view orpg/templates/default_settings.xml @ 221:e4a4429c5f85 alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {100502-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Patch-2) Moved to Beta!! New Features: New Namespace method with two new syntaxes New Namespace Internal is context sensitive, always! New Namespace External is 'as narrow as you make it' New Namespace FutureCheck helps ensure you don't receive an incorrect node New PluginDB access for URL2Link plugin New to Forms, they now show their content in Design Mode New to Update Manager, checks Repo for updates on software start New to Mini Lin node, change title in design mode New to Game Tree, never lose a node, appends a number to the end of corrupted trees New to Server GUI, Traipse Suite's Debug Console New Namespace plugin, Allows Traipse users to use the Standard syntax !@ :: @! Updates: Update to White Board layer, uses a pencil image for color button Update to Grid Layer, uses a grid image for color button Update to Chat Window, size of drop down menus Update to default lobby message Update to template Text node Update to 4e PC Sheet node Fixes: Fix to Server GUI startup errors Fix to Server GUI Rooms tab updating Fix to Chat and Settings if non existant die roller is picked Fix to Dieroller and .open() used with .vs(). Successes are correctly calculated Fix to Alias Lib's Export to Tree, Open, Save features Fix to alias node, now works properly Fix to Splitter node, minor GUI cleanup Fix to Backgrounds not loading through remote loader Fix to Node name errors Fix to rolling dice in chat Whispers Fix to Splitters Sizing issues Fix to URL2Link plugin, modified regex compilation should remove memory leak Fix to, a roll back due to zoomed grid issues Fix to whiteboard_handler, Circles work by you clicking the center of the circle Fix to Servers parse_incoming_dom which was outdated and did not respect XML Fix to a broken link in the server welcome message Fix to InterParse and logger requiring traceback Fix to Update Manager Status Bar Fix to failed image and erroneous pop up Fix to Mini Lib node that was preventing use Fix to plugins that parce dice but did not call InterParse Fix to nodes for name changing by double click Fix to Game Tree, node ordering on drag and drop corrected Fix to Game Tree, corrupted error message was not showing Fix to Update Manager, checks for internet connection Fix to Update Manager, Auto Update corrections
author sirebral
date Sun, 02 May 2010 16:19:29 -0500
parents b633f4c64aae
children 24769389a7ba
line wrap: on
line source

    <tab name="General" type="tab">
        <tab name="Networking" type="grid">
            <Heartbeat options="bool" value="1" help="This sends a message to the server to keep alive your connection when idle." />
            <MetaServerBaseURL help="This is the URL that contains the server list." options="URL" value=""/>
            <ImageServerBaseURL help="This is the URL that contains the server list." options="URL" value=""/>
            <LocalorRemote help="Decide to load files locally or remotely. CherryPy must be running for local files." options="Local | Remote" value="Local"/>
        <tab name="Sound" type="grid">
            <UnixSoundPlayer help="This is the path to the executable used by unix clients to play sounds." options="path to executable" value=""/>
            <SendSound help="Path to sound file played when you send a message." options="Path to file" value=""/>
            <RecvSound help="Path to sound file played when you receive a message." options="Path to file" value=""/>
            <WhisperSound help="Path to sound file played when you receive a whisper." options="Path to file" value=""/>
            <AddSound help="Path to sound file played when a new user joins the room." options="Path to file" value=""/>
            <DelSound help="Path to sound file played when a user exits the room." options="Path to file" value=""/>
        <tab name="System" type="grid">
          <PWMannager help="Setting this to On will make the Password Manager auto start when you start OpenRPG" options="On|Off" value="On"/>
          <LoggingLevel help="Change this via the menu" options="DO NOT CHANGE" value="7"/>
          <TabTheme help="This is set via menu options" options="customflat | customslant | set by menu options" value="slant&amp;colorful"/>
          <TabTextColor help="This is the text color for Tabs" options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#000000"/>
          <TabBackgroundGradient help="This is the background color of tab areas." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#f7f3f7"/>
          <TabGradientFrom help="This is the gradient color for BG tabs if you pick the custom setting" options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#ffffff"/>
          <TabGradientTo help="This is the gradient color for BG tabs if you pick the custom setting" options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#007dff"/>
          <ColorTree help="This option specifies whether or not your want your Gametree and Player List colored the same as your chat." options="bool" value="0"/>
        <tab name="Auto Updater" type="grid">
            <PackagesURL help="The URL to the package_list.xml" options="URL" value=""/>
            <PackagesType help="The type of package you want to DL, this is usualy set progmaticly" options="text" value="developer"/>
            <PackagesName help="The name of the package you want to DL, this is usualy set progmaticly" options="text" value="OpenRPG+ 1.7.x"/>
            <AutoUpdate help="Wether or not the updater automaticly downloads the files" options="On|Off" value="Off"/>
            <FastStart help="Weather the Patcher will automaticly exit after it updates or if there are no updates to get" options="On|Off" value="On"/>
    <tab name="Chat" type="tab">
        <tab name="Chat Window" type="grid">
            <player help="This is your name as it appears in chat." options="Any text" value="No Name"/>
            <Show_Images_In_Chat help="Allows Images to be displaied in the chat window." options="bool" value="0"/>
            <striphtml help="Set this to 1 to have HTML tags stripped from the chat window." options="bool" value="0"/>
            <Chat_Time_Indexing help="Allows messages to be prepended with their arrival time using either of two preset formats or a formated timestring (see time.strftime() in python docs)" options="bool" value="0"/>
            <gwtext help="This is attached prior to your group whispers(ie /gw Hello group would send '(GW): Hello group')" options="text" value="(GW): "/>
            <dcmsg help="This is the message that gets sent when you disconnect from a server." options="text" value="Disconnecting from server..."/>
            <buffersize help="This is the amount of backscroll allowed." options="int" value="1000"/>
            <PurgeAtBuffersizeTimesLines help="This option tells the program when to purge old history.\nWhen the buffer exceeds this number times the buffersize\nall history is removed and you are just left with a history \nas large as the number you set your buffersize to." options="int" value="5"/>
            <AutoPurgeAfterSave catagory="chat" help="When saving your log, this option will either automaticaly purge the buffer or not." options="bool" value="0"/>
            <TypingStatusAlias options="Any text" value="Typing" help="This is the text displayed in the Player list under status while you are typing." />
            <IdleStatusAlias options="Any text" value="Idle" help="This is the text displayed in the Player list under status while you are not typing." />
            <SuppressChatAutoComplete options="bool" value="0" help="Setting this to 1 will turn off auto complete in chat." />
            <ShowIDInChat options="bool" value="1" help="Set this to have the Player Id show up next to the player name in chat." />
            <TimeStampGameLog options="bool" value="1" help="Set this to 1 to have time stamps added to the log." />
            <GameLogPrefix help="This text is the files name minus the extention of your log file." options="Any text" value="logs/Log "/>
            <dieroller options="std, wod, d20, hero" value="std" help="This sets the dieroller to use." />
        <tab name="Chat Tabs" type="grid">
            <tabbedwhispers help="Set this to 1 to receive whispered messages in separate chat tabs ." options="bool" value="1"/>
            <GMWhisperTab help="Creates a tab for all GM whispers, tabbedwhispers being on is required for this too work" options="bool" value="1"/>
            <GroupWhisperTab help="Creates a tab for all Group whispers, tabbedwhispers being on is required for this too work" options="bool" value="1"/>
        <tab name="Chat Toolbars" type="grid">
            <Toolbar_On help="Turns the toolbar on or off" options="bool" value="1"/>
            <DiceButtons_On help="Show the dice buttons in the toolbar?" options="bool" value="1"/>
            <FormattingButtons_On help="Show the Formatting Buttons (Bold, italic, underline, color) in the toolbar?" options="bool" value="1"/>
            <AliasTool_On help="Show the Alias Tool in the toolbar?" options="bool" value="1"/>
            <aliasfile help="This is the filename of your last loaded Alias Lib" options="filename" value="sample" />
        <tab name="Chat Macros" type="grid">
            <F1 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F1 macro key"/>
            <F2 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F2 macro key"/>
            <F3 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F3 macro key"/>
            <F4 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F4 macro key"/>
            <F5 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F5 macro key"/>
            <F6 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F6 macro key"/>
            <F7 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F7 macro key"/>
            <F8 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F8 macro key"/>
            <F9 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F9 macro key"/>
            <F10 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F10 macro key"/>
            <F11 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F11 macro key"/>
            <F12 help="What you enter here will be sent to chat when this function key is pressed." options="text" value="/me found the F12 macro key"/>
        <tab name="Chat Styles" type="tab">
            <tab name="Chat Colors" type="grid">
                <bgcolor help="This is the background color of the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#ffffff"/>
                <textcolor help="This is the default color used when text is printed into the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#000000"/>
                <mytextcolor help="This is the color of your text in the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#000080"/>
                <syscolor help="This is the color of system messages printed in the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#ff0000"/>
                <infocolor help="This is the color of informational messages printed in the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#ff8000"/>
                <emotecolor help="This is the color of your emotes in the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#008000"/>
                <whispercolor help="This is the color of whisper messages in the chat window." options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#ff8000"/>
            <tab name="Fonts" type="grid">
                <defaultfont help="Set this to a preferred font to use at startup." options="a font name" value="Arial"/>
                <defaultfontsize help="Set this to a preferred fontsize to use at startup." options="a font size" value="10"/>
    <tab name="Player List" type="grid">
        <ColorizeRoles options="bool" value="1" help="Colorizes roles in the player list." />
        <GMRoleColor help="Set the color for the GM Role" options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#FF0000"/>
        <PlayerRoleColor help="Set the color for the Player Role" options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#000000"/>
        <LurkerRoleColor help="Set the color for the Lurker Role" options="color in hex RRGGBB" value="#c6c6c6"/>
    <tab name="Map" type="grid">
        <ImageCacheSize options="int" value="32" help="This sets the number of images to cache." />
        <AlwaysShowMapScale options="bool" value="0" help="Setting this to 1 will keep the map scale displayed in the upper left corner of the map." />
    <tab name="Game Tree" type="grid">
        <LoadGameTreeFeatures options="bool" value="1" help="Setting this to 1 will load the gametree features next time you run OpenRPG." />
        <treedclick options="use, design, print, chat" value="use" help="This sets the action performed on a node when you double click it in the game tree." />
        <SaveGameTreeOnExit help="Set this to 1 if you want your game tree to automaticaly be saved when you log out." options="bool" value="1"/>
        <gametree help="This is the path on your computer pointing to the xml file\n for your tree." options="URL" value="myfiles/tree.xml"/>
    <tab name="Sever Colors" type="grid">
        <RoomColor_Lobby  help="Sets the color used to display the 'Lobby' in the Room List in the Gameserver window" options="hex" value="#000080"/>
        <RoomColor_Empty  help="Sets the color used to display empty rooms in the Room List in the Gameserver window" options="hex" value="#bebebe"/>
        <RoomColor_Locked help="Sets the color used to display password protected rooms in the Room List in the Gameserver window" options="hex" value="#b70000"/>
        <RoomColor_Active help="Sets the color used to display non-passworded non-empty rooms in the Room List in the Gameserver window" options="hex" value="#000000"/>
    <tab name="Plugins" type="tab">