view orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ @ 120:d86e762a994f alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {091029-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary: Adds Bookmarks (Alpha) with cool Smiley Star and Plus Symbol images! Changes made to the map for increased portability. SnowDog has changes planned in Core, though. Added an initial push to the BCG. Not much to see, just shows off how it is re-writing Main code. Fix to remote admin commands Minor fix to texted based server, works in /System/ folder Some Core changes to gametree to correctly disply Pretty Print, thanks David! Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created. Added images to Plugin Control panel for Autostart feature Fix to massive amounts of images loading; from Core fix to gsclient so with_statement imports Added 'boot' command to remote admin Prep work in Pass tool for remote admin rankings and different passwords, ei, Server, Admin, Moderator, etc. Remote Admin Commands more organized, more prep work. Added Confirmation window for sent nodes. Minor changes to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS (hopefully without breaking) {091028} 00: Made changes to gametree to start working with Element Tree, mostly from Core Minor changes to Map to start working with Element Tree, from Core Preliminary changes to map efficiency, from FlexiRPG Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from FlexiRPG Changes to to start working with Element Tree {091029} 00: Changes made to server to start working with Element Tree. Changes made to Meta Server Lib. Prepping test work for a multi meta network page. Minor bug fixed with mini to gametree Zoom Mouse plugin added. Known Issue: Disconnecting causes an server side error. XML data is not being passed correctly.
author sirebral
date Thu, 29 Oct 2009 20:37:11 -0500
parents 217fb049bd00
children 06f10429eedc
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# --
# File:
# Author: Ted Berg
# Maintainer:
# Version:
#   $Id:,v 1.28 2007/04/22 22:00:18 digitalxero Exp $
# Description: nodehandler for a collection of miniatures.

__version__ = "$Id:,v 1.28 2007/04/22 22:00:18 digitalxero Exp $"

"""Nodehandler for collections of miniatures.  User can add, delete, edit
miniatures as sending them to the map singly or in batches.
from core import *
from orpg.dirpath import dir_struct
import string
import map_miniature_nodehandler
import orpg.mapper.map_msg
import orpg.minidom as minidom
# import scriptkit

# Constants
TO_MINILIB_MAP = {'path':'url', 'label':'name', 'id':None, 'action':None}
FROM_MINILIB_MAP = {'url':'path', 'name':'label', 'unique':None}
CORE_ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'url', 'unique', 'posy', 'posx', 'hide', 'face', 'heading', 'align', 'locked', 'width', 'height']


TAG_MINIATURE = 'miniature'

# <nodehandler name='?' module='minilib' class='minilib_handler'>
#     <miniature name='?' url='?' unique='?'></miniature>
# </nodehandler>

class minilib_handler( node_handler ):
    """A nodehandler that manages a collection of miniatures for the
        &lt;nodehandler name='?' module='minilib' class='minilib_handler'&gt;
            &lt;miniature name='?' url='?' unique='?'&gt;&lt;/miniature&gt;
    def __init__(self, xml, tree_node):
        """Instantiates the class, and sets all vars to their default state
        node_handler.__init__(self, xml, tree_node)
        self.myeditor = None
        self.mywindow = None
        self.tree_node = tree_node

    def get_design_panel( self, parent ):
        """returns an instance of the miniature library edit control ( see
        on_design ).  This is for use with the the 'edit multiple nodes in a
        single frame' code.
        return minpedit( parent, self )

    def get_use_panel( self, parent ):
        """returns an instance of the miniature library view control ( see
        on_use ).  This is for use with the the 'view multiple nodes in a
        single frame' code.
        return minilib_use_panel( parent, self )

    def tohtml( self ):
        """Returns an HTML representation of this node in string format.
        The table columnwidths are currently being forced, as the wxHTML
        widgets being used don't handle cells wider than the widgets are
        expecting for a given column.
        str = '<table border="2" >'
        str += "<tr><th width='20%'>Label</th><th>Image</th><th width='65%'>URL</th><th>Unique</th></tr>"
        for mini in self.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE):
            url = mini.get(ATTRIBUTE_URL)
            label = mini.get(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
            flag = 0
                flag = eval( mini.get(ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE) )
            show = 'yes'
            if flag:
                show = 'no'

            str += """<tr>
                <td> %s </td>
                <td><img src="%s"></td>
                <td> %s </td>
                <td> %s </td>
            </tr>""" % ( label, url, url, show )

        str += "</table>"
        return str

    def html_view( self ):
        """see to_html
        return self.tohtml()

    def on_drop(self, evt):
        drag_obj = self.tree.drag_obj
        if drag_obj == self or self.tree.is_parent_node( self.mytree_node, drag_obj.mytree_node ):
        elif isinstance( drag_obj, map_miniature_nodehandler.map_miniature_handler ):
            drop_xml = self.tree.drag_obj.xml#.delete()
            obj = drop_xml[0]
            dict = {}
            unique = ''
            for attrib in obj.keys():
                key = TO_MINILIB_MAP.get( attrib, attrib )
                if key != None:
                    dict[ key ] = obj.get( attrib )
            dict[ ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE ] = unique
            self.new_mini( dict )
            node_handler.on_drop(self, evt)

    def new_mini( self, data={}, add=1 ):
        mini = Element( TAG_MINIATURE )
        for key in data.keys():
            mini.set( key, data[ key ] )
        for key in CORE_ATTRIBUTES:
            if mini.get( key ) == '':
                mini.set( key, '0' )
        if add:
            self.add_mini( mini )
            self.add_leaf( mini )
        return mini

    def add_mini( self, mini ):
        self.xml.append( mini )

    def add_leaf( self, mini, icon='gear' ):
        tree = self.tree
        icons = tree.icons
        key = mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_NAME )
        self.mydata.append( mini )

    def update_leaves( self ):
        self.mydata = []
        for n in self.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE):
            self.add_leaf( n )

    def on_drag( self, evt ):
        print 'drag event caught'

    def send_mini_to_map( self, mini, count=1, addName=True ):
        if mini == None:
        if mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_URL ) == '' or mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_URL ) == 'http://':
  , '"%s" is not a valid URL, the mini "%s" will not be added to the map' % ( mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_URL ), mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) )) )
        session = component.get( COMPONENT_SESSION )
        if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_PLAYER):
            component.get("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer")
        map = component.get(COMPONENT_MAP)
        for loop in range( count ):
            msg = self.get_miniature_XML( mini, addName)
            msg = str("<map action='update'><miniatures>" + msg + "</miniatures></map>")
            map.new_data( msg )
            session.send( msg )

    def get_miniature_XML( self, mini_xml, addName = True ):
        msg = orpg.mapper.map_msg.mini_msg()
        map = component.get( COMPONENT_MAP )
        session = component.get( COMPONENT_SESSION )
        msg.init_prop( ATTRIBUTE_ID, session.get_next_id() )
        msg.init_prop('selected', '1')# this will make the mini initially selected
        for k in mini_xml.keys():
            # translate our attributes to map attributes
            key = FROM_MINILIB_MAP.get( k, k )
            if key != None:
                if not addName and k == 'name':
                    msg.init_prop( key, mini_xml.get( k ) )
        unique = self.is_unique( mini_xml )
        if addName:
            label = mini_xml.get( ATTRIBUTE_NAME )
            label = ''
        return msg.get_all_xml()

    def is_unique( self, mini ):
        unique = mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE )
        val = 0
        try: val = eval( unique )
        except: val = len( unique )
        return val

    def sanity_check_nodes( self ):
        for node in self.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE):
            if node.get( ATTRIBUTE_POSX ) == '': node.set( ATTRIBUTE_POSX, '0' )
            if node.get( ATTRIBUTE_POSY ) == '': node.set( ATTRIBUTE_POSY, '0' )

    def get_mini( self, index ):
        try: return self.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE)[index]
        except: return None

class mini_handler( node_handler ):
    def __init__( self, xml, tree_node, handler ):
        node_handler.__init__( self, xml, tree_node)
        self.handler = handler

    def on_ldclick( self, evt ):
        self.handler.send_mini_to_map( self.xml )

    def on_drop( self, evt ):

    def on_lclick( self, evt ):
        print 'hi'

class minilib_use_panel(wx.Panel):
    """This panel will be displayed when the user double clicks on the
    miniature library node.  It is a sorted listbox of miniature labels,
    a text field for entering a count ( for batch adds ) and 'add'/'done'
    def __init__( self, frame, handler ):
        wx.Panel.__init__( self, frame, -1 )
        self.handler = handler
        self.frame = frame = component.get('map')
        names = self.buildList()
        # self.keys = self.list.keys()
        # self.keys.sort()

        s = self.GetClientSizeTuple()

        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.listbox = wx.ListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, (10, 10), (s[0] - 10, s[1] - 30 ), names, wx.LB_EXTENDED)
        self.count = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, '1')

        box.Add( wx.StaticText( self, -1, 'Minis to add' ), 0, wx.EXPAND )
        box.Add(self.count, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        self.sizer.Add( self.listbox, 1, wx.EXPAND )
        self.sizer.Add( box, 0, wx.EXPAND )

        box = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
        self.okBtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Add')
        box.Add(self.okBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND)
        self.addBtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Add No Label')
        box.Add(self.addBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND)
        self.cancleBtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Done')
        box.Add(self.cancleBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        self.sizer.Add(box, 0, wx.EXPAND)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_ok, self.okBtn)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_ok, self.addBtn)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_close, self.cancleBtn)

    def buildList( self ):
        """Returns a dictionary of label => game tree miniature DOM node mappings.
        self.list = []
        for mini in self.handler.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE):
            self.list.append( mini.get( ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) )
        return self.list

    def on_close(self, evt):

    def on_ok( self, evt ):
        """Event handler for the 'add' button.
        btn = self.FindWindowById(evt.GetId())
        sendName = True
            count = eval( self.count.GetValue() )
            count = 1

            if eval( unique ):
                count = 1
            unique = eval( unique )

        if btn.GetLabel() == 'Add No Label':
            sendName = False
        for index in self.listbox.GetSelections():
            self.handler.send_mini_to_map( self.handler.get_mini( index ), count, sendName )

class minpedit(wx.Panel):
    """Panel for editing game tree miniature nodes.  Node information
    is displayed in a grid, and buttons are provided for adding, deleting
    nodes, and for sending minis to the map ( singly and in batches ).
    def __init__( self, frame, handler ):
        wx.Panel.__init__( self, frame, -1 )
        self.handler = handler
        self.frame = frame

        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
        self.grid = minilib_grid( self, handler )

        bbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
        newMiniBtn = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, "New mini" )
        delMiniBtn = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, "Del mini" )
        addMiniBtn = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, "Add 1" )
        addBatchBtn = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_ANY, "Add Batch" )
        bbox.Add(newMiniBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND )
        bbox.Add(delMiniBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND )
        bbox.Add(addMiniBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND )
        bbox.Add(addBatchBtn, 0, wx.EXPAND )

        self.sizer.Add( self.grid, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        self.sizer.Add( bbox, 0)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.add_mini, newMiniBtn)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.del_mini, delMiniBtn)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.send_to_map, addMiniBtn)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.send_group_to_map, addBatchBtn)

    def add_mini( self, evt=None ):
        """Event handler for the 'New mini' button.  It calls

    def del_mini( self, evt=None ):
        """Event handler for the 'Del mini' button.  It calls

    def send_to_map( self, evt=None ):
        """Event handler for the 'Add 1' button.  Sends the
        miniature defined by the currently selected row to the map, once.
        index = self.grid.GetGridCursorRow()
        self.handler.send_mini_to_map( self.handler.get_mini( index ) )

    def send_group_to_map( self, evt=None ):
        """Event handler for the 'Add batch' button.  Querys the user
        for a mini count and sends the miniature defined by the currently
        selected row to the map, the specified number of times.
        if self.grid.GetNumberRows() > 0:
            dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog( self.frame,
                'How many %s\'s do you want to add?' %
                ( self.grid.getSelectedLabel() ), 'Batch mini add', '2' )
            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                    value = eval( dlg.GetValue() )
                    value = 0
                # for loop in range( 0, value ):
                #     self.send_to_map()
                print 'getting selected index for batch send'
                index = self.grid.GetGridCursorRow()
                print 'sending batch to map'
                self.handler.send_mini_to_map( self.handler.get_mini( index ), value )

class minilib_grid(wx.grid.Grid):
    """A wxGrid subclass designed for editing game tree miniature library
    def __init__( self, parent, handler ):
        wx.grid.Grid.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS )
        self.parent = parent
        self.handler = handler
        self.keys = CORE_ATTRIBUTES
        self.CreateGrid( 1, len( self.keys ) )
        # self.SetColLabelValue( 0, 'Name' )
        # self.SetColLabelValue( 1, 'URL' )
        # self.SetColSize( 1, 250 )
        # self.SetColLabelValue( 2, 'Unique' )
        for key in self.keys:
            self.SetColLabelValue( self.keys.index( key ), key )
        self.selectedRow = 0
        self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, self.on_cell_change)
        self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL, self.select_cell)

    def update_cols( self ):
        for n in self.handler.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE):
            for k in n.keys():
                if k not in self.keys:
                    self.keys.append( k )

    def select_cell( self, evt ):
        """Event handler for grid cell selection changes.  It stores the
        last selected row in a variable for use by the add[*] and del_row
        self.selectedRow = evt.GetRow()
        self.SelectRow( self.selectedRow )

    def getList( self ):
        """Returns the list of 'miniature' DOM elements associated with this
        miniature library.
        return self.handler.xml.findall( TAG_MINIATURE )

    def add_row( self, count = 1 ):
        """creates a new miniature node, and then adds it to the current
        miniature library, and to the grid.
        self.AppendRows( count )
        node = self.handler.new_mini( {
          ATTRIBUTE_NAME :' ',
          ATTRIBUTE_URL :'http://'} )# minidom.Element( TAG_MINIATURE )
        #self.handler.xml.append( node )

    def del_row( self ):
        """deletes the miniature associated with the currently selected
        row. BUG BUG BUG this method should drop a child from the DOM but
        does not.
        if self.selectedRow > -1:
            pos = self.selectedRow
            list = self.handler.xml.findall(TAG_MINIATURE)
            self.handler.xml.remove( list[pos] )
            self.DeleteRows( pos, 1 )
            list = self.getList()
            del list[ pos ]

    def on_cell_change( self, evt ):
        """Event handler for cell selection changes. selected row is used
        to update data for that row.
        row = evt.GetRow()
        self.update_data_row( row )

    def update_all( self ):
        """ensures that the grid is displaying the correct number of
        rows, and then updates all data displayed by the grid
        list = self.getList()
        count = 0
        for n in list:
            for k in n.keys():
                if k not in self.keys:
                    self.keys.append( k )
        count = len( self.keys )
        if self.GetNumberCols() < count:
            self.AppendCols( count - self.GetNumberCols() )
            for k in self.keys:
                self.SetColLabelValue( self.keys.index( k ), k )
        count = len( list )
        rowcount = self.GetNumberRows()
        if ( count > rowcount ):
            total = count - rowcount
            self.AppendRows( total )
        elif ( count < rowcount ):
            total = rowcount - count
            self.DeleteRows( 0, total );
        for index in range( 0, count ):
            self.update_grid_row( index )

    def getSelectedLabel( self ):
        """Returns the label for the selected row
        return self.GetTable().GetValue( self.selectedRow, 0 )

    def getSelectedURL( self ):
        """Returns the URL for the selected row
        return self.GetTable().GetValue( self.selectedRow, 1 )

    def getSelectedSerial( self ):
        """Returns the ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE value for the selected row
        return self.GetTable().GetValue( self.selectedRow, 2 )

    def update_grid_row( self, row ):
        """Updates the specified grid row with data from the DOM node
        specified by 'row'
        list = self.getList()
        item = list[ row ]
        for key in self.keys:
            self.GetTable().SetValue( row, self.keys.index( key ), item.get( key ) )

    def update_data_row( self, row ):
        """Updates the DOM nodw 'row' with grid data from 'row'
        list = self.getList()
        item = list[ row ]
        for key in self.keys:
            item.set( key, string.strip( self.GetTable().GetValue( row, self.keys.index( key ) ) ) )