3 = 0;
-        v4 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-        v112 = 0;
-        //v5 = (signed __int64)(*(float *)&p2DEvents_minus1__24[13 * (signed int)v4] * 500.0);
-        v5 = (signed __int64)(p2DEvents[(signed int)v4 - 1].flt_24 * 500.0);
-        v111 = (const char **)(v5 * (100 - _this->GetMerchant()) / 100);
-        if ( (signed int)v111 < v5 / 3 )
-          v111 = (const char **)(v5 / 3);
-        v6 = v2->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-        v7 = v6 + v2->pNumPresenceButton;
-        v114 = 0;
-        if ( (signed int)v6 < v7 )
-        {
-          do
-          {
-            v8 = v2->GetControl(v6)->uControlParam - 36;
-            if ( byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[_this->classType][v8] && !_this->pActiveSkills[v8] )
-            {
-              v9 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pSkillNames[v8], &v104, 0, 0);
-              v112 += v9;
-              ++v114;
-            }
-            ++v6;
-          }
-          while ( (signed int)v6 < v2->pNumPresenceButton + v2->pStartingPosActiveItem );
-          if ( v114 )
-          {
-            sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[401], v111);
-            v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, 0, pTmpBuf, 3u);
-            v111 = (const char **)((signed int)(149 - v112) / v114);
-            if ( (signed int)(149 - v112) / v114 > 32 )
-              v111 = (const char **)32;
-            result = (POINT *)v2->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-            v10 = (signed int)(149 - v114 * (int)v111 - v112) / 2 - (signed int)v111 / 2 + 162;
-            v112 = (unsigned int)result;
-            v105 = v10;
-            if ( (signed int)result < (signed int)((char *)result + v2->pNumPresenceButton) )
-            {
-              v114 = 2;
-              do
-              {
-                v11 = v2->GetControl(v112);
-                v12 = v11;
-                v13 = v11->uControlParam - 36;
-                if ( !byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[_this->classType][v13] || _this->pActiveSkills[v13] )
-                {
-                  v12->uW = 0;
-                  v12->uHeight = 0;
-                  v12->uY = 0;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  v14 = pSkillNames[v13];
-                  v12->uY = (unsigned int)((char *)v111 + v105);
-                  Str = v14;
-                  v15 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v14, &v104, 0, 0);
-                  v16 = v12->uY;
-                  v17 = v114;
-                  v12->uHeight = v15;
-                  v18 = v16 + v15 - 1;
-                  v12->uW = v18;
-                  v105 = v18;
-                  v19 = v106;
-                  if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v17 )
-                    v19 = v108;
-                  v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v16, v19, Str, 3u);
-                }
-                v20 = v2->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-                ++v112;
-                result = (POINT *)(v2->pNumPresenceButton + v20);
-                ++v114;
-              }
-              while ( (signed int)v112 < (signed int)result );
-            }
-            return result;
-          }
-        }
-        sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[544], _this->pName, pClassNames[_this->classType]);
-        strcat(pTmpBuf, "\n \n");
-        strcat(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[528]);
-        v21 = pTmpBuf;
-        v92 = 3;
-        v90 = pTmpBuf;
-        v88 = v106;
-        v86 = 0;
-        v85 = 0;
-        v84 = &v104;
-        v40 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v21, v84, v85, v86);
-        return (POINT *)v104.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, v3, (174 - v40) / 2 + 138, v88, v90, v92);
-		}
-	default:
-		{
-			return (POINT *)dialog_menu_id - 96;
-		}
-  }
-//----- (004BA928) --------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl ArmorShopDialog()
-    {
-    Player *v0; // ebx@1
-    signed int v1; // esi@8
-    unsigned int v2; // eax@10
-    ItemGen *v3; // eax@11
-    unsigned __int8 v4; // dl@12
-    char *v5; // ecx@12
-    char *v6; // eax@13
-    int v7; // ST08_4@15
-    int v8; // eax@15
-    signed int v9; // esi@17
-    unsigned int v10; // eax@19
-    char *v11; // edi@19
-    int v12; // ST08_4@20
-    int v13; // eax@20
-    unsigned __int8 v14; // dl@20
-    char *v15; // ecx@20
-    char **v16; // edi@22
-    int all_text_height; // ebx@22
-    char **v18; // esi@22
-    int v19; // eax@23
-    GUIWindow *v20; // ecx@24
-    int v21; // eax@24
-    int v22; // edx@24
-    int v23; // ebx@24
-    unsigned __int8 v24; // sf@24
-    GUIButton *control_button; // eax@26
-    GUIButton *v26; // esi@26
-    int v27; // eax@26
-    unsigned int v28; // ecx@26
-    int v29; // edx@26
-    signed int v31; // esi@31
-    unsigned int v32; // eax@33
-    int v33; // eax@34
-    int v34; // ST08_4@35
-    int v35; // eax@35
-    char *v36; // edx@36
-    GUIWindow *v37; // edi@42
-    signed int v38; // esi@42
-    unsigned int v39; // esi@44
-    int v40; // eax@44
-    unsigned int v41; // eax@45
-    int v42; // eax@47
-    int v43; // ecx@52
-    GUIButton *v44; // eax@54
-    GUIButton *v45; // esi@54
-    int v46; // eax@54
-    char *v47; // eax@56
-    int v48; // eax@56
-    unsigned int v49; // ecx@56
-    int v50; // edx@56
-    int v51; // eax@56
-    unsigned __int16 v52; // ax@56
-    int v53; // eax@60
-    int textureH; // eax@60
-    signed int textureW; // ebx@65
-    Texture *v56; // eax@67
-    unsigned int v57; // edi@68
-    Texture *v58; // ST1C_4@68
-    int v59; // eax@68
-    int v60; // edi@69
-    signed int v61; // ebx@73
-    Texture *v62; // eax@75
-    int v63; // edi@76
-    Texture *v64; // ST1C_4@76
-    unsigned int v65; // ST18_4@76
-    int v66; // eax@76
-    int v67; // edi@77
-    signed int v68; // ecx@81
-    SHORT v69; // bx@89
-    bool v70; // eax@89
-    const char *v71; // ecx@91
-    void *v72; // eax@95
-    POINT *v73; // esi@97
-    int v74; // ecx@97
-    int v75; // eax@98
-    int v76; // ecx@98
-    ItemGen *selected_item; // ecx@99
-    unsigned __int8 v78; // bl@104
-    char **v79; // edi@105
-    int v80; // ebx@105
-    char **v81; // esi@105
-    int v82; // eax@106
-    GUIWindow *v83; // ecx@107
-    int v84; // eax@107
-    int v85; // edx@107
-    int v86; // ebx@107
-    GUIButton *v87; // eax@109
-    GUIButton *v88; // esi@109
-    int v89; // eax@109
-    unsigned int v90; // ecx@109
-    int v91; // edx@109
-    unsigned __int16 v92; // ax@109
-    signed int v93; // edx@114
-    POINT *v94; // edi@120
-    __int32 v95; // ecx@120
-    void *v96; // ST14_4@122
-    unsigned __int8 v97; // bl@122
-    ItemGen *v98; // ST10_4@122
-    int v99; // eax@122
-    char *v100; // eax@122
-    const char *v101; // ST18_4@122
-    unsigned __int16 v102; // ST14_2@122
-    int v103; // eax@122
-    signed int v104; // edi@123
-    Texture *v105; // eax@125
-    int v106; // ebx@126
-    Texture *v107; // ST1C_4@126
-    unsigned int v108; // ST18_4@126
-    int v109; // eax@126
-    int v110; // ebx@127
-    GUIWindow *v111; // [sp-18h] [bp-11Ch]@36
-    unsigned int v112; // [sp-14h] [bp-118h]@13
-    int v113; // [sp-14h] [bp-118h]@36
-    ItemGen *v114; // [sp-10h] [bp-114h]@12
-    unsigned int v115; // [sp-10h] [bp-114h]@13
-    ItemGen *v116; // [sp-10h] [bp-114h]@20
-    int v117; // [sp-10h] [bp-114h]@36
-    void *v118; // [sp-Ch] [bp-110h]@12
-    unsigned __int16 v119; // [sp-Ch] [bp-110h]@13
-    void *v120; // [sp-Ch] [bp-110h]@20
-    char *v121; // [sp-8h] [bp-10Ch]@13
-    int v122; // [sp-8h] [bp-10Ch]@20
-    unsigned int v123; // [sp-4h] [bp-108h]@13
-    __int64 *v124; // [sp-4h] [bp-108h]@20
-    int v125; // [sp-4h] [bp-108h]@68
-    int v126; // [sp-4h] [bp-108h]@76
-    int v127; // [sp-4h] [bp-108h]@126
-    POINT v128; // [sp+Ch] [bp-F8h]@8
-    POINT v129; // [sp+14h] [bp-F0h]@18
-    char v130; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-E8h]@120
-    POINT a2; // [sp+24h] [bp-E0h]@8
-    POINT v132; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-D8h]@120
-    POINT v133; // [sp+34h] [bp-D0h]@17
-    POINT v134; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-C8h]@97
-    POINT v135; // [sp+44h] [bp-C0h]@31
-    POINT v136; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-B8h]@97
-    POINT v137; // [sp+54h] [bp-B0h]@17
-    POINT v138; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-A8h]@32
-    POINT v139; // [sp+64h] [bp-A0h]@17
-    POINT v140; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-98h]@31
-    POINT v141; // [sp+74h] [bp-90h]@8
-    POINT v142; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-88h]@31
-    POINT v143; // [sp+84h] [bp-80h]@9
-    GUIWindow dialog_window; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-78h]@1
-    char *Str; // [sp+E0h] [bp-24h]@56
-    int v146; // [sp+E4h] [bp-20h]@24
-    int hilight_color; // [sp+E8h] [bp-1Ch]@1
-    int m_text_color; // [sp+ECh] [bp-18h]@1
-    __int32 v149; // [sp+F0h] [bp-14h]@8
-    Player* _this; // [sp+F4h] [bp-10h]@1
-    unsigned __int8 uPlayerID; // [sp+FBh] [bp-9h]@15
-    int v152; // [sp+FCh] [bp-8h]@24
-    int v153; // [sp+100h] [bp-4h]@44
-    int th;
-    short text_color;
-    v0 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-    _this = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
-    memcpy(&dialog_window, window_SpeakInHouse, sizeof(dialog_window));
-    dialog_window.uFrameX = 483;
-    dialog_window.uFrameWidth = 148;
-    dialog_window.uFrameZ = 334;
-    m_text_color = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-    hilight_color = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xE1u, 0xCDu, 0x23u);
-    switch (dialog_menu_id)
-        {
-    case 1:  //main shop text
-        {
-        if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-            return;
-        pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[134]; //"Buy Standard"
-        pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[152]; //"Buy Special"
-        pShopOptions[2] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[159]; //"Display Inventory"
-        pShopOptions[3] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[160];
-        all_text_height = 0;
-        for(int i=0;i<4;++i)
-            all_text_height += pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pShopOptions[i], &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-        v146 = (174 - all_text_height) / 4;
-        v23 = (174 - 4 * (174 - all_text_height) / 4 - all_text_height) / 2 - (174 - all_text_height) / 4 / 2 + 138;
-        int j=0;
-        if ( pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton>=0 )
-            {
-            th = 2;
-            for (v152 = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem; v152 < pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;  ++v152)
-                {
-                control_button = pDialogueWindow->GetControl(v152);
-                control_button->uY = v146 + v23;
-                v27 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pShopOptions[j], &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-                control_button->uHeight = v27;
-                v23 = control_button->uY + control_button->uHeight - 1;
-                control_button->uW = v23;
-                text_color = hilight_color;
-                if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != th )
-                    text_color = m_text_color;
-                dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, control_button->uY, text_color, pShopOptions[j], 3);
-                ++th;               
-                ++j;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-    case 2: //buy standart
-        {
-        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 8, ShopTexture);
-        textureW = 0;
-        v153 = 0;
-        for(int i=0; i<8; ++i)
-            {
-            if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][i].uItemID);
-                {
-                textureW = ItemsInShopTexture[i]->uTextureWidth;
-                textureH = ItemsInShopTexture[i]->uTextureHeight;
-                if ( i >= 4 )  //low row
-                    {
-                    v60 = 90 - (textureW/2);
-                    pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v60 + v153 - 420, 126, ItemsInShopTexture[i]);
-                    v59 = v60 + v153 + 80220;
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    v57 = 98 -  textureH;
-                    v152 = 86 - (textureW/2);
-                    pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v153 + v152, v57, ItemsInShopTexture[i]);
-                    v59 = v153 + v152 + 640 * v57;
-                    }
-                ZBuffer_DoFill(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v59], ItemsInShopTexture[i], i+1);
-                }
-                v153 += 105;
-            }
-        if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-            return;
-        v149 = 0;
-        for(int i=0; i<8; ++i)
-            {
-            if ( pParty->StandartItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][i].uItemID);
-            ++v149;
-            }
-        v69 = GetAsyncKeyState(17);
-        v70 = _this->CanSteal();
-        //Str = (char *)v70;
-        if ( v69 == 0 || v70 == 0 )
-            {
-            v71 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[195]; //"Select the Item to Buy"
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            v71 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[185];//"Steal item"
-            }
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(v71, 0);
-        if ( v149 != 0 )
-            {
-            v73 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v136);
-            v74 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v73->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v134)->y]] & 0xFFFF;
-            if ( !v74 )
-                return;
-            v149 = v74 - 1;
-            selected_item = &pParty->StandartItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][v74-1];
-            if ( v69 ==0 || v70 == 0)
-                {
-                v120 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                v15 = (char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[_this->_490EEE(selected_item, 2, window_SpeakInHouse->par1C, 2)];
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                v120 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                v15 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[181]; //"Steal %24"
-                }
-            v36 = BuilDialogueString(v15, uActiveCharacter - 1, selected_item, (char *)v120, 2, 0);
-            v115 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v36, &dialog_window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-            dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v115, m_text_color, v36, 3);
-            return;
-            }
-        dialog_window.DrawCurrentTime( pParty->field_3C.field_50[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C]- pParty->uTimePlayed);
-        return;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 3:  //sell
-        {
-        draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[199], 0);//"Select the Item to Sell"
-        if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win())
-            return;
-            if((v9 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v139)->x - 14,
-            v149 = (v9 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v133)->y - 17) >> 5),
-            pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v137)->x <= 13)
-            || pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v129)->x >= 462
-            || (v10 = v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v149), v11 = 0, !v10) )
-            return;
-        v116 = (ItemGen *)&v0->pInventoryItems[v10-1];
-        v13 = v0->_490EEE(v116, 2, window_SpeakInHouse->par1C, 3);
-        v15 = (char *)pMerchantsSellPhrases[v0->_490EEE(v116, 2, window_SpeakInHouse->par1C, 3)];
-        v36 = BuilDialogueString(v15, uActiveCharacter - 1, v116, (char *) window_SpeakInHouse->par1C, 3, 0);
-        v115 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v36, &dialog_window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-        dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v115, m_text_color, v36, 3);
-        return;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 4: //identify
-        {
-        draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[197], 0); //"Select the Item to Identify"	
-        if ( sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-            {
-            v1 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&a2)->x - 14;
-            v149 = (v1 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v128)->y - 17) >> 5);
-            if ( pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v141)->x > 13 )
-                {
-                if ( pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v143)->x < 462 )
-                    {
-                    v2 = v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v149);
-                    if ( v2 )
-                        {
-                        v3 = (ItemGen *)&v0->pInventoryItems[v2-1];
-                        if (v3->Identified())
-                            {
-                            v118 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                            v4 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-                            v5 = "%24";
-                            v114 = v3;
-                            }
-                        else
-                            {
-                            v118 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                            v114 = v3;
-                            v7 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                            uPlayerID = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-                            v8 = v0->_490EEE(v3, 2, v7, 4);
-                            v4 = uPlayerID;
-                            v5 = (char *)pMerchantsIdentifyPhrases[v8];
-                            }
-                        v6 = BuilDialogueString(v5, v4, v114, (char *)v118, 4, 0);
-                        v115 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v6, &dialog_window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-                        dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v115, m_text_color, v6, 3);
-                        return;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-    case 5:  //repair
-        {
-        draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[198], 0);
-        if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win())
-            return;
-          if( (v31 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v135)->x - 14,
-            v149 = (v31 >> 5) + 14 * ((pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v142)->y - 17) >> 5),
-            pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v140)->x <= 13)
-            || pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v138)->x >= 462
-            || (v32 = v0->GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex((int *)&v149), v11 = 0, !v32)
-            || (v33 = 9 * v32, !(v0->field_1F5[4 * v33 + 15] & 2)) )
-            return;
-        v120 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-        v116 = (ItemGen *)&v0->spellbook.pDarkSpellbook.bIsSpellAvailable[4 * v33 + 5];
-        v34 = (int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-        uPlayerID = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-        v35 = v0->_490EEE((ItemGen *)&v0->spellbook.pDarkSpellbook.bIsSpellAvailable[4 * v33 + 5], 2, v34, 5);
-        v14 = uPlayerID;
-        v15 = (char *)pMerchantsRepairPhrases[v35];
-        v36 = BuilDialogueString(v15, v14, v116, (char *)v120, 5, 0);
-        v115 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v36, &dialog_window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-        dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v115, m_text_color, v36, 3);
-        return;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 6: //buy standart
-        {
-        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, ShopTexture);
-        DrawTextAtStatusBar(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[195], 0); //"Select the Item to Buy"
-        if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-            return;
-        v149 = 0;
-        for(int i=0;i<6;++i)
-            if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][i].uItemID)
-                ++v149;
-        if ( v149 )
-            {
-            v94 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v132);
-            v149 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v94->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos((POINT *)&v130)->y]];
-            v95 = v149;
-            if ( v149 && v149 != -65536 )
-                {
-                --v149;
-                v97 = uActiveCharacter - 1;
-                v99 = _this->_490EEE(
-                    &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][v95-1], 2,	window_SpeakInHouse->par1C,	2);
-                v100 = BuilDialogueString((char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[v99], uActiveCharacter - 1, v98, (char *)window_SpeakInHouse->par1C, 2, 0);
-                v103 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v100, &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-                dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, (174 - v103) / 2 + 138, m_text_color, v100, 3);
-                }
-            v104 = 0;
-            v153 = 0;
-            do
-                {
-                //if ( pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v104 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 724] )
-                if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][v104].uItemID)
-                    {
-                    v105 = ItemsInShopTexture[v104];
-                    if ( v104 >= 4 )
-                        {
-                        v110 = 90 - ((signed int)v105->uTextureWidth >> 1);
-                        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v153 + v110 - 420, 0x7Eu, ItemsInShopTexture[v104]);
-                        v127 = v104 + 1;
-                        v109 = v153 + v110 + 80220;
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        v106 = 98 - v105->uTextureHeight;
-                        v107 = ItemsInShopTexture[v104];
-                        v108 = 98 - v105->uTextureHeight;
-                        v152 = 86 - ((signed int)v105->uTextureWidth >> 1);
-                        pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v152 + v153, v108, v107);
-                        v127 = v104 + 1;
-                        v109 = v152 + v153 + 640 * v106;
-                        }
-                    ZBuffer_DoFill(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v109], ItemsInShopTexture[v104], v127);
-                    }
-                v153 += 105;
-                ++v104;
-                }
-                while ( v104 < 8 );
-                return;
-            }
-        dialog_window.DrawCurrentTime(pParty->field_3C.field_50[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C]-  pParty->uTimePlayed);
-        return;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 94: //character inventory
-        {
-        draw_leather();
-        CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(uActiveCharacter, 1);
-        v79 = pShopOptions;
-        pShopOptions[0] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[200]; //"Sell"
-        pShopOptions[1] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[113]; //"Identify"
-        pShopOptions[2] = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[179]; //"Repair"
-        all_text_height = 0;
-        for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
-            all_text_height += pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pShopOptions[i], &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-        v83 = pDialogueWindow;
-        v152 = (174 - all_text_height) / 3;
-        v84 = pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-        v85 = v84 + pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton;
-        v86 = (3 * (58 - v152) - all_text_height) / 2 - v152 / 2 + 138;
-        v24 = -pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton < 0;
-        _this = (Player *)pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-        if ( v24 ^ __OFSUB__(v84, v85) )
-            {
-            v153 = 2;
-            do
-                {
-                v87 = v83->GetControl((unsigned int)_this);
-                v88 = v87;
-                v87->uY = v152 + v86;
-                v89 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(*v79, &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-                v90 = v88->uY;
-                v91 = v153;
-                v88->uHeight = v89;
-                v86 = v90 + v89 - 1;
-                v88->uW = v86;
-                v92 = hilight_color;
-                if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v91 )
-                    v92 = m_text_color;
-                dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v90, v92, *v79, 3u);
-                v83 = pDialogueWindow;
-                ++v153;
-                ++v79;
-                _this = (Player *)((char *)_this + 1);
-                }
-                while ( (signed int)_this < pDialogueWindow->pNumPresenceButton + pDialogueWindow->pStartingPosActiveItem );
-            }
-        return;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 95:  //buy spesial
-        {
-        pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 8, ShopTexture);
-        v11 = 0;
-        v61 = 0;
-        v153 = 0;
-        do
-            {
-            if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][v61].uItemID)
-                {
-                v62 = ItemsInShopTexture[v61];
-                if ( v61 >= 4 )
-                    {
-                    v67 = 90 - ((signed int)v62->uTextureWidth >> 1);
-                    pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v153 + v67 - 420, 0x7Eu, ItemsInShopTexture[v61]);
-                    v66 = v153 + v67 + 80220;
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    v63 = 98 - v62->uTextureHeight;
-                    v64 = ItemsInShopTexture[v61];
-                    v65 = 98 - v62->uTextureHeight;
-                    v152 = 86 - ((signed int)v62->uTextureWidth >> 1);
-                    pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(v152 + v153, v65, v64);
-                    v66 = v152 + v153 + 640 * v63;
-                    }
-                ZBuffer_DoFill(&pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v66], ItemsInShopTexture[v61], v61 + 1);
-                }
-            v153 += 105;
-            ++v61;
-            }
-            while ( v61 < 8 );
-            if ( !sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-                return;
-            v68 = 0;
-            v149 = 0;
-            do
-                {
-                // if ( (char *)pParty->field_C59C[9 * (v68 + 12 * (unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C) + 724] != v11 )
-                if (pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][(signed int)v68].uItemID)
-                    ++v149;
-                ++v68;
-                }
-                while ( v68 < 6 );
-                v69 = GetAsyncKeyState(17);
-                v70 = _this->CanSteal();
-                Str = (char *)v70;
-                if ( v69 == 0 || (char *)v70 == 0 )
-                    {
-                    v71 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[196]; //Select the Special Item to Buy"
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    v71 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[185];
-                    }
-                DrawTextAtStatusBar(v71, 0);
-                if ( (char *)v149 != 0 )
-                    {
-                    v73 = pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v136);
-                    v74 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer[v73->x + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[pMouse->GetCursorPos((POINT *)&v134)->y]] & 0xFFFF;
-                    if ( !v74 )
-                        return;
-                    v149 = v74 - 1;
-                    if ( dialog_menu_id == 2 )
-                        selected_item = &pParty->StandartItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][v74-1];
-                    else
-                        selected_item = &pParty->SpecialItemsInShops[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C][v74-1];//(ItemGen *)&pParty->field_C59C[v76 + 724];
-                    if ( v69 == 0 || Str == 0 )
-                        {
-                        v120 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                        v15 = (char *)pMerchantsBuyPhrases[_this->_490EEE(selected_item, 2, window_SpeakInHouse->par1C, 2)];
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        v120 = window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C;
-                        v15 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[181]; //"Steal %24"
-                        }
-                    v36 = BuilDialogueString(v15, uActiveCharacter - 1, selected_item, (char *)v120, 2, 0);
-                    v115 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v36, &dialog_window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-                    dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v115, m_text_color, v36, 3);
-                    return;
-                    }
-                dialog_window.DrawCurrentTime( pParty->field_3C.field_50[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C]- pParty->uTimePlayed);
-                return;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 96:  //skills
-        {
-        if (!sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win() )
-            return;
-        v152 = 0;
-        v37 = pDialogueWindow;
-        //v38 = (signed __int64)(*(float *)&p2DEvents_minus1__24[13 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C] * 500.0);
-        v38 = (signed __int64)(p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].flt_24 * 500.0);
-        _this = (Player *)(v38 * (100 - v0->GetMerchant()) / 100);
-        if ( (signed int)_this < v38 / 3 )
-            _this = (Player *)(v38 / 3);
-        v39 = v37->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-        v40 = v37->pNumPresenceButton;
-        v153 = 0;
-        if ( (signed int)v39 < (signed int)(v39 + v40) )
-            {
-            do
-                {
-                v41 = v37->GetControl(v39)->uControlParam - 36;
-                if ( byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[v0->classType][v41] && !v0->pActiveSkills[v41] )
-                    {
-                    v42 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pSkillNames[v41], &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-                    v152 += v42;
-                    ++v153;
-                    }
-                ++v39;
-                }
-                while ( (signed int)v39 < v37->pNumPresenceButton + v37->pStartingPosActiveItem );
-                if ( v153 )
-                    {
-                    sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[401], _this);
-                    dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 0x92u, 0, pTmpBuf, 3u);
-                    _this = (Player *)((149 - v152) / v153);
-                    if ( (149 - v152) / v153 > 32 )
-                        _this = (Player *)32;
-                    v43 = (149 - v153 * (signed int)_this - v152) / 2 - (signed int)_this / 2 + 162;
-                    v152 = v37->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-                    v146 = v43;
-                    if ( v152 < v152 + v37->pNumPresenceButton )
-                        {
-                        v153 = 2;
-                        do
-                            {
-                            v44 = v37->GetControl(v152);
-                            v45 = v44;
-                            v46 = v44->uControlParam - 36;
-                            if ( !byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[v0->classType][v46] || v0->pActiveSkills[v46] )
-                                {
-                                v45->uW = 0;
-                                v45->uHeight = 0;
-                                v45->uY = 0;
-                                }
-                            else
-                                {
-                                v47 = pSkillNames[v46];
-                                v45->uY = (unsigned int)((char *)_this + v146);
-                                Str = v47;
-                                v48 = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(v47, &dialog_window, 0, 0);
-                                v49 = v45->uY;
-                                v50 = v153;
-                                v45->uHeight = v48;
-                                v51 = v49 + v48 - 1;
-                                v45->uW = v51;
-                                v146 = v51;
-                                v52 = hilight_color;
-                                if ( pDialogueWindow->pCurrentPosActiveItem != v50 )
-                                    v52 = m_text_color;
-                                dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v49, v52, Str, 3u);
-                                }
-                            v53 = v37->pStartingPosActiveItem;
-                            ++v152;
-                            textureH = v37->pNumPresenceButton + v53;
-                            ++v153;
-                            }
-                            while ( v152 < textureH );
-                        }
-                    return;
-                    }
-            }
-        sprintf(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[544], v0->pName, pClassNames[v0->classType]); //"Seek knowledge elsewhere %s the %s"
-        strcat(pTmpBuf, "\n \n");
-        strcat(pTmpBuf, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[528]); //"I can offer you nothing further."
-        v115 = (174 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf, &dialog_window, 0, 0)) / 2 + 138;
-        dialog_window.DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, v115, hilight_color, pTmpBuf, 3);
-        return;
-        }
-        break;
-        }
-    }
 //----- (004BB756) --------------------------------------------------------
 signed int __fastcall sub_4BB756(signed int a1)