view orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ @ 209:9bae652aa2b7 alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {100428-02} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Patch-2) Getting Ready for Beta! New Features: New Namespace method with two new syntaxes New Namespace Internal is context sensitive, always! New Namespace External is 'as narrow as you make it' New Namespace FutureCheck helps ensure you don't receive an incorrect node New PluginDB access for URL2Link plugin New to Forms, they now show their content in Design Mode New to Update Manager, checks Repo for updates on software start Fixes: Fix to Server GUI startup errors Fix to Server GUI Rooms tab updating Fix to Chat and Settings if non existant die roller is picked Fix to Dieroller and .open() used with .vs(). Successes are correctly calculated Fix to Alias Lib's Export to Tree, Open, Save features Fix to alias node, now works properly Fix to Splitter node, minor GUI cleanup Fix to Backgrounds not loading through remote loader Fix to Node name errors Fix to rolling dice in chat Whispers Fix to Splitters Sizing issues Fix to URL2Link plugin, modified regex compilation should remove memory leak Fix to, a roll back due to zoomed grid issues Fix to whiteboard_handler, Circles work by you clicking the center of the circle Fix to Servers parse_incoming_dom which was outdated and did not respect XML Fix to a broken link in the server welcome message Fix to InterParse and logger requiring traceback Fix to Update Manager Status Bar Fix to failed image and erroneous pop up
author sirebral
date Wed, 28 Apr 2010 06:32:43 -0500
parents 0bc44a57ae6c
children 50af54dbd6a6
line wrap: on
line source
# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# --
# File:
# Author: Chris Davis
# Maintainer:
# Version:
#   $Id:,v Traipse 'Ornery-Orc' prof.ebral Exp $
# Description: The file contains code for the container nodehandlers

from core import *
from wx.lib.splitter import MultiSplitterWindow
from import logger
from orpg.orpgCore import component

##  base container

class container_handler(node_handler):
    """ should not be used! only a base class!
    <nodehandler name='?'  module='core' class='container_handler'  />
    def __init__(self, xml, tree_node):
        node_handler.__init__(self, xml, tree_node)

    def load_children(self):
        for child_xml in self.xml: self.tree.load_xml(child_xml,self.mytree_node)

    def check_map_aware(self, treenode, evt):
        node = self.tree.GetPyData(treenode)
        if hasattr(node,"map_aware") and node.map_aware(): node.on_send_to_map(evt)

    def on_send_to_map(self, evt):
        self.tree.traverse(self.mytree_node, self.check_map_aware, evt) 

    def checkChildToMap(self, treenode, evt):
        node = self.tree.GetPyData(treenode)
        if hasattr(node,"map_aware") and node.map_aware(): self.mapcheck = True

    def checkToMapMenu(self):
        self.mapcheck = False
        self.tree.traverse(self.mytree_node, self.checkChildToMap)
        return self.mapcheck

    def on_drop(self,evt):
        drag_obj = self.tree.drag_obj
        if drag_obj == self or self.tree.is_parent_node(self.mytree_node,drag_obj.mytree_node): return
        opt = wx.MessageBox("Add node as child?","Container Node",wx.YES_NO|wx.CANCEL)
        if opt == wx.YES:
            drop_xml = self.tree.drag_obj.delete()
            self.xml.insert(0, drop_xml)
            self.tree.load_xml(drop_xml, self.mytree_node)
        elif opt == wx.NO: node_handler.on_drop(self,evt)

    def gen_html(self, treenode, evt):
        node = self.tree.GetPyData(treenode)
        self.html_str += "<p>" + node.tohtml()
    def tohtml(self):
        self.html_str = "<table border='1' ><tr><td>"
        self.html_str += "<b>"+self.xml.get("name") + "</b>"
        self.html_str += "</td></tr>\n"
        self.html_str += "<tr><td>"
        self.tree.traverse(self.mytree_node, self.gen_html, recurse=False)
        self.html_str += "</td></tr></table>"
        return self.html_str

    def get_size_constraint(self):
        return 2

## group node handler
class group_handler(container_handler):
    """ group nodehandler to be used as a placeholder for other nodehandlers.
        This handler will continue parsing child xml data.
        <nodehandler name='?'  module='core' class='group_handler'  />
    def __init__(self, xml, tree_node):
        container_handler.__init__(self, xml, tree_node)

    def load_children(self):
        self.atts = None
        for child_xml in self.xml:
            if child_xml.tag == "group_atts": #having the group attributes as a child is bad!
            elif child_xml: self.tree.load_xml(child_xml, self.mytree_node)
        if not self.xml.get('cols'): self.xml.set('cols', '1')
        if not self.xml.get('border'): self.xml.set('border', '1')

    def get_design_panel(self,parent):
        return group_edit_panel(parent,self)

    def on_use(self,evt):

    def gen_html(self, treenode, evt):
        node = self.tree.GetPyData(treenode)
        if self.i  not in self.tdatas: self.tdatas[self.i] = ''
        self.tdatas[self.i] += "<P>" + node.tohtml()
        self.i += 1
        if self.i >= self.cols: self.i = 0

    def tohtml(self):
        cols = self.xml.get("cols")
        border = self.xml.get("border")
        self.html_str = "<table border='"+border+"' ><tr><td colspan='"+cols+"'>"
        self.html_str += "<font size=4>"+self.xml.get("name") + "</font>"
        self.html_str += "</td></tr>\n<tr>"
        self.cols = int(cols)
        self.i = 0
        self.tdatas = {}
        self.tree.traverse(self.mytree_node, self.gen_html, recurse=False)
        for td in self.tdatas: self.html_str += "<td valign='top' >" + self.tdatas[td] + "</td>\n";
        self.html_str += "</tr></table>"
        return self.html_str

GROUP_COLS = wx.NewId()
GROUP_BOR = wx.NewId()

class group_edit_panel(wx.Panel):
    def __init__(self, parent, handler):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
        self.handler = handler
        self.outline = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Group"), wx.VERTICAL)

        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.text = {P_TITLE : wx.TextCtrl(self, P_TITLE, handler.xml.get('name')) }
        sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Title:"), 0, wx.EXPAND)
        sizer.Add(self.text[P_TITLE], 0, wx.EXPAND)

        radio_c = wx.RadioBox(self, GROUP_COLS, "Columns", choices=["1","2","3","4"])
        cols = handler.xml.get("cols")
        if cols != "": radio_c.SetSelection(int(cols)-1)

        radio_b = wx.RadioBox(self, GROUP_BOR, "Border", choices=["no","yes"])
        border = handler.xml.get("border")
        if border != "": radio_b.SetSelection(int(border))

        sizer.Add(radio_c, 0, wx.EXPAND)
        sizer.Add(radio_b, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        self.outline.Add(sizer, 0)
        self.sizer = self.outline
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.on_text, id=P_TITLE)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.on_radio_box, id=GROUP_BOR)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.on_radio_box, id=GROUP_COLS)

    def on_radio_box(self,evt):
        id = evt.GetId()
        index = evt.GetInt()
        if id == GROUP_COLS: self.handler.xml.set("cols",str(index+1))
        elif id == GROUP_BOR: self.handler.xml.set("border",str(index))

    def on_text(self,evt):
        id = evt.GetId()
        if id == P_TITLE:
            txt = self.text[id].GetValue()
            if txt != "":

## tabber node handler
class tabber_handler(container_handler):
    """ <nodehandler name='?'  module='containers' class='tabber_handler'  />"""

    def __init__(self, xml, tree_node):
        container_handler.__init__(self, xml, tree_node)

    def get_design_panel(self, parent):
        return tabbed_panel(parent, self, 1)

    def get_use_panel(self, parent):
        return tabbed_panel(parent, self, 0)

class tabbed_panel(orpgTabberWnd):
    def __init__(self, parent, handler, mode):
        orpgTabberWnd.__init__(self, parent, style=FNB.FNB_NO_X_BUTTON)
        self.handler = handler
        self.parent = parent
        if mode == 1: self.AddPage(tabbed_edit_panel(parent, handler), 'Tabber', False)
        handler.tree.traverse(handler.mytree_node, self.pick_panel, mode, False)

    def pick_panel(self, treenode, mode):
        node = self.handler.tree.GetPyData(treenode)

        if mode == 1: panel = node.get_design_panel(self)
        else: panel = node.get_use_panel(self)
        name = node.xml.get("name")
        if name == None: ## Fixes broken 3e Inventory child
            if node.xml.tag == 'inventory':
                node.xml.set('name', 'Inventory')
                name = "Inventory"
      'A corrective action was take to a 3e PC Sheet', True)
        if panel: self.AddPage(panel, name, False)

class tabbed_edit_panel(wx.Panel):
    def __init__(self, parent, handler):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=FNB.FNB_NO_X_BUTTON)
        self.handler = handler
        self.parent = parent
        main_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Tabber"), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.title = wx.TextCtrl(self, 1, handler.xml.get('name'))
        main_sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Title:"), 0, wx.EXPAND)
        main_sizer.Add(self.title, 0, wx.EXPAND)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.on_text, id=1)

    def on_text(self,evt):
        txt = self.title.GetValue()
        if txt != "":

## Splitter container

class splitter_handler(container_handler):
    """ <nodehandler name='?'  module='containers' class='splitter_handler'  />"""

    def __init__(self,xml,tree_node):

    def load_children(self):
        self.atts = None
        for child_xml in self.xml:
            if child_xml.tag == "splitter_atts": print 'splitter_atts exist!'; self.xml.remove(child_xml) #Same here!
            elif child_xml: self.tree.load_xml(child_xml,self.mytree_node)
        if not self.xml.get('horizontal'): self.xml.set('horizontal', '0')

    def get_design_panel(self,parent):
        return self.build_splitter_wnd(parent, 1)

    def get_use_panel(self,parent):
        return self.build_splitter_wnd(parent, 0)

    def on_drop(self,evt):
        drag_obj = self.tree.drag_obj

    def build_splitter_wnd(self, parent, mode):
        self.parent = parent
        self.split = self.xml.get("horizontal")
        self.pane = splitter_panel(parent, self, mode)
        self.frame = self.pane.frame
        self.splitter = MultiSplitterWindow(self.pane, -1, 
        self.splitter.parent = self
        if self.split == '1': self.splitter.SetOrientation(wx.VERTICAL)
        else: self.splitter.SetOrientation(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.tree.traverse(self.mytree_node, self.doSplit, mode, False) 
        self.pane.sizer.Add(self.splitter, -1, wx.EXPAND)
        return self.pane

    def doSplit(self, treenode, mode):
        node = self.tree.GetPyData(treenode)
        if mode == 1: tmp = node.get_design_panel(self.splitter)
        else: tmp = node.get_use_panel(self.splitter)
        if self.split == '1': sash = self.frame.GetSize()[1]/len(self.xml.findall('nodehandler'))
        else: sash = self.frame.GetSize()[0]/len(self.xml.findall('nodehandler'))
        self.splitter.AppendWindow(tmp, sash)

    def get_size_constraint(self):
        return 1

class splitter_panel(wx.Panel):
    def __init__(self, parent, handler, mode):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
        self.parent = parent
        self.handler = handler
        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        if mode == 0: self.title = wx.StaticText(self, 1, handler.xml.get('name'))
        elif mode == 1: self.title = wx.TextCtrl(self, 1, handler.xml.get('name'))
        self.frame = self.GetParent()
        while self.frame.GetName() != 'frame':
            self.frame = self.frame.GetParent()

        if mode == 1:
            self.hozCheck = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Horizontal Split")
            hoz = self.handler.xml.get("horizontal")
            if hoz == '1': self.hozCheck.SetValue(True)
            else: self.hozCheck.SetValue(False)

        if mode == 1: self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Title:"), 0, wx.EXPAND)
        self.sizer.Add(self.title, 0)
        if mode == 1: self.sizer.Add(self.hozCheck, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.on_text, id=1)
        if mode == 1: self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_check_box, id=self.hozCheck.GetId())

    def on_check_box(self,evt):
        state = self.hozCheck.GetValue()
        if state: self.handler.xml.set("horizontal", "1")
        else: self.handler.xml.set("horizontal", "0")

    def on_text(self,evt):
        txt = self.title.GetValue()
        if txt != "":