view upmana/ @ 62:e8029caed892 ornery-dev

Traipse Dev 'OpenRPG' {090813-01} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc''s main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary: Minor fix to Update Manager. Files only shows files added to the most recent commit. Please Manifest your important files when switching branches. Nodehandler now adds .xml to saved nodes if .xml is not the last 4 characters.
author sirebral
date Thu, 13 Aug 2009 13:01:09 -0500
parents 5aff3ef1ae46
children c54768cffbd4
line wrap: on
line source

import xmltramp
import orpg.dirpath
import upmana.validate
from os import sep
from types import *

class ManifestChanges:
    def __init__(self, filename="updatemana.xml"):
        self.filename = orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["home"] + 'upmana' + sep + filename
        upmana.validate.Validate(orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["home"] + 'upmana' + sep).config_file(filename,"default_manifest.xml")
        self.xml_dom = self.LoadDoc()

    def GetString(self, plugname, strname, defaultval, verbose=0):
        strname =
        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
            if plugname == plugin._name:
                for child in plugin._dir:
                    if child._name == strname:
                        #str() on this to make sure it's ASCII, not unicode, since orpg can't handle unicode.
                        if verbose: print "successfully found the value"
                        if len(child): return str( self.normal(child[0]) )
                        else: return ""
            if verbose:
                print "manifest: no value has been stored for " + strname + " in " + plugname + " so the default has been returned"
            return defaultval

    def SetString(self, plugname, strname, val):
        #Set Node, <repo, name, description, value>
        #Set Setting, <setting, value>
        val =
        strname =
        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
        ##this isn't absolutely necessary, but it saves the trouble of sending a parsed object instead of a simple string.
            if plugname == plugin._name:
                plugin[strname] = val
                plugin[strname]._attrs["type"] = "string"
                return "found plugin"
            self.xml_dom[plugname] = xmltramp.parse("<" + strname + " type=\"string\">" + val + "</" + strname + ">")
            return "added plugin"

    def FetchList(self, parent):
        retlist = []
        if not len(parent): return []
        for litem in parent[0]._dir:
            if len(litem):
                if litem._attrs["type"] == "int": retlist += [int(litem[0])]
                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "long": retlist += [long(litem[0])]
                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "float": retlist += [float(litem[0])]
                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "list": retlist += [self.FetchList(litem)]
                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "dict": retlist += [self.FetchDict(litem)]
                else: retlist += [str( self.normal(litem[0]) )]
            else: retlist += [""]
        return retlist

    def GetList(self, plugname, listname, defaultval, verbose=0):
        listname =
        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
            if plugname == plugin._name:
                for child in plugin._dir:
                    if child._name == listname and child._attrs["type"] == "list":
                        retlist = self.FetchList(child)
                        if verbose: print "successfully found the value"
                        return retlist
            if verbose:
                print "plugindb: no value has been stored for " + listname + " in " + plugname + " so the default has been returned"
            return defaultval

    def BuildList(self, val):
        listerine = "<list>"
        for item in val:
            if isinstance(item, basestring):#it's a string
                listerine += "<lobject type=\"str\">" + + "</lobject>"
            elif isinstance(item, IntType):#it's an int
                listerine += "<lobject type=\"int\">" + str(item) + "</lobject>"
            elif isinstance(item, FloatType):#it's a float
                listerine += "<lobject type=\"float\">" + str(item) + "</lobject>"
            elif isinstance(item, LongType):#it's a long
                listerine += "<lobject type=\"long\">" + str(item) + "</lobject>"
            elif isinstance(item, ListType):#it's a list
                listerine += "<lobject type=\"list\">" + self.BuildList(item) + "</lobject>"
            elif isinstance(item, DictType):#it's a dictionary
                listerine += "<lobject type=\"dict\">" + self.BuildDict(item) + "</lobject>"
            else: return "type unknown"
        listerine += "</list>"
        return listerine

    def SetList(self, plugname, listname, val):
        listname =
        list = xmltramp.parse(self.BuildList(val))
        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
            if plugname == plugin._name:
                plugin[listname] = list
                plugin[listname]._attrs["type"] = "list"
                return "found plugin"
            self.xml_dom[plugname] = xmltramp.parse("<" + listname + "></" + listname + ">")
            self.xml_dom[plugname][listname] = list
            self.xml_dom[plugname][listname]._attrs["type"] = "list"
            return "added plugin"

    def BuildDict(self, val):
        dictator = "<dict>"
        for item in val.keys():
            if isinstance(val[item], basestring):
                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + + "\" type=\"str\">" +[item]) + "</dobject>"
            elif isinstance(val[item], IntType):#it's an int
                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + + "\" type=\"int\">" + str(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
            elif isinstance(val[item], FloatType):#it's a float
                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + + "\" type=\"float\">" + str(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
            elif isinstance(val[item], LongType):#it's a long
                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + + "\" type=\"long\">" + str(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
            elif isinstance(val[item], DictType):#it's a dictionary
                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + + "\" type=\"dict\">" + self.BuildDict(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
            elif isinstance(val[item], ListType):#it's a list
                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + + "\" type=\"list\">" + self.BuildList(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
            else: return str(val[item]) + ": type unknown"
        dictator += "</dict>"
        return dictator

    def SetDict(self, plugname, dictname, val, file="plugindb.xml"):
        dictname =
        dict = xmltramp.parse(self.BuildDict(val))
        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
            if plugname == plugin._name:
                plugin[dictname] = dict
                plugin[dictname]._attrs["type"] = "dict"
                return "found plugin"
            self.xml_dom[plugname] = xmltramp.parse("<" + dictname + "></" + dictname + ">")
            self.xml_dom[plugname][dictname] = dict
            self.xml_dom[plugname][dictname]._attrs["type"] = "dict"
            return "added plugin"

    def FetchDict(self, parent):
        retdict = {}
        if not len(parent): return {}
        for ditem in parent[0]._dir:
            if len(ditem):
                ditem._attrs["name"] = self.normal(ditem._attrs["name"])
                if ditem._attrs["type"] == "int": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = int(ditem[0])
                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "long": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = long(ditem[0])
                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "float": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = float(ditem[0])
                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "list": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = self.FetchList(ditem)
                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "dict": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = self.FetchDict(ditem)
                else: retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = str( self.normal(ditem[0]) )
            else: retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = ""
        return retdict

    def GetDict(self, plugname, dictname, defaultval, verbose=0):
        dictname =
        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
            if plugname == plugin._name:
                for child in plugin._dir:
                    if child._name == dictname and child._attrs["type"] == "dict": return self.FetchDict(child)
            if verbose:
                print "plugindb: no value has been stored for " + dictname + " in " + plugname + " so the default has been returned"
            return defaultval

    def safe(self, string):
        return string.replace("<", "$$lt$$").replace(">", "$$gt$$").replace("&","$$amp$$").replace('"',"$$quote$$")

    def normal(self, string):
        return string.replace("$$lt$$", "<").replace("$$gt$$", ">").replace("$$amp$$","&").replace("$$quote$$",'"')

    def SaveDoc(self):
        f = open(self.filename, "w")
        f.write(self.xml_dom.__repr__(1, 1))

    def LoadDoc(self):
        xml_file = open(self.filename)
        manifest =
        return xmltramp.parse(manifest)