view upmana/mercurial/ @ 221:e4a4429c5f85 alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {100502-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Patch-2) Moved to Beta!! New Features: New Namespace method with two new syntaxes New Namespace Internal is context sensitive, always! New Namespace External is 'as narrow as you make it' New Namespace FutureCheck helps ensure you don't receive an incorrect node New PluginDB access for URL2Link plugin New to Forms, they now show their content in Design Mode New to Update Manager, checks Repo for updates on software start New to Mini Lin node, change title in design mode New to Game Tree, never lose a node, appends a number to the end of corrupted trees New to Server GUI, Traipse Suite's Debug Console New Namespace plugin, Allows Traipse users to use the Standard syntax !@ :: @! Updates: Update to White Board layer, uses a pencil image for color button Update to Grid Layer, uses a grid image for color button Update to Chat Window, size of drop down menus Update to default lobby message Update to template Text node Update to 4e PC Sheet node Fixes: Fix to Server GUI startup errors Fix to Server GUI Rooms tab updating Fix to Chat and Settings if non existant die roller is picked Fix to Dieroller and .open() used with .vs(). Successes are correctly calculated Fix to Alias Lib's Export to Tree, Open, Save features Fix to alias node, now works properly Fix to Splitter node, minor GUI cleanup Fix to Backgrounds not loading through remote loader Fix to Node name errors Fix to rolling dice in chat Whispers Fix to Splitters Sizing issues Fix to URL2Link plugin, modified regex compilation should remove memory leak Fix to, a roll back due to zoomed grid issues Fix to whiteboard_handler, Circles work by you clicking the center of the circle Fix to Servers parse_incoming_dom which was outdated and did not respect XML Fix to a broken link in the server welcome message Fix to InterParse and logger requiring traceback Fix to Update Manager Status Bar Fix to failed image and erroneous pop up Fix to Mini Lib node that was preventing use Fix to plugins that parce dice but did not call InterParse Fix to nodes for name changing by double click Fix to Game Tree, node ordering on drag and drop corrected Fix to Game Tree, corrupted error message was not showing Fix to Update Manager, checks for internet connection Fix to Update Manager, Auto Update corrections
author sirebral
date Sun, 02 May 2010 16:19:29 -0500
parents 496dbf12a6cb
line wrap: on
line source

# - diff and patch routines for mercurial
# Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2, incorporated herein by reference.

from i18n import _
import bdiff, mpatch, util
import re, struct

def splitnewlines(text):
    '''like str.splitlines, but only split on newlines.'''
    lines = [l + '\n' for l in text.split('\n')]
    if lines:
        if lines[-1] == '\n':
            lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1]
    return lines

class diffopts(object):
    '''context is the number of context lines
    text treats all files as text
    showfunc enables diff -p output
    git enables the git extended patch format
    nodates removes dates from diff headers
    ignorews ignores all whitespace changes in the diff
    ignorewsamount ignores changes in the amount of whitespace
    ignoreblanklines ignores changes whose lines are all blank'''

    defaults = {
        'context': 3,
        'text': False,
        'showfunc': False,
        'git': False,
        'nodates': False,
        'ignorews': False,
        'ignorewsamount': False,
        'ignoreblanklines': False,

    __slots__ = defaults.keys()

    def __init__(self, **opts):
        for k in self.__slots__:
            v = opts.get(k)
            if v is None:
                v = self.defaults[k]
            setattr(self, k, v)

            self.context = int(self.context)
        except ValueError:
            raise util.Abort(_('diff context lines count must be '
                               'an integer, not %r') % self.context)

defaultopts = diffopts()

def wsclean(opts, text):
    if opts.ignorews:
        text = re.sub('[ \t]+', '', text)
    elif opts.ignorewsamount:
        text = re.sub('[ \t]+', ' ', text)
        text = re.sub('[ \t]+\n', '\n', text)
    if opts.ignoreblanklines:
        text = re.sub('\n+', '', text)
    return text

def diffline(revs, a, b, opts):
    parts = ['diff']
    if opts.git:
    if revs and not opts.git:
        parts.append(' '.join(["-r %s" % rev for rev in revs]))
    if opts.git:
        parts.append('a/%s' % a)
        parts.append('b/%s' % b)
    return ' '.join(parts) + '\n'

def unidiff(a, ad, b, bd, fn1, fn2, r=None, opts=defaultopts):
    def datetag(date, addtab=True):
        if not opts.git and not opts.nodates:
            return '\t%s\n' % date
        if addtab and ' ' in fn1:
            return '\t\n'
        return '\n'

    if not a and not b: return ""
    epoch = util.datestr((0, 0))

    if not opts.text and (util.binary(a) or util.binary(b)):
        if a and b and len(a) == len(b) and a == b:
            return ""
        l = ['Binary file %s has changed\n' % fn1]
    elif not a:
        b = splitnewlines(b)
        if a is None:
            l1 = '--- /dev/null%s' % datetag(epoch, False)
            l1 = "--- %s%s" % ("a/" + fn1, datetag(ad))
        l2 = "+++ %s%s" % ("b/" + fn2, datetag(bd))
        l3 = "@@ -0,0 +1,%d @@\n" % len(b)
        l = [l1, l2, l3] + ["+" + e for e in b]
    elif not b:
        a = splitnewlines(a)
        l1 = "--- %s%s" % ("a/" + fn1, datetag(ad))
        if b is None:
            l2 = '+++ /dev/null%s' % datetag(epoch, False)
            l2 = "+++ %s%s" % ("b/" + fn2, datetag(bd))
        l3 = "@@ -1,%d +0,0 @@\n" % len(a)
        l = [l1, l2, l3] + ["-" + e for e in a]
        al = splitnewlines(a)
        bl = splitnewlines(b)
        l = list(bunidiff(a, b, al, bl, "a/" + fn1, "b/" + fn2, opts=opts))
        if not l: return ""
        # difflib uses a space, rather than a tab
        l[0] = "%s%s" % (l[0][:-2], datetag(ad))
        l[1] = "%s%s" % (l[1][:-2], datetag(bd))

    for ln in xrange(len(l)):
        if l[ln][-1] != '\n':
            l[ln] += "\n\ No newline at end of file\n"

    if r:
        l.insert(0, diffline(r, fn1, fn2, opts))

    return "".join(l)

# somewhat self contained replacement for difflib.unified_diff
# t1 and t2 are the text to be diffed
# l1 and l2 are the text broken up into lines
# header1 and header2 are the filenames for the diff output
def bunidiff(t1, t2, l1, l2, header1, header2, opts=defaultopts):
    def contextend(l, len):
        ret = l + opts.context
        if ret > len:
            ret = len
        return ret

    def contextstart(l):
        ret = l - opts.context
        if ret < 0:
            return 0
        return ret

    def yieldhunk(hunk, header):
        if header:
            for x in header:
                yield x
        (astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta) = hunk
        aend = contextend(a2, len(l1))
        alen = aend - astart
        blen = b2 - bstart + aend - a2

        func = ""
        if opts.showfunc:
            # walk backwards from the start of the context
            # to find a line starting with an alphanumeric char.
            for x in xrange(astart - 1, -1, -1):
                t = l1[x].rstrip()
                if funcre.match(t):
                    func = ' ' + t[:40]

        yield "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s\n" % (astart + 1, alen,
                                           bstart + 1, blen, func)
        for x in delta:
            yield x
        for x in xrange(a2, aend):
            yield ' ' + l1[x]

    header = [ "--- %s\t\n" % header1, "+++ %s\t\n" % header2 ]

    if opts.showfunc:
        funcre = re.compile('\w')

    # bdiff.blocks gives us the matching sequences in the files.  The loop
    # below finds the spaces between those matching sequences and translates
    # them into diff output.
    diff = bdiff.blocks(t1, t2)
    hunk = None
    for i, s1 in enumerate(diff):
        # The first match is special.
        # we've either found a match starting at line 0 or a match later
        # in the file.  If it starts later, old and new below will both be
        # empty and we'll continue to the next match.
        if i > 0:
            s = diff[i-1]
            s = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        delta = []
        a1 = s[1]
        a2 = s1[0]
        b1 = s[3]
        b2 = s1[2]

        old = l1[a1:a2]
        new = l2[b1:b2]

        # bdiff sometimes gives huge matches past eof, this check eats them,
        # and deals with the special first match case described above
        if not old and not new:

        if opts.ignorews or opts.ignorewsamount or opts.ignoreblanklines:
            if wsclean(opts, "".join(old)) == wsclean(opts, "".join(new)):

        astart = contextstart(a1)
        bstart = contextstart(b1)
        prev = None
        if hunk:
            # join with the previous hunk if it falls inside the context
            if astart < hunk[1] + opts.context + 1:
                prev = hunk
                astart = hunk[1]
                bstart = hunk[3]
                for x in yieldhunk(hunk, header):
                    yield x
                # we only want to yield the header if the files differ, and
                # we only want to yield it once.
                header = None
        if prev:
            # we've joined the previous hunk, record the new ending points.
            hunk[1] = a2
            hunk[3] = b2
            delta = hunk[4]
            # create a new hunk
            hunk = [ astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta ]

        delta[len(delta):] = [ ' ' + x for x in l1[astart:a1] ]
        delta[len(delta):] = [ '-' + x for x in old ]
        delta[len(delta):] = [ '+' + x for x in new ]

    if hunk:
        for x in yieldhunk(hunk, header):
            yield x

def patchtext(bin):
    pos = 0
    t = []
    while pos < len(bin):
        p1, p2, l = struct.unpack(">lll", bin[pos:pos + 12])
        pos += 12
        t.append(bin[pos:pos + l])
        pos += l
    return "".join(t)

def patch(a, bin):
    return mpatch.patches(a, [bin])

# similar to difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_matching_blocks
def get_matching_blocks(a, b):
    return [(d[0], d[2], d[1] - d[0]) for d in bdiff.blocks(a, b)]

def trivialdiffheader(length):
    return struct.pack(">lll", 0, 0, length)

patches = mpatch.patches
patchedsize = mpatch.patchedsize
textdiff = bdiff.bdiff