# HG changeset patch
# User sirebral
# Date 1265039827 21600
# Node ID a3d7e05085dae0fab74349900e9206c562803f32
# Parent  15488fe94f52abdc62fa8e62e1846a453b25d832
Traipse Beta 'OpenRPG' {100201-00}

Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to
setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code
without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy'
and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more
advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user.

Update Summary (Beta)
New Features:
New Bookmarks Feature
New 'boot' command to remote admin
New confirmation window for sent nodes
Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from
New Zoom Mouse plugin added
New Images added to Plugin UI
Switching to Element Tree
New Map efficiency, from FlexiRPG
New Status Bar to Update Manager
New TrueDebug Class in orpg_log (See documentation for usage)
New Portable Mercurial
New Tip of the Day, from Core and community
New Reference Syntax added for custom PC sheets
New Child Reference for gametree
New Parent Reference for gametree
New Gametree Recursion method, mapping, context sensitivity, and
New Features node with bonus nodes and Node Referencing help added
New Dieroller structure from Core
New DieRoller portability for odd Dice
New 7th Sea die roller; ie [7k3] = [7d10.takeHighest(3).open(10)]
New 'Mythos' System die roller added
New vs. die roller method for WoD; ie [3v3] = [3d10.vs(3)]. Included for
Mythos roller also
New Warhammer FRPG Die Roller (Special thanks to Puu-san for the
New EZ_Tree Reference system. Push a button, Traipse the tree, get a
reference (Beta!)
New Grids act more like Spreadsheets in Use mode, with Auto Calc

Fix to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS
Fix to mplay_client for Fedora and OpenSUSE
Fix to Text based Server
Fix to Remote Admin Commands
Fix to Pretty Print, from Core
Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created
Fix to massive amounts of images loading, from Core
Fix to Map from gametree not showing to all clients
Fix to gametree about menus
Fix to Password Manager check on startup
Fix to PC Sheets from tool nodes. They now use the tabber_panel
Fix to Whiteboard ID to prevent random line or text deleting.
Fixes to Server, Remote Server, and Server GUI
Fix to Update Manager; cleaner clode for saved repositories
Fixes made to Settings Panel and now reactive settings when Ok is
Fixes to Alternity roller's attack roll. Uses a simple Tuple instead of
a Splice
Fix to Use panel of Forms and Tabbers. Now longer enters design mode
Fix made Image Fetching. New fetching image and new failed image
Fix to whiteboard ID's to prevent non updated clients from ruining the
default_manifest.xml renamed to default_upmana.xml

diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/chat/chatwnd.py
--- a/orpg/chat/chatwnd.py	Mon Jan 25 12:07:48 2010 -0600
+++ b/orpg/chat/chatwnd.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
 from orpg.tools.orpg_settings import settings
 import orpg.tools.predTextCtrl
 from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger, debug
+from orpg.tools.InterParse import Parse
 from orpg.orpgCore import component
 from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring
@@ -1029,7 +1030,7 @@
         sound_file = self.settings.get_setting("SendSound")
         if sound_file != '': component.get('sound').play(sound_file)
         if s[0] != "/": ## it's not a slash command
-            s = self.ParsePost( s, True, True )
+            s = Parse.Post( s, True, True )
         else: self.chat_cmds.docmd(s) # emote is in chatutils.py
     def on_chat_key_down(self, event):
@@ -1168,7 +1169,7 @@
         if len(dieMod) and dieMod[0] not in "*/-+": dieMod = "+" + dieMod
         dieText += dieMod
         dieText = "[" + dieText + "]"
-        self.ParsePost(dieText, 1, 1)
+        Parse.Post(dieText, 1, 1)
     def on_chat_save(self, evt):
@@ -1298,7 +1299,7 @@
         return text
     def emote_message(self, text):
-        text = self.NormalizeParse(text)
+        text = Parse.Normalize(text)
         text = self.colorize(self.emotecolor, text)
         if self.type == MAIN_TAB and self.sendtarget == 'all': self.send_chat_message(text,chat_msg.EMOTE_MESSAGE)
         elif self.type == MAIN_TAB and self.sendtarget == "gm":
@@ -1316,7 +1317,7 @@
     def whisper_to_players(self, text, player_ids):
         tabbed_whispers_p = self.settings.get_setting("tabbedwhispers")
-        text = self.NormalizeParse(text)
+        text = Parse.Normalize(text)
         player_names = ""
         for m in player_ids:
             id = m.strip()
@@ -1588,86 +1589,6 @@
             logger.general("EXCEPTION: " + str(e))
             return "[ERROR]"
-    ####  Post with parsing dice ####
-    def ParsePost(self, s, send=False, myself=False):
-        s = self.NormalizeParse(s)
-        self.set_colors()
-        self.Post(s,send,myself)
-    def NormalizeParse(self, s):
-        for plugin_fname in self.activeplugins.keys():
-            plugin = self.activeplugins[plugin_fname]
-            try: s = plugin.pre_parse(s)
-            except Exception, e:
-                if str(e) != "'module' object has no attribute 'post_msg'":
-                    logger.general(traceback.format_exc())
-                    logger.general("EXCEPTION: " + str(e))
-        if self.parsed == 0:
-            s = self.ParseNode(s)
-            s = self.ParseDice(s)
-            s = self.ParseFilter(s)
-            self.parsed = 1
-        return s
-    def ParseFilter(self, s):
-        s = self.GetFilteredText(s)
-        return s
-    def ParseNode(self, s):
-        """Parses player input for embedded nodes rolls"""
-        cur_loc = 0
-        #[a-zA-Z0-9 _\-\.]
-        reg = re.compile("(!@(.*?)@!)")
-        matches = reg.findall(s)
-        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
-            newstr = self.ParseNode(self.resolve_nodes(matches[i][1]))
-            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1)
-        return s
-    def ParseDice(self, s):
-        """Parses player input for embedded dice rolls"""
-        reg = re.compile("\[([^]]*?)\]")
-        matches = reg.findall(s)
-        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
-            newstr = self.PraseUnknowns(matches[i])
-            qmode = 0
-            newstr1 = newstr
-            if newstr[0].lower() == 'q':
-                newstr = newstr[1:]
-                qmode = 1
-            if newstr[0].lower() == '#':
-                newstr = newstr[1:]
-                qmode = 2
-            try: newstr = component.get('DiceManager').proccessRoll(newstr)
-            except: pass
-            if qmode == 1:
-                s = s.replace("[" + matches[i] + "]", 
-                            "<!-- Official Roll [" + newstr1 + "] => " + newstr + "-->" + newstr, 1)
-            elif qmode == 2:
-                s = s.replace("[" + matches[i] + "]", newstr[len(newstr)-2:-1], 1)
-            else: s = s.replace("[" + matches[i] + "]", 
-                            "[" + newstr1 + "<!-- Official Roll -->] => " + newstr, 1)
-        return s
-    def PraseUnknowns(self, s):
-	# Uses a tuple. Usage: ?Label}dY. If no Label is assigned then use ?}DY
-        newstr = "0"
-        reg = re.compile("(\?\{*)([a-zA-Z ]*)(\}*)")
-        matches = reg.findall(s)
-        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
-            lb = "Replace '?' with: "
-            if len(matches[i][0]):
-                lb = matches[i][1] + "?: "
-            dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, lb, "Missing Value?")
-            dlg.SetValue('')
-            if matches[i][0] != '':
-                dlg.SetTitle("Enter Value for " + matches[i][1])
-            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: newstr = dlg.GetValue()
-            if newstr == '': newstr = '0'
-            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1).replace(matches[i][1], '', 1).replace(matches[i][2], '', 1)
-            dlg.Destroy()
-        return s
     # This subroutine builds a chat display name.
@@ -1708,179 +1629,3 @@
             i += 1
         return rs
-    def resolve_loop(self, node, path, step, depth):
-        if step == depth:
-            return self.resolution(node)
-        else:
-            child_list = node.findall('nodehandler')
-            for child in child_list:
-                if step == depth: break
-                if child.get('name') == path[step]:
-                    node = child
-                    step += 1
-                    if node.get('class') in ('dnd35char_handler', 
-                                            "SWd20char_handler", 
-                                            "d20char_handler", 
-                                            "dnd3echar_handler"): self.resolve_cust_loop(node, path, step, depth)
-                    elif node.get('class') == 'rpg_grid_handler': self.resolve_grid(node, path, step, depth)
-                    else: self.resolve_loop(node, path, step, depth)
-    def resolve_grid(self, node, path, step, depth):
-        if step == depth:
-            self.data = 'Invalid Grid Reference!'
-            return
-        cell = tuple(path[step].strip('(').strip(')').split(','))
-        grid = node.find('grid')
-        rows = grid.findall('row')
-        col = rows[int(self.ParseDice(cell[0]))-1].findall('cell')
-        try: self.data = self.ParseMap(col[int(self.ParseDice(cell[1]))-1].text, node) or 'No Cell Data'
-        except: self.data = 'Invalid Grid Reference!'
-        return
-    def resolution(self, node):
-        if self.passed == False:
-            self.passed = True
-            if node.get('class') == 'textctrl_handler': 
-                s = str(node.find('text').text)
-            else: s = 'Nodehandler for '+ node.get('class') + ' not done!' or 'Invalid Reference!'
-        else:
-            s = ''
-        s = self.ParseMap(s, node)
-        s = self.ParseParent(s, node.get('map'))
-        self.data = s
-    def ParseMap(self, s, node):
-        """Parses player input for embedded nodes rolls"""
-        cur_loc = 0
-        reg = re.compile("(!!(.*?)!!)")
-        matches = reg.findall(s)
-        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
-            tree_map = node.get('map')
-            tree_map = tree_map + '::' + matches[i][1]
-            newstr = '!@'+ tree_map +'@!'
-            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1)
-            s = self.ParseNode(s)
-            s = self.ParseParent(s, tree_map)
-        return s
-    def ParseParent(self, s, tree_map):
-        """Parses player input for embedded nodes rolls"""
-        cur_loc = 0
-        reg = re.compile("(!#(.*?)#!)")
-        matches = reg.findall(s)
-        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
-            ## Build the new tree_map
-            new_map = tree_map.split('::')
-            del new_map[len(new_map)-1]
-            parent_map = matches[i][1].split('::')
-            ## Find an index or use 1 for ease of use.
-            try: index = new_map.index(parent_map[0])
-            except: index = 1
-            ## Just replace the old tree_map from the index.
-            new_map[index:len(new_map)] = parent_map
-            newstr = '::'.join(new_map)
-            newstr = '!@'+ newstr +'@!'
-            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1)
-            s = self.ParseNode(s)
-        return s
-    def resolve_nodes(self, s):
-        self.passed = False
-        self.data = 'Invalid Reference!'
-        value = ""
-        path = s.split('::')
-        depth = len(path)
-        self.gametree = component.get('tree')
-        try: node = self.gametree.tree_map[path[0]]['node']
-        except Exception, e: return self.data
-        if node.get('class') in ('dnd35char_handler', 
-                                "SWd20char_handler", 
-                                "d20char_handler", 
-                                "dnd3echar_handler"): self.resolve_cust_loop(node, path, 1, depth)
-        elif node.get('class') == 'rpg_grid_handler': self.resolve_grid(node, path, 1, depth)
-        else: self.resolve_loop(node, path, 1, depth)
-        return self.data
-    def resolve_cust_loop(self, node, path, step, depth):
-        node_class = node.get('class')
-        ## Code needs clean up. Either choose .lower() or .title(), then reset the path list's content ##
-        if step == depth: self.resolution(node)
-        ##Build Abilities dictionary##
-        if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): ab = node.find('character').find('abilities')
-        else: ab = node.find('abilities')
-        ab_list = ab.findall('stat'); pc_stats = {}
-        for ability in ab_list:
-            pc_stats[ability.get('name')] = ( 
-                    str(ability.get('base')), 
-                    str((int(ability.get('base'))-10)/2) )
-            pc_stats[ability.get('abbr')] = ( 
-                    str(ability.get('base')), 
-                    str((int(ability.get('base'))-10)/2) )
-        if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): ab = node.find('character').find('saves')
-        else: ab = node.find('saves')
-        ab_list = ab.findall('save')
-        for save in ab_list:
-            pc_stats[save.get('name')] = (str(save.get('base')), str(int(save.get('magmod')) + int(save.get('miscmod')) + int(pc_stats[save.get('stat')][1]) ) )
-            if save.get('name') == 'Fortitude': abbr = 'Fort'
-            if save.get('name') == 'Reflex': abbr = 'Ref'
-            if save.get('name') == 'Will': abbr = 'Will'
-            pc_stats[abbr] = ( str(save.get('base')), str(int(save.get('magmod')) + int(save.get('miscmod')) + int(pc_stats[save.get('stat')][1]) ) )
-        if path[step].lower() == 'skill':
-            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('snf')
-            node = node.find('skills')
-            child_list = node.findall('skill')
-            for child in child_list:
-                if path[step+1].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
-                    if step+2 == depth: self.data = child.get('rank')
-                    elif path[step+2].lower() == 'check':
-                        self.data = '<b>Skill Check:</b> ' + child.get('name') + ' [1d20+'+str( int(child.get('rank')) + int(pc_stats[child.get('stat')][1]) )+']'
-            return
-        if path[step].lower() == 'feat':
-            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('snf')
-            node = node.find('feats')
-            child_list = node.findall('feat')
-            for child in child_list:
-                if path[step+1].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
-                    if step+2 == depth: self.data = '<b>'+child.get('name')+'</b>'+': '+child.get('desc')
-            return
-        if path[step].lower() == 'cast':
-            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('snp')
-            node = node.find('spells')
-            child_list = node.findall('spell')
-            for child in child_list:
-                if path[step+1].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
-                    if step+2 == depth: self.data = '<b>'+child.get('name')+'</b>'+': '+child.get('desc')
-            return
-        if path[step].lower() == 'attack':
-            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('combat')
-            if path[step+1].lower() == 'melee' or path[step+1].lower() == 'm':
-                bonus_text = '(Melee)'
-                bonus = node.find('attacks')
-                bonus = bonus.find('melee')
-                bonus = bonus.attrib; d = int(pc_stats['Str'][1])
-            elif path[step+1].lower() == 'ranged' or path[step+1].lower() == 'r':
-                bonus_text = '(Ranged)'
-                bonus = node.find('attacks')
-                bonus = bonus.find('ranged')
-                bonus = bonus.attrib; d = int(pc_stats['Dex'][1])
-            for b in bonus:
-                d += int(bonus[b])
-            bonus = str(d)
-            if path[step+2] == None: self.data = bonus
-            else:
-                weapons = node.find('attacks')
-                weapons = weapons.findall('weapon')
-                for child in weapons:
-                    if path[step+2].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
-                        self.data = '<b>Attack: '+bonus_text+'</b> '+child.get('name')+' [1d20+'+bonus+'] ' + 'Damage: ['+child.get('damage')+']'
-            return
-        elif pc_stats.has_key(path[step].title()):
-            if step+1 == depth: self.data = pc_stats[path[step].title()][0] + ' +('+pc_stats[path[step].title()][1]+')'
-            elif path[step+1].title() == 'Mod': self.data = pc_stats[path[step].title()][1]
-            elif path[step+1].title() == 'Check': self.data = '<b>'+path[step].title()+' Check:</b> [1d20+'+str(pc_stats[path[step].title()][1])+']'
-            return
diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/gametree/gametree.py
--- a/orpg/gametree/gametree.py	Mon Jan 25 12:07:48 2010 -0600
+++ b/orpg/gametree/gametree.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 from orpg.orpgCore import component
 from orpg.dirpath import dir_struct
 from nodehandlers import core
-import string, urllib, time, os
+import string, urllib, time, os, shutil
 from orpg.orpg_xml import xml
 from orpg.tools.validate import validate
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@
 TOP_FEATURES = wx.NewId()
 EZ_REF = wx.NewId()
+def exists(path):
+    try:
+        os.stat(path)
+        return True
+    except: return False
 class game_tree(wx.TreeCtrl):
     def __init__(self, parent, id):
@@ -233,11 +239,14 @@
             self.xml_root = None
         if not self.xml_root:
-            os.rename(filename,filename+".corrupt")
+            count = 1
+            while exists(filename[:len(filename)-4]+'-bad-'+str(count)+'.xml'): count += 1
+            shutil.copy(filename, filename[:len(filename)-4]+'-bad-'+str(count)+'.xml')
+            shutil.copyfile(dir_struct["template"]+'default_tree.xml', filename)
             emsg = "Your gametree is being regenerated.\n\n"\
                  "To salvage a recent version of your gametree\n"\
                  "exit OpenRPG and copy the lastgood.xml file in\n"\
-                 "your myfiles directory to "+filename+ "\n"\
+                 "your myfiles directory to "+filename[:len(filename)-4]+'-bad-'+str(count)+'.xml'+ "\n"\
                  "in your myfiles directory.\n\n"\
                  "lastgood.xml WILL BE OVERWRITTEN NEXT TIME YOU RUN OPENRPG.\n\n"\
                  "Would you like to select a different gametree file to use?\n"\
@@ -279,8 +288,11 @@
         except Exception, e:
+            count = 1
+            while exists(filename[:len(filename)-4]+'-bad-'+str(count)+'.xml'): count += 1
+            shutil.copy(filename, filename[:len(filename)-4]+'-bad-'+str(count)+'.xml')
+            shutil.copyfile(dir_struct["template"]+'default_tree.xml', filename)
             wx.MessageBox("Corrupt Tree!\nYour game tree is being regenerated. To\nsalvage a recent version of your gametree\nexit OpenRPG and copy the lastgood.xml\nfile in your myfiles directory\nto "+filename+ "\nin your myfiles directory.\nlastgood.xml WILL BE OVERWRITTEN NEXT TIME YOU RUN OPENRPG.")
-            os.rename(filename,filename+".corrupt")
diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/forms.py
--- a/orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/forms.py	Mon Jan 25 12:07:48 2010 -0600
+++ b/orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/forms.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 from orpg.orpg_xml import xml
 from wx.lib.scrolledpanel import ScrolledPanel
 from orpg.tools.settings import settings
+from orpg.tools.InterParse import Parse
 def bool2int(b):
     #in wxPython 2.5+, evt.Checked() returns True or False instead of 1.0 or 0.
@@ -262,16 +263,16 @@
     def on_send(self, evt):
         txt = self.text.GetValue()
-        txt = self.chat.ParseMap(txt, self.handler.xml)
-        txt = self.chat.ParseParent(txt, self.handler.xml.get('map'))
+        txt = Parse.NodeMap(txt, self.handler.xml)
+        txt = Parse.NodeParent(txt, self.handler.xml.get('map'))
         if not self.handler.is_raw_send():
-            self.chat.ParsePost(self.handler.tohtml(), True, True)
+            Parse.Post(self.handler.tohtml(), True, True)
             return 1
         actionlist = txt.split("\n")
         for line in actionlist:
             if(line != ""):
                 if line[0] != "/": ## it's not a slash command
-                    self.chat.ParsePost(line, True, True)
+                    Parse.Post(line, True, True)
                     action = line
@@ -595,18 +596,18 @@
     def on_send_to_chat(self, evt):
         txt = self.get_selected_text()
-        txt = self.chat.ParseMap(txt, self.xml)
-        txt = self.chat.ParseParent(txt, self.xml.get('map'))
+        txt = Parse.NodeMap(txt, self.xml)
+        txt = Parse.NodeParent(txt, self.xml.get('map'))
         if not self.is_raw_send():
-            self.chat.ParsePost(self.tohtml(), True, True)
+            Parse.Post(self.tohtml(), True, True)
             return 1
         actionlist = self.get_selections_text()
         for line in actionlist:
-            line = self.chat.ParseMap(line, self.xml)
-            line = self.chat.ParseParent(line, self.xml.get('map'))
+            line = Parse.NodeMap(line, self.xml)
+            line = Parse.NodeParent(line, self.xml.get('map'))
             if(line != ""):
                 if line[0] != "/": ## it's not a slash command
-                    self.chat.ParsePost(line, True, True)
+                    Parse.Post(line, True, True)
                     action = line
diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/rpg_grid.py
--- a/orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/rpg_grid.py	Mon Jan 25 12:07:48 2010 -0600
+++ b/orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/rpg_grid.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 from core import *
 from forms import *
 from orpg.tools.orpg_log import debug
+from orpg.tools.InterParse import Parse
 class rpg_grid_handler(node_handler):
     """ Node handler for rpg grid tool
@@ -88,8 +89,8 @@
                 html_str += "<td >"
                 text = c.text
                 if text == None or text == '': text = '<br />'
-                s = component.get('chat').ParseMap(text, self.xml)
-                s = component.get('chat').NormalizeParse(s)
+                s = Parse.NodeMap(text, self.xml)
+                s = Parse.Normalize(s)
                 try: text = str(eval(s))
                 except: text = s
                 html_str += text + "</td>"
@@ -326,8 +327,8 @@
                 text = ''
                 cells[i].text = text
             if self.mode == 0:
-                s = component.get('chat').ParseMap(text, self.handler.xml)
-                s = component.get('chat').ParseParent(s, self.handler.xml.get('map'))
+                s = Parse.NodeMap(text, self.handler.xml)
+                s = Parse.NodeParent(s, self.handler.xml.get('map'))
                 try: text = str(eval(s))
                 except: text = s
diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/main.py
--- a/orpg/main.py	Mon Jan 25 12:07:48 2010 -0600
+++ b/orpg/main.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 from orpg.tools.passtool import PassTool
 from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger, crash, debug
 from orpg.tools.metamenus import MenuBarEx
+from orpg.tools.InterParse import Parse
 from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, parse
 from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring, tostring
@@ -674,7 +675,7 @@
         logger.debug("Status Window Created")
         # Create and show the floating dice toolbar
-        self.dieToolBar = orpg.tools.toolBars.DiceToolBar(self, callBack = self.chat.ParsePost)
+        self.dieToolBar = orpg.tools.toolBars.DiceToolBar(self, callBack = Parse.Post)
         wndinfo = AUI.AuiPaneInfo()
         menuid = wx.NewId()
         self.mainwindows[menuid] = "Dice Tool Bar"
diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/orpg_version.py
--- a/orpg/orpg_version.py	Mon Jan 25 12:07:48 2010 -0600
+++ b/orpg/orpg_version.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #BUILD NUMBER FORMAT: "YYMMDD-##" where ## is the incremental daily build index (if needed)
 DISTRO = "Traipse Beta"
 DIS_VER = "Ornery Orc"
-BUILD = "100125-01"
+BUILD = "100201-00"
 # This version is for network capability.
diff -r 15488fe94f52 -r a3d7e05085da orpg/tools/InterParse.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/orpg/tools/InterParse.py	Mon Feb 01 09:57:07 2010 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+from orpg.orpgCore import component
+import re
+from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger
+class InterParse():
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def Post(self, s, send=False, myself=False):
+        s = self.Normalize(s)
+        component.get('chat').set_colors()
+        component.get('chat').Post(s,send,myself)
+    def Normalize(self, s):
+        for plugin_fname in component.get('chat').activeplugins.keys():
+            plugin = component.get('chat').activeplugins[plugin_fname]
+            try: s = plugin.pre_parse(s)
+            except Exception, e:
+                if str(e) != "'module' object has no attribute 'post_msg'":
+                    logger.general(traceback.format_exc())
+                    logger.general("EXCEPTION: " + str(e))
+        if component.get('chat').parsed == 0:
+            s = self.Node(s)
+            s = self.Dice(s)
+            s = self.Filter(s)
+            component.get('chat').parsed = 1
+        return s
+    def Filter(self, s):
+        s = component.get('chat').GetFilteredText(s)
+        return s
+    def Node(self, s):
+        """Parses player input for embedded nodes rolls"""
+        cur_loc = 0
+        #[a-zA-Z0-9 _\-\.]
+        reg = re.compile("(!@(.*?)@!)")
+        matches = reg.findall(s)
+        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
+            newstr = self.Node(self.resolve_nodes(matches[i][1]))
+            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1)
+        return s
+    def Dice(self, s):
+        """Parses player input for embedded dice rolls"""
+        reg = re.compile("\[([^]]*?)\]")
+        matches = reg.findall(s)
+        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
+            newstr = self.Unknown(matches[i])
+            qmode = 0
+            newstr1 = newstr
+            if newstr[0].lower() == 'q':
+                newstr = newstr[1:]
+                qmode = 1
+            if newstr[0].lower() == '#':
+                newstr = newstr[1:]
+                qmode = 2
+            try: newstr = component.get('DiceManager').proccessRoll(newstr)
+            except: pass
+            if qmode == 1:
+                s = s.replace("[" + matches[i] + "]", 
+                            "<!-- Official Roll [" + newstr1 + "] => " + newstr + "-->" + newstr, 1)
+            elif qmode == 2:
+                s = s.replace("[" + matches[i] + "]", newstr[len(newstr)-2:-1], 1)
+            else: s = s.replace("[" + matches[i] + "]", 
+                            "[" + newstr1 + "<!-- Official Roll -->] => " + newstr, 1)
+        return s
+    def Unknown(self, s):
+	# Uses a tuple. Usage: ?Label}dY. If no Label is assigned then use ?}DY
+        newstr = "0"
+        reg = re.compile("(\?\{*)([a-zA-Z ]*)(\}*)")
+        matches = reg.findall(s)
+        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
+            lb = "Replace '?' with: "
+            if len(matches[i][0]):
+                lb = matches[i][1] + "?: "
+            dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, lb, "Missing Value?")
+            dlg.SetValue('')
+            if matches[i][0] != '':
+                dlg.SetTitle("Enter Value for " + matches[i][1])
+            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: newstr = dlg.GetValue()
+            if newstr == '': newstr = '0'
+            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1).replace(matches[i][1], '', 1).replace(matches[i][2], '', 1)
+            dlg.Destroy()
+        return s
+    def NodeMap(self, s, node):
+        """Parses player input for embedded nodes rolls"""
+        cur_loc = 0
+        reg = re.compile("(!!(.*?)!!)")
+        matches = reg.findall(s)
+        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
+            tree_map = node.get('map')
+            tree_map = tree_map + '::' + matches[i][1]
+            newstr = '!@'+ tree_map +'@!'
+            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1)
+            s = self.Node(s)
+            s = self.NodeParent(s, tree_map)
+        return s
+    def NodeParent(self, s, tree_map):
+        """Parses player input for embedded nodes rolls"""
+        cur_loc = 0
+        reg = re.compile("(!#(.*?)#!)")
+        matches = reg.findall(s)
+        for i in xrange(0,len(matches)):
+            ## Build the new tree_map
+            new_map = tree_map.split('::')
+            del new_map[len(new_map)-1]
+            parent_map = matches[i][1].split('::')
+            ## Backwards Reference the Parent Children
+            child_node = self.get_node('::'.join(new_map))
+            newstr = self.get_root(child_node, tree_map, new_map, parent_map)
+            s = s.replace(matches[i][0], newstr, 1)
+            s = self.Node(s)
+        return s
+    def get_root(self, child_node, tree_map, new_map, parent_map):
+        if child_node == 'Invalid Reference!': return child_node
+        roots = child_node.getchildren(); tr = tree_map.split('::')
+        newstr = ''
+        for root in roots:
+            try: t = new_map.index(root.get('name'))
+            except: t = 1
+            if parent_map[0] == root.get('name'):
+                newstr = '!@' + '::'.join(new_map[:len(tr)-t]) + '::' + '::'.join(parent_map) + '@!'
+        if newstr != '': return newstr
+        else:
+            del new_map[len(new_map)-1]
+            child_node = self.get_node('::'.join(new_map))
+            newstr = self.get_root(child_node, tree_map, new_map, parent_map)
+            return newstr
+    def get_node(self, s):
+        return_node = 'Invalid Reference!'
+        value = ""
+        path = s.split('::')
+        depth = len(path)
+        try: node = component.get('tree').tree_map[path[0]]['node']
+        except Exception, e: return return_node
+        return_node = self.resolve_get_loop(node, path, 1, depth)
+        return return_node
+    def resolve_get_loop(self, node, path, step, depth):
+        if step == depth: return node
+        else:
+            child_list = node.findall('nodehandler')
+            for child in child_list:
+                if step == depth: break
+                if child.get('name') == path[step]:
+                    node = self.resolve_get_loop(child, path, step+1, depth)
+            return node
+    def resolve_nodes(self, s):
+        self.passed = False
+        string = 'Invalid Reference!'
+        value = ""
+        path = s.split('::')
+        depth = len(path)
+        try: node = component.get('tree').tree_map[path[0]]['node']
+        except Exception, e: return string
+        if node.get('class') in ('dnd35char_handler', 
+                                "SWd20char_handler", 
+                                "d20char_handler", 
+                                "dnd3echar_handler"): string = self.resolve_cust_loop(node, path, 1, depth)
+        elif node.get('class') == 'rpg_grid_handler': self.resolve_grid(node, path, 1, depth)
+        else: string = self.resolve_loop(node, path, 1, depth)
+        return string
+    def resolve_loop(self, node, path, step, depth):
+        if step == depth: return self.resolution(node)
+        else:
+            child_list = node.findall('nodehandler')
+            for child in child_list:
+                if step == depth: break
+                if child.get('name') == path[step]:
+                    node = child
+                    step += 1
+                    if node.get('class') in ('dnd35char_handler', 
+                                            "SWd20char_handler", 
+                                            "d20char_handler", 
+                                            "dnd3echar_handler"): 
+                        string = self.resolve_cust_loop(node, path, step, depth)
+                    elif node.get('class') == 'rpg_grid_handler': 
+                        string = self.resolve_grid(node, path, step, depth)
+                    else: string = self.resolve_loop(node, path, step, depth)
+            return string
+    def resolution(self, node):
+        if self.passed == False:
+            self.passed = True
+            if node.get('class') == 'textctrl_handler': 
+                s = str(node.find('text').text)
+            else: s = 'Nodehandler for '+ node.get('class') + ' not done!' or 'Invalid Reference!'
+        else:
+            s = ''
+        s = self.NodeMap(s, node)
+        s = self.NodeParent(s, node.get('map'))
+        return s
+    def resolve_grid(self, node, path, step, depth):
+        if step == depth:
+            return 'Invalid Grid Reference!'
+        cell = tuple(path[step].strip('(').strip(')').split(','))
+        grid = node.find('grid')
+        rows = grid.findall('row')
+        col = rows[int(self.Dice(cell[0]))-1].findall('cell')
+        try: s = self.NodeMap(col[int(self.Dice(cell[1]))-1].text, node) or 'No Cell Data'
+        except: s = 'Invalid Grid Reference!'
+        return s
+    def resolve_cust_loop(self, node, path, step, depth):
+        s = 'Invalid Reference!'
+        node_class = node.get('class')
+        ## Code needs clean up. Either choose .lower() or .title(), then reset the path list's content ##
+        if step == depth: self.resolution(node)
+        ##Build Abilities dictionary##
+        if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): ab = node.find('character').find('abilities')
+        else: ab = node.find('abilities')
+        ab_list = ab.findall('stat'); pc_stats = {}
+        for ability in ab_list:
+            pc_stats[ability.get('name')] = ( 
+                    str(ability.get('base')), 
+                    str((int(ability.get('base'))-10)/2) )
+            pc_stats[ability.get('abbr')] = ( 
+                    str(ability.get('base')), 
+                    str((int(ability.get('base'))-10)/2) )
+        if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): ab = node.find('character').find('saves')
+        else: ab = node.find('saves')
+        ab_list = ab.findall('save')
+        for save in ab_list:
+            pc_stats[save.get('name')] = (str(save.get('base')), str(int(save.get('magmod')) + int(save.get('miscmod')) + int(pc_stats[save.get('stat')][1]) ) )
+            if save.get('name') == 'Fortitude': abbr = 'Fort'
+            if save.get('name') == 'Reflex': abbr = 'Ref'
+            if save.get('name') == 'Will': abbr = 'Will'
+            pc_stats[abbr] = ( str(save.get('base')), str(int(save.get('magmod')) + int(save.get('miscmod')) + int(pc_stats[save.get('stat')][1]) ) )
+        if path[step].lower() == 'skill':
+            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('snf')
+            node = node.find('skills')
+            child_list = node.findall('skill')
+            for child in child_list:
+                if path[step+1].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
+                    if step+2 == depth: s = child.get('rank')
+                    elif path[step+2].lower() == 'check':
+                        s = '<b>Skill Check:</b> ' + child.get('name') + ' [1d20+'+str( int(child.get('rank')) + int(pc_stats[child.get('stat')][1]) )+']'
+                    print s
+            return s
+        if path[step].lower() == 'feat':
+            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('snf')
+            node = node.find('feats')
+            child_list = node.findall('feat')
+            for child in child_list:
+                if path[step+1].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
+                    if step+2 == depth: s = '<b>'+child.get('name')+'</b>'+': '+child.get('desc')
+            return s
+        if path[step].lower() == 'cast':
+            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('snp')
+            node = node.find('spells')
+            child_list = node.findall('spell')
+            for child in child_list:
+                if path[step+1].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
+                    if step+2 == depth: s = '<b>'+child.get('name')+'</b>'+': '+child.get('desc')
+            return s
+        if path[step].lower() == 'attack':
+            if node_class not in ('d20char_handler', "SWd20char_handler"): node = node.find('combat')
+            if path[step+1].lower() == 'melee' or path[step+1].lower() == 'm':
+                bonus_text = '(Melee)'
+                bonus = node.find('attacks')
+                bonus = bonus.find('melee')
+                bonus = bonus.attrib; d = int(pc_stats['Str'][1])
+            elif path[step+1].lower() == 'ranged' or path[step+1].lower() == 'r':
+                bonus_text = '(Ranged)'
+                bonus = node.find('attacks')
+                bonus = bonus.find('ranged')
+                bonus = bonus.attrib; d = int(pc_stats['Dex'][1])
+            for b in bonus:
+                d += int(bonus[b])
+            bonus = str(d)
+            if path[step+2] == None: s= bonus
+            else:
+                weapons = node.find('attacks')
+                weapons = weapons.findall('weapon')
+                for child in weapons:
+                    if path[step+2].lower() == child.get('name').lower():
+                        s = '<b>Attack: '+bonus_text+'</b> '+child.get('name')+' [1d20+'+bonus+'] ' + 'Damage: ['+child.get('damage')+']'
+            return s
+        elif pc_stats.has_key(path[step].title()):
+            if step+1 == depth: s = pc_stats[path[step].title()][0] + ' +('+pc_stats[path[step].title()][1]+')'
+            elif path[step+1].title() == 'Mod': s = pc_stats[path[step].title()][1]
+            elif path[step+1].title() == 'Check': s = '<b>'+path[step].title()+' Check:</b> [1d20+'+str(pc_stats[path[step].title()][1])+']'
+            return s
+        return s
+Parse = InterParse()