view Indoor.cpp @ 119:6e0346bc7014

author Ritor1
date Thu, 08 Nov 2012 09:27:19 +0600
parents 8be5293b6b33
children 918dca162239 d2ca891da89f
line wrap: on
line source

#include <assert.h>

#include "Outdoor.h"
#include "Render.h"
#include "LayingItem.h"
#include "Events.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Viewport.h"
#include "Time.h"
#include "Party.h"
#include "Math.h"
#include "Allocator.h"
#include "LOD.h"
#include "DecorationList.h"
#include "ObjectList.h"
#include "Actor.h"
#include "Chest.h"
#include "GUIProgressBar.h"
#include "stru123.h"
#include "AudioPlayer.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "TurnEngine.h"
#include "PaletteManager.h"
#include "MapInfo.h"

#include "mm7_data.h"

IndoorLocation *pIndoor = new IndoorLocation;
BLVRenderParams *pBLVRenderParams = new BLVRenderParams;

struct DecorationList *pDecorationList;

LevelDecoration pLevelDecorations[3000];
size_t uNumLevelDecorations;
LevelDecoration *_5C3420_pDecoration;

LEVEL_TYPE uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType = LEVEL_null;

stru320 stru_F8AD28; // idb
stru337 stru_F81018;
stru167_wrap array_5118E8;
stru170_stru2 stru_F8A590;
stru170 *pStru170 = new stru170; // idb
stru141 stru_721530;
stru352 stru_F83B80[480];

unsigned __int16 pDoorSoundIDsByLocationID[78] =
  300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300,
  300, 300, 300, 404, 302, 306, 308, 304, 308, 302, 400, 302, 300,
  308, 308, 306, 308, 308, 304, 300, 404, 406, 300, 400, 406, 404,
  306, 302, 408, 304, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300,
  300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 404, 304,
  400, 300, 300, 404, 304, 400, 300, 300, 404, 304, 400, 300, 300

//----- (0043F39E) --------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall PrepareDrawLists_BLV(IndoorLocation_drawstru *_this)
  //int *v1; // ecx@1
  //double v2; // ST30_8@3
  //double v3; // ST30_8@6
  //double v4; // ST28_8@6
  int v5; // eax@4
  int v6; // eax@7
  unsigned int v7; // ebx@8
  BLVSector *v8; // esi@8
  unsigned __int16 *v9; // edi@8
  int i; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@7
  //unsigned __int8 v11; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@3
  signed int v12; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@8

  pMobileLightsStack->uNumLightsActive = 0;
  //uNumMobileLightsApplied = 0;
  uNumDecorationsDrawnThisFrame = 0;
  _unused000 = 0;
  uNumSpritesDrawnThisFrame = 0;
  uNumBillboardsToDraw = 0;
  if ( !byte_4D864C || !(pGame->uFlags & 0x1000) )
    //v2 = pParty->flt_TorchlightColorB + 6.7553994e15;
    //v11 = LOBYTE(v2);
    v5 = 800;
    if (pParty->TorchlightActive())
      v5 *= pParty->pPartyBuffs[16].uPower;
    //LOBYTE(v1) = byte_4E94D0;
    //v4 = pParty->flt_TorchlightColorR + 6.7553994e15;
    //v3 = pParty->flt_TorchlightColorG + 6.7553994e15;
      floorf(pParty->flt_TorchlightColorR + 0.5f),
      floorf(pParty->flt_TorchlightColorG + 0.5f),
      floorf(pParty->flt_TorchlightColorB + 0.5f),
  v6 = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i < pStru170->uNumVisibleNotEmptySectors; ++i )
    v7 = pStru170->pVisibleSectorIDs_toDrawDecorsActorsEtcFrom[v6];
    v12 = 0;
    v8 = &pIndoor->pSectors[pStru170->pVisibleSectorIDs_toDrawDecorsActorsEtcFrom[v6]];
    v9 = v8->pDecorationIDs;
    if ( v8->uNumDecorations > 0 )
        PrepareDecorationsRenderList_BLV(v9[v12++], v7);
      while ( v12 < v8->uNumDecorations );
    v6 = i + 1;

//----- (004407D9) --------------------------------------------------------
int BLVRenderParams::Reset(IndoorLocation_drawstru *a2)
  IndoorLocation_drawstru *v2; // ebx@1
  BLVRenderParams *v3; // esi@1
  int v4; // ST08_4@1
  int v5; // ST04_4@1
  int v6; // ST00_4@1
  int v7; // eax@1
  int v8; // ST08_4@2
  int v9; // ST04_4@2
  int v10; // ST00_4@2
  unsigned int v11; // edi@4
  unsigned int v12; // ecx@4
  int v13; // edx@4
  signed int v14; // ecx@4
  unsigned int v15; // edx@4
  unsigned int v16; // eax@4
  double v17; // st7@5
  int v18; // eax@5
  double v19; // st7@5
  int v20; // eax@5
  double v21; // st7@5
  int v22; // eax@5
  unsigned int v23; // edx@5
  unsigned int v24; // ecx@5
  int v25; // eax@5
  int v26; // eax@5
  signed int v27; // eax@6
  int result; // eax@6
  int v29; // [sp+24h] [bp+8h]@5

  v2 = a2;
  v3 = this;
  this->field_0_timer_ = a2->field_0_timer;
  this->uFlags = a2->uFlags;
  this->vPartyPos.x = a2->vPosition.x;
  this->vPartyPos.y = a2->vPosition.y;
  this->vPartyPos.z = a2->vPosition.z;
  v4 = this->vPartyPos.z;
  v5 = this->vPartyPos.y;
  this->sPartyRotY = a2->sRotationY;
  v6 = this->vPartyPos.x;
  this->sPartyRotX = a2->sRotationX;
  v7 = pIndoor->GetSector(v6, v5, v4);
  v3->uPartySectorID = v7;
  if ( !v7 )
    v8 = v3->vPartyPos.z;
    v3->vPartyPos.x = pParty->vPosition.x;
    v9 = pParty->vPosition.y;
    v10 = v3->vPartyPos.x;
    v3->vPartyPos.y = pParty->vPosition.y;
    v3->uPartySectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(v10, v9, v8);
  if ( pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
    v3->sCosineY = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v3->sPartyRotY);
    v3->sSineY = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v3->sPartyRotY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
    v3->sCosineNegX = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(-v3->sPartyRotX);
    v3->sSineNegX = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(-v3->sPartyRotX - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
    v3->fCosineY = cos((3.141592653589793 + 3.141592653589793) * (double)v3->sPartyRotY * 0.00048828125);
    v3->fSineY = sin((3.141592653589793 + 3.141592653589793) * (double)v3->sPartyRotY * 0.00048828125);
    v3->fCosineNegX = cos((3.141592653589793 + 3.141592653589793) * (double)-v3->sPartyRotX * 0.00048828125);
    v3->fSineNegX = sin((3.141592653589793 + 3.141592653589793) * (double)-v3->sPartyRotX * 0.00048828125);
    v3->field_64 = a2->field_3C;
    v11 = v3->uViewportW;
    v12 = v3->uViewportX;
    v13 = v3->uViewportZ - v12;
    v14 = v3->uViewportZ + v12;
    v3->field_70 = v13 + 1;
    v15 = v3->uViewportY;
    v3->uViewportHeight = v11 - v15 + 1;
    v16 = v3->uViewportW;
    v3->uViewportCenterX = v14 >> 1;
    v3->uViewportCenterY = (signed int)(v16 + v15) >> 1;
    v3->sCosineY = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(-v3->sPartyRotY);
    v3->sSineY = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(-v3->sPartyRotY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
    v3->sCosineNegX = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(-v3->sPartyRotX);
    v3->sSineNegX = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(-v3->sPartyRotX - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
    v17 = cos((double)-v3->sPartyRotY * 0.0030664064);
    v18 = v3->sPartyRotY;
    v3->fCosineY = v17;
    v19 = sin((double)-v18 * 0.0030664064);
    v20 = v3->sPartyRotX;
    v3->fSineY = v19;
    v21 = cos((double)-v20 * 0.0030664064);
    v22 = v3->sPartyRotX;
    v3->fCosineNegX = v21;
    v3->fSineNegX = sin((double)-v22 * 0.0030664064);
    v23 = v3->uViewportX;
    v3->field_64 = a2->field_3C;
    v24 = v3->uViewportZ;
    v3->field_70 = v3->uViewportZ - v23 + 1;
    v25 = v3->uViewportW - v3->uViewportY + 1;
    v3->uViewportHeight = v25;
    v29 = v25;
    v26 = v3->field_64;
    v3->uViewportCenterX = (signed int)(v24 + v23) >> 1;
    v3->uViewportCenterY = v3->uViewportW - ((unsigned __int64)(v26 * (signed __int64)v29) >> 16);
  v27 = (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)v3->field_70 * 0.5 / tan((double)(v2->field_1C_mb_fov >> 1) * 0.01745329)
                                     + 0.5) << 16;
  v3->field_40 = v27;
  LODWORD(v3->field_44) = 4294967296i64 / v27;
  v3->pRenderTarget = v2->pRenderTarget;
  v3->uTargetWidth = v2->uTargetWidth;
  v3->uTargetHeight = v2->uTargetHeight;
  v3->uViewportX = v2->uViewportX;
  v3->uViewportY = v2->uViewportY;
  v3->uViewportZ = v2->uViewportZ;
  v3->uViewportW = v2->uViewportW;
  v3->pTargetZBuffer = v2->pTargetZ;
  result = 0;
  v3->field_8C = 0;
  v3->field_84 = 0;
  v3->uNumFacesRenderedThisFrame = 0;
  v3->field_88 = 0;
  pBLVRenderParams->field_90 = 64;
  pBLVRenderParams->field_94 = 6;
  return result;

//----- (00440B44) --------------------------------------------------------
void IndoorLocation::ExecDraw(bool bD3D)
  int v2; // eax@3
  IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *v3; // edx@4
  unsigned int v5; // ecx@9
  RenderVertexSoft *v6; // [sp-4h] [bp-8h]@4

  if (bD3D)
    pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->vPosition.z);
    for (uint i = 0; i < pStru170->uNumFaceIDs; ++i)
      v2 = pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * i + 1];
      if ( pStru170->field_FA8[v2].std__vector_0007A8 == -1 )
        v6 = 0;
        v3 = 0;
        v3 = pStru170->field_FA8[v2].std__vector_0007AC;
        v6 = pStru170->field_FA8[v2].pVertices;
      IndoorLocation::ExecDraw_d3d(pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * i], v3, 4, v6);
    for (uint j = 0; j < pStru170->uNumFaceIDs; ++j )
      v5 = pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * j];
      pBLVRenderParams->field_7C = &pStru170->field_FA8[pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * j + 1]].field_C;

//----- (00440BED) --------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall sub_440BED(IndoorLocation_drawstru *_this)
  unsigned __int16 *v1; // edi@7
  char *v2; // esi@8
  int v3; // ecx@9
  unsigned int v4; // edx@9
  char *v5; // eax@10
  signed int v6; // [sp+8h] [bp-8h]@7
  int v7; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@8

  if (pBLVRenderParams->uPartySectorID)
    IndoorLocation::ExecDraw(pRenderer->pRenderD3D != 0);
  if ( !pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
    if ( pBLVRenderParams->uFlags & 2 )
    if ( pBLVRenderParams->uFlags & 1 )
      v1 = pBLVRenderParams->pRenderTarget;
      v6 = 0;
      if ( (signed int)pStru170->std__vector_000FA8 > 0 )
        v7 = 0;
        v2 = (char *)&pStru170->field_FA8[0].field_C._viewport_space_w;
          v3 = *((int *)v2 - 1);
          v4 = pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch * *((int *)v2 - 1);
          if ( v3 <= *(int *)v2 )
            v5 = (char *)&pStru170->field_FA8[0].field_C.array_3D8[v3 + v7];
              v1[v4 + *((short *)v5 - 480)] = 255;
              v1[v4 + *(short *)v5] = 255;
              v4 += pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch;
              v5 += 2;
            while ( v3 <= *(int *)v2 );
          v7 += 1126;
          v2 += 2252;
        while ( v6 < (signed int)pStru170->std__vector_000FA8 );

//----- (00441BD4) --------------------------------------------------------
void IndoorLocation::Draw()
  int v0; // eax@1
  IndoorLocation_drawstru _this; // [sp+0h] [bp-4Ch]@5
  int v2; // [sp+44h] [bp-8h]@5
  int v3; // [sp+48h] [bp-4h]@5

  v0 = 0;
  if ( viewparams->field_50_draw_debug_outlines )
    v0 = 1;
  if ( viewparams->field_54 )
    LOBYTE(v0) = v0 | 2;
  _this.field_0_timer = pEventTimer->uTotalGameTimeElapsed;
  _this.uFlags = v0;
  _this.vPosition.x = pParty->vPosition.x
                   - ((unsigned __int64)(stru_5C6E00->SinCos(pParty->sRotationY)
                                       * (signed __int64)pParty->field_18) >> 16);
  v2 = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(pParty->sRotationY - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
  v3 = (unsigned __int64)(v2 * (signed __int64)pParty->field_18) >> 16;
  _this.field_1C_mb_fov = 65;
  _this.vPosition.y = pParty->vPosition.y - v3;
  _this.sRotationY = pParty->sRotationY;
  _this.sRotationX = pParty->sRotationX;
  _this.pRenderTarget = pRenderer->pTargetSurface;
  _this.uViewportX = pViewport->uScreenX;
  _this.uViewportY = pViewport->uScreenY;
  _this.uViewportZ = pViewport->uScreenZ;
  _this.uViewportW = pViewport->uScreenW;
  _this.field_3C = pViewport->field_30;
  _this.vPosition.z = pParty->vPosition.z + pParty->sEyelevel;
  _this.uTargetWidth = 640;
  _this.uTargetHeight = 480;
  _this.pTargetZ = pRenderer->pActiveZBuffer;
  pParty->uFlags &= 0xFFFFFFFDu;

//----- (004C0EF2) --------------------------------------------------------
void BLVFace::FromODM(ODMFace *a2)
  this->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x = a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.x;
  this->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y = a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.y;
  this->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z = a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.z;
  this->pFacePlane_old.dist = a2->pFacePlane.dist;
  this->pFacePlane.vNormal.x = (double)(a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.x & 0xFFFF) * 0.000015259022
                             + (double)(a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.x >> 16);
  this->pFacePlane.vNormal.y = (double)(a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.y & 0xFFFF) * 0.000015259022
                             + (double)(a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.y >> 16);
  this->pFacePlane.vNormal.z = (double)(a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.z & 0xFFFF) * 0.000015259022
                             + (double)(a2->pFacePlane.vNormal.z >> 16);
  this->pFacePlane.dist = (double)(a2->pFacePlane.dist & 0xFFFF) * 0.000015259022 + (double)(a2->pFacePlane.dist >> 16);
  this->uAttributes = a2->uAttributes;
  this->pBounding.x1 = a2->pBoundingBox.x1;
  this->pBounding.y1 = a2->pBoundingBox.y1;
  this->pBounding.z1 = a2->pBoundingBox.z1;
  this->pBounding.x2 = a2->pBoundingBox.x2;
  this->pBounding.y2 = a2->pBoundingBox.y2;
  this->pBounding.z2 = a2->pBoundingBox.z2;
  this->zCalc1 = a2->zCalc1;
  this->zCalc2 = a2->zCalc2;
  this->zCalc3 = a2->zCalc3;
  this->pXInterceptDisplacements = a2->pXInterceptDisplacements;
  this->pYInterceptDisplacements = a2->pYInterceptDisplacements;
  this->pZInterceptDisplacements = a2->pZInterceptDisplacements;
  this->uPolygonType = (PolygonType)a2->uPolygonType;
  this->uNumVertices = a2->uNumVertices;
  this->uBitmapID = a2->uTextureID;
  this->pVertexIDs = a2->pVertexIDs;

//----- (004B0A25) --------------------------------------------------------
void IndoorLocation::ExecDraw_d3d(unsigned int uFaceID, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *pVertices, unsigned int uNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *a4)
  //unsigned int v4; // esi@1
  char *v5; // eax@4
  signed int v6; // ecx@4
  char *v7; // eax@8
  signed int v8; // ecx@8
  //BLVFace *v9; // esi@13
  //IndoorCameraD3D *v10; // edi@16
  //int v11; // ebx@17
  //Vec3_short_ *v12; // ecx@18
  //char *v13; // edx@18
  //int v14; // eax@19
  //unsigned __int8 v15; // sf@19
  //unsigned __int8 v16; // of@19
  int v17; // ebx@25
  //double v18; // st7@27
  //double v19; // st6@27
  //double v20; // st5@27
  //char v21; // dl@27
  //unsigned int v22; // eax@44
  unsigned int v23; // eax@35
  //DWORD v24; // eax@37
  //int v25; // eax@38
  //char *v26; // edi@38
  IDirect3DTexture2 *v27; // eax@42
  Texture *v28; // [sp+Ch] [bp-1Ch]@15
  //int i; // [sp+10h] [bp-18h]@38
  //LightmapBuilder *pStru4; // [sp+14h] [bp-14h]@16
  //IndoorCameraD3D *v31; // [sp+18h] [bp-10h]@16
  //IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a7; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
  //unsigned int uFaceID_; // [sp+20h] [bp-8h]@1
  unsigned int uNumVerticesa; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@17
  int a4a; // [sp+34h] [bp+Ch]@25
  //unsigned int a4b; // [sp+34h] [bp+Ch]@38

  //v4 = uFaceID;
  //a7 = pVertices;
  //uFaceID_ = uFaceID;
  if (uFaceID >= pIndoor->uNumFaces)

  static RenderVertexSoft static_vertices_F7C228[64];
  static RenderVertexSoft static_vertices_F7B628[64];
  static stru154 stru_F7B60C; // idb

    //v9 = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
  auto pFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
  if (pFace->uNumVertices < 3)

  if (pFace->Invisible())
  pFace->uAttributes |= 0x80u;

  if (!pFace->GetTexture())

  v28 = pFace->GetTexture();

  if (!pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->IsCulled(pFace))
    uNumVerticesa = pFace->uNumVertices;
    for (uint i = 0; i < pFace->uNumVertices; ++i)
      static_vertices_F7C228[i].vWorldPosition.x = pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
      static_vertices_F7C228[i].vWorldPosition.y = pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
      static_vertices_F7C228[i].vWorldPosition.z = pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
      static_vertices_F7C228[i].u = (signed short)pFace->pVertexUIDs[i];
      static_vertices_F7C228[i].v = (signed short)pFace->pVertexVIDs[i];

    if (!pVertices ||
        (pGame->pStru9Instance->_498377(a4, 4u, pVertices, static_vertices_F7C228, &uNumVerticesa), uNumVerticesa) )
      if (pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->_437285_prolly_colide_vertices_against_frustrum(
                     0) != 1
                || uNumVerticesa )
        a4a = SHIWORD(stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel);
        v17 = (248 - 8 * SHIWORD(stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel)) | (((248 - 8 * SHIWORD(stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel)) | ((248 - 8 * SHIWORD(stru_F8AD28.uCurrentAmbientLightLevel)) << 8)) << 8);
        pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->ViewTransfrom_OffsetUV(static_vertices_F7B628, uNumVerticesa, array_507D30, &stru_F8AD28);
        pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->Project(array_507D30, uNumVerticesa, 0);
        pGame->pLightmapBuilder->std__vector_000004_size = 0;
        if (stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied > 0 ||
            pDecalBuilder->uNumDecals > 0)
          stru_F7B60C.face_plane.vNormal.x = pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.x;
          stru_F7B60C.polygonType = pFace->uPolygonType;
          stru_F7B60C.face_plane.vNormal.y = pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.y;
          stru_F7B60C.face_plane.vNormal.z = pFace->pFacePlane.vNormal.z;
          stru_F7B60C.face_plane.dist = pFace->pFacePlane.dist;

        if (stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied > 0 &&
            !(pFace->uAttributes & 0x400000))

        if (pDecalBuilder->uNumDecals > 0)

        if (pFace->Animated() &&
            pFace->uBitmapID == pRenderer->field_1036AC_bitmapid )
          v23 = pRenderer->pHDWaterBitmapIDs[pRenderer->field_1036A8_bitmapid];
          goto LABEL_42;

        if (pFace->Animated())
          //auto v24 = GetTickCount() / 4;
          //auto v25 = v24 - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi;
          uint eightSeconds = GetTickCount() % 8000;
          float angle = (eightSeconds / 8000.0f) * 2 * 3.1415f;

          //animte lava back and forth
          for (uint i = 0; i < uNumVerticesa; ++i)
            //array_507D30[i].v += (double)(pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pFace->uBitmapID].uHeightMinus1 & (unsigned int)(stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v25) >> 8));
            array_507D30[i].v += pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pFace->uBitmapID].uHeightMinus1 * cosf(angle);

          v23 = pFace->uBitmapID;
          goto LABEL_42;
        else if (pFace->uAttributes & 0x4000)
            v23 = pTextureFrameTable->GetFrameTexture(
                    v27 = pBitmaps_LOD->pHardwareTextures[v23];
                    if (pFace->uAttributes & 0x400000)
                      _479A53_draw_some_blv_poly(uNumVerticesa, uFaceID);
                      pRenderer->DrawIndoorPolygon(uNumVerticesa, pFace, v27, v28, 8 * uFaceID | 6, v17, 0);

//----- (004AFF79) --------------------------------------------------------
void IndoorLocation::ExecDraw_sw(unsigned int uFaceID)
  unsigned int v1; // ebx@1
  BLVFace *v2; // esi@3
  unsigned int v3; // eax@3
  Texture *v4; // eax@8
  Texture *v5; // edi@8
  int v6; // eax@9
  int v7; // eax@9
  int v8; // ecx@17
  int v9; // ebx@17
  int v10; // eax@17
  int v11; // esi@17
  unsigned int v12; // eax@17
  int j; // ecx@19
  int v14; // edx@20
  int v15; // eax@20
  int v16; // edx@20
  int i; // ebx@22
  int v18; // ecx@23
  int v19; // eax@23
  int v20; // eax@23
  int v21; // eax@24
  unsigned __int8 *v22; // ecx@24
  int v23; // ebx@24
  int v24; // esi@25
  int v25; // eax@28
  unsigned __int16 *v26; // eax@28
  unsigned int v27; // eax@29
  int v28; // eax@30
  char *v29; // esi@31
  int v30; // eax@33
  int v31; // eax@33
  int v32; // eax@35
  int v33; // edx@35
  signed int v34; // ebx@35
  int v35; // eax@35
  int v36; // ebx@35
  signed int v37; // ebx@35
  signed int v38; // edi@35
  unsigned int v39; // edi@36
  int v40; // edx@40
  int v41; // ecx@40
  signed int v42; // edx@40
  int v43; // edx@42
  int v44; // eax@42
  unsigned __int16 *v45; // eax@43
  int *v46; // esi@44
  unsigned __int16 *v47; // edi@44
  unsigned int v48; // edx@44
  int v49; // ebx@44
  char v50; // cl@44
  char v51; // ch@44
  unsigned int v52; // ebx@46
  int v53; // edx@46
  unsigned int v54; // ebx@46
  int v55; // edx@46
  unsigned int v56; // ebx@47
  int v57; // edx@47
  int v58; // ebx@47
  int v59; // edx@47
  unsigned __int16 *v60; // eax@50
  int *v61; // esi@51
  unsigned __int16 *v62; // edi@51
  unsigned int v63; // edx@51
  int v64; // ebx@51
  char v65; // cl@51
  char v66; // ch@51
  unsigned int v67; // ebx@53
  int v68; // edx@53
  unsigned int v69; // ebx@53
  int v70; // edx@53
  unsigned int v71; // ebx@54
  int v72; // edx@54
  int v73; // ebx@54
  int v74; // edx@54
  unsigned __int16 *v75; // eax@58
  int *v76; // esi@59
  int v77; // edi@59
  unsigned int v78; // edx@59
  int v79; // ebx@59
  char v80; // cl@59
  char v81; // ch@59
  int v82; // ebx@61
  int v83; // edx@61
  unsigned int v84; // ebx@62
  int v85; // edx@62
  unsigned __int16 *v86; // eax@65
  int *v87; // esi@66
  int v88; // edi@66
  unsigned int v89; // edx@66
  int v90; // ebx@66
  char v91; // cl@66
  char v92; // ch@66
  int v93; // ebx@68
  int v94; // edx@68
  unsigned __int16 v95; // bx@69
  int v96; // edx@69
  unsigned __int8 *v97; // [sp+Ch] [bp-9Ch]@24
  unsigned __int8 *v98; // [sp+10h] [bp-98h]@24
  unsigned __int8 *v99; // [sp+14h] [bp-94h]@24
  unsigned __int8 *v100; // [sp+18h] [bp-90h]@24
  int v101; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-8Ch]@40
  int v102; // [sp+20h] [bp-88h]@31
  BLVFace *v103; // [sp+24h] [bp-84h]@3
  unsigned __int16 *v104; // [sp+28h] [bp-80h]@24
  int v105; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-7Ch]@30
  int v106; // [sp+30h] [bp-78h]@24
  int v107; // [sp+34h] [bp-74h]@9
  Texture *v108; // [sp+38h] [bp-70h]@8
  int v109; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-6Ch]@9
  unsigned int v110; // [sp+40h] [bp-68h]@24
  unsigned int v111; // [sp+44h] [bp-64h]@1
  int *k; // [sp+48h] [bp-60h]@31
  int v113; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-5Ch]@35
  int v114; // [sp+50h] [bp-58h]@35
  int v115; // [sp+54h] [bp-54h]@42
  unsigned __int8 *v116; // [sp+58h] [bp-50h]@35
  int v117; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-4Ch]@33
  int a1; // [sp+60h] [bp-48h]@27
  int v119; // [sp+64h] [bp-44h]@17
  int v120; // [sp+68h] [bp-40h]@23
  unsigned int v121; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-3Ch]@40
  unsigned int v122; // [sp+70h] [bp-38h]@35
  int v123; // [sp+74h] [bp-34h]@30
  int v124; // [sp+78h] [bp-30h]@17
  int v125; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-2Ch]@35
  unsigned int v126; // [sp+80h] [bp-28h]@9
  int v127; // [sp+84h] [bp-24h]@17
  int v128; // [sp+88h] [bp-20h]@9
  int *pZPixel; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-1Ch]@28
  int a2; // [sp+90h] [bp-18h]@16
  unsigned int v131; // [sp+94h] [bp-14h]@17
  unsigned __int16 *pColorPixel; // [sp+98h] [bp-10h]@28
  int v133; // [sp+9Ch] [bp-Ch]@17
  int v134; // [sp+A0h] [bp-8h]@17
  int v135; // [sp+A4h] [bp-4h]@24

  v1 = uFaceID;
  v111 = pRenderer->uTargetSurfacePitch;
  if ( (uFaceID & 0x80000000u) == 0 )
    if ( (signed int)uFaceID < (signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces )
      v2 = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
      v103 = v2;
      v3 = v2->uAttributes;
      if ( !(BYTE1(v3) & 0x20) )
        if ( v3 & 0x400000 )
        if ( !(v3 & 0x10) || (sub_4AD504(uFaceID), pRenderer->pRenderD3D) )
          v4 = v2->GetTexture();
          v5 = v4;
          v108 = v4;
          if ( v4 )
            v6 = v4->palette_id2;
            LOBYTE(v2->uAttributes) |= 0x80u;
            v109 = v6;
            v126 = stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[0];
            v128 = stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[1];
            v107 = bUseLoResSprites;
            v7 = sub_423B5D(v1);
            if ( v7 )
              if ( sub_424829(v7, &stru_F8A590, pBLVRenderParams->field_7C, v1) )
                if ( v2->uPolygonType == 1 )
                  for ( i = 0; i < stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied; stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[v18] = v20 )
                    v18 = i;
                    v120 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[i];
                    v134 = (unsigned __int64)(v120 * (signed __int64)-stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.y) >> 16;
                    v133 = stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.x;
                    v120 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[i];
                    v133 = (unsigned __int64)(v120 * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.x) >> 16;
                    v19 = v128;
                    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[i] = v126
                                                  + v134
                                                  + ((unsigned __int64)(v120
                                                                      * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.x) >> 16);
                    v20 = v19 - stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_zs[i++];
                  if ( v2->uPolygonType != 3 )
                    if ( v2->uPolygonType == 4 )
                      a2 = 0;
                      if ( stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied > 0 )
                          v8 = a2;
                          v9 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[a2];
                          v131 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[a2];
                          v10 = stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_zs[a2];
                          v11 = (signed int)(v10 * stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.z
                                           + stru_F8AD28.plane_4.dist
                                           + v9 * stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.x
                                           + v131 * stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.y) >> 16;
                          v119 = v9
                               - ((unsigned __int64)(stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.x
                                                   * (signed __int64)((signed int)(v10 * stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.z
                                                                                 + stru_F8AD28.plane_4.dist
                                                                                 + v9 * stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.x
                                                                                 + v131 * stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.y) >> 16)) >> 16);
                          v131 -= (unsigned __int64)(stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.y * (signed __int64)v11) >> 16;
                          v127 = v10 - ((unsigned __int64)(stru_F8AD28.plane_4.vNormal.z * (signed __int64)v11) >> 16);
                          stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[a2] = ((unsigned __int64)(v119
                                                                             * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_14.x) >> 16)
                                                         + ((unsigned __int64)((signed int)v131
                                                                             * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_14.y) >> 16);
                          v124 = (unsigned __int64)(v119 * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_20.x) >> 16;
                          v134 = (unsigned __int64)((signed int)v131 * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_20.y) >> 16;
                          v133 = (unsigned __int64)(v127 * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_20.z) >> 16;
                          v12 = v126;
                          stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[v8] = v124
                                                         + ((unsigned __int64)((signed int)v131
                                                                             * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_20.y) >> 16)
                                                         + ((unsigned __int64)(v127
                                                                             * (signed __int64)stru_F8AD28.vec_20.z) >> 16);
                          stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[v8] += v12;
                          stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[v8] += v128;
                        while ( a2 < stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied );
                        v2 = v103;
                      goto LABEL_24;
                    if ( v2->uPolygonType != 5 )
                      if ( v2->uPolygonType != 6 )
                        goto LABEL_24;
                      goto LABEL_16;
                  for ( j = 0; j < stru_F8AD28.uNumLightsApplied; *(int *)v15 = v16 )
                    v14 = v128;
                    stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_xs[j] += v126;
                    v15 = 4 * j + 16297672;
                    v16 = v14 - stru_F8AD28._blv_lights_ys[j++];
                v135 = 1;
                pGame->_44ED0A(v2, &v135, 31);
                v104 = sr_sub_47C24C_get_palette(v2, v109, 0, 1);
                v134 = stru_F8AD28.field_44;
                v106 = stru_F8AD28.field_48;
                v21 = stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                a2 = stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                v110 = v111 * stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                v97 = v5->pLevelOfDetail0;
                v98 = v5->pLevelOfDetail1;
                v99 = v5->pLevelOfDetail2;
                v22 = v5->pLevelOfDetail3;
                v23 = 640 * stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                v119 = 640 * stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                v100 = v22;
                if ( stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y <= stru_F8A590._viewport_space_w )
                  v24 = 2 * stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                  v120 = 2 * stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                  while ( 1 )
                    a1 = *(__int16 *)((char *)stru_F8A590.array_18 + v24);
                    sub_4AE313(a1, v21, &stru_F81018.field_0);
                    if ( LOBYTE(viewparams->field_20) )
                      v27 = v111 * (v24 - pBLVRenderParams->uViewportY);
                      pZPixel = &pBLVRenderParams->pTargetZBuffer[2
                                                               * (*(__int16 *)((char *)stru_F8A590.array_18 + v24)
                                                                + 320 * (v24 - pBLVRenderParams->uViewportY))
                                                               - pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX];
                      pColorPixel = &pBLVRenderParams->pRenderTarget[v27
                                                                  + 2 * *(__int16 *)((char *)stru_F8A590.array_18 + v24)
                                                                  - pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX];
                      v26 = &pBLVRenderParams->pRenderTarget[v27
                                                          + 2 * *(__int16 *)((char *)stru_F8A590.array_3D8 + v24)
                                                          - pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX];
                      v23 = v119;
                      v25 = *(__int16 *)((char *)stru_F8A590.array_18 + v24);
                      pZPixel = &pBLVRenderParams->pTargetZBuffer[v25 + v23];
                      pColorPixel = &pBLVRenderParams->pRenderTarget[v25 + v110];
                      v26 = &pBLVRenderParams->pRenderTarget[v110 + *(__int16 *)((char *)stru_F8A590.array_3D8 + v24)];
                    v131 = (unsigned int)v26;
                    HIWORD(v28) = HIWORD(stru_F81018.field_0.field_0);
                    LOWORD(v28) = 0;
                    v105 = stru_F8AD28.field_0 | v28;
                    v123 = sub_4AE491(SHIWORD(stru_F81018.field_0.field_4), SHIWORD(stru_F81018.field_0.field_8));
                    if ( (unsigned int)pColorPixel < v131 )
                      v102 = v107 + v106;
                      v29 = (char *)&stru_F81018.field_34.field_8;
                      a1 += v134;
                      for ( k = &stru_F81018.field_34.field_8; ; v29 = (char *)k )
                        sub_4AE313(a1, a2, (stru337_stru0 *)(v29 - 8));
                        v30 = *((int *)v29 - 2);
                        LOWORD(v30) = 0;
                        v117 = v105;
                        v31 = stru_F8AD28.field_0 | v30;
                        if ( v105 <= (unsigned int)v31 )
                          v117 = v31;
                        v105 = v31;
                        v32 = *((int *)v29 - 14);
                        v122 = *((int *)v29 - 14) >> v107;
                        v33 = *((int *)v29 - 13);
                        v125 = *((int *)v29 - 13) >> v107;
                        v34 = *((int *)v29 - 1) - v32;
                        v113 = (*(int *)v29 - v33) >> v102;
                        v35 = *((int *)v29 - 11);
                        v114 = v34 >> v102;
                        v116 = (&v97)[4 * v35];
                        v36 = v35 + 16 - v5->uWidthLn2;
                        v133 = v35 + 16;
                        v127 = v35 + v36;
                        v37 = v5->uWidthMinus1 >> v35;
                        v38 = v5->uHeightMinus1 >> v35 << (v35 + 16);
                        v128 = v37;
                        v126 = v38;
                        v39 = (unsigned int)(LOBYTE(viewparams->field_20) ? &pColorPixel[2 * v134] : &pColorPixel[v134]);
                        if ( v39 > v131 )
                          v39 = v131;
                        v40 = *((short *)v29 + 1);
                        v41 = *((short *)v29 - 1);
                        v121 = v39;
                        v42 = sub_4AE491(v41, v40);
                        v101 = v42;
                        v124 = (signed int)(v39 - (int)pColorPixel) >> 1;
                        if ( v123 >> 16 == v42 >> 16 || v135 & 2 )
                          v123 = (int)sr_sub_47C24C_get_palette(v103, v109, v123 >> 16, 1);
                          if ( LOBYTE(viewparams->field_20) )
                            v86 = pColorPixel;
                            if ( (unsigned int)pColorPixel < v121 )
                              v87 = pZPixel;
                              v88 = v123;
                              v89 = v122;
                              v90 = v125;
                              v91 = v133;
                              v92 = v127;
                              if ( v124 & 2 )
                                *pZPixel = v117;
                                v87 -= 2;
                                v86 = pColorPixel + 2;
                                goto LABEL_69;
                                v86 += 4;
                                v93 = *(&v116[v128 & (v89 >> v91)] + ((v126 & v90) >> v92));
                                v94 = v117;
                                LOWORD(v93) = *(short *)(v88 + 2 * v93);
                                *v87 = v117;
                                v87[1] = v94;
                                v87[640] = v94;
                                v87[641] = v94;
                                *(v86 - 4) = v93;
                                *(v86 - 3) = v93;
                                v86[636] = v93;
                                v86[637] = v93;
                                v87[2] = v94;
                                v87[3] = v94;
                                v87[642] = v94;
                                v87[643] = v94;
                                v122 += v114;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v89 = v122;
                                v90 = v125;
                                v87 += 4;
                                v95 = *(short *)(v88 + 2 * *(&v116[v128 & (v89 >> v91)] + ((v126 & v90) >> v92)));
                                v96 = v114;
                                *(v86 - 2) = v95;
                                *(v86 - 1) = v95;
                                v86[638] = v95;
                                v86[639] = v95;
                                v122 += v96;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v89 = v122;
                                v90 = v125;
                              while ( (unsigned int)v86 < v121 );
                              pColorPixel = v86;
                              pZPixel = v87;
                            v75 = pColorPixel;
                            if ( (unsigned int)pColorPixel < v121 )
                              v76 = pZPixel;
                              v77 = v123;
                              v78 = v122;
                              v79 = v125;
                              v80 = v133;
                              v81 = v127;
                              if ( v124 & 1 )
                                *pZPixel = v117;
                                v75 = pColorPixel + 1;
                                goto LABEL_62;
                                v75 += 2;
                                v82 = *(&v116[v128 & (v78 >> v80)] + ((v126 & v79) >> v81));
                                v83 = v117;
                                LOWORD(v82) = *(short *)(v77 + 2 * v82);
                                *v76 = v117;
                                *(v75 - 2) = v82;
                                v76[1] = v83;
                                v122 += v114;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v78 = v122;
                                v79 = v125;
                                v84 = (unsigned int)(&v116[v128 & (v78 >> v80)] + ((v126 & v79) >> v81));
                                v76 += 2;
                                v85 = v114;
                                *(v75 - 1) = *(short *)(v77 + 2 * *(char *)v84);
                                v122 += v85;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v78 = v122;
                                v79 = v125;
                              while ( (unsigned int)v75 < v121 );
                              pColorPixel = v75;
                              pZPixel = v76;
                          v43 = (v42 - v123) >> v106;
                          v44 = v123 - v43;
                          v123 = v43;
                          v115 = v44;
                          if ( LOBYTE(viewparams->field_20) )
                            v60 = pColorPixel;
                            if ( (unsigned int)pColorPixel < v121 )
                              v61 = pZPixel;
                              v62 = v104;
                              v63 = v122;
                              v64 = v125;
                              v65 = v133;
                              v66 = v127;
                              if ( v124 & 2 )
                                *pZPixel = v117;
                                v61 += 2;
                                v60 = pColorPixel + 2;
                                goto LABEL_54;
                                v67 = (v128 & (v63 >> v65)) + ((v126 & v64) >> v66);
                                v68 = v123 + v115;
                                v60 += 4;
                                v115 = v68;
                                v69 = ((v68 & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 8) + v116[v67];
                                v70 = v117;
                                LOWORD(v69) = v62[v69];
                                *v61 = v117;
                                v61[1] = v70;
                                v61[640] = v70;
                                v61[641] = v70;
                                *(v60 - 4) = v69;
                                *(v60 - 3) = v69;
                                v60[636] = v69;
                                v60[637] = v69;
                                v61[2] = v70;
                                v61[3] = v70;
                                v61[642] = v70;
                                v61[643] = v70;
                                v122 += v114;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v63 = v122;
                                v64 = v125;
                                v61 += 4;
                                v71 = (v128 & (v63 >> v65)) + ((v126 & v64) >> v66);
                                v72 = v123 + v115;
                                v73 = v116[v71];
                                v115 = v72;
                                LOWORD(v73) = v62[((v72 & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 8) + v73];
                                v74 = v114;
                                *(v60 - 2) = v73;
                                *(v60 - 1) = v73;
                                v60[638] = v73;
                                v60[639] = v73;
                                v122 += v74;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v63 = v122;
                                v64 = v125;
                              while ( (unsigned int)v60 < v121 );
                              pColorPixel = v60;
                              pZPixel = v61;
                            v45 = pColorPixel;
                            if ( (unsigned int)pColorPixel < v121 )
                              v46 = pZPixel;
                              v47 = v104;
                              v48 = v122;
                              v49 = v125;
                              v50 = v133;
                              v51 = v127;
                              if ( v124 & 1 )
                                *pZPixel = v117;
                                v45 = pColorPixel + 1;
                                goto LABEL_47;
                                v52 = (v128 & (v48 >> v50)) + ((v126 & v49) >> v51);
                                v53 = v123 + v115;
                                v45 += 2;
                                v115 = v53;
                                v54 = ((v53 & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 8) + v116[v52];
                                v55 = v117;
                                LOWORD(v54) = v47[v54];
                                *v46 = v117;
                                *(v45 - 2) = v54;
                                v46[1] = v55;
                                v122 += v114;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v48 = v122;
                                v49 = v125;
                                v46 += 2;
                                v56 = (v128 & (v48 >> v50)) + ((v126 & v49) >> v51);
                                v57 = v123 + v115;
                                v58 = v116[v56];
                                v115 = v57;
                                LOWORD(v58) = v47[((v57 & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 8) + v58];
                                v59 = v114;
                                *(v45 - 1) = v58;
                                v122 += v59;
                                v125 += v113;
                                v48 = v122;
                                v49 = v125;
                              while ( (unsigned int)v45 < v121 );
                              pColorPixel = v45;
                              pZPixel = v46;
                        k += 13;
                        v5 = v108;
                        v123 = v101;
                        a1 += v134;
                        if ( (unsigned int)pColorPixel >= v131 )
                      v23 = v119;
                      v24 = v120;
                    v110 += v111;
                    v23 += 640;
                    v24 += 2;
                    v120 = v24;
                    v119 = v23;
                    if ( a2 > stru_F8A590._viewport_space_w )
                    v21 = a2;
// 4AE491: using guessed type int __fastcall sub_4AE491(int, int);

//----- (004B0E07) --------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int __fastcall sub_4B0E07(unsigned int uFaceID)
  BLVFace *v1; // edi@1
  BLVFaceExtra *v2; // ecx@1
  Texture *v3; // esi@1
  unsigned int v4; // eax@1
  unsigned int v5; // ecx@1
  unsigned int result; // eax@1
  unsigned int v7; // ecx@5

  v1 = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
  v2 = &pIndoor->pFaceExtras[v1->uFaceExtraID];
  v3 = (Texture *)(v1->uBitmapID != -1 ? (int)&pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[v1->uBitmapID] : 0);
  stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[0] = v2->sTextureDeltaU;
  stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[1] = v2->sTextureDeltaV;
  v4 = GetTickCount();
  v5 = v1->uAttributes;
  result = v4 >> 3;
  if ( v5 & 4 )
    stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[1] -= result & v3->uHeightMinus1;
    if ( v5 & 0x20 )
      stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[1] += result & v3->uHeightMinus1;
  v7 = v1->uAttributes;
  if ( BYTE1(v7) & 8 )
    stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[0] -= result & v3->uWidthMinus1;
    if ( v7 & 0x40 )
      stru_F8AD28.pDeltaUV[0] += result & v3->uWidthMinus1;
  return result;

//----- (004B0EA8) --------------------------------------------------------
void stru170::PrepareFaceRenderList_d3d(int a2, unsigned int uFaceID)
  //unsigned int v3; // edx@1
  //stru170 *v4; // ebx@1
  //BLVFace *v5; // eax@1
  //int v6; // ecx@2
  unsigned __int16 v7; // ax@11
  Vec3_short_ *v8; // esi@15
  int v9; // edx@15
  signed int v10; // eax@18
  signed int v11; // edi@19
  signed int v12; // ecx@19
  signed int v13; // esi@19
  signed int v14; // edx@20
  int v15; // edx@24
  //int v16; // esi@29
  //BLVFace *v17; // edi@34
  unsigned __int16 v18; // ax@34
  char *v19; // eax@38
  signed int v20; // ecx@38
  char *v21; // eax@42
  signed int v22; // ecx@42
  //signed int v23; // edx@45
  //char *v24; // ecx@46
  //int v25; // eax@47
  //Vec3_short_ *v26; // eax@47
  //double v27; // st7@47
  //signed int v28; // ST28_4@47
  char v29; // al@48
  signed int v30; // eax@51
  int v31; // eax@52
  //unsigned int v32; // eax@55
  //__int16 v33; // cx@56
  signed int v34; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@18
  //int a0; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@2
  //IndoorCameraD3D *a0a; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@36
  signed int v37; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@19
  //stru10 *v38; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@36
  //BLVFace *v39; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  //v3 = uFaceID;
  //v4 = this;
  //v5 = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
  field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].std__vector_0007A8 = -1;
  //v39 = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];

  auto pFace = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];

  if (pFace->uAttributes & 1)
    auto p = &field_FA8[a2];
    //v6 = (int)((char *)this + 2252 * a2);
    //a0 = v6;
    if (p->uFaceID == uFaceID)
    if (!a2 &&
        pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x >= pFace->pBounding.x1 - 16 &&
        pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x <= pFace->pBounding.x2 + 16 &&
        pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y >= pFace->pBounding.y1 - 16 &&
        pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y <= pFace->pBounding.y2 + 16 &&
        pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z >= pFace->pBounding.z1 - 16 &&
        pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z <= pFace->pBounding.z2 + 16 )
      if ( abs(pFace->pFacePlane_old.dist + pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x * pFace->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x
                                       + pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y * pFace->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y
                                       + pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z * pFace->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z) <= 589824 )
        v7 = pFace->uSectorID;
        if ( field_FA8[0].uSectorID == v7 )
          v7 = pFace->uBackSectorID;
        field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uSectorID = v7;
        field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uFaceID = uFaceID;
        field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportX = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX;
        field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportZ = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportZ;
        field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportY = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportY;
        field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportW = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportW;
        sub_440639(std__vector_000FA8 - 1);
      //v5 = v39;
      //v6 = a0;
    v8 = &pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[0]];
    v9 = pFace->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x * (v8->x - pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x)
       + pFace->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y * (v8->y - pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y)
       + pFace->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z * (v8->z - pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z);
    if (p->uSectorID != pFace->uSectorID)
      v9 = -v9;
    if ( v9 < 0 )
      v10 = sub_423B5D(uFaceID);
      v34 = v10;
      if ( v10 )
        v11 = dword_50BAC8[0];
        v12 = dword_50B9D8_ys[0];
        a2 = dword_50BAC8[0];
        v13 = 1;
        v37 = dword_50B9D8_ys[0];
        if ( v10 > 1 )
            v14 = dword_50BAC8[v13];
            if ( v14 < a2 )
              a2 = dword_50BAC8[v13];
            if ( v14 > v11 )
              v11 = v14;
            v15 = dword_50B9D8_ys[v13];
            if ( v15 < v37 )
              v37 = dword_50B9D8_ys[v13];
            if ( v15 > v12 )
              v12 = dword_50B9D8_ys[v13];
            v10 = v34;
          while ( v13 < v34 );
        //v16 = a0;
        if (v11 >= p->uViewportX &&
            a2 <= p->uViewportZ &&
            v12 >= p->uViewportY &&
            v37 <= p->uViewportW &&
            sub_424829(v10, &field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].field_C, &p->field_C, uFaceID))
          //v17 = v39;
          v18 = pFace->uSectorID;
          if (p->uSectorID == v18 )
            v18 = pFace->uBackSectorID;
          field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uSectorID = v18;
          field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uFaceID = uFaceID;
          field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportX = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX;
          field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportZ = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportZ;
          field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportY = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportY;
          field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].uViewportW = pBLVRenderParams->uViewportW;
          //v38 = pGame->pStru10Instance;
          //a0a = pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D;
          if (p->std__vector_0007A8 == -1 )
            v29 = pGame->pStru10Instance->_49C681_DrawDebugStuff(
            static RenderVertexSoft static_subPrepareFaceRenderList_d3d_stru_F7AA08[64];
            static RenderVertexSoft static_subPrepareFaceRenderList_d3d_stru_F79E08[64];

            //v23 = 0;
            a2 = pFace->uNumVertices;
            for (uint k = 0; k < pFace->uNumVertices; ++k)
              //v24 = (char *)&static_subPrepareFaceRenderList_d3d_stru_F7AA08[0].vWorldPosition.z;
                //v25 = pFace->pVertexIDs[k];
                //v26 = &pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[k]];
                auto pVertex = &pIndoor->pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[k]];
                //v27 = (double)v26->z;
                //v28 = v26->y;
                //v17 = v39;
                static_subPrepareFaceRenderList_d3d_stru_F7AA08[k].vWorldPosition.x = pVertex->x;
                static_subPrepareFaceRenderList_d3d_stru_F7AA08[k].vWorldPosition.y = pVertex->y;
                static_subPrepareFaceRenderList_d3d_stru_F7AA08[k].vWorldPosition.z = pVertex->z;
                //v24 += 48;
              //while ( v23 < a2 );
              (unsigned int *)&a2,
            v29 = pGame->pStru10Instance->_49C5DA(
          if ( v29 )
            field_FA8[std__vector_000FA8].std__vector_0007A8 = uFaceID;
            v30 = std__vector_000FA8;
            if ( v30 < 150 )
              v31 = v30 + 1;
              std__vector_000FA8 = v31;
              sub_440639(v31 - 1);
          if ( pBLVRenderParams->uFlags & 1 )
            pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->PrepareAndDrawDebugOutline(pFace, 0x1E1EFF);
    if (uNumFaceIDs < 1000 )
      pFaceIDs[2 * uNumFaceIDs] = uFaceID;
      pFaceIDs[2 * uNumFaceIDs++ + 1] = a2;

//----- (004AFB86) --------------------------------------------------------
void stru170::PrepareFaceRenderList_sw(int a2, unsigned int uFaceID)
  stru170 *v3; // ebx@1
  BLVFace *v4; // eax@1
  char *v5; // ecx@2
  unsigned __int16 v6; // ax@11
  int v7; // ecx@13
  Vec3_short_ *v8; // esi@16
  int v9; // edx@16
  signed int v10; // eax@19
  signed int v11; // edi@20
  signed int v12; // ecx@20
  signed int v13; // esi@20
  int v14; // edx@21
  int v15; // edx@25
  unsigned __int16 v16; // ax@35
  signed int v17; // eax@37
  int v18; // eax@38
  signed int v19; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@19
  char *v20; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@2
  BLVFace *v21; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
  signed int v22; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@20
  signed int v23; // [sp+28h] [bp+8h]@20

  v3 = this;
  v4 = &pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID];
  v21 = v4;
  if ( v4->uAttributes & 1 )
    v5 = (char *)this + 2252 * a2;
    v20 = v5;
    if ( uFaceID == *((short *)v5 + 2982) )
    if ( !a2
      && pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x >= v4->pBounding.x1 - 16
      && pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x <= v4->pBounding.x2 + 16
      && pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y >= v4->pBounding.y1 - 16
      && pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y <= v4->pBounding.y2 + 16
      && pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z >= v4->pBounding.z1 - 16
      && pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z <= v4->pBounding.z2 + 16 )
      if ( abs(v4->pFacePlane_old.dist + pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x * v4->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x
                                       + pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y * v4->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y
                                       + pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z * v4->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z) <= 589824 )
        v6 = v21->uSectorID;
        if ( v3->field_FA8[0].uSectorID == v6 )
          v6 = v21->uBackSectorID;
        v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uSectorID = v6;
        v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uFaceID = uFaceID;
        v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportX = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX);
        v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportZ = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportZ);
        v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportY = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportY);
        v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportW = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportW);
        v7 = v3->std__vector_000FA8 - 1;
        goto LABEL_14;
      v4 = v21;
      v5 = v20;
    v8 = &pIndoor->pVertices[*v4->pVertexIDs];
    v9 = v4->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x * ((signed __int16)*(int *)&v8->x - pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.x)
       + v4->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y * ((signed __int16)(*(int *)&v8->x >> 16) - pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.y)
       + v4->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z * (v8->z - pBLVRenderParams->vPartyPos.z);
    if ( *((short *)v5 + 2004) != v4->uSectorID )
      v9 = -v9;
    if ( v9 < 0 )
      v10 = sub_423B5D(uFaceID);
      v19 = v10;
      if ( v10 )
        v11 = dword_50BAC8[0];
        v12 = dword_50B9D8_ys[0];
        v23 = dword_50BAC8[0];
        v13 = 1;
        v22 = dword_50B9D8_ys[0];
        if ( v10 > 1 )
            v14 = dword_50BAC8[v13];
            if ( v14 < v23 )
              v23 = dword_50BAC8[v13];
            if ( v14 > v11 )
              v11 = dword_50BAC8[v13];
            v15 = dword_50B9D8_ys[v13];
            if ( v15 < v22 )
              v22 = dword_50B9D8_ys[v13];
            if ( v15 > v12 )
              v12 = dword_50B9D8_ys[v13];
            v10 = v19;
          while ( v13 < v19 );
        if ( v11 >= *((short *)v20 + 2005)
          && v23 <= *((short *)v20 + 2007)
          && v12 >= *((short *)v20 + 2006)
          && v22 <= *((short *)v20 + 2008)
          && sub_424829(v10, &v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].field_C, (stru170_stru2 *)(v20 + 4020), uFaceID) )
          v16 = v21->uSectorID;
          if ( *((short *)v20 + 2004) == v16 )
            v16 = v21->uBackSectorID;
          v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uSectorID = v16;
          v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uFaceID = uFaceID;
          v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportX = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportX);
          v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportZ = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportZ);
          v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportY = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportY);
          v3->field_FA8[v3->std__vector_000FA8].uViewportW = LOWORD(pBLVRenderParams->uViewportW);
          v17 = v3->std__vector_000FA8;
          if ( v17 < 150 )
            v18 = v17 + 1;
            v3->std__vector_000FA8 = v18;
            v7 = v18 - 1;
    if ( (signed int)this->uNumFaceIDs < 1000 )
      this->pFaceIDs[2 * this->uNumFaceIDs] = uFaceID;
      this->pFaceIDs[2 * this->uNumFaceIDs++ + 1] = a2;

//----- (004B0967) --------------------------------------------------------
void __cdecl stru170_sub_4B0967()
  signed int i; // edi@1
  int v1; // esi@2
  unsigned int v2; // ecx@4
  int v3; // eax@4
  int v4; // eax@6
  unsigned __int16 *v5; // edx@6
  int v6; // ecx@7
  int v7; // esi@8

  for ( i = 0; i < (signed int)pStru170->uNumFaceIDs; ++i )
    v1 = pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * i];
    if ( v1 >= 0 )
      if ( v1 < (signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces )
        v2 = pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * i];
        pBLVRenderParams->field_7C = &pStru170->field_FA8[pStru170->pFaceIDs[2 * i + 1]].field_C;
        v3 = sub_423B5D(v2);
        if ( v3 )
          if ( sub_424829(v3, &stru_F8A590, pBLVRenderParams->field_7C, v1) )
            v4 = stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
            v5 = pBLVRenderParams->pRenderTarget;
            if ( stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y <= stru_F8A590._viewport_space_w )
              v6 = 640 * stru_F8A590._viewport_space_y;
                v5[v6 + stru_F8A590.array_18[v4]] = -1;
                v7 = v6 + stru_F8A590.array_3D8[v4];
                v6 += 640;
                v5[v7] = -1;
              while ( v4 <= stru_F8A590._viewport_space_w );

//----- (004AE5BA) --------------------------------------------------------
Texture *BLVFace::GetTexture()
  unsigned int v1; // ecx@2

  if ( uAttributes & 0x4000 )
    v1 = pTextureFrameTable->GetFrameTexture(this->uBitmapID, pBLVRenderParams->field_0_timer_);
    v1 = uBitmapID;
  return (Texture *)(v1 != -1 ? (int)&pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[v1] : 0);

//----- (00498B15) --------------------------------------------------------
void IndoorLocation::Release()
  IndoorLocation *v1; // esi@1
  char *v2; // ebp@1
  void *v3; // ST00_4@1

  v1 = this;
  v2 = (char *)&this->ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
  *(int *)v2 = 0;
  v1->ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata = 0;
  v1->ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata = 0;
  v1->ptr_2AC = 0;
  v3 = v1->pVertices;
  v1->pSpawnPoints = 0;
  v1->uNumSectors = 0;
  v1->uNumFaces = 0;
  v1->uNumVertices = 0;
  v1->uNumNodes = 0;
  v1->uNumDoors = 0;
  v1->uNumLights = 0;
  v1->pVertices = 0;
  v1->pFaces = 0;
  v1->pFaceExtras = 0;
  v1->pSectors = 0;
  v1->pLights = 0;
  v1->pDoors = 0;
  v1->pNodes = 0;
  v1->pMapOutlines = 0;
  v1->bLoaded = 0;

//----- (00498C45) --------------------------------------------------------
int IndoorLocation::Alloc()
  IndoorLocation *v1; // esi@1
  void *v2; // eax@1
  const void *v3; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v4; // eax@1
  const void *v5; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v6; // eax@1
  const void *v7; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v8; // eax@1
  const void *v9; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v10; // eax@1
  const void *v11; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v12; // eax@1
  const void *v13; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v14; // eax@1
  const void *v15; // ST3C_4@1
  void *v16; // eax@1
  void *v17; // ecx@1
  signed int result; // eax@9

  v1 = this;
  v2 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(this->pVertices, 0x15F90u, "L.V");
  v3 = v1->pFaces;
  v1->pVertices = (Vec3_short_ *)v2;
  v4 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v3, 0xEA600u, "L.F");
  v5 = v1->pFaceExtras;
  v1->pFaces = (BLVFace *)v4;
  v6 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v5, 0x2BF20u, "L.FX");
  v7 = v1->pSectors;
  v1->pFaceExtras = (BLVFaceExtra *)v6;
  v8 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v7, 0xE800u, "L.R");
  v9 = v1->pLights;
  v1->pSectors = (BLVSector *)v8;
  v10 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v9, 0x1900u, "L.L");
  v11 = v1->pDoors;
  v1->pLights = (BLVLightMM7 *)v10;
  v12 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v11, 0x3E80u, "L.D");
  v13 = v1->pNodes;
  v1->pDoors = (BLVDoor *)v12;
  v14 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v13, 0x9C40u, "L.BSP");
  v15 = v1->pMapOutlines;
  v1->pNodes = (BSPNode *)v14;
  v16 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v15, 0x14824u, "L.Map");
  v17 = v1->pVertices;
  v1->pMapOutlines = (BLVMapOutlines *)v16;
  if ( v17 && v1->pFaces && v1->pFaceExtras && v1->pSectors && v1->pLights && v1->pDoors && v1->pNodes && v16 )
    memset(v17, 90000, 0);
    memset(v1->pFaces, 960000, 0);
    memset(v1->pFaceExtras, 180000, 0);
    memset(v1->pSectors, 59392, 0);
    memset(v1->pLights, 6400, 0);
    memset(v1->pDoors, 16000, 0);
    memset(v1->pNodes, 40000, 0);
    memset(v1->pMapOutlines, 84004, 0);
    result = 1;
    result = 0;
  return result;

//----- (00444810) --------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int IndoorLocation::GetLocationIndex(const char *Str1)
  const char *v1; // edi@1
  signed int v2; // esi@1

  v1 = Str1;
  v2 = 0;
  while ( _strcmpi(v1, _4E6BDC_loc_names[v2]) )
    if ( v2 >= 11 )
      return 0;
  return v2 + 1;

//----- (004488F7) --------------------------------------------------------
void IndoorLocation::ToggleLight(unsigned int uLightID, unsigned int bToggle)
  char *v2; // eax@4

  if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor && (signed int)uLightID <= pIndoor->uNumLights - 1 && (uLightID & 0x80000000u) == 0 )
    v2 = (char *)&pIndoor->pLights[uLightID].uAtributes;
    if ( bToggle )
      *v2 &= 0xF7u;
      *v2 |= 8u;
    pParty->uFlags |= 2u;

//----- (00498E0A) --------------------------------------------------------
bool IndoorLocation::Load(char *pFilename, int a3, size_t _i, char *pDest)
  /*unsigned int v5; // ebx@1
  //IndoorLocation *v6; // esi@1
  FILE *v7; // edi@3
  bool result; // eax@3
  char *v9; // ecx@4
  void *v10; // eax@4
  //unsigned __int8 v11; // zf@4
  //unsigned __int8 v12; // sf@4
  int v13; // eax@5
  size_t v14; // ecx@6
  char *v15; // ecx@6
  int v16; // edx@6
  size_t v17; // ecx@6
  char *v18; // ecx@6
  int v19; // edx@6
  unsigned __int16 *v20; // edx@6
  unsigned __int16 *v21; // edx@6
  unsigned __int16 *v22; // edx@6
  __int16 v23; // ax@10
  char *v24; // ecx@10
  __int16 v25; // cx@10
  __int16 v26; // ax@11
  char *v27; // ecx@11
  unsigned __int16 v28; // ax@17
  BLVFaceExtra *v29; // ecx@17
  char *v30; // edx@17
  int v31; // ecx@20
  void *v32; // eax@25
  int v33; // eax@26
  unsigned __int16 *v34; // edx@27
  size_t v35; // ecx@27
  char *v36; // ecx@27
  int v37; // edx@27
  size_t v38; // ecx@27
  char *v39; // ecx@27
  int v40; // edx@27
  unsigned __int16 *v41; // edx@27
  unsigned __int16 *v42; // edx@27
  unsigned __int16 *v43; // edx@27
  unsigned __int16 *v44; // edx@27
  size_t v45; // ecx@27
  unsigned __int16 *v46; // edx@27
  void *v47; // eax@28
  BLVSector *v48; // eax@29
  size_t v49; // ecx@29
  unsigned __int16 *v50; // edx@31
  void *v51; // eax@32
  int v52; // eax@33
  unsigned __int16 *v53; // edx@34
  size_t v54; // ecx@34
  char *v55; // ecx@34
  int v56; // edx@34
  size_t v57; // ecx@34
  char *v58; // ecx@34
  int v59; // edx@34
  unsigned __int16 *v60; // edx@34
  unsigned __int16 *v61; // edx@34
  unsigned __int16 *v62; // edx@34
  unsigned __int16 *v63; // edx@34
  int v64; // ecx@34
  BLVDoor *v65; // ecx@36
  char *v66; // eax@37
  int v67; // edx@38
  int v68; // ecx@38
  BLVFace *v69; // edx@38
  int v70; // ecx@38
  int v71; // edx@38
  int v72; // eax@38
  unsigned __int16 v73; // ax@42
  char *v74; // ecx@42
  LayingItem *v75; // ecx@44
  size_t v76; // eax@45
  int j; // edx@46
  unsigned __int16 v78; // ax@50
  void *v79; // eax@52
  void **v80; // esi@52
  unsigned int v145; // eax@103
  void *v146; // eax@103
  unsigned int v147; // ecx@103
  int v148; // ebx@103
  unsigned int *v149; // ecx@103*/
  //size_t v150; // eax@103
  //unsigned int v151; // ebx@109
  //unsigned int v152; // ecx@116
  //unsigned int v153; // eax@117
  //size_t v154; // ebx@126
  //unsigned int v155; // ebx@134
  //size_t v156; // eax@140
  //signed int v157; // ebx@142
  //int v158; // ebx@148
  //BLVFace *v159; // eax@149
//  BLVFaceExtra *v160; // ecx@149
  //BLVFaceExtra *v161; // ecx@149
  //signed int v162; // ebx@154
  //unsigned int v163; // ebx@157
  //unsigned int v164; // ebx@157
  //unsigned int v165; // edx@158
  //char *v166; // ecx@158
  //unsigned __int16 v167; // ax@161
  //__int16 v168; // ax@165
  //unsigned int v169; // ebx@168
  //void *v170; // eax@168
  //size_t v171; // ebx@168
  //int v172; // edx@168
  //BLVDoor *v173; // ecx@169
  //int k; // eax@169
  //BLVDoor *v175; // ecx@172
  //int v176; // edx@172
  //BLVDoor *v177; // ecx@172
  //int v178; // edx@172
  //BLVDoor *v179; // ecx@172
  //int v180; // edx@172
  //BLVDoor *v181; // ecx@172
  //int v182; // edx@172
  //BLVDoor *v183; // ecx@172
  //int v184; // edx@172
  //BLVDoor *v185; // ecx@172
  //int v186; // edx@172
  //BLVDoor *v187; // ecx@172
  //int v188; // edx@172
  //unsigned __int16 *v189; // ebx@172
  //char *v190; // edx@173
  //BLVDoor *v191; // ecx@174
  //BLVDoor *l; // eax@175
  //signed int v193; // ebx@176
  //int v194; // ecx@176
  //BLVFaceExtra *v195; // ecx@176
  //BLVFace *v196; // ebx@178
  //std::string v197; // [sp-18h] [bp-680h]@66
  //void *v198; // [sp-14h] [bp-67Ch]@72
  //size_t v199; // [sp-10h] [bp-678h]@72
  //size_t v200; // [sp-Ch] [bp-674h]@72
  //const char *v201; // [sp-8h] [bp-670h]@4
  //int v202; // [sp-4h] [bp-66Ch]@4
  char v203[875]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-65Ch]@130
  char FileName[260]; // [sp+378h] [bp-2F0h]@1
  //char DstBuf; // [sp+47Ch] [bp-1ECh]@4
  __int32 Offset; // [sp+480h] [bp-1E8h]@4
  __int32 v207; // [sp+48Ch] [bp-1DCh]@4
  __int32 v208; // [sp+498h] [bp-1D0h]@4
  __int32 v209; // [sp+4A4h] [bp-1C4h]@4
  __int32 v210; // [sp+4B0h] [bp-1B8h]@4
  __int32 v211; // [sp+4BCh] [bp-1ACh]@15
  __int32 v212; // [sp+4C8h] [bp-1A0h]@15
  __int32 v213; // [sp+4D4h] [bp-194h]@25
  __int32 v214; // [sp+4E0h] [bp-188h]@25
  __int32 v215; // [sp+4ECh] [bp-17Ch]@32
  __int32 v216; // [sp+4F8h] [bp-170h]@32
  __int32 v217; // [sp+504h] [bp-164h]@40
  __int32 v218; // [sp+510h] [bp-158h]@40
  __int32 v219; // [sp+51Ch] [bp-14Ch]@43
  __int32 v220; // [sp+528h] [bp-140h]@43
  __int32 v221; // [sp+534h] [bp-134h]@52
  __int32 v222; // [sp+540h] [bp-128h]@52
  __int32 v223; // [sp+54Ch] [bp-11Ch]@52
  __int32 v224; // [sp+558h] [bp-110h]@52
  __int32 v225; // [sp+564h] [bp-104h]@52
  __int32 v226; // [sp+570h] [bp-F8h]@52
  __int32 v227; // [sp+57Ch] [bp-ECh]@52
  __int32 v228; // [sp+588h] [bp-E0h]@52
  __int32 v229; // [sp+594h] [bp-D4h]@52
  __int32 v230; // [sp+5A0h] [bp-C8h]@52
  __int32 v231; // [sp+5ACh] [bp-BCh]@52
  __int32 v232; // [sp+5B8h] [bp-B0h]@52
  __int32 v233; // [sp+5C4h] [bp-A4h]@52
  __int32 v234; // [sp+5D0h] [bp-98h]@52
  //char pName[40]; // [sp+5FCh] [bp-6Ch]@42
  //size_t pSource; // [sp+624h] [bp-44h]@67
  //char Dst[12]; // [sp+628h] [bp-40h]@9
  //char *v238; // [sp+634h] [bp-34h]@38
  ODMHeader header; // [sp+638h] [bp-30h]@61
  //void *ptr; // [sp+648h] [bp-20h]@66
  //size_t Count; // [sp+64Ch] [bp-1Ch]@109
  //int uSourceLen; // [sp+653h] [bp-15h]@66
  FILE *File; // [sp+658h] [bp-10h]@56
  //BLVSector *v244; // [sp+65Ch] [bp-Ch]@72
  //int v245; // [sp+660h] [bp-8h]@72
  //BLVFace *Src; // [sp+664h] [bp-4h]@73
  signed int Argsa; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@4
  signed int Argsb; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@7
  signed int Argsc; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@15
  signed int Argsd; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@18
  int Argse; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@25
  int Argsf; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@28
  int Argsg; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@32
  int Argsh; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@35
  signed int Argsi; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@40
  signed int Argsj; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@45
  //int Argsk; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@143
  //void *Argsl; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@155
  //signed int Argsm; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@161
  //signed int Argsn; // [sp+670h] [bp+8h]@175

  //v5 = 0;
  //v6 = this;
  _6807E0_num_decorations_with_sounds_6807B8 = 0;

  #pragma region "loading from txt"
  /*sprintf(FileName, "levels\\%s", pFilename);
  if ( GetFileAttributesA(FileName) != -1 )
    if ( Alloc() )
      v7 = fopen(FileName, "rb");
      result = 1;
      if ( !v7 )
        return result;
      v9 = pDest;
      bLoaded = 1;
      v202 = (int)v7;
      v201 = (const char *)1;
      *(int *)v9 = 1;
      fread(&DstBuf, 0x180u, (size_t)v201, (FILE *)v202);
      fseek(v7, Offset, 0);
      fread(&blv, 0x88u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v207, 0);
      fread(&uNumVertices, 1u, 4u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v208, 0);
      fread(pVertices, 6u, uNumVertices, v7);
      fseek(v7, v209, 0);
      fread(&uNumFaces, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v210, 0);
      fread(pFaces, 0x60u, uNumFaces, v7);
      v10 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_2AC, blv.uFaces_fdata_Size, "L.FData");
      v202 = (int)v7;
      ptr_2AC = (unsigned __int16 *)v10;
      fread(v10, 1u, blv.uFaces_fdata_Size, (FILE *)v202);
      v11 = uNumFaces == 0;
      v12 = (uNumFaces & 0x80000000u) != 0;
      pDest = 0;
      Argsa = 0;
      if ( !(v12 | v11) )
        v13 = 0;
          pFaces[v13].pVertexIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)&pDest[(unsigned int)ptr_2AC];
          v14 = (size_t)&pFaces[v13];
          i = v14;
          v15 = &pDest[2 * *(char *)(v14 + 93) + 2];
          v16 = (int)&v15[(unsigned int)ptr_2AC];
          pDest = v15;
          *(int *)(i + 52) = v16;
          v17 = (size_t)&pFaces[v13];
          i = v17;
          v18 = &pDest[2 * *(char *)(v17 + 93) + 2];
          v19 = (int)&v18[(unsigned int)ptr_2AC];
          pDest = v18;
          *(int *)(i + 56) = v19;
          i = (size_t)&pFaces[v13];
          v20 = ptr_2AC;
          pDest += 2 * *(char *)(i + 93) + 2;
          *(int *)(i + 60) = (int)(char *)v20 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pFaces[v13];
          v21 = ptr_2AC;
          pDest += 2 * *(char *)(i + 93) + 2;
          *(int *)(i + 64) = (int)(char *)v21 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pFaces[v13];
          v22 = ptr_2AC;
          pDest += 2 * *(char *)(i + 93) + 2;
          *(int *)(i + 68) = (int)(char *)v22 + (int)pDest;
          pDest += 2 * *((char *)&pFaces[v13] - 3) + 2;
        while ( Argsa < (signed int)uNumFaces );
      Argsb = 0;
      if ( (signed int)uNumFaces > 0 )
        pDest = 0;
          fread(Dst, 1u, 0xAu, v7);
          if ( pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 45] & 0x40 )
            v23 = pTextureFrameTable->FindTextureByName(Dst);
            v24 = pDest;
            *(short *)&pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 74] = v23;
            v25 = *(short *)&v24[(unsigned int)pFaces + 74];
            if ( v25 )
              v26 = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(Dst);
              v27 = pDest;
              *(short *)&pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 74] = v26;
              v27[(unsigned int)pFaces + 45] &= 0xBFu;
            *(short *)&pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 74] = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(Dst);
          pDest += 96;
        while ( Argsb < (signed int)uNumFaces );
      fseek(v7, v211, 0);
      fread(&uNumFaceExtras, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v212, 0);
      fread(pFaceExtras, 0x24u, uNumFaceExtras, v7);
      Argsc = 0;
      if ( (signed int)uNumFaceExtras > 0 )
        pDest = 0;
          fread(Dst, 1u, 0xAu, v7);
          v28 = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(Dst);
          v29 = pFaceExtras;
          v30 = pDest;
          pDest += 36;
          *(unsigned __int16 *)((char *)&v29->uAdditionalBitmapID + (int)v30) = v28;
        while ( Argsc < (signed int)uNumFaceExtras );
      Argsd = 0;
      if ( (signed int)uNumFaces > 0 )
        pDest = 0;
          v31 = (int)&pFaceExtras[*(short *)&pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 72]];
          if ( *(short *)(v31 + 26) )
            if ( ((BLVFaceExtra *)v31)->HasEventint() )
              pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 46] |= 0x10u;
              pDest[(unsigned int)pFaces + 46] &= 0xEFu;
          pDest += 96;
        while ( Argsd < (signed int)uNumFaces );
      fseek(v7, v213, 0);
      fread(&uNumSectors, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v214, 0);
      fread(pSectors, 0x74u, uNumSectors, v7);
      v32 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata, blv.uSector_rdata_Size, "L.RData");
      v202 = (int)v7;
      ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata = (unsigned __int16 *)v32;
      fread(v32, 1u, blv.uSector_rdata_Size, (FILE *)v202);
      v11 = uNumSectors == 0;
      v12 = uNumSectors < 0;
      pDest = 0;
      Argse = 0;
      if ( !(v12 | v11) )
        v33 = 0;
          pSectors[v33].pFloors = (unsigned __int16 *)&pDest[(unsigned int)ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata];
          i = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          v34 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 4);
          *(int *)(i + 16) = (int)(char *)v34 + (int)pDest;
          v35 = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          i = v35;
          v36 = &pDest[2 * *(short *)(v35 + 12)];
          v37 = (int)&v36[(unsigned int)ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata];
          pDest = v36;
          *(int *)(i + 24) = v37;
          v38 = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          i = v38;
          v39 = &pDest[2 * *(short *)(v38 + 20)];
          v40 = (int)&v39[(unsigned int)ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata];
          pDest = v39;
          *(int *)(i + 32) = v40;
          i = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          v41 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 28);
          *(int *)(i + 40) = (int)(char *)v41 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          v42 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 36);
          *(int *)(i + 48) = (int)(char *)v42 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          v43 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 44);
          *(int *)(i + 64) = (int)(char *)v43 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          v44 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 60);
          *(int *)(i + 72) = (int)(char *)v44 + (int)pDest;
          v45 = (size_t)&pSectors[v33];
          i = v45;
          v46 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(v45 + 68);
          *(int *)(v45 + 80) = (int)(char *)v46 + (int)pDest;
          pDest += 2 * *((short *)&pSectors[v33] - 20);
        while ( Argse < uNumSectors );
      v47 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(
      v202 = (int)v7;
      ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata = (unsigned __int16 *)v47;
      fread(v47, 1u, blv.uSector_lrdata_Size, (FILE *)v202);
      v11 = uNumSectors == 0;
      v12 = uNumSectors < 0;
      pDest = 0;
      Argsf = 0;
      if ( !(v12 | v11) )
        v48 = pSectors;
        v49 = 0;
        for ( i = 0; ; v49 = i )
          v50 = ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata;
          i += 116;
          *(BLVLightMM7 **)((char *)&v48->pLights + v49) = (BLVLightMM7 *)((char *)v50 + (int)pDest);
          v48 = pSectors;
          pDest += 2 * *(__int16 *)((char *)&v48->uNumLights + v49);
          if ( Argsf >= uNumSectors )
      fseek(v7, v215, 0);
      fread(&uNumDoors, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v216, 0);
      fread(pDoors, 0x50u, 0xC8u, v7);
      v51 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata, blv.uDoors_ddata_Size, "L.DData");
      v202 = (int)v7;
      ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata = (unsigned __int16 *)v51;
      fread(v51, 1u, blv.uDoors_ddata_Size, (FILE *)v202);
      v11 = uNumDoors == 0;
      v12 = uNumDoors < 0;
      pDest = 0;
      Argsg = 0;
      if ( !(v12 | v11) )
        v52 = 0;
          pDoors[v52].pVertexIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)&pDest[(unsigned int)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata];
          i = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          v53 = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 68);
          *(int *)(i + 40) = (int)(char *)v53 + (int)pDest;
          v54 = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          i = v54;
          v55 = &pDest[2 * *(short *)(v54 + 70)];
          v56 = (int)&v55[(unsigned int)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata];
          pDest = v55;
          *(int *)(i + 44) = v56;
          v57 = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          i = v57;
          v58 = &pDest[2 * *(short *)(v57 + 72)];
          v59 = (int)&v58[(unsigned int)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata];
          pDest = v58;
          *(int *)(i + 48) = v59;
          i = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          v60 = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 70);
          *(int *)(i + 52) = (int)(char *)v60 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          v61 = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 70);
          *(int *)(i + 56) = (int)(char *)v61 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          v62 = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 74);
          *(int *)(i + 60) = (int)(char *)v62 + (int)pDest;
          i = (size_t)&pDoors[v52];
          v63 = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
          pDest += 2 * *(short *)(i + 74);
          *(int *)(i + 64) = (int)(char *)v63 + (int)pDest;
          v64 = pDoors[v52].uNumOffsets;
          pDest += 2 * v64;
        while ( Argsg < uNumDoors );
      Argsh = 0;
      if ( uNumDoors > 0 )
        v65 = pDoors;
        pDest = 0;
          i = 0;
          v66 = &pDest[(int)v65];
          if ( *(short *)&pDest[(int)v65 + 70] > 0 )
              v67 = *((int *)v66 + 10);
              a3 = 2 * i;
              v68 = *(short *)(v67 + 2 * i);
              v69 = pFaces;
              v70 = (int)&pFaceExtras[v69[v68].uFaceExtraID];
              v71 = *((int *)v66 + 12);
              v72 = a3;
              v238 = (char *)v70;
              *(short *)(a3 + v71) = *(short *)(v70 + 20);
              *(__int16 *)(*(char **)((char *)&pDoors->pDeltaVs + (unsigned int)pDest) + v72) = *((short *)v238 + 11);
              v65 = pDoors;
              v66 = &pDest[(int)v65];
            while ( (signed int)i < *(short *)&pDest[(int)v65 + 70] );
          pDest += 80;
        while ( Argsh < uNumDoors );
      fseek(v7, v217, 0);
      fread(&uNumLevelDecorations, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v218, 0);
      fread(pLevelDecorations, 0x20u, uNumLevelDecorations, v7);
      Argsi = 0;
      if ( (signed int)uNumLevelDecorations > 0 )
        pDest = (char *)pLevelDecorations;
          fread(pName, 1u, 0x20u, v7);
          v73 = pDecorationList->GetDecorIdByName(pName);
          v74 = pDest;
          pDest += 32;
          *(short *)v74 = v73;
        while ( Argsi < (signed int)uNumLevelDecorations );
      fseek(v7, v219, 0);
      fread(&uNumLayingItems, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v220, 0);
      fread(pLayingItems, 0x70u, uNumLayingItems, v7);
      if ( (signed int)uNumLayingItems > 0 )
        v75 = pLayingItems;
        pDest = (char *)uNumLayingItems;
          Argsj = 0;
          v76 = 48 * v75->stru_24.uItemID;
          v11 = pObjectList->uNumObjects == 0;
          v12 = (pObjectList->uNumObjects & 0x80000000u) != 0;
          LOWORD(v76) = *(unsigned __int16 *)((char *)&pItemsTable->pItems[0].uSpriteID + v76);
          i = v76;
          v75->uItemType = v76;
          if ( v12 | v11 )
            v78 = 0;
            for ( j = (int)&pObjectList->pObjects->uObjectID; (short)v76 != *(short *)j; j = a3 )
              a3 = j + 56;
              if ( Argsj >= (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects )
                goto LABEL_50;
              LOWORD(v76) = i;
            v78 = Argsj;
          v75->uObjectDescID = v78;
        while ( pDest );
      fseek(v7, v221, 0);
      fread(&uNumActors, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v222, 0);
      fread(pActors, 0x344u, uNumActors, v7);
      fseek(v7, v228, 0);
      fread(&uNumChests, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v229, 0);
      fread(pChests, 0x14CCu, uNumChests, v7);
      fseek(v7, v224, 0);
      fread(&uNumLights, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v225, 0);
      fread(pLights, 0x10u, uNumLights, v7);
      fseek(v7, v226, 0);
      fread(&uNumNodes, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v227, 0);
      fread(pNodes, 8u, uNumNodes, v7);
      fseek(v7, v230, 0);
      fread(&uNumSpawnPoints, 4u, 1u, v7);
      v79 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(pSpawnPoints, 24 * uNumSpawnPoints, "Spawn");
      v202 = 0;
      pSpawnPoints = (SpawnPointMM7 *)v79;
      fseek(v7, v231, v202);
      fread(pSpawnPoints, 0x18u, uNumSpawnPoints, v7);
      fseek(v7, v232, 0);
      fread(&dlv, 0x28u, 1u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v233, 0);
      fread(&stru_5E4C90, 1u, 0xC8u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v234, 0);
      fread(&uLastVisitDay, 1u, 0x38u, v7);
      fseek(v7, v223, 0);
      v80 = (void **)&pMapOutlines;
      fread(*v80, 4u, 1u, v7);
      fread((char *)*v80 + 4, 0xCu, *(int *)*v80, v7);
      goto LABEL_179;
    return 4;
  #pragma endregion

  if (bLoaded)
    Log::Warning(L"BLV is already loaded");
    return 3;

  if ( !pGames_LOD->DoesContainerExist(pFilename) )
    Abortf("Unable to find %s in Games.LOD", pFilename);

  //v238 = pFilename - 4;
  //v81 = strlen(pFilename);
  strcpy(this->pFilename, pFilename);
  strcpy(&pFilename[strlen(pFilename) - 4], ".blv");
  File = pGames_LOD->FindContainer(pFilename, 1);
  //File = v82;

  if ( !Alloc() )
    return 4;
  header.uVersion = 91969;
  header.pMagic[0] = 'm';
  header.pMagic[1] = 'v';
  header.pMagic[2] = 'i';
  header.pMagic[3] = 'i';
  header.uCompressedSize = 0;
  header.uDecompressedSize = 0;
  fread(&header, sizeof(ODMHeader), 1u, File);
  if (header.uVersion != 91969 ||
      header.pMagic[0] != 'm'  ||
      header.pMagic[1] != 'v'  ||
      header.pMagic[2] != 'i'  ||
      header.pMagic[3] != 'i' )
    MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Can't load file!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Polydata.cpp:792", 0);
  //v83 = header.uCompressedSize;
  //pSource = header.uDecompressedSize;
  //v84 = malloc(header.uDecompressedSize);
  //v85 = v84;
  //ptr = v84;
  auto pRawBLV = malloc(header.uDecompressedSize);
  memset(pRawBLV, 0, header.uDecompressedSize);

  if (header.uCompressedSize == header.uDecompressedSize)
    fread(pRawBLV, header.uDecompressedSize, 1, File);
  else if (header.uCompressedSize < header.uDecompressedSize)
    auto pTmpMem = malloc(header.uCompressedSize);
      fread(pTmpMem, header.uCompressedSize, 1, File);

      uint uDecompressedSize = header.uDecompressedSize;
      zlib::MemUnzip(pRawBLV, &uDecompressedSize, pTmpMem, header.uCompressedSize);

      if (uDecompressedSize != header.uDecompressedSize)
        Log::Warning(L"uDecompressedSize != header.uDecompressedSize in BLV");
    MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Can't load file!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Polydata.cpp:803", 0);
    return 0;

  assert(sizeof(Vec3_short_) == 6);
  assert(sizeof(BLVFace) == 96);
  assert(sizeof(BLVFaceExtra) == 36);
  assert(sizeof(BLVSector) == 116);
  assert(sizeof(LevelDecoration) == 32);
  assert(sizeof(BLVLightMM7) == 16);
  assert(sizeof(BSPNode) == 8);
  assert(sizeof(SpawnPointMM7) == 24);
  assert(sizeof(DDM_DLV_Header) == 40);
  assert(sizeof(Actor) == 836);
  assert(sizeof(LayingItem) == 112);
  assert(sizeof(Chest) == 5324);
  assert(sizeof(stru123) == 0xC8);
  assert(sizeof(BLVMapOutline) == 12);
  bLoaded = true;

  auto pData = (char *)pRawBLV;

  memcpy(&blv, pData, 136);
  memcpy(&uNumVertices, pData += 136, 4);
  memcpy(pVertices, pData += 4, uNumVertices * sizeof(Vec3_short_));

  memcpy(&uNumFaces, pData += uNumVertices * sizeof(Vec3_short_), 4);


  memcpy(pFaces, pData += 4, uNumFaces * sizeof (BLVFace));
  ptr_2AC = (unsigned __int16 *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_2AC, blv.uFaces_fdata_Size, "L.FData");

  memcpy(ptr_2AC, pData += uNumFaces * sizeof (BLVFace), blv.uFaces_fdata_Size);

  for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < uNumFaces; ++i)
    auto pFace = pFaces + i;

    pFace->pVertexIDs = ptr_2AC + j;
    j += pFace->uNumVertices + 1;
    pFace->pXInterceptDisplacements = ptr_2AC + j;

    j += pFace->uNumVertices + 1;
    pFace->pYInterceptDisplacements = ptr_2AC + j;

    j += pFace->uNumVertices + 1;
    pFace->pZInterceptDisplacements = ptr_2AC + j;

    j += pFace->uNumVertices + 1;
    pFace->pVertexUIDs = (__int16 *)(ptr_2AC + j);

    j += pFace->uNumVertices + 1;
    pFace->pVertexVIDs = (__int16 *)(ptr_2AC + j);

    j += pFace->uNumVertices + 1;
      /*v93 = &pFaces[v92];
      Src = v93;
      v94 = (BLVSector *)((char *)v244 + 2 * v93->uNumVertices + 2);
      v95 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v94 + (unsigned int)ptr_2AC);
      v244 = v94;
      Src->pXInterceptDisplacements = v95;
      v96 = (int)&pFaces[v92];
      Src = (BLVFace *)v96;
      v97 = (BLVSector *)((char *)v244 + 2 * *(char *)(v96 + 93) + 2);
      v98 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v97 + (unsigned int)ptr_2AC);
      v244 = v97;
      Src->pYInterceptDisplacements = v98;
      Src = &pFaces[v92];
      v99 = ptr_2AC;
      v244 = (BLVSector *)((char *)v244 + 2 * Src->uNumVertices + 2);
      Src->pZInterceptDisplacements = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v99 + (int)v244);
      Src = &pFaces[v92];
      v100 = ptr_2AC;
      v244 = (BLVSector *)((char *)v244 + 2 * Src->uNumVertices + 2);
      Src->pVertexUIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v100 + (int)v244);
      Src = &pFaces[v92];
      v101 = ptr_2AC;
      v244 = (BLVSector *)((char *)v244 + 2 * Src->uNumVertices + 2);
      Src->pVertexVIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v101 + (int)v244);
      v244 = (BLVSector *)((char *)v244 + 2 * *((char *)&pFaces[v92] - 3) + 2);*/


  pData += blv.uFaces_fdata_Size;

  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumFaces; ++i)
    auto pFace = pFaces + i;

    char pTexName[16];
    strncpy(pTexName, pData, 10);
    pData += 10;

    if (pFace->uAttributes & 0x4000)
      pFace->uBitmapID = pTextureFrameTable->FindTextureByName(pTexName);
      if (pFace->uBitmapID)
        pFace->uBitmapID = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(pTexName);
        pFace->uAttributes &= ~0x4000;
      pFace->uBitmapID = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(pTexName);


  memcpy(&uNumFaceExtras, pData, 4u);
  memcpy(pFaceExtras, pData += 4, uNumFaceExtras * sizeof(BLVFaceExtra));
  pData += uNumFaceExtras * sizeof(BLVFaceExtra);


  //v108 = (char *)v107 + 36 * uNumFaceExtras;
  //v245 = 0;
  //*(int *)((char *)&uSourceLen + 1) = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumFaceExtras; ++i)
    char pTexName[32];
    strncpy(pTexName, pData, 10);
    pData += 10;

    if (!strcmp(pTexName, ""))
      pFaceExtras[i].uAdditionalBitmapID = -1;
      pFaceExtras[i].uAdditionalBitmapID = pBitmaps_LOD->LoadTexture(pTexName);

  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumFaces; ++i)
    auto pFace = pFaces + i;
    auto pFaceExtra = pFaceExtras + pFace->uFaceExtraID;

    if (pFaceExtra->uEventID)
      if (pFaceExtra->HasEventint())
        pFace->uAttributes |= 0x100000;
        pFace->uAttributes &= ~0x100000;


  memcpy(&uNumSectors, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pSectors, pData + 4, uNumSectors * sizeof(BLVSector));
  pData += 4 + uNumSectors * sizeof(BLVSector);


  ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata = (unsigned short *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata, blv.uSector_rdata_Size, "L.RData");
  memcpy(ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata, pData, blv.uSector_rdata_Size);
  pData += blv.uSector_rdata_Size;

  for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < uNumSectors; ++i)
    auto pSector = pSectors + i;

    pSector->pFloors = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->uNumFloors;

    pSector->pWalls = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->field_C;

    pSector->pCeilings = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->field_14;

    pSector->pFluids = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->field_1C;

    pSector->pPortals = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->uNumPortals;

    pSector->pFaceIDs = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->field_2C;

    pSector->pCogs = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->field_3C;

    pSector->pDecorationIDs = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->uNumDecorations;

    pSector->pMarkers = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata + j;
    j += pSector->field_4C;

      /*pSectors[v118].pFloors = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)Src + (unsigned int)ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata);
      v244 = &pSectors[v118];
      v119 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * v244->field_4);
      v244->pWalls = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v119 + (int)Src);
      v120 = (int)&pSectors[v118];
      v244 = (BLVSector *)v120;
      v121 = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * *(short *)(v120 + 12));
      v122 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v121 + (unsigned int)ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata);
      Src = v121;
      v244->pCeilings = v122;
      v123 = (int)&pSectors[v118];
      v244 = (BLVSector *)v123;
      v124 = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * *(short *)(v123 + 20));
      v125 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v124 + (unsigned int)ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata);
      Src = v124;
      v244->pFluids = v125;
      v244 = &pSectors[v118];
      v126 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * v244->field_1C);
      v244->pPortals = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v126 + (int)Src);
      v244 = &pSectors[v118];
      v127 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * v244->uNumPortals);
      v244->pFaceIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v127 + (int)Src);
      v244 = &pSectors[v118];
      v128 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * v244->field_2C);
      v244->pCogs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v128 + (int)Src);
      v244 = &pSectors[v118];
      v129 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * v244->field_3C);
      v244->pDecorationIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v129 + (int)Src);
      v130 = (int)&pSectors[v118];
      v244 = (BLVSector *)v130;
      v131 = ptr_0002B0_sector_rdata;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * *(short *)(v130 + 68));
      *(int *)(v130 + 80) = (int)(char *)v131 + (int)Src;
      Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + 2 * *((short *)&pSectors[v118] - 20));*/
    //while ( v245 < uNumSectors );

  ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata = (unsigned __int16 *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata, blv.uSector_lrdata_Size, "L.RLData");
  memcpy(ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata, pData, blv.uSector_lrdata_Size);
  pData += blv.uSector_lrdata_Size;


  for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < uNumSectors; ++i)
    pSectors->pLights = (unsigned __int16 *)(ptr_0002B8_sector_lrdata + j);
    j += pSectors->uNumLights;


  memcpy(&uNumDoors, pData, 4);
  pData += 4;

  memcpy(&uNumLevelDecorations, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pLevelDecorations, pData + 4, uNumLevelDecorations * sizeof(LevelDecoration));
  pData += 4 + uNumLevelDecorations * sizeof(LevelDecoration);

  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumLevelDecorations; ++i)
    pLevelDecorations[i].uDecorationDescID = pDecorationList->GetDecorIdByName(pData);

    pData += 32;


  memcpy(&uNumLights, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pLights, pData + 4, uNumLights * sizeof(BLVLightMM7));
  pData += 4 + uNumLights * sizeof(BLVLightMM7);


  memcpy(&uNumNodes, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pNodes, pData + 4, uNumNodes * sizeof(BSPNode));
  pData += 4 + uNumNodes * sizeof(BSPNode);

  memcpy(&uNumSpawnPoints, pData, 4);
  pSpawnPoints = (SpawnPointMM7 *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(pSpawnPoints, uNumSpawnPoints * sizeof(SpawnPointMM7), "Spawn");
  memcpy(pSpawnPoints, pData + 4, uNumSpawnPoints * sizeof(SpawnPointMM7));
  pData += 4 + uNumSpawnPoints * sizeof(SpawnPointMM7);

  //v201 = (const char *)v148;
  //v200 = (size_t)pMapOutlines;
  memcpy(&pMapOutlines->uNumOutlines, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pMapOutlines->pOutlines, pData + 4, pMapOutlines->uNumOutlines * sizeof(BLVMapOutline));
  //v149 = pMapOutlines;
  //v199 = 12 * *v149;
  //memcpy(v149 + 1, (const void *)(v148 + 4), v199);
  pRawBLV = nullptr;

  void *pRawDLV = nullptr;
  strcpy(&pFilename[strlen(pFilename) - 4], ".dlv");
  File = pNew_LOD->FindContainer(pFilename, 1);
  fread(&header, 0x10u, 1u, File);//(FILE *)v245);
  bool _v244 = false;
  if (header.uVersion != 91969 ||
      header.pMagic[0] != 'm'  ||
      header.pMagic[1] != 'v'  ||
      header.pMagic[2] != 'i'  ||
      header.pMagic[3] != 'i' )
    MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Can't load file!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Polydata.cpp:1090", 0);
    _v244 = true;
    pRawDLV = malloc(header.uDecompressedSize);
    if (header.uCompressedSize == header.uDecompressedSize)
      fread(pRawDLV, 1, header.uCompressedSize, File);
    else if (header.uCompressedSize < header.uDecompressedSize)
      auto pTmpMem = malloc(header.uCompressedSize);
        fread(pTmpMem, header.uCompressedSize, 1, File);

        uint uDecompressedSize = header.uDecompressedSize;
        zlib::MemUnzip(pRawDLV, &uDecompressedSize, pTmpMem, header.uCompressedSize);

        if (uDecompressedSize != header.uDecompressedSize)
          Log::Warning(L"uDecompressedSize != header.uDecompressedSize in DLV");
      MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Can't load file!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Polydata.cpp:1108", 0);

    pData = (char *)pRawDLV;
  memcpy(&dlv, pData, 40);
  pData += 40;

  //v152 = dlv.uNumFacesInBModels;
  if (dlv.uNumFacesInBModels)
    //v153 = dlv.uNumDecorations;
    if (dlv.uNumDecorations)
      if (dlv.uNumFacesInBModels != uNumFaces ||
          dlv.uNumDecorations != uNumLevelDecorations)
        _v244 = true;

  if (dword_6BE364_game_settings_1 & 0x2000 )
    _i = 29030400;
  bool _a = false;
  if ( a3 - dlv.uLastRepawnDay >= _i && strcmpi(pCurrentMapName, "d29.dlv") )
    _a = true;

  //v154 = 875;
  if (_v244)
    memset(v203, 0, 0x36B);
    goto LABEL_132;
  if (_a || !dlv.uLastRepawnDay )
    memcpy(v203, pData, 0x36B);
    dlv.uLastRepawnDay = a3;
    if (_v244)
    //v201 = pFilename;
    *(int *)pDest = 1;
    File = pGames_LOD->FindContainer(pFilename, 0);
    fread(&header, 0x10u, 1u, File);
    auto v155 = header.uCompressedSize;
    auto Count = header.uDecompressedSize;
    auto Src = (BLVFace *)malloc(header.uDecompressedSize);
    File = (FILE *)Src;
    if ( v155 <= Count )
      if ( v155 == Count )
        fread(Src, 1u, Count, File);
        auto _uSourceLen = malloc(v155);
        fread(_uSourceLen, v155, 1u, File);
        zlib::MemUnzip(Src, &Count, _uSourceLen, v155);
    MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Can't load file!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Polydata.cpp:1195", 0);
    pData = ((char *)Src + 40);
    //v154 = 875;
    goto LABEL_140;
  *(int *)pDest = 0;
  //v202 = (int)".blv";
  //v156 = strlen(pFilename);
  strcpy(&pFilename[strlen(pFilename) - 4], ".blv");
  memcpy(_visible_outlines, pData, 875);
  pData += 875;

  if ( *(int *)pDest )
    memcpy(_visible_outlines, v203, 875);

  for (uint i = 0; i < pMapOutlines->uNumOutlines; ++i)
    auto pVertex = pMapOutlines->pOutlines + i;
    if ((unsigned __int8)(1 << (7 - i % 8)) & _visible_outlines[i / 8])
      pVertex->uFlags |= 1;

  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumFaces; ++i)
    auto pFace = pFaces + i;
    auto pFaceExtra = pFaceExtras + pFace->uFaceExtraID;

    memcpy(&pFace->uAttributes, pData, 4);
    pData += 4;

    if (pFaceExtra->uEventID)
      if (pFaceExtra->HasEventint())
        pFace->uAttributes |= 0x100000;
        pFace->uAttributes &= ~0x100000;


  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumLevelDecorations; ++i)
    memcpy(&pLevelDecorations[i].field_2, pData, 2);
    pData += 2;


  memcpy(&uNumActors, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pActors, pData + 4, uNumActors * sizeof(Actor));
  pData += 4 + uNumActors * sizeof(Actor);


  memcpy(&uNumLayingItems, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pLayingItems, pData + 4, uNumLayingItems * sizeof(LayingItem));
  pData += 4 + uNumLayingItems * sizeof(LayingItem);


  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumLayingItems; ++i)
    auto pItem = pLayingItems + i;
    if (pItem->stru_24.uItemID && !(pItem->uAttributes & 0x0100))
      pItem->uItemType = pItemsTable->pItems[pItem->stru_24.uItemID - 1].uSpriteID;

      uint uObjectID = 0;
      for (uint j = 0; j < pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++j)
        if (pItem->uItemType == pObjectList->pObjects[j].uObjectID)
          pItem->uObjectDescID = j;


  memcpy(&uNumChests, pData, 4);
  memcpy(pChests, pData + 4, uNumChests * sizeof(Chest));
  pData += 4 + uNumChests * sizeof(Chest);


  memcpy(pDoors, pData, 0x3E80);
  pData += 0x3E80;

  //v201 = (const char *)blv.uDoors_ddata_Size;
  //v200 = (size_t)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata;
  //v170 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata, blv.uDoors_ddata_Size, "L.DData");
  //v171 = blv.uDoors_ddata_Size;
  ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata = (unsigned __int16 *)pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata, blv.uDoors_ddata_Size, "L.DData");
  memcpy(ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata, pData, blv.uDoors_ddata_Size);
  pData += blv.uDoors_ddata_Size;

  //Src = (BLVFace *)((char *)Src + v171);
  //v172 = 0;
  //v245 = 0;
  //if (uNumDoors > 0)
  for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < uNumDoors; ++i)
    auto pDoor = pDoors + i;

    pDoor->pVertexIDs = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j;
    j += pDoor->uNumVertices;

    pDoor->pFaceIDs = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j;
    j += pDoor->uNumFaces;

    pDoor->pSectorIDs = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j;
    j += pDoor->field_48;

    pDoor->pDeltaUs = (short *)(ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j);
    j += pDoor->uNumFaces;

    pDoor->pDeltaVs = (short *)(ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j);
    j += pDoor->uNumFaces;

    pDoor->pXOffsets = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j;
    j += pDoor->uNumOffsets;

    pDoor->pYOffsets = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j;
    j += pDoor->uNumOffsets;

    pDoor->pZOffsets = ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + j;
    j += pDoor->uNumOffsets;
    /*v173 = pDoors;
    for ( k = 0; ; v172 = v188 + 2 * *((short *)&v173[k] - 3) )
      v173[k].pVertexIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v172);
      v175 = &pDoors[k];
      v176 = v172 + 2 * v175->uNumVertices;
      v175->pFaceIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v176);
      v177 = &pDoors[k];
      v178 = v176 + 2 * v177->uNumFaces;
      v177->pSectorIDs = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v178);
      v179 = &pDoors[k];
      v180 = v178 + 2 * v179->field_48;
      v179->pDeltaUs = (__int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v180);
      v181 = &pDoors[k];
      v182 = v180 + 2 * v181->uNumFaces;
      v181->pDeltaVs = (__int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v182);
      v183 = &pDoors[k];
      v184 = v182 + 2 * v183->uNumFaces;
      v183->pXOffsets = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v184);
      v185 = &pDoors[k];
      v186 = v184 + 2 * v185->uNumOffsets;
      v185->pYOffsets = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v186);
      v187 = &pDoors[k];
      v188 = v186 + 2 * v187->uNumOffsets;
      v189 = (unsigned __int16 *)((char *)ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata + v188);
      v187->pZOffsets = v189;
      v173 = pDoors;
      if ( v245 >= uNumDoors )
  //v190 = 0;
  //v245 = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumDoors; ++i)
    auto pDoor = pDoors + i;

    for (uint j = 0; j < pDoor->uNumFaces; ++j)
      auto pFace = pFaces + pDoor->pFaceIDs[j];
      auto pFaceExtra = pFaceExtras + pFace->uFaceExtraID;

      pDoor->pDeltaUs[j] = pFaceExtra->sTextureDeltaU;
      pDoor->pDeltaVs[j] = pFaceExtra->sTextureDeltaV;
    //v191 = pDoors;
    //pDest = 0;
   // {
      /*Argsn = 0;
      for ( l = (BLVDoor *)&v190[(int)v191];
            Argsn < *(short *)&v190[(int)v191 + 70];
            l = (BLVDoor *)&v190[(int)v191] )
        v193 = Argsn;
        v194 = l->pFaceIDs[Argsn++];
        v195 = &pFaceExtras[pFaces[v194].uFaceExtraID];
        l->pDeltaUs[v193] = v195->sTextureDeltaU;
        v190 = pDest;
        *(short *)(v193 * 2 + *(int *)&pDest[(unsigned int)pDoors + 52]) = v195->sTextureDeltaV;
        v191 = pDoors;
      v190 += 80;
      pDest = v190;*/
    //while ( v245 < uNumDoors );


  memcpy(&stru_5E4C90, pData, 0xC8);
  pData += 0xC8;


  memcpy(&stru1, pData, 0x38u);
  pData += 0x38;

  //v5 = 0;

  pSoundList->_4A9A67(64, 0);
  pSoundList->_4A9A67(103, 0);
  pSoundList->_4A9A67(63, 0);
  pSoundList->_4A9A67(102, 0);
  pSoundList->_4A9A67(50, 0);
  pSoundList->_4A9A67(89, 0);

  return 0;

//----- (0049AC17) --------------------------------------------------------
int IndoorLocation::GetSector(int sX, int sY, int sZ)
  int v4; // esi@1
  //unsigned __int8 v5; // zf@1
  //unsigned __int8 v6; // sf@1
  //unsigned __int8 v7; // of@1
  //BLVSector *v8; // eax@3
  //int v9; // edi@9
  //int v10; // eax@9
  //int v11; // edx@9
  //int v12; // eax@10
  //unsigned __int16 v13; // ax@12
  //int v14; // edi@14
  //BLVFace *v15; // eax@14
  //BLVFace *v16; // edi@14
  //PolygonType v17; // al@14
  //unsigned __int16 *pVertexIDs; // esi@16
  //Vec3_short_ *v19; // eax@16
  //int v20; // edx@16
  //unsigned __int16 *v21; // esi@17
  //int v22; // edi@19
  //int v23; // edi@20
  //Vec3_short_ *v24; // edx@20
  signed int v25; // edx@21
  int v26; // ebx@23
  //int v27; // edx@26
  //signed __int64 v28; // qtt@26
  ///Vec3_short_ *v29; // eax@26
  //Vec3_short_ *v30; // edx@26
  //int v31; // edx@26
  signed int v32; // edi@27
  signed __int64 v33; // qtt@27
  //Vec3_short_ *v34; // edx@27
  int v35; // edx@32
  int v37; // edi@38
  int v38; // ebx@40
  int v39; // eax@41
  BLVFace *v40; // esi@42
  PolygonType v41; // dl@42
  int v42; // edx@43
  int v43[50]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-108h]@1
  //int v44; // [sp+D4h] [bp-40h]@9
  //int v45; // [sp+D8h] [bp-3Ch]@14
  //int v46; // [sp+DCh] [bp-38h]@14
  //int v47; // [sp+E0h] [bp-34h]@19
  //int v48; // [sp+E4h] [bp-30h]@9
  //Vec3_short_ *v49; // [sp+E8h] [bp-2Ch]@19
  bool v50; // [sp+ECh] [bp-28h]@19
  int v51; // [sp+F0h] [bp-24h]@9
  //unsigned int v52; // [sp+F4h] [bp-20h]@2
  int v53; // [sp+F8h] [bp-1Ch]@10
  int v54; // [sp+FCh] [bp-18h]@16
  int v55; // [sp+100h] [bp-14h]@1
  int v56; // [sp+104h] [bp-10h]@1
  int v57; // [sp+108h] [bp-Ch]@16
  //Vec3_short_ *v58; // [sp+10Ch] [bp-8h]@20
  int v59; // [sp+110h] [bp-4h]@16

  v4 = 0;
  //v7 = __OFSUB__(this->uNumSectors, 1);
  //v5 = this->uNumSectors == 1;
  //v6 = this->uNumSectors - 1 < 0;
  v55 = 0;
  v43[0] = 0;
  //v56 = 1;
  if (uNumSectors < 2)
    return 0;

  for (uint i = 1; i < uNumSectors; ++i)
    auto pSector = pSectors + i;

    if (pSector->pBounding.x1 <= sX  && pSector->pBounding.x2 >= sX)
      if (pSector->pBounding.y1 <= sY  && pSector->pBounding.y2 >= sY)
        if (pSector->pBounding.z1 - 64 <= sZ && pSector->pBounding.z2 + 64 >= sZ)
          Log::Warning(L"Sector[%u]", i);
          v51 = pSector->uNumFloors + pSector->uNumPortals;
          if (!v51)

          //v9 = pSector->uNumFloors;
                //v10 = v9 + pSector->uNumPortals;
                //v11 = 0;
                //v44 = v9;
                //v48 = 0;

                  //v12 = -2 * v9;
                  //v53 = -2 * v9;
           for (uint j = 0; j < v51; ++j)
             unsigned int uFaceID;
             if (j < pSector->uNumFloors)
               uFaceID = pSector->pFloors[j];
               uFaceID = pSector->pPortals[j - pSector->uNumFloors];

             auto pFace = pFaces + uFaceID;
                    //v14 = (signed __int16)v13;
                    //v15 = this->pFaces;
                    //v46 = v13;
                    //v14 *= 96;
                    //v45 = v13 * sizeof(BLVFace);
                    //v16 = pFaces + uFaceID;
                    //v17 = v16->uPolygonType;
             if (pFace->uPolygonType == POLYGON_Floor ||
                 pFace->uPolygonType == POLYGON_InBetweenFloorAndWall)
               //pVertexIDs = pFace->pVertexIDs;
                      //v19 = this->pVertices;
               //v20 = pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[0]].y;
                      v54 = 0;
                      //v57 = 0;
                      //v5 = v16->uNumVertices == 0;
                      v59 = pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[0]].y >= sY;

                        //v21 = pFace->pVertexIDs + 1;
               for (uint k = 1; k < pFace->uNumVertices; ++k)
                 if (v54 >= 2)

                 //v49 = &pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[k]];
                 auto v2 = &pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[k]];
                          //v22 = pVertex->y;
                          //v47 = pVertex->y;
                 v50 = v2->y >= sY;
                 if ( v59 ^ v50 )
                            //v58 = &pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[k - 1]];
                   auto v1 = &pVertices[pFace->pVertexIDs[k - 1]];
                            //v23 = v58->x;
                            //HIWORD(v24) = HIWORD(v49);
                            //LOWORD(v24) = v49->x;
                            //v49 = v24;
                            //v59 = v49->x;
                   v25 = v1->x >= sX ? 0 : 2;  // BUG TODO TROLOLO
                   v26 = v25 | v2->x < sX;     // SWAP v1 and v2 till the result's correct
                   if ( v26 != 3 )
                    if (!v26)
                      if (v1->x >= v2->x)
                        int _a58;
                        int _a59;

                        v32 = v1->x - v2->x;
                        LODWORD(v33) = v32 << 16;
                        HIDWORD(v33) = v32 >> 16;
                        _a58 = v33 / (v1->y - v2->y);
                        _a59 = (unsigned __int64)(_a58 * (__int64)(sY - v2->y)) >> 16;

                        if (v59 + pVertices[k].x > sX)
                        int _a58;
                        int _a59;
                        v32 = v2->x - v1->x;
                        LODWORD(v33) = v32 << 16;
                        HIDWORD(v33) = v32 >> 16;
                        _a58 = v33 / (v2->y - v1->y);
                        _a59 = (unsigned __int64)(_a58 * (signed __int64)(sY - v1->y)) >> 16;

                        if (_a59 + pVertices[k - 1].x > sX)

                 v59 = v50;

               if (pFace->uNumVertices)
                 if (v54 == 1)
                   v35 = v55++;
                   v43[v35] = uFaceID;
            v4 = v43[0];

  if ( v55 == 1 )
    return this->pFaces[v4].uSectorID;
  v37 = 0;
  if ( !v55 )
    return 0;
  v38 = 0;
  v53 = 0xFFFFFFu;
  if ( v55 > 0 )
    v39 = sY;
    while ( 1 )
      v40 = &this->pFaces[v43[v37]];
      v41 = v40->uPolygonType;
      if ( v41 == 3 )
      if ( v41 == 4 )
        v51 = v40->zCalc1;
        v57 = (unsigned __int64)(v51 * (signed __int64)(sX << 16)) >> 16;
        v56 = sY << 16;
        v51 = v40->zCalc2;
        v56 = (unsigned __int64)(v51 * (signed __int64)(sY << 16)) >> 16;
        v42 = (v56 + v40->zCalc3 + v57 + 32768) >> 16;
        goto LABEL_46;
      if ( v39 >= 0 )
        if ( v39 < v53 )
          v38 = v40->uSectorID;
          v53 = v39;
      if ( v37 >= v55 )
        return v38;
    v42 = this->pVertices[*v40->pVertexIDs].z;
    v39 = sZ - v42;
    goto LABEL_47;
  return v38;
// 49AC17: using guessed type int var_108[50];

//----- (00498A41) --------------------------------------------------------
char BLVFace::_get_normals(Vec3_int_ *a2, Vec3_int_ *a3)
  BLVFace *v3; // ebx@1
  int v4; // eax@1
  signed __int64 v5; // qax@2
  double v6; // st7@8
  Vec3_float_ a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@8

  v3 = this;
  LOBYTE(v4) = this->uPolygonType;
  if ( (char)v4 == POLYGON_VerticalWall )
    a2->x = -this->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y;
    LODWORD(v5) = this->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x;
    a2->y = v5;
    v4 = 0;
    a2->z = 0;
    a3->y = 0;
    a3->z = 0xFFFF0000u;
    a3->x = v4;
    goto LABEL_12;
  if ( (char)v4 == POLYGON_Floor || (char)v4 == POLYGON_Ceiling )
    v4 = 0;
    a2->x = 0x10000u;
    a2->z = 0;
    a2->y = 0;
    a3->y = 0xFFFF0000u;
    a3->z = 0;
    goto LABEL_11;
  if ( (char)v4 == POLYGON_InBetweenFloorAndWall || (char)v4 == POLYGON_InBetweenCeilingAndWall )
    if ( abs(this->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z) < 46441 )
      a1.x = (double)-v3->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y;
      a1.y = (double)v3->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x;
      a1.z = 0.0;
      v6 = a1.y * 65536.0;
      a2->x = (signed __int64)(a1.x * 65536.0);
      v5 = (signed __int64)v6;
      goto LABEL_9;
    goto LABEL_10;
  if ( BYTE2(v3->uAttributes) & 0x80 )
    a2->x = -a2->x;
    a2->y = -a2->y;
    a2->z = -a2->z;
  if ( BYTE3(v3->uAttributes) & 1 )
    a3->x = -a3->x;
    a3->y = -a3->y;
    a3->z = -a3->z;
  return v4;

//----- (0044C23B) --------------------------------------------------------
int BLVFaceExtra::HasEventint()
  signed int v1; // eax@1
  Event *v2; // esi@2
  signed int result; // eax@5
  signed int v4; // eax@6

  v1 = 0;
  if ( (signed int)(uLevelEVT_NumEvents - 1) <= 0 )
    goto LABEL_5;
  v2 = pLevelEVT_Events;
  while ( v2->uEventID != this->uEventID )
    if ( v1 >= (signed int)(uLevelEVT_NumEvents - 1) )
      goto LABEL_5;
  v4 = v1;
  if ( pLevelEVT[pLevelEVT_Events[v4 + 1].uEventOffsetInEVT + 4] != 1
    || pLevelEVT[pLevelEVT_Events[v4].uEventOffsetInEVT + 4] != 4 )
    result = 0;
    result = 1;
  return result;

//----- (0046F228) --------------------------------------------------------
void __cdecl BLV_UpdateDoors()
  int v0; // ebx@1
  int v1; // edi@1
  BLVDoor *v2; // esi@3
  unsigned __int16 v3; // ax@3
  unsigned int v4; // ecx@5
  int v5; // eax@8
  int v6; // ecx@8
  int v7; // eax@12
  int v8; // eax@16
  unsigned __int8 v9; // zf@18
  char v10; // sf@18
  unsigned __int8 v11; // of@18
  int v12; // edi@19
  int v13; // ecx@19
  __int16 v14; // ax@19
  BLVFace *v15; // ebx@24
  unsigned __int16 *v16; // ecx@24
  Vec3_short_ *v17; // esi@24
  int v18; // eax@24
  int v19; // edx@24
  signed int v20; // eax@24
  Vec3_short_ *v21; // ecx@24
  double v22; // st7@24
  double v23; // st6@24
  int v24; // esi@25
  int v25; // eax@25
  BLVDoor *v26; // edi@25
  signed __int64 v27; // qtt@27
  BLVFaceExtra *v28; // esi@32
  int v29; // ecx@34
  int v30; // edx@34
  unsigned __int64 v31; // qax@34
  int v32; // eax@34
  unsigned __int16 *v33; // eax@35
  Vec3_short_ *v34; // eax@35
  int v35; // ecx@35
  int v36; // edx@35
  signed int v37; // eax@35
  signed int v38; // edx@35
  int v39; // eax@35
  int v40; // edx@35
  unsigned __int8 v41; // cf@35
  unsigned __int16 *v42; // edi@36
  Vec3_short_ *v43; // edi@36
  int v44; // ecx@36
  int v45; // edi@36
  int v46; // ecx@36
  __int16 *v47; // edx@44
  int v48; // ecx@44
  unsigned int v49; // ecx@46
  unsigned __int16 v50; // ax@48
  unsigned int v51; // eax@51
  unsigned __int16 v52; // ax@54
  int v53; // ecx@57
  int v54; // edx@57
  unsigned __int64 v55; // qax@57
  int v56; // ecx@58
  int v57; // eax@58
  int v58; // eax@59
  SoundID v59; // [sp-24h] [bp-88h]@12
  signed int v60; // [sp-20h] [bp-84h]@12
  unsigned int v61; // [sp-1Ch] [bp-80h]@12
  signed int v62; // [sp-18h] [bp-7Ch]@12
  signed int v63; // [sp-14h] [bp-78h]@12
  int v64; // [sp-10h] [bp-74h]@12
  unsigned int v65; // [sp-Ch] [bp-70h]@12
  int v66; // [sp-8h] [bp-6Ch]@12
  int v67; // [sp+8h] [bp-5Ch]@31
  int v68; // [sp+Ch] [bp-58h]@34
  int v69; // [sp+10h] [bp-54h]@34
  int v70; // [sp+14h] [bp-50h]@31
  int v71; // [sp+18h] [bp-4Ch]@34
  int v72; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-48h]@34
  int v73; // [sp+20h] [bp-44h]@24
  __int16 v74; // [sp+24h] [bp-40h]@24
  int v75; // [sp+28h] [bp-3Ch]@36
  int v76; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-38h]@36
  int v77; // [sp+30h] [bp-34h]@36
  int v78; // [sp+34h] [bp-30h]@36
  int v79; // [sp+38h] [bp-2Ch]@19
  unsigned int v80; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-28h]@2
  int v81; // [sp+40h] [bp-24h]@1
  int v82; // [sp+44h] [bp-20h]@35
  int v83; // [sp+48h] [bp-1Ch]@34
  int v84; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-18h]@34
  int v85; // [sp+50h] [bp-14h]@19
  SoundID eDoorSoundID; // [sp+54h] [bp-10h]@1
  BLVDoor *v87; // [sp+58h] [bp-Ch]@3
  int v88; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-8h]@18
  int v89; // [sp+60h] [bp-4h]@6

  v0 = 0;
  v1 = 0;
  eDoorSoundID = (SoundID)pDoorSoundIDsByLocationID[dword_6BE13C_uCurrentlyLoadedLocationID];
  v81 = 0;
  if ( pIndoor->uNumDoors > 0 )
    v80 = 0;
      v2 = &pIndoor->pDoors[v80 / 0x50];
      v87 = &pIndoor->pDoors[v80 / 0x50];
      v3 = pIndoor->pDoors[v80 / 0x50].uState;
      if ( v3 == (short)v0 || v3 == 2 )
        v2->uAttributes &= 0xFFFFFFFDu;
        goto LABEL_62;
      v2->uTimeSinceTriggered += pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed;
      v4 = v2->uTimeSinceTriggered;
      if ( v2->uState == 1 )
        v89 = (signed int)(v4 * v2->uCloseSpeed) / 128;
        if ( v89 >= v2->uMoveLength )
          v89 = v2->uMoveLength;
          v2->uState = BLVDoor::Open;
          if ( !(v2->uAttributes & 6) && v2->uNumVertices != (short)v0 )
            v66 = v0;
            v65 = v0;
            v64 = v0;
            v7 = 8 * v1;
            v63 = v0;
            v62 = -1;
            LOBYTE(v7) = 8 * v1 | 1;
            v61 = v0;
            v60 = v7;
            v59 = (SoundID)((int)eDoorSoundID + 1);
            pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(v59, v60, v61, v62, v63, v64, v65, v66);
            goto LABEL_18;
          goto LABEL_18;
        v5 = (signed int)(v4 * v2->uOpenSpeed) / 128;
        v6 = v2->uMoveLength;
        if ( v5 >= v6 )
          v89 = v0;
          v2->uState = (BLVDoor::State)v0;
          goto LABEL_10;
        v89 = v6 - v5;
      if ( !(v2->uAttributes & 6) && v2->uNumVertices != (short)v0 )
        v66 = v0;
        v65 = v0;
        v64 = v0;
        v8 = 8 * v1;
        v63 = v0;
        v62 = -1;
        LOBYTE(v8) = 8 * v1 | 1;
        v61 = 1;
        v60 = v8;
        v59 = eDoorSoundID;
        goto LABEL_17;
      v11 = __OFSUB__(v2->uNumVertices, (short)v0);
      v9 = v2->uNumVertices == (short)v0;
      v10 = (signed __int16)(v2->uNumVertices - v0) < 0;
      v88 = v0;
      if ( !((unsigned __int8)(v10 ^ v11) | v9) )
          v12 = v88;
          v13 = v2->pVertexIDs[v88];
          v85 = v89;
          v79 = v2->vDirection.x;
          v85 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v89) >> 16;
          v13 *= 6;
          *(__int16 *)((char *)&pIndoor->pVertices->x + v13) = ((unsigned int)(v79 * v89) >> 16) + v2->pXOffsets[v88];
          v85 = v89;
          v79 = v2->vDirection.y;
          v85 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v89) >> 16;
          *(__int16 *)((char *)&pIndoor->pVertices->y + v13) = ((unsigned int)(v79 * v89) >> 16) + v2->pYOffsets[v12];
          v85 = v89;
          v79 = v2->vDirection.z;
          v85 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v89) >> 16;
          v14 = ((unsigned int)(v79 * v89) >> 16) + v2->pZOffsets[v12];
          *(__int16 *)((char *)&pIndoor->pVertices->z + v13) = v14;
        while ( v88 < v2->uNumVertices );
        v1 = v81;
      v11 = __OFSUB__(v2->uNumFaces, (short)v0);
      v9 = v2->uNumFaces == (short)v0;
      v10 = (signed __int16)(v2->uNumFaces - v0) < 0;
      v88 = v0;
      if ( !((unsigned __int8)(v10 ^ v11) | v9) )
        while ( 1 )
          v15 = &pIndoor->pFaces[v2->pFaceIDs[v88]];
          v16 = v15->pVertexIDs;
          v17 = &pIndoor->pVertices[*v16];
          v18 = v15->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y;
          v73 = *(int *)&v17->x;
          v74 = v17->z;
          v19 = v15->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z;
          v20 = -(v19 * v74 + (signed __int16)v73 * v15->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x + SHIWORD(v73) * v18);
          v15->pFacePlane_old.dist = v20;
          v21 = &pIndoor->pVertices[*v16];
          v79 = v21->x;
          v22 = (double)v79;
          v23 = (double)v21->y;
          v79 = v21->z;
          v15->pFacePlane.dist = -((double)v79 * v15->pFacePlane.vNormal.z
                                 + v23 * v15->pFacePlane.vNormal.y
                                 + v22 * v15->pFacePlane.vNormal.x);
          if ( v19 )
            v24 = abs(v20 >> 15);
            v25 = abs(v15->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z);
            v26 = v87;
            if ( v24 > v25 )
                "Door Error\ndoor id: %i\nfacet no: %i\n\nOverflow dividing facet->d [%i] by facet->nz [%i]",
            v79 = v15->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z;
            v85 = v15->pFacePlane_old.dist;
            LODWORD(v27) = v85 << 16;
            HIDWORD(v27) = v85 >> 16;
            v85 = v27 / v79;
            v15->zCalc3 = -(v27 / v79);
            v26 = v87;
          if ( BYTE2(v15->uAttributes) & 4 || pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
            v15->_get_normals((Vec3_int_ *)&v70, (Vec3_int_ *)&v67);
          v28 = &pIndoor->pFaceExtras[v15->uFaceExtraID];
          if ( !pRenderer->pRenderD3D )
            if ( !(BYTE2(v15->uAttributes) & 4) )
              goto LABEL_59;
            v79 = v26->vDirection.x;
            v83 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v70) >> 16;
            v85 = v71;
            v79 = v26->vDirection.y;
            v85 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v71) >> 16;
            v84 = v72;
            v79 = v26->vDirection.z;
            v84 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v72) >> 16;
            v79 = v83 + v85 + ((unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v72) >> 16);
            v29 = v89;
            v83 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v89) >> 16;
            v28->sTextureDeltaU = -((unsigned int)(v79 * v89) >> 16);
            v79 = v26->vDirection.x;
            v85 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v67) >> 16;
            v83 = v68;
            v79 = v26->vDirection.y;
            v83 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v68) >> 16;
            v84 = v69;
            v79 = v26->vDirection.z;
            v84 = (unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v69) >> 16;
            v30 = v83 + ((unsigned __int64)(v79 * (signed __int64)v69) >> 16);
            v79 = v85 + v30;
            v31 = (v85 + v30) * (signed __int64)v29;
            v83 = v31 >> 16;
            v32 = v31 >> 16;
            goto LABEL_58;
          v28->sTextureDeltaU = 0;
          v28->sTextureDeltaV = 0;
          v33 = v15->pVertexIDs;
          v85 = 1;
          v34 = &pIndoor->pVertices[*v33];
          v35 = v34->z;
          v36 = v34->y;
          v82 = v34->x;
          v79 = v36;
          v37 = v70 * v82 + v71 * v36 + v72 * v35;
          v38 = v67 * v82 + v68 * v36 + v35 * v69;
          v39 = v37 >> 16;
          *v15->pVertexUIDs = v39;
          v40 = v38 >> 16;
          *v15->pVertexVIDs = v40;
          v41 = v15->uNumVertices < 1u;
          v9 = v15->uNumVertices == 1;
          v83 = v40;
          v84 = v39;
          v82 = v40;
          if ( !(v41 | v9) )
              v42 = v15->pVertexIDs;
              v75 = 2 * v85;
              v43 = &pIndoor->pVertices[v42[v85]];
              v79 = v43->z;
              v44 = v43->y;
              v45 = v43->x;
              v78 = v44;
              v76 = (v72 * v79 + v70 * v45 + v71 * v44) >> 16;
              v46 = (v67 * v45 + v68 * v44 + v79 * v69) >> 16;
              v77 = v46;
              if ( v76 < v39 )
                v39 = v76;
              if ( v46 < v40 )
                v83 = v46;
              if ( v76 > v84 )
                v84 = v76;
              if ( v46 > v82 )
                v82 = v46;
              v47 = v15->pVertexUIDs;
              v48 = v75;
              *(unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v47 + v75) = v76;
              *(unsigned __int16 *)((char *)v15->pVertexVIDs + v48) = v77;
              v40 = v83;
            while ( v85 < v15->uNumVertices );
            v26 = v87;
          v49 = v15->uAttributes;
          if ( BYTE1(v49) & 0x10 )
            goto LABEL_50;
          if ( SBYTE1(v49) < 0 )
            v50 = v15->uBitmapID;
            if ( v50 != -1 )
          v51 = v15->uAttributes;
          if ( v51 & 8 )
            v28->sTextureDeltaV -= v40;
            if ( v51 & 0x20000 )
              v52 = v15->uBitmapID;
              if ( v52 != -1 )
                v28->sTextureDeltaV -= v82
                                     + *(short *)((signed __int16)v52 != -1 ? 72 * (signed __int16)v52 + 7278780 + 0x1A : 26);
          if ( BYTE2(v15->uAttributes) & 4 )
            v75 = v26->vDirection.x;
            v84 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v70) >> 16;
            v82 = v71;
            v75 = v26->vDirection.y;
            v82 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v71) >> 16;
            v83 = v72;
            v75 = v26->vDirection.z;
            v83 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v72) >> 16;
            v75 = v84 + v82 + ((unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v72) >> 16);
            v53 = v89;
            v82 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v89) >> 16;
            v28->sTextureDeltaU = -((unsigned int)(v75 * v89) >> 16);
            v75 = v26->vDirection.x;
            v84 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v67) >> 16;
            v82 = v68;
            v75 = v26->vDirection.y;
            v82 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v68) >> 16;
            v83 = v69;
            v75 = v26->vDirection.z;
            v83 = (unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v69) >> 16;
            v54 = v82 + ((unsigned __int64)(v75 * (signed __int64)v69) >> 16);
            v75 = v84 + v54;
            v55 = (v84 + v54) * (signed __int64)v53;
            v82 = v55 >> 16;
            v32 = v55 >> 16;
            v56 = v88;
            v57 = -v32;
            v28->sTextureDeltaV = v57;
            v28->sTextureDeltaU += v26->pDeltaUs[v56];
            v28->sTextureDeltaV = v57 + v26->pDeltaVs[v56];
          v58 = v26->uNumFaces;
          if ( v88 >= v58 )
            v1 = v81;
            v0 = 0;
            goto LABEL_62;
          v2 = v87;
        LOWORD(v39) = v84
                    + ((signed __int16)v39 != -1 ? pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[(signed __int16)v39].uTextureWidth : 24);
        v28->sTextureDeltaU -= v39;
        goto LABEL_51;
      v80 += 80;
      v81 = v1;
    while ( v1 < pIndoor->uNumDoors );
// 6BE13C: using guessed type int dword_6BE13C_uCurrentlyLoadedLocationID;

//----- (0046F90C) --------------------------------------------------------
void __cdecl UpdateActors_BLV()
  Actor *v0; // esi@2
  unsigned __int16 v1; // ax@2
  int v2; // edi@6
  int v3; // eax@6
  int v4; // eax@8
  __int16 v5; // ax@11
  signed int v6; // ebx@14
  unsigned __int8 v7; // zf@14
  unsigned __int8 v8; // sf@14
  signed __int16 v9; // ax@17
  signed __int64 v10; // qax@18
  unsigned __int16 v11; // ax@21
  int v12; // eax@29
  unsigned __int64 v13; // qax@29
  int v14; // eax@30
  unsigned __int64 v15; // qax@30
  int v16; // ecx@33
  BLVFace *v17; // edx@33
  int v18; // ecx@33
  BLVFace *v19; // eax@34
  int v20; // ecx@46
  int v21; // eax@46
  int v22; // edi@46
  int v23; // eax@48
  unsigned int v24; // eax@51
  int v25; // eax@52
  int v26; // ebx@54
  int v27; // ST08_4@54
  int v28; // edi@54
  int v29; // eax@54
  int v30; // ecx@62
  int v31; // ebx@62
  int v32; // eax@62
  int v33; // eax@64
  unsigned int v34; // ecx@64
  int v35; // ecx@64
  signed int v36; // edx@85
  signed int v37; // ebx@85
  BLVFace *v38; // edi@89
  int v39; // ecx@90
  int v40; // ebx@90
  PolygonType v41; // al@94
  int v42; // eax@96
  __int16 v43; // dx@96
  int v44; // ecx@96
  int v45; // edi@101
  int v46; // edi@101
  int v47; // eax@101
  unsigned __int64 v48; // qax@101
  unsigned __int8 v49; // zf@103
  unsigned __int8 v50; // sf@103
  unsigned __int8 v51; // of@103
  AIDirection v52; // [sp+0h] [bp-60h]@75
  AIDirection v53; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-44h]@116
  int v54; // [sp+38h] [bp-28h]@53
  unsigned int uSectorID; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-24h]@6
  int v56; // [sp+40h] [bp-20h]@6
  unsigned int _this; // [sp+44h] [bp-1Ch]@51
  int v58; // [sp+48h] [bp-18h]@51
  int v59; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-14h]@8
  unsigned int uFaceID; // [sp+50h] [bp-10h]@6
  int v61; // [sp+54h] [bp-Ch]@14
  int v62; // [sp+58h] [bp-8h]@6
  unsigned int v63; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-4h]@1

  v63 = 0;
  if ( (signed int)uNumActors > 0 )
    while ( 1 )
      v0 = &pActors[v63];
      v1 = v0->uAIState;
      if ( v1 == 11 || v1 == 19 || v1 == 17 || !v0->uMovementSpeed )
        goto LABEL_123;
      uSectorID = v0->uSectorID;
      v2 = _46ED1B_collide_against_floor(v0->vPosition.x, v0->vPosition.y, v0->vPosition.z, &uSectorID, &uFaceID);
      v0->uSectorID = uSectorID;
      v3 = v0->pMonsterInfo.uFlying;
      v56 = v2;
      v62 = v3;
      if ( !v0->CanAct() )
        v62 = 0;
      v4 = v0->vPosition.z;
      v59 = 0;
      if ( v4 > v2 + 1 )
        v59 = 1;
      if ( v2 <= -30000 )
        v5 = pIndoor->GetSector(v0->vPosition.x, v0->vPosition.y, v4);
        v0->uSectorID = v5;
        if ( !v5
          || (v56 = _46CEC3_get_floor_level(v0->vPosition.x, v0->vPosition.y, v0->vPosition.z, v5, &uFaceID), v56 == -30000) )
          goto LABEL_123;
      if ( v0->uCurrentActionAnimation == 1 )
        v6 = v0->uMovementSpeed;
        v7 = HIDWORD(v0->pActorBuffs[7].uExpireTime) == 0;
        v8 = SHIDWORD(v0->pActorBuffs[7].uExpireTime) < 0;
        v61 = v0->uMovementSpeed;
        if ( !v8 && (!(v8 | v7) || LODWORD(v0->pActorBuffs[7].uExpireTime)) )
          v9 = v0->pActorBuffs[7].uPower;
          if ( v9 )
            LODWORD(v10) = v6 / (unsigned __int16)v9;
            v10 = (signed __int64)((double)v61 * 0.5);
          v6 = v10;
          v61 = v10;
        v11 = v0->uAIState;
        if ( v11 == 6 || v11 == 7 )
          v6 *= 2;
          v61 = v6;
        if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 && pTurnEngine->field_4 == 1 )
          v6 = (signed __int64)((double)v61 * flt_6BE3AC_debug_recmod1_x_1_6);
        if ( v6 > 1000 )
          v6 = 1000;
        v12 = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v0->uYawAngle);
        uSectorID = v12;
        v13 = v12 * (signed __int64)v6;
        v61 = v13 >> 16;
        v0->vVelocity.x = WORD1(v13);
        uSectorID = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v0->uYawAngle - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
        v61 = (unsigned __int64)(uSectorID * (signed __int64)v6) >> 16;
        v7 = v62 == 0;
        v0->vVelocity.y = (unsigned int)(uSectorID * v6) >> 16;
        if ( !v7 )
          v14 = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v0->uPitchAngle - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi);
          uSectorID = v14;
          v15 = v14 * (signed __int64)v6;
          v61 = v15 >> 16;
          v0->vVelocity.z = WORD1(v15);
        v61 = v0->vVelocity.x;
        uSectorID = 55000;
        v61 = (unsigned __int64)(55000i64 * v61) >> 16;
        v0->vVelocity.x = v61;
        v61 = v0->vVelocity.y;
        v61 = (unsigned __int64)(uSectorID * (signed __int64)v61) >> 16;
        v7 = v62 == 0;
        v0->vVelocity.y = v61;
        if ( !v7 )
          uSectorID = 55000;
          v61 = v0->vVelocity.z;
          v61 = (unsigned __int64)(55000i64 * v61) >> 16;
          v0->vVelocity.z = v61;
      v16 = v0->vPosition.z;
      v17 = pIndoor->pFaces;
      v51 = __OFSUB__(v16, v56);
      v8 = v16 - v56 < 0;
      v18 = uFaceID;
      if ( v8 ^ v51 )
        v0->vPosition.z = v56 + 1;
        v19 = &v17[v18];
        if ( v19->uPolygonType == 3 )
          if ( v0->vVelocity.z < 0 )
            v0->vVelocity.z = 0;
          if ( v19->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z < 45000 )
            v0->vVelocity.z -= LOWORD(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed) * GetGravityStrength();
        if ( v59 && !v62 )
          v0->vVelocity.z += -8 * LOWORD(pEventTimer->uTimeElapsed) * GetGravityStrength();
      if ( v0->vVelocity.x * v0->vVelocity.x + v0->vVelocity.y * v0->vVelocity.y + v0->vVelocity.z * v0->vVelocity.z >= 400 )
      v0->vVelocity.z = 0;
      v0->vVelocity.y = 0;
      v0->vVelocity.x = 0;
      if ( BYTE2(v17[v18].uAttributes) & 0x40 )
        if (v0->uAIState == Dead)
          v0->uAIState = Removed;
      if ( (signed int)v63 >= (signed int)uNumActors )
    v20 = v0->uActorRadius;
    v21 = v0->uActorHeight;
    stru_721530.field_84 = -1;
    stru_721530.field_70 = 0;
    uSectorID = 0;
    stru_721530.field_0 = 1;
    stru_721530.field_8 = v20;
    stru_721530.prolly_normal_d = v20;
    stru_721530.field_C = v21;
    v22 = 0;
    while ( 1 )
      stru_721530.field_34.x = v0->vPosition.x;
      stru_721530.normal.x = stru_721530.field_34.x;
      stru_721530.field_34.y = v0->vPosition.y;
      stru_721530.normal.y = stru_721530.field_34.y;
      v23 = v0->vPosition.z;
      stru_721530.normal.z = v23 + v20 + 1;
      stru_721530.field_34.z = v23 - v20 + stru_721530.field_C - 1;
      if ( stru_721530.field_34.z < stru_721530.normal.z )
        stru_721530.field_34.z = v23 + v20 + 1;
      stru_721530.field_1C = v0->vVelocity.x;
      stru_721530.field_20 = v0->vVelocity.y;
      stru_721530.field_24 = v0->vVelocity.z;
      stru_721530.uSectorID = v0->uSectorID;
      if ( !stru_721530._47050A(v22) )
        v58 = v22;
        v24 = 8 * v63;
        LOBYTE(v24) = 8 * v63 | 3;
        v61 = v22;
        _this = v24;
          v25 = 0;
          v56 = 0;
          if ( ai_arrays_size > v22 )
              v54 = ai_array_4F7DB0_actor_ids[v25];
              if ( v54 != v63 )
                v26 = v54;
                v27 = abs(pActors[v54].vPosition.z - v0->vPosition.z);
                v28 = abs(pActors[v26].vPosition.y - v0->vPosition.y);
                v29 = abs(pActors[v26].vPosition.x - v0->vPosition.x);
                if ( sub_4621DA(v29, v28, v27) >= v0->uActorRadius + (signed int)pActors[v26].uActorRadius
                  && _46DF1A_collide_against_actor(v54, 40) )
                v22 = 0;
              v25 = v56++ + 1;
            while ( v56 < ai_arrays_size );
          if ( _46F04E_collide_against_portals() )
        while ( v61 < 100 );
        v56 = v58 > 1;
        if ( stru_721530.field_7C >= stru_721530.field_6C )
          v30 = stru_721530.normal2.x;
          v31 = stru_721530.normal2.y;
          v32 = stru_721530.normal2.z - stru_721530.prolly_normal_d - 1;
          v58 = (unsigned __int64)(stru_721530.field_7C * (signed __int64)stru_721530.field_58.x) >> 16;
          v30 = v58 + v0->vPosition.x;
          v58 = (unsigned __int64)(stru_721530.field_7C * (signed __int64)stru_721530.field_58.y) >> 16;
          v31 = v58 + v0->vPosition.y;
          v58 = (unsigned __int64)(stru_721530.field_7C * (signed __int64)stru_721530.field_58.z) >> 16;
          v32 = v58 + v0->vPosition.z;
        v33 = _46ED1B_collide_against_floor(v30, v31, v32, &stru_721530.uSectorID, &uFaceID);
        v34 = pIndoor->pFaces[uFaceID].uAttributes;
        v35 = v34 & 0x400000;
        if (v35 && v0->uAIState == Dead)
          v0->uAIState = Removed;
          goto LABEL_120;
        if ( v59 != v22 || v62 != v22 || v35 == v22 )
          if ( v33 == -30000 )
            goto LABEL_120;
          if ( v0->uCurrentActionAnimation != 1 || v33 >= v0->vPosition.z - 100 || v59 != v22 || v62 != v22 )
            if ( stru_721530.field_7C >= stru_721530.field_6C )
              v0->vPosition.x = LOWORD(stru_721530.normal2.x);
              v0->vPosition.y = LOWORD(stru_721530.normal2.y);
              v0->vPosition.z = LOWORD(stru_721530.normal2.z) - LOWORD(stru_721530.prolly_normal_d) - 1;
              v0->uSectorID = LOWORD(stru_721530.uSectorID);
              goto LABEL_123;
            v58 = (unsigned __int64)(stru_721530.field_7C * (signed __int64)stru_721530.field_58.x) >> 16;
            v0->vPosition.x += (unsigned int)(stru_721530.field_7C * stru_721530.field_58.x) >> 16;
            v58 = (unsigned __int64)(stru_721530.field_7C * (signed __int64)stru_721530.field_58.y) >> 16;
            v0->vPosition.y += (unsigned int)(stru_721530.field_7C * stru_721530.field_58.y) >> 16;
            v58 = (unsigned __int64)(stru_721530.field_7C * (signed __int64)stru_721530.field_58.z) >> 16;
            v36 = stru_721530.uFaceID;
            v0->vPosition.z += (unsigned int)(stru_721530.field_7C * stru_721530.field_58.z) >> 16;
            v0->uSectorID = LOWORD(stru_721530.uSectorID);
            stru_721530.field_70 += stru_721530.field_7C;
            v37 = v36 >> 3;
            if ( (v36 & 7) != 3 )
              if ( (v36 & 7) != 4 )
                if ( (v36 & 7) == 5 )
                  _this = sub_452A9E(v0->vVelocity.x * v0->vVelocity.x + v0->vVelocity.y * v0->vVelocity.y);
                  v45 = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(
                          v0->vPosition.x - pLevelDecorations[v37].vPosition.x,
                          v0->vPosition.y - pLevelDecorations[v37].vPosition.y);
                  v54 = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v45);
                  v56 = (unsigned __int64)(v54 * (signed __int64)(signed int)_this) >> 16;
                  v46 = v45 - stru_5C6E00->uIntegerHalfPi;
                  v0->vVelocity.x = v54 * _this >> 16;
                  v47 = stru_5C6E00->SinCos(v46);
                  v54 = v47;
                  v48 = v47 * (signed __int64)(signed int)_this;
                  v56 = v48 >> 16;
                  v0->vVelocity.y = WORD1(v48);
                  goto LABEL_119;
                if ( (v36 & 7) == 6 )
                  stru_721530.field_84 = v36 >> 3;
                  v38 = &pIndoor->pFaces[v37];
                  if ( v38->uPolygonType == 3 )
                    v39 = v0->vVelocity.x;
                    v40 = v0->vVelocity.y * v0->vVelocity.y;
                    v0->vVelocity.z = 0;
                    v0->vPosition.z = pIndoor->pVertices[*v38->pVertexIDs].z + 1;
                    if ( v39 * v39 + v40 < 400 )
                      v0->vVelocity.y = 0;
                      v0->vVelocity.x = 0;
                      goto LABEL_119;
                    v61 = abs(v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x * v0->vVelocity.x + v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y
                                                                              * v0->vVelocity.y
                                                                              + v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z
                                                                              * v0->vVelocity.z) >> 16;
                    if ( stru_721530.field_64 >> 3 > v61 )
                      v61 = stru_721530.field_64 >> 3;
                    v58 = v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x;
                    v58 = (unsigned __int64)(v61 * (signed __int64)v58) >> 16;
                    _this = v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y;
                    _this = (unsigned __int64)(v61 * (signed __int64)(signed int)_this) >> 16;
                    v56 = v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z;
                    v56 = (unsigned __int64)(v61 * (signed __int64)v56) >> 16;
                    v0->vVelocity.x += v58;
                    v0->vVelocity.y += _this;
                    v0->vVelocity.z += v56;
                    v41 = v38->uPolygonType;
                    if ( v41 != 4 && v41 != 3 )
                      v42 = v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.x;
                      v43 = v0->vPosition.z;
                      v44 = stru_721530.prolly_normal_d
                          - ((v38->pFacePlane_old.dist
                            + v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z * v0->vPosition.z
                            + v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y * v0->vPosition.y
                            + v42 * v0->vPosition.x) >> 16);
                      if ( v44 > 0 )
                        v0->vPosition.x += (unsigned int)(v44 * v42) >> 16;
                        v0->vPosition.y += (unsigned int)(v44 * v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.y) >> 16;
                        v0->vPosition.z = v43 + ((unsigned int)(v44 * v38->pFacePlane_old.vNormal.z) >> 16);
                      v0->uYawAngle = stru_5C6E00->Atan2(v0->vVelocity.x, v0->vVelocity.y);
                  if ( BYTE3(v38->uAttributes) & 8 )
                    EventProcessor(pIndoor->pFaceExtras[v38->uFaceExtraID].uEventID, 0, 1);
                v56 = v0->vVelocity.x;
                v54 = 58500;
                v56 = (unsigned __int64)(58500i64 * v56) >> 16;
                v0->vVelocity.x = v56;
                v56 = v0->vVelocity.y;
                v56 = (unsigned __int64)(v54 * (signed __int64)v56) >> 16;
                v54 = 58500;
                v0->vVelocity.y = v56;
                v56 = v0->vVelocity.z;
                v56 = (unsigned __int64)(v54 * (signed __int64)v56) >> 16;
                v22 = 0;
                v0->vVelocity.z = v56;
                goto LABEL_120;
              if ( v0->GetActorsRelation(0) )
                v51 = __OFSUB__(HIDWORD(pParty->pPartyBuffs[11].uExpireTime), v22);
                v49 = HIDWORD(pParty->pPartyBuffs[11].uExpireTime) == v22;
                v50 = HIDWORD(pParty->pPartyBuffs[11].uExpireTime) - v22 < 0;
                v0->vVelocity.y = v22;
                v0->vVelocity.x = v22;
                if ( !(v50 ^ v51)
                  && (!((unsigned __int8)(v50 ^ v51) | v49) || LODWORD(pParty->pPartyBuffs[11].uExpireTime) > v22) )
                viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
                goto LABEL_119;
              v36 = stru_721530.uFaceID;
              Actor::FaceObject(v63, v36, v22, (AIDirection *)v22);
              goto LABEL_119;
            if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 && (pTurnEngine->field_4 == 2 || pTurnEngine->field_4 == 3) )
              goto LABEL_119;
            if ( v0->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType )
              if ( v56 == v22 )
                goto LABEL_114;
              if ( v56 == v22 )
                if ( !pActors[v37].pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType )
                  goto LABEL_118;
                Actor::_402968(v63, v36, v22, (AIDirection *)v22);
                goto LABEL_119;
            Actor::_403F58(v63, 4, v22, &v53);
            goto LABEL_119;
          if ( v0->vPosition.x & 1 )
            v0->uYawAngle += 100;
            v0->uYawAngle -= 100;
          if ( pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn == 1 && (pTurnEngine->field_4 == 2 || pTurnEngine->field_4 == 3) )
            goto LABEL_123;
          if ( !v0->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType || v56 != v22 )
            Actor::_403F58(v63, 4, v22, &v52);
            goto LABEL_123;
      if ( uSectorID >= 100 )
        goto LABEL_123;
      v20 = stru_721530.prolly_normal_d;
// 46DF1A: using guessed type int __fastcall 46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int, int);
// 4F75D8: using guessed type int ai_arrays_size;

//----- (00460A78) --------------------------------------------------------
void __thiscall PrepareToLoadBLV(unsigned int bLoading)
  unsigned int v1; // ebx@1
  unsigned int v2; // eax@8
  MapInfo *v3; // edi@9
  int v4; // eax@11
  int v5; // eax@12
  int v6; // eax@13
  int v7; // esi@27
  SpawnPointMM7 *v8; // edx@28
  //char v9; // bl@33
  //int v10; // eax@34
  //char *v11; // ecx@37
  //int v12; // edi@44
  //unsigned int v13; // edi@48
  char *v14; // esi@49
  __int16 v15; // ax@50
  int v16; // ecx@52
  DecorationDesc *v17; // eax@54
  int v18; // ecx@55
  //int *v19; // edi@58
  //unsigned char v20; // dl@58
  int v21; // eax@64
  char v22; // cl@64
  //signed int v23; // ebx@67
  //char *v24; // esi@68
  //int v25; // eax@70
  //char *v26; // esi@78
  //int v27; // eax@79
  char v28; // zf@81
  __int16 v29; // ax@85
  signed int v30; // edi@94
  int v31; // esi@94
  char Args; // [sp+350h] [bp-C4h]@16
  int v34[4]; // [sp+3E8h] [bp-2Ch]@96
  int v35; // [sp+3F8h] [bp-1Ch]@1
  //char b[4]; // [sp+3FCh] [bp-18h]@58
  MapInfo *v37; // [sp+400h] [bp-14h]@1
  int v38; // [sp+404h] [bp-10h]@1
  unsigned int v39; // [sp+408h] [bp-Ch]@8
  int pDest; // [sp+40Ch] [bp-8h]@1
  //int i; // [sp+410h] [bp-4h]@27

  v37 = (MapInfo *)bLoading;
  v1 = 0;
  v35 = 0;
  bUnderwater = 0;
  bNoNPCHiring = 0;
  v38 = 0;
  pDest = 1;
  uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType = LEVEL_Indoor;
  pGame->uFlags2 &= 0xFFFFFFF7u;
  if ( Is_out15odm_underwater() )
    bUnderwater = 1;
    pGame->uFlags2 |= 8u;
  if ( !_strcmpi(pCurrentMapName, "out15.odm") || !_strcmpi(pCurrentMapName, "d23.blv") )
    bNoNPCHiring = 1;
  pPaletteManager->pPalette_tintColor[0] = 0;
  pPaletteManager->pPalette_tintColor[1] = 0;
  pPaletteManager->pPalette_tintColor[2] = 0;
  if ( qword_A750D8 )
    qword_A750D8 = 0i64;
  v2 = pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName);
  v39 = v2;
  if ( v2 )
    v3 = &pMapStats->pInfos[v2];
    v1 = v3->uRespawnIntervalDays;
    v38 = GetAlertStatus();
    v3 = v37;
  dword_6BE13C_uCurrentlyLoadedLocationID = v39;
  ptr_6A0D08 = 0;
  _6A0D0C_txt_lod_loading = 0;
  pStationaryLightsStack->uNumLightsActive = 0;
  v4 = pIndoor->Load(
         (unsigned int)(signed __int64)((double)pParty->uTimePlayed * 0.234375) / 60 / 60 / 24 + 1,
         (char *)&pDest)
     - 1;
  if ( !v4 )
    sprintf(&Args, "Unable to open %s", pCurrentMapName);
  v5 = v4 - 1;
  if ( !v5 )
    sprintf(&Args, "File %s is not a BLV File", pCurrentMapName);
  v6 = v5 - 1;
  if ( !v6 )
    Abortf("Attempt to open new level before clearing old");
  if ( v6 == 1 )
    Abortf("Out of memory loading indoor level");
  if ( !(dword_6BE364_game_settings_1 & 0x2000) )
  BYTE1(dword_6BE364_game_settings_1) &= 0xDFu;
  if ( !v39 )
    pDest = 0;
  if ( pDest == 1 )
    v7 = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < pIndoor->uNumSpawnPoints; ++v7 )
      v8 = &pIndoor->pSpawnPoints[v7];
      if ( pIndoor->pSpawnPoints[v7].uKind == 3 )
        SpawnEncounter(v3, v8, 0, 0, 0);

  pSoundList->_4A9A67(pDoorSoundIDsByLocationID[v39], 0);
  pSoundList->_4A9A67(pDoorSoundIDsByLocationID[v39] + 1, 0);

  for (uint i = 0; i < pIndoor->uNumDoors; ++i)
    auto pDoor = pIndoor->pDoors + i;

    if (pDoor->uAttributes & 0x01)
      pDoor->uState = BLVDoor::Opening;
      pDoor->uTimeSinceTriggered = 15360;
      pDoor->uAttributes = 2;

    if (pDoor->uState == BLVDoor::Closed)
      pDoor->uState = BLVDoor::Closing;
      pDoor->uTimeSinceTriggered = 15360;
      pDoor->uAttributes = 2;
    else if (pDoor->uState == BLVDoor::Open)
      pDoor->uState = BLVDoor::Opening;
      pDoor->uTimeSinceTriggered = 15360;
      pDoor->uAttributes = 2;

  i = 0;
  v9 = 2;
  if ( pIndoor->uNumDoors > 0 )
    v10 = 0;
    while ( 1 )
      if ( pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uAttributes & 1 )
        pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uState = 1;
        pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uTimeSinceTriggered = 15360;
        pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uAttributes = 2;
      v11 = (char *)&pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uState;
      if ( !*(short *)v11 )
      if ( *(short *)v11 == 2 )
        *(short *)v11 = 1;
        goto LABEL_41;
      if ( i >= pIndoor->uNumDoors )
        goto LABEL_43;
    *(short *)v11 = 3;
    pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uTimeSinceTriggered = 15360;
    pIndoor->pDoors[v10].uAttributes = 2;
    goto LABEL_42;

  for (uint i = 0; i < pIndoor->uNumFaces; ++i)
    auto pFace = pIndoor->pFaces + i;
    if (!pFace->uBitmapID != -1)
      pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pFace->uBitmapID].palette_id2 = pPaletteManager->LoadPalette(pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pFace->uBitmapID].palette_id1);

  /*i = 0;
  if ( (signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces > 0 )
    v12 = 0;
      if ( pIndoor->pFaces[v12].uBitmapID != -1 )
        pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pIndoor->pFaces[v12].uBitmapID].palette_id2 = pPaletteManager->LoadPalette(pBitmaps_LOD->pTextures[pIndoor->pFaces[v12].uBitmapID].palette_id1);
    while ( i < (signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces );

  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumLevelDecorations; ++i)
    auto pDecortaion = pLevelDecorations + i;

    v15 = pDecorationList->pDecorations[pDecortaion->uDecorationDescID].uSoundID;
    if (v15 && _6807E0_num_decorations_with_sounds_6807B8 < 9)
        pSoundList->_4A9A67(v15, 0);
        v16 = _6807E0_num_decorations_with_sounds_6807B8++;
        _6807B8_level_decorations_ids[v16] = i;

    if ( !(pDecortaion->field_2 & 0x20) )
      v17 = &pDecorationList->pDecorations[pDecortaion->uDecorationDescID];
      if ( !((unsigned __int8)2 & v17->uFlags) )
          v18 = v17->uLightRadius;
          if ( v18 )
            unsigned char r = 255,
                          g = 255,
                          b = 255;
            if (pRenderer->pRenderD3D && pRenderer->bUseColoredLights)
              r = v17->uColoredLightRed;
              g = v17->uColoredLightGreen;
              b = v17->uColoredLightBlue;
                                             pDecortaion->vPosition.z + v17->uDecorationHeight,

      if (!pDecortaion->field_16_event_id)
        if (pDecortaion->IsInteractive())
          if ( v35 < 124 )
            v21 = v35 + 1;
            pDecortaion->_idx_in_stru123 = v35 + 75;
            v22 = stru_5E4C90._decor_events[v21 + 74 - 75];
            v35 = v21;
            if ( !v22 )
              pDecortaion->field_2 |= 0x20;


  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumLayingItems; ++i)
    auto p = pLayingItems + i;
    if (p->uObjectDescID)
      auto uItemID = p->stru_24.uItemID;
      if (uItemID)
        if (uItemID != 220 && pItemsTable->pItems[uItemID].uEquipType == EQUIP_POTION &&
          p->stru_24._bonus_type = rand() % 15 + 5;

  for (uint i = 0; i < uNumActors; ++i)
  //if ( (signed int)uNumActors > (signed int)v13 )
    Actor *pActor = pActors + i;
    //v26 = (char *)&pActors[0].uAttributes;
      //v27 = *(int *)v26;
      if (pActor->uAttributes & 0x100000)
        if ( !v39 )
          pActor->pMonsterInfo.field_3E = 19;
          pActor->uAttributes |= 0x10000;
        v28 = v38 == 0;
        v28 = v38 == 1;

      if ( !v28 )
        v29 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.field_3E;
        pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHostilityType = MonsterInfo::Hostility_Friendly;
        if ( v29 != 11 && v29 != 19 && (!pActor->sCurrentHP || !pActor->pMonsterInfo.uHP) )
          pActor->pMonsterInfo.field_3E = 5;
          pActor->pMonsterInfo.field_3E = 19;
          pActor->uAttributes |= 0x10000;
    //while ( i < (signed int)uNumActors );


  Actor this_;
  this_.pMonsterInfo.uID = 45;
  if ( !v37 )
    pParty->sRotationX = 0;
    pParty->sRotationY = 0;
    pParty->vPosition.z = 0;
    pParty->vPosition.y = 0;
    pParty->vPosition.x = 0;
    pParty->uFallStartY = 0;
    pParty->uFallSpeed = 0;
  if ( !v37 )
    v30 = 0;
    v31 = 1;
      if ( pPlayers[v31]->CanAct() )
        v34[v30++] = v31;
    while ( v31 <= 4 );
    if ( v30 )
      if ( pDest )
        qword_A750D8 = 256i64;
        word_A750E0 = 46;
        word_A750E2 = LOWORD(v34[rand() % v30]);