view Isolated/SimpleThreadWindows.c @ 60:f7acef5a80fe

Bug and casting fixes to SimpleThreadWindows.c. Thanks to Johnson Lin for testing and reporting these issues! Johnson Lin < arch . jslin - at - gmail . com >
author Eric Wing <ewing . public |-at-| gmail . com>
date Tue, 19 Jun 2012 00:23:35 -0700
parents 7d508c8cd75a
line wrap: on
line source

/* Copyright PlayControl Software LLC / Eric Wing.
#include "SimpleThread.h"

#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined(DEBUG)
#include <stdio.h>
#define THRDDBG(x) printf x
#define THRDDBG(x)

struct SimpleThread
	unsigned threadID;
	HANDLE nativeThread;
	unsigned threadStatus;

typedef struct SimpleThreadArguments
    int (*userFunction)(void*);
    void* userData;
    SimpleThread* simpleThread;
} SimpleThreadArguments;

static unsigned __stdcall Internal_RunThread(void* user_data)
	int (*user_function)(void*);
	void* function_user_data;
	unsigned* status_val;

#if 0
	/* disable signals */
	sigset_t disable_set;

	   in the main thread, set up the desired signal mask, common to most threads
	   any newly created threads will inherit this signal mask
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGHUP);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGINT);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGUSR1);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGUSR2);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGALRM);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGQUIT);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGPIPE);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGTERM);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGCHLD);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGWINCH);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGVTALRM);
	sigaddset(&disable_set, SIGPROF);

	/* block out these signals */
	sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &disable_set, NULL);

	SimpleThreadArguments* simple_thread_arguments = (SimpleThreadArguments*)user_data;
	/* It looks like the last parameter of _beginthreadex sets the threadID for me */
/*	simple_thread_arguments->simpleThread->threadID = SimpleThread_GetCurrentThreadID(); */

	user_function = simple_thread_arguments->userFunction;
	function_user_data = simple_thread_arguments->userData;
	status_val = &simple_thread_arguments->simpleThread->threadStatus;

	/* I hope this is safe to delete on a different thread than it was created for. */

	*status_val = user_function(function_user_data);

    _endthreadex( 0 );

	return 0;

SimpleThread* SimpleThread_CreateThread(int (*user_function)(void*), void* user_data)
	SimpleThread* new_thread;
	SimpleThreadArguments* simple_thread_arguments;

	new_thread = (SimpleThread*)malloc(sizeof(SimpleThread));
	if(NULL == new_thread)
		THRDDBG(("Out of memory.\n"));
		return NULL;

	simple_thread_arguments = (SimpleThreadArguments*)malloc(sizeof(SimpleThreadArguments));
	if(NULL == simple_thread_arguments)
		THRDDBG(("Out of memory.\n"));
		return NULL;
	simple_thread_arguments->userFunction = user_function;
	simple_thread_arguments->userData = user_data;
	simple_thread_arguments->simpleThread = new_thread;

	new_thread->nativeThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, &Internal_RunThread, simple_thread_arguments, 0, &new_thread->threadID);
	if(0 == new_thread->nativeThread)
		THRDDBG(("_beginthreadex failed with: %d\n", errno));
		return NULL;

	return new_thread;

size_t SimpleThread_GetCurrentThreadID()
    return (size_t)GetCurrentThreadId();

void SimpleThread_WaitThread(SimpleThread* simple_thread, int* thread_status)
	if(NULL == simple_thread)
		THRDDBG(("SimpleThread_WaitThread was passed NULL\n"));

    WaitForSingleObject(simple_thread->nativeThread, INFINITE);

	if(NULL != thread_status)
		*thread_status = (int)simple_thread->threadStatus;

size_t SimpleThread_GetThreadID(SimpleThread* simple_thread)
	if(NULL == simple_thread)
		THRDDBG(("SimpleThread_GetThreadID was passed NULL\n"));
		return 0;
	return (size_t)simple_thread->threadID;

/* TODO: Figure out portable/normalized range for levels */
int SimpleThread_GetThreadPriority(SimpleThread* simple_thread)
	int ret_val = 0;

	if(NULL == simple_thread)
		THRDDBG(("SimpleThread_GetThreadPriority was passed NULL\n"));
		return THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN; /* Windows ranges seem to go from -15 to +15 */
	ret_val = GetThreadPriority(simple_thread->nativeThread);
		THRDDBG(("SimpleThread_GetThreadPriority GetThreadPriority failed with: %d\n", ret_val));
	return ret_val;

/* TODO: Figure out portable/normalized range for levels */
void SimpleThread_SetThreadPriority(SimpleThread* simple_thread, int priority_level)
	BOOL ret_val;

	if(NULL == simple_thread)
		THRDDBG(("SimpleThread_SetThreadPriority was passed NULL\n"));

	ret_val = SetThreadPriority(simple_thread->nativeThread, priority_level);
	if(0 == ret_val)
		THRDDBG(("SimpleThread_SetThreadPriority SetThreadPriority failed"));