view orpg/networking/ @ 40:95db4430caed traipse_dev

If you have nothing in the list, New button works now. Adds duplicates though and screen updates incorrectly.
author sirebral
date Wed, 05 Aug 2009 09:10:40 -0500
parents 4385a7d0efd1
children c54768cffbd4
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# --
# File:
# Author: Chris Davis
# Maintainer:
# Version:
#   $Id:,v 1.40 2007/04/04 01:18:42 digitalxero Exp $
# Description: A collection of functions to communicate with the meta server.

#added debug flag for meta messages to cut console server spam --Snowdog

__version__ = "$Id:,v 1.40 2007/04/04 01:18:42 digitalxero Exp $"

from orpg.orpg_version import PROTOCOL_VERSION
from orpg.orpg_xml import *
import orpg.dirpath
import urllib
import orpg.minidom
from threading import *
import time
import sys
import random
import traceback
import re

metacache_lock = RLock()

def get_server_dom(data=None,path=None):
    # post data at server and get the resulting DOM

    if path == None:
        # get meta server URI
        path = getMetaServerBaseURL()

    # POST the data
    if META_DEBUG:
        print "Sending the following POST info to Meta at " + path + ":"
        print "=========================================="
        print data
    file = urllib.urlopen(path, data)
    data =

    # Remove any leading or trailing data.  This can happen on some satellite connections
    p = re.compile('(<servers>.*?</servers>)',re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE)
    mo =
    if mo:
        data =

    if META_DEBUG:
        print "Got this string from the Meta at " + path + ":"
        print "==============================================="
        print data
    # build dom
    xml_dom = parseXml(data)
    xml_dom = xml_dom._get_documentElement()
    return xml_dom

def post_server_data( name, realHostName=None):
    # build POST data
##    data = urllib.urlencode( {"server_data[name]":name,
##                              "server_data[version]":PROTOCOL_VERSION,
##                              "act":"new"} )
    if realHostName:
        data = urllib.urlencode( {"server_data[name]":name,
                                  "REMOTE_ADDR": realHostName } )

        #print "Letting meta server decide the hostname to list..."
        data = urllib.urlencode( {"server_data[name]":name,
                                  "act":"new"} )

    xml_dom = get_server_dom( data , "")
    ret_val = int( xml_dom.getAttribute( "id" ) )
    return ret_val

def post_failed_connection(id,meta=None,address=None,port=None):
    #  For now, turning this off.  This needs to be re-vamped for
    #  handling multiple Metas.
    return 0
#    data = urllib.urlencode({"id":id,"act":"failed"});
#    xml_dom = get_server_dom(data)
#    ret_val = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("return"))
#    return ret_val

def remove_server(id):
    data = urllib.urlencode({"id":id,"act":"del"});
    xml_dom = get_server_dom(data)
    ret_val = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("return"))
    return ret_val

def byStartAttribute(first,second):
    #  This function is used to easily sort a list of nodes
    #  by their start time

    if first.hasAttribute("start"):
        first_start = int(first.getAttribute("start"))
        first_start = 0

    if second.hasAttribute("start"):
        second_start = int(second.getAttribute("start"))
        second_start = 0

    # Return the result of the cmp function on the two strings
    return cmp(first_start,second_start)

def byNameAttribute(first,second):
    #  This function is used to easily sort a list of nodes
    #  by their name attribute

    # Ensure there is something to sort with for each

    if first.hasAttribute("name"):
        first_name = str(first.getAttribute("name")).lower()
        first_name = ""

    if second.hasAttribute("name"):
        second_name = str(second.getAttribute("name")).lower()
        second_name = ""

    # Return the result of the cmp function on the two strings

    return cmp(first_name,second_name)

def get_server_list(versions = None,sort_by="start"):
    data = urllib.urlencode({"version":PROTOCOL_VERSION,"ports":"%"})
    all_metas = getMetaServers(versions,1)  # get the list of metas
    base_meta = getMetaServerBaseURL()

    #all_metas.reverse()  # The last one checked will take precedence, so reverse the order
                        #  so that the top one on the actual list is checked last

    return_hash = {}  # this will end up with an amalgamated list of servers

    for meta in all_metas:                  # check all of the metas

        #  get the server's xml from the current meta
        bad_meta = 0
        #print "Getting server list from " + meta + "..."
            xml_dom = get_server_dom(data=data,path=meta)
            #print "Trouble getting servers from " + meta + "..."
            bad_meta = 1

        if bad_meta:

        if base_meta == meta:
            #print "This is our base meta: " + meta

        node_list = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('server')

        if len(node_list):                  # if there are entries in the node list
                                            #  otherwise, just loop to next meta

            #  for each node found, we're going to check the nodes from prior
            #  metas in the list.  If a match is found, then use the new values.
            for n in node_list:

                # set them from current node

                if not n.hasAttribute('name'):
                name = n.getAttribute('name')
                if not n.hasAttribute('num_users'):
                num_users = n.getAttribute('num_users')
                if not n.hasAttribute('address'):
                address = n.getAttribute('address')
                if not n.hasAttribute('port'):
                port = n.getAttribute('port')
                end_point = str(address) + ":" + str(port)
                if return_hash.has_key(end_point):
                    if META_DEBUG: print "Replacing duplicate server entry at " + end_point
                return_hash[end_point] = n

    #  At this point, we have an amalgamated list of servers
    #  Now, we have to construct a new DOM to pass back.

    #  Create a servers element
    return_dom = orpg.minidom.Element("servers")

    #  get the nodes stored in return_hash
    return_list = return_hash.values()

    #  sort them by their name attribute.  Uses byNameAttribute()
    #  defined above as a comparison function

    if sort_by == "start":
    elif sort_by == "name":

    #  Add each node to the DOM
    for n in return_list:
    return return_dom

## List Format:
## <servers>
## <server address=? id=? name=? failed_count=? >
## </servers>

def updateMetaCache(xml_dom):
        if META_DEBUG: print "Updating Meta Server Cache"
        metaservers = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName( 'metaservers' )   # pull out the metaservers bit
        if len(metaservers) == 0:
            cmetalist = getRawMetaList()
            xml_dom = get_server_dom(cmetalist[0])
            metaservers = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName( 'metaservers' )
        authoritative = metaservers[0].getAttribute('auth')
        if META_DEBUG: print "  Authoritive Meta: "+str(authoritative)
        metas = metaservers[0].getElementsByTagName("meta")                # get the list of metas
        if META_DEBUG: print "  Meta List ("+str(len(metas))+" servers)"
            ini = open(orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["user"]+"metaservers.cache","w")
            for meta in metas:
                if META_DEBUG: print "   Writing: "+str(meta.getAttribute('path'))
                ini.write(str(meta.getAttribute('path')) + " " + str(meta.getAttribute('versions')) + "\n")
    except Exception, e:
        if META_DEBUG: traceback.print_exc()
        print "Meta Server Lib: UpdateMetaCache(): " + str(e)

def getRawMetaList():
            #  Read in the metas
            ini = open(orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["user"]+"metaservers.cache","r")
            metas = ini.readlines()
            return metas
    except Exception, e:
        if META_DEBUG: traceback.print_exc()
        print "Meta Server Lib: getRawMetaList(): " + str(e)
        return []

def getMetaServers(versions = None, pick_random=0):
    # get meta server URLs as a list

    #  versions is a list of acceptable version numbers.
    #    A False truth value will use getMetaServerBaseURL()

    # set a default if we have weird reading problems
    # default_url = ""

    meta_names = []

    if(versions):  #  If versions are supplied, then look in metaservers.conf
            #  read in the metas from file
            #  format of file is one meta entry per line
            #  each entry will be the meta url, followed by one or more version numbers that it
            #  handle.  Generally, this will be either a 1 for the original Meta format, or
            #  2 for the new one.

            #  Read in the metas
            metas = getRawMetaList()
            #print str(metas)

            # go through each one to check if it should be returned, based on the
            #   version numbers allowed.
            for meta in metas:

                # split the line on whitespace
                #   obviously, your meta servers urls shouldn't contain whitespace.  duh.
                words = meta.split()

                success = 0         #  init success flag for version check

                for version in versions:    # run through each allowed version from caller
                    if version in words[1:]:  #  if the allowed version token was found
                        success += 1          #  then increment the success indicator

                if success:          #  if the meta entry is acceptable to the caller
                    meta_names.append(words[0])    #  add the entry
                    if META_DEBUG: print "adding metaserver " + meta

            #  at this point, we should have at least one name from the cache.  If not ...
            if not meta_names:
                default_meta = getMetaServerBaseURL()       # grab the meta from ini.xml
                meta_names.append(default_meta)             # add it to the return list
#                print "Warning!!\nNo valid metaservers cached."
#                print "Using meta from MetaServerBaseURL: " + default_meta + "\n"
            # if we have more than one and want a random one
            elif pick_random:
                if META_DEBUG: print "choosing random meta from: " + str(meta_names)
                i = int(random.uniform(0,len(meta_names)))
                #meta = meta_names[i]
                meta_names = [meta_names[i]]
                if META_DEBUG: print "using: " + str(meta_names)
                if META_DEBUG: print "using all metas: " + str(meta_names)
            return meta_names
        except Exception,e:
            print e
            #print "using default meta server URI: " + default_url
            metas = []
            return metas   # return an empty list
    else:        #  otherwise, use MetaServerBaseURL()
        url = getMetaServerBaseURL()
        return meta_names

def getMetaServerBaseURL():
    # get meta server URL
    url = ""
        ini = open(orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["user"]+"settings.xml","r")
        txt =
        tree = parseXml(txt)._get_documentElement()
        node_list = tree.getElementsByTagName("MetaServerBaseURL")
        if node_list:
            url = node_list[0].getAttribute("value")

        # allow tree to be collected

    except Exception,e:
        print e
#    print "using meta server URI: " + url
    return url

#  Beginning of Class registerThread
#  A Class to Manage Registration with the Meta2
#  Create an instance and call it's start() method
#  if you want to be (and stay) registered.  This class
#  will take care of registering and re-registering as
#  often as necessary to stay in the Meta list.
#  You may call register() yourself if you wish to change your
#  server's name.  It will immediately update the Meta.  There
#  is no need to unregister first.
#  Call unregister() when you no longer want to be registered.
#  This will result in the registerThread dying after
#  attempting to immediately remove itself from the Meta.
#  If you need to become registered again after that, you
#  must create a new instance of class registerThread.  Don't
#  just try to call register() on the old, dead thread class.

class registerThread(Thread):
#  Originally, I wrote this as a sub-class of wxThread, but
#       A)  I couldn't get it to import right
#       B)  I realized that I want this to be used in a server,
#           which I don't want needing wxWindows to run!
#   Because of this fact, there are some methods from wxThread
#   that I implemented to minimize changes to the code I had
#   just written, i.e. TestDeleteStatus() and Delete()

    def __init__(self,name=None,realHostName=None,num_users = "Hmmm",MetaPath=None,port=6774,register_callback=None):

        self.rlock = RLock()                    #  Re-entrant lock used to make this class thread safe
        self.die_event = Event()                #  The main loop in run() will wait with timeout on this
        if name:
   = name                        #  Name that the server want's displayed on the Meta
   = "Unnamed server"             #  But use this if for some crazy reason no name is
                                                    #  passed to the constructor
        self.num_users = num_users               #  the number of users currently on this server
        self.realHostName = realHostName        #  Name to advertise for connection = "0"                           #  id returned from Meta.  Defaults to "0", which
                                                #  indicates a new registration.
        self.cookie = "0"                       #  cookie returned from Meta.  Defaults to "0",which
                                                #  indicates a new registration.
        self.interval = 0                       #  interval returned from Meta.  Is how often to
                                                #  re-register, in minutes.
        self.destroy = 0                        #  Used to flag that this thread should die
        self.port = str(port)
        self.register_callback = register_callback               # set a method to call to report result of register
        #  This thread will communicate with one and only one
        #  Meta.  If the Meta in ini.xml is changed after
        #  instantiation, then this instance must be
        #  unregistered and a new instance instantiated.
        #  Also, if MetaPath is specified, then use that.  Makes
        #  it easier to have multiple registerThreads going to keep the server registered
        #  on multiple (compatible) Metas.

        if MetaPath == None:
            self.path = getMetaServerBaseURL()  #  Do this if no Meta specified
            self.path = MetaPath

    def getIdAndCookie(self):
        return, self.cookie

    def TestDeleteStatus(self):
            return self.die_event.isSet()

    def Delete(self):

    def run(self):
    #  This method gets called by Thread implementation
    #  when self.start() is called to begin the thread's
    #  execution
    #  We will basically enter a loop that continually
    #  re-registers this server and sleeps Interval
    #  minutes until the thread is ordered to die in place
        while(not self.TestDeleteStatus()):         # Loop while until told to die
            #  Otherwise, call thread safe register().
            self.register(, self.realHostName, self.num_users)
            if META_DEBUG: print "Sent Registration Data"

            #  register() will end up setting the state variables
            #  for us, including self.interval.
                self.rlock.acquire()            #  Serialize access to this state information

                if self.interval >= 3:          #  If the number of minutes is one or greater
                    self.interval -= 1          #  wake up with 30 seconds left to re-register
                    self.interval = .5           #  Otherwise, we probably experienced some kind
                                                #  of error from the Meta in register().  Sleep
                                                #  for 6 seconds and start from scratch.

            finally:                            # no matter what, release the lock
            #  Wait interval minutes for a command to die
            die_signal = self.die_event.wait(self.interval*60)

        #  If we get past the while loop, it's because we've been asked to die,
        #  so just let run() end.  Once this occurs, the thread is dead and
        #  calls to Thread.isAlive() return False.

    def unregister(self):
        #  This method can (I hope) be called from both within the thread
        #  and from other threads.  It will attempt to unregister this
        #  server from the Meta database
        #  When this is either accomplished or has been tried hard enough
        #  (after which it just makes sense to let the Meta remove the
        #  entry itself when we don't re-register using this id),
        #  this method will either cause the thread to immediately die
        #  (if called from this thread's context) or set the Destroy flag
        #  (if called from the main thread), a positive test for which will cause
        #  the code in Entry() to exit() when the thread wakes up and
        #  checks TestDeleteStatus().
        #  lock the critical section.  The unlock will
        #  automatically occur at the end of the function in the finally clause
            if not self.isAlive():      #  check to see if this thread is dead
                return 1                #  If so, return an error result
            #  Do the actual unregistering here
            data = urllib.urlencode( {"server_data[id]",
                                        "act":"unregister"} )
                xml_dom = get_server_dom(data=data, path=self.path)  #  this POSTS the request and returns the result
                if xml_dom.hasAttribute("errmsg"):
                    print "Error durring unregistration:  " + xml_dom.getAttribute("errmsg")
                if META_DEBUG: print "Problem talking to Meta.  Will go ahead and die, letting Meta remove us."
            #  If there's an error, echo it to the console

            #  No special handling is required.  If the de-registration worked we're done.  If
            #  not, then it's because we've already been removed or have a bad cookie.  Either
            #  way, we can't do anything else, so die.
            self.Delete()            #  This will cause the registerThread to die in register()
            #  prep xml_dom for garbage collection
            return 0

    def register(self, name=None, realHostName=None, num_users=None):
        #  Designed to handle the registration, both new and
        #  repeated.
        #  It is intended to be called once every interval
        #    (or interval - delta) minutes.

        #  lock the critical section.  The unlock will
        #  automatically occur at the end of the function in the finally clause
            if not self.isAlive():      #  check to see if this thread is dead
                return 1                #  If so, return an error result

            #  Set the server's attibutes, if specified.
            if name:
       = name
            if num_users != None:
                self.num_users = num_users
            if realHostName:
                self.realHostName = realHostName
            # build POST data
            if self.realHostName:
                data = urllib.urlencode( {"server_data[id]",
                                        "server_data[address]": self.realHostName } )
                if META_DEBUG:  print "Letting meta server decide the hostname to list..."
                data = urllib.urlencode( {"server_data[id]",
                                        "act":"register"} )
                xml_dom = get_server_dom(data=data,path=self.path)  #  this POSTS the request and returns the result
                if META_DEBUG: print "Problem talking to server.  Setting interval for retry ..."
                if META_DEBUG: print data
                if META_DEBUG: print
                self.interval = 0
                #  If we are in the registerThread thread, then setting interval to 0
                #  will end up causing a retry in about 6 seconds (see
                #  If we are in the main thread, then setting interval to 0 will do one
                #  of two things:
                #  1)  Do the same as if we were in the registerThread
                #  2)  Cause the next, normally scheduled register() call to use the values
                #      provided in this call.
                #  Which case occurs depends on where the registerThread thread is when
                #  the main thread calls register().
                return 0  # indicates that it was okay to call, not that no errors occurred
            #  If there is a DOM returned ....
            if xml_dom:
                #  If there's an error, echo it to the console
                if xml_dom.hasAttribute("errmsg"):
                    print "Error durring registration:  " + xml_dom.getAttribute("errmsg")
                    if META_DEBUG: print data
                    if META_DEBUG: print
                #  No special handling is required.  If the registration worked, id, cookie, and interval
                #  can be stored and used for the next time.
                #  If an error occurred, then the Meta will delete us and we need to re-register as
                #  a new server.  The way to indicate this is with a "0" id and "0" cookie sent to
                #  the server during the next registration.  Since that's what the server returns to
                #  us on an error anyway, we just store them and the next registration will
                #  automatically be set up as a new one.
                #  Unless the server calls register() itself in the meantime.  Of course, that's okay
                #  too, because a success on THAT register() call will set up the next one to use
                #  the issued id and cookie.
                #  The interval is stored unconditionally for similar reasons.  If there's an error,
                #  the interval will be less than 1, and the main thread's while loop will reset it
                #  to 6 seconds for the next retry.
                #  Is it wrong to have a method where there's more comments than code?  :)
                    self.interval = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("interval"))
           = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
                    self.cookie = xml_dom.getAttribute("cookie")
                    if not xml_dom.hasAttribute("errmsg"):
                    if META_DEBUG: print
                    if META_DEBUG: print "OOPS!  Is the Meta okay?  It should be returning an id, cookie, and interval."
                    if META_DEBUG: print "Check to see what it really returned.\n"
                #  Let xml_dom get garbage collected
            else:  #  else if no DOM is returned from get_server_dom()
                print "Error - no DOM constructed from Meta message!"
            return 0  # Let caller know it was okay to call us
    #  End of class registerThread