Mercurial > might-and-magic-trilogy
view Player.h @ 27:be2066176d89
On level initialization
author | Nomad |
date | Tue, 16 Oct 2012 01:31:05 +0200 |
parents | 2bbf33898c6b |
children | 8a8dd0164b12 |
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line source
#pragma once #include "Items.h" #include "Spells.h" /* 339 */ enum CHARACTER_RACE { CHARACTER_RACE_HUMAN = 0x0, CHARACTER_RACE_ELF = 0x1, CHARACTER_RACE_GOBLIN = 0x2, CHARACTER_RACE_DWARF = 0x3, }; /* 332 */ enum CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH = 0x0, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE = 0x1, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_WILLPOWER = 0x2, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_ENDURANCE = 0x3, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_ACCURACY = 0x4, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_SPEED = 0x5, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_LUCK = 0x6, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH = 0x7, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_MANA = 0x8, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_AC_BONUS = 0x9, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RESIST_FIRE = 0xA, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RESIST_AIR = 0xB, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RESIST_WATER = 0xC, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RESIST_EARTH = 0xD, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RESIST_MIND = 0xE, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RESIST_BODY = 0xF, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL = 0x18, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK = 0x19, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_MELEE_DMG_BONUS = 0x1A, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_MELEE_DMG_MIN = 0x1B, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_MELEE_DMG_MAX = 0x1C, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_ATTACK = 0x1D, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_DAMAGE_BONUS = 0x1E, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_DAMAGE_MIN = 0x1F, CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_DAMAGE_MAX = 0x20, }; /* 328 */ enum PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE { PLAYER_SKILL_STAFF = 0x0, PLAYER_SKILL_SWORD = 0x1, PLAYER_SKILL_DAGGER = 0x2, PLAYER_SKILL_AXE = 0x3, PLAYER_SKILL_SPEAR = 0x4, PLAYER_SKILL_BOW = 0x5, PLAYER_SKILL_MACE = 0x6, PLAYER_SKILL_BLASTER = 0x7, PLAYER_SKILL_SHIELD = 0x8, PLAYER_SKILL_LEATHER = 0x9, PLAYER_SKILL_CHAIN = 0xA, PLAYER_SKILL_PLATE = 0xB, PLAYER_SKILL_FIRE = 0xC, PLAYER_SKILL_AIR = 0xD, PLAYER_SKILL_WATER = 0xE, PLAYER_SKILL_EARTH = 0xF, PLAYER_SKILL_SPIRIT = 0x10, PLAYER_SKILL_MIND = 0x11, PLAYER_SKILL_BODY = 0x12, PLAYER_SKILL_LIGHT = 0x13, PLAYER_SKILL_DARK = 0x14, PLAYER_SKILL_ITEM_ID = 0x15, PLAYER_SKILL_MERCHANT = 0x16, PLAYER_SKILL_REPAIR = 0x17, PLAYER_SKILL_BODYBUILDING = 0x18, PLAYER_SKILL_MEDITATION = 0x19, PLAYER_SKILL_PERCEPTION = 0x1A, PLAYER_SKILL_DIPLOMACY = 0x1B, PLAYER_SKILL_TIEVERY = 0x1C, PLAYER_SKILL_TRAP_DISARM = 0x1D, PLAYER_SKILL_DODGE = 0x1E, PLAYER_SKILL_UNARMED = 0x1F, PLAYER_SKILL_MONSTER_ID = 0x20, PLAYER_SKILL_ARMSMASTER = 0x21, PLAYER_SKILL_STEALING = 0x22, PLAYER_SKILL_ALCHEMY = 0x23, PLAYER_SKILL_LEARNING = 0x24, }; /* 329 */ enum PLAYER_CLASS_TYPE { PLAYER_CLASS_KNIGHT = 0x0, PLAYER_CLASS_THEIF = 0x4, PLAYER_CLASS_CLERIC = 0x18, PLAYER_CLASS_SORCERER = 0x20, }; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct LloydBeacon { unsigned __int64 uBeaconTime; int field_8; int field_C; int field_10; int field_14; int field_18; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) struct PlayerSpellbookChapter { unsigned __int8 bIsSpellbookAvailable; char bIsSpellAvailable[10]; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) struct PlayerSpells { union { struct { PlayerSpellbookChapter pFireSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pAirSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pWaterSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pEarthSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pSpiritSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pMindSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pBodySpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pLightSpellbook; PlayerSpellbookChapter pDarkSpellbook; char _pad_0; }; struct { PlayerSpellbookChapter pChapters[9]; char _pad_1; }; }; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) union PlayerEquipment { union { struct { unsigned int uOffHand; unsigned int uMainHand; unsigned int uBow; unsigned int uBody; unsigned int uHelm; unsigned int uBelt; unsigned int uCloak; unsigned int field_1C; unsigned int field_20; unsigned int field_24; unsigned int field_28; unsigned int field_2C; unsigned int field_30; unsigned int field_34; unsigned int field_38; unsigned int field_3C; }; unsigned int pIndices[16]; }; }; #pragma pack(pop) enum PLAYER_SEX: unsigned __int8 { SEX_MALE = 0, SEX_FEMALE = 1 }; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct Player { Player(); void SetVariable(enum VariableType var, signed int a3); void AddVariable(enum VariableType var, signed int val); void SubtractVariable(enum VariableType var, void *a3); char CompareVariable(enum VariableType var, signed int a1); void UseItem_DrinkPotion_etc(signed int a2, int a3); bool AddItem(struct ItemGen *pItem); int GetBaseStrength(); int GetBaseIntelligence(); int GetBaseWillpower(); int GetBaseEndurance(); int GetBaseAccuracy(); int GetBaseSpeed(); int GetBaseLuck(); int GetBaseLevel(); int GetActualLevel(); int GetActualMight(); int GetActualIntelligence(); int GetActualWillpower(); int GetActualEndurance(); int GetActualAccuracy(); int GetActualSpeed(); int GetActualLuck(); int GetActualAttack(int a2); int GetMeleeDamageMinimal(); int GetMeleeDamageMaximal(); int CalculateMeleeDamageTo(int a2, int a3, unsigned int uTargetActorID); int GetRangedAttack(); int GetRangedDamageMin(); int GetRangedDamageMax(); bool CalculateRangedDamageTo(int a2); char *GetMeleeDamageString(); char *GetRangedDamageString(); bool CanTrainToNextLevel(); unsigned int GetExperienceDisplayColor(); int CalculateIncommingDamage(int resistance, signed int type); int GetEquippedItemEquipType(unsigned int uEquipSlot); int GetEquippedItemSkillType(enum ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE uEquipSlot); bool IsUnarmed(); bool HasItemEquipped(enum ITEM_EQUIP_TYPE uEquipIndex); bool HasEnchantedItemEquipped(int uEnchantment); bool WearsItem(int a1, signed int a2); bool StealFromShop(struct ItemGen *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int *a6); int StealFromActor(unsigned int uActorID, int _steal_perm, int reputation); void Heal(int amount); int ReceiveDamage(signed int type, int resistance); int _48DCF6(int a2, struct Actor *pActor); unsigned int GetSpellSchool(unsigned int uSpellID); int GetAttackRecoveryTime(int a2); int GetMaxHealth(); int GetMaxMana(); int GetBaseAC(); int GetActualAC(); unsigned int GetBaseAge(); unsigned int GetActualAge(); int GetBaseResistance(enum CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE a2); int GetActualResistance(enum CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE a2); void SetRecoveryTime(signed int sRecoveryTime); void RandomizeName(); unsigned int GetMajorConditionIdx(); int _48EA1B_get_static_effect(int a2); int _48EA46_calc_special_bonus_by_items(int a2); int GetItemsBonus(enum CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attr, int a3); int GetMagicalBonus(enum CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE a2); char GetActualSkillLevel(enum PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE uSkillType); int GetSkillBonus(enum CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE a2); enum CHARACTER_RACE GetRace(); int GetSexByVoice(); void SetInitialStats(); int SetSexByVoice(); void Reset(unsigned __int8 uClass); enum PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE GetSkillIdxByOrder(signed int order); unsigned __int16 DecreaseAttribute(int eAttribute); int IncreaseAttribute(int eAttribute); void Player::Zero(); __int16 GetStatColor(unsigned int uStat); bool DiscardConditionIfLastsLongerThan(unsigned int uCondition, unsigned __int64 uTime); int _490EEE(ItemGen *pItem, int a3, int a4, int a5); int GetBodybuilding(); int GetMediatation(); int CanIdentify(ItemGen *pItem); int CanRepair(ItemGen *); int GetMerchant(); int GetPerception(); int GetDisarmTrap(); char GetLearningPercent(); bool CanFitItem(unsigned int uSlot, unsigned int uItemID); unsigned int FindFreeInventorySlot(); int CreateItemInInventory(unsigned int uSlot, unsigned int uItemID); int HasSkill(unsigned int uSkillType); int WearItem(unsigned int uItemID); int AddItem(unsigned int uSlot, unsigned int uItemID); int AddItem2(unsigned int uSlot, ItemGen *Src); int CreateItemInInventory2(unsigned int uSlot, ItemGen *Src); bool _49298B(ItemGen *a2, int a3, int a4); unsigned int RemoveItemAtInventoryIndex(unsigned int uSlot); bool CanAct(); bool CanSteal(); bool CanEquip_RaceAndAlignmentCheck(unsigned int uItemID); int SetCondition(unsigned int uConditionIdx, int a3); int _49327B(unsigned int uClass, int a3); __int16 PlaySound(int a2, int a3); __int16 PlayEmotion(int a2, int a3); char _4160CA(int a2); unsigned int GetItemIDAtInventoryIndex(int *a2); int _4B6FF9(); int _4B824B(float a2); int _4B8265(int a2, float a3); int _4B8233(int a2, float a3); int _4B8213(int a2, float a3); int _4B81C3(int a2, float a3); int _4B8179(float a2); int _4B8142(int a2, float a3); int _4B8102(int a2, float a3); int _4B807C(float a2); int _4B8040_condition_time(unsigned int uCondition); bool _43EEF3(); void _4BE2DD(unsigned int a2, int a3, int _2devent_idx); bool Recover(signed int a2); bool CanCastSpell(unsigned int uRequiredMana); __int64 pConditions[20]; unsigned __int64 uExperience; char pName[16]; PLAYER_SEX uSex; unsigned __int8 uClass; unsigned __int8 uFace; char field_BB; unsigned __int16 uMight; unsigned __int16 uMightBonus; unsigned __int16 uIntelligence; unsigned __int16 uIntelligenceBonus; unsigned __int16 uWillpower; unsigned __int16 uWillpowerBonus; unsigned __int16 uEndurance; unsigned __int16 uEnduranceBonus; unsigned __int16 uSpeed; unsigned __int16 uSpeedBonus; unsigned __int16 uAccuracy; unsigned __int16 uAccuracyBonus; unsigned __int16 uLuck; unsigned __int16 uLuckBonus; __int16 sACModifier; unsigned __int16 uLevel; __int16 sLevelModifier; __int16 sAgeModifier; int field_E0; int field_E4; int field_E8; int field_EC; int field_F0; int field_F4; int field_F8; int field_FC; int field_100; int field_104; unsigned __int16 pActiveSkills[37]; char field_152[64]; PlayerSpells spellbook; char field_1F5[30]; // used to be [31] ItemGen pInventoryItems[126]; ItemGen pEquippedItems[12]; int pInventoryIndices[126]; __int16 sResFireBase; __int16 sResAirBase; __int16 sResWaterBase; __int16 sResEarthBase; __int16 field_177C; __int16 sResMagicBase; __int16 sResSpiritBase; __int16 sResMindBase; __int16 sResBodyBase; __int16 sResLightBase; __int16 sResDarkBase; __int16 sResFireBonus; __int16 sResAirBonus; __int16 sResWaterBonus; __int16 sResEarthBonus; __int16 field_1792; __int16 sResMagicBonus; __int16 sResSpiritBonus; __int16 sResMindBonus; __int16 sResBodyBonus; __int16 sResLightBonus; __int16 sResDarkBonus; SpellBuff pPlayerBuffs[24]; unsigned int uVoiceID; int field_1924; int field_1928; int field_192C; int field_1930; unsigned __int16 uTimeToRecovery; char field_1936; char field_1937; unsigned int uSkillPoints; int sHealth; int sMana; unsigned int uBirthYear; PlayerEquipment pEquipment; int field_1988[49]; char field_1A4C; char field_1A4D; char field_1A4E; unsigned __int8 uQuickSpell; char field_1A50[64]; char _some_attack_bonus; char field_1A91; char _melee_dmg_bonus; char field_1A93; char _ranged_atk_bonus; char field_1A95; char _ranged_dmg_bonus; char field_1A97; char uFullHealthBonus; char _health_related; char uFullManaBonus; char _mana_related; unsigned __int16 uExpressionID; unsigned __int16 uExpressionTimePassed; unsigned __int16 uExpressionTimeLength; __int16 field_1AA2; int field_1AA4; int field_1AA8; LloydBeacon pInstalledBeacons[5]; char uNumDivineInterventionCastsThisDay; char uNumArmageddonCasts; char uNumFireSpikeCasts; char field_1B3B; }; #pragma pack(pop)