2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <crtdbg.h>
7 #include "Engine/Engine.h"
9 #include "Graphics/Weather.h"
10 #include "Graphics/Texture.h"
11 #include "Media/MediaPlayer.h"
12 #include "IO/Mouse.h"
14 #include "MapInfo.h"
15 #include "Graphics/Render.h"
16 #include "GUI/GUIWindow.h"
17 #include "GUI/GUIProgressBar.h"
18 #include "Objects/SpriteObject.h"
19 #include "Objects/Chest.h"
20 #include "MapsLongTimer.h"
21 #include "LOD.h"
22 #include "Objects/Actor.h"
23 #include "Party.h"
24 #include "OurMath.h"
25 #include "Media/Audio/AudioPlayer.h"
26 #include "Graphics/Indoor.h"
27 #include "Graphics/Viewport.h"
28 #include "texts.h"
29 #include "stru123.h"
30 #include "stru159.h"
31 #include "Events.h"
32 #include "Events2D.h"
33 #include "..\GUI\UI\UIHouses.h"
34 #include "Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
35 #include "LuaVM.h"
36 #include "Graphics/DecorationList.h"
39 std::array<EventIndex, 4400> pSomeOtherEVT_Events;
40 signed int uSomeOtherEVT_NumEvents;
41 char *pSomeOtherEVT;
42 std::array<EventIndex, 4400> pSomeEVT_Events;
43 signed int uSomeEVT_NumEvents;
44 char *pSomeEVT;
46 unsigned int uGlobalEVT_NumEvents;
47 unsigned int uGlobalEVT_Size;
48 std::array<char, 46080> pGlobalEVT;
49 std::array<EventIndex, 4400> pGlobalEVT_Index;
51 std::array<unsigned int, 500> pLevelStrOffsets;
52 unsigned int uLevelStrNumStrings;
53 unsigned int uLevelStrFileSize;
54 signed int uLevelEVT_NumEvents;
55 unsigned int uLevelEVT_Size;
56 std::array<char, 9216> pLevelStr;
57 std::array<char, 9216> pLevelEVT;
58 std::array<EventIndex, 4400> pLevelEVT_Index;
60 _2devent p2DEvents[525];
64 //----- (00443CE1) --------------------------------------------------------
65 unsigned int LoadEventsToBuffer(const char *pContainerName, char *pBuffer, unsigned int uBufferSize)
66 {
67 FILE *pLodFile; // eax@1
68 unsigned int uTextureSize; // esi@3
69 //char Args[60]; // [sp+8h] [bp-B4h]@6
70 void *ptr; // [sp+B8h] [bp-4h]@1
71 Texture DstBuf; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-50h]@1
73 ptr = pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw(pContainerName, 0);
74 pLodFile = pEvents_LOD->FindContainer(pContainerName, 0);
75 if ( !pLodFile )
76 Error("Unable to load %s", pContainerName);
78 fread(&DstBuf, 1, 48, pLodFile);
79 uTextureSize = DstBuf.uDecompressedSize;
80 if ( !DstBuf.uDecompressedSize )
81 uTextureSize = DstBuf.uTextureSize;
82 memset(&DstBuf, 0, 72);
83 if ( uTextureSize >= (signed int)uBufferSize )
84 Error("File %s Size %lu - Buffer size %lu", pContainerName, uTextureSize, uBufferSize);
86 memcpy(pBuffer, ptr, uTextureSize);
87 free(ptr);
88 return uTextureSize;
89 }
91 //----- (00443DA1) --------------------------------------------------------
92 void Initialize_GlobalEVT()
93 {
94 struct raw_event_header
95 {
96 unsigned char evt_size;
97 unsigned char evt_id_l;
98 unsigned char evt_id_h;
99 unsigned char evt_sequence_num;
100 } ;
101 uint events_count;
102 unsigned int offset_in;
103 raw_event_header *current_hdr;
104 uGlobalEVT_NumEvents = 0;
105 uGlobalEVT_Size = LoadEventsToBuffer("global.evt", pGlobalEVT.data(), 46080);
106 if ( !uGlobalEVT_Size )
107 return;
108 memset(pGlobalEVT_Index.data(), 0x80, sizeof(pGlobalEVT_Index));//52800
109 events_count = uGlobalEVT_NumEvents;
110 current_hdr=(raw_event_header *)pGlobalEVT.data();
111 offset_in=0;
112 for (events_count = 0, offset_in = 0; offset_in < uGlobalEVT_Size; ++events_count)
113 {
114 pGlobalEVT_Index[events_count].uEventID=current_hdr->evt_id_l+(current_hdr->evt_id_h<<8);
115 pGlobalEVT_Index[events_count].event_sequence_num=current_hdr->evt_sequence_num;
116 pGlobalEVT_Index[events_count].uEventOffsetInEVT=offset_in;
117 offset_in+=current_hdr->evt_size+1;
119 current_hdr=(raw_event_header *)&pGlobalEVT[offset_in];
120 }
121 uGlobalEVT_NumEvents = events_count;
123 assert(uGlobalEVT_NumEvents < 4400);
124 }
128 //----- (00443EF8) --------------------------------------------------------
129 void LoadLevel_InitializeLevelEvt()
130 {
131 struct raw_event_header
132 {
133 unsigned char evt_size;
134 unsigned char evt_id_l;
135 unsigned char evt_id_h;
136 unsigned char evt_sequence_num;
137 } ;
138 uint events_count;
139 unsigned int offset_in;
140 raw_event_header *current_hdr;
142 if (!uLevelEVT_Size)
143 return;
145 memset(MapsLongTimersList, 0, 3200);
146 memset(pLevelEVT_Index.data(), 80, sizeof(EventIndex)*4400);
148 uLevelEVT_NumEvents = 0;
149 MapsLongTimers_count = 0;
151 current_hdr=(raw_event_header *)pLevelEVT.data();
152 offset_in=0;
153 for (events_count = 0, offset_in = 0; offset_in < uLevelEVT_Size; ++events_count)
154 {
155 pLevelEVT_Index[events_count].uEventID=current_hdr->evt_id_l+(current_hdr->evt_id_h<<8);
156 pLevelEVT_Index[events_count].event_sequence_num=current_hdr->evt_sequence_num;
157 pLevelEVT_Index[events_count].uEventOffsetInEVT=offset_in;
158 offset_in+=current_hdr->evt_size+1;
160 current_hdr=(raw_event_header *)&pLevelEVT[offset_in];
161 }
162 uLevelEVT_NumEvents = events_count;
164 /*
165 EmeraldIsle::Variables:
166 [0] ???
167 [1] ???
168 [2] Luck Fountain uses left
169 [3] Gold Fountain used this week
170 [4] Gold Fountain total uses
173 Emerald Isle #110 // Fire Resistance fountain
174 0 LocationName
175 0 if (Player.FireResistance < 50)
176 {
177 1 Set(Player.FireResistance, 50)
178 2 SetFooterString(22) // +50 Fire Resistance (temporarily)
179 3 Add(Party.Autonotes, 2)
180 4 goto return
181 }
182 5 SetFooterString(11) // Refreshing!
183 6 return
187 Emerald Isle #111 // ???
188 Initialize
189 Set(Map.Variables[0], 30)
190 Set(Map.Variables[1], 30)
193 Emerald Isle #114 // month timer - manage luck fountain
194 0 LocationName
195 0 if (Player.BaseLuck >= 15)
196 {
197 2 SetFooterString(11) // Refreshing!
198 3 return
199 }
200 else
201 {
202 1 if (Map.Variables[2] >= 1)
203 {
204 4 Sub(Map.Variables[2], 1)
205 5 Add(Player.BaseLuck, 2)
206 6 SetFooterString(25) // +2 Luck (Permament)
207 7 return
208 }
209 else
210 {
211 2 SetFooterString(11) // Refreshing!
212 3 return
213 }
214 }
216 8 Initialize
217 9 Set Map.Variables[2], 8
221 Emerald Isle #115 // week timer - gold fountain in the center of town
222 0 LocationName
223 0 if (Map.Variables[4] < 3)
224 {
225 1 if (Map.Variables[3] == 0)
226 {
227 2 if (Party.Gold < 201)
228 {
229 3 if (Player.BaseLuck >= 15)
230 {
231 5 Add(Map.Variables[3], 1)
232 6 Add(Party.Gold, 1000)
233 7 Add(Map.Variables[4], 1)
234 8 goto return
235 }
236 else
237 {
238 4 goto 9
239 }
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 9 SetFooterString(11) // Refreshing!
244 10 return
246 11 Initialize
247 12 Set(Map.Variables[3], 0)
253 Emerald Isle #220 // day timer - monster spawner
254 0 LocationName
255 0 Initialize
256 1 if (NumAliveActors(group=20) != 0)
257 2 return
258 3 SpawnMonsters(1, level=1, count=10, x=-336, y=14512, z=0, group=20)
259 4 SpawnMonsters(1, level=2, count=5, x=16, y=16352, z=90, group=20)
260 5 SpawnMonsters(1, level=1, count=10, x=480, y=18288, z=6, group=20)
264 Emerald Isle #200 // margareth dock tip
265 0 if (!QBits.QuestDone[17])
266 {
267 1 InitiateNPCDialogue(npc=19)
268 }
269 2 return
272 Emerald Isle #201 // margareth armoury tip
273 0 if (!QBits.QuestDone[17])
274 {
275 1 InitiateNPCDialogue(npc=20)
276 }
277 2 return
278 */
279 }
282 //----- (0044684A) --------------------------------------------------------
283 void EventProcessor(int uEventID, int targetObj, int canShowMessages, int entry_line)
284 {
285 signed int v4; // esi@7
286 int v11; // eax@14
287 char *v12; // eax@15
288 const char *v16; // esi@21
289 bool v17; // edx@21
290 int v18; // ecx@22
291 int v19; // ebp@36
292 signed int v20; // ecx@40
293 int v21; // eax@40
294 int v22; // edx@40
295 int v23; // eax@40
296 unsigned __int16 v24; // ax@45
297 LevelDecoration *v26; // eax@55
298 int v27; // eax@57
299 int pEventID; // eax@58
300 int pNPC_ID; // ecx@58
301 int pIndex; // esi@58
302 NPCData *pNPC; // ecx@58
303 int v38; // eax@78
304 int v39; // ecx@78
305 int v42; // eax@84
306 int v43; // ecx@84
307 GUIButton *v48; // ecx@93
308 GUIButton *v49; // esi@94
309 signed int pValue; // ebp@124
310 Player *pPlayer; // esi@125
311 int v83; // eax@212
312 int v84; // ebp@220
313 int v90; // eax@243
314 const char *v91; // ecx@247
315 int v94; // ecx@262
316 int v95; // ebp@262
317 int v96; // edx@262
318 int v97; // eax@262
319 unsigned int v98; // edx@265
320 const char *v99; // esi@267
321 int v100; // edx@267
322 unsigned int v102; // esi@281
323 int v104; // eax@288
324 int v106; // [sp-20h] [bp-4C8h]@278
325 signed int v109; // [sp-14h] [bp-4BCh]@278
326 signed int v110; // [sp-10h] [bp-4B8h]@278
327 int curr_seq_num; // [sp+10h] [bp-498h]@4
328 int v126; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-48Ch]@262
329 int player_choose; // [sp+20h] [bp-488h]@4
330 int v128; // [sp+24h] [bp-484h]@21
331 int v129; // [sp+24h] [bp-484h]@262
332 signed int v130; // [sp+28h] [bp-480h]@0
333 int v132; // [sp+30h] [bp-478h]@262
334 signed int v133; // [sp+34h] [bp-474h]@1
335 int v134; // [sp+38h] [bp-470h]@262
336 int v135; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-46Ch]@262
337 int v136; // [sp+40h] [bp-468h]@40
338 int v137; // [sp+44h] [bp-464h]@40
339 int v138; // [sp+48h] [bp-460h]@40
340 int v139; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-45Ch]@40
341 ItemGen item; // [sp+50h] [bp-458h]@15
342 char Source[120]; // [sp+74h] [bp-434h]@15
343 char Str[120]; // [sp+ECh] [bp-3BCh]@21
344 Actor Dst; // [sp+164h] [bp-344h]@53
346 v133 = 0;
347 EvtTargetObj = targetObj;
348 dword_5B65C4_cancelEventProcessing = 0;
349 if ( uEventID == 114 )//for test script
350 {
351 if (!lua->DoFile("out01.lua"))
352 Log::Warning(L"Error opening out01.lua\n");
353 Log::Warning(L"being tested that well\n");
354 return;
355 }
356 if ( !uEventID )
357 {
358 if ( !GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft )
359 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[521], 2u);// Nothing here
360 return;
361 }
362 player_choose = (uActiveCharacter == 0)?6:4; //4 - active or 6 - random player if active =0
363 curr_seq_num = entry_line;
365 if ( activeLevelDecoration )
366 {
367 uSomeEVT_NumEvents = uGlobalEVT_NumEvents;
368 pSomeEVT = pGlobalEVT.data();
369 memcpy(pSomeEVT_Events.data(), pGlobalEVT_Index.data(), sizeof(EventIndex)*4400); //4400 evts
370 }
371 else
372 {
373 uSomeEVT_NumEvents = uLevelEVT_NumEvents;
374 pSomeEVT = pLevelEVT.data();
375 memcpy(pSomeEVT_Events.data(), pLevelEVT_Index.data(), sizeof(EventIndex)*4400);
376 }
378 for ( v4 = 0; v4 < uSomeEVT_NumEvents; ++v4 )
379 {
380 if ( dword_5B65C4_cancelEventProcessing )
381 {
382 if ( v133 == 1 )
383 OnMapLeave();
384 return;
385 }
386 if ( pSomeEVT_Events[v4].uEventID == uEventID && pSomeEVT_Events[v4].event_sequence_num == curr_seq_num )
387 {
388 _evt_raw * _evt = (_evt_raw *)(pSomeEVT + pSomeEVT_Events[v4].uEventOffsetInEVT);
390 switch (_evt->_e_type)
391 {
392 case EVENT_CheckSeason:
393 if ( !sub_4465DF_check_season(_evt->v5) )
394 {
395 ++curr_seq_num;
396 //v4 = v124;
397 break;
398 }
399 v4 = -1;
400 curr_seq_num = _evt->v6 - 1;
401 ++curr_seq_num;
402 break;
403 case EVENT_ShowMovie:
404 {
405 strcpy(Source, (char *)&_evt->v7);
406 v12 = (char *)&item.uExpireTime + strlen(Source) + 7;
407 if ( *v12 == 32 )
408 *v12 = 0;
409 if (pMediaPlayer->bPlaying_Movie)
410 pMediaPlayer->Unload();
411 pMediaPlayer->bStopBeforeSchedule = 0;
412 // pMediaPlayer->pResetflag = 0;
414 v128 = current_screen_type;
415 strcpy(Str, Source);
416 v16 = RemoveQuotes(Str);
417 pMediaPlayer->FullscreenMovieLoop(v16, 0/*, _evt->v5*/);
418 if ( !_stricmp(v16, "arbiter good") )
419 {
420 pParty->alignment = PartyAlignment_Good;
421 v18 = 0;
422 LOBYTE(v17) = 1;
423 SetUserInterface(PartyAlignment_Good, v17);
424 if (!_evt->v6 || v128 == SCREEN_BOOKS)
425 {
426 current_screen_type = (CURRENT_SCREEN)v128;
427 if (v128 == SCREEN_BOOKS)
428 pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = GUIProgressBar::TYPE_Fullscreen;
429 if (v128 == SCREEN_HOUSE)
430 pMediaPlayer->OpenHouseMovie(pAnimatedRooms[uCurrentHouse_Animation].video_name, 1);
431 }
432 ++curr_seq_num;
433 break;
434 }
435 if ( !_stricmp(v16, "arbiter evil") )
436 {
437 v18 = 2;
438 pParty->alignment = PartyAlignment_Evil;
439 LOBYTE(v17) = 1;
440 SetUserInterface(PartyAlignment_Evil, v17);
441 if (!_evt->v6 || v128 == SCREEN_BOOKS)
442 {
443 current_screen_type = (CURRENT_SCREEN)v128;
444 if (v128 == SCREEN_BOOKS)
445 pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = GUIProgressBar::TYPE_Fullscreen;
446 if (v128 == SCREEN_HOUSE)
447 pMediaPlayer->OpenHouseMovie(pAnimatedRooms[uCurrentHouse_Animation].video_name, 1);
448 }
449 ++curr_seq_num;
450 break;
451 }
452 if ( !_stricmp(v16, "pcout01") ) // moving to harmondale from emerald isle
453 {
454 Rest(0x2760u);
455 pParty->RestAndHeal();
456 pParty->days_played_without_rest = 0;
457 }
458 if (!_evt->v6 || v128 == SCREEN_BOOKS)
459 {
460 current_screen_type = (CURRENT_SCREEN)v128;
461 if (v128 == SCREEN_BOOKS)
462 pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = GUIProgressBar::TYPE_Fullscreen;
463 if (v128 == SCREEN_HOUSE)
464 pMediaPlayer->OpenHouseMovie(pAnimatedRooms[uCurrentHouse_Animation].video_name, 1);
465 }
466 ++curr_seq_num;
467 }
468 break;
469 case EVENT_CheckSkill:
470 {
471 v19 = _evt->v7 + ((_evt->v8 + ((_evt->v9 + ((unsigned int)_evt->v10 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
472 if ( player_choose < 0 )
473 goto LABEL_47;
474 if ( player_choose <= 3 )
475 v24 = pParty->pPlayers[0].pActiveSkills[3486 * player_choose + _evt->v5];
476 else
477 {
478 if ( player_choose == 4 )
479 v24 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[_evt->v5];
480 else
481 {
482 if ( player_choose == 5 )
483 {
484 v20 = 0;
485 v21 = 3486 * v130 + _evt->v5;
486 v136 = 1;
487 LOWORD(v21) = pParty->pPlayers[0].pActiveSkills[v21];
488 v137 = v21 & 0x40;
489 v138 = v21 & 0x80;
490 v22 = v21 & 0x100;
491 v23 = v21 & 0x3F;
492 v139 = v22;
493 while ( v23 < v19 || !*(&v136 + _evt->v6) )
494 {
495 ++v20;
496 if ( v20 >= 4 )
497 {
498 ++curr_seq_num;
499 break;
500 }
501 }
502 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
503 ++curr_seq_num;
504 break;
505 }
506 LABEL_47:
507 //v10 = (ByteArray *)&v5[v9];
508 v24 = pParty->pPlayers[0].pActiveSkills[_evt->v5 + 3486 * rand() % 4];
509 }
510 }
511 v136 = 1;
512 v137 = v24 & 0x40;
513 v138 = v24 & 0x80;
514 v139 = v24 & 0x100;
515 if ( (v24 & 0x3F) >= v19 && *(&v136 + _evt->v6) )
516 {
517 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
518 ++curr_seq_num;
519 break;
520 }
521 ++curr_seq_num;
522 }
523 break;
525 case EVENT_SpeakNPC:
526 if ( canShowMessages )
527 {
528 //Actor::Actor(&Dst);
529 memset(&Dst, 0, 0x344u);
530 dword_5B65D0_dialogue_actor_npc_id = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((unsigned int)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
531 Dst.sNPC_ID = dword_5B65D0_dialogue_actor_npc_id;
532 GameUI_InitializeDialogue(&Dst, false);
533 }
534 else
535 bDialogueUI_InitializeActor_NPC_ID = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((unsigned int)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
536 ++curr_seq_num;
537 break;
538 case EVENT_ChangeEvent:
539 if ( EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5) )
540 stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[activeLevelDecoration->_idx_in_stru123] = _evt->v5 - 124;
541 else
542 {
543 v26 = (LevelDecoration *)activeLevelDecoration;
544 stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars._decor_events[activeLevelDecoration ->_idx_in_stru123] = 0;
546 }
547 ++curr_seq_num;
549 break;
550 case EVENT_SetNPCGreeting:
551 v27 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5);
552 pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v27].uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFFCu;
553 pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[v27].greet = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9);
554 ++curr_seq_num;
555 break;
556 case EVENT_SetNPCTopic:
557 {
558 //v29 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
559 pEventID = _evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((_evt->v12 + ((uint)_evt->v13 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
560 pNPC_ID = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
561 pIndex = _evt->v9;
562 pNPC = &pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[pNPC_ID];
563 if ( pIndex == 0 )
564 pNPC->evt_A = pEventID;
565 if ( pIndex == 1 )
566 pNPC->evt_B = pEventID;
567 if ( pIndex == 2 )
568 pNPC->evt_C = pEventID;
569 if ( pIndex == 3 )
570 pNPC->evt_D = pEventID;
571 if ( pIndex == 4 )
572 pNPC->evt_E = pEventID;
573 if ( pIndex == 5 )
574 pNPC->evt_F = pEventID;
575 if ( pNPC_ID == 8 )
576 {
577 if ( pEventID == 78 )
578 {
579 HouseDialogPressCloseBtn();
580 window_SpeakInHouse->Release();
581 pParty->uFlags &= ~2;
582 if ( EnterHouse(HOUSE_DARK_GUILD_PIT) )
583 {
584 pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
585 window_SpeakInHouse = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_HouseInterior, 170, 0);
586 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton( 61, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 1, '1', "", 0);
587 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(177, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 2, '2', "", 0);
588 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(292, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 3, '3', "", 0);
589 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(407, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 4, '4', "", 0);
590 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_CycleCharacters, 0, '\t', "", 0);
591 current_npc_text = pNPCTopics[90].pText;
592 }
593 }
594 }
595 ++curr_seq_num;
596 }
597 break;
598 case EVENT_NPCSetItem:
599 sub_448518_npc_set_item(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5),EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9), _evt->v13);
600 ++curr_seq_num;
601 break;
602 case EVENT_SetActorItem:
603 Actor::GiveItem(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5),EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9), _evt->v13);
604 ++curr_seq_num;
605 break;
606 case EVENT_SetNPCGroupNews:
607 pNPCStats->pGroups_copy[_evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8)] = _evt->v9 + ((uint)_evt->v10 << 8);
608 ++curr_seq_num;
609 break;
610 case EVENT_SetActorGroup:
611 __debugbreak();
612 *(&pActors[0].uGroup + 0x11000000 * _evt->v8 + 209 * (_evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((uint)_evt->v7 << 8)) << 8))) = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
613 ++curr_seq_num;
614 break;
615 case EVENT_ChangeGroup:
616 v38 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
617 v39 = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
618 __debugbreak();
619 for ( uint actor_id = 0; actor_id < uNumActors; actor_id++ )
620 {
621 if ( pActors[actor_id].uGroup == v38 )
622 pActors[actor_id].uGroup = v39;
623 }
624 ++curr_seq_num;
625 break;
626 case EVENT_ChangeGroupAlly:
627 v42 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
628 v43 = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
629 __debugbreak();
630 for ( uint actor_id = 0; actor_id < uNumActors; actor_id++ )
631 {
632 if ( pActors[actor_id].uGroup == v42 )
633 pActors[actor_id].uAlly = v43;
634 }
635 ++curr_seq_num;
636 break;
637 case EVENT_MoveNPC:
638 {
639 pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5)].Location2D =EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9);
640 if ( window_SpeakInHouse )
641 {
643 if ( window_SpeakInHouse->par1C == 165 )
644 {
645 HouseDialogPressCloseBtn();
646 pMediaPlayer->Unload();
647 window_SpeakInHouse->Release();
648 pParty->uFlags &= ~2;
649 activeLevelDecoration = (LevelDecoration*)1;
650 if ( EnterHouse(HOUSE_BODY_GUILD_ERATHIA) )
651 {
652 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Invalid, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
653 window_SpeakInHouse = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_HouseInterior, 165, 0);
654 v48 = window_SpeakInHouse->pControlsHead;
655 if ( window_SpeakInHouse->pControlsHead )
656 {
657 do
658 {
659 v49 = v48->pNext;
660 free(v48);
661 v48 = v49;
662 }
663 while ( v49 );
664 }
665 window_SpeakInHouse->pControlsHead = 0;
666 window_SpeakInHouse->pControlsTail = 0;
667 window_SpeakInHouse->uNumControls = 0;
668 }
669 }
670 else
671 {
672 if ( window_SpeakInHouse->par1C == 553 )
673 pMediaPlayer->bLoopPlaying = 0;
674 }
675 }
677 }
678 ++curr_seq_num;
679 break;
680 case EVENT_Jmp:
681 curr_seq_num = _evt->v5 - 1;
682 ++curr_seq_num;
683 v4 = -1;
685 break;
686 case EVENT_ShowFace:
687 if ( _evt->v5 <= 3u ) //someone
688 pParty->pPlayers[_evt->v5].PlayEmotion((CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_ID)_evt->v6, 0);
689 else if ( _evt->v5 == 4 ) //active
690 pParty->pPlayers[uActiveCharacter].PlayEmotion((CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_ID)_evt->v6, 0);
691 else if ( _evt->v5 == 5 ) //all players
692 {
693 for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
694 pParty->pPlayers[i].PlayEmotion((CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_ID)_evt->v6, 0);
695 }
696 else //random player
697 pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].PlayEmotion((CHARACTER_EXPRESSION_ID)_evt->v6, 0);
698 ++curr_seq_num;
699 break;
700 case EVENT_CharacterAnimation:
701 if ( _evt->v5 <= 3 ) //someone
702 pParty->pPlayers[_evt->v5].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
703 else if ( _evt->v5 == 4 ) //active
704 pParty->pPlayers[uActiveCharacter].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
705 else if ( _evt->v5 == 5 ) //all
706 for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
707 pParty->pPlayers[i].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
708 else //random
709 pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].PlaySound((PlayerSpeech) _evt->v6, 0);
710 ++curr_seq_num;
711 break;
712 case EVENT_ForPartyMember:
713 player_choose = _evt->v5;
714 ++curr_seq_num;
715 break;
716 case EVENT_SummonItem:
717 SpriteObject::sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(_evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
718 _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
719 _evt->v13 + ((_evt->v14 + ((_evt->v15 + ((uint)_evt->v16 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
720 _evt->v17 + ((_evt->v18 + ((_evt->v19 + ((uint)_evt->v20 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
721 _evt->v21 + ((_evt->v22 + ((_evt->v23 + ((uint)_evt->v24 << 8)) << 8)) << 8),
722 _evt->v25, _evt->v26, 0, 0);
723 ++curr_seq_num;
724 break;
725 case EVENT_Compare:
726 pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
727 if ( player_choose <= 3 )
728 {
729 if ( pPlayers[player_choose]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
730 {
731 // v124 = -1;
732 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
733 }
734 }
735 else if ( player_choose == 4 ) //active
736 {
737 if ( uActiveCharacter )
738 {
739 if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
740 {
741 // v124 = -1;
742 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
743 }
744 }
745 }
746 else if ( player_choose == 5 )//all
747 {
748 v130 = 0;
749 for(int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
750 {
751 if ( pPlayers[i]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
752 {
753 // v124 = -1;
754 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
755 break;
756 }
757 ++v130;
758 }
759 }
760 else if ( player_choose == 6 ) //random
761 {
762 if ( pPlayers[rand() % 4 + 1]->CompareVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue) )
763 {
764 // v124 = -1;
765 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
766 }
767 }
768 ++curr_seq_num;
769 v4 = -1;
770 break;
771 case EVENT_IsActorAlive:
772 if (IsActorAlive(EVT_BYTE(_evt->v5), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v6), EVT_BYTE(_evt->v10)))
773 {
774 //v124 = -1;
775 curr_seq_num = _evt->v11 - 1;
776 }
777 ++curr_seq_num;
778 v4 = -1;
779 break;
780 case EVENT_Substract:
781 pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
782 /*if ( EVT_WORD(_evt->v5) == VAR_PlayerItemInHands )
783 {
784 if ( pParty->pPickedItem.uItemID == pValue )//In hand
785 {
786 pMouse->RemoveHoldingItem();
787 ++curr_seq_num;
788 v4 = v124;
789 break;
790 }
791 //v67 = (int)pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pInventoryMatrix.data();
792 for ( v65 = 0; v65 < 126; ++v65 )
793 {
794 v67 = &pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pInventoryMatrix[v65];
795 if ( v67 > 0 )
796 {
797 if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pInventoryItemList[v67 - 1].uItemID == pValue )
798 {
799 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->RemoveItemAtInventoryIndex(v65);
800 //++curr_seq_num;
801 //v4 = v124;
802 goto substract;
803 }
804 }
805 //v67 += 4;
806 }
807 //while ( (signed int)v65 < 126 );
808 //v69 = (int)&pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pEquipment.pIndices;
809 for ( v68 = 0; v68 < 16; ++v68 )
810 {
811 if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pInventoryItemList[pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pEquipment.pIndices[v68]].uItemID == pValue )
812 {
813 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pEquipment.pIndices[v68] = 0;
814 //++curr_seq_num;
815 //v4 = v124;
816 goto substract;
817 }
818 //v69 += 4;
819 }
820 for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
821 {
822 //v72 = (int)pPlayers[i]->pInventoryMatrix.data();
823 for ( int v71 = 0; v71 < 126; ++v71 )
824 {
825 v72 = &pPlayers[i]->pInventoryMatrix[v71];
826 if ( v72 > 0 )
827 {
828 if ( pPlayers[i]->pInventoryItemList[v72 - 1].uItemID == pValue )
829 {
830 pPlayers[i]->RemoveItemAtInventoryIndex(v71);
831 goto substract;
832 }
833 }
834 //v72 += 4;
835 }
836 for ( v73 = 0; v73 < 16; ++v73 )
837 {
838 //v74 = (int)&pPlayers[i]->pEquipment;
839 if (pPlayers[i]->pEquipment.pIndices[v73])
840 {
841 if (pPlayers[i]->pInventoryItemList[pPlayers[i]->pEquipment.pIndices[v73] - 1].uItemID == pValue )
842 {
843 pPlayers[i]->pEquipment.pIndices[v73] = 0;
844 //v74 += 4;
845 goto substract;
846 }
847 }
848 }
849 }
850 }*/
851 if ( player_choose <= 3 )
852 pParty->pPlayers[player_choose].SubtractVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
853 else if ( player_choose == 4 ) //active
854 {
855 if ( uActiveCharacter )
856 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->SubtractVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
857 }
858 else if ( player_choose == 5 )//all
859 {
860 for(int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
861 pPlayers[i]->SubtractVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
862 }
863 else if ( player_choose == 6 ) //random
864 pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].SubtractVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
865 ++curr_seq_num;
866 break;
867 case EVENT_Set:
868 pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
869 if ( player_choose <= 3 )
870 pParty->pPlayers[player_choose].SetVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
871 else if ( player_choose == 4 ) //active
872 {
873 if ( uActiveCharacter )
874 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->SetVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
875 }
876 else if ( player_choose == 5 )//all
877 {
878 //recheck v130
879 for ( int i = 1; i < 5; ++i )
880 pPlayers[i]->SetVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
881 }
882 else if ( player_choose == 6 ) //random
883 pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].SetVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
884 ++curr_seq_num;
885 break;
886 case EVENT_Add:
887 pValue = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7);
888 if ( player_choose <= 3 )
889 {
890 pPlayer = &pParty->pPlayers[player_choose];
891 pPlayer->AddVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
892 }
893 else if ( player_choose == 4 ) //active
894 {
895 if ( uActiveCharacter )
896 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->AddVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
897 }
898 else if ( player_choose == 5 )//all
899 {
900 for(int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
901 pPlayers[i]->AddVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
902 }
903 else if ( player_choose == 6 ) //random
904 pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].AddVariable((enum VariableType)EVT_WORD(_evt->v5), pValue);
905 v83 = EVT_WORD(_evt->v5);
906 if (v83 == 21 || // gold well on emerald isle
907 v83 == 22 || v83 == 23 || v83 == 24 )
908 {
909 //__debugbreak(); // bonfire
910 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
911 }
912 ++curr_seq_num;
913 break;
914 case EVENT_InputString:
915 if ( !entry_line )
916 {
917 strcpy(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 )]]);
918 sub_4451A8_press_any_key(uEventID, curr_seq_num, 26);
919 if ( v133 == 1 )
920 OnMapLeave();
921 return;
922 }
923 v84 = _evt->v13 + ((_evt->v14 + ((_evt->v15 + ((uint)_evt->v16 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
924 if ( !_stricmp(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[_evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8)]])
925 || !_stricmp(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[v84]]) )
926 {
927 v11 = _evt->v17;
928 curr_seq_num = v11 - 1;
929 }
930 ++curr_seq_num;
931 v4 = -1;
932 break;
933 case EVENT_RandomGoTo:
934 //v124 = -1;
935 v11 = (unsigned __int8)*(&_evt->v5 + rand() % ((_evt->v5 != 0) + (_evt->v6 != 0) + (_evt->v7 != 0) + (_evt->v8 != 0) + (_evt->v9 != 0)
936 + (_evt->v10 != 0)));
937 curr_seq_num = v11 - 1;
938 ++curr_seq_num;
939 v4 = -1;
940 break;
941 case EVENT_ReceiveDamage:
942 if ( (unsigned __int8)_evt->v5 <= 3 )
943 {
944 pParty->pPlayers[(unsigned __int8)_evt->v5].ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
945 ++curr_seq_num;
946 break;
947 }
948 if ( _evt->v5 == 4 )
949 {
950 if ( !uActiveCharacter )
951 {
952 ++curr_seq_num;
953 break;
954 }
955 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
956 ++curr_seq_num;
957 break;
958 }
959 if ( _evt->v5 != 5 )
960 {
961 pParty->pPlayers[rand() % 4].ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
962 ++curr_seq_num;
963 break;
964 }
965 for ( uint pl_id = 0;pl_id < 4; pl_id++ )
966 pParty->pPlayers[pl_id].ReceiveDamage(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v7 ), (DAMAGE_TYPE)_evt->v6);
967 ++curr_seq_num;
968 break;
969 case EVENT_ToggleIndoorLight:
970 pIndoor->ToggleLight(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), _evt->v9);
971 ++curr_seq_num;
972 break;
973 case EVENT_SetFacesBit:
974 sub_44892E_set_faces_bit(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5),EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9), _evt->v13);
975 ++curr_seq_num;
976 break;
977 case EVENT_ToggleChestFlag:
978 Chest::ToggleFlag(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9 ), _evt->v13);
979 ++curr_seq_num;
980 break;
981 case EVENT_ToggleActorFlag:
982 Actor::ToggleFlag(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9 ), _evt->v13);
983 ++curr_seq_num;
984 break;
985 case EVENT_ToggleActorGroupFlag:
986 ToggleActorGroupFlag(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v9 ), _evt->v13);
987 ++curr_seq_num;
988 break;
989 case EVENT_SetSnow:
990 if ( !_evt->v5 )
991 pWeather->bRenderSnow = _evt->v6 != 0;
992 ++curr_seq_num;
993 break;
994 case EVENT_StatusText:
995 v90 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 );
996 if ( activeLevelDecoration )
997 {
998 if ( activeLevelDecoration == (LevelDecoration*)1 )
999 current_npc_text = pNPCTopics[v90-1].pText;//(&dword_721664)[8 * v90];
1000 if ( canShowMessages == 1 )
1001 {
1002 v91 = pNPCTopics[v90-1].pText;//(&dword_721664)[8 * v90];
1003 //LABEL_248:
1004 ShowStatusBarString(v91, 2);
1005 }
1006 }
1007 else
1008 {
1009 if ( canShowMessages == 1 )
1010 {
1011 v91 = &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[v90]];
1012 ShowStatusBarString(v91, 2);
1013 }
1014 }
1015 ++curr_seq_num;
1016 break;
1017 case EVENT_ShowMessage:
1018 if ( activeLevelDecoration )
1019 {
1020 current_npc_text = pNPCTopics[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 )-1].pText;//(&dword_721664)[8 * v92];
1021 byte_5B0938[0] = 0;
1022 }
1023 else
1024 strcpy(byte_5B0938.data(), &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 )]]);
1025 ++curr_seq_num;
1026 break;
1027 case EVENT_CastSpell:
1028 EventCastSpell(_evt->v5, _evt->v6, _evt->v7, EVT_DWORD(_evt->v8 ),
1029 EVT_DWORD(_evt->v12 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v16 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v20 ),
1030 EVT_DWORD(_evt->v24 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v28 ));
1031 ++curr_seq_num;
1032 break;
1033 case EVENT_SetTexture:
1034 sub_44861E_set_texture(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), (char *)&_evt->v9);
1035 ++curr_seq_num;
1036 break;
1037 case EVENT_SetSprite:
1038 SetDecorationSprite(EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5 ), _evt->v9, (char *)&_evt->v10);
1039 ++curr_seq_num;
1040 break;
1041 case EVENT_SummonMonsters:
1042 sub_448CF4_spawn_monsters(_evt->v5, _evt->v6, _evt->v7,EVT_DWORD(_evt->v8 ),
1043 EVT_DWORD(_evt->v12 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v16 ), EVT_DWORD(_evt->v20 ),
1044 EVT_DWORD(_evt->v24 ));
1045 ++curr_seq_num;
1046 break;
1047 case EVENT_MouseOver:
1048 case EVENT_LocationName:
1049 --curr_seq_num;
1050 ++curr_seq_num;
1051 break;
1052 case EVENT_ChangeDoorState:
1053 Door_switch_animation(_evt->v5, _evt->v6);
1054 ++curr_seq_num;
1055 break;
1056 case EVENT_OpenChest:
1057 if ( !Chest::Open(_evt->v5) )
1058 {
1059 if ( v133 == 1 )
1060 OnMapLeave();
1061 return;
1062 }
1063 ++curr_seq_num;
1064 break;
1065 case EVENT_MoveToMap:
1066 v94 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1067 v135 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1068 v132 = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1069 v126 = _evt->v13 + ((_evt->v14 + ((_evt->v15 + ((uint)_evt->v16 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1070 v129 = _evt->v17 + ((_evt->v18 + ((_evt->v19 + ((uint)_evt->v20 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1071 v95 = _evt->v21 + ((_evt->v22 + ((_evt->v23 + ((uint)_evt->v24 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1072 v96 = _evt->v25;
1073 v97 = v96 + ((_evt->v26 + ((_evt->v27 + ((uint)_evt->v28 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1074 v134 = v96 + ((_evt->v26 + ((_evt->v27 + ((uint)_evt->v28 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1075 if ( _evt->v29 || _evt->v30 )
1076 {
1077 pRenderer->Sub01();
1078 TransitionUI_Load(_evt->v29, _evt->v30, v135, v132, v126, v129, v95, v134, (char *)&_evt->v31);
1079 dword_5C3418 = uEventID;
1080 dword_5C341C = curr_seq_num + 1;
1081 if ( v133 == 1 )
1082 OnMapLeave();
1083 return;
1084 }
1085 _5B65AC_npcdata_fame_or_other = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1086 _5B65A8_npcdata_uflags_or_other = v94;
1087 _5B65B0_npcdata_rep_or_other = v126;
1088 if ( v129 == -1 )
1089 v98 = _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other;
1090 else
1091 {
1092 v98 = v129 & stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask;
1093 _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other = v129 & stru_5C6E00->uDoublePiMask;
1094 }
1095 v99 = (char *)&_evt->v31;
1096 _5B65B8_npcdata_hiword_house_or_other = v95;
1097 dword_5B65BC = v97;
1098 v100 = v94 | v132 | v126 | v95 | v97 | v98;
1099 dword_5B65C0 = v100;
1100 if ( *v99 == 48 )
1101 {
1102 if ( v100 )
1103 {
1104 pParty->vPosition.x = v135;
1105 pParty->vPosition.y = v132;
1106 pParty->vPosition.z = v126;
1107 pParty->uFallStartY = v126;
1108 if ( _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other != -1 )
1109 pParty->sRotationY = _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other;
1110 _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other = -1;
1111 pParty->sRotationX = v95;
1112 pParty->uFallSpeed = v134;
1113 dword_5B65C0 = 0;
1114 dword_5B65BC = 0;
1115 _5B65B8_npcdata_hiword_house_or_other = 0;
1116 _5B65B0_npcdata_rep_or_other = 0;
1117 _5B65AC_npcdata_fame_or_other = 0;
1118 _5B65A8_npcdata_uflags_or_other = 0;
1119 v106 = 232;
1120 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v106, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1121 }
1122 }
1123 else
1124 {
1125 pGameLoadingUI_ProgressBar->uType = (GUIProgressBar::Type)((activeLevelDecoration == NULL) + 1);
1126 Transition_StopSound_Autosave(v99, MapStartPoint_Party);
1127 v133 = 1;
1128 if ( current_screen_type == SCREEN_HOUSE )
1129 {
1130 if ( uGameState == GAME_STATE_CHANGE_LOCATION )
1131 {
1132 pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
1133 dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_NULL;
1134 while ( HouseDialogPressCloseBtn() )
1135 ;
1136 pMediaPlayer->Unload();
1137 window_SpeakInHouse->Release();
1138 window_SpeakInHouse = 0;
1139 if ( pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages )
1140 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages = pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[0].field_8 != 0;
1141 current_screen_type = SCREEN_GAME;
1142 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1143 pDialogueNPCCount = 0;
1144 pDialogueWindow->Release();
1145 dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_NULL;
1146 pDialogueWindow = 0;
1147 pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
1148 }
1149 OnMapLeave();
1150 return;
1151 }
1152 }
1153 ++curr_seq_num;
1154 break;
1155 case EVENT_PlaySound:
1156 v110 = _evt->v13 + ((_evt->v14 + ((_evt->v15 + ((uint)_evt->v16 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1157 v109 = _evt->v9 + ((_evt->v10 + ((_evt->v11 + ((uint)_evt->v12 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1158 v106 = _evt->v5 + ((_evt->v6 + ((_evt->v7 + ((uint)_evt->v8 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1159 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound((SoundID)v106, 0, 0, v109, v110, 0, 0, 0);
1160 ++curr_seq_num;
1161 break;
1162 case EVENT_GiveItem:
1163 item.Reset();
1164 v102 = _evt->v7 + ((_evt->v8 + ((_evt->v9 + ((uint)_evt->v10 << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
1165 pItemsTable->GenerateItem(_evt->v5, _evt->v6, &item);
1166 if ( v102 )
1167 item.uItemID = v102;
1168 pParty->SetHoldingItem(&item);
1169 ++curr_seq_num;
1170 break;
1171 case EVENT_SpeakInHouse:
1172 if ( EnterHouse((enum HOUSE_ID)EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5)))
1173 {
1174 pRenderer->Sub01();
1175 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Invalid, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1176 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_enter, 814, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1177 v104 = 187;
1178 if ( uCurrentHouse_Animation != 167 )
1179 v104 = EVT_DWORD(_evt->v5);
1180 window_SpeakInHouse = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_HouseInterior, v104, 0);
1181 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton( 61, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 1, '1', "", 0);
1182 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(177, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 2, '2', "", 0);
1183 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(292, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 3, '3', "", 0);
1184 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton(407, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 4, '4', "", 0);
1185 window_SpeakInHouse->CreateButton( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_CycleCharacters, 0, '\t', "", 0);
1186 }
1187 ++curr_seq_num;
1188 break;
1189 case EVENT_PressAnyKey:
1190 sub_4451A8_press_any_key(uEventID, curr_seq_num + 1, 33);
1191 if ( v133 == 1 )
1192 OnMapLeave();
1193 return;
1194 case EVENT_Exit:
1195 if ( v133 == 1 )
1196 OnMapLeave();
1197 return;
1198 default:
1199 ++curr_seq_num;
1200 break;
1201 }
1202 }
1203 }
1204 if ( v133 == 1 )
1205 OnMapLeave();
1206 return;
1207 }
1209 //----- (00444732) --------------------------------------------------------
1210 char *GetEventHintString(unsigned int uEventID)
1211 {
1212 signed int event_index; // edx@1
1213 int event_pos; // esi@4
1214 char *result; // eax@6
1215 unsigned int str_index; // eax@9
1216 int i; // esi@11
1217 _evt_raw* test_evt;
1218 _evt_raw* last_evt;
1220 event_index = 0;
1221 if ( uLevelEVT_NumEvents <= 0 )
1222 return NULL;
1224 //v2 = (char *)&pLevelEVT_Index[0].uEventOffsetInEVT;
1225 while ( 1 )
1226 {
1227 if ( pLevelEVT_Index[event_index].uEventID == uEventID )
1228 {
1229 test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[pLevelEVT_Index[event_index].uEventOffsetInEVT];
1230 last_evt=test_evt;
1231 event_pos = pLevelEVT_Index[event_index+1].uEventOffsetInEVT;
1232 if ( test_evt->_e_type == EVENT_MouseOver )
1233 break;
1234 }
1235 ++event_index;
1236 if ( event_index >= uLevelEVT_NumEvents )
1237 return NULL;
1238 }
1239 test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[event_pos];
1240 if ( test_evt->_e_type== EVENT_SpeakInHouse )
1241 {
1242 str_index = EVT_DWORD(test_evt->v5);
1243 result = (char *)p2DEvents[str_index - 1].pName;
1244 }
1245 else
1246 {
1247 for ( i = event_index + 1; pLevelEVT_Index[i].uEventID == uEventID; ++i )
1248 {
1249 event_pos = pLevelEVT_Index[i].uEventOffsetInEVT;
1250 test_evt=(_evt_raw*)&pLevelEVT[event_pos];
1251 if ( test_evt->_e_type == EVENT_SpeakInHouse )
1252 {
1253 str_index = EVT_DWORD(test_evt->v5);
1254 if ( str_index < 600 )
1255 return (char *)p2DEvents[str_index - 1].pName;
1256 }
1257 }
1258 result = &pLevelStr[pLevelStrOffsets[EVT_BYTE(last_evt->v5)]];
1259 }
1261 return result;
1262 }
1264 //----- (004613C4) --------------------------------------------------------
1265 void init_event_triggers()
1266 {
1267 uint id = pDecorationList->GetDecorIdByName("Event Trigger");
1269 num_event_triggers = 0;
1270 for (uint i = 0; i < uNumLevelDecorations; ++i)
1271 if (pLevelDecorations[i].uDecorationDescID == id)
1272 event_triggers[num_event_triggers++] = i;
1273 }
1275 //----- (0046CC4B) --------------------------------------------------------
1276 void check_event_triggers()
1277 {
1278 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_event_triggers; i++)
1279 {
1280 if (pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uFlags & LEVEL_DECORATION_TRIGGERED_BY_TOUCH
1281 && pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].vPosition.GetDistanceTo(pParty->vPosition) < pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uTriggerRange)
1282 {
1283 EventProcessor(pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uEventID, PID(OBJECT_Decoration, i), 1);
1284 }
1285 else if (pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uFlags & LEVEL_DECORATION_TRIGGERED_BY_MONSTER)
1286 {
1287 for (size_t j = 0; j < uNumActors; j++)
1288 {
1289 if (pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].vPosition.GetDistanceTo(pActors[j].vPosition) < pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uTriggerRange)
1290 EventProcessor(pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uEventID, 0, 1);
1291 }
1292 }
1293 else if (pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uFlags & LEVEL_DECORATION_TRIGGERED_BY_OBJECT)
1294 {
1295 for (size_t j = 0; j < uNumSpriteObjects; j++)
1296 {
1297 if (pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].vPosition.GetDistanceTo(pSpriteObjects[j].vPosition) < pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uTriggerRange)
1298 EventProcessor(pLevelDecorations[event_triggers[i]].uEventID, 0, 1);
1299 }
1300 }
1301 }
1302 }
1303 // 6836C8: using guessed type int 6836C8_num_decorations_6807E8;
1305 //----- (004465DF) --------------------------------------------------------
1306 bool sub_4465DF_check_season(int a1)
1307 {
1308 unsigned int monthPlusOne; // eax@1
1309 unsigned int daysPlusOne; // edx@1
1311 monthPlusOne = pParty->uCurrentMonth + 1;
1312 daysPlusOne = pParty->uDaysPlayed + 1;
1314 switch (a1)
1315 {
1316 case 3: //winter 12.21 -> 3.20
1317 return (monthPlusOne == 12 && daysPlusOne >= 21 || monthPlusOne == 1 || monthPlusOne == 2 || monthPlusOne == 3 && daysPlusOne <= 20);
1318 break;
1319 case 2:// autumn/fall 9.21 -> 12.20
1320 return (monthPlusOne == 9 && daysPlusOne >= 21 || monthPlusOne == 10 || monthPlusOne == 11 || monthPlusOne == 12 && daysPlusOne <= 20);
1321 break;
1322 case 1://summer 6.21 -> 9.20
1323 return (monthPlusOne == 6 && daysPlusOne >= 21 || monthPlusOne == 7 || monthPlusOne == 8 || monthPlusOne == 9 && daysPlusOne <= 20);
1324 break;
1325 case 0: //spring 3.21 -> 6.20
1326 return (monthPlusOne == 3 && daysPlusOne >= 21 || monthPlusOne == 4 || monthPlusOne == 5 || monthPlusOne == 6 && daysPlusOne <= 20);
1327 break;
1328 }
1329 Error("Unknown season");
1330 return false;
1331 }
1333 //----- (00448CF4) --------------------------------------------------------
1334 void __fastcall sub_448CF4_spawn_monsters(__int16 typeindex, __int16 level, int count, int x, int y, int z, int group, unsigned int uUniqueName)
1335 {
1336 unsigned int map_id; // eax@1
1337 size_t old_num_actors; // ebx@2
1338 AIDirection v15; // [sp+28h] [bp-34h]@2
1339 SpawnPointMM7 pSpawnPoint; // [sp+44h] [bp-18h]@1
1341 pSpawnPoint.vPosition.x = x;
1342 pSpawnPoint.vPosition.y = y;
1343 pSpawnPoint.vPosition.z = z;
1344 pSpawnPoint.uGroup = group;
1345 pSpawnPoint.uRadius = 32;
1346 pSpawnPoint.uKind = 3;
1347 pSpawnPoint.uIndex = typeindex + 2 * level + level;
1348 map_id = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
1349 if (map_id)
1350 {
1351 old_num_actors = uNumActors;
1352 SpawnEncounter(&pMapStats->pInfos[map_id], &pSpawnPoint, 0, count, 0);
1353 Actor::GetDirectionInfo(PID(OBJECT_Actor, old_num_actors), 4, &v15, 1);
1354 for (uint i = (unsigned int)old_num_actors; i < (unsigned int)uNumActors; ++i)
1355 {
1356 pActors[i].PrepareSprites(0);
1357 pActors[i].uYawAngle = v15.uYawAngle;
1358 pActors[i].dword_000334_unique_name = uUniqueName;
1359 }
1360 }
1361 }