diff src/ftp.lua @ 0:4b915342e2a8

LuaSocket 2.0.2 + CMake build description.
author Eric Wing <ewing . public |-at-| gmail . com>
date Tue, 26 Aug 2008 18:40:01 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ftp.lua	Tue Aug 26 18:40:01 2008 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+-- FTP support for the Lua language
+-- LuaSocket toolkit.
+-- Author: Diego Nehab
+-- RCS ID: $Id: ftp.lua,v 1.45 2007/07/11 19:25:47 diego Exp $
+-- Declare module and import dependencies
+local base = _G
+local table = require("table")
+local string = require("string")
+local math = require("math")
+local socket = require("socket")
+local url = require("socket.url")
+local tp = require("socket.tp")
+local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
+-- Program constants
+-- timeout in seconds before the program gives up on a connection
+-- default port for ftp service
+PORT = 21
+-- this is the default anonymous password. used when no password is
+-- provided in url. should be changed to your e-mail.
+USER = "ftp"
+PASSWORD = "anonymous@anonymous.org"
+-- Low level FTP API
+local metat = { __index = {} }
+function open(server, port, create)
+    local tp = socket.try(tp.connect(server, port or PORT, TIMEOUT, create))
+    local f = base.setmetatable({ tp = tp }, metat)
+    -- make sure everything gets closed in an exception
+    f.try = socket.newtry(function() f:close() end)
+    return f
+function metat.__index:portconnect()
+    self.try(self.server:settimeout(TIMEOUT))
+    self.data = self.try(self.server:accept())
+    self.try(self.data:settimeout(TIMEOUT))
+function metat.__index:pasvconnect()
+    self.data = self.try(socket.tcp())
+    self.try(self.data:settimeout(TIMEOUT))
+    self.try(self.data:connect(self.pasvt.ip, self.pasvt.port))
+function metat.__index:login(user, password)
+    self.try(self.tp:command("user", user or USER))
+    local code, reply = self.try(self.tp:check{"2..", 331})
+    if code == 331 then
+        self.try(self.tp:command("pass", password or PASSWORD))
+        self.try(self.tp:check("2.."))
+    end
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:pasv()
+    self.try(self.tp:command("pasv"))
+    local code, reply = self.try(self.tp:check("2.."))
+    local pattern = "(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)"
+    local a, b, c, d, p1, p2 = socket.skip(2, string.find(reply, pattern))
+    self.try(a and b and c and d and p1 and p2, reply)
+    self.pasvt = {
+        ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", a, b, c, d),
+        port = p1*256 + p2
+    }
+    if self.server then
+        self.server:close()
+        self.server = nil
+    end
+    return self.pasvt.ip, self.pasvt.port
+function metat.__index:port(ip, port)
+    self.pasvt = nil
+    if not ip then
+        ip, port = self.try(self.tp:getcontrol():getsockname())
+        self.server = self.try(socket.bind(ip, 0))
+        ip, port = self.try(self.server:getsockname())
+        self.try(self.server:settimeout(TIMEOUT))
+    end
+    local pl = math.mod(port, 256)
+    local ph = (port - pl)/256
+    local arg = string.gsub(string.format("%s,%d,%d", ip, ph, pl), "%.", ",")
+    self.try(self.tp:command("port", arg))
+    self.try(self.tp:check("2.."))
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:send(sendt)
+    self.try(self.pasvt or self.server, "need port or pasv first")
+    -- if there is a pasvt table, we already sent a PASV command
+    -- we just get the data connection into self.data
+    if self.pasvt then self:pasvconnect() end
+    -- get the transfer argument and command
+    local argument = sendt.argument or
+        url.unescape(string.gsub(sendt.path or "", "^[/\\]", ""))
+    if argument == "" then argument = nil end
+    local command = sendt.command or "stor"
+    -- send the transfer command and check the reply
+    self.try(self.tp:command(command, argument))
+    local code, reply = self.try(self.tp:check{"2..", "1.."})
+    -- if there is not a a pasvt table, then there is a server
+    -- and we already sent a PORT command
+    if not self.pasvt then self:portconnect() end
+    -- get the sink, source and step for the transfer
+    local step = sendt.step or ltn12.pump.step
+    local readt = {self.tp.c}
+    local checkstep = function(src, snk)
+        -- check status in control connection while downloading
+        local readyt = socket.select(readt, nil, 0)
+        if readyt[tp] then code = self.try(self.tp:check("2..")) end
+        return step(src, snk)
+    end
+    local sink = socket.sink("close-when-done", self.data)
+    -- transfer all data and check error
+    self.try(ltn12.pump.all(sendt.source, sink, checkstep))
+    if string.find(code, "1..") then self.try(self.tp:check("2..")) end
+    -- done with data connection
+    self.data:close()
+    -- find out how many bytes were sent
+    local sent = socket.skip(1, self.data:getstats())
+    self.data = nil
+    return sent
+function metat.__index:receive(recvt)
+    self.try(self.pasvt or self.server, "need port or pasv first")
+    if self.pasvt then self:pasvconnect() end
+    local argument = recvt.argument or
+        url.unescape(string.gsub(recvt.path or "", "^[/\\]", ""))
+    if argument == "" then argument = nil end
+    local command = recvt.command or "retr"
+    self.try(self.tp:command(command, argument))
+    local code = self.try(self.tp:check{"1..", "2.."})
+    if not self.pasvt then self:portconnect() end
+    local source = socket.source("until-closed", self.data)
+    local step = recvt.step or ltn12.pump.step
+    self.try(ltn12.pump.all(source, recvt.sink, step))
+    if string.find(code, "1..") then self.try(self.tp:check("2..")) end
+    self.data:close()
+    self.data = nil
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:cwd(dir)
+    self.try(self.tp:command("cwd", dir))
+    self.try(self.tp:check(250))
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:type(type)
+    self.try(self.tp:command("type", type))
+    self.try(self.tp:check(200))
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:greet()
+    local code = self.try(self.tp:check{"1..", "2.."})
+    if string.find(code, "1..") then self.try(self.tp:check("2..")) end
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:quit()
+    self.try(self.tp:command("quit"))
+    self.try(self.tp:check("2.."))
+    return 1
+function metat.__index:close()
+    if self.data then self.data:close() end
+    if self.server then self.server:close() end
+    return self.tp:close()
+-- High level FTP API
+local function override(t)
+    if t.url then
+        local u = url.parse(t.url)
+        for i,v in base.pairs(t) do
+            u[i] = v
+        end
+        return u
+    else return t end
+local function tput(putt)
+    putt = override(putt)
+    socket.try(putt.host, "missing hostname")
+    local f = open(putt.host, putt.port, putt.create)
+    f:greet()
+    f:login(putt.user, putt.password)
+    if putt.type then f:type(putt.type) end
+    f:pasv()
+    local sent = f:send(putt)
+    f:quit()
+    f:close()
+    return sent
+local default = {
+	path = "/",
+	scheme = "ftp"
+local function parse(u)
+    local t = socket.try(url.parse(u, default))
+    socket.try(t.scheme == "ftp", "wrong scheme '" .. t.scheme .. "'")
+    socket.try(t.host, "missing hostname")
+    local pat = "^type=(.)$"
+    if t.params then
+        t.type = socket.skip(2, string.find(t.params, pat))
+        socket.try(t.type == "a" or t.type == "i",
+            "invalid type '" .. t.type .. "'")
+    end
+    return t
+local function sput(u, body)
+    local putt = parse(u)
+    putt.source = ltn12.source.string(body)
+    return tput(putt)
+put = socket.protect(function(putt, body)
+    if base.type(putt) == "string" then return sput(putt, body)
+    else return tput(putt) end
+local function tget(gett)
+    gett = override(gett)
+    socket.try(gett.host, "missing hostname")
+    local f = open(gett.host, gett.port, gett.create)
+    f:greet()
+    f:login(gett.user, gett.password)
+    if gett.type then f:type(gett.type) end
+    f:pasv()
+    f:receive(gett)
+    f:quit()
+    return f:close()
+local function sget(u)
+    local gett = parse(u)
+    local t = {}
+    gett.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)
+    tget(gett)
+    return table.concat(t)
+command = socket.protect(function(cmdt)
+    cmdt = override(cmdt)
+    socket.try(cmdt.host, "missing hostname")
+    socket.try(cmdt.command, "missing command")
+    local f = open(cmdt.host, cmdt.port, cmdt.create)
+    f:greet()
+    f:login(cmdt.user, cmdt.password)
+    f.try(f.tp:command(cmdt.command, cmdt.argument))
+    if cmdt.check then f.try(f.tp:check(cmdt.check)) end
+    f:quit()
+    return f:close()
+get = socket.protect(function(gett)
+    if base.type(gett) == "string" then return sget(gett)
+    else return tget(gett) end