view orpg/mapper/ @ 63:c160f26ecf65 ornery-dev

Traipse Dev 'OpenRPG' {090817-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc''s main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary: Minor fixes to plugins. Hidden Die Roll no longer prints out data to the terminal. Bug fix in Simple Init; if the Auto Advance check was off and members were added, buttons would remain disabled. Added new CSS classes to Simple Init posts. Fix to Chat Log so log parses CSS classes correctly. Added Text Color button from Core; background color defaults to your settings. Fix to Alias Lib so panes have a minimum size.
author sirebral
date Mon, 17 Aug 2009 00:56:02 -0500
parents 072ffc1d466f
children 37a11fea3304
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# --
# File:
# Author: Chris Davis
# Maintainer:
# Version:
#   $Id:,v 1.29 2007/03/09 14:11:55 digitalxero Exp $
# Description: This file contains some of the basic definitions for the chat
# utilities in the orpg project.
__version__ = "$Id:,v 1.29 2007/03/09 14:11:55 digitalxero Exp $"

from base import *
import thread
import urllib
import os.path
import time

## background layer


class layer_back_ground(layer_base):
    def __init__(self, canvas):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.log = self.canvas.log
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.settings = self.canvas.settings
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.r_h = RGBHex()
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def error_loading_image(self, image):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->error_loading_image(self, image)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        msg = "Unable to load image:" + `image`
        dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.canvas,msg,'File not Found',wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->error_loading_image(self, image)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def clear(self):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->clear(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.type = BG_NONE
        self.bg_bmp = None
        self.bg_color = None
        self.img_path = None
        self.local = False
        self.localPath = ''
        self.localTime = -1
        self.isUpdated = True
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->clear(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def get_type(self):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->get_type(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->get_type(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return self.type

    def get_img_path(self):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->get_type(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if self.img_path:
            self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->get_type(self) return " + self.img_path, ORPG_DEBUG)
            return self.img_path
            self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->get_type(self) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return ""

    def get_color(self):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->get_color(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        hexcolor = "#FFFFFF"
        if self.bg_color:
            (red,green,blue) = self.bg_color.Get()
            hexcolor = self.r_h.hexstring(red, green, blue)
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->get_color(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return hexcolor

    def set_texture(self, path):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->set_texture(self, path)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.isUpdated = True

        self.type = BG_TEXTURE
        if self.img_path != path:
                self.bg_bmp = ImageHandler.load(path, "texture", 0)
                if self.bg_bmp == None:
                    self.log.log("Invalid image type!", ORPG_GENERAL)
                    raise Exception, "Invalid image type!"
            except: self.error_loading_image(path)
        self.img_path = path
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->set_texture(self, path)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def set_image(self, path, scale):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->set_image(self, path, scale)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.isUpdated = True

        self.type = BG_IMAGE
        if self.img_path != path:
            self.bg_bmp = ImageHandler.load(path, "background", 0)
                if self.bg_bmp == None:
                    self.log.log("Invalid image type!", ORPG_GENERAL)
                    raise Exception, "Invalid image type!"
            except: self.error_loading_image(path)
        self.img_path = path
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->set_image(self, path, scale)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return (self.bg_bmp.GetWidth(),self.bg_bmp.GetHeight())

    def set_color(self, color):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->set_color(self, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.isUpdated = True
        self.type = BG_COLOR
        (r,g,b) = color.Get()
        self.bg_color = cmpColour(r,g,b)
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->set_color(self, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def layerDraw(self, dc, scale, topleft, size):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->layerDraw(self, dc, scale, topleft, size)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if self.bg_bmp == None or not self.bg_bmp.Ok() or ((self.type != BG_TEXTURE) and (self.type != BG_IMAGE)):
            self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->layerDraw(self, dc, scale, topleft, size) return False", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return False
        dc2 = wx.MemoryDC()
        topLeft = [int(topleft[0]/scale), int(topleft[1]/scale)]
        topRight = [int((topleft[0]+size[0]+1)/scale)+1, int((topleft[1]+size[1]+1)/scale)+1]
        if (topRight[0] > self.canvas.size[0]): topRight[0] = self.canvas.size[0]
        if (topRight[1] > self.canvas.size[1]): topRight[1] = self.canvas.size[1]
        bmpW = self.bg_bmp.GetWidth()
        bmpH = self.bg_bmp.GetHeight()
        if self.type == BG_TEXTURE:
            x = (topLeft[0]/bmpW)*bmpW
            y1 = int(topLeft[1]/bmpH)*bmpH
            if x < topLeft[0]:
                posx = topLeft[0]
                cl = topLeft[0]-x
                cl = 0
                posx = x
            while x < topRight[0]:
                if x+bmpW > topRight[0]: cr = x+bmpW-topRight[0]
                else: cr = 0
                y = int(topLeft[1]/bmpH)*bmpH
                if y < topLeft[1]:
                    posy = topLeft[1]
                    ct = topLeft[1]-y
                    ct = 0
                    posy = y
                while y < topRight[1]:
                    if y+bmpH > topRight[1]: cb = y+bmpH-topRight[1]
                    else: cb = 0
                    newW = bmpW-cr-cl
                    newH = bmpH-cb-ct
                    if newW < 0: newW = 0
                    if newH < 0:  newH = 0
                    dc.DrawBitmap(self.bg_bmp, posx, posy)
                    dc.Blit(posx, posy, newW, newH, dc2, cl, ct)
                    ct = 0
                    y = y+bmpH
                    posy = y
                cl = 0
                x = x+bmpW
                posx = x
        elif self.type == BG_IMAGE:
            x = 0
            y = 0
            if x < topLeft[0]:
                posx = topLeft[0]
                cl = topLeft[0]-x
                cl = 0
                posx = x
            if y < topLeft[1]:
                posy = topLeft[1]
                ct = topLeft[1]-y
                ct = 0
                posy = y
            if x+bmpW > topRight[0]: cr = x+bmpW-topRight[0]
            else: cr = 0
            if y+bmpH > topRight[1]: cb = y+bmpH-topRight[1]
            else: cb = 0
            newW = bmpW-cr-cl
            newH = bmpH-cb-ct
            if newW < 0: newW = 0
            if newH < 0: newH = 0
            dc.DrawBitmap(self.bg_bmp, posx, posy)
            dc.Blit(posx, posy, newW, newH, dc2, cl, ct)
        del dc2
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->layerDraw(self, dc, scale, topleft, size)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return True

    def layerToXML(self, action="update"):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        xml_str = "<bg"
        if self.bg_color != None:
            (red,green,blue) = self.bg_color.Get()
            hexcolor = self.r_h.hexstring(red, green, blue)
            xml_str += ' color="' + hexcolor + '"'
        if self.img_path != None: xml_str += ' path="' + urllib.quote(self.img_path).replace('%3A', ':') + '"'
        if self.type != None: xml_str += ' type="' + str(self.type) + '"'
        if self.local and self.img_path != None:
            xml_str += ' local="True"'
            xml_str += ' localPath="' + urllib.quote(self.localPath).replace('%3A', ':') + '"'
            xml_str += ' localTime="' + str(self.localTime) + '"'
        xml_str += "/>"
        self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if (action == "update" and self.isUpdated) or action == "new":
            self.isUpdated = False
            return xml_str
        else: return ''

    def layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom):
        self.log.log("Enter layer_back_ground->layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        type = BG_COLOR
        color = xml_dom.getAttribute("color")
        self.log.log("color=" + color, ORPG_DEBUG)
        path = urllib.unquote(xml_dom.getAttribute("path"))
        self.log.log("path=" + path, ORPG_DEBUG)

        # Begin ted's map changes
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("color"):
            r,g,b = self.r_h.rgb_tuple(xml_dom.getAttribute("color"))
        # End ted's map changes
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("type"):
            type = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("type"))
            self.log.log("type=" + str(type), ORPG_DEBUG)

        if type == BG_TEXTURE:
            if path != "": self.set_texture(path)

        elif type == BG_IMAGE:
            if path != "": self.set_image(path, 1)

        elif type == BG_NONE: self.clear()

        if xml_dom.hasAttribute('local') and xml_dom.getAttribute('local') == 'True' and os.path.exists(urllib.unquote(xml_dom.getAttribute('localPath'))):
            self.localPath = urllib.unquote(xml_dom.getAttribute('localPath'))
            self.local = True
            self.localTime = int(xml_dom.getAttribute('localTime'))
            if self.localTime-time.time() <= 144000:
                file = open(self.localPath, "rb")
                imgdata =
                filename = os.path.split(self.localPath)
                (imgtype,j) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename[1])
                postdata = urllib.urlencode({'filename':filename[1], 'imgdata':imgdata, 'imgtype':imgtype})
                thread.start_new_thread(self.upload, (postdata, self.localPath, type))
        self.log.log("Exit layer_back_ground->layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def upload(self, postdata, filename, type):
        if type == 'Image' or type == 'Texture':
            url = self.settings.get_setting('ImageServerBaseURL')
            file = urllib.urlopen(url, postdata)
            recvdata =
                xml_dom = minidom.parseString(recvdata)._get_documentElement()
                if xml_dom.nodeName == 'path':
                    path = xml_dom.getAttribute('url')
                    path = urllib.unquote(path)
                    if type == 'Image': self.set_image(path, 1)
                    else: self.set_texture(path)
                    self.localPath = filename
                    self.local = True
                    self.localTime = time.time()
                    print xml_dom.getAttribute('msg')
            except Exception, e:
                print e
                print recvdata