view orpg/templates/feature.xml @ 149:c2caca988a11 alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {091124-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Cleaning up for Beta) Added Bookmarks Fix to Remote Admin Commands Minor fix to text based Server Fix to Pretty Print, from Core Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created Fix to massive amounts of images loading, from Core Added 'boot' command to remote admin Added confirmation window for sent nodes Minor changes to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from FlexiRPG Zoom Mouse plugin added Images added to Plugin UI Switching to Element Tree Map efficiency, from FlexiRPG Added Status Bar to Update Manager default_manifest.xml renamed to default_upmana.xml Cleaner clode for saved repositories New TrueDebug Class in orpg_log (See documentation for usage) Mercurial's hgweb folder is ported to upmana Pretty important update that can help remove thousands of dead children from your gametree. Children, <forms />, <group_atts />, <horizontal />, <cols />, <rows />, <height />, etc... are all tags now. Check your gametree and look for dead children!! New Gametree Recursion method, mapping, and context sensitivity. !Infinite Loops return error instead of freezing the software! New Syntax added for custom PC sheets Tip of the Day added, from Core and community Fixed Whiteboard ID to prevent random line or text deleting. Modified ID's to prevent non updated clients from ruining the fix.
author sirebral
date Tue, 24 Nov 2009 17:17:42 -0600
parents dc74dca250d1
children a766e1cbcb7c
line wrap: on
line source

<nodehandler class="tabber_handler" icon="help" module="containers" name="Traipse OpenRPG" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler border="0" class="group_handler" cols="1" icon="goblin" map="Traipse OpenRPG" module="containers" name="Bonus Nodes" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes" module="containers" name="Encounters" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,0,48" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Encounters" module="forms" name="Roll" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" raw_mode="1" send_button="1">!!Random::([#1d3-1],0)!!</text>
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="rpg_grid_handler" icon="grid" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Encounters" module="rpg_grid" name="Random" version="1.0">
  <grid autosize="0" border="1">
    <row version="1.0">
      <cell>!!Set 1::Enc 1!!</cell>
    <row version="1.0">
      <cell>!!Set 1::Enc 2!!</cell>
  <row version="1.0"><cell>!!Set 1::Enc 3!!</cell></row></grid>
    <macro name="" />
</nodehandler><nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Encounters" module="containers" name="Set 1" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,0,48" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Encounters::Set 1" module="forms" name="Enc 2" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" send_button="1">Dark Elves.  Watch out!</text>
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,0,48" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Encounters::Set 1" module="forms" name="Enc 3" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" send_button="1">Kobolds a plenty.</text>
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,0,48" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Encounters::Set 1" module="forms" name="Enc 1" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" send_button="1">A Wandering Minotaur</text>
</nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes" module="containers" name="Book" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler class="listbox_handler" frame="400,400,0,48" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Book" module="forms" name="Index" version="1.0">
  <list hide_title="0" raw_mode="1" send_button="1" type="1">
    <option selected="1" value="">!!Chapter 1::Part 1!!</option>
    <option selected="0" value="">!!Chapter 1::Part 2!!</option>
    <option selected="0" value="">!!Chapter 1::Part 3!!</option>
</nodehandler><nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Book" module="containers" name="Chapter 1" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,543,68" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Book::Chapter 1" module="forms" name="Part 2" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" raw_mode="0" send_button="1">Chapter 1 Part 2

The adventurers have come this far.</text>
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,543,68" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Book::Chapter 1" module="forms" name="Part 3" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" raw_mode="0" send_button="1">Chapter 1 Part 3

Is this the end already?</text>
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,543,68" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Book::Chapter 1" module="forms" name="Part 1" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" raw_mode="0" send_button="1">Chapter 1 Part 1

An introduction to your adventure module can be placed here.</text>
</nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes" module="containers" name="Deck" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,66,87" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Deck" module="forms" name="Draw" version="1.0">
  <text multiline="1" raw_mode="1" send_button="1">!!52 Card Deck::([#1d13-1], [#1d4-1])!!</text>
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="rpg_grid_handler" icon="grid" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Bonus Nodes::Deck" module="rpg_grid" name="52 Card Deck" version="1.0">
  <grid autosize="1" border="1">
    <row version="1.0">
    <row version="1.0">
  <row version="1.0"><cell>QS</cell><cell>QD</cell><cell>QC</cell><cell>QH</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>JS</cell><cell>JD</cell><cell>JC</cell><cell>JH</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>10S</cell><cell>10D</cell><cell>10C</cell><cell>10H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>9S</cell><cell>9D</cell><cell>9C</cell><cell>9H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>8S</cell><cell>8D</cell><cell>8C</cell><cell>8H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>7S</cell><cell>7D</cell><cell>7C</cell><cell>7H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>6S</cell><cell>6D</cell><cell>6C</cell><cell>6H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>5S</cell><cell>5D</cell><cell>5C</cell><cell>5H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>4S</cell><cell>4D</cell><cell>4C</cell><cell>4H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>3S</cell><cell>3D</cell><cell>3C</cell><cell>3H</cell></row><row version="1.0"><cell>2S</cell><cell>2D</cell><cell>2C</cell><cell>2H</cell></row></grid>
    <macro name="" />
</nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" icon="labtop" map="Traipse OpenRPG" module="containers" name="User Manual" version="1.0">
  <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::User Manual" module="forms" name="Traipse User Guide" version="1.0">
    <link href="" />
  <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::User Manual" module="forms" name="Release Notes" version="1.0">
    <link href="" />
  <nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,393,95" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::User Manual" module="forms" name="Node Referencing" version="1.0"><text hide_title="0" multiline="1" raw_mode="0" send_button="0">  Traipse node referencing is unlike other distributions of OpenRPG.  The gametree mapping is a fluid map that changes with the location of your nodes.  This allows you to create a reference node that will stay with your character sheet, and if you change the location of your character sheet the reference will still work.

(Note: Renaming your node causes problems with the tree mapping until you restart the software. You can just move the node and the software will reset the gametree map)

Reference Types:
  There are two ways of references node data. A Root Reference and a Child Reference.

Root Reference: 
  A node reference that starts at the gametree. The location of the node must be exact or you will return an Invalid Reference!

A Root Reference uses this syntax:

Child Reference: 
  A node reference syntax that starts by looking at within the current container node. As long as the Child Reference is in the same container as the node, the container can change location and the reference will not be damaged. Child References work from within a PC Sheet node as well.

A Child Reference uses this syntax:

Syntax for Special PC Sheet Nodes:
  The nodes for the specialized PC Sheets now have a new syntax.

Skills, Saves, and Abilities:
  Skills, Saves, and Abilities all have a similar referencing syntax.  You can return the base value of each by using the correct syntax.

!@Jonethan::Skill::Jump@! (Returns Jump ranks)
!@Mikael::Strength@! (Returns Ability Score and Mod)
!@Draj::Will@! (Returns Will Save and Mod)

(Saves and Abilities have a short hand and a long hand. Abilities can use the three letter abbreviation, while saves short hand are Fort, Ref, and Will)

  You can append Check to check each of these against a 1d20 roll, or you can append Mod to discover the Modifier. The Mod can be useful in other nodes

  You can now reference your attacks easily with the gametree.  Using the Attack syntax you can select modifier type, and a weapon to attack with.
Example: !@Kammen-Pai::Attack::M::Dagger@!

Modifier Type:
  There are two modifier types Melee (M) or Ranged (R) You will see I added can use the long word or the short hand.

Powers, Spells and Feats:
  Power, Spells and Feats are hard to sometimes hard to remember, and even harder to code.  The use of the Power, Spell or Feat syntax serves as an emote of what you are doing, as well as a reminder of what your Power, Spell, or Feat does.

!@Kammen-Pai::Cast::Ray of Frost@!
!@Kammen-Pai::Feat::Ability Focus@!

</text></nodehandler><nodehandler class="textctrl_handler" frame="400,400,452,36" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::User Manual" module="forms" name="Gametree Additions &amp; Tips" version="1.0"><text hide_title="0" multiline="1" raw_mode="0" send_button="0">  With the new additions to the gametree using nodes has never been easier nor has it ever been more fluid. Included here is a list of the additions to the gametree referencing model as well as some tips on how to make the gametree work the way it was intended.

Grid Nodes:
  Grid nodes are now referenceable with the coordinates of the grid. Example: !@Grid::(0,0)@!
The example will return the top left most cell data. The grid understands coordinates like this (Row, Column)

  Grid nodes can reference node data just like any other node can.  With a new added feature grids are even more useful. By using a new die rolling syntax you can draw just the number of the modified roll.  While this will not pass during game play, you can use it with the grid node to create a random chart. The new die roll syntax is [#XdY]. # works just like q, yet it returns only the modified die result. 

  Here is an example with a 3 x 3 Grid
Example: !@Grid::([#1d3-1], [#1d3-1])@!

The result will be a random event from the grid.

Bonus Node Included: A 52 Card Deck with 4 columns and 13 rows. (4 * 13 = 52)

List Nodes:
  List nodes now have a check box that allows users to send the content as a macro. List nodes are a prime reference holder because users can place a lot of references into one small node.

  For the best results from a list node my tip to users would be to create a list node and place it next to the character sheet they are using, inside a the PC Sheet. The list will then use the Child Referencing syntax, but the PC Sheet can go anywhere in the tree and the player will have easy access to all the references.

(List Nodes inside a Tool created PC sheet vanish when moved, or I would recommend the list be placed inside these sheets also.)

  Here is an example of a Fortitude save inside the recommended list node: !!Fort::Check!!

Text Nodes:
  Text nodes remain little changed.  I agree with all the 1.7.1 users who tell me, if it's not broke don't fix it. With that in mind I have some good tips for text nodes.

  Text nodes can be used in conjuction with the new grid features to create random encounters. A GM could place a list of text nodes into a folder and the grid could reference the nodes.

  Text nodes also work great when you need to have story text at hand that you don't want to type out during play.  Create chapters with folder nodes and add the adventure text to different nodes.  You can then use a List Node or a Grid Node to reference the different chapters.

Bonus Node Included: A small book node with 1 Chapter and 3 Parts.</text></nodehandler><group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
</nodehandler><nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="help" map="Traipse OpenRPG" module="core" name="Load Die Roller Notes" version="1.0">
    <file name="die_roller_notes.xml" />
  <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG" module="containers" name="Templates" status="useful" version="1.0">
    <group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
    <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" icon="flask" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates" module="containers" name="Nodes" status="useful" version="1.0">
      <group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="note" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Nodes" module="core" name="Create New Text Box" version="1.0">
        <file name="textctrl.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Nodes" module="core" name="Create New List Box" version="1.0">
        <file name="listbox.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="grid" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Nodes" module="core" name="Create New Grid" version="1.0">
        <file name="grid.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Nodes" module="core" name="Create New Web Link" version="1.0">
        <file name="link.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="image" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Nodes" module="core" name="Create New Web Image" version="1.0">
        <file name="image.xml" />
    <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates" module="containers" name="Containers" status="useful" version="1.0">
      <group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Containers" module="core" name="Create New Folder" version="1.0">
        <file name="group.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="tabber" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Containers" module="core" name="Create New Tabber" version="1.0">
        <file name="tabber.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="divider" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Containers" module="core" name="Create New Splitter" version="1.0">
        <file name="split.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="form" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Containers" module="core" name="Create New Form" version="1.0">
        <file name="form.xml" />
    <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates" module="containers" name="Tools" status="useful" version="1.0">
      <group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="Create New Chat Macro" version="1.0">
        <file name="macro.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="Create New Miniature Library Tool" version="1.0">
        <file name="minlib.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="gear" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="Create remote node loader" version="1.0">
        <file name="urloader.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="d20" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="Create New d20 Character Tool" version="1.0">
        <file name="d20character.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="d20" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="Create New St*r W*rs Character Tool" version="1.0">
        <file name="StarWars_d20character.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="d20" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="3rd Edition Character Tool" version="1.0">
        <file name="dnd3e.xml" />
      <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="d20" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Templates::Tools" module="core" name="3.5 Tool" version="1.0">
        <file name="dnd3.5.xml" />
  <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" icon="browser" map="Traipse OpenRPG" module="containers" name="OpenRPG+ Resources" version="1.0">
    <group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
    <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::OpenRPG+ Resources" module="forms" name="OpenRPG+ Home Page" version="1.0">
      <link href="" />
    <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::OpenRPG+ Resources" module="forms" name="OpenRPG Forums" version="1.0">
      <link href=";forumid=118" />
    <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::OpenRPG+ Resources" module="forms" name="OpenRPG Plugin HQ" version="1.0">
      <link href="" />
    <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::OpenRPG+ Resources" module="forms" name="OpenRPG Web Ring" version="1.0">
      <link href=";action=home" />
    <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::OpenRPG+ Resources" module="forms" name="AutoRealm" version="1.0">
      <link href="" />
    <nodehandler class="link_handler" icon="html" map="Traipse OpenRPG::OpenRPG+ Resources" module="forms" name="PCGen" version="1.0">
      <link href="" />
  <nodehandler border="1" class="group_handler" cols="1" map="Traipse OpenRPG" module="containers" name="Examples (Adventures)" version="1.0">
    <group_atts border="1" cols="1" />
    <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="d20" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Examples (Adventures)" module="core" name="Bastion Press d20 Adventure" version="1.0">
      <file name="Bastion_adventure.xml" />
    <nodehandler class="file_loader" icon="d20" map="Traipse OpenRPG::Examples (Adventures)" module="core" name="Darwin&apos;s World d20 Adventure" version="1.0">
      <file name="Darwin_adventure.xml" />