1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <assert.h>
4 #include "Chest.h"
5 #include "FrameTableInc.h"
6 #include "Allocator.h"
7 #include "LOD.h"
8 #include "MapInfo.h"
9 #include "Actor.h"
10 #include "Indoor.h"
11 #include "Outdoor.h"
12 #include "DecorationList.h"
13 #include "Party.h"
14 #include "AudioPlayer.h"
15 #include "Math.h"
16 #include "Texts.h"
17 #include "ObjectList.h"
18 #include "GUIWindow.h"
19 #include "Time.h"
20 #include "Overlays.h"
22 #include "mm7_data.h"
27 size_t uNumChests; // idb
28 struct ChestList *pChestList;
29 Chest pChests[20];
35 //----- (0042041E) --------------------------------------------------------
36 bool Chest::Open(unsigned int uChestID)
37 {
38 //char *v1; // edi@5
39 unsigned int v2; // eax@8
40 GUIWindow *v3; // eax@15
41 int v5; // edx@16
42 int v6; // eax@16
43 ODMFace *v7; // eax@19
44 int v8; // edx@19
45 int v9; // edi@19
46 signed int v10; // ebx@19
47 int v11; // ecx@19
48 int v12; // eax@19
49 BLVFace *v13; // eax@20
50 int v14; // ebx@21
51 int v15; // edi@21
52 int v16; // ecx@22
53 __int64 v17; // qax@22
54 double v18; // st7@23
55 double v19; // st6@23
56 double v20; // st7@23
57 int v21; // ecx@26
58 char v22[12]; // ST4C_12@28
59 unsigned int *v23; // edi@28
60 unsigned __int16 v24; // di@28
61 signed int v25; // ecx@28
62 char *v26; // edx@29
63 unsigned __int16 v27; // ax@32
64 //LayingItem a1; // [sp+14h] [bp-B0h]@28
65 int v29; // [sp+84h] [bp-40h]@16
66 int v30; // [sp+88h] [bp-3Ch]@16
67 int v31; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-38h]@16
68 int v32; // [sp+90h] [bp-34h]@16
69 float v33; // [sp+94h] [bp-30h]@23
70 //char *v34; // [sp+98h] [bp-2Ch]@5
71 int v35; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-28h]@16
72 Vec3_int_ pOut; // [sp+A0h] [bp-24h]@28
73 int a4; // [sp+ACh] [bp-18h]@1
74 int v38; // [sp+B0h] [bp-14h]@21
75 int sRotX; // [sp+B4h] [bp-10h]@23
76 float v40; // [sp+B8h] [bp-Ch]@23
77 float v41; // [sp+BCh] [bp-8h]@23
78 int sRotY; // [sp+C0h] [bp-4h]@8
80 //a4 = uChestID;
81 assert(uChestID < 20);
82 auto chest = pChests + uChestID;
84 ++pIcons_LOD->uTexturePacksCount;
85 if (!pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles)
86 pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles = pIcons_LOD->uNumLoadedFiles;
89 //v1 = (char *)&pChests[uChestID].uFlags;
90 //v34 = v1;
91 if (!chest->Initialized())
92 Chest::_420284(uChestID);
94 if ( !uActiveCharacter )
95 return 0;
96 *(float *)&sRotY = 0.0;
97 v2 = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
98 if ( !chest->Trapped() || !v2 )
99 goto LABEL_12;
100 if ( pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetDisarmTrap() < 2 * pMapStats->pInfos[v2].LockX5 )
101 {
102 v29 = 811;
103 v30 = 812;
104 v31 = 813;
105 v32 = 814;
106 v5 = rand() % 4;
107 v6 = EvtTargetObj >> 3;
108 v35 = v5;
109 if ( (EvtTargetObj & 7) == OBJECT_Decoration)
110 {
111 v16 = v6;
112 v14 = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.x;
113 v38 = pLevelDecorations[v6].vPosition.y;
114 v17 = pDecorationList->pDecorations[pLevelDecorations[v6].uDecorationDescID].uDecorationHeight;
115 v15 = pLevelDecorations[v16].vPosition.z + (((signed int)v17 - HIDWORD(v17)) >> 1);
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 if ( (EvtTargetObj & 7) != OBJECT_BModel)
120 goto LABEL_12;
121 if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Outdoor)
122 {
123 v7 = &pOutdoor->pBModels[EvtTargetObj >> 9].pFaces[(EvtTargetObj >> 3) & 0x3F];
124 v8 = v7->pBoundingBox.y1;
125 v9 = v7->pBoundingBox.z2;
126 v10 = v7->pBoundingBox.x1 + v7->pBoundingBox.x2;
127 v11 = v7->pBoundingBox.y2;
128 v12 = v7->pBoundingBox.z1;
129 }
130 else
131 {
132 v13 = &pIndoor->pFaces[v6];
133 v8 = v13->pBounding.y1;
134 v9 = v13->pBounding.z2;
135 v10 = v13->pBounding.x1 + v13->pBounding.x2;
136 v11 = v13->pBounding.y2;
137 v12 = v13->pBounding.z1;
138 }
139 v14 = v10 >> 1;
140 v38 = (v8 + v11) >> 1;
141 v15 = (v12 + v9) >> 1;
142 }
143 v18 = (double)pParty->vPosition.x - (double)v14;
144 *(float *)&a4 = v18;
145 v19 = (double)pParty->vPosition.y - (double)v38;
146 v33 = v19;
147 v41 = (double)pParty->sEyelevel + (double)pParty->vPosition.z - (double)v15;
148 *(float *)&sRotY = v19 * v19;
149 *(float *)&sRotX = v18 * v18;
150 v20 = sqrt(v41 * v41 + *(float *)&sRotX + *(float *)&sRotY);
151 v40 = v20;
152 if ( v20 <= 1.0 )
153 {
154 *(float *)&sRotX = 0.0;
155 *(float *)&sRotY = 0.0;
156 }
157 else
158 {
159 sRotY = (signed __int64)sqrt(*(float *)&sRotX + *(float *)&sRotY);
160 sRotX = stru_5C6E00->Atan2((signed __int64)*(float *)&a4, (signed __int64)v33);
161 sRotY = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(sRotY, (signed __int64)v41);
162 }
163 v21 = 256;
164 if ( v40 < 256.0 )
165 v21 = (signed __int64)v40 / 4;
166 *(int *)&v22[8] = v15;
167 *(_QWORD *)v22 = __PAIR__(v38, v14);
168 Vec3_int_::Rotate(v21, sRotX, sRotY, *(Vec3_int_ *)v22, &pOut.x, &pOut.z, &pOut.y);
169 v23 = (unsigned int *)(&v29 + v35);
170 sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(*v23, pOut.x, pOut.z, pOut.y, 0, 1, 0, 0x30u, 0);
172 LayingItem a1; // [sp+14h] [bp-B0h]@28
173 //LayingItem::LayingItem(&a1);
175 a1.stru_24.Reset();
176 v24 = *(short *)v23;
177 v25 = 0;
178 a1.field_50 = 0;
179 a1.field_4C = 0;
180 a1.field_48 = 0;
181 a1.field_54 = 0;
182 a1.uItemType = v24;
183 if ( (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects <= 0 )
184 {
185 LABEL_32:
186 v27 = 0;
187 }
188 else
189 {
190 v26 = (char *)&pObjectList->pObjects->uObjectID;
191 while ( v24 != *(short *)v26 )
192 {
193 ++v25;
194 v26 += 56;
195 if ( v25 >= (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects )
196 goto LABEL_32;
197 }
198 v27 = v25;
199 }
200 a1.uObjectDescID = v27;
201 a1.vPosition.y = pOut.z;
202 a1.vPosition.x = pOut.x;
203 a1.vPosition.z = pOut.y;
204 a1.uSoundID = 0;
205 a1.uAttributes = 48;
206 a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(pOut.x, pOut.z, pOut.y);
207 a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
208 a1.field_58_pid = 0;
209 a1.field_5C = 0;
210 a1.uFacing = 0;
211 a1.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
212 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_8, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
213 a1._438E35();
214 chest->SetInitialized(false);//*v34 &= 0xFEu;
215 if ( uActiveCharacter && !qword_A750D8 && !dword_507CD8 )
216 {
217 qword_A750D8 = 256i64;
218 word_A750E0 = 5;
219 word_A750E2 = uActiveCharacter;
220 }
221 pIcons_LOD->_4114F2();
222 dword_507CD8 = 0;
223 return 0;
224 }
225 chest->SetInitialized(false);//*v1 &= 0xFEu;
226 sRotY = 1;
227 LABEL_12:
228 pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
229 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_OpenChest, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
230 if ( *(float *)&sRotY != 0.0 )
231 {
232 if ( !dword_507CD8 )
233 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_4, 0);
234 }
235 dword_507CD8 = 0;
236 v3 = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, 640u, 480u, WINDOW_Chest, a4, 0);
237 pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu = v3;
238 pChestWindow = v3;
239 pBtn_ExitCancel = v3->CreateButton(
240 0x1D7u,
241 0x1BDu,
242 0xA9u,
243 0x23u,
244 1,
245 0,
246 0x71u,
247 0,
248 0,
249 pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79],// Exit
250 (Texture *)(uTextureID_506438 != -1 ? (int)&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_506438] : 0),
251 0);
252 pChestWindow->CreateButton(7u, 8u, 460u, 343u, 1, 0, 0xCu, 0, 0, "", 0);
253 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CHEST;
254 pEventTimer->Pause();
255 return 1;
256 }
258 //----- (0042092D) --------------------------------------------------------
259 void Chest::DrawChestUI(unsigned int uChestID)
260 {
261 Render *v1; // edi@1
262 unsigned int v2; // ebx@1
263 unsigned int v3; // ebx@1
264 int v4; // eax@1
265 unsigned int v5; // eax@1
266 int v6; // ecx@3
267 unsigned int v7; // eax@4
268 Texture *v8; // esi@4
269 signed int v9; // ecx@4
270 signed int v10; // edx@4
271 signed int v11; // eax@4
272 int v12; // eax@6
273 int v13; // eax@6
274 unsigned int v14; // ST34_4@8
275 int v15; // edi@8
276 int *v16; // [sp+Ch] [bp-28h]@1
277 int v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-24h]@4
278 int v18; // [sp+14h] [bp-20h]@1
279 signed int v19; // [sp+18h] [bp-1Ch]@1
280 int v20; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-18h]@1
281 signed int v21; // [sp+20h] [bp-14h]@1
282 char *v22; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-8h]@2
283 signed int v23; // [sp+30h] [bp-4h]@1
285 v1 = pRenderer;
286 v2 = uChestID;
287 v16 = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer;
288 pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
289 v3 = v2;
290 v4 = pChests[v3].uChestBitmapID;
291 v20 = pChestSmthn1ByType[v4];
292 v18 = pChestSmthn2ByType[v4];
293 v21 = pChestWidthsByType[v4];
294 v19 = pChestHeightsByType[v4];
295 sprintf(pTmpBuf, "chest%02d", pChestList->pChests[pChests[v3].uChestBitmapID].uTextureID);
296 v5 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pTmpBuf, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
297 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8u, 8u, (Texture *)(v5 != -1 ? (int)&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v5] : 0));
298 v23 = 0;
299 if ( v21 * v19 > 0 )
300 {
301 v22 = (char *)pChests[v3].pInventoryIndices;
302 do
303 {
304 v6 = *(short *)v22;
305 if ( v6 > 0 )
306 {
307 v17 = v18 + 32 * v23 / v19;
308 v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(
309 pItemsTable->pItems[*(int *)((char *)&pOtherOverlayList->pOverlays[49].field_4 + 36 * v6 + v3 * 5324)].pIconName,
311 v8 = (Texture *)(v7 != -1 ? &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7] : 0);
312 v9 = (v7 != -1 ? pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7].uTextureWidth : 24);
313 v10 = (v7 != -1 ? pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7].uTextureHeight : 26);
314 v11 = (v7 != -1 ? pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7].uTextureWidth : 24);
315 if ( v9 < 14 )
316 v11 = 14;
317 v12 = v11 - 14;
318 LOBYTE(v12) = v12 & 0xE0;
319 v13 = v12 + 32;
320 if ( (signed int)v8->uTextureHeight < 14 )
321 v10 = 14;
322 v14 = v20 + 32 * v23 % v21 + ((v13 - v9) >> 1);
323 v15 = v17 + ((((v10 - 14) & 0xFFFFFFE0) - v8->uTextureHeight + 32) >> 1);
324 pRenderer->DrawTextureTransparent(
325 v14,
326 v17 + ((((v10 - 14) & 0xFFFFFFE0) - v8->uTextureHeight + 32) >> 1),
327 v8);
328 sub_40F92A(&v16[v14 + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[v15]], v8, v23 + 1);
329 v1 = pRenderer;
330 }
331 ++v23;
332 v22 += 2;
333 }
334 while ( v23 < v21 * v19 );
335 }
336 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pBtn_ExitCancel->uX, pBtn_ExitCancel->uY,
337 (Texture *)(uTextureID_506438 != -1 ? (int)&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_506438] : 0));
338 }
341 //----- (0041FE71) --------------------------------------------------------
342 int Chest::CanPlaceItemAt(signed int a1, int a2, unsigned int uChestID)
343 {
344 int v3; // eax@1
345 unsigned int v4; // eax@1
346 Texture *v5; // ecx@1
347 signed int v6; // eax@1
348 signed int v7; // edi@3
349 signed int v8; // eax@3
350 int v9; // edi@3
351 int v10; // ebx@5
352 int v11; // esi@9
353 int v12; // edx@10
354 int v13; // ecx@11
355 char *v14; // eax@12
356 int v16; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
357 signed int v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1
358 signed int v18; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1
360 v17 = a1;
361 v3 = pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID;
362 v16 = pChestHeightsByType[v3];
363 v18 = pChestWidthsByType[v3];
364 v4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[a2].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
365 v5 = (Texture *)(v4 != -1 ? (int)&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v4] : 0);
366 v6 = (v4 != -1 ? pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v4].uTextureWidth : 24);
367 if ( v6 < 14 )
368 v6 = 14;
369 v7 = v6 - 14;
370 v8 = v5->uTextureHeight;
371 v9 = (v7 >> 5) + 1;
372 if ( v8 < 14 )
373 v8 = 14;
374 v10 = ((v8 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
375 if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
376 {
377 v5->Release();
378 pIcons_LOD->_40F9C5();
379 }
380 if ( v9 + v17 % v18 <= v18 && v10 + v17 / v18 <= v16 )
381 {
382 v11 = 0;
383 if ( v10 <= 0 )
384 return 1;
385 v12 = 0;
386 while ( 1 )
387 {
388 v13 = 0;
389 if ( v9 > 0 )
390 break;
391 LABEL_15:
392 v12 += v18;
393 ++v11;
394 if ( v11 >= v10 )
395 return 1;
396 }
397 v14 = (char *)&pChests[0].pInventoryIndices[v17 + v12 + 2662 * uChestID];
398 while ( !*(short *)v14 )
399 {
400 ++v13;
401 v14 += 2;
402 if ( v13 >= v9 )
403 goto LABEL_15;
404 }
405 }
406 return 0;
407 }
408 // 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
410 //----- (0041FF64) --------------------------------------------------------
411 int Chest::_41FF64(unsigned int uChestID)
412 {
413 unsigned int v1; // ecx@1
414 signed int result; // eax@1
415 int v3; // edx@1
416 ItemGen *pItem; // ecx@2
418 v1 = uChestID;
419 result = 0;
420 v3 = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[v1].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[v1].uChestBitmapID];
421 if ( v3 <= 0 )
422 {
423 LABEL_5:
424 result = -1;
425 }
426 else
427 {
428 pItem = pChests[v1].mm7__vector_pItems;
429 while ( pItem->uItemID )
430 {
431 ++result;
432 ++pItem;
433 if ( result >= v3 )
434 goto LABEL_5;
435 }
436 }
437 return result;
438 }
440 //----- (0041FFA2) --------------------------------------------------------
441 int Chest::_41FFA2(int a1, ItemGen *a2, unsigned int uChestID)
442 {
443 int v3; // eax@1
444 ItemGen *v4; // edi@1
445 int v5; // esi@1
446 int result; // eax@11
447 unsigned int v7; // eax@12
448 int v8; // edx@12
449 int v9; // ecx@12
450 signed int v10; // eax@12
451 signed int v11; // edi@14
452 unsigned int v12; // esi@14
453 int v13; // edi@16
454 void *v14; // edi@21
455 int v15; // edi@21
456 int i; // ecx@21
457 ItemGen *Src; // [sp+Ch] [bp-18h]@1
458 signed int v18; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@2
459 int v19; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@1
460 int v20; // [sp+18h] [bp-Ch]@19
461 signed int v21; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-8h]@1
462 signed int v22; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@3
463 int v23; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@19
465 v21 = 0;
466 v3 = pChests[uChestID].uChestBitmapID;
467 v4 = a2;
468 v5 = pChestWidthsByType[v3] * pChestHeightsByType[v3];
469 Src = a2;
470 v19 = pChestWidthsByType[v3];
471 if ( a1 == -1 )
472 {
473 v18 = _41FF64(uChestID);
474 if ( v18 == -1 )
475 return 0;
476 v22 = 0;
477 if ( v5 > 0 )
478 {
479 while ( !Chest::CanPlaceItemAt(v22, v4->uItemID, (unsigned int)pChestWindow->ptr_1C) )
480 {
481 ++v22;
482 if ( v22 >= v5 )
483 goto LABEL_8;
484 }
485 v21 = v22;
486 }
487 LABEL_8:
488 if ( v22 == v5 )
489 {
490 if ( uActiveCharacter )
491 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_NoRoom, 0);
492 return 0;
493 }
494 v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[v4->uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
495 HIWORD(v8) = 0;
496 v9 = v7 != -1 ? (int)&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7] : 0;
497 v10 = (v7 != -1 ? pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7].uTextureWidth : 24);
498 if ( v10 < 14 )
499 v10 = 14;
500 v11 = *(short *)(v9 + 26);
501 v12 = ((v10 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
502 if ( v11 < 14 )
503 v11 = 14;
504 v13 = ((v11 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
505 if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
506 {
507 ((Texture *)v9)->Release();
508 pIcons_LOD->_40F9C5();
509 }
510 if ( v13 > 0 )
511 {
512 v23 = 0;
513 v20 = v13;
514 do
515 {
516 if ( (signed int)v12 > 0 )
517 {
518 v14 = &pChests[0].pInventoryIndices[v21 + v23 + 2662 * uChestID];
519 LOWORD(v8) = -1 - v21;
520 v8 <<= 16;
521 LOWORD(v8) = -1 - v21;
522 memset32(v14, v8, v12 >> 1);
523 v15 = (int)((char *)v14 + 4 * (v12 >> 1));
524 for ( i = v12 & 1; i; --i )
525 {
526 *(short *)v15 = v8;
527 v15 += 2;
528 }
529 }
530 v23 += v19;
531 --v20;
532 }
533 while ( v20 );
534 }
535 pChests[0].pInventoryIndices[v21 + 2662 * uChestID] = v18 + 1;
536 memcpy(&pChests[uChestID].mm7__vector_pItems[v18], Src, 0x24u);
537 result = v21 + 1;
538 }
539 else
540 {
541 result = 1;
542 }
543 return result;
544 }
545 // 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
547 //----- (0042013E) --------------------------------------------------------
548 unsigned int Chest::PlaceItemAt(unsigned int a1, unsigned int uItemIdx, unsigned int uChestID)
549 {
550 int v3; // esi@1
551 unsigned int v4; // ebx@1
552 int uItemID; // edi@1
553 int v6; // edx@4
554 unsigned int v7; // eax@5
555 Texture *v8; // ecx@5
556 signed int v9; // eax@5
557 signed int v10; // edi@7
558 unsigned int v11; // ebx@7
559 int v12; // edi@9
560 int v13; // edx@12
561 void *v14; // edi@14
562 int v15; // edi@14
563 int i; // ecx@14
564 unsigned int result; // eax@18
565 __int16 v18; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@1
566 int v19; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@11
567 int v20; // [sp+14h] [bp-8h]@12
568 unsigned int v21; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@1
570 v3 = 5324 * uChestID;
571 v21 = a1;
572 v4 = 5324 * uChestID + 36 * uItemIdx;
573 v18 = uItemIdx;
574 uItemID = *(unsigned int *)((char *)&pChests[0].mm7__vector_pItems[0].uItemID + v4);
575 pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus((ItemGen *)((char *)pChests[0].mm7__vector_pItems + v4));
576 if ( uItemID >= 135 && uItemID <= 159 && !*(int *)((char *)&pChests[0].mm7__vector_pItems[0].uNumCharges + v4) )
577 {
578 v6 = rand() % 21 + 10;
579 *(int *)((char *)&pChests[0].mm7__vector_pItems[0].uNumCharges + v4) = v6;
580 *(&pChests[0].mm7__vector_pItems[0].uMaxCharges + v4) = v6;
581 }
582 v7 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture(pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].pIconName, TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
583 v8 = (Texture *)(v7 != -1 ? (int)&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7] : 0);
584 v9 = (v7 != -1 ? pIcons_LOD->pTextures[v7].uTextureWidth : 24);
585 if ( v9 < 14 )
586 v9 = 14;
587 v10 = v8->uTextureHeight;
588 v11 = ((v9 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
589 if ( v10 < 14 )
590 v10 = 14;
591 v12 = ((v10 - 14) >> 5) + 1;
592 if ( !areWeLoadingTexture )
593 {
594 v8->Release();
595 pIcons_LOD->_40F9C5();
596 }
597 v19 = pChestWidthsByType[*(unsigned __int16 *)((char *)&pChests[0].uChestBitmapID + v3)];
598 if ( v12 > 0 )
599 {
600 v13 = 0;
601 v20 = v12;
602 do
603 {
604 if ( (signed int)v11 > 0 )
605 {
606 v14 = &pChests[0].pInventoryIndices[v21 + v13 + 2662 * uChestID];
607 LOWORD(v3) = -1 - v21;
608 v3 <<= 16;
609 LOWORD(v3) = -1 - v21;
610 memset32(v14, v3, v11 >> 1);
611 v15 = (int)((char *)v14 + 4 * (v11 >> 1));
612 for ( i = v11 & 1; i; --i )
613 {
614 *(short *)v15 = v3;
615 v15 += 2;
616 }
617 }
618 v13 += v19;
619 --v20;
620 }
621 while ( v20 );
622 }
623 result = v21 + 2662 * uChestID;
624 pChests[0].pInventoryIndices[result] = v18 + 1;
625 return result;
626 }
627 // 506128: using guessed type int areWeLoadingTexture;
629 //----- (00420284) --------------------------------------------------------
630 char *Chest::_420284(unsigned int uChestID)
631 {
632 int v1; // ebx@1
633 unsigned int v2; // esi@1
634 unsigned int v3; // esi@1
635 int uChestArea; // edi@1
636 int v5; // eax@2
637 int v6; // ebx@11
638 char *result; // eax@18
639 char Dst[144]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-A0h]@1
640 int v9; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-10h]@10
641 unsigned int v10; // [sp+A0h] [bp-Ch]@1
642 unsigned int v11; // [sp+A4h] [bp-8h]@8
643 ItemGen *v12; // [sp+A8h] [bp-4h]@9
645 v1 = 0;
646 v2 = uChestID;
647 v10 = uChestID;
648 pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
649 v3 = v2;
650 uChestArea = pChestWidthsByType[pChests[v3].uChestBitmapID] * pChestHeightsByType[pChests[v3].uChestBitmapID];
651 memset(Dst, 0, 0x90u);
652 if ( uChestArea > 0 )
653 {
654 do
655 {
656 do
657 v5 = (unsigned __int8)rand();
658 while ( v5 >= uChestArea );
659 while ( Dst[v5] )
660 {
661 ++v5;
662 if ( v5 == uChestArea )
663 v5 = 0;
664 }
665 Dst[v5] = v1++;
666 }
667 while ( v1 < uChestArea );
668 }
669 v11 = 0;
670 if ( uChestArea > 0 )
671 {
672 v12 = pChests[v3].mm7__vector_pItems;//&pChests[v3].mm7__vector_pItems[0].uAttributes;
673 do
674 {
675 v9 = v12->uItemID;
676 if ( v9 )
677 {
678 v6 = 0;
679 while ( !Chest::CanPlaceItemAt((unsigned __int8)Dst[v6], v9, v10) )
680 {
681 ++v6;
682 if ( v6 >= uChestArea )
683 break;
684 }
685 if(v6<uChestArea)
686 {
687 Chest::PlaceItemAt((unsigned __int8)Dst[v6], v11, v10);
688 if ( pChests[v3].uFlags & 4 )
689 v12->SetIdentified();
690 }
691 }
692 ++v11;
693 ++v12;
694 }
695 while ( (signed int)v11 < uChestArea );
696 }
697 result = (char *)&pChests[v3].uFlags;
698 pChests[v3].uFlags = pChests[v3].uFlags & 0xFFFB | 2;
699 return result;
700 }
701 // 420284: using guessed type char Dst[144];
703 //----- (00458B03) --------------------------------------------------------
704 void ChestList::ToFile()
705 {
706 ChestList *v1; // esi@1
707 FILE *v2; // eax@1
708 FILE *v3; // edi@1
710 v1 = this;
711 v2 = fopen("data\\dchest.bin", "wb");
712 v3 = v2;
713 if ( !v2 )
714 Abortf("Unable to save dchest.bin!");
715 fwrite(v1, 4u, 1u, v2);
716 fwrite(v1->pChests, 0x24u, v1->uNumChests, v3);
717 fclose(v3);
718 }
721 //----- (00458B4F) --------------------------------------------------------
722 void ChestList::FromFile(void *pSerialized)
723 {
724 uNumChests = *(int *)pSerialized;
725 pChests = (ChestDesc *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(pChests, 36 * uNumChests, "Chest Descrip");
726 memcpy(pChests, (char *)pSerialized + 4, 36 * uNumChests);
727 }
730 //----- (00458B9C) --------------------------------------------------------
731 int ChestList::FromFileTxt(const char *Args)
732 {
733 ChestList *v2; // ebx@1
734 __int32 v3; // edi@1
735 FILE *v4; // eax@1
736 unsigned int v5; // esi@3
737 const void *v6; // ST18_4@9
738 void *v7; // eax@9
739 FILE *v8; // ST0C_4@11
740 char *i; // eax@11
741 char v10; // al@14
742 const char *v11; // ST14_4@14
743 char v12; // al@14
744 const char *v13; // ST10_4@14
745 char Buf; // [sp+8h] [bp-2F0h]@3
746 FrameTableTxtLine v16; // [sp+1FCh] [bp-FCh]@4
747 FrameTableTxtLine v17; // [sp+278h] [bp-80h]@4
748 FILE *File; // [sp+2F4h] [bp-4h]@1
749 unsigned int Argsa; // [sp+300h] [bp+8h]@3
751 v2 = this;
752 pAllocator->FreeChunk(this->pChests);
753 v3 = 0;
754 v2->pChests = 0;
755 v2->uNumChests = 0;
756 v4 = fopen(Args, "r");
757 File = v4;
758 if ( !v4 )
759 Abortf("ChestDescriptionList::load - Unable to open file: %s.");
760 v5 = 0;
761 Argsa = 0;
762 if ( fgets(&Buf, 490, v4) )
763 {
764 do
765 {
766 *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
767 memcpy(&v17, texture_frame_table_txt_parser(&Buf, &v16), sizeof(v17));
768 if ( v17.field_0 && *v17.pProperties[0] != 47 )
769 ++Argsa;
770 }
771 while ( fgets(&Buf, 490, File) );
772 v5 = Argsa;
773 v3 = 0;
774 }
775 v6 = v2->pChests;
776 v2->uNumChests = v5;
777 v7 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v6, 36 * v5, "Chest Descrip");
778 v2->pChests = (ChestDesc *)v7;
779 if ( v7 == (void *)v3 )
780 Abortf("ChestDescriptionList::load - Out of Memory!");
781 memset(v7, v3, 36 * v2->uNumChests);
782 v8 = File;
783 v2->uNumChests = v3;
784 fseek(v8, v3, v3);
785 for ( i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File); i; i = fgets(&Buf, 490, File) )
786 {
787 *strchr(&Buf, 10) = 0;
788 memcpy(&v17, texture_frame_table_txt_parser(&Buf, &v16), sizeof(v17));
789 if ( v17.field_0 && *v17.pProperties[0] != 47 )
790 {
791 strcpy(v2->pChests[v2->uNumChests].pName, v17.pProperties[0]);
792 v10 = atoi(v17.pProperties[1]);
793 v11 = v17.pProperties[2];
794 v2->pChests[v2->uNumChests].uWidth = v10;
795 v12 = atoi(v11);
796 v13 = v17.pProperties[3];
797 v2->pChests[v2->uNumChests].uHeight = v12;
798 v2->pChests[v2->uNumChests++].uTextureID = atoi(v13);
799 }
800 }
801 fclose(File);
802 return 1;
803 }