diff mm7_4.cpp @ 200:c04d432611e1

author Ritor1
date Wed, 02 Jan 2013 23:17:44 +0600
parents 6109a4e23903
children 11a199790ce0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mm7_4.cpp	Sat Dec 29 14:18:20 2012 +0600
+++ b/mm7_4.cpp	Wed Jan 02 23:17:44 2013 +0600
@@ -6128,23 +6128,23 @@
   char *v0; // eax@5
   char *v1; // edi@5
-  FILE *v2; // eax@5
-  unsigned int v3; // esi@7
-  GUIFont *v4; // edx@9
-  GUIFont *v5; // ecx@9
-  __int16 v6; // ax@9
+  FILE *pFile; // eax@5
+  unsigned int pSize; // esi@7
+  GUIFont *pFont; // edx@9
+  GUIFont *pFont2; // ecx@9
+  __int16 pHeight; // ax@9
   void *v7; // eax@9
-  unsigned int v8; // ST2C_4@9
-  unsigned int v9; // eax@9
+  unsigned int pNumPixels; // ST2C_4@9
+  unsigned int teal; // eax@9
   unsigned int v10; // ST2C_4@19
-  unsigned int teal; // eax@19
+  //unsigned int teal; // eax@19
   //Texture v12; // [sp+Ch] [bp-130h]@5
   //RGBTexture v16; // [sp+54h] [bp-E8h]@1
   //double v15; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-C0h]@9
   MSG Msg; // [sp+84h] [bp-B8h]@10
   int v17; // [sp+A0h] [bp-9Ch]@9
-  int a2; // [sp+A4h] [bp-98h]@9
-  unsigned int a3; // [sp+A8h] [bp-94h]@9
+  int pX; // [sp+A4h] [bp-98h]@9
+  unsigned int pY; // [sp+A8h] [bp-94h]@9
   int v20; // [sp+ACh] [bp-90h]@9
   int a4; // [sp+B0h] [bp-8Ch]@9
   int a8; // [sp+F8h] [bp-44h]@9
@@ -6155,12 +6155,13 @@
   char *ptr; // [sp+130h] [bp-Ch]@5
   GUIFont *pFontQuick; // [sp+134h] [bp-8h]@1
   GUIFont *pFontCChar; // [sp+138h] [bp-4h]@1
-  RGBTexture v16; // [sp+54h] [bp-E8h]@1
+  RGBTexture pTexture; // [sp+54h] [bp-E8h]@1
-  RGBTexture v21; // [sp+100h] [bp-3Ch]@1
+  RGBTexture pTexture2; // [sp+100h] [bp-3Ch]@1
+  Texture pTexture3; // [sp+Ch] [bp-130h]@5
+  //Texture::Texture(&v12);
   a5 = 0;
   pFontQuick = LoadFont("quick.fnt", "FONTPAL", 0);
   pFontCChar = LoadFont("cchar.fnt", "FONTPAL", 0);
@@ -6171,77 +6172,55 @@
     pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles = pIcons_LOD->uNumLoadedFiles;
   dword_A74C88 = 0;
-  v16.Load("mm6title.pcx", 0);
+  pTexture.Load("mm6title.pcx", 0);
   v0 = (char *)pEvents_LOD->LoadRaw("credits.txt", 0);
   v1 = v0;
   ptr = v0;
-  Texture v12; // [sp+Ch] [bp-130h]@5
-  //Texture::Texture(&v12);
-  v2 = pEvents_LOD->FindContainer("credits.txt", 0);
-  if ( !v2 )
+  pFile = pEvents_LOD->FindContainer("credits.txt", 0);
+  if ( !pFile )
     Abortf(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[63]); // "Might and Magic VII is having trouble loading files. 
                                                 // Please re-install to fix this problem. Note: Re-installing will not destroy your save games."
-  fread(&v12, 1u, 0x30u, v2);
-  v3 = v12.uDecompressedSize;
-  if ( !v12.uDecompressedSize )
-    v3 = v12.uTextureSize;
-  memset(&v12, 0, 0x48u);
-  v4 = pFontCChar;
-  v5 = pFontQuick;
-  v1[v3] = 0;
+  fread(&pTexture3, 1, 0x30, pFile);
+  pSize = pTexture3.uDecompressedSize;
+  if ( !pTexture3.uDecompressedSize )
+    pSize = pTexture3.uTextureSize;
+  memset(&pTexture3, 0, 0x48);
+  pFont = pFontCChar;
+  pFont2 = pFontQuick;
+  v1[pSize] = 0;
   v20 = 250;
   a4 = 440;
-  a2 = 389;
-  a3 = 19;
-  v21.uWidth = 250;
-  v6 = v5->GetStringHeight2(v4, v1, (int)&a2, 0, 1);
-  v21.uHeight = v6 + 2 * a4;
-  v21.uNumPixels = (signed __int16)v21.uWidth * (signed __int16)v21.uHeight;
-  v7 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(v21.pPixels, 2 * v21.uNumPixels, "scrollermap");
-  v8 = v21.uNumPixels;
-  v21.pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)v7;
-  v9 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-  fill_pixels_fast(v9, v21.pPixels, v8);
-  v21.field_20 = 0;
-  v21.field_22 = 0;
+  pX = 389;
+  pY = 19;
+  pTexture2.uWidth = 250;
+  pHeight = pFont2->GetStringHeight2(pFont, v1, (int)&pX, 0, 1);
+  pTexture2.uHeight = pHeight + 2 * a4;
+  pTexture2.uNumPixels = (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth * (signed __int16)pTexture2.uHeight;
+  v7 = pAllocator->AllocNamedChunk(pTexture2.pPixels, 2 * pTexture2.uNumPixels, "scrollermap");
+  pNumPixels = pTexture2.uNumPixels;
+  pTexture2.pPixels = (unsigned __int16 *)v7;
+  teal = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
+  fill_pixels_fast(teal, pTexture2.pPixels, pNumPixels);
+  pTexture2.field_20 = 0;
+  pTexture2.field_22 = 0;
   a7 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0x70u, 0x8Fu, 0xFEu);
   a8 = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0xECu, 0xE6u, 0x9Cu);
-  pString = (char *)operator new(2 * v3);
-  strncpy(pString, ptr, v3);
-  pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(
-    pFontCChar,
-    1,
-    a4 + 1,
-    (signed __int16)v21.uWidth,
-    (signed __int16)v21.uHeight,
-    1u,
-    1u,
-    pString,
-    v21.pPixels,
-    (signed __int16)v21.uWidth);
-  strncpy(pString, ptr, v3);
-  pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(
-    pFontCChar,
-    0,
-    a4,
-    (signed __int16)v21.uWidth,
-    (signed __int16)v21.uHeight,
-    a7,
-    a8,
-    pString,
-    v21.pPixels,
-    (signed __int16)v21.uWidth);
+  pString = (char *)operator new(2 * pSize);
+  strncpy(pString, ptr, pSize);
+  pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(pFontCChar, 1, a4 + 1, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uHeight, 1, 1, pString,
+    pTexture2.pPixels, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth);
+  strncpy(pString, ptr, pSize);
+  pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(pFontCChar, 0, a4, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uHeight, a7, a8, pString, pTexture2.pPixels,
+    (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth);
   pWindow_MainMenu = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, 640, 480, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, (int)ptr);
   pWindow_MainMenu->CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0x71u, 0, 0x1Bu, "", 0);
-  pCurrentScreen = 9;
+  pCurrentScreen = 9; // окно Credits
-  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &v16);
-  pRenderer->Clip(a2, a3, a2 + v20, a3 + a4);
-  pRenderer->_4A5D33(a2, a3, 0, 0, &v21);
+  pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &pTexture);
+  pRenderer->Clip(pX, pY, pX + v20, pY + a4);
+  pRenderer->_4A5D33(pX, pY, 0, 0, &pTexture2);
   pString = (char *)0x447A0000;
@@ -6268,52 +6247,34 @@
       if ( dword_A74C88 )
-        v16.Load("mm6title.pcx", 1);
-        v10 = v21.uNumPixels;
+        //pTexture.Load("mm6title.pcx", 1);
+        v10 = pTexture2.uNumPixels;
         teal = GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(0, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
-        fill_pixels_fast(teal, v21.pPixels, v10);
+        fill_pixels_fast(teal, pTexture2.pPixels, v10);
         strncpy(pTmpBuf, ptr, 0x7D0u);
-        pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(
-          pFontCChar,
-          1,
-          a4 + 1,
-          (signed __int16)v21.uWidth,
-          (signed __int16)v21.uHeight,
-          1u,
-          1u,
-          pTmpBuf,
-          v21.pPixels,
-          (signed __int16)v21.uWidth);
+        pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(pFontCChar, 1, a4 + 1, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uHeight, 1, 1, pTmpBuf,
+          pTexture2.pPixels, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth);
         strncpy(pTmpBuf, ptr, 0x7D0u);
-        pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(
-          pFontCChar,
-          0,
-          a4,
-          (signed __int16)v21.uWidth,
-          (signed __int16)v21.uHeight,
-          a7,
-          a8,
-          pTmpBuf,
-          v21.pPixels,
-          (signed __int16)v21.uWidth);
+        pFontQuick->_44D2FD_prolly_draw_credits_entry(pFontCChar, 0, a4, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uHeight, a7, a8, pTmpBuf,
+          pTexture2.pPixels, (signed __int16)pTexture2.uWidth);
         dword_A74C88 = 0;
-        pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &v16);
-        pRenderer->Clip(a2, a3, a2 + v20, a2 + a4);
-        pRenderer->_4A5D33(a2, a3, 0, a5, &v21);
+        pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &pTexture);
+        pRenderer->Clip(pX, pY, pX + v20, pX + a4);
+        pRenderer->_4A5D33(pX, pY, 0, a5, &pTexture2);
-      pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &v16);
-      pRenderer->Clip(a2, a3, a2 + v20, a3 + a4);
-      pRenderer->_4A5D33(a2, a3, 0, a5, &v21);
+      pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 0, &pTexture);
+      pRenderer->Clip(pX, pY, pX + v20, pY + a4);
+      pRenderer->_4A5D33(pX, pY, 0, a5, &pTexture2);
-      if ( a5 >= (signed __int16)v21.uHeight )
+      if ( a5 >= (signed __int16)pTexture2.uHeight )
@@ -6332,8 +6293,8 @@
-  v16.Release();
-  v21.Release();
+  pTexture.Release();
+  pTexture2.Release();
   return MENU_MAIN;     // return MENU_Main